To achieve best performance with small convolutions for CNN on SIMD architectures, a specific data layout must be used. As this layout depends on several architectural parameters, the goal of LIBXSMM's interface is to hide this complexity from the user by providing copy-in and copy-out routines. This happens using opaque data types, which themselves are later bound to a convolution operation.
The interface is available for C. There is a collection of code samples (samples/deeplearning) available including a light-weight framework for deep learning (GXM), and samples with focus on Convolutional Deep Neural Networks (DNNs), or LSTM cells, etc. The general concept of the CNN interface is circled around a few types: libxsmm_dnn_layer
, libxsmm_dnn_buffer
, libxsmm_dnn_bias
, and libxsmm_dnn_filter
. A handle of such a type is always setup by calling a create-function.
/** Simplified LIBXSMM types which are needed to create a handle. */
/** Structure which describes the input and output of data (DNN). */
typedef struct libxsmm_dnn_conv_desc {
int N; /* number of images in mini-batch */
int C; /* number of input feature maps */
int H; /* height of input image */
int W; /* width of input image */
int K; /* number of output feature maps */
int R; /* height of filter kernel */
int S; /* width of filter kernel */
int u; /* vertical stride */
int v; /* horizontal stride */
int pad_h; /* height of logical rim padding to input
for adjusting output height */
int pad_w; /* width of logical rim padding to input
for adjusting output width */
int pad_h_in; /* height of zero-padding in input buffer,
must equal to pad_h for direct conv */
int pad_w_in; /* width of zero-padding in input buffer,
must equal to pad_w for direct conv */
int pad_h_out; /* height of zero-padding in output buffer */
int pad_w_out; /* width of zero-padding in output buffer */
int threads; /* number of threads to use when running
convolution */
libxsmm_dnn_datatype datatype; /* datatypes use for all input and outputs */
libxsmm_dnn_tensor_format buffer_format; /* format which is for buffer buffers */
libxsmm_dnn_tensor_format filter_format; /* format which is for filter buffers */
libxsmm_dnn_conv_algo algo; /* convolution algorithm used */
libxsmm_dnn_conv_option options; /* additional options */
libxsmm_dnn_conv_fuse_op fuse_ops; /* used ops into convolutions */
} libxsmm_dnn_conv_desc;
/** Type of algorithm used for convolutions. */
typedef enum libxsmm_dnn_conv_algo {
/** let the library decide */
LIBXSMM_DNN_CONV_ALGO_AUTO, /* ignored for now */
/** direct convolution. */
} libxsmm_dnn_conv_algo;
/** Denotes the element/pixel type of an image/channel. */
typedef enum libxsmm_dnn_datatype {
} libxsmm_dnn_datatype;
libxsmm_dnn_layer* libxsmm_dnn_create_conv_layer(
libxsmm_dnn_conv_desc conv_desc, libxsmm_dnn_err_t* status);
libxsmm_dnn_err_t libxsmm_dnn_destroy_conv_layer(
const libxsmm_dnn_layer* handle);
A sample call looks like (without error checks):
/* declare LIBXSMM variables */
libxsmm_dnn_conv_desc conv_desc;
libxsmm_dnn_err_t status;
libxsmm_dnn_layer* handle;
/* setting conv_desc values.... */
conv_desc.N = ...
/* create handle */
handle = libxsmm_dnn_create_conv_layer(conv_desc, &status);
Next activation and filter buffers need to be linked, initialized and bound to the handle. Afterwards the convolution can be executed in a threading environment of choice (error checks are omitted for brevity):
float *input, *output, *filter;
libxsmm_dnn_buffer* libxsmm_reg_input;
libxsmm_dnn_buffer* libxsmm_reg_output;
libxsmm_dnn_filter* libxsmm_reg_filter;
/* allocate data */
input = (float*)libxsmm_aligned_malloc(...);
output = ...;
/* link data to buffers */
libxsmm_reg_input = libxsmm_dnn_link_buffer( libxsmm_handle, LIBXSMM_DNN_INPUT, input,
libxsmm_reg_output = libxsmm_dnn_link_buffer( libxsmm_handle, LIBXSMM_DNN_OUTPUT, output,
libxsmm_reg_filter = libxsmm_dnn_link_filter( libxsmm_handle, LIBXSMM_DNN_FILTER, filter,
/* copy in data to LIBXSMM format: naive format is: */
/* (mini-batch)(number-featuremaps)(featuremap-height)(featuremap-width) for layers, */
/* and the naive format for filters is: */
/* (number-output-featuremaps)(number-input-featuremaps)(kernel-height)(kernel-width) */
libxsmm_dnn_copyin_buffer(libxsmm_reg_input, (void*)naive_input, LIBXSMM_DNN_TENSOR_FORMAT_NCHW);
libxsmm_dnn_copyin_filter(libxsmm_reg_filter, (void*)naive_filter, LIBXSMM_DNN_TENSOR_FORMAT_KCRS);
/* bind layer to handle */
libxsmm_dnn_bind_input_buffer(libxsmm_handle, libxsmm_reg_input, LIBXSMM_DNN_REGULAR_INPUT);
libxsmm_dnn_bind_output_buffer(libxsmm_handle, libxsmm_reg_output, LIBXSMM_DNN_REGULAR_OUTPUT);
libxsmm_dnn_bind_filter(libxsmm_handle, libxsmm_reg_filter, LIBXSMM_DNN_REGULAR_FILTER);
/* allocate and bind scratch */
scratch = libxsmm_aligned_scratch(libxsmm_dnn_get_scratch_size(
libxsmm_handle, LIBXSMM_DNN_COMPUTE_KIND_FWD, &status), 2097152);
libxsmm_dnn_bind_scratch(libxsmm_handle, LIBXSMM_DNN_COMPUTE_KIND_FWD, scratch);
/* run the convolution */
#pragma omp parallel
libxsmm_dnn_convolve_st(libxsmm_handle, LIBXSMM_DNN_CONV_KIND_FWD, 0,
omp_get_thread_num(), omp_get_num_threads());
/* copy out data */
libxsmm_dnn_copyout_buffer(libxsmm_output, (void*)naive_libxsmm_output,
/* clean up */