TinyApp is a full stack web application built with Node and Express that allows users to shorten long URLs (similar to bit.ly). Users can register, login and create/edit/delete their links.
- Node.js
- Express
- bcrypt
- body-parser
- cookie-session
- morgan
- Install all dependencies (using the
npm install
command). - Run the development web server using the
npm start
command. - With the server running, use your browser to navigate to
1 - Note: the app will create and delete browser cookies during usage; if the server is restarted before the user logs out, cookies will need to be manually deleted from the browser for the next session2
- A new user can register their email and password, and are then auto-logged in 3
- An existing user can use their email and password to login
- Once logged in, users can
- create new URL short links (tinyURLs)
- view a table of their existing link
- edit or delete existing links
- With the server running, any short link (tinyURL) can be used to access the full URL address
- Passwords entered by a user are hashed
- Browser cookies are encrypted, and are used by the app to verify user status (logged in or logged out)
- Browser cookies are deleted upon logout
- Only URLs owned (created) by a user are accessible to them for sharing, editing or deleting
- Add database functionality to store user data and URLs
- Add logging functionality to when short URL links are used
- Build out error pages to provide more visual continuity for the user
- Add persistant data storage for user data
Currently only set-up for local running. Check back in future for the fully-hosted version! ↩
If using Chrome browser, refer here for clearing cookies. ↩
User data is currently stored in short-term memory. Check back in future for persistant data functionality! ↩