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The CommandLine Arduino library can be used to provide a simple menu-driven command line to the Arduino serial port.

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CommandLine Arduino Library Usage - Version: "V1.10 7/7/2023" (see CommandLine Web Page and CommandLineTest.ino and CommandLineCustomErrs.ino examples)

The CommandLine Arduino library can be used to provide a simple menu-driven command line to
the Arduino serial port.

| Command Line Testing Example                                                   |
|                                                                                |
| -> help                                                                        |
|                                                                                |
| Command Line Testing                                                           |
| Available commands                                                             |
| ------------------                                                             |
| help [<cls>]          : Display list of commands (clear screen)                |
| h                     : alias for help                                         |
| ?                     : alias for help                                         |
| led [<on | off | hb>] : Show/control the Status LED                            |
| show [params]         : Show command line parameters                           |
| input [vals]          : Show/set command line value                            |
|                                                                                |
| ->                                                                             |
|                                                                                |


Available Functions:

  * WHAT:
  *  A constructor that sets up the command line processing code.
  *  Note: Defaults to enable echo of incoming characters.
  *  Stream& _serial = the stream that a command line is implemented on (typically 'Serial')
 CommandLine(Stream& serial);

  * WHAT:
  *  A constructor that sets up the command line processing code.
  *  Stream& _serial = the stream that a command line is implemented on (typically 'Serial')
  *  bool _echoEnable = a flag that is used to enable/disable echo of incoming characters
  *                     (true = enable echo, false = disable echo)
 CommandLine(Stream& serial, bool echoEnable);

  * WHAT:
  *  Implements the non-blocking serial command processing.
  *  Note: This should be called in 'loop' to check for/process incoming commands.
  *  int8_t = 0 = no command to process yet
  *           1 = a command was processed
 int8_t DoCmdLine(void);

  * WHAT:
  *  Support routine that parses a command parameter string into a decimal or hex
  *  numeric value or identifies it as a quoted string.
  *  char * param = parameter string to parse
  *  int32_t * retval = place for parsed numeric value (if type DECVAL or HEXVAL)
  *  int8_t = type of parameter
  *            - DECVAL   = decimal numeric parameter value (1234) - value returned at *retval
  *            - HEXVAL   = hex numeric parameter value (0x12ab) - value returned at *retval
  *            - STRVAL   = string parameter value ("quoted string")
  *            - BADPARAM = bad parameter
  *  The command line processor (CmdLineProcess()) does *not* keep the contents
  *  of a quoted string intact. Each word in the string (a space is considered a
  *  word delimiter - TABs are not) is placed in a separate argument! (The argument
  *  with the first word in the quoted string contains the opening quote and the
  *  argument with the last word in the quoted string contains the closing quote.)
 int8_t ParseParam(char * param, int32_t * retval);

  * WHAT:
  *  Enables/disables echo of incoming characters. (default is enabled)
  *  Note: CR/LF will not be echoed if Echo() is enabled and CrLfEcho() is disabled.
  *  bool _echoEnable = a flag that is used to enable/disable echo of incoming characters
  *                     (true = enable echo, false = disable echo)
 void Echo(bool echoEnable);

  * WHAT:
  *  Enables/disables echo of incoming CR/LF characters. (default is disabled)
  *  Note: This has no effect if Echo() is disabled.
  *  bool _echoEnable = a flag that is used to enable/disable echo of incoming CR/LF characters
  *                     (true = enable echo, false = disable echo)
 void CrLfEcho(bool echoEnable);

 * WHAT:
 *  Enables/disables sending CR/LF characters before processing command.  (default is enabled)
 *  bool _crLfcmdEnable = a flag that is used to enable/disable sending CR/LF characters
 *                        before processing a command
 *                        (true = enable CR/LF response, false = disable CR/LF response)
void CrLfCommand(bool _crLfcmdEnable);

  * WHAT:
  *  Sets the parameter separator character to use (if other than the default space ' ').
  *  char _delimiter = the delimiter (or parameter separator) character
 void Delimiter(char delimiter);

  * WHAT:
  *  Sets the parameter separator character(s) to use (if other than the default '\r').
  *  char * _terminators = the command line terminator character(s) to use (2 maximum supported)
 void Terminators(char * terminators);

  * WHAT:
  *  Sets the handler function to use for unknown commands (default is none).
  *  pfnCmdLine function = the handler function for unknown commands
  *     Format: int8_t CmdHandler(int8_t argc, char * argv[])
  *     Usage:  CmdLine.SetDefaultHandler(CmdHandler);
 void SetDefaultHandler(pfnCmdLine function);

  * WHAT:
  *  Sets the custom handler function to use for commands errors (default is internal).
  *  pfnCustomErrs function = the custom handler function for commands errors
  *     pfnCustomErrs Format: void ErrHandler(int8_t err_code)
  *     Usage: CmdLine.SetCustomErrorHandler(ErrHandler);
  *     (see CommandLineCustomErrs.ino example)
 void SetCustomErrorHandler(pfnCustomErrs function);

  * WHAT:
  *  Shows the menu commands.
  *  bool help_info_disable = optional flag to disable (if true) showing help information
  *                           (default = false)
 void ShowCommands(bool help_info_disable = false);

  * WHAT:
  *  Flush the serial receive buffer.
 void FlushReceive(void)


How to use: (see CommandLineTest.ino example)

 1) Before setup(), add a line to setup the CommandLine library code
        // setup CommandLine to use standard Arduino Serial with incoming echo on
        CommandLine CmdLine(Serial, true);

 1a) Optional, in setup(), use Echo(), CrLfEcho(), CrLfCommand(), Delimiter(), Terminators(), and
     SetDefaultHandler() to set incoming echo, incoming CR/LF echo, command CR/LF response,
     delimitor character, command line termination character(s), and the unknown command handler.

 2) In loop(), add line to call DoCmdLine()

 3) Declare function names to handle each command
        int8_t Cmd_led(int8_t argc, char * argv[]);

 4) Declare variables in Flash memory with the name of each command
        const char MenuCmdLed[] PROGMEM = "led";

 5) Declare variables in Flash memory for help information for each command
        const char MenuHelpLed[] PROGMEM = "[<on | off | hb>] : Show/control the Status LED"";

 6) Populate the command table array in Flash memory with each command to use
        const tCmdLineEntry g_sCmdTable[] PROGMEM =
            { MenuCmdLed,  Cmd_led, MenuHelpLed },  // the "led" command
            {     "           "         "       },  // other commands
            { 0, 0, 0 }                             // end of commands

 7) Add the function code for each command to use
        int8_t Cmd_led(int8_t argc, char * argv[])
            // code that the command uses to control the LED (see CommandLineTest.ino example)
            // use 'argc' to get the count of command line parameters
            // use 'argv[]' to get each of the command line parameter strings
            // use ParseParam() to get the value of a decimal or hex command line parameter



The CommandLine Arduino library can be used to provide a simple menu-driven command line to the Arduino serial port.






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