This is a quick mathematical calculator
const form = {
name: RegexValidator.onlyLetters({ capitalize: true, length: { minvalue: 5, maxvalue: 30 } }),
lastname: RegexValidator.onlyLetters({ capitalize: true, length: { minvalue: 5, maxvalue: 30 } }),
phone: RegexValidator.onlyNumbers(),
// if the email doesn't contains '' returns false
email: RegexValidator.coincidence("", ""),
address: RegexValidator.onlyLettersAndNumbers({ capitalize: true, allowSpacing: true }),
// is obligatory to have only 2 values, 3 or 1 returns false
age: RegexValidator.implicitLength(2)
npm i ax-calculator
yarn add ax-calculator
- Import / Require
import * as ax from 'ax-calculator'
import { ... } from 'ax-calculator
const ax = require('ax-calculator')
const { ... } = require('ax-calculator')
Please be informed of every change that is made to this calculator, many more operations are being added that can help you and an example of use is given.
- Sum, substract, product, division, module, root, raise to, Chaining
BasicOperations.sum(2, 5, 8, 4, 11) // { result: 30, toNegative: [Function: toNegative] }
BasicOperations.substract(304, 20, 51) // { result: 233, toNegative: [Function: toNegative] }
BasicOperations.product(35, 1, 9) // { result: 315, toNegative: [Function: toNegative] }
BasicOperations.division(25, 5) // 5.00
BasicOperations.module(40, 4) // 0
BasicOperations.root(1296, 4) // 6
BasicOperations.raiseTo(3, 5) // 243
const chaining = new BasicOperations.Chaining()
console.log(chaining.baseNumber(5).multiply(4).divide(2).value); // 10
- binary to base 10, to base
Base.toBase(20, 4) // -> 110
Base.binaryToBase10(1001) // -> 9
- Sum, substract, product, division, simplify, destructure
Fractions.sum(1,2,-4,6) // 1/2 + (-4/6) -> -1/6
Fractions.substract(-5,2,4,7) // -5/2 - 4/7 -> -43/14
Fractions.product(10,2,-5,4) // 10/2 * (-5/4) -> -25/4
Fractions.division(5,3,7,2) // (5/3)/(7/2) ->10/21
Fractions.simplify(154, 6) // 77/3
Fractions.destructure("12/5") // { top: '12', bottom: '5' }
- Secoond degree
// 2xΒ² - 3x + 3 = 0
Equations.secondDegree(2, -3, 3) // { x1: '3/4 + π²β15/4' , x2: '3/4 - π²β15/4' }
- What percentage is, percentage of, percent from percent, total from percent
// What percentaje is 12 out of 30?
Percentage.whatPercentageIs(12, 30) // 40.00%
// How much is 7% of 39?
Percentage.percentageOf(7, 39) // 2.73
// If 30% is 10, then 60% is...
Percentage.percentFromPercent(30, 10, 60) // 20
// If 10% is 20, the total is...
Percentage.totalFromPercent(10, 20) // 200
- Simple
RuleOfThree.simple("direct", 10, undefined, 60, 90) // 15
- Functions return information about triangles
hypotenuse: 'kβ17',
opposite: 'k',
adjacent: '4k',
sin: 'k/kβ17',
cos: '4k/kβ17',
tan: 'k/4k'
- Simple
var array_x = [100, 90, 80, 45, 50, 50, 60, 40, 25, 20];
var array_y = [3, 5, 9, 10, 20, 21, 24, 24, 27, 35];
console.log(LinearRegression.simple(array_x, array_y));
a: -0.34788,
b: 37.28128,
equation: '-0.34788x + 37.28128',
coefficient: [Function: coefficient]
- Triangle, rectangle, circle, square, square2, trapeze
// ...
Area.triangle(4, 3) // 6 // 25Ο
// ...
- Hypotenuse, to roman, log, factorial, double factorial, combinatorial, fibonacci, divisors
Operations.hypotenuse(7, 9) // -> β11.40
Operations.toRoman(420); // CDXX
// log5x = 4
Operations.log(5, null, 4) // 625
// 4!
Operations.factorial(4); // 24
// 10!!
Operations.doubleFactorial(10); // 3840
Operations.combinatorial(7, 3); // 35
Operations.divisors(25); // [ 1, 5, 25 ]
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5,
8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89,
- Sum, Substract, Product, unit vector
// (3, 6) + (2, -7)
var vector_a = [3, 6];
var vector_b = [2, -7];
// Sum or sustract returns object
Vectors.sum(vector_a, vector_b)
x: 5,
y: -1,
expression: '5i - 1j',
cartesian: [ 5, -1 ],
unit_vector: [ 0.98, -0.19 ]
// (2i - j) β’ (5i + 2j)
Vectors.product( [2, -1], [5, 2] ) // 8
// (-3, 5)
Vector.unitVector(-3, 5);
- Double
var equation1 = [1, 2, 10];
var equation2 = [2, -1, 5]
console.log(SystemEquation.double(equation1, equation2))
// { x: 4, y: 3 }
- Show, obtain by group, obtain by family"H")
simbol: 'H',
atomic_number: 1,
atomic_mass: 1,
name: 'Hydrogen',
group: 'I A',
type: 'Non-metal',
electroegativity: 2.2
// I A, II A, III A, ...
ChemicalElements.obtainByGroup("I B") // object
// You will place the family of the elements you want to obtain
ChemicalElements.obtainByFamily("Halogen") // object
- Radian, Centesimal, Sexasegimal
(toRadian, toCentesimal, toSexagesimal)
// 2Ο/5
AngleMeasurements.radian("2/5").toCentesimal() // 80
// 40α΅
AngleMeasurements.centesimal(40).toRadian() // Ο/5
// 45Β°
AngleMeasurements.sexagesimal(45).toCentesimal() // 50
- isNumber, isString, isObject, isUndefined, containsString, containsNumber
Validator.isNumber("2") // false
Validator.isString("test") // true
Validator.containsString([1,2,3,4]) // false
Validator.containsNumber(["1", "2", "3", 4]) // true
- date, time
Clock.time() // Sample: 23:10
// the default format is US // month/day/year
- setCSSVariable, getCSSVariable, getBrowserDetails, isMobile, getComputedStyleById
Browser.isMobile() // false
Browser.getComputedStyleById('main', 'margin-top') // 0px
Browser.getComputedStyleById('nav', 'border') // 2px solid rgb(123, 123, 123)
Browser.setCSSVariable('--myvariable', '4px')
Browser.getCSSVariable('--myvariable') // '4px'