This work implements Caspar-Klug Theory to generate high-quality, vectorized capsid cartoons in the browser and is the first online tool that provides comprehensive style customization, geometry, and SVG export of icosahedra and nets with different lattice structures.
- Run democapsid (v2.2.2):
npm run clean && \
npm run minify && \
npm run update && \
npm run zip && \
npm run tar
- Negrón, D. A. (2021). Vectorized Capsid Rendering in the Browser with Capsid.js (p. 2020.12.02.408252).
- Negrón, D. A. (2021). Molecular Clock Analysis of Human Adenovirus [Ph.D., George Mason University]. In ProQuest Dissertations and Theses.
- ASM Microbe 2022 @ DC
- Spring 2021 GMU SSB Student Research Day 2021 @ GMU
- Fall 2020 SSB Student Research Day 2020 @ GMU
- 5th place at Demosplash 2021 for the combined demo/intro category (
- Please comment on or cite the preprint at bioRxiv, which is Chapter 2 of the dissertation.
- This work previously went by the name "capsid.js" and is now "democapsid".
- Hamann, M. V.; Beschorner, N.; Vu, X.-K.; Hauber, I.; Lange, U. C.; Traenkle, B.; Kaiser, P. D.; Foth, D.; Schneider, C.; Büning, H.; Rothbauer, U.; Hauber, J. Improved Targeting of Human CD4+ T Cells by Nanobody-Modified AAV2 Gene Therapy Vectors. PLOS ONE 2021, 16 (12), e0261269.
- Twarock, R., & Luque, A. (2019). Structural puzzles in virology solved with an overarching icosahedral design principle. Nature Communications, 10(1), 4414.
- Lehni, J., & Puckey, J. (2011). Paperjs/paper.js [JavaScript]. Paper.js.
- Luque, A., & Reguera, D. (2010). The Structure of Elongated Viral Capsids. Biophysical Journal, 98(12), 2993–3003.
- Moody, M. F. (1965). The shape of the T-even bacteriophage head. Virology, 26(4), 567–576.
- Caspar, D. L., & Klug, A. (1962). Physical principles in the construction of regular viruses. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology, 27, 1–24.