Export/Import sources in UDL format for ISC Caché 2016.2
Download code and run
do $System.OBJ.ImportDir("/dir/cache-udl","*.xml;*.cls;*.mac;*.int;*.inc;*.dfi","ck",,1)
or import the release to the namespace.
Map sc package to %All namespace to make it visible in any namespace.
NS> w ##class(sc.code).workdir("/path/to/your/working/directory/")
NS> d ##class(sc.code).export()
NS> d ##class(sc.code).import()
Introduce cos.json file in the source root directory with settings for the code mask and for the name of the project. e.g.
"compileList": "Classes*.INC,classes*.CLS,*.DFI",
"projectName": "myproject"
Run init method to initialize project settings:
NS> d ##class(sc.code).init()
Then run release to export all the classes in comileList into one "myproject.xml" release file. It will export it into the default for current Namespace directory.
NS> d ##class(sc.code).release()
Or compile it whenever you want to compile all the proejct related resources.
NS> d ##class(sc.code).compile()