├── location_n_rotation_prediction.py # Downstream task training and evaluation.
├── border_dist_prediction.py # Downstream task training and evaluation.
├── lesion.py # Lesion model units for downstream tasks.
├── inspect_model_units.py # Main script for visualizing model units by known cell types in brain and by downstream tasks relevance.
├── data.py # Loading experiments related data e.g., datasets, precomputed model reprepresentations.
├── models.py # Different models considered in all experiments.
├── unit_metric_computers.py # Various computing routines for different metrics of known spatial cells according to neuroscience literature.
├── utils.py # Utils including configuration loading etc.
├── configs/ # Variants of experiment settings across models, layers, moving trajectories, etc.
├── results/ # Intermediate experiment results/diagnostics (grouped by configs)
├── figs/ # Final resulsts plotted (grouped by configs)
@article {Luo2024.01.10.575026,
author = {Luo, Xiaoliang and Mok, Robert M. and Love, Bradley C.},
title = {The inevitability and superfluousness of cell types in spatial cognition},
year = {2024},
doi = {10.1101/2024.01.10.575026},
publisher = {Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory},
URL = {https://www.biorxiv.org/content/early/2024/01/12/2024.01.10.575026},
journal = {bioRxiv}