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Gradual Dutch Auctions (GDA)


Gradual Dutch Auctions (GDA) enable efficient sales of assets without relying on liquid markets. GDAs offer a novel solution for selling both non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and fungible tokens through discrete and continuous mechanisms.

Discrete GDA


Discrete GDAs are perfect for selling NFTs in integer quantities. They offer an efficient way to conduct bulk purchases through a sequence of Dutch auctions.


The process involves holding virtual Dutch auctions for each token, allowing for efficient clearing of batches. Price decay is exponential, controlled by a decay constant, and the starting price increases by a fixed scale factor.

Calculating Batch Purchase Prices

Calculations can be made efficiently for purchasing a batch of auctions, following a given price function.

Continuous GDA


Continuous GDAs offer a mechanism for selling fungible tokens, allowing for constant rate emissions over time.


The process works by incrementally making more assets available for sale, splitting sales into an infinite sequence of auctions. Various price functions, including exponential decay, can be applied.

Calculating Purchase Prices

It's possible to compute the purchase price for any quantity of tokens gas-efficiently, using specific mathematical expressions.


To add the Origami DeFi crate as a dependency in your project, you need to modify your Scarb.toml file. Add the following to your [dependencies] section:

origami_defi = { git = "" }

Make sure you have dojo installed and configured in your project.

How to Use

Discrete Gradual Dutch Auction

The DiscreteGDA structure represents a Gradual Dutch Auction using discrete time steps. Here's how you can use it:

Creating a Discrete GDA

let gda = DiscreteGDA {
    sold: Fixed::new_unscaled(0),
    initial_price: Fixed::new_unscaled(100, false),
    scale_factor: FixedTrait::new_unscaled(11, false) / FixedTrait::new_unscaled(10, false), // 1.1
    decay_constant: FixedTrait::new_unscaled(1, false) / FixedTrait::new_unscaled(2, false), // 0.5,

Calculating the Purchase Price

You can calculate the purchase price for a specific quantity at a given time using the purchase_price method.

let time_since_start = FixedTrait::new(2, false); // 2 days since the start, it must be scaled to avoid overflow.
let quantity = FixedTrait::new_unscaled(5, false); // Quantity to purchase
let price = gda.purchase_price(time_since_start, quantity);

Continuous Gradual Dutch Auction

The ContinuousGDA structure represents a Gradual Dutch Auction using continuous time steps.

Creating a Continuous GDA

let gda = ContinuousGDA {
    initial_price: FixedTrait::new_unscaled(1000, false),
    emission_rate: FixedTrait::ONE(),
    decay_constant: FixedTrait::new_unscaled(1, false) / FixedTrait::new_unscaled(2, false),

Calculating the Purchase Price

Just like with the discrete version, you can calculate the purchase price for a specific quantity at a given time using the purchase_price method.

let time_since_last = FixedTrait::new(1, false); // 1 day since the last purchase, it must be scaled to avoid overflow.
let quantity = FixedTrait::new_unscaled(3, false); // Quantity to purchase
let price = gda.purchase_price(time_since_last, quantity);

These examples demonstrate how to create instances of the DiscreteGDA and ContinuousGDA structures, and how to utilize their purchase_price methods to calculate the price for purchasing specific quantities at given times.

You'll need to include the cubit crate in your project to work with the Fixed type and mathematical operations like exp and pow. Make sure to follow the respective documentation for additional details and proper integration into your project.


GDAs present a powerful tool for selling both fungible and non-fungible tokens in various contexts. They offer efficient, flexible solutions for asset sales, opening doors to innovative applications beyond traditional markets.

Variable Rate GDAs (VRGDAs)


Variable Rate GDAs (VRGDAs) enable the selling of tokens according to a custom schedule, raising or lowering prices based on the sales pace. VRGDA is a generalization of the GDA mechanism.

How to Use

Linear Variable Rate Gradual Dutch Auction (LinearVRGDA)

The LinearVRGDA struct represents a linear auction where the price decays based on the target price, decay constant, and per-time-unit rate.

Creating a LinearVRGDA instance

const _69_42: u128 = 1280572973596917000000;
const _0_31: u128 = 5718490662849961000;

let auction = LinearVRGDA {
    target_price: FixedTrait::new(_69_42, false),
    decay_constant: FixedTrait::new(_0_31, false),
    target_units_per_time: FixedTrait::new_unscaled(2, false),

Calculating Target Sale Time

let target_sale_time = auction.get_target_sale_time(sold_quantity);

Calculating VRGDA Price

let price = auction.get_vrgda_price(time_since_start, sold_quantity);

Logistic Variable Rate Gradual Dutch Auction (LogisticVRGDA)

The LogisticVRGDA struct represents an auction where the price decays according to a logistic function, based on the target price, decay constant, max sellable quantity, and time scale.

Creating a LogisticVRGDA instance

const MAX_SELLABLE: u128 = 6392;
const _0_0023: u128 = 42427511369531970;

let auction = LogisticVRGDA {
    target_price: FixedTrait::new(_69_42, false),
    decay_constant: FixedTrait::new(_0_31, false),
    max_sellable: FixedTrait::new_unscaled(MAX_SELLABLE, false),
    time_scale: FixedTrait::new(_0_0023, false),

Calculating Target Sale Time

let target_sale_time = auction.get_target_sale_time(sold_quantity);

Calculating VRGDA Price

let price = auction.get_vrgda_price(time_since_start, sold_quantity);

Make sure to import the required dependencies at the beginning of your Cairo file:

use cubit::f128::types::fixed::{Fixed, FixedTrait};

These examples show you how to create instances of both LinearVRGDA and LogisticVRGDA and how to use their methods to calculate the target sale time and VRGDA price.


VRGDAs offer a flexible way to issue NFTs on nearly any schedule, enabling seamless purchases at any time.