- #4: Use SCSS instead of CSS
- #3: Add character selection
- #2: Add Game Server
- #1: Add CI
- #5: Deploy
- #19: Setup unattended-upgrades and systemd script
- #20: Move env vars to template
- #21: Optimize Nginx Tasks and Hex Install
- #13: Redirect www to bare domain
- #15: Upgrade to Phoenix 1.5
- #12: Track Additional Player Details + Use Session
- #18: Change active_players & active_games to last_value
- #17: Dashboard Stats
- #22: Bump lodash from 4.17.15 to 4.17.19 in /assets
- #23: Bump elliptic from 6.5.2 to 6.5.3 in /assets
- #24: Add Chat Functionality
- #26: LiveView Testing
- #29: Logging + Systemd Fixes
- #30: Add logflare integration
- #27: chat improvements
- #25: Design first pass
- #32: Introduce Automated Changelog
- #31: chat message grouping