Welcome to my smart playlists application! This app uses Spotify's API to return all of the songs a user has either added to a playlist or their saved songs. It then sorts them by date and returns a 3-month subsets of songs - available for the user to add to their library. The front end was built using React and Bootstrap, and the back-end uses Node.js and Express to handle authentication.
I have not yet set up this application on a live server. However you can still use it on your local machine if you would like to.
Download or clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/dmullen17/smartSpotifyPlaylists.git
Open two command lines tabs and navigate to the authorization_code
and client
From the authorization_code
directory start the node server. The node instances runs on localhost:8888.
node App.js
From the client
directory launch the React app. The React app runs on localhost:3000.
npm start src/app.js
Open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000/