This website aims to be the place for people, who lack in time and enthusiasm and still want to have nice, cooked meals. LazyRecipes aims to be a web application where members can share quick recipes and lazy cooks (i.e. students) can get new ideas for easy-made dishes.
- BUKVAREVIC Mensur (@mensiq)
- HASENHÜTTL David (@hasenhuettl)
- KAINZ Dominik (@domiK66)
- KUNISCH Dominik (@paulkunisch)
- Tomcat Webserver
- MySql Server
- Java 15
User Requirements Specification
What you need to:
- Host this application:
- Install Tomcat Application Server (we recommend installing Tomcat 9.0).
- Install JAVA:
- Java JDK (Java Development Kit).
- Do not install Java Runtime Environment (JRE) of version 1.8 or higher.
- We recommend installing OpenJDK 15. The installation files can be found here.
- Install a local MySQL server:
- MySQL Database Server 5.7 (Community Edition).
- MySQL Workbench.
- Set up the Database
- Create a schema named lazyrecipes.
- Create a user named lazyrecipes with the password lazyrecipes.
- Give the user lazyrecipes all privileges for the lazyrecipes schema.
- You might need to set the Timezone to your current one.
- Save the application files and open the project folder in an IDE, then run the application.
- Access the website:
- An up to date web browser, we recommend using Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome.