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Web components for displaying Postcards in the .postcard file format in HTML.


See this example at

<script type="module" src=""></script>
<p>Hello from Madrid:</p>
<postcard-display name="hello" src=""></postcard-display>

<postcard-info for="hello"></postcard-info>


Two CustomEvents are dispatched from a postcard-display element during its lifetime. The postcard-info element hooks into them automatically, but you can attach directly if you'd like more control over what data is displayed.

postcard-loaded: fired once the metadata has loaded, the detail property contains the name of the postcard display element, metadata which is a Metadata object (as specified by postcards-ts), and the showingSide (which is either front or back, and can be used to get metadata for the currently showing side of the postcard with metadata[showingSide]).

postcard-flipped: fired each time the postcard is flipped over. The detail property contains the name and showingSide keys, as described above.