What it does: Adds a tag to a Cosmos DB Account
Usage: cosmos_db_account_add_tag <tag_key> <tag_value>
Example: cosmos_db_account_add_tag my-key my-val
Limitations: None
Permissions: Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/read, Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/write
What it does: deletes the Azure Network Security Group in the finding
Usage: delete_network_security_group
Sample GSL: NetworkSecurityGroup should have networkAssetsStatslength()>0
Limitations: None
What it does: Delete network security group rule. Deletion will be preformed by given destination port, destination scope, source port, source scope and access. In case you don't want to use specific destination you need to fill '-' in the specific field.
Access can be : Allow or Deny
Usage: delete_network_security_group_single_rule
Example 1: delete_network_security_group_single_rule 556 22 Allow
Example 2: delete_network_security_group_single_rule 556 - - Allow
Example 3: delete_network_security_group_single_rule - - 22 Deny
Limitations: None
What it does: Change network security group scope by a given port. Scope can be list of ip addresses with ',' between. example: ',,'. Direction can be: source or destination. Bot will remove Any from direction.
Access can be : Allow or Deny
Example: modify_network_security_group_scope_by_port 556 source,, Allow
Usage: modify_network_security_group_scope_by_port
Sample GSL: NetworkSecurityGroup should have inboundRules contain [ destinationPort=22 and source='' ]
Limitations: None
What it does: Enables connection throttling on an Azure PostgreSQL server to help prevent DoS attacks
Usage: postgres_enable_connection_throttling
Sample GSL: PostgreSQL should have logsConfiguration with [ value='ON'] where name='connection_throttling'
Limitations: None
What it does: Enables connection logging on an Azure PostgreSQL server to help prevent unauthorised access
Usage: postgres_enable_log_connections
Sample GSL: PostgreSQL where logsConfiguration contain [ name='log_connections' ] should have logsConfiguration with [ value='on' ]
Limitations: None
What it does: Enables disconnection logging on an Azure PostgreSQL server to log end of a session, including duration, which in turn generates query and error logs.
Usage: postgres_enable_log_disconnections
Sample GSL: PostgreSQL where logsConfiguration contain [ name='log_disconnections' ] should have logsConfiguration with [ value='ON' ]
Limitations: None
What it does: Enables connection duration logging on an Azure PostgreSQL server to log end of a session
Usage: postgres_enable_log_duration
Sample GSL: PostgreSQL where logsConfiguration contain [ name='log_duration' ] should have logsConfiguration with [ value='ON' ]
Limitations: None
What it does: Enables log retention on an Azure PostgreSQL server to the maximum value of 7 days
Usage: postgres_enable_log_retention_days_7
Sample GSL: PostgreSQL should have logsConfiguration contain [ name='log_retention_days' and value in ('7')]
Limitations: None
What it does: Enables forcing TLS connections to an Azure PostgreSQL server. Enforcing SSL connections between database server and client applications helps protect against "man in the middle" attacks by encrypting the data stream between the server and application.
Usage: postgres_enforce_ssl_connection
Sample GSL: PostgreSQL should have sslEnforcement='Enabled'
Limitations: None
What it does: Enables forcing TLS 1.2 connections to an Azure PostgreSQL server. Enforcing SSL connections between database server and client applications helps protect against "man in the middle" attacks by encrypting the data stream between the server and application. TLS 1.2 is the strongest current encryption available for database connections.
Usage: postgres_enforce_ssl_connection_tls_12
Sample GSL: PostgreSQL should have sslEnforcement='Enabled'
Limitations: None
What it does: Disables non-SSL access for Redis Cache
Usage: redis_cache_ssl_only
Example: redis_cache_ssl_only
Limitations: None
Permissions: Microsoft.Cache/redis/write, Microsoft.Cache/redis/read
What it does: enables auditing for SQL Database
Usage: Use '-' for empty parameter sql_db_enable_auditing <storage_account_name> <storage_endpoint> <storage_account_access_key> <retention_days> <workspace_name> <event_hub_namespace> <event_hub_name> <event_hub_authorization_rule_name>
Examples: sql_db_enable_auditing my-storage-account https://MyAccount.blob.core.windows.net 123dsedw344df4fdfQ== 7 - - - - sql_db_enable_auditing - - - - my-workspace - - - sql_db_enable_auditing - - - - - my-event-hub-namespace my-event-hub my-authorization-rule sql_db_enable_auditing my-storage-account https://MyAccount.blob.core.windows.net 123dsedw344df4fdfQ== 7 - my-event-hub-namespace my-event-hub my-authorization-rule sql_db_enable_auditing - - - - my-workspace my-event-hub-namespace my-event-hub my-authorization-rule sql_db_enable_auditing my-storage-account https://MyAccount.blob.core.windows.net 123dsedw344df4fdfQ== 7 my-workspace my-event-hub-namespace my-event-hub my-authorization-rule
Limitations: None
Permissions: Microsoft.Insights/DiagnosticSettings/Write, Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/authorizationRules/listkeys/action, Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/sharedKeys/action, Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/auditingSettings/write
What it does: Sets "Deny public network access" Azure SQL flag to "Yes" and optionally, "Minimal TLS Version" to specified value
Usage: sql_disable_public_access min-tls-version (optional) - supported values are tls_10, tls_11, tls_12
Example: sql_disable_public_access tls_12
Example: sql_disable_public_access
Limitations: None
What it does: Sets an Azure SQL Server to use Azure AD authentication for Administrators
Usage: sql_enable_azure_ad_authentication azure-ad-admin-email azure-ad-admin-sid azure-ad-tenant-id
Example: sql_enable_azure_ad_authentication sqladmin@mytenant.onmicrosoft.com 2be17144-2741-1111-ce5e-614a7bb5a9b5 12aa321e-a741-11b8-b5e9-52d834f3d0c0
Limitations: None
What it does: Enables Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) on an Azure SQL server. Transparent data encryption helps protect against the threat of malicious activity by performing real-time encryption and decryption of the database, associated backups, and transaction log files at rest without requiring changes to the application.
Usage: sql_enable_data_encryption
Sample GSL: SQLDB should have encryption.status='Enabled'
Limitations: None
What it does: Sets an Azure storage account to allow access only from VNet traffic (changes "Allow access from all networks" to disabled)
Usage: storage_account_disable_public_network_access
Example usage: storage_account_disable_public_network_access my-resource-group my-vnet my-subnet
Limitations: Requires an existing service endpoint connection between the chosen VNet and the Storage service.
What it does: Enable storage account secure transfer required configuartion
Example: storage_account_enable_https_traffic_only
Limitations: None
What it does: tags the Azure VM in the finding
Usage: tag_virtual_machine tag-name tag-value
Sample GSL: VirtualMachine should have tags contain [ ( key like ‘Prod' ) ]
Limitations: None
What it does: stops the Azure VM in the finding
Usage: virtual_machine_stop
Sample GSL: VirtualMachine should have tags contain [ ( key like ‘Prod' ) ]
Limitations: None