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File metadata and controls

159 lines (117 loc) · 7.55 KB

Contao extension DataContainer Rules

This extension provides easily configurable rules for generating buttons and labels in the dca files of Contao.

The issue

Usually you have to declare button callbacks for every button you want to generate depending on some rules. So usually you run into coding the more or less same callbacks for every button or for every label value manipulation.

How dca-rules works

dca-rules solves this issue by providing general callbacks which depends on defined rules in the dca files. At the moment there are four callbacks defined:

  • checkPermission for the dca onload_callback
  • generateButton* for generating a operation button, replace wildcard with button name
  • generateGlobalButton* for generating a global operation button, replace wildcard with button name
  • generateLabel for the label_callback in the list view

Then you can set up somes rules for them by using following variables

$GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['table']['config']['permission_rules'] = array();
$GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['table']['list']['label']['label_rules'] = array();
$GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['table']['list']['operations']['button']['button_rules'] = array();
$GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['table']['list']['global_operations']['button']['button_rules'] = array();

The only thing you have to do is to create a data container class extending the provided class and using the provides callbacks

// Contao 3
namepsace Author\Vendor\DataContainer;
use Netzmacht\Utils\DataContainer;

class MyTable extends DataContainer
	// auto generates $this->strTable = 'tl_my_table';
	// you can set a custom protected $strTable = 'custom_table'; as well  

// Contao 2
require_once 'system/modules/dca-rules/classes/DataContainer.php'
class MyTable extends DataContainer extends Netzmacht\Utils\DataContainer

// alternative
class MyTable extends DataContainerRules

// in the tl_my_table.php
$GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['table']['list']['operations']['test']['button_callback'] = array('Author\Vendor\DataContainer\MyTable', 'generateButtonTest');
$GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['table']['list']['operations']['test']['button_rules'] = array('isAdmin', 'generate');

Using rules

You can define a list of rules which are called each until one return false. You have to use the generate rule for buttons, so you can decide that something will happen after the button is generated. There is also the possibility to set attributes for the rules. There is following syntax for them:

$rule = array('rule:attribute'); // will set attribute to true
$rule = array('rule:attribute=2'); // will set attribute to an int 2, int and bool(false, true) are converted to the value
$rule = array('rule:attribute=$value'); // accessing attributes of the object (will be translated to $this->value)
$rule = array('rule:attribute=[one,two,three]'); // will set attribute to an array(one,two,three)
$rule = array('rule:attribute=[true,2,false,$value,2.3]'); // values of an array will be converted to ints and bool as well
$rule = array('rule:a=2:b=3:c:4');	// combining attributes
$rule = array('rule:error=&.errors.1'); // accessing language vars of current table
$rule = array('rule:error=&MSC.yes'); // accessing language var $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['yes']

Maybe you want to create a toggle icon for a field called 'status'. The toggleIcon will automatically check if the user has access to the field. So the only thing you have to do is to define the rule and pass the field. If no field is set it uses the published field

$GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['table']['list']['operations']['button']['button_rules'] = array('toggleIcon:field=status', 'generate');

Another example is the checkPermission callback. Maybe you want to limit the access to the dca for the admin for every action exept the show action. You can solve it by assigning a isAdmin rule and set the act modes, so the rule is only check if the act param is like this. You maybe also want to disable the multiple feature. You can use the forbidden rule for that

$GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['table']['config']['permission_rules'] = array('forbidden:act=[editAll,deleteAll]', 'isAdmin:act=[edit,delete,select]');

Using label_rules

Label rules are useful to manipulate the output of the the values. There is no stop method included here, so every registered rule is used. They usually have the index and field attribute. the index attribute decides which value of the return will be changed, the field decides which value of the row array is used.

The following example will create a yes no output for value[1]. It is nessecary to use the field, because the field header is the current value. Parse date will parse the date for value[2]. Format can be datim,date,time or a custom rule. It can be empty, them datim will be used

$GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['table']['list']['label']['label_rules'] = array('yesNo:index=1:field=enabled', 'parseDate:index=2:format=time))

Create custom rules

The DataContainer provides a set of rules. But it is easily extendable. You simply has to create a method in the data container. there are following name conventions

  • For button rules: buttonRule*
  • For label rules: labelRule*
  • For permission rules: permissionRule*

The rules will get different arguments. You should use the references so it is easy to manipulate values. For example will want to add a state to the href, let's create a buttonRuleAddState, the new $strHref will be used by the generate rule. The referer rule, which generates a referer link works like this.

// dca config
$GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['table']['list']['operations']['button']['button_rules'] = array('isAdmin', 'addState', 'generate');

protected function buttonRuleAddState(&$strButton, &$strHref, &$strLabel, &$strTitle, &$strIcon, &$strAttributes, &$arrAttributes, $arrRow=null)
	$strHref .= '&state=1';
	return true;

It is also possible to add something to the output. Let's say you want to add the current time behind a global button. The output will be stored in $this->strGenerated variable. Note that we first generate the button before we add something to the generated output.

// dca config
$GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['table']['list']['operations']['button']['button_rules'] = array('generate', 'addTime');

protected function buttonRuleAddTime(&$strButton, &$strHref, &$strLabel, &$strTitle, &$strIcon, &$strAttributes, &$arrAttributes, $arrRow=null)
	$this->strGenerated .= sprintf(' (%s)', date('h:i'));
	return true;

Provided rules

Following rules are inlcuded and can be used:

Button rules used for normal and global operations

  • generate creates a icon output
  • toggleIcon, attributes: table, field, icon for createing a toggling icon
  • referer for creating a back link
  • hasAccess, attributes: isAdmin,module,alexf,fop check is user has access by using the BackendUser::hasAccess
  • isAllowed, attributes: operation,table,closed,ptable,pid,where,value check is user is allowed by using the BackendUser::isAllowed
  • isAdmin check if user is admin

Label rules are useful to change the displayed value in the list view

  • parseDate, attributes: index,field,format parsing a timestamt
  • yesNo, attributes: index,field

Permission rules for using the gerneric checkPermission

  • generic, attributes: act,error,params used to check the access for an action and can create a custom log message
  • hasAccess, attributes: isAdmin,module,alexf,fop,value,act,error,params
  • isAllowed, attributes: operation,table,closed,ptable,pid,where,value,act,error,params
  • isAdmin, attributes: act,error,params check if user is admin
  • forbidden: act,error,params deny access for everyone