Purpose of this project is to showcase a fairly complex microservice architecture using the following technology stack:
- ⚡ FastAPI for the Python backend API.
- 🔍 Pydantic, used by FastAPI, for the data validation and settings management.
- 💾 PostgreSQL as the SQL database for user registration and authentication.
- ⚗️ Alembic for database migration and versioning.
- 🏘 MongoDB as the NOSQL database for storing video/mp3 files during the conversion process.
- 🐇 RabbitMQ for message queuing.
- 🐋 Docker Compose for development and testing.
- 🔒 Secure password hashing by default.
- 🔑 JWT (JSON Web Token) authentication.
- 📫 Email notifications using Google OAuth 2.0.
- ☸️ Kubernetes for production.
The project is broken down into five discrete microservice components - each of which has their own specific configuration and deployment instructions:
You will need to follow the local install and configuration instructions on each of the five microservice components (links provided above) before attempting to run an end-to-end system test in Docker or deploying to a local Kubernetes install.
Build the images and spin up the containers using the instructions in each of the microservice components linked above.
To test end-to-end, follow the instructions outlined in Gateway.
Install and run Minikube:
Start the cluster:
$ minikube start
$ sudo minikube tunnel
$ k9s
To deploy to a local kubernetes install, you will need your own docker hub, and will need to upload the following docker containers to your own docker hub: Auth, Converter, Gateway, and Notification. You will then need to edit the following manifest files with the information on your uploaded docker containers:
- gateway-deploy.yaml
- notification-deploy.yaml
- converter-deploy.yaml
- auth-deploy.yaml
Apply all manifest files:
$ make deploy
To ensure microservice is running, run this command:
$ curl -X "GET" http://mp3converter.com/api/v1/status
Expected result:
"success": true,
"version": "<version>",
"message": "Gateway Application"
To test user registration, use a valid email address and create a password:
$ curl -X 'POST' \
'http://mp3converter.com/api/v1/user/register' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"username": "test-user",
"email": "test@test.com",
"password": "weakpassword"
If everything is fine, you will get this message back:
"success": true,
"data": {
"username": "test-user",
"email": "test@test.com"
"message": "The user was registered successfully",
"errors": null
You can then authenticate using the login
route based on the credentials you created just now.
$ curl -X 'POST' \
'http://mp3converter.com/api/v1/user/login' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
-d 'username=test-user&password=weakpassword'
If everything is fine, you will get this message back which contains your JWT:
"success": true,
"data": {
"access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE3MjA4NDQwMzYsInN1YiI6InRlc3QtdXNlcjEifQ.-fPU-sXU-OJFKznilgJ5sbJFwUxIJdo5syVOjgnvTwM",
"token_type": "bearer"
"message": "The user authenticated successfully",
"errors": null
To test the video conversion to mp3 process, you will need to download a video from YouTube, and then run this using the JWT you obtained from authenticating:
$ curl -X 'POST' \
-F 'file=@./test.mp4' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE3MjA4NDQwMzYsInN1YiI6InRlc3QtdXNlcjEifQ.-fPU-sXU-OJFKznilgJ5sbJFwUxIJdo5syVOjgnvTwM' http://mp3converter.com/api/v1/user/uploadfile
If everything is fine, you will get this message back:
"success": true,
"data": {
"video_fid": "6691f5cf912085e84301a70f"
"message": "PDF file uploaded successfully",
"errors": null
You will also receive an email (make sure you use a legitimate email address when registering) with this message:
mp3 file_id: 6691f8a5ed737d568756efb7 is now ready!
Note: the ID above will be unique every time you upload a new video.
You can then download the newly converted mp3 file by using the mp3 file_id sent to your email using the GET API route:
$ curl -X 'GET' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE3MjA4NDQwMzYsInN1YiI6InRlc3QtdXNlcjEifQ.-fPU-sXU-OJFKznilgJ5sbJFwUxIJdo5syVOjgnvTwM' http://mp3converter.com/api/v1/user/download/6691f8a5ed737d568756efb7