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An advanced configuration for AstroNvim V4

Table of Contents


This Neovim configuration can be installed using the Lazyman Neovim Configuration Manager:

# Install lazyman with the following two commands:
git clone $HOME/.config/nvim-Lazyman
# Install and initialize this configuration with the following command:
lazyman -x AstroNvimV4

If lazyman is already installed, update it before installing AstroNvimV4:

lazyman -U

Alternately, if lazyman is not suitable for your environment:

git clone $HOME/.config/nvim-AstroNvimV4
NVIM_APPNAME=nvim-AstroNvimV4 nvim --headless "+Lazy! sync" +qa

Note: Manual installation may require additional dependencies to be installed. Use lazyman to automatically install dependencies and initialize Neovim configurations.


The recommended installation procedure is with the Lazyman Neovim Configuration Manager. Installing with lazyman ensures dependencies are met, initialization is automated, updates/removal/reinstallation can be performed easily, and configuration is site-specific for some settings. Lazyman can perform health checks, launching, updates, and generation of HTML and markdown format reports.

Lazyman provides the ability to easily and quickly explore Neovim configurations including many AstroNvim configurations. For example, lazyman -i astronvim installs and initializes 8 AstroNvim configurations. These can be easily explored using the nvims shell function.

Several other features make lazyman an attractive choice but the primary attractions are the nvims shell function and the interactive menu system. The nvims shell function can be used to easily invoke any lazyman installed Neovim configuration. The interactive menu system in lazyman version 3.1.6+ has been augmented with menus to configure AstroNvimV4 settings, enabled LSP servers, Formatters, and Plugins.

Lazyman Screenshots

If AstroNvimV4 was installed with lazyman an interactive menu system to manage the AstroNvimV4 configuration is available in lazyman. To view the main AstroNvimV4 configuration menu invoke lazyman -F anv or simply lazyman and select the AstroNvimV4 Config menu entry:

Click here to view the AstroNvimV4

Management with Lazyman screenshots

From here you can configure LSP servers, formatters, linters, and plugins:


The AstroNvimV4 Neovim configuration can be updated with the command:

lazyman -U -N AstroNvimV4

In the absence of lazyman a manual update can be performed with:

git -C ~/.config/nvim-AstroNvimV4 pull


The AstroNvimV4 Neovim configuration, plugins, data, and cache can be removed with the command:

lazyman -R -N AstroNvimV4

In the absence of lazyman a manual removal can be performed with:

rm -rf ~/.local/share/nvim-AstroNvimV4
rm -rf ~/.local/state/nvim-AstroNvimV4
rm -rf ~/.cache/nvim-AstroNvimV4
rm -rf ~/.config/nvim-AstroNvimV4


AstroNvimV4 is based on the AstroNvim v4 template at

The LSP configuration in AstroNvimV4 leverages the configuration in the default Lazyman configuration. Much of that LSP configuration, handlers, capabilities, on_attach function, diagnostics, and more have been integrated into the AstroNvim v4 lua/plugins/astrolsp.lua in AstroNvimV4. As such, this example configuration may serve as a guide to some advanced LSP configuration in AstroNvim v4.

Beyond the basic features provided by this template, AstroNvimV4 includes:

  • Extensive customization of the AstroNvim v4 files:
    • lua/plugins/astrocore.lua : customized globals, options, mappings, and autocmds
    • lua/plugins/astrolsp.lua : custom formatters, linters, and language servers
    • lua/plugins/astroui.lua : options, icons, and status configuration
  • Options, LSP, Formatters, and Plugins configuration in lua/configuration.lua
    • Integration with lazyman interactive menu system
  • Customized tabline, winbar, and statusline with heirline.nvim
  • Mason installed formatters, linters, language servers
  • LSP configuration for several language servers
  • Customized terminal with autocmds/commands for lazygit, lazyman, btop, more
  • AstroNvimV4 Cheat Sheet (open with <leader>H)
  • Highly customized alpha.nvim dashboard
  • Support for multiple colorschemes and colorscheme switching
  • An icon set for use with several plugins
  • Neovim command line customization
  • Many additional plugins enabled and configured in lua/plugins


Neovim options are set in lua/plugins/astrocore.lua and lua/options.lua. In addition, some configuration can be specified in the file lua/configuration.lua.

The default leader key in AstroNvimV4 is set to ,. To modify the leader key or any of several other settings, edit lua/configuration.lua.

Click here to view the

AstroNvimV4 lua/configuration.lua

local conf = {}

-- Available themes: catppuccin, dracula, everforest, kanagawa,
--                   monokai-pro nightfox, tokyonight, tundra,
-- A configuration file for each theme is in lua/configs/themes/
-- Use <F8> to step through themes
conf.theme = "tokyonight"
-- Available styles are:
--   catppuccin:  latte, frappe, macchiato, mocha, custom
--   dracula:     blood, magic, soft, default
--   kanagawa:    wave, dragon, lotus
--   monokai-pro: classic, octagon, pro, machine, ristretto, spectrum
--   nightfox:    carbonfox, dawnfox, dayfox, duskfox, nightfox, nordfox, terafox
--   tokyonight:  night, storm, day, moon
conf.theme_style = "moon"
-- enable transparency if the theme supports it
conf.enable_transparent = false

-- Some prefer space as the map leader, but why
conf.mapleader = ","
conf.maplocalleader = ","
-- set numbered lines
conf.number = true
-- enable mouse see :h mouse
conf.mouse = "nv"
-- set relative numbered lines
conf.relative_number = true
-- always show tabs; 0 never, 1 only if at least two tab pages, 2 always
conf.showtabline = 2
-- enable or disable listchars
conf.list = true
-- which list chars to show
conf.listchars = {
  eol = "⤶",
  tab = ">.",
  trail = "~",
  extends = "â—€",
  precedes = "â–¶",

-- Enable display of custom cheatsheets
conf.enable_cheatsheet = true
-- Enable smooth scrolling with neoscroll plugin
conf.enable_smooth_scrolling = true
-- Enable the Neotest plugin
conf.enable_neotest = true
-- Enable toggleterm plugin
conf.enable_toggleterm = true
-- Enable the WakaTime metrics dashboard (requires API key)
conf.enable_wakatime = false
-- Enable zen mode distraction-free coding
conf.enable_zenmode = true
-- if zenmode enabled then enable terminal support as well
conf.enable_kitty = false
conf.enable_alacritty = false
conf.enable_wezterm = false

-- Neorg notes folder
conf.neorg_notes = { "~/Documents/Notes" }
-- Obsidian vault folder (relative to HOME)
conf.obsidian_vault = "Documents/Notes/Obsidian"

-- use rg instead of grep
conf.grepprg = "rg --hidden --vimgrep --smart-case --"

-- Show diagnostics, can be one of "none", "icons", "popup". Default is "popup"
--   "none":  diagnostics are disabled but still underlined
--   "icons": only an icon will show, use ',de' to see the diagnostic
--   "popup": an icon will show and a popup with the diagnostic will appear
conf.show_diagnostics = "popup"

-- Enable/disable nvim-treesitter-context
conf.enable_treesitter_context = false
-- treesitter parsers to be installed
-- See
conf.treesitter_ensure_installed = {

-- LSPs that are installed by the Lazyman initialization
-- Leave the 'LSP_SERVERS' trailing comment, it is used by lazyman
conf.lsp_installed = {
  "cssls",    -- LSP_SERVERS
  "denols",   -- LSP_SERVERS
  "html",     -- LSP_SERVERS
  "lua_ls",   -- LSP_SERVERS
  "pylsp",    -- LSP_SERVERS
  "pyright",  -- LSP_SERVERS
  "tsserver", -- LSP_SERVERS
  "vimls",    -- LSP_SERVERS
-- LSPs that should be installed by Mason-lspconfig
-- Leave the 'LSP_SERVERS' trailing comment, it is used by lazyman
conf.lsp_servers = {
  "bashls",           -- LSP_SERVERS
  "clangd",           -- LSP_SERVERS
  "cmake",            -- LSP_SERVERS
  -- "cssmodules_ls", -- LSP_SERVERS
  -- "dockerls",      -- LSP_SERVERS
  -- "emmet_ls",      -- LSP_SERVERS
  -- "eslint",        -- LSP_SERVERS
  -- "gopls",         -- LSP_SERVERS
  -- "graphql",       -- LSP_SERVERS
  "jsonls",           -- LSP_SERVERS
  -- "jdtls",         -- LSP_SERVERS
  -- "julials",       -- LSP_SERVERS
  -- "ltex",          -- LSP_SERVERS
  "marksman",         -- LSP_SERVERS
  -- "prismals",      -- LSP_SERVERS
  -- "sqlls",         -- LSP_SERVERS
  -- "tailwindcss",   -- LSP_SERVERS
  "taplo",            -- LSP_SERVERS
  -- "texlab",        -- LSP_SERVERS
  "vuels",            -- LSP_SERVERS
  "yamlls",           -- LSP_SERVERS

-- Enable/Disable automatic formatting
conf.enable_autoformat = false
-- Formatters and linters installed by Mason
conf.formatters_linters = {
  "actionlint",           -- FORMATTERS_LINTERS
  -- "debugpy",           -- FORMATTERS_LINTERS
  "gofumpt",              -- FORMATTERS_LINTERS
  "goimports",            -- FORMATTERS_LINTERS
  "golines",              -- FORMATTERS_LINTERS
  "golangci-lint",        -- FORMATTERS_LINTERS
  "google-java-format",   -- FORMATTERS_LINTERS
  "isort",                -- FORMATTERS_LINTERS
  -- "json-lsp",          -- FORMATTERS_LINTERS
  -- "latexindent",       -- FORMATTERS_LINTERS
  -- "markdownlint",      -- FORMATTERS_LINTERS
  "marksman",             -- FORMATTERS_LINTERS
  -- "php-debug-adapter", -- FORMATTERS_LINTERS
  -- "php-cs-fixer",      -- FORMATTERS_LINTERS
  "prettier",             -- FORMATTERS_LINTERS
  "prettierd",            -- FORMATTERS_LINTERS
  "pyright",              -- FORMATTERS_LINTERS
  "sql-formatter",        -- FORMATTERS_LINTERS
  -- "shellcheck",        -- FORMATTERS_LINTERS
  "shfmt",                -- FORMATTERS_LINTERS
  "stylua",               -- FORMATTERS_LINTERS
  "tflint",               -- FORMATTERS_LINTERS
  "yamllint",             -- FORMATTERS_LINTERS
-- Formatters and linters installed externally
conf.external_formatters = {
  "beautysh",             -- FORMATTERS_LINTERS
  "black",                -- FORMATTERS_LINTERS
  "flake8",               -- FORMATTERS_LINTERS
  "ruff",                 -- FORMATTERS_LINTERS

return conf


If using lazyman, the nvims shell function can be used to select AstroNvimV4:

# Or edit a file(s)
nvims foobar.lua
# Fuzzy select AstroNvimV4 by typing 'ast' and <Enter>

After selecting a configuration with nvims an alias is set so subsequent invocations can be performed using vi until the current shell is exited.

Alternately, set NVIM_APPNAME:

export NVIM_APPNAME="nvim-AstroNvimV4"


View the AstroNvimV4 fuzzy searchable cheatsheet with <leader>H


View Keymaps with <leader> (comma is the default leader key in AstroNvimV4).

AstroNvimV4 key mappings are defined in lua/plugins/astrocore.lua.

Click here to view the AstroNvimV4


local settings = require("configuration")
local icons = require("icons")
local Util = require("utils")
local plugin = require("utils.plugin")
local Info = require("lazy.core.util").info
local diagnostic_goto = require("configs.lsp.keymaps").diagnostic_goto
local conceallevel = vim.o.conceallevel > 0 and vim.o.conceallevel or 3

local cheat = {}
if settings.enable_cheatsheet then
  cheat = { "<cmd>Cheatsheet<CR>", desc = "AstroNvimV4 Cheatsheet" }
local top = {}
if vim.fn.executable "btop" == 1 then
  top = { "<cmd>Top<CR>", desc = "System Monitor" }
  if vim.fn.executable "htop" == 1 then
    top = { "<cmd>Top<CR>", desc = "System Monitor" }
local git = {}
if vim.fn.executable "lazygit" == 1 then
  git = { "<cmd>Lazygit<CR>", desc = "Lazygit Command" }
local lman = {}
local lconf = {}
local lplug = {}
local lform = {}
local llsp = {}
if vim.fn.executable "lazyman" == 1 then
  lman = { "<cmd>Lazyman<CR>", desc = "Lazyman Menu" }
  lconf = { "<cmd>Astroconf<CR>", desc = "AstroNvimV4 Configuration" }
  lplug = { "<cmd>Astroplug<CR>", desc = "AstroNvimV4 Plugins" }
  lform = { "<cmd>Astroform<CR>", desc = "AstroNvimV4 Formatters" }
  llsp = { "<cmd>Astrolsp<CR>", desc = "AstroNvimV4 LSP Servers" }
local ascii = {}
if vim.fn.executable "asciiville" == 1 then
  ascii = { "<cmd>Asciiville<CR>", desc = "Asciiville" }
local mpplus = {}
local mpmenu = {}
if vim.fn.executable "mpplus" == 1 then
  mpplus = { "<cmd>MusicPlayerPlus<CR>", desc = "MusicPlayerPlus" }
  mpmenu = { "<cmd>MusicPlayerMenu<CR>", desc = "MusicPlayerPlus Menu" }


---@type LazySpec
return {
  ---@type AstroCoreOpts
  opts = {
    -- Configure core features of AstroNvim
    features = {
      large_buf = { size = 1024 * 500, lines = 10000 }, -- set global limits for large files for disabling features like treesitter
      autopairs = true, -- enable autopairs at start
      cmp = true, -- enable completion at start
      diagnostics_mode = 3, -- diagnostic mode on start (0 = off, 1 = no signs/virtual text, 2 = no virtual text, 3 = on)
      highlighturl = true, -- highlight URLs at start
      notifications = true, -- enable notifications at start
    -- Diagnostics configuration (for vim.diagnostics.config({...})) when diagnostics are on
    diagnostics = {
      virtual_text = true,
      underline = true,
    -- vim options are configured in lua/options.lua
    options = {
      opt = {
        clipboard = "unnamed", --- Copy-paste between vim and everything else
        cmdheight = 0, --- Give more space for displaying messages
        completeopt = "menu,menuone,noselect", --- Better autocompletion
        cursorline = true, --- Highlight of current line
        emoji = false, --- Fix emoji display
        expandtab = true, --- Use spaces instead of tabs
        foldcolumn = "0",
        foldnestmax = 0,
        foldmethod = "expr",
        foldexpr = "nvim_treesitter#foldexpr()",
        foldlevel = 99, --- Using ufo provider need a large value
        foldlevelstart = 99, --- Expand all folds by default
        ignorecase = true, --- Needed for smartcase
        laststatus = 3, --- Global statusline at the bottom
        list = settings.list,
        listchars = settings.listchars,
        mouse = settings.mouse, --- Enable mouse
        number = settings.number, --- Shows current line number
        relativenumber = settings.relative_number, --- Enables relative number
        pumheight = 10, --- Max num of items in completion menu
        scrolloff = 8, --- Always keep space when scrolling to bottom/top edge
        shiftwidth = 2, --- Number of space characters inserted for indentation
        showtabline = settings.showtabline, --- Always show tabs
        spell = false, -- sets vim.opt.spell
        -- signcolumn  = "auto", -- sets vim.opt.signcolumn to auto
        signcolumn = "yes:2", --- Add extra sign column next to line number
        smartcase = true, --- Uses case in search
        smartindent = true, --- Makes indenting smart
        smarttab = true, --- Makes tabbing smarter will realize you have 2 vs 4
        softtabstop = 2, --- Insert 2 spaces for a tab
        splitright = true, --- Vertical splits will automatically be to the right
        swapfile = false, --- Swap not needed
        tabstop = 2, --- Insert 2 spaces for a tab
        termguicolors = true, --- Correct terminal colors
        timeoutlen = 300, --- Faster completion (cannot be lower than 200)
        ttimeoutlen = 0, --- Time to wait for a key code sequence to complete
        undofile = true, --- Sets undo to file
        updatetime = 100, --- Faster completion
        viminfo = "'1000", --- Increase the size of file history
        wildignore = "*node_modules/**", --- Don't search inside Node.js modules (works for gutentag)
        wrap = true, --- Display long lines as just one line
        writebackup = false, --- Not needed
        -- Neovim defaults
        autoindent = true, --- Good auto indent
        backspace = "indent,eol,start", --- Making sure backspace works
        backup = false, --- Recommended by coc
        -- Concealed text is completely hidden unless it has a custom replacement
        -- character defined (needed for dynamically showing tailwind classes)
        conceallevel = 2,
        concealcursor = "", --- Set to an empty string to expand tailwind class when on cursorline
        encoding = "utf-8", --- The encoding displayed
        errorbells = false, --- Disables sound effect for errors
        fileencoding = "utf-8", --- The encoding written to file
        incsearch = true, --- Start searching before pressing enter
        showmode = false, --- Don't show things like -- INSERT -- anymore
      g = {
        speeddating_no_mappings = 1, --- Disable default mappings for speeddating
        autoformat_enabled = settings.enable_autoformat, -- enable or disable auto formatting at start (lsp.formatting.format_on_save must be enabled)
        cmp_enabled = true, -- enable completion at start
        autopairs_enabled = true, -- enable autopairs at start
        diagnostics_mode = 3, -- set the visibility of diagnostics in the UI (0=off, 1=only show in status line, 2=virtual text off, 3=all on)
        icons_enabled = true, -- disable icons in the UI (disable if no nerd font is available, requires :PackerSync after changing)
        ui_notifications_enabled = true, -- disable notifications when toggling UI elements
        camelcasemotion_key = "<Leader>",
        loaded_perl_provider = 0,
        sonokai_style = "andromeda",
    -- Keymaps are spread all over Hell's halfacre in Neovim configurations.
    -- While I appreciate the effort to centralize them here, this work is not yet
    -- complete in this configuration. Mappings for this configuration are specified
    -- in lua/keymaps.lua, lua/configs/which-key.lua, and various plugin configurations.
    -- Mappings can be configured through AstroCore as well.
    -- NOTE: keycodes follow the casing in the vimdocs.
    -- For example, `<Leader>` must be capitalized
    mappings = {
      -- first key is the mode
      n = {
        -- second key is the lefthand side of the map

        -- Tables with just a `desc` key will be registered with which-key if it's installed
        -- This is useful for naming menus
        ["<Leader>b"] = { desc = icons.ui.Table .. "Buffers" },
        ["<Leader>t"] = { desc = icons.ui.Terminal .. "Terminal" },
        ["<Leader><tab>"] = { desc = icons.ui.Terminal .. "Tabs" },
        ["<Leader>w"] = { desc = icons.ui.Terminal .. "Windows" },
        ["<Leader>W"] = { desc = icons.ui.Terminal .. "Workspaces" },
        ["<Leader>,"] = { desc = icons.kinds.Color .. " Commands/Themes" },
        ["<Leader>."] = { desc = icons.kinds.Color .. " Toggle Keymaps" },

        ["gh"] = {
          desc = "Open URL",
        -- mappings seen under group name "Buffers"
        ["<Leader>bc"] = {
          desc = "Close buffer",
        ["<Leader>bC"] = {
            require("astrocore.buffer").close(0, true)
          desc = "Force close buffer",
        ["<Leader>bD"] = {
          desc = "Pick to close",

        -- AstroNvimV4 Cheatsheet
        ["<leader>,C"] = cheat,
        ["<leader>H"] = cheat,

        -- Telescope
        ["<Leader>C"] = {
          "<cmd>Telescope command_palette<CR>",
          desc = "Command palette",
        ["<Leader>,T"] = {
          "<cmd>Telescope themes<CR>",
          desc = "Theme Switcher",
        ["<Leader>,c"] = {
          "<cmd>Telescope colorscheme<CR>",
          desc = "Color Schemes",

        -- AstroNvimV4 custom mappings
        ["<Leader>,d"] = {
          desc = "Open Dashboard",
        ["<Leader>A"] = {
          desc = "Open Dashboard",
        ["<Leader>M"] = {
          desc = "Manage Packages",
        ["<Leader>,p"] = {
          desc = "Manage Plugins",
        ["<Leader>P"] = {
          desc = "Manage Plugins",
        ["<Leader>,u"] = {
          "<cmd>Lazy update<CR>",
          desc = "Update Plugins",
        ["<Leader>,q"] = {
          desc = "Quit All",

        -- Plugin Management
        ["<Leader>U"] = {
          "<cmd>Lazy update<CR>",
          desc = "Update Plugins",
        -- Options
        ["<Leader>O"] = {
          desc = "Options",
        ["<Leader>,o"] = {
          desc = "Options",
        -- Terminal commands
        ["<Leader>,s"] = top,
        ["<Leader>,g"] = git,
        ["<Leader>,l"] = lman,
        ["<Leader>,a"] = lconf,
        ["<Leader>,P"] = lplug,
        ["<Leader>,F"] = lform,
        ["<Leader>,L"] = llsp,
        ["<Leader>,A"] = ascii,
        ["<Leader>,m"] = mpplus,
        ["<Leader>,M"] = mpmenu,
        ["<Leader>,O"] = {
          desc = "Open URL",
        -- Tabs
        ["<Leader><tab>l"] = {
          desc = "Last Tab",
        ["<Leader><tab>f"] = {
          desc = "First Tab",
        ["<Leader><tab><tab>"] = {
          desc = "New Tab",
        ["<Leader><tab>]"] = {
          desc = "Next Tab",
        ["<Leader><tab>d"] = {
          desc = "Close Tab",
        ["<Leader><tab>["] = {
          desc = "Previous Tab",
        -- Windows
        ["<Leader>ww"] = {
          desc = "Other window",
        ["<Leader>wd"] = {
          desc = "Delete window",
        ["<Leader>w-"] = {
          desc = "Split window below",
        ["<Leader>w|"] = {
          desc = "Split window right",
        -- Resize window using <ctrl> arrow keys
        ["<C-Up>"] = {
          "<cmd>resize +2<CR>",
          desc = "Increase window height",
        ["<C-Down>"] = {
          "<cmd>resize -2<CR>",
          desc = "Decrease window height",
        ["<C-Left>"] = {
          "<cmd>vertical resize -2<CR>",
          desc = "Decrease window width",
        ["<C-Right>"] = {
          "<cmd>vertical resize +2<CR>",
          desc = "Increase window width",

        -- Toggle keymaps
        ["<Leader>.f"] = {
          desc = "Toggle Format on Save",
        ["<Leader>.s"] = {
            Util.toggle "spell"
          desc = "Toggle Spelling",
        ["<Leader>.w"] = {
            Util.toggle "wrap"
          desc = "Toggle Word Wrap",
        ["<Leader>.l"] = {
            Util.toggle("relativenumber", true)
            Util.toggle "number"
          desc = "Toggle Line Numbers",
        ["<Leader>.c"] = {
            Util.toggle("conceallevel", false, { 0, conceallevel })
          desc = "Toggle Conceal",
        ["<Leader>.g"] = {
            if vim.wo.signcolumn == "no" then
              vim.wo.signcolumn = "yes"
            elseif vim.wo.signcolumn == "yes" then
              vim.wo.signcolumn = "auto"
              vim.wo.signcolumn = "no"
            Info("Set signcolumn to " .. vim.wo.signcolumn, { title = "Option" })
          desc = "Toggle Signcolumn",

        ["<Leader>.L"] = {
            vim.opt.showtabline = vim.api.nvim_get_option "showtabline" == 0 and 2 or 0
            Info("Set showtabline to " .. vim.api.nvim_get_option "showtabline", { title = "Option" })
          desc = "Toggle Tabline",

        --      ["<Leader>.W"] = {
        --        function()
        --          vim.opt.winbar = vim.api.nvim_get_option "winbar" == "" and "1" or ""
        --          Info("Set winbar to " .. vim.api.nvim_get_option "winbar", { title = "Option" })
        --        end,
        --        desc = "Toggle Winbar",
        --      },

        ["<Leader>.S"] = {
            local laststatus = vim.api.nvim_get_option "laststatus"
            if laststatus == 0 then
              vim.opt.laststatus = 2
            elseif laststatus == 2 then
              vim.opt.laststatus = 3
            elseif laststatus == 3 then
              vim.opt.laststatus = 0
            Info("Set laststatus to " .. vim.api.nvim_get_option "laststatus", { title = "Option" })
          desc = "Toggle Statusline",

        ["<Leader>.m"] = {
            local mouse = vim.api.nvim_get_option "mouse"
            if mouse == "" then
              vim.opt.mouse = "nv"
              Info("Mouse Enabled: mouse = " .. vim.api.nvim_get_option "mouse", { title = "Option" })
              vim.opt.mouse = ""
              Info("Mouse Disabled", { title = "Option" })
          desc = "Toggle Mouse",

        ["<Leader>.N"] = {
            local number = vim.wo.number -- local to window
            local relativenumber = vim.wo.relativenumber -- local to window
            if not number and not relativenumber then
              vim.wo.number = true
              Info("Set number to true", { title = "Option" })
            elseif number and not relativenumber then
              vim.wo.relativenumber = true
              Info("Set relativenumber to true", { title = "Option" })
            elseif number and relativenumber then
              vim.wo.number = false
              Info("Set number to false", { title = "Option" })
            else -- not number and relativenumber
              vim.wo.relativenumber = false
              Info("Set relativenumber to false", { title = "Option" })
          desc = "Toggle Number",
        ["<Leader>.x"] = {
          desc = "Toggle Colorcolumn",

        -- Workspaces
        ["<Leader>Wa"] = {
          desc = "add workspace folder",
        ["<Leader>Wr"] = {
          desc = "remove workspace folder",
        ["<Leader>Wl"] = {
          desc = "list workspace folder",
        -- LSP
        ["<C-Space>"] = {
          "<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.code_action()<CR>",
          desc = "Code Action",
        ["<Leader>ca"] = {
          "<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.code_action()<CR>",
          desc = "Code Action",
        ["<Leader>cr"] = {
          "<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.rename()<CR>",
          desc = "Rename",
        ["<Leader>cf"] = {
          "<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.format({ async = true })<CR>",
          desc = "Format",
        ["<Leader>ci"] = {
          desc = "LSP Info",
        ["<Leader>cg"] = {
          "<cmd>Telescope lsp_definitions<CR>",
          desc = "Goto Definition",
        ["<Leader>cR"] = {
          "<cmd>Telescope lsp_references<CR>",
          desc = "References",
        ["<Leader>cG"] = {
          desc = "Goto Declaration",
        ["<Leader>cI"] = {
          "<cmd>Telescope lsp_implementations<CR>",
          desc = "Goto Implementation",
        ["<Leader>cT"] = {
          "<cmd>Telescope lsp_type_definitions<CR>",
          desc = "Goto Type Definition",
        ["<Leader>ck"] = {
          desc = "Hover",
        ["<Leader>cK"] = {
          desc = "Signature Help",
        ["<Leader>cn"] = {
          desc = "Next Diagnostic",
        ["<Leader>cp"] = {
          desc = "Prev Diagnostic",
        ["<Leader>ce"] = {
          diagnostic_goto(true, "ERROR"),
          desc = "Next Error",
        ["<Leader>cE"] = {
          diagnostic_goto(false, "ERROR"),
          desc = "Prev Error",
        ["<Leader>cw"] = {
          diagnostic_goto(true, "WARN"),
          desc = "Next Warning",
        ["<Leader>cW"] = {
          diagnostic_goto(false, "WARN"),
          desc = "Prev Warning",
        -- Noice
        ["<Leader>sna"] = {
          desc = "Noice All",
        ["<Leader>snl"] = {
          desc = "Noice Last Message",
        ["<Leader>snh"] = {
          desc = "Noice History",
        ["<Leader>snL"] = {
          desc = "Noice Log",
        ["<Leader>sne"] = {
          desc = "Noice Errors",
        ["<Leader>snf"] = {
          desc = "Filter Noice",
      v = {
        ["<Leader>ca"] = {
          "<cmd>'<,'>lua vim.lsp.buf.code_action()<CR>",
          desc = "Code Action",
        ["<Leader>cf"] = {
            local start_row, _ = table.unpack(vim.api.nvim_buf_get_mark(0, "<"))
            local end_row, _ = table.unpack(vim.api.nvim_buf_get_mark(0, ">"))
            vim.lsp.buf.format {
              range = {
                ["start"] = { start_row, 0 },
                ["end"] = { end_row, 0 },
              async = true,
          desc = "Format Range",
    autocmds = {
      -- autocommands are organized into augroups for easy management
      autohidetabline = {
        -- each augroup contains a list of auto commands
          -- create a new autocmd on the "User" event
          event = "User",
          -- the pattern is the name of our User autocommand events
          pattern = "AstroBufsUpdated", -- triggered when vim.t.bufs is updated
          -- nice description
          desc = "Hide tabline when only one buffer and one tab",
          -- add the autocmd to the newly created augroup
          group = "autohidetabline",
          callback = function()
            -- if there is more than one buffer in the tab, show the tabline
            -- if there are 0 or 1 buffers in the tab, only show the tabline if there is more than one vim tab
            local new_showtabline = #vim.t.bufs > 1 and 2 or 1
            -- check if the new value is the same as the current value
            if new_showtabline ~= vim.opt.showtabline:get() then
              -- if it is different, then set the new `showtabline` value
              vim.opt.showtabline = new_showtabline
      astronvimv4 = {
          event = { "BufRead", "BufNewFile" },
          pattern = "*/node_modules/*",
          desc = "Disable diagnostics in node_modules",
          group = "astronvimv4",
          command = "lua vim.diagnostic.disable(0)",
          event = { "BufRead", "BufNewFile" },
          pattern = { "*.txt", "*.md", "*.tex" },
          desc = "Enable spell checking for certain file types",
          group = "astronvimv4",
          command = "setlocal spell",
          event = { "BufRead", "BufNewFile" },
          pattern = { "*.txt", "*.md", "*.json" },
          desc = "Show `` in specific files",
          group = "astronvimv4",
          command = "setlocal conceallevel=0",
          event = { "WinEnter", "BufWinEnter", "TermOpen" },
          desc = "Auto insert mode for Terminal",
          group = "astronvimv4",
          callback = function(args)
            if vim.startswith(vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(args.buf), "term://") then
              vim.opt_local.wrap = true
              vim.opt_local.spell = false
              vim.cmd "startinsert"
          event = { "TermOpen" },
          desc = "Disable line numbers and columns for Terminal",
          group = "astronvimv4",
          pattern = { "*" },
          callback = function()
            vim.opt_local["number"] = false
            vim.opt_local["relativenumber"] = false
            vim.opt_local["signcolumn"] = "no"
            vim.opt_local["foldcolumn"] = "0"
            vim.opt_local["winhl"] = "Normal:NormalFloat"
          event = { "VimResized" },
          desc = "Resize splits if window got resized",
          group = "astronvimv4",
          callback = function()
            vim.cmd "tabdo wincmd ="
          event = { "UIEnter" },
          once = true,
          desc = "Get GUI config when entering UI",
          group = "astronvimv4",
          callback = function()
    commands = {
      -- key is the command name
      -- AstroReload = {
      -- first element with no key is the command (string or function)
      -- function() require("astrocore").reload() end,
      -- the rest are options for creating user commands (:h nvim_create_user_command)
      -- desc = "Reload AstroNvim (Experimental)",
      -- },
      --- Toggle monochrome mode
      MonochromeModeToggle = {
          if settings.theme == "monokai-pro" then
            local monochrome_element = "neo-tree"
            local mnk_config = require("monokai-pro.config")
            local mnk_opts = plugin.opts("monokai-pro.nvim")
            local bg_clear_list = mnk_opts.background_clear or {}
            local is_monochrome_mode = vim.tbl_contains(bg_clear_list, monochrome_element)
            if is_monochrome_mode then
              -- stylua: ignore
              bg_clear_list = vim.tbl_filter(function(value) return value ~= monochrome_element end, bg_clear_list)
              vim.list_extend(bg_clear_list, { monochrome_element })
            mnk_config.extend({ background_clear = bg_clear_list })
            vim.cmd([[colorscheme monokai-pro]])
        desc = "Toggle monochrome mode",
      -- Open the URL of the plugin spec or 'user/repo' path under the cursor
      OpenRepo = {
          local ghpath = vim.api.nvim_eval("shellescape(expand('<cfile>'))")
          local formatpath = ghpath:sub(2, #ghpath - 1)
          local repourl = "" .. formatpath
          if formatpath:sub(1, 5) == "http:" or formatpath:sub(1, 6) == "https:" then
            repourl = formatpath
          if vim.fn.has("mac") == 1 then
            vim.fn.system({ "open", repourl })
            if vim.fn.executable("gio") then
              vim.fn.system({ "gio", "open", repourl })
              vim.fn.system({ "xdg-open", repourl })
        desc = "Open URL",

The which-key menus can be viewed with <leader> (comma is the default leader key in AstroNvimV4):

Click here to view more AstroNvimV4

Keymaps screenshots

Command and Themes keymaps (view with <leader>,)

Toggle keymaps (view with <leader>.)

UI/UX and more toggle keymaps (view with <leader>u)

Git keymaps (view with <leader>g)

Language Servers

View LSP info with the command :LspInfo and LSP key mappings with <leader>c.

AstroNvimV4 LSP servers and formatters are configured in lua/plugins/astrolsp.lua.

Click here to view the AstroNvimV4


local settings = require "configuration"
local lsp_servers = settings.lsp_servers
local lsp_installed = settings.lsp_installed
local lsp_all = require("utils").concat_tables(lsp_servers, lsp_installed)
local formatters_linters = settings.formatters_linters
local external_formatters = settings.external_formatters
local table_contains = require("utils").table_contains
local fn = vim.fn
local api = vim.api

-- disable formatting capabilities for the listed language servers
local disable_format = {}
if table_contains(formatters_linters, "stylua") then
  -- disable lua_ls formatting capability when using StyLua to format lua code
  disable_format = { "lua_ls" }

local bashls_enabled = { enabled = false }
local bashls_settings = {}
if table_contains(lsp_all, "bashls") then
  bashls_settings = {
    bashIde = {
      backgroundAnalysisMaxFiles = 500,
      enableSourceErrorDiagnostics = false,
      explainshellEndpoint = "",
      globPattern = vim.env.GLOB_PATTERN or "*@(.sh|.inc|.bash|.command)",
      includeAllWorkspaceSymbols = false,
      logLevel = "info",
      shellcheckArguments = "",
      shellcheckPath = vim.env.SHELLCHECK_PATH or "",
  if table_contains(formatters_linters, "shellcheck") then
    bashls_settings = {
      bashIde = {
        backgroundAnalysisMaxFiles = 500,
        enableSourceErrorDiagnostics = false,
        explainshellEndpoint = "",
        globPattern = vim.env.GLOB_PATTERN or "*@(.sh|.inc|.bash|.command)",
        includeAllWorkspaceSymbols = false,
        logLevel = "info",
        shellcheckArguments = "",
        shellcheckPath = vim.env.SHELLCHECK_PATH or "shellcheck",
  bashls_enabled = { settings = bashls_settings }

local venv_path = os.getenv "VIRTUAL_ENV"
local py_path = nil
-- decide which python executable to use for mypy
if venv_path ~= nil then
  py_path = venv_path .. "/bin/python3"
  py_path = vim.g.python3_host_prog
local enable_black = { enabled = false }
if table_contains(external_formatters, "black") then
  enable_black = { enabled = true }
local enable_ruff = { enabled = false }
if table_contains(external_formatters, "ruff") then
  enable_ruff = { enabled = true }

local pylsp_enabled = { enabled = false }
if table_contains(lsp_all, "pylsp") then
  pylsp_enabled = {
    settings = {
      pylsp = {
        plugins = {
          -- formatter options
          black = enable_black,
          autopep8 = { enabled = false },
          yapf = { enabled = false },
          -- linter options
          pylint = { enabled = false },
          ruff = enable_ruff,
          pyflakes = { enabled = false },
          pycodestyle = { enabled = false },
          -- type checker
          pylsp_mypy = {
            enabled = true,
            overrides = { "--python-executable", py_path, true },
            report_progress = true,
            live_mode = false,
          -- auto-completion options
          jedi_completion = { fuzzy = true },
          -- import sorting
          isort = { enabled = true },
    flags = {
      debounce_text_changes = 200,
local pyright_enabled = { enabled = false }
if table_contains(lsp_all, "pyright") then
  pyright_enabled = {
    settings = {
      python = {
        analysis = {
          indexing = true,
          typeCheckingMode = "basic",
          diagnosticMode = "workspace",
          autoImportCompletions = true,
          autoSearchPaths = true,
          inlayHints = {
            variableTypes = true,
            functionReturnTypes = true,
          useLibraryCodeForTypes = true,
          diagnosticSeverityOverrides = {
            reportGeneralTypeIssues = "none",
            reportOptionalMemberAccess = "none",
            reportOptionalSubscript = "none",
            reportPrivateImportUsage = "none",
            reportUnusedExpression = "none",
local lua_ls_enabled = { enabled = false }
if table_contains(lsp_all, "lua_ls") then
  lua_ls_enabled = {
    -- Note: These settings will meaningfully increase the time until lua_ls
    -- can service initial requests (completion, location) upon starting as well
    -- as time to first diagnostics. Completion results will include a workspace
    -- indexing progress message until the server has finished indexing.
    settings = {
      Lua = {
        runtime = {
          version = "LuaJIT",
        diagnostics = {
          globals = {
        workspace = {
          library = api.nvim_get_runtime_file("", true),
          checkThirdParty = false,
        telemetry = {
          enable = false,

local vimls_enabled = { enabled = false }
if table_contains(lsp_all, "vimls") then
  vimls_enabled = {
    flags = {
      debounce_text_changes = 500,

local tailwind_enabled = { enabled = false }
if table_contains(lsp_all, "tailwindcss") then
  tailwind_enabled = {
    capabilities = require("configs.lsp.servers.tailwindcss").capabilities,
    filetypes = require("configs.lsp.servers.tailwindcss").filetypes,
    init_options = require("configs.lsp.servers.tailwindcss").init_options,
    on_attach = require("configs.lsp.servers.tailwindcss").on_attach,
    settings = require("configs.lsp.servers.tailwindcss").settings,

local cssls_enabled = { enabled = false }
if table_contains(lsp_all, "cssls") then
  cssls_enabled = {
    on_attach = require("configs.lsp.servers.cssls").on_attach,
    settings = require("configs.lsp.servers.cssls").settings,

local vuels_enabled = { enabled = false }
if table_contains(lsp_all, "vuels") then
  vuels_enabled = {
    filetypes = require("configs.lsp.servers.vuels").filetypes,
    init_options = require("configs.lsp.servers.vuels").init_options,
    on_attach = require("configs.lsp.servers.vuels").on_attach,
    settings = require("configs.lsp.servers.vuels").settings,

local eslint_enabled = { enabled = false }
if table_contains(lsp_all, "eslint") then
  eslint_enabled = {
    cmd = { "vscode-eslint-language-server", "--stdio" },
    filetypes = {
    root_dir = require("lspconfig.util").root_pattern(".git"),
    settings = {
      codeAction = {
        disableRuleComment = {
          enable = true,
          location = "separateLine",
        showDocumentation = {
          enable = true,
      codeActionOnSave = {
        enable = false,
        mode = "all",
      experimental = {
        useFlatConfig = false,
      format = true,
      nodePath = "",
      onIgnoredFiles = "off",
      packageManager = "npm",
      problems = {
        shortenToSingleLine = false,
      quiet = false,
      rulesCustomizations = {},
      run = "onType",
      useESLintClass = false,
      validate = "on",
      workingDirectory = {
        mode = "location",
    on_attach = function(_, bufnr)
      api.nvim_create_autocmd("BufWritePre", {
        buffer = bufnr,
        command = "EslintFixAll",

local tsserver_enabled = { enabled = false }
if table_contains(lsp_all, "tsserver") then
  -- make sure to only run this once!
  local formatter_bin = "eslint_d"
  if table_contains(formatters_linters, "prettier") then
    formatter_bin = "prettier"
  local tsserver_on_attach = function(client, bufnr)
    -- disable tsserver formatting if you plan on formatting via null-ls or conform
    client.server_capabilities.document_formatting = false
    client.server_capabilities.document_range_formatting = false

    local ts_utils = require("nvim-lsp-ts-utils")

    -- defaults
      enable_import_on_completion = true,
      -- eslint
      eslint_enable_code_actions = true,
      eslint_enable_disable_comments = true,
      eslint_bin = "eslint_d",
      eslint_enable_diagnostics = false,
      eslint_opts = {},
      -- formatting
      enable_formatting = true,
      formatter = formatter_bin,
      formatter_opts = {},
      -- update imports on file move
      update_imports_on_move = true,
      require_confirmation_on_move = false,
      watch_dir = nil,
      -- filter diagnostics
      filter_out_diagnostics_by_severity = {},
      filter_out_diagnostics_by_code = {},

    -- required to fix code action ranges and filter diagnostics

    -- no default maps, so you may want to define some here
    local opts = { silent = true }
    api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(bufnr, "n", ",go", ":TSLspOrganize<CR>", opts)
    api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(bufnr, "n", ",gR", ":TSLspRenameFile<CR>", opts)
    api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(bufnr, "n", ",gi", ":TSLspImportAll<CR>", opts)

  tsserver_enabled = {
      on_attach = tsserver_on_attach,
      settings = require("configs.lsp.servers.tsserver").settings,

local ccls_enabled = { enabled = false }
if table_contains(lsp_all, "ccls") then
  ccls_enabled = {
    init_options = {
      cache = {
        directory = ".ccls-cache",
      highlight = {
        lsRanges = true,
local clangd_enabled = { enabled = false }
if table_contains(lsp_all, "clangd") then
  clangd_enabled = {
    filetypes = { "c", "cpp", "cc", "mpp", "ixx", "objc", "objcpp", "cuda" },
    flags = {
      debounce_text_changes = 500,
      fallbackFlags = {
    on_attach = function(client, bufnr)
local yamlls_enabled = { enabled = false }
if table_contains(lsp_all, "yamlls") then
  yamlls_enabled = {
    schemaStore = {
      enable = true,
      url = "",
    schemas = {
      kubernetes = "*.yaml",
      [""] = ".github/workflows/*",
      [""] = ".github/action.{yml,yaml}",
      [""] = "roles/tasks/*.{yml,yaml}",
      [""] = ".prettierrc.{yml,yaml}",
      [""] = "kustomization.{yml,yaml}",
      [""] = "*play*.{yml,yaml}",
      [""] = "Chart.{yml,yaml}",
      [""] = ".github/dependabot.{yml,yaml}",
      [""] = "*gitlab-ci*.{yml,yaml}",
      [""] = "*api*.{yml,yaml}",
      [""] = "*docker-compose*.{yml,yaml}",
      [""] = "*flow*.{yml,yaml}",
    format = { enabled = false },
    validate = false,
    completion = true,
    hover = true,

---@type LazySpec
return {
  ---@type AstroLSPOpts
  opts = {
    -- Configuration table of features provided by AstroLSP
    features = {
      autoformat = settings.enable_autoformat, -- enable or disable auto formatting on start
      codelens = true, -- enable/disable codelens refresh on start
      inlay_hints = false, -- enable/disable inlay hints on start
      semantic_tokens = true, -- enable/disable semantic token highlighting
    capabilities = require "configs.lsp.capabilities",
    -- customize lsp formatting options
    formatting = {
      -- control auto formatting on save
      format_on_save = {
        enabled = true, -- enable or disable format on save globally
        allow_filetypes = { -- enable format on save for specified filetypes only
          -- "go",
        ignore_filetypes = { -- disable format on save for specified filetypes
          -- "python",
      disabled = disable_format,
      timeout_ms = 1000, -- default format timeout
      -- filter = function(client) -- fully override the default formatting function
      --   return true
      -- end
    -- enable servers that you already have installed without mason
    servers = lsp_installed,
    -- customize language server configuration options passed to `lspconfig`
    ---@diagnostic disable: missing-fields
    config = {
      bashls = bashls_enabled,
      ccls = ccls_enabled,
      clangd = clangd_enabled,
      cssls = cssls_enabled,
      eslint = eslint_enabled,
      lua_ls = lua_ls_enabled,
      pylsp = pylsp_enabled,
      pyright = pyright_enabled,
      tailwindcss = tailwind_enabled,
      tsserver = tsserver_enabled,
      vimls = vimls_enabled,
      vuels = vuels_enabled,
      yamlls = yamlls_enabled,
    -- customize how language servers are attached
    handlers = {
      -- a function without a key is simply the default handler,
      -- function(server, opts) require("lspconfig")[server].setup(opts) end,

      -- functions take two parameters, the server name and the
      -- configured options table for that server
      -- the key is the server that is being setup with `lspconfig`

      -- setting a handler to false will disable the set up of that language server
      rust_analyzer = false,

      pyright = function(_, opts)
        if table_contains(lsp_all, "pyright") then

      bashls = function(_, opts)
        if table_contains(lsp_all, "bashls") then

      lua_ls = function(_, opts)
        if table_contains(lsp_all, "lua_ls") then

      jsonls = function(_, opts)
        if table_contains(lsp_all, "jsonls") then
          require("lspconfig").jsonls.setup {
            settings = {
              json = {
                schemas = require("schemastore").json.schemas(),

      pylsp = function(_, opts)
        if table_contains(lsp_all, "pylsp") then

      vimls = function(_, opts)
        if table_contains(lsp_all, "vimls") then

      yamlls = function(_, opts)
        if table_contains(lsp_all, "yamlls") then

      ccls = function(_, opts)
        if fn.executable "ccls" == 1 then

      clangd = function(_, opts)
        if fn.executable "clangd" == 1 then

      emmet_ls = function(_, opts)
        if table_contains(lsp_all, "emmet_ls") then

      graphql = function(_, opts)
        if table_contains(lsp_all, "graphql") then

      html = function(_, opts)
        if table_contains(lsp_all, "html") then

      prismals = function(_, opts)
        if table_contains(lsp_all, "prismals") then

    -- Configure `vim.lsp.handlers`
    lsp_handlers = require "configs.lsp.handlers",

    -- Configure buffer local auto commands to add when attaching a language server
    autocmds = {
      -- first key is the `augroup` to add the auto commands to (:h augroup)
      lsp_document_highlight = {
        -- Optional condition to create/delete auto command group
        -- Can either be a string of a client capability
        -- or a function of `fun(client, bufnr): boolean`
        -- condition will be resolved for each client on each execution and if it ever
        -- fails for all clients, the auto commands will be deleted for that buffer

        cond = "textDocument/documentHighlight",
        -- cond = function(client, bufnr) return == "lua_ls" end,

        -- List of auto commands to set
          -- events to trigger
          event = { "CursorHold", "CursorHoldI" },
          -- the rest of the autocmd options (:h nvim_create_autocmd)
          desc = "Document Highlighting",
          callback = function()
          event = { "CursorMoved", "CursorMovedI", "BufLeave" },
          desc = "Document Highlighting Clear",
          callback = function()
    -- mappings to be set up on attaching of a language server
    mappings = {
      -- map mode (:h map-modes)
      n = {
        -- a binding with no condition and therefore is always added
        gl = {
          desc = "Hover diagnostics",
        -- condition for only server with declaration capabilities
        gD = {
          desc = "Declaration of current symbol",
          cond = "textDocument/declaration",
        -- condition with a full function with `client` and `bufnr`
        ["<leader>uY"] = {
          desc = "Toggle LSP semantic highlight (buffer)",
          cond = function(client, bufnr)
            local prv_st = client.server_capabilities.semanticTokensProvider and vim.lsp.semantic_tokens
            return prv_st
    -- A custom `on_attach` function to be run after the default `on_attach` function
    -- takes two parameters `client` and `bufnr`  (`:h lspconfig-setup`)
    on_attach = require("configs.lsp.attach").on_attach,