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my dotfiles managed via GNU stow

  • first clone the at home like ~/dotfiles
  • just do stow -v <appdir> to view each app
  1. TMUX

    • requires tpm to be installed -- (git cloning some repo --maybe wont work with nixos)
    • after installing tpm - to install plugins
      • press prefix+I inside tmux
  2. NVIM

    • install neovim from git repo with curl cmd
    • requires ripgrep for telescope
    • vim-plug installation (manual) -- switch to lazynvim, it can bootstrap itself
    • javascript ecosystem formatting requires prettierd installation
    • lazygit
    • tex viewing requires - zathura pdf viewer
  3. bin

    • requires fzf for tmux-sessionizer, and zsh bindings
    • misc:
      • gf2 from NixOS-search - better frontend for gdb
      • watchexec for command running
  4. ZSH

    • and making it as default shell
    • zoxide installation manual
  5. Ubuntu setup

    • keyd installed manually and symlinked manually since the config file in system dir not user dir
      • keyd must be installed and reloaded for this to work
    • laptop touchpad in configured manually since gnome ui settings breaks in i3
    • memory watching alias always requires ps_mem installed
  6. i3

    • used brightness script in bin for brightness control
    • for screenshot need these tools maim xclip xdotool normcap ---for ocr screenshot --only nix-env is working right now
    • not sure - maybe i need i3lock and i3status
  7. CPP

    • when installing specific version clang, Eg: clang-12 - install also the gcc pair too - else include path will not be found ---could be wrong - maybe a stdlibc++ download issue not a gcc issue
    • install all clang tools with llvm - from script here -
      • use ./ 18 all
      • install clang-format
      • install clangd
        • do not use mason clangd - clangd itself is finicky maybe fully move to ccls? TODO:


  • research how to use android as webcam with OBS-studio - not easy for free - but it should be???
  • include/move ~/.profile into dotfiles to have ENV_VARS for any application
    • and remove the souring from zsh


  • vim, gh , neovim, zsh, tmux, stow, keyd, git

common tools

  • node, n- node version manager, npm, prettier
    • npm packages: json, prettier, prettierd
  • go
  • docker, kubernetes, minikube
  • rust - to get cargo
  • nnn - file manager
  1. system configuration