c programmer this sketch shows how a user can pay for his or her bus fare using a mifare PICC card.
this sketch enables a driver insert fare amount and a registered user scan his/her card
afterwards fare deduction is being made, data is being posted to the server, connection to the server
is made, and php scripts has been put in place to compare data and update the database
Hardware required:
PCD (Proximity Coupling Device): NXP MFRC522 Contactless Reader IC
PICC (Proximity Integrated Circuit Card): A card or tag using the ISO 14443A interface, eg Mifare or NTAG203.
Liquid crystal display
Hardware connections
ESP8266 ----------------MFRC522 READER-------------162LCD------------RESISTORS---------44 KEYPAD A0---------------------------------------------------------------------1K ohm ------------R RST |_ 1K ohm -----------R GPIO16 |_ 1k ohm -----------R GPIO14-------------------SCK |_ 1k ohm-------------R GPIO12-------------------MISO | GPIO13-------------------MOSI | GPIO15-------------------SS | 3V3----------------------3V3 | GPIO1 | GPIO3 | GPIO5-----------------------------------------------SCL | GPIO4-----------------------------------------------SDA | |_ 4.7K ohm---------C GPIO0--------------------RST | |_ 4.7K ohm---------C GPIO2 | |_ 4.7K ohm---------C GND----------------------GND------------------------GND------------| | 4.7K ohm---------C 5V--------------------------------------------------5V---------------_|
the resistors were put in place such that once a key is pressed a particular voltage is read on the A0 pin of the ESP8266
the libraries included can be gotten from github repositories, search them online and download.