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100 Colab's for Computer Vision

100 Google colab's for image processing, pattern recognition and computer vision

by Domingo Mery, Gabriel Garib, Christian Pieringer, Sebastian Pulgar, Javier Tramon

Table of Contents

Image Processing

+ Basic Image Processing

  • Open In Colab How to read color images (+)

  • Open In Colab Introductory Example: Rice segmentation (+)

  • Open In Colab Sampling (spatial and grayscale sampling) (+)

  • Open In Colab Basic color segmentation (+)

+ Image Processing in Spatial Domain

  • Open In Colab Geometric Transformation (+)

  • Open In Colab Equalization of Histogram (+)

  • Open In Colab Filtering with Masks (kernels) (+)

+ Image Processing in Frequency Domain

  • Open In Colab 1D Convolution (+)

  • Open In Colab 1D Fourier Transform for Audio Signals (+)

  • Open In Colab 2D Filtering uisng Fourier (+)

  • Open In Colab Homomorphic Filter (+)

+ Image Restoration

  • Open In Colab Basic Image Restoration (+)

  • Open In Colab Wiener Filter (+)

+ Morphology

  • Open In Colab Erosion, Dilation, Opening, Closing, Skeletization, Filling-Holes, Gradient (+)

  • Open In Colab Top Hat Filter (+)

  • Open In Colab Median Filter (+)

+ Segmentation

  • Open In Colab Region Growing (+)

  • Open In Colab Region Detection using OTSU, MSER, etc. (+)

  • See Segmentation in Module [ Deep Learning > Segmentation ]

  • Open In Colab Edge Detection (+)

  • Open In Colab Hough Transform (+)

  • Open In Colab Watershed (+)

  • Open In Colab Motion Segmentation (+)

+ Color Processing

  • Open In Colab Color Segmentation using K-means (+)

  • Open In Colab Color Segmentation using High Contrast Images (+)

  • Open In Colab Color Image Enhancement (+)

(+) Tested in July, 2023

Pattern Recognition

+ Feature Extraction

  • Open In Colab Geometric features (basic, elliptical and moments) (+)

  • Open In Colab Fourier Descriptors (+)

  • Open In Colab Intensity Features (basic, contrast and Crossing Line Profile) (+)

  • Open In Colab Face Recognition using Local Binary Patterns (LBP) (+)

  • Open In Colab Texture Recognition using LBP, Haralick and Gabor features (+)

  • Open In Colab Pedestrian Detection using Histogram of Gradients (HoG) (+)

  • Open In Colab Cow Biometrics using SIFT (+)

+ Feature Selection and Transformation

  • Open In Colab 5-Character Recognition using Sequential Forward Selection (SFS) (+)

  • Open In Colab Basic Feature Selection and Transformation: SFS, Exhaustive Search, PCA, PLSR, ICA, etc. (+)

  • Open In Colab Face Recognition with LBP using PCA, ICA and PLSR (+)

+ Classification

  • Open In Colab Collection of Methods for Visualization of Feature Space (+)

  • Open In Colab Basic Classifiers (KNN, Bayes, LDA, QDA, Mahalanobis) (+)

  • Open In Colab Setting Hyperparameter K of KNN using Validation Dataset (+)

  • Open In Colab Neural Networks from scratch (+)

  • Open In Colab Neural Networks (using sklearn) (+)

  • Open In Colab Support Vector Machines (SVM) (+)

  • Open In Colab Exhaustive Search of the Best Classifier (+)

  • Open In Colab Neural Networks for MNIST dataset (+)

  • See Bag of Visual Words [ Pattern Recognition > Clustering ]

+ Performance Evaluation

  • Open In Colab Accuracy Estimation (Hold-Out, Cross-Val, Leave-one-out) and Model Selector (+)

  • Open In Colab Model Selector (+)

  • Open In Colab Data Augmentation (+)

+ Clustering

  • Open In Colab Collection of Clustering Algorithms (+)

  • Open In Colab Bag of Visual Words (+)

  • See Face Clustering in Module [ Deep Learning > Facial Analysis ]

(+) Tested in July 2023

Geometry in Commputer Vision

+ Basics

  • Open In Colab Points and lines in homogeneous coordinates (*)

  • Open In Colab Pose orientation of a face using Landmarks (*)

  • Open In Colab Parameter estimation with and without outliers (RANSAC) (*)

+ Geometric Transformations

  • Open In Colab 2D Transformations and Homography (*)

  • Open In Colab 3D Transformations (*)

  • Open In Colab 3D Reconstruction (*)

+ One View

  • Open In Colab Perspective Correction using Homography (*)

  • Open In Colab Simple Camera Calibration (*)

  • Open In Colab Pro Calibration (*)

+ Two Views

  • Open In Colab Epipolar Geometry (two views) (*)

  • Open In Colab Estimation of Fundamental Matrix using Corresponding Points in Two Views (*)

+ Multiple Views

  • Open In Colab Mosaics using SIFT (*)

  • See Epipolar Geometry and Fundamental Matrix [ Multiple View Geometry > Two Views ]

  • Open In Colab Trifocal Geometry (three views) (*)

(*) Updated in July-2023, some of them in Spanish

Deep learning in Computer Vision

+ Image Classification

  • Open In Colab Classification of Eyes and Noses (two classes) (+)

  • Open In Colab Defect detection in aluminum wheels (two classes) (+)

  • Open In Colab Skin Lesion Recognition (two classes) (+)

  • Open In Colab Classification of Dogs and Cats (two classes) (+)

  • Open In Colab Covid recognition in Lung X-ray images (three classes) (+)

  • Open In Colab Classification of Pedestrians with Bikes (three classes) (+)

  • Open In Colab Skin Lesion Recognition (seven classes) (+)

  • Open In Colab ARLNET (Attention Residual Learning blocks) (+)

  • Open In Colab EfficientNet (+)

  • Open In Colab Visual Transformers (from library HuggingFaces) (+)

  • Open In Colab Classification examples using pre-trained mmodels (ResNet*, VGG*, ShuffleNet*, etc.) (+)

(+) Tested in July, 2023

+ Facial Analysis

  • Open In Colab Face Detection using MTCNN (+)

  • Open In Colab Face Recognition (1:1) with ArcFace (face verification) (*)

  • Open In Colab Face Recognition (1:1) with AdaFace (face verification) (+)

  • Open In Colab Face Recognition (1:N) with AdaFace (face recognition) (+)

  • Open In Colab Searching a Face in a Gallery with AdaFace (+)

  • Open In Colab Face Clustering (+)

  • Open In Colab Age and Gender Recognition (*)

  • Open In Colab Face Expression Recognition (+)

  • Open In Colab Landmark Detection (68 face landmarks) (+)

  • Open In Colab Face Geometric Mesh (+)

  • Open In Colab Estimation of Head Pose from Face Landmarks (+)

  • Open In Colab Mask Detection in Face using YOLOv5 (+)

  • Open In Colab Eye and Mouth Detection using YOLOv5 (+)

  • Open In Colab Restoration of Image Faces using GFPGAN (+)

  • Open In Colab Face Analysis Explanation (Minus, Plus, AVG, SEQ, LIME, RISE) (+)

(+) Tested in July, 2023 (*) There are some version troubles :(

+ Human Analysis

  • Open In Colab Detection of Human Pose using OpenPose

  • See Classification of Pedestrians with Bikes in Module [ Deep Learning > Image Classification ]

+ Object detection

  • Open In Colab Detection of Eye and Mouth using YOLOv5

  • Open In Colab Defect Detection in Aluminum Castings using YOLOv5

  • Open In Colab Detection of Threat Objects in Baggage using YOLOv5

  • Open In Colab General Object Detection using YOLOv5 (without training)

  • Open In Colab OCR - Optical Chracter Recognition (OCR) using pytesseract

+ Tracking

  • Open In Colab Tracking of Multiple Objects in Videos using YOLOv5

+ Segmentation (using Deep Learning)

  • Open In Colab Segmentation of Skin Lesions using UNet

+ Generative adversarial network (GAN)

  • Open In Colab Basic GAN for Digits Generation using MNIST

  • Open In Colab DCGAN for Digits Generation using MNIST

  • Open In Colab SN-GAN for Digits Generation using MNIST

  • Open In Colab WGAN-GP for Digits Generation using MNIST

  • Open In Colab DCGAN for Generation of X-ray images of Shuriken (64x64 pixeles)

+ Anomaly Detection

  • Open In Colab Anomaly Detection using MNIST(0: normal class, 1,2,..9: anomaly)

  • Open In Colab Contrastive Learning in CIFAR dataset