This document exposes which variables should be set on the inventory before deploying dojot
- dojot_namespace: Defines the namespace where dojot will be deployed.
- dojot_backend_version: Sets the dojot version that will be used for backend modules.
- dojot_frontend_version: Sets the dojot version that will be used for frontend modules.
- dojot_domain_name: Defines the domain name for the dojot infrastructure.
- dojot_storage_class_name: Defines the name of the storage class used by the dojot volumes (local-storage or nfs).
- dojot_metrics_server_namespace: Defines the namespace where metrics server will be deployed.
dojot_kubeconfig_file_path: Path to the kubeconfig file that will be used to access the kubernetes API endpoints. If not set will use the default environment that is accessible by the node.
dojot_kubernetes_rbac: This variable controls the creation of RBAC rules for dojot. Default value is true.
dojot_booststrap: Defines if packages required for the deployment should be installed. Defaults to true.
dojot_metrics_server_enabled: Enable metrics server for use just in cluster k8s.
dojot_vernemq_replicas: Set number of replicas for VerneMQ. Defaults to 1.
dojot_vernemq_max_replicas: Set number max of replicas for VerneMQ. Defaults to 30.
dojot_bridges_replicas: Set number of replicas for K2V, V2K and Loopback, and also modifies the number of partitions in Kafka topics. Defaults to 1.
dojot_v2k_max_replicas: Set number max of replicas for V2K. Defaults to 21.
dojot_k2v_max_replicas: Set number max of replicas for K2V. Defaults to 21.
value_metric_trigger_cpu: Keda HPA cpu usage metric trigger. Defaults to 80.
dojot_fixed_nodeports_enabled: Set whether dojot's nodeport services will be fixed. Defaults to false.
dojot_nodeports: Range of fixed ports for dojot services with external access.
dojot_enable_node_affinity: Enables node affinity for all services. Beware that you must configure your nodes to match the labels in the files. Default to false.
dojot_dojot_nodenames: List of workers nodenames that will be labled with the dojot label.
dojot_kafka_nodenames: List of workers nodenames that will be labled with the kafka label.
dojot_x509_nodenames: List of workers nodenames that will be labled with the x509 label.
dojot_vernemq_nodenames: List of workers nodenames that will be labled with the vernemq label.
nfs_server_node: NFS server nodename.
dojot_volume_directory: Defines the base path where volumes will be mapped. Inform local volume path or mount volume. Defaults to /mnt/data
dojot_enable_https_nginx: Active HTTPS in NGINX. If enable_https_nginx = true, is necessary IP public and domain in NGINX server. Defaults to false
dojot_certbot_admin_email: Certbot admin email.
dojot_certbot_certs_domain: Certbot certs domain
dojot_enable_https_self_signed_certificate_nginx: Active Self Signed Certificate HTTPS in NGINX. If dojot_enable_https_self_signed_certificate_nginx = true, is necessary to set up dojot_server_name_nginx . Defaults to false
dojot_server_name_nginx: Server Name NGINX
dojot_server_ip_nginx: Server IP NGINX. Defaults to dojot_domain_name
- dojot_zk_client_port: Port exposed by Zookeeper for client access. Defaults to 2181.
- dojot_zk_server_port: Port exposed by Zookeeper for server access. Defaults to 2888.
- dojot_zk_election_port: Port exposed by Zookeeper for cluster election. Defaults to 3888.
- dojot_zk_cluster_size: Inital cluster size for deploying Zookeeper. Defaults to 1.
- dojot_zk_volume_size: Size of the persistent volume created for the Zookeeper service. Defaults to 1G.
- dojot_psql_default_db: Name of the default database created by postgres. Defaults to postgres.
- dojot_psql_super_user: Name of the postgreSQL super user. Defaults to postgres.
- dojot_psql_super_passwd: Password for the PostgreSQL super user. Defaults to postgres.
- dojot_psql_version: Version of the PostgreSQL container 'postgresql' used on this deployment. Defaults to 9.6.11-alpine.
- dojot_psql_kong_user: Username for accessing the Kong database. Defaults to kong.
- dojot_psql_kong_passwd: Password for accessing the Kong database. Defaults to kong.
- dojot_psql_kong_db: Name of the database created to be used by the Kong service. Defaults to kong.
- dojot_psql_ejbca_user: Username for accessing the EJBCA database. Defaults to ejbca.
- dojot_psql_ejbca_passwd: Password for accessing the EJBCA database. Defaults to ejbca.
- dojot_psql_ejbca_db: Name of the database created to be used by the ejbca service. Defaults to ejbca.
- dojot_psql_auth_user: Username for accessing the auth database. Defaults to auth.
- dojot_psql_auth_passwd: Password for accessing the auth database. Defaults to auth.
- dojot_psql_devm_user: Username for accessing the devm database. Defaults to devm.
- dojot_psql_devm_passwd: Password for accessing the devm database. Defaults to devm.
- dojot_psql_port: PostgreSQL port configured for acessing the database by the dojot services. Defaults to 5432.
- dojot_psql_volume_size: Size of the persistent volume that will be created for the PostgreSQL volume. Defaults to 2G.
- dojot_mongodb_super_user: Super user name for accessing MongoDB. Defaults to mongodb.
- dojot_mongodb_super_passwd: Super user password for accessing MongoDB. Defaults to mongodb.
- dojot_mongodb_version: Container version for the mongodb container. Defaults to 3.4.
- dojot_mongodb_port: MongoDB access port. Defaults to 27017.
- dojot_mongodb_volume_size: Size of the persistent volume that will be created for the mongoDB volume. Defaults to 2G.
- dojot_internal_http_port: Defines the internal port that will be exposed for HTTP traffic by the Kong service. Defaults to 8000.
- dojot_internal_https_port: Defines the internal port that will be exposed for HTTPS traffic by the Kong service. Defaults to 8443.
- dojot_internal_api_config_port: Defines the internal port for Kong administration tasks. Defaults to 8001.
- dojot_apigw_version: Version of the api gateway container 'dojot/kong' used by this deployment. Default value v0.2.1-static.
- dojot_apigw_volume_size: Size of the persistent volume that will be created for Kong certificates directory. Defaults to 5Mi.
- dojot_apigw_enable_mutual_tls: Enables mutual TLS communication. You must enable Kong volumes if this is true. Defaults to false.
- dojot_auth_email_enabled: This configuration enables auth to send emails to users when a new account is created, enabling this requires email parameters to be set. Defaults to: false.
- dojot_auth_email_host: SMTP email server associated with the account that sends the registration e-mail.
- dojot_auth_email_user: E-Mail account used as sender of the registration e-mail for new users.
- dojot_auth_email_passwd: Access password for the e-mail account.
- dojot_auth_version: Version of the auth container. Defaults to dojot_backend_version.
- dojot_devm_crypto_pass: Cryptography Password configuration for the device manager. Defaults to dojotdojot.
- dojot_devm_crypto_iv: Cryptography IV configurations for the device manager. Defaults to "1234567890123456".
- dojot_devm_crypto_salt: Cryptography salt for the device manager. Defaults to dojot.
- dojot_devm_version: Version of the device manager container. Defaults to dojot_backend_version.
- dojot_kafka_port: Kafka port exposed to the services. Defaults to 9092.
- dojot_kafka_cluster_size: Number of nodes inittialy present on the deployment. Defaults to 1.
- dojot_kafka_volume_size: Size of the Kafka volumes that are created. Defaults to 2Gi.
- dojot_rabbitmq_version: Version of the RabbitMQ container used on this deployment. Defaults to 3.7-alpine.
- dojot_flowbroker_version: Version of the flowbroker container. Defaults to dojot_backend_version.
- dojot_flowbroker_context_manager_version: Version of the context manager container. Defaults to dojot_backend_version.
- dojot_gui_version: Version of the GUI container. Defaults to dojot_frontend_version.
- dojot_guiv2_enabled: Defines whether the GUI V2 will be deployed or not. Defaults to false.
- dojot_guiv2_version: Version of the GUI V2 container. Defaults to dojot_frontend_version.
- dojot_guiv2_image: Image to be used in GUI V2 deployment. Defaults to dojot/gui-v2.
- dojot_history_version: Version of the history container. Defaults to dojot_backend_version.
- dojot_iotagent_mosca_version: Version of the IoT Agent Mosca container. Defaults to dojot_backend_version.
- dojot_insecure_mqtt: Defines wheter or not the agent accepts insecure mqtt connections. Defaults to true.
- dojot_persister_version: Version of the persister container. Defaults to dojot_backend_version.
- dojot_x509_identity_management_volume_size: Size of the x509 Identity Management volumes that are created. Defaults to 10Mi.
- dojot_psql_ejbca_user: EJBCA PostgreSQL database user. Defaults to ejbca.
- dojot_psql_ejbca_passwd: EJBCA PostgreSQL database password. Defaults to ejbca.
- dojot_x509_identity_mgmt_version: Version of the x509 Identity Management container. Defaults to dojot_backend_version.
- dojot_x509_identity_mgmt_replicas: Number of replicas. Beware that you must configure a volume if you want more than one instance. Defaults to 1.
- dojot_x509_ejbca_version: Version of the x509 EJBCA container. Defaults to dojot_backend_version.
- dojot_x509_ejbca_replicas: Number of replicas. Beware that you must configure a volume if you want more than one instance. Defaults to 1.
- dojot_loopback_version: Version of the Kafka loopback container. Defaults to dojot_backend_version.
- dojot_influxdb_version: InfluxDB container version. Defaults to v2.0.2.
- dojot_influxdb_port: Port that will be used to communicate with InfluxDB. Defaults to 8086.
- dojot_influxdb_user: InfluxDB admin user. Defaults to 8086.
- dojot_influxdb_token: InfluxDB admin token. Defaults to dojot@token_default.
- dojot_influxdb_passwd: InfluxDB admin password. Defaults to dojot@password.
- dojot_influxdb_organization_name: InfluxDB organization name. Defaults to admin.
- dojot_influxdb_bucket: InfluxDB bucket name. Defaults to devices.
- dojot_influxdb_retention: InfluxDB data retention period for dojot_influxdb_organization_name, for other retentions it is necessary to use an environment variable in the influxdb-storer. Valid units are nanoseconds (ns), microseconds (us or µs), milliseconds (ms), seconds (s), minutes (m), hours (h), days (d), weeks (w) and 0 is infinite retention. It is considered only the first time that InfluxDB is started. Defaults to 7d.
- dojot_influxdb_volume_size: Size of the InfluxDB volumes that are created. Defaults to 2Gi.
- dojot_influxdb_storer_version: InfluxDB Storer container version. Defaults to dojot_backend_version.
- dojot_influxdb_storer_log_level: InfluxDB Storer log level. Defaults to info.
- dojot_influxdb_retriever_version: InfluxDB Retriever container version. Defaults to dojot_backend_version.
- dojot_influxdb_retriever_log_level: InfluxDB Retriever log level. Defaults to info.
- dojot_kafka_ws_version: Version of the Kafka WS container. Defaults to dojot_backend_version.
- dojot_kafka_ws_volume_size: Size of the Kafka WS volumes that are created. Defaults to 5Mi.
- dojot_kafka_port: Port that will be used to communicate with Kafka. Defaults to 9092.
- dojot_kafka_ws_port: Port that will be used by the Kafka WS service. Defaults to 8080.
- dojot_kafka_ws_redis_port: Port that will be used to communicate with Redis. Defaults to 6379.
- dojot_kafka_ws_enable_tls: Activates the TLS communication. Defaults to false.
- dojot_kafka_ws_ticket_secret: Kafka WS secret that should be unique for each environment.
- dojot_certificate_acl_version: Version of the Certificate ACL container. Defaults to dojot_backend_version.
- dojot_certificate_acl_volume_size: Size of the Certificate ACL volumes that are created. Defaults to 5Mi.
- dojot_certificate_acl_redis_port: Port that will be used to communicate with Redis. Defaults to 6379.
- dojot_kafka_port: Port that will be used to communicate with Kafka. Defaults to 9092.
- dojot_http_agent_version: Version of the HTTP Agent container. Defaults to dojot_backend_version.
- dojot_http_agent_port: Port that will be used to communicate with HTTP Agent. Defaults to 8080.
- dojot_kafka_port: Port that will be used to communicate with Kafka. Defaults to 9092.
- dojot_file_mgmt_version: Version of the File MGMT container. Defaults to dojot_backend_version.
- dojot_kafka_port: Port that will be used to communicate with Kafka. Defaults to 9092.
- dojot_minio_files_access_key: MinIO access key.
- dojot_minio_files_secret_key: MinIO secret key.
- dojot_minio_files_volume_size: Size of the File Mgmt volumes that are created. Defaults to 2Gi.
- dojot_minio_bucket_suffix: MinIO bucket suffix of the File Mgmt. Defaults to cpqd.dojot.
- dojot_minio_files_access_key: MinIO access key.
- dojot_minio_files_secret_key: MinIO secret key.
- dojot_minio_files_version: Version of the MinIO.
- dojot_minio_files_api_port: API Port of the MinIO. Defaults to 9000.
- dojot_minio_files_cluster_size: Size of the MinIO Files cluster. Defaults to 1.
- dojot_minio_files_volume_size: Size of the MinIO Files volumes that are created. Defaults to 2Gi.
- dojot_enable_locust_exporter: Whether to activate the Locust Exporter or not. Defaults to false.
- dojot_locust_exporter.ip: IP or hostname where there is a Locust Exporter running. Defaults to
- dojot_locust_exporter.port: Port exposed by Locust Exporter. Defaults to 9646.
- dojot_monitoring_namespace: Namespace that will be created for monitoring stack deployment. Defaults to dojot-monitoring.
- dojot_helm_install: Whether to install helm3 binary or not. Defaults to true.
- dojot_helm_version: Helm version number. Defaults to 3.7.2.
- dojot_helm_os: The OS of the Helm redistributable. Defaults to linux.
- dojot_helm_architecture: The CPU architecture of the Helm executable to install. Defaults to amd64.
- dojot_helm_mirror: Mirror to download Helm from. Defaults to
- dojot_helm_install_dir: Directory where Helm should be installed. Defaults to /usr/local/share/helm.
- k8s_version: Version of the Kubernetes cluster. Defaults to 1.17.3-00.
- docker_log_size: The maximum size of the log before it is rolled. Defaults to 20m.
- docker_log_files_amount: The maximum amount of log files before it is rolled. Defaults to 5.
- haproxy_version: Version of the HAProxy service. Defaults to 2.0.
- nginx_version: Version of the NGINX service. Defaults to 1.19.
- certbot_auto_renew: Auto renew Certbot. Defaults to true.
- certbot_auto_renew_user: Auto renew Certbot User
- certbot_auto_renew_hour: Auto renew Certbot Hour. Defaults to 3.
- certbot_auto_renew_minute: Auto renew Certbot Minute. Defaults to 30.
- certbot_auto_renew_options: Auto renew Certbot Options. Defaults to renew --quiet --webroot -w /data/letsencrypt.
- certbot_create_if_missing: Certbot Option when creating new certs. Defaults to false.
- certbot_create_method: Certbot certs Method. Defaults to webroot.
- certbot_create_command: Certbot command.
- certbot_services: Certbot service. Defaults to nginx.
- certbot_install_method: Certbot install method. Defaults to package.
- certbot_repo: Certbot repo. Defaults to
- certbot_version: Certbot version. Defaults to master.
- certbot_keep_updated: Certbot updated. Defaults to false.
- certbot_package: Certbot package. Defaults to letsencrypt.
- certbot_dir: Certbot install directory. Defaults to /opt/certbot.
- velero_binary_install: Whether to install helm3 binary or not. Defaults to false.
- velero_version: Velero version number. Defaults to 1.7.1.
- velero_namespace Namespace that will be created for velero deployment. Defaults to velero.
- velero_storage_region: S3URL region. Defaults to
. - velero_storage_s3url: S3URL URL connection. Defaults to
. - velero_aws_access_key: S3URL access key (e.g. MINIO_ROOT_USER).
- velero_aws_secret_key: S3URL secret key (e.g. MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD).
- velero_bucket_name: S3URL bucket name created to velero. Defaults to
. - velero_backup_namespaces: Backups settings. Defaults to
. See velero.yaml to more details. - velero_prometheus_monitoring: Whether active the monitoring. Must have Prometheus Operator installed and working. Defaults to
- optional[influxdb]: Defines whether InfluxDB will be enabled. Defaults to false.
- optional[influxdb_storer]: Defines whether InfluxDB Storer service will be enabled. It will only be enabled if InfluxDB is enabled as well. Defaults to false.
- optional[influxdb_retriever]: Defines whether InfluxDB Retriever service will be enabled. It will only be enabled if InfluxDB is enabled as well. Defaults to false.
- optional[history]: Defines whether History service will be enabled. Defaults to true.
- optional[persister]: Defines whether Persister service will be enabled. Defaults to true.
- optional[vernemq]: Defines whether IotAgent VerneMQ will be enabled. Defaults to true.
- optional[mosca]: Defines whether IotAgent Mosca will be enabled. It will only be enabled if IotAgent VerneMQ is disabled. Defaults to false.
- optional[lwm2m]: Defines whether IotAgent Lwm2m will be enabled. Defaults to false.
- optional[keda]: Defines whether Keda will be enabled. Defaults to false.