Releases: djotaku/Snap-in-Time
v1.2.1 Fixing a Bug in Remote Culling
In my haste I forgot to make it run if name is main and so it wasn't useful in the scripts. Should be good now.
v1.2.0 Remote culling and Snapshot Protection implemented
It only culls on the quarterly and yearly time frame. The daily cull doesn't make sense because that brings (up to 24) snapshots to 4 per day. It's already only one per day (when following this script). This also makes the weekly one useless.
Bugfix for error handling on that execption
v1.1.1 fixed error result output
v1.1.0 Adding Exception Handling to Snapshot Creation
I'd made myself a note to add it, but forgotten about the note. Caught me today, so fixing the issue.
v1.0.0 Feature Compete!
I stopped working on this six years ago because I'd been trying to recreate lots that I could get for free from the datetime module (not sure if this is because it didn't exist in Python 2 or because I didn't know enough about Python and how to read the documentation). Somewhere between 1 and 2 months ago I started working on reviving it based on all that I've learned in the intervening years (and much of it in the last 1-2 years). I finally reached a level of feature-complete that I used to only dream about.
So, where to go from here? I'm probably going to take a little break to work on some of my other projects, but for this one:
- fix any bugs I find in the quarterly and yearly culling (I have a lot less experience there)
- add a culling for the remote backup - might need some extra thinking about how people might use/manage their backups as opposed to their working drives
- get to full test coverage
Quarterly culling is now working
Enjoy and report any bugs
Weekly Culling Unit tests
And while creating unit tests, discovered a bug. So, update!
v.0.9.0 Weekly culling implemented!
Also, fixed output to be better formatted if you have more than one subvol.
A better culling output
v0.8.3 better culling output
Full btrfs path
Without it, cron wouldn't find btrfs.