##(Google Maps) API Workshop Exercises
###What It Is
The goal of this workshop is to gently introduce APIs via the Google Maps API. These are the exercise files that accompany the workshop.
###Pre-reqs (In Order of Importance)
- Object-oriented programming (CS 61A): quick review
- JavaScript: quick start
- Know what a callback is
- Basic knowledge of HTML and CSS: quick review
- Google Maps API v3 key
Get these files however you like: clone this repo or click the "Download Zip" button to the right. We'll work through these exercise together.
###Google Maps JavaScript API v3 Reference
When using a constructor, follow this pattern (don't forget the google.maps at the beginning):
var center = new google.maps.LatLng(SODA_LAT, SODA_LONG);
If a constructor is not given in the documentation, set the properties using the JavaScript object literal:
var mapOptions = { center: center, zoom: 8 };
If you get stuck, ask for help!
###Exercises and Relevant Documentation
- Hello Map: A simple map centered on our second home. (JSFiddle)
- (Geo)Coder: A tool for discovering the latitude and longitude of addresses. (JSFiddle)
- Listen for the Click (Events): An introduction to event listeners. (JSFiddle)
- Stylin' On 'Em: Paint the globe blue and gold. You mad? (JSFiddle)
- MapTypeStyler
- MapTypeStyle
- StyledMapTypeOptions
- StyledMapType
- (The Properties section of) Map
- MapTypeRegistry
- Hello Neighbors: Mark some of our fellow bay area universities. (JSFiddle)
- What's the Weather Like?: A tool for checking the weather. (JSFiddle)
- Directions: Google Maps Super Lite. (JSFiddle)
- Take it to the Streets (Street View): A side-by-side comparison of overhead and street views. (JSFiddle)