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CI: Remove condition that github repository is upstream #3

CI: Remove condition that github repository is upstream

CI: Remove condition that github repository is upstream #3

Workflow file for this run

# End-to-end test for C++ bindings
# This provide the final test in D's C++ compatibility,
# an end-to-end test using standard C++ library.
# Testing C++ interop is done in two stages: at the lower layer,
# compilers will test C++ features in isolation (or combination,
# as can be seen in `dmd/compiler/test/runnable_cxx/` for example.
# The second layer, this one, test C++ interop assuming the compiler
# generates the proper mangling / uses the right ABI.
name: E2E tests
# Only triggers on pushes to master & stable, as well as PR to master and stable
# Sometimes reverts appear in the upstream repository (e.g. when the revert button
# is clicked by a contributor with commit access), this should be tested as PR).
# Also note that Github actions does not retrigger on target branch changes,
# hence the check on push.
- v*.*.x
- ''
- v*.*.x
# Use this branch name in your fork to test changes
- github-actions
name: Run
fail-fast: false
# - macOS-11
- ubuntu-20.04
# - windows-2019
- ldc-latest
# Versions of clang earlier than 11 are not available on 20.04, but are on macOS-11
- clang-13.0.0
- clang-12.0.0
- clang-11.0.0
- clang-10.0.0
- clang-9.0.0
- clang-8.0.0
# For g++, we test the oldest compiler on Ubuntu 20.04, which is GCC-9
- g++-11
- g++-10
- g++-9
# Finally, we test MSVC 2013 - 2019
- msvc-2019
- msvc-2017
- msvc-2015
- msvc-2013
# Exclude target compilers not supported by the host
# Note: Pattern matching is not supported so this list is quite long,
# and brittle, as changing an msvc entry would break on OSX, for example.
# 20.04 only has g++-9 through to 11, and clang-11.0.0 through to 13.0.0
- { os: ubuntu-20.04, target: clang-10.0.0 }
- { os: ubuntu-20.04, target: clang-9.0.0 }
- { os: ubuntu-20.04, target: clang-8.0.0 }
# OSX only supports clang
- { os: macOS-11, target: g++-11 }
- { os: macOS-11, target: g++-10 }
- { os: macOS-11, target: g++-9 }
- { os: macOS-11, target: msvc-2019 }
- { os: macOS-11, target: msvc-2017 }
- { os: macOS-11, target: msvc-2015 }
- { os: macOS-11, target: msvc-2013 }
# We don't test g++ on Windows as DMD only mangles for MSVC
- { os: windows-2019, target: g++-11 }
- { os: windows-2019, target: g++-10 }
- { os: windows-2019, target: g++-9 }
# TODO: Implement support for clang and MSVC2017 on Windows
# Currently those are still being run by the auto-tester
# We can hardly test below 2017 in the CI because there's
# no way to install it via command line
# (TODO: Test with 2015 as the blog post is slightly ambiguous)
- { os: windows-2019, target: msvc-2017 }
- { os: windows-2019, target: msvc-2015 }
- { os: windows-2019, target: msvc-2013 }
- { os: windows-2019, target: clang-13.0.0 }
- { os: windows-2019, target: clang-12.0.0 }
- { os: windows-2019, target: clang-11.0.0 }
- { os: windows-2019, target: clang-10.0.0 }
- { os: windows-2019, target: clang-9.0.0 }
- { os: windows-2019, target: clang-8.0.0 }
# This sets the configuration for each jobs
# There's a bit of duplication involved (e.g. breaking down g++-9.3 into 2 strings),
# but some items are unique (e.g. clang-9.0.0 and 4.0.1 have differences in their naming).
# Clang boilerplate
- { target: clang-13.0.0, compiler: clang, cxx-version: 13.0.0 }
- { target: clang-12.0.0, compiler: clang, cxx-version: 12.0.0 }
- { target: clang-11.0.0, compiler: clang, cxx-version: 11.0.0 }
- { target: clang-10.0.0, compiler: clang, cxx-version: 10.0.0 }
- { target: clang-9.0.0, compiler: clang, cxx-version: 9.0.0 }
- { target: clang-8.0.0, compiler: clang, cxx-version: 8.0.0 }
# g++ boilerplace
- { target: g++-11, compiler: g++, cxx-version: 11.2.0, major: 11 }
- { target: g++-10, compiler: g++, cxx-version: 10.3.0, major: 10 }
- { target: g++-9, compiler: g++, cxx-version: 9.4.0, major: 9 }
# Platform boilerplate
- { os: ubuntu-20.04, arch: x86_64-linux-gnu-ubuntu-20.04 }
- { os: macOS-11, arch: x86_64-apple-darwin }
# Clang 9.0.0 have a different arch for OSX
- { os: macOS-11, target: clang-9.0.0, arch: x86_64-darwin-apple }
# Using a specific version for reproductibility.
# Feel free to update when a new release has matured.
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
# Setting up the host D compiler #
- name: Prepare compiler
uses: dlang-community/setup-dlang@v1
compiler: ${{ matrix.dc }}
# Checkout this repository
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
# Setting up the host C++ compiler #
- name: '[Posix] Load cached clang'
id: cache-clang
if: matrix.compiler == 'clang' && runner.os != 'Windows'
uses: actions/cache@v3
path: ${{ github.workspace }}/clang+llvm-${{ matrix.cxx-version }}-${{ matrix.arch }}/
key: ${{ matrix.cxx-version }}-${{ matrix.arch }}-2022-09-25-2121
- name: '[Posix] Setting up clang ${{ matrix.cxx-version }}'
if: matrix.compiler == 'clang' && runner.os != 'Windows' && steps.cache-clang.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
run: |
if [ "${{ matrix.cxx-version }}" == "8.0.0" -o "${{ matrix.cxx-version }}" == "9.0.0" ]; then
wget --quiet --directory-prefix=${{ github.workspace }}${{ matrix.cxx-version }}/clang+llvm-${{ matrix.cxx-version }}-${{ matrix.arch }}.tar.xz
wget --quiet --directory-prefix=${{ github.workspace }}${{ matrix.cxx-version }}/clang+llvm-${{ matrix.cxx-version }}-${{ matrix.arch }}.tar.xz
tar -x -C ${{ github.workspace }} -f ${{ github.workspace }}/clang+llvm-${{ matrix.cxx-version }}-${{ matrix.arch }}.tar.xz
TMP_CC='${{ github.workspace }}/clang+llvm-${{ matrix.cxx-version }}-${{ matrix.arch }}/bin/clang'
# On OSX, the system header are installed via `xcode-select` and not distributed with clang
# Since some part of the testsuite rely on CC being only a binary (not a command),
# and config files where only introduced from 6.0.0, use a wrapper script.
if [ "${{ matrix.os }}" == "macOS-11" ]; then
# Note: heredoc shouldn't be indented
cat << 'EOF' > ${TMP_CC}-wrapper
# Note: We need to use this because github.workspace is not stable
SCRIPT_FULL_PATH=$(dirname "$0")
${SCRIPT_FULL_PATH}/clang -isystem /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/ $@
# Invoking clang with `clang++` will link the C++ standard library
# Make sure we got two separate wrapper for this
cat << 'EOF' > ${TMP_CC}++-wrapper
SCRIPT_FULL_PATH=$(dirname "$0")
${SCRIPT_FULL_PATH}/clang++ -isystem /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/ $@
chmod +x ${TMP_CC}-wrapper ${TMP_CC}++-wrapper
- name: '[Posix] Setup environment variables'
if: matrix.compiler == 'clang' && runner.os != 'Windows'
run: |
TMP_CC='${{ github.workspace }}/clang+llvm-${{ matrix.cxx-version }}-${{ matrix.arch }}/bin/clang'
if [ "${{ matrix.os }}" == "macOS-11" ]; then
echo "CC=${TMP_CC}-wrapper" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "CXX=${TMP_CC}++-wrapper" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "SDKROOT=$(xcrun --show-sdk-path)" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "CC=${TMP_CC}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "CXX=${TMP_CC}++" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# On OSX and Linux, clang is installed by default and in the path,
# so make sure ${CC} works
- name: '[Posix] Verifying installed clang version'
if: matrix.compiler == 'clang' && runner.os != 'Windows'
run: |
set -e
if ${CXX} --version | grep -q 'version ${{ matrix.cxx-version }}'; then
${CXX} --version
echo "Expected version ${{ matrix.cxx-version }}, from '${CXX}', got:"
${CXX} --version
exit 1
# G++ is only supported on Linux
- name: '[Linux] Setting up g++ ${{ matrix.cxx-version }}'
if: matrix.compiler == 'g++'
run: |
# Workaround bug in Github actions
sudo apt-key add release.key
# Make sure we have the essentials
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ca-certificates
sudo apt-get install build-essential software-properties-common -y
# This ppa provides multiple versions of g++
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test -y
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y ${{ }} ${{ }}-multilib
echo "CC=${{ }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "CXX=${{ }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# Make sure ${CC} works and we don't use the $PATH one
- name: '[Linux] Verifying installed g++ version'
if: matrix.compiler == 'g++'
run: |
set -e
if ${CXX} --version | grep -q '${{ }} (Ubuntu '; then
${CXX} --version
echo "Expected version ${{ }}, from '${CXX}', got:"
${CXX} --version
exit 1
# Restore or install dmc (and DM make)
- name: '[Windows] Restore dmc from cache'
id: cache-dmc
if: runner.os == 'Windows'
uses: actions/cache@v3
path: ${{ github.workspace }}\tools\
key: ${{ matrix.os }}-dmc857
- name: '[Windows] Install dmc'
if: runner.os == 'Windows' && steps.cache-dmc.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
shell: powershell
run: |
$url = ""
$sha256hash = "F51CDFEB45EAF4FFBF7ABF0FE9B3D548B202B4528401005C2C3192B00BC32367"
Write-Host ('Downloading {0} ...' -f $url)
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
New-Item -ItemType directory -Path ${{ github.workspace }}\tools\
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -OutFile '${{ github.workspace }}\tools\'
if ((Get-FileHash '${{ github.workspace }}\tools\' -Algorithm "SHA256").Hash -ne $sha256hash) {
exit 1
Expand-Archive '${{ github.workspace }}\tools\' -DestinationPath ${{ github.workspace }}\tools\
- name: '[Windows] Add VC toolset to PATH'
if: runner.os == 'Windows'
uses: ilammy/msvc-dev-cmd@v1
- name: '[Windows] Set environment variables'
if: runner.os == 'Windows'
shell: bash
run: |
echo "VISUAL_STUDIO_LIB_NOT_DM=$(which lib.exe)" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "HOST_DMD=${{ env.DC }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "${{ github.workspace }}/tools/dm/bin/" >> $GITHUB_PATH
# Running the test suite #
- name: 'Run C++ test suite'
run: dub test