diff --git a/epg.xml b/epg.xml index 56566dc..4c1d2b9 100644 --- a/epg.xml +++ b/epg.xml @@ -627,93 +627,6 @@ Action Movies - Rakuten TV - - The only way out is through Jesus: The El Salvador pastors saving MS-13 gang members - In El Salvador, where brutal gangs like MS-13 and 18th Street have given the country the world’s highest murder rate, the only way out for members is to become born-again Christians. In this intimate look at the lives of former gang members, we follow two pastors from the rival gangs as they convert gang members to stop them falling back into violent ways - News - - - The Night Wolves: Putin's motorbiking militia of Luhansk - Production Year: 2016. The Night Wolves are Russia’s largest and most notorious biker gang, fiercely loyal to Vladimir Putin, and say they are motivated by Christianity and patriotism. Their base in Luhansk, east Ukraine, resembles a set from Mad Max. Inside their stronghold, the Night Wolves open up about the families they left behind. - News - - - Somali Night Fever - In the 1970s and 80s Mogadishu's airwaves were filled with Somali funk, disco, soul and reggae. Musicians rocking afros and bell-bottom trousers would perform at the city's trendiest nightclubs during the height of the country's golden era of music. But it was short-lived: a brutal civil war began, musicians fled to all corners of the world and the vibrant music scene came to an end. - News - - - Silent Sam - Sam is a 27-year-old music-teaching, sovereign ring-wearing, chanting Buddhist. He is the lead singer of an up-and-coming punk band - but he’s also mute... at least for most of the time. After two unsuccessful vocal chord operations, Sam spends most of his time in pain and on voice rest. Yet, by communicating silently through writing notes, mouthing words and blowing kisses (one for yes and two for no), he still somehow manages to be the chattiest person in the room. - News - - - Happy birthday - For years, global music publisher Warner/Chappell claimed copyright of the Happy Birthday song, demanding payment for any public performance of it. Jenn Nelson tells the story of her four-year campaign to prove that the company did not in fact own the rights to the world-famous song, whose tune was composed by two sisters in Kentucky in 1893. A judge’s decision on 30 June to approve a $14m settlement means the song is now in the public domain - News - - - The Hour of Lynching - vigilante violence in India - Rakbar, a Muslim dairy farmer, was murdered by a Hindu mob who thought he was taking a cow to be slaughtered for meat. His wife, Asmeena, must undergo an intense iddat (mourning in purdah) and their daughter, Sahila, is forced to abandon school to take care of the household. While the family falls apart, the hate machinery of rightwing Hindu nationalists – politicians and lynch mobs – works overtime to legitimise the killing. - News - - - On the Ground - S01 : E16 On The Ground - In-depth Guardian video journalism from around the world. - News - - - America's Dirty Divide - S01 : E01 America's Dirty Divide - A series examining the country's vast environmental inequalities and how climate change will make things worse. - News - - - The Waiting Room - When Victoria Mapplebeck was diagnosed with breast cancer, she decided to record each step of her journey. Shot on an iPhone X, Mapplebeck filmed her time in waiting rooms, surgery and chemotherapy. The Waiting Room is an unflinching portrait of the blood, sweat and tears of cancer treatment. At home Mapplebeck filmed with her teenage son, as they came to terms with how family life was transformed by a year of living with cancer. - News - - - Beirut Dreams in Color - Mashrou’ Leila were one of the biggest bands in the Middle East, with a lead singer, Hamed, who is the most prominent openly gay rock star in the Arab world. Known globally, their gigs were regular sell-out successes until an event at their 2017 Cairo concert changed everything. Playing to 35,000 people, the band looked out at a sea of swaying flickering lights, including an Egyptian fan flying a rainbow flag. This simple act would later be described by authorities as ‘inciting debauchery’, and ultimately catapulted the band, the fan and others into a tragic series of events. - News - - - Love Jihad: India's lethal religious conspiracy theory - The mutilated body of a 24-year-old Muslim, Arbaaz Aftab Mullah, was discovered on a railway track near his home. His family believe he was murdered because of his interfaith relationship with a Hindu woman and that he is one of the latest victims of the 'love jihad' conspiracy theory, which has swept across groups of Hindu nationalists in India. The theory claims that Muslim men are seducing Hindu women and luring them into marriage in order to convert them to Islam. - News - - - The Fight - People with disabilities are among the most discriminated against in Bolivia. Fed up with being ignored, a group of them march across the Andes to the seat of the government in La Paz, asking to speak to President Evo Morales. They are met with riot police, barricades, teargas and water cannon. - News - - - Somalinimo - As students return to universities around the world, four British-Somali students talk about navigating one of Britain’s most elite institutions: Cambridge University. Their identity is rooted in Somalinimo (‘the essence of being Somali’) and in this love letter to Somali culture, blackness and Islam, they reflect on both belonging and marginalisation. - News - - - Space to Be: the fight to keep this Belfast women’s centre open - In the heart of the Village, a loyalist area in Belfast, the Windsor Women’s Centre has fought a 30-year battle to keep its doors open. The centre, an oasis for vulnerable women, is deeply rooted in the community. As it faces financial insecurity and navigates the pandemic, will these women make it through their toughest year so far? - News - - - Why is Vladimir Putin so obsessed with Ukraine? I count myself as a Black Ukrainian - Guardian correspondent Luke Harding chronicles the key historical events that led to the invasion of Ukraine, from the Euromaidan protests to the annexation of Crimea, and explains why Putin's belief that Russians and Ukrainians are 'one people' is rooted in history from a thousand years ago. | Welcome to the refugee lifestyle,' says Eno Enyieokpon, who is re-establishing his brand, Enno, in Budapest having left everything behind in Kyiv. Identifying as a black Ukrainian, Eno says most of the ideas that have changed his life as a designer have come from tough times in Ukraine. - News - - - The Native American kids who get $200k for graduating - The Ho-Chunk Nation are a Native American tribe that owns a string of casinos across Wisconsin. Ho Chunk children get a share of casino profits once they’ve graduated and turned 18. It’s called their 18 Money. When they finish high school, they get given $200,000. Journalist and film-maker Jenny Kleeman meets the Ho Chunk kids of Black River Falls high school and their families as they graduate, along with tribal representatives and residents of Black River Falls, Wisconsin. - News - - - 'Revenge pornography': Chrissy Chambers' search for justice - In April, it became a crime in England and Wales to post ‘revenge pornography’. Chrissy Chambers and her girlfriend Bria are YouTube’s most popular lesbian content creators. The two channels they run have almost half a million subscribers. But before Chrissy came out, she had a boyfriend. He also has videos of her. And she says he’s using them to destroy her - News - On the road Hundreds of women operate as sex workers along the Strada Bonifica, the ironically named ‘road of love’ on the Adriatic coast of Italy. There has been a huge increase in the number of Nigerian women working along the 10-mile stretch of road – some of whom have been trafficked into the country and forced into prostitution. The film moves between the women’s stories, the Italians who live and work there and the local NGO, named On the Road, attempting to support the women @@ -1308,164 +1221,286 @@ In a country where indigenous people are increasingly displaced and journalists are killed at an alarming rate, a courageous new voice has emerged: Lupita, a Tzotzil-Maya woman at the forefront of a Mexican indigenous movement. Twenty years after Lupita lost her family in the Acteal massacre in southern Mexico, she has become a spokesperson for her people and for a new generation of Mayan activists. News - - French Connections - A quirky, insider's guide to understanding France and the French, from the sublime to the ridiculous. + + Dallas Detective agency | Why journalists carry guns in the Philippines + Dallas Detective agency | Why journalists carry guns in the Philippines News - - News - An international news bulletin, presented live from the newsroom. + + Globalised slavery: how big supermarkets are selling prawns in supply chain fed by slave labour + A six-month Guardian multimedia investigation has, for the first time, tracked how some of the world's big-supermakets, Tesco, Aldi, Walmart and Morrisons, are using suppliers relying on slave labour to put cheap prawns on their shelves. Slavery is back and here's the proof. Narrated by Benedict Cumberbatch. News - - The 51 Percent - A program about women who are reshaping our world. + + From California gang to Mexican vigilante | The final interview with a legendary journalist + From California gang to Mexican vigilante: the family man fighting the drug cartels in Mexico | Murdered in Mexico: the final interview with a legendary journalist News - - News - An international news bulletin, presented live from the newsroom. + + How Survivors Ink is erasing the marks of the US sex trafficking industry | The Iraqi girls who escaped from Isis + Pimp-led prostitution is one of the most violent and prolific forms of trafficking found in the US, with hundreds of thousands of women sold annually for commercial gain. Many are branded with tattoos by their traffickers as a sign of ownership and control. After experiencing such an ordeal in Columbus, Ohio, Jennifer Kempton founded Survivors Ink, a grassroots project that helps formerly trafficked women to cover up their branding with their own symbols of hope and recovery. | When Isis militants invaded Sinjar in Iraq they took many young Yazidi women and girls – some as young as nine years old – as sexual slaves and forced them to convert to Islam. News - - Down To Earth - We meet the people behind fascinating environmental, health and technological innovations in a bid for sustainable solutions to our changing world. + + The Breadmaker: Venezuelan activists fighting to feed a community + Natalia Molina and other members of La Minka, a Chavista collective, run a revolutionary bakery in the Venezuelan capital. They have been occupying the shop in Caracas since March 2017 in an attempt to provide their local community with affordable food. News - - News - An international news bulletin, presented live from the newsroom. + + The valley rebels + Cédric Herrou is a farmer who supports and houses African refugees in the alpine village of Breil-Sur-Roya in southern France. Some regard him as a heroic good samaritan, but others – including the French border police and state prosecutor – denounce him as the leader of a band of smugglers, bringing migrants from Italy into France while flouting official border controls. As Cedric moves from one prosecution to another, why do he and his fellow activists feel compelled to defy the authorities? News - - Business - A daily update on the latest business and economic news. + + Finding Ashley | Murder, corruption and cattle barons in Kenya + Finding Ashley: a Native American family's desperate search for their missing relative | Murder, corruption and cattle barons in Kenya News - - News - An international news bulletin, presented live from the newsroom. + + RIP SENI: racism, graffiti and the UK's mental health crisis + One morning in June 2020, graffiti reading RIP SENI appeared emblazoned across a public artwork outside the Bethlem royal hospital, a psychiatric hospital in south London. The spray-painted letters drew attention to Olaseni Lewis, a 23-year-old black man who died after being restrained by 11 police officers while in the care of the hospital in 2010. This film follows what happened after the graffiti, as it launches a discussion about race, mental health and injustice in the UK, and the effects on families. News - - Truth Or Fake - Truth or Fake is a fact-checking rendez-vous in association with the FRANCE 24 Observers. Our content focuses on false images circulating online and how to identify them. + + My Blonde GF: a disturbing story of deepfake pornography + Helen’s world is turned upside down when she discovers that her face has been digitally edited on to images of women in sexually explicit and often violent situations. Helen shares the impact this deepfake pornography has had on her life and challenges a culture that treats women’s appearance and image as public property while the perpetrators remain anonymous. Deepfake pornography is an increasingly common form of image-based sexual abuse and in June 2023, an amendment of the online safety bill was announced that criminalises the sharing of deepfake intimate images online. News - - News - An international news bulletin, presented live from the newsroom. + + On the road + Hundreds of women operate as sex workers along the Strada Bonifica, the ironically named ‘road of love’ on the Adriatic coast of Italy. There has been a huge increase in the number of Nigerian women working along the 10-mile stretch of road – some of whom have been trafficked into the country and forced into prostitution. The film moves between the women’s stories, the Italians who live and work there and the local NGO, named On the Road, attempting to support the women News - - France In Focus - An in-depth look at the political and social events shaping France. + + Killing Gävle + In the small city of Gävle, northern Sweden, there is an annual fight between local custodians and mischievous pagans for the spirit of Christmas. Each year since 1966, business owners have paid for a 13-metre (40ft) effigy of a goat to be made of straw and displayed in the central square from the first day of Advent. In 37 of those years, the goat has been burned down or damaged by shadowy outsiders, sometimes within a few hours of going up. News - - News - An international news bulletin, presented live from the newsroom. + + Four weddings + Not all weddings are about marrying a prince. This documentary tells the story of four special weddings around the world from the point of view of the bride. Featuring a British woman unsure of the future, a soldier discharged from Iraq, a high society Indian wedding and a rural Romanian celebration, this is what really happens behind the scenes on the wedding day News - - Eye On Africa - Join Georja Calvin-Smith for all the news from Africa and the Maghreb, with FRANCE 24’s correspondents and our guests on set. + + Escape from Syria: Rania's odyssey + Rania Mustafa Ali, 20, filmed her journey from the ruins of Kobane in Syria to Austria. Her footage shows what many refugees face on their perilous journey to Europe. Rania is cheated by smugglers, teargassed and beaten at the Macedonian border. She risks drowning in the Mediterranean, travelling in a boat meant to hold 15 people but stuffed with over 50. News - - News - An international news bulletin, presented live from the newsroom. + + Buyers Club + In 2013, a cure was found for hepatitis C. It could save millions of lives, but its price tag of between $40,000 and $84,000 for 84 pills puts it far out of most patients’ reach. However, in India, a generic version of the drug is available for less than $1,000. Denied the affordable medication he needed, Greg Jefferys defied the US pharmaceutical company that holds the patent to set up a worldwide supply network for the generic version. News - - Encore - How do artists and writers see the world? We take you to the crossroads where culture meets the news and engages with what's happening in our lives today. + + The Gene Gap: Should we edit our DNA? An imagined future of gene editing + There are decisions being made right now that could have an effect on global populations for generations to come. As part of this project, we commissioned an artist to investigate some of the themes raised in the podcasts. This work of fiction imagines a future where gene editing has become mainstream and discusses the moral, ethical and political divides that this might create News - - News - An international news bulletin, presented live from the newsroom. + + The Guardian Cities + S03 : E01 The Guardian Cities + The Guardian Cities has grown from a small experiment into a huge community. Together we have tried to shape how the world understands urbanisation: namely, as one of the truly transformative global phenomena of the 21st century. News - - Eye On Africa - Join Georja Calvin-Smith for all the news from Africa and the Maghreb, with FRANCE 24’s correspondents and our guests on set. + + Vagina Dispatches - Season 1 + Think you know about vaginas? Think again. In the four-part series running from now through November, we find out that even the most basic of body knowledge is lacking – people still don’t understand what vaginas look like or how they function. In episode one, we build a giant vulva, then talk to a gynecologist, a labiaplasty surgeon and a trans woman, to find out what vulvas really look like. News - - News - An international news bulletin, presented live from the newsroom. + + Desert Fire + Football’s world cup for unrecognised territories is viewed through the eyes of the manager and players of one of the most fascinating teams, Iraqi Kurdistan. News - - People And Profit - The business show that goes beyond the numbers and the corporate jargon! Kate Moody breaks down major business stories and looks at how they affect our lives. + + Sprinter Factory + These are the girls running as fast as they can to be Jamaica’s new sprint champions in a country obsessed with its athletes. This is the story of the Champs national youth athletics competition that could change their lives. News - - News - An international news bulletin, presented live from the newsroom. + + The Age of Stupid revisited: what's changed on climate change? | My mission to understand insomnia + The Age of Stupid revisited: what's changed on climate change? | Why can’t I sleep? My mission to understand insomnia News - - The Interview - An interview with a French or international personality from the world of economics, politics, culture or diplomacy. + + We Walk Together + Thousands of refugees were sleeping rough at Budapest’s Keleti station, waiting for trains to take them to western Europe. Then, they just got up and walked. Guardian journalist and filmmaker John Domokos went with them, every step of the way. This is the story of one Syrian family, and those who came out to help News - - News - An international news bulletin, presented live from the newsroom. + + Garth Nix answers your questions: on JRR Tolkien, gaming and pronouncing characters' names + In an ongoing series, Guardian Australia is getting kids and young adults to do the hard work instead of us – by interviewing their favourite authors. Here, the author of the Old Kingdom/Abhorsen, Seventh Tower and Keys to the Kingdom fantasy series opens up about queer representation, perfectionism and his writing tips. News - - Focus - Our Focus programme brings you exclusive reports from around the world. + + Should we abolish private schools? | The Afghan girls fighting to go to school + Should we abolish private schools? | The Afghan girls fighting to go to school News - - News - An international news bulletin, presented live from the newsroom. + + The Climate and the Cross + An internal battle is simmering among US Christians over whether climate change is a call to protect the Earth, the work of God to be welcomed, or does not exist at all. News - - Down To Earth - We meet the people behind fascinating environmental, health and technological innovations in a bid for sustainable solutions to our changing world. + + Sam and the Plant Next Door + Sam, 11, is always being told not to worry about the nuclear power plant rising next door, but for him there is lots to think about. Hinkley Point C will be Britain’s largest nuclear plant, and it’s only two miles away. Most of his classmates expect to work at the plant but Sam is determined to escape that fate. His dream is to protect the surrounding marine life he identifies with. Like the fish, he feels unappreciated by the adults. News - - News - An international news bulletin, presented live from the newsroom. + + Cops and Robbers + Growing up in the Jamaica district of Queens in the 70s and 80s, Corey Pegues played cops and robbers like all the other kids on the block but he never expected to become both. News - - The Observers - A show produced with photos, videos and personal accounts from our Observers around the world all checked by our staff here in Paris. + + Anonymous Comes to Town + The sleepy rustbelt town of Steubenville, Ohio, was once best known for high school sports and as the birthplace of Dean Martin. But when a teen sexual assault committed by two members of the football team surfaced, the shadowy hacker group Anonymous caught wind of the story and decided to intervene. After publishing videos and social media from the night of the assault to their millions of online followers, they sparked viral outrage and demands for #JusticeforJaneDoe. News - - News - An international news bulletin, presented live from the newsroom. + + Scars + Scars are not just skin deep - emotional and psychological histories lie beneath the healed wounds. In this documentary, we meet 5 different people for whom their scars changed forever how they see the world, and how the world sees them. Their scars are the result of war, self harm, birth defect, cancer and domestic violence which are a collection of stories both extraordinary and every day. These scars bear witness to our lived experience of love, loss, strength and overcoming the odds News - - Encore - How do artists and writers see the world? We take you to the crossroads where culture meets the news and engages with what's happening in our lives today. + + The climate science behind flooding | My animals burned alive' in Greece's wildfires + The climate science behind flooding: why is it getting worse? | My animals burned alive: the man putting his life back together after Greece's wildfires News - - News - An international news bulletin, presented live from the newsroom. + + Ireland's forgotten mixed-race child abuse victims + Rosemary Adaser was one of many mixed-race children considered illegitimate who was brought up in institutions run by the Catholic church in Ireland between the 1950s and 1970s. She tells of the abuse and racist treatment she suffered, and returns to her school in Kilkenny for the first time in 40 years and attempts to answer questions about her past. News - - Talking Europe - Politicians, activists and researchers debate the issues facing the EU and a 'guest of the week' offers their insight in a long-format interview that gets to the heart of the matter. + + Nowt but a fleeting thing + A film about a young farmer’s connection to the land, his animals and a changing world in the north of England. Battling against unsustainable farming methods and an unenthusiastic market, Adam Crowe continues to work on two neighbouring farms while fighting to launch his own business and breed a flock of sheep. In rural Britain, the threat of poverty is often frighteningly close News - - News - An international news bulletin, presented live from the newsroom. + + The only way out is through Jesus: The El Salvador pastors saving MS-13 gang members + In El Salvador, where brutal gangs like MS-13 and 18th Street have given the country the world’s highest murder rate, the only way out for members is to become born-again Christians. In this intimate look at the lives of former gang members, we follow two pastors from the rival gangs as they convert gang members to stop them falling back into violent ways + News + + + Is this inclusive? Why only 4% of children's book heroes are BAME + More than 33% of students at UK schools are from black and minority ethnic backgrounds, but only 4% of the protagonists in children's books in the UK are BAME. The publishing industry has made big claims about its push for inclusivity both on and off the page, but some believe progress is painfully slow. Grace Shutti investigates what’s taking UK publishing so long and meets some of the creators who are championing change, including the authors of hit books Amazing Grace and Look Up!, and the owners of inclusive publisher Round Table books. + News + + + Pitching up + How Ireland’s ancient sports are helping to integrate children in the country's most ethnically diverse town. + News + + + Fight or flight: the veterans at war with PTSD + One hundred years on from the end of the first world war, a group of veterans in Dorset are torn between their pride in their military careers and their anger over the lack of psychological support provided to them by the Ministry of Defence. With many feeling abandoned and left to battle significant mental health issues such as PTSD alone, former soldier Andy Price decides to take matters into his own hands, launching the Veteran’s Hub, a peer-to-peer support network. + News + + + Super Dogs | The remarkable urban photographs of David Levene + Super dogs: the race to win America’s most famous dog show | City: the remarkable urban photographs of David Levene + News + + + How Survivors Ink is erasing the marks of the US sex trafficking industry | The Iraqi girls who escaped from Isis + Pimp-led prostitution is one of the most violent and prolific forms of trafficking found in the US, with hundreds of thousands of women sold annually for commercial gain. Many are branded with tattoos by their traffickers as a sign of ownership and control. After experiencing such an ordeal in Columbus, Ohio, Jennifer Kempton founded Survivors Ink, a grassroots project that helps formerly trafficked women to cover up their branding with their own symbols of hope and recovery. | When Isis militants invaded Sinjar in Iraq they took many young Yazidi women and girls – some as young as nine years old – as sexual slaves and forced them to convert to Islam. + News + + + Colette + 90-year-old Colette Marin-Catherine confronts her past by visiting the German concentration camp Mittelbau-Dora where her brother was killed. As a young girl, she fought Hitler's Nazis as a member of the French Resistance. For 74 years, she has refused to step foot in Germany, but that changes when a young history student named Lucie enters her life. Prepared to re-open old wounds and revisit the terrors of that time, Marin-Catherine offers important lessons for us all. + News + + + Cinema of Ukraine: artists reflect on modern history, culture and people + Presented in collaboration with the Kyiv-based Docudays UA film festival, these award-winning movies offer insight into the modern history of the country, its culture and its people. In This Rain Will Never Stop, directed by Alina Gorlova, we meet 20-year-old Andriy Suleyman, who escaped Syria with his family and found refuge in Ukraine, his mother’s homeland. Shot in striking black and white, the film is a sophisticated vision of war zones and the scars they leave. + News + + + Flat Earth: meet the people casting aside 2,500 years of science + Though not a new phenomenon, flat Earth theory has enjoyed a huge resurgence recently. A YouGov poll indicated that a third of Americans aged 18 to 24 were unsure of the shape of our planet, in spite of scientific proofs from Pythagoras to Nasa. Why has this happened now, and what does it tell us about society today? + News + + + Black Pete | Comedy theatre about life in the Calais refugee camp + Black Pete: Why is the Dutch blackface tradition still going strong? | I don't want any more sadness in my life - comedy theatre about life in the Calais refugee camp + News + + + The internet warriors + Who are the people that get so angry online? Meet the internet warriors, in their own homes. + News + + + Owen Jones meets ... + S01 : E01 Owen Jones Meets + Owen Jones is a Guardian columnist and the author of Chavs: The Demonisation of the Working Class and The Establishment – And How They Get Away With It. + News + + + Silent Sam + Sam is a 27-year-old music-teaching, sovereign ring-wearing, chanting Buddhist. He is the lead singer of an up-and-coming punk band - but he’s also mute... at least for most of the time. After two unsuccessful vocal chord operations, Sam spends most of his time in pain and on voice rest. Yet, by communicating silently through writing notes, mouthing words and blowing kisses (one for yes and two for no), he still somehow manages to be the chattiest person in the room. + News + + + The new green superpower? Oil giant Kazakhstan tries to wean itself off the black stuff + Kazakhstan is rich with oil, gas and coal but Nursultan Nazarbayev, its president for life, has committed the country to a dramatic shift from fossil fuels to green energy. Is this huge nation, which is beset by rural poverty, major infrastructure challenges and environmental crises, able to realise his vision? Phoebe Greenwood travels to  the Kazakh capital, Astana, and the Aral Sea region. + News + + + Should we abolish private schools? | The Afghan girls fighting to go to school + Should we abolish private schools? | The Afghan girls fighting to go to school + News + + + Gay, black and HIV positive: America's hidden epidemic + If you are a black, gay man in America, your risk of contracting HIV is one in two. Leah Green travels to Atlanta, Georgia, which has the largest gay and black community in the country. She finds out how stigma, education and structural racism continue to feed into this startling statistic + News + + + Beyond bionics: how the future of prosthetics is redefining humanity + Bionic technology is removing physical barriers faced by disabled people while raising profound questions of what it is to be human. From DIY prosthetics realised through 3D printing technology to customised AI-driven limbs, science is at the forefront of many life-enhancing innovations + News + + + The pig superbug and the baby + How did the antibiotic resistant pig superbug LA-MRSA find its way onto the umbilical cords of new born babies in Glasgow - and onto the shelves of our biggest supermarkets. Watch the Guardian’s investigation into how intensive pig farming is accelerating an antibiotic crisis, that will be killing more of us, than cancer by 2050. + News + + + Ireland's forgotten mixed-race child abuse victims + Rosemary Adaser was one of many mixed-race children considered illegitimate who was brought up in institutions run by the Catholic church in Ireland between the 1950s and 1970s. She tells of the abuse and racist treatment she suffered, and returns to her school in Kilkenny for the first time in 40 years and attempts to answer questions about her past. + News + + + Born in Damascus: the legacy of Syria's war for two separated cousins + Laura, a Scottish-Syrian film-maker, reconnects online with her closest cousin Lujain after 10 years apart. Their paths were separated by war, and now Laura hopes to reconstruct a positive image of the past by sharing memories and family videos with Lujain, who fled to Canada. Lujain has no memories of Syria and, suffering from the trauma of war, has forgotten many of their times together. As they reconnect, they begin to rebuild their friendship and reflect on how war continues to affect every relationship long after it ends. + News + + + Ghosts of Moria: living in the ashes of Europe's largest migrant camp + As Europe’s most infamous migrant camp burned to the ground on the island of Lesbos in 2020, two Syrian friends evaded police to stay. Living in a post-apocalyptic graveyard, Ayham and Khalil now race against local scrap metal collectors to find what they can, which they are forced to sell at a reduced price. With what little money they make they buy food and cook together, dreaming of Aleppo before the civil war forced them to leave and waiting for an end to their bureaucratic limbo. From their shared tent their friendship endures, despite their impossible circumstances. + News + + + The Native American kids who get $200k for graduating + The Ho-Chunk Nation are a Native American tribe that owns a string of casinos across Wisconsin. Ho Chunk children get a share of casino profits once they’ve graduated and turned 18. It’s called their 18 Money. When they finish high school, they get given $200,000. Journalist and film-maker Jenny Kleeman meets the Ho Chunk kids of Black River Falls high school and their families as they graduate, along with tribal representatives and residents of Black River Falls, Wisconsin. + News + + + World Cup Slaves + Nepalese men employed in Qatar's construction industry tell Robert Booth how they work for little or no pay as they build the infrastructure ahead of the 2022 football World Cup. Appalling living conditions and unsafe employment are not the only difficulties they face: there is pressure and disbelief from families in Nepal when no money is sent back home + News + + + The County - what happens after police kill someone you love? + When someone dies after an encounter with law enforcement, he leaves behind parents and children, loss and confusion. What’s to be done when those people sworn to protect you are the same people who pull the trigger? + News + + + Someone Else's War + To date at least 20 British nationals, some with no previous experience of combat, have travelled to Syria to fight Isis on the frontline. Eight of these Brits have lost their lives. This film follows the journeys of parents as they investigate why their children went to join the Kurdish army in their fight against Isis. What led these young Brits to risk everything, travelling thousands of miles from home to wage war against the world’s most feared terrorist organisation? News @@ -2433,4189 +2468,5904 @@ Politicians, activists and researchers debate the issues facing the EU and a 'guest of the week' offers their insight in a long-format interview that gets to the heart of the matter. News - - Operation Wolf Patrol - Following eco-activist, Rod Coronado, and his attempt to end wolf hunting in the United States. + + News + An international news bulletin, presented live from the newsroom. News - - TIME Off - Stories about pop culture, entertainment industry news, and viral moments. TIME Off provides a deeply reported look into the entertainment world and surprising events that helps make everyone's life more fun and interesting. + + People And Profit + The business show that goes beyond the numbers and the corporate jargon! Kate Moody breaks down major business stories and looks at how they affect our lives. News - - Profiles in TIME - Interivews with the most influential people in the world, from Bill Gates to Angelina Jolie. Profiles in TIME offers insightful discussions with newsmakers, thought leaders, icons, and historical figures. + + News + An international news bulletin, presented live from the newsroom. News - - Ideas in TIME - A collection of talks and stories about big ideas in politics, tech, health, etc. that impact the world — featuring the voices and perspectives of the leading thinkers of our time. + + The 51 Percent + A program about women who are reshaping our world. News - - TIME Docs - Short documentaries from the world's best filmmakers, these stories offer viewers a chance to screen enlightening and entertaining short films from around the world. + + News + An international news bulletin, presented live from the newsroom. News - - One More Orbit - Former astronaut Col. Terry Virts attempts to break the round-the-world speed record while flying over the Poles. + + Down To Earth + We meet the people behind fascinating environmental, health and technological innovations in a bid for sustainable solutions to our changing world. News - - TIME Short Docs: Notice of Eviction, Anatomy of Hate and Evidence of Things Unseen - Three documentary shorts about the housing struggles of a single mother, hate crime law, and a U.S. war veteran. + + News + An international news bulletin, presented live from the newsroom. News - - TIME Off - Stories about pop culture, entertainment industry news, and viral moments. TIME Off provides a deeply reported look into the entertainment world and surprising events that helps make everyone's life more fun and interesting. + + Reporters + An in-depth report by our senior reporters and team of correspondents from around the world. News - - TIME for Health & Science - TIME reporters share stories about innovations and breakthroughs in science, health, technology, and climate, giving viewers a deep understanding of the people and projects making the world a better, healthier, and safer place. + + News + An international news bulletin, presented live from the newsroom. News - - TIME Reports - TIME Reports is an anthology of short documentaries about the people, places, and news events that are shaping our lives. Watch as TIME journalists take viewers on a journey to understand the context behind the biggest stories. + + Revisited + We return to places which have been in the news \u2013 often a long time ago, sometimes recently to see how local people are rebuilding their lives. News - - TIME Docs - Short documentaries from the world's best filmmakers, these stories offer viewers a chance to screen enlightening and entertaining short films from around the world. + + News + An international news bulletin, presented live from the newsroom. News - - Sharks: Monster of the Media - Learn about shark myths that we commonly believe as truth but have no basis in reality. + + Encore + How do artists and writers see the world? We take you to the crossroads where culture meets the news and engages with what's happening in our lives today. News - - The Neutral Ground - The heated protests over removing four Confederate monuments from New Orleans public grounds. + + News + An international news bulletin, presented live from the newsroom. News - - TIME Off - Stories about pop culture, entertainment industry news, and viral moments. TIME Off provides a deeply reported look into the entertainment world and surprising events that helps make everyone's life more fun and interesting. + + Down To Earth + We meet the people behind fascinating environmental, health and technological innovations in a bid for sustainable solutions to our changing world. News - - Profiles in TIME - Interivews with the most influential people in the world, from Bill Gates to Angelina Jolie. Profiles in TIME offers insightful discussions with newsmakers, thought leaders, icons, and historical figures. + + News + An international news bulletin, presented live from the newsroom. News - - Ideas in TIME - A collection of talks and stories about big ideas in politics, tech, health, etc. that impact the world — featuring the voices and perspectives of the leading thinkers of our time. + + People And Profit + The business show that goes beyond the numbers and the corporate jargon! Kate Moody breaks down major business stories and looks at how they affect our lives. News - - TIME Docs - Short documentaries from the world's best filmmakers, these stories offer viewers a chance to screen enlightening and entertaining short films from around the world. + + News + An international news bulletin, presented live from the newsroom. News - - At The Drive-In - A group of film fanatics in rural Pennsylvania fight to keep a dying drive-in theater alive. + + Sports + A summary of world sports news of the day, both on and off the pitch. News - - I Danced For The Angel Of Death: The Dr. Edith Eva Eger Story - Dr. Edith Eva Eger tells her story of surviving Auschwitz and how she healed through her work as a psychologist. + + News + An international news bulletin, presented live from the newsroom. News - - TIME Off - Stories about pop culture, entertainment industry news, and viral moments. TIME Off provides a deeply reported look into the entertainment world and surprising events that helps make everyone's life more fun and interesting. + + France In Focus + An in-depth look at the political and social events shaping France. News - - TIME for Health & Science - TIME reporters share stories about innovations and breakthroughs in science, health, technology, and climate, giving viewers a deep understanding of the people and projects making the world a better, healthier, and safer place. + + News + An international news bulletin, presented live from the newsroom. News - - TIME Reports - TIME Reports is an anthology of short documentaries about the people, places, and news events that are shaping our lives. Watch as TIME journalists take viewers on a journey to understand the context behind the biggest stories. + + Encore + How do artists and writers see the world? We take you to the crossroads where culture meets the news and engages with what's happening in our lives today. News - - TIME Docs - Short documentaries from the world's best filmmakers, these stories offer viewers a chance to screen enlightening and entertaining short films from around the world. + + News + An international news bulletin, presented live from the newsroom. News - - TIME Off - Stories about pop culture, entertainment industry news, and viral moments. TIME Off provides a deeply reported look into the entertainment world and surprising events that helps make everyone's life more fun and interesting. + + The Observers + A show produced with photos, videos and personal accounts from our Observers around the world all checked by our staff here in Paris. News - - Profiles in TIME - Interivews with the most influential people in the world, from Bill Gates to Angelina Jolie. Profiles in TIME offers insightful discussions with newsmakers, thought leaders, icons, and historical figures. + + News + An international news bulletin, presented live from the newsroom. News - - Ideas in TIME - A collection of talks and stories about big ideas in politics, tech, health, etc. that impact the world — featuring the voices and perspectives of the leading thinkers of our time. + + Sports + A summary of world sports news of the day, both on and off the pitch. News - - TIME Docs - Short documentaries from the world's best filmmakers, these stories offer viewers a chance to screen enlightening and entertaining short films from around the world. + + News + An international news bulletin, presented live from the newsroom. News - - TIME Off - Stories about pop culture, entertainment industry news, and viral moments. TIME Off provides a deeply reported look into the entertainment world and surprising events that helps make everyone's life more fun and interesting. + + Fashion + All the best of the Parisian catwalks and a behind-the-scenes look at the big names in Haute couture. News - - TIME for Health & Science - TIME reporters share stories about innovations and breakthroughs in science, health, technology, and climate, giving viewers a deep understanding of the people and projects making the world a better, healthier, and safer place. + + News + An international news bulletin, presented live from the newsroom. News - - TIME Reports - TIME Reports is an anthology of short documentaries about the people, places, and news events that are shaping our lives. Watch as TIME journalists take viewers on a journey to understand the context behind the biggest stories. + + France In Focus + An in-depth look at the political and social events shaping France. News - - TIME Docs - Short documentaries from the world's best filmmakers, these stories offer viewers a chance to screen enlightening and entertaining short films from around the world. + + News + An international news bulletin, presented live from the newsroom. News - - TIME Off - Stories about pop culture, entertainment industry news, and viral moments. TIME Off provides a deeply reported look into the entertainment world and surprising events that helps make everyone's life more fun and interesting. + + Sports + A summary of world sports news of the day, both on and off the pitch. News - - Profiles in TIME - Interivews with the most influential people in the world, from Bill Gates to Angelina Jolie. Profiles in TIME offers insightful discussions with newsmakers, thought leaders, icons, and historical figures. + + News + An international news bulletin, presented live from the newsroom. News - - Ideas in TIME - A collection of talks and stories about big ideas in politics, tech, health, etc. that impact the world — featuring the voices and perspectives of the leading thinkers of our time. + + Down To Earth + We meet the people behind fascinating environmental, health and technological innovations in a bid for sustainable solutions to our changing world. News - - TIME Docs - Short documentaries from the world's best filmmakers, these stories offer viewers a chance to screen enlightening and entertaining short films from around the world. + + News + An international news bulletin, presented live from the newsroom. News - - Ideas in TIME - A collection of talks and stories about big ideas in politics, tech, health, etc. that impact the world — featuring the voices and perspectives of the leading thinkers of our time. + + The 51 Percent + A program about women who are reshaping our world. News - - Profiles in TIME - Interivews with the most influential people in the world, from Bill Gates to Angelina Jolie. Profiles in TIME offers insightful discussions with newsmakers, thought leaders, icons, and historical figures. + + News + An international news bulletin, presented live from the newsroom. News - - World News - Breaking news and analysis of the major global events of the day, TIME's world news segment provides insight into international developments from one of the world's most trusted news brands. + + Encore + How do artists and writers see the world? We take you to the crossroads where culture meets the news and engages with what's happening in our lives today. News - - Politics on TIME - The most relevant moments and insights helping make sense of what matters in Washington and beyond. + + News + An international news bulletin, presented live from the newsroom. News - - TIME Reports - TIME Reports is an anthology of short documentaries about the people, places, and news events that are shaping our lives. Watch as TIME journalists take viewers on a journey to understand the context behind the biggest stories. + + Fashion + All the best of the Parisian catwalks and a behind-the-scenes look at the big names in Haute couture. News - - World News - Breaking news and analysis of the major global events of the day, TIME's world news segment provides insight into international developments from one of the world's most trusted news brands. + + News + An international news bulletin, presented live from the newsroom. News - - Politics on TIME - The most relevant moments and insights helping make sense of what matters in Washington and beyond. + + Business + A daily update on the latest business and economic news. News - - TIME for Health & Science - TIME reporters share stories about innovations and breakthroughs in science, health, technology, and climate, giving viewers a deep understanding of the people and projects making the world a better, healthier, and safer place. + + News + An international news bulletin, presented live from the newsroom. News - - TIME Off - Stories about pop culture, entertainment industry news, and viral moments. TIME Off provides a deeply reported look into the entertainment world and surprising events that helps make everyone's life more fun and interesting. + + In The Press + An overview of the stories making the French and international newspaper headlines. News - - World News - Breaking news and analysis of the major global events of the day, TIME's world news segment provides insight into international developments from one of the world's most trusted news brands. + + News + An international news bulletin, presented live from the newsroom. News - - Ideas in TIME - A collection of talks and stories about big ideas in politics, tech, health, etc. that impact the world — featuring the voices and perspectives of the leading thinkers of our time. + + Reporters + An in-depth report by our senior reporters and team of correspondents from around the world. News - - TIME Docs - Short documentaries from the world's best filmmakers, these stories offer viewers a chance to screen enlightening and entertaining short films from around the world. + + News + An international news bulletin, presented live from the newsroom. News - - TIME Off - Stories about pop culture, entertainment industry news, and viral moments. TIME Off provides a deeply reported look into the entertainment world and surprising events that helps make everyone's life more fun and interesting. + + Down To Earth + We meet the people behind fascinating environmental, health and technological innovations in a bid for sustainable solutions to our changing world. News - - World News - Breaking news and analysis of the major global events of the day, TIME's world news segment provides insight into international developments from one of the world's most trusted news brands. + + News + An international news bulletin, presented live from the newsroom. News - - Politics on TIME - The most relevant moments and insights helping make sense of what matters in Washington and beyond. + + France In Focus + An in-depth look at the political and social events shaping France. News - - Profiles in TIME - Interivews with the most influential people in the world, from Bill Gates to Angelina Jolie. Profiles in TIME offers insightful discussions with newsmakers, thought leaders, icons, and historical figures. + + News + An international news bulletin, presented live from the newsroom. News - - TIME Reports - TIME Reports is an anthology of short documentaries about the people, places, and news events that are shaping our lives. Watch as TIME journalists take viewers on a journey to understand the context behind the biggest stories. + + The 51 Percent + A program about women who are reshaping our world. News - - World News - Breaking news and analysis of the major global events of the day, TIME's world news segment provides insight into international developments from one of the world's most trusted news brands. + + News + An international news bulletin, presented live from the newsroom. News - - Politics on TIME - The most relevant moments and insights helping make sense of what matters in Washington and beyond. + + People And Profit + The business show that goes beyond the numbers and the corporate jargon! Kate Moody breaks down major business stories and looks at how they affect our lives. News - - TIME Off - Stories about pop culture, entertainment industry news, and viral moments. TIME Off provides a deeply reported look into the entertainment world and surprising events that helps make everyone's life more fun and interesting. + + News + An international news bulletin, presented live from the newsroom. News - - TIME Reports - TIME Reports is an anthology of short documentaries about the people, places, and news events that are shaping our lives. Watch as TIME journalists take viewers on a journey to understand the context behind the biggest stories. + + Fashion + All the best of the Parisian catwalks and a behind-the-scenes look at the big names in Haute couture. News - - World News - Breaking news and analysis of the major global events of the day, TIME's world news segment provides insight into international developments from one of the world's most trusted news brands. + + News + An international news bulletin, presented live from the newsroom. News - - Politics on TIME - The most relevant moments and insights helping make sense of what matters in Washington and beyond. + + Encore + How do artists and writers see the world? We take you to the crossroads where culture meets the news and engages with what's happening in our lives today. News - - World News - Breaking news and analysis of the major global events of the day, TIME's world news segment provides insight into international developments from one of the world's most trusted news brands. + + News + An international news bulletin, presented live from the newsroom. News - - 540PM NEWS - S01 : E01 540PM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + France In Focus + An in-depth look at the political and social events shaping France. News - - 6PM NEWS - S01 : E01 6PM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + News + An international news bulletin, presented live from the newsroom. News - - 620PM NEWS - S01 : E01 620PM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + Reporters + An in-depth report by our senior reporters and team of correspondents from around the world. News - - 640PM NEWS - S01 : E01 640PM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + News + An international news bulletin, presented live from the newsroom. News - - 7PM NEWS - S01 : E01 7PM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + French Connections + A quirky, insider's guide to understanding France and the French, from the sublime to the ridiculous. News - - 720PM NEWS - S01 : E01 720PM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. - News - - - 740PM NEWS - S01 : E01 740PM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + News + An international news bulletin, presented live from the newsroom. News - - 8PM NEWS - S01 : E01 8PM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + The 51 Percent + A program about women who are reshaping our world. News - - 820PM NEWS - S01 : E01 820PM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + News + An international news bulletin, presented live from the newsroom. News - - 840PM NEWS - S01 : E01 840PM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + Down To Earth + We meet the people behind fascinating environmental, health and technological innovations in a bid for sustainable solutions to our changing world. News - - 9PM NEWS - S01 : E01 9PM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + News + An international news bulletin, presented live from the newsroom. News - - 920PM NEWS - S01 : E01 920PM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + Business + A daily update on the latest business and economic news. News - - 940PM NEWS - S01 : E01 940PM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + News + An international news bulletin, presented live from the newsroom. News - - 10PM NEWS - S01 : E01 10PM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + Truth Or Fake + Truth or Fake is a fact-checking rendez-vous in association with the FRANCE 24 Observers. Our content focuses on false images circulating online and how to identify them. News - - 1020PM NEWS - S01 : E01 1020PM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + News + An international news bulletin, presented live from the newsroom. News - - 1040PM NEWS - S01 : E01 1040PM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + France In Focus + An in-depth look at the political and social events shaping France. News - - 11PM NEWS - S01 : E01 11PM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + News + An international news bulletin, presented live from the newsroom. News - - 1120PM NEWS - S01 : E01 1120PM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + Eye On Africa + Join Georja Calvin-Smith for all the news from Africa and the Maghreb, with FRANCE 24’s correspondents and our guests on set. News - - 1140PM NEWS - S01 : E01 1140PM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + News + An international news bulletin, presented live from the newsroom. News - - 12AM NEWS - S01 : E01 12AM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + Encore + How do artists and writers see the world? We take you to the crossroads where culture meets the news and engages with what's happening in our lives today. News - - 1220AM NEWS - S01 : E01 1220AM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + News + An international news bulletin, presented live from the newsroom. News - - 1240AM NEWS - S01 : E01 1240AM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + Eye On Africa + Join Georja Calvin-Smith for all the news from Africa and the Maghreb, with FRANCE 24’s correspondents and our guests on set. News - - 1AM NEWS - S01 : E01 1AM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + News + An international news bulletin, presented live from the newsroom. News - - 120AM NEWS - S01 : E01 120AM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + People And Profit + The business show that goes beyond the numbers and the corporate jargon! Kate Moody breaks down major business stories and looks at how they affect our lives. News - - 140AM NEWS - S01 : E01 140AM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + News + An international news bulletin, presented live from the newsroom. News - - 2AM NEWS - S01 : E01 2AM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + French Connections + A quirky, insider's guide to understanding France and the French, from the sublime to the ridiculous. News - - 220AM NEWS - S01 : E01 220AM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + News + An international news bulletin, presented live from the newsroom. News - - 240AM NEWS - S01 : E01 240AM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + Focus + Our Focus programme brings you exclusive reports from around the world. News - - 3AM NEWS - S01 : E01 3AM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + News + An international news bulletin, presented live from the newsroom. News - - 320AM NEWS - S01 : E01 320AM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + Down To Earth + We meet the people behind fascinating environmental, health and technological innovations in a bid for sustainable solutions to our changing world. News - - 340AM NEWS - S01 : E01 340AM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + News + An international news bulletin, presented live from the newsroom. News - - 4AM NEWS - S01 : E01 4AM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + The Observers + A show produced with photos, videos and personal accounts from our Observers around the world all checked by our staff here in Paris. News - - 420AM NEWS - S01 : E01 420AM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + News + An international news bulletin, presented live from the newsroom. News - - 440AM NEWS - S01 : E01 440AM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + Encore + How do artists and writers see the world? We take you to the crossroads where culture meets the news and engages with what's happening in our lives today. News - - 5AM NEWS - S01 : E01 5AM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + News + An international news bulletin, presented live from the newsroom. News - - 520AM NEWS - S01 : E01 520AM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + Talking Europe + Politicians, activists and researchers debate the issues facing the EU and a 'guest of the week' offers their insight in a long-format interview that gets to the heart of the matter. News - - 540AM NEWS - S01 : E01 540AM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + News + An international news bulletin, presented live from the newsroom. News - - 6AM NEWS - S01 : E01 6AM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + Talking Europe + Politicians, activists and researchers debate the issues facing the EU and a 'guest of the week' offers their insight in a long-format interview that gets to the heart of the matter. News - - 620AM NEWS - S01 : E01 620AM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + TIME Docs + Short documentaries from the world's best filmmakers, these stories offer viewers a chance to screen enlightening and entertaining short films from around the world. News - - 640AM NEWS - S01 : E01 640AM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + Sharks: Monster of the Media + Learn about shark myths that we commonly believe as truth but have no basis in reality. News - - 7AM NEWS - S01 : E01 7AM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + The Neutral Ground + The heated protests over removing four Confederate monuments from New Orleans public grounds. News - - 720AM NEWS - S01 : E01 720AM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + TIME Off + Stories about pop culture, entertainment industry news, and viral moments. TIME Off provides a deeply reported look into the entertainment world and surprising events that helps make everyone's life more fun and interesting. News - - 740AM NEWS - S01 : E01 740AM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + Profiles in TIME + Interivews with the most influential people in the world, from Bill Gates to Angelina Jolie. Profiles in TIME offers insightful discussions with newsmakers, thought leaders, icons, and historical figures. News - - 8AM NEWS - S01 : E01 8AM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + Ideas in TIME + A collection of talks and stories about big ideas in politics, tech, health, etc. that impact the world — featuring the voices and perspectives of the leading thinkers of our time. News - - 820AM NEWS - S01 : E01 820AM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + TIME Docs + Short documentaries from the world's best filmmakers, these stories offer viewers a chance to screen enlightening and entertaining short films from around the world. News - - 840AM NEWS - S01 : E01 840AM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + At The Drive-In + A group of film fanatics in rural Pennsylvania fight to keep a dying drive-in theater alive. News - - 9AM NEWS - S01 : E01 9AM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + I Danced For The Angel Of Death: The Dr. Edith Eva Eger Story + Dr. Edith Eva Eger tells her story of surviving Auschwitz and how she healed through her work as a psychologist. News - - 920AM NEWS - S01 : E01 920AM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + TIME Off + Stories about pop culture, entertainment industry news, and viral moments. TIME Off provides a deeply reported look into the entertainment world and surprising events that helps make everyone's life more fun and interesting. News - - 940AM NEWS - S01 : E01 940AM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + TIME for Health & Science + TIME reporters share stories about innovations and breakthroughs in science, health, technology, and climate, giving viewers a deep understanding of the people and projects making the world a better, healthier, and safer place. News - - 10AM NEWS - S01 : E01 10AM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + TIME Reports + TIME Reports is an anthology of short documentaries about the people, places, and news events that are shaping our lives. Watch as TIME journalists take viewers on a journey to understand the context behind the biggest stories. News - - 1020AM NEWS - S01 : E01 1020AM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + TIME Docs + Short documentaries from the world's best filmmakers, these stories offer viewers a chance to screen enlightening and entertaining short films from around the world. News - - 1040AM NEWS - S01 : E01 1040AM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + TIME Off + Stories about pop culture, entertainment industry news, and viral moments. TIME Off provides a deeply reported look into the entertainment world and surprising events that helps make everyone's life more fun and interesting. News - - 11AM NEWS - S01 : E01 11AM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + Profiles in TIME + Interivews with the most influential people in the world, from Bill Gates to Angelina Jolie. Profiles in TIME offers insightful discussions with newsmakers, thought leaders, icons, and historical figures. News - - 1120AM NEWS - S01 : E01 1120AM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + Ideas in TIME + A collection of talks and stories about big ideas in politics, tech, health, etc. that impact the world — featuring the voices and perspectives of the leading thinkers of our time. News - - 1140AM NEWS - S01 : E01 1140AM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + TIME Docs + Short documentaries from the world's best filmmakers, these stories offer viewers a chance to screen enlightening and entertaining short films from around the world. News - - 12PM NEWS - S01 : E01 12PM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + TIME Off + Stories about pop culture, entertainment industry news, and viral moments. TIME Off provides a deeply reported look into the entertainment world and surprising events that helps make everyone's life more fun and interesting. News - - 1220PM NEWS - S01 : E01 1220PM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + TIME for Health & Science + TIME reporters share stories about innovations and breakthroughs in science, health, technology, and climate, giving viewers a deep understanding of the people and projects making the world a better, healthier, and safer place. News - - 1240PM NEWS - S01 : E01 1240PM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + TIME Reports + TIME Reports is an anthology of short documentaries about the people, places, and news events that are shaping our lives. Watch as TIME journalists take viewers on a journey to understand the context behind the biggest stories. News - - 1PM NEWS - S01 : E01 1PM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + TIME Docs + Short documentaries from the world's best filmmakers, these stories offer viewers a chance to screen enlightening and entertaining short films from around the world. News - - 120PM NEWS - S01 : E01 120PM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + TIME Off + Stories about pop culture, entertainment industry news, and viral moments. TIME Off provides a deeply reported look into the entertainment world and surprising events that helps make everyone's life more fun and interesting. News - - 140PM NEWS - S01 : E01 140PM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + Profiles in TIME + Interivews with the most influential people in the world, from Bill Gates to Angelina Jolie. Profiles in TIME offers insightful discussions with newsmakers, thought leaders, icons, and historical figures. News - - 2PM NEWS - S01 : E01 2PM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + Ideas in TIME + A collection of talks and stories about big ideas in politics, tech, health, etc. that impact the world — featuring the voices and perspectives of the leading thinkers of our time. News - - 220PM NEWS - S01 : E01 220PM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + TIME Docs + Short documentaries from the world's best filmmakers, these stories offer viewers a chance to screen enlightening and entertaining short films from around the world. News - - 240PM NEWS - S01 : E01 240PM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + Ideas in TIME + A collection of talks and stories about big ideas in politics, tech, health, etc. that impact the world — featuring the voices and perspectives of the leading thinkers of our time. News - - 3PM NEWS - S01 : E01 3PM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + Profiles in TIME + Interivews with the most influential people in the world, from Bill Gates to Angelina Jolie. Profiles in TIME offers insightful discussions with newsmakers, thought leaders, icons, and historical figures. News - - 320PM NEWS - S01 : E01 320PM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + World News + Breaking news and analysis of the major global events of the day, TIME's world news segment provides insight into international developments from one of the world's most trusted news brands. News - - 340PM NEWS - S01 : E01 340PM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + Politics on TIME + The most relevant moments and insights helping make sense of what matters in Washington and beyond. News - - 4PM NEWS - S01 : E01 4PM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + TIME Reports + TIME Reports is an anthology of short documentaries about the people, places, and news events that are shaping our lives. Watch as TIME journalists take viewers on a journey to understand the context behind the biggest stories. News - - 420PM NEWS - S01 : E01 420PM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + World News + Breaking news and analysis of the major global events of the day, TIME's world news segment provides insight into international developments from one of the world's most trusted news brands. News - - 440PM NEWS - S01 : E01 440PM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + Politics on TIME + The most relevant moments and insights helping make sense of what matters in Washington and beyond. News - - 5PM NEWS - S01 : E01 5PM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + TIME for Health & Science + TIME reporters share stories about innovations and breakthroughs in science, health, technology, and climate, giving viewers a deep understanding of the people and projects making the world a better, healthier, and safer place. News - - 520PM NEWS - S01 : E01 520PM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + TIME Off + Stories about pop culture, entertainment industry news, and viral moments. TIME Off provides a deeply reported look into the entertainment world and surprising events that helps make everyone's life more fun and interesting. News - - 540PM NEWS - S01 : E01 540PM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + World News + Breaking news and analysis of the major global events of the day, TIME's world news segment provides insight into international developments from one of the world's most trusted news brands. News - - 6PM NEWS - S01 : E01 6PM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + Ideas in TIME + A collection of talks and stories about big ideas in politics, tech, health, etc. that impact the world — featuring the voices and perspectives of the leading thinkers of our time. News - - 620PM NEWS - S01 : E01 620PM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + TIME Docs + Short documentaries from the world's best filmmakers, these stories offer viewers a chance to screen enlightening and entertaining short films from around the world. News - - 640PM NEWS - S01 : E01 640PM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + TIME Off + Stories about pop culture, entertainment industry news, and viral moments. TIME Off provides a deeply reported look into the entertainment world and surprising events that helps make everyone's life more fun and interesting. News - - 7PM NEWS - S01 : E01 7PM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + World News + Breaking news and analysis of the major global events of the day, TIME's world news segment provides insight into international developments from one of the world's most trusted news brands. News - - 720PM NEWS - S01 : E01 720PM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + Politics on TIME + The most relevant moments and insights helping make sense of what matters in Washington and beyond. News - - 740PM NEWS - S01 : E01 740PM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + Profiles in TIME + Interivews with the most influential people in the world, from Bill Gates to Angelina Jolie. Profiles in TIME offers insightful discussions with newsmakers, thought leaders, icons, and historical figures. News - - 8PM NEWS - S01 : E01 8PM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + TIME Reports + TIME Reports is an anthology of short documentaries about the people, places, and news events that are shaping our lives. Watch as TIME journalists take viewers on a journey to understand the context behind the biggest stories. News - - 820PM NEWS - S01 : E01 820PM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + World News + Breaking news and analysis of the major global events of the day, TIME's world news segment provides insight into international developments from one of the world's most trusted news brands. News - - 840PM NEWS - S01 : E01 840PM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + Politics on TIME + The most relevant moments and insights helping make sense of what matters in Washington and beyond. News - - 9PM NEWS - S01 : E01 9PM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + TIME Off + Stories about pop culture, entertainment industry news, and viral moments. TIME Off provides a deeply reported look into the entertainment world and surprising events that helps make everyone's life more fun and interesting. News - - 920PM NEWS - S01 : E01 920PM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + TIME Reports + TIME Reports is an anthology of short documentaries about the people, places, and news events that are shaping our lives. Watch as TIME journalists take viewers on a journey to understand the context behind the biggest stories. News - - 940PM NEWS - S01 : E01 940PM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + World News + Breaking news and analysis of the major global events of the day, TIME's world news segment provides insight into international developments from one of the world's most trusted news brands. News - - 10PM NEWS - S01 : E01 10PM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + Politics on TIME + The most relevant moments and insights helping make sense of what matters in Washington and beyond. News - - 1020PM NEWS - S01 : E01 1020PM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + World News + Breaking news and analysis of the major global events of the day, TIME's world news segment provides insight into international developments from one of the world's most trusted news brands. News - - 1040PM NEWS - S01 : E01 1040PM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + Ideas in TIME + A collection of talks and stories about big ideas in politics, tech, health, etc. that impact the world — featuring the voices and perspectives of the leading thinkers of our time. News - - 11PM NEWS - S01 : E01 11PM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + Profiles in TIME + Interivews with the most influential people in the world, from Bill Gates to Angelina Jolie. Profiles in TIME offers insightful discussions with newsmakers, thought leaders, icons, and historical figures. News - - 1120PM NEWS - S01 : E01 1120PM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + World News + Breaking news and analysis of the major global events of the day, TIME's world news segment provides insight into international developments from one of the world's most trusted news brands. News - - 1140PM NEWS - S01 : E01 1140PM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + Politics on TIME + The most relevant moments and insights helping make sense of what matters in Washington and beyond. News - - 12AM NEWS - S01 : E01 12AM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + TIME Reports + TIME Reports is an anthology of short documentaries about the people, places, and news events that are shaping our lives. Watch as TIME journalists take viewers on a journey to understand the context behind the biggest stories. News - - 1220AM NEWS - S01 : E01 1220AM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + World News + Breaking news and analysis of the major global events of the day, TIME's world news segment provides insight into international developments from one of the world's most trusted news brands. News - - 1240AM NEWS - S01 : E01 1240AM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + Politics on TIME + The most relevant moments and insights helping make sense of what matters in Washington and beyond. News - - 1AM NEWS - S01 : E01 1AM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + TIME for Health & Science + TIME reporters share stories about innovations and breakthroughs in science, health, technology, and climate, giving viewers a deep understanding of the people and projects making the world a better, healthier, and safer place. News - - 120AM NEWS - S01 : E01 120AM NEWS - Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + + TIME Off + Stories about pop culture, entertainment industry news, and viral moments. TIME Off provides a deeply reported look into the entertainment world and surprising events that helps make everyone's life more fun and interesting. News - + + World News + Breaking news and analysis of the major global events of the day, TIME's world news segment provides insight into international developments from one of the world's most trusted news brands. + News + + + Ideas in TIME + A collection of talks and stories about big ideas in politics, tech, health, etc. that impact the world — featuring the voices and perspectives of the leading thinkers of our time. + News + + + TIME Docs + Short documentaries from the world's best filmmakers, these stories offer viewers a chance to screen enlightening and entertaining short films from around the world. + News + + + Ideas in TIME + A collection of talks and stories about big ideas in politics, tech, health, etc. that impact the world — featuring the voices and perspectives of the leading thinkers of our time. + News + + + Profiles in TIME + Interivews with the most influential people in the world, from Bill Gates to Angelina Jolie. Profiles in TIME offers insightful discussions with newsmakers, thought leaders, icons, and historical figures. + News + + + World News + Breaking news and analysis of the major global events of the day, TIME's world news segment provides insight into international developments from one of the world's most trusted news brands. + News + + + Politics on TIME + The most relevant moments and insights helping make sense of what matters in Washington and beyond. + News + + + TIME Reports + TIME Reports is an anthology of short documentaries about the people, places, and news events that are shaping our lives. Watch as TIME journalists take viewers on a journey to understand the context behind the biggest stories. + News + + + World News + Breaking news and analysis of the major global events of the day, TIME's world news segment provides insight into international developments from one of the world's most trusted news brands. + News + + + Politics on TIME + The most relevant moments and insights helping make sense of what matters in Washington and beyond. + News + + + TIME for Health & Science + TIME reporters share stories about innovations and breakthroughs in science, health, technology, and climate, giving viewers a deep understanding of the people and projects making the world a better, healthier, and safer place. + News + + + TIME Off + Stories about pop culture, entertainment industry news, and viral moments. TIME Off provides a deeply reported look into the entertainment world and surprising events that helps make everyone's life more fun and interesting. + News + + + World News + Breaking news and analysis of the major global events of the day, TIME's world news segment provides insight into international developments from one of the world's most trusted news brands. + News + + + Ideas in TIME + A collection of talks and stories about big ideas in politics, tech, health, etc. that impact the world — featuring the voices and perspectives of the leading thinkers of our time. + News + + + TIME Docs + Short documentaries from the world's best filmmakers, these stories offer viewers a chance to screen enlightening and entertaining short films from around the world. + News + + + TIME Off + Stories about pop culture, entertainment industry news, and viral moments. TIME Off provides a deeply reported look into the entertainment world and surprising events that helps make everyone's life more fun and interesting. + News + + + World News + Breaking news and analysis of the major global events of the day, TIME's world news segment provides insight into international developments from one of the world's most trusted news brands. + News + + + Politics on TIME + The most relevant moments and insights helping make sense of what matters in Washington and beyond. + News + + + Profiles in TIME + Interivews with the most influential people in the world, from Bill Gates to Angelina Jolie. Profiles in TIME offers insightful discussions with newsmakers, thought leaders, icons, and historical figures. + News + + + TIME Reports + TIME Reports is an anthology of short documentaries about the people, places, and news events that are shaping our lives. Watch as TIME journalists take viewers on a journey to understand the context behind the biggest stories. + News + + + World News + Breaking news and analysis of the major global events of the day, TIME's world news segment provides insight into international developments from one of the world's most trusted news brands. + News + + + Politics on TIME + The most relevant moments and insights helping make sense of what matters in Washington and beyond. + News + + + TIME Off + Stories about pop culture, entertainment industry news, and viral moments. TIME Off provides a deeply reported look into the entertainment world and surprising events that helps make everyone's life more fun and interesting. + News + + + TIME Reports + TIME Reports is an anthology of short documentaries about the people, places, and news events that are shaping our lives. Watch as TIME journalists take viewers on a journey to understand the context behind the biggest stories. + News + + + World News + Breaking news and analysis of the major global events of the day, TIME's world news segment provides insight into international developments from one of the world's most trusted news brands. + News + + + Politics on TIME + The most relevant moments and insights helping make sense of what matters in Washington and beyond. + News + + + World News + Breaking news and analysis of the major global events of the day, TIME's world news segment provides insight into international developments from one of the world's most trusted news brands. + News + + 140AM NEWS S01 : E01 140AM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 2AM NEWS S01 : E01 2AM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 220AM NEWS S01 : E01 220AM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 240AM NEWS S01 : E01 240AM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 3AM NEWS S01 : E01 3AM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 320AM NEWS S01 : E01 320AM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 340AM NEWS S01 : E01 340AM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 4AM NEWS S01 : E01 4AM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 420AM NEWS S01 : E01 420AM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 440AM NEWS S01 : E01 440AM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 5AM NEWS S01 : E01 5AM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 520AM NEWS S01 : E01 520AM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 540AM NEWS S01 : E01 540AM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 6AM NEWS S01 : E01 6AM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 620AM NEWS S01 : E01 620AM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 640AM NEWS S01 : E01 640AM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 7AM NEWS S01 : E01 7AM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 720AM NEWS S01 : E01 720AM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 740AM NEWS S01 : E01 740AM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 8AM NEWS S01 : E01 8AM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 820AM NEWS S01 : E01 820AM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 840AM NEWS S01 : E01 840AM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 9AM NEWS S01 : E01 9AM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 920AM NEWS S01 : E01 920AM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 940AM NEWS S01 : E01 940AM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 10AM NEWS S01 : E01 10AM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 1020AM NEWS S01 : E01 1020AM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 1040AM NEWS S01 : E01 1040AM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 11AM NEWS S01 : E01 11AM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 1120AM NEWS S01 : E01 1120AM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 1140AM NEWS S01 : E01 1140AM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 12PM NEWS S01 : E01 12PM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 1220PM NEWS S01 : E01 1220PM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 1240PM NEWS S01 : E01 1240PM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 1PM NEWS S01 : E01 1PM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 120PM NEWS S01 : E01 120PM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 140PM NEWS S01 : E01 140PM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 2PM NEWS S01 : E01 2PM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 220PM NEWS S01 : E01 220PM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 240PM NEWS S01 : E01 240PM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 3PM NEWS S01 : E01 3PM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 320PM NEWS S01 : E01 320PM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 340PM NEWS S01 : E01 340PM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 4PM NEWS S01 : E01 4PM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 420PM NEWS S01 : E01 420PM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 440PM NEWS S01 : E01 440PM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 5PM NEWS S01 : E01 5PM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 520PM NEWS S01 : E01 520PM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 540PM NEWS S01 : E01 540PM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 6PM NEWS S01 : E01 6PM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 620PM NEWS S01 : E01 620PM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 640PM NEWS S01 : E01 640PM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 7PM NEWS S01 : E01 7PM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 720PM NEWS S01 : E01 720PM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 740PM NEWS S01 : E01 740PM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 8PM NEWS S01 : E01 8PM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 820PM NEWS S01 : E01 820PM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 840PM NEWS S01 : E01 840PM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 9PM NEWS S01 : E01 9PM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 920PM NEWS S01 : E01 920PM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 940PM NEWS S01 : E01 940PM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 10PM NEWS S01 : E01 10PM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 1020PM NEWS S01 : E01 1020PM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 1040PM NEWS S01 : E01 1040PM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 11PM NEWS S01 : E01 11PM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 1120PM NEWS S01 : E01 1120PM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 1140PM NEWS S01 : E01 1140PM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 12AM NEWS S01 : E01 12AM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 1220AM NEWS S01 : E01 1220AM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 1240AM NEWS S01 : E01 1240AM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 1AM NEWS S01 : E01 1AM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 120AM NEWS S01 : E01 120AM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - + 140AM NEWS S01 : E01 140AM NEWS Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - Nana Akua - Nana Akua + + 2AM NEWS + S01 : E01 2AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - The Saturday Five - The Saturday Five + + 220AM NEWS + S01 : E01 220AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - The Saturday Night Showdown - The Saturday Night Showdown + + 240AM NEWS + S01 : E01 240AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - Mark Dolan Tonight - Mark Dolan Tonight + + 3AM NEWS + S01 : E01 3AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - Headliners - Headliners + + 320AM NEWS + S01 : E01 320AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - The Saturday Five Replay - The Saturday Five Replay + + 340AM NEWS + S01 : E01 340AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - Headliners Replay - Headliners Replay + + 4AM NEWS + S01 : E01 4AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - Mark Dolan Tonight Replay - Mark Dolan Tonight Replay + + 420AM NEWS + S01 : E01 420AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - Headliners Replay - Headliners Replay + + 440AM NEWS + S01 : E01 440AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - UK National Anthem - UK National Anthem + + 5AM NEWS + S01 : E01 5AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - Breakfast with Stephen and Anne - Breakfast with Stephen and Anne + + 520AM NEWS + S01 : E01 520AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - The Camilla Tominey Show - The Camilla Tominey Show + + 540AM NEWS + S01 : E01 540AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - Sunday with Michael Portillo - Sunday with Michael Portillo + + 6AM NEWS + S01 : E01 6AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - The Weekend - The Weekend + + 620AM NEWS + S01 : E01 620AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - Nana Akua - Nana Akua + + 640AM NEWS + S01 : E01 640AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - The Neil Oliver Show - The Neil Oliver Show + + 7AM NEWS + S01 : E01 7AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - Free Speech Nation - Free Speech Nation + + 720AM NEWS + S01 : E01 720AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - Mark Dolan Tonight - Mark Dolan Tonight + + 740AM NEWS + S01 : E01 740AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - Headliners - Headliners + + 8AM NEWS + S01 : E01 8AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - Free Speech Nation Replay - Free Speech Nation Replay + + 820AM NEWS + S01 : E01 820AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - Headliners Replay - Headliners Replay + + 840AM NEWS + S01 : E01 840AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - Mark Dolan Tonight Replay - Mark Dolan Tonight Replay + + 9AM NEWS + S01 : E01 9AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - Headliners Replay - Headliners Replay + + 920AM NEWS + S01 : E01 920AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - UK National Anthem - UK National Anthem + + 940AM NEWS + S01 : E01 940AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - Breakfast with Eamonn and Isabel - Breakfast with Eamonn and Isabel + + 10AM NEWS + S01 : E01 10AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - Britain's Newsroom - Britain's Newsroom + + 1020AM NEWS + S01 : E01 1020AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - Good Afternoon Britain - Good Afternoon Britain + + 1040AM NEWS + S01 : E01 1040AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - Martin Daubney - Martin Daubney + + 11AM NEWS + S01 : E01 11AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - Dewbs & Co - Dewbs & Co + + 1120AM NEWS + S01 : E01 1120AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - GBN Tonight - GBN Tonight - News + + 1140AM NEWS + S01 : E01 1140AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. + News - - Jacob Rees-Mogg's State Of The Nation - Jacob Rees-Mogg's State Of The Nation + + 12PM NEWS + S01 : E01 12PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - Patrick Christys Tonight - Patrick Christys Tonight + + 1220PM NEWS + S01 : E01 1220PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - Headliners - Headliners + + 1240PM NEWS + S01 : E01 1240PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - GBN Tonight Replay - GBN Tonight Replay + + 1PM NEWS + S01 : E01 1PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - Nana Akua - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 120PM NEWS + S01 : E01 120PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - The News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 140PM NEWS + S01 : E01 140PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - The News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 2PM NEWS + S01 : E01 2PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 220PM NEWS + S01 : E01 220PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 240PM NEWS + S01 : E01 240PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - The News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 3PM NEWS + S01 : E01 3PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - The News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 320PM NEWS + S01 : E01 320PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - The Saturday Night Showdown - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 340PM NEWS + S01 : E01 340PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - The Saturday Night Showdown - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 4PM NEWS + S01 : E01 4PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - The News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 420PM NEWS + S01 : E01 420PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - The News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 440PM NEWS + S01 : E01 440PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 5PM NEWS + S01 : E01 5PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 520PM NEWS + S01 : E01 520PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - The News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 540PM NEWS + S01 : E01 540PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - The News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 6PM NEWS + S01 : E01 6PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - The News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 620PM NEWS + S01 : E01 620PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - The Saturday Five Replay - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 640PM NEWS + S01 : E01 640PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - The News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 7PM NEWS + S01 : E01 7PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - The News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 720PM NEWS + S01 : E01 720PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - ABC News At Noon - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 740PM NEWS + S01 : E01 740PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - ABC News At Noon - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 8PM NEWS + S01 : E01 8PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 820PM NEWS + S01 : E01 820PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 840PM NEWS + S01 : E01 840PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - The News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 9PM NEWS + S01 : E01 9PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - The News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 920PM NEWS + S01 : E01 920PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 940PM NEWS + S01 : E01 940PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 10PM NEWS + S01 : E01 10PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - Breakfast with Stephen & Anne - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 1020PM NEWS + S01 : E01 1020PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - Breakfast with Stephen & Anne - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 1040PM NEWS + S01 : E01 1040PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 11PM NEWS + S01 : E01 11PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 1120PM NEWS + S01 : E01 1120PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - The News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 1140PM NEWS + S01 : E01 1140PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - The News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 12AM NEWS + S01 : E01 12AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - ABC National News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 1220AM NEWS + S01 : E01 1220AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - ABC National News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 1240AM NEWS + S01 : E01 1240AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - Sunday with Michael Portillo - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 1AM NEWS + S01 : E01 1AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - Sunday with Michael Portillo - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 120AM NEWS + S01 : E01 120AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - The News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 140AM NEWS + S01 : E01 140AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - The News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 2AM NEWS + S01 : E01 2AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 220AM NEWS + S01 : E01 220AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 240AM NEWS + S01 : E01 240AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - GB News Sunday - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 3AM NEWS + S01 : E01 3AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - GB News Sunday - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 320AM NEWS + S01 : E01 320AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - The News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 340AM NEWS + S01 : E01 340AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - The News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 4AM NEWS + S01 : E01 4AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - Nana Akua - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 420AM NEWS + S01 : E01 420AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - Nana Akua - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 440AM NEWS + S01 : E01 440AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - The News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 5AM NEWS + S01 : E01 5AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - The News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 520AM NEWS + S01 : E01 520AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 540AM NEWS + S01 : E01 540AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 6AM NEWS + S01 : E01 6AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - The News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 620AM NEWS + S01 : E01 620AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - The News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 640AM NEWS + S01 : E01 640AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - Sunday - Free Speech Nation - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 7AM NEWS + S01 : E01 7AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - Sunday - Free Speech Nation - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 720AM NEWS + S01 : E01 720AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - News Breakfast - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 740AM NEWS + S01 : E01 740AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - News Breakfast - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 8AM NEWS + S01 : E01 8AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 820AM NEWS + S01 : E01 820AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 840AM NEWS + S01 : E01 840AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - The News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 9AM NEWS + S01 : E01 9AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - The News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 920AM NEWS + S01 : E01 920AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - ABC News Mornings - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 940AM NEWS + S01 : E01 940AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - ABC News Mornings - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 10AM NEWS + S01 : E01 10AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - State Of The Nation Replay - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 1020AM NEWS + S01 : E01 1020AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - State Of The Nation Replay - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 1040AM NEWS + S01 : E01 1040AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - The News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 11AM NEWS + S01 : E01 11AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - The News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 1120AM NEWS + S01 : E01 1120AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - ABC News At Noon - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 1140AM NEWS + S01 : E01 1140AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - ABC News At Noon - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 12PM NEWS + S01 : E01 12PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 1220PM NEWS + S01 : E01 1220PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 1240PM NEWS + S01 : E01 1240PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - The News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 1PM NEWS + S01 : E01 1PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - The News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 120PM NEWS + S01 : E01 120PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 140PM NEWS + S01 : E01 140PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 2PM NEWS + S01 : E01 2PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - Breakfast with Eamonn & Isabel - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 220PM NEWS + S01 : E01 220PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - Breakfast with Stephen & Anne - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 240PM NEWS + S01 : E01 240PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 3PM NEWS + S01 : E01 3PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 320PM NEWS + S01 : E01 320PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - The News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 340PM NEWS + S01 : E01 340PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - The News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 4PM NEWS + S01 : E01 4PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - ABC National News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 420PM NEWS + S01 : E01 420PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - ABC National News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 440PM NEWS + S01 : E01 440PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - Britain's Newsroom - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 5PM NEWS + S01 : E01 5PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - Britain's Newsroom - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 520PM NEWS + S01 : E01 520PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - The World - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 540PM NEWS + S01 : E01 540PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - The World - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 6PM NEWS + S01 : E01 6PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 620PM NEWS + S01 : E01 620PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 640PM NEWS + S01 : E01 640PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - Good Afternoon Britain - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 7PM NEWS + S01 : E01 7PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - Good Afternoon Britain - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 720PM NEWS + S01 : E01 720PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - The News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 740PM NEWS + S01 : E01 740PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - The News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 8PM NEWS + S01 : E01 8PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - Martin Daubney - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 820PM NEWS + S01 : E01 820PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - Martin Daubney - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 840PM NEWS + S01 : E01 840PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - The News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 9PM NEWS + S01 : E01 9PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - The News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 920PM NEWS + S01 : E01 920PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 940PM NEWS + S01 : E01 940PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 10PM NEWS + S01 : E01 10PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - The News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 1020PM NEWS + S01 : E01 1020PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - The News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 1040PM NEWS + S01 : E01 1040PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - State Of The Nation - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 11PM NEWS + S01 : E01 11PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - State Of The Nation - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 1120PM NEWS + S01 : E01 1120PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - News Breakfast - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 1140PM NEWS + S01 : E01 1140PM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - News Breakfast - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 12AM NEWS + S01 : E01 12AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 1220AM NEWS + S01 : E01 1220AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 1240AM NEWS + S01 : E01 1240AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - The News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 1AM NEWS + S01 : E01 1AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - The News - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 120AM NEWS + S01 : E01 120AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - ABC News Mornings - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + 140AM NEWS + S01 : E01 140AM NEWS + Stay informed with the latest breaking news from around the world, every 20 minutes. Keep up-to-date on what’s happening near you, with stories from the world’s most trusted news outlets including ABC, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, CNBC and Reuters. News - - ABC News Mornings - Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + + The Saturday Five Replay + The Saturday Five Replay News - - The Vibe - The Vibe is a 30-minute TV show that runs daily on weekdays on CGTN. The content focuses on exciting new trends, fashion, and cultural topics across a range of disciplines both in China and abroad. The host presents various culture-related topics in a fun way while also doing some in-depth analysis to give viewers a fuller picture as to what is happening, and why it matters. + + Headliners Replay + Headliners Replay News - - Global Business - Global Business is the flagship business show of CGTN English Channel, bringing you the latest economic data, business trends and policies. + + Mark Dolan Tonight Replay + Mark Dolan Tonight Replay News - - Africa Live - Africa Live is a news program that focuses on African issues and issues related to this diverse continent. CGTN's Nairobi-based broadcast center produces Africa Live. + + Headliners Replay + Headliners Replay News - - Global Business - Global Business is the flagship business show of CGTN English Channel, bringing you the latest economic data, business trends and policies. + + UK National Anthem + UK National Anthem News - - Biz Talk - A groundbreaking 30-minute interview show, giving an in-depth look into how top companies around the world conduct business and how policymakers view the fast-changing world economy. It presents 360 degree profiles of industry movers and shakers, tech mavericks and policymakers, and drills down on the stories behind their success, to give you clarity on what’s happening in every facet of business. + + Breakfast with Stephen and Anne + Breakfast with Stephen and Anne News - - The World Today - The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. + + The Camilla Tominey Show + The Camilla Tominey Show News - - World Insight with Tian Wei - World Insight with Tian Wei is a long-running international platform for debate and intelligent discussion. + + Sunday with Michael Portillo + Sunday with Michael Portillo News - - The World Today - The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. + + The Weekend + The Weekend News - - Dialogue - It is a prime time daily English talk show on CGTN. + + Nana Akua + Nana Akua News - - Global Business - Global Business is the flagship business show of CGTN English Channel, bringing you the latest economic data, business trends and policies. + + The Neil Oliver Show + The Neil Oliver Show News - - The Point with Liu Xin - The Point with LIU Xin is a current affairs program on CGTN. The program comments on global news through LIU Xin's very own unique perspective. + + Free Speech Nation + Free Speech Nation News - - Americas Now - Americas Now profiles the development, diversity and challenges facing the Americas, particularly Latin America. + + Mark Dolan Tonight + Mark Dolan Tonight News - - The Heat - The Heat is a daily talk show anchored from Washington, D.C. It focuses on top stories making news globally. + + Headliners + Headliners News - - The World Today - The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. + + Free Speech Nation Replay + Free Speech Nation Replay News - - Global Business - Global Business is the flagship business show of CGTN English Channel, bringing you the latest economic data, business trends and policies. + + Headliners Replay + Headliners Replay News - - The World Today - The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. + + Mark Dolan Tonight Replay + Mark Dolan Tonight Replay News - - China 24 - China 24 is a prime time news program featuring in-depth reports and analysis of the stories in the headlines in China. + + Headliners Replay + Headliners Replay News - - The World Today - The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. + + UK National Anthem + UK National Anthem News - - World Insight with Tian Wei - World Insight with Tian Wei is a long-running international platform for debate and intelligent discussion. + + Breakfast with Eamonn and Isabel + Breakfast with Eamonn and Isabel News - - The World Today - The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. + + Britain's Newsroom + Britain's Newsroom News - - Sports Scene - Sports Scene brings you closer to all the action from all corners of the world, with highlights from across Europe, North America and China's top sports leagues. + + Good Afternoon Britain + Good Afternoon Britain News - - Travelogue - Travelogue is a 30-minute travel program. Through the journeys of our intrepid hosts, we experience the beauty, culture and mystery of China, discovering how people live in this vast country and showcasing China's transformation to the world. + + Martin Daubney + Martin Daubney News - - Global Watch - GLOBAL WATCH is a 60 minute-long news program. The show stresses Chinese elements, emphasizing China's perspective, policies and stories. + + Dewbs & Co + Dewbs & Co News - - Big Story - Big Story is a documentary film program on CGTN. It explores global events with in a variety of filmic styles and featuring original, in-depth, thought-provoking storytelling. + + GBN Tonight + GBN Tonight News - - The World Today - The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. + + Jacob Rees-Mogg's State Of The Nation + Jacob Rees-Mogg's State Of The Nation News - - The Heat - The Heat is a daily talk show anchored from Washington, D.C. It focuses on top stories making news globally. + + Patrick Christys Tonight + Patrick Christys Tonight News - - The World Today - The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. + + Headliners + Headliners News - - Sports Scene - Sports Scene brings you closer to all the action from all corners of the world, with highlights from across Europe, North America and China's top sports leagues. + + GBN Tonight Replay + GBN Tonight Replay News - - The World Today - The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. + + Jacob Rees-Mogg's State Of The Nation Replay + Jacob Rees-Mogg's State Of The Nation Replay News - - Biz Talk - A groundbreaking 30-minute interview show, giving an in-depth look into how top companies around the world conduct business and how policymakers view the fast-changing world economy. It presents 360 degree profiles of industry movers and shakers, tech mavericks and policymakers, and drills down on the stories behind their success, to give you clarity on what’s happening in every facet of business. + + Headliners Replay + Headliners Replay News - - The World Today - The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. + + Patrick Christys Tonight Replay + Patrick Christys Tonight Replay News - - Inheritors - Inheritors is a multi-media product from CGTN that shines a light on China’s rich Intangible Cultural Heritage. Each 30-minute TV edition is hosted by a long-term expatriate in China who has a unique understanding of the country’s culture. He or she will introduce viewers to people who are dedicating their lives to its protection, inheritance, innovation, development and promotion. + + Headliners Replay + Headliners Replay News - - The World Today - The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. + + UK National Anthem + UK National Anthem News - - Africa Live - Africa Live is a news program that focuses on African issues and issues related to this diverse continent. CGTN's Nairobi-based broadcast center produces Africa Live. + + Breakfast with Eamonn and Isabel + Breakfast with Eamonn and Isabel News - - Asia Today - Asia Today highlights the latest news and social developments across Asia. Correspondents in over a dozen countries report on the region's top stories as they happen. + + Britain's Newsroom + Britain's Newsroom News - - Leaders Talk - Leaders Talk is China Media Group’s new current affairs program featuring one-on-one interviews with heads of state and high-ranking government officials and heads of international organizations. They will share their insights on the major events shaping today’s world, providing an international viewpoint to understand our times, the visions we share, the challenges we face and the efforts we can make for a better future. + + Good Afternoon Britain + Good Afternoon Britain News - - The World Today - The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. + + Martin Daubney + Martin Daubney News - - China 24 - China 24 is a prime time news program featuring in-depth reports and analysis of the stories in the headlines in China. + + Dewbs & Co + Dewbs & Co News - - The World Today - The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. + + Farage + Farage News - - Biz Talk - A groundbreaking 30-minute interview show, giving an in-depth look into how top companies around the world conduct business and how policymakers view the fast-changing world economy. It presents 360 degree profiles of industry movers and shakers, tech mavericks and policymakers, and drills down on the stories behind their success, to give you clarity on what’s happening in every facet of business. + + Jacob Rees-Mogg's State Of The Nation + Jacob Rees-Mogg's State Of The Nation News - - The World Today - The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. + + Patrick Christys Tonight + Patrick Christys Tonight News - - Assignment Asia - Assignment Asia is a current affairs program that takes an in-depth look at stories from all over Asia. + + Headliners + Headliners News - - The World Today - The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. + + Farage Replay + Farage Replay News - - Inheritors - Inheritors is a multi-media product from CGTN that shines a light on China’s rich Intangible Cultural Heritage. Each 30-minute TV edition is hosted by a long-term expatriate in China who has a unique understanding of the country’s culture. He or she will introduce viewers to people who are dedicating their lives to its protection, inheritance, innovation, development and promotion. + + The News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - The World Today - The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. + + The Saturday Five Replay + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - The Agenda - A weekly talk-show looking beyond the headlines and “accepted wisdom” to find the real story. Hosted by award-winning journalist and presenter Stephen Cole, The Agenda quite simply sets The Agenda . You won’t find the same-old talking heads recycling platitudes; instead thought-provoking guests to debate and explore key issues of today’s world. Using virtual reality graphics to bring subjects to life, Stephen will navigate through subjects ranging from “Prove That Climate Change Exists” to “Who Will Win the Race to Space”. Opposing views will be given opportunity to flourish and develop into a meaningful conversation. + + The News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Africa Live - Africa Live is a news program that focuses on African issues and issues related to this diverse continent. CGTN's Nairobi-based broadcast center produces Africa Live. + + The News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Talk Africa - Talk Africa is a weekly discussion show that brings the most influential voices in Africa to the world. + + ABC News At Noon + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Sports Scene - Sports Scene brings you closer to all the action from all corners of the world, with highlights from across Europe, North America and China's top sports leagues. + + ABC News At Noon + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Talk Africa - Talk Africa is a weekly discussion show that brings the most influential voices in Africa to the world. + + News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - The World Today - The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. + + News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Travelogue - Travelogue is a 30-minute travel program. Through the journeys of our intrepid hosts, we experience the beauty, culture and mystery of China, discovering how people live in this vast country and showcasing China's transformation to the world. + + The News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - The World Today - The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. + + The News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - The Agenda - A weekly talk-show looking beyond the headlines and “accepted wisdom” to find the real story. Hosted by award-winning journalist and presenter Stephen Cole, The Agenda quite simply sets The Agenda . You won’t find the same-old talking heads recycling platitudes; instead thought-provoking guests to debate and explore key issues of today’s world. Using virtual reality graphics to bring subjects to life, Stephen will navigate through subjects ranging from “Prove That Climate Change Exists” to “Who Will Win the Race to Space”. Opposing views will be given opportunity to flourish and develop into a meaningful conversation. + + News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - The World Today - The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. + + News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Leaders Talk - Leaders Talk is China Media Group’s new current affairs program featuring one-on-one interviews with heads of state and high-ranking government officials and heads of international organizations. They will share their insights on the major events shaping today’s world, providing an international viewpoint to understand our times, the visions we share, the challenges we face and the efforts we can make for a better future. + + Breakfast with Stephen & Anne + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Full Frame - Full Frame enriches the lives of viewers through animated discussion of film, arts and culture, and social trends etc impacting a diverse global audience. + + Breakfast with Stephen & Anne + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - The World Today - The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. + + News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Assignment Asia - Assignment Asia is a current affairs program that takes an in-depth look at stories from all over Asia. + + News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - The World Today - The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. + + The News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - The Agenda - A weekly talk-show looking beyond the headlines and “accepted wisdom” to find the real story. Hosted by award-winning journalist and presenter Stephen Cole, The Agenda quite simply sets The Agenda . You won’t find the same-old talking heads recycling platitudes; instead thought-provoking guests to debate and explore key issues of today’s world. Using virtual reality graphics to bring subjects to life, Stephen will navigate through subjects ranging from “Prove That Climate Change Exists” to “Who Will Win the Race to Space”. Opposing views will be given opportunity to flourish and develop into a meaningful conversation. + + The News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Big Story - Big Story is a documentary film program on CGTN. It explores global events with in a variety of filmic styles and featuring original, in-depth, thought-provoking storytelling. + + ABC National News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - The World Today - The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. + + ABC National News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Inheritors - Inheritors is a multi-media product from CGTN that shines a light on China’s rich Intangible Cultural Heritage. Each 30-minute TV edition is hosted by a long-term expatriate in China who has a unique understanding of the country’s culture. He or she will introduce viewers to people who are dedicating their lives to its protection, inheritance, innovation, development and promotion. + + Sunday with Michael Portillo + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - The World Today - The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. + + Sunday with Michael Portillo + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Sports Scene - Sports Scene brings you closer to all the action from all corners of the world, with highlights from across Europe, North America and China's top sports leagues. + + The News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Leaders Talk - Leaders Talk is China Media Group’s new current affairs program featuring one-on-one interviews with heads of state and high-ranking government officials and heads of international organizations. They will share their insights on the major events shaping today’s world, providing an international viewpoint to understand our times, the visions we share, the challenges we face and the efforts we can make for a better future. + + The News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Global Watch - GLOBAL WATCH is a 60 minute-long news program. The show stresses Chinese elements, emphasizing China's perspective, policies and stories. + + News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Full Frame - Full Frame enriches the lives of viewers through animated discussion of film, arts and culture, and social trends etc impacting a diverse global audience. + + News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - The World Today - The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. + + GB News Sunday + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Biz Talk - A groundbreaking 30-minute interview show, giving an in-depth look into how top companies around the world conduct business and how policymakers view the fast-changing world economy. It presents 360 degree profiles of industry movers and shakers, tech mavericks and policymakers, and drills down on the stories behind their success, to give you clarity on what’s happening in every facet of business. + + GB News Sunday + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - The World Today - The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. + + The News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Sports Scene - Sports Scene brings you closer to all the action from all corners of the world, with highlights from across Europe, North America and China's top sports leagues. + + The News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - The World Today - The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. + + Nana Akua + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Talk Africa - Talk Africa is a weekly discussion show that brings the most influential voices in Africa to the world. + + Nana Akua + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - The World Today - The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. + + The News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Faces of Africa - Faces of Africa is a topical magazine that showcases the diversity of the continent. + + The News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - The World Today - The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. + + News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Africa Live - Africa Live is a news program that focuses on African issues and issues related to this diverse continent. CGTN's Nairobi-based broadcast center produces Africa Live. + + News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Zoom in - A TV news magazine show packed with top stories from around the world. The weekly program zooms in on the details of trending news items and zooms out to give viewers the bigger picture. With in-depth analysis and current perspective, Zoom in takes you on a journey beyond the daily headlines. + + The News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - The World Today - The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. + + The News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - China 24 - China 24 is a prime time news program featuring in-depth reports and analysis of the stories in the headlines in China. + + Sunday - Free Speech Nation + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - The World Today - The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. + + Sunday - Free Speech Nation + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - The Agenda - A weekly talk-show looking beyond the headlines and “accepted wisdom” to find the real story. Hosted by award-winning journalist and presenter Stephen Cole, The Agenda quite simply sets The Agenda . You won’t find the same-old talking heads recycling platitudes; instead thought-provoking guests to debate and explore key issues of today’s world. Using virtual reality graphics to bring subjects to life, Stephen will navigate through subjects ranging from “Prove That Climate Change Exists” to “Who Will Win the Race to Space”. Opposing views will be given opportunity to flourish and develop into a meaningful conversation. + + News Breakfast + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Big Story - Big Story is a documentary film program on CGTN. It explores global events with in a variety of filmic styles and featuring original, in-depth, thought-provoking storytelling. + + News Breakfast + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - The World Today - The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. + + News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Travelogue - Travelogue is a 30-minute travel program. Through the journeys of our intrepid hosts, we experience the beauty, culture and mystery of China, discovering how people live in this vast country and showcasing China's transformation to the world. + + News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - The World Today - The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. + + The News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Razor - CGTN's brand new science and technology show, covering cutting edge developments from all over the world. RAZOR will show you the world's most powerful laser and the world's smallest anti-cancer treatment. It will take you from the weird world of quantum computing to the boundaries of the cosmos. An international team of reporters will follow the guidance of Occam's Razor - the principle that the simplest explanation is the best one. RAZOR will show that we are already "living in the future"! + + The News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Africa Live - Africa Live is a news program that focuses on African issues and issues related to this diverse continent. CGTN's Nairobi-based broadcast center produces Africa Live. + + ABC News Mornings + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Faces of Africa - Faces of Africa is a topical magazine that showcases the diversity of the continent. + + ABC News Mornings + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Razor - CGTN's brand new science and technology show, covering cutting edge developments from all over the world. RAZOR will show you the world's most powerful laser and the world's smallest anti-cancer treatment. It will take you from the weird world of quantum computing to the boundaries of the cosmos. An international team of reporters will follow the guidance of Occam's Razor - the principle that the simplest explanation is the best one. RAZOR will show that we are already "living in the future"! + + State Of The Nation Replay + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - The World Today - The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. + + State Of The Nation Replay + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Inheritors - Inheritors is a multi-media product from CGTN that shines a light on China’s rich Intangible Cultural Heritage. Each 30-minute TV edition is hosted by a long-term expatriate in China who has a unique understanding of the country’s culture. He or she will introduce viewers to people who are dedicating their lives to its protection, inheritance, innovation, development and promotion. + + The News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - The World Today - The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. + + The News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Travelogue - Travelogue is a 30-minute travel program. Through the journeys of our intrepid hosts, we experience the beauty, culture and mystery of China, discovering how people live in this vast country and showcasing China's transformation to the world. + + ABC News At Noon + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - The World Today - The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. + + ABC News At Noon + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Assignment Asia - Assignment Asia is a current affairs program that takes an in-depth look at stories from all over Asia. + + News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Americas Now - Americas Now profiles the development, diversity and challenges facing the Americas, particularly Latin America. + + News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Africanews - Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. + + The News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Africanews - Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. + + The News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Africanews - Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. + + News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Africanews - Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. + + News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Africanews - Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. + + Breakfast with Eamonn & Isabel + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Africanews - Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. + + Breakfast with Stephen & Anne + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Africanews - Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. + + News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Africanews - Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. + + News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Africanews - Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. + + The News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Africanews - Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. + + The News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Africanews - Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. + + ABC National News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Africanews - Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. + + ABC National News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Africanews - Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. + + Britain's Newsroom + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Africanews - Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. + + Britain's Newsroom + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Africanews - Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. + + The World + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Africanews - Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. + + The World + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Africanews - Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. + + News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Africanews - Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. + + News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Africanews - Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. + + Good Afternoon Britain + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Africanews - Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. + + Good Afternoon Britain + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Africanews - Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. + + The News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Africanews - Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. + + The News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Africanews - Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. + + Martin Daubney + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Africanews - Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. + + Martin Daubney + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Africanews - Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. + + The News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Africanews - Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. + + The News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Africanews - Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. + + News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Africanews - Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. + + News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Africanews - Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. + + The News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Africanews - Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. + + The News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Africanews - Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. + + State Of The Nation + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Africanews - Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. + + State Of The Nation + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Africanews - Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. + + News Breakfast + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Africanews - Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. + + News Breakfast + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Africanews - Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. + + News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Africanews - Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. + + News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Africanews - Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. + + The News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Africanews - Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. + + The News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Africanews - Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. + + ABC News Mornings + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Africanews - Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. + + ABC News Mornings + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Africanews - Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. + + State Of The Nation Replay + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Africanews - Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. + + State Of The Nation Replay + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Africanews - Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. + + The News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Africanews - Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. + + The News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Africanews - Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. - News + + ABC News At Noon + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. + News - - Africanews - Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. + + ABC News At Noon + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Africanews - Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. + + News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Africanews - Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. + + News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Africanews - Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. + + The News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Africanews - Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. + + The News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Africanews - Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. + + News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Africanews - Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. + + News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Africanews - Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. + + Breakfast with Eamonn & Isabel + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Africanews - Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. + + Breakfast with Stephen & Anne + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Africanews - Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. + + News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Africanews - Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. + + News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Africanews - Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. + + The News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Africanews - Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. + + The News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Africanews - Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. + + ABC National News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Bloomberg TV+ - Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + + ABC National News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Bloomberg TV+ - Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + + Britain's Newsroom + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Bloomberg TV+ - Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + + Britain's Newsroom + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Bloomberg TV+ - Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + + The World + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Bloomberg TV+ - Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + + The World + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Bloomberg TV+ - Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + + News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Bloomberg TV+ - Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + + News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Bloomberg TV+ - Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + + Good Afternoon Britain + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Bloomberg TV+ - Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + + Good Afternoon Britain + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Bloomberg TV+ - Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + + The News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Bloomberg TV+ - Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + + The News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Bloomberg TV+ - Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + + Martin Daubney + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Bloomberg TV+ - Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + + Martin Daubney + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Bloomberg TV+ - Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + + The News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Bloomberg TV+ - Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + + The News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Bloomberg TV+ - Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + + News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Bloomberg TV+ - Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + + News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Bloomberg TV+ - Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + + The News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Bloomberg TV+ - Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + + The News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Bloomberg TV+ - Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + + State Of The Nation + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Bloomberg TV+ - Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + + State Of The Nation + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Bloomberg TV+ - Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + + News Breakfast + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Bloomberg TV+ - Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + + News Breakfast + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Bloomberg TV+ - Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + + News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Bloomberg TV+ - Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + + News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Bloomberg TV+ - Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + + The News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Bloomberg TV+ - Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + + The News + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Bloomberg TV+ - Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + + ABC News Mornings + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Bloomberg TV+ - Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + + ABC News Mornings + Current news summaries and breaking stories about politics, business, health, sports, technology, and entertainment. News - - Bloomberg TV+ - Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + + Americas Now + Americas Now profiles the development, diversity and challenges facing the Americas, particularly Latin America. News - - Bloomberg TV+ - Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + + The Heat + The Heat is a daily talk show anchored from Washington, D.C. It focuses on top stories making news globally. News - - Bloomberg TV+ - Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + + The World Today + The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. News - - Bloomberg TV+ - Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + + Global Business + Global Business is the flagship business show of CGTN English Channel, bringing you the latest economic data, business trends and policies. News - - Bloomberg TV+ - Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + + The World Today + The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. News - - Bloomberg TV+ - Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + + China 24 + China 24 is a prime time news program featuring in-depth reports and analysis of the stories in the headlines in China. News - - Bloomberg TV+ - Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + + The World Today + The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. News - - Bloomberg TV+ - Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + + World Insight with Tian Wei + World Insight with Tian Wei is a long-running international platform for debate and intelligent discussion. News - - Bloomberg TV+ - Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + + The World Today + The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. News - - Bloomberg TV+ - Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + + Sports Scene + Sports Scene brings you closer to all the action from all corners of the world, with highlights from across Europe, North America and China's top sports leagues. News - - Bloomberg TV+ - Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + + Travelogue + Travelogue is a 30-minute travel program. Through the journeys of our intrepid hosts, we experience the beauty, culture and mystery of China, discovering how people live in this vast country and showcasing China's transformation to the world. News - - Bloomberg TV+ - Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + + Global Watch + GLOBAL WATCH is a 60 minute-long news program. The show stresses Chinese elements, emphasizing China's perspective, policies and stories. News - - Bloomberg TV+ - Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + + Big Story + Big Story is a documentary film program on CGTN. It explores global events with in a variety of filmic styles and featuring original, in-depth, thought-provoking storytelling. News - - Bloomberg TV+ - Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + + The World Today + The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. News - - Bloomberg TV+ - Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + + The Heat + The Heat is a daily talk show anchored from Washington, D.C. It focuses on top stories making news globally. News - - Bloomberg TV+ - Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + + The World Today + The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. News - - Bloomberg TV+ - Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + + Sports Scene + Sports Scene brings you closer to all the action from all corners of the world, with highlights from across Europe, North America and China's top sports leagues. News - - Bloomberg TV+ - Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + + The World Today + The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. News - - Bloomberg TV+ - Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + + Biz Talk + A groundbreaking 30-minute interview show, giving an in-depth look into how top companies around the world conduct business and how policymakers view the fast-changing world economy. It presents 360 degree profiles of industry movers and shakers, tech mavericks and policymakers, and drills down on the stories behind their success, to give you clarity on what’s happening in every facet of business. News - - Bloomberg TV+ - Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + + The World Today + The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. News - - Bloomberg TV+ - Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + + Inheritors + Inheritors is a multi-media product from CGTN that shines a light on China’s rich Intangible Cultural Heritage. Each 30-minute TV edition is hosted by a long-term expatriate in China who has a unique understanding of the country’s culture. He or she will introduce viewers to people who are dedicating their lives to its protection, inheritance, innovation, development and promotion. News - - Bloomberg TV+ - Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + + The World Today + The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. News - - Bloomberg TV+ - Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + + Africa Live + Africa Live is a news program that focuses on African issues and issues related to this diverse continent. CGTN's Nairobi-based broadcast center produces Africa Live. News - - Bloomberg TV+ - Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + + Asia Today + Asia Today highlights the latest news and social developments across Asia. Correspondents in over a dozen countries report on the region's top stories as they happen. News - - Bloomberg TV+ - Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + + Leaders Talk + Leaders Talk is China Media Group’s new current affairs program featuring one-on-one interviews with heads of state and high-ranking government officials and heads of international organizations. They will share their insights on the major events shaping today’s world, providing an international viewpoint to understand our times, the visions we share, the challenges we face and the efforts we can make for a better future. News - - Bloomberg TV+ - Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + + The World Today + The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. News - - Bloomberg TV+ - Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + + China 24 + China 24 is a prime time news program featuring in-depth reports and analysis of the stories in the headlines in China. News - - Take Charge - The morning’s global headlines impacting your day. + + The World Today + The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. News - - Take a Break - Midday snapshot at the stories making news around the world. + + Biz Talk + A groundbreaking 30-minute interview show, giving an in-depth look into how top companies around the world conduct business and how policymakers view the fast-changing world economy. It presents 360 degree profiles of industry movers and shakers, tech mavericks and policymakers, and drills down on the stories behind their success, to give you clarity on what’s happening in every facet of business. News - - Quicktake Geo - The most interesting story of the news cycle, through a global lens. + + The World Today + The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. News - - Take the Lead - The people and companies impacting your money. + + Assignment Asia + Assignment Asia is a current affairs program that takes an in-depth look at stories from all over Asia. News - - Take the Lead - The people and companies impacting your money. + + The World Today + The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. News - - Bloomberg Originals - Make sense of today’s biggest stories from the world’s largest newsroom. Watch live news and docu-series. + + Inheritors + Inheritors is a multi-media product from CGTN that shines a light on China’s rich Intangible Cultural Heritage. Each 30-minute TV edition is hosted by a long-term expatriate in China who has a unique understanding of the country’s culture. He or she will introduce viewers to people who are dedicating their lives to its protection, inheritance, innovation, development and promotion. News - - Bloomberg Originals - Make sense of today’s biggest stories from the world’s largest newsroom. Watch live news and docu-series. + + The World Today + The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. News - - Bloomberg Originals - Make sense of today’s biggest stories from the world’s largest newsroom. Watch live news and docu-series. + + The Agenda + A weekly talk-show looking beyond the headlines and “accepted wisdom” to find the real story. Hosted by award-winning journalist and presenter Stephen Cole, The Agenda quite simply sets The Agenda . You won’t find the same-old talking heads recycling platitudes; instead thought-provoking guests to debate and explore key issues of today’s world. Using virtual reality graphics to bring subjects to life, Stephen will navigate through subjects ranging from “Prove That Climate Change Exists” to “Who Will Win the Race to Space”. Opposing views will be given opportunity to flourish and develop into a meaningful conversation. News - - Bloomberg Originals - Make sense of today’s biggest stories from the world’s largest newsroom. Watch live news and docu-series. + + Africa Live + Africa Live is a news program that focuses on African issues and issues related to this diverse continent. CGTN's Nairobi-based broadcast center produces Africa Live. News - - Bloomberg Originals - Make sense of today’s biggest stories from the world’s largest newsroom. Watch live news and docu-series. + + Talk Africa + Talk Africa is a weekly discussion show that brings the most influential voices in Africa to the world. News - - Take Charge - The morning’s global headlines impacting your day. + + Sports Scene + Sports Scene brings you closer to all the action from all corners of the world, with highlights from across Europe, North America and China's top sports leagues. News - - Take a Break - Midday snapshot at the stories making news around the world. + + Talk Africa + Talk Africa is a weekly discussion show that brings the most influential voices in Africa to the world. News - - Quicktake Geo - The most interesting story of the news cycle, through a global lens. + + The World Today + The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. News - - Take the Lead - The people and companies impacting your money. + + Travelogue + Travelogue is a 30-minute travel program. Through the journeys of our intrepid hosts, we experience the beauty, culture and mystery of China, discovering how people live in this vast country and showcasing China's transformation to the world. News - - Take the Lead - The people and companies impacting your money. + + The World Today + The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. News - - Bloomberg Originals - Make sense of today’s biggest stories from the world’s largest newsroom. Watch live news and docu-series. + + The Agenda + A weekly talk-show looking beyond the headlines and “accepted wisdom” to find the real story. Hosted by award-winning journalist and presenter Stephen Cole, The Agenda quite simply sets The Agenda . You won’t find the same-old talking heads recycling platitudes; instead thought-provoking guests to debate and explore key issues of today’s world. Using virtual reality graphics to bring subjects to life, Stephen will navigate through subjects ranging from “Prove That Climate Change Exists” to “Who Will Win the Race to Space”. Opposing views will be given opportunity to flourish and develop into a meaningful conversation. News - - Bloomberg Originals - Make sense of today’s biggest stories from the world’s largest newsroom. Watch live news and docu-series. + + The World Today + The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. News - - Bloomberg Originals - Make sense of today’s biggest stories from the world’s largest newsroom. Watch live news and docu-series. + + Leaders Talk + Leaders Talk is China Media Group’s new current affairs program featuring one-on-one interviews with heads of state and high-ranking government officials and heads of international organizations. They will share their insights on the major events shaping today’s world, providing an international viewpoint to understand our times, the visions we share, the challenges we face and the efforts we can make for a better future. News - - Bloomberg Originals - Make sense of today’s biggest stories from the world’s largest newsroom. Watch live news and docu-series. + + Full Frame + Full Frame enriches the lives of viewers through animated discussion of film, arts and culture, and social trends etc impacting a diverse global audience. News - - Bloomberg Originals - Make sense of today’s biggest stories from the world’s largest newsroom. Watch live news and docu-series. + + The World Today + The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. News - - Take Charge - The morning’s global headlines impacting your day. + + Assignment Asia + Assignment Asia is a current affairs program that takes an in-depth look at stories from all over Asia. News - - Take a Break - Midday snapshot at the stories making news around the world. + + The World Today + The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. News - - Quicktake Geo - The most interesting story of the news cycle, through a global lens. + + The Agenda + A weekly talk-show looking beyond the headlines and “accepted wisdom” to find the real story. Hosted by award-winning journalist and presenter Stephen Cole, The Agenda quite simply sets The Agenda . You won’t find the same-old talking heads recycling platitudes; instead thought-provoking guests to debate and explore key issues of today’s world. Using virtual reality graphics to bring subjects to life, Stephen will navigate through subjects ranging from “Prove That Climate Change Exists” to “Who Will Win the Race to Space”. Opposing views will be given opportunity to flourish and develop into a meaningful conversation. News - - Take the Lead - The people and companies impacting your money. + + Big Story + Big Story is a documentary film program on CGTN. It explores global events with in a variety of filmic styles and featuring original, in-depth, thought-provoking storytelling. News - - Ticker Docos - Info not available + + The World Today + The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. News - - Hot Shots - Info not available + + Inheritors + Inheritors is a multi-media product from CGTN that shines a light on China’s rich Intangible Cultural Heritage. Each 30-minute TV edition is hosted by a long-term expatriate in China who has a unique understanding of the country’s culture. He or she will introduce viewers to people who are dedicating their lives to its protection, inheritance, innovation, development and promotion. News - - Take Your Shot - Info not available + + The World Today + The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. News - - Ticker Now - Join Mike Loder as he explores the world of enterprise, lifestyle and health. + + Sports Scene + Sports Scene brings you closer to all the action from all corners of the world, with highlights from across Europe, North America and China's top sports leagues. News - - Talk Ya Book - Join AFL Legend Chris Judd and financ expoerts, who shine the light on trending investments. + + Leaders Talk + Leaders Talk is China Media Group’s new current affairs program featuring one-on-one interviews with heads of state and high-ranking government officials and heads of international organizations. They will share their insights on the major events shaping today’s world, providing an international viewpoint to understand our times, the visions we share, the challenges we face and the efforts we can make for a better future. News - - Ahron & Mike Show - Info not available + + Global Watch + GLOBAL WATCH is a 60 minute-long news program. The show stresses Chinese elements, emphasizing China's perspective, policies and stories. News - - The Great Transformation - Info not available + + Full Frame + Full Frame enriches the lives of viewers through animated discussion of film, arts and culture, and social trends etc impacting a diverse global audience. News - - In America Today - Join Veronica Dudo for an in-depth analysis of daily events from New York. + + The World Today + The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. News - - Ticker Docos - Info not available + + Biz Talk + A groundbreaking 30-minute interview show, giving an in-depth look into how top companies around the world conduct business and how policymakers view the fast-changing world economy. It presents 360 degree profiles of industry movers and shakers, tech mavericks and policymakers, and drills down on the stories behind their success, to give you clarity on what’s happening in every facet of business. News - - Hot Shots - Info not available + + The World Today + The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. News - - Ticker Business Learnings - Entrepreneurs who have done it all before discuss their strategies and practices. + + Sports Scene + Sports Scene brings you closer to all the action from all corners of the world, with highlights from across Europe, North America and China's top sports leagues. News - - Ahron & Mike Show - Info not available + + The World Today + The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. News - - Auto Report - Info not available + + Talk Africa + Talk Africa is a weekly discussion show that brings the most influential voices in Africa to the world. News - - Ticker Now - Join Mike Loder as he explores the world of enterprise, lifestyle and health. + + The World Today + The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. News - - Tech Edge - Info not available + + Faces of Africa + Faces of Africa is a topical magazine that showcases the diversity of the continent. News - - In America Today - Join Veronica Dudo for an in-depth analysis of daily events from New York. + + The World Today + The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. News - - Ecomm Insider - Info not available + + Africa Live + Africa Live is a news program that focuses on African issues and issues related to this diverse continent. CGTN's Nairobi-based broadcast center produces Africa Live. News - - Ticker Today - Ahron Young covers the day's politics, business and technology news. + + Zoom in + A TV news magazine show packed with top stories from around the world. The weekly program zooms in on the details of trending news items and zooms out to give viewers the bigger picture. With in-depth analysis and current perspective, Zoom in takes you on a journey beyond the daily headlines. News - - Manhattan Minute - Info not available + + The World Today + The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. News - - Ticker Now - Join Mike Loder as he explores the world of enterprise, lifestyle and health. + + China 24 + China 24 is a prime time news program featuring in-depth reports and analysis of the stories in the headlines in China. News - - Ticker Docos - Info not available + + The World Today + The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. News - - Ahron & Mike Show - Info not available + + The Agenda + A weekly talk-show looking beyond the headlines and “accepted wisdom” to find the real story. Hosted by award-winning journalist and presenter Stephen Cole, The Agenda quite simply sets The Agenda . You won’t find the same-old talking heads recycling platitudes; instead thought-provoking guests to debate and explore key issues of today’s world. Using virtual reality graphics to bring subjects to life, Stephen will navigate through subjects ranging from “Prove That Climate Change Exists” to “Who Will Win the Race to Space”. Opposing views will be given opportunity to flourish and develop into a meaningful conversation. News - - Tech Edge - Info not available + + Big Story + Big Story is a documentary film program on CGTN. It explores global events with in a variety of filmic styles and featuring original, in-depth, thought-provoking storytelling. News - - Hot Shots - Info not available + + The World Today + The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. News - - Women's Biz Leaders - Info not available + + Travelogue + Travelogue is a 30-minute travel program. Through the journeys of our intrepid hosts, we experience the beauty, culture and mystery of China, discovering how people live in this vast country and showcasing China's transformation to the world. News - - In the Driver's Seat - Info not available + + The World Today + The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. News - - Ecomm Insider - Info not available + + Razor + CGTN's brand new science and technology show, covering cutting edge developments from all over the world. RAZOR will show you the world's most powerful laser and the world's smallest anti-cancer treatment. It will take you from the weird world of quantum computing to the boundaries of the cosmos. An international team of reporters will follow the guidance of Occam's Razor - the principle that the simplest explanation is the best one. RAZOR will show that we are already "living in the future"! News - - Ticker Now - Join Mike Loder as he explores the world of enterprise, lifestyle and health. + + Africa Live + Africa Live is a news program that focuses on African issues and issues related to this diverse continent. CGTN's Nairobi-based broadcast center produces Africa Live. News - - Talk Ya Book - Join AFL Legend Chris Judd and financ expoerts, who shine the light on trending investments. + + Faces of Africa + Faces of Africa is a topical magazine that showcases the diversity of the continent. News - - Ahron & Mike Show - Info not available + + Razor + CGTN's brand new science and technology show, covering cutting edge developments from all over the world. RAZOR will show you the world's most powerful laser and the world's smallest anti-cancer treatment. It will take you from the weird world of quantum computing to the boundaries of the cosmos. An international team of reporters will follow the guidance of Occam's Razor - the principle that the simplest explanation is the best one. RAZOR will show that we are already "living in the future"! News - - Ecomm Insider - Info not available + + The World Today + The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. News - - In America Today - Join Veronica Dudo for an in-depth analysis of daily events from New York. + + Inheritors + Inheritors is a multi-media product from CGTN that shines a light on China’s rich Intangible Cultural Heritage. Each 30-minute TV edition is hosted by a long-term expatriate in China who has a unique understanding of the country’s culture. He or she will introduce viewers to people who are dedicating their lives to its protection, inheritance, innovation, development and promotion. News - - Talk Ya Book - Join AFL Legend Chris Judd and financ expoerts, who shine the light on trending investments. + + The World Today + The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. News - - In the Driver's Seat - Info not available + + Travelogue + Travelogue is a 30-minute travel program. Through the journeys of our intrepid hosts, we experience the beauty, culture and mystery of China, discovering how people live in this vast country and showcasing China's transformation to the world. News - - Crypto Corner - Info not available + + The World Today + The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. News - - Ticker Now - Join Mike Loder as he explores the world of enterprise, lifestyle and health. + + Assignment Asia + Assignment Asia is a current affairs program that takes an in-depth look at stories from all over Asia. News - - ASEAN Series - Info not available + + Americas Now + Americas Now profiles the development, diversity and challenges facing the Americas, particularly Latin America. News - - Hot Shots - Info not available + + The World Today + The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. News - - Beyond Education - Info not available + + Faces of Africa + Faces of Africa is a topical magazine that showcases the diversity of the continent. News - - In America Today - Join Veronica Dudo for an in-depth analysis of daily events from New York. + + The World Today + The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. News - - Ticker Masterclass - Exploring the secrets of building a powerful personal brand and an impactful business identity. + + Inheritors + Inheritors is a multi-media product from CGTN that shines a light on China’s rich Intangible Cultural Heritage. Each 30-minute TV edition is hosted by a long-term expatriate in China who has a unique understanding of the country’s culture. He or she will introduce viewers to people who are dedicating their lives to its protection, inheritance, innovation, development and promotion. News - - In the Driver's Seat - Info not available + + The World Today + The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. News - - Ticker Business Learnings - Entrepreneurs who have done it all before discuss their strategies and practices. + + Razor + CGTN's brand new science and technology show, covering cutting edge developments from all over the world. RAZOR will show you the world's most powerful laser and the world's smallest anti-cancer treatment. It will take you from the weird world of quantum computing to the boundaries of the cosmos. An international team of reporters will follow the guidance of Occam's Razor - the principle that the simplest explanation is the best one. RAZOR will show that we are already "living in the future"! News - - Ticker Now - Join Mike Loder as he explores the world of enterprise, lifestyle and health. + + The World Today + The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. News - - The Business of Sport - Join AFL Legend Chris Judd, where he speaks to the movers and shakers behind the scoreboard. + + Travelogue + Travelogue is a 30-minute travel program. Through the journeys of our intrepid hosts, we experience the beauty, culture and mystery of China, discovering how people live in this vast country and showcasing China's transformation to the world. News - - Ahron & Mike Show - Info not available + + The World Today + The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. News - - The Great Transformation - Info not available + + Sports Scene + Sports Scene brings you closer to all the action from all corners of the world, with highlights from across Europe, North America and China's top sports leagues. News - - In America Today - Join Veronica Dudo for an in-depth analysis of daily events from New York. + + The Point with Liu Xin + The Point with LIU Xin is a current affairs program on CGTN. The program comments on global news through LIU Xin's very own unique perspective. News - - Ticker Docos - Info not available + + Global Watch + GLOBAL WATCH is a 60 minute-long news program. The show stresses Chinese elements, emphasizing China's perspective, policies and stories. News - - Hot Shots - Info not available + + The World Today + The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. News - - Take Your Shot - Info not available + + Sports Scene + Sports Scene brings you closer to all the action from all corners of the world, with highlights from across Europe, North America and China's top sports leagues. News - - Ticker Now - Join Mike Loder as he explores the world of enterprise, lifestyle and health. + + Rediscovering China + Rediscovering China is a half-hour documentary program on CGTN. Each edition offers unique insight into various aspects of life in China today. With unrivalled access to the country's people and places, the program aims to show the global audience an inclusive and vigorous China. News - - Talk Ya Book - Join AFL Legend Chris Judd and financ expoerts, who shine the light on trending investments. + + The World Today + The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. News - - Ahron & Mike Show - Info not available + + Razor + CGTN's brand new science and technology show, covering cutting edge developments from all over the world. RAZOR will show you the world's most powerful laser and the world's smallest anti-cancer treatment. It will take you from the weird world of quantum computing to the boundaries of the cosmos. An international team of reporters will follow the guidance of Occam's Razor - the principle that the simplest explanation is the best one. RAZOR will show that we are already "living in the future"! News - - The Great Transformation - Info not available + + The World Today + The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. News - - In America Today - Join Veronica Dudo for an in-depth analysis of daily events from New York. + + Sports Scene + Sports Scene brings you closer to all the action from all corners of the world, with highlights from across Europe, North America and China's top sports leagues. News - - Ticker Docos - Info not available + + The World Today + The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. News - - Hot Shots - Info not available + + Global Business + Global Business is the flagship business show of CGTN English Channel, bringing you the latest economic data, business trends and policies. News - - Ticker Business Learnings - Entrepreneurs who have done it all before discuss their strategies and practices. + + The World Today + The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. News - - Ahron & Mike Show - Info not available + + The Vibe + The Vibe is a 30-minute TV show that runs daily on weekdays on CGTN. The content focuses on exciting new trends, fashion, and cultural topics across a range of disciplines both in China and abroad. The host presents various culture-related topics in a fun way while also doing some in-depth analysis to give viewers a fuller picture as to what is happening, and why it matters. News - - Auto Report - Info not available + + The World Today + The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. News - - Ticker Now - Join Mike Loder as he explores the world of enterprise, lifestyle and health. + + Africa Live + Africa Live is a news program that focuses on African issues and issues related to this diverse continent. CGTN's Nairobi-based broadcast center produces Africa Live. News - - Tech Edge - Info not available + + Asia Today + Asia Today highlights the latest news and social developments across Asia. Correspondents in over a dozen countries report on the region's top stories as they happen. News - - In America Today - Join Veronica Dudo for an in-depth analysis of daily events from New York. + + Dialogue + It is a prime time daily English talk show on CGTN. News - - Ecomm Insider - Info not available + + The World Today + The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. News - - Ticker Today - Ahron Young covers the day's politics, business and technology news. + + China 24 + China 24 is a prime time news program featuring in-depth reports and analysis of the stories in the headlines in China. News - - Manhattan Minute - Info not available + + Global Business + Global Business is the flagship business show of CGTN English Channel, bringing you the latest economic data, business trends and policies. News - - Ticker Now - Join Mike Loder as he explores the world of enterprise, lifestyle and health. + + The Point with Liu Xin + The Point with LIU Xin is a current affairs program on CGTN. The program comments on global news through LIU Xin's very own unique perspective. News - - Ticker Docos - Info not available + + The World Today + The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. News - - Ahron & Mike Show - Info not available + + World Insight with Tian Wei + World Insight with Tian Wei is a long-running international platform for debate and intelligent discussion. News - - Tech Edge - Info not available + + The World Today + The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. News - - Hot Shots - Info not available + + The Vibe + The Vibe is a 30-minute TV show that runs daily on weekdays on CGTN. The content focuses on exciting new trends, fashion, and cultural topics across a range of disciplines both in China and abroad. The host presents various culture-related topics in a fun way while also doing some in-depth analysis to give viewers a fuller picture as to what is happening, and why it matters. News - - Women's Biz Leaders - Info not available + + Global Business + Global Business is the flagship business show of CGTN English Channel, bringing you the latest economic data, business trends and policies. News - - In the Driver's Seat - Info not available + + Africa Live + Africa Live is a news program that focuses on African issues and issues related to this diverse continent. CGTN's Nairobi-based broadcast center produces Africa Live. News - - Ecomm Insider - Info not available + + Global Business + Global Business is the flagship business show of CGTN English Channel, bringing you the latest economic data, business trends and policies. News - - Ticker Now - Join Mike Loder as he explores the world of enterprise, lifestyle and health. + + The World Today + The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. News - - Talk Ya Book - Join AFL Legend Chris Judd and financ expoerts, who shine the light on trending investments. + + World Insight with Tian Wei + World Insight with Tian Wei is a long-running international platform for debate and intelligent discussion. News - - Ahron & Mike Show - Info not available + + The World Today + The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. News - - Ecomm Insider - Info not available + + Dialogue + It is a prime time daily English talk show on CGTN. News - - In America Today - Join Veronica Dudo for an in-depth analysis of daily events from New York. + + Global Business + Global Business is the flagship business show of CGTN English Channel, bringing you the latest economic data, business trends and policies. News - - Talk Ya Book - Join AFL Legend Chris Judd and financ expoerts, who shine the light on trending investments. + + The Point with Liu Xin + The Point with LIU Xin is a current affairs program on CGTN. The program comments on global news through LIU Xin's very own unique perspective. News - - In the Driver's Seat - Info not available + + The World Today + The World Today is the core rolling service of CGTN. keep viewers up-to-date with all the world's top stories as they happen. News - - Crypto Corner - Info not available + + Rediscovering China + Rediscovering China is a half-hour documentary program on CGTN. Each edition offers unique insight into various aspects of life in China today. With unrivalled access to the country's people and places, the program aims to show the global audience an inclusive and vigorous China. News - - Ticker Now - Join Mike Loder as he explores the world of enterprise, lifestyle and health. + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - ASEAN Series - Info not available + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - Hot Shots - Info not available + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - Beyond Education - Info not available + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - In America Today - Join Veronica Dudo for an in-depth analysis of daily events from New York. + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - Ticker Masterclass - Exploring the secrets of building a powerful personal brand and an impactful business identity. + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - In the Driver's Seat - Info not available + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - Ticker Business Learnings - Entrepreneurs who have done it all before discuss their strategies and practices. + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - Ticker Now - Join Mike Loder as he explores the world of enterprise, lifestyle and health. + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - The Business of Sport - Join AFL Legend Chris Judd, where he speaks to the movers and shakers behind the scoreboard. + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - Ahron & Mike Show - Info not available + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - The Great Transformation - Info not available + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - In America Today - Join Veronica Dudo for an in-depth analysis of daily events from New York. + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - Ticker Docos - Info not available + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - Hot Shots - Info not available + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - Take Your Shot - Info not available + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - Ticker Now - Join Mike Loder as he explores the world of enterprise, lifestyle and health. + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - Talk Ya Book - Join AFL Legend Chris Judd and financ expoerts, who shine the light on trending investments. + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - Ahron & Mike Show - Info not available + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - The Great Transformation - Info not available + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - In America Today - Join Veronica Dudo for an in-depth analysis of daily events from New York. + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - Ticker Docos - Info not available + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - Hot Shots - Info not available + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - Ticker Business Learnings - Entrepreneurs who have done it all before discuss their strategies and practices. + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - Ahron & Mike Show - Info not available + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - Auto Report - Info not available + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - Ticker Now - Join Mike Loder as he explores the world of enterprise, lifestyle and health. + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - Tech Edge - Info not available + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - In America Today - Join Veronica Dudo for an in-depth analysis of daily events from New York. + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - Ecomm Insider - Info not available + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - The Grove - S01 : E01 The Grove - The Grove, about one church, in a small Appalachian town, that dared to believe, that love is love. + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - Proud In A Pandemic - S01 : E01 Proud In A Pandemic - An inspiring documentary that examines Los Angeles community members & leaders through this historic time. + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - Queens of Kings - S05 : E05 Queens of Kings - A pioneer of drag, music and entertainment, Honey Davenport is more than a reality TV star! + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - Queens of Kings - S05 : E06 Queens of Kings - Chiquitita is a phenom at the crossroads of drag excellence and trans excellence. + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - Queer News Weekly - S01 : E01 Queer News Weekly - Your weekly dose of queer-interest news. + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - Revry Destinations - S01 : E01 Revry Destinations - Places to visit around the world. + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - Queens & Cowboys - S01 : E01 Queens & Cowboys - The IGRA’s cowboys and cowgirls brave challenges on their quest to the World Finals. + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - Get Your Cook On - S01 : E01 Get Your Cook On - Recipes and food stories for you to enjoy. + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - Jobriath A.D. - S01 : E01 Jobriath A.D. - Feature documentary about ‘70s glam musician Jobriath, the first openly gay rock star. + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - A Sexplanation - S01 : E01 A Sexplanation - A quest to uncover naked truths and hard facts - no matter how awkward it gets. + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - Sexters - S01 : E01 Sexters - Explore the modern phenomenon of "sexting," the sending of naughty messages via a mobile phone. + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - Sex, Drugs, Design: Warriors of the Discotheque - S01 : E01 Sex, Drugs, Design: Warriors of the Discotheque - A documentary about the beginning of the rave/ecstasy scene at the legendary Starck Club. + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - Meth - S01 : E01 Meth - METH explores the rising wave of crystal methamphetamine use within the gay population. + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - Baloney - S01 : E01 Baloney - BALONEY follows a wildly popular Burlesque group as they rehearse for New Year's Eve of 2020. + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - Submission Possible - S01 : E06 Submission Possible - Young’s next stop on their tour de kink is the city of dreams and fantasies - Los Angeles. + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - Submission Possible - S01 : E07 Submission Possible - Young makes their final stop in their quest for kink and community in Oakland, California. + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - Queer News Weekly - S01 : E01 Queer News Weekly - Your weekly dose of queer-interest news. + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - Revry Beauty - S01 : E01 Revry Beauty - The latest beauty trends for you. + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - Gayety - S01 : E01 Gayety - Gayety produces LGBTQ+ content that entertains, educates and inspires joy. + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - Fashion Stories - S01 : E01 Fashion Stories - The latest in fashion and style. + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - Queer News Weekly - S01 : E01 Queer News Weekly - Your weekly dose of queer-interest news. + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - Proud In A Pandemic - S01 : E01 Proud In A Pandemic - An inspiring documentary that examines Los Angeles community members & leaders through this historic time. + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - Florent: Queen Of The Meat Market - S01 : E01 Florent: Queen Of The Meat Market - A chronicle of the history and final days of New York City's legendary Florent diner. + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - Queens of Kings - S05 : E01 Queens of Kings - Julie J uses her art to affect real change in the world, while serving jaw-dropping looks. + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - Queens of Kings - S05 : E02 Queens of Kings - God Complex astounds and amazes audiences with mind-blowing, movement-based performances. + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - Queer News Weekly - S01 : E01 Queer News Weekly - Your weekly dose of queer-interest news. + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - Good News - S01 : E01 Good News - Feel-good and inspiring news stories. + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - Call Me Troy - S01 : E01 Call Me Troy - The story of how one man’s spiritual quest became a lifetime civil rights journey. + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - Fashion Stories - S01 : E01 Fashion Stories - The latest in fashion and style. + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - Intersexion - S01 : E01 Intersexion - Intersex individuals reveal the secrets of their lives and how they navigate a binary world. + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - It's A Match - S01 : E01 It's A Match - A casual right swipe on Tinder forever changes the lives of two young women. + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - Sally Jessy Rides - S01 : E06 Sally Jessy Rides! - Talk show queen Sally Jessy Raphael interviews celebrities on various modes of transportation. + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - South Beach On Heels - S01 : E01 South Beach On Heels - Follow the onstage and offstage lives of eight entertainers, better known as drag queens. + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - Queer News Weekly - S01 : E01 Queer News Weekly - Your weekly dose of queer-interest news. + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - Conspiracy - S01 : E01 Conspiracy - A series that explores the dark and controversial stories behind well-known conspiracies. + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - Conspiracy - S01 : E06 Conspiracy - A series that explores the dark and controversial stories behind well-known conspiracies. + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - Conspiracy - S01 : E07 Conspiracy - A series that explores the dark and controversial stories behind well-known conspiracies. + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - Conspiracy - S01 : E08 Conspiracy - A series that explores the dark and controversial stories behind well-known conspiracies. + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - Conspiracy - S01 : E09 Conspiracy - A series that explores the dark and controversial stories behind well-known conspiracies. + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - Conspiracy - S01 : E10 Conspiracy - A series that explores the dark and controversial stories behind well-known conspiracies. + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - Raid Of The Rainbow Lounge - S01 : E01 Raid Of The Rainbow Lounge - A riveting recount of a violent 2009 raid of a Texas gay bar and its aftermath. + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - Queer News Weekly - S01 : E01 Queer News Weekly - Your weekly dose of queer-interest news. + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - Gayety - S01 : E01 Gayety - Gayety produces LGBTQ+ content that entertains, educates and inspires joy. + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - Good News - S01 : E01 Good News - Feel-good and inspiring news stories. + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - Queer News Weekly - S01 : E01 Queer News Weekly - Your weekly dose of queer-interest news. + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - Fashion Stories - S01 : E01 Fashion Stories - The latest in fashion and style. + + Africanews + Africanews is the only independent national and international news channel from an African perspective. It reports breaking news from the continent and delivers unbiased reporting. It is available on TV and digital platforms in French and English. Africanews, your voice. News - - For The Love Of Food - S01 : E01 For The Love Of Food - Meet the movers and shakers behind the young and erupting food media industry. + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. News - - Pride Ball 2024 - S01 : E01 Pride Ball 2024 - Witness the ultimate queer spectacle as renowned Houses face off in Pride Ball 2024 on Revry! + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. News - - Break Through - S01 : E01 Break Through - Theatre students produce a play aiming to shed light on the issues faced by LGBT youth. + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. News - - Queer News Weekly - S01 : E01 Queer News Weekly - Your weekly dose of queer-interest news. + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. News - - Good News - S01 : E01 Good News - Feel-good and inspiring news stories. + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. News - - Drag Kids - S01 : E01 Drag Kids - Four preteen drag queens come together for the biggest performance of their young lives. + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. News - - Fashion Stories - S01 : E01 Fashion Stories - The latest in fashion and style. + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. News - - Room To Grow - S01 : E01 Room To Grow - Room to Grow chronicles the lives of LGBTQ+ youth and their families across North America. + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. News - - Florent: Queen Of The Meat Market - S01 : E01 Florent: Queen Of The Meat Market - A chronicle of the history and final days of New York City's legendary Florent diner. + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. News - - Washington Post Newsmakers - S01 : E01 Washington Post: Newsmakers - The Washington Post talks to the people behind this week's biggest news events. + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. News - - The Latest - S01 : E01 Washington Post: The Latest - The Washington Post brings you the latest news from around the world. + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. News - - Washington Post Features - S01 : E01 Washington Post: Features - The Washington Post presents the latest news on business, technology, climate, wellness and entertainment. + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. News - - The Latest - S01 : E01 Washington Post: The Latest - The Washington Post brings you the latest news from around the world. + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. News - - Washington Post Features - S01 : E01 Washington Post: Features - The Washington Post presents the latest news on business, technology, climate, wellness and entertainment. + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. News - - The Latest - S01 : E01 Washington Post: The Latest - The Washington Post brings you the latest news from around the world. + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. News - - From the Front Lines - S01 : E01 Washington Post: From The Front Lines - The Washington Post's reporters on location at the stories making news. + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. News - - The Latest - S01 : E01 Washington Post: The Latest - The Washington Post brings you the latest news from around the world. + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. News - - Washington Post Newsmakers - S01 : E01 Washington Post: Newsmakers - The Washington Post talks to the people behind this week's biggest news events. + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. News - - The Latest - S01 : E01 Washington Post: The Latest - The Washington Post brings you the latest news from around the world. + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. News - - Washington Post Features - S01 : E01 Washington Post: Features - The Washington Post presents the latest news on business, technology, climate, wellness and entertainment. + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + News + + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + News + + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + News + + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + News + + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + News + + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + News + + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + News + + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + News + + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + News + + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + News + + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + News + + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + News + + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + News + + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + News + + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + News + + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + News + + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + News + + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + News + + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + News + + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + News + + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + News + + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + News + + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + News + + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + News + + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + News + + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + News + + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + News + + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + News + + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + News + + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + News + + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + News + + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + News + + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + News + + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + News + + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + News + + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + News + + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + News + + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + News + + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + News + + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + News + + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + News + + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + News + + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + News + + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + News + + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + News + + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + News + + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + News + + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + News + + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + News + + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + News + + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + News + + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + News + + + Bloomberg TV+ + Bloomberg TV+ UHD delivers Live 24x7 global business and markets news, data, analysis, and stories from Bloomberg News and Businessweek – available in a 4K ultra high definition (UHD) viewing experience. + News + + + Take the Lead + The people and companies impacting your money. + News + + + Bloomberg Originals + Make sense of today’s biggest stories from the world’s largest newsroom. Watch live news and docu-series. + News + + + Bloomberg Originals + Make sense of today’s biggest stories from the world’s largest newsroom. Watch live news and docu-series. + News + + + Bloomberg Originals + Make sense of today’s biggest stories from the world’s largest newsroom. Watch live news and docu-series. + News + + + Bloomberg Originals + Make sense of today’s biggest stories from the world’s largest newsroom. Watch live news and docu-series. + News + + + Bloomberg Originals + Make sense of today’s biggest stories from the world’s largest newsroom. Watch live news and docu-series. + News + + + Take Charge + The morning’s global headlines impacting your day. + News + + + Take a Break + Midday snapshot at the stories making news around the world. + News + + + Quicktake Geo + The most interesting story of the news cycle, through a global lens. + News + + + Take the Lead + The people and companies impacting your money. + News + + + Take the Lead + The people and companies impacting your money. + News + + + Bloomberg Originals + Make sense of today’s biggest stories from the world’s largest newsroom. Watch live news and docu-series. + News + + + Bloomberg Originals + Make sense of today’s biggest stories from the world’s largest newsroom. Watch live news and docu-series. + News + + + Bloomberg Originals + Make sense of today’s biggest stories from the world’s largest newsroom. Watch live news and docu-series. + News + + + Bloomberg Originals + Make sense of today’s biggest stories from the world’s largest newsroom. Watch live news and docu-series. + News + + + Bloomberg Originals + Make sense of today’s biggest stories from the world’s largest newsroom. Watch live news and docu-series. + News + + + Take Charge + The morning’s global headlines impacting your day. + News + + + Take a Break + Midday snapshot at the stories making news around the world. + News + + + Quicktake Geo + The most interesting story of the news cycle, through a global lens. + News + + + Take the Lead + The people and companies impacting your money. + News + + + Take the Lead + The people and companies impacting your money. + News + + + Bloomberg Originals + Make sense of today’s biggest stories from the world’s largest newsroom. Watch live news and docu-series. + News + + + Bloomberg Originals + Make sense of today’s biggest stories from the world’s largest newsroom. Watch live news and docu-series. + News + + + Bloomberg Originals + Make sense of today’s biggest stories from the world’s largest newsroom. Watch live news and docu-series. + News + + + Bloomberg Originals + Make sense of today’s biggest stories from the world’s largest newsroom. Watch live news and docu-series. + News + + + Bloomberg Originals + Make sense of today’s biggest stories from the world’s largest newsroom. Watch live news and docu-series. + News + + + Take Charge + The morning’s global headlines impacting your day. + News + + + Take a Break + Midday snapshot at the stories making news around the world. + News + + + Quicktake Geo + The most interesting story of the news cycle, through a global lens. + News + + + Take the Lead + The people and companies impacting your money. + News + + + Ecomm Insider + Info not available + News + + + Ticker Today + Ahron Young covers the day's politics, business and technology news. + News + + + Manhattan Minute + Info not available + News + + + Ticker Now + Join Mike Loder as he explores the world of enterprise, lifestyle and health. + News + + + Ticker Docos + Info not available + News + + + Ahron & Mike Show + Info not available + News + + + Tech Edge + Info not available + News + + + Hot Shots + Info not available + News + + + Women's Biz Leaders + Info not available + News + + + In the Driver's Seat + Info not available + News + + + Ecomm Insider + Info not available + News + + + Ticker Now + Join Mike Loder as he explores the world of enterprise, lifestyle and health. + News + + + Talk Ya Book + Join AFL Legend Chris Judd and financ expoerts, who shine the light on trending investments. + News + + + Ahron & Mike Show + Info not available + News + + + Ecomm Insider + Info not available + News + + + In America Today + Join Veronica Dudo for an in-depth analysis of daily events from New York. + News + + + Talk Ya Book + Join AFL Legend Chris Judd and financ expoerts, who shine the light on trending investments. + News + + + In the Driver's Seat + Info not available + News + + + Crypto Corner + Info not available + News + + + Ticker Now + Join Mike Loder as he explores the world of enterprise, lifestyle and health. + News + + + ASEAN Series + Info not available + News + + + Hot Shots + Info not available + News + + + Beyond Education + Info not available + News + + + In America Today + Join Veronica Dudo for an in-depth analysis of daily events from New York. + News + + + Ticker Masterclass + Exploring the secrets of building a powerful personal brand and an impactful business identity. + News + + + In the Driver's Seat + Info not available + News + + + Ticker Business Learnings + Entrepreneurs who have done it all before discuss their strategies and practices. + News + + + Ticker Now + Join Mike Loder as he explores the world of enterprise, lifestyle and health. + News + + + The Business of Sport + Join AFL Legend Chris Judd, where he speaks to the movers and shakers behind the scoreboard. + News + + + Ahron & Mike Show + Info not available + News + + + The Great Transformation + Info not available + News + + + In America Today + Join Veronica Dudo for an in-depth analysis of daily events from New York. + News + + + Ticker Docos + Info not available + News + + + Hot Shots + Info not available + News + + + Take Your Shot + Info not available + News + + + Ticker Now + Join Mike Loder as he explores the world of enterprise, lifestyle and health. + News + + + Talk Ya Book + Join AFL Legend Chris Judd and financ expoerts, who shine the light on trending investments. + News + + + Ahron & Mike Show + Info not available + News + + + The Great Transformation + Info not available + News + + + In America Today + Join Veronica Dudo for an in-depth analysis of daily events from New York. + News + + + Ticker Docos + Info not available + News + + + Hot Shots + Info not available + News + + + Ticker Business Learnings + Entrepreneurs who have done it all before discuss their strategies and practices. + News + + + Ahron & Mike Show + Info not available + News + + + Auto Report + Info not available + News + + + Ticker Now + Join Mike Loder as he explores the world of enterprise, lifestyle and health. + News + + + Tech Edge + Info not available + News + + + In America Today + Join Veronica Dudo for an in-depth analysis of daily events from New York. + News + + + Ecomm Insider + Info not available + News + + + Ticker Today + Ahron Young covers the day's politics, business and technology news. + News + + + Manhattan Minute + Info not available + News + + + Ticker Now + Join Mike Loder as he explores the world of enterprise, lifestyle and health. + News + + + Ticker Docos + Info not available + News + + + Ahron & Mike Show + Info not available + News + + + Tech Edge + Info not available + News + + + Hot Shots + Info not available + News + + + Women's Biz Leaders + Info not available + News + + + In the Driver's Seat + Info not available + News + + + Ecomm Insider + Info not available + News + + + Ticker Now + Join Mike Loder as he explores the world of enterprise, lifestyle and health. + News + + + Talk Ya Book + Join AFL Legend Chris Judd and financ expoerts, who shine the light on trending investments. + News + + + Ahron & Mike Show + Info not available + News + + + Ecomm Insider + Info not available + News + + + In America Today + Join Veronica Dudo for an in-depth analysis of daily events from New York. + News + + + Talk Ya Book + Join AFL Legend Chris Judd and financ expoerts, who shine the light on trending investments. + News + + + In the Driver's Seat + Info not available + News + + + Crypto Corner + Info not available + News + + + Ticker Now + Join Mike Loder as he explores the world of enterprise, lifestyle and health. + News + + + ASEAN Series + Info not available + News + + + Hot Shots + Info not available + News + + + Beyond Education + Info not available + News + + + In America Today + Join Veronica Dudo for an in-depth analysis of daily events from New York. + News + + + Ticker Masterclass + Exploring the secrets of building a powerful personal brand and an impactful business identity. + News + + + In the Driver's Seat + Info not available + News + + + Ticker Business Learnings + Entrepreneurs who have done it all before discuss their strategies and practices. + News + + + Ticker Now + Join Mike Loder as he explores the world of enterprise, lifestyle and health. + News + + + The Business of Sport + Join AFL Legend Chris Judd, where he speaks to the movers and shakers behind the scoreboard. + News + + + Ahron & Mike Show + Info not available + News + + + The Great Transformation + Info not available + News + + + In America Today + Join Veronica Dudo for an in-depth analysis of daily events from New York. + News + + + Ticker Docos + Info not available + News + + + Hot Shots + Info not available + News + + + Take Your Shot + Info not available + News + + + Ticker Now + Join Mike Loder as he explores the world of enterprise, lifestyle and health. + News + + + Talk Ya Book + Join AFL Legend Chris Judd and financ expoerts, who shine the light on trending investments. + News + + + Ahron & Mike Show + Info not available + News + + + The Great Transformation + Info not available + News + + + In America Today + Join Veronica Dudo for an in-depth analysis of daily events from New York. + News + + + Ticker Docos + Info not available + News + + + Hot Shots + Info not available + News + + + Ticker Business Learnings + Entrepreneurs who have done it all before discuss their strategies and practices. + News + + + Ahron & Mike Show + Info not available + News + + + Auto Report + Info not available + News + + + Ticker Now + Join Mike Loder as he explores the world of enterprise, lifestyle and health. + News + + + Tech Edge + Info not available + News + + + In America Today + Join Veronica Dudo for an in-depth analysis of daily events from New York. + News + + + Ecomm Insider + Info not available + News + + + Ticker Today + Ahron Young covers the day's politics, business and technology news. + News + + + Manhattan Minute + Info not available + News + + + Ticker Now + Join Mike Loder as he explores the world of enterprise, lifestyle and health. + News + + + Ticker Docos + Info not available + News + + + Ahron & Mike Show + Info not available + News + + + Tech Edge + Info not available + News + + + Hot Shots + Info not available + News + + + Women's Biz Leaders + Info not available + News + + + In the Driver's Seat + Info not available + News + + + Ecomm Insider + Info not available + News + + + Ticker Now + Join Mike Loder as he explores the world of enterprise, lifestyle and health. + News + + + Talk Ya Book + Join AFL Legend Chris Judd and financ expoerts, who shine the light on trending investments. + News + + + Ahron & Mike Show + Info not available + News + + + Ecomm Insider + Info not available + News + + + In America Today + Join Veronica Dudo for an in-depth analysis of daily events from New York. + News + + + Talk Ya Book + Join AFL Legend Chris Judd and financ expoerts, who shine the light on trending investments. + News + + + In the Driver's Seat + Info not available + News + + + Crypto Corner + Info not available + News + + + Ticker Now + Join Mike Loder as he explores the world of enterprise, lifestyle and health. + News + + + ASEAN Series + Info not available + News + + + Hot Shots + Info not available + News + + + Beyond Education + Info not available + News + + + In America Today + Join Veronica Dudo for an in-depth analysis of daily events from New York. + News + + + Ticker Masterclass + Exploring the secrets of building a powerful personal brand and an impactful business identity. + News + + + In the Driver's Seat + Info not available + News + + + Ticker Business Learnings + Entrepreneurs who have done it all before discuss their strategies and practices. + News + + + Ticker Now + Join Mike Loder as he explores the world of enterprise, lifestyle and health. + News + + + The Business of Sport + Join AFL Legend Chris Judd, where he speaks to the movers and shakers behind the scoreboard. + News + + + Ahron & Mike Show + Info not available + News + + + The Great Transformation + Info not available + News + + + In America Today + Join Veronica Dudo for an in-depth analysis of daily events from New York. + News + + + Ticker Docos + Info not available + News + + + Hot Shots + Info not available + News + + + Take Your Shot + Info not available + News + + + Ticker Now + Join Mike Loder as he explores the world of enterprise, lifestyle and health. + News + + + Talk Ya Book + Join AFL Legend Chris Judd and financ expoerts, who shine the light on trending investments. + News + + + Ahron & Mike Show + Info not available + News + + + The Great Transformation + Info not available + News + + + In America Today + Join Veronica Dudo for an in-depth analysis of daily events from New York. + News + + + Ticker Docos + Info not available + News + + + Hot Shots + Info not available + News + + + Ticker Business Learnings + Entrepreneurs who have done it all before discuss their strategies and practices. + News + + + Ahron & Mike Show + Info not available + News + + + Auto Report + Info not available + News + + + Ticker Now + Join Mike Loder as he explores the world of enterprise, lifestyle and health. + News + + + Tech Edge + Info not available + News + + + In America Today + Join Veronica Dudo for an in-depth analysis of daily events from New York. + News + + + Ecomm Insider + Info not available + News + + + Jobriath A.D. + S01 : E01 Jobriath A.D. + Feature documentary about ‘70s glam musician Jobriath, the first openly gay rock star. + News + + + A Sexplanation + S01 : E01 A Sexplanation + A quest to uncover naked truths and hard facts - no matter how awkward it gets. + News + + + Sexters + S01 : E01 Sexters + Explore the modern phenomenon of "sexting," the sending of naughty messages via a mobile phone. + News + + + Sex, Drugs, Design: Warriors of the Discotheque + S01 : E01 Sex, Drugs, Design: Warriors of the Discotheque + A documentary about the beginning of the rave/ecstasy scene at the legendary Starck Club. + News + + + Meth + S01 : E01 Meth + METH explores the rising wave of crystal methamphetamine use within the gay population. + News + + + Baloney + S01 : E01 Baloney + BALONEY follows a wildly popular Burlesque group as they rehearse for New Year's Eve of 2020. + News + + + Submission Possible + S01 : E06 Submission Possible + Young’s next stop on their tour de kink is the city of dreams and fantasies - Los Angeles. + News + + + Submission Possible + S01 : E07 Submission Possible + Young makes their final stop in their quest for kink and community in Oakland, California. + News + + + Queer News Weekly + S01 : E01 Queer News Weekly + Your weekly dose of queer-interest news. + News + + + Revry Beauty + S01 : E01 Revry Beauty + The latest beauty trends for you. + News + + + Gayety + S01 : E01 Gayety + Gayety produces LGBTQ+ content that entertains, educates and inspires joy. + News + + + Fashion Stories + S01 : E01 Fashion Stories + The latest in fashion and style. + News + + + Queer News Weekly + S01 : E01 Queer News Weekly + Your weekly dose of queer-interest news. + News + + + Proud In A Pandemic + S01 : E01 Proud In A Pandemic + An inspiring documentary that examines Los Angeles community members & leaders through this historic time. + News + + + Florent: Queen Of The Meat Market + S01 : E01 Florent: Queen Of The Meat Market + A chronicle of the history and final days of New York City's legendary Florent diner. + News + + + Queens of Kings + S05 : E01 Queens of Kings + Julie J uses her art to affect real change in the world, while serving jaw-dropping looks. + News + + + Queens of Kings + S05 : E02 Queens of Kings + God Complex astounds and amazes audiences with mind-blowing, movement-based performances. + News + + + Queer News Weekly + S01 : E01 Queer News Weekly + Your weekly dose of queer-interest news. + News + + + Good News + S01 : E01 Good News + Feel-good and inspiring news stories. + News + + + Call Me Troy + S01 : E01 Call Me Troy + The story of how one man’s spiritual quest became a lifetime civil rights journey. + News + + + Fashion Stories + S01 : E01 Fashion Stories + The latest in fashion and style. + News + + + Intersexion + S01 : E01 Intersexion + Intersex individuals reveal the secrets of their lives and how they navigate a binary world. + News + + + It's A Match + S01 : E01 It's A Match + A casual right swipe on Tinder forever changes the lives of two young women. + News + + + Sally Jessy Rides + S01 : E06 Sally Jessy Rides! + Talk show queen Sally Jessy Raphael interviews celebrities on various modes of transportation. + News + + + South Beach On Heels + S01 : E01 South Beach On Heels + Follow the onstage and offstage lives of eight entertainers, better known as drag queens. + News + + + Queer News Weekly + S01 : E01 Queer News Weekly + Your weekly dose of queer-interest news. + News + + + Conspiracy + S01 : E01 Conspiracy + A series that explores the dark and controversial stories behind well-known conspiracies. + News + + + Conspiracy + S01 : E06 Conspiracy + A series that explores the dark and controversial stories behind well-known conspiracies. + News + + + Conspiracy + S01 : E07 Conspiracy + A series that explores the dark and controversial stories behind well-known conspiracies. + News + + + Conspiracy + S01 : E08 Conspiracy + A series that explores the dark and controversial stories behind well-known conspiracies. + News + + + Conspiracy + S01 : E09 Conspiracy + A series that explores the dark and controversial stories behind well-known conspiracies. + News + + + Conspiracy + S01 : E10 Conspiracy + A series that explores the dark and controversial stories behind well-known conspiracies. + News + + + Raid Of The Rainbow Lounge + S01 : E01 Raid Of The Rainbow Lounge + A riveting recount of a violent 2009 raid of a Texas gay bar and its aftermath. + News + + + Queer News Weekly + S01 : E01 Queer News Weekly + Your weekly dose of queer-interest news. + News + + + Gayety + S01 : E01 Gayety + Gayety produces LGBTQ+ content that entertains, educates and inspires joy. + News + + + Good News + S01 : E01 Good News + Feel-good and inspiring news stories. + News + + + Queer News Weekly + S01 : E01 Queer News Weekly + Your weekly dose of queer-interest news. + News + + + Fashion Stories + S01 : E01 Fashion Stories + The latest in fashion and style. + News + + + For The Love Of Food + S01 : E01 For The Love Of Food + Meet the movers and shakers behind the young and erupting food media industry. + News + + + Pride Ball 2024 + S01 : E01 Pride Ball 2024 + Witness the ultimate queer spectacle as renowned Houses face off in Pride Ball 2024 on Revry! + News + + + Break Through + S01 : E01 Break Through + Theatre students produce a play aiming to shed light on the issues faced by LGBT youth. + News + + + Queer News Weekly + S01 : E01 Queer News Weekly + Your weekly dose of queer-interest news. + News + + + Good News + S01 : E01 Good News + Feel-good and inspiring news stories. + News + + + Drag Kids + S01 : E01 Drag Kids + Four preteen drag queens come together for the biggest performance of their young lives. + News + + + Fashion Stories + S01 : E01 Fashion Stories + The latest in fashion and style. + News + + + Room To Grow + S01 : E01 Room To Grow + Room to Grow chronicles the lives of LGBTQ+ youth and their families across North America. + News + + + Florent: Queen Of The Meat Market + S01 : E01 Florent: Queen Of The Meat Market + A chronicle of the history and final days of New York City's legendary Florent diner. + News + + + Queens of Kings + S05 : E01 Queens of Kings + Julie J uses her art to affect real change in the world, while serving jaw-dropping looks. + News + + + Queens of Kings + S05 : E02 Queens of Kings + God Complex astounds and amazes audiences with mind-blowing, movement-based performances. + News + + + Queens of Kings + S05 : E03 Queens of Kings + In the vast Brooklyn drag scene, David Puck isn’t just a storyteller, he’s the storybook! + News + + + Queer News Weekly + S01 : E01 Queer News Weekly + Your weekly dose of queer-interest news. + News + + + Sally Jessy Rides + S01 : E06 Sally Jessy Rides! + Talk show queen Sally Jessy Raphael interviews celebrities on various modes of transportation. + News + + + A Sexplanation + S01 : E01 A Sexplanation + A quest to uncover naked truths and hard facts - no matter how awkward it gets. + News + + + Sex, Drugs, Design: Warriors of the Discotheque + S01 : E01 Sex, Drugs, Design: Warriors of the Discotheque + A documentary about the beginning of the rave/ecstasy scene at the legendary Starck Club. + News + + + The Circuit + S01 : E01 The Circuit + Nina Flowers and Ian Frost face high stakes at the M.E.A.T. party. + News + + + The Circuit + S01 : E02 The Circuit + Sam Gee dances at the biggest pride party in NYC but realizes that dancing is not enough. + News + + + The Circuit + S01 : E03 The Circuit + Ian Frost and Alec Brian fall into the temptation of underground house parties. + News + + + The Circuit + S01 : E04 The Circuit + Jake attempts an in-person event during the pandemic with his weekend retreat, Utopia. + News + + + Gayety + S01 : E01 Gayety + Gayety produces LGBTQ+ content that entertains, educates and inspires joy. + News + + + Queer News Weekly + S01 : E01 Queer News Weekly + Your weekly dose of queer-interest news. + News + + + Revry DIY + S01 : E01 Revry DIY + How-to's and crafts. + News + + + Revry Destinations + S01 : E01 Revry Destinations + Places to visit around the world. + News + + + Queer News Weekly + S01 : E01 Queer News Weekly + Your weekly dose of queer-interest news. + News + + + Proud In A Pandemic + S01 : E01 Proud In A Pandemic + An inspiring documentary that examines Los Angeles community members & leaders through this historic time. + News + + + The Grove + S01 : E01 The Grove + The Grove, about one church, in a small Appalachian town, that dared to believe, that love is love. + News + + + I Am The Queen + S01 : E01 I Am The Queen + A film focusing on a beauty pageant taking place in Chicago's Humboldt Park neighborhood. + News + + + Queer News Weekly + S01 : E01 Queer News Weekly + Your weekly dose of queer-interest news. + News + + + Gayety + S01 : E01 Gayety + Gayety produces LGBTQ+ content that entertains, educates and inspires joy. + News + + + Queens of Kings + S05 : E02 Queens of Kings + God Complex astounds and amazes audiences with mind-blowing, movement-based performances. + News + + + Queens of Kings + S05 : E03 Queens of Kings + In the vast Brooklyn drag scene, David Puck isn’t just a storyteller, he’s the storybook! + News + + + Queens of Kings + S05 : E04 Queens of Kings + A self-described “trans masc ingenue,” the rock star Show Ponii is far from innocent. + News + + + Queer News Weekly + S01 : E01 Queer News Weekly + Your weekly dose of queer-interest news. + News + + + Fashion Stories + S01 : E01 Fashion Stories + The latest in fashion and style. + News + + + The Joneses + S01 : E01 The Joneses + The inspiring story of Jheri Jones, a 74-year-old transgender divorcee in Mississippi. + News + + + Queens of Kings + S05 : E05 Queens of Kings + A pioneer of drag, music and entertainment, Honey Davenport is more than a reality TV star! + News + + + Washington Post Newsmakers + S01 : E01 Washington Post: Newsmakers + The Washington Post talks to the people behind this week's biggest news events. + News + + + The Latest + S01 : E01 Washington Post: The Latest + The Washington Post brings you the latest news from around the world. + News + + + Washington Post Features + S01 : E01 Washington Post: Features + The Washington Post presents the latest news on business, technology, climate, wellness and entertainment. News @@ -6894,25 +8644,149 @@ The Washington Post goes behind the stories driving the news on the economy. News - - Reuters Afternoon News - S01 : E01 Reuters Afternoon News - Reuters delivers fast, accurate, unbiased and trusted news around the globe. + + The Latest + S01 : E01 Washington Post: The Latest + The Washington Post brings you the latest news from around the world. + News - - Reuters Afternoon News - S01 : E01 Reuters Afternoon News - Reuters delivers fast, accurate, unbiased and trusted news around the globe. + + Washington Post on Culture + S01 : E01 Washington Post on Culture + Authors and entertainers talk to Washington Post journalists about their latest projects. + News - - Reuters Afternoon News - S01 : E01 Reuters Afternoon News - Reuters delivers fast, accurate, unbiased and trusted news around the globe. + + The Latest + S01 : E01 Washington Post: The Latest + The Washington Post brings you the latest news from around the world. + News - - Reuters Evening News - S01 : E01 Reuters Evening News - Reuters delivers fast, accurate, unbiased and trusted news around the globe. + + Washington Post Newsmakers + S01 : E01 Washington Post: Newsmakers + The Washington Post talks to the people behind this week's biggest news events. + News + + + The Latest + S01 : E01 Washington Post: The Latest + The Washington Post brings you the latest news from around the world. + News + + + From the Front Lines + S01 : E01 Washington Post: From The Front Lines + The Washington Post's reporters on location at the stories making news. + News + + + The Latest + S01 : E01 Washington Post: The Latest + The Washington Post brings you the latest news from around the world. + News + + + Washington Post on Business + S01 : E01 Washington Post on Business + The Washington Post goes behind the stories driving the news on the economy. + News + + + The Latest + S01 : E01 Washington Post: The Latest + The Washington Post brings you the latest news from around the world. + News + + + Washington Post on Culture + S01 : E01 Washington Post on Culture + Authors and entertainers talk to Washington Post journalists about their latest projects. + News + + + The Latest + S01 : E01 Washington Post: The Latest + The Washington Post brings you the latest news from around the world. + News + + + Washington Post Newsmakers + S01 : E01 Washington Post: Newsmakers + The Washington Post talks to the people behind this week's biggest news events. + News + + + The Latest + S01 : E01 Washington Post: The Latest + The Washington Post brings you the latest news from around the world. + News + + + From the Front Lines + S01 : E01 Washington Post: From The Front Lines + The Washington Post's reporters on location at the stories making news. + News + + + The Latest + S01 : E01 Washington Post: The Latest + The Washington Post brings you the latest news from around the world. + News + + + Washington Post on Business + S01 : E01 Washington Post on Business + The Washington Post goes behind the stories driving the news on the economy. + News + + + The Latest + S01 : E01 Washington Post: The Latest + The Washington Post brings you the latest news from around the world. + News + + + Washington Post on Culture + S01 : E01 Washington Post on Culture + Authors and entertainers talk to Washington Post journalists about their latest projects. + News + + + The Latest + S01 : E01 Washington Post: The Latest + The Washington Post brings you the latest news from around the world. + News + + + Washington Post Newsmakers + S01 : E01 Washington Post: Newsmakers + The Washington Post talks to the people behind this week's biggest news events. + News + + + The Latest + S01 : E01 Washington Post: The Latest + The Washington Post brings you the latest news from around the world. + News + + + From the Front Lines + S01 : E01 Washington Post: From The Front Lines + The Washington Post's reporters on location at the stories making news. + News + + + The Latest + S01 : E01 Washington Post: The Latest + The Washington Post brings you the latest news from around the world. + News + + + Washington Post on Business + S01 : E01 Washington Post on Business + The Washington Post goes behind the stories driving the news on the economy. + News Reuters Evening News @@ -7049,45 +8923,70 @@ S01 : E01 Reuters Evening News Reuters delivers fast, accurate, unbiased and trusted news around the globe. - - Euronews Live - Europe’s leading international news channel. News 24/7 for free, brought to you by Rakuten TV. - News + + Reuters Evening News + S01 : E01 Reuters Evening News + Reuters delivers fast, accurate, unbiased and trusted news around the globe. - - Euronews Live - Europe’s leading international news channel. News 24/7 for free, brought to you by Rakuten TV. - News + + Reuters Evening News + S01 : E01 Reuters Evening News + Reuters delivers fast, accurate, unbiased and trusted news around the globe. - - Euronews Live - Europe’s leading international news channel. News 24/7 for free, brought to you by Rakuten TV. - News + + Reuters Evening News + S01 : E01 Reuters Evening News + Reuters delivers fast, accurate, unbiased and trusted news around the globe. - - Euronews Live - Europe’s leading international news channel. News 24/7 for free, brought to you by Rakuten TV. - News + + Reuters Morning News + S01 : E01 Reuters Morning News + Reuters delivers fast, accurate, unbiased and trusted news around the globe. - - Euronews Live - Europe’s leading international news channel. News 24/7 for free, brought to you by Rakuten TV. - News + + Reuters Morning News + S01 : E01 Reuters Morning News + Reuters delivers fast, accurate, unbiased and trusted news around the globe. - - Euronews Live - Europe’s leading international news channel. News 24/7 for free, brought to you by Rakuten TV. - News + + Reuters Morning News + S01 : E01 Reuters Morning News + Reuters delivers fast, accurate, unbiased and trusted news around the globe. - - Euronews Live - Europe’s leading international news channel. News 24/7 for free, brought to you by Rakuten TV. - News + + Reuters Morning News + S01 : E01 Reuters Morning News + Reuters delivers fast, accurate, unbiased and trusted news around the globe. - - Euronews Live - Europe’s leading international news channel. News 24/7 for free, brought to you by Rakuten TV. - News + + Reuters Morning News + S01 : E01 Reuters Morning News + Reuters delivers fast, accurate, unbiased and trusted news around the globe. + + + Reuters Afternoon News + S01 : E01 Reuters Afternoon News + Reuters delivers fast, accurate, unbiased and trusted news around the globe. + + + Reuters Afternoon News + S01 : E01 Reuters Afternoon News + Reuters delivers fast, accurate, unbiased and trusted news around the globe. + + + Reuters Afternoon News + S01 : E01 Reuters Afternoon News + Reuters delivers fast, accurate, unbiased and trusted news around the globe. + + + Reuters Evening News + S01 : E01 Reuters Evening News + Reuters delivers fast, accurate, unbiased and trusted news around the globe. + + + Reuters Evening News + S01 : E01 Reuters Evening News + Reuters delivers fast, accurate, unbiased and trusted news around the globe. Euronews Live @@ -7334,58 +9233,125 @@ Europe’s leading international news channel. News 24/7 for free, brought to you by Rakuten TV. News - - Electricity - S01 : E09 NYC Revealed - Keeping the lights on in New York City is no easy task and as New York moves towards a greener future how we generate electricity will have to evolve. - Documentaries + + Euronews Live + Europe’s leading international news channel. News 24/7 for free, brought to you by Rakuten TV. + News - - Water - S01 : E10 NYC Revealed - Getting water from upstate reservoirs to the taps of over 8.5 million people in New York City is no easy feat. - Documentaries + + Euronews Live + Europe’s leading international news channel. News 24/7 for free, brought to you by Rakuten TV. + News - - Lost: MH370 - This probing investigation reveals shocking new information about the sequence of events in the minutes and hours following the plane's disappearance. - Documentaries + + Euronews Live + Europe’s leading international news channel. News 24/7 for free, brought to you by Rakuten TV. + News - - Height - S01 : E03 Science of Thrills - Engineer and adventurer Rob Bell climbs aboard four spectacular rollercoasters in Europe and America that exploit our fear of heights. - Documentaries + + Euronews Live + Europe’s leading international news channel. News 24/7 for free, brought to you by Rakuten TV. + News - - Inversion - S01 : E04 Science of Thrills - Engineer and adventurer Rob Bell investigates four roller coasters in Europe and America that use inversions, or loops, to create thrilling rides. - Documentaries + + Euronews Live + Europe’s leading international news channel. News 24/7 for free, brought to you by Rakuten TV. + News - - Longest - S01 : E05 Science of Thrills - Engineer and adventurer Rob Bell investigates four of the longest roller coasters in Europe and America. - Documentaries + + Euronews Live + Europe’s leading international news channel. News 24/7 for free, brought to you by Rakuten TV. + News - - Psychological - S01 : E06 Science of Thrills - Engineer and adventurer Rob Bell investigates four theme park rides in Europe and America which use psychological tricks to add to the thrills. - Documentaries + + Euronews Live + Europe’s leading international news channel. News 24/7 for free, brought to you by Rakuten TV. + News - - Fun - S01 : E07 Science of Thrills - Engineer and adventurer Rob Bell investigates four theme park rides in Europe and America which mix fun along with the the thrills. - Documentaries + + Euronews Live + Europe’s leading international news channel. News 24/7 for free, brought to you by Rakuten TV. + News - - Design - S01 : E08 Science of Thrills - Engineer and adventurer Rob Bell finds out what it takes to design and build the next generation of rollercoasters. - Documentaries + + Euronews Live + Europe’s leading international news channel. News 24/7 for free, brought to you by Rakuten TV. + News + + + Euronews Live + Europe’s leading international news channel. News 24/7 for free, brought to you by Rakuten TV. + News + + + Euronews Live + Europe’s leading international news channel. News 24/7 for free, brought to you by Rakuten TV. + News + + + Euronews Live + Europe’s leading international news channel. News 24/7 for free, brought to you by Rakuten TV. + News + + + Euronews Live + Europe’s leading international news channel. News 24/7 for free, brought to you by Rakuten TV. + News + + + Euronews Live + Europe’s leading international news channel. News 24/7 for free, brought to you by Rakuten TV. + News + + + Euronews Live + Europe’s leading international news channel. News 24/7 for free, brought to you by Rakuten TV. + News + + + Euronews Live + Europe’s leading international news channel. News 24/7 for free, brought to you by Rakuten TV. + News + + + Euronews Live + Europe’s leading international news channel. News 24/7 for free, brought to you by Rakuten TV. + News + + + Euronews Live + Europe’s leading international news channel. News 24/7 for free, brought to you by Rakuten TV. + News + + + Euronews Live + Europe’s leading international news channel. News 24/7 for free, brought to you by Rakuten TV. + News + + + Euronews Live + Europe’s leading international news channel. News 24/7 for free, brought to you by Rakuten TV. + News + + + Euronews Live + Europe’s leading international news channel. News 24/7 for free, brought to you by Rakuten TV. + News + + + Euronews Live + Europe’s leading international news channel. News 24/7 for free, brought to you by Rakuten TV. + News + + + Euronews Live + Europe’s leading international news channel. News 24/7 for free, brought to you by Rakuten TV. + News + + + Euronews Live + Europe’s leading international news channel. News 24/7 for free, brought to you by Rakuten TV. + News Height @@ -7766,58 +9732,154 @@ Dr. Jack meets a poker player who has won millions in high-stakes international tournaments using his gut instincts. Documentaries - - Clandestine Collection - S01 : E01 Spycraft - Methods for covertly capturing sensitive data have grown infinitely more advanced as the devices used to do so have become exponentially smaller. + + Plasticity + S02 : E05 Secrets of the Brain + Dr. Jack meets a man who has defied all odds by miraculously recovering from severe brain damage after a car crash left him lying in a coma for three months. Documentaries - - Covert Communication - S01 : E02 Spycraft - From old-school dead drops to high-tech digital transfers, this is a look at how intelligence officers actually acquire the information collected by sources. + + Twins + S02 : E06 Secrets of the Brain + Dr. Jack Lewis is on a mission to understand why identical twins are such an asset to science from development in the womb onwards. Documentaries - - High Tech Surveillance - S01 : E03 Spycraft - In the spy game, listening, learning and gaining the ability to eavesdrop requires ingenuity. + + Empathy + S02 : E07 Secrets of the Brain + We meet an individual who has an extraordinary neurological condition, mirror-touch synaesthesia, allows them to feel the exact sensation or emotion of another. Documentaries - - Deadly Poisons - S01 : E04 Spycraft - For some covert missions, assassination is the goal, and lethal toxins are deployed by spy agencies to kill perceived foes. + + Music + S02 : E08 Secrets of the Brain + Dr Jack is going to sing with a choir like no other. Many of the members cannot talk, but they can sing! Documentaries - - Special Ops And Saboteur - S01 : E05 Spycraft - A look at some of the most famous missions in modern history. Special operations require skilful people, but elite technology plays a part too. + + Hypnosis + S02 : E03 Secrets of the Brain + In this episode, we explore the science of persuasion and discover that even a hardened sceptic can be convinced, Dr. Jack himself included. Documentaries - - Sexspionage - S01 : E06 Spycraft - As long as there has been espionage, sex and the promise of it have been powerful tools of persuasion and blackmail. + + Gut + S02 : E04 Secrets of the Brain + Dr. Jack meets a poker player who has won millions in high-stakes international tournaments using his gut instincts. Documentaries - - The Code Breakers - S01 : E07 Spycraft - Encryption is a key tool for keeping valuable information secret, but some ingenious minds have managed to crack impenetrable codes. + + Waterford + S01 : E05 Ultimate Processes + Francesca finds out how the world famous Waterford crystal is made and gets to try out glass blowing and glass cutting with surprising results. + Documentaries + + + Tractors + S01 : E03 Ultimate Processes + In this episode, Francesca Chiorando goes inside the largest tractor factory in the UK to see how they build their newest bespoke tractor. + Documentaries + + + Vespa + S01 : E04 Ultimate Processes + In this episode of Ultimate Processes Francesca Chiorando goes inside the Vespa factory in Italy - to see how they build their iconic scooters. + Documentaries + + + Episode 1: The Rise Of Civilization + S01 : E01 Deep Time History + About 8,000 BC, in a few select places some people begin to experiment with a new way of harvesting energy. They’re growing their own crops. + Documentaries + + + Episode 2: The Age Of Discovery + S01 : E02 Deep Time History + Columbus has no idea that because of Earth’s geology and geography he won't get to his destination…or how that failure made his voyage one of the most influential. + Documentaries + + + Episode 3: The Industrial Revolution And Modern Warfare + S01 : E03 Deep Time History + How do prehistoric forests link to the development of steam engines, and the rise of modern industry? + Documentaries + + + Waterford + S01 : E05 Ultimate Processes + Francesca finds out how the world famous Waterford crystal is made and gets to try out glass blowing and glass cutting with surprising results. + Documentaries + + + Tractors + S01 : E03 Ultimate Processes + In this episode, Francesca Chiorando goes inside the largest tractor factory in the UK to see how they build their newest bespoke tractor. + Documentaries + + + Vespa + S01 : E04 Ultimate Processes + In this episode of Ultimate Processes Francesca Chiorando goes inside the Vespa factory in Italy - to see how they build their iconic scooters. Documentaries - - The Perfect Spy - S01 : E08 Spycraft - Motivations leading people to spy against their own nations tend to fall into one of four categories, as notorious cases demonstrate. + + Episode 1: The Rise Of Civilization + S01 : E01 Deep Time History + About 8,000 BC, in a few select places some people begin to experiment with a new way of harvesting energy. They’re growing their own crops. Documentaries - - Clandestine Collection - S01 : E01 Spycraft - Methods for covertly capturing sensitive data have grown infinitely more advanced as the devices used to do so have become exponentially smaller. + + Episode 2: The Age Of Discovery + S01 : E02 Deep Time History + Columbus has no idea that because of Earth’s geology and geography he won't get to his destination…or how that failure made his voyage one of the most influential. + Documentaries + + + Episode 3: The Industrial Revolution And Modern Warfare + S01 : E03 Deep Time History + How do prehistoric forests link to the development of steam engines, and the rise of modern industry? + Documentaries + + + Wind + S01 : E01 Engineering the Future + This film follows the race to generate vast power from thin air - the wind. One of the world's biggest windfarms is being built off the English coast. + Documentaries + + + Aviation + S01 : E02 Engineering the Future + The way we fly is about to change, driven by a new breed of aviators not afraid to think differently. Could the days of the jet age be numbered? + Documentaries + + + Fusion + S01 : E03 Engineering the Future + It is the greatest technological challenge ever undertaken by humankind. The quest to produce the ultimate energy solution‚ Fusion. + Documentaries + + + Tidal + S01 : E04 Engineering the Future + The power of the ocean's tides is the last great untapped energy source on Earth. Teams of engineers race to perfect the technology to harness the vast flows of water. + Documentaries + + + Maritime + S01 : E05 Engineering the Future + Shipping companies and engineers are creating new machines to make their industry greener using a resource that has moved man across oceans for thousands of years...Wind. + Documentaries + + + Solar + S01 : E06 Engineering the Future + The sun is the biggest source of energy in the solar system. Innovators are searching for new ways to capture more of the sun's power. + Documentaries + + + Wind + S01 : E01 Engineering the Future + This film follows the race to generate vast power from thin air - the wind. One of the world's biggest windfarms is being built off the English coast. Documentaries @@ -8150,64 +10212,166 @@ This is the story of Stalingrad from a uniquely Russian perspective. It was one of bloodiest battles in the history of warfare and a turning point in the war. Documentaries - - People You Meet 6 - People You Meet + + The Battle Of Kursk + S01 : E05 Soviet Storm:Wwii in The East + Focusing its attention on the bitter conflicts that unfurled on the Eastern Front, this series offers a uniquely Russian perspective on some of the bloodiest and most ferocious battles in recent memory, from the siege at Stalingrad to the Kursk Bulge. Documentaries - - The Merchants of Huizhou 5 - Info not available + + Operation Bagration + S01 : E06 Soviet Storm:Wwii in The East + A unique look from the Russian perspective at the Soviet operation to encircle and annihilate the occupying Germans in the Belorussian SSR. Documentaries - - Rural Teachers 4 - Info not available + + The Liberation Of Ukraine + S01 : E07 Soviet Storm:Wwii in The East + The story of the tremendous battle that ensured the liberation of the Ukraine from the Nazis, intriguingly told from the Russian perspective. Documentaries - - Shades of Suzhou 5 - Focusing on Suzhou from a developmental perspective and a national perspective, it focuses on a series of important nodes in the historical process of Suzhou from pre-Qin to Xinhai Revolution, revealing the growth fabric of Suzhou culture and its contribution to China and even the world civilization. + + The Battle Of Berlin + S01 : E08 Soviet Storm:Wwii in The East + The story of the battle that ended the war, told from a Russian perspective. First to reach the Reichstag, Soviet forces triumphantly raised their flag from the roof. Documentaries - - Snacking away Around China 7/8 - Part 7: The Exotic Flavors of Yanbian/Part 8: Guangzhou Snacks - Taste of Good Fortune + + The Battle Of Kiev + S02 : E01 Soviet Storm: Wwii In The East + Kiev, the Ukrainian capital, is, after a lengthy battle, back in Soviet hands. But now they have to clear the Germans and German allies out of the Crimea and liberate the rest of Western Ukraine. Documentaries - - Stretching the Limits VI 4 - Through tracking and shooting the story of a group of people going to explore the world, it shows the courage and spirit of contemporary people to constantly break through themselves, be fearless, and persevere. + + Bitchy Inner Circle + S01 : E05 How The Nazi's Lost The War + The Nazis appeared to work together from a distance, but behind the scenes it was different with nepotism, corruption and fear running rampant. Documentaries - - Pixel Collage - A well-crafted collage of selected short documentaries telling stories about all aspects of China! People, technology, culture, and wildlife, all are showcased in Internet-friendly form. + + Military Blunders + S01 : E06 How The Nazi's Lost The War + Early victories in World War II injected Hitler with a precipitous sense of over-confidence that was eventually tested and proven vulnerable. Documentaries - - Next Stop, Mars 1 - It shows the whole process of China's first Mars exploration. + + The Gates Of Hell 1941-1942 + S01 : E07 Abyss: Rise And Fall Of The Nazis + In the shadow of the war, the Nazi regime gradually advances its "final solution to the Jewish problem", culminating in the Holocaust. Documentaries - - Birth of a Sea Lion - Info not available + + Genocide 1942-1944 + S01 : E08 Abyss: Rise And Fall Of The Nazis + Along with Treblinka and Majdanek, Sobibor was one of the camps used in Operation Reinhard, in which the Nazis murdered almost two million people. Documentaries - - You're not Alone 1 - Info not available + + Armageddon 1943-1945 + S01 : E09 Abyss: Rise And Fall Of The Nazis + The defeat at Stalingrad in 1943 was the turning point of the war and convinced the Nazi leadership to intensify their terror and propaganda campaigns. Documentaries - - Cherished Land 5 - Info not available + + The Reckoning 1945-1948 + S01 : E10 Abyss: Rise And Fall Of The Nazis + In 1945, WWII was over but the violence had not ended. The survivors want to blame the Germans. The reckoning with National Socialism is ambivalent. Documentaries - - Cherished Land 5 - Info not available + + Hitler's Secret Bomb pt 1 + S01 : E01 Hitler's Secret Bomb + In the pivotal struggle for WWII victory, the race to develop the first atomic bomb was critical to secure world dominance; now, experts reveal new evidence behind Nazi Germany's top-secret and cutting-edge development of catastrophic nuclear weapons. + Documentaries + + + Bitchy Inner Circle + S01 : E05 How The Nazi's Lost The War + The Nazis appeared to work together from a distance, but behind the scenes it was different with nepotism, corruption and fear running rampant. + Documentaries + + + Military Blunders + S01 : E06 How The Nazi's Lost The War + Early victories in World War II injected Hitler with a precipitous sense of over-confidence that was eventually tested and proven vulnerable. + Documentaries + + + Ranged Weapons + S01 : E01 History Of Weapons + Experts look at some of the most efficient long-distance guns that offer fighters the best chance of survival, with reviews of the spring pin and the Roman spear. + Documentaries + + + Attack From Above + S01 : E02 History Of Weapons + Experts take a look at the weapons dominating from the skies. They investigate the operating principles of arrows, rockets, and bombs. + Documentaries + + + Close Combat + S01 : E03 History Of Weapons + Experts test both the physical and psychological impact of melee weaponry such as the Roman short sword, the medieval war hammer, and bayonets. + Documentaries + + + Weapons For All + S01 : E04 History Of Weapons + International experts test three weapons that are easy to use, but extremely deadly such as the crossbow, a pike and the gas-operated assault rifle, the Kalashnikov. + Documentaries + + + Faster Than The Enemy + S01 : E05 History Of Weapons + A team of international experts presents weapons invented throughout history, where speed really made all the difference; Samuel Colt's revolver marked the beginning of a new era for warfare while the slingshot is the symbol of asymmetric weaponry. + Documentaries + + + The Power Of Destruction + S01 : E06 History Of Weapons + New weapons with devastating force shape the wars of the 20th century; international experts test the catastrophic effects of the most destructive weapons. + Documentaries + + + History Of Wwii 1 + S01 : E01 History Of Wwii + World War II was an earth-shaking drama touching on millions of lives. Here, actor Robert Hardy presents a chronology of the conflict, from its origins to major battles and more. + Documentaries + + + History Of Wwii 2 + S01 : E02 History Of Wwii + World War II was an earth-shaking drama touching on millions of lives. Here, actor Robert Hardy presents a chronology of the conflict, from its origins to major battles and more. + Documentaries + + + Rise of The Bomber + S01 : E01 Bomber: Terror Of WWII + The first bombs were dropped from balloons. During the First World War, Zeppelin airships were used for this, later Gotha planes appeared. Between the wars, more bombers began to be built. + Documentaries + + + War Without Boundaries + S01 : E02 Bomber: Terror Of WWII + When the Second World War broke out, bombers were one of the first weapons used in it. Bombings forced the use of gas masks and the construction of shelters, and children were evacuated from bombed-out cities. + Documentaries + + + The Means To Victory + S01 : E03 Bomber: Terror Of WWII + Tactics on both sides were developed in both attack and defense. Both the bomber and the defense against it, became more effective through improvements in bombing, navigation, radar development and more. + Documentaries + + + The World At War + S01 : E04 Bomber: Terror Of WWII + After the end of the Battle of Britain came the bombing of German cities. In the war in the Pacific, the US and Japan successfully bombed naval and land targets. + Documentaries + + + By Night & By Day + S01 : E05 Bomber: Terror Of WWII + The bombing of Tokyo demonstrated the power of the B-29 bomber. The cost of creating this machine exceeds that of the Manhattan Project, which developed the first atomic bomb. Documentaries @@ -8515,52 +10679,184 @@ A documentary series featuring historical and archaeological exploration. Documentaries - - Safely to the Earth - S01 : E02 13 Factors that Saved Apollo 13 - As the NASA team keeps an eye on Apollo 13's trajectory, they are faced with more challenges. + + China, Race to the Future 1 + Info not available + Documentaries + + + Stretching the Limits VI 6 + Through tracking and shooting the story of a group of people going to explore the world, it shows the courage and spirit of contemporary people to constantly break through themselves, be fearless, and persevere. + Documentaries + + + Flying a Kite to the Stars + Info not available + Documentaries + + + Next Stop, Mars 2 + It shows the whole process of China's first Mars exploration. + Documentaries + + + Glamorous Papua New Guinea 1 + Papua New Guinea is a nation on the edge of the Pacific Ocean that glimmers like emeralds. It's a land of contrasts: a new nation that's home to one of the world's most ancient cultures, a land with a troubled past but a glittering future. + Documentaries + + + You're not Alone 2 + Info not available + Documentaries + + + My Story With My Chinese Boss + Info not available + Documentaries + + + Hunters & Foragers 1 + Info not available + Documentaries + + + Memoirs of Guangdong II 1 + A documentary series featuring historical and archaeological exploration. + Documentaries + + + China, Race to the Future 1 + Info not available + Documentaries + + + Stretching the Limits VI 6 + Through tracking and shooting the story of a group of people going to explore the world, it shows the courage and spirit of contemporary people to constantly break through themselves, be fearless, and persevere. + Documentaries + + + Flying a Kite to the Stars + Info not available + Documentaries + + + Next Stop, Mars 2 + It shows the whole process of China's first Mars exploration. + Documentaries + + + Glamorous Papua New Guinea 1 + Papua New Guinea is a nation on the edge of the Pacific Ocean that glimmers like emeralds. It's a land of contrasts: a new nation that's home to one of the world's most ancient cultures, a land with a troubled past but a glittering future. + Documentaries + + + You're not Alone 2 + Info not available + Documentaries + + + My Story With My Chinese Boss + Info not available + Documentaries + + + Hunters & Foragers 1 + Info not available + Documentaries + + + Memoirs of Guangdong II 1 + A documentary series featuring historical and archaeological exploration. + Documentaries + + + China, Race to the Future 1 + Info not available + Documentaries + + + Stretching the Limits VI 6 + Through tracking and shooting the story of a group of people going to explore the world, it shows the courage and spirit of contemporary people to constantly break through themselves, be fearless, and persevere. + Documentaries + + + Flying a Kite to the Stars + Info not available + Documentaries + + + Next Stop, Mars 2 + It shows the whole process of China's first Mars exploration. + Documentaries + + + Glamorous Papua New Guinea 1 + Papua New Guinea is a nation on the edge of the Pacific Ocean that glimmers like emeralds. It's a land of contrasts: a new nation that's home to one of the world's most ancient cultures, a land with a troubled past but a glittering future. + Documentaries + + + You're not Alone 2 + Info not available + Documentaries + + + My Story With My Chinese Boss + Info not available + Documentaries + + + Hunters & Foragers 1 + Info not available + Documentaries + + + Memoirs of Guangdong II 1 + A documentary series featuring historical and archaeological exploration. + Documentaries + + + China, Race to the Future 1 + Info not available Documentaries - - The Beginning - S01 : E01 Sun and Man - Relive history, from the birth of the Sun to the blossoming of its relationship with man, and beyond to today. + + Stretching the Limits VI 6 + Through tracking and shooting the story of a group of people going to explore the world, it shows the courage and spirit of contemporary people to constantly break through themselves, be fearless, and persevere. + Documentaries + + + Flying a Kite to the Stars + Info not available Documentaries - - Science and Discovery - S01 : E02 Sun and Man - Observe the burning star and learn from it as the Mayans did thousands of years ago, and as we still do today. + + North of the Great River · A Land of Culture 1 + Info not available Documentaries - - One Small Step for Man - S01 : E01 Voyage of Darwin's Beagle: On The Future of Species - About 180 years after Darwin, his great-granddaughter follows his path, traveling from Tenerife to the Amazon. + + Glamorous Papua New Guinea 2 + Papua New Guinea is a nation on the edge of the Pacific Ocean that glimmers like emeralds. It's a land of contrasts: a new nation that's home to one of the world's most ancient cultures, a land with a troubled past but a glittering future. Documentaries - - Low Life on the Ladder of God - S01 : E02 Voyage of Darwin's Beagle: On The Future of Species - Follow Darwin's journey to see remnants of slavery and to relive his discovery of fossils of extinct animals. + + Jasmine Blossom 1 + A comprehensive picture of the Yi people's pursuit of a better life. The Yi people's spirit of protecting and inheriting traditional culture and ceaselessly striving for self-improvement is recorded with one shot after another. Documentaries - - The Last Frontier - S01 : E03 Voyage of Darwin's Beagle: On The Future of Species - Sarah Darwin visits the remaining members of a native tribe wiped out following contact with European disease. + + Cycling Across China with Peter Crosby 1 + Why does a 66-year-old foreigner insist on starting his second bike journey across China after his first expedition in 1994? American photographer Peter Crosby says that many people in the West still don't know very much about China, but they've formed opinions about the country that are not necessarily accurate. Now more than ever, it is urgent to come to China and create more bridges, more communication. Documentaries - - Search for the Edge of the Universe - S01 : E08 Secrets of the Universe - The vastness of interstellar space begins at the boundary of our Solar System, where magnetic fields dominate. + + Hunters & Foragers 2 + Info not available Documentaries - - Why Our Forests Are Burning Up - S01 : E01 Megafires: The Global Threat - Learn why megafires are beyond our control, what makes them so insatiable, and the human causes of the crisis. + + Memoirs of Guangdong II 2 + A documentary series featuring historical and archaeological exploration. Documentaries @@ -8923,65 +11219,191 @@ There are plans to send spacecraft to the Moon to find resources that may one day allow humans to live there. Documentaries - - Asia - Secret Lives Hidden Places II - S02 : E03 Asia - Secret Lives Hidden Places II: Pu Mat National Park: Vietnam – Of Bears and Men - The jungle in northern Vietnam is nearly impenetrable, with some areas never touched by humans. The remote rainforests of Pu Mat National Park serve as a refuge for endangered wildlife such as black bears, monkeys, and pangolins. Tuan, a biologist and bear specialist, embarks on an expedition to these untouched regions of the park in search of bears. The most hunted animal here is the pangolin, sought after for its scales believed to have medicinal properties and its meat considered a delicacy. A small Vietnamese conservation organization fights for the survival of this species. - Entertainment + + Birth of the Moon + S01 : E16 Cosmic Journeys + What are scientists learning about the history of the Moon and its relationship to the development of Earth? + Documentaries - - Asia - Secret Lives Hidden Places II - S02 : E04 Asia - Secret Lives Hidden Places II: Gaoligongshan Park: China – Himalaya’s Gold - The Great Gobi National Park in southwestern Mongolia shelters one of the last populations of wild Bactrian camels, amid its ancient and mysterious desert landscape. With around 800 critically endangered animals, the Gobi remains one of the world's most sparsely inhabited and inhospitable regions, yet its allure is undeniable, offering a captivating backdrop for encounters with wild camels and stories of people deeply connected to nature. - Entertainment + + The New Frontier + S01 : E02 Asteroids: A New Horizon + Top space resource companies all vie for competitive advantage. The new space race is just getting started. + Documentaries - - Asia - Secret Lives Hidden Places II - S02 : E05 Asia - Secret Lives Hidden Places II: Great Gobi National Park: Mongolia – Following the Wild Camels - The jungle in northern Vietnam is nearly impenetrable, with some areas never touched by humans. The remote rainforests of Pu Mat National Park serve as a refuge for endangered wildlife such as black bears, monkeys, and pangolins. Tuan, a biologist and bear specialist, embarks on an expedition to these untouched regions of the park in search of bears. The most hunted animal here is the pangolin, sought after for its scales believed to have medicinal properties and its meat considered a delicacy. A small Vietnamese conservation organization fights for the survival of this species. - Entertainment + + Attack of the Sun + S01 : E17 Cosmic Journeys + Massive solar storms attack Earth by disrupting radio signals and navigation systems and harming power grids. + Documentaries - - The Secret world of Herbs - S01 : E01 The Secret World of Herbs - In Provence - Its native fragrant flowers and aromatic herbs have made the Provence a brand known worldwide. The wealth of flora found in this region, between the French Alps and the Mediterranean, is unequalled among the French provinces. Around Sault, near Mont Ventoux, the valleys and high plains are carpeted with bright violet: In the hot climate of the South of France, lavender blooms and exudes its fragrance. Monastic healers have been using its aromatic medicinal oil since the Middle Ages. And today an entire industry is based on the trade with this fragrant flower. Yet the livelihood of Provençal lavender farmers is imperiled. In France’s major lavender-growing region, the “Plateau de... - Entertainment + + Land, Air & Sea + S01 : E07 Destruction Decoded + Transportation accidents can endanger thousands in seconds. Can anything be done to minimize their damage? + Documentaries - - The Secret world of Herbs - S01 : E02 The Secret World of Herbs - In India - In India, herbs play an everyday role hardly equalled anywhere in the world. From the tropical green south to the mountains of the northern Himalayas, herbs lend fragrence to joss sticks and soaps, and flavor to the cuisine. And, above all, herbs heal. Six thousand varieties of plants are used in India, and most are harvested in the wild – where they are becoming depleted. The ever rising need for herbal medicine for the subcontinent’s 1.3 billion inhabitants comes on top of the demand of its growing middle class for herbal-based cosmetics. As a result, certain herbs have become scarce, while others have already vanished entirely. Most of the herbs in India are harvested in the wild. The... - Entertainment + + Return to Disaster + S01 : E01 Disasters in Space + Relive the harrowing moments in Launch Control during NASA's second "Return to Flight" test flight . + Documentaries - - The Secret world of Herbs - S01 : E03 The Secret World of Herbs - In Latin America - Healing effects, fragrance, and intense flavor – the benefits of herbs were discovered by the indigenous peoples of South America long before Spanish conquistadores subdued the continent. Even today, in the remote regions of South America, life without herbs is unthinkable. For many inhabitants, they provide the sole medicine. For more than two thousand years, this wisdom of the healing powers of nature has been passed down from generation to generation. In Bolivia, the film accompanies ethnobiologist Rainer Bussmann on one of his expeditions documenting which herbs the locals use against which illnesses. The German scientist has spent the last 15 years in the region, focussed on... - Entertainment + + Mars or Bust + S01 : E02 Disasters in Space + As the clock ticks toward the critical Mars launch window, NASA scrambles to fix a critical space mistake. + Documentaries - - The Secret world of Herbs - S01 : E04 The Secret World of Herbs - In the Alps - Secluded for many centuries in inaccessible valleys, the inhabitants of the Alps had no alternative but to rely on the healing powers of nature. A knowledge of herbs was deeply rooted in these mountain-dwellers’ everyday lives – until the twentieth century, when this wisdom became eclipsed by modern academic medicine. Today, Alpine herbs are witnessing a revival, as public interest in regional natural treasures grows. The potential of Alpine herbs is far from exhausted. In the Berchtesgaden Alps, the film shows Hubsi Ilsanker at work as a root-digger, a back-breaking job that has scarcely changed in four hundred years. Authorized by a special historic permit to supply the oldest gentian... - Entertainment + + Industrial + S01 : E08 Destruction Decoded + We take a close forensic look at the greatest disasters humankind has brought upon itself from technology. + Documentaries - - The Secret world of Herbs - S01 : E05 The Secret world of Herbs - In the Balkans - In the pristine nature and mild climate of southeastern Europe grows a unique diversity of wild plants. Far removed from major industry and polluted soils, the Balkan countries have become the largest exporter of herbs in Europe. In Bulgaria alone, more than 300,000 people work with domestic plants. The business is becoming increasingly lucrative. The film takes us to the Croatian coast. On the Adriatic island of Cres, the audience meets Mladen Dragoslavić. In May, when the sage begins to blossom, this beekeeper has one month to produce his income for an entire year – always with the goal of creating the best sage honey in the Balkans. Given a choice, the bees would never choose sage, for... - Entertainment + + Space Shuttle Shuffle + S01 : E03 Disasters in Space + Despite multiple pressures, a shocking discovery causes NASA to cancel a historic launch. + Documentaries - - One Year in Norway's Lofoten - S01 : E01 One Year in Norway's Lofoten: Episode 1 - Winter means more than just the beginning of the year for the people of Lofoten: For more than a thousand years, Lofoten has been a hub for cod fishing, with seasons lasting from February to April as huge shoals migrate from the Barents Sea to these waters. During these hectic months, more than 65,000 tons of fish are brought to shore, securing the income for the whole of Lofoten for years to come. Around a quarter of the fish caught ends up on lines to dry upon racks. From a young age, the children from the fishing villages get to earn some pocket money by cutting cod tongues and selling the produce as a delicacy appreciated by the locals. - Entertainment + + The End of Genesis + S01 : E04 Disasters in Space + A spacecraft freefalls from orbit smashing into the ground when its parachute fails to deploy. + Documentaries - - One Year in Norway's Lofoten - S01 : E02 One Year in Norway's Lofoten: Episode 2 - Almost unnoticeably, spring turns into summer. The days become longer and longer, with a never-setting sun. People who have spent their winter and spring working hard can finally enjoy their own nature, even though the temperature is only slightly warmer. Lofoten is sparsely populated, just 24,000 people live here. Unstad is one of its smallest communities with only 15 inhabitants, but despite that, it has become a hotspot for arctic surf and is host to the northern-most surf center in the world. Surfers from all over the globe come to surf in the arctic water. - Entertainment + + Black Holes: The Other Side of Infinity + S01 : E01 Secrets of the Universe + Learn about black holes, the mysteries surrounding them, their origin, and what lies within and beyond them. + Documentaries + + + Trains, Rockets, and Pains + S01 : E05 Disasters in Space + A harrowing space mistake leaves the solid rocket boosters hanging by a thread. + Documentaries + + + Dynamic Earth + S01 : E02 Secrets of the Universe + Through satellite monitoring and supercomputer simulations, see the Sun affect systems that shape our climate. + Documentaries + + + Columbia + S01 : E06 Disasters in Space + The loss of Space Shuttle Columbia stands as one of the worst disasters in spaceflight history. + Documentaries + + + Rising Temperatures, Rising Seas (2015) + S01 : E01 Disaster Diaries + 2015 was marked by many exceptional natural disasters. Is this the result of global warming? + Documentaries + + + The Voyage of Curiosity + Curiosity's robot rover exploring Mars is now known as one of the greatest achievements in space exploration. + Documentaries + + + A Year of Floods and Fire (2016) + S01 : E02 Disaster Diaries + 2016 marked the end of one of the strongest events ever recorded. + Documentaries + + + The Age of Hubble + The Hubble Space Telescope has delivered unprecedented discoveries about the nature of our Universe, and more. + Documentaries + + + Mars Calling: Manifest Destiny or Grand Illusion + This film merges the mythic and the scientific to show that Mars may not be what we imagine. + Documentaries + + + Is Earth Striking Back? (2017) + S01 : E03 Disaster Diaries + In the year 2017 local weather anomalies caused massive flooding. Eyewitnesses describe what happened. + Documentaries + + + Searching for Planet 9 + Is there a "Planet 9" five times more massive than planet Earth? There's fascinating new research out there. + Documentaries + + + Black Holes: The Other Side of Infinity + S01 : E01 Secrets of the Universe + Learn about black holes, the mysteries surrounding them, their origin, and what lies within and beyond them. + Documentaries + + + Dynamic Earth + S01 : E02 Secrets of the Universe + Through satellite monitoring and supercomputer simulations, see the Sun affect systems that shape our climate. + Documentaries + + + Supervolcanoes + S01 : E03 Secrets of the Universe + The Solar System's largest, Mars's supervolcanoes spew carbon dioxide, water vapor, and sulfur dioxide in air. + Documentaries + + + The Saturn V Story + This is the story of the most powerful machine ever built and a nation who watched on with hope, together. + Documentaries + + + Oasis in Space + S01 : E04 Secrets of the Universe + Take a space voyage in search of water. Several moons have water. Could water mean there may be life in space? + Documentaries + + + Death of a Star + S01 : E05 Secrets of the Universe + Some stars are as old as time. Experience their beauty and power, from birth to their waning and final stages. + Documentaries + + + Undiscovered Worlds + S01 : E06 Secrets of the Universe + Scientists identified planets close to Earth's size. Our perspective on our place in the cosmos is shifting. + Documentaries + + + Mysterious Birth of the Moon + S01 : E07 Secrets of the Universe + Follow the era of space exploration, from Sputnik through lunar landings to today's private space flights. + Documentaries + + + Earth in 1000 years + Earth's stores of ice on Greenland and Antarctica are melting, and sea levels rising. Where is Earth headed? + Documentaries + + + Our Changing World + S01 : E01 Smart China: Big Science + Visit a solar farm that looks like a space city, using salt to generate power even when there鈥檚 no sun. + Documentaries + + + Exploring the Solar System + S01 : E02 Smart China: Big Science + Meet scientists researching space travel to see how a telescope is seeking planets with atmospheres. + Documentaries + + + Unraveling the Universe + S01 : E03 Smart China: Big Science + Dr. Nguyen spends time with astronomers to learn about the biggest and most violent events in the universe. + Documentaries Project Antarctica @@ -9249,45 +11671,147 @@ The island of Martinique is a piece of France in the Caribbean, between Florida and South America. And of course, Savoir-vivre applies just as it does on the other side of the Atlantic, between the English Channel and the Mediterranean. Jacky Pascault is the first and only man to cultivate mushrooms in the Caribbean. Everywhere else, they grow on artificially fertilised soil, but Jacky's Champignons Tropicaux flourish on sugar cane fibres. Nicole Vilo tailors hats and dresses out of coconut palms. Of course, the catwalk for the models wearing her first collection is one of the countless dream beaches. The Martiniquais sail on boats they call Yole, which have no keel and are therefore... Entertainment - - Snowboarding: Resilience - An intrepid group of snowboarders explores and rides some of the biggest mountain terrain in the world. - Documentaries + + Portugal's Nature Parks + S01 : E04 Madeira + Madeira - Portugal's autonomous island in the Atlantic Ocean, is closer to the African coast than to the mother country Portugal, from which it is separated by about 900 kilometers. The island's name comes from Portuguese sailors who claimed the uninhabited isle for themselves in 1419. Madeira means wood and that was available in abundance. Almost the entire surface was covered by dense forest. Since 1982, two-thirds of the landscape has been protected. + Entertainment - - Football: Street Leagues - This uplifting story showcases how sports can empower marginalised members of society to fulfil their true potential. - Documentaries + + Portugal's Nature Parks + S01 : E05 Ria Formosa + The "Parque Natural da Ria Formosa" is one of the largest lagoon conservation areas in Europe. Bordered by five natural islands. A mosaic of sandbanks, brackish and freshwater lagoons and salt marshes. In 2010, the "Ria Formosa" was chosen as one of the seven natural wonders of Portugal. It is a unique ecosystem: in the winter months, more than 20,000 birds gather here. In addition, the nature park has one of the largest seahorse populations internationally. More than half of all fish species in the Atlantic are said to spawn in the lagoon. + Entertainment - - The Blue Forest - Discover how kelp and seaweed are vital for life on Earth. - Documentaries + + Portugal's Nature Parks + S01 : E02 Serra da Estrela + The highest mountain range in Portugal is the Serra da Estrela. The episode embarks on a voyage of discovery to adventurous rock formations and villages steeped in tradition. The nature park is the largest protected area on the Iberian peninsula. In the mountain range we accompany the young scientist Ana Matos, who wants to breathe new life into old traditions, and cheese maker Maria Natália Lopes. She watches over more than 350 sheeps. + Entertainment - - Understory - Three intrepid women embark on a 350-mile odyssey through the heart of Alaska's pristine Tongass National Forest, often dubbed "America's Amazon." - Documentaries + + Portugal's Nature Parks + S01 : E03 South West Portugal: Alentejano and Costa Vicentina + In the southwest of Portugal lies the little known Parque Natural do Sudoeste Alentejano e Costa Vicentina. It encompasses a narrow coastal strip that runs along the coast to the south of Portugal. Sparsely populated, this coastal region, which was placed under protection in 1988, is considered one of the last intact ecosystems in Europe. The steep cliffs, the almost constant wind and high waves have ensured that mass tourism has not gained a foothold here. There are still near-natural forests and a diverse bird life. + Entertainment - - The Sailor - What is the price of freedom? A man sets sail to find out. - Documentaries + + Evolution + Experience the wonders of evolution like never before! It began in the water. It came ashore. It conquered our planet. The origin of life is probably the most fascinating story our earth has to tell. Join us on our journey through the impressive animal world of our earth. Explore the magnificent, colorful world of coral reefs. Marvel at the diversity of life in Africa, Australia and South America. Experience incredible strategies of adaptation to different habitats. Overwhelming shots, exciting and rare insights into hidden worlds. + Entertainment - - Circumnavigate - Father of three and former lifeguard Brendon Prince from South Devon attempts to become the first person to stand-up paddleboard around mainland Britain - a challenge many have tried but none have achieved. - Documentaries + + Wild Baltic + S01 : E01 Wild Baltic - Life on the Amber Coast + The first episode of this two-part nature documentary presents the natural beauty of the shifting sand dunes of the Curonian Spit, the romantic beaches of the Latvian Baltic Sea and the island worlds of Estonia. Time and again, this deserted and almost untouched nature fascinates. In the winter, ringed seals give birth to their young on the pack ice. In the spring, Konik wild horse stallions fight fierce battles amongst themselves, while colourful European rollers fly through the dune forests. Lynxes wander through the coastal forests and in the orchid meadows turncoats and hoopoes find more than enough food. On the islands around Saaremaa in Estonia, grey seals hunt for fish. They share... + Entertainment - - Cycling: Lowest to Highest - Capturing the banter, the hardship, and the remarkable determination of a group of riders travelling through Australia. - Documentaries + + Wild Baltic + S01 : E02 Wild Baltic - Enchanted Forests and Moors + The wide, often untouched wilderness of the Baltic hinterland is home to many animals. More than 35 brown bears live in the primeval forests of Alutaguse. In the spring, the Soomaa National Park transforms into a huge lake. Europe's widest waterfall is located in Latvia. In the beginning of May, vimba bream follow the course of the River Venta. The hardly 5-centimetre-long fish have to overcome a 4-metre-long rock barrier in order to reach their spawning grounds. + Entertainment - - Fortitude - Follow the experiences of Black Londoners as they grapple with the profound impact of racism on their lives. - Documentaries + + Bosnia Herzegovina + S01 : E01 Bosnia & Herzegovina: The Abundant North + Wild and unknown lies the still undiscovered natural paradise of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the heart of Europe. Rough mountains, dense forests and wild waterfalls characterize the picture of the untouched landscapes. Lynx, wolves and bears roam mountains and valleys. One of the last primeval forests in Europe is a retreat for many endangered animal species. Bosnia and Herzegovina is actually an undiscovered natural paradise in the middle of Europe. + Entertainment + + + Bosnia Herzegovina + S01 : E02 Bosnia & Herzegovina: The Karstic South + The barren, karstic south of the country, Herzegovina, also impresses with its natural landscapes. One of them is the Livno field. Not only is it the largest wetland in the country, it is also the largest regularly flooded karst field in the world. About 700 wild horses live in this unique landscape. Their ancestors were working horses that were abandoned here more than 50 years ago. Another special feature of the karst landscape are the rivers with their tufa barriers. The countless waterfalls that pour over it are a unique natural phenomenon. + Entertainment + + + Wilderness in Europe: The Bohemian Forest + S01 : E02 Boundary Experiences in Mühlviertel + Pavel Hubeny, whose life would be unthinkable without the forest, is the head of the Šumava National Park. He is committed to ensuring that a primeval forest can grow for future generations, in which man does not interfere. This vision of a primeval forest is also shared by the forester Claus Bässler, who wants to counteract the extinction of species by having trees felled to create artificial deadwood and thus a new habitat for rare beetles and fungi. On the Vltava River lies the small town of Krumlov, the "Pearl of the Bohemian Forest" with its Baroque theater and fully preserved stage technology from the 17th century. Here the director Zuzana Vrbová enchants people from all over the... + Entertainment + + + Over the Islands of Africa + S01 : E01 Over the Islands of Africa, Zanzibar + Photographer Matthias Ziegler is an Africa specialist. He has visited nearly every country on the continent on assignments for international agencies. Zanzibar, however, is new territory for him. He's come to the former slave island for a photo book – and this time he's not alone. To see the Tanzanian archipelago from the air, he has enlisted the services of ultralight pilot Richard Meredith-Hardy of England to fly him around in his FIB, or flying inflatable boat. Perfect conditions for an adventurous journey: as a world champion ultralight pilot, Richard and his FIB can take off and land practically anywhere – in theory. + Entertainment + + + Over the Islands of Africa + S01 : E02 Over the Islands of Africa, Mauritius + Renaud Van Der Meeren is a photographer and paramotor pilot. With his motorised parachute he goes on expeditions to the remotest corners on earth to photograph people and landscapes from the air. Renaud wanted to be a jet pilot, studied music at the Sorbonne, became a ski instructor, model and photographer's assistant before he found happiness in his current vocation. He especially likes to do his job in Mauritius – nowhere else does he find so many motifs as on the "sweetest pearl in the Indian Ocean". This time he's working on a photo book about Mauritius – by land, by water and in the air. + Entertainment + + + Over the Islands of Africa + S01 : E03 Over the Islands of Africa, Madagascar + Spirits, Kings, Lemurs – Madagascar treats Ami to a multitude of new impressions and spectacular pictures. Director Christian Schidlowski and his team accompanied her on her trip. + Entertainment + + + Over the Islands of Africa + S01 : E04 Over the Islands of Africa, Sao Tome and Principe + Along with photographer Rui Camilo, we travel to the West African island nation of Sao Tomé and Príncipe - in search of images that will capture the soul of this small and beautiful country. + Entertainment + + + Over the Islands of Africa + S01 : E05 Over the Islands of Africa, Cape Verde + Cape Verde – the islands of Saudade, of longing. For Stéphane and Richard it was a journey full of adventure, unforgettable encounters and magnificent photographs. Director Christian Schidlowski and his team accompanied them on their trip. + Entertainment + + + Portugal's Nature Parks + S01 : E01 Peneda-Gerês National Park + The Parque Nacional Peneda-Gerês is the only national park in Portugal. An area of almost 700 square kilometers, located in the extreme north of Portugal. Barren and rocky ridges in the plateaus, contrast with large forests and lush ground vegetation in deep valleys, crossed by lakes and rivers. The park is known for its oak forests, which are predominantly pedunculate and Pyrenean oaks. Among the typical animals of the park are the small Garrano ponies, a very old breed of horse and the only one in Europe that still lives in the wild. + Entertainment + + + Portugal's Nature Parks + S01 : E04 Madeira + Madeira - Portugal's autonomous island in the Atlantic Ocean, is closer to the African coast than to the mother country Portugal, from which it is separated by about 900 kilometers. The island's name comes from Portuguese sailors who claimed the uninhabited isle for themselves in 1419. Madeira means wood and that was available in abundance. Almost the entire surface was covered by dense forest. Since 1982, two-thirds of the landscape has been protected. + Entertainment + + + Portugal's Nature Parks + S01 : E05 Ria Formosa + The "Parque Natural da Ria Formosa" is one of the largest lagoon conservation areas in Europe. Bordered by five natural islands. A mosaic of sandbanks, brackish and freshwater lagoons and salt marshes. In 2010, the "Ria Formosa" was chosen as one of the seven natural wonders of Portugal. It is a unique ecosystem: in the winter months, more than 20,000 birds gather here. In addition, the nature park has one of the largest seahorse populations internationally. More than half of all fish species in the Atlantic are said to spawn in the lagoon. + Entertainment + + + Portugal's Nature Parks + S01 : E02 Serra da Estrela + The highest mountain range in Portugal is the Serra da Estrela. The episode embarks on a voyage of discovery to adventurous rock formations and villages steeped in tradition. The nature park is the largest protected area on the Iberian peninsula. In the mountain range we accompany the young scientist Ana Matos, who wants to breathe new life into old traditions, and cheese maker Maria Natália Lopes. She watches over more than 350 sheeps. + Entertainment + + + Portugal's Nature Parks + S01 : E03 South West Portugal: Alentejano and Costa Vicentina + In the southwest of Portugal lies the little known Parque Natural do Sudoeste Alentejano e Costa Vicentina. It encompasses a narrow coastal strip that runs along the coast to the south of Portugal. Sparsely populated, this coastal region, which was placed under protection in 1988, is considered one of the last intact ecosystems in Europe. The steep cliffs, the almost constant wind and high waves have ensured that mass tourism has not gained a foothold here. There are still near-natural forests and a diverse bird life. + Entertainment + + + Evolution + Experience the wonders of evolution like never before! It began in the water. It came ashore. It conquered our planet. The origin of life is probably the most fascinating story our earth has to tell. Join us on our journey through the impressive animal world of our earth. Explore the magnificent, colorful world of coral reefs. Marvel at the diversity of life in Africa, Australia and South America. Experience incredible strategies of adaptation to different habitats. Overwhelming shots, exciting and rare insights into hidden worlds. + Entertainment + + + Wild Baltic + S01 : E01 Wild Baltic - Life on the Amber Coast + The first episode of this two-part nature documentary presents the natural beauty of the shifting sand dunes of the Curonian Spit, the romantic beaches of the Latvian Baltic Sea and the island worlds of Estonia. Time and again, this deserted and almost untouched nature fascinates. In the winter, ringed seals give birth to their young on the pack ice. In the spring, Konik wild horse stallions fight fierce battles amongst themselves, while colourful European rollers fly through the dune forests. Lynxes wander through the coastal forests and in the orchid meadows turncoats and hoopoes find more than enough food. On the islands around Saaremaa in Estonia, grey seals hunt for fish. They share... + Entertainment + + + Wild Baltic + S01 : E02 Wild Baltic - Enchanted Forests and Moors + The wide, often untouched wilderness of the Baltic hinterland is home to many animals. More than 35 brown bears live in the primeval forests of Alutaguse. In the spring, the Soomaa National Park transforms into a huge lake. Europe's widest waterfall is located in Latvia. In the beginning of May, vimba bream follow the course of the River Venta. The hardly 5-centimetre-long fish have to overcome a 4-metre-long rock barrier in order to reach their spawning grounds. + Entertainment + + + Bosnia Herzegovina + S01 : E01 Bosnia & Herzegovina: The Abundant North + Wild and unknown lies the still undiscovered natural paradise of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the heart of Europe. Rough mountains, dense forests and wild waterfalls characterize the picture of the untouched landscapes. Lynx, wolves and bears roam mountains and valleys. One of the last primeval forests in Europe is a retreat for many endangered animal species. Bosnia and Herzegovina is actually an undiscovered natural paradise in the middle of Europe. + Entertainment Greenwood Is Still Burning @@ -9594,54 +12118,154 @@ Discover a multimedia project which celebrates traditional music and the beauty of the landscape in Romania - a way of life and landscape that is under threat. Documentaries - - Showcase : Episode 10 - S01 : E10 Showcase - We enjoy trumpeting elephants and honking hippos as we travel from Moremi Game Reserve to Blyde River Canyon. + + Out of Step + Join surfers Sally McGee & Tom Bing, with their son Billy, on a road trip exploring adventure, surfing, parenthood, and being out of step with the world. Documentaries - - Karina Wild on Safari : Episode 7 - Horns, Jaws and Claws - S01 : E07 Karina Wild on Safari - The Malilangwe Trust has the largest population of black rhinos and has the most ecosystems in any reserve. + + Indigenous Fashion + Explore the intersection of sustainable fashion and cultural heritage. Documentaries - - Karina Wild on Safari : Episode 8 - Wallowing Delight - S01 : E08 Karina Wild on Safari - Craig and Karina make good use of the helicopter as they to take a trip to the spectacular Chilojo cliffs. + + The North Face: Groundwork + How is innovation in agriculture reshaping lives and landscapes? Witness a cotton farm family break from tradition and a Thai rubber farmer champion sustainable practices, both transforming their land and communities. Documentaries - - Cute to Killer - Catch the drama, action and stunning interactions as a litter of lion cubs transform from ‘cute’ to ‘killer’. + + Just a Kid from Baltimore + Evan Gill traded the tough streets of Baltimore for a different kind of climb: conquering mountains. But his journey wasn't just about reaching the peak. + Documentaries + + + Greenwood Is Still Burning + Learn about the events of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre and the ongoing legacy of harm it continues to cause the Greenwood community. Documentaries - - Malika – Leopard Huntress - Malika the leopard must use all her cunning and ingenuity to survive a dry season alongside her mortal enemies. + + Fortitude + Follow the experiences of Black Londoners as they grapple with the profound impact of racism on their lives. Documentaries - - Hippos After Dark - By day, hippos rule the waterways, but at night they must leave the safety of the river and face new threats. + + Monbiot: Arresting the Truth + Firebrand or visionary? Dive deep into the world of George Monbiot, the environmental crusader who ruffles feathers and gets results. Documentaries - - Trouble in Lemur land - In the mountains of north-eastern Madagascar lives one of the world's most critically endangered primates. + + Slow Sailing: Windshipped + Led by a charismatic captain, the Schooner Apollonia embarks on a quixotic adventure, one that celebrates the beauty of slow travel and a more sustainable way of life. Are you ready to set sail? Documentaries - - Creative Killers : Coliseum - S01 : E01 Creative Killers - We follow the challenges a young leopard faces while hunting in the land of lions. + + All Among the Bison + Cody, a rancher with a herd of wild bison, and Steve, a leader of outdoor recreation for individuals with disabilities, unite to create an inclusive and awe-inspiring experience. Documentaries - - Earth Week : Episode 7 - S01 : E07 Earth Week - This week a humphead wrasse, thousands of noisy gannets and family of bat-eared foxes to watch. + + Serengeti of America + Once teeming with bison herds as vast as Africa's Serengeti, the Great Plains face a chance to reclaim their lost glory. Meet Jay and Nicole, leading the charge to rewild this iconic landscape. + Documentaries + + + The Beast of Our Time + Explore the relationship between grizzlies and climate change. Narrated by actor and Academy Award-winner Jeff Bridges. + Documentaries + + + Soaring with Eagles + In a world where our climate hangs in the balance, can we learn to coexist with predators once more? Witness the stories of two species of eagles in different parts of the world. + Documentaries + + + Follow the Wind + Jerrie van de Kop follows the wind as he kiteboards from warm waters to snowy peaks. + Documentaries + + + Sonic Forest + Showcasing the musical journey of Simón Mejía, founder of Bomba Estéreo, through the forests and mountains of the Colombian Pacific, and spotlights the vital work of local communities conserving the region’s biodiversity. + Documentaries + + + 41 Degrees North + Immerse yourself in the tranquil rhythms of Shenyang, China. Shot over seven weeks, this observational documentary captures the essence of daily life without political undertones. + Documentaries + + + The Positive Alternative: Wine Production + Follow the empowering story of Alisdair Tulloch, whose family vineyards are dramatically impacted by the effect of climate change, yet inspires people with his zero-net emission product and personal drive to restore biodiversity. + Documentaries + + + Unzipped + A searing exposé of the growing affordable housing crisis in America. + Documentaries + + + Human Resources S01E01 + When Tom and Stephen each sell the same million pounds of recycled plastic, the team scrambles to find the additional materials needed to fill the extra order. Andrew, Dean and Karina are fed up with the office’s hippie atmosphere and hatch a plan. + Documentaries + + + Circularity Hour I + Meet the circular economy pioneers working towards a future where waste is eliminated, resources are circulated, and nature is regenerated. + Documentaries + + + So Hot Right Now + Want to take action to tackle the climate crisis but feeling overwhelmed? + Documentaries + + + Climate Clues + Learn about the crucial connection between water cycles and the climate, discover how climate change is affecting football, and witness coral reefs rebounding from catastrophe in the Dutch Caribbean. + Documentaries + + + Wild Summer: Lions, Bones & Bullets + Join the investigation into wildlife ranches that are farming lions in their thousands to export their bones to Asian markets for traditional medicine. + Documentaries + + + Cocaine Hippos + Originally Pablo Escobar's playthings, more than one hundred African hippos are now an invasive species in Colombia. Can a global team of conservationists, lawyers, and even local residents find a way to save these unwanted guests? + Documentaries + + + Iceland: Waves & Ice + Join five adventurous, nature-loving women on their journey through the Icelandic wild. + Documentaries + + + Yoghurt Utopia + They broke out of the asylum and into big business. + Documentaries + + + Eating Our Way to Extinction + Narrated by Kate Winslet, this powerful documentary sends a simple but impactful message by uncovering hard truths and addressing the most pressing issue of our generation – ecological collapse. + Documentaries + + + Water Get No Enemy + Meet the Liberian children who swapped their rifles for surfboards. + Documentaries + + + Human Resources S01E02 + Tom and TerraCycle are close to finalising a deal for a coffee table book of DIY upcycling ideas, but the team first needs to create a sample chapter. In preparation for a meeting with the publisher, Albe asks Dean to work on being more professional. + Documentaries + + + WaterBear Originals + Explore some of the best WaterBear Originals! Featuring "In Death Is Life", "Mother of the Sea", "Tide to Nature", " Extract. Destroy. Repeat", "A Lens on the World", and "Behind the Screens". + Documentaries + + + Chasing the Thunder + The illegal fishing trawler “Thunder” was making dirty millions for ten years – right until the ocean activists of Sea Shepherd caught sight of it. Documentaries @@ -9969,45 +12593,178 @@ Competing vultures in the Serengeti, blacktip sharks and flamingos to enjoy this week. Documentaries - - WeatherSpy - WeatherSpy - Slow TV + + Black Mamba - Kiss Of Death + She's the deadliest snake on the planet, but will she outwit her greatest enemy and complete her mission. + Documentaries - - WeatherSpy - WeatherSpy - Slow TV + + Earth Week : Episode 7 + S01 : E07 Earth Week + This week a humphead wrasse, thousands of noisy gannets and family of bat-eared foxes to watch. + Documentaries - - WeatherSpy - WeatherSpy - Slow TV + + Inside Nature's Marvels + S01 : E01 Inside Nature's Marvels + With about 1700 islands, the Halong Bay in northern Vietnam has been a UNESCO World Heritage since 1994. + Documentaries - - WeatherSpy - WeatherSpy - Slow TV + + Epic Earth : Paradise under Presure + S02 : E02 Epic Earth + The east coast of South Africa reveals the true nature of various big predatory sharks. + Documentaries - - WeatherSpy - WeatherSpy - Slow TV + + Epic Earth : Islands of the Apes + S02 : E03 Epic Earth + The crew experience profound personal moments with some charismatic ape species. + Documentaries - - WeatherSpy - WeatherSpy - Slow TV + + A Year in the Wild : Episode 4 + S01 : E04 A Year in the Wild + As predator competition heats up in the dry season, young and inexperienced prey get caught in the crossfire. + Documentaries - - WeatherSpy - WeatherSpy - Slow TV + + Most Intriguing Safari Destinations : Episode 1 - Singita Pamushana + S01 : E01 Most Intriguing Safari Destinations + Karina has the fortune of visiting one of the top 10 safari lodges in the world: Singita Pamushana. + Documentaries - - WeatherSpy - WeatherSpy - Slow TV + + Most Intriguing Safari Destinations : Episode 2 - Mana Pools National Park + S01 : E02 Most Intriguing Safari Destinations + Karina and Craig venture to the untamed Mana Pools National Park with Classic Africa Safaris in Zimbabwe. + Documentaries + + + On the Brink : Season 1 - Red Panda + S01 : E01 On the Brink + Malaika Vaz treks through Eastern Himalaya with tracker Degin Dorjee in search of the mysterious red panda. + Documentaries + + + On the Brink : Season 1 - Royal Bengal Tiger + S01 : E03 On the Brink + The search for territory puts tigers in direct threat of conflict with humans. + Documentaries + + + Creative Killers: Open Ground + S01 : E03 Creative Killers + Nowhere are predators faced with greater challenges than in the southern Serengeti. + Documentaries + + + Karina Wild on Safari : Episode 7 - Horns, Jaws and Claws + S01 : E07 Karina Wild on Safari + The Malilangwe Trust has the largest population of black rhinos and has the most ecosystems in any reserve. + Documentaries + + + Karina Wild on Safari : Episode 7 - Horns, Jaws and Claws + S01 : E07 Karina Wild on Safari + The Malilangwe Trust has the largest population of black rhinos and has the most ecosystems in any reserve. + Documentaries + + + Cute to Killer + Catch the drama, action and stunning interactions as a litter of lion cubs transform from ‘cute’ to ‘killer’. + Documentaries + + + Walking with Wolves + This film reveals the amazing relationship between a group of nomadic herders and an unlikely ally: the wolf. + Documentaries + + + A Year in the Wild : Episode 4 + S01 : E04 A Year in the Wild + As predator competition heats up in the dry season, young and inexperienced prey get caught in the crossfire. + Documentaries + + + March of the Elephants + After the tragic death of her daughter, Mensah the matriarch, must lead her young son and her herd to safety. + Documentaries + + + Lodging with Lions : Season 1 - Episode 1 + S01 : E01 Lodging with Lions + Lauren and the volunteers walk with two lions and follow them as they hunt wildebeest. + Documentaries + + + Lodging with Lions : Season 1 - Episode 4 + S01 : E04 Lodging with Lions + In this episode we catch the lion cubs at their energetic best on their routine walk. + Documentaries + + + Earth Week : Episode 7 + S01 : E07 Earth Week + This week a humphead wrasse, thousands of noisy gannets and family of bat-eared foxes to watch. + Documentaries + + + Showcase : Episode 18 + S01 : E18 Showcase + We follow sardine shoals and buffalo herds to investigate the benefits of collective living in the wild. + Documentaries + + + India's New Worlds + S01 : E01 India's New Worlds + Can lions and people truly settle their differences and live together without conflict? + Documentaries + + + India's New Worlds + S01 : E02 India's New Worlds + Manas National Park was destroyed by a two-decade war, resulting in an almost complete loss of wildlife. + Documentaries + + + Speed Kills : Savannah + S01 : E01 Speed Kills + The arrival of the great migration is a promise of gluttony, and speed is the ticket to the feast. + Documentaries + + + Dolphins - Beauty before Brains + Join us on a scientific journey into the complex world of the dolphin ... are they as smart as we think? + Documentaries + + + Great White Code Red + Scientists slice into a great white shark to reveal the six incredible senses that trigger a code-red attack. + Documentaries + + + Walking with Elephants + Join Steve Bolnick, a zoologist with a passion for walking in the African bush, as he journeys with elephants. + Documentaries + + + Epic Earth : Nature vs Nurture + S02 : E04 Epic Earth + Animals have various means of procreating and raising their young. For these youngsters, life is a lottery. + Documentaries + + + Epic Earth : Give and Take + S02 : E05 Epic Earth + This film delves into the agreements and contracts drawn up in the natural world. + Documentaries + + + Earth Week : Episode 18 + S01 : E18 Earth Week + Dolphins, hyenas, wild dogs and giraffes in our trip around the planet this week. + Documentaries WeatherSpy @@ -10254,41 +13011,125 @@ WeatherSpy Slow TV - - Outer Planets - S01 : E02 Space Probes! - Cassini-Huygens offers a comprehensive exploration of Saturn, revealing its rings, massive 6-sided polar storm - Entertainment + + WeatherSpy + WeatherSpy + Slow TV - - Bridge Brothers - Philadelphia's extension painters are putting their lives at risk to reestablish two of the largest scaffolds. - Entertainment + + WeatherSpy + WeatherSpy + Slow TV - - Megastructures: Shanghai Super Tower - At 101 floors high, it will be China's tallest structure - Entertainment + + WeatherSpy + WeatherSpy + Slow TV - - Megastructures: China's Ultimate Port - Yangshan is destined to become the biggest deep-water port ever built - Entertainment + + WeatherSpy + WeatherSpy + Slow TV - - Extreme Construction: The Paris Metro - A look at the extreme construction behind the Paris Metro, a vital part of the city spanning nearly 137 miles. - Entertainment + + WeatherSpy + WeatherSpy + Slow TV - - As the Crow Flies - Follow a group of Royal Canadian Air Cadets in training to get their pilot's license in just seven weeks. - Entertainment + + WeatherSpy + WeatherSpy + Slow TV - - Legends Of Flight - Since the early 1970s, there's been very little new in the skies...that is until now. - Entertainment + + WeatherSpy + WeatherSpy + Slow TV + + + WeatherSpy + WeatherSpy + Slow TV + + + WeatherSpy + WeatherSpy + Slow TV + + + WeatherSpy + WeatherSpy + Slow TV + + + WeatherSpy + WeatherSpy + Slow TV + + + WeatherSpy + WeatherSpy + Slow TV + + + WeatherSpy + WeatherSpy + Slow TV + + + WeatherSpy + WeatherSpy + Slow TV + + + WeatherSpy + WeatherSpy + Slow TV + + + WeatherSpy + WeatherSpy + Slow TV + + + WeatherSpy + WeatherSpy + Slow TV + + + WeatherSpy + WeatherSpy + Slow TV + + + WeatherSpy + WeatherSpy + Slow TV + + + WeatherSpy + WeatherSpy + Slow TV + + + WeatherSpy + WeatherSpy + Slow TV + + + WeatherSpy + WeatherSpy + Slow TV + + + WeatherSpy + WeatherSpy + Slow TV + + + WeatherSpy + WeatherSpy + Slow TV Extreme Construction: Cruise Ships @@ -10610,56 +13451,142 @@ Philadelphia's extension painters are putting their lives at risk to reestablish two of the largest scaffolds. Entertainment - - Episode 01 - S01 : E01 Off The Roads - Discover Greece's national parks and ecosystems, including Mount Olympus - Lifestyle - - - Episode 02 - S01 : E02 Off The Roads - This episode explores Slovenia, a central European country known for its unique biodiversity - Lifestyle - - - Episode 03 - S01 : E03 Off The Roads - Explore Europe's stunning natural sites, including the Mediterranean Alps - Lifestyle + + Demolished + S01 : E01 Blasters + The center section of a bridge in North Dakota is knocked down and the former Jordanian Intelligence Headquarters in Amman is demolished. + Entertainment - - Episode 04 - S01 : E04 Off The Roads - Discover Europe's stunning natural sites, national parks, and unique ecosystems - Lifestyle + + Living Big + S01 : E01 Supersized Structures + This episode shows how technique, technology, and ambition have developed some of the most magnificent structures in the world. + Entertainment - - Moksgm'ol - Explore a rare species of white bear, the Kermode bear that lives in the Great Bear Rainforest in Canada. - Lifestyle + + Travelling Big + S01 : E02 Supersized Structures + The human race is constantly looking for a better way to get from point A to point B. From tall ships to the invention of the automobile, travel has always been a necessity. + Entertainment - - Vanishing Dragons - This film investigates the decline in marine iguanas and tries to determine what can stop their extinction. - Lifestyle + + Building Big + S01 : E03 Supersized Structures + People have labored on gigantic undertakings such as roads, bridges, and canals linking oceans. These feats of engineering allowed cities to grow, now they are also allowing us to travel into space. + Entertainment - + Episode 1 - S01 : E01 Band of Bears - Journey into Scandinavia's forests, where bears make their homes and face a surprising amount of challenges. - Lifestyle + S01 : E01 Air Crash Confidential + In an attempt to eliminate human error, airlines have increased the risk of flying + Entertainment - + Episode 2 - S01 : E02 Band of Bears - Journey into Scandinavia's forests, where bears make their homes and face a surprising amount of challenges. - Lifestyle + S01 : E02 Air Crash Confidential + Discover why a Jumbo Jet exploded mid-flight and DC10s fell from the sky due to fatal design errors in planes. + Entertainment - - Mini Monsters of Amazonia - The documentary explores the fascinating world of Treehoppers, membracidae insects in Amazonia - Lifestyle + + Episode 3 + S01 : E03 Air Crash Confidential + New technologies can help prevent plane hijackers from gaining access, as planes are an ideal terrorist target + Entertainment + + + Thunder Boat + With the appearance of a “James Bond” ship, the Thunder Boat is the second largest ship of the Marine Nationale. We discover it’s many capabilities for the first time through this documentary. + Entertainment + + + The World's First Time Machine + Time travel is one of mankind's favourite fantasies. But what if it were possible to build a real-time machine? Scientists are now teetering on making that impossible dream, reality. + Entertainment + + + Bridges + S01 : E06 NYC Revealed + New York City's Brooklyn, Williamsburg, and George Washington bridges transport millions daily + Entertainment + + + Parks + S01 : E07 NYC Revealed + New York City's parks, including Central Park, offer recreational spaces for exercise and relaxation + Entertainment + + + Bridge Brothers + Philadelphia's extension painters are putting their lives at risk to reestablish two of the largest scaffolds. + Entertainment + + + Destruction + S01 : E02 Blasters + A bridge is demolished without damaging a historic war memorial; Britain's only female blasting engineer brings down an apartment building. + Entertainment + + + Dreaming Big + S01 : E06 Supersized Structures + Mankind has proved time and time again that they are more than capable of dreaming big. Ferocious ambition has produced both world renowned monuments and monumental gaffs. + Entertainment + + + Extreme Construction: The Secrets of Strasbourg Cathedral + For the first time, researchers trace in 3D the incredible history of the building of Strasbourg Cathedral. + Entertainment + + + When Dreams Take Flight + When Dreams Take Flight is a film all about a race against time to do what has not been done before. + Entertainment + + + Crash of the Century + One of the worst air disasters in the 1970’s when two passenger airlines collided in the Canary Islands. + Entertainment + + + Battling Big + S01 : E04 Supersized Structures + For as long as man has been alive, he has fought to defend what is rightfully his and fought even harder to take what is not. He soon figured out, the man with the biggest weapon has the advantage. + Entertainment + + + Moving Big + S01 : E05 Supersized Structures + People aren't the only ones that need to travel. Our way of life has always relied on the transportation of cargo, freight and raw materials. Transport has needed to evolve to keep up with the demand. + Entertainment + + + Dreaming Big + S01 : E06 Supersized Structures + Mankind has proved time and time again that they are more than capable of dreaming big. Ferocious ambition has produced both world renowned monuments and monumental gaffs. + Entertainment + + + Episode 4 + S01 : E04 Air Crash Confidential + A father murdered an air traffic controller after 47 children died in a plane cras + Entertainment + + + Episode 5 + S01 : E05 Air Crash Confidential + Experts examine the reasons behind some passengers' failure to escape a flight fire + Entertainment + + + Episode 6 + S01 : E06 Air Crash Confidential + The study explores the 1971 case of Juliane Koepcke, who survived a plane crash due to lightning + Entertainment + + + Equinox: The Box + The Black Box is much more than a flight recorder. It’s a symbol of reassurance to passengers who know that if a plane crashes the authorities will know what happened and why. + Entertainment Rewild @@ -10937,60 +13864,148 @@ In this episode find out more about Dinosaurs and the devastation caused by the meteor that made them extinct, Lifestyle - - Spain: The House of Bourbon - S01 : E07 Royal Families Of The World - Spain's rich heritage, including its royal family, art, history, and culture, is shared globally - Entertainment + + Beary Tales + A man rescues and adopts two bear cubs, but as they grow older he faces a problem, where to place them. + Lifestyle - - Episode 8 - S01 : E08 Royal Families of the World - Moroccan royal family, led by King Hassan II, embodies elegance and intrigue - Entertainment + + Episode 1 + S01 : E01 Wild Galapagos Series 01 Episode 01 + The Galapagos Archipelago's diverse biodiversity is attributed to the Pacific's Humboldt + Lifestyle - - One Year On How the World Remembered Queen Elizabeth II - looks back on the twelve days of mourning that followed the tragic death of Queen Elizabeth II. Piecing together exclusive royal footage, interviews and news coverage, we remember the moment that shook the world one year on - Entertainment + + Episode 2 + S01 : E02 Wild Galapagos Series 01 Episode 02 + home to diverse creatures, inspired Charles Darwin's evolution theory due to their unique adaptations + Lifestyle - - The Funeral of Queen Elizabeth IIOne Year On: Key Moments of the Day - The funeral of Queen Elizabeth II, Britain's longest reigning monarch. One year on, we look back at the main events from the day and share footage and facts that you may have missed the first time around - Entertainment + + Episode 03 + S01 : E03 Off The Roads + Explore Europe's stunning natural sites, including the Mediterranean Alps + Lifestyle - - King Charles III: A New Era - Queen Elizabeth II's death marked the start of the second great Elizabeth era - Entertainment + + Pet Babies + S01 : E01 Baby Animals in Our World + In this first episode of Baby Animals in Our World we spend some time hanging with our favourite pets. + Lifestyle - - King Charles III - On 8th September 2022 the course of history took a turn. As the sun set on Queen Elizabeth II’s historic reign, the world looked on as a nation and a family embarked on a new era, the centre of which is one man. - Entertainment + + Farm Babies + S01 : E02 Baby Animals in Our World + In this episode we are visiting the farm to meet up with some of the baby animals. + Lifestyle - - Churchill's War - Churchill, war leader, inspired world with powerful speeches. - Entertainment + + Power of an Ocean + S01 : E01 Equator + The harsh desert islands of the Galapagos but are home to diverse set of animals. + Lifestyle - + + Rivers of the Sun + S01 : E02 Equator + For half the year the land is dry, then the rains come, and Amazonia is transformed into an aquatic world. + Lifestyle + + + Battle for the Light + S01 : E03 Equator + The equatorial rainforests of South East Asia are amongst the tallest and richest forests on earth. + Lifestyle + + + Day of the Caiman + S01 : E01 Animal River Challenge + Rainer Bergmaz travels to the heart of Guyana's Hinterland to find the shy and rare black caiman crocodile. + Lifestyle + + + Eye of the Eagle + S01 : E02 Animal River Challenge + Rainer Bergomaz searches for the Eagle in the canopy of Guyana's unspoiled rainforest. + Lifestyle + + + Diving With Crocodiles + Follow crocodile expert Brad Bestelink on his dive with crocodiles without a cage or any other protection. + Lifestyle + + + To The Ends Of The Earth Oceans + Todd Gustafson introduces viewers to the creatures that inhabit the sand flats, tidepools, lagoons and ocean depths + Lifestyle + + + Birds of East Africa + S01 : E02 To the Ends of the Earth + Discover East Africa’s incredible landscapes and the amazing birds that inhabit it. + Lifestyle + + + The Natural World - Pushing Boundaries + S01 : E03 To the Ends of the Earth + In this vibrant documentary, see the world's most dramatic wildlife through photographer Todd Gustafson lens. + Lifestyle + + Episode 01 - S01 : E01 1945 - Documentary follows final World War, focusing on Allies' strategy tensions. - Entertainment + S01 : E01 Off The Roads + Discover Greece's national parks and ecosystems, including Mount Olympus + Lifestyle - - The End of the Dictators - S01 : E02 1945 - Allies fight Nazi regime, liberate survivors, expose horrors. - Entertainment + + Episode 02 + S01 : E02 Off The Roads + This episode explores Slovenia, a central European country known for its unique biodiversity + Lifestyle - - Victory in Europe - S01 : E03 1945 - Soviet Union sought European control post-Allies' victory; US unwilling to support British eastward efforts. - Entertainment + + Episode 03 + S01 : E03 Off The Roads + Explore Europe's stunning natural sites, including the Mediterranean Alps + Lifestyle + + + Episode 04 + S01 : E04 Off The Roads + Discover Europe's stunning natural sites, national parks, and unique ecosystems + Lifestyle + + + Moksgm'ol + Explore a rare species of white bear, the Kermode bear that lives in the Great Bear Rainforest in Canada. + Lifestyle + + + Vanishing Dragons + This film investigates the decline in marine iguanas and tries to determine what can stop their extinction. + Lifestyle + + + Episode 1 + S01 : E01 Band of Bears + Journey into Scandinavia's forests, where bears make their homes and face a surprising amount of challenges. + Lifestyle + + + Episode 2 + S01 : E02 Band of Bears + Journey into Scandinavia's forests, where bears make their homes and face a surprising amount of challenges. + Lifestyle + + + Mini Monsters of Amazonia + The documentary explores the fascinating world of Treehoppers, membracidae insects in Amazonia + Lifestyle + + + Rewild + A young man reconstructs his boyhood's unthinkable story through his father's home videos + Lifestyle The War in the Pacific @@ -11319,50 +14334,162 @@ The Pacific War ended with Japan's refusal to surrender, despite US attempts to bomb and firebomb Tokyo Entertainment - - Prince William and Prince Harry: The Next Royal Generation - This probing documentary investigates the options open to the young princes and asks what lies in their future. - Documentaries + + Closing the Ring + S01 : E10 World War II In Colour + In 1944, America, Britain, and Russia encircled Germany, leading to the Allied disaster at Arnhem + Entertainment - - Harry: The Mysterious Prince - Who is the 'real' Prince Harry? - Documentaries + + The Island War + S01 : E11 World War II In Colour + In 1941, the Pacific war against Japan led to American dominance in the Great Marianas Turkey Shoot + Entertainment - - A Modern Romance: Harry & Meghan - The remarkable lives of actress Meghan Markle and Prince Harry. - Documentaries + + Episode 01 + S01 : E01 Ten Days to Victory + Ten individuals, dramatic stories, and extraordinary days resulted in the end of World War 2. + Entertainment - - Prince Harry - Being the Spare - If the Palace thought that 2023 would be a quieter year after the drama and tragedy of 2022 then the release of Prince Harry's autobiography Spare has just about destroyed all hope. - Documentaries + + Episode 02 + S01 : E02 Ten Days To Victory + The text provides an in-depth account of the liberation of Europe during WWII + Entertainment - - Harry & Meghan: The Great Divide - Harry and Meghan fled the royal family for a second chance at the private life they always wanted. But despite their escape the world kept on telling and retelling their story. - Documentaries + + Normans + S01 : E01 Kings & Queens + The English crown's history from 1066-1216 is a captivating tale of lust, betrayal, parallelism + Entertainment - - Princess Diana's Legacy: Prince William and Prince Harry - Examining the legacy that Diana, Princess of Wales left behind after her tragic death – for her children, for the institution of the monarchy and for the admiring public. - Documentaries + + Middle Ages + S01 : E02 Kings & Queens + The England kings and queens' tale is a captivating tale of lust, betrayal, heroism, and tragedy + Entertainment - - Cambodia's Monarchy - King Sihanouk retired in 2004, giving way to his son, Sihamoni - a ballet dancer. Unlike many monarchies, Cambodia's is not hereditary - rather the next king or queen mother is chosen by the National Assembly from a pool of eligible candidates. When Sihamoni was chosen, what sort of monarch were they hoping to crown? - Documentaries + + Tudors + S01 : E03 Kings & Queens + a 2,000-year-old tale of England's kings and queens, beginning with Owen Tudor, who was imprisoned by baron + Entertainment - - Mathilde of the Belgians - A queen with her own agenda. - Documentaries + + Episode 10 + S01 : E10 Royal Families Of The World + King Bhumibol and his wife, Queen Sirikit, and their children, including Crown Prince Vajiralongkorn + Entertainment - - H.M. The Queen: Her True Story - This is the story of a remarkable life of a remarkable woman. - Documentaries + + Episode 11 + S01 : E11 Royal Families Of The World + In 1951, King Hussein of Jordan married American beauty Lisa Halevy, a glamorous royal couple. + Entertainment + + + Monaco: House of Grimaldi + S01 : E01 Royal Families Of The World + A glamorous couple whose lives and children's trials were portrayed in paparazzi's spotlight. + Entertainment + + + King Charles III: A Road to the Throne + King Charles III will soon be crowned, what might Charles’ reign and the future of the Windsor’s look like? + Entertainment + + + Victory in Europe + S01 : E12 World War II In Colour + The film depicts the horrors of the war in Europe, including the liberation of Belsen and Buchenwald + Entertainment + + + Victory in the Pacific + S01 : E13 World War II In Colour + The Pacific War ended with Japan's refusal to surrender, despite US attempts to bomb and firebomb Tokyo + Entertainment + + + Episode 01 + S01 : E01 1945 + Documentary follows final World War, focusing on Allies' strategy tensions. + Entertainment + + + The End of the Dictators + S01 : E02 1945 + Allies fight Nazi regime, liberate survivors, expose horrors. + Entertainment + + + Victory in Europe + S01 : E03 1945 + Soviet Union sought European control post-Allies' victory; US unwilling to support British eastward efforts. + Entertainment + + + The War in the Pacific + S01 : E04 1945 + Pacific war ends with atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. + Entertainment + + + The Future Takes Shape + S01 : E05 1945 + Post-WWII world changes, borders drawn, new governments established. + Entertainment + + + Stuarts + S01 : E04 Kings & Queens + The mid-seventeenth century Stuart reign was marked by an expanding court, plague, fire + Entertainment + + + Georgians + S01 : E05 Kings & Queens + The Georgians' reigns were marked by lust, tempestuous relationships, and madness + Entertainment + + + Moderns + S01 : E06 Kings & Queens + This edition explores the modern royal family of Saxe-Coburg and Windsor + Entertainment + + + Sweden: House of Bernadotte + S01 : E03 Royal Families Of The World + The Bernardo's royal family in Sweden, a wealthy and sophisticated group + Entertainment + + + Episode 4 + S01 : E04 Royal Families of the World + The text describes the Civil War, with Union forces preparing for Chickamauga Creek attack + Entertainment + + + Kate: A Young Queen In Waiting + This extraordinary documentary follows Kate's rise as the Duchess of Cambridge. + Entertainment + + + Prince William – Destiny + An affectionate look back at Prince William as he embarks on life in the public eye. + Entertainment + + + Harry & Meghan: The Great Divide + Harry and Meghan fled the royal family for a second chance at the private life they always wanted. + Entertainment + + + A Kingdom For A Crown + This documentary look at everything British Royalty, from the the Queen to Prince Andrew's sex scandal. + Entertainment UN Under-Secretary-General @@ -11614,53 +14741,110 @@ No other woman in modern times has commanded so much attention as Diana, Princess of Wales. Documentaries - - Ww2 - S08 : E04 Digging For Britain - The team are on the hunt for archaeology from the more recent past as they follow the search for artefacts from World War II. - Historical + + Castle Stories: Burg Satzvey and the Counts Beissel von Gymnich + The moated castle Satzvey in Mechernich in the Voreifel: Here, the Beissel von Gymnich family has been staging knights' games, children's theatre and medieval Christmas markets for over 30 years. Every year, thousands of visitors find the illusion of a childhood dream of knights in shining armour and damsels in flowing dresses realised at Satzvey Castle. + Documentaries - - Stonehenge and Celtic Rituals - S04 : E01 Digging For Britain - West: Alice Roberts and Matt Williams visit sites in the west of Britain, including one uncovering the rituals of Stonehenge. - Historical + + The Future Queen of Denmark + An openhearted portrait of 32-year-old Mary Donaldson, who in May 2004 marries His Royal Highness, Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark - thus becoming a member of one of the oldest monarchies of the world. + Documentaries - - The Battle of Waterloo - S04 : E02 Digging For Britain - East: Alice Roberts and Matt Williams present more outstanding archaeology. The team unearths a mass grave and search the Thames for clues to a 17th century tragedy. - Historical + + Queen Victoria's Letters: A Monarch Unveiled + This is the story of Queen Victoria as never heard before; a psychological insight of the woman told through her own words, her experiences recounted solely through her personal diaries and letters. + Documentaries - - Viking Treasure - S04 : E03 Digging For Britain - North: In the north of Britain, a team discovers clues to Scotland's first kingdoms and metal detectorists unearth a Viking treasure hoard. - Historical + + Diana: The Inquest + The death of Diana, Princess of Wales in August 1997 shocked the world, and left behind a series of mysterious and sinister conspiracy theories. Explore the search for truth in this documentary. + Documentaries - - WWI and King Arthur - S05 : E01 Digging For Britain - WWII and King Arthur: Dr Alice Roberts explores finds from the west of Britain, including the lost World War I training trenches on Salisbury Plain. - Historical + + Queen Silvia of Sweden + Welcome to Stockholm and to the Royal Palace. In this day and age, royal families seem to make headline only when they get married, or when the popular press knows scandals about their private lives. Here in Sweden there are rumours, of course, and sometimes headlines, but the fact remains, the monarchy is very popular, and especially the Queen, Queen Silvia, by far the most admired and loved person in Sweden. Her Majesty the Queen has accepted to see us. + Documentaries - - Stone Age Technology - S05 : E02 Digging For Britain - Stone Age Technology: Dr Alice Roberts uncovers some incredible finds from North Britain, including Scottish man-made islands that help paint a picture of Stone Age tech. - Historical + + The Madness of King Charles + Looking at the new monarch's difficult relationships with women, family and the public, we find out what makes Charles tick. + Documentaries - - War of the Roses - S05 : E03 Digging For Britain - War of the Roses: In the East of Britain, Dr Alice Roberts finds new revelations from 'Britain's Pompeii' and the theatre where Shakespeare premiered Romeo and Juliet. - Historical + + The Life Of The Queen Mother + This remarkable portrait digs beneath the surface and presents a balanced account of the life of a powerful and exceptional woman. + Documentaries - - Viking Camp and Iron Age Gold - S06 : E01 Digging For Britain - A look at the camp from which Vikings invaded Britain, and groundbreaking evidence that the world-famous Avebury stone circle isn't just a sacred site but a place where people lived and worked. - Historical + + William, Kate & George: A New Royal Family + Looking at the Cambridges' life together and asking what lies ahead for them in what will be tumultuous and rewarding lives. + Documentaries + + + Inside Windsor Castle Part 1 + Windsor Castle is the oldest, largest continually inhabited castle in the world. + Documentaries + + + Inside Windsor Castle Part 2 + Windsor Castle is the oldest, largest continually inhabited castle in the world. + Documentaries + + + Royal Children: Prince William and Prince Harry + They were born into the most famous royal family in the world, its history and traditions stretching back centuries. + Documentaries + + + Harry & Meghan: The Great Divide + Harry and Meghan fled the royal family for a second chance at the private life they always wanted. But despite their escape the world kept on telling and retelling their story. + Documentaries + + + Prince William and Prince Harry: The Next Royal Generation + This probing documentary investigates the options open to the young princes and asks what lies in their future. + Documentaries + + + A Modern Romance: Harry & Meghan + The remarkable lives of actress Meghan Markle and Prince Harry. + Documentaries + + + Harry: The Mysterious Prince + Who is the 'real' Prince Harry? + Documentaries + + + Prince Harry - Being the Spare + If the Palace thought that 2023 would be a quieter year after the drama and tragedy of 2022 then the release of Prince Harry's autobiography Spare has just about destroyed all hope. + Documentaries + + + Princess Diana's Legacy: Prince William and Prince Harry + Examining the legacy that Diana, Princess of Wales left behind after her tragic death – for her children, for the institution of the monarchy and for the admiring public. + Documentaries + + + Elizabeth at 80: Continuity and Change + This touching programme covers the early years of Elizabeth’s life, from colonies to independence and the emergence of a multi-cultured British society. + Documentaries + + + Prince William As Royal Teenager + Who is the real person behind the photogenic royal icon? + Documentaries + + + William, Kate & George: A New Royal Family + Looking at the Cambridges' life together and asking what lies ahead for them in what will be tumultuous and rewarding lives. + Documentaries + + + Bhutan - Land of the Thunder Dragon + Bhutan's governing party pledged recently to follow the policies of the absolute monarchy it is replacing, after it won a landslide in the country's first parliamentary elections. This remote, beautiful country truly is in the throes of a noble experiment. What makes this experiment unique is that this move towards democracy has been initiated by the ruling monarch himself. + Documentaries Caesar and Shipwrecks @@ -11980,44 +15164,161 @@ Munich Air Crash: The tragic story of the 1958 Munich air crash, which claimed 23 lives, including those of eight Manchester United footballers. Historical - - Alien Encounters In America - When will they return, or are they already here? - Entertainment + + King's Cross Fire + S01 : E05 James Nesbitt: Disasters That Changed Britain + King's Cross Fire: James Nesbitt heads to London to shed light on the devastating 1987 King's Cross fire, which killed 31 people and injured 100. + Historical - - Alien From Area 51 - Footage of a dead alien recovered from a crashed UFO found in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947 shocked the world - Entertainment + + Grenfell Tower + S01 : E06 James Nesbitt: Disasters That Changed Britain + Grenfell Tower: James Nesbitt examines the Grenfell Tower fire. On 14 June 2017, the 24-storey apartment block went up in flames leading to 71 deaths. + Historical - - Don't Call Me Bigfoot - Discover the tales from all around the world of the big, hairy, ape-like creatures that dwell in the wild. - Entertainment + + Paddington Rail Crash + S01 : E01 James Nesbitt: Disasters That Changed Britain + Paddington Rail Crash: James Nesbitt explores some of Britain's most tragic disasters, starting with the 1999 rail accident at Ladbroke Grove in London. + Historical - - Freaks of Nature - S02 : E06 Weird or What - Unusual lights above the Indian Ocean, a yacht on a lake vanishes and a mysterious explosion in Newfoundland. - Entertainment + + Zeebrugge Ferry Disaster + S01 : E02 James Nesbitt: Disasters That Changed Britain + In the '80s, channel-hopping was fast and fun, but with the pressure of competition mounting, the countdown to tragedy began. Putting speed over safety turned an exciting day trip into one of Britain's worst maritime disasters since the War. + Historical - - Paranormal Mysteries - S02 : E07 Weird or What - A woman is plagued by an invisible attacker - is she being haunted? Plus, a teen thinks she can see ghosts. - Entertainment + + Romans In The Lakes + S02 : E02 Walking Through History + It was 30 years after the Romans invaded Britain that they were ready to take on the challenge of conquering the Lake District. Tony Robinson tracks their 50-mile walk from Penrith past Ullswater to Ambleside and on to the Irish Sea at Ravenglass. + Historical - - Medical Mysteries - S02 : E08 Weird or What - How did a skydiver survive a 3,500m fall when her parachute failed? Also can humans spontaneously combust? - Entertainment + + Smuggler's Cornwall + S02 : E03 Walking Through History + In the late 18th century, there was a sure-fire way to earn a living along the Cornish coast: smuggling. The great walking country is home to tiny secretive harbours, beaches and secluded coves which were once ideal for the infamous illicit imports. + Historical - - Power of the Mind - S02 : E09 Weird or What - A woman believes a psychic vision helped her solve a case and a healer claims to cure diseases with prayer. - Entertainment + + War of the Roses + S05 : E03 Digging For Britain + War of the Roses: In the East of Britain, Dr Alice Roberts finds new revelations from 'Britain's Pompeii' and the theatre where Shakespeare premiered Romeo and Juliet. + Historical + + + Viking Camp and Iron Age Gold + S06 : E01 Digging For Britain + A look at the camp from which Vikings invaded Britain, and groundbreaking evidence that the world-famous Avebury stone circle isn't just a sacred site but a place where people lived and worked. + Historical + + + Caesar and Shipwrecks + S06 : E02 Digging For Britain + A look at the biggest collection of Roman writing tablets in Britain, giving insight into what Roman London was really like. + Historical + + + Vindolanda + S06 : E03 Digging For Britain + Alice discovers the well-preserved writing tablets, swords and domestic items left by Romans at Vindolanda during a time of British rebellion. + Historical + + + Barnard Castle + S01 : E06 River Hunters + Rick and Beau discover a variety of intriguing items as they search the rough waters of the River Tees for lost Tudor relics. + Historical + + + Durham + S01 : E07 River Hunters + Rick and river-searching expert Beau explore important landmarks on the shores of the River Wear, a natural fortress protecting Durham and its cathedral. + Historical + + + Smuggler's Cornwall + S02 : E03 Walking Through History + In the late 18th century, there was a sure-fire way to earn a living along the Cornish coast: smuggling. The great walking country is home to tiny secretive harbours, beaches and secluded coves which were once ideal for the infamous illicit imports. + Historical + + + Wigan Pier + S02 : E04 Walking Through History + Setting off from Liverpool, Tony takes a three-day walk inland to Wigan, tracing the story of the Leeds and Liverpool Canal's chaotic construction and its dramatic impact on the development of Lancashire. + Historical + + + Tudor Norwich + S01 : E04 Britain's Most Historic Towns + Professor Roberts learns about religious intolerance in the United Kingdom's most Tudor city. + Historical + + + Regency Cheltenham + S01 : E05 Britain's Most Historic Towns + In Cheltenham, Britain's most Regency town, Professor Alice Roberts attends a period society ball. + Historical + + + Roman Bathhouse And Hessian Camp + S07 : E02 Digging For Britain + Alice Roberts shares archaeological discoveries from the west of the UK, including the biggest maritime excavation since the Mary Rose, a Roman bath house and a German camp. + Historical + + + Stone Age Engineering And Battle Of Bullecourt + S07 : E03 Digging For Britain + Professor Alice Roberts explores 2018's best archaeological finds from the east of the UK: a monument as old as Stonehenge, a dig at the site of Britain's first tank battle, and some disturbing Roman burials. + Historical + + + North + S08 : E02 Digging For Britain + The archaeologists get more than they bargained for while exploring the childhood home of Lady Jane Grey. + Historical + + + South + S08 : E03 Digging For Britain + Dig into how a lobster helped archaeologists discover an 8000-year-old underwater settlement. + Historical + + + Regency Cheltenham + S01 : E05 Britain's Most Historic Towns + In Cheltenham, Britain's most Regency town, Professor Alice Roberts attends a period society ball. + Historical + + + Victorian Belfast + S01 : E06 Britain's Most Historic Towns + Alice Roberts visits the shipyards that built the Titanic in Belfast, the UK's most Victorian city. + Historical + + + Vikings + S01 : E05 Al Murray: Why do the Brits Win Every War + It's 865 AD and the Great Heathen Army, the Vikings, have invaded Britain. Al takes up his sword to discover the truth behind how the Vikings were so successful in Britain. John Thomson represents the northern Viking horde as they explore the truth behind what Vikings really looked like, before they get ready for a Viking wedding. + Historical + + + Scotland Vs England + S01 : E06 Al Murray: Why do the Brits Win Every War + In this episode Al meets ‘the Auld Enemy', where bitter sibling rivalry is as strong today as it's ever been. Joined by Sanjeev Kohli, Al visits Craufurdland Castle to explore the truth behind famous battles from the Wars of Scottish Independence. + Historical + + + France + S01 : E01 Al Murray: Why do the Brits Win Every War + Frenchman Fred Sirieix joins Al Murray to break down what really happened during the Napoleonic wars. Did Britain really win the battle of Waterloo? + Historical + + + Germany + S01 : E02 Al Murray: Why do the Brits Win Every War + In this episode Al joins forces with German comedian Henning Wehn to delve deeper into the truth behind some WW2 myths. Taking to the skies, they explore whether the Spitfire really was the saviour of Britain that it was cracked up to be. + Historical Ancient Mysteries @@ -12246,52 +15547,104 @@ Three extraordinary stories about the supersensory power of animals including a psychic octopus. Entertainment - - The Namib Desert - S01 : E06 Desert & Life - The Namib is possibly the world's oldest desert. Unusually, it is home to several species of large animal. + + Ghosts in the Machines + S03 : E06 Weird or What + In this episode, stories about everyday objects that are haunted by the dead. Entertainment - - Namibia - S01 : E01 Green Tourism - In the heart of the Namibian Desert a unique ecolodge offers visitors a dream vacation in the wilderness. + + Amazing Survival + S03 : E01 Weird or What + Stories of people who’ve cheated death, including one man who escaped the collapse of the World Trade Center. Entertainment - - Episode 2 - S01 : E02 Green Tourism - Join Green Tourism in Costa Rica where we will open the doors to an extraordinary ecolodge. + + Man Beasts + S03 : E02 Weird or What + Three stories of creatures that are seemingly half-man and half-beast including the tale of a werewolf. Entertainment - - Episode 3 - S01 : E03 Green Tourism - In Spain, we visit a successful ecological hotel that has based its design on prefabrication. + + Radiohead - Ok Computer: Classic Album Under Review + This documentary is an examination of Radiohead’s influential 1997 album "OK Computer”. Entertainment - - Jordan - S01 : E04 Green Tourism - Travel to Jordan where a sublime "ecolodgical" experience awaits us in the heart of the desert. + + All Jams On Deck + In this documentary, follow blues musicians spending their time jamming out along the Mexican Riviera. Entertainment - - Yangze - S01 : E01 River & Life - The Yangtze basin is densely populated with many having to live with floods, but that's about to change. + + Travels in Virtual Japan + Waldemar Januszczak visits Japan and investigates the Japanese attitude to technology. With robot monks, talking toilets, and Super Mario. Entertainment - - Amazon - S01 : E02 River & Life - Follow the incredible Amazon river and its biodiversity which is under threat from a changing world. + + Love and Sex in Japan + In the land of the Rising Sun, love and relationships are in danger. Entertainment - - Ganges - S01 : E03 River & Life - The Ganges is the most spiritually revered river on Earth, originating in an ice cave in the Himalayas. + + Big Data, Big Brother + An in-depth look of how two of the most famous dystopian novels became reality. + Entertainment + + + Curses + S03 : E04 Weird or What + This episode features stories on curses, including a supernatural arsonist and a painting of a crying boy. + Entertainment + + + Weird Animal Behaviour + S03 : E05 Weird or What + Three extraordinary stories about the supersensory power of animals including a psychic octopus. + Entertainment + + + Ghosts in the Machines + S03 : E06 Weird or What + In this episode, stories about everyday objects that are haunted by the dead. + Entertainment + + + Premonitions + S03 : E07 Weird or What + Three stories about the predictive power of the subconscious, including a man who predicted a plane crash. + Entertainment + + + Mysterious Vanishings + S03 : E08 Weird or What + This episode includes baffling stories of people who vanished without a trace. + Entertainment + + + Brian Wilson - Songwriter: 1969-1982 + This documentary film provides an in-depth look into the life and work of Brian Wilson between 1969 and 1982. + Entertainment + + + Who Is Harry Nilsson (And Why Is Everybody Talkin' About Him)? + Nilsson's music, creative process and personal demons are discussed. + Entertainment + + + Fly Colt Fly: Legend Of The Barefoot Bandit + Teenage fugitive Colton Harris-Moore escapes being caught by stealing a plane and living in the wilderness. + Entertainment + + + More Medical Mysteries + S03 : E09 Weird or What + In this episode the medical mysteries seemingly beyond the realm of science. + Entertainment + + + Mind Control + S03 : E10 Weird or What + An episode on mind-control, including a story about a spirit helping a woman turn into a literary genius. Entertainment @@ -12594,58 +15947,143 @@ We begin in the wilderness near the Albanian border, through to historically significant Ioannina Entertainment - - I Survived - S08 : E03 Kaye/Johnny/Scott - A woman is brutally attacked in her home by a man with a knife + + Episode 03 + S01 : E03 Greece! The Islands + The series explores ancient Greek city Crete, Montana's woods, and Africa's mountains, focusing on wood Entertainment - - I Survived . . . - S10 : E03 Morgan and Aaron/David/Amanda - Two Minor League ball players are robbed in their hotel during Spring Training. + + Episode 04 + S01 : E04 Greece! The Islands + The journey starts in Rio and covers Acadia to Corinth, stopping at Olympia, Nemea, Amalia, Olga Entertainment - - I Survived . . . - S01 : E11 Jennifer/Sampson/Norina - Jennifer, a young lawyer, must use all of her instincts. + + Episode 2 + S01 : E02 Fabulous Designs + Fabulous Designs explores extraordinary homes in Romania, Tijuana, Mexico, and Romania Entertainment - - I Survived . . . - S08 : E07 Paul/Tressel/Melissa - A savage home invasion leaves a man fighting for his life. + + Episode 1 + S01 : E01 Beeny's Restoration Nightmare + Sarah Beeny takes on her biggest career challenge as she tries to save Rise Hall in East Yorkshire from ruin. Entertainment - - I Survived . . . - S07 : E11 Michelle/Terri-Lynn/Jennifer - Abducted in the trunk of her own car, a woman suffers unimaginable horror. + + Episode 2 + S01 : E02 Beeny's Restoration Nightmare + Sarah and husband Graham have just six months to transform their crumbling stately home into a wedding venue. Entertainment - - I Survived - S08 : E01 Jessica/Jeff and Mark/Kerri - A machete-wielding intruder terrorizes a woman in her apartment + + Episode 3 + S01 : E03 Beeny's Restoration Nightmare + With 6 weeks to go before the first guests, the three bridal bedrooms still need to be designed and decorated. Entertainment - - I Survived - S08 : E02 Lisa/Chris/Jeannette - A gun-wielding man car-jacks and sexually assaults two young woman + + The Ivy + Take a look behind the scenes of The Ivy as it prepares to undergo a complete renovation. Entertainment - - I Survived - S08 : E03 Kaye/Johnny/Scott - A woman is brutally attacked in her home by a man with a knife + + Pizza, A Love Story + This documentary reveals the stories behind three pizza restaurants in New Haven: Pepe, Sally's, and Modern. Entertainment - - I Survived . . . - S10 : E03 Morgan and Aaron/David/Amanda - Two Minor League ball players are robbed in their hotel during Spring Training. + + The Meraviglia Cruise Ship + 315 metres long, 65 metres high, weighing 80,000 tonnes and capable of transporting more than 7,000 people, the Meraviglia is the ultimate cruise ship. But how was she built? + Entertainment + + + Episode 05 + S01 : E05 Greece! The Islands + This text explores the Greek Easter traditions of Corfu City, Paxos, highlighting its cultural heritage + Entertainment + + + Epirus + S01 : E01 Greece! From The Mountains To The Shoreline + We begin in the wilderness near the Albanian border, through to historically significant Ioannina + Entertainment + + + South Coast & Attica + S01 : E02 Greece! From The Mountains To The Shoreline + We're travel the south coast, from Rio to Messolonghi + Entertainment + + + Thessaly + S01 : E03 Greece! From The Mountains To The Shoreline + We travel from Chalcis to Mount Olympus + Entertainment + + + Episode 3 + S01 : E03 Fabulous Designs + The New World tour showcases eco-friendly homes worldwide, including deserted islands and luxury prefab hotels + Entertainment + + + Episode 4 + S01 : E04 Fabulous Designs + The article explores extraordinary homes across four continents, including deserted islands, high mountains + Entertainment + + + Colebrooke Park + S04 : E01 Country House Rescue + Simon's suggested spa plans for Colebrooke Park in Northern Ireland don’t go down too well with the owners. + Entertainment + + + Chapel Cleeve + S04 : E02 Country House Rescue + Jeannie Wilkins turns to Simon Davis for solutions to stay at grade II listed Chapel Cleeve in Somerset. + Entertainment + + + Madrid + S01 : E02 Paul Hollywood's City Bakes + Paul finds traditional choux pastry treats at a bakery set up to supply the Spanish royal family. + Entertainment + + + Naples + S01 : E01 Paul Hollywood's City Bakes + Paul heads to Naples, where he discovers the Neapolitan rum baba, and later bakes a classic Caprese cake. + Entertainment + + + The Big Eat + Competitive eating is recognised in the USA and Japan as a sport of champions. + Entertainment + + + The Coffee Man + An obsessed coffee producer's journey to the World Barista Championships. + Entertainment + + + The Tea Explorer + S01 : E02 The Tea Explorer + Text explores the history & significance of tea production, emphasizing the importance of studying tea leaves + Entertainment + + + Thessaloniki & Chalkidiki + S01 : E04 Greece! From The Mountains To The Shoreline + Come visit Thessaloniki, a city with a very eventful history + Entertainment + + + Eastern Macedonia & Thrace + S01 : E05 Greece! From The Mountains To The Shoreline + We travel from Lake Kerkini near the Bulgarian border to Thrace Entertainment @@ -12990,82 +16428,172 @@ Maria feared for her safety. Entertainment - - BuzzFeed Unsolved - S04 : E03 BuzzFeed Unsolved - Ryan and Shane cover a chilling case of demonic possession and one of the strangest deaths in medical history. + + I Survived . . . + S09 : E01 Mijalina and Yvonne/Peter + A man, high on the drug PCP, goes on a rampage. Entertainment - - BuzzFeed Unsolved - S04 : E05 BuzzFeed Unsolved - Ryan and Shane explore a possible gateway to the underworld and go on a hunt for the famed Bigfoot. + + I Survived . . . + S02 : E05 Jackie / Todd / Stephanie + Five ruthless hijackers take control of an EgyptAir flight. Entertainment - - BuzzFeed Unsolved - S04 : E06 BuzzFeed Unsolved - Dive into the mysteries of ancient aliens and see one of the most notoriously haunted places in the world. + + I Survived . . . + S02 : E06 Jim and Nell / Jennifer / Tammi + A couple hiking in a national park must fight for their lives. Entertainment - - BuzzFeed Unsolved - S04 : E07 BuzzFeed Unsolved - Ryan and Shane theorize about the Bermuda Triangle and investigate the house of a 100-year-old murder. + + I Survived . . . + S02 : E07 Darren and Chastity / Ryan / Julie + A family is subjected to a vicious attack during a brutal home invasion. Entertainment - - BuzzFeed Unsolved - S04 : E08 BuzzFeed Unsolved - Ryan and Shane investigate a woman who burst into flames and search for evidence on the Salem witch trials. + + I Survived . . . + S02 : E08 Donna / Danelle / Robert and Ana + A convenience store worker plays dead to escape her abductor. Entertainment - - BuzzFeed Unsolved - S04 : E10 BuzzFeed Unsolved - Ryan and Shane search a vulture mine and the bones of its surrounding ghost town for buried spirits. + + I Survived . . . + S02 : E09 Kelly / Rose / Lt. Prescott and Gwen + A mother of three survives a prolonged attack from her estranged husband. Entertainment - - BuzzFeed Unsolved - S04 : E11 BuzzFeed Unsolved - Ryan and Shane examine three compelling cases of alien abduction and the mysteries of the universe. + + I Survived . . . + S02 : E04 Christi / Fred / Marla + A single mother is kidnapped, stabbed and left for dead. Entertainment - - BuzzFeed Unsolved - S04 : E12 BuzzFeed Unsolved - Ryan and Shane explore the Eastern State Penitentiary to see if it holds the spirits of its former inmates. + + I Survived . . . + S09 : E01 Mijalina and Yvonne/Peter + A man, high on the drug PCP, goes on a rampage. Entertainment - - BuzzFeed Unsolved - S01 : E02 BuzzFeed Unsolved - Ryan and Brent explore the thrilling theories surrounding the mysterious deaths of legends Tupac Shakur and Biggie Smalls. + + I Survived . . . + S02 : E05 Jackie / Todd / Stephanie + Five ruthless hijackers take control of an EgyptAir flight. Entertainment - - BuzzFeed Unsolved - S01 : E03 BuzzFeed Unsolved - Join Ryan and Brent on the hunt for clues as they delve into the chilling mystery of the Zodiac Killer. + + I Survived . . . + S02 : E06 Jim and Nell / Jennifer / Tammi + A couple hiking in a national park must fight for their lives. Entertainment - - BuzzFeed Unsolved - S01 : E04 BuzzFeed Unsolved - Ryan and Shane take an in-depth look at the perplexing case of the Sodder children's disappearanc and unravel the truth about the Micelle Von Emster case. + + I Survived . . . + S02 : E07 Darren and Chastity / Ryan / Julie + A family is subjected to a vicious attack during a brutal home invasion. Entertainment - - BuzzFeed Unsolved - S01 : E05 BuzzFeed Unsolved - Ryan and Shane explore the spine-chilling tale of the Axeman Killer of New Orleans, a mysterious figure who terrorized the city in the early 20th century, leaving behind a trail of fear and intrigue. + + I Survived . . . + S02 : E08 Donna / Danelle / Robert and Ana + A convenience store worker plays dead to escape her abductor. Entertainment - - BuzzFeed Unsolved - S01 : E06 BuzzFeed Unsolved - Ryan and Shane unravel the mystery of the Boy in the Box as well as the unsolved case of a missing family. + + I Survived . . . + S02 : E09 Kelly / Rose / Lt. Prescott and Gwen + A mother of three survives a prolonged attack from her estranged husband. + Entertainment + + + I Survived . . . + S02 : E04 Christi / Fred / Marla + A single mother is kidnapped, stabbed and left for dead. + Entertainment + + + I Survived . . . + S09 : E01 Mijalina and Yvonne/Peter + A man, high on the drug PCP, goes on a rampage. + Entertainment + + + I Survived . . . + S02 : E05 Jackie / Todd / Stephanie + Five ruthless hijackers take control of an EgyptAir flight. + Entertainment + + + I Survived . . . + S02 : E06 Jim and Nell / Jennifer / Tammi + A couple hiking in a national park must fight for their lives. + Entertainment + + + I Survived . . . + S02 : E07 Darren and Chastity / Ryan / Julie + A family is subjected to a vicious attack during a brutal home invasion. + Entertainment + + + I Survived . . . + S02 : E08 Donna / Danelle / Robert and Ana + A convenience store worker plays dead to escape her abductor. + Entertainment + + + I Survived . . . + S02 : E09 Kelly / Rose / Lt. Prescott and Gwen + A mother of three survives a prolonged attack from her estranged husband. + Entertainment + + + I Survived . . . + S02 : E04 Christi / Fred / Marla + A single mother is kidnapped, stabbed and left for dead. + Entertainment + + + I Survived . . . + S09 : E01 Mijalina and Yvonne/Peter + A man, high on the drug PCP, goes on a rampage. + Entertainment + + + I Survived . . . + S02 : E05 Jackie / Todd / Stephanie + Five ruthless hijackers take control of an EgyptAir flight. + Entertainment + + + I Survived . . . + S02 : E06 Jim and Nell / Jennifer / Tammi + A couple hiking in a national park must fight for their lives. + Entertainment + + + I Survived . . . + S02 : E07 Darren and Chastity / Ryan / Julie + A family is subjected to a vicious attack during a brutal home invasion. + Entertainment + + + I Survived . . . + S02 : E08 Donna / Danelle / Robert and Ana + A convenience store worker plays dead to escape her abductor. + Entertainment + + + I Survived . . . + S02 : E09 Kelly / Rose / Lt. Prescott and Gwen + A mother of three survives a prolonged attack from her estranged husband. + Entertainment + + + I Survived . . . + S02 : E04 Christi / Fred / Marla + A single mother is kidnapped, stabbed and left for dead. Entertainment @@ -13518,34 +17046,226 @@ Follow along as Ryan and Shane explore the most haunted house in America and stay the night on a real-life ghost ship. Entertainment - - Garage Sale Mysteries: The Novel Murders - S01 : E01 Garage Sale Mysteries: The Novel Murders - Antiques expert and amateur sleuth Jennifer suspects two items found at the scene of a murder are actually clues straight out of famous mystery stories. Stars Loris Loughlin, Sarah Strange (2016) + + BuzzFeed Unsolved + S04 : E05 BuzzFeed Unsolved + Ryan and Shane explore a possible gateway to the underworld and go on a hunt for the famed Bigfoot. Entertainment - - The Gourmet Detective: Roux The Day - S01 : E01 The Gourmet Detective: Roux The Day - Henry and Maggie become involved with a murder mystery where secrets hidden within a recipe book have series consequences for its owner. Starring Dylan Neal (2020) + + BuzzFeed Unsolved + S04 : E07 BuzzFeed Unsolved + Ryan and Shane theorize about the Bermuda Triangle and investigate the house of a 100-year-old murder. + Entertainment + + + BuzzFeed Unsolved + S04 : E08 BuzzFeed Unsolved + Ryan and Shane investigate a woman who burst into flames and search for evidence on the Salem witch trials. + Entertainment + + + BuzzFeed Unsolved + S04 : E09 BuzzFeed Unsolved + Ryan and Shane search for spirits in this infamous New Orleans hotel and attempt to contact the spirit world. + Entertainment + + + BuzzFeed Unsolved + S04 : E11 BuzzFeed Unsolved + Ryan and Shane examine three compelling cases of alien abduction and the mysteries of the universe. + Entertainment + + + BuzzFeed Unsolved + S01 : E04 BuzzFeed Unsolved + Ryan and Shane take an in-depth look at the perplexing case of the Sodder children's disappearanc and unravel the truth about the Micelle Von Emster case. + Entertainment + + + BuzzFeed Unsolved + S01 : E05 BuzzFeed Unsolved + Ryan and Shane explore the spine-chilling tale of the Axeman Killer of New Orleans, a mysterious figure who terrorized the city in the early 20th century, leaving behind a trail of fear and intrigue. + Entertainment + + + BuzzFeed Unsolved + S01 : E06 BuzzFeed Unsolved + Ryan and Shane unravel the mystery of the Boy in the Box as well as the unsolved case of a missing family. + Entertainment + + + BuzzFeed Unsolved + S01 : E07 BuzzFeed Unsolved + Ryan and Shane discuss the baffling evidence in the JonBenét Ramsey case as well as the mystery in the disappearance of Amelia Earhart. + Entertainment + + + BuzzFeed Unsolved + S01 : E09 BuzzFeed Unsolved + Ryan and Shane dive into the eerie circumstances involved in the mystery Natalie Wood's tragic drowning. + Entertainment + + + BuzzFeed Unsolved + S01 : E10 BuzzFeed Unsolved + Ryan and Shane discuss the bizarre case of the Tylenol murders and the truth behind the Keddie Cabin murders. + Entertainment + + + BuzzFeed Unsolved + S01 : E12 BuzzFeed Unsolved + Ryan and Shane take a look at the clues to the identity of one of history's most infamous serial killers. + Entertainment + + + BuzzFeed Unsolved + S01 : E13 BuzzFeed Unsolved + Ryan and Shane examine America's biggest property crime ever, the thrilling Gardner Museum heist, and explore the chilling case of the Cleveland Torso Murderer. + Entertainment + + + BuzzFeed Unsolved + S01 : E14 BuzzFeed Unsolved + Join Ryan and Shane as they unravel the untold secrets involved in the disturbing murder of the Isdal Woman. + Entertainment + + + BuzzFeed Unsolved + S02 : E01 BuzzFeed Unsolved + Ryan and Shane untangle a web of Hollywood's secrets in the scandalous murder of William Desmond Taylor. + Entertainment + + + BuzzFeed Unsolved + S02 : E02 BuzzFeed Unsolved + Ryan and Shane cover the mysterious disappearance of Louis Le Prince, who stepped onto a train only to never be seen again. + Entertainment + + + BuzzFeed Unsolved + S02 : E03 BuzzFeed Unsolved + Ryan and Shane discuss the mystery of the Jamison family, who vanished in the woods under odd circumstances. + Entertainment + + + BuzzFeed Unsolved + S02 : E05 BuzzFeed Unsolved + Join Ryan and Shane as they discuss the bizarre collar bomb incident and the details that still remain murky. + Entertainment + + + BuzzFeed Unsolved + S02 : E06 BuzzFeed Unsolved + Ryan and Shane unravel the tale of a tragic love triangle and cover a thrilling escape from Alcatraz Prison. + Entertainment + + + BuzzFeed Unsolved + S02 : E07 BuzzFeed Unsolved + Ryan and Shane cover the case of a slain ex-spy and the crimes leading to the death of Charles C. Morgan. + Entertainment + + + BuzzFeed Unsolved + S02 : E09 BuzzFeed Unsolved + Join Ryan and Shane as they attempt to track down the mysterious hidden treasure of Forest Fenn. + Entertainment + + + BuzzFeed Unsolved + S02 : E10 BuzzFeed Unsolved + Ryan and Shane take a look at the case of the Watcher, a mysterious stalker who terrorized his neighborhood. Entertainment - - The Gourmet Detective - S01 : E01 The Gourmet Detective - After a shocking murder at his friend's restaurant, a culinary expert uses his mastery of food, drink and cooking to solve the case. Stars Dylan Neal, Brooke Burns (2015) + + BuzzFeed Unsolved + S02 : E11 BuzzFeed Unsolved + Follow along as hosts Ryan and Shane go down under to examine a shark, a speedboat, and a mysterious severed arm. + Entertainment + + + BuzzFeed Unsolved + S02 : E12 BuzzFeed Unsolved + Ryan and Shane discuss six people who confessed to murders that don't seem to have ever occurred. + Entertainment + + + BuzzFeed Unsolved + S02 : E14 BuzzFeed Unsolved + Ryan and Shane investigate the only known facts regarding the death - suicide or murder - of Vincent Van Gogh. + Entertainment + + + BuzzFeed Unsolved + S02 : E15 BuzzFeed Unsolved + Ryan and Shane question the death of a famous poet as well as dissect theories on the mysterious identity of the Lady of the Dunes and what may have happened her. + Entertainment + + + BuzzFeed Unsolved + S03 : E01 BuzzFeed Unsolved + Ryan and Shane tell the story of a Hollywood starlet struck down in her prime and question whether this was an accident, a suicide or a murder case. + Entertainment + + + BuzzFeed Unsolved + S03 : E03 BuzzFeed Unsolved + Ryan and Shane talk the case of a woman found dead in her home with her husband as the only possible witness - and suspect. Entertainment - - Manhattan Night - S01 : E01 Manhattan Night - A newspaper columnist is recruited by a mysterious woman to investigate the murder of her movie producer husband. Starring Adrien Brody (2016) + + BuzzFeed Unsolved + S03 : E04 BuzzFeed Unsolved + Ryan and Shane attempt to solve the mysterious vanishing of three lighthouse keepers on the Flannan Isles. + Entertainment + + + BuzzFeed Unsolved + S03 : E05 BuzzFeed Unsolved + Ryan and Shane dive into the multiple heists of the Pink Panthers and attempt to uncover who is behind the elusive network of thieves. Entertainment - - Exposed - S01 : E01 Exposed - A detective's investigation into his partner's death reveals disturbing police corruption and a dangerous secret involving an unlikely young woman. Starring Keanu Reeves (2016) + + BuzzFeed Unsolved + S03 : E06 BuzzFeed Unsolved + Ryan and Shane dissect whether famed magician Houdini died in an accident or was murdered. + Entertainment + + + BuzzFeed Unsolved + S03 : E08 BuzzFeed Unsolved + Ryan and Shane discuss what could have happened to the missing crew of the abandoned Mary Celeste. + Entertainment + + + BuzzFeed Unsolved + S03 : E09 BuzzFeed Unsolved + The hauntings of a ghost lead a man to kill. Ryan and Shane attempt to uncover whether there ever was a ghost. + Entertainment + + + BuzzFeed Unsolved + S03 : E11 BuzzFeed Unsolved + Ryan and Shane tackle the question of what happened to England's famed author when she went missing. + Entertainment + + + BuzzFeed Unsolved + S03 : E12 BuzzFeed Unsolved + Ryan and Shame examine a candy-centric crime wave that struck Japan in the '80s, the multi-faceted story of the Monster with 21 Faces. + Entertainment + + + BuzzFeed Unsolved + S03 : E13 BuzzFeed Unsolved + Ryan and Shane tell the story of why a Supreme Court judge was dubbed the most missingest man in America. + Entertainment + + + BuzzFeed Unsolved + S03 : E14 BuzzFeed Unsolved + Ryan and Shane investigate the possible plots at play involved in the demise of Diana, Princess of Wales. Entertainment @@ -13746,53 +17466,65 @@ Be part of the action and witness everything from high speed pursuits to near misses captured on dashcam by Highway Patrol Officers. S1Ep5 Entertainment - - Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack - S07 : E13 Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack - This episode includes: Electric Lady, Murder Premonition and James Van Praagh, Pts. 1 & 2. - Series + + GREAT!mystery + GREAT!mystery + Entertainment - - Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack - S06 : E20 Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack - This episode includes: Dutch Shultz Treasure, Computer Con Killer, Lost Lauren and Mother/Son Murder & UD. - Series + + GREAT!mystery + GREAT!mystery + Entertainment - - Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack - S06 : E21 Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack - This episode includes: After Death Visits, Father Solanus Casey, Blood Relative and I-70 Killer. - Series + + GREAT!mystery + GREAT!mystery + Entertainment - - Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack - S06 : E22 Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack - This episode includes: Boston Strangler (Pts. 1 & 2) & UD, Secret Hiding Place & UD and Wrong Place, Wrong Time. - Series + + GREAT!mystery + GREAT!mystery + Entertainment - - Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack - S06 : E23 Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack - This episode: Bigfoot II, Wandering Fishman & UD, UD: Fatal Obsession, Threats & Harassment, Murder by Arson, UD, Angels, Lifesaving Sister & UD, Deputy Death, Hoochie Coochie & UD. - Series + + GREAT!mystery + GREAT!mystery + Entertainment - - Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack - S05 : E02 Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack - This episode includes: Love Triangle & UD, Champ, Pierre's Amnesia & UD, UD: Honky Tonk Woman, Killer Kranz & UD and Memphis Kidnap & UD. - Series + + GREAT!mystery + GREAT!mystery + Entertainment - - Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack - S05 : E03 Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack - This episode includes: Arson King, Huey Long (Pts. 1 & 2) & UD and Brother X & UD. - Series + + GREAT!mystery + GREAT!mystery + Entertainment - - Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack - S05 : E04 Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack - This episode includes: Cop Killer Escape & UD, Mexico Suicide & UD, Is Ed Dead?, UD: Coffee Pot Twins and Next Most Wanted & UD. - Series + + GREAT!mystery + GREAT!mystery + Entertainment + + + GREAT!mystery + GREAT!mystery + Entertainment + + + GREAT!mystery + GREAT!mystery + Entertainment + + + GREAT!mystery + GREAT!mystery + Entertainment + + + GREAT!mystery + GREAT!mystery + Entertainment Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack @@ -14094,53 +17826,149 @@ This episode includes: Casolaro, If the Truth Be Known & UD, Rest Stop Killer and Purvis Confession & UD. Series - - FilmRise True Crime - - - Entertainment + + Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack + S05 : E22 Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack + This episode includes: Image of Guadalupe, Stahl's Paintings, UD: Lost Generation, Biker & The Vet & UD and Donut Murder. + Series - - FilmRise True Crime - - - Entertainment + + Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack + S05 : E24 Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack + This episode includes: Miram's Memory & UD, Ghost Blimp, Fugitive Fireman & UD and Russian Roulette & UD. + Series - - FilmRise True Crime - - - Entertainment + + Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack + S06 : E01 Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack + This episode includes: Reincarnated Submariner (Pts. 1 & 2), UD: Cult of Decloud, Chicago Hit & Run and Tornado Disappearance & UD. + Series - - FilmRise True Crime - - - Entertainment + + Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack + S06 : E02 Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack + This episode includes: Mystery Robber (Pts. 1 & 2) & UD, Australian UFO, Lost at Sea and Danny and His Dad. + Series - - FilmRise True Crime - - - Entertainment + + Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack + S06 : E03 Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack + This episode includes: Anastasia (Pts. 1, 2 & 3) & UD, Jail Family & UD and Killer Boyfriend & UD. + Series - - FilmRise True Crime - - - Entertainment + + Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack + S06 : E05 Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack + This episode includes: Robin Hood Rabbi & UD, Missing In-Laws & UD, To Madame with Love and Deadly Dumpster + Series - - FilmRise True Crime - - - Entertainment + + Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack + S06 : E06 Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack + This episode includes: Lake Wales Haunting (Pts. 1 & 2), Bomb Shelter Friends & UD, Murder in Agawam, UD: Surprise Sister and Down to the Wire. + Series - - FilmRise True Crime - - - Entertainment + + Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack + S06 : E07 Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack + This episode includes: Fatima (Pts. 1, 2 & 3), Log Cabin Fraud & UD, UD: If the Truth Be Known and Missing Cheek. + Series + + + Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack + S06 : E08 Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack + This episode includes: Kidnapped Executive, Hansen Twin Murder (Pts. 1 & 2) and NATO Soldier's Dad. + Series + + + Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack + S06 : E10 Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack + This episode includes: Elks Club Murder, Where's Jo?, Smoker Car Baby & UD and Mandy & Punky & UD. + Series + + + Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack + S06 : E11 Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack + This episode includes: Murder 101, Who Saved My Life? & UD, Payback Killer and Death & Disappearance. + Series + + + Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack + S06 : E12 Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack + This episode includes: Armando Garcia & UD, Suddenly Siblings & UD, A Couple of Good Men and Canadian Camper. + Series + + + Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack + S06 : E13 Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack + This episode includes: Missing Angel (Pts. 1 & 2), UD: Smoker Car Baby, Mystery Man, Missing Teacher and Meredith's Mom & UD. + Series + + + Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack + S06 : E14 Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack + This episode includes: Mystery Mummy, Mississippi Hangings, UD: Killer Boyfriend, Baby Girl X & UD and Jeanne Boylan. + Series + + + Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack + S06 : E16 Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack + This episode includes: Lourdes (Pts. 1 & 2), UD: Drug Playboy, Sunnyvale Stalker and Tornado Baby & UD. + Series + + + Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack + S06 : E17 Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack + This episode includes: Incredible Journeys (Pts. 1 & 2), Interceptors, UD: Shroud of Turin and Whistle Blown (Pts. 1 & 2). + Series + + + Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack + S08 : E08 Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack + This episode includes: Battling for Her Brother & UD, UD: Johnny Lee Wilson, Kempton's Search & UD, Missing Bonnie & UD and Devil's Backbone. + Series + + + Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack + S08 : E09 Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack + This episode includes: Taunting Bank Robber, Merchant Student Drowning & UD, Genius Mystery, Baby Given Away and Mia Zapata & UD. + Series + + + Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack + S08 : E10 Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack + This episode includes: Ice Woman, Airline Employee Murder, Silicon Valley Hit, Florida Crime Spree & UD and Elvis, The Twinless Twin. + Series + + + Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack + S08 : E12 Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack + This episode includes: Comedy Store Ghosts, New Year's Samaritan & UD, UD: Fritz & the Soldiers, NY Serial Rapist & UD and Suspicious Suicide. + Series + + + Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack + S08 : E13 Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack + This episode includes: Newlywed Escape & UD, Gettysburg Ghosts, Trucker Disappearance & UD and Magic, the Gathering. + Series + + + Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack + S08 : E14 Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack + This episode includes: Oklahoma City Rescuers, UD: Baby Given Away, Carolina Cop Killer & UD, Vince Foster and Crime Novelist. + Series + + + Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack + S08 : E15 Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack + This episode includes: Massachusetts Marine, UD: Taunting Bank Robber, Packer Church Fire , Ms. Miracle and Train Wreck Amnesia & UD. + Series + + + Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack + S08 : E17 Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack + This episode includes: SADD Fugitive, Nazca Lines, Where's Charoltte? and The Enetity The. + Series FilmRise True Crime @@ -14430,46 +18258,148 @@ Entertainment - - Crime Scene Solvers - S05 : E07 Crime Scene Solvers - On January 27th 2014, in Somme-Suippe in the Marne, Sophie Thevenet discovers her husband dead in the garage. + + FilmRise True Crime + + Entertainment - - Crime Scene Solvers - S05 : E08 Crime Scene Solvers - On September 11th 2011, in Èze, near Monaco, the owner of a luxury villa discovers the lifeless hanging body of his tenant, a rich German businessman. + + FilmRise True Crime + + Entertainment - - Crime Scene Solvers - S05 : E09 Crime Scene Solvers - On June 12th 2007, in Berhen-lès-Forbach, in Moselle, a young woman reports the disappearance of her brother Raphaël Lomoro, a 46 years old vanilla producer living in Madagascar. + + FilmRise True Crime + + Entertainment - - Crime Scene Solvers - S06 : E01 Crime Scene Solvers - On September 12, 2013, Eric Mosser, a 45-year-old heating engineer, discovers his wife Isabelle lying in a pool of blood at their home in Illfurth, Alsace. + + FilmRise True Crime + + Entertainment - - Crime Scene Solvers - S06 : E02 Crime Scene Solvers - On February 5, 2000, two hunters discover a charred body on the banks of the Oise. + + FilmRise True Crime + + Entertainment - - Crime Scene Solvers - S06 : E03 Crime Scene Solvers - On July 8, 2002, near Amiens, a farmer discovers the lifeless body of a young woman, Patricia Leclercq, on his field. + + FilmRise True Crime + + Entertainment - - Crime Scene Solvers - S06 : E04 Crime Scene Solvers - On June 30, 2014, in Nancy, the police are called to the home of Julie Martin, a 34-year-old nurse. + + FilmRise True Crime + + + Entertainment + + + FilmRise True Crime + + + Entertainment + + + FilmRise True Crime + + + Entertainment + + + FilmRise True Crime + + + Entertainment + + + FilmRise True Crime + + + Entertainment + + + FilmRise True Crime + + + Entertainment + + + FilmRise True Crime + + + Entertainment + + + FilmRise True Crime + + + Entertainment + + + FilmRise True Crime + + + Entertainment + + + FilmRise True Crime + + + Entertainment + + + FilmRise True Crime + + + Entertainment + + + FilmRise True Crime + + + Entertainment + + + FilmRise True Crime + + + Entertainment + + + FilmRise True Crime + + + Entertainment + + + FilmRise True Crime + + + Entertainment + + + FilmRise True Crime + + + Entertainment + + + FilmRise True Crime + + + Entertainment + + + FilmRise True Crime + + Entertainment @@ -14730,58 +18660,130 @@ On January 27th 2014, in Somme-Suippe in the Marne, Sophie Thevenet discovers her husband dead in the garage. Entertainment - - Dr. G: Medical Examiner - S05 : E20 Dr. G: Medical Examiner - It's up to Dr. G to determine if alcohol was to blame in a man's death or if there was something else. + + Crime Scene Solvers + S05 : E08 Crime Scene Solvers + On September 11th 2011, in Èze, near Monaco, the owner of a luxury villa discovers the lifeless hanging body of his tenant, a rich German businessman. Entertainment - - Dr. G: Medical Examiner - S01 : E07 Dr. G: Medical Examiner - Police patrolling the night streets hear gunshots and head to the scene. + + Crime Scene Solvers + S05 : E10 Crime Scene Solvers + On November 9th 2007, around 11:30PM, aid arrives on the scene of an accident at the exit of Chateney-en-France. Entertainment - - Dr. G: Medical Examiner - S01 : E08 Dr. G: Medical Examiner - While in her mother's care, a baby inexplicably obtains a skull fracture while unsupervised. + + Crime Scene Solvers + S06 : E01 Crime Scene Solvers + On September 12, 2013, Eric Mosser, a 45-year-old heating engineer, discovers his wife Isabelle lying in a pool of blood at their home in Illfurth, Alsace. Entertainment - - Dr. G: Medical Examiner - S01 : E09 Dr. G: Medical Examiner - On a Texas highway, a fire is discovered having burnt three bodies beyond recognition. + + Crime Scene Solvers + S06 : E03 Crime Scene Solvers + On July 8, 2002, near Amiens, a farmer discovers the lifeless body of a young woman, Patricia Leclercq, on his field. Entertainment - - Dr. G: Medical Examiner - S01 : E11 Dr. G: Medical Examiner - A healthy 53-year-old woman is found dead in bed. + + Crime Scene Solvers + S06 : E04 Crime Scene Solvers + On June 30, 2014, in Nancy, the police are called to the home of Julie Martin, a 34-year-old nurse. Entertainment - - Dr. G: Medical Examiner - S02 : E01 Dr. G: Medical Examiner - A man is found dead in a motel room due to multiple shotgun wounds. + + Crime Scene Solvers + S06 : E06 Crime Scene Solvers + On December 20, 2012, in Val d'Izé (Ille-et-Vilaine), Aurélie Barbot, 29, was killed on her doorstep with a bullet to the head. Entertainment - - Dr. G: Medical Examiner - S02 : E02 Dr. G: Medical Examiner - Rusty Updike has asked his ex-wife Vesta on a cruise, despite haven't not seen each other for 15 years. + + Crime Scene Solvers + S06 : E07 Crime Scene Solvers + On February 27, 2015, in Toulouse, the parents of 19-year-old Maureen Jacquier discover their daughter stabbed several times in her bed. Entertainment - - Dr. G: Medical Examiner - S02 : E03 Dr. G: Medical Examiner - Melissa Riobe's life is ruled by her addiction to drugs. + + Crime Scene Solvers + S06 : E08 Crime Scene Solvers + On November 9, 2011, the body of a man was found near the Courcelles-le-Comte cemetery (Pas-de-Calais). Entertainment - - Dr. G: Medical Examiner - S02 : E04 Dr. G: Medical Examiner - After a night of drinking, Robert Terrible realizes he better call it a night and heads to his car. + + Crime Scene Solvers + S06 : E09 Crime Scene Solvers + On September 7, 2018, in Strasbourg, Sophie Le Tan is about to celebrate her 20th birthday with her family. + Entertainment + + + Crime Scene Solvers + S01 : E01 Crime Scene Solvers + A damaged bike belonging to 16-year-old Karine Schaaff is found abandoned on the side of a road in Moselle; 10 days later her body is found just kilometers away, hidden in a forest. + Entertainment + + + Crime Scene Solvers + S01 : E02 Crime Scene Solvers + The body of Nathalie Villermet, 46, manager of a small hotel and -restaurant, is found by a walker in the woods outside Paris, hidden under branches. + Entertainment + + + Crime Scene Solvers + S01 : E03 Crime Scene Solvers + Xavier Flactif, his partner Graziella and their three children suddenly disappear; there are many theories surrounding this mysterious case. + Entertainment + + + Crime Scene Solvers + S01 : E05 Crime Scene Solvers + Marc Van Beers, a 36-year-old Brussels tax lawyer, dies in a car accident while on his honeymoon; Marc's wife, Aurore, isn't injured in the accident and the case is quickly dismissed; Marc's family is suspicious of Aurore. + Entertainment + + + Crime Scene Solvers + S01 : E06 Crime Scene Solvers + 52-year-old Marina Ciampi is found dead at her home in Marseille; she is found naked on her bed with a plastic bag over her head but there is no trace of a break-in; police investigate several unknown DNA traces. + Entertainment + + + Crime Scene Solvers + S01 : E07 Crime Scene Solvers + On 1 December 2005, Dominique Aubry, a wealthy widow, is found hanged in her houseboat in Neuilly; the case is quickly classified as a suicide, but this argument is problematic. + Entertainment + + + Crime Scene Solvers + S01 : E08 Crime Scene Solvers + Firefighters in Barbizieux, Charente are called to a fire at a large house in the village; they arrive to find the lifeless body of the owner, 83-year-old Claude Tavernier lying in a large pool of blood. + Entertainment + + + Crime Scene Solvers + S01 : E10 Crime Scene Solvers + 18-year-old Laetitia Perrais is a trainee hotel waitress who vanishes after an evening shift; every attempt is made to shed light on her disappearance and the efforts eventually pay off. + Entertainment + + + Crime Scene Solvers + S02 : E01 Crime Scene Solvers + Shot In the While Sleeping (Richard Alessandri Case): On the night of July 16, 2000, the life of Edwige Alessandri changed forever. This mother, married to a supermarket boss, made a frantic emergency call in the town of Carpentras. She recounted that shortly after midnight, some men burst into her room and shot her husband while he slept. Who could have despised Richard Alessandri enough to kill him in cold blood in his own bed? Was he the victim of a robbery gone wrong, as claimed by his wife? + Entertainment + + + Crime Scene Solvers + S02 : E02 Crime Scene Solvers + A Dire Deception (LAURENCE MAILLE CASE): On November 28, 2007, Laurence Maille disappeared. It was her partner, John Zablevski, who alerted the Vimy police in Pas-de-Calais. He explained that the young woman had left in the morning for a walk with their dog and never returned. An unprecedented search was immediately launched to try to find her. Beautiful, intelligent and generous, Laurence Maille had everything to be happy about and for 18 months, had found the perfect love in her partner. + Entertainment + + + Crime Scene Solvers + S02 : E03 Crime Scene Solvers + The Mystery of Room 602 (Véronique Pirotton Case): On October 31, 2013, Belgian politician Bernard Ouessfal rushed down the six flights of a hotel in Ostend where he had met up with his wife, Véronique, the day before. He had just found her unconscious on the bathroom floor with a mysterious plastic bag next to her. Despite the emergency rescue response, Véronique Pirotton died a few minutes later. + Entertainment + + + Crime Scene Solvers + S02 : E05 Crime Scene Solvers + THE CASE OF STÉPHANE KAMEUGNE - On December 24, 2008, the body of Stéphane Kameugne was fished out from a canal in Châlons-en-Champagne. The young man had been missing for two weeks and no one had seen him since the evening of his graduation ceremony from his engineering school. A theory soon emerged: the very drunk student had fallen over thea bridge over the canal which led to his death. But his parents and relatives did not believe this. Entertainment @@ -15114,64 +19116,160 @@ In 1995, when Dr. G worked in Texas, a pile of human bones was found at a supposedly haunted railroad crossing. Entertainment - - Annison Funeral Parlour - S17 : E05 Most Haunted - Catch spirits in action when a team member serves as bait for restless souls. + + Dr. G: Medical Examiner + S01 : E04 Dr. G: Medical Examiner + A 94-year-old woman dies in the hospital after having a convulsion. Entertainment - - The Promise - S02 : E04 Haunted Discoveries - Consult two scientists and a medium as the team checks out a haunted B & B. + + Dr. G: Medical Examiner + S01 : E06 Dr. G: Medical Examiner + A decomposing body is found in a pond and a tent is found nearby. Entertainment - - Ghost Science - S02 : E05 Haunted Discoveries - Seek the historical and geomagnetic sources of Somerset County’s hauntings. + + Dr. G: Medical Examiner + S01 : E07 Dr. G: Medical Examiner + Police patrolling the night streets hear gunshots and head to the scene. Entertainment - - Graves Undug And Graves Disturbed - S02 : E10 Ghostly Encounters - Visit a neighbourhood plagued by poltergeists when a burial ground is disturbed. + + Dr. G: Medical Examiner + S01 : E08 Dr. G: Medical Examiner + While in her mother's care, a baby inexplicably obtains a skull fracture while unsupervised. Entertainment - - Ghosts In The Workplace - S02 : E11 Ghostly Encounters - Meet people who have spiritual encounters at work, like a young burlesque dancer. + + Dr. G: Medical Examiner + S01 : E09 Dr. G: Medical Examiner + On a Texas highway, a fire is discovered having burnt three bodies beyond recognition. Entertainment - - Moehau - S02 : E12 Boogeymen - Investigate the legends surrounding Moehau, New Zealand’s answer to Bigfoot. + + Dr. G: Medical Examiner + S01 : E10 Dr. G: Medical Examiner + An employee is found dead in a restaurant kitchen. Entertainment - - Messages From Beyond - S02 : E04 Paranormal Survivor - A man encounters spirits in his dreams, and a teen deals with demonic messages. + + Dr. G: Medical Examiner + S02 : E01 Dr. G: Medical Examiner + A man is found dead in a motel room due to multiple shotgun wounds. Entertainment - - Australia Pioneer Village - S01 : E06 Haunting: Australia - Dig up evidence of 18th-century spirits who live in a historic pioneer village. + + Dr. G: Medical Examiner + S02 : E02 Dr. G: Medical Examiner + Rusty Updike has asked his ex-wife Vesta on a cruise, despite haven't not seen each other for 15 years. Entertainment - - Overstaying Their Welcome - S01 : E05 Haunted Case Files - Meet a couple who flirts with the occult and an evil spirit set on revenge. + + Dr. G: Medical Examiner + S02 : E03 Dr. G: Medical Examiner + Melissa Riobe's life is ruled by her addiction to drugs. Entertainment - - Wentworth Woodhouse (Part 1) - S17 : E06 Most Haunted - Suss out a stately home’s whistling spirit, disembodied bangs, and eerie groans. + + Dr. G: Medical Examiner + S02 : E04 Dr. G: Medical Examiner + After a night of drinking, Robert Terrible realizes he better call it a night and heads to his car. + Entertainment + + + Dr. G: Medical Examiner + S02 : E05 Dr. G: Medical Examiner + It's an early Sunday morning when a local resident decides to take a short-cut through the church parking lot. + Entertainment + + + Dr. G: Medical Examiner + S02 : E06 Dr. G: Medical Examiner + Deputy Torres is cruising a Texas highway when he spots a crushed pick-up truck on the side of the road. + Entertainment + + + Dr. G: Medical Examiner + S02 : E08 Dr. G: Medical Examiner + It's a late night and a Vietnam veteran with a history of mental illness shoots himself in the head. + Entertainment + + + Dr. G: Medical Examiner + S02 : E09 Dr. G: Medical Examiner + Jeffrey Ortiz is making himself a sandwich when he falls, striking his head on the kitchen counter. + Entertainment + + + Dr. G: Medical Examiner + S02 : E10 Dr. G: Medical Examiner + When husband Tao Chen is shot to death by his wife Jun, she claims she pulled the trigger in self-defense. + Entertainment + + + Dr. G: Medical Examiner + S02 : E11 Dr. G: Medical Examiner + After a brief illness, 34-year old Claire Jackson dies suddenly in the hospital from massive liver failure. + Entertainment + + + Dr. G: Medical Examiner + S02 : E12 Dr. G: Medical Examiner + A quadriplegic woman loved by her community is found dead in a park 150ft from her motorized wheelchair. + Entertainment + + + Dr. G: Medical Examiner + S02 : E13 Dr. G: Medical Examiner + Jerra Kirby has suddenly passed out at a theme park wave pool and paramedics are trying to revive her. + Entertainment + + + Dr. G: Medical Examiner + S07 : E04 Dr. G: Medical Examiner + While at dinner, Virginia Lowery chokes on a fish bone. Later that night, she suddenly can't breathe and dies. + Entertainment + + + Dr. G: Medical Examiner + S07 : E05 Dr. G: Medical Examiner + A bipolar man's family fears he took is own life and turn to Dr. G for closure. + Entertainment + + + Dr. G: Medical Examiner + S07 : E06 Dr. G: Medical Examiner + Cameron Walker finds his dad dead in bed and his mom bound in the closet. + Entertainment + + + Dr. G: Medical Examiner + S05 : E10 Dr. G: Medical Examiner + As each lead turns cold in a gruesome murder case, Dr. G worries justice may never be served. + Entertainment + + + Dr. G: Medical Examiner + S05 : E11 Dr. G: Medical Examiner + A daughter wants to surprise her dad with breakfast in bed but finds him unresponsive. + Entertainment + + + Dr. G: Medical Examiner + S05 : E12 Dr. G: Medical Examiner + A teacher excuses himself for a nap after dinner, but he never wakes up. + Entertainment + + + Dr. G: Medical Examiner + S05 : E14 Dr. G: Medical Examiner + At first, a drunk driving accident death seems to be an open-and-shut case, but Dr. G discovers more. + Entertainment + + + Dr. G: Medical Examiner + S05 : E15 Dr. G: Medical Examiner + A mother of infant twins notices that her son is not breathing. Entertainment @@ -15558,64 +19656,190 @@ See an experiment change the team’s beliefs before a phantom sends them running. Entertainment - - Antonella Madonna - S01 : E01 Mafia Queens: Dangerous Women of the Underworld - Married to a powerful boss, Natale Dantese, Antonella leads the fiercest faction of the Ascione-Papale family. + + Oakwell Hall + S17 : E09 Most Haunted + Turn up dark secrets inside a manor once occupied by a demonologist’s ancestors. Entertainment - - Cristina Pinto - S01 : E02 Mafia Queens: Dangerous Women of the Underworld - Cristina Pinto shoots better than men, and she gains the absolute faith of the Perrella clan as its muscle. + + Champ + S01 : E01 Boogeymen + Learn about an ancient lake monster affectionately known as Champ. Entertainment - - Anna Carrino - S01 : E03 Mafia Queens: Dangerous Women of the Underworld - Anna Carrino rises to head the Casalesi clan, but a personal betrayal leads her to renounce her criminal past. + + Mothman + S01 : E02 Boogeymen + Visit Point Pleasant, West Virginia, where the Mothman captivates tourists. Entertainment - - Jason Williams - S01 : E01 Psychic Investigators - Psychic Sue Evans assists the family of a man who never made it home after a night out. + + She Belongs to Us Now + S01 : E06 Web of Darkness + Two friends want to have fun with an old spirit board, but they open a portal. Entertainment - - Amie Hoffman - S01 : E02 Psychic Investigators - Nancy Weber is called in by the family of Amie Hoffman, who disappeared on the way home from work. + + A Family Torn Apart By A Haunted House + S02 : E14 Ghostly Encounters + See how a happy family is broken after enduring a year in a haunted house. Entertainment - - Margie Calciano - S01 : E03 Psychic Investigators - Psychic Lauren Thibodeau helps a police detective with a cold case. + + The Price Of Disbelief + S02 : E15 Ghostly Encounters + See how people’s supernatural experiences have haunted them for life. Entertainment - - Rachel Domas - S01 : E04 Psychic Investigators - Veteran psychic Nancy Weber assists a rookie cop in solving the case of a 14-year-old girl. + + Knottingley Town Hall + S17 : E08 Most Haunted + See an experiment change the team’s beliefs before a phantom sends them running. Entertainment - - Alexis Burke - S01 : E05 Psychic Investigators - Laurie McQuary helps Oregon detective Robert Lee identify a missing-persons case as a murder. + + Oakwell Hall + S17 : E09 Most Haunted + Turn up dark secrets inside a manor once occupied by a demonologist’s ancestors. Entertainment - - Penney Serra - S01 : E06 Psychic Investigators - Police consult psychic and time walker Mary Pascarella Downey after leads grow cold in a case. + + Champ + S01 : E01 Boogeymen + Learn about an ancient lake monster affectionately known as Champ. Entertainment - - The Murder of Gabby Petito - S01 : E01 Coffee and Crime Time - Investigate what we know about the life and eventual murder of "van life" influencer Gabby Petito. + + A Mother’s Undying Love + S02 : E12 Ghostly Encounters + Find out how deep a mother’s love can go with these ghostly encounters. + Entertainment + + + Mothman + S01 : E02 Boogeymen + Visit Point Pleasant, West Virginia, where the Mothman captivates tourists. + Entertainment + + + She Belongs to Us Now + S01 : E06 Web of Darkness + Two friends want to have fun with an old spirit board, but they open a portal. + Entertainment + + + A Family Torn Apart By A Haunted House + S02 : E14 Ghostly Encounters + See how a happy family is broken after enduring a year in a haunted house. + Entertainment + + + The Price Of Disbelief + S02 : E15 Ghostly Encounters + See how people’s supernatural experiences have haunted them for life. + Entertainment + + + Knottingley Town Hall + S17 : E08 Most Haunted + See an experiment change the team’s beliefs before a phantom sends them running. + Entertainment + + + Oakwell Hall + S17 : E09 Most Haunted + Turn up dark secrets inside a manor once occupied by a demonologist’s ancestors. + Entertainment + + + Champ + S01 : E01 Boogeymen + Learn about an ancient lake monster affectionately known as Champ. + Entertainment + + + Mothman + S01 : E02 Boogeymen + Visit Point Pleasant, West Virginia, where the Mothman captivates tourists. + Entertainment + + + She Belongs to Us Now + S01 : E06 Web of Darkness + Two friends want to have fun with an old spirit board, but they open a portal. + Entertainment + + + A Family Torn Apart By A Haunted House + S02 : E14 Ghostly Encounters + See how a happy family is broken after enduring a year in a haunted house. + Entertainment + + + The Price Of Disbelief + S02 : E15 Ghostly Encounters + See how people’s supernatural experiences have haunted them for life. + Entertainment + + + Knottingley Town Hall + S17 : E08 Most Haunted + See an experiment change the team’s beliefs before a phantom sends them running. + Entertainment + + + Oakwell Hall + S17 : E09 Most Haunted + Turn up dark secrets inside a manor once occupied by a demonologist’s ancestors. + Entertainment + + + Capesthorne Hall + S17 : E10 Most Haunted + Pore over potent evidence in a country house filled with supernatural energy. + Entertainment + + + 30 East Drive (Part 1) + S18 : E01 Most Haunted + Tiptoe around the normal-looking home of the world’s most violent poltergeist. + Entertainment + + + Cockatoo Island + S01 : E08 Haunting: Australia + Witness super-sized paranormal activity on a lonely island in Sydney Harbour. + Entertainment + + + Child Victims + S02 : E06 Paranormal Survivor + An angry spirit torments a young boy, and a spooky guest crashes a party. + Entertainment + + + Victorian Murder Mystery + S02 : E02 Haunted Discoveries + Investigate claims of a scandalous murder linked to the DuPont family mansion. + Entertainment + + + When Folk Tales Come True + S02 : E16 Ghostly Encounters + Meet two people who have strange encounters reminiscent of popular folk tales. + Entertainment + + + Danger Detectors From The Great Beyond + S02 : E17 Ghostly Encounters + See how Tasheen and Christine react when spirits warn them of imminent danger. + Entertainment + + + Capesthorne Hall + S17 : E10 Most Haunted + Pore over potent evidence in a country house filled with supernatural energy. Entertainment @@ -15915,52 +20139,189 @@ India is facing a huge healthcare crisis, with only one registered doctor for every 1700 patients Entertainment - - Untold Stories of the ER - S06 : E02 Untold Stories of the ER - A six-year-old boy suffers a life-threatening stroke. A man has a camp stove stuck on his privates. + + Giulia G. + S01 : E08 Mafia Queens: Dangerous Women of the Underworld + Giulia turns to the Giuliano family to seek protection from an abusive relationship. It comes at a high price. Entertainment - - Untold Stories of the ER - S09 : E19 Untold Stories of the ER - This special episodes features ten of the craziest stories from the first 100 episodes, proving doctors never know what is coming through the ER doors. + + Manufactured Orphans + S04 : E05 Undercover Asia: Black Markets and Slave Trades + Nearly 90% of children in orphanages worldwide have been bought, coerced, or stolen from their birth families Entertainment - - Untold Stories of the ER - S09 : E07 Untold Stories of the ER - A teen's bulging tummy shocks nurses and doctors, a college co-ed mysteriously stops breathing and more. + + Enrica C. + S01 : E09 Mafia Queens: Dangerous Women of the Underworld + Enrica becomes increasingly involved in clan activity, including murder, as a trusted friend of a crime boss. Entertainment - - Untold Stories of the ER - S09 : E13 Untold Stories of the ER - A resort doctor must treat a man critically injured by a boat propeller. Later, the ER computers go down. + + Dutertes Drug War + S04 : E06 Undercover Asia: Black Markets and Slave Trades + Philippine president Rodrigo Duterte vowed to kill three million addicts in his campaign against drugs. Entertainment - - Untold Stories of the ER - S09 : E03 Untold Stories of the ER - A party attendee becomes paralyzed; a boy crushed by an ATV; a girl injects herself with epinephrine accidentally. + + Mark Green + S01 : E13 Psychic Investigators + Psychic Diane Lazarus helps a woman find the murderers of her nephew. Entertainment - - Untold Stories of the ER - S09 : E04 Untold Stories of the ER - A hospital worker feels like she is dying; a physician's young son is her patient; wild mushroom picking. + + Lawrence Mbroh + S01 : E14 Psychic Investigators + Psychic Investigators reports on a missing person's case. Entertainment - - Untold Stories of the ER - S09 : E06 Untold Stories of the ER - A man arrives in the ER with blue skin, doctors struggle to save a plane crash survivor and more. + + Staunton Stalker + S02 : E11 Psychic Investigators + Noreen Renier becomes involved in helping police find a serial rapist that stalks the campus. Entertainment - - Untold Stories of the ER - S09 : E11 Untold Stories of the ER - An unresponsive golfer needs immediate surgery, three near-naked adults wreak havoc in the ER and more. + + Rosa Talamantes + S01 : E15 Psychic Investigators + Jo claims that his girlfriend went out for drinks. She would never leave her children by themselves. + Entertainment + + + Tunnel Vision + S02 : E12 Psychic Investigators + Police find two Canadian girls murdered in a small town. + Entertainment + + + Last Call + S02 : E01 Psychic Investigators + Nineteen-year-old Stacy vanishes during the first week of classes. + Entertainment + + + How Dark the Woods + S02 : E13 Psychic Investigators + Five-year-old Tommy vanishes into the forest, leaving no clue concerning his whereabouts. + Entertainment + + + Finding Amy + S02 : E02 Psychic Investigators + Amy comes up missing after clubbing one night with friends. + Entertainment + + + Vision of Murder + S02 : E14 Psychic Investigators + Police in an upper-class New Jersey town find a nurse beaten to death in her home. + Entertainment + + + Psychic for the Defense + S02 : E15 Psychic Investigators + Local residents find a corpse on a Florida beach, and FBI investigators soon arrest a businessman. + Entertainment + + + Lured to Death + S02 : E03 Psychic Investigators + A man disappears after accepting a ride from a strange woman he met in a bar + Entertainment + + + Til Death Do Us Part + S03 : E01 Psychic Investigators + Skeptic investigators become believers when the psychic's visions are confirmed. + Entertainment + + + Notting Hill Horror Part Two + S02 : E05 Murder Maps + After escaping justice, Christie began to leave a trail of evidence. + Entertainment + + + A Killer Among Us + S03 : E02 Psychic Investigators + Phil Jordan leads investigators to the door of the person he thinks murdered a Georgia Roofer. + Entertainment + + + The Bermondsey Horror + S01 : E01 Murder Maps + A shocking murder rocks Britain to its core. + Entertainment + + + In the Shadow of Jack + S01 : E02 Murder Maps + The famed killer was not alone in England's scourge of murders. + Entertainment + + + Britain: A Year of Hate Crime + We follow the people and police of Greater Manchester as they fight for unity. + Entertainment + + + Finding Dr. Crippen + S01 : E03 Murder Maps + A fugitive killer is tracked down and brought to justice. + Entertainment + + + Great Bank Heists + This film examines three of the most incredible and ingenious robberies of all time + Entertainment + + + What Joel Guy Did to his Parents + S01 : E05 Coffee and Crime Time + Joel Guy: a man who murdered his parents and left their house in a sickening state. We investigate the crime. + Entertainment + + + Art Trafficking: A Grey Market + Trafficked antiquities are rampant on the world’s black markets, which feeds the legal art market. + Entertainment + + + A Mother's Madness + This thought-provoking film explores the dark side of the maternal bond. + Entertainment + + + The Bermondsey Horror + S01 : E01 Murder Maps + A shocking murder rocks Britain to its core. + Entertainment + + + Mommy, My Killer + A two-year-old Cape Town boy is reported missing by his mother. She soon confesses to her son’s murder. + Entertainment + + + Inside Britain's Black Market: Who's Selling Fake Stuff + Investigative reporter Livvy Haydock aims to find out why the Black Market is running so rampant. + Entertainment + + + In the Shadow of Jack + S01 : E02 Murder Maps + The famed killer was not alone in England's scourge of murders. + Entertainment + + + Jack the Ripper: Tabloid Killer + A closer look at history reveals how Jack the Ripper could have been fabricated for readers. + Entertainment + + + Finding Dr. Crippen + S01 : E03 Murder Maps + A fugitive killer is tracked down and brought to justice. Entertainment @@ -16059,262 +20420,370 @@ A man falls off a roof and is impaled by a shovel, a police officer has a heart attack and more. Entertainment - + Untold Stories of the ER - S09 : E07 Untold Stories of the ER - A teen's bulging tummy shocks nurses and doctors, a college co-ed mysteriously stops breathing and more. + S07 : E02 Untold Stories of the ER + A man is impaled through the skull with a crowbar, a woman has an internal worm infection and more. Entertainment - + Untold Stories of the ER - S04 : E01 Untold Stories of the ER - A jewelry shop owner is shot point blank in the chest during a robbery. + S04 : E13 Untold Stories of the ER + A policeman is struck by a speeding driver seeking revenge, which may leave him with no legs. Entertainment - + Untold Stories of the ER - S04 : E03 Untold Stories of the ER - Dr. Keller thinks a boy struck by a baseball bat has a concussion, but a CT scan reveals massive brain bleeding, and he suffers kidney failure. + S06 : E04 Untold Stories of the ER + A dialysis patient is bleeding and doctors can't get it to stop. A naked man falls onto a cactus. Entertainment - + Untold Stories of the ER - S04 : E18 Untold Stories of the ER - Follow the case of a boy with an oxygen deficiency and bizarre brown blood. + S06 : E08 Untold Stories of the ER + An older patient with prolonged CPR; a stabbing victim on the street; a doctor's dream job becomes a nightmare. Entertainment - + Untold Stories of the ER - S07 : E07 Untold Stories of the ER - A patient with a severe headache is seizing; a naked woman behaving badly; a wrestler vomits for days. + S04 : E10 Untold Stories of the ER + A six-year-old girl is rushed to the ER with intermittent seizures. Entertainment - + Untold Stories of the ER - S07 : E06 Untold Stories of the ER - A grown man suddenly begins acting bizarrely like a child, a wheezing woman has a breathing problem and more. + S04 : E16 Untold Stories of the ER + A ruptured brain aneurysm threatens to kill the ER's medical director. Entertainment - + Untold Stories of the ER - S05 : E02 Untold Stories of the ER - A woman's leg pain turns out to be flesh-eating virus; a veteran swallows razor blades on a dare; a bride-to-be collapses at the alter. + S04 : E07 Untold Stories of the ER + Jarret is rushed into ER after being violently tackled in a football game. Entertainment - + Untold Stories of the ER - S06 : E06 Untold Stories of the ER - A stroke patient's wife and two girlfriends fight over him; soldiers who lost limbs in an IED explosion; a child's play bite. + S05 : E02 Untold Stories of the ER + A woman's leg pain turns out to be flesh-eating virus; a veteran swallows razor blades on a dare; a bride-to-be collapses at the alter. Entertainment - + Untold Stories of the ER - S06 : E02 Untold Stories of the ER - A six-year-old boy suffers a life-threatening stroke. A man has a camp stove stuck on his privates. + S04 : E04 Untold Stories of the ER + Kassie arrives and is diagnosed with pneumonia, and Dr. Tellez devises a new treatment. Entertainment - + Untold Stories of the ER - S04 : E05 Untold Stories of the ER - A doctor performs marathon surgery to reattach a left arm severed when a 7-year-old boy was struck by a truck. + S07 : E02 Untold Stories of the ER + A man is impaled through the skull with a crowbar, a woman has an internal worm infection and more. Entertainment - + Untold Stories of the ER - S06 : E03 Untold Stories of the ER - A shooting victim is brought to the hospital. A Rottweiler gets loose in the ER. + S04 : E06 Untold Stories of the ER + The force of a tornado drove a fence picket through Julie's neck. Entertainment - + Untold Stories of the ER - S05 : E06 Untold Stories of the ER - A woman is bleeding internally; doctors must convince a surgeon to take a case; a woman with a knife in her chest. + S04 : E17 Untold Stories of the ER + A surgical resident puts her training to the test when a mugging survivor arrives with two bullet wounds. Entertainment - + Untold Stories of the ER - S04 : E13 Untold Stories of the ER - A policeman is struck by a speeding driver seeking revenge, which may leave him with no legs. + S04 : E01 Untold Stories of the ER + A jewelry shop owner is shot point blank in the chest during a robbery. Entertainment - + Untold Stories of the ER - S04 : E11 Untold Stories of the ER - Doctors must look after their own when a psychotic gunman enters the hospital and starts shooting staff. + S04 : E03 Untold Stories of the ER + Dr. Keller thinks a boy struck by a baseball bat has a concussion, but a CT scan reveals massive brain bleeding, and he suffers kidney failure. Entertainment - + Untold Stories of the ER - S04 : E04 Untold Stories of the ER - Kassie arrives and is diagnosed with pneumonia, and Dr. Tellez devises a new treatment. + S05 : E08 Untold Stories of the ER + An ER nurse brings her delirious husband to the ER, then notices that his breath smells like mothballs. Entertainment - + Untold Stories of the ER - S04 : E05 Untold Stories of the ER - A doctor performs marathon surgery to reattach a left arm severed when a 7-year-old boy was struck by a truck. + S05 : E07 Untold Stories of the ER + A woman has a heart attack in the ER after being dragged from a house fire; a patient believes he has someone else's face; an untrained medical student must deliver a baby. Entertainment - + Untold Stories of the ER - S06 : E04 Untold Stories of the ER - A dialysis patient is bleeding and doctors can't get it to stop. A naked man falls onto a cactus. + S07 : E02 Untold Stories of the ER + A man is impaled through the skull with a crowbar, a woman has an internal worm infection and more. Entertainment - + Untold Stories of the ER - S04 : E02 Untold Stories of the ER - A woman is attacked by a mountain lion. A difficult lady has abdominal problems. + S06 : E02 Untold Stories of the ER + A six-year-old boy suffers a life-threatening stroke. A man has a camp stove stuck on his privates. Entertainment - + Untold Stories of the ER - S07 : E03 Untold Stories of the ER - A fraternity plagued with blue urine; a pregnant woman may lose her baby; a man's trip abroad nearly costs him his life. + S04 : E06 Untold Stories of the ER + The force of a tornado drove a fence picket through Julie's neck. Entertainment - + Untold Stories of the ER S05 : E03 Untold Stories of the ER A man screams incessantly for no reason; a mother is alert but ice cold; a young boy seems to have overdosed on drugs but denies it. Entertainment - + Untold Stories of the ER - S05 : E06 Untold Stories of the ER - A woman is bleeding internally; doctors must convince a surgeon to take a case; a woman with a knife in her chest. + S06 : E01 Untold Stories of the ER + A young man has a 2-inch pipe through his head. A young bride is bleeding uncontrollably. Entertainment - + Untold Stories of the ER - S05 : E01 Untold Stories of the ER - A doctor opens a nurse's chest and takes her heart in his hand in a desperate effort to save her life. + S06 : E06 Untold Stories of the ER + A stroke patient's wife and two girlfriends fight over him; soldiers who lost limbs in an IED explosion; a child's play bite. Entertainment - + Untold Stories of the ER - S04 : E15 Untold Stories of the ER - A four-pound steel hook impales a construction worker's skull. + S04 : E16 Untold Stories of the ER + A ruptured brain aneurysm threatens to kill the ER's medical director. Entertainment - + Untold Stories of the ER S07 : E09 Untold Stories of the ER A man dressed as Santa is near death and his wife asks to harvest his semen. Entertainment - + Untold Stories of the ER - S05 : E07 Untold Stories of the ER - A woman has a heart attack in the ER after being dragged from a house fire; a patient believes he has someone else's face; an untrained medical student must deliver a baby. + S04 : E14 Untold Stories of the ER + Snake bite expert Dr. Sean Bush faces his own nightmare when his two-year-old son is bitten by a rattlesnake. Entertainment - + Untold Stories of the ER - S05 : E05 Untold Stories of the ER - A nurse collapses in the ER; a father thinks there are maggots in his daughters hands; a patient says her liver is cursed. + S04 : E02 Untold Stories of the ER + A woman is attacked by a mountain lion. A difficult lady has abdominal problems. Entertainment - + Untold Stories of the ER - S04 : E06 Untold Stories of the ER - The force of a tornado drove a fence picket through Julie's neck. + S04 : E15 Untold Stories of the ER + A four-pound steel hook impales a construction worker's skull. + Entertainment + + + Untold Stories of the ER + S04 : E12 Untold Stories of the ER + A mother and son are brought in after a horrific car accident. + Entertainment + + + Untold Stories of the ER + S09 : E15 Untold Stories of the ER + A newlywed's hand gets stuck in an appliance and a woman appears to only have blood flow to half of her brain. + Entertainment + + + Untold Stories of the ER + S07 : E01 Untold Stories of the ER + A bridesmaid drinks herself into a dangerous coma, a man's eyeball pops out of his head and more. + Entertainment + + + Untold Stories of the ER + S08 : E03 Untold Stories of the ER + A deranged cowboy is drenched in sweat, saliva and urine - and no one knows why. + Entertainment + + + Untold Stories of the ER + S07 : E05 Untold Stories of the ER + A bride can't go through with her wedding because she feels possessed by creatures crawling in her head. + Entertainment + + + Untold Stories of the ER + S09 : E16 Untold Stories of the ER + Doctors are baffled when a stroke patient's heart keeps stopping and restarting without intervention. + Entertainment + + + Untold Stories of the ER + S08 : E10 Untold Stories of the ER + A convicted murder with paralysis; a father stabbed in the heart; a college cheerleader in cardiac arrest. + Entertainment + + + Untold Stories of the ER + S08 : E12 Untold Stories of the ER + An off-duty ER physician diagnoses his own critical illness while en route to the hospital. + Entertainment + + + Untold Stories of the ER + S09 : E10 Untold Stories of the ER + A man falls off a roof and is impaled by a shovel, a police officer has a heart attack and more. + Entertainment + + + Untold Stories of the ER + S07 : E02 Untold Stories of the ER + A man is impaled through the skull with a crowbar, a woman has an internal worm infection and more. + Entertainment + + + Untold Stories of the ER + S07 : E07 Untold Stories of the ER + A patient with a severe headache is seizing; a naked woman behaving badly; a wrestler vomits for days. + Entertainment + + + Untold Stories of the ER + S08 : E01 Untold Stories of the ER + A man crashes his car into a cow ending up covered in manure; a stiletto heel jammed into a woman's cheek; a patient dying of a broken heart. + Entertainment + + + Untold Stories of the ER + S08 : E14 Untold Stories of the ER + Doctors struggle to save a young man brought to the ER frozen and pulseless. Entertainment - + Untold Stories of the ER - S09 : E03 Untold Stories of the ER - A party attendee becomes paralyzed; a boy crushed by an ATV; a girl injects herself with epinephrine accidentally. + S09 : E15 Untold Stories of the ER + A newlywed's hand gets stuck in an appliance and a woman appears to only have blood flow to half of her brain. Entertainment - + Untold Stories of the ER S07 : E04 Untold Stories of the ER A patient can't remember the past 20 years and her doctor desperately needs to know what she's forgotten. Entertainment - + Untold Stories of the ER S08 : E11 Untold Stories of the ER A man who's been smashed by a dumpster barely clings to life. A nun and a prostitute come into the ER. Entertainment - + Untold Stories of the ER - S09 : E02 Untold Stories of the ER - Two skydivers are impaled by a fence post; multiple patrons stop breathing; a bride's finger gets stuck in a make-up jar. + S07 : E08 Untold Stories of the ER + A teen suffers from an ectopic pregnancy; a young mother goes in and out of flatline; a healthy patient refuses to leave the ER. Entertainment - + Untold Stories of the ER - S07 : E07 Untold Stories of the ER - A patient with a severe headache is seizing; a naked woman behaving badly; a wrestler vomits for days. + S08 : E04 Untold Stories of the ER + A belly dancer collapses while working; mending an elderly patient; a six year old girl has seizures. Entertainment - + Untold Stories of the ER - S08 : E10 Untold Stories of the ER - A convicted murder with paralysis; a father stabbed in the heart; a college cheerleader in cardiac arrest. + S09 : E05 Untold Stories of the ER + A man comes in apparently clawed by a tiger, a patient says he's been shot in the head and more. + Entertainment + + + Untold Stories of the ER + S09 : E11 Untold Stories of the ER + An unresponsive golfer needs immediate surgery, three near-naked adults wreak havoc in the ER and more. Entertainment - + Untold Stories of the ER - S09 : E09 Untold Stories of the ER - Two patients sustain bizarre fishing injuries, doctors make critical decisions after a car accident and more. + S09 : E07 Untold Stories of the ER + A teen's bulging tummy shocks nurses and doctors, a college co-ed mysteriously stops breathing and more. Entertainment - + Untold Stories of the ER S09 : E14 Untold Stories of the ER Three emergency deliveries in the ER cause a turf war, gunshot victims have a surprising connection and more. Entertainment - - Murder On The Jordan River - S03 : E17 Homicide: Hours To Kill - The badly battered body of 15-year-old Annie Kasprzak is found in a river outside Salt Lake City. As Utah detectives unravel a complex web of lies, a local drug dealer and the victim's mysterious boyfriend come under suspicion. + + Untold Stories of the ER + S07 : E05 Untold Stories of the ER + A bride can't go through with her wedding because she feels possessed by creatures crawling in her head. Entertainment - - Leo Little - S02 : E02 I Am A Killer - From behind bars, Leo Little confesses all about the the kidnap and shooting that got him a life sentence when he was just 17. + + Untold Stories of the ER + S08 : E06 Untold Stories of the ER + A psychiatric patient has an extreme love of pudding. A patient may be allergic to his girlfriend. Entertainment - - Linda Couch - S02 : E04 I Am A Killer - An exploration of the story of Linda Couch. She was sentenced to life in prison for the murder of her husband, but claimed the gun went off accidentally. + + Untold Stories of the ER + S09 : E04 Untold Stories of the ER + A hospital worker feels like she is dying; a physician's young son is her patient; wild mushroom picking. Entertainment - - Charles Armentrout - S02 : E07 I Am A Killer - Focusing on the murderer who spent over two decades denying that he was responsible for his grandmother's death, before drastically changing his story. + + Untold Stories of the ER + S07 : E04 Untold Stories of the ER + A patient can't remember the past 20 years and her doctor desperately needs to know what she's forgotten. Entertainment - - Gemma McCluskie - S08 : E03 Crimes That Shook Britain - The harrowing story of EastEnders actress Gemma McCluskie, who was murdered by her older brother in the flat they shared in East London in 2012. + + Untold Stories of the ER + S06 : E07 Untold Stories of the ER + Treatment of a young boy's broken leg turns into an investigation that may reveal child abuse. Entertainment - - Joanne Dennehy - S07 : E03 Crimes That Shook Britain - Dermot Murnaghan returns to uncover the truth behind the horrific crimes of Peterborough serial killer Joanna Dennehy. + + Untold Stories of the ER + S04 : E10 Untold Stories of the ER + A six-year-old girl is rushed to the ER with intermittent seizures. Entertainment - - Peter Tobin - S07 : E05 Crimes That Shook Britain - Peter Tobin is one of the most notorious serial killers in the UK. From 1991 to 2006 he raped and murdered three women, Dinah McNicol, Vicky Hamilton and Angelika Kluk. Prior to these horrific murders he had a history of violence. + + Untold Stories of the ER + S05 : E05 Untold Stories of the ER + A nurse collapses in the ER; a father thinks there are maggots in his daughters hands; a patient says her liver is cursed. + Entertainment + + + Untold Stories of the ER + S05 : E08 Untold Stories of the ER + An ER nurse brings her delirious husband to the ER, then notices that his breath smells like mothballs. Entertainment - - Keith Blakelock - S07 : E04 Crimes That Shook Britain - Keith Blakelock is murdered during a riot on a housing estate in North London triggered after a black woman died of heart failure during a house search; Keith received more than 40 injuries during the sustained attack from a number of rioters. + + Untold Stories of the ER + S04 : E08 Untold Stories of the ER + A skier clings to life after slamming into a tree at 50mph. + Entertainment + + + Untold Stories of the ER + S05 : E04 Untold Stories of the ER + A college student collapses in the ER; a man is caught between his wife and mistress; a grandmother wakes up after being pronounced dead. + Entertainment + + + Untold Stories of the ER + S06 : E08 Untold Stories of the ER + An older patient with prolonged CPR; a stabbing victim on the street; a doctor's dream job becomes a nightmare. + Entertainment + + + Untold Stories of the ER + S07 : E09 Untold Stories of the ER + A man dressed as Santa is near death and his wife asks to harvest his semen. Entertainment @@ -16635,64 +21104,172 @@ When a Missouri insurance salesman is shot dead, the list of suspects includes his left-behind wife and several clients. Entertainment - - I Saw It: Big Foot And Beyond 1 - S01 : E01 I Saw It: Bigfoot and Beyond - Cowboys Bob Gimlin and Roger Patterson claim to have found huge human-like footprints in remote Northern California. + + House Of Horror + S03 : E01 Homicide: Hours To Kill + When 16-year-old Cassie Jo Stoddart was looking after relatives in Idaho, she was ambushed and stabbed several times. Investigators come across a video confession and a macabre plot straight out of a horror movie. + Entertainment + + + Living With A Murderer And Feared I Would Be Next #3 + S04 : E03 Britain's Darkest Taboos + In 1998, a Sikh woman, Sarbjit Kaur Athwal, played witness to the arranged murder of her sister-in-law, Surjit Kaur Athwal, who was ordered to be killed by their mother-in-law, Bachan Kaur. Entertainment - - I Saw It: Big Foot And Beyond 2 - S01 : E02 I Saw It: Bigfoot and Beyond - Two cowboys continue their journey in search of tangible proof of the existence of Bigfoot. + + My Mum Was Stabbed To Death By My Son #6 + S04 : E06 Britain's Darkest Taboos + Pat Regan is viciously stabbed by her grandson, Rakeim Regan. Pat, whose son had been killed in a gang shooting years earlier, is attacked by the perpetrator, who she has been caring for after he was admitted to hospital. Entertainment - - Discovering Bigfoot - S01 : E01 Discovering Bigfoot - Journey into the heart of Sasquatch Country with Todd Standing ("Survivorman Bigfoot"). Experience three incredible days in the field with bigfoot researchers and experts as they encounter a real life Sasquatch. + + Surviving Rape + S01 : E09 Cut To The Crime + Surviving Rape: A survivor of rape, Tanaka Mhishi wrote about his story in the book Sons and Others. Today, he works with SurvivorsUK to help male and non-binary victims. (S1, ep 9) Entertainment - - I Saw It: Big Foot And Beyond 1 - S01 : E01 I Saw It: Bigfoot and Beyond - Cowboys Bob Gimlin and Roger Patterson claim to have found huge human-like footprints in remote Northern California. + + James Bulger + S03 : E04 Crimes That Shook Britain + The mother of two-year-old James Bulger reflects on the murder of her son by young friends Jon Venables and Robert Thompson in 1993. Entertainment - - I Saw It: Big Foot And Beyond 2 - S01 : E02 I Saw It: Bigfoot and Beyond - Two cowboys continue their journey in search of tangible proof of the existence of Bigfoot. + + Crime Scene Cleaner + S01 : E04 Cut To The Crime + Crime Scene Cleaner: After quitting finance, Stacey Foyster became a crime scene cleaner. Here, she reveals how it helps families and explains the need for a strong stomach. (S1, ep 4) Entertainment - - Alien Origins - S03 : E01 Alien Files Unsealed - What are UFOs? Are they spacecraft? Do they travel vast distances to reach planet Earth? From mysterious planets at the edge of the Solar System, to epic journeys beyond the boundaries of time and space. + + Almost A Perfect Murder + S03 : E08 Homicide: Hours To Kill + After a grandmother suddenly dies of a suspicious illness, the autopsy reveals that she was poisoned. The case takes a surprising turn when a series of anonymous letters refer to the victim's son. Entertainment - - Astronaut Encounters - S03 : E03 Alien Files Unsealed - In the 1960s we too our first steps into a vast new realm-bound for the Moon. But NASA astronauts would soon find they weren't the only ones out there. + + The BabySitter and the Cyber Killer + S05 : E03 Nightmare in Suburbia + The tragic story of 19-year-old Katy Briscoe, who was stabbed to death after her killer set up fake Facebook identities to gain her trust. Entertainment - - Atmospheric Anomalies - S03 : E04 Alien Files Unsealed - Some experts believe many atmospheric light shows are actually caused by extraterrestrials. Do they pose an imminent threat to humanity? Join us as the alien secrets behind atmospheric anomalies. + + Sally Anne Bowman + S03 : E05 Crimes That Shook Britain + Examines the murder of 18-year-old Sally Anne Bowman, who was stabbed in Croydon in 2005, including interviews with Bowman's family and the detectives who solved the case. Entertainment - - Alien Apocalypse - S03 : E05 Alien Files Unsealed - Millions of people believe extraterrestrial live on Earth. Are the aliens here to enlighten us or destroy us? What if the worst-case scenario happened? What would aliens do? And how would they do it? + + Confessions of a Killer + S04 : E02 Nightmare in Suburbia + A look at the shocking murder of 65-year-old Maureen Cosgrove. She was killed by her daughter's partner in her £800,000 home in London in 2009. Entertainment - - Top 10 Military Encounters - S03 : E06 Alien Files Unsealed - They're our first line of defense in the darkest of times. And they're often the first responders to threats from another world. Over the past 70 years the world's military forces have come face to face with thousands of UFOs. + + Body in the Freezer + S04 : E04 Nightmare in Suburbia + A look at the shocking death of pub landlady Rebecca Thorpe. She was found murdered in a freezer in the quiet Norfolk village of Snettisham in 2010. + Entertainment + + + Love, Greed & Betrayal + S05 : E01 Nightmare in Suburbia + Those involved in the case discuss how Stephen Seddon committed the cold-blooded murder of his parents to collect a £230,000 inheritance. + Entertainment + + + The Sat Nav Killer + S05 : E05 Nightmare in Suburbia + Detectives discuss how they caught the killer of 29-year-old Vitalija Baliutaviciene, who was kidnapped on her way to work in Peterborough in 2011. + Entertainment + + + The BabySitter and the Cyber Killer + S05 : E03 Nightmare in Suburbia + The tragic story of 19-year-old Katy Briscoe, who was stabbed to death after her killer set up fake Facebook identities to gain her trust. + Entertainment + + + Kimberly Greene-Medina + S01 : E01 Green Eyed Killers + The murder of a toddler by Michael Medina led to the truth about his wife's death. + Entertainment + + + Skylar Neese + S01 : E02 Green Eyed Killers + Security footage provides evidence in the mysterious death of teenager Skylar Neese. + Entertainment + + + Dana Mackay + S01 : E03 Green Eyed Killers + A look at how Dana Mackay became the victim of a murder for hire plot. + Entertainment + + + Ashley Mead + S01 : E04 Green Eyed Killers + A brutal murder trail leads across three states as police search for Ashley Mead. + Entertainment + + + Raul Ortiz + S01 : E05 Green Eyed Killers + A look at how a thoughtless fight led to Erin Robertson facing a murder charge. + Entertainment + + + Sarah Ludemann + S01 : E06 Green Eyed Killers + An exploration of how teenager Rachel Wade ended up stabbing her ex's new girlfriend. + Entertainment + + + Sally Anne Bowman + S03 : E05 Crimes That Shook Britain + Examines the murder of 18-year-old Sally Anne Bowman, who was stabbed in Croydon in 2005, including interviews with Bowman's family and the detectives who solved the case. + Entertainment + + + Rachel Nickell + S03 : E06 Crimes That Shook Britain + A hard-hitting look at the shocking murder of Rachel Nickell, who was sexually assaulted and stabbed to death in front of her young son on Wimbledon Common in 1992. + Entertainment + + + Murder In Wisconsin Field + S01 : E06 Murder Masterminds + "When Nicole VanderHeyden was found shot to death in a Wisconsin farm field, policeimmediately arrested her live-in boyfriend who had waited 18 hours to report her missing andhad a history of domestic violence. But his Fitbit device proved he had been asleep at the timeNicole was killed and a man she met at a bar became a prime suspect." + Entertainment + + + Murder At The Mall + S01 : E07 Murder Masterminds + Murder at the Mall: Over three decades after 18-year-old Michelle Martinko was found stabbed to death in a shopping mall car park, a suspect emerges and a murder trial begins. + Entertainment + + + The Farmer's Wife + S01 : E08 Murder Masterminds + The Farmer's Wife: When a woman is found murdered in her farmhouse kitchen, detectives must decipher whether her killer was her abusive husband... or his son. + Entertainment + + + Murder In The Barnyard + S01 : E09 Murder Masterminds + Murder In The Barnyard: A hog farmer claims his wife fell on a four-pronged corn rake and died - but there's a hole in his story and his wife's body holds the clue. + Entertainment + + + Killing Momma + S01 : E10 Murder Masterminds + Killing Momma: The story of Gypsy Lee Blanchard. Confined to a wheelchair and lavished with gifts from charities, everything changed when her mother was found dead and Gypsy vanished. + Entertainment + + + Murder In Wisconsin Field + S01 : E06 Murder Masterminds + "When Nicole VanderHeyden was found shot to death in a Wisconsin farm field, policeimmediately arrested her live-in boyfriend who had waited 18 hours to report her missing andhad a history of domestic violence. But his Fitbit device proved he had been asleep at the timeNicole was killed and a man she met at a bar became a prime suspect." Entertainment @@ -17001,36 +21578,250 @@ Hunting for Trouble: The woods are known hotbeds of ghostly activity, but those who go hunting for ghosts without proper training often get more than they bargained for. Entertainment - - Gangster Number 1 : The Freddie Foreman Story - In this documentary, Freddie Foreman reveals the details of all the crimes that made him "Gangster No.1". + + Beast In The Woods + S01 : E03 Evil Encounters + Interviews with people who claim that the legend of Bigfoot is no legend at all and that the creature is very real and threatening. Entertainment - - John Gotti - S01 : E04 Mafia's Greatest Hits - John Gotti, an American mobster, took control of the Gambino family by ordering the death of its former head + + Touched By The Devil + S01 : E04 Evil Encounters + For centuries, stories of Satan have come from all over the world, but today some people claim that he and his worshippers haunt the woods of Ohio and North Carolina. Entertainment - - The Unperfect Crime - The story of the serio-comic 1997 Loomis-Fargo armoured heist and its bumbling underdog perpetrators. + + The Legend Of Mothman + S01 : E05 Evil Encounters + Despite tales of being linked to a deadly bridge collapse, some people still hunt the creature known as Mothman. Entertainment - - Hunting The KGB Killers - The story of Alexander Litvinenko's murder in London and the international manhunt that led to the Kremlin. + + Phantom Revenge + S01 : E06 Evil Encounters + A border patrol agent encounters the vengeful ghost of a murdered colleague; paranormal sleuths make contact with angry spirits while investigating the site of an old asylum with a horrific past. Entertainment - - Who Killed Lt. Van Dorn? - Lt. Wes Van Dorn's wife seeks explanation for his death after a helicopter crash off Virginia coast. + + Episode 12 + S01 : E12 Alien Files Unsealed + Investigate released documents regarding alien and UFO encounters, made accessible to the public in 2011 by the Freedom of Information Act. We investigate mass UFO sightings, personal abductions, government cover-ups and breaking alien news from around the world. We delve into the "photoshopping" of space, the value of Wikileaks, and the role social media plays in alien stories. Entertainment - - Trial Of The Century - S02 : E12 The New Detectives - Forensic scientists reconstructed events, but evidence is not reliable. + + Nazis Today + S01 : E17 Conspiracy Files Unsealed + Conspiracy Files considers the theory that Adolph Hitler survived the end of the World War II. It looks at Operation Paperclip which allowed many Nazi scientists to come to the United States and considers Hitler possible escape to Argentina with assistance from the FBI. It also discusses continued Nazi influence in history. + Entertainment + + + Anti-Christ + S01 : E09 Conspiracy Files Unsealed + The Great Deceiver. Seducer of the masses. The Bringer of Armageddon. Every culture and religion on the planet believes that an evil one will usher in the end of days. But who is this Anti-Christ? + Entertainment + + + Rise Of The Machines + S01 : E10 Conspiracy Files Unsealed + We rely on machines for virtually every aspect of modern life. Have we reached the point where we need them more than they need us? There may be a time where we are no longer at the top of the evolutionary food chain. + Entertainment + + + Stargate Portals + S01 : E11 Conspiracy Files Unsealed + Conspiracy Files examines whether ancient civilizations had access to Stargates that allowed for travel through space and time. It also considers whether Nazi were searching for a Startgate in Antarctica and whether the United States were looking for one in Iraq. + Entertainment + + + Top 10 Conspiracies Of All Time + S01 : E12 Conspiracy Files Unsealed + Conspiracy Files counts down the top 10 conspiracies of all time: (10) the moon landing hoax, (9) MK Ultra mind control experiments, (8) the secret Area 51 air force base, (7) the H.A.A.R.P. antenna installation, (6) Chemtrails in the atmosphere, (5) the New World Order, (4) the Jesus was married conspiracy, (3) the Roswell incident, (2) Hitler's Death, and (1) the JFK assassination. + Entertainment + + + Secret Alien Attack + S01 : E18 Conspiracy Files Unsealed + Conspiracy Files examines whether the United States government is preparing for a possible alien attack. It looks at a recent report of a joint naval mission by the U.S. and China to combat a hostile alien force over the Pacific Ocean. + Entertainment + + + Secret Government Warehouses + S01 : E20 Conspiracy Files Unsealed + Conspiracy Files looks at some of the secret government warehouses of the United States. It looks at Fort Knox gold depository and asks whether the gold there has been removed. It also examines Hangar 18 at Wright Patterson Air Force base in Ohio and whether it contains crashed alien craft or the Nazi Die Glocke. + Entertainment + + + Global Depopulation + S01 : E21 Conspiracy Files Unsealed + Conspiracy Files examines a conspiracy that may be seeking to eradicate 90% of the world's population. It looks at the Georgia Guidestones built by an unknown architect which call for humanity to reduce its population to below 500 million. + Entertainment + + + America's Flying Saucer + S01 : E22 Conspiracy Files Unsealed + Conspiracy Files examines whether the United State military has constructed flying saucers. It looks at unclassified documents describing Project 1794 and a supersonic large disk fighter aircraft. These plans are later developed by a Canadian company Avro Aircraft into the Avrocar. + Entertainment + + + Doomsday + S01 : E01 Conspiracy Files Unsealed + Conspiracy Files looks at a number of end-of-the-world scenarios and considers the inevitability of doomsday. It also looks at the question of whether world governments would conspire with each other to cover up knowledge of the end-of-the-world. + Entertainment + + + Mind Control + S01 : E03 Conspiracy Files Unsealed + There is a battle going on for your mind. From the Cold War to the TV set, someone wants to control what you think, how you act and what you believe. We'll reveal the new practices in mind control. + Entertainment + + + New World Order + S01 : E04 Conspiracy Files Unsealed + Since the dawn of man, the few have tried to control the fate of the many. But is there really an elite group of power brokers trying to rule the planet? And if so, who is behind this New World Order? + Entertainment + + + Haarp + S01 : E06 Conspiracy Files Unsealed + New developments in science and research have invented equipment that may have much more sinister capabilities than we are being led to believe. Are governments around the world using weather control to incite the next World War? + Entertainment + + + Cloning + S01 : E07 Conspiracy Files Unsealed + The past few decades have been filled with stunning technological advancement. Animal cloning has been a reality for decades but the disturbing experiments going on behind close doors will shock you. + Entertainment + + + Bigfoot + S01 : E08 Conspiracy Files Unsealed + Is this half man, half ape simply a figment of our collective imagination or does he really exist? As the evidence begins to pile up maybe we should be asking - who has been keeping this from us? + Entertainment + + + Anti-Christ + S01 : E09 Conspiracy Files Unsealed + The Great Deceiver. Seducer of the masses. The Bringer of Armageddon. Every culture and religion on the planet believes that an evil one will usher in the end of days. But who is this Anti-Christ? + Entertainment + + + Rise Of The Machines + S01 : E10 Conspiracy Files Unsealed + We rely on machines for virtually every aspect of modern life. Have we reached the point where we need them more than they need us? There may be a time where we are no longer at the top of the evolutionary food chain. + Entertainment + + + Stargate Portals + S01 : E11 Conspiracy Files Unsealed + Conspiracy Files examines whether ancient civilizations had access to Stargates that allowed for travel through space and time. It also considers whether Nazi were searching for a Startgate in Antarctica and whether the United States were looking for one in Iraq. + Entertainment + + + Top 10 Conspiracies Of All Time + S01 : E12 Conspiracy Files Unsealed + Conspiracy Files counts down the top 10 conspiracies of all time: (10) the moon landing hoax, (9) MK Ultra mind control experiments, (8) the secret Area 51 air force base, (7) the H.A.A.R.P. antenna installation, (6) Chemtrails in the atmosphere, (5) the New World Order, (4) the Jesus was married conspiracy, (3) the Roswell incident, (2) Hitler's Death, and (1) the JFK assassination. + Entertainment + + + Remote Viewing + S01 : E13 Conspiracy Files Unsealed + Conspiracy Files looks at how the Soviet Union and the United States sponsored experiments in remote viewing during the Cold War. It also looks at how the CIA spent $20 million dollars investigating remote viewing as a part of Project Stargate. + Entertainment + + + America's Alien Wars + S01 : E15 Conspiracy Files Unsealed + Conspiracy Files examines whether the United States has been involved in a secret conflict with alien forces for the past fifty years. It looks at the Battle of Los Angeles and the Roswell Incident. It also discusses the theory that President Eisenhower made a treaty with alien race. + Entertainment + + + Time Travel + S01 : E16 Conspiracy Files Unsealed + Conspiracy Files examines whether time travel is real and, if it is, whether it is under the control of a mysterious elite. It examines the mysterious South Fork Bridge photo which purports to show a man out of time. It also looks at theories that claim that the Nazis developed a time travel device during World War II. + Entertainment + + + Nazis Today + S01 : E17 Conspiracy Files Unsealed + Conspiracy Files considers the theory that Adolph Hitler survived the end of the World War II. It looks at Operation Paperclip which allowed many Nazi scientists to come to the United States and considers Hitler possible escape to Argentina with assistance from the FBI. It also discusses continued Nazi influence in history. + Entertainment + + + Westall’66: A Suburban UFO Mystery + S01 : E01 Westall’66: A Suburban UFO Mystery + Documentary lifting the lid on the mystery of a UFO witnessed by hundreds of students, teachers and local residents before being silenced by authorities four years ago. + Entertainment + + + UFO Town + S01 : E01 UFO Town + Investigating a decades-old claim that a UFO crashed in a field near Ottawa, Canada. + Entertainment + + + Phoenix Lights + S01 : E06 Craig Charles: Ufo Conspiracies + In 1997, over the city of Phoenix, Arizona, a mass UFO sighting took place. Thousands of people witnessed a series of bright orange orbs moving in formation silently overhead. Craig and Sarah take on the extraordinary 'Phoenix Lights' case. + Entertainment + + + Chicago + S01 : E07 Craig Charles: Ufo Conspiracies + Craig and Sarah take on the extraordinary Chicago O'Hare case of November 2006, a mass sighting of a flying saucer hovering over a United Airlines airport gate. The incident was witnessed by multiple aviation professionals, pilots and passengers. + Entertainment + + + Episode 5 + S01 : E05 Alien Files Unsealed + Investigate released documents regarding alien and UFO encounters, made accessible to the public in 2011 by the Freedom of Information Act. We investigate mass UFO sightings, personal abductions, government cover-ups and breaking alien news from around the world. We delve into the "photoshopping" of space, the value of Wikileaks, and the role social media plays in alien stories. + Entertainment + + + Episode 6 + S01 : E06 Alien Files Unsealed + Investigate released documents regarding alien and UFO encounters, made accessible to the public in 2011 by the Freedom of Information Act. We investigate mass UFO sightings, personal abductions, government cover-ups and breaking alien news from around the world. We delve into the "photoshopping" of space, the value of Wikileaks, and the role social media plays in alien stories. + Entertainment + + + Alien Apocalypse + S03 : E05 Alien Files Unsealed + Millions of people believe extraterrestrial live on Earth. Are the aliens here to enlighten us or destroy us? What if the worst-case scenario happened? What would aliens do? And how would they do it? + Entertainment + + + Top 10 Military Encounters + S03 : E06 Alien Files Unsealed + They're our first line of defense in the darkest of times. And they're often the first responders to threats from another world. Over the past 70 years the world's military forces have come face to face with thousands of UFOs. + Entertainment + + + Alien Skies + S03 : E07 Alien Files Unsealed + Every day, millions take to the sky in commercial flights all over the world. But decades of evidence have revealed we may not be the world's only frequent flyers. Are we in danger of losing control of our skies to extraterrestrial beings? + Entertainment + + + The Next Wave + S03 : E08 Alien Files Unsealed + It's the stuff of nightmares. Emergency lines flooded with calls as UFOs appear in the sky. Mounting evidence has revealed that UFO waves are able to penetrate the world's most closely guarded airspace. + Entertainment + + + Curse of Osiris + S01 : E01 Strange Evidence + A camera captures a person inexplicably bursting into flames, an ancient statue at a museum appears to come to life at night and an alien-like creature is filmed in the sewers. + Entertainment + + + Attack of the Fire Devil + S01 : E02 Strange Evidence + A man is recorded surviving two lightning strikes moments apart, cameras spot strange lights in the sky in Norway and a bizarre, glowing object is caught on tape at a museum, leaving some to wonder if it's an alien artifact. + Entertainment + + + Chasing Bigfoot + S01 : E03 Strange Evidence + An eerie creature is recorded stalking Georgia's ancient forest, terrifying explosions rock the streets of Manhattan and cameras record a mysterious object diving into a deadly volcano. Entertainment @@ -17290,64 +22081,158 @@ A couple passed on in nearness, apparently safe, prompting doubt. Entertainment - - Episode 19 - S01 : E19 Deal or No Deal - The contestant picks one case which is theirs to keep, if they choose, until its unsealing at the end of the game. As each of the 25 cases is opened, the likelihood of the player having a valuable cash amount in their case decreases or increases, with ‘the Banker’ tempting the player throughout the game. (19 out of 39) + + Hidden Obsessions + S09 : E01 The New Detectives + Investigators are baffled by torso and finger found in dumpster. Entertainment - - Episode 20 - S01 : E20 Deal or No Deal - The contestant picks one case which is theirs to keep, if they choose, until its unsealing at the end of the game. As each of the 25 cases is opened, the likelihood of the player having a valuable cash amount in their case decreases or increases, with ‘the Banker’ tempting the player throughout the game. (20 out of 39) + + Blind Trust + S09 : E02 The New Detectives + Killers build trust in victims before attacking them. Entertainment - - Episode 21 - S01 : E21 Deal or No Deal - The contestant picks one case which is theirs to keep, if they choose, until its unsealing at the end of the game. As each of the 25 cases is opened, the likelihood of the player having a valuable cash amount in their case decreases or increases, with ‘the Banker’ tempting the player throughout the game. (21 out of 39) + + Ring Of Deceit + S03 : E01 Murder She Solved + A woman's body is found with her engagement ring missing and oddly tied shoelaces which help solve the case. Entertainment - - Episode 22 - S01 : E22 Deal or No Deal - The contestant picks one case which is theirs to keep, if they choose, until its unsealing at the end of the game. As each of the 25 cases is opened, the likelihood of the player having a valuable cash amount in their case decreases or increases, with ‘the Banker’ tempting the player throughout the game. (22 out of 39) + + Never A Doubt + S03 : E02 Murder She Solved + A woman investigates her mothers murder. Her hunt for the killer leads to a shocking discovery. Entertainment - - Episode 23 - S01 : E23 Deal or No Deal - The contestant picks one case which is theirs to keep, if they choose, until its unsealing at the end of the game. As each of the 25 cases is opened, the likelihood of the player having a valuable cash amount in their case decreases or increases, with ‘the Banker’ tempting the player throughout the game. (23 out of 39) + + Not Forgotten + S03 : E03 Murder She Solved + A man's body is found in an apartment fire. Drops of blood collected, help catch the murderer 15 years later. Entertainment - - Episode 25 - S01 : E25 Deal or No Deal - The contestant picks one case which is theirs to keep, if they choose, until its unsealing at the end of the game. As each of the 25 cases is opened, the likelihood of the player having a valuable cash amount in their case decreases or increases, with ‘the Banker’ tempting the player throughout the game. (25 out of 39) + + When Death Knocks + S03 : E04 Murder She Solved + A woman makes the deadly decision to show her high-end home to a killer posing as a prospective buyer. Entertainment - - Episode 26 - S01 : E26 Deal or No Deal - The contestant picks one case which is theirs to keep, if they choose, until its unsealing at the end of the game. As each of the 25 cases is opened, the likelihood of the player having a valuable cash amount in their case decreases or increases, with ‘the Banker’ tempting the player throughout the game. (26 out of 39) + + All Hands on Deck + S01 : E01 TO CATCH A KILLER + Harris County Sheriff's Detective Mike Ritchie investigates a deadly missing persons case Entertainment - - Episode 27 - S01 : E27 Deal or No Deal - The contestant picks one case which is theirs to keep, if they choose, until its unsealing at the end of the game. As each of the 25 cases is opened, the likelihood of the player having a valuable cash amount in their case decreases or increases, with ‘the Banker’ tempting the player throughout the game. (27 out of 39) + + The Monkey on My Back + S01 : E02 To Catch A Killer + New York State Police Investigator Jim Horton forms a lifelong friendship with notorious burglar Gary Evans Entertainment - - Episode 39 - S01 : E39 Deal or No Deal USA Season 01 (Syndicated Version) - Contestants get a chance to win money, from one penny to $1 million. + + Running with the Devil + S01 : E03 To Catch A Killer + Three years after a Florida mother's disappearance, a jail house confession offers answers Entertainment - - Episode 39 - S01 : E39 Deal or No Deal USA Season 01 (Syndicated Version) - Contestants get a chance to win money, from one penny to $1 million. + + Jack the Ripper: London's Most Notorious Killer + The "Jack the Ripper" murders remain unsolved, with conspiracy theories ranging from British Royalty to low. + Entertainment + + + Episode 1 + S01 : E01 Serial Psyche + Cynthia Veal, a serial killer, was chained up in 1999 after being raped and tortured + Entertainment + + + Episode 2 + S01 : E02 Serial Psyche + The text explores the motives of serial killers, specifically the case of 18-year-old Samantha Koenig + Entertainment + + + Shattered Vows + S09 : E03 The New Detectives + Rescue workers save a couple trapped in a car crash. + Entertainment + + + Fatal Impressions + S09 : E04 The New Detectives + Detectives use a rare technique to identify a woman's killer. + Entertainment + + + Misplaced Loyalty + S09 : E05 The New Detectives + Victim's best friend cleaned out bank account. + Entertainment + + + Murder At The Farmhouse + S03 : E05 Murder She Solved + The town is shocked when the bodies of a dairy farmer and his wife are found at their country home in Enderby. + Entertainment + + + The Face Of Justice + S03 : E06 Murder She Solved + Detectives use a forensic anthropologist in an investigation when body parts are found in the Wisconsin river. + Entertainment + + + Northern Nightmare + S03 : E07 Murder She Solved + FBI help to solve this baffling case after a nurse disappears from home and only her abandoned car is found. + Entertainment + + + Kansas Killer + S03 : E08 Murder She Solved + The grandson of murder victim Edna Walton convinces investigators to take another look at this cold case. + Entertainment + + + The Real Tim Wicks + S01 : E04 To Catch A Killer + Detective Kent Schoonover is investigating a murder and lies-related case at Hales Corners + Entertainment + + + When a Killer Calls + S01 : E05 To Catch A Killer + A teenager is murdered on Christmas night, and detective Mike works tirelessly to bring the killer to justice. + Entertainment + + + In Broad Daylight + S01 : E06 To Catch A Killer + Murder of a skilled killer who consistently outsmarts a skilled killer after a beloved florist's death + Entertainment + + + Code of Silence + A documentary about the Boston Bandits gang in the 1990’s known for armored car and bank robberies. + Entertainment + + + Episode 3 + S01 : E03 Serial Psyche + Harold Shipman, a respected doctor, was murdered by his own patients and angels of death + Entertainment + + + Episode 4 + S01 : E04 Serial Psyche + Milwaukee police are investigating mass murder evidence, including human bodies, an acid bath + Entertainment + + + Killing Time + S09 : E06 The New Detectives + Authorities use reverse DNA testing to identify remains and solve old crimes. Entertainment @@ -17752,58 +22637,160 @@ Contestants get a chance to win money, from one penny to $1 million. Entertainment - - Hoarders - S02 : E12 Dennis and Nadene / Erin and Malinda - Dennis and his wife Nadene are compulsive hoarders. + + Episode 2 + S02 : E02 Deal Or No Deal USA + Contestants get a chance to win money, from one penny to $1 million. Entertainment - - Hoarders - S02 : E13 Claudie - This family of 14 was the Brady Bunch of the block. + + Episode 3 + S02 : E03 Deal Or No Deal USA + Contestants get a chance to win money, from one penny to $1 million. Entertainment - - Hoarders - S03 : E01 Michelle / Kim - The small paths in Michelle's house are the only way to her collection of birds. + + Episode 4 + S02 : E04 Deal Or No Deal USA + Contestants get a chance to win money, from one penny to $1 million. Entertainment - - Hoarders - S02 : E08 Janet / Christina - Janet's picture perfect life crumbled when her husband of 32 years. + + Episode 18 + S03 : E18 Deal Or No Deal USA + Contestants get a chance to win money, from one penny to $1 million. Entertainment - - Hoarders - S02 : E09 Gail / Warren - Gail's house is literally falling in around her. + + Episode 21 + S03 : E21 Deal Or No Deal USA + Contestants get a chance to win money, from one penny to $1 million. Entertainment - - Hoarders - S02 : E10 Tra / Jill - Tra is a 40 year-old firefighter living two separate lives. + + Episode 22 + S03 : E22 Deal Or No Deal USA + Contestants get a chance to win money, from one penny to $1 million. Entertainment - - Hoarders - S02 : E11 June / Doug - 28-year-old June lives in a mobile home filled with keepsakes. + + Episode 26 + S03 : E26 Deal Or No Deal USA + Contestants get a chance to win money, from one penny to $1 million. Entertainment - - Hoarders - S02 : E12 Dennis and Nadene / Erin and Malinda - Dennis and his wife Nadene are compulsive hoarders. + + Episode 27 + S03 : E27 Deal Or No Deal USA + Contestants get a chance to win money, from one penny to $1 million. Entertainment - - Hoarders - S02 : E13 Claudie - This family of 14 was the Brady Bunch of the block. + + Episode 28 + S03 : E28 Deal Or No Deal USA + Contestants get a chance to win money, from one penny to $1 million. + Entertainment + + + Episode 29 + S03 : E29 Deal Or No Deal USA + Contestants get a chance to win money, from one penny to $1 million. + Entertainment + + + Episode 30 + S03 : E30 Deal Or No Deal USA + Contestants get a chance to win money, from one penny to $1 million. + Entertainment + + + Episode 31 + S03 : E31 Deal Or No Deal USA + Contestants get a chance to win money, from one penny to $1 million. + Entertainment + + + Episode 32 + S03 : E32 Deal Or No Deal USA + Contestants get a chance to win money, from one penny to $1 million. + Entertainment + + + Episode 33 + S03 : E33 Deal Or No Deal USA + Contestants get a chance to win money, from one penny to $1 million. + Entertainment + + + Episode 34 + S03 : E34 Deal Or No Deal USA + Contestants get a chance to win money, from one penny to $1 million. + Entertainment + + + Episode 35 + S03 : E35 Deal Or No Deal USA + Contestants get a chance to win money, from one penny to $1 million. + Entertainment + + + Episode 37 + S03 : E37 Deal Or No Deal USA + Contestants get a chance to win money, from one penny to $1 million. + Entertainment + + + Episode 38 + S03 : E38 Deal Or No Deal USA + Contestants get a chance to win money, from one penny to $1 million. + Entertainment + + + Episode 39 + S03 : E39 Deal Or No Deal USA + Contestants get a chance to win money, from one penny to $1 million. + Entertainment + + + Episode 40 + S03 : E40 Deal Or No Deal USA + Contestants get a chance to win money, from one penny to $1 million. + Entertainment + + + Episode 41 + S03 : E41 Deal Or No Deal USA + Contestants get a chance to win money, from one penny to $1 million. + Entertainment + + + Episode 42 + S03 : E42 Deal Or No Deal USA + Contestants get a chance to win money, from one penny to $1 million. + Entertainment + + + Episode 43 + S03 : E43 Deal Or No Deal USA + Contestants get a chance to win money, from one penny to $1 million. + Entertainment + + + Episode 45 + S03 : E45 Deal Or No Deal USA + Contestants get a chance to win money, from one penny to $1 million. + Entertainment + + + Episode 5 + S02 : E05 Deal Or No Deal USA + Contestants get a chance to win money, from one penny to $1 million. + Entertainment + + + Episode 6 + S02 : E06 Deal Or No Deal USA + Contestants get a chance to win money, from one penny to $1 million. Entertainment @@ -18148,118 +23135,172 @@ Roy is facing $20 million in fines from the county. Entertainment - - Rickmansworth 4 - S07 : E32 Dickinson's Real Deal - Rickmansworth 4: Join presenter David Dickinson as more collectors try to sell their items to dealers. Will they strike a deal or take a chance at auction? + + Hoarders + S03 : E20 Mary / Mary Ann + Mary has blown through over $200,000 of an inheritance. Entertainment - - Cagey Dealing - S04 : E14 The Liquidator: Cash King - When Jeff finds out a risky high-tech deal he bought is worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, will he flip it for fast cash or go for the gold? + + Hoarders + S03 : E21 Hanna / Kathy and Gary + Hanna has hoarded herself and her 200 chickens out of her house. Entertainment - - Cut Me A Deal - S04 : E15 The Liquidator: Cash King - Cut Me A Deal: A collector brings in a couple of heavies to intimidate Jeff into giving him a good deal. + + Hoarders + S03 : E22 Glen / Lisa + A collection of 2500 free-roaming rats have hoarded Glen out of his home. Entertainment - - Desperate Measures - S04 : E17 The Liquidator: Cash King - Desperate Measures: A competitor shows up at Jeff's door with a truckload of mattresses. Can Jeff get them at a low price? + + Hoarders + S04 : E01 Phyllis / Janet + Every room in Phyllis' house is packed with dolls. Entertainment - - Jaded - S04 : E18 The Liquidator: Cash King - Jaded: Jeff thinks Jade is the best-looking woman in the furniture business. Will his heart rule his head when she offers him a deal? + + Hoarders + S04 : E02 Billy Bob / Jean + The hoard has strained relationships with his children and his wife. Entertainment - - Clean Sweep - S04 : E19 The Liquidator: Cash King - Clean Sweep: Jeff helps out a charity by buying a carful of clothes he doesn't want. Will he be able to trick an inexperienced liquidator into getting him out of the deal? + + Hoarders + S04 : E03 Season #2 Follow Up: Augustine, Judi, Dennis & Nadene, Bob, Deborah + In this special Hoarders follow-up episode we check in on the progress. Entertainment - - Sweeten The Deal - S04 : E20 The Liquidator: Cash King - Sweeten the Deal: Jeff's tries to sell a load of candy that will expire in just a few days. Can he pull off a sweet deal - or will things go sour? + + Hoarders + S04 : E04 Roy / Loretta + Roy is facing $20 million in fines from the county. Entertainment - - The Blind Side - S04 : E21 The Liquidator: Cash King - The Blind Side: When a partner makes a deal using Jeff's money for a load of dirty restaurant equipment, it's up to Jeff to get it sold - fast. + + Hoarders + S03 : E20 Mary / Mary Ann + Mary has blown through over $200,000 of an inheritance. Entertainment - - Floor Your Friends - S04 : E22 The Liquidator: Cash King - Floor Your Friends: Jeff puts Tom in charge of a huge hardwood flooring deal. Will he rise to the challenge, or raise Jeff's blood pressure? + + Hoarders + S03 : E21 Hanna / Kathy and Gary + Hanna has hoarded herself and her 200 chickens out of her house. Entertainment - - Eyes Of The Prize - S04 : E23 The Liquidator: Cash King - Eyes on the Prize: Dirty Dave appears with a nice looking table. Jeff may do surprisingly well out of his unexpected appearance, as he is keen on another item. (S4, ep 10) + + Hoarders + S03 : E22 Glen / Lisa + A collection of 2500 free-roaming rats have hoarded Glen out of his home. Entertainment - - The Right Combination - S04 : E24 The Liquidator: Cash King - The Right Combination: When Jeff puts out a call for coin-operated lockers, he finds himself with hundreds more than he needs, and no place to store them. (S4, ep 11) + + Hoarders + S04 : E01 Phyllis / Janet + Every room in Phyllis' house is packed with dolls. Entertainment - - Worth His Salt - S04 : E25 The Liquidator: Cash King - Worth His Salt: When Jeff forgets to book staff for an auction he's forced to step in as cashier, clerk, lock cracker and auctioneer. (S4, ep 12) + + Hoarders + S04 : E02 Billy Bob / Jean + The hoard has strained relationships with his children and his wife. Entertainment - - Profit Wars - S04 : E26 The Liquidator: Cash King - Profit Wars: Jeff has a heap of weapons he wants to turn into quick cash. But will his associate Sam help him out - or turn him over? (S4, ep 13) + + Hoarders + S04 : E03 Season #2 Follow Up: Augustine, Judi, Dennis & Nadene, Bob, Deborah + In this special Hoarders follow-up episode we check in on the progress. + Entertainment + + + Hoarders + S04 : E04 Roy / Loretta + Roy is facing $20 million in fines from the county. + Entertainment + + + Hoarders + S03 : E20 Mary / Mary Ann + Mary has blown through over $200,000 of an inheritance. + Entertainment + + + Hoarders + S03 : E21 Hanna / Kathy and Gary + Hanna has hoarded herself and her 200 chickens out of her house. + Entertainment + + + Hoarders + S03 : E22 Glen / Lisa + A collection of 2500 free-roaming rats have hoarded Glen out of his home. + Entertainment + + + Hoarders + S04 : E01 Phyllis / Janet + Every room in Phyllis' house is packed with dolls. + Entertainment + + + Hoarders + S04 : E02 Billy Bob / Jean + The hoard has strained relationships with his children and his wife. + Entertainment + + + Hoarders + S04 : E03 Season #2 Follow Up: Augustine, Judi, Dennis & Nadene, Bob, Deborah + In this special Hoarders follow-up episode we check in on the progress. Entertainment - - Oh No He Didn't - S07 : E12 Hardcore Pawn - Les loses his temper when the kids suggest he sells their failing second store. With the family's livelihood at stake, Seth puts a sneaky plan into action. + + Hoarders + S04 : E04 Roy / Loretta + Roy is facing $20 million in fines from the county. + Entertainment + + + Hoarders + S03 : E20 Mary / Mary Ann + Mary has blown through over $200,000 of an inheritance. + Entertainment + + + Hoarders + S03 : E21 Hanna / Kathy and Gary + Hanna has hoarded herself and her 200 chickens out of her house. Entertainment - - Oh Yes He Did - S07 : E13 Hardcore Pawn - Ashley is pulled into the fray as Seth's plan to sell the Pontiac shop hits a snag. Then a meeting with a buyer leaves them in a life-changing situation. + + Hoarders + S03 : E22 Glen / Lisa + A collection of 2500 free-roaming rats have hoarded Glen out of his home. Entertainment - - Family Matters - S08 : E01 Hardcore Pawn - Finding it hard to forgive Seth for trying to sell his business, Les locks himself in his office. Meanwhile, a fight breaks out on the pawn shop floor. + + Hoarders + S04 : E01 Phyllis / Janet + Every room in Phyllis' house is packed with dolls. Entertainment - - Pay To Play - S08 : E02 Hardcore Pawn - Les is caught in a dilemma over the authenticity of a rare guitar. With no expert on hand, he's forced to go with his gut... + + Hoarders + S04 : E02 Billy Bob / Jean + The hoard has strained relationships with his children and his wife. Entertainment - - Unforgiven - S08 : E03 Hardcore Pawn - Rich makes a glaring error that could see him fired. Plus, a kooky cowboy arrives at the counter and Ashley reacts to bad manners in the pawn shop queue + + Hoarders + S04 : E03 Season #2 Follow Up: Augustine, Judi, Dennis & Nadene, Bob, Deborah + In this special Hoarders follow-up episode we check in on the progress. Entertainment - - Shell Game - S08 : E04 Hardcore Pawn - The Golds are forced to take action when they spot a hustler scamming their customers in the car park. Later, Seth and Ashley finally come to blows. + + Hoarders + S04 : E04 Roy / Loretta + Roy is facing $20 million in fines from the county. Entertainment @@ -18688,58 +23729,262 @@ Drama Online Part 1: When Ashley helps Seth use the internet, all hell breaks lose when she puts a rare Olympic torch from Seth's personal collection up for sale. Entertainment - - EPISODE 2 - S02 : E02 EDUCATING - This programme follows the fall out of a chance clash between the queen bee of the “cool group” and a member of the quieter crowd. + + Growing Pains + S11 : E04 Hardcore Pawn + Growing Pains: Les has the opportunity to get his hands on truckloads of brand new goods that could change the store forever. Entertainment - - EPISODE 3 - S02 : E03 EDUCATING - The School focuses on two strikingly similar boys: one nearing his final year and another who is only just starting out at secondary school. + + Scent Of Deception + S11 : E03 Hardcore Pawn + Scent of Deception: When Ashley smells cannabis in the warehouse, the hunt is on to find out who the drugs culprit is. Will Les's big cash reward bring out the snitches? Entertainment - - Episode 3 - S02 : E03 Criminal Confessions - On May 7, 2017, David, Cheri and their daughter went to visit their good friend, + + Fishing For Trouble + S11 : E02 Hardcore Pawn + Fishing For Trouble: Les and Ashley are tempted to take a chance on the world's largest fishing lure, but Seth thinks it will be a tough sell. Entertainment - - Episode 1 - S02 : E01 Criminal Confessions - Billy Payne JR. and Billie Jean Hayworth met while working together. + + Leeds 3 + S07 : E66 Dickinson's Real Deal + Leeds 3: Join presenter David Dickinson as more collectors try to sell their items to dealers. Will they strike a deal - or take a chance at auction instead? Entertainment - - Cold Justice Confessions - S03 : E14 Criminal Confessions - In1981 a mother vanishes from the Hernando woods and the case goes cold. + + Chester 3 + S07 : E33 Dickinson's Real Deal + Chester 3: Join presenter David Dickinson as more collectors try to sell their items to dealers. Will they strike a deal or take a chance at auction? Entertainment - - Hacksaw Ridge - S02 : E02 Real Story of... - The fact and fiction of the film Hacksaw Ridge, based on the exploits of Desmond Doss, + + Sweeten The Deal + S04 : E20 The Liquidator: Cash King + Sweeten the Deal: Jeff's tries to sell a load of candy that will expire in just a few days. Can he pull off a sweet deal - or will things go sour? + Entertainment + + + The Blind Side + S04 : E21 The Liquidator: Cash King + The Blind Side: When a partner makes a deal using Jeff's money for a load of dirty restaurant equipment, it's up to Jeff to get it sold - fast. + Entertainment + + + Floor Your Friends + S04 : E22 The Liquidator: Cash King + Floor Your Friends: Jeff puts Tom in charge of a huge hardwood flooring deal. Will he rise to the challenge, or raise Jeff's blood pressure? + Entertainment + + + Eyes Of The Prize + S04 : E23 The Liquidator: Cash King + Eyes on the Prize: Dirty Dave appears with a nice looking table. Jeff may do surprisingly well out of his unexpected appearance, as he is keen on another item. (S4, ep 10) + Entertainment + + + Lawyer Up Son + S07 : E10 Hardcore Pawn + The shop lands itself in trouble when a customer calls in their lawyer to settle a huge row over a fake receipt. Fortunately, Les has a trick up his sleeve. ( + Entertainment + + + Seth's Big Bet + S07 : E11 Hardcore Pawn + Ashley challenges Seth to a unique competition in the pawn shop. Should he lose, the world will hear the one thing he's been fighting to keep a secret. + Entertainment + + + Bristol 1 + S07 : E50 Dickinson's Real Deal + Join presenter David Dickinson as more collectors try to sell their items to dealers. Will they strike a deal or take a chance at auction? + Entertainment + + + Doncaster 1 + S07 : E70 Dickinson's Real Deal + Doncaster 1: Join presenter David Dickinson as more collectors try to sell their items to dealers. Will they strike a deal - or take a chance at auction instead? + Entertainment + + + New Blood + S11 : E13 Hardcore Pawn + New Blood: Les has stainless steel jewellery coming to the shop, which Ashley refuses to sell. But Ashley and Seth's cousin Karen turns up and overrules her. + Entertainment + + + Rich Returns? + S07 : E01 Hardcore Pawn + After his sacking last series, Rich returns to the shop in a last-ditch effort to win back his job. Seth continues his attempt to takeover the store. + Entertainment + + + The Shocker + S07 : E02 Hardcore Pawn + An electric chair gives Rich the chance to curry favour with Les. Seth hatches a scheme that could make a fortune for the store. But will it work in practice? + Entertainment + + + Million Dollar Story + S07 : E03 Hardcore Pawn + Pawn shop owner Les hears a killer story from a group of clients. But are they to be trusted? Later, he also makes a very important discovery. + Entertainment + + + Amy Got Back + S07 : E04 Hardcore Pawn + Seth is shocked when Les brings back ex-pawn shop employee Amy. He later spots a mistake that could cost the store thousands of dollars. Is she to blame? + Entertainment + + + Tripped Out Cash + S07 : E05 Hardcore Pawn + There's trouble in the shop as a woman catches her boyfriend secretly trying to flog her ring. Plus, Les lays his hands on some priceless rock memorabilia. + Entertainment + + + Motor Mouth + S07 : E06 Hardcore Pawn + Les is tempted to break one of the pawn shop's biggest rules, when a fast-talking client catches him off guard. + Entertainment + + + Cold Blooded Robbery + S07 : E07 Hardcore Pawn + Les ignores Ashley's cries to up security after she finds a potential robber hiding in the shop fridge. It's a move he may regret come nightfall. + Entertainment + + + Les' Spending Spree + S07 : E08 Hardcore Pawn + Les can't stop buying, even though the store room is piled sky-high. In danger of being dubbed a hoarder, he faces big pressure to make some sales. + Entertainment + + + Burmese Or Busted? + S07 : E09 Hardcore Pawn + Les gets excited over a jar of powdered gold. He believes it's worth thousands. But is it valuable or just eyeshadow? An explosive acid test reveals all. + Entertainment + + + Lawyer Up Son + S07 : E10 Hardcore Pawn + The shop lands itself in trouble when a customer calls in their lawyer to settle a huge row over a fake receipt. Fortunately, Les has a trick up his sleeve. ( + Entertainment + + + Seth's Big Bet + S07 : E11 Hardcore Pawn + Ashley challenges Seth to a unique competition in the pawn shop. Should he lose, the world will hear the one thing he's been fighting to keep a secret. + Entertainment + + + Doncaster 1 + S07 : E70 Dickinson's Real Deal + Doncaster 1: Join presenter David Dickinson as more collectors try to sell their items to dealers. Will they strike a deal - or take a chance at auction instead? + Entertainment + + + Tatton Park 1 + S07 : E69 Dickinson's Real Deal + Tatton Park 1: Join presenter David Dickinson as more collectors try to sell their items to dealers. Will they strike a deal - or take a chance at auction instead? + Entertainment + + + Grantham 3 + S07 : E68 Dickinson's Real Deal + Grantham 3: Join presenter David Dickinson as more collectors try to sell their items to dealers. Will they strike a deal - or take a chance at auction instead? + Entertainment + + + Bristol 4 + S07 : E67 Dickinson's Real Deal + Bristol 4: Join presenter David Dickinson as more collectors try to sell their items to dealers. Will they strike a deal - or take a chance at auction instead? + Entertainment + + + Leeds 3 + S07 : E66 Dickinson's Real Deal + Leeds 3: Join presenter David Dickinson as more collectors try to sell their items to dealers. Will they strike a deal - or take a chance at auction instead? + Entertainment + + + Walsall 4 + S07 : E51 Dickinson's Real Deal + Join presenter David Dickinson as more collectors try to sell their items to dealers. Will they strike a deal or take a chance at auction? + Entertainment + + + Leighton Buzzard 3 + S07 : E52 Dickinson's Real Deal + Join presenter David Dickinson as more collectors try to sell their items to dealers. Will they strike a deal or take a chance at auction? + Entertainment + + + Witney 2 + S07 : E40 Dickinson's Real Deal + Join presenter David Dickinson as more collectors try to sell their items to dealers. Will they strike a deal or take a chance at auction? Entertainment - - Robert Napper 'Green Chain Walk Rapist' - S06 : E05 Born To Kill? - Napper shockingly savage serial murders of three women and a child in South-East London. + + Tatton Park 5 + S07 : E41 Dickinson's Real Deal + Join presenter David Dickinson as more collectors try to sell their items to dealers. Will they strike a deal or take a chance at auction? Entertainment - - Levi Bellfield ‚'The Bus Stop Killer‚' - S06 : E06 Born To Kill? - The Bus Stop Killer Levi Bellfield targeted women using public transport in London. + + Cut Me A Deal + S04 : E15 The Liquidator: Cash King + Cut Me A Deal: A collector brings in a couple of heavies to intimidate Jeff into giving him a good deal. Entertainment - - Sean Vincent Gillis - S06 : E07 Born To Kill? - Sean Gillis callously took the lives of eight women in Louisiana. + + Desperate Measures + S04 : E17 The Liquidator: Cash King + Desperate Measures: A competitor shows up at Jeff's door with a truckload of mattresses. Can Jeff get them at a low price? + Entertainment + + + Jaded + S04 : E18 The Liquidator: Cash King + Jaded: Jeff thinks Jade is the best-looking woman in the furniture business. Will his heart rule his head when she offers him a deal? + Entertainment + + + Clean Sweep + S04 : E19 The Liquidator: Cash King + Clean Sweep: Jeff helps out a charity by buying a carful of clothes he doesn't want. Will he be able to trick an inexperienced liquidator into getting him out of the deal? + Entertainment + + + Sweeten The Deal + S04 : E20 The Liquidator: Cash King + Sweeten the Deal: Jeff's tries to sell a load of candy that will expire in just a few days. Can he pull off a sweet deal - or will things go sour? + Entertainment + + + The Blind Side + S04 : E21 The Liquidator: Cash King + The Blind Side: When a partner makes a deal using Jeff's money for a load of dirty restaurant equipment, it's up to Jeff to get it sold - fast. + Entertainment + + + Floor Your Friends + S04 : E22 The Liquidator: Cash King + Floor Your Friends: Jeff puts Tom in charge of a huge hardwood flooring deal. Will he rise to the challenge, or raise Jeff's blood pressure? + Entertainment + + + Eyes Of The Prize + S04 : E23 The Liquidator: Cash King + Eyes on the Prize: Dirty Dave appears with a nice looking table. Jeff may do surprisingly well out of his unexpected appearance, as he is keen on another item. (S4, ep 10) + Entertainment + + + The Right Combination + S04 : E24 The Liquidator: Cash King + The Right Combination: When Jeff puts out a call for coin-operated lockers, he finds himself with hundreds more than he needs, and no place to store them. (S4, ep 11) Entertainment @@ -19084,124 +24329,190 @@ Born To Kill? takes an in-depth look at the world's most notorious murderers. Entertainment - - Jail - S06 : E39 Occupied By Psoriasis - An intoxicated man claims to be connected to the occupy Wall Street movement. Officers struggle with a combative man, and a tearful candy thief is taken into custody. + + EPISODE 7 + S02 : E07 EDUCATING + This week we see first-hand the lengths that a school will go to to keep a student in mainstream education. Entertainment - - Jail - S04 : E10 Fragrant & Flagrant - A cologne salesman boasts and promotes his "magic potion". A man bloodies his neighbor in a one-sided feud. Taking an illegal drug has an unexpected consequence to one man’s face. Open Booking becomes a stage as one woman launches her singing career. + + EPISODE 8 + S02 : E08 EDUCATING + It's the final months of school and the Year 11 students are preparing for life beyond Thornhill. Entertainment - - Jail - S01 : E15 Rowdy Redneck - An inmate is subdued for refusing to follow commands. A woman accused of running out on a dinner bill has her jewelry sawed off in jail. After issuing criminal terrorist threats, a man is jailed. + + Waterloo + S01 : E08 Criminal Confessions + Waterloo Police Dispatch receives a report that a truck has hit a fence. Entertainment - - Jail - S03 : E09 That Bites - In Sarasota, FL an unruly detainee is sent to isolation, twice. In Multnomah county a young man feverishly waits for his release. In Portland, OR a man is jailed for bitting his girlfriend. + + Episode 4 + S02 : E04 Criminal Confessions + Heather Strong is a hard working mother who loves her kids deeply. Entertainment - - Jail - S06 : E24 Messy Mascara - Tempers flare up when two agitated inmates share a cell. An intoxicated woman gives officers a hard time in booking, and a hustler facing DUI charges wants to change his ways. + + A Helpful Witness + S03 : E13 Criminal Confessions + Kim Allen is found murdered in her home. Entertainment - - Jail - S01 : E03 Melee in the Cell - A brawl breaks out between inmates during a routine jail breakfast. An inmate alters their uniform in provocative and outlandish ways. Concerns abound as one-man issues violent threats at deputies. + + American Sniper + S01 : E04 Real Story of... + Is Hollywood‚Äôs 'American Sniper' a true portrait of Chris Kyle? Entertainment - - Jail - S01 : E24 Cell Fight Suicide - A cell brawl escalates quickly. After being arrested on her wedding night, a woman has deep regrets and serious reflection. Officers free a man from his own noose and place him on a vigilant watch. + + Episode 3 + S01 : E03 Born Different + After years of shaving her body hair, 38-year-old Rose has been living with a beard. Entertainment - - Jail - S06 : E21 Mad About Everybody - An inmate's flirting calms a jailhouse fight. An inebriated man tries to avoid his eighth DUI by claiming his car was stolen, and a disagreement over Faecbook puts a couple in jail. + + Episode 4 + S01 : E04 Born Different + Jennifer was born with an Arteriovenous Malformation on her face. Entertainment - - Jail - S04 : E04 Duel of Nitwits - Officers outwit a man who refuses to give his name. A repeat DUI offender is jailed yet again. An intoxicated man is taken into custody and once the alcohol wears off he reveals that he’s broken his sobriety. + + Episode 5 + S01 : E05 Born Different + Devan has MRKH, a condition which means she was born without a vagina. Entertainment - - Jail - S05 : E12 Throw in the Towel - A man arrested for domestic violence threatens to put all the officers in jail. Inmates on kitchen duty get into a fist fight over a dish towel. A woman unsure about her sexual identity is arrested for trespassing at a friend’s home. Officers find an unusual bit of clothing when a man is changed into a jail uniform. + + Episode 6 + S01 : E06 Born Different + Sara Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome causes her skin to be extremely wrinkled and saggy. Entertainment - - Jail - S02 : E08 International Police - An angry man refuses to cooperate during the booking process. A man claims to be part of the “international police”. + + EPISODE 9 + S02 : E09 EDUCATING + Channel 4 goes back to school at Thornhill Community Academy to catch up with some of the best-loved characters from Educating Yorkshire. Entertainment - - Jail - S06 : E33 Little Big Man - A dominatrix is arrested for playing rough. A father is accused of assaulting his daughter's boyfriend, and an inmate's negative attitude leads to trouble. + + EPISODE 10 + S02 : E10 EDUCATING + One year on we’ll revisit the charismatic teachers and pupils who made an impact on the nation in Educating Yorkshire. Where are they now? Entertainment - - Jail - S01 : E01 Caught On Camera - Two men are found fighting on security cameras. Meanwhile, an impromptu tattoo jail parlor is discovered and shut down. Later, a Russian man and his mysterious friend are excited to be in a U.S. jail. + + The Worst Betrayal + S03 : E08 Criminal Confessions + A sheriff's deputy discovers a missing woman murdered in the backyard. Entertainment - - Jail - S04 : E22 Rave & Rage - A party of three girls are brought in after having been arrested for possession at a nearby music festival. Drugs are found on the person of a music festival attendee during intake. A slightly older party goer is taken into custody for possession. + + Episode 6 + S02 : E06 Criminal Confessions + Kathy Lujan is a hard working mother who loves her kids deeply and works hard. Entertainment - - Jail - S06 : E11 The Wild One - A woman is brought in for attacking her boyfriend. A talkative inmate is moved to isolation, and an daring inmate attempts to escape his restraints. + + Episode 5 + S02 : E05 Criminal Confessions + Alisha Sidie is the mother of twin toddler boys with Doug Sidie. Entertainment - - Jail - S06 : E28 King of Karate - An intoxicated man thinks the doctors are CIA agents. A homeless karate practitioner's actions land him in an isolated cell, and a Canadian man with no pants wants to arm wrestle. + + Serpico + S04 : E06 Real Story of... + In 1970 the New York City Police Department was rocked by the allegations of corruption. Entertainment - - Jail - S04 : E05 Superhero Citing - A Batman impressionist is arrested after punching Chewbacca. A broken arm doesn’t stop a woman from struggling with officers. A man finds out it’s better to pay the fine then do the time. A woman involved in an affair with an older gentleman claims she was set up. + + Boston Strangler + S03 : E04 Real Story of... + A string of women are found raped and strangled in Boston‚Äôs Back Bay neighborhood. Entertainment - - Jail - S02 : E16 Mr. Crisp - A woman is brought into the detention center hogtied. A disruptive teen is sent to a holding cell. Casino valets tip the authorities about an intoxicated woman leaving behind the wheel. + + Episode 3 + S01 : E03 Born Different + After years of shaving her body hair, 38-year-old Rose has been living with a beard. Entertainment - - Jail - S04 : E14 One Too Many Times - A man learns it’s never a good idea to light up a joint next to an active crime scene. An officer encourages a young drug addicted couple to seek treatment. Luck runs out for a tutu-wearing prostitute, and officers pick up an at-risk kid for their 93rd time. + + Episode 4 + S01 : E04 Born Different + Jennifer was born with an Arteriovenous Malformation on her face. Entertainment - - Jail - S05 : E16 Lone Star Clown - Officers warn a man that dressing up like a clown in Texas is not a good idea. A shotgun is found in the hoodie of a man arrested for riding his bicycle without a headlight. A young couple wonders how pot ended up in their possession. Officers are surprised at the amazing amount of pot one can smoke. + + Episode 5 + S01 : E05 Born Different + Devan has MRKH, a condition which means she was born without a vagina. + Entertainment + + + Episode 6 + S01 : E06 Born Different + Sara Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome causes her skin to be extremely wrinkled and saggy. + Entertainment + + + EPISODE 9 + S02 : E09 EDUCATING + Channel 4 goes back to school at Thornhill Community Academy to catch up with some of the best-loved characters from Educating Yorkshire. + Entertainment + + + EPISODE 10 + S02 : E10 EDUCATING + One year on we’ll revisit the charismatic teachers and pupils who made an impact on the nation in Educating Yorkshire. Where are they now? + Entertainment + + + The Worst Betrayal + S03 : E08 Criminal Confessions + A sheriff's deputy discovers a missing woman murdered in the backyard. + Entertainment + + + Episode 6 + S02 : E06 Criminal Confessions + Kathy Lujan is a hard working mother who loves her kids deeply and works hard. + Entertainment + + + Episode 5 + S02 : E05 Criminal Confessions + Alisha Sidie is the mother of twin toddler boys with Doug Sidie. + Entertainment + + + Serpico + S04 : E06 Real Story of... + In 1970 the New York City Police Department was rocked by the allegations of corruption. + Entertainment + + + Episode 5 + S07 : E05 Born To Kill? + Born To Kill? takes an in-depth look at the world's most notorious murderers. + Entertainment + + + Episode 6 + S07 : E06 Born To Kill? + Born To Kill? takes an in-depth look at the world's most notorious murderers. + Entertainment + + + Trevor Hardy + S08 : E01 Born To Kill? Class of Evil + Trevor Hardy‚Äôs brutal murder of three teenage girls left a nation in shock. + Entertainment + + + Bill Suff + S08 : E02 Born To Kill? Class of Evil + During the early 1990‚Äôs Bill Suff murdered at least 12 women in Riverside County. Entertainment @@ -19906,118 +25217,352 @@ A fight involving female detainees breaks out after one woman accuses the other of staring at her. A man is arrested for shattering the hotel glass door as a result of a fight. An old crooner believes that rap stars are going to bail him out of jail. Handcuffs don’t stop a woman from trying to flirt with an officer. Entertainment - - Cops - S22 : E17 Backseat Denial - An officer struggles with a man reaching for something in his pocket. A man won’t cop to the gun in his backseat. Police arrive on the scene when a man threatens to shoot his wife. + + Jail + S01 : E03 Melee in the Cell + A brawl breaks out between inmates during a routine jail breakfast. An inmate alters their uniform in provocative and outlandish ways. Concerns abound as one-man issues violent threats at deputies. Entertainment - - Cops - S13 : E32 Lamping - Officers pursue two suspects who were believed to have been involved in a robbery. Police attend to a man who has injected a concerning amount of methamphetamine. Officers break up a fight in progress involving two men outside a convenience store. + + Jail + S03 : E16 I'm Not Jane Doe + In Salt Lake City, UT a lewd woman is jailed. In Las Vegas, NV a man is placed in the restraining chair after attempting to bite his own fingers off. In Portland, OR a man is brought in for possession. In Sarasota, FL a homeless man is brought in for trespassing and battery. Entertainment - - Cops - S21 : E11 Nerves of Noodles - A man tells deputies the pants he has on aren’t his. Officers are called to the scene of men firing an AK-47. A nervous driver fesses up to the deputy who stopped him. + + Jail + S05 : E05 Overflowed + An inmate claims to be the victim of an internet scam which led to his arrest. Officers take it easy on a rowdy inmate struggling through a spiritual crisis. Years of prison time can’t sway a young gang affiliate from changing his ways. Prisoners cause plumbing problems to send a message. A mother and daughter bond over being locked up together. Entertainment - - Cops - S23 : E19 Nightvision - A man on a late-night bike ride is stopped by officers for not having a headlamp. A suspect in a domestic dispute admits to hitting a woman. A man doesn’t deal with being laughed at by his neighbor in a peaceful way. + + Jail + S04 : E22 Rave & Rage + A party of three girls are brought in after having been arrested for possession at a nearby music festival. Drugs are found on the person of a music festival attendee during intake. A slightly older party goer is taken into custody for possession. Entertainment - - Cops - S22 : E04 No Respect these Days - A combative man at a fast food restaurant claims his phone was stolen. Multiple illegal items are found on a man parked on the side of the road. An intoxicated man throws an 83-year-old’s walker. + + Jail + S06 : E31 Biting Comments + An inmate becomes aggressive during a routine pat down. A confused senior citizen thinks the detention center is the site of a poetry slam, and two girlfriends come to blows while gambling. Entertainment - - Cops - S21 : E34 Blame my Man - A man runs from police claiming he heard a gunshot. A woman lays the blame on her boyfriend. Officers confront a man who refuses to come down from a roof. + + Jail + S05 : E20 Stairway to Jail + After falling down a flight of stairs while drunk, a young man is amazed he is in jail for refusing to go to the hospital. A correction officer tries to explain to a young man why carrying a gun-shaped knife is not a good idea. An expectant father is arrested after a gin-fueled rampage at his parent's house and misses the birth of his first child. A woman arrested for selling fake designer purses as real ones says she didn’t know it was a crime. Entertainment - - Cops - S22 : E13 Bike for Sale - A deputy pursues a man who fled from a traffic stop. A deputy chases a suspicious man leaving an apartment complex. Two men claim they are trying sell a bike during a traffic stop. + + Jail + S05 : E12 Throw in the Towel + A man arrested for domestic violence threatens to put all the officers in jail. Inmates on kitchen duty get into a fist fight over a dish towel. A woman unsure about her sexual identity is arrested for trespassing at a friend’s home. Officers find an unusual bit of clothing when a man is changed into a jail uniform. Entertainment - - Cops - S13 : E20 Hot Pursuit - A dangerous pursuit between Officers and a known meth dealer ends in an arrest. A suspect with several felony warrants is apprehended without incident. A pursuit involving a stolen motorcycle exceeds speed of 100mph. + + Jail + S06 : E12 Housing Fight + Needles are found on one woman while a stun gun is discovered on another. A DUI test stirs up bad memories for a man driving while intoxicated, and a convicted murderer becomes violent. Entertainment - - Cops - S25 : E15 Find My Phone - A suspect fights back with his teeth during an arrest. A man tries to get revenge for his lost cell phone. A woman claims her neighbor slashed her tires for no reason. + + Jail + S02 : E02 Party's Over + In San Diego, CA an officer grapples with a combative detainee. In Portland, OR six party goers are taken into custody. In Fort Worth, TX a high-risk inmate manages to get the key to his handcuffs. Entertainment - - Cops - S13 : E03 Settling Debts - Two cousins fight over a five dollar debt. Police arrest a man for domestic violence. A taxi cab driver is robbed and shot. + + Jail + S01 : E33 Moneybags + Three inmates start brawling inside the drunk tank. One man must wear a mask so that officers can avoid his rain of spit. A young woman fails to take jail seriously and behaves provocatively. Entertainment - - Cops - S23 : E04 In-Law Problems - US Marshals are tasked with finding a young boy that has been kidnapped for ransom. A man suspected of dealing contraband is reported by his ex-girlfriends mother. Officers raid a home looking for a dangerous fugitive. + + Jail + S01 : E13 Meth Rage + Officers conduct a strip search after an inmate is accused of carrying contraband. A repeat offender dances for deputies and fellow inmates. High on meth, a man acts erratically during booking. Entertainment - - Cops - S14 : E17 Reckless Runners - Suspects lead Officers on a reckless car chase on residential streets. Police tend to a woman assaulted by her inebriated friend. A DWI suspect is found relieving himself in a public port-a-potty. + + Jail + S02 : E09 Hopeless Hooker + An uncooperative woman is placed in a restraint chair. A troubled woman with a drug addiction is brought in on prostitution charges. One man is taken to a sobering cell to sleep off his intoxication. Entertainment - - Cops - S21 : E05 Dyed in the Wool - A suspect selling narcotics takes off on foot. A bank robber leaves his wallet in an abandoned money bag. Multiple domestic violence calls end in arrests + + Jail + S04 : E18 High Strung Celly + Officers transfer an over caffeinated suspect to isolation so he can unwind. A man arrested for DUI while doing donuts in a mall parking lot asserts he was robbed. A jaywalking Utah man claims someone hit him on the head. A disgruntled detainee lands a sucker punch on a fellow inmate. Entertainment - - Cops - S15 : E35 Crooked as a Fish Hook - A reverse drug operation proves successful for officers in both Tampa, FL and Palm Beach County, FL. Officers are in search of a suspect responsible for burglary. + + Jail + S01 : E37 Fearless + Toting his guitar, an inmate serenades the officers. One man protests his arrest and states that having cocaine is not a crime. A man claims to be an Iraqi War Veteran and challenges his detainment. Entertainment - - Cops - S23 : E13 High Jump Fail - A family with kids is taken on a high speed car chase. A intoxicated suspect tries to jump a fence while protesting that he’s not trying to run away. A jealous boyfriend terrorizes his girlfriend and her parents. + + Jail + S04 : E19 Sage Wiz-dumb + A woman arrested 45 times gives advice to recently released drug users. Two Australian brothers can’t understand why playing a game of “footie” in a hotel hallway would land them in jail. A drunken nightclub security guard wrecks his scooter. Entertainment - - Cops - S15 : E07 Chainsaw Man - Detectives find a loaded gun while searching a vehicle. Local residents complain about a loud neighbor. A man is spotted walking down a road with a saw. + + Jail + S04 : E08 Wedlock-Up + A man fresh out of prison tries to prove how tough he is. A drunk woman rages against everyone in her path. A couple’s wedding plans are ruined after officers find their stash of meth, and an arrest leaves an elderly gentleman singing the blues after being processed for a possession charge. Entertainment - - Cops - S22 : E22 Multiple Identities - Officers recover a small bag of drugs from a crying suspect. A drunk woman hides a second ID in her back pocket. Police stop a vehicle that hit a patrol car. + + Jail + S02 : E05 Bad Boys + Deputies assist arresting officers by removing an angry man from their patrol car. Violent outbursts plague an arrest. One woman struggles with bail. Three drunk men become wildly emotional. Entertainment - - Cops - S13 : E23 Nudged Out - Officers pursue a male suspect in a speeding truck and ultimately force the vehicle off the road, the suspect is taken into custody without injury. Officers respond to a domestic abuse call. Officers are called to a home where a dead body is found. + + Jail + S06 : E15 Chair Houdini + An intoxicated inmate escapes his restraints. A young woman denies she abused her mother, and a guard removes an inmate who is causing a disturbance. Entertainment - - Cops - S13 : E36 New Digs - A hit and run call results in the intoxicated suspect being coaxed out of his car at gun-point. Officers respond to a stabbing and the victim is rushed to the hospital by paramedics. Officers give a tour of a newly renovated jail in Maricopa County, AZ. + + Jail + S01 : E18 2 Beers Too Many + A man arrested during a dangerous drug deal struggles to face jail time. Tempers flare when a man makes threats against the arresting officers. Marijuana falls out of a man’s pockets during booking. + Entertainment + + + Jail + S06 : E08 Cousins + A woman is charged with possession of a controlled substance. A woman denies assaulting her husband, and two aggressive cousins threaten police and end up in isolation. + Entertainment + + + Jail + S03 : E04 Pull It Together + In Sarasota, FL a man is sent to intake for indecent exposure. In Spokane, WA a man threatening bodily harm to himself is placed in a restraining chair. In Salt Lake City, UT an intoxicated woman fades in and out of coherency. In Portland, OR an amputee is detained for dodging the subway toll. + Entertainment + + + Jail + S04 : E02 Humility & Tranquility + Cousins come to jail together but only one leaves. Officers contend the best they can with an unruly inmate. Naked meditation in a parking lot lands a street artist in jail. + Entertainment + + + Jail + S01 : E26 Pigeonholed + A man attacks a medical officer and officers rush to intervene. After destroying a tree and unleashing pigeons, a woman is arrested. Unease is caused by a man’s menacing glare during his booking. + Entertainment + + + Jail + S06 : E39 Occupied By Psoriasis + An intoxicated man claims to be connected to the occupy Wall Street movement. Officers struggle with a combative man, and a tearful candy thief is taken into custody. + Entertainment + + + Jail + S06 : E19 Observers + Boisterous inmates are placed in restraints after initiating several verbal altercations. A woman struggles with substance abuse following the death of her fianc̩, and two young escorts discuss their "observing" strategy when casino hopping. + Entertainment + + + Jail + S03 : E01 Mean Marine + In Sarasota, FL officers place a hostile former Marine in isolation. In Portland, OR officers take a man into custody for joyriding in a stolen car. In Las Vegas, NV a jailed man is more concerned about the condition of his car rather than the people involved in the accident that was hospitalized. + Entertainment + + + Jail + S06 : E22 Two Drunk Guys + A night of karaoke results in a domestic-violence charge, and a drunk inmate starts a fight with his cellmate. + Entertainment + + + Jail + S06 : E28 King of Karate + An intoxicated man thinks the doctors are CIA agents. A homeless karate practitioner's actions land him in an isolated cell, and a Canadian man with no pants wants to arm wrestle. + Entertainment + + + Jail + S04 : E16 Alien Among Us + A man believes he is an alien wrongfully arrested for obstruction. Claiming to be a law school student, a man just doesn’t understand why he was arrested for trespassing. A woman claims she swallowed her friend’s pills for good reason. A family reunion ends with a bruised and bloodied husband. + Entertainment + + + Jail + S03 : E14 Jail Songbird + In Portland, OR a man in custody accuses officers of being involved in the 1992 event at Ruby Ridge. In Sarasota, FL a drunk man falls off his bike and purports to have been hit by a car. In Las Vegas, LV a daring inmate attempts to make a break for it while the supervising officers attend to a disturbance. + Entertainment + + + Jail + S02 : E01 Running Wild + A disorderly man shouts to the heavens and asks for divine intervention. Twin brothers are arrested after a fray with police. A man in women’s clothing is booked after harassing passengers on a bus. + Entertainment + + + Jail + S04 : E01 Big Bites + Officers struggle with an angry man after he kicks out a patrol car window. A relationship ends when a woman takes a bite out of her boyfriend. An upset wife stabs her husband and he ends up in handcuffs. A woman is happy to celebrate her birthday by going to jail. + Entertainment + + + Jail + S02 : E03 Hat Thief + Headbutts and aggression abound during a jail fight. A young man is arrested after stealing $1,500 worth of hats. Officers discover a suicidal inmate who’s no longer taking his medication. + Entertainment + + + Jail + S02 : E11 Tuxedo Man + Officers have difficulty booking an incomprehensible man. A commotion at a church ends in arrest. A man wearing a tuxedo is detained after mocking officers for wearing “pig suits.” + Entertainment + + + Jail + S01 : E20 Drunken Corvette + After totaling his Corvette, a man is arrested for drunk driving. Complex personality issues are unveiled while an inmate is interrogated. A man is placed in a mask after spraying saliva far and wide. + Entertainment + + + Jail + S04 : E11 Pizza Problems + A man outfitted in just his underwear is taken into custody. A dad gets busted for DUI while on his way to pick up a pizza for his kids. Officers recover drugs from a suspect’s pocket who is puzzled as to how they got there. A woman learns the hard way “what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas”. + Entertainment + + + Jail + S04 : E12 Mas Tequila + Tequila is to blame when a man's behavior gets him locked up. A woman tries to sell drugs online. A detainee in holding for a DUI is of the opinion that he’s been jailed for driving too slow. + Entertainment + + + Jail + S05 : E08 Monkey Unmasked + A woman finds herself in jail after telling police she was frightened by a monkey mask. An intoxicate man feels an officer is very special. During a search, an officer finds contraband in a pack of cigarettes that has big consequences to an inmate. A young man says his mom tried to pepper spray him over his brother’s drug use while officers discover the truth to his arrest. + Entertainment + + + Jail + S01 : E08 Fight For Your Right + A woman is placed into a restraint chair during intake. Punches are thrown and questions are asked after a fight occurs. After dodging a bar tab, a woman is also accused of spiting and biting. + Entertainment + + + Jail + S04 : E09 LV NYE + We follow the men and women of LVMPD as they do their best to tame the New Year's Eve festivities up and down the Las Vegas Strip. + Entertainment + + + Jail + S04 : E03 The Shapeshifter + An intoxicated man tests officers' patience. A woman tries to deceive police with multiple identities. A one-legged biker shows off his balancing skills to officers. + Entertainment + + + Jail + S03 : E11 Joyriders + In Sarasota, FL a man is busted for an open container of beer. In Salt Lake City, UT a woman is stunned as to how drug paraphernalia wound up on her person. In Las Vegas, NV a former bus driver relays sad details about his past. In Portland, OR a shoplifter receives some sage of wisdom from one of the officers. + Entertainment + + + Jail + S06 : E40 The Little Fighter + An aspiring martial-arts fighter tries to wriggle out of handcuffs and gets stuck. A football rivalry takes a bad turn when a Steelers fan assaults a Ravens fan. + Entertainment + + + Jail + S01 : E14 Attention Junkie + A woman is placed in isolation after disparaging other inmates. Alarms blare while a fight erupts in the shower room among inmates. A man booked into jail is revealed to have a 20-year arrest record. + Entertainment + + + Jail + S04 : E13 Crushin + A defiant suspect’s behavior takes a turn for the worse after being placed in the restraining chair. A spit mask wearing suspect attempts to procure enhancing supplements from a jail nurse. An intoxicated male suspect swoons for a certain female officer. A local vagrant is taken into custody after attempting to retrieve some things from his ex wife’s house. + Entertainment + + + Jail + S05 : E15 In the same League + Booze and a cellphone dispute lead one man to the “green suit.” A couple of panhandlers profess their undying love to each other. Alcohol pushes a proud father across the line. A homeless woman gives officers career advice. + Entertainment + + + Jail + S04 : E10 Fragrant & Flagrant + A cologne salesman boasts and promotes his "magic potion". A man bloodies his neighbor in a one-sided feud. Taking an illegal drug has an unexpected consequence to one man’s face. Open Booking becomes a stage as one woman launches her singing career. + Entertainment + + + Jail + S06 : E37 Under Mom's Thumb + A prostitute gets busted on a slow work day. An intoxicated inmate tangles with guards, and an angry woman has cross words for a guard. + Entertainment + + + Jail + S03 : E15 Mommy Issues + In Salt Lake City, UT an inebriated man gets aggressive and questions why he's in custody. In Sarasota, FL a couple are taken in for assaulting a bartender. In Portland, OR a man is placed in custody for harassing movie theater security guards. In Las Vegas, NV a chauffeur is placed in custody for amassing a number of of moving violations. + Entertainment + + + Jail + S01 : E27 Singing Peg Leg + A prisoner refuses to exit his cell prompting an elaborate extraction. A man begins singing in response to his arrest. During a severe alcohol withdrawal, an inmate repeatedly escapes his restraints. + Entertainment + + + Jail + S04 : E04 Duel of Nitwits + Officers outwit a man who refuses to give his name. A repeat DUI offender is jailed yet again. An intoxicated man is taken into custody and once the alcohol wears off he reveals that he’s broken his sobriety. + Entertainment + + + Jail + S06 : E07 Pot Farmer + A man is charged with possession of an illegal substance. Police arrest a woman for narcotics, and a couple is caught passing a fake prescription. + Entertainment + + + Jail + S06 : E20 My Watch + An agitated man is overly concerned about his 30K watch. cries when he has blood drawn. An inebriated woman threatens her arresting officers with bodily harm, and a woman has no recollection of her arrest. + Entertainment + + + Jail + S06 : E30 Cupcake + A high-priced escort is accused of skipping out on her limo tab. A ladies' man directs foul language at the jail nurse, and a seasoned prostitute considers getting into the sex-toy business. + Entertainment + + + Jail + S05 : E10 Kick Door Dad + A young father pulls a desperate double robbery to make ends meet. A routine shakedown gets deadly when officers uncover alarming contraband. An inmate plays innocent about her criminal past until confronted by officers. An antsy woman’s brazen behavior tests the patience of officers. + Entertainment + + + Jail + S01 : E23 Spit Mask Drunk + Deputies deal with chaos after volatile inmates begin fighting. Accusations of deceit plague a booking as a woman is arrested for drunk driving. Prisoners are restrained after causing a commotion. + Entertainment + + + Jail + S06 : E41 Wigging Out + A couple is taken into custody for lewd and indecent exposure. An intoxicated woman believes that she is being treated unfairly, and a man with an existing wrap sheet is busted. + Entertainment + + + Jail + S06 : E17 Toothless Tears + A transient man tries to resist the officers in booking then serenades them with a song. A difficult inmate blames his behavior on various medical conditions, and a woman claims to be Jesus Christ. Entertainment @@ -20704,58 +26249,340 @@ Officers get more than they expected when they stop a cyclist and discover a deadly weapon. Four sons attempt to break into the family home after being banned. A homeowner claims he accidently fired five shots while cleaning a gun. Entertainment - - Ice Pilots NWT - S05 : E08 Ice Pilots NWT - AJ and James battle a DC-4 engine fire. It's Joe's 69th birthday - and he's never flown a helicopter before, so Mikey plans a special gift of chopper flight lessons. + + Cops + S14 : E29 Who Wet the Dogs Out + Officers are assaulted by the brother of a suspect who is resisting arrest. A resident sprays water on his neighbor’s noisy dogs. Officers recover drugs and cash after pulling over a motorist. Entertainment - - Ice Pilots NWT - S05 : E10 Ice Pilots NWT - Co-pilot Graeme's fumbles his Electra training landings. Chris stresses over his C-46 check ride. Adam rescues a stranded C-46. + + Cops + S15 : E14 Misrepresented + An officer coordinates a reverse prostitution sting to capture suspects who solicit prostitutes. An inebriated man is detained until he sobers up. Officers stop a stolen vehicle. Entertainment - - Ice Pilots NWT - S05 : E11 Ice Pilots NWT - Joe and Mikey head to England to bring home a new plane. Devan does target-practice in the DC-4.James builds a Buffalo-style soapbox racer. + + Cops + S26 : E18 Wrong Place, Wrong Time + A man takes off from officers when they roll up on a notorious hotspot for dealers. Cops surprise a jaywalker when they find some suspicious items in his supposedly borrowed jacket. A woman takes the heat for her beau when meth is found in their car. Entertainment - - Ice Pilots NWT - S05 : E12 Ice Pilots NWT - Joe flies with the Snowbirds during the Hamilton air show and later teaches Mikey to fly. A surprise departure shakes up Buffalo. + + Cops + S26 : E20 Not My Text Messages + A routine traffic stop turns into a drug bust when cops turn up evidence of the driver's sizable habit. A suspicious man waiting in a parked car can't explain the incriminating texts on his phone. Two frequent flyers give officers a hard time when pulled over in a well-known drug area. Entertainment - - Ice Pilots NWT - S05 : E13 Ice Pilots NWT - Ice Pilots NWT celebrates a milestone with a look back at the last five years, a peek behind the camera and reflections from the Buffalo crew. + + Cops + S21 : E04 Settled with a Pipe + A man attacking a woman is tackled by an officer. A vehicle is pulled over for a drug deal in progress. A woman smashes a car window with a pipe in a fit of road rage. Entertainment - - Ice Pilots NWT - S06 : E02 Ice Pilots NWT - Buffalo's Electra aircraft is hammered by rough winds up the Mackenzie Valley. In Hay River, a rookie crew faces the worst ice storm in years and one rampie has a tough go trying to fit in at Buffalo. + + Cops + S22 : E24 Kick the Car + Officers intervene when an estranged husband kicks his ex-wife’s boyfriend’s car. A man claims someone gave him the car he is driving. A woman claims the pills in her purse are not hers. Entertainment - - Ice Pilots NWT - S06 : E03 Ice Pilots NWT - Engine trouble plagues Buffalo's newest Electra, ZFE, and a standoff between Joe and Transport Canada threatens to close the airline. At the same time, Joe faces a tough decision about his old dog Sophie. + + Cops + S15 : E27 Messy Situation + Officers coordinate a prostitution sting in a neighborhood. Officers pull over a vehicle with a missing license plate. Officers stop a woman driving a stolen vehicle. Entertainment - - Ice Pilots NWT - S06 : E04 Ice Pilots NWT - Joe leaves to undergo medical tests at the Mayo Clinic in Phoenix, Arizona. Jeff and Sam stress over their DC-3 checkflights and Joe celebrates turning 70-his way. + + Cops + S23 : E03 Uncomfortable Shoes + A suspicious driver takes police on a neighborhood chase. Officers are called to capture a 12-foot python hiding outside a home. Officers suspect a funny walking motorist is hiding something in his shoe. Entertainment - - Ice Pilots NWT - S06 : E05 Ice Pilots NWT - Rookie pilot Jeff nearly runs off the runway. Prefkar learns to play hockey but drops the ball at Buffalo and Joe goes on a date with a real dog. + + Cops + S15 : E28 Bad Fences make for Bad Neighbors + Officers are involved in a high-speed pursuit of suspected larcenists. Officers give a driver a sobriety test. Officers report to a call of a dispute in a neighborhood. + Entertainment + + + Cops + S13 : E35 Bear the Cost + Officers discover a grand theft auto suspect hiding in his apartment. Officers assist the fire department in capturing a brown bear from a palm tree. Officers respond to a shooting. + Entertainment + + + Cops + S25 : E09 Feeling the Breeze + A truck driver decides to hide from police in the last place they’ll look: his own house. A man out on a beer run is robbed at knifepoint. In Portland a man decides to go nude for a bike ride. + Entertainment + + + Cops + S14 : E03 Shovel Trouble + Officers conduct a sting using a decoy vehicle. A man with a knife flees the scene of a dispute with his baby mama. Deputies are dispatched when a man is assaulted with a shovel over twenty dollars. + Entertainment + + + Cops + S21 : E14 High Speed Golf + Deputies pursue a truck with a trailer full of golf carts. Police question a driver after finding a mask and handgun in his car. Officers are called to a traffic collision involving a semi and an SUV. + Entertainment + + + Cops + S24 : E18 Flipped Out + A suspect leads police on an extended pursuit throughout New Orleans. When he’s flipped off by his neighbors, a man responds by firing a gun. Police pull over a Porsche and discover it’s stolen. + Entertainment + + + Cops + S14 : E13 In The Ditch + A car pursuit turned foot chase ends with the suspect jumping head first into a creek-bed. Officers catch up to a man trying to flee the scene after assaulting his wife. Officers stop a suspicious vehicle driving with no headlights. + Entertainment + + + Cops + S15 : E17 Dark Tale + Officers assist an off-duty deputy being followed by a vehicle trying to force him off of the road. An officer responds to a domestic disturbance call involving a woman and her cheating husband. + Entertainment + + + Cops + S15 : E08 An Unfortunate Cycle + Officers arrange a sting to capture bicycle thieves. An Officer conducts a traffic stop on a vehicle with fraudulent tags. An officer stops a vehicle after witnessing a prostitute get inside. + Entertainment + + + Cops + S23 : E21 Don't Make her Angry + A man needs police assistance when his angry ex-girlfriend crawls through his window. Police must play hide-and-seek when they attempt to execute an arrest warrant. A man is threatened with violence when he refuses to turn his car’s headlights off. + Entertainment + + + Cops + S15 : E04 Brotherly Affairs + A Special Operations Unit coordinates a city-wide “buy-bust” sting designed to apprehend dealers. Officers join units in pursuit of a stolen SUV. An officer arrests brothers for public intoxication. + Entertainment + + + Cops + S13 : E24 Dead End + Officers dispatch the K-9 unit to sniff out a suspect who flees on foot. A suspicious male walking down the street is arrested with a large bag containing stolen goods and drug paraphernalia. A man is arrested in a stolen car containing drugs and a firearm. + Entertainment + + + Cops + S13 : E02 Voo Doo Curse + A woman claims a man abused her then put a curse on her. Police arrest a man for having illegal drugs on him. An elderly woman locks herself in the restroom at a bank. + Entertainment + + + Cops + S26 : E01 Fight and Flight + A suspect flees as officers respond to a fight call. A belligerent meth user refuses to cooperate after being pulled over. A cranky husband gets busted for pot after his wife kicks over his Harley. + Entertainment + + + Cops + S24 : E10 Wearing My Crime + A suspect flees from police and attempts to hide contraband from them. A driver is pulled over and is literally covered in his crimes. An employee of a cell phone store attempts to scam the police and her employers. + Entertainment + + + Cops + S14 : E02 Pain in the Neck + Deputies confront a man holding a knife to his roommate’s neck over a prior argument. A suspect runs from Deputies on a warrant charge. Suspected robbers are pulled over by Deputies. + Entertainment + + + Cops + S22 : E08 Poolwatch + Deputies tase a man who almost ran over a deputy with his truck. A man gives police false information after saving a boy who fell into a pool. A woman tries to buy drugs from an undercover officer. + Entertainment + + + Cops + S23 : E14 Bumming a Smoke + A suspect tries to elude officers by driving on a rough road. An argument over a cigarette turns ugly. Kids throw rocks from an overpass at the wrong car. + Entertainment + + + Cops + S13 : E04 There Goes that Alligator + Police arrest a suspect for armed robbery. A six foot alligator is found on a homeowner's back porch. An Officer assists in an undercover sting. + Entertainment + + + Cops + S14 : E06 In Hot Pursuit + A high-speed pursuit ends in a foot chase. Stolen property is found in a suspect’s car during a traffic stop. An altercation ends with a brick being tossed at a victim’s car. + Entertainment + + + Cops + S14 : E29 Who Wet the Dogs Out + Officers are assaulted by the brother of a suspect who is resisting arrest. A resident sprays water on his neighbor’s noisy dogs. Officers recover drugs and cash after pulling over a motorist. + Entertainment + + + Cops + S13 : E27 Truck Trunks + A foot pursuit ends in arrest after a suspected drug dealer attempts to discard his goods. Police are called to a warehouse after the security guard is held at gunpoint. Police assist a young girl after being struck by a car. + Entertainment + + + Cops + S15 : E15 Jumping to Conclusions + Officers encounter an unusual situation where the victim and suspect have defiantly barricaded themselves inside the house. Officers respond to a domestic dispute at a nearby apartment complex. + Entertainment + + + Cops + S13 : E10 Playing Hooky + Officers engage in a foot pursuit after the passenger of a suspicious vehicle starts running. A man barricades himself in the house after stabbing his nephew. A teenager is caught ditching school to smoke marijuana. + Entertainment + + + Cops + S23 : E08 Do Not Disturb + A prostitute tries to outrun the police during a foot chase. A man claims he can only meet women at motels since he lives with his mom. A prostitute fresh out of jail protests that he’s not trying to return to his old career. + Entertainment + + + Cops + S21 : E31 Nothing Upstairs + Officers pursue a motorcyclist driving erratically. Deputies find broken drug paraphernalia in a car when conducting a traffic stop. A man who beat up his girlfriend hides from officers in an attic. + Entertainment + + + Cops + S21 : E23 Check Please! + Deputies confront an intoxicated man who threatened a restaurant owner. A man tells officers he can assault who he wants. Officers are called to an altercation over a sleeping bag and a backpack. + Entertainment + + + Cops + S13 : E01 Young and the Restless + Officers arrest a man suspected of robbery. A riot erupts at a juvenile party on the beach. Officers find an intoxicated man stuck on an iron fence. + Entertainment + + + Cops + S22 : E30 Connect Four + Deputies assist border patrol in pursuit of a vehicle that has blown checkpoint and its tires. A drunk woman is pulled over not knowing she is missing a tire. + Entertainment + + + Cops + S14 : E23 UC Drug Sting II + Officers give chase to a suspect driving a stolen vehicle. A bio-hazard bin an illegal knife and drugs are found during a traffic stop. Agents go undercover in an area known for heavy drug activity. + Entertainment + + + Cops + S25 : E16 Garden of Crime + Deputies question a woman they believe to be a prostitute working the Las Vegas Strip. A woman tries to pin ownership of drug paraphernalia on an absent friend. A man consents to let officers in his backyard, but he confesses to his own trespasses first. + Entertainment + + + Cops + S14 : E21 On the Run + Officers pursue two suspects on foot who fled from a stolen vehicle. A drunk driver is pulled over after a brief chase. Officers receive a call for help from a juvenile about an attempted break-in. + Entertainment + + + Cops + S15 : E30 Follow the Tire Tracks + A decoy vehicle is strategically abandoned in a public parking lot. An officer responds to a burglary in progress at a tire store. Officers respond to a domestic call at a nearby trailer park. + Entertainment + + + Cops + S24 : E06 Sharp Knives and Dirty Donuts + A customer pulls out a knife when asked to leave the store. A man doing donuts in a motel parking lot is questioned about a love triangle. Officers are flagged down by a man who was shot at while riding his bike. + Entertainment + + + Cops + S14 : E07 Auto Focus + A man with a knife tries to evade police by hiding in bushes. Vice Unit Officers conduct a prostitution sting. When Officers are shot at during a pursuit, the woman claims it was flashes from a camera. + Entertainment + + + Cops + S26 : E10 Get Off My Roof + The K-9 unit responds when a gunman takes to the rooftops. A drug exchange goes awry when the dealer tries to ditch his stash. A pickup-driving drunk tries to play it off when he smashes his neighbor's parked car. + Entertainment + + + Cops + S22 : E34 Tow Time + Police are in a high-speed chase with a car missing a tire. Police respond when a tow truck driver is assaulted by an apartment manager. Police are called when a relative attacks a woman’s husband. + Entertainment + + + Cops + S14 : E20 Bad Behavior + A man runs from Police over a parole violation. Officers respond when a trouble maker is expelled from a bar for bad behavior. Police pursue a man after he bails from his car during a traffic stop. + Entertainment + + + Cops + S25 : E14 Jawbreaker + In Las Vegas, officers stop to talk to a young woman who appears to be soliciting prostitution. A father accuses his son of breaking his jaw. While running from officers, a suspect attempts to drop evidence on the street. + Entertainment + + + Cops + S23 : E01 Ignorance is an Excuse + Two men engage in a fist fight on the street over an alleged robbery. A couple claims that they didn’t know the car they are driving is stolen. Occupants of a vehicle claim that all of the contraband found in their car is medical equipment. + Entertainment + + + Cops + S23 : E19 Nightvision + A man on a late-night bike ride is stopped by officers for not having a headlamp. A suspect in a domestic dispute admits to hitting a woman. A man doesn’t deal with being laughed at by his neighbor in a peaceful way. + Entertainment + + + Cops + S22 : E22 Multiple Identities + Officers recover a small bag of drugs from a crying suspect. A drunk woman hides a second ID in her back pocket. Police stop a vehicle that hit a patrol car. + Entertainment + + + Cops + S24 : E16 Amnesia Can Happen + Police officers set up a sting operation using a taxi cab in to bust prostitution. A man claims he can’t remember his ‘girlfriend’s’ name when officers suspect the woman is actually a stranger. Female undercover officers set up a sting operation to bust johns. + Entertainment + + + Cops + S13 : E29 Hard Ticket + A man throws out his narcotics during a foot-chase with police. A woman is arrested for possession of drug paraphernalia. Officers call for back-up after a woman is held at knife-point. + Entertainment + + + Cops + S21 : E09 Keep it Down! + An officer is forced to subdue a suspect with his baton. A man asks deputies to give him back his drugs before taking him to jail. A man under the influence causes a disturbance at an apartment complex. + Entertainment + + + Cops + S13 : E08 You Had Me Fooled + An Officer goes undercover as a prostitute. A woman finds a snake in her home. A man solicits himself to an undercover officer. + Entertainment + + + Cops + S22 : E35 Borderlands + Officers attempt to detain undocumented people crosssing the border. Border patrol discovers a driver with a load of drugs in his car. Officers check passports and a suspicious-looking laptop. + Entertainment + + + Cops + S21 : E35 My BFF Screwed Up + Officers respond to a call of a woman holding a loaded gun to her head. Officers kick in a door to halt an assault in progress. A woman driving a stolen vehicle claims it was purchased by a friend. Entertainment @@ -21076,52 +26903,154 @@ Joe and Mikey head to England to bring home a new plane. Devan does target-practice in the DC-4.James builds a Buffalo-style soapbox racer. Entertainment - - Ice Road Truckers - S11 : E09 Double Trouble - A volatile season is winding down and it seems like trouble comes in doubles. + + Ice Pilots NWT + S05 : E12 Ice Pilots NWT + Joe flies with the Snowbirds during the Hamilton air show and later teaches Mikey to fly. A surprise departure shakes up Buffalo. Entertainment - - Ice Road Truckers - S11 : E10 One Last Lick - Steph Custance is the first to experience nature's wrath. + + Ice Pilots NWT + S06 : E01 Ice Pilots NWT + An engine fire and series of mechanical gremlins has Buffalo scrambling to make its Christmas deliveries. Newest rampie Prefkar Mony struggles with life in the North. Entertainment - - Ice Road Truckers - S02 : E01 Road To Season 2 - The Ice Road Truckers brave treacherous terrain to deliver crucial supplies. + + Ice Pilots NWT + S06 : E02 Ice Pilots NWT + Buffalo's Electra aircraft is hammered by rough winds up the Mackenzie Valley. In Hay River, a rookie crew faces the worst ice storm in years and one rampie has a tough go trying to fit in at Buffalo. Entertainment - - Ice Road Truckers - S11 : E06 A Bridge Too Far - A small convoy heads out on the winter roads. + + Ice Pilots NWT + S06 : E03 Ice Pilots NWT + Engine trouble plagues Buffalo's newest Electra, ZFE, and a standoff between Joe and Transport Canada threatens to close the airline. At the same time, Joe faces a tough decision about his old dog Sophie. Entertainment - - Ice Road Truckers - S11 : E07 Of Ice and Men - The ice roads are at their meanest and slickest. + + Ice Pilots NWT + S06 : E04 Ice Pilots NWT + Joe leaves to undergo medical tests at the Mayo Clinic in Phoenix, Arizona. Jeff and Sam stress over their DC-3 checkflights and Joe celebrates turning 70-his way. Entertainment - - Ice Road Truckers - S11 : E08 The Big Skid - After nonstop wild weather it appears the winter roads want revenge. + + Ice Pilots NWT + S06 : E06 Ice Pilots NWT + Mikey decides to get Buffalo involved in a D-Day paratrooper jump to commemorate the 70th anniversary of D-Day. Entertainment - - Ice Road Truckers - S11 : E09 Double Trouble - A volatile season is winding down and it seems like trouble comes in doubles. + + Ice Pilots NWT + S06 : E07 Ice Pilots NWT + Buffalo's top guns, rookies and vets, go to California for aerial dogfights in real fighter planes. Cory and Mikey race to get ready for the D-Day jump. Entertainment - - Ice Road Truckers - S11 : E10 One Last Lick - Steph Custance is the first to experience nature's wrath. + + Ice Pilots NWT + S06 : E08 Ice Pilots NWT + Mikey's much-planned D-Day tribute parachute jump with 20 paratroopers hits a wall when Joe refuses to fly his DC-3 to the drop zone. + Entertainment + + + Ice Pilots NWT + S01 : E01 Ice Pilots NWT + Rookie co-pilot Scott faces his worst nightmare when a faltering Curtiss C-46 Commando engine and low fog force a scary landing. + Entertainment + + + Ice Pilots NWT + S01 : E03 Ice Pilots NWT + A string of bad luck turns chief pilot Arnie's 66th birthday run into the flight from hell - and threatens to spoil his naughty birthday surprise. + Entertainment + + + Ice Pilots NWT + S01 : E04 Ice Pilots NWT + Mechanic Cory races against the clock to turn two short-haul waterbombers into transatlantic aircraft for the epic journey to Turkey. + Entertainment + + + Ice Pilots NWT + S01 : E05 Ice Pilots NWT + Mechanic Cory races against the clock to turn two short-haul waterbombers into transatlantic aircraft for the epic journey to Turkey. + Entertainment + + + Ice Pilots NWT + S01 : E06 Ice Pilots NWT + A charter flight falls through the cracks after the McBryans attend a wild family wedding, and an irate Joe pulls captain Justin from the Turkey test flights to do the job. + Entertainment + + + Ice Pilots NWT + S01 : E08 Ice Pilots NWT + AJ and Candace get married in the Ice Castle. A frustrated Chuck tries to get the Electra to pay her way. A flummoxed Mikey tries to bake a cake for Joe's birthday. + Entertainment + + + Ice Pilots NWT + S01 : E09 Ice Pilots NWT + The Turkey crew makes the critical jump over the North Atlantic. But en route to Portugal, one crew is forced to turn back. + Entertainment + + + Ice Pilots NWT + S01 : E10 Ice Pilots NWT + C-46 and DC-4 crews race against the spring melt to fly mining equipment to an airstrip on a frozen lake. + Entertainment + + + Ice Pilots NWT + S01 : E11 Ice Pilots NWT + After thousands of hours of painstaking preparation and dangerous flying, a terrible accident devastates the waterbomber crew in Turkey - and everyone at Buffalo. + Entertainment + + + Ice Pilots NWT + S02 : E12 Ice Pilots NWT + Joe and Mikey head off to Coventry, England to navigate the potential purchase of an Electra turboprop to add to Buffalo's fleet of fire-fighting tanker planes. + Entertainment + + + Ice Pilots NWT + S01 : E13 Ice Pilots NWT + After her husband's acrimonious departure from Buffalo, Kelly has a confrontation that decides whether she, too, will quit. + Entertainment + + + Ice Pilots NWT + S02 : E01 Ice Pilots NWT + As Joe fights a Transport Canada claim against the airline, star pilot Justin is tasked with shipping an 8,000lb generator to a remote town. + Entertainment + + + Ice Pilots NWT + S02 : E02 Ice Pilots NWT + When a deadly fire destroys a northern outpost a week before Christmas, Buffalo puts everything aside to come to the rescue. + Entertainment + + + Ice Pilots NWT + S02 : E04 Ice Pilots NWT + Mikey goes on a treasure hunt to Venezuela for a rare CL-215 waterbomber. + Entertainment + + + Ice Pilots NWT + S02 : E05 Ice Pilots NWT + A vital ferry link is down, so Buffalo mounts an all-out campaign to airlift 100,000lbs of essential goods across the Mackenzie River. + Entertainment + + + Ice Pilots NWT + S02 : E06 Ice Pilots NWT + Crusty mechanic Chuck leads the scramble to ready the Electra for a disaster relief mission in Haiti, but fate's curveball sends them to the High Arctic instead. + Entertainment + + + Ice Pilots NWT + S02 : E07 Ice Pilots NWT + A multi-stop mission to the Far North has Devan, Scott and Adam facing a series of white- knuckle obstacles. Entertainment @@ -21466,70 +27395,172 @@ Hugh and Eric are neck-in-neck in their race to claim dominance. Entertainment - - One for the Money - S05 : E08 Dog The Bounty Hunter - It hurts Dog to see people suddenly lose their way. + + Ice Road Truckers + S02 : E01 Off the Ice, Season 2 + Sit down with the men of "Season 2" who dare to drive. Entertainment - - Midnight Run - S07 : E02 Dog The Bounty Hunter - This fugitive has a bad reputation and a knack for running from the law. + + Ice Road Truckers + S03 : E01 Deadliest Ice Road + Day 1 of the new Ice Road season begins. Entertainment - - Behind the Hunt - S09 : E20 Dog The Bounty Hunter - Today the cameras are turned around. + + Ice Road Truckers + S03 : E02 Rookie Run + On Alaska's North Slope, a new ice road season has just begun. Entertainment - - Three's Company - S06 : E19 Dog The Bounty Hunter - This fugitive is hard to pin down in Honolulu's downtown district. + + Ice Road Truckers + S03 : E03 Canadian Invasion + Carlile Transportation has only moved 500 of the 2,000 loads it needs to. Entertainment - - And Baby Makes Three - S09 : E01 Dog The Bounty Hunter - Leland has to attend a Lamaze class before he can join the hunt. + + Ice Road Truckers + S03 : E04 Blinding Whiteout + A massive storm blows in and all traffic on the ice road comes to a standstill. Entertainment - - Luck Be A Lady - S09 : E19 Dog The Bounty Hunter - Dog and company head to the Big Island. + + Ice Road Truckers + S03 : E05 Accident Alley + Another winter storm drops nearly a foot of fresh snow, obscuring the road south. Entertainment - - Buddha's Delight - S06 : E18 Dog The Bounty Hunter - Dog and the posse travel to the Big Island to help Leland. + + Ice Road Truckers + S03 : E06 Arctic Ice + Lisa Kelly auditions to be the first woman to break into the elite Heavy Haul. Entertainment - - The Great Debate - S08 : E08 Dog The Bounty Hunter - Sometimes the bondman is put in the middle of a lover's quarrel. + + Ice Road Truckers + S02 : E01 Off the Ice, Season 2 + Sit down with the men of "Season 2" who dare to drive. Entertainment - - One for the Money - S05 : E08 Dog The Bounty Hunter - It hurts Dog to see people suddenly lose their way. + + Ice Road Truckers + S03 : E01 Deadliest Ice Road + Day 1 of the new Ice Road season begins. Entertainment - - Midnight Run - S07 : E02 Dog The Bounty Hunter - This fugitive has a bad reputation and a knack for running from the law. + + Ice Road Truckers + S03 : E02 Rookie Run + On Alaska's North Slope, a new ice road season has just begun. Entertainment - - Behind the Hunt - S09 : E20 Dog The Bounty Hunter - Today the cameras are turned around. + + Ice Road Truckers + S03 : E03 Canadian Invasion + Carlile Transportation has only moved 500 of the 2,000 loads it needs to. + Entertainment + + + Ice Road Truckers + S03 : E04 Blinding Whiteout + A massive storm blows in and all traffic on the ice road comes to a standstill. + Entertainment + + + Ice Road Truckers + S03 : E05 Accident Alley + Another winter storm drops nearly a foot of fresh snow, obscuring the road south. + Entertainment + + + Ice Road Truckers + S03 : E06 Arctic Ice + Lisa Kelly auditions to be the first woman to break into the elite Heavy Haul. + Entertainment + + + Ice Road Truckers + S02 : E01 Off the Ice, Season 2 + Sit down with the men of "Season 2" who dare to drive. + Entertainment + + + Ice Road Truckers + S03 : E01 Deadliest Ice Road + Day 1 of the new Ice Road season begins. + Entertainment + + + Ice Road Truckers + S03 : E02 Rookie Run + On Alaska's North Slope, a new ice road season has just begun. + Entertainment + + + Ice Road Truckers + S03 : E03 Canadian Invasion + Carlile Transportation has only moved 500 of the 2,000 loads it needs to. + Entertainment + + + Ice Road Truckers + S03 : E04 Blinding Whiteout + A massive storm blows in and all traffic on the ice road comes to a standstill. + Entertainment + + + Ice Road Truckers + S03 : E05 Accident Alley + Another winter storm drops nearly a foot of fresh snow, obscuring the road south. + Entertainment + + + Ice Road Truckers + S03 : E06 Arctic Ice + Lisa Kelly auditions to be the first woman to break into the elite Heavy Haul. + Entertainment + + + Ice Road Truckers + S02 : E01 Off the Ice, Season 2 + Sit down with the men of "Season 2" who dare to drive. + Entertainment + + + Ice Road Truckers + S03 : E01 Deadliest Ice Road + Day 1 of the new Ice Road season begins. + Entertainment + + + Ice Road Truckers + S03 : E02 Rookie Run + On Alaska's North Slope, a new ice road season has just begun. + Entertainment + + + Ice Road Truckers + S03 : E03 Canadian Invasion + Carlile Transportation has only moved 500 of the 2,000 loads it needs to. + Entertainment + + + Ice Road Truckers + S03 : E04 Blinding Whiteout + A massive storm blows in and all traffic on the ice road comes to a standstill. + Entertainment + + + Ice Road Truckers + S03 : E05 Accident Alley + Another winter storm drops nearly a foot of fresh snow, obscuring the road south. + Entertainment + + + Ice Road Truckers + S03 : E06 Arctic Ice + Lisa Kelly auditions to be the first woman to break into the elite Heavy Haul. Entertainment @@ -22018,59 +28049,293 @@ Dog and the team are back in Colorado hunting bounties. Entertainment - - Hell's Kitchen Series 7 Episode 11 - S07 : E11 Hell's Kitchen - Special guest Whoopi Goldberg drops in on evening service. - Reality Shows + + Jack and Jill + S06 : E01 Dog The Bounty Hunter + Dog believes that the family that plays together stays together. + Entertainment - - Hell's Kitchen Series 7 Episode 12 - S07 : E12 Hell's Kitchen - Only a handful of cooks remain to compete for the prize of a head chef job. - Reality Shows + + Strip Search + S06 : E20 Dog The Bounty Hunter + When a stripper goes on the lam, Dog has to bring her in. + Entertainment - - Hell's Kitchen Series 7 Episode 13 - S07 : E13 Hell's Kitchen - The remaining four chefs are shown how to cook monk fish. - Reality Shows + + Mother Courage + S06 : E13 Dog The Bounty Hunter + Dog knows that crime and drugs not only damage victims but also harm the families. + Entertainment - - Hell's Kitchen Series 7 Episode 14 - S07 : E14 Hell's Kitchen - The four remaining chefs taste and recreate a dish without knowing the ingredients. - Reality Shows + + Scared Straight + S07 : E18 Dog The Bounty Hunter + Back in Colorado Dog tracks a fugitive who is on the run from the law. + Entertainment - - Hell's Kitchen Series 7 Episode 15 - S07 : E15 Hell's Kitchen - The winning chef of Hell's Kitchen is announced. - Reality Shows + + Surface Scratches + S08 : E06 Dog The Bounty Hunter + Dog's latest quarry is running from abuse and assault charges. + Entertainment - - Hell's Kitchen Series 8 Episode 1 - S08 : E01 Hell's Kitchen - 16 chefs battle it out for the position of head chef at a top Los Angeles restaurant. - Reality Shows + + A Family Affair + S09 : E07 Dog The Bounty Hunter + Dog likes to say, "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree." + Entertainment - - Hell's Kitchen Series 8 Episode 2 - S08 : E02 Hell's Kitchen - The teams are challenged to make sushi, which proves to be too much for some of them. - Reality Shows + + Vegas or Bust + S03 : E21 Dog The Bounty Hunter + Dog is going to be the keynote speaker at the annual Bail Agents convention. + Entertainment - - Hell's Kitchen Series 8 Episode 3 - S08 : E03 Hell's Kitchen - The teams are challenged to prepare breakfast for 50 paramedics. - Reality Shows + + Mothers and Daughters + S02 : E22 Dog The Bounty Hunter + Dog and Beth take on the heartbreaking case of Rachel. + Entertainment - - Hell's Kitchen Series 8 Episode 4 - S08 : E04 Hell's Kitchen - The teams are challenged to create a perfect ravioli dish. - Reality Shows + + Father-Hood + S03 : E13 Dog The Bounty Hunter + Before Tim heads out for a tough day of bounty hunting. + Entertainment + + + Running on Empty + S03 : E30 Dog The Bounty Hunter + Dog's time is running out in Colorado. + Entertainment + + + Day of the Dog + S04 : E20 Dog The Bounty Hunter + Dog and the team are back in Colorado hunting bounties. + Entertainment + + + Jack and Jill + S06 : E01 Dog The Bounty Hunter + Dog believes that the family that plays together stays together. + Entertainment + + + Strip Search + S06 : E20 Dog The Bounty Hunter + When a stripper goes on the lam, Dog has to bring her in. + Entertainment + + + Mother Courage + S06 : E13 Dog The Bounty Hunter + Dog knows that crime and drugs not only damage victims but also harm the families. + Entertainment + + + Scared Straight + S07 : E18 Dog The Bounty Hunter + Back in Colorado Dog tracks a fugitive who is on the run from the law. + Entertainment + + + Surface Scratches + S08 : E06 Dog The Bounty Hunter + Dog's latest quarry is running from abuse and assault charges. + Entertainment + + + A Family Affair + S09 : E07 Dog The Bounty Hunter + Dog likes to say, "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree." + Entertainment + + + Crime Don't Pay + S04 : E16 Dog The Bounty Hunter + Today the crew is hunting for Holly, a car thief. + Entertainment + + + Rush from Judgment + S05 : E05 Dog The Bounty Hunter + Facing hard time for forging checks, Melissa pulled a vanishing act. + Entertainment + + + Mission of Mercy + S06 : E07 Dog The Bounty Hunter + Dog knows that it is better to give than to receive. + Entertainment + + + Nice Guys Finish Last + S06 : E03 Dog The Bounty Hunter + "When you don't write the bond, you don't know the prey," as Dog always says. + Entertainment + + + No Piece of Cake + S05 : E10 Dog The Bounty Hunter + Being hunted by the Dog is a lousy way to celebrate your birthday. + Entertainment + + + Moms and Dads + S03 : E06 Dog The Bounty Hunter + Dog pursues two people whose lives have been devastated by drugs. + Entertainment + + + Baby Lyssa Steps Up + S03 : E29 Dog The Bounty Hunter + The team is still in Colorado. + Entertainment + + + Guns and Ice + S04 : E09 Dog The Bounty Hunter + Dog's got a twofer on his hands, but the cases couldn't be more different. + Entertainment + + + Stormy Weather + S05 : E07 Dog The Bounty Hunter + Going after two fugitives in one day is tough work. + Entertainment + + + Bait and Snitch + S07 : E17 Dog The Bounty Hunter + Local cops put out an APB for a client with a checked past. + Entertainment + + + Mano-a-Mano + S08 : E10 Dog The Bounty Hunter + Back in Colorado, Dog's on the hunt for a runner. + Entertainment + + + Trick or Treat + S05 : E13 Dog The Bounty Hunter + It's Halloween, and Dog and Beth have some business to attend to. + Entertainment + + + The Searchers + S06 : E17 Dog The Bounty Hunter + Dog's relentless ruthlessness is being put to the test. + Entertainment + + + Crime Don't Pay + S04 : E16 Dog The Bounty Hunter + Today the crew is hunting for Holly, a car thief. + Entertainment + + + Rush from Judgment + S05 : E05 Dog The Bounty Hunter + Facing hard time for forging checks, Melissa pulled a vanishing act. + Entertainment + + + Mission of Mercy + S06 : E07 Dog The Bounty Hunter + Dog knows that it is better to give than to receive. + Entertainment + + + Nice Guys Finish Last + S06 : E03 Dog The Bounty Hunter + "When you don't write the bond, you don't know the prey," as Dog always says. + Entertainment + + + No Piece of Cake + S05 : E10 Dog The Bounty Hunter + Being hunted by the Dog is a lousy way to celebrate your birthday. + Entertainment + + + Moms and Dads + S03 : E06 Dog The Bounty Hunter + Dog pursues two people whose lives have been devastated by drugs. + Entertainment + + + Baby Lyssa Steps Up + S03 : E29 Dog The Bounty Hunter + The team is still in Colorado. + Entertainment + + + Guns and Ice + S04 : E09 Dog The Bounty Hunter + Dog's got a twofer on his hands, but the cases couldn't be more different. + Entertainment + + + Stormy Weather + S05 : E07 Dog The Bounty Hunter + Going after two fugitives in one day is tough work. + Entertainment + + + Bait and Snitch + S07 : E17 Dog The Bounty Hunter + Local cops put out an APB for a client with a checked past. + Entertainment + + + Mano-a-Mano + S08 : E10 Dog The Bounty Hunter + Back in Colorado, Dog's on the hunt for a runner. + Entertainment + + + Trick or Treat + S05 : E13 Dog The Bounty Hunter + It's Halloween, and Dog and Beth have some business to attend to. + Entertainment + + + The Searchers + S06 : E17 Dog The Bounty Hunter + Dog's relentless ruthlessness is being put to the test. + Entertainment + + + Crime Don't Pay + S04 : E16 Dog The Bounty Hunter + Today the crew is hunting for Holly, a car thief. + Entertainment + + + Rush from Judgment + S05 : E05 Dog The Bounty Hunter + Facing hard time for forging checks, Melissa pulled a vanishing act. + Entertainment + + + Mission of Mercy + S06 : E07 Dog The Bounty Hunter + Dog knows that it is better to give than to receive. + Entertainment + + + Nice Guys Finish Last + S06 : E03 Dog The Bounty Hunter + "When you don't write the bond, you don't know the prey," as Dog always says. + Entertainment + + + No Piece of Cake + S05 : E10 Dog The Bounty Hunter + Being hunted by the Dog is a lousy way to celebrate your birthday. + Entertainment Hell's Kitchen Series 8 Episode 5 @@ -22408,101 +28673,173 @@ The teams must provide a dinner service for Gordon's family and friends. Reality Shows - - Quack in the Saddle - S07 : E03 Duck Dynasty - Willie becomes the temporary owner of a thoroughbred. - Entertainment + + Episode 9 + S11 : E09 Hell's Kitchen + Gordon challenges the teams to create five beautiful steak dishes. + Reality Shows - - Drone Survivor - S09 : E04 Duck Dynasty - Jase and Phil make a bet about whether or not humans in a duck blind are visible. - Entertainment + + Episode 10 + S11 : E10 Hell's Kitchen + The two teams must throw a party fit for a princess. + Reality Shows - - Alan in Charge - S09 : E05 Duck Dynasty - Jase and the guys convince Willie to hire his older brother Alan. - Entertainment + + Episode 11 + S11 : E11 Hell's Kitchen + The chefs must create an intimate dinner for a group of returning US Army servicemen. + Reality Shows - - Renaissance Men - S09 : E06 Duck Dynasty - The Robertsons throw a Renaissance Fair birthday party for Godwin. - Entertainment + + Episode 12 + S11 : E12 Hell's Kitchen + The two teams must create their own menus for the evening service. + Reality Shows - - Heroes Welcome - S09 : E07 Duck Dynasty - The Duck Commander team surprises two wounded veterans with a trip to Monroe. - Entertainment + + Episode 13 + S11 : E13 Hell's Kitchen + Gordon moves a nominated lady to the men's team. + Reality Shows - - Pie Hard - S09 : E08 Duck Dynasty - Willie and Alan agree to help Miss Kay open her own bakery. - Entertainment + + Episode 14 + S11 : E14 Hell's Kitchen + Gordon challenges the remaining chefs to impress him with their signature dishes. + Reality Shows - - Van He'llsing - S09 : E09 Duck Dynasty - Missy and Jase's son Reed purchases an old van to boost his music career. - Entertainment + + Episode 14 + S11 : E14 Hell's Kitchen + Gordon challenges the remaining chefs to impress him with their signature dishes. + Reality Shows - - Toad to Perdition - S09 : E10 Duck Dynasty - Willie and his brothers spend too much time frog hunting. - Entertainment + + Episode 15 + S11 : E15 Hell's Kitchen + With some big celebrity guests at dinner, the pressure is on for the remaining chefs. + Reality Shows - - RV There Yet? - S09 : E11 Duck Dynasty - The Robertson family takes a road trip to Liberty University. - Entertainment + + Episode 16 + S11 : E16 Hell's Kitchen + Can the chefs deal with the pressure of a full house at the restaurant? + Reality Shows - - Glory is the Reward of Mallard - S07 : E01 Duck Dynasty - Willie takes a business trip to Scotland. - Entertainment + + Episode 17 + S11 : E17 Hell's Kitchen + Gordon reunites the contenders with their loved ones. + Reality Shows - - Good Night and Good Duck - S07 : E02 Duck Dynasty - A special holiday episode of Duck Dynasty. - Entertainment + + Episode 18 + S11 : E18 Hell's Kitchen + Gordon informs the team that they will be competing with winners from previous series. + Reality Shows - - Quack in the Saddle - S07 : E03 Duck Dynasty - Willie becomes the temporary owner of a thoroughbred. - Entertainment + + Episode 19 + S11 : E19 Hell's Kitchen + Gordon challenges the chefs to create gourmet burgers, judged by some culinary VIPs. + Reality Shows - - Drone Survivor - S09 : E04 Duck Dynasty - Jase and Phil make a bet about whether or not humans in a duck blind are visible. - Entertainment + + Episode 20 + S11 : E20 Hell's Kitchen + US cooking competition. Gordon decides on the first finalist of the series. + Reality Shows - - Alan in Charge - S09 : E05 Duck Dynasty - Jase and the guys convince Willie to hire his older brother Alan. - Entertainment + + Hell's Kitchen Series 11 Episode 21 + S11 : E21 Hell's Kitchen + Food and Drink, Factual + Reality Shows - - Renaissance Men - S09 : E06 Duck Dynasty - The Robertsons throw a Renaissance Fair birthday party for Godwin. - Entertainment + + Episode 22 + S11 : E22 Hell's Kitchen + Gordon Ramsay presides over the final episode of the US cooking competition. + Reality Shows - - Heroes Welcome - S09 : E07 Duck Dynasty - The Duck Commander team surprises two wounded veterans with a trip to Monroe. - Entertainment + + Episode 1 + S12 : E01 Hell's Kitchen + The twelfth series kicks off with a dancing challenge in honour of Los Angeles. + Reality Shows + + + Episode 2 + S12 : E02 Hell's Kitchen + The hopefuls must master a chef's relay on pedal tricycles during another group challenge. + Reality Shows + + + Episode 3 + S12 : E03 Hell's Kitchen + The teams are challenged to dig up their own potatoes to create a potato-based dish. + Reality Shows + + + Episode 4 + S12 : E04 Hell's Kitchen + The remaining 17 hopefuls are challenged to create ten perfect plates of lobster ravioli. + Reality Shows + + + Episode 5 + S12 : E05 Hell's Kitchen + The hopefuls take on brunch service at a wedding reception. + Reality Shows + + + Episode 6 + S12 : E06 Hell's Kitchen + Dinner service is attended by some big name guests. + Reality Shows + + + Episode 7 + S12 : E07 Hell's Kitchen + Pairs from each team create a pizza dish to present to VIP guest judge Chef Wolfgang Puck. + Reality Shows + + + Episode 8 + S12 : E08 Hell's Kitchen + The teams compete for a trip to Las Vegas as they prepare a sorority's anniversary party. + Reality Shows + + + Episode 9 + S12 : E09 Hell's Kitchen + The 12 remaining chefs are challenged to impress guest judge chef Michael Cimarusti. + Reality Shows + + + Episode 10 + S12 : E10 Hell's Kitchen + The teams are tasked with recreating dishes from Gordon's gastropub menu. + Reality Shows + + + Episode 11 + S12 : E11 Hell's Kitchen + Gordon challenges the chefs to match eight cuts of pork with eight body parts of a pig. + Reality Shows + + + Episode 12 + S12 : E12 Hell's Kitchen + The hopefuls serve a five course meal to UNICEF ambassador Angie Harmon and other VIPs. + Reality Shows + + + Episode 13 + S12 : E13 Hell's Kitchen + Two rappers give instructions for the teams to come up with their own menus. + Reality Shows Pie Hard @@ -23110,58 +29447,316 @@ The guys enjoy a one-day rodeo fantasy camp where they learn. Entertainment - - Ax Men - S08 : E08 Teepee of Death - In Washington, Rygaard's veterans go old school to keep the team on track. + + Here Comes the Son + S10 : E12 Duck Dynasty + After leaving school to pursue music, Jase feels that Reed needs some structure. Entertainment - - Ax Men - S08 : E09 Old Log, New Tricks - In the Louisiana Bayou, Shelby Stanga's jet boat is in desperate need of repair. + + Bro'd Trip + S10 : E13 Duck Dynasty + Jase accompanies Willie on a business trip to Arkansas to pitch a new product. Entertainment - - Ax Men - S08 : E10 All's Fair in Loggin' War - Down in the swamps, Shelby Stanga is trying to upgrade his logging empire. + + Techs and Balances + S10 : E14 Duck Dynasty + Willie thinks his kids have been spending too much time on their phones. Entertainment - - Ax Men - S08 : E04 The Swampman Cometh - Shelby the Swampman uses an airboat to search for a treasure trove. + + Best of #5 + S11 : E82 Duck Dynasty + A compilation of the best scenes from all 11 seasons of A&E's hit series Duck Dynasty. Entertainment - - Ax Men - S08 : E05 High Wire Act - In Louisiana, Shelby looks to repair his custom made two-ton swamp buggy. + + Best of Duck Dynasty: Animal Behavior + S11 : E17 Duck Dynasty + A compilation of the best scenes from all 11 seasons of Duck Dynasty. Entertainment - - Ax Men - S08 : E06 The Log and Winding Road - In Louisiana, Shelby and his assistant Bob head out looking for logs. + + Best of Duck Dynasty: Duck Eat Duck (#7) + S11 : E99 Duck Dynasty + A compilation of the best scenes from all 11 seasons of A&E's hit series Duck Dynasty. Entertainment - - Ax Men - S08 : E07 Swamp Man Boogie - Shelby hits Lake Ponchartrain with Belinda and Bob to retrieve a massive log. + + Best of Duck Dynasty: Robertson Ducklings (#8) + S11 : E79 Duck Dynasty + A compilation of the best scenes from all 11 seasons of A&E's hit series Duck Dynasty. Entertainment - - Ax Men - S08 : E08 Teepee of Death - In Washington, Rygaard's veterans go old school to keep the team on track. + + Best of Duck Dynasty: Si Jobs (#9) + S11 : E78 Duck Dynasty + A compilation of the best scenes from all 11 seasons of A&E's hit series Duck Dynasty. Entertainment - - Ax Men - S08 : E09 Old Log, New Tricks - In the Louisiana Bayou, Shelby Stanga's jet boat is in desperate need of repair. + + There Will be Flood + S10 : E07 Duck Dynasty + When a large storm hits Monroe, most of the adults head to Phil and Kay's. + Entertainment + + + Bingo Star + S10 : E08 Duck Dynasty + Willie accompanies Kay to a local bingo tournament. + Entertainment + + + Sadie's Choice + S10 : E09 Duck Dynasty + Willie takes Sadie on a tour of a local college. + Entertainment + + + Children of the Cornbread (#101) + S10 : E10 Duck Dynasty + When the Robertson brothers debate which of their wives makes the best cornbread, it escalates into a full-on cornbread cook off. + Entertainment + + + Whole Lotta Bull + S10 : E11 Duck Dynasty + The guys enjoy a one-day rodeo fantasy camp where they learn. + Entertainment + + + Here Comes the Son + S10 : E12 Duck Dynasty + After leaving school to pursue music, Jase feels that Reed needs some structure. + Entertainment + + + Bro'd Trip + S10 : E13 Duck Dynasty + Jase accompanies Willie on a business trip to Arkansas to pitch a new product. + Entertainment + + + Techs and Balances + S10 : E14 Duck Dynasty + Willie thinks his kids have been spending too much time on their phones. + Entertainment + + + Best of #5 + S11 : E82 Duck Dynasty + A compilation of the best scenes from all 11 seasons of A&E's hit series Duck Dynasty. + Entertainment + + + Best of Duck Dynasty: Animal Behavior + S11 : E17 Duck Dynasty + A compilation of the best scenes from all 11 seasons of Duck Dynasty. + Entertainment + + + Best of Duck Dynasty: Duck Eat Duck (#7) + S11 : E99 Duck Dynasty + A compilation of the best scenes from all 11 seasons of A&E's hit series Duck Dynasty. + Entertainment + + + Best of Duck Dynasty: Robertson Ducklings (#8) + S11 : E79 Duck Dynasty + A compilation of the best scenes from all 11 seasons of A&E's hit series Duck Dynasty. + Entertainment + + + Best of Duck Dynasty: Si Jobs (#9) + S11 : E78 Duck Dynasty + A compilation of the best scenes from all 11 seasons of A&E's hit series Duck Dynasty. + Entertainment + + + The West Monroe Wing + S11 : E01 Duck Dynasty + Willie and Jase run against each other to become president of their neighborhood. + Entertainment + + + Automation Frustration + S11 : E02 Duck Dynasty + Willie buys a 3D printer for the office. + Entertainment + + + Razing the Snakes + S11 : E03 Duck Dynasty + Jase, Jep, Si and Cole try to fight back a growing population of snakes. + Entertainment + + + Uneasy Rider + S11 : E04 Duck Dynasty + Willie puts Little Will on a budget for his first car but it backfires. + Entertainment + + + Good Willie Hunting + S11 : E05 Duck Dynasty + Willie and Jase debate over tracking ability which leads to a challenge. + Entertainment + + + Sleep Cover + S11 : E06 Duck Dynasty + Willie and Jep must step in and supervise Bella's sleepover. + Entertainment + + + Drive-In Revivin' + S11 : E07 Duck Dynasty + Korie challenges Willie to come up with a romantic gesture. + Entertainment + + + Fishful Thinking + S11 : E08 Duck Dynasty + Jase's hopes to win the inaugural Duck Commander Fishing Tournament. + Entertainment + + + When Doves Fry + S11 : E09 Duck Dynasty + Jase and Jep make a deal with Mia and Merritt to get them to go dove hunting. + Entertainment + + + Carpnado (#124) + S11 : E10 Duck Dynasty + Jumping Asian carp have invaded Monroe's waters so Jase and the guys set out to try to stop them from spreading further. + Entertainment + + + The Campfire Diaries + S11 : E11 Duck Dynasty + The family spends a weekend at their childhood summer camp. + Entertainment + + + Rowdy's Big Day + S11 : E12 Duck Dynasty + Rowdy's adoption is finalized and he officially becomes a Robertson. + Entertainment + + + Disappearing Acts + S11 : E13 Duck Dynasty + After Willie and Jase lose Si's tea cup, Si makes them go find it. + Entertainment + + + The West Monroe Wing + S11 : E01 Duck Dynasty + Willie and Jase run against each other to become president of their neighborhood. + Entertainment + + + Automation Frustration + S11 : E02 Duck Dynasty + Willie buys a 3D printer for the office. + Entertainment + + + Razing the Snakes + S11 : E03 Duck Dynasty + Jase, Jep, Si and Cole try to fight back a growing population of snakes. + Entertainment + + + Uneasy Rider + S11 : E04 Duck Dynasty + Willie puts Little Will on a budget for his first car but it backfires. + Entertainment + + + Good Willie Hunting + S11 : E05 Duck Dynasty + Willie and Jase debate over tracking ability which leads to a challenge. + Entertainment + + + Sleep Cover + S11 : E06 Duck Dynasty + Willie and Jep must step in and supervise Bella's sleepover. + Entertainment + + + Drive-In Revivin' + S11 : E07 Duck Dynasty + Korie challenges Willie to come up with a romantic gesture. + Entertainment + + + Fishful Thinking + S11 : E08 Duck Dynasty + Jase's hopes to win the inaugural Duck Commander Fishing Tournament. + Entertainment + + + When Doves Fry + S11 : E09 Duck Dynasty + Jase and Jep make a deal with Mia and Merritt to get them to go dove hunting. + Entertainment + + + Carpnado (#124) + S11 : E10 Duck Dynasty + Jumping Asian carp have invaded Monroe's waters so Jase and the guys set out to try to stop them from spreading further. + Entertainment + + + The Campfire Diaries + S11 : E11 Duck Dynasty + The family spends a weekend at their childhood summer camp. + Entertainment + + + Rowdy's Big Day + S11 : E12 Duck Dynasty + Rowdy's adoption is finalized and he officially becomes a Robertson. + Entertainment + + + Disappearing Acts + S11 : E13 Duck Dynasty + After Willie and Jase lose Si's tea cup, Si makes them go find it. + Entertainment + + + The West Monroe Wing + S11 : E01 Duck Dynasty + Willie and Jase run against each other to become president of their neighborhood. + Entertainment + + + Automation Frustration + S11 : E02 Duck Dynasty + Willie buys a 3D printer for the office. + Entertainment + + + Razing the Snakes + S11 : E03 Duck Dynasty + Jase, Jep, Si and Cole try to fight back a growing population of snakes. + Entertainment + + + Uneasy Rider + S11 : E04 Duck Dynasty + Willie puts Little Will on a budget for his first car but it backfires. + Entertainment + + + Good Willie Hunting + S11 : E05 Duck Dynasty + Willie and Jase debate over tracking ability which leads to a challenge. Entertainment @@ -23506,58 +30101,172 @@ The already shorthanded Rygaard crew fights Mother Nature as temperatures climb. Entertainment - - World's Wildest Police Videos - S05 : E13 World's Wildest Police Videos - This episode features a stripper, an interrogator and a cop killer in a showdown at a trailer park. + + Ax Men + S09 : E05 Family Tree + With Rygaard off to a tough start this season, Gabe is left with no choice. Entertainment - - World's Wildest Police Videos - S05 : E04 World's Wildest Police Videos - This episode features a gun-toting madman, soccer hooligans and a drive-thru shoot-out. + + Ax Men + S09 : E06 Madman Of The Mountain + In Washington, production's soaring with newest generation of Rygaard. Entertainment - - World's Wildest Police Videos - S04 : E01 World's Wildest Police Videos - Carjackers collide with an 18-wheeler; a state trooper's routine traffic stop turns deadly; a truck strikes a motorist. + + Ax Men + S09 : E07 Root Canal + Rygaard Logging has been behind the eight ball all season. Entertainment - - World's Wildest Police Videos - S03 : E06 World's Wildest Police Videos - This episode features a chase in Alabama, a teacher and her students held at gunpoint and a courtroom brawl. + + Ax Men + S09 : E08 Rygaard's Revenge + Rygaard Logging is fighting to get back on track. Entertainment - - World's Wildest Police Videos - S03 : E10 World's Wildest Police Videos - This episode features a chase in Colorado, a naked drunk driver and rioting in Australia. + + Ax Men + S09 : E09 Log Eat Log + In Washington, Gabe Rygaard pushes his crew to the breaking point. Entertainment - - World's Wildest Police Videos - S06 : E01 World's Wildest Police Videos - This episode features the world's scariest police stings. + + Ax Men + S09 : E10 Every Log Has Its Day + Papac Alaska pushes deeper into their seven-thousand-acre site. Entertainment - - World's Wildest Police Videos - S05 : E11 World's Wildest Police Videos - This episode features a rogue gunman, a gasoline tanker that catches fire and cops who chase an assassin. + + Ax Men + S09 : E11 Getting A Leg Up + The Papac crew is moving on to the most remote and dangerous site of their season. Entertainment - - World's Wildest Police Videos - S06 : E09 World's Wildest Police Videos - This episode features extraordinary emergency rescues caught on camera. + + Ax Men + S09 : E05 Family Tree + With Rygaard off to a tough start this season, Gabe is left with no choice. Entertainment - - World's Wildest Police Videos - S05 : E10 World's Wildest Police Videos - This episode features a drug fiend, a rifle-wielding robber and a stolen forklift. + + Ax Men + S09 : E06 Madman Of The Mountain + In Washington, production's soaring with newest generation of Rygaard. + Entertainment + + + Ax Men + S09 : E07 Root Canal + Rygaard Logging has been behind the eight ball all season. + Entertainment + + + Ax Men + S09 : E08 Rygaard's Revenge + Rygaard Logging is fighting to get back on track. + Entertainment + + + Ax Men + S09 : E09 Log Eat Log + In Washington, Gabe Rygaard pushes his crew to the breaking point. + Entertainment + + + Ax Men + S09 : E10 Every Log Has Its Day + Papac Alaska pushes deeper into their seven-thousand-acre site. + Entertainment + + + Ax Men + S09 : E11 Getting A Leg Up + The Papac crew is moving on to the most remote and dangerous site of their season. + Entertainment + + + Ax Men + S09 : E05 Family Tree + With Rygaard off to a tough start this season, Gabe is left with no choice. + Entertainment + + + Ax Men + S09 : E06 Madman Of The Mountain + In Washington, production's soaring with newest generation of Rygaard. + Entertainment + + + Ax Men + S09 : E07 Root Canal + Rygaard Logging has been behind the eight ball all season. + Entertainment + + + Ax Men + S09 : E08 Rygaard's Revenge + Rygaard Logging is fighting to get back on track. + Entertainment + + + Ax Men + S09 : E09 Log Eat Log + In Washington, Gabe Rygaard pushes his crew to the breaking point. + Entertainment + + + Ax Men + S09 : E10 Every Log Has Its Day + Papac Alaska pushes deeper into their seven-thousand-acre site. + Entertainment + + + Ax Men + S09 : E11 Getting A Leg Up + The Papac crew is moving on to the most remote and dangerous site of their season. + Entertainment + + + Ax Men + S09 : E05 Family Tree + With Rygaard off to a tough start this season, Gabe is left with no choice. + Entertainment + + + Ax Men + S09 : E06 Madman Of The Mountain + In Washington, production's soaring with newest generation of Rygaard. + Entertainment + + + Ax Men + S09 : E07 Root Canal + Rygaard Logging has been behind the eight ball all season. + Entertainment + + + Ax Men + S09 : E08 Rygaard's Revenge + Rygaard Logging is fighting to get back on track. + Entertainment + + + Ax Men + S09 : E09 Log Eat Log + In Washington, Gabe Rygaard pushes his crew to the breaking point. + Entertainment + + + Ax Men + S09 : E10 Every Log Has Its Day + Papac Alaska pushes deeper into their seven-thousand-acre site. + Entertainment + + + Ax Men + S09 : E11 Getting A Leg Up + The Papac crew is moving on to the most remote and dangerous site of their season. Entertainment @@ -23884,77 +30593,167 @@ This episode features a chase in Alabama, fleeing thieves and a suicidal woman in South Africa. Entertainment - - The Great House Revival - S01 : E02 Dublin Townhouse - Murray Rees has always wanted to live in an elegant old townhouse and couldn’t believe his luck when he found one he could afford in North Inner City Dublin. Buildings in this area were used as bedsits and had fallen into total disrepair. Murray is keen to save this 1840s building and return it to its full potential. - Reality Shows + + World's Wildest Police Videos + S06 : E03 World's Wildest Police Videos + This episode compiles some of the worst crashes caught on video. + Entertainment - - The Unsellables - S01 : E06 The Andrews - Retired empty nesters, Betty and Ron, are longing to sell their three-bedroom, end-of-terrace home in southeast London to move closer to family. But after 16 months on the market and over ninety viewings (Betty has handled them all herself), the disheartened couple is running out of steam. The Grove Park home would be perfect for a young family… But potential buyers just can’t see beyond the worn carpets, retro furnishings, and dizzying kaleidoscope of patterns and colors. (And to make matters worse, the neighbor’s front lawn is a junkyard.) - Reality Shows + + World's Wildest Police Videos + S03 : E03 World's Wildest Police Videos + A drunken female driver flirts with an arresting officer; a suspect crashes into a snowplow, bringing an end to a high-speed chase. + Entertainment - - The Unsellables - S01 : E07 Ms. Kemal - Diane is so desperate to sell her 200-year-old, four-bedroom home in Ingrave, Essex, that it’s listed the property with three agents… But after numerous viewings in two years, and despite an £80,000 price cut, she’s still there, and her bills keep piling up. The charming home offers country living in the heart of the London commuter belt, and features period details, an open plan living space, and a beautiful garden view. But all the potential is lost in a sea of wild animal print fabrics, feather boas, and a messy, dated kitchen that’s putting buyers off. - Reality Shows + + World's Wildest Police Videos + S04 : E09 World's Wildest Police Videos + This episode features a chase in Colorado, a liquor store robbery and rioting in Argentina. + Entertainment - - The Unsellables - S01 : E08 The Bryants - John and Anne are splitting up, and want to sell their 100-year-old, four-bedroom, semi-detached Edwardian home in Finchley, North London… But even after dropping the price £65,000, they’ve had just eight viewings in four months, and not a single offer. The couple is perplexed – especially since the grand home features a large garden, extraordinary period details, and a prime park location… However, their Bohemian hangout also features reams of clutter and unfinished DIY jobs, peeling wallpaper, way too many office spaces, and a dated kitchen whose groovy days are long gone. - Reality Shows + + World's Wildest Police Videos + S04 : E10 World's Wildest Police Videos + This episode features a chase in South Carolina, a dairy truck theft and a bail jumper. + Entertainment - - The Unsellables - S01 : E09 The Wightmans - With way too much property on her hands, schoolteacher Lucy listed her North London, three-bedroom Edwardian home nine months ago… And 90 viewings later, she’s losing hope of ever moving on. The gracious Finchley-area home features original period details, grand rooms and a corner plot on a park, and should be a hit with young, urban families… But the messy, neglected, interiors are making a terrible first impression. The furniture is mismatched, there’s clutter in every corner, and even though she’s twice dropped the price, Lucy’s still waiting… - Reality Shows + + World's Wildest Police Videos + S04 : E01 World's Wildest Police Videos + Carjackers collide with an 18-wheeler; a state trooper's routine traffic stop turns deadly; a truck strikes a motorist. + Entertainment - - The Unsellables - S01 : E10 The Lambournes - With an oversized empty nest, Maria wants to sell her four-bedroom detached home in leafy Burghfield Village, West Berkshire. But with just five viewings in two years, the listing has flat-lined despite a deep reduction in the price. With its garage and garden, the home has lots to offer. But its plain master bedroom, dated décor and mismatched colour scheme are proving a major turnoff. Maria is desperate to downsize and says she’s ready to move on. But she has also refused to put a ‘for sale’ sign on the lawn. - Reality Shows + + World's Wildest Police Videos + S04 : E11 World's Wildest Police Videos + This episode features a chase in Tennessee, a parole violator on the run and a stolen moving van. + Entertainment - - The Unsellables - S01 : E11 The Akthars - The 14 members (and three generations) of the Akthar family need to live apart but are trapped by the current property market in an unsellable Victorian terrace in Bradford, West Yorkshire. Desperate for an offer, they have cut the price and sacked their agent. And now 20-year-old Shumi is marketing the home herself. The structurally impressive, six-bedroom property features two spacious reception rooms, and an ideal location close to the city centre… But with its garbled décor, dodgy DIY, Spartan kitchen, and graffiti-enhanced bedroom, the home is completely unsellable. - Reality Shows + + World's Wildest Police Videos + S03 : E04 World's Wildest Police Videos + This episode features a chase in Texas, a gas station robbery and a soccer riot in the Netherlands. + Entertainment - - Discovering Canary Islands - S02 : E06 La Gomera - The journey continues on the island of La Gomera, with a first test in the lush Garajonay National Park where the contestants will have to grope blindly for a series of "objects" that will determine the rest of the episode. From there, they will "leap" over to the Gran Rey Valley to perform another type of leap, the so-called "shepherd's leap" that the ancient dwellers of the island used to move swiftly over the mountainous terrain. This will enable the contestants to find more "objects". All the "objects" achieved thus far will come into their own at Playa del Inglés beach, where the strength and coordination of each team will be vital in the final challenge of this stage. - Reality Shows + + World's Wildest Police Videos + S04 : E12 World's Wildest Police Videos + This episode features a chase in Alabama, a madman who takes hostages on a bus and a thwarted robbery. + Entertainment - - Discovering Canary Islands - S02 : E07 El Hierro - The island of El Hierro will be the site of the last hurdle to discover the secret of how to invoke San Borondón. The contestants will compete in two eliminating tests to determine the two finalists. The first and most important one will be paragliding from a height of 1,200 metres. As the second test, contestants will have to interpret the international code of maritime signals that has guided hundreds of navigators in their search for Whale Island. The finale will take place in the crystal-clear waters of Tamaduste. Two finalists. One will be left behind. The other will invoke San Borondón and then embark on a new journey to reach it and discover its secrets. - Reality Shows + + World's Wildest Police Videos + S03 : E12 World's Wildest Police Videos + This episode features a chase in Michigan, a gun man who fires randomly in a video store and rioting in Kenya. + Entertainment - - Discovering Canary Islands - S01 : E03 Gran Canaria - We start in Puerto de Mogán, where there is a surprise "reunion". With emotions running high, the competitors put their cookery skills to the test. For the final test, off comes the apron for them to compete in one of the islands' oldest traditions: Canarian wrestling. They are fighting for the third scroll, the third coordinate for San Borondón… and the second competitor to be eliminated. - Reality Shows + + World's Wildest Police Videos + S05 : E09 World's Wildest Police Videos + This episode features a prison-wide fight, a pistol-packing drug thief and a stolen school bus. + Entertainment - - Discovering Canary Islands - S01 : E04 Tenerife - Pilar Rubio welcomes a representative from each team in the Teide Nature Reserve, the highest mountain in Spain. After a thrilling flight by paraglider, the competitors then exchange the mountain tops for a camera. The final test at the thousand-year-old Dragon tree will decide who has won the fourth scroll and the fourth legend of San Borondón, and of course the third competitor to be eliminated. - Reality Shows + + World's Wildest Police Videos + S03 : E08 World's Wildest Police Videos + This special episode features the world's most bizarre and unusual chases. + Entertainment - - Posh Pawn - S03 : E03 Episode 3 - A teenage couple want to sell her grandfather's designer watch to invest in their fledgling jewellery business, and Lawrence discovers an autographed 1960s racing programme. - Reality Shows + + World's Wildest Police Videos + S05 : E08 World's Wildest Police Videos + This episode features a police precinct shoot-out, smash-and-grabbers and a bride who tries to hire a hitman. + Entertainment + + + World's Wildest Police Videos + S03 : E10 World's Wildest Police Videos + This episode features a chase in Colorado, a naked drunk driver and rioting in Australia. + Entertainment + + + World's Wildest Police Videos + S05 : E01 World's Wildest Police Videos + This episode features a car bomb, a suspect who lights himself on fire and a father and son who launch a deadly shootout with the police. + Entertainment + + + World's Wildest Police Videos + S06 : E09 World's Wildest Police Videos + This episode features extraordinary emergency rescues caught on camera. + Entertainment + + + World's Wildest Police Videos + S05 : E07 World's Wildest Police Videos + This episode features a car crash through city hall, ruthless kidnappers and an off-road felon. + Entertainment + + + World's Wildest Police Videos + S05 : E03 World's Wildest Police Videos + This episode features a brazen burglar's fall, a stolen Porsche and a grenade-wielding madman. + Entertainment + + + World's Wildest Police Videos + S06 : E05 World's Wildest Police Videos + This special episode features some of the worst crashes caught on camera. + Entertainment + + + World's Wildest Police Videos + S04 : E05 World's Wildest Police Videos + This episode features a chase in California, an armed parolee and rioting in Germany. + Entertainment + + + World's Wildest Police Videos + S03 : E11 World's Wildest Police Videos + This episode features a chase in Florida, a car theft sting and a postman who hires a hitman. + Entertainment + + + World's Wildest Police Videos + S03 : E09 World's Wildest Police Videos + This episode features a chase in Arizona, a random act of arson in Oklahoma and rioting in Australia. + Entertainment + + + World's Wildest Police Videos + S05 : E10 World's Wildest Police Videos + This episode features a drug fiend, a rifle-wielding robber and a stolen forklift. + Entertainment + + + World's Wildest Police Videos + S05 : E11 World's Wildest Police Videos + This episode features a rogue gunman, a gasoline tanker that catches fire and cops who chase an assassin. + Entertainment + + + World's Wildest Police Videos + S04 : E07 World's Wildest Police Videos + This episode features a chase in California, a schizophrenic driver and a wanted drug dealer. + Entertainment + + + World's Wildest Police Videos + S05 : E05 World's Wildest Police Videos + This episode features topless demonstrators, a gangland murder trial and a Detroit car chase. + Entertainment + + + World's Wildest Police Videos + S04 : E15 World's Wildest Police Videos + This episode features fleeing muggers in Michigan, a chase in Ohio and violent student protests in Nicaragua. + Entertainment + + + World's Wildest Police Videos + S04 : E17 World's Wildest Police Videos + This episode features a chase in Mississippi, a shooting outside the White House and a DUI suspect. + Entertainment Posh Pawn @@ -24386,155 +31185,220 @@ In this Christmas Special, James is struggling to get into the festive spirit, but a day out at the track with world super bike champion Carl Foggarty soon lifts his spirits. Reality Shows - - Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir - S01 : E123 Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir - Ladybug and Cat Noir help keep Paris safe from villainy! - Kids + + Posh Pawn + S04 : E01 Episode 1 + In the first episode of the series, big money changes hands and pawn shop boss James takes an extremely rare Porsche for a spin, but will the adrenaline rush help the owner hit the 250,000 pounds they need? Designer handbag expert Claudia is tasked with evaluating a pair of bags that could help the owner build a mansion for her beloved hairless cat. David Beckham makes a surprise appearance when a sculptor brings in a life-sized statue, and with a new high-end pawnbroking store about to open in Manchester city centre, James faces his biggest challenge yet when one member of his tight-knit team drops a bombshell. + Reality Shows - - Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir - S01 : E124 Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir - Ladybug and Cat Noir help keep Paris safe from villainy! - Kids + + Posh Pawn + S04 : E02 Episode 2 + In this episode, pawn shop boss James takes to the high seas on a historic boat, but will the owner get the 750,000 pounds he wants to make his dream of becoming a well-known children's author a reality? Lawrence is tasked with selling an original Kerry Darlington painting for an unforgettable returning client. With her mother's funeral to pay for, Essex girl Lucy needs an urgent loan against a diamond ring which has been in the family for generations. And James visits his new branch in Manchester for the first time. + Reality Shows - - Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir - S01 : E125 Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir - Ladybug and Cat Noir help keep Paris safe from villainy! - Kids + + Naked Fashion + S01 : E04 Episode 4 + Join Myleene Klass and the outspoken Naked Fashion panel as they strip Mariah Carey, Kim Cattrall and Courtney Love of their fashion crimes… And re-dress them to look fantastic! + Reality Shows - - Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir - S01 : E126 Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir - Ladybug and Cat Noir help keep Paris safe from villainy! - Kids + + Naked Fashion + S01 : E05 Episode 5 + Join Myleene Klass and the outspoken Naked Fashion panel as they strip Gwyneth Paltrow, Liz Hurley and Geri Halliwell of their fashion crimes… And re-dress them to look fantastic! + Reality Shows - - Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir - S02 : E01 Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir - Ladybug and Cat Noir help keep Paris safe from villainy! - Kids + + Naked Fashion + S01 : E06 Episode 6 + Join Myleene Klass and the outspoken Naked Fashion panel as they strip Paula Abdul, America Ferrera and Naomi Watts of their fashion crimes… And re-dress them to look fantastic! + Reality Shows - - Total Dramarama - S03 : E22 Total Dramarama - Our favourite Total Drama Island cast members are back as four-year-olds in a daycare centre! - Kids + + Programming will resume shortly + We're catching up on our beauty sleep! Stay tuned for more priceless entertainment curated by Rakuten TV. + Reality Shows - - Total Dramarama - S02 : E06 Total Dramarama - Your favourite Total Drama characters turn pint-sized! - Kids + + Smart Home Nation + S01 : E03 Nightingale Skylight / Wellness On A Budget + Ever seen a 100-foot-high retractable skylight? Tanya hadn’t either, until she visited this astounding Beverly Hills estate that boasts smart features from the basement all the way to the roof. Next, not every smart home needs to be a mansion. A smart home developer downsizes his family home into a health-driven sanctuary that focuses on the five senses. Touch, sight, smell, taste, and sound all work seamlessly into this Wellness-on-a-Budget showpiece. + Reality Shows - - Total Dramarama - S03 : E39 Total Dramarama - Our favourite Total Drama Island cast members are back as four-year-olds in a daycare centre! - Kids + + Smart Home Nation + S01 : E04 Dinosaur House / The Garagemahal + Tanya stops by a luxurious new mansion in Beverly Hills that boasts a dinosaur skeleton in the entrance, and he most impressive man cave she’s ever seen. Next, Tanya meets a couple who’ve created the ultimate country entertainment home, with smart tech inside and out. The main event: speakers hidden everywhere, including in the walls and ceiling. + Reality Shows - - Total Dramarama - S03 : E47 Total Dramarama - Our favourite Total Drama Island cast members are back as four-year-olds in a daycare centre! - Kids + + Colin And Justin's Home Heist + S02 : E03 Trash Or Treasure + Art-loving Jane loves her classic Victorian home… But admits the oppressive décor is long overdue for an overhaul. The incredibly dusty interiors feature vivid prints and dark colors, ratty houseplants, and even rattier rattan furniture… And, like the house of a crazy lady, every surface is cluttered with random collectibles, including a silk kimono and a wind-up sushi collection. + Reality Shows - - Total Dramarama - S03 : E17 Total Dramarama - Our favourite Total Drama Island cast members are back as four-year-olds in a daycare centre! - Kids + + Colin And Justin's Home Heist + S02 : E04 Mucky Pups + Steve and Sumiko are an energetic, fun-loving couple… But their house is no laughing matter. Filled with random collectibles (including an authentic moose hoof ashtray), the drab yet hectic granny-style interiors feature a powder blue chesterfield, a bland and dirty laboratory-style kitchen, and a horribly messy bedroom complete with a soiled doggie bed. After an ambush at the couple’s weekly salsa lesson, Colin and Justin vow to transform the home into a sleek and sophisticated love nest for two. + Reality Shows - - Total Dramarama - S03 : E28 Total Dramarama - Our favourite Total Drama Island cast members are back as four-year-olds in a daycare centre! - Kids + + Colin And Justin's Home Heist + S02 : E05 Bold Vs. Bland + Rachel and Jehred’s home has become a battleground of bad design… And while they insist they have good taste, their hideous interiors feature a sexless blood red master bedroom, a mismatched and ramshackle ‘country’ kitchen, a tidal wave of kids’ stuff, sickly shades of yellow paint, and a hideous brown leather sofa set. After an ambush at the local amusement park, Colin and Justin vow to transform the couple’s home into a harmonious and family-friendly oasis. + Reality Shows - - Total Dramarama - S03 : E44 Total Dramarama - Our favourite Total Drama Island cast members are back as four-year-olds in a daycare centre! - Kids + + Colin And Justin's Home Heist + S02 : E06 Bad Rabbit Habit + With a mixed heritage that would confuse the United Nations, Calypso loving Andy and Christobel have been living in their catastrophically decorated, multi-level disaster home for fifteen years. The wall colors are hideous, the living area looks like a doctor’s office, and the bedroom is a French-boudoir experiment gone wrong… Not to mention their collectibles which include a Chinese screen, a Roman bust, several statues of Buddha and disco lights in the kitchen ...as well as a rabbit. + Reality Shows + + + Colin And Justin's Home Heist + S02 : E07 You Jane, Me Tarzan + Dave’s suburban home was a dingy bachelor pad before Lisa moved in… And now that they’ve combined their divergent styles, the hideous interiors are a bad taste war zone. Featuring a frightful clash of fairytale snow globes and macho knickknacks (think ninja daggers and crocodile heads), the home also boasts random exercise equipment, a Titanic-sized leather sectional, and a dreary, outdated kitchen. After an ambush at the gym, Colin and Justin vow to transform the mixed-up home by introducing sunny and playful, Scandinavian-inspired design throughout. + Reality Shows + + + Becoming Xtraordinary + S01 : E09 The Golden Girl (Kelly Holmes) and The Spaceman (Tim Peake) + Double Olympic gold medallist Kelly Holmes and European Space Agency astronaut Tim Peake tell of their extraordinary careers. + Reality Shows + + + Becoming Xtraordinary + S01 : E10 The Firefighter (Sabrina Cohen-Hatton) and The Bionic Man (Mark Ormrod) + Senior firefighter and author Sabrina Cohen-Hatton and award-winning triple amputee Mark Ormrod share their incredible tales of resilience. + Reality Shows + + + Becoming Xtraordinary + S01 : E01 The G.O.A.T (Roger Federer) and The Racer (Danica Patrick) + Tennis legend Roger Federer and Indy 500 sensation Danica Patrick share their stories of becoming the best in the world. + Reality Shows + + + Lap of Luxury + S01 : E05 Episode 5 + In episode five, Lap of Luxury heads to New Zealand’s South Island where history meets gastronomy in Oamaru, we experience wilderness adventures in the North Island’s back country just outside of Taupo and an visit an architectural dream in Australia’s island gem, Tasmania. + Reality Shows + + + Lap of Luxury + S01 : E06 Episode 6 + In episode six, Lap of Luxury takes us first to New Zealand and spoils us with old world charm set among a floral legacy just outside of Christchurch. Experience resplendence on the shores of Lake Wakatipu, then head to Australia for some tranquil elegance in the incredible Whitsundays. + Reality Shows + + + Lap of Luxury + S01 : E07 Episode 7 + In episode seven, Lap of Luxury experiences serenity and calm in a bountiful Nelson valley and extreme luxury nestled in a rugged mountain range, showcasing two extremely different New Zealand landscapes and luxury designs. Then head over the Tasman for some adventure and indulgence in Australia’s outback. + Reality Shows + + + Lap of Luxury + S01 : E08 Episode 8 + In episode eight, Lap of Luxury takes us to a retreat in New Zealand’s Abel Tasman that combines wellness and luxury, gastronomical adventures in South Island’s Kaikoura and we head into Australia’s Blue Mountains where natural wonders’ abound, environmental care is key and history is everywhere. + Reality Shows + + + The Great House Revival + S02 : E05 Borrisoleigh, Tipperary + Borrisoleigh native Frances Doherty kept a close eye on the sale of her childhood doctor’s house over the years before purchasing it in 2017 for €67,000. Together with her husband, Tom, the couple’s dream is to create their forever home in Frances’s childhood village. With a coach house and numerous outbuildings, Frances plans to have the project finished in time for her imminent retirement. Being a listed building means that strict guidelines and traditional methods will have to be followed and used to bring this property to comfortable living standards, whilst retaining its original quirks and features. + Reality Shows + + + The Great House Revival + S02 : E06 Middleton Park House, Westmeath + Carolyn and Michael McDonnell, together with Carolyn’s brother Henry, joined together to purchase this expansive property in Castletown Geoghegan. Built during the famine, the property was last in use as a hotel but it had deteriorated at a surprisingly fast rate over its three unoccupied years. Designed by renowned architect George Papworth, featuring a Turner-designed conservatory, Middleton Park House stands at a palatial 35,000sq. ft. and is steeped in history. Its sheer scale makes it an ambitious restoration. The trio’s aim is to create a family home, first and foremost, which can host Henry’s children at the weekends and extended family all year-round. + Reality Shows - - Total Dramarama - S03 : E51 Total Dramarama - Our favourite Total Drama Island cast members are back as four-year-olds in a daycare centre! - Kids + + The Great House Revival + S03 : E01 Passage West, Co Cork + Tech professional Rob Hennessey fell in love with his bargain-price Victorian house on the banks of the Lee the moment he saw it. But with only the slimmest of budgets to patch up its holey floors and rotten joists, he has to upskill fast and take on the majority of the restoration with his own two hands. Over the course of two years he meets new partner Katie and completes the project as an astonishingly high spec family home for her and new arrival, baby Caoimhe. + Reality Shows - - Total Dramarama - S03 : E20 Total Dramarama - Our favourite Total Drama Island cast members are back as four-year-olds in a daycare centre! - Kids + + The Great House Revival + S03 : E02 Stradbally, Co Laois + Tiktok star Maryrose Simpson's Nana left her a three bedroom corner house on the main street in Stradbally, where their family have lived for five generations. Maryrose's father died when she was twelve and she treasured every detail of his family home. But lockdown delays and spiralling prices push her to make hard choices and radical changes in the building. The end result is a thoroughly modern home and office base for her online career. And all within a lovingly restored exterior which reinvigorates the historic streetscape. + Reality Shows - - Shasha and Milo - S01 : E15 Shasha and Milo - Shasha the cat and Milo the boy discover their heroic shapeshifting destiny. - Kids + + The Unsellables + S01 : E01 The Harts + The Harts are desperate to sell their three-bedroom, chalet-style Thundersley home so they can move to Australia with their five kids. But after ten months on the market, they’ve had only two viewings and not a single offer. The scruffy, canine-scented home has plenty of potential… But it’s all buried beneath piles of clutter, peeling floors, unfinished DIY projects, a conservatory turned storage area, and the family’s two rambunctious dogs. + Reality Shows - - Shasha and Milo - S01 : E16 Shasha and Milo - Shasha the cat and Milo the boy discover their heroic shapeshifting destiny. - Kids + + The Unsellables + S01 : E02 Ms. Crabbe + Hoping to join her boyfriend Down Under, 26-year-old London lawyer Maria is desperate to sell her childhood home in Copthorne, Sussex. But after ten months – and a whopping £50,000 price cut – she hasn’t received a single offer. The three-bedroom, 1960s detached home on a quiet cul-de-sac would be perfect for a young family… But with its brown broadloom, retro furnishings, and lifeless rooms, the interiors are stuck in a time warp. (The barren back garden isn’t making a great impression either.) + Reality Shows - - Shasha and Milo - S01 : E17 Shasha and Milo - Shasha the cat and Milo the boy discover their heroic shapeshifting destiny. - Kids + + The Unsellables + S01 : E03 The Burts + Hoping to make a quick sale to start her new life in the country, Chris Burt has dropped the price of her four-bedroom, 1970s-style house on bustling Canvey Island. But after four months on the market, she’s still waiting. The home’s location and modern kitchen have lots of appeal… But its animal menagerie and theme park interiors, including a scary scarlet sitting room, vast collection of plush toys, and a graffiti-laden teen lair, are keeping buyers away. + Reality Shows - - Shasha and Milo - S01 : E18 Shasha and Milo - Shasha the cat and Milo the boy discover their heroic shapeshifting destiny. - Kids + + The Unsellables + S01 : E04 The Timms + Party-loving homeowners, Linda and Lee dream of traveling the world… But after two years on the market, and over 80 viewings, they’re still stuck in their three-bedroom, 1950s terrace home in Swindon, Wiltshire. The unsellable property features institutional flooring, loads of unfinished DIY jobs, and a shattered front window. And beyond the trash-filled backyard, also contains ratty furniture, a broken bed, huge hairballs, random cigarette butts, and piles and piles of dirty laundry. + Reality Shows - - Shasha and Milo - S01 : E19 Shasha and Milo - Shasha the cat and Milo the boy discover their heroic shapeshifting destiny. - Kids + + The Unsellables + S01 : E05 The Coopers + Struggling to make ends meet since her divorce, single mom Jackie is desperate to sell her three-bedroom detached home in historic Dunstable. But after two years, 37 viewings, and two failed offers, the home’s value has dropped, and now the market’s in a slump. On the plus side, the home features a large garden… But with graffiti, busy broadloom, and a grubby, beach-themed bathroom, the student-squat interiors are proving to be a major turnoff. + Reality Shows - - Shasha and Milo - S01 : E20 Shasha and Milo - Shasha the cat and Milo the boy discover their heroic shapeshifting destiny. - Kids + + The Unsellables + S01 : E06 The Andrews + Retired empty nesters, Betty and Ron, are longing to sell their three-bedroom, end-of-terrace home in southeast London to move closer to family. But after 16 months on the market and over ninety viewings (Betty has handled them all herself), the disheartened couple is running out of steam. The Grove Park home would be perfect for a young family… But potential buyers just can’t see beyond the worn carpets, retro furnishings, and dizzying kaleidoscope of patterns and colors. (And to make matters worse, the neighbor’s front lawn is a junkyard.) + Reality Shows - - Shasha and Milo - S01 : E21 Shasha and Milo - Shasha the cat and Milo the boy discover their heroic shapeshifting destiny. - Kids + + Discovering Canary Islands + S02 : E05 La Palma + Getting closer and closer to San Borondón, the contestants will compete in furiously-paced races inside the crater of the impressive San Antonio Volcano and across the vast San Andrés y Sauces banana plantations, in a heart-stopping relay race at Charco Azul, and in individual Canarian wrestling matches in the town of Los Llanos de Aridane. + Reality Shows - - Squish - S01 : E11 Squish - Squish is a comedy about an amoeba. Who wears a ballcap. His name is Squish. - Kids + + Discovering Canary Islands + S02 : E06 La Gomera + The journey continues on the island of La Gomera, with a first test in the lush Garajonay National Park where the contestants will have to grope blindly for a series of "objects" that will determine the rest of the episode. From there, they will "leap" over to the Gran Rey Valley to perform another type of leap, the so-called "shepherd's leap" that the ancient dwellers of the island used to move swiftly over the mountainous terrain. This will enable the contestants to find more "objects". All the "objects" achieved thus far will come into their own at Playa del Inglés beach, where the strength and coordination of each team will be vital in the final challenge of this stage. + Reality Shows - - Squish - S01 : E12 Squish - Squish is a comedy about an amoeba. Who wears a ballcap. His name is Squish. - Kids + + Discovering Canary Islands + S01 : E03 Gran Canaria + We start in Puerto de Mogán, where there is a surprise "reunion". With emotions running high, the competitors put their cookery skills to the test. For the final test, off comes the apron for them to compete in one of the islands' oldest traditions: Canarian wrestling. They are fighting for the third scroll, the third coordinate for San Borondón… and the second competitor to be eliminated. + Reality Shows - - Squish - S01 : E13 Squish - Squish is a comedy about an amoeba. Who wears a ballcap. His name is Squish. - Kids + + Discovering Canary Islands + S01 : E04 Tenerife + Pilar Rubio welcomes a representative from each team in the Teide Nature Reserve, the highest mountain in Spain. After a thrilling flight by paraglider, the competitors then exchange the mountain tops for a camera. The final test at the thousand-year-old Dragon tree will decide who has won the fourth scroll and the fourth legend of San Borondón, and of course the third competitor to be eliminated. + Reality Shows - - Squish - S01 : E14 Squish - Squish is a comedy about an amoeba. Who wears a ballcap. His name is Squish. - Kids + + Posh Pawn + S04 : E03 Episode 3 + In this episode, thousands of pounds are at stake when pawn shop boss James gets a taste of the high life in Marbella. He turns heads for all the wrong reasons when he gets behind the wheel of a Ferrari California and takes advice from a relationship expert during a spin through the mountains in a Mercedes. Meanwhile, handbag expert Claudia is tasked with evaluating a former 'The Price Is Right' girl's eight designer bags, and in London, memorabilia expert Lawrence has to find a buyer for 14 pieces of boxing memorabilia. But will James be able to resist being hands-on with his staff when he's over 3,000 miles away? + Reality Shows + + + Posh Pawn + S04 : E04 Episode 4 + In this episode, pawn shop boss James gets an exciting enquiry about a passenger jet simulator, which sees him take to the skies and debate a loan of 150,000 pounds. A pilates instructor hopes her designer handbag collection will fund the trip of a lifetime, but will designer handbag expert Claudia agree? A stunning diamond and sapphire necklace is brought in to pay for the launch of a new skincare product, and James shows his softer side when a client is in danger of losing his beloved silver collection. + Reality Shows Squish @@ -25208,4903 +32072,6417 @@ Info not available Kids - + + Team Jay + S01 : E02 Team Jay + Info not available + Kids + + + Total Dramarama + S02 : E51 Total Dramarama + Your favourite Total Drama characters turn pint-sized! + Kids + + + Total Dramarama + S02 : E52 Total Dramarama + Your favourite Total Drama characters turn pint-sized! + Kids + + + Total Dramarama + S03 : E01 Total Dramarama + Our favourite Total Drama Island cast members are back as four-year-olds in a daycare centre! + Kids + + + Total Dramarama + S03 : E02 Total Dramarama + Our favourite Total Drama Island cast members are back as four-year-olds in a daycare centre! + Kids + + + Total Dramarama + S03 : E03 Total Dramarama + Our favourite Total Drama Island cast members are back as four-year-olds in a daycare centre! + Kids + + + Total Dramarama + S03 : E51 Total Dramarama + Our favourite Total Drama Island cast members are back as four-year-olds in a daycare centre! + Kids + + + Total Dramarama + S03 : E52 Total Dramarama + Our favourite Total Drama Island cast members are back as four-year-olds in a daycare centre! + Kids + + + Total Dramarama + S03 : E01 Total Dramarama + Our favourite Total Drama Island cast members are back as four-year-olds in a daycare centre! + Kids + + + Total Dramarama + S03 : E02 Total Dramarama + Our favourite Total Drama Island cast members are back as four-year-olds in a daycare centre! + Kids + + + Total Dramarama + S03 : E03 Total Dramarama + Our favourite Total Drama Island cast members are back as four-year-olds in a daycare centre! + Kids + + + The Inbestigators + S01 : E01 The Inbestigators + Some eleven year olds wash dishes for pocket money, others solve crimes. + Kids + + + The Inbestigators + S01 : E02 The Inbestigators + Some eleven year olds wash dishes for pocket money, others solve crimes. + Kids + + + The Inbestigators + S01 : E03 The Inbestigators + Some eleven year olds wash dishes for pocket money, others solve crimes. + Kids + + + The Inbestigators + S01 : E04 The Inbestigators + Some eleven year olds wash dishes for pocket money, others solve crimes. + Kids + + + LEGO Friends: The Next Chapter + S01 : E09 LEGO Friends: The Next Chapter + Aliya, Autumn, Leo, Zac, Nova, Paisley, Olly, and Liann navigate their first year of high school while becoming friends. + Kids + + + LEGO Friends: The Next Chapter + S01 : E10 LEGO Friends: The Next Chapter + Aliya, Autumn, Leo, Zac, Nova, Paisley, Olly, and Liann navigate their first year of high school while becoming friends. + Kids + + + LEGO Friends: The Next Chapter + S01 : E11 LEGO Friends: The Next Chapter + Aliya, Autumn, Leo, Zac, Nova, Paisley, Olly, and Liann navigate their first year of high school while becoming friends. + Kids + + + Total Dramarama + S03 : E41 Total Dramarama + Our favourite Total Drama Island cast members are back as four-year-olds in a daycare centre! + Kids + + + Total Dramarama + S03 : E42 Total Dramarama + Our favourite Total Drama Island cast members are back as four-year-olds in a daycare centre! + Kids + + + Total Dramarama + S03 : E43 Total Dramarama + Our favourite Total Drama Island cast members are back as four-year-olds in a daycare centre! + Kids + + + Total Dramarama + S03 : E44 Total Dramarama + Our favourite Total Drama Island cast members are back as four-year-olds in a daycare centre! + Kids + + + The Inbestigators + S02 : E01 The Inbestigators + Some eleven year olds wash dishes for pocket money, others solve crimes. + Kids + + + The Inbestigators + S02 : E02 The Inbestigators + Some eleven year olds wash dishes for pocket money, others solve crimes. + Kids + + + LEGO Friends: The Next Chapter + S02 : E03 LEGO Friends: The Next Chapter + Olly signs Ley-La up for larger, more demanding venues, forcing Paisley to adopt a style and identity that isn't representative of who she really is. + Kids + + + LEGO Friends: The Next Chapter + S02 : E04 LEGO Friends: The Next Chapter + Olly signs Ley-La up for larger, more demanding venues, forcing Paisley to adopt a style and identity that isn't representative of who she really is. + Kids + + + LEGO Friends: The Next Chapter + S02 : E05 LEGO Friends: The Next Chapter + Olly signs Ley-La up for larger, more demanding venues, forcing Paisley to adopt a style and identity that isn't representative of who she really is. + Kids + + + Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir + S04 : E13 Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir + The adventure in Paris continues for Ladybug and Cat Noir. + Kids + + + Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir + S04 : E14 Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir + The adventure in Paris continues for Ladybug and Cat Noir. + Kids + + + Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir + S04 : E15 Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir + The adventure in Paris continues for Ladybug and Cat Noir. + Kids + + + Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir + S04 : E16 Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir + The adventure in Paris continues for Ladybug and Cat Noir. + Kids + + + Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir + S04 : E17 Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir + The adventure in Paris continues for Ladybug and Cat Noir. + Kids + + + Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir + S04 : E18 Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir + The adventure in Paris continues for Ladybug and Cat Noir. + Kids + + + Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir + S04 : E19 Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir + The adventure in Paris continues for Ladybug and Cat Noir. + Kids + + + Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir + S04 : E20 Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir + The adventure in Paris continues for Ladybug and Cat Noir. + Kids + + + Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir + S04 : E21 Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir + The adventure in Paris continues for Ladybug and Cat Noir. + Kids + + + Squish + S01 : E47 Squish + Squish is a comedy about an amoeba. Who wears a ballcap. His name is Squish. + Kids + + + Squish + S01 : E48 Squish + Squish is a comedy about an amoeba. Who wears a ballcap. His name is Squish. + Kids + + + Squish + S01 : E49 Squish + Squish is a comedy about an amoeba. Who wears a ballcap. His name is Squish. + Kids + + + Squish + S01 : E50 Squish + Squish is a comedy about an amoeba. Who wears a ballcap. His name is Squish. + Kids + + + Squish + S01 : E51 Squish + Squish is a comedy about an amoeba. Who wears a ballcap. His name is Squish. + Kids + + + Squish + S01 : E52 Squish + Squish is a comedy about an amoeba. Who wears a ballcap. His name is Squish. + Kids + + + Squish + S01 : E01 Squish + Squish is a comedy about an amoeba. Who wears a ballcap. His name is Squish. + Kids + + + Squish + S01 : E02 Squish + Squish is a comedy about an amoeba. Who wears a ballcap. His name is Squish. + Kids + + + Squish + S01 : E03 Squish + Squish is a comedy about an amoeba. Who wears a ballcap. His name is Squish. + Kids + + + Squish + S01 : E04 Squish + Squish is a comedy about an amoeba. Who wears a ballcap. His name is Squish. + Kids + + + Squish + S01 : E05 Squish + Squish is a comedy about an amoeba. Who wears a ballcap. His name is Squish. + Kids + + + Squish + S01 : E06 Squish + Squish is a comedy about an amoeba. Who wears a ballcap. His name is Squish. + Kids + + + Squish + S01 : E07 Squish + Squish is a comedy about an amoeba. Who wears a ballcap. His name is Squish. + Kids + + + Squish + S01 : E08 Squish + Squish is a comedy about an amoeba. Who wears a ballcap. His name is Squish. + Kids + + + Shasha and Milo + S01 : E04 Shasha and Milo + Shasha the cat and Milo the boy discover their heroic shapeshifting destiny. + Kids + + + Shasha and Milo + S01 : E05 Shasha and Milo + Shasha the cat and Milo the boy discover their heroic shapeshifting destiny. + Kids + + + Shasha and Milo + S01 : E11 Shasha and Milo + Shasha the cat and Milo the boy discover their heroic shapeshifting destiny. + Kids + + + Shasha and Milo + S01 : E12 Shasha and Milo + Shasha the cat and Milo the boy discover their heroic shapeshifting destiny. + Kids + + + Shasha and Milo + S01 : E13 Shasha and Milo + Shasha the cat and Milo the boy discover their heroic shapeshifting destiny. + Kids + + + Shasha and Milo + S01 : E14 Shasha and Milo + Shasha the cat and Milo the boy discover their heroic shapeshifting destiny. + Kids + + + Shasha and Milo + S01 : E15 Shasha and Milo + Shasha the cat and Milo the boy discover their heroic shapeshifting destiny. + Kids + + + Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir + S01 : E113 Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir + Ladybug and Cat Noir help keep Paris safe from villainy! + Kids + + + Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir + S01 : E114 Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir + Ladybug and Cat Noir help keep Paris safe from villainy! + Kids + + + Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir + S01 : E115 Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir + Ladybug and Cat Noir help keep Paris safe from villainy! + Kids + + + Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir + S01 : E116 Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir + Ladybug and Cat Noir help keep Paris safe from villainy! + Kids + + + Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir + S01 : E117 Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir + Ladybug and Cat Noir help keep Paris safe from villainy! + Kids + + + Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir + S01 : E118 Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir + Ladybug and Cat Noir help keep Paris safe from villainy! + Kids + + + Team Jay + S01 : E01 Team Jay + Info not available + Kids + + + Team Jay + S01 : E02 Team Jay + Info not available + Kids + + + Team Jay + S01 : E03 Team Jay + Info not available + Kids + + + Team Jay + S01 : E04 Team Jay + Info not available + Kids + + + Team Jay + S01 : E05 Team Jay + Info not available + Kids + + + Team Jay + S01 : E06 Team Jay + Info not available + Kids + + + Team Jay + S01 : E07 Team Jay + Info not available + Kids + + + Team Jay + S01 : E08 Team Jay + Info not available + Kids + + + Team Jay + S01 : E09 Team Jay + Info not available + Kids + + + Team Jay + S01 : E10 Team Jay + Info not available + Kids + + + Team Jay + S01 : E11 Team Jay + Info not available + Kids + + + Team Jay + S01 : E12 Team Jay + Info not available + Kids + + + Team Jay + S01 : E13 Team Jay + Info not available + Kids + + + Team Jay + S01 : E01 Team Jay + Info not available + Kids + + Team Jay S01 : E02 Team Jay Info not available Kids - + Total Dramarama - S02 : E51 Total Dramarama - Your favourite Total Drama characters turn pint-sized! + S03 : E04 Total Dramarama + Our favourite Total Drama Island cast members are back as four-year-olds in a daycare centre! Kids - + Total Dramarama - S02 : E52 Total Dramarama - Your favourite Total Drama characters turn pint-sized! + S03 : E05 Total Dramarama + Our favourite Total Drama Island cast members are back as four-year-olds in a daycare centre! Kids - + Total Dramarama - S03 : E01 Total Dramarama + S03 : E06 Total Dramarama Our favourite Total Drama Island cast members are back as four-year-olds in a daycare centre! Kids - + Total Dramarama - S03 : E02 Total Dramarama + S03 : E07 Total Dramarama Our favourite Total Drama Island cast members are back as four-year-olds in a daycare centre! Kids - + Total Dramarama - S03 : E03 Total Dramarama + S03 : E08 Total Dramarama Our favourite Total Drama Island cast members are back as four-year-olds in a daycare centre! Kids - + Total Dramarama - S03 : E51 Total Dramarama + S03 : E04 Total Dramarama Our favourite Total Drama Island cast members are back as four-year-olds in a daycare centre! Kids - + Total Dramarama - S03 : E52 Total Dramarama + S03 : E05 Total Dramarama Our favourite Total Drama Island cast members are back as four-year-olds in a daycare centre! Kids - + Total Dramarama - S03 : E01 Total Dramarama + S03 : E06 Total Dramarama Our favourite Total Drama Island cast members are back as four-year-olds in a daycare centre! Kids - + Total Dramarama - S03 : E02 Total Dramarama + S03 : E07 Total Dramarama Our favourite Total Drama Island cast members are back as four-year-olds in a daycare centre! Kids - + Total Dramarama - S03 : E03 Total Dramarama + S03 : E08 Total Dramarama Our favourite Total Drama Island cast members are back as four-year-olds in a daycare centre! Kids - + The Inbestigators - S01 : E01 The Inbestigators + S01 : E05 The Inbestigators Some eleven year olds wash dishes for pocket money, others solve crimes. Kids - + The Inbestigators - S01 : E02 The Inbestigators + S01 : E06 The Inbestigators Some eleven year olds wash dishes for pocket money, others solve crimes. Kids - + The Inbestigators - S01 : E03 The Inbestigators + S01 : E07 The Inbestigators Some eleven year olds wash dishes for pocket money, others solve crimes. Kids - + The Inbestigators - S01 : E04 The Inbestigators + S01 : E08 The Inbestigators Some eleven year olds wash dishes for pocket money, others solve crimes. Kids - + LEGO Friends: The Next Chapter - S01 : E09 LEGO Friends: The Next Chapter + S01 : E01 LEGO Friends: The Next Chapter Aliya, Autumn, Leo, Zac, Nova, Paisley, Olly, and Liann navigate their first year of high school while becoming friends. Kids - + LEGO Friends: The Next Chapter - S01 : E10 LEGO Friends: The Next Chapter + S01 : E02 LEGO Friends: The Next Chapter Aliya, Autumn, Leo, Zac, Nova, Paisley, Olly, and Liann navigate their first year of high school while becoming friends. Kids - + LEGO Friends: The Next Chapter - S01 : E11 LEGO Friends: The Next Chapter + S01 : E03 LEGO Friends: The Next Chapter Aliya, Autumn, Leo, Zac, Nova, Paisley, Olly, and Liann navigate their first year of high school while becoming friends. Kids - + Total Dramarama - S03 : E41 Total Dramarama + S03 : E45 Total Dramarama Our favourite Total Drama Island cast members are back as four-year-olds in a daycare centre! Kids - + Total Dramarama - S03 : E42 Total Dramarama + S03 : E46 Total Dramarama Our favourite Total Drama Island cast members are back as four-year-olds in a daycare centre! Kids - + Total Dramarama - S03 : E43 Total Dramarama + S03 : E47 Total Dramarama Our favourite Total Drama Island cast members are back as four-year-olds in a daycare centre! Kids - + Total Dramarama - S03 : E44 Total Dramarama + S03 : E48 Total Dramarama Our favourite Total Drama Island cast members are back as four-year-olds in a daycare centre! Kids - + The Inbestigators - S02 : E01 The Inbestigators + S02 : E03 The Inbestigators Some eleven year olds wash dishes for pocket money, others solve crimes. Kids - + The Inbestigators - S02 : E02 The Inbestigators + S02 : E04 The Inbestigators Some eleven year olds wash dishes for pocket money, others solve crimes. Kids - + LEGO Friends: The Next Chapter - S02 : E03 LEGO Friends: The Next Chapter + S02 : E06 LEGO Friends: The Next Chapter Olly signs Ley-La up for larger, more demanding venues, forcing Paisley to adopt a style and identity that isn't representative of who she really is. Kids - + LEGO Friends: The Next Chapter - S02 : E04 LEGO Friends: The Next Chapter + S02 : E07 LEGO Friends: The Next Chapter Olly signs Ley-La up for larger, more demanding venues, forcing Paisley to adopt a style and identity that isn't representative of who she really is. Kids - + LEGO Friends: The Next Chapter - S02 : E05 LEGO Friends: The Next Chapter + S02 : E08 LEGO Friends: The Next Chapter Olly signs Ley-La up for larger, more demanding venues, forcing Paisley to adopt a style and identity that isn't representative of who she really is. Kids - + Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir - S04 : E13 Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir + S04 : E22 Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir The adventure in Paris continues for Ladybug and Cat Noir. Kids - + Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir - S04 : E14 Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir + S04 : E23 Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir The adventure in Paris continues for Ladybug and Cat Noir. Kids - + Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir - S04 : E15 Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir + S04 : E24 Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir The adventure in Paris continues for Ladybug and Cat Noir. Kids - + Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir - S04 : E16 Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir + S04 : E25 Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir The adventure in Paris continues for Ladybug and Cat Noir. Kids - + Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir - S04 : E17 Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir + S04 : E26 Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir The adventure in Paris continues for Ladybug and Cat Noir. Kids - + Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir - S04 : E18 Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir - The adventure in Paris continues for Ladybug and Cat Noir. + S01 : E101 Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir + Ladybug and Cat Noir help keep Paris safe from villainy! Kids - + Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir - S04 : E19 Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir - The adventure in Paris continues for Ladybug and Cat Noir. + S01 : E102 Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir + Ladybug and Cat Noir help keep Paris safe from villainy! Kids - + Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir - S04 : E20 Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir - The adventure in Paris continues for Ladybug and Cat Noir. + S01 : E103 Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir + Ladybug and Cat Noir help keep Paris safe from villainy! Kids - + Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir - S04 : E21 Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir - The adventure in Paris continues for Ladybug and Cat Noir. + S01 : E104 Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug and Cat Noir + Ladybug and Cat Noir help keep Paris safe from villainy! Kids - + Squish - S01 : E47 Squish + S01 : E10 Squish Squish is a comedy about an amoeba. Who wears a ballcap. His name is Squish. Kids - + Squish - S01 : E48 Squish + S01 : E11 Squish Squish is a comedy about an amoeba. Who wears a ballcap. His name is Squish. Kids - + Squish - S01 : E49 Squish + S01 : E12 Squish Squish is a comedy about an amoeba. Who wears a ballcap. His name is Squish. Kids - + Squish - S01 : E50 Squish + S01 : E13 Squish Squish is a comedy about an amoeba. Who wears a ballcap. His name is Squish. Kids - + Squish - S01 : E51 Squish + S01 : E14 Squish Squish is a comedy about an amoeba. Who wears a ballcap. His name is Squish. Kids - + Squish - S01 : E52 Squish + S01 : E15 Squish Squish is a comedy about an amoeba. Who wears a ballcap. His name is Squish. Kids - + Squish - S01 : E01 Squish + S01 : E16 Squish Squish is a comedy about an amoeba. Who wears a ballcap. His name is Squish. Kids - + Squish - S01 : E02 Squish + S01 : E17 Squish Squish is a comedy about an amoeba. Who wears a ballcap. His name is Squish. Kids - + Squish - S01 : E03 Squish + S01 : E18 Squish Squish is a comedy about an amoeba. Who wears a ballcap. His name is Squish. Kids - + Squish - S01 : E04 Squish + S01 : E19 Squish Squish is a comedy about an amoeba. Who wears a ballcap. His name is Squish. Kids - + Squish - S01 : E05 Squish + S01 : E20 Squish Squish is a comedy about an amoeba. Who wears a ballcap. His name is Squish. Kids - + Squish - S01 : E06 Squish + S01 : E21 Squish Squish is a comedy about an amoeba. Who wears a ballcap. His name is Squish. Kids - + Squish - S01 : E07 Squish + S01 : E22 Squish Squish is a comedy about an amoeba. Who wears a ballcap. His name is Squish. Kids - + Squish - S01 : E08 Squish + S01 : E23 Squish Squish is a comedy about an amoeba. Who wears a ballcap. His name is Squish. Kids - + Shasha and Milo - S01 : E04 Shasha and Milo + S01 : E07 Shasha and Milo Shasha the cat and Milo the boy discover their heroic shapeshifting destiny. Kids - + Shasha and Milo - S01 : E05 Shasha and Milo + S01 : E08 Shasha and Milo Shasha the cat and Milo the boy discover their heroic shapeshifting destiny. Kids - + + Dennis and Gnasher: Eyes on the Prize + When Dennis breaks his skateboard again, Dad agrees to buy Dennis the best skateboard there is as a replacement if he is able to win a prize at the upcoming school award ceremony. Followed by 60 Second Dennis and 'Dance of the Seven Pies' + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher: Curtains for Dennis + Mum has bought curtain material for the soon to be newly decorated kitchen, and asks Dad to look after it while she is out. However, Dad falls asleep and mistakenly agrees that Dennis can use it as a giant sail. When Dad realises that it has gone, he calls Dennis to bring it back, but unfortunately Dennis gets into a spot of bother with the colonel, who takes the curtain material off Dennis. In an attempt to steal it back, the garden being wrecked and the kitchen is left looking like a bombsite. Dennis, Gnasher and Dad have to clean up the whole kitchen and redecorate it in time for Mum returning. When Mum decides it is time to hang the new curtains, Dennis is about to get the curtain... + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher: Lost + Dennis, his friends and Walter's friends get marooned on a desert island when Dennis attempts to escape a boring field trip. Followed by Substitute Creecher + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher: Dennis Jumps the Line + Dennis plays a prank on the citizens of Beanotown, causing them to evacuate, which causes trouble for Dennis later. Followed by 'No Place Like Home' + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher: Double Act + Gnasher and Gnipper enter a dog show, regardless of Walter saying they don't have true talent. He wants Athena and Miss Mini Wuff to win, but Walter has just underestimated Gnasher's true capabilities. Followed by Grounded. + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher: The In Crowd + Athena gets Gnasher envy when seeing a pampered version of Gnasher in a magazine and when she hears that Dennis owns an Abyssinian wire-haired tripe hound (Gnasher), she wants him. However, being an owner to Gnasher isn't all cracked up to be! Followed by 'Splash' + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher: Dennis Hiccups + Dennis gets a case of the hiccups from Mr. Har Har's can-o-giggles and is looking for a way to cure them ready for a film premier. Followed by Athena's Party + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher: Beanotown in Bloom + The garden is accidentaly wrecked when Dennis tries to give Gnasher a bath, so the gang have to fix the mess before Mum comes home. Followed by 'Run Rabbit Run' + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher: You're Joking + Dennis makes a line of practical jokes for Mr. Scrimp, called 'The Menace Collection.' However, Dennis soon learns that it will put Mr. Har Har out of business. + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher: The Way of Den-Do + After Walter takes up origami as a martial art, Dennis scoffs and comes up with his own martial art, and so the two prepare to battle it out. Followed by 'Smelling of Roses' + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher: Aliens Among Us + After watching a film about an alien invasion, Dennis, Curly and Pie Face decide to make their own film. However, Walter stumbles across them filming, and he only sees the action, not the camera. Filming what he sees on his mobile phone, he runs to tell the whole of Beanotown about the alien invasion. As panic spreads, Dennis and his friends discover the chaos and decide to keep filming in order to help make the best of their own alien film. Meanwhile, Sergeant Slipper investigates the alien landing that Walter has seen, and discovers the truth—that the spaceship is a playhouse with glow sticks in it. Followed by 'Castle in the Air' + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher: Great Outdoors + Dennis and his pet dog, Gnasher, live by just one rule: Kids should make all the rules! Followed by Dance of the Seven Pies. + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher: Game On + To get his friends back from Walter's group, Dennis challenges Walter to a videogames battle. Followed by 'Fish Tale'. + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher: Attack of the Walterbot + For a school project, Dennis and Walter both build robots. However, during an accident, both robots merge, causing Dennis and Walter to defend the school. Followed by 'No Joke.' + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher: Dennis V.I.P + With one backstage pass for a Ratbucket gig, Dennis and his friends pass themselves off as Ratbucket, only for the real Ratbucket not to be able to play at his own concert. Followed by 60 second Dennis and 'Bad Dad' + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher: Rubber Bands and Paperclips + After Dennis breaks his bike, Dad is unable to afford a new one, so Dennis convinces him to ask his boss for a raise. Unfortunately, Mr Scrimp reduces his wages instead. Dennis then trashes his house to convince Scrimp that his family are poor, so that Mr Scrimp will feel compelled to raise Dad's wages. Just as Scrimp has been taken in by Dennis' plan, Mum and Dad arrive home laden with shopping bags, resulting in Dad getting fired on the spot. Dennis resolves to get Dad his old job back by secretly causing chaos at his office. To restore order Scrimp rehires Dad, sealing the deal with a generous pay rise. Mum and Dad repair the house, but still don't have enough money to buy Dennis a new... + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher: Breakout + Believing Gnasher and Gnipper to be trapped in Beanotown Dog Pound, Dennis comes up with a plan to rescue his friends and bring them both home. Followed by more Dennis and Gnasher episodes. + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher: Eyes on the Prize + When Dennis breaks his skateboard again, Dad agrees to buy Dennis the best skateboard there is as a replacement if he is able to win a prize at the upcoming school award ceremony. Followed by 60 Second Dennis and 'Dance of the Seven Pies' + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher: Thank-You's + Dennis tries to get a birthday present by saying thank you to his relatives. However, because of Dennis' naughty personality, they take his attempts in a negative way. Followed by 'Dennis Hiccups' + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher: Game On + To get his friends back from Walter's group, Dennis challenges Walter to a videogames battle. Followed by 60 Second Dennis and 'Masters of the House'. + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher: All-In Menacing + After a wrestling accident, Gnasher swallows a canister of laughing gas at the vet's. Dennis, along with Gnasher hide in the conference centre, where dad gives a speech. However, the canister leaks, causing Gnasher to fart laughing gas and having everyone laughing. Followed by 'Attack of the Walterbot' + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher: No Pies for Pie face + Dennis and Co. have to control Pie Face's obsession with pies during the Pie Festival. Otherwise, they will be grounded. Followed by 'Great Outdoors' + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher: Dig This + On a school trip, Dennis finds out that he is descentant to a warrior tribe. He also discovers that Montanna Smith (a famous Indiana Jones-esque explorer and one of Walter's personal heroes) is actually a thief who's trying to steal the treasure of Dennis' ancestor. Will he be stopped before he gets his hands on the treasure? Followed by Dog Tired. + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher: Curtains for Dennis + Mum has bought curtain material for the soon to be newly decorated kitchen, and asks Dad to look after it while she is out. However, Dad falls asleep and mistakenly agrees that Dennis can use it as a giant sail. When Dad realises that it has gone, he calls Dennis to bring it back, but unfortunately Dennis gets into a spot of bother with the colonel, who takes the curtain material off Dennis. In an attempt to steal it back, the garden being wrecked and the kitchen is left looking like a bombsite. Dennis, Gnasher and Dad have to clean up the whole kitchen and redecorate it in time for Mum returning. When Mum decides it is time to hang the new curtains, Dennis is about to get the curtain... + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher: Lost + Dennis, his friends and Walter's friends get marooned on a desert island when Dennis attempts to escape a boring field trip. Followed by Substitute Creecher + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher: Dennis Jumps the Line + Dennis plays a prank on the citizens of Beanotown, causing them to evacuate, which causes trouble for Dennis later. Followed by 'No Place Like Home' + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher: Double Act + Gnasher and Gnipper enter a dog show, regardless of Walter saying they don't have true talent. He wants Athena and Miss Mini Wuff to win, but Walter has just underestimated Gnasher's true capabilities. Followed by Grounded. + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher: The In Crowd + Athena gets Gnasher envy when seeing a pampered version of Gnasher in a magazine and when she hears that Dennis owns an Abyssinian wire-haired tripe hound (Gnasher), she wants him. However, being an owner to Gnasher isn't all cracked up to be! Followed by 'Splash' + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher: Dennis Hiccups + Dennis gets a case of the hiccups from Mr. Har Har's can-o-giggles and is looking for a way to cure them ready for a film premier. Followed by Athena's Party + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher: Beanotown in Bloom + The garden is accidentaly wrecked when Dennis tries to give Gnasher a bath, so the gang have to fix the mess before Mum comes home. Followed by 'Run Rabbit Run' + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher: You're Joking + Dennis makes a line of practical jokes for Mr. Scrimp, called 'The Menace Collection.' However, Dennis soon learns that it will put Mr. Har Har out of business. + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher: The Way of Den-Do + After Walter takes up origami as a martial art, Dennis scoffs and comes up with his own martial art, and so the two prepare to battle it out. Followed by 'Smelling of Roses' + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher: Aliens Among Us + After watching a film about an alien invasion, Dennis, Curly and Pie Face decide to make their own film. However, Walter stumbles across them filming, and he only sees the action, not the camera. Filming what he sees on his mobile phone, he runs to tell the whole of Beanotown about the alien invasion. As panic spreads, Dennis and his friends discover the chaos and decide to keep filming in order to help make the best of their own alien film. Meanwhile, Sergeant Slipper investigates the alien landing that Walter has seen, and discovers the truth—that the spaceship is a playhouse with glow sticks in it. Followed by 'Castle in the Air' + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher: Great Outdoors + Dennis and his pet dog, Gnasher, live by just one rule: Kids should make all the rules! Followed by Dance of the Seven Pies. + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher: Game On + To get his friends back from Walter's group, Dennis challenges Walter to a videogames battle. Followed by 'Fish Tale'. + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher: Attack of the Walterbot + For a school project, Dennis and Walter both build robots. However, during an accident, both robots merge, causing Dennis and Walter to defend the school. Followed by 'No Joke.' + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher: Dennis V.I.P + With one backstage pass for a Ratbucket gig, Dennis and his friends pass themselves off as Ratbucket, only for the real Ratbucket not to be able to play at his own concert. Followed by 60 second Dennis and 'Bad Dad' + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher: Rubber Bands and Paperclips + After Dennis breaks his bike, Dad is unable to afford a new one, so Dennis convinces him to ask his boss for a raise. Unfortunately, Mr Scrimp reduces his wages instead. Dennis then trashes his house to convince Scrimp that his family are poor, so that Mr Scrimp will feel compelled to raise Dad's wages. Just as Scrimp has been taken in by Dennis' plan, Mum and Dad arrive home laden with shopping bags, resulting in Dad getting fired on the spot. Dennis resolves to get Dad his old job back by secretly causing chaos at his office. To restore order Scrimp rehires Dad, sealing the deal with a generous pay rise. Mum and Dad repair the house, but still don't have enough money to buy Dennis a new... + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher: Breakout + Believing Gnasher and Gnipper to be trapped in Beanotown Dog Pound, Dennis comes up with a plan to rescue his friends and bring them both home. Followed by more Dennis and Gnasher episodes. + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher: Eyes on the Prize + When Dennis breaks his skateboard again, Dad agrees to buy Dennis the best skateboard there is as a replacement if he is able to win a prize at the upcoming school award ceremony. Followed by 60 Second Dennis and 'Dance of the Seven Pies' + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher: Thank-You's + Dennis tries to get a birthday present by saying thank you to his relatives. However, because of Dennis' naughty personality, they take his attempts in a negative way. Followed by 'Dennis Hiccups' + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher: Game On + To get his friends back from Walter's group, Dennis challenges Walter to a videogames battle. Followed by 60 Second Dennis and 'Masters of the House'. + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher: All-In Menacing + After a wrestling accident, Gnasher swallows a canister of laughing gas at the vet's. Dennis, along with Gnasher hide in the conference centre, where dad gives a speech. However, the canister leaks, causing Gnasher to fart laughing gas and having everyone laughing. Followed by 'Attack of the Walterbot' + Kids + + Dennis and Gnasher: No Pies for Pie face Dennis and Co. have to control Pie Face's obsession with pies during the Pie Festival. Otherwise, they will be grounded. Followed by 'Great Outdoors' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Dig This On a school trip, Dennis finds out that he is descentant to a warrior tribe. He also discovers that Montanna Smith (a famous Indiana Jones-esque explorer and one of Walter's personal heroes) is actually a thief who's trying to steal the treasure of Dennis' ancestor. Will he be stopped before he gets his hands on the treasure? Followed by Dog Tired. Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Curtains for Dennis Mum has bought curtain material for the soon to be newly decorated kitchen, and asks Dad to look after it while she is out. However, Dad falls asleep and mistakenly agrees that Dennis can use it as a giant sail. When Dad realises that it has gone, he calls Dennis to bring it back, but unfortunately Dennis gets into a spot of bother with the colonel, who takes the curtain material off Dennis. In an attempt to steal it back, the garden being wrecked and the kitchen is left looking like a bombsite. Dennis, Gnasher and Dad have to clean up the whole kitchen and redecorate it in time for Mum returning. When Mum decides it is time to hang the new curtains, Dennis is about to get the curtain... Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Lost Dennis, his friends and Walter's friends get marooned on a desert island when Dennis attempts to escape a boring field trip. Followed by Substitute Creecher Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Dennis Jumps the Line Dennis plays a prank on the citizens of Beanotown, causing them to evacuate, which causes trouble for Dennis later. Followed by 'No Place Like Home' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Double Act Gnasher and Gnipper enter a dog show, regardless of Walter saying they don't have true talent. He wants Athena and Miss Mini Wuff to win, but Walter has just underestimated Gnasher's true capabilities. Followed by Grounded. Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Curtains for Dennis Mum has bought curtain material for the soon to be newly decorated kitchen, and asks Dad to look after it while she is out. However, Dad falls asleep and mistakenly agrees that Dennis can use it as a giant sail. When Dad realises that it has gone, he calls Dennis to bring it back, but unfortunately Dennis gets into a spot of bother with the colonel, who takes the curtain material off Dennis. In an attempt to steal it back, the garden being wrecked and the kitchen is left looking like a bombsite. Dennis, Gnasher and Dad have to clean up the whole kitchen and redecorate it in time for Mum returning. When Mum decides it is time to hang the new curtains, Dennis is about to get the curtain... Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Lost Dennis, his friends and Walter's friends get marooned on a desert island when Dennis attempts to escape a boring field trip. Followed by Substitute Creecher Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Dennis Jumps the Line Dennis plays a prank on the citizens of Beanotown, causing them to evacuate, which causes trouble for Dennis later. Followed by 'No Place Like Home' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Double Act Gnasher and Gnipper enter a dog show, regardless of Walter saying they don't have true talent. He wants Athena and Miss Mini Wuff to win, but Walter has just underestimated Gnasher's true capabilities. Followed by Grounded. Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: The In Crowd Athena gets Gnasher envy when seeing a pampered version of Gnasher in a magazine and when she hears that Dennis owns an Abyssinian wire-haired tripe hound (Gnasher), she wants him. However, being an owner to Gnasher isn't all cracked up to be! Followed by 'Splash' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Dennis Hiccups Dennis gets a case of the hiccups from Mr. Har Har's can-o-giggles and is looking for a way to cure them ready for a film premier. Followed by Athena's Party Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Beanotown in Bloom The garden is accidentaly wrecked when Dennis tries to give Gnasher a bath, so the gang have to fix the mess before Mum comes home. Followed by 'Run Rabbit Run' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: You're Joking Dennis makes a line of practical jokes for Mr. Scrimp, called 'The Menace Collection.' However, Dennis soon learns that it will put Mr. Har Har out of business. Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: The Way of Den-Do After Walter takes up origami as a martial art, Dennis scoffs and comes up with his own martial art, and so the two prepare to battle it out. Followed by 'Smelling of Roses' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Aliens Among Us After watching a film about an alien invasion, Dennis, Curly and Pie Face decide to make their own film. However, Walter stumbles across them filming, and he only sees the action, not the camera. Filming what he sees on his mobile phone, he runs to tell the whole of Beanotown about the alien invasion. As panic spreads, Dennis and his friends discover the chaos and decide to keep filming in order to help make the best of their own alien film. Meanwhile, Sergeant Slipper investigates the alien landing that Walter has seen, and discovers the truth—that the spaceship is a playhouse with glow sticks in it. Followed by 'Castle in the Air' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Great Outdoors Dennis and his pet dog, Gnasher, live by just one rule: Kids should make all the rules! Followed by Dance of the Seven Pies. Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Game On To get his friends back from Walter's group, Dennis challenges Walter to a videogames battle. Followed by 'Fish Tale'. Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Attack of the Walterbot For a school project, Dennis and Walter both build robots. However, during an accident, both robots merge, causing Dennis and Walter to defend the school. Followed by 'No Joke.' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Dennis V.I.P With one backstage pass for a Ratbucket gig, Dennis and his friends pass themselves off as Ratbucket, only for the real Ratbucket not to be able to play at his own concert. Followed by 60 second Dennis and 'Bad Dad' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Rubber Bands and Paperclips After Dennis breaks his bike, Dad is unable to afford a new one, so Dennis convinces him to ask his boss for a raise. Unfortunately, Mr Scrimp reduces his wages instead. Dennis then trashes his house to convince Scrimp that his family are poor, so that Mr Scrimp will feel compelled to raise Dad's wages. Just as Scrimp has been taken in by Dennis' plan, Mum and Dad arrive home laden with shopping bags, resulting in Dad getting fired on the spot. Dennis resolves to get Dad his old job back by secretly causing chaos at his office. To restore order Scrimp rehires Dad, sealing the deal with a generous pay rise. Mum and Dad repair the house, but still don't have enough money to buy Dennis a new... Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Breakout Believing Gnasher and Gnipper to be trapped in Beanotown Dog Pound, Dennis comes up with a plan to rescue his friends and bring them both home. Followed by more Dennis and Gnasher episodes. Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Eyes on the Prize When Dennis breaks his skateboard again, Dad agrees to buy Dennis the best skateboard there is as a replacement if he is able to win a prize at the upcoming school award ceremony. Followed by 60 Second Dennis and 'Dance of the Seven Pies' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Curtains for Dennis Mum has bought curtain material for the soon to be newly decorated kitchen, and asks Dad to look after it while she is out. However, Dad falls asleep and mistakenly agrees that Dennis can use it as a giant sail. When Dad realises that it has gone, he calls Dennis to bring it back, but unfortunately Dennis gets into a spot of bother with the colonel, who takes the curtain material off Dennis. In an attempt to steal it back, the garden being wrecked and the kitchen is left looking like a bombsite. Dennis, Gnasher and Dad have to clean up the whole kitchen and redecorate it in time for Mum returning. When Mum decides it is time to hang the new curtains, Dennis is about to get the curtain... Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Lost Dennis, his friends and Walter's friends get marooned on a desert island when Dennis attempts to escape a boring field trip. Followed by Substitute Creecher Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Dennis Jumps the Line Dennis plays a prank on the citizens of Beanotown, causing them to evacuate, which causes trouble for Dennis later. Followed by 'No Place Like Home' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Double Act Gnasher and Gnipper enter a dog show, regardless of Walter saying they don't have true talent. He wants Athena and Miss Mini Wuff to win, but Walter has just underestimated Gnasher's true capabilities. Followed by Grounded. Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: The In Crowd Athena gets Gnasher envy when seeing a pampered version of Gnasher in a magazine and when she hears that Dennis owns an Abyssinian wire-haired tripe hound (Gnasher), she wants him. However, being an owner to Gnasher isn't all cracked up to be! Followed by 'Splash' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Dennis Hiccups Dennis gets a case of the hiccups from Mr. Har Har's can-o-giggles and is looking for a way to cure them ready for a film premier. Followed by Athena's Party Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Beanotown in Bloom The garden is accidentaly wrecked when Dennis tries to give Gnasher a bath, so the gang have to fix the mess before Mum comes home. Followed by 'Run Rabbit Run' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: You're Joking Dennis makes a line of practical jokes for Mr. Scrimp, called 'The Menace Collection.' However, Dennis soon learns that it will put Mr. Har Har out of business. Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: The Way of Den-Do After Walter takes up origami as a martial art, Dennis scoffs and comes up with his own martial art, and so the two prepare to battle it out. Followed by 'Smelling of Roses' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Aliens Among Us After watching a film about an alien invasion, Dennis, Curly and Pie Face decide to make their own film. However, Walter stumbles across them filming, and he only sees the action, not the camera. Filming what he sees on his mobile phone, he runs to tell the whole of Beanotown about the alien invasion. As panic spreads, Dennis and his friends discover the chaos and decide to keep filming in order to help make the best of their own alien film. Meanwhile, Sergeant Slipper investigates the alien landing that Walter has seen, and discovers the truth—that the spaceship is a playhouse with glow sticks in it. Followed by 'Castle in the Air' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Great Outdoors Dennis and his pet dog, Gnasher, live by just one rule: Kids should make all the rules! Followed by Dance of the Seven Pies. Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Game On To get his friends back from Walter's group, Dennis challenges Walter to a videogames battle. Followed by 'Fish Tale'. Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Attack of the Walterbot For a school project, Dennis and Walter both build robots. However, during an accident, both robots merge, causing Dennis and Walter to defend the school. Followed by 'No Joke.' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Dennis V.I.P With one backstage pass for a Ratbucket gig, Dennis and his friends pass themselves off as Ratbucket, only for the real Ratbucket not to be able to play at his own concert. Followed by 60 second Dennis and 'Bad Dad' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Rubber Bands and Paperclips After Dennis breaks his bike, Dad is unable to afford a new one, so Dennis convinces him to ask his boss for a raise. Unfortunately, Mr Scrimp reduces his wages instead. Dennis then trashes his house to convince Scrimp that his family are poor, so that Mr Scrimp will feel compelled to raise Dad's wages. Just as Scrimp has been taken in by Dennis' plan, Mum and Dad arrive home laden with shopping bags, resulting in Dad getting fired on the spot. Dennis resolves to get Dad his old job back by secretly causing chaos at his office. To restore order Scrimp rehires Dad, sealing the deal with a generous pay rise. Mum and Dad repair the house, but still don't have enough money to buy Dennis a new... Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Breakout Believing Gnasher and Gnipper to be trapped in Beanotown Dog Pound, Dennis comes up with a plan to rescue his friends and bring them both home. Followed by more Dennis and Gnasher episodes. Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Eyes on the Prize When Dennis breaks his skateboard again, Dad agrees to buy Dennis the best skateboard there is as a replacement if he is able to win a prize at the upcoming school award ceremony. Followed by 60 Second Dennis and 'Dance of the Seven Pies' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Thank-You's Dennis tries to get a birthday present by saying thank you to his relatives. However, because of Dennis' naughty personality, they take his attempts in a negative way. Followed by 'Dennis Hiccups' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Game On To get his friends back from Walter's group, Dennis challenges Walter to a videogames battle. Followed by 60 Second Dennis and 'Masters of the House'. Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: All-In Menacing After a wrestling accident, Gnasher swallows a canister of laughing gas at the vet's. Dennis, along with Gnasher hide in the conference centre, where dad gives a speech. However, the canister leaks, causing Gnasher to fart laughing gas and having everyone laughing. Followed by 'Attack of the Walterbot' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: No Pies for Pie face Dennis and Co. have to control Pie Face's obsession with pies during the Pie Festival. Otherwise, they will be grounded. Followed by 'Great Outdoors' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Dig This On a school trip, Dennis finds out that he is descentant to a warrior tribe. He also discovers that Montanna Smith (a famous Indiana Jones-esque explorer and one of Walter's personal heroes) is actually a thief who's trying to steal the treasure of Dennis' ancestor. Will he be stopped before he gets his hands on the treasure? Followed by Dog Tired. Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Curtains for Dennis Mum has bought curtain material for the soon to be newly decorated kitchen, and asks Dad to look after it while she is out. However, Dad falls asleep and mistakenly agrees that Dennis can use it as a giant sail. When Dad realises that it has gone, he calls Dennis to bring it back, but unfortunately Dennis gets into a spot of bother with the colonel, who takes the curtain material off Dennis. In an attempt to steal it back, the garden being wrecked and the kitchen is left looking like a bombsite. Dennis, Gnasher and Dad have to clean up the whole kitchen and redecorate it in time for Mum returning. When Mum decides it is time to hang the new curtains, Dennis is about to get the curtain... Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Lost Dennis, his friends and Walter's friends get marooned on a desert island when Dennis attempts to escape a boring field trip. Followed by Substitute Creecher Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Dennis Jumps the Line Dennis plays a prank on the citizens of Beanotown, causing them to evacuate, which causes trouble for Dennis later. Followed by 'No Place Like Home' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Double Act Gnasher and Gnipper enter a dog show, regardless of Walter saying they don't have true talent. He wants Athena and Miss Mini Wuff to win, but Walter has just underestimated Gnasher's true capabilities. Followed by Grounded. Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: The In Crowd Athena gets Gnasher envy when seeing a pampered version of Gnasher in a magazine and when she hears that Dennis owns an Abyssinian wire-haired tripe hound (Gnasher), she wants him. However, being an owner to Gnasher isn't all cracked up to be! Followed by 'Splash' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Dennis Hiccups Dennis gets a case of the hiccups from Mr. Har Har's can-o-giggles and is looking for a way to cure them ready for a film premier. Followed by Athena's Party Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Beanotown in Bloom The garden is accidentaly wrecked when Dennis tries to give Gnasher a bath, so the gang have to fix the mess before Mum comes home. Followed by 'Run Rabbit Run' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: You're Joking Dennis makes a line of practical jokes for Mr. Scrimp, called 'The Menace Collection.' However, Dennis soon learns that it will put Mr. Har Har out of business. Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: The Way of Den-Do After Walter takes up origami as a martial art, Dennis scoffs and comes up with his own martial art, and so the two prepare to battle it out. Followed by 'Smelling of Roses' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Aliens Among Us After watching a film about an alien invasion, Dennis, Curly and Pie Face decide to make their own film. However, Walter stumbles across them filming, and he only sees the action, not the camera. Filming what he sees on his mobile phone, he runs to tell the whole of Beanotown about the alien invasion. As panic spreads, Dennis and his friends discover the chaos and decide to keep filming in order to help make the best of their own alien film. Meanwhile, Sergeant Slipper investigates the alien landing that Walter has seen, and discovers the truth—that the spaceship is a playhouse with glow sticks in it. Followed by 'Castle in the Air' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Great Outdoors Dennis and his pet dog, Gnasher, live by just one rule: Kids should make all the rules! Followed by Dance of the Seven Pies. Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Game On To get his friends back from Walter's group, Dennis challenges Walter to a videogames battle. Followed by 'Fish Tale'. Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Attack of the Walterbot For a school project, Dennis and Walter both build robots. However, during an accident, both robots merge, causing Dennis and Walter to defend the school. Followed by 'No Joke.' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Dennis V.I.P With one backstage pass for a Ratbucket gig, Dennis and his friends pass themselves off as Ratbucket, only for the real Ratbucket not to be able to play at his own concert. Followed by 60 second Dennis and 'Bad Dad' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Rubber Bands and Paperclips After Dennis breaks his bike, Dad is unable to afford a new one, so Dennis convinces him to ask his boss for a raise. Unfortunately, Mr Scrimp reduces his wages instead. Dennis then trashes his house to convince Scrimp that his family are poor, so that Mr Scrimp will feel compelled to raise Dad's wages. Just as Scrimp has been taken in by Dennis' plan, Mum and Dad arrive home laden with shopping bags, resulting in Dad getting fired on the spot. Dennis resolves to get Dad his old job back by secretly causing chaos at his office. To restore order Scrimp rehires Dad, sealing the deal with a generous pay rise. Mum and Dad repair the house, but still don't have enough money to buy Dennis a new... Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Breakout Believing Gnasher and Gnipper to be trapped in Beanotown Dog Pound, Dennis comes up with a plan to rescue his friends and bring them both home. Followed by more Dennis and Gnasher episodes. Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Eyes on the Prize When Dennis breaks his skateboard again, Dad agrees to buy Dennis the best skateboard there is as a replacement if he is able to win a prize at the upcoming school award ceremony. Followed by 60 Second Dennis and 'Dance of the Seven Pies' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Thank-You's Dennis tries to get a birthday present by saying thank you to his relatives. However, because of Dennis' naughty personality, they take his attempts in a negative way. Followed by 'Dennis Hiccups' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Game On To get his friends back from Walter's group, Dennis challenges Walter to a videogames battle. Followed by 60 Second Dennis and 'Masters of the House'. Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: All-In Menacing After a wrestling accident, Gnasher swallows a canister of laughing gas at the vet's. Dennis, along with Gnasher hide in the conference centre, where dad gives a speech. However, the canister leaks, causing Gnasher to fart laughing gas and having everyone laughing. Followed by 'Attack of the Walterbot' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: No Pies for Pie face Dennis and Co. have to control Pie Face's obsession with pies during the Pie Festival. Otherwise, they will be grounded. Followed by 'Great Outdoors' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Dig This On a school trip, Dennis finds out that he is descentant to a warrior tribe. He also discovers that Montanna Smith (a famous Indiana Jones-esque explorer and one of Walter's personal heroes) is actually a thief who's trying to steal the treasure of Dennis' ancestor. Will he be stopped before he gets his hands on the treasure? Followed by Dog Tired. Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Curtains for Dennis Mum has bought curtain material for the soon to be newly decorated kitchen, and asks Dad to look after it while she is out. However, Dad falls asleep and mistakenly agrees that Dennis can use it as a giant sail. When Dad realises that it has gone, he calls Dennis to bring it back, but unfortunately Dennis gets into a spot of bother with the colonel, who takes the curtain material off Dennis. In an attempt to steal it back, the garden being wrecked and the kitchen is left looking like a bombsite. Dennis, Gnasher and Dad have to clean up the whole kitchen and redecorate it in time for Mum returning. When Mum decides it is time to hang the new curtains, Dennis is about to get the curtain... Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Lost Dennis, his friends and Walter's friends get marooned on a desert island when Dennis attempts to escape a boring field trip. Followed by Substitute Creecher Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Dennis Jumps the Line Dennis plays a prank on the citizens of Beanotown, causing them to evacuate, which causes trouble for Dennis later. Followed by 'No Place Like Home' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Double Act Gnasher and Gnipper enter a dog show, regardless of Walter saying they don't have true talent. He wants Athena and Miss Mini Wuff to win, but Walter has just underestimated Gnasher's true capabilities. Followed by Grounded. Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Curtains for Dennis Mum has bought curtain material for the soon to be newly decorated kitchen, and asks Dad to look after it while she is out. However, Dad falls asleep and mistakenly agrees that Dennis can use it as a giant sail. When Dad realises that it has gone, he calls Dennis to bring it back, but unfortunately Dennis gets into a spot of bother with the colonel, who takes the curtain material off Dennis. In an attempt to steal it back, the garden being wrecked and the kitchen is left looking like a bombsite. Dennis, Gnasher and Dad have to clean up the whole kitchen and redecorate it in time for Mum returning. When Mum decides it is time to hang the new curtains, Dennis is about to get the curtain... Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Lost Dennis, his friends and Walter's friends get marooned on a desert island when Dennis attempts to escape a boring field trip. Followed by Substitute Creecher Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Dennis Jumps the Line Dennis plays a prank on the citizens of Beanotown, causing them to evacuate, which causes trouble for Dennis later. Followed by 'No Place Like Home' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Double Act Gnasher and Gnipper enter a dog show, regardless of Walter saying they don't have true talent. He wants Athena and Miss Mini Wuff to win, but Walter has just underestimated Gnasher's true capabilities. Followed by Grounded. Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: The In Crowd Athena gets Gnasher envy when seeing a pampered version of Gnasher in a magazine and when she hears that Dennis owns an Abyssinian wire-haired tripe hound (Gnasher), she wants him. However, being an owner to Gnasher isn't all cracked up to be! Followed by 'Splash' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Dennis Hiccups Dennis gets a case of the hiccups from Mr. Har Har's can-o-giggles and is looking for a way to cure them ready for a film premier. Followed by Athena's Party Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Beanotown in Bloom The garden is accidentaly wrecked when Dennis tries to give Gnasher a bath, so the gang have to fix the mess before Mum comes home. Followed by 'Run Rabbit Run' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: You're Joking Dennis makes a line of practical jokes for Mr. Scrimp, called 'The Menace Collection.' However, Dennis soon learns that it will put Mr. Har Har out of business. Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: The Way of Den-Do After Walter takes up origami as a martial art, Dennis scoffs and comes up with his own martial art, and so the two prepare to battle it out. Followed by 'Smelling of Roses' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Aliens Among Us After watching a film about an alien invasion, Dennis, Curly and Pie Face decide to make their own film. However, Walter stumbles across them filming, and he only sees the action, not the camera. Filming what he sees on his mobile phone, he runs to tell the whole of Beanotown about the alien invasion. As panic spreads, Dennis and his friends discover the chaos and decide to keep filming in order to help make the best of their own alien film. Meanwhile, Sergeant Slipper investigates the alien landing that Walter has seen, and discovers the truth—that the spaceship is a playhouse with glow sticks in it. Followed by 'Castle in the Air' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Great Outdoors Dennis and his pet dog, Gnasher, live by just one rule: Kids should make all the rules! Followed by Dance of the Seven Pies. Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Game On To get his friends back from Walter's group, Dennis challenges Walter to a videogames battle. Followed by 'Fish Tale'. Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Attack of the Walterbot For a school project, Dennis and Walter both build robots. However, during an accident, both robots merge, causing Dennis and Walter to defend the school. Followed by 'No Joke.' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Dennis V.I.P With one backstage pass for a Ratbucket gig, Dennis and his friends pass themselves off as Ratbucket, only for the real Ratbucket not to be able to play at his own concert. Followed by 60 second Dennis and 'Bad Dad' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Rubber Bands and Paperclips After Dennis breaks his bike, Dad is unable to afford a new one, so Dennis convinces him to ask his boss for a raise. Unfortunately, Mr Scrimp reduces his wages instead. Dennis then trashes his house to convince Scrimp that his family are poor, so that Mr Scrimp will feel compelled to raise Dad's wages. Just as Scrimp has been taken in by Dennis' plan, Mum and Dad arrive home laden with shopping bags, resulting in Dad getting fired on the spot. Dennis resolves to get Dad his old job back by secretly causing chaos at his office. To restore order Scrimp rehires Dad, sealing the deal with a generous pay rise. Mum and Dad repair the house, but still don't have enough money to buy Dennis a new... Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Breakout Believing Gnasher and Gnipper to be trapped in Beanotown Dog Pound, Dennis comes up with a plan to rescue his friends and bring them both home. Followed by more Dennis and Gnasher episodes. Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Eyes on the Prize When Dennis breaks his skateboard again, Dad agrees to buy Dennis the best skateboard there is as a replacement if he is able to win a prize at the upcoming school award ceremony. Followed by 60 Second Dennis and 'Dance of the Seven Pies' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Curtains for Dennis Mum has bought curtain material for the soon to be newly decorated kitchen, and asks Dad to look after it while she is out. However, Dad falls asleep and mistakenly agrees that Dennis can use it as a giant sail. When Dad realises that it has gone, he calls Dennis to bring it back, but unfortunately Dennis gets into a spot of bother with the colonel, who takes the curtain material off Dennis. In an attempt to steal it back, the garden being wrecked and the kitchen is left looking like a bombsite. Dennis, Gnasher and Dad have to clean up the whole kitchen and redecorate it in time for Mum returning. When Mum decides it is time to hang the new curtains, Dennis is about to get the curtain... Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Lost Dennis, his friends and Walter's friends get marooned on a desert island when Dennis attempts to escape a boring field trip. Followed by Substitute Creecher Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Dennis Jumps the Line Dennis plays a prank on the citizens of Beanotown, causing them to evacuate, which causes trouble for Dennis later. Followed by 'No Place Like Home' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Double Act Gnasher and Gnipper enter a dog show, regardless of Walter saying they don't have true talent. He wants Athena and Miss Mini Wuff to win, but Walter has just underestimated Gnasher's true capabilities. Followed by Grounded. Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: The In Crowd Athena gets Gnasher envy when seeing a pampered version of Gnasher in a magazine and when she hears that Dennis owns an Abyssinian wire-haired tripe hound (Gnasher), she wants him. However, being an owner to Gnasher isn't all cracked up to be! Followed by 'Splash' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Dennis Hiccups Dennis gets a case of the hiccups from Mr. Har Har's can-o-giggles and is looking for a way to cure them ready for a film premier. Followed by Athena's Party Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Beanotown in Bloom The garden is accidentaly wrecked when Dennis tries to give Gnasher a bath, so the gang have to fix the mess before Mum comes home. Followed by 'Run Rabbit Run' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: You're Joking Dennis makes a line of practical jokes for Mr. Scrimp, called 'The Menace Collection.' However, Dennis soon learns that it will put Mr. Har Har out of business. Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: The Way of Den-Do After Walter takes up origami as a martial art, Dennis scoffs and comes up with his own martial art, and so the two prepare to battle it out. Followed by 'Smelling of Roses' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Aliens Among Us After watching a film about an alien invasion, Dennis, Curly and Pie Face decide to make their own film. However, Walter stumbles across them filming, and he only sees the action, not the camera. Filming what he sees on his mobile phone, he runs to tell the whole of Beanotown about the alien invasion. As panic spreads, Dennis and his friends discover the chaos and decide to keep filming in order to help make the best of their own alien film. Meanwhile, Sergeant Slipper investigates the alien landing that Walter has seen, and discovers the truth—that the spaceship is a playhouse with glow sticks in it. Followed by 'Castle in the Air' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Great Outdoors Dennis and his pet dog, Gnasher, live by just one rule: Kids should make all the rules! Followed by Dance of the Seven Pies. Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Game On To get his friends back from Walter's group, Dennis challenges Walter to a videogames battle. Followed by 'Fish Tale'. Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Attack of the Walterbot For a school project, Dennis and Walter both build robots. However, during an accident, both robots merge, causing Dennis and Walter to defend the school. Followed by 'No Joke.' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Dennis V.I.P With one backstage pass for a Ratbucket gig, Dennis and his friends pass themselves off as Ratbucket, only for the real Ratbucket not to be able to play at his own concert. Followed by 60 second Dennis and 'Bad Dad' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Rubber Bands and Paperclips After Dennis breaks his bike, Dad is unable to afford a new one, so Dennis convinces him to ask his boss for a raise. Unfortunately, Mr Scrimp reduces his wages instead. Dennis then trashes his house to convince Scrimp that his family are poor, so that Mr Scrimp will feel compelled to raise Dad's wages. Just as Scrimp has been taken in by Dennis' plan, Mum and Dad arrive home laden with shopping bags, resulting in Dad getting fired on the spot. Dennis resolves to get Dad his old job back by secretly causing chaos at his office. To restore order Scrimp rehires Dad, sealing the deal with a generous pay rise. Mum and Dad repair the house, but still don't have enough money to buy Dennis a new... Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Breakout Believing Gnasher and Gnipper to be trapped in Beanotown Dog Pound, Dennis comes up with a plan to rescue his friends and bring them both home. Followed by more Dennis and Gnasher episodes. Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Eyes on the Prize When Dennis breaks his skateboard again, Dad agrees to buy Dennis the best skateboard there is as a replacement if he is able to win a prize at the upcoming school award ceremony. Followed by 60 Second Dennis and 'Dance of the Seven Pies' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Thank-You's Dennis tries to get a birthday present by saying thank you to his relatives. However, because of Dennis' naughty personality, they take his attempts in a negative way. Followed by 'Dennis Hiccups' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Game On To get his friends back from Walter's group, Dennis challenges Walter to a videogames battle. Followed by 60 Second Dennis and 'Masters of the House'. Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: All-In Menacing After a wrestling accident, Gnasher swallows a canister of laughing gas at the vet's. Dennis, along with Gnasher hide in the conference centre, where dad gives a speech. However, the canister leaks, causing Gnasher to fart laughing gas and having everyone laughing. Followed by 'Attack of the Walterbot' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: No Pies for Pie face Dennis and Co. have to control Pie Face's obsession with pies during the Pie Festival. Otherwise, they will be grounded. Followed by 'Great Outdoors' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Dig This On a school trip, Dennis finds out that he is descentant to a warrior tribe. He also discovers that Montanna Smith (a famous Indiana Jones-esque explorer and one of Walter's personal heroes) is actually a thief who's trying to steal the treasure of Dennis' ancestor. Will he be stopped before he gets his hands on the treasure? Followed by Dog Tired. Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Curtains for Dennis Mum has bought curtain material for the soon to be newly decorated kitchen, and asks Dad to look after it while she is out. However, Dad falls asleep and mistakenly agrees that Dennis can use it as a giant sail. When Dad realises that it has gone, he calls Dennis to bring it back, but unfortunately Dennis gets into a spot of bother with the colonel, who takes the curtain material off Dennis. In an attempt to steal it back, the garden being wrecked and the kitchen is left looking like a bombsite. Dennis, Gnasher and Dad have to clean up the whole kitchen and redecorate it in time for Mum returning. When Mum decides it is time to hang the new curtains, Dennis is about to get the curtain... Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Lost Dennis, his friends and Walter's friends get marooned on a desert island when Dennis attempts to escape a boring field trip. Followed by Substitute Creecher Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Dennis Jumps the Line Dennis plays a prank on the citizens of Beanotown, causing them to evacuate, which causes trouble for Dennis later. Followed by 'No Place Like Home' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Double Act Gnasher and Gnipper enter a dog show, regardless of Walter saying they don't have true talent. He wants Athena and Miss Mini Wuff to win, but Walter has just underestimated Gnasher's true capabilities. Followed by Grounded. Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: The In Crowd Athena gets Gnasher envy when seeing a pampered version of Gnasher in a magazine and when she hears that Dennis owns an Abyssinian wire-haired tripe hound (Gnasher), she wants him. However, being an owner to Gnasher isn't all cracked up to be! Followed by 'Splash' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Dennis Hiccups Dennis gets a case of the hiccups from Mr. Har Har's can-o-giggles and is looking for a way to cure them ready for a film premier. Followed by Athena's Party Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Beanotown in Bloom The garden is accidentaly wrecked when Dennis tries to give Gnasher a bath, so the gang have to fix the mess before Mum comes home. Followed by 'Run Rabbit Run' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: You're Joking Dennis makes a line of practical jokes for Mr. Scrimp, called 'The Menace Collection.' However, Dennis soon learns that it will put Mr. Har Har out of business. Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: The Way of Den-Do After Walter takes up origami as a martial art, Dennis scoffs and comes up with his own martial art, and so the two prepare to battle it out. Followed by 'Smelling of Roses' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Aliens Among Us After watching a film about an alien invasion, Dennis, Curly and Pie Face decide to make their own film. However, Walter stumbles across them filming, and he only sees the action, not the camera. Filming what he sees on his mobile phone, he runs to tell the whole of Beanotown about the alien invasion. As panic spreads, Dennis and his friends discover the chaos and decide to keep filming in order to help make the best of their own alien film. Meanwhile, Sergeant Slipper investigates the alien landing that Walter has seen, and discovers the truth—that the spaceship is a playhouse with glow sticks in it. Followed by 'Castle in the Air' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Great Outdoors Dennis and his pet dog, Gnasher, live by just one rule: Kids should make all the rules! Followed by Dance of the Seven Pies. Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Game On To get his friends back from Walter's group, Dennis challenges Walter to a videogames battle. Followed by 'Fish Tale'. Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Attack of the Walterbot For a school project, Dennis and Walter both build robots. However, during an accident, both robots merge, causing Dennis and Walter to defend the school. Followed by 'No Joke.' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Dennis V.I.P With one backstage pass for a Ratbucket gig, Dennis and his friends pass themselves off as Ratbucket, only for the real Ratbucket not to be able to play at his own concert. Followed by 60 second Dennis and 'Bad Dad' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Rubber Bands and Paperclips After Dennis breaks his bike, Dad is unable to afford a new one, so Dennis convinces him to ask his boss for a raise. Unfortunately, Mr Scrimp reduces his wages instead. Dennis then trashes his house to convince Scrimp that his family are poor, so that Mr Scrimp will feel compelled to raise Dad's wages. Just as Scrimp has been taken in by Dennis' plan, Mum and Dad arrive home laden with shopping bags, resulting in Dad getting fired on the spot. Dennis resolves to get Dad his old job back by secretly causing chaos at his office. To restore order Scrimp rehires Dad, sealing the deal with a generous pay rise. Mum and Dad repair the house, but still don't have enough money to buy Dennis a new... Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Breakout Believing Gnasher and Gnipper to be trapped in Beanotown Dog Pound, Dennis comes up with a plan to rescue his friends and bring them both home. Followed by more Dennis and Gnasher episodes. Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Eyes on the Prize When Dennis breaks his skateboard again, Dad agrees to buy Dennis the best skateboard there is as a replacement if he is able to win a prize at the upcoming school award ceremony. Followed by 60 Second Dennis and 'Dance of the Seven Pies' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Thank-You's Dennis tries to get a birthday present by saying thank you to his relatives. However, because of Dennis' naughty personality, they take his attempts in a negative way. Followed by 'Dennis Hiccups' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Game On To get his friends back from Walter's group, Dennis challenges Walter to a videogames battle. Followed by 60 Second Dennis and 'Masters of the House'. Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: All-In Menacing After a wrestling accident, Gnasher swallows a canister of laughing gas at the vet's. Dennis, along with Gnasher hide in the conference centre, where dad gives a speech. However, the canister leaks, causing Gnasher to fart laughing gas and having everyone laughing. Followed by 'Attack of the Walterbot' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: No Pies for Pie face Dennis and Co. have to control Pie Face's obsession with pies during the Pie Festival. Otherwise, they will be grounded. Followed by 'Great Outdoors' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Dig This On a school trip, Dennis finds out that he is descentant to a warrior tribe. He also discovers that Montanna Smith (a famous Indiana Jones-esque explorer and one of Walter's personal heroes) is actually a thief who's trying to steal the treasure of Dennis' ancestor. Will he be stopped before he gets his hands on the treasure? Followed by Dog Tired. Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Curtains for Dennis Mum has bought curtain material for the soon to be newly decorated kitchen, and asks Dad to look after it while she is out. However, Dad falls asleep and mistakenly agrees that Dennis can use it as a giant sail. When Dad realises that it has gone, he calls Dennis to bring it back, but unfortunately Dennis gets into a spot of bother with the colonel, who takes the curtain material off Dennis. In an attempt to steal it back, the garden being wrecked and the kitchen is left looking like a bombsite. Dennis, Gnasher and Dad have to clean up the whole kitchen and redecorate it in time for Mum returning. When Mum decides it is time to hang the new curtains, Dennis is about to get the curtain... Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Lost Dennis, his friends and Walter's friends get marooned on a desert island when Dennis attempts to escape a boring field trip. Followed by Substitute Creecher Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Dennis Jumps the Line Dennis plays a prank on the citizens of Beanotown, causing them to evacuate, which causes trouble for Dennis later. Followed by 'No Place Like Home' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Double Act Gnasher and Gnipper enter a dog show, regardless of Walter saying they don't have true talent. He wants Athena and Miss Mini Wuff to win, but Walter has just underestimated Gnasher's true capabilities. Followed by Grounded. Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Curtains for Dennis Mum has bought curtain material for the soon to be newly decorated kitchen, and asks Dad to look after it while she is out. However, Dad falls asleep and mistakenly agrees that Dennis can use it as a giant sail. When Dad realises that it has gone, he calls Dennis to bring it back, but unfortunately Dennis gets into a spot of bother with the colonel, who takes the curtain material off Dennis. In an attempt to steal it back, the garden being wrecked and the kitchen is left looking like a bombsite. Dennis, Gnasher and Dad have to clean up the whole kitchen and redecorate it in time for Mum returning. When Mum decides it is time to hang the new curtains, Dennis is about to get the curtain... Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Lost Dennis, his friends and Walter's friends get marooned on a desert island when Dennis attempts to escape a boring field trip. Followed by Substitute Creecher Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Dennis Jumps the Line Dennis plays a prank on the citizens of Beanotown, causing them to evacuate, which causes trouble for Dennis later. Followed by 'No Place Like Home' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Double Act Gnasher and Gnipper enter a dog show, regardless of Walter saying they don't have true talent. He wants Athena and Miss Mini Wuff to win, but Walter has just underestimated Gnasher's true capabilities. Followed by Grounded. Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: The In Crowd Athena gets Gnasher envy when seeing a pampered version of Gnasher in a magazine and when she hears that Dennis owns an Abyssinian wire-haired tripe hound (Gnasher), she wants him. However, being an owner to Gnasher isn't all cracked up to be! Followed by 'Splash' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Dennis Hiccups Dennis gets a case of the hiccups from Mr. Har Har's can-o-giggles and is looking for a way to cure them ready for a film premier. Followed by Athena's Party Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Beanotown in Bloom The garden is accidentaly wrecked when Dennis tries to give Gnasher a bath, so the gang have to fix the mess before Mum comes home. Followed by 'Run Rabbit Run' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: You're Joking Dennis makes a line of practical jokes for Mr. Scrimp, called 'The Menace Collection.' However, Dennis soon learns that it will put Mr. Har Har out of business. Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: The Way of Den-Do After Walter takes up origami as a martial art, Dennis scoffs and comes up with his own martial art, and so the two prepare to battle it out. Followed by 'Smelling of Roses' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Aliens Among Us After watching a film about an alien invasion, Dennis, Curly and Pie Face decide to make their own film. However, Walter stumbles across them filming, and he only sees the action, not the camera. Filming what he sees on his mobile phone, he runs to tell the whole of Beanotown about the alien invasion. As panic spreads, Dennis and his friends discover the chaos and decide to keep filming in order to help make the best of their own alien film. Meanwhile, Sergeant Slipper investigates the alien landing that Walter has seen, and discovers the truth—that the spaceship is a playhouse with glow sticks in it. Followed by 'Castle in the Air' Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Great Outdoors Dennis and his pet dog, Gnasher, live by just one rule: Kids should make all the rules! Followed by Dance of the Seven Pies. Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Game On To get his friends back from Walter's group, Dennis challenges Walter to a videogames battle. Followed by 'Fish Tale'. Kids - - Dennis and Gnasher: Attack of the Walterbot - For a school project, Dennis and Walter both build robots. However, during an accident, both robots merge, causing Dennis and Walter to defend the school. Followed by 'No Joke.' + + Dennis and Gnasher: Attack of the Walterbot + For a school project, Dennis and Walter both build robots. However, during an accident, both robots merge, causing Dennis and Walter to defend the school. Followed by 'No Joke.' + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher: Dennis V.I.P + With one backstage pass for a Ratbucket gig, Dennis and his friends pass themselves off as Ratbucket, only for the real Ratbucket not to be able to play at his own concert. Followed by 60 second Dennis and 'Bad Dad' + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher: Rubber Bands and Paperclips + After Dennis breaks his bike, Dad is unable to afford a new one, so Dennis convinces him to ask his boss for a raise. Unfortunately, Mr Scrimp reduces his wages instead. Dennis then trashes his house to convince Scrimp that his family are poor, so that Mr Scrimp will feel compelled to raise Dad's wages. Just as Scrimp has been taken in by Dennis' plan, Mum and Dad arrive home laden with shopping bags, resulting in Dad getting fired on the spot. Dennis resolves to get Dad his old job back by secretly causing chaos at his office. To restore order Scrimp rehires Dad, sealing the deal with a generous pay rise. Mum and Dad repair the house, but still don't have enough money to buy Dennis a new... + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher: Breakout + Believing Gnasher and Gnipper to be trapped in Beanotown Dog Pound, Dennis comes up with a plan to rescue his friends and bring them both home. Followed by more Dennis and Gnasher episodes. + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher: Eyes on the Prize + When Dennis breaks his skateboard again, Dad agrees to buy Dennis the best skateboard there is as a replacement if he is able to win a prize at the upcoming school award ceremony. Followed by 60 Second Dennis and 'Dance of the Seven Pies' + Kids + + + When I Was Your Age + S01 : E10 When I Was Your Age Episode 10 + Paul, 10, is a typical little boy. Except that as soon as someone tells him When I was your age, he is immediately hurled back to the time when the person he is talking to was 10 too. + Kids + + + Get Blake + S01 : E34 Get Blake + Get Blake + Kids + + + Get Blake + S01 : E16 Get Blake!: Get Fishin'! + Blake must master playing a wooden fish for a battle-of-the-bands performance with Skye. Followed by Sixty Second Dennis. + Kids + + + Get Blake + S01 : E40 Get Blake + Get Blake + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher + Dennis and his pet dog, Gnasher, live by just one rule: Kids should make all the rules! + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher + S03 : E01 Dennis and Gnasher + The adventures of Dennis, his dog Gnasher, and their best friends JJ, Rubi and Pieface. The team cause havoc to Walter, Beanotown and Bash Street School, where all the rules go out the window. + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher: Stunt Gran + Walter shows off some new tricks on his fancy skateboard, prompting Dennis to make a jibe that even his Gran could do tricks like that with such a high-tech boar and the bet is on! However, Walter secretly sabotages the trick, causing Gran to hang up her menacing shoes as a matter of public safety. It's up to Dennis, Gnasher and Angel Face to expose the truth and get Gran back to her wily self. Followed by more Dennis episodes. + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher + Dennis and his pet dog, Gnasher, live by just one rule: Kids should make all the rules! + Kids + + + Get Blake + S01 : E38 Get Blake + Get Blake + Kids + + + Get Blake + S01 : E36 Get Blake + Get Blake + Kids + + + When I Was Your Age + S01 : E10 When I Was Your Age Episode 10 + Paul, 10, is a typical little boy. Except that as soon as someone tells him When I was your age, he is immediately hurled back to the time when the person he is talking to was 10 too. + Kids + + + When I Was Your Age + S01 : E11 When I Was Your Age Episode 11 + Paul, 10, is a typical little boy. Except that as soon as someone tells him When I was your age, he is immediately hurled back to the time when the person he is talking to was 10 too. + Kids + + + The Amazing Spiez + S01 : E04 The Amazing Spiez + Megan is teased by her brothers because she is a poor skateboarder. Then they are called for a mission to investigate strange occurrences in Dubai, involving buildings and other structures breaking down. Later, Megan goes missing after getting her new skateboard that she will use to show her brothers that she can skate. Lee, Marc and Tony find her with an army of skateboarders responsible for breaking down the buildings so they can create skateparks for themselves. + Kids + + + The Amazing Spiez + S01 : E05 The Amazing Spiez: Operation Brat Pack + The Spiez are sent to protect a famous TV spy actor from various incidents. To keep an eye on him, the Spiez are invited to be in his Spy show, with the guidance of their parents who think they won a contest. The actor is kidnapped and the Spiez rescue him. + Kids + + + Get Blake + S01 : E34 Get Blake + Get Blake + Kids + + + Get Blake + S01 : E16 Get Blake!: Get Fishin'! + Blake must master playing a wooden fish for a battle-of-the-bands performance with Skye. Followed by Sixty Second Dennis. + Kids + + + Get Blake + S01 : E40 Get Blake + Get Blake + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher + Dennis and his pet dog, Gnasher, live by just one rule: Kids should make all the rules! + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher + S03 : E01 Dennis and Gnasher + The adventures of Dennis, his dog Gnasher, and their best friends JJ, Rubi and Pieface. The team cause havoc to Walter, Beanotown and Bash Street School, where all the rules go out the window. + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher: Stunt Gran + Walter shows off some new tricks on his fancy skateboard, prompting Dennis to make a jibe that even his Gran could do tricks like that with such a high-tech boar and the bet is on! However, Walter secretly sabotages the trick, causing Gran to hang up her menacing shoes as a matter of public safety. It's up to Dennis, Gnasher and Angel Face to expose the truth and get Gran back to her wily self. Followed by more Dennis episodes. + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher + Dennis and his pet dog, Gnasher, live by just one rule: Kids should make all the rules! + Kids + + + Get Blake + S01 : E38 Get Blake + Get Blake + Kids + + + Get Blake + S01 : E36 Get Blake + Get Blake + Kids + + + When I Was Your Age + S01 : E10 When I Was Your Age Episode 10 + Paul, 10, is a typical little boy. Except that as soon as someone tells him When I was your age, he is immediately hurled back to the time when the person he is talking to was 10 too. + Kids + + + When I Was Your Age + S01 : E11 When I Was Your Age Episode 11 + Paul, 10, is a typical little boy. Except that as soon as someone tells him When I was your age, he is immediately hurled back to the time when the person he is talking to was 10 too. + Kids + + + The Amazing Spiez + S01 : E04 The Amazing Spiez + Megan is teased by her brothers because she is a poor skateboarder. Then they are called for a mission to investigate strange occurrences in Dubai, involving buildings and other structures breaking down. Later, Megan goes missing after getting her new skateboard that she will use to show her brothers that she can skate. Lee, Marc and Tony find her with an army of skateboarders responsible for breaking down the buildings so they can create skateparks for themselves. + Kids + + + The Amazing Spiez + S01 : E05 The Amazing Spiez: Operation Brat Pack + The Spiez are sent to protect a famous TV spy actor from various incidents. To keep an eye on him, the Spiez are invited to be in his Spy show, with the guidance of their parents who think they won a contest. The actor is kidnapped and the Spiez rescue him. + Kids + + + Get Blake + S01 : E34 Get Blake + Get Blake + Kids + + + Get Blake + S01 : E16 Get Blake!: Get Fishin'! + Blake must master playing a wooden fish for a battle-of-the-bands performance with Skye. Followed by Sixty Second Dennis. + Kids + + + Get Blake + S01 : E40 Get Blake + Get Blake + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher + Dennis and his pet dog, Gnasher, live by just one rule: Kids should make all the rules! + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher + S03 : E01 Dennis and Gnasher + The adventures of Dennis, his dog Gnasher, and their best friends JJ, Rubi and Pieface. The team cause havoc to Walter, Beanotown and Bash Street School, where all the rules go out the window. + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher: Stunt Gran + Walter shows off some new tricks on his fancy skateboard, prompting Dennis to make a jibe that even his Gran could do tricks like that with such a high-tech boar and the bet is on! However, Walter secretly sabotages the trick, causing Gran to hang up her menacing shoes as a matter of public safety. It's up to Dennis, Gnasher and Angel Face to expose the truth and get Gran back to her wily self. Followed by more Dennis episodes. + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher + Dennis and his pet dog, Gnasher, live by just one rule: Kids should make all the rules! + Kids + + + Get Blake + S01 : E38 Get Blake + Get Blake + Kids + + + Get Blake + S01 : E36 Get Blake + Get Blake + Kids + + + When I Was Your Age + S01 : E10 When I Was Your Age Episode 10 + Paul, 10, is a typical little boy. Except that as soon as someone tells him When I was your age, he is immediately hurled back to the time when the person he is talking to was 10 too. + Kids + + + When I Was Your Age + S01 : E11 When I Was Your Age Episode 11 + Paul, 10, is a typical little boy. Except that as soon as someone tells him When I was your age, he is immediately hurled back to the time when the person he is talking to was 10 too. + Kids + + + The Amazing Spiez + S01 : E04 The Amazing Spiez + Megan is teased by her brothers because she is a poor skateboarder. Then they are called for a mission to investigate strange occurrences in Dubai, involving buildings and other structures breaking down. Later, Megan goes missing after getting her new skateboard that she will use to show her brothers that she can skate. Lee, Marc and Tony find her with an army of skateboarders responsible for breaking down the buildings so they can create skateparks for themselves. + Kids + + + The Amazing Spiez + S01 : E05 The Amazing Spiez: Operation Brat Pack + The Spiez are sent to protect a famous TV spy actor from various incidents. To keep an eye on him, the Spiez are invited to be in his Spy show, with the guidance of their parents who think they won a contest. The actor is kidnapped and the Spiez rescue him. + Kids + + + Get Blake + S01 : E34 Get Blake + Get Blake + Kids + + + Get Blake + S01 : E16 Get Blake!: Get Fishin'! + Blake must master playing a wooden fish for a battle-of-the-bands performance with Skye. Followed by Sixty Second Dennis. + Kids + + + Get Blake + S01 : E40 Get Blake + Get Blake + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher + Dennis and his pet dog, Gnasher, live by just one rule: Kids should make all the rules! + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher + S03 : E01 Dennis and Gnasher + The adventures of Dennis, his dog Gnasher, and their best friends JJ, Rubi and Pieface. The team cause havoc to Walter, Beanotown and Bash Street School, where all the rules go out the window. + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher: Stunt Gran + Walter shows off some new tricks on his fancy skateboard, prompting Dennis to make a jibe that even his Gran could do tricks like that with such a high-tech boar and the bet is on! However, Walter secretly sabotages the trick, causing Gran to hang up her menacing shoes as a matter of public safety. It's up to Dennis, Gnasher and Angel Face to expose the truth and get Gran back to her wily self. Followed by more Dennis episodes. + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher + Dennis and his pet dog, Gnasher, live by just one rule: Kids should make all the rules! + Kids + + + Get Blake + S01 : E38 Get Blake + Get Blake + Kids + + + Get Blake + S01 : E36 Get Blake + Get Blake + Kids + + + When I Was Your Age + S01 : E10 When I Was Your Age Episode 10 + Paul, 10, is a typical little boy. Except that as soon as someone tells him When I was your age, he is immediately hurled back to the time when the person he is talking to was 10 too. + Kids + + + Get Blake + S01 : E34 Get Blake + Get Blake + Kids + + + Get Blake + S01 : E16 Get Blake!: Get Fishin'! + Blake must master playing a wooden fish for a battle-of-the-bands performance with Skye. Followed by Sixty Second Dennis. + Kids + + + Get Blake + S01 : E40 Get Blake + Get Blake + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher + Dennis and his pet dog, Gnasher, live by just one rule: Kids should make all the rules! + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher + S03 : E01 Dennis and Gnasher + The adventures of Dennis, his dog Gnasher, and their best friends JJ, Rubi and Pieface. The team cause havoc to Walter, Beanotown and Bash Street School, where all the rules go out the window. + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher: Stunt Gran + Walter shows off some new tricks on his fancy skateboard, prompting Dennis to make a jibe that even his Gran could do tricks like that with such a high-tech boar and the bet is on! However, Walter secretly sabotages the trick, causing Gran to hang up her menacing shoes as a matter of public safety. It's up to Dennis, Gnasher and Angel Face to expose the truth and get Gran back to her wily self. Followed by more Dennis episodes. + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher + Dennis and his pet dog, Gnasher, live by just one rule: Kids should make all the rules! + Kids + + + Get Blake + S01 : E38 Get Blake + Get Blake + Kids + + + Get Blake + S01 : E36 Get Blake + Get Blake + Kids + + + When I Was Your Age + S01 : E10 When I Was Your Age Episode 10 + Paul, 10, is a typical little boy. Except that as soon as someone tells him When I was your age, he is immediately hurled back to the time when the person he is talking to was 10 too. + Kids + + + When I Was Your Age + S01 : E11 When I Was Your Age Episode 11 + Paul, 10, is a typical little boy. Except that as soon as someone tells him When I was your age, he is immediately hurled back to the time when the person he is talking to was 10 too. + Kids + + + The Amazing Spiez + S01 : E04 The Amazing Spiez + Megan is teased by her brothers because she is a poor skateboarder. Then they are called for a mission to investigate strange occurrences in Dubai, involving buildings and other structures breaking down. Later, Megan goes missing after getting her new skateboard that she will use to show her brothers that she can skate. Lee, Marc and Tony find her with an army of skateboarders responsible for breaking down the buildings so they can create skateparks for themselves. + Kids + + + The Amazing Spiez + S01 : E05 The Amazing Spiez: Operation Brat Pack + The Spiez are sent to protect a famous TV spy actor from various incidents. To keep an eye on him, the Spiez are invited to be in his Spy show, with the guidance of their parents who think they won a contest. The actor is kidnapped and the Spiez rescue him. + Kids + + + Get Blake + S01 : E34 Get Blake + Get Blake + Kids + + + Get Blake + S01 : E16 Get Blake!: Get Fishin'! + Blake must master playing a wooden fish for a battle-of-the-bands performance with Skye. Followed by Sixty Second Dennis. + Kids + + + Get Blake + S01 : E40 Get Blake + Get Blake + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher + Dennis and his pet dog, Gnasher, live by just one rule: Kids should make all the rules! + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher + S03 : E01 Dennis and Gnasher + The adventures of Dennis, his dog Gnasher, and their best friends JJ, Rubi and Pieface. The team cause havoc to Walter, Beanotown and Bash Street School, where all the rules go out the window. + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher: Stunt Gran + Walter shows off some new tricks on his fancy skateboard, prompting Dennis to make a jibe that even his Gran could do tricks like that with such a high-tech boar and the bet is on! However, Walter secretly sabotages the trick, causing Gran to hang up her menacing shoes as a matter of public safety. It's up to Dennis, Gnasher and Angel Face to expose the truth and get Gran back to her wily self. Followed by more Dennis episodes. + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher + Dennis and his pet dog, Gnasher, live by just one rule: Kids should make all the rules! + Kids + + + Get Blake + S01 : E38 Get Blake + Get Blake + Kids + + + Get Blake + S01 : E36 Get Blake + Get Blake + Kids + + + When I Was Your Age + S01 : E10 When I Was Your Age Episode 10 + Paul, 10, is a typical little boy. Except that as soon as someone tells him When I was your age, he is immediately hurled back to the time when the person he is talking to was 10 too. + Kids + + + When I Was Your Age + S01 : E11 When I Was Your Age Episode 11 + Paul, 10, is a typical little boy. Except that as soon as someone tells him When I was your age, he is immediately hurled back to the time when the person he is talking to was 10 too. + Kids + + + The Amazing Spiez + S01 : E04 The Amazing Spiez + Megan is teased by her brothers because she is a poor skateboarder. Then they are called for a mission to investigate strange occurrences in Dubai, involving buildings and other structures breaking down. Later, Megan goes missing after getting her new skateboard that she will use to show her brothers that she can skate. Lee, Marc and Tony find her with an army of skateboarders responsible for breaking down the buildings so they can create skateparks for themselves. + Kids + + + The Amazing Spiez + S01 : E05 The Amazing Spiez: Operation Brat Pack + The Spiez are sent to protect a famous TV spy actor from various incidents. To keep an eye on him, the Spiez are invited to be in his Spy show, with the guidance of their parents who think they won a contest. The actor is kidnapped and the Spiez rescue him. + Kids + + + Get Blake + S01 : E34 Get Blake + Get Blake + Kids + + + Get Blake + S01 : E16 Get Blake!: Get Fishin'! + Blake must master playing a wooden fish for a battle-of-the-bands performance with Skye. Followed by Sixty Second Dennis. Kids - - Dennis and Gnasher: Dennis V.I.P - With one backstage pass for a Ratbucket gig, Dennis and his friends pass themselves off as Ratbucket, only for the real Ratbucket not to be able to play at his own concert. Followed by 60 second Dennis and 'Bad Dad' + + Get Blake + S01 : E40 Get Blake + Get Blake Kids - - Dennis and Gnasher: Rubber Bands and Paperclips - After Dennis breaks his bike, Dad is unable to afford a new one, so Dennis convinces him to ask his boss for a raise. Unfortunately, Mr Scrimp reduces his wages instead. Dennis then trashes his house to convince Scrimp that his family are poor, so that Mr Scrimp will feel compelled to raise Dad's wages. Just as Scrimp has been taken in by Dennis' plan, Mum and Dad arrive home laden with shopping bags, resulting in Dad getting fired on the spot. Dennis resolves to get Dad his old job back by secretly causing chaos at his office. To restore order Scrimp rehires Dad, sealing the deal with a generous pay rise. Mum and Dad repair the house, but still don't have enough money to buy Dennis a new... + + Dennis and Gnasher + Dennis and his pet dog, Gnasher, live by just one rule: Kids should make all the rules! Kids - - Dennis and Gnasher: Breakout - Believing Gnasher and Gnipper to be trapped in Beanotown Dog Pound, Dennis comes up with a plan to rescue his friends and bring them both home. Followed by more Dennis and Gnasher episodes. + + Dennis and Gnasher + S03 : E01 Dennis and Gnasher + The adventures of Dennis, his dog Gnasher, and their best friends JJ, Rubi and Pieface. The team cause havoc to Walter, Beanotown and Bash Street School, where all the rules go out the window. Kids - - Dennis and Gnasher: Eyes on the Prize - When Dennis breaks his skateboard again, Dad agrees to buy Dennis the best skateboard there is as a replacement if he is able to win a prize at the upcoming school award ceremony. Followed by 60 Second Dennis and 'Dance of the Seven Pies' + + Dennis and Gnasher: Stunt Gran + Walter shows off some new tricks on his fancy skateboard, prompting Dennis to make a jibe that even his Gran could do tricks like that with such a high-tech boar and the bet is on! However, Walter secretly sabotages the trick, causing Gran to hang up her menacing shoes as a matter of public safety. It's up to Dennis, Gnasher and Angel Face to expose the truth and get Gran back to her wily self. Followed by more Dennis episodes. Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher Dennis and his pet dog, Gnasher, live by just one rule: Kids should make all the rules! Kids - + Get Blake S01 : E38 Get Blake Get Blake Kids - + Get Blake S01 : E36 Get Blake Get Blake Kids - + When I Was Your Age S01 : E10 When I Was Your Age Episode 10 Paul, 10, is a typical little boy. Except that as soon as someone tells him When I was your age, he is immediately hurled back to the time when the person he is talking to was 10 too. Kids - + When I Was Your Age S01 : E11 When I Was Your Age Episode 11 Paul, 10, is a typical little boy. Except that as soon as someone tells him When I was your age, he is immediately hurled back to the time when the person he is talking to was 10 too. Kids - + The Amazing Spiez S01 : E04 The Amazing Spiez Megan is teased by her brothers because she is a poor skateboarder. Then they are called for a mission to investigate strange occurrences in Dubai, involving buildings and other structures breaking down. Later, Megan goes missing after getting her new skateboard that she will use to show her brothers that she can skate. Lee, Marc and Tony find her with an army of skateboarders responsible for breaking down the buildings so they can create skateparks for themselves. Kids - + The Amazing Spiez S01 : E05 The Amazing Spiez: Operation Brat Pack The Spiez are sent to protect a famous TV spy actor from various incidents. To keep an eye on him, the Spiez are invited to be in his Spy show, with the guidance of their parents who think they won a contest. The actor is kidnapped and the Spiez rescue him. Kids - + Get Blake S01 : E34 Get Blake Get Blake Kids - + Get Blake S01 : E16 Get Blake!: Get Fishin'! Blake must master playing a wooden fish for a battle-of-the-bands performance with Skye. Followed by Sixty Second Dennis. Kids - + Get Blake S01 : E40 Get Blake Get Blake Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher Dennis and his pet dog, Gnasher, live by just one rule: Kids should make all the rules! Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher S03 : E01 Dennis and Gnasher The adventures of Dennis, his dog Gnasher, and their best friends JJ, Rubi and Pieface. The team cause havoc to Walter, Beanotown and Bash Street School, where all the rules go out the window. Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Stunt Gran Walter shows off some new tricks on his fancy skateboard, prompting Dennis to make a jibe that even his Gran could do tricks like that with such a high-tech boar and the bet is on! However, Walter secretly sabotages the trick, causing Gran to hang up her menacing shoes as a matter of public safety. It's up to Dennis, Gnasher and Angel Face to expose the truth and get Gran back to her wily self. Followed by more Dennis episodes. Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher Dennis and his pet dog, Gnasher, live by just one rule: Kids should make all the rules! Kids - + Get Blake S01 : E38 Get Blake Get Blake Kids - + Get Blake S01 : E36 Get Blake Get Blake Kids - + When I Was Your Age S01 : E10 When I Was Your Age Episode 10 Paul, 10, is a typical little boy. Except that as soon as someone tells him When I was your age, he is immediately hurled back to the time when the person he is talking to was 10 too. Kids - + Get Blake S01 : E34 Get Blake Get Blake Kids - + Get Blake S01 : E16 Get Blake!: Get Fishin'! Blake must master playing a wooden fish for a battle-of-the-bands performance with Skye. Followed by Sixty Second Dennis. Kids - + Get Blake S01 : E40 Get Blake Get Blake Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher Dennis and his pet dog, Gnasher, live by just one rule: Kids should make all the rules! Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher S03 : E01 Dennis and Gnasher The adventures of Dennis, his dog Gnasher, and their best friends JJ, Rubi and Pieface. The team cause havoc to Walter, Beanotown and Bash Street School, where all the rules go out the window. Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Stunt Gran Walter shows off some new tricks on his fancy skateboard, prompting Dennis to make a jibe that even his Gran could do tricks like that with such a high-tech boar and the bet is on! However, Walter secretly sabotages the trick, causing Gran to hang up her menacing shoes as a matter of public safety. It's up to Dennis, Gnasher and Angel Face to expose the truth and get Gran back to her wily self. Followed by more Dennis episodes. Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher Dennis and his pet dog, Gnasher, live by just one rule: Kids should make all the rules! Kids - + Get Blake S01 : E38 Get Blake Get Blake Kids - + Get Blake S01 : E36 Get Blake Get Blake Kids - + When I Was Your Age S01 : E10 When I Was Your Age Episode 10 Paul, 10, is a typical little boy. Except that as soon as someone tells him When I was your age, he is immediately hurled back to the time when the person he is talking to was 10 too. Kids - + When I Was Your Age S01 : E11 When I Was Your Age Episode 11 Paul, 10, is a typical little boy. Except that as soon as someone tells him When I was your age, he is immediately hurled back to the time when the person he is talking to was 10 too. Kids - + The Amazing Spiez S01 : E04 The Amazing Spiez Megan is teased by her brothers because she is a poor skateboarder. Then they are called for a mission to investigate strange occurrences in Dubai, involving buildings and other structures breaking down. Later, Megan goes missing after getting her new skateboard that she will use to show her brothers that she can skate. Lee, Marc and Tony find her with an army of skateboarders responsible for breaking down the buildings so they can create skateparks for themselves. Kids - + The Amazing Spiez S01 : E05 The Amazing Spiez: Operation Brat Pack The Spiez are sent to protect a famous TV spy actor from various incidents. To keep an eye on him, the Spiez are invited to be in his Spy show, with the guidance of their parents who think they won a contest. The actor is kidnapped and the Spiez rescue him. Kids - + Get Blake S01 : E34 Get Blake Get Blake Kids - + Get Blake S01 : E16 Get Blake!: Get Fishin'! Blake must master playing a wooden fish for a battle-of-the-bands performance with Skye. Followed by Sixty Second Dennis. Kids - + Get Blake S01 : E40 Get Blake Get Blake Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher Dennis and his pet dog, Gnasher, live by just one rule: Kids should make all the rules! Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher S03 : E01 Dennis and Gnasher The adventures of Dennis, his dog Gnasher, and their best friends JJ, Rubi and Pieface. The team cause havoc to Walter, Beanotown and Bash Street School, where all the rules go out the window. Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Stunt Gran Walter shows off some new tricks on his fancy skateboard, prompting Dennis to make a jibe that even his Gran could do tricks like that with such a high-tech boar and the bet is on! However, Walter secretly sabotages the trick, causing Gran to hang up her menacing shoes as a matter of public safety. It's up to Dennis, Gnasher and Angel Face to expose the truth and get Gran back to her wily self. Followed by more Dennis episodes. Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher Dennis and his pet dog, Gnasher, live by just one rule: Kids should make all the rules! Kids - + Get Blake S01 : E38 Get Blake Get Blake Kids - + Get Blake S01 : E36 Get Blake Get Blake Kids - + When I Was Your Age S01 : E10 When I Was Your Age Episode 10 Paul, 10, is a typical little boy. Except that as soon as someone tells him When I was your age, he is immediately hurled back to the time when the person he is talking to was 10 too. Kids - + When I Was Your Age S01 : E11 When I Was Your Age Episode 11 Paul, 10, is a typical little boy. Except that as soon as someone tells him When I was your age, he is immediately hurled back to the time when the person he is talking to was 10 too. Kids - + The Amazing Spiez S01 : E04 The Amazing Spiez Megan is teased by her brothers because she is a poor skateboarder. Then they are called for a mission to investigate strange occurrences in Dubai, involving buildings and other structures breaking down. Later, Megan goes missing after getting her new skateboard that she will use to show her brothers that she can skate. Lee, Marc and Tony find her with an army of skateboarders responsible for breaking down the buildings so they can create skateparks for themselves. Kids - + The Amazing Spiez S01 : E05 The Amazing Spiez: Operation Brat Pack The Spiez are sent to protect a famous TV spy actor from various incidents. To keep an eye on him, the Spiez are invited to be in his Spy show, with the guidance of their parents who think they won a contest. The actor is kidnapped and the Spiez rescue him. Kids - + Get Blake S01 : E34 Get Blake Get Blake Kids - + Get Blake S01 : E16 Get Blake!: Get Fishin'! Blake must master playing a wooden fish for a battle-of-the-bands performance with Skye. Followed by Sixty Second Dennis. Kids - + Get Blake S01 : E40 Get Blake Get Blake Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher Dennis and his pet dog, Gnasher, live by just one rule: Kids should make all the rules! Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher S03 : E01 Dennis and Gnasher The adventures of Dennis, his dog Gnasher, and their best friends JJ, Rubi and Pieface. The team cause havoc to Walter, Beanotown and Bash Street School, where all the rules go out the window. Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher: Stunt Gran Walter shows off some new tricks on his fancy skateboard, prompting Dennis to make a jibe that even his Gran could do tricks like that with such a high-tech boar and the bet is on! However, Walter secretly sabotages the trick, causing Gran to hang up her menacing shoes as a matter of public safety. It's up to Dennis, Gnasher and Angel Face to expose the truth and get Gran back to her wily self. Followed by more Dennis episodes. Kids - + Dennis and Gnasher Dennis and his pet dog, Gnasher, live by just one rule: Kids should make all the rules! Kids - + Get Blake S01 : E38 Get Blake Get Blake Kids - + Get Blake S01 : E36 Get Blake Get Blake Kids - + When I Was Your Age S01 : E10 When I Was Your Age Episode 10 Paul, 10, is a typical little boy. Except that as soon as someone tells him When I was your age, he is immediately hurled back to the time when the person he is talking to was 10 too. Kids - + When I Was Your Age S01 : E11 When I Was Your Age Episode 11 Paul, 10, is a typical little boy. Except that as soon as someone tells him When I was your age, he is immediately hurled back to the time when the person he is talking to was 10 too. Kids - + The Amazing Spiez S01 : E04 The Amazing Spiez Megan is teased by her brothers because she is a poor skateboarder. Then they are called for a mission to investigate strange occurrences in Dubai, involving buildings and other structures breaking down. Later, Megan goes missing after getting her new skateboard that she will use to show her brothers that she can skate. Lee, Marc and Tony find her with an army of skateboarders responsible for breaking down the buildings so they can create skateparks for themselves. Kids - + The Amazing Spiez S01 : E05 The Amazing Spiez: Operation Brat Pack The Spiez are sent to protect a famous TV spy actor from various incidents. To keep an eye on him, the Spiez are invited to be in his Spy show, with the guidance of their parents who think they won a contest. The actor is kidnapped and the Spiez rescue him. Kids - + Get Blake S01 : E34 Get Blake Get Blake Kids - + Get Blake S01 : E16 Get Blake!: Get Fishin'! Blake must master playing a wooden fish for a battle-of-the-bands performance with Skye. Followed by Sixty Second Dennis. Kids - - Get Blake - S01 : E40 Get Blake - Get Blake + + Get Blake + S01 : E40 Get Blake + Get Blake + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher + Dennis and his pet dog, Gnasher, live by just one rule: Kids should make all the rules! + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher + S03 : E01 Dennis and Gnasher + The adventures of Dennis, his dog Gnasher, and their best friends JJ, Rubi and Pieface. The team cause havoc to Walter, Beanotown and Bash Street School, where all the rules go out the window. + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher: Stunt Gran + Walter shows off some new tricks on his fancy skateboard, prompting Dennis to make a jibe that even his Gran could do tricks like that with such a high-tech boar and the bet is on! However, Walter secretly sabotages the trick, causing Gran to hang up her menacing shoes as a matter of public safety. It's up to Dennis, Gnasher and Angel Face to expose the truth and get Gran back to her wily self. Followed by more Dennis episodes. + Kids + + + Dennis and Gnasher + Dennis and his pet dog, Gnasher, live by just one rule: Kids should make all the rules! + Kids + + + Get Blake + S01 : E38 Get Blake + Get Blake + Kids + + + Get Blake + S01 : E36 Get Blake + Get Blake + Kids + + + When I Was Your Age + S01 : E10 When I Was Your Age Episode 10 + Paul, 10, is a typical little boy. Except that as soon as someone tells him When I was your age, he is immediately hurled back to the time when the person he is talking to was 10 too. + Kids + + + Nursery Rhyme Time + The coolest nursery rhymes are at Cool School's Nursery Rhyme Time! + Kids + + + The Stupendous Drew Pendous & His Mighty Pen Ultimate! + When Cool School is under attack, it's Super Drew to the rescue! + Kids + + + Snow White | Story Time with Ms. Booksy + Adventures of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves is a fairy tale you don't want to miss, especially when Ms. Booksy is telling it! + Kids + + + Nikki's Science and Wiki + Join Nikki as she explores SCIENCE and interesting FACTS! + Kids + + + Crafty Carol - Make and Do + Make and Do with Crafy Carol! What will you make? + Kids + + + Nikki's Science and Wiki + Join Nikki as she explores SCIENCE and interesting FACTS! + Kids + + + Wizard of Oz - Story Time with Ms. Booksy + Dorothy is taken to the magical land of Oz from her boring home in Kansas. + Kids + + + Nursery Rhyme Time + The coolest nursery rhymes are at Cool School's Nursery Rhyme Time! + Kids + + + The Stupendous Drew Pendous & His Mighty Pen Ultimate! + When Cool School is under attack, it's Super Drew to the rescue! + Kids + + + Cinderella | Story Time with Ms. Booksy + Ms. Booksy reads Cinderella! + Kids + + + Crafty Carol - Make and Do + Make and Do with Crafy Carol! What will you make? + Kids + + + Nikki's Science and Wiki + Join Nikki as she explores SCIENCE and interesting FACTS! + Kids + + + Snow White | Story Time with Ms. Booksy + Adventures of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves is a fairy tale you don't want to miss, especially when Ms. Booksy is telling it! + Kids + + + Nursery Rhyme Time + The coolest nursery rhymes are at Cool School's Nursery Rhyme Time! + Kids + + + The Little Mermaid | Story Time with Ms. Booksy + Ms. Booksy reads to us the story of The Little Mermaid. + Kids + + + The Stupendous Drew Pendous & His Mighty Pen Ultimate! + When Cool School is under attack, it's Super Drew to the rescue! + Kids + + + Wizard of Oz - Story Time with Ms. Booksy + Dorothy is taken to the magical land of Oz from her boring home in Kansas. + Kids + + + Crafty Carol - Make and Do + Make and Do with Crafy Carol! What will you make? + Kids + + + Nikki's Science and Wiki + Join Nikki as she explores SCIENCE and interesting FACTS! + Kids + + + Cinderella | Story Time with Ms. Booksy + Ms. Booksy reads Cinderella! + Kids + + + Nursery Rhyme Time + The coolest nursery rhymes are at Cool School's Nursery Rhyme Time! + Kids + + + The Stupendous Drew Pendous & His Mighty Pen Ultimate! + When Cool School is under attack, it's Super Drew to the rescue! + Kids + + + Snow White | Story Time with Ms. Booksy + Adventures of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves is a fairy tale you don't want to miss, especially when Ms. Booksy is telling it! + Kids + + + Nikki's Science and Wiki + Join Nikki as she explores SCIENCE and interesting FACTS! + Kids + + + Crafty Carol - Make and Do + Make and Do with Crafy Carol! What will you make? + Kids + + + Nikki's Science and Wiki + Join Nikki as she explores SCIENCE and interesting FACTS! + Kids + + + Wizard of Oz - Story Time with Ms. Booksy + Dorothy is taken to the magical land of Oz from her boring home in Kansas. + Kids + + + Nursery Rhyme Time + The coolest nursery rhymes are at Cool School's Nursery Rhyme Time! + Kids + + + The Stupendous Drew Pendous & His Mighty Pen Ultimate! + When Cool School is under attack, it's Super Drew to the rescue! + Kids + + + Cinderella | Story Time with Ms. Booksy + Ms. Booksy reads Cinderella! + Kids + + + Crafty Carol - Make and Do + Make and Do with Crafy Carol! What will you make? + Kids + + + Nikki's Science and Wiki + Join Nikki as she explores SCIENCE and interesting FACTS! + Kids + + + Snow White | Story Time with Ms. Booksy + Adventures of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves is a fairy tale you don't want to miss, especially when Ms. Booksy is telling it! + Kids + + + Nursery Rhyme Time + The coolest nursery rhymes are at Cool School's Nursery Rhyme Time! + Kids + + + The Little Mermaid | Story Time with Ms. Booksy + Ms. Booksy reads to us the story of The Little Mermaid. + Kids + + + The Stupendous Drew Pendous & His Mighty Pen Ultimate! + When Cool School is under attack, it's Super Drew to the rescue! + Kids + + + The Three Little Pigs - Story Time with Ms. Booksy + Ms. Booksy reads to us the story of The Three Little Pigs! + Kids + + + Wizard of Oz - Story Time with Ms. Booksy + Dorothy is taken to the magical land of Oz from her boring home in Kansas. + Kids + + + Crafty Carol - Make and Do + Make and Do with Crafy Carol! What will you make? + Kids + + + Nikki's Science and Wiki + Join Nikki as she explores SCIENCE and interesting FACTS! + Kids + + + Cinderella | Story Time with Ms. Booksy + Ms. Booksy reads Cinderella! + Kids + + + Nursery Rhyme Time + The coolest nursery rhymes are at Cool School's Nursery Rhyme Time! + Kids + + + The Stupendous Drew Pendous & His Mighty Pen Ultimate! + When Cool School is under attack, it's Super Drew to the rescue! + Kids + + + Snow White | Story Time with Ms. Booksy + Adventures of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves is a fairy tale you don't want to miss, especially when Ms. Booksy is telling it! + Kids + + + Nikki's Science and Wiki + Join Nikki as she explores SCIENCE and interesting FACTS! + Kids + + + Crafty Carol - Make and Do + Make and Do with Crafy Carol! What will you make? + Kids + + + Nikki's Science and Wiki + Join Nikki as she explores SCIENCE and interesting FACTS! + Kids + + + Wizard of Oz - Story Time with Ms. Booksy + Dorothy is taken to the magical land of Oz from her boring home in Kansas. + Kids + + + Nursery Rhyme Time + The coolest nursery rhymes are at Cool School's Nursery Rhyme Time! + Kids + + + The Stupendous Drew Pendous & His Mighty Pen Ultimate! + When Cool School is under attack, it's Super Drew to the rescue! + Kids + + + Cinderella | Story Time with Ms. Booksy + Ms. Booksy reads Cinderella! + Kids + + + Crafty Carol - Make and Do + Make and Do with Crafy Carol! What will you make? + Kids + + + Nikki's Science and Wiki + Join Nikki as she explores SCIENCE and interesting FACTS! + Kids + + + Snow White | Story Time with Ms. Booksy + Adventures of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves is a fairy tale you don't want to miss, especially when Ms. Booksy is telling it! + Kids + + + Nursery Rhyme Time + The coolest nursery rhymes are at Cool School's Nursery Rhyme Time! + Kids + + + The Little Mermaid | Story Time with Ms. Booksy + Ms. Booksy reads to us the story of The Little Mermaid. + Kids + + + The Stupendous Drew Pendous & His Mighty Pen Ultimate! + When Cool School is under attack, it's Super Drew to the rescue! + Kids + + + Wizard of Oz - Story Time with Ms. Booksy + Dorothy is taken to the magical land of Oz from her boring home in Kansas. + Kids + + + Crafty Carol - Make and Do + Make and Do with Crafy Carol! What will you make? + Kids + + + Nikki's Science and Wiki + Join Nikki as she explores SCIENCE and interesting FACTS! + Kids + + + Cinderella | Story Time with Ms. Booksy + Ms. Booksy reads Cinderella! + Kids + + + Nursery Rhyme Time + The coolest nursery rhymes are at Cool School's Nursery Rhyme Time! + Kids + + + Zoom Zoom Zoom with Baby Shark + S01 : E02 Bug with Baby Shark + ant, earthworm, fly, butterfly, centipede, mayfly, diving beetle, silkworm, cricket, caterpillar, roly poly bug, dragonfly, zebra butterfly, fruit fly, stinkbug, bumblebee, pill bug, tiger butterfly, velvet mite, earwig, net-winged beetle, june bug, honeybee, bell cricket, peacock butterfly, ked, inchworm, yellow jacket, moth, jewel beetle, spider, giant swallowtail, owlfly, io moth, pill bug, water strider, ladybug, tarantula, roach, nightcrawler, nymph, wood white butterfly, pupa, caterpillar, earwig + Kids + + + Bebefinn + S03 : E03 Episode 3 + Baby Finn Learns Something New Everyday with the Funn Family! Here comes another beautiful precious day of Finn, a Baby Shark lover just as our children, and his Family. Enjoy the daily life of the Bebefinn Family filled with joyful songs. + Kids + + + Bebefinn + S03 : E04 Episode 4 + Baby Finn Learns Something New Everyday with the Funn Family! Here comes another beautiful precious day of Finn, a Baby Shark lover just as our children, and his Family. Enjoy the daily life of the Bebefinn Family filled with joyful songs. + Kids + + + Pinkfong Songs for Children + S01 : E19 Around the World with Baby Shark + Sing, Dance, and learn different cultures from all around the world with Baby Shark and friends! + Kids + + + Baby Shark Surprise Box + S01 : E01 Episode 1 + Cake, Candy, Chocolate, Cookie, Cupcake, Doughnut, Ice Cream, Lollipop, Macaron, Pancake, Pie, Book + Kids + + + Baby Shark Toy Song + S01 : E01 Baby Shark Toy Song + Have joyful learning and singing with Baby Shark and the Shark Family toy! + Kids + + + Pinkfong Songs for Children + S01 : E42 Baby Shark Colors + Learn different colors with Baby Shark Brooklyn and Pinkfong! + Kids + + + Super Solver Sammy + S01 : E01 Episode 1 + There is always Sammy next to Pinkfong and friends, where incidents and accidents never cease. But... the solving process is a mess!? Well, anyway, the clumsy problem solver Sammy gets things done! + Kids + + + Learn Colors with Shape Block and more + S01 : E01 Episode 1 + Let's learn colors with Shape Blocks and Wonderville Friends! + Kids + + + Pinkfong and Hogi’s Magic Adventure + S01 : E01 Episode 1 + "Once upon a time…There was a huge palace without a king. Only the true king of animals could be the ruler of this palace. Meanwhile, both the bear and the lion had their eyes on the throne. Who will become the true king of animals?" + Kids + + + Pinkfong Songs for Children + S01 : E33 Happy Easter with Baby Shark + Have fun with Baby Shark and the Shark Family! + Kids + + + Pinkfong Little Dino School + S01 : E01 Episode 1 + Meet Rex, who loves tag game,Brie who is always hungry,the smart dinosaur Vella, and Pete the hat collector! + Kids + + + Bebefinn + S02 : E03 Episode 3 + "Baby Finn Learns Something New Everyday with the Funn Family! Here comes another beautiful precious day of Finn, a Baby Shark lover just as our children, and his Family. Enjoy the daily life of the Bebefinn Family filled with joyful songs." + Kids + + + Bebefinn + S02 : E04 Episode 4 + "Baby Finn Learns Something New Everyday with the Funn Family! Here comes another beautiful precious day of Finn, a Baby Shark lover just as our children, and his Family. Enjoy the daily life of the Bebefinn Family filled with joyful songs." + Kids + + + Pinkfong Little Dino School + S01 : E02 Episode 2 + Meet Rex, who loves tag game,Brie who is always hungry,the smart dinosaur Vella, and Pete the hat collector! + Kids + + + Let's Dance Along together! + S01 : E01 Episode 1 + I’ve got the rhythm in my elbows. Elbows! I’ve got the rhythm in my knees. Knees! I’ve got the rhythm in my feet. Stomp, stomp! Feet! I’ve got the rhythm in my eyes! + Kids + + + Pinkfong Sing-Along Movie 2 + S01 : E01 Wonderstar Concert + Pinkfong and Hogi decide to hold a wonderful concert with Wonderville friends, showcasing each of their favorite songs! However, while preparing for the tour, Team Wonderstar begins arguing as they are getting tired from practicing due to differences in opinions while preparing the stage… Will Pinkfong and Hogi be able to overcome various conflicts and difficulties to deliver the perfect show? + Kids + + + Patrol Pals + S01 : E01 Episode 1 + "Did you call for us, Patrol Pals? We are always ready for anyone in need and danger! We fight for justice and safety anytime and anywhere! Patrol Pals, on the rescue! " + Kids + + + Bebefinn + S02 : E01 Episode 1 + "Baby Finn Learns Something New Everyday with the Funn Family! Here comes another beautiful precious day of Finn, a Baby Shark lover just as our children, and his Family. Enjoy the daily life of the Bebefinn Family filled with joyful songs." + Kids + + + Bebefinn + S02 : E02 Episode 2 + "Baby Finn Learns Something New Everyday with the Funn Family! Here comes another beautiful precious day of Finn, a Baby Shark lover just as our children, and his Family. Enjoy the daily life of the Bebefinn Family filled with joyful songs." + Kids + + + Learn ABC with Baby Shark + S02 : E01 Learn ABC with Baby Shark + Panda, Elephant, Giraffe Alligator, Bear, Lion Camel, Hamster, Whale Hippo, Dog, Cat Shark, Zebra, etc. Kids - - Dennis and Gnasher - Dennis and his pet dog, Gnasher, live by just one rule: Kids should make all the rules! + + Hogi's Hospital Play + S01 : E01 Hogi's Hospital Play + Wonder Star friends are sick! Join Hogi and Forest as they become doctors and heal their friends! Kids - - Dennis and Gnasher - S03 : E01 Dennis and Gnasher - The adventures of Dennis, his dog Gnasher, and their best friends JJ, Rubi and Pieface. The team cause havoc to Walter, Beanotown and Bash Street School, where all the rules go out the window. + + Baby Shark in Summer Time + S01 : E01 Baby Shark in Summer Time + A sizzling hot summer! Enjoy a refreshing summer with Shark Family to the tune of cheerful Hawaiian songs that suit the season. Kids - - Dennis and Gnasher: Stunt Gran - Walter shows off some new tricks on his fancy skateboard, prompting Dennis to make a jibe that even his Gran could do tricks like that with such a high-tech boar and the bet is on! However, Walter secretly sabotages the trick, causing Gran to hang up her menacing shoes as a matter of public safety. It's up to Dennis, Gnasher and Angel Face to expose the truth and get Gran back to her wily self. Followed by more Dennis episodes. + + Best Baby Shark vs Thief Baby Shark + S01 : E01 Episode 1 + Let's sing and dance with Baby Shark! Best Baby Shark vs Thief Baby Shark Episodes Compilation Kids - - Dennis and Gnasher - Dennis and his pet dog, Gnasher, live by just one rule: Kids should make all the rules! + + Jungle Music Festival + S01 : E01 Episode 1 + You can hear the sound of music in the jungle. Who could be playing? Enjoy an exciting music festival with jungle friends! Kids - - Get Blake - S01 : E38 Get Blake - Get Blake + + Episode 2 + There is always Sammy next to Pinkfong and friends, where incidents and accidents never cease. But... the solving process is a mess!? Well, anyway, the clumsy problem solver Sammy gets things done! Kids - - Get Blake - S01 : E36 Get Blake - Get Blake + + Bebefinn The Hunt for Finn's Baby Shark + S01 : E01 Bebefinn The Hunt for Finn's Baby Shark + Oh no! Finn has lost his Baby Shark doll Bora and Brody go on an adventure to find it back Kids - - When I Was Your Age - S01 : E10 When I Was Your Age Episode 10 - Paul, 10, is a typical little boy. Except that as soon as someone tells him When I was your age, he is immediately hurled back to the time when the person he is talking to was 10 too. + + Bebefinn Playtime + S01 : E03 Episode 3 + Have fun at home with Bebefinn stories and musicals! Kids - - Get Blake - S01 : E34 Get Blake - Get Blake + + Baby Shark Brooklyn + S01 : E05 Episode 5 + Baby Shark Brooklyn's adventure under the sea! 9. To Catch a Thief! 10. Welcome to the Sardine Show! Kids - - Get Blake - S01 : E16 Get Blake!: Get Fishin'! - Blake must master playing a wooden fish for a battle-of-the-bands performance with Skye. Followed by Sixty Second Dennis. + + Baby Shark Brooklyn + S01 : E06 Episode 6 + Baby Shark Brooklyn's adventure under the sea! 11. Coral Forest Rescue! 12. Bella's Surprise Village Concert Kids - - Get Blake - S01 : E40 Get Blake - Get Blake + + Baby Animals Songs + S01 : E01 Baby Animals Songs + Pinkfong and Ninimo meet cute baby animals! Watch to find out what happens! Kids - - Dennis and Gnasher - Dennis and his pet dog, Gnasher, live by just one rule: Kids should make all the rules! + + Bebefinn Number Songs + S01 : E01 Bebefinn Number Songs + One, two, three.Four, five, six.Seven, eight, nine, ten. Numbers, numbers.La la la la la la la. Have fun counting numbers! Kids - - Dennis and Gnasher - S03 : E01 Dennis and Gnasher - The adventures of Dennis, his dog Gnasher, and their best friends JJ, Rubi and Pieface. The team cause havoc to Walter, Beanotown and Bash Street School, where all the rules go out the window. + + Pinkfong and Hogi Dance Dance + S01 : E03 Episode 3 + Pinkfong and Hogi are looking for great dancers. Dancing is always fun! Kids - - Dennis and Gnasher: Stunt Gran - Walter shows off some new tricks on his fancy skateboard, prompting Dennis to make a jibe that even his Gran could do tricks like that with such a high-tech boar and the bet is on! However, Walter secretly sabotages the trick, causing Gran to hang up her menacing shoes as a matter of public safety. It's up to Dennis, Gnasher and Angel Face to expose the truth and get Gran back to her wily self. Followed by more Dennis episodes. + + Baby Shark Hospital Play + S01 : E01 Episode 1 + Let's go to Dr. Baby Shark's hospital! You're watching "Pinkfong and Shark Family", a super fun story for kids! Kids - - Dennis and Gnasher - Dennis and his pet dog, Gnasher, live by just one rule: Kids should make all the rules! + + Bebefinn Let's Have Fun Bubble Bath + S01 : E01 Bebefinn Let's Have Fun Bubble Bath + Let's have a fun bath time together Wash, wash, wash your hair. Shampoo, shampoo. Rub, rub, rub your head. Use your fingers. Rinse away, squeaky clean. Look at my new hairstyle! Let's rub your hair clean Kids - - Get Blake - S01 : E38 Get Blake - Get Blake + + Bebefinn Bora's Rainbow Unicorn + S01 : E01 Bebefinn Bora's Rainbow Unicorn + Bora LOVES unicorn with rainbow colors! Let's talk together the uniqueness of unicorns over the rainbow Kids - - Get Blake - S01 : E36 Get Blake - Get Blake + + Bebefinn + S03 : E06 Episode 6 + Baby Finn Learns Something New Everyday with the Funn Family! Here comes another beautiful precious day of Finn, a Baby Shark lover just as our children, and his Family. Enjoy the daily life of the Bebefinn Family filled with joyful songs. Kids - - When I Was Your Age - S01 : E10 When I Was Your Age Episode 10 - Paul, 10, is a typical little boy. Except that as soon as someone tells him When I was your age, he is immediately hurled back to the time when the person he is talking to was 10 too. + + Bebefinn Trex and Animal friends + S01 : E01 Episode 1 + Tyrannosaurus Rex! I’m the best hunter! Tyrannosaurus Rex! Who’s going to be my prey? Look at my mighty teeth,look at my mighty jaws. No one can run away from me! Roar! Kids - - When I Was Your Age - S01 : E11 When I Was Your Age Episode 11 - Paul, 10, is a typical little boy. Except that as soon as someone tells him When I was your age, he is immediately hurled back to the time when the person he is talking to was 10 too. + + Baby Shark's Rainbow World + S01 : E01 Baby Shark's Rainbow World + A magical rainbow world with a shark family! Let's go to a rainbow world with 7 colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, and pink! Kids - - The Amazing Spiez - S01 : E04 The Amazing Spiez - Megan is teased by her brothers because she is a poor skateboarder. Then they are called for a mission to investigate strange occurrences in Dubai, involving buildings and other structures breaking down. Later, Megan goes missing after getting her new skateboard that she will use to show her brothers that she can skate. Lee, Marc and Tony find her with an army of skateboarders responsible for breaking down the buildings so they can create skateparks for themselves. + + Bebefinn Trex and Animal friends + S01 : E02 Episode 2 + Tyrannosaurus Rex! I’m the best hunter! Tyrannosaurus Rex! Who’s going to be my prey? Look at my mighty teeth,look at my mighty jaws. No one can run away from me! Roar! Kids - - The Amazing Spiez - S01 : E05 The Amazing Spiez: Operation Brat Pack - The Spiez are sent to protect a famous TV spy actor from various incidents. To keep an eye on him, the Spiez are invited to be in his Spy show, with the guidance of their parents who think they won a contest. The actor is kidnapped and the Spiez rescue him. + + Baby Shark Kindergarten 2 + S02 : E01 Episode 1 + Introducing the Shark Kindergarten where Baby shark Ollie, hammerhead shark Chi-Chi, and thresher shark Dodo attend. Have fun with the friendly whale shark teacher! Kids - - Get Blake - S01 : E34 Get Blake - Get Blake + + Baby Shark Safety Songs + S01 : E01 Episode 1 + Learn all about safety with Baby Shark Safety Rangers with fun and educational Safety Songs Compilation. Kids - - Get Blake - S01 : E16 Get Blake!: Get Fishin'! - Blake must master playing a wooden fish for a battle-of-the-bands performance with Skye. Followed by Sixty Second Dennis. + + Pinkfong Songs for Children + S01 : E17 Pinkfong Follow Your Curiosity + Fulfill your curiosity with Pinkfong and Hogi. Here's all about plant, body, and bugs! Kids - - Get Blake - S01 : E40 Get Blake - Get Blake + + Hogi's Story Theater + S01 : E04 Episode 4 + You're watching Hogi's Story Theater compilation, an educational and interactive series prepared to you by Pinkfong & Hogi! Kids - - Dennis and Gnasher - Dennis and his pet dog, Gnasher, live by just one rule: Kids should make all the rules! + + Happy 1st Birthday Bebefinn + S01 : E01 Episode 1 + Baby Finn Learns Something New Everyday with the Funn Family! Here comes another beautiful precious day of Finn, a Baby Shark lover just as our children, and his Family. Kids - - Dennis and Gnasher - S03 : E01 Dennis and Gnasher - The adventures of Dennis, his dog Gnasher, and their best friends JJ, Rubi and Pieface. The team cause havoc to Walter, Beanotown and Bash Street School, where all the rules go out the window. + + Pinkfong Songs for Children + S01 : E39 Junglebell + Merry Jungle Christmas from Pinkfong to you! Kids - - Dennis and Gnasher: Stunt Gran - Walter shows off some new tricks on his fancy skateboard, prompting Dennis to make a jibe that even his Gran could do tricks like that with such a high-tech boar and the bet is on! However, Walter secretly sabotages the trick, causing Gran to hang up her menacing shoes as a matter of public safety. It's up to Dennis, Gnasher and Angel Face to expose the truth and get Gran back to her wily self. Followed by more Dennis episodes. + + Pinkfong Car Town + S01 : E02 Episode 2 + Let's learn about various cars and vehicles. With PINKFONG Car Town Kids - - Dennis and Gnasher - Dennis and his pet dog, Gnasher, live by just one rule: Kids should make all the rules! + + Reading Stories with Pinkfong + S01 : E06 Pinkfong Mother Goose Reading + It's rhyme time with Pinkfong Mother Goose Reading! Read mother goose sentence by sentence, word by word. Kids - - Get Blake - S01 : E38 Get Blake - Get Blake + + Reading Stories with Pinkfong + S01 : E03 Pinkfong Car Stories + Police cars, fire trucks, dump trucks and many car friends are excited to tell interesting stories. Kids - - Get Blake - S01 : E36 Get Blake - Get Blake + + Let's Color With Baby Shark + S01 : E02 Episode 2 + Pig, Bear, Elephant, Flamingo, Blue Bird, Baby Duck, Sun, Snowman, Maple, Sand, Shovel, Bucket, Watering Can, Tumbler, Basket, Sunglasses,, Shirts, Jeans, Golf Ball, Basketball, Tennis Ball, Ribbon, Golden Ring, Lipstick, Straw Hat, Crown, Witch Hat Clover, Sunfower, Rose, Truck, School Bus, Fire Truck, Star, Mountain, Wheel, Cymbals, Guitar, Triangle Kids - - When I Was Your Age - S01 : E10 When I Was Your Age Episode 10 - Paul, 10, is a typical little boy. Except that as soon as someone tells him When I was your age, he is immediately hurled back to the time when the person he is talking to was 10 too. + + Sing along with Baby Shark + S01 : E02 Episode 2 + Enjoy kids' favorite songs with Shark Family sing-along series. Come and join playful Baby Shark! Kids - - When I Was Your Age - S01 : E11 When I Was Your Age Episode 11 - Paul, 10, is a typical little boy. Except that as soon as someone tells him When I was your age, he is immediately hurled back to the time when the person he is talking to was 10 too. + + Pinkfong Wonderstar + S01 : E05 Episode 5 + Codi decides to make a Bumbleberry Pie for sad Rachel. But...what is Bumbleberry? What does it look like? We heard that it's amazingly delicious… Coco's poetry went missing! With the help of Wonderstar, Coco finds the whereabouts of the disappeared manuscripts. Wait...is that Pat the goat, who is eating paper...? Would Pat be the culprit? Kids - - The Amazing Spiez - S01 : E04 The Amazing Spiez - Megan is teased by her brothers because she is a poor skateboarder. Then they are called for a mission to investigate strange occurrences in Dubai, involving buildings and other structures breaking down. Later, Megan goes missing after getting her new skateboard that she will use to show her brothers that she can skate. Lee, Marc and Tony find her with an army of skateboarders responsible for breaking down the buildings so they can create skateparks for themselves. + + Pinkfong Wonderstar + S01 : E06 Episode 6 + Pinkfong and Hogi are invited to a dance party. Pinkfong is super excited but Hogi is so nervous.The night has come and a suspicious sound comes out from Wonderstar's house! Catch the thief! What? It's Hogi practicing dance! Wonderville is in danger! Pinkfong and Hogi figure out that there was something wrong with Poki's pancake machine. Stop it before the whole village is covered with pancakes! Kids - - The Amazing Spiez - S01 : E05 The Amazing Spiez: Operation Brat Pack - The Spiez are sent to protect a famous TV spy actor from various incidents. To keep an eye on him, the Spiez are invited to be in his Spy show, with the guidance of their parents who think they won a contest. The actor is kidnapped and the Spiez rescue him. + + Bebefinn + S01 : E05 Episode 5 + Baby Finn Learns Something New Everyday with the Funn Family! Here comes another beautiful precious day of Finn, a Baby Shark lover just as our children, and his Family. Enjoy the daily life of the Bebefinn Family filled with joyful songs. Kids - - Get Blake - S01 : E34 Get Blake - Get Blake + + Bebefinn + S01 : E06 Episode 6 + Baby Finn Learns Something New Everyday with the Funn Family! Here comes another beautiful precious day of Finn, a Baby Shark lover just as our children, and his Family. Enjoy the daily life of the Bebefinn Family filled with joyful songs. Kids - - Get Blake - S01 : E16 Get Blake!: Get Fishin'! - Blake must master playing a wooden fish for a battle-of-the-bands performance with Skye. Followed by Sixty Second Dennis. + + Patrol Pals + S01 : E01 Episode 1 + "Did you call for us, Patrol Pals? We are always ready for anyone in need and danger! We fight for justice and safety anytime and anywhere! Patrol Pals, on the rescue! " Kids - - Get Blake - S01 : E40 Get Blake - Get Blake + + Best Dinosaur Songs + S01 : E01 Best Dinosaur Songs + There's Tyrannosaurus-Rex, the best hunter and Pachycephalosaurus. Kids - - Dennis and Gnasher - Dennis and his pet dog, Gnasher, live by just one rule: Kids should make all the rules! + + Pinkfong Songs for Children + S01 : E40 Happy Baby Shark Month + Happy Baby Shark Month! Put your fins up and Doo Doo Doo with Baby Shark. Kids - - Dennis and Gnasher - S03 : E01 Dennis and Gnasher - The adventures of Dennis, his dog Gnasher, and their best friends JJ, Rubi and Pieface. The team cause havoc to Walter, Beanotown and Bash Street School, where all the rules go out the window. + + Baby Shark Turned into a Cube + S01 : E01 Episode 1 + Where is your family hiding? Find it with Pinkfong! Kids - - Dennis and Gnasher: Stunt Gran - Walter shows off some new tricks on his fancy skateboard, prompting Dennis to make a jibe that even his Gran could do tricks like that with such a high-tech boar and the bet is on! However, Walter secretly sabotages the trick, causing Gran to hang up her menacing shoes as a matter of public safety. It's up to Dennis, Gnasher and Angel Face to expose the truth and get Gran back to her wily self. Followed by more Dennis episodes. + + Baby Shark in Summer Time + S01 : E01 Baby Shark in Summer Time + A sizzling hot summer! Enjoy a refreshing summer with Shark Family to the tune of cheerful Hawaiian songs that suit the season. Kids - - Dennis and Gnasher - Dennis and his pet dog, Gnasher, live by just one rule: Kids should make all the rules! + + Shark Family Goes to Baby Shark Hospital + S01 : E01 Shark Family Goes to Baby Shark Hospital + If you’re sick, we’ll make you strong again! This is the Baby Shark hospital! Pinkfong, Mommy Shark and Daddy Shark came to the hospital! Let's treat them with Dr. Baby Shark and Nurse William! Kids - - Get Blake - S01 : E38 Get Blake - Get Blake + + Pinkfong Playfong + S01 : E02 Episode 2 + A toy show with cute and adorable Pinkfong toys Kids - - Get Blake - S01 : E36 Get Blake - Get Blake + + Pinkfong Songs for Children + S01 : E15 Pinkfong World Songs + Meet Coco, Toto and Momo! Travel around the world with the CoToMo Cats. Kids - - When I Was Your Age - S01 : E10 When I Was Your Age Episode 10 - Paul, 10, is a typical little boy. Except that as soon as someone tells him When I was your age, he is immediately hurled back to the time when the person he is talking to was 10 too. + + Pinkfong and Hogi Dance Dance + S01 : E01 Episode 1 + 3D Pinkfong and Hogi loves to sing and dance with best kids' songs. Kids - - When I Was Your Age - S01 : E11 When I Was Your Age Episode 11 - Paul, 10, is a typical little boy. Except that as soon as someone tells him When I was your age, he is immediately hurled back to the time when the person he is talking to was 10 too. + + Baby Shark Brooklyn + S01 : E05 Episode 5 + Baby Shark Brooklyn's adventure under the sea! 9. To Catch a Thief! 10. Welcome to the Sardine Show! Kids - - The Amazing Spiez - S01 : E04 The Amazing Spiez - Megan is teased by her brothers because she is a poor skateboarder. Then they are called for a mission to investigate strange occurrences in Dubai, involving buildings and other structures breaking down. Later, Megan goes missing after getting her new skateboard that she will use to show her brothers that she can skate. Lee, Marc and Tony find her with an army of skateboarders responsible for breaking down the buildings so they can create skateparks for themselves. + + Baby Shark Brooklyn + S01 : E06 Episode 6 + Baby Shark Brooklyn's adventure under the sea! 11. Coral Forest Rescue! 12. Bella's Surprise Village Concert Kids - - The Amazing Spiez - S01 : E05 The Amazing Spiez: Operation Brat Pack - The Spiez are sent to protect a famous TV spy actor from various incidents. To keep an eye on him, the Spiez are invited to be in his Spy show, with the guidance of their parents who think they won a contest. The actor is kidnapped and the Spiez rescue him. + + Bebefinn + S01 : E07 Episode 7 + Baby Finn Learns Something New Everyday with the Funn Family! Here comes another beautiful precious day of Finn, a Baby Shark lover just as our children, and his Family. Enjoy the daily life of the Bebefinn Family filled with joyful songs. Kids - - Get Blake - S01 : E34 Get Blake - Get Blake + + Bebefinn + S01 : E08 Episode 8 + Baby Finn Learns Something New Everyday with the Funn Family! Here comes another beautiful precious day of Finn, a Baby Shark lover just as our children, and his Family. Enjoy the daily life of the Bebefinn Family filled with joyful songs. Kids - - Get Blake - S01 : E16 Get Blake!: Get Fishin'! - Blake must master playing a wooden fish for a battle-of-the-bands performance with Skye. Followed by Sixty Second Dennis. + + Hogi, the Detective + S01 : E01 Episode 1 + When something suspicious happens in Wonderville, everybody comes to Hogi for help, the best detective in town. Kids - - Get Blake - S01 : E40 Get Blake - Get Blake + + Hogi, the Detective + S01 : E02 Episode 2 + The best detective Hogi solves every problem, even the littlest ones! Kids - - Dennis and Gnasher - Dennis and his pet dog, Gnasher, live by just one rule: Kids should make all the rules! + + Hogi, the Detective + S01 : E03 Episode 3 + With extraordinary powers of observation, there’s no case Hogi cannot solve! Kids - - Dennis and Gnasher - S03 : E01 Dennis and Gnasher - The adventures of Dennis, his dog Gnasher, and their best friends JJ, Rubi and Pieface. The team cause havoc to Walter, Beanotown and Bash Street School, where all the rules go out the window. + + The Wheels on the Halloween Bus + S01 : E02 Episode 2 + Wheels on the Halloween Bus! Happy halloween season! Kids - - Dennis and Gnasher: Stunt Gran - Walter shows off some new tricks on his fancy skateboard, prompting Dennis to make a jibe that even his Gran could do tricks like that with such a high-tech boar and the bet is on! However, Walter secretly sabotages the trick, causing Gran to hang up her menacing shoes as a matter of public safety. It's up to Dennis, Gnasher and Angel Face to expose the truth and get Gran back to her wily self. Followed by more Dennis episodes. + + Back to School Pinkfong Songs + S01 : E01 Epsiode 1 + It's a Back to School season Start your day with our songs and have a great time at school! Kids - - Dennis and Gnasher - Dennis and his pet dog, Gnasher, live by just one rule: Kids should make all the rules! + + Pinkfong Wonderstar + S01 : E01 Episode 1 + Wonderstar's great journey of friendship begins now! Pinkfong travels to Wonderville with star Pio! But Pinkfong unexpectly crashes on the roof of Hogi's house... Finally, someone has come to Wonderstar for help! Myan's precious cheese is stolen! Let’s do this! We are the Wonderstar problem solvers! No problem is too big for Wonderstar, or too small! Kids - - Get Blake - S01 : E38 Get Blake - Get Blake + + Pinkfong Wonderstar + S01 : E02 Episode 2 + Poki invented Pokibot, a robot that would do everything you need! But something happened. No! Pokibot kicked Poki out of the house! So Poki visits Wonderstar for a help and then... Wonderville's adorable Beaver, Jojo couldn't sleep for a week already! Wonderstar seeks out for the disturbing sound from a deep dark cave... Kids - - Get Blake - S01 : E36 Get Blake - Get Blake + + Ninimo, the yellow and fluffy friends + S01 : E01 Ninimo, the yellow and fluffy friends + Let's sing along to Ninimo's Special song! Here we introduce Pinkfong's Friends Nini and Mo, the best trio Kids - - When I Was Your Age - S01 : E10 When I Was Your Age Episode 10 - Paul, 10, is a typical little boy. Except that as soon as someone tells him When I was your age, he is immediately hurled back to the time when the person he is talking to was 10 too. + + Baby Shark Tell Me How You Feel + S01 : E02 Baby Shark Tell Me How You Feel + A story about a Baby Shark and his friends sharing their feelings and moods throughout the day. Kids - - Nursery Rhyme Time - The coolest nursery rhymes are at Cool School's Nursery Rhyme Time! + + Baby Shark Hospital Play + S02 : E01 Episode 1 + Welcome to Baby Shark Hospital, where Dr. Baby Shark will take care of you! Kids - - The Little Mermaid | Story Time with Ms. Booksy - Ms. Booksy reads to us the story of The Little Mermaid. + + Episode 2 + There is always Sammy next to Pinkfong and friends, where incidents and accidents never cease. But... the solving process is a mess!? Well, anyway, the clumsy problem solver Sammy gets things done! Kids - - The Stupendous Drew Pendous & His Mighty Pen Ultimate! - When Cool School is under attack, it's Super Drew to the rescue! + + Bebefinn Playtime + S01 : E03 Episode 3 + Have fun at home with Bebefinn stories and musicals! Kids - - Wizard of Oz - Story Time with Ms. Booksy - Dorothy is taken to the magical land of Oz from her boring home in Kansas. + + Pinkfong Songs for Children + S01 : E33 Happy Easter with Baby Shark + Have fun with Baby Shark and the Shark Family! Kids - - Crafty Carol - Make and Do - Make and Do with Crafy Carol! What will you make? + + Baby Shark Color Songs + S01 : E01 Baby Shark Color Songs + We are the Shark Family! Full of colors, Shark Family! Dance along and match what color each family member! Kids - - Nikki's Science and Wiki - Join Nikki as she explores SCIENCE and interesting FACTS! + + Best Baby Shark vs Thief Baby Shark + S01 : E02 Episode 2 + Let's sing and dance with Baby Shark! Best Baby Shark vs Thief Baby Shark Episodes Compilation Kids - - Cinderella | Story Time with Ms. Booksy - Ms. Booksy reads Cinderella! + + Bebefinn The Hunt for Finn's Baby Shark + S01 : E01 Bebefinn The Hunt for Finn's Baby Shark + Oh no! Finn has lost his Baby Shark doll Bora and Brody go on an adventure to find it back Kids - - Nursery Rhyme Time - The coolest nursery rhymes are at Cool School's Nursery Rhyme Time! + + Happy Baby Shark Month + S01 : E02 Episode 2 + Baby Shark Month is back! Le'ts celebrate Baby Shark Month by singing along with a baby shark! Kids - - The Stupendous Drew Pendous & His Mighty Pen Ultimate! - When Cool School is under attack, it's Super Drew to the rescue! + + Bebefinn Number Songs + S01 : E01 Bebefinn Number Songs + One, two, three.Four, five, six.Seven, eight, nine, ten. Numbers, numbers.La la la la la la la. Have fun counting numbers! Kids - - Snow White | Story Time with Ms. Booksy - Adventures of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves is a fairy tale you don't want to miss, especially when Ms. Booksy is telling it! + + Baby Shark Hospital Play + S01 : E01 Episode 1 + Let's go to Dr. Baby Shark's hospital! You're watching "Pinkfong and Shark Family", a super fun story for kids! Kids - - Nikki's Science and Wiki - Join Nikki as she explores SCIENCE and interesting FACTS! + + Pinkfong Songs for Children + S01 : E17 Pinkfong Follow Your Curiosity + Fulfill your curiosity with Pinkfong and Hogi. Here's all about plant, body, and bugs! Kids - - Crafty Carol - Make and Do - Make and Do with Crafy Carol! What will you make? + + Colors Song + S01 : E01 Episode 1 + Learn colors with Pinkfong! Join Pinkfong's journey to find the perfect color that matches Pinkfong! Kids - - Nikki's Science and Wiki - Join Nikki as she explores SCIENCE and interesting FACTS! + + Mischievous Thief Baby Shark + S01 : E01 Episode 1 + Oh, do you know Thief Baby Shark? His name is Lucky chucky Chuck! Let's sing along with Cute Baby Shark and Mischievous Thief Chuck! Kids - - Wizard of Oz - Story Time with Ms. Booksy - Dorothy is taken to the magical land of Oz from her boring home in Kansas. + + Best Baby Shark vs Thief Baby Shark + S01 : E01 Episode 1 + Let's sing and dance with Baby Shark! Best Baby Shark vs Thief Baby Shark Episodes Compilation Kids - - Nursery Rhyme Time - The coolest nursery rhymes are at Cool School's Nursery Rhyme Time! + + Pinkfong Children's Fairy Tales + S01 : E03 Episode 3 + A compilation of children's classic fairy tales. Kids - - The Stupendous Drew Pendous & His Mighty Pen Ultimate! - When Cool School is under attack, it's Super Drew to the rescue! + + Pinkfong Children's Fairy Tales + S01 : E04 Episode 4 + A compilation of children's classic fairy tales. Kids - - Cinderella | Story Time with Ms. Booksy - Ms. Booksy reads Cinderella! + + Bebefinn BEST Songs of The Year + S01 : E01 Episode 1 + Mommy, thank you for being there, loving me, putting up with me, listening, your patience, and everything! Kids - - Crafty Carol - Make and Do - Make and Do with Crafy Carol! What will you make? + + Baby Shark is Trick-or-Treating + S01 : E03 Episode 3 + Halloween is almost here! You're watching "Baby Shark Brooklyn is Trick-or-Treating! ", a super catchy Halloween songs presented by Baby Shark Official! Kids - - Nikki's Science and Wiki - Join Nikki as she explores SCIENCE and interesting FACTS! + + Spooky Shadow Monsters + S01 : E01 Spooky Shadow Monsters + HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Let's sing and dance with Baby Shark! Kids - - Snow White | Story Time with Ms. Booksy - Adventures of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves is a fairy tale you don't want to miss, especially when Ms. Booksy is telling it! + + Baby Shark's Rainbow World + S01 : E01 Baby Shark's Rainbow World + A magical rainbow world with a shark family! Let's go to a rainbow world with 7 colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, and pink! Kids - - Nursery Rhyme Time - The coolest nursery rhymes are at Cool School's Nursery Rhyme Time! + + Reading Stories with Pinkfong + S01 : E01 Pinkfong Aesop's Fables Collection + A compilation of Aesop's Fables for children Kids - - The Little Mermaid | Story Time with Ms. Booksy - Ms. Booksy reads to us the story of The Little Mermaid. + + Baby Shark Hospital Play + S02 : E01 Episode 1 + Welcome to Baby Shark Hospital, where Dr. Baby Shark will take care of you! Kids - - The Stupendous Drew Pendous & His Mighty Pen Ultimate! - When Cool School is under attack, it's Super Drew to the rescue! + + Pinkfong Healthy Habits Songs + S01 : E02 Episode 2 + Learn all about healthy habits with Baby Shark and Pinkfong! Kids - - Wizard of Oz - Story Time with Ms. Booksy - Dorothy is taken to the magical land of Oz from her boring home in Kansas. + + Bebefinn Playtime + S01 : E03 Episode 3 + Have fun at home with Bebefinn stories and musicals! Kids - - Crafty Carol - Make and Do - Make and Do with Crafy Carol! What will you make? + + Veo Veo + S02 : E01 Veo, Veo 2 + Let's help friends in need while singing the 'Veo Veo' song with Pinkfong, Baby Shark, and the Super Rescue Cars! Let's all focuse on and see what items we need to find based on the hints given by Pinkfong and Baby Shark. Kids - - Nikki's Science and Wiki - Join Nikki as she explores SCIENCE and interesting FACTS! + + Pinkfong Classical Music with Danny + S01 : E02 Episode 2 + Beautiful classical music is here with Danny Koo, a renowned violinist. Let's learn about the instruments. Kids - - Cinderella | Story Time with Ms. Booksy - Ms. Booksy reads Cinderella! + + Hoi's Playground + S01 : E01 Episode 1 + We are the Shark Family! Full of colors, Shark Family! Dance along and match what color each family member! Kids - - Nursery Rhyme Time - The coolest nursery rhymes are at Cool School's Nursery Rhyme Time! + + Pinkfong Storytime Theater + S01 : E04 Episode 4 + Come along and let's sing and drive with the Garbage Truck! Kids - - The Stupendous Drew Pendous & His Mighty Pen Ultimate! - When Cool School is under attack, it's Super Drew to the rescue! + + Pinkfong Storytime Theater + S01 : E05 Episode 5 + Happy Halloween! It's time to celebrate. Let's sing and dance with the monster friends. Kids - - Snow White | Story Time with Ms. Booksy - Adventures of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves is a fairy tale you don't want to miss, especially when Ms. Booksy is telling it! + + Jungle Music Festival + S01 : E02 Episode 2 + You can hear the sound of music in the jungle. Who could be playing? Enjoy an exciting music festival with jungle friends! Kids - - Nikki's Science and Wiki - Join Nikki as she explores SCIENCE and interesting FACTS! + + Bebefinn Dino finger + S01 : E01 Bebefinn Dino finger + Wow! There's Tyrannosaurus Rex coming out of TV! Kids - - Crafty Carol - Make and Do - Make and Do with Crafy Carol! What will you make? + + Happy Baby Shark Month + S01 : E02 Episode 2 + Baby Shark Month is back! Le'ts celebrate Baby Shark Month by singing along with a baby shark! Kids - - Nikki's Science and Wiki - Join Nikki as she explores SCIENCE and interesting FACTS! + + Best toy car & Color bus + S01 : E01 Best toy car & Color bus + You're watching "BEST Baby Shark Toy Car and Colors", a super fun compilation of Baby Shark songs and stories! Kids - - Wizard of Oz - Story Time with Ms. Booksy - Dorothy is taken to the magical land of Oz from her boring home in Kansas. + + Best Baby Shark vs Thief Baby Shark + S01 : E01 Episode 1 + Let's sing and dance with Baby Shark! Best Baby Shark vs Thief Baby Shark Episodes Compilation Kids - - Nursery Rhyme Time - The coolest nursery rhymes are at Cool School's Nursery Rhyme Time! + + Super Solver Sammy + S01 : E01 Episode 1 + There is always Sammy next to Pinkfong and friends, where incidents and accidents never cease. But... the solving process is a mess!? Well, anyway, the clumsy problem solver Sammy gets things done! Kids - - The Stupendous Drew Pendous & His Mighty Pen Ultimate! - When Cool School is under attack, it's Super Drew to the rescue! + + Pinkfong Songs for Children + S01 : E23 Baby Shark's Day at Home & School + Have fun with Baby Shark and the Shark Family! Kids - - Cinderella | Story Time with Ms. Booksy - Ms. Booksy reads Cinderella! + + Storytime with Pinkfong and Animal Friends + S01 : E01 Episode 1 + Shall we go out to meet our fun animal friends in the woods? Fun animal friends are waiting for us, including a pig with a cute twisty tail, a detective squirrel looking for acorns, and a rhinoceros jumping around! Let's all start together! Kids - - Crafty Carol - Make and Do - Make and Do with Crafy Carol! What will you make? + + Storytime with Pinkfong and Animal Friends + S01 : E02 Episode 2 + Shall we go out to meet our fun animal friends in the woods? Fun animal friends are waiting for us, including a pig with a cute twisty tail, a detective squirrel looking for acorns, and a rhinoceros jumping around! Let's all start together! Kids - - Nikki's Science and Wiki - Join Nikki as she explores SCIENCE and interesting FACTS! + + Pinkfong and Hogi Dance Dance + S01 : E01 Episode 1 + 3D Pinkfong and Hogi loves to sing and dance with best kids' songs. Kids - - Snow White | Story Time with Ms. Booksy - Adventures of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves is a fairy tale you don't want to miss, especially when Ms. Booksy is telling it! + + Mischievous Thief Baby Shark + S01 : E01 Episode 1 + Oh, do you know Thief Baby Shark? His name is Lucky chucky Chuck! Let's sing along with Cute Baby Shark and Mischievous Thief Chuck! Kids - - Nursery Rhyme Time - The coolest nursery rhymes are at Cool School's Nursery Rhyme Time! + + Baby Shark in Summer Time + S01 : E01 Baby Shark in Summer Time + A sizzling hot summer! Enjoy a refreshing summer with Shark Family to the tune of cheerful Hawaiian songs that suit the season. Kids - - The Little Mermaid | Story Time with Ms. Booksy - Ms. Booksy reads to us the story of The Little Mermaid. + + Shark Family Goes to Baby Shark Hospital + S01 : E01 Shark Family Goes to Baby Shark Hospital + If you’re sick, we’ll make you strong again! This is the Baby Shark hospital! Pinkfong, Mommy Shark and Daddy Shark came to the hospital! Let's treat them with Dr. Baby Shark and Nurse William! Kids - - The Stupendous Drew Pendous & His Mighty Pen Ultimate! - When Cool School is under attack, it's Super Drew to the rescue! + + Pinkfong & Baby Shark’s Space Adventure + S01 : E01 Episode 1 + Pinkfong & Baby Shark are going to space!!! Follow Pinkfong & Baby Shark’s space journey as they visit exciting new planets to help find the special star for Pinkfong! Join their adventure now! Kids - - Wizard of Oz - Story Time with Ms. Booksy - Dorothy is taken to the magical land of Oz from her boring home in Kansas. + + Baby Shark Tell Me How You Feel + S01 : E02 Baby Shark Tell Me How You Feel + A story about a Baby Shark and his friends sharing their feelings and moods throughout the day. Kids - - Crafty Carol - Make and Do - Make and Do with Crafy Carol! What will you make? + + Hide 'n Seek with Shark Family 4 + S04 : E01 Episode 1 + Oh? Where did Baby Shark and Shark Family go? Help Pinkfong to find all the Shark Family! Kids - - Nikki's Science and Wiki - Join Nikki as she explores SCIENCE and interesting FACTS! + + Baby Animals Songs + S01 : E01 Baby Animals Songs + Pinkfong and Ninimo meet cute baby animals! Watch to find out what happens! Kids - - Cinderella | Story Time with Ms. Booksy - Ms. Booksy reads Cinderella! + + Storytime with Pinkfong and Animal Friends 2 + S02 : E01 Episode 1 + Shall we go out to meet our fun animal friends in the woods? Fun animal friends are waiting for us, including a pig with a cute twisty tail, a detective squirrel looking for acorns, and a rhinoceros jumping around! Let's all start together! Kids - - Nursery Rhyme Time - The coolest nursery rhymes are at Cool School's Nursery Rhyme Time! + + Bebefinn + S03 : E06 Episode 6 + Baby Finn Learns Something New Everyday with the Funn Family! Here comes another beautiful precious day of Finn, a Baby Shark lover just as our children, and his Family. Enjoy the daily life of the Bebefinn Family filled with joyful songs. Kids - - Colors Song + + Bebefinn Number Songs + S01 : E01 Bebefinn Number Songs + One, two, three.Four, five, six.Seven, eight, nine, ten. Numbers, numbers.La la la la la la la. Have fun counting numbers! + Kids + + + My Pet Dinosaur S01 : E01 Episode 1 - Learn colors with Pinkfong! Join Pinkfong's journey to find the perfect color that matches Pinkfong! + Look what the kids found in the backyard! They found Dinosaur Eggs! Today's dinosaur is......? Kids - - Hide 'n Seek with Shark Family 4 - S04 : E01 Episode 1 - Oh? Where did Baby Shark and Shark Family go? Help Pinkfong to find all the Shark Family! + + Go! Go! Cory Carson + S01 : E18 Go! Go! Cory Carson + Follow the adventures of kid car Cory Carson as he navigates the winding roads of childhood with his friends and family in Bumperton hills. Kids - - Bebefinn - S02 : E05 Episode 5 - Baby Finn Learns Something New Everyday with the Funn Family! Here comes another beautiful precious day of Finn, a Baby Shark lover just as our children, and his Family. Enjoy the daily life of the Bebefinn Family filled with joyful songs. + + Go! Go! Cory Carson + S01 : E19 Go! Go! Cory Carson + Follow the adventures of kid car Cory Carson as he navigates the winding roads of childhood with his friends and family in Bumperton hills. Kids - - Bebefinn - S02 : E06 Episode 6 - Baby Finn Learns Something New Everyday with the Funn Family! Here comes another beautiful precious day of Finn, a Baby Shark lover just as our children, and his Family. Enjoy the daily life of the Bebefinn Family filled with joyful songs. + + Go! Go! Cory Carson + S01 : E20 Go! Go! Cory Carson + Follow the adventures of kid car Cory Carson as he navigates the winding roads of childhood with his friends and family in Bumperton hills. Kids - - Pinkfong's Snack Time - S01 : E02 Episode 2 - Friends sent a secret recipe to Little Chef Pinkfong! You can make any snack delicious Shall we learn how to make snacks with exciting songs and rhythms? + + Go! Go! Cory Carson + S01 : E21 Go! Go! Cory Carson + Follow the adventures of kid car Cory Carson as he navigates the winding roads of childhood with his friends and family in Bumperton hills. Kids - - Pinkfong Wonderstar - S01 : E03 Episode 3 - That shiny crown should be mine...! Billi wants Pinkfong's crown and creates a fake detective test to lure Wonderstar. If Wonderstar wins, they will receive a golden badge but if not, the crown will be gone. The test now begins! Wonder... star? Can you help me dance again? After the record player is broken, Frido can only go hippity hippity hop! Don’t worry Frido, Wonderstar will get your hops to hop! + + Go! Go! Cory Carson + S01 : E22 Go! Go! Cory Carson + Follow the adventures of kid car Cory Carson as he navigates the winding roads of childhood with his friends and family in Bumperton hills. Kids - - Pinkfong Wonderstar - S01 : E04 Episode 4 - Llia, can you finish your painting this time? There is always one concern for Lyra who is always positive. Something always stops Lila from finishing the pantings. Let's find out what it is with Wonderstar! Billi challenges Jeni, the fastest runner in Wonderville! Jeni VS Billi, who would be the final winner of the running competition? + + Go! Go! Cory Carson + S01 : E23 Go! Go! Cory Carson + Follow the adventures of kid car Cory Carson as he navigates the winding roads of childhood with his friends and family in Bumperton hills. Kids - - Baby Shark Tell Me How You Feel - S01 : E02 Baby Shark Tell Me How You Feel - A story about a Baby Shark and his friends sharing their feelings and moods throughout the day. + + Go! Go! Cory Carson + S01 : E24 Go! Go! Cory Carson + Follow the adventures of kid car Cory Carson as he navigates the winding roads of childhood with his friends and family in Bumperton hills. Kids - - Storytime with Pinkfong and Animal Friends 2 - S02 : E01 Episode 1 - Shall we go out to meet our fun animal friends in the woods? Fun animal friends are waiting for us, including a pig with a cute twisty tail, a detective squirrel looking for acorns, and a rhinoceros jumping around! Let's all start together! + + Dino Ranch + S01 : E17 Dino Ranch + Yee haw! Saddle up for Dino Ranch! Kids - - Baby Shark Surprise Box - S01 : E01 Episode 1 - Cake, Candy, Chocolate, Cookie, Cupcake, Doughnut, Ice Cream, Lollipop, Macaron, Pancake, Pie, Book + + Dino Ranch + S01 : E18 Dino Ranch + Yee haw! Saddle up for Dino Ranch! Kids - - Bebefinn - S03 : E01 Episode 1 - Baby Finn Learns Something New Everyday with the Funn Family! Here comes another beautiful precious day of Finn, a Baby Shark lover just as our children, and his Family. Enjoy the daily life of the Bebefinn Family filled with joyful songs. + + Dino Ranch + S01 : E19 Dino Ranch + Yee haw! Saddle up for Dino Ranch! Kids - - Bebefinn - S03 : E02 Episode 2 - Baby Finn Learns Something New Everyday with the Funn Family! Here comes another beautiful precious day of Finn, a Baby Shark lover just as our children, and his Family. Enjoy the daily life of the Bebefinn Family filled with joyful songs. + + Dino Ranch + S01 : E20 Dino Ranch + Yee haw! Saddle up for Dino Ranch! Kids - - Pinkfong Songs for Children - S01 : E22 Pinkfong Job Songs - What do you want to be? I want to be a Teacher. Let’s learn something fun. I want to be a Soccer player. Let’s shoot the ball! + + Dino Ranch + S01 : E21 Dino Ranch + Yee haw! Saddle up for Dino Ranch! Kids - - Baby Shark Special Song - S01 : E01 Episode 1 - Doo doo doo doo doo doo! For all fans who love our Baby Shark songs, here we are with baby shark songs compilation. Everybody, Let's go and have some fun! + + Dino Ranch + S01 : E22 Dino Ranch + Yee haw! Saddle up for Dino Ranch! Kids - - Zoom Zoom Zoom with Baby Shark - S01 : E02 Bug with Baby Shark - ant, earthworm, fly, butterfly, centipede, mayfly, diving beetle, silkworm, cricket, caterpillar, roly poly bug, dragonfly, zebra butterfly, fruit fly, stinkbug, bumblebee, pill bug, tiger butterfly, velvet mite, earwig, net-winged beetle, june bug, honeybee, bell cricket, peacock butterfly, ked, inchworm, yellow jacket, moth, jewel beetle, spider, giant swallowtail, owlfly, io moth, pill bug, water strider, ladybug, tarantula, roach, nightcrawler, nymph, wood white butterfly, pupa, caterpillar, earwig + + Dino Ranch + S01 : E23 Dino Ranch + Yee haw! Saddle up for Dino Ranch! Kids - - Bebefinn - S03 : E03 Episode 3 - Baby Finn Learns Something New Everyday with the Funn Family! Here comes another beautiful precious day of Finn, a Baby Shark lover just as our children, and his Family. Enjoy the daily life of the Bebefinn Family filled with joyful songs. + + Dino Ranch + S01 : E24 Dino Ranch + Yee haw! Saddle up for Dino Ranch! Kids - - Bebefinn - S03 : E04 Episode 4 - Baby Finn Learns Something New Everyday with the Funn Family! Here comes another beautiful precious day of Finn, a Baby Shark lover just as our children, and his Family. Enjoy the daily life of the Bebefinn Family filled with joyful songs. + + Dino Ranch + S01 : E25 Dino Ranch + Yee haw! Saddle up for Dino Ranch! Kids - - Pinkfong Songs for Children - S01 : E19 Around the World with Baby Shark - Sing, Dance, and learn different cultures from all around the world with Baby Shark and friends! + + Dino Ranch + S01 : E26 Dino Ranch + Yee haw! Saddle up for Dino Ranch! Kids - - Baby Shark Surprise Box - S01 : E01 Episode 1 - Cake, Candy, Chocolate, Cookie, Cupcake, Doughnut, Ice Cream, Lollipop, Macaron, Pancake, Pie, Book + + Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe + S01 : E15 Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe + Agent Binky and his fellow agents protect their human families from aliens. Kids - - Baby Shark Toy Song - S01 : E01 Baby Shark Toy Song - Have joyful learning and singing with Baby Shark and the Shark Family toy! + + Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe + S01 : E16 Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe + Agent Binky and his fellow agents protect their human families from aliens. Kids - - Pinkfong Songs for Children - S01 : E42 Baby Shark Colors - Learn different colors with Baby Shark Brooklyn and Pinkfong! + + Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe + S01 : E17 Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe + Agent Binky and his fellow agents protect their human families from aliens. Kids - - Super Solver Sammy - S01 : E01 Episode 1 - There is always Sammy next to Pinkfong and friends, where incidents and accidents never cease. But... the solving process is a mess!? Well, anyway, the clumsy problem solver Sammy gets things done! + + Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe + S01 : E18 Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe + Agent Binky and his fellow agents protect their human families from aliens. Kids - - Learn Colors with Shape Block and more - S01 : E01 Episode 1 - Let's learn colors with Shape Blocks and Wonderville Friends! + + Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe + S01 : E19 Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe + Agent Binky and his fellow agents protect their human families from aliens. Kids - - Pinkfong and Hogi’s Magic Adventure - S01 : E01 Episode 1 - "Once upon a time…There was a huge palace without a king. Only the true king of animals could be the ruler of this palace. Meanwhile, both the bear and the lion had their eyes on the throne. Who will become the true king of animals?" + + Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe + S01 : E20 Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe + Agent Binky and his fellow agents protect their human families from aliens. Kids - - Pinkfong Songs for Children - S01 : E33 Happy Easter with Baby Shark - Have fun with Baby Shark and the Shark Family! + + Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe + S01 : E21 Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe + Agent Binky and his fellow agents protect their human families from aliens. Kids - - Pinkfong Little Dino School - S01 : E01 Episode 1 - Meet Rex, who loves tag game,Brie who is always hungry,the smart dinosaur Vella, and Pete the hat collector! + + Elmo's World + S05 : E04 Elmo's World + Join Elmo as you learn fun and exciting lessons together! Kids - - Bebefinn - S02 : E03 Episode 3 - "Baby Finn Learns Something New Everyday with the Funn Family! Here comes another beautiful precious day of Finn, a Baby Shark lover just as our children, and his Family. Enjoy the daily life of the Bebefinn Family filled with joyful songs." + + Elmo's World + S05 : E05 Elmo's World + Join Elmo as you learn fun and exciting lessons together! Kids - - Bebefinn - S02 : E04 Episode 4 - "Baby Finn Learns Something New Everyday with the Funn Family! Here comes another beautiful precious day of Finn, a Baby Shark lover just as our children, and his Family. Enjoy the daily life of the Bebefinn Family filled with joyful songs." + + Elmo's World + S05 : E06 Elmo's World + Join Elmo as you learn fun and exciting lessons together! Kids - - Pinkfong Little Dino School - S01 : E02 Episode 2 - Meet Rex, who loves tag game,Brie who is always hungry,the smart dinosaur Vella, and Pete the hat collector! + + Elmo's World + S05 : E07 Elmo's World + Join Elmo as you learn fun and exciting lessons together! Kids - - Let's Dance Along together! - S01 : E01 Episode 1 - I’ve got the rhythm in my elbows. Elbows! I’ve got the rhythm in my knees. Knees! I’ve got the rhythm in my feet. Stomp, stomp! Feet! I’ve got the rhythm in my eyes! + + Elmo's World + S05 : E08 Elmo's World + Join Elmo as you learn fun and exciting lessons together! Kids - - Pinkfong Sing-Along Movie 2 - S01 : E01 Wonderstar Concert - Pinkfong and Hogi decide to hold a wonderful concert with Wonderville friends, showcasing each of their favorite songs! However, while preparing for the tour, Team Wonderstar begins arguing as they are getting tired from practicing due to differences in opinions while preparing the stage… Will Pinkfong and Hogi be able to overcome various conflicts and difficulties to deliver the perfect show? + + Elmo's World + S05 : E09 Elmo's World + Join Elmo as you learn fun and exciting lessons together! Kids - - Patrol Pals - S01 : E01 Episode 1 - "Did you call for us, Patrol Pals? We are always ready for anyone in need and danger! We fight for justice and safety anytime and anywhere! Patrol Pals, on the rescue! " + + Elmo's World + S05 : E10 Elmo's World + Join Elmo as you learn fun and exciting lessons together! Kids - - Bebefinn - S02 : E01 Episode 1 - "Baby Finn Learns Something New Everyday with the Funn Family! Here comes another beautiful precious day of Finn, a Baby Shark lover just as our children, and his Family. Enjoy the daily life of the Bebefinn Family filled with joyful songs." + + Elmo's World + S05 : E11 Elmo's World + Join Elmo as you learn fun and exciting lessons together! Kids - - Bebefinn - S02 : E02 Episode 2 - "Baby Finn Learns Something New Everyday with the Funn Family! Here comes another beautiful precious day of Finn, a Baby Shark lover just as our children, and his Family. Enjoy the daily life of the Bebefinn Family filled with joyful songs." + + Elmo's World + S04 : E01 Elmo's World + Elmo discovers the fanciful world around him. Kids - - Learn ABC with Baby Shark - S02 : E01 Learn ABC with Baby Shark - Panda, Elephant, Giraffe Alligator, Bear, Lion Camel, Hamster, Whale Hippo, Dog, Cat Shark, Zebra, etc. + + Elmo's World + S04 : E02 Elmo's World + Elmo discovers the fanciful world around him. Kids - - Hogi's Hospital Play - S01 : E01 Hogi's Hospital Play - Wonder Star friends are sick! Join Hogi and Forest as they become doctors and heal their friends! + + Elmo's World + S04 : E03 Elmo's World + Elmo discovers the fanciful world around him. Kids - - Baby Shark in Summer Time - S01 : E01 Baby Shark in Summer Time - A sizzling hot summer! Enjoy a refreshing summer with Shark Family to the tune of cheerful Hawaiian songs that suit the season. + + Elmo's World + S04 : E04 Elmo's World + Elmo discovers the fanciful world around him. Kids - - Best Baby Shark vs Thief Baby Shark - S01 : E01 Episode 1 - Let's sing and dance with Baby Shark! Best Baby Shark vs Thief Baby Shark Episodes Compilation + + Elmo's World + S04 : E05 Elmo's World + Elmo discovers the fanciful world around him. Kids - - Jungle Music Festival - S01 : E01 Episode 1 - You can hear the sound of music in the jungle. Who could be playing? Enjoy an exciting music festival with jungle friends! + + Elmo's World + S04 : E06 Elmo's World + Elmo discovers the fanciful world around him. Kids - - Episode 2 - There is always Sammy next to Pinkfong and friends, where incidents and accidents never cease. But... the solving process is a mess!? Well, anyway, the clumsy problem solver Sammy gets things done! + + Elmo's World + S04 : E07 Elmo's World + Elmo discovers the fanciful world around him. Kids - - Bebefinn The Hunt for Finn's Baby Shark - S01 : E01 Bebefinn The Hunt for Finn's Baby Shark - Oh no! Finn has lost his Baby Shark doll Bora and Brody go on an adventure to find it back + + Elmo's World + S04 : E08 Elmo's World + Elmo discovers the fanciful world around him. Kids - - Bebefinn Playtime - S01 : E03 Episode 3 - Have fun at home with Bebefinn stories and musicals! + + Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck + S01 : E14 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck + Get cooking with Cookie Monster and Gonger in the Foodie Truck Kids - - Baby Shark Brooklyn - S01 : E05 Episode 5 - Baby Shark Brooklyn's adventure under the sea! 9. To Catch a Thief! 10. Welcome to the Sardine Show! + + Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck + S01 : E15 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck + Get cooking with Cookie Monster and Gonger in the Foodie Truck Kids - - Baby Shark Brooklyn - S01 : E06 Episode 6 - Baby Shark Brooklyn's adventure under the sea! 11. Coral Forest Rescue! 12. Bella's Surprise Village Concert + + Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck + S01 : E16 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck + Get cooking with Cookie Monster and Gonger in the Foodie Truck Kids - - Baby Animals Songs - S01 : E01 Baby Animals Songs - Pinkfong and Ninimo meet cute baby animals! Watch to find out what happens! + + Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck + S01 : E17 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck + Get cooking with Cookie Monster and Gonger in the Foodie Truck Kids - - Bebefinn Number Songs - S01 : E01 Bebefinn Number Songs - One, two, three.Four, five, six.Seven, eight, nine, ten. Numbers, numbers.La la la la la la la. Have fun counting numbers! + + Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck + S01 : E18 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck + Get cooking with Cookie Monster and Gonger in the Foodie Truck Kids - - Pinkfong and Hogi Dance Dance - S01 : E03 Episode 3 - Pinkfong and Hogi are looking for great dancers. Dancing is always fun! + + Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck + S01 : E19 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck + Get cooking with Cookie Monster and Gonger in the Foodie Truck Kids - - Baby Shark Hospital Play - S01 : E01 Episode 1 - Let's go to Dr. Baby Shark's hospital! You're watching "Pinkfong and Shark Family", a super fun story for kids! + + Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck + S01 : E20 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck + Get cooking with Cookie Monster and Gonger in the Foodie Truck Kids - - Bebefinn Let's Have Fun Bubble Bath - S01 : E01 Bebefinn Let's Have Fun Bubble Bath - Let's have a fun bath time together Wash, wash, wash your hair. Shampoo, shampoo. Rub, rub, rub your head. Use your fingers. Rinse away, squeaky clean. Look at my new hairstyle! Let's rub your hair clean + + Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck + S01 : E21 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck + Get cooking with Cookie Monster and Gonger in the Foodie Truck Kids - - Bebefinn Bora's Rainbow Unicorn - S01 : E01 Bebefinn Bora's Rainbow Unicorn - Bora LOVES unicorn with rainbow colors! Let's talk together the uniqueness of unicorns over the rainbow + + Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck + S01 : E22 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck + Get cooking with Cookie Monster and Gonger in the Foodie Truck Kids - - Bebefinn - S03 : E06 Episode 6 - Baby Finn Learns Something New Everyday with the Funn Family! Here comes another beautiful precious day of Finn, a Baby Shark lover just as our children, and his Family. Enjoy the daily life of the Bebefinn Family filled with joyful songs. + + Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck + S01 : E23 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck + Get cooking with Cookie Monster and Gonger in the Foodie Truck Kids - - Bebefinn Trex and Animal friends - S01 : E01 Episode 1 - Tyrannosaurus Rex! I’m the best hunter! Tyrannosaurus Rex! Who’s going to be my prey? Look at my mighty teeth,look at my mighty jaws. No one can run away from me! Roar! + + Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck + S01 : E24 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck + Get cooking with Cookie Monster and Gonger in the Foodie Truck Kids - - Baby Shark's Rainbow World - S01 : E01 Baby Shark's Rainbow World - A magical rainbow world with a shark family! Let's go to a rainbow world with 7 colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, and pink! + + Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck + S01 : E25 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck + Get cooking with Cookie Monster and Gonger in the Foodie Truck Kids - - Bebefinn Trex and Animal friends - S01 : E02 Episode 2 - Tyrannosaurus Rex! I’m the best hunter! Tyrannosaurus Rex! Who’s going to be my prey? Look at my mighty teeth,look at my mighty jaws. No one can run away from me! Roar! + + Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck + S01 : E26 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck + Get cooking with Cookie Monster and Gonger in the Foodie Truck Kids - - Baby Shark Kindergarten 2 - S02 : E01 Episode 1 - Introducing the Shark Kindergarten where Baby shark Ollie, hammerhead shark Chi-Chi, and thresher shark Dodo attend. Have fun with the friendly whale shark teacher! + + Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck + S03 : E01 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck + Get cooking with Cookie Monster and Gonger in the Foodie Truck Kids - - Baby Shark Safety Songs - S01 : E01 Episode 1 - Learn all about safety with Baby Shark Safety Rangers with fun and educational Safety Songs Compilation. + + Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck + S03 : E02 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck + Get cooking with Cookie Monster and Gonger in the Foodie Truck Kids - - Pinkfong Songs for Children - S01 : E17 Pinkfong Follow Your Curiosity - Fulfill your curiosity with Pinkfong and Hogi. Here's all about plant, body, and bugs! + + Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck + S03 : E03 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck + Get cooking with Cookie Monster and Gonger in the Foodie Truck Kids - - Hogi's Story Theater - S01 : E04 Episode 4 - You're watching Hogi's Story Theater compilation, an educational and interactive series prepared to you by Pinkfong & Hogi! + + Elmo and Tango's Mysterious Mysteries + S02 : E05 Elmo and Tango's Mysterious Mysteries + Elmo and his puppy pal Tango work together to solve a simple mystery around Sesame Street. Kids - - Happy 1st Birthday Bebefinn - S01 : E01 Episode 1 - Baby Finn Learns Something New Everyday with the Funn Family! Here comes another beautiful precious day of Finn, a Baby Shark lover just as our children, and his Family. + + Elmo and Tango's Mysterious Mysteries + S02 : E06 Elmo and Tango's Mysterious Mysteries + Elmo and his puppy pal Tango work together to solve a simple mystery around Sesame Street. Kids - - Pinkfong Songs for Children - S01 : E39 Junglebell - Merry Jungle Christmas from Pinkfong to you! + + Elmo and Tango's Mysterious Mysteries + S02 : E07 Elmo and Tango's Mysterious Mysteries + Elmo and his puppy pal Tango work together to solve a simple mystery around Sesame Street. Kids - - Pinkfong Car Town - S01 : E02 Episode 2 - Let's learn about various cars and vehicles. With PINKFONG Car Town + + Elmo and Tango's Mysterious Mysteries + S01 : E01 Elmo and Tango's Mysterious Mysteries + Elmo and his puppy pal Tango work together to solve a simple mystery around Sesame Street. Kids - - Reading Stories with Pinkfong - S01 : E06 Pinkfong Mother Goose Reading - It's rhyme time with Pinkfong Mother Goose Reading! Read mother goose sentence by sentence, word by word. + + Elmo and Tango's Mysterious Mysteries + S01 : E02 Elmo and Tango's Mysterious Mysteries + Elmo and his puppy pal Tango work together to solve a simple mystery around Sesame Street. Kids - - Reading Stories with Pinkfong - S01 : E03 Pinkfong Car Stories - Police cars, fire trucks, dump trucks and many car friends are excited to tell interesting stories. + + Elmo and Tango's Mysterious Mysteries + S01 : E03 Elmo and Tango's Mysterious Mysteries + Elmo and his puppy pal Tango work together to solve a simple mystery around Sesame Street. Kids - - Let's Color With Baby Shark - S01 : E02 Episode 2 - Pig, Bear, Elephant, Flamingo, Blue Bird, Baby Duck, Sun, Snowman, Maple, Sand, Shovel, Bucket, Watering Can, Tumbler, Basket, Sunglasses,, Shirts, Jeans, Golf Ball, Basketball, Tennis Ball, Ribbon, Golden Ring, Lipstick, Straw Hat, Crown, Witch Hat Clover, Sunfower, Rose, Truck, School Bus, Fire Truck, Star, Mountain, Wheel, Cymbals, Guitar, Triangle + + Elmo and Tango's Mysterious Mysteries + S01 : E04 Elmo and Tango's Mysterious Mysteries + Elmo and his puppy pal Tango work together to solve a simple mystery around Sesame Street. Kids - - Sing along with Baby Shark - S01 : E02 Episode 2 - Enjoy kids' favorite songs with Shark Family sing-along series. Come and join playful Baby Shark! + + Smart Cookies + S01 : E06 Smart Cookies + Cookie Monster and his crime-fighting friends take on The Crumb. Kids - - Pinkfong Wonderstar - S01 : E05 Episode 5 - Codi decides to make a Bumbleberry Pie for sad Rachel. But...what is Bumbleberry? What does it look like? We heard that it's amazingly delicious… Coco's poetry went missing! With the help of Wonderstar, Coco finds the whereabouts of the disappeared manuscripts. Wait...is that Pat the goat, who is eating paper...? Would Pat be the culprit? + + Smart Cookies + S01 : E07 Smart Cookies + Cookie Monster and his crime-fighting friends take on The Crumb. Kids - - Pinkfong Wonderstar - S01 : E06 Episode 6 - Pinkfong and Hogi are invited to a dance party. Pinkfong is super excited but Hogi is so nervous.The night has come and a suspicious sound comes out from Wonderstar's house! Catch the thief! What? It's Hogi practicing dance! Wonderville is in danger! Pinkfong and Hogi figure out that there was something wrong with Poki's pancake machine. Stop it before the whole village is covered with pancakes! + + Smart Cookies + S01 : E08 Smart Cookies + Cookie Monster and his crime-fighting friends take on The Crumb. Kids - - Bebefinn - S01 : E05 Episode 5 - Baby Finn Learns Something New Everyday with the Funn Family! Here comes another beautiful precious day of Finn, a Baby Shark lover just as our children, and his Family. Enjoy the daily life of the Bebefinn Family filled with joyful songs. + + Smart Cookies + S01 : E09 Smart Cookies + Cookie Monster and his crime-fighting friends take on The Crumb. Kids - - Bebefinn - S01 : E06 Episode 6 - Baby Finn Learns Something New Everyday with the Funn Family! Here comes another beautiful precious day of Finn, a Baby Shark lover just as our children, and his Family. Enjoy the daily life of the Bebefinn Family filled with joyful songs. + + Smart Cookies + S01 : E10 Smart Cookies + Cookie Monster and his crime-fighting friends take on The Crumb. Kids - - Patrol Pals - S01 : E01 Episode 1 - "Did you call for us, Patrol Pals? We are always ready for anyone in need and danger! We fight for justice and safety anytime and anywhere! Patrol Pals, on the rescue! " + + Smart Cookies + S01 : E11 Smart Cookies + Cookie Monster and his crime-fighting friends take on The Crumb. Kids - - Best Dinosaur Songs - S01 : E01 Best Dinosaur Songs - There's Tyrannosaurus-Rex, the best hunter and Pachycephalosaurus. + + Smart Cookies + S01 : E01 Smart Cookies + Cookie Monster and his crime-fighting friends take on The Crumb. Kids - - Pinkfong Songs for Children - S01 : E40 Happy Baby Shark Month - Happy Baby Shark Month! Put your fins up and Doo Doo Doo with Baby Shark. + + Smart Cookies + S01 : E02 Smart Cookies + Cookie Monster and his crime-fighting friends take on The Crumb. Kids - - Baby Shark Turned into a Cube - S01 : E01 Episode 1 - Where is your family hiding? Find it with Pinkfong! + + Hello Kitty: Super Style! + S01 : E28 Hello Kitty: Super Style! + Hello Kitty swings back again in Hello Kitty Superstyle! Kids - - Baby Shark in Summer Time - S01 : E01 Baby Shark in Summer Time - A sizzling hot summer! Enjoy a refreshing summer with Shark Family to the tune of cheerful Hawaiian songs that suit the season. + + Hello Kitty: Super Style! + S01 : E29 Hello Kitty: Super Style! + Hello Kitty swings back again in Hello Kitty Superstyle! Kids - - Shark Family Goes to Baby Shark Hospital - S01 : E01 Shark Family Goes to Baby Shark Hospital - If you’re sick, we’ll make you strong again! This is the Baby Shark hospital! Pinkfong, Mommy Shark and Daddy Shark came to the hospital! Let's treat them with Dr. Baby Shark and Nurse William! + + Hello Kitty: Super Style! + S01 : E30 Hello Kitty: Super Style! + Hello Kitty swings back again in Hello Kitty Superstyle! Kids - - Pinkfong Playfong - S01 : E02 Episode 2 - A toy show with cute and adorable Pinkfong toys + + Hello Kitty: Super Style! + S01 : E31 Hello Kitty: Super Style! + Hello Kitty swings back again in Hello Kitty Superstyle! Kids - - Pinkfong Songs for Children - S01 : E15 Pinkfong World Songs - Meet Coco, Toto and Momo! Travel around the world with the CoToMo Cats. + + Hello Kitty: Super Style! + S01 : E32 Hello Kitty: Super Style! + Hello Kitty swings back again in Hello Kitty Superstyle! Kids - - Pinkfong and Hogi Dance Dance - S01 : E01 Episode 1 - 3D Pinkfong and Hogi loves to sing and dance with best kids' songs. + + Hello Kitty: Super Style! + S01 : E33 Hello Kitty: Super Style! + Hello Kitty swings back again in Hello Kitty Superstyle! Kids - - Baby Shark Brooklyn - S01 : E05 Episode 5 - Baby Shark Brooklyn's adventure under the sea! 9. To Catch a Thief! 10. Welcome to the Sardine Show! + + Hello Kitty: Super Style! + S01 : E34 Hello Kitty: Super Style! + Hello Kitty swings back again in Hello Kitty Superstyle! Kids - - Baby Shark Brooklyn - S01 : E06 Episode 6 - Baby Shark Brooklyn's adventure under the sea! 11. Coral Forest Rescue! 12. Bella's Surprise Village Concert + + Hello Kitty: Super Style! + S01 : E35 Hello Kitty: Super Style! + Hello Kitty swings back again in Hello Kitty Superstyle! Kids - - Bebefinn - S01 : E07 Episode 7 - Baby Finn Learns Something New Everyday with the Funn Family! Here comes another beautiful precious day of Finn, a Baby Shark lover just as our children, and his Family. Enjoy the daily life of the Bebefinn Family filled with joyful songs. + + Hello Kitty: Super Style! + S01 : E36 Hello Kitty: Super Style! + Hello Kitty swings back again in Hello Kitty Superstyle! Kids - - Bebefinn - S01 : E08 Episode 8 - Baby Finn Learns Something New Everyday with the Funn Family! Here comes another beautiful precious day of Finn, a Baby Shark lover just as our children, and his Family. Enjoy the daily life of the Bebefinn Family filled with joyful songs. + + Molang + S04 : E01 Molang + Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - - Hogi, the Detective - S01 : E01 Episode 1 - When something suspicious happens in Wonderville, everybody comes to Hogi for help, the best detective in town. + + Molang + S04 : E02 Molang + Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - - Hogi, the Detective - S01 : E02 Episode 2 - The best detective Hogi solves every problem, even the littlest ones! + + Molang + S04 : E03 Molang + Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - - Hogi, the Detective - S01 : E03 Episode 3 - With extraordinary powers of observation, there’s no case Hogi cannot solve! + + Molang + S04 : E04 Molang + Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - - The Wheels on the Halloween Bus - S01 : E02 Episode 2 - Wheels on the Halloween Bus! Happy halloween season! + + Molang + S04 : E05 Molang + Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - - Back to School Pinkfong Songs - S01 : E01 Epsiode 1 - It's a Back to School season Start your day with our songs and have a great time at school! + + Molang + S04 : E06 Molang + Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - - Pinkfong Wonderstar - S01 : E01 Episode 1 - Wonderstar's great journey of friendship begins now! Pinkfong travels to Wonderville with star Pio! But Pinkfong unexpectly crashes on the roof of Hogi's house... Finally, someone has come to Wonderstar for help! Myan's precious cheese is stolen! Let’s do this! We are the Wonderstar problem solvers! No problem is too big for Wonderstar, or too small! + + Molang + S04 : E07 Molang + Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - - Pinkfong Wonderstar - S01 : E02 Episode 2 - Poki invented Pokibot, a robot that would do everything you need! But something happened. No! Pokibot kicked Poki out of the house! So Poki visits Wonderstar for a help and then... Wonderville's adorable Beaver, Jojo couldn't sleep for a week already! Wonderstar seeks out for the disturbing sound from a deep dark cave... + + Molang + S04 : E08 Molang + Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - - Ninimo, the yellow and fluffy friends - S01 : E01 Ninimo, the yellow and fluffy friends - Let's sing along to Ninimo's Special song! Here we introduce Pinkfong's Friends Nini and Mo, the best trio + + Molang + S04 : E09 Molang + Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - - Baby Shark Tell Me How You Feel - S01 : E02 Baby Shark Tell Me How You Feel - A story about a Baby Shark and his friends sharing their feelings and moods throughout the day. + + Molang + S04 : E10 Molang + Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - - Baby Shark Hospital Play - S02 : E01 Episode 1 - Welcome to Baby Shark Hospital, where Dr. Baby Shark will take care of you! + + Molang + S04 : E11 Molang + Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - - Episode 2 - There is always Sammy next to Pinkfong and friends, where incidents and accidents never cease. But... the solving process is a mess!? Well, anyway, the clumsy problem solver Sammy gets things done! + + Molang + S04 : E12 Molang + Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - - Bebefinn Playtime - S01 : E03 Episode 3 - Have fun at home with Bebefinn stories and musicals! + + Molang + S04 : E13 Molang + Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - - Pinkfong Songs for Children - S01 : E33 Happy Easter with Baby Shark - Have fun with Baby Shark and the Shark Family! + + Molang + S04 : E14 Molang + Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - - Baby Shark Color Songs - S01 : E01 Baby Shark Color Songs - We are the Shark Family! Full of colors, Shark Family! Dance along and match what color each family member! + + Molang + S04 : E15 Molang + Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - - Best Baby Shark vs Thief Baby Shark - S01 : E02 Episode 2 - Let's sing and dance with Baby Shark! Best Baby Shark vs Thief Baby Shark Episodes Compilation + + Molang + S04 : E16 Molang + Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - - Bebefinn The Hunt for Finn's Baby Shark - S01 : E01 Bebefinn The Hunt for Finn's Baby Shark - Oh no! Finn has lost his Baby Shark doll Bora and Brody go on an adventure to find it back + + Simon + S04 : E01 Simon + The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! Kids - - Happy Baby Shark Month - S01 : E02 Episode 2 - Baby Shark Month is back! Le'ts celebrate Baby Shark Month by singing along with a baby shark! + + Simon + S04 : E02 Simon + The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! Kids - - Bebefinn Number Songs - S01 : E01 Bebefinn Number Songs - One, two, three.Four, five, six.Seven, eight, nine, ten. Numbers, numbers.La la la la la la la. Have fun counting numbers! + + Simon + S04 : E03 Simon + The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! Kids - - Baby Shark Hospital Play - S01 : E01 Episode 1 - Let's go to Dr. Baby Shark's hospital! You're watching "Pinkfong and Shark Family", a super fun story for kids! + + Simon + S04 : E04 Simon + The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! Kids - - Pinkfong Songs for Children - S01 : E17 Pinkfong Follow Your Curiosity - Fulfill your curiosity with Pinkfong and Hogi. Here's all about plant, body, and bugs! + + Simon + S04 : E05 Simon + The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! Kids - - Colors Song - S01 : E01 Episode 1 - Learn colors with Pinkfong! Join Pinkfong's journey to find the perfect color that matches Pinkfong! + + Simon + S04 : E06 Simon + The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! Kids - - Mischievous Thief Baby Shark - S01 : E01 Episode 1 - Oh, do you know Thief Baby Shark? His name is Lucky chucky Chuck! Let's sing along with Cute Baby Shark and Mischievous Thief Chuck! + + Simon + S04 : E07 Simon + The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! Kids - - Best Baby Shark vs Thief Baby Shark - S01 : E01 Episode 1 - Let's sing and dance with Baby Shark! Best Baby Shark vs Thief Baby Shark Episodes Compilation + + Simon + S04 : E08 Simon + The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! Kids - + Simon - S04 : E43 Simon + S04 : E09 Simon The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! Kids - + Simon - S04 : E44 Simon + S04 : E10 Simon The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! Kids - + Simon - S04 : E45 Simon + S04 : E11 Simon The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! Kids - + Simon - S04 : E46 Simon + S04 : E12 Simon The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! Kids - + Simon - S04 : E47 Simon + S04 : E13 Simon The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! Kids - + Simon - S04 : E48 Simon + S04 : E14 Simon The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! Kids - + Simon - S04 : E49 Simon + S04 : E15 Simon The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! Kids - + Simon - S04 : E50 Simon + S04 : E16 Simon The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! Kids - + Simon - S04 : E51 Simon + S04 : E17 Simon The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! Kids - + Gigantosaurus - S01 : E34 Gigantosaurus + S01 : E43 Gigantosaurus Follow the adventures of four young curious dinosaurs. Kids - + Gigantosaurus - S01 : E35 Gigantosaurus + S01 : E44 Gigantosaurus Follow the adventures of four young curious dinosaurs. Kids - + Gigantosaurus - S01 : E36 Gigantosaurus + S01 : E45 Gigantosaurus Follow the adventures of four young curious dinosaurs. Kids - + Gigantosaurus - S01 : E37 Gigantosaurus + S01 : E46 Gigantosaurus Follow the adventures of four young curious dinosaurs. Kids - + Gigantosaurus - S01 : E38 Gigantosaurus + S01 : E47 Gigantosaurus Follow the adventures of four young curious dinosaurs. Kids - + Gigantosaurus - S01 : E39 Gigantosaurus + S01 : E48 Gigantosaurus Follow the adventures of four young curious dinosaurs. Kids - + Gigantosaurus - S01 : E40 Gigantosaurus + S01 : E49 Gigantosaurus Follow the adventures of four young curious dinosaurs. Kids - + Gigantosaurus - S01 : E41 Gigantosaurus + S01 : E50 Gigantosaurus Follow the adventures of four young curious dinosaurs. Kids - + Gigantosaurus - S01 : E42 Gigantosaurus + S01 : E51 Gigantosaurus Follow the adventures of four young curious dinosaurs. Kids - + + Hello Kitty: Super Style! + S01 : E28 Hello Kitty: Super Style! + Hello Kitty swings back again in Hello Kitty Superstyle! + Kids + + Hello Kitty: Super Style! - S01 : E19 Hello Kitty: Super Style! + S01 : E29 Hello Kitty: Super Style! Hello Kitty swings back again in Hello Kitty Superstyle! Kids - + Hello Kitty: Super Style! - S01 : E20 Hello Kitty: Super Style! + S01 : E30 Hello Kitty: Super Style! Hello Kitty swings back again in Hello Kitty Superstyle! Kids - + Hello Kitty: Super Style! - S01 : E21 Hello Kitty: Super Style! + S01 : E31 Hello Kitty: Super Style! Hello Kitty swings back again in Hello Kitty Superstyle! Kids - + Hello Kitty: Super Style! - S01 : E22 Hello Kitty: Super Style! + S01 : E32 Hello Kitty: Super Style! Hello Kitty swings back again in Hello Kitty Superstyle! Kids - + Hello Kitty: Super Style! - S01 : E23 Hello Kitty: Super Style! + S01 : E33 Hello Kitty: Super Style! Hello Kitty swings back again in Hello Kitty Superstyle! Kids - + Hello Kitty: Super Style! - S01 : E24 Hello Kitty: Super Style! + S01 : E34 Hello Kitty: Super Style! Hello Kitty swings back again in Hello Kitty Superstyle! Kids - + Hello Kitty: Super Style! - S01 : E25 Hello Kitty: Super Style! + S01 : E35 Hello Kitty: Super Style! Hello Kitty swings back again in Hello Kitty Superstyle! Kids - + Hello Kitty: Super Style! - S01 : E26 Hello Kitty: Super Style! + S01 : E36 Hello Kitty: Super Style! Hello Kitty swings back again in Hello Kitty Superstyle! Kids - - Hello Kitty: Super Style! - S01 : E27 Hello Kitty: Super Style! - Hello Kitty swings back again in Hello Kitty Superstyle! + + Simon + S04 : E04 Simon + The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! Kids - + Simon - S04 : E37 Simon + S04 : E05 Simon The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! Kids - + Simon - S04 : E38 Simon + S04 : E06 Simon The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! Kids - + Simon - S04 : E39 Simon + S04 : E07 Simon The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! Kids - + Simon - S04 : E40 Simon + S04 : E08 Simon The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! Kids - + Simon - S04 : E41 Simon + S04 : E09 Simon The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! Kids - + Simon - S04 : E42 Simon + S04 : E10 Simon The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! Kids - + Simon - S04 : E43 Simon + S04 : E11 Simon The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! Kids - + Simon - S04 : E44 Simon + S04 : E12 Simon The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! Kids - + Simon - S04 : E45 Simon + S04 : E13 Simon The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! Kids - + Simon - S04 : E46 Simon + S04 : E14 Simon The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! Kids - + Simon - S04 : E47 Simon + S04 : E15 Simon The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! Kids - + Simon - S04 : E48 Simon + S04 : E16 Simon The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! Kids - + Simon - S04 : E49 Simon + S04 : E17 Simon The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! Kids - + Simon - S04 : E50 Simon + S04 : E18 Simon The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! Kids - + Simon - S04 : E51 Simon + S04 : E19 Simon The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! Kids - + Go! Go! Cory Carson - S01 : E13 Go! Go! Cory Carson + S01 : E19 Go! Go! Cory Carson Follow the adventures of kid car Cory Carson as he navigates the winding roads of childhood with his friends and family in Bumperton hills. Kids - + Go! Go! Cory Carson - S01 : E14 Go! Go! Cory Carson + S01 : E20 Go! Go! Cory Carson Follow the adventures of kid car Cory Carson as he navigates the winding roads of childhood with his friends and family in Bumperton hills. Kids - + Go! Go! Cory Carson - S01 : E15 Go! Go! Cory Carson + S01 : E21 Go! Go! Cory Carson Follow the adventures of kid car Cory Carson as he navigates the winding roads of childhood with his friends and family in Bumperton hills. Kids - + Go! Go! Cory Carson - S01 : E16 Go! Go! Cory Carson + S01 : E22 Go! Go! Cory Carson Follow the adventures of kid car Cory Carson as he navigates the winding roads of childhood with his friends and family in Bumperton hills. Kids - + Go! Go! Cory Carson - S01 : E17 Go! Go! Cory Carson + S01 : E23 Go! Go! Cory Carson Follow the adventures of kid car Cory Carson as he navigates the winding roads of childhood with his friends and family in Bumperton hills. Kids - + Go! Go! Cory Carson - S01 : E18 Go! Go! Cory Carson + S01 : E24 Go! Go! Cory Carson Follow the adventures of kid car Cory Carson as he navigates the winding roads of childhood with his friends and family in Bumperton hills. Kids - + Go! Go! Cory Carson - S01 : E19 Go! Go! Cory Carson + S01 : E25 Go! Go! Cory Carson Follow the adventures of kid car Cory Carson as he navigates the winding roads of childhood with his friends and family in Bumperton hills. Kids - + Go! Go! Cory Carson - S01 : E20 Go! Go! Cory Carson + S01 : E26 Go! Go! Cory Carson Follow the adventures of kid car Cory Carson as he navigates the winding roads of childhood with his friends and family in Bumperton hills. Kids - + Go! Go! Cory Carson - S01 : E21 Go! Go! Cory Carson + S01 : E27 Go! Go! Cory Carson Follow the adventures of kid car Cory Carson as he navigates the winding roads of childhood with his friends and family in Bumperton hills. Kids - + Go! Go! Cory Carson - S01 : E22 Go! Go! Cory Carson + S01 : E28 Go! Go! Cory Carson Follow the adventures of kid car Cory Carson as he navigates the winding roads of childhood with his friends and family in Bumperton hills. Kids - + Go! Go! Cory Carson - S01 : E23 Go! Go! Cory Carson + S01 : E29 Go! Go! Cory Carson Follow the adventures of kid car Cory Carson as he navigates the winding roads of childhood with his friends and family in Bumperton hills. Kids - + Go! Go! Cory Carson - S01 : E24 Go! Go! Cory Carson + S01 : E30 Go! Go! Cory Carson Follow the adventures of kid car Cory Carson as he navigates the winding roads of childhood with his friends and family in Bumperton hills. Kids - + Dino Ranch - S01 : E17 Dino Ranch + S01 : E27 Dino Ranch Yee haw! Saddle up for Dino Ranch! Kids - + Dino Ranch - S01 : E18 Dino Ranch + S01 : E28 Dino Ranch Yee haw! Saddle up for Dino Ranch! Kids - + Dino Ranch - S01 : E19 Dino Ranch + S01 : E29 Dino Ranch Yee haw! Saddle up for Dino Ranch! Kids - + Dino Ranch - S01 : E20 Dino Ranch + S01 : E30 Dino Ranch Yee haw! Saddle up for Dino Ranch! Kids - + Dino Ranch - S01 : E21 Dino Ranch + S01 : E31 Dino Ranch Yee haw! Saddle up for Dino Ranch! Kids - + Dino Ranch - S01 : E22 Dino Ranch + S01 : E32 Dino Ranch Yee haw! Saddle up for Dino Ranch! Kids - + Dino Ranch - S01 : E23 Dino Ranch + S01 : E33 Dino Ranch Yee haw! Saddle up for Dino Ranch! Kids - + Dino Ranch - S01 : E24 Dino Ranch + S01 : E34 Dino Ranch Yee haw! Saddle up for Dino Ranch! Kids - + Dino Ranch - S01 : E25 Dino Ranch + S01 : E35 Dino Ranch Yee haw! Saddle up for Dino Ranch! Kids - - Dino Ranch - S01 : E26 Dino Ranch - Yee haw! Saddle up for Dino Ranch! + + Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe + S01 : E22 Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe + Agent Binky and his fellow agents protect their human families from aliens. Kids - + Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe - S01 : E15 Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe + S01 : E23 Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe Agent Binky and his fellow agents protect their human families from aliens. Kids - + Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe - S01 : E16 Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe + S01 : E24 Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe Agent Binky and his fellow agents protect their human families from aliens. Kids - + Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe - S01 : E17 Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe + S01 : E25 Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe Agent Binky and his fellow agents protect their human families from aliens. Kids - + Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe - S01 : E18 Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe + S01 : E26 Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe Agent Binky and his fellow agents protect their human families from aliens. Kids - + Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe - S01 : E19 Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe + S01 : E27 Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe Agent Binky and his fellow agents protect their human families from aliens. Kids - + Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe - S01 : E20 Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe + S01 : E28 Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe Agent Binky and his fellow agents protect their human families from aliens. Kids - + Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe - S01 : E21 Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe + S01 : E29 Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe Agent Binky and his fellow agents protect their human families from aliens. Kids - + Elmo's World - S05 : E04 Elmo's World - Join Elmo as you learn fun and exciting lessons together! + S04 : E09 Elmo's World + Elmo discovers the fanciful world around him. Kids - + Elmo's World - S05 : E05 Elmo's World - Join Elmo as you learn fun and exciting lessons together! + S04 : E10 Elmo's World + Elmo discovers the fanciful world around him. Kids - + Elmo's World - S05 : E06 Elmo's World - Join Elmo as you learn fun and exciting lessons together! + S04 : E11 Elmo's World + Elmo discovers the fanciful world around him. Kids - + Elmo's World - S05 : E07 Elmo's World - Join Elmo as you learn fun and exciting lessons together! + S04 : E12 Elmo's World + Elmo discovers the fanciful world around him. Kids - + Elmo's World - S05 : E08 Elmo's World - Join Elmo as you learn fun and exciting lessons together! + S04 : E13 Elmo's World + Elmo discovers the fanciful world around him. Kids - + Elmo's World - S05 : E09 Elmo's World + S05 : E01 Elmo's World Join Elmo as you learn fun and exciting lessons together! Kids - + Elmo's World - S05 : E10 Elmo's World + S05 : E02 Elmo's World Join Elmo as you learn fun and exciting lessons together! Kids - + Elmo's World - S05 : E11 Elmo's World + S05 : E03 Elmo's World Join Elmo as you learn fun and exciting lessons together! Kids - + Elmo's World - S04 : E01 Elmo's World - Elmo discovers the fanciful world around him. + S05 : E04 Elmo's World + Join Elmo as you learn fun and exciting lessons together! Kids - + Elmo's World - S04 : E02 Elmo's World - Elmo discovers the fanciful world around him. + S05 : E05 Elmo's World + Join Elmo as you learn fun and exciting lessons together! Kids - + Elmo's World - S04 : E03 Elmo's World - Elmo discovers the fanciful world around him. + S05 : E06 Elmo's World + Join Elmo as you learn fun and exciting lessons together! Kids - + Elmo's World - S04 : E04 Elmo's World - Elmo discovers the fanciful world around him. + S05 : E07 Elmo's World + Join Elmo as you learn fun and exciting lessons together! Kids - + Elmo's World - S04 : E05 Elmo's World - Elmo discovers the fanciful world around him. + S05 : E08 Elmo's World + Join Elmo as you learn fun and exciting lessons together! Kids - + Elmo's World - S04 : E06 Elmo's World - Elmo discovers the fanciful world around him. + S05 : E09 Elmo's World + Join Elmo as you learn fun and exciting lessons together! Kids - + Elmo's World - S04 : E07 Elmo's World - Elmo discovers the fanciful world around him. + S05 : E10 Elmo's World + Join Elmo as you learn fun and exciting lessons together! Kids - + Elmo's World - S04 : E08 Elmo's World - Elmo discovers the fanciful world around him. + S05 : E11 Elmo's World + Join Elmo as you learn fun and exciting lessons together! Kids - + Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck - S01 : E14 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck + S03 : E04 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck Get cooking with Cookie Monster and Gonger in the Foodie Truck Kids - + Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck - S01 : E15 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck + S03 : E05 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck Get cooking with Cookie Monster and Gonger in the Foodie Truck Kids - + Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck - S01 : E16 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck + S03 : E06 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck Get cooking with Cookie Monster and Gonger in the Foodie Truck Kids - + Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck - S01 : E17 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck + S03 : E07 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck Get cooking with Cookie Monster and Gonger in the Foodie Truck Kids - + Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck - S01 : E18 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck + S03 : E08 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck Get cooking with Cookie Monster and Gonger in the Foodie Truck Kids - + Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck - S01 : E19 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck + S03 : E09 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck Get cooking with Cookie Monster and Gonger in the Foodie Truck Kids - + Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck - S01 : E20 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck + S03 : E10 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck Get cooking with Cookie Monster and Gonger in the Foodie Truck Kids - + Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck - S01 : E21 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck + S03 : E11 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck Get cooking with Cookie Monster and Gonger in the Foodie Truck Kids - + Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck - S01 : E22 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck + S03 : E12 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck Get cooking with Cookie Monster and Gonger in the Foodie Truck Kids - + Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck - S01 : E23 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck + S03 : E13 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck Get cooking with Cookie Monster and Gonger in the Foodie Truck Kids - + Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck - S01 : E24 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck - Get cooking with Cookie Monster and Gonger in the Foodie Truck + S04 : E01 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck + Cookie Monster and Gonger are Monster Foodies! Kids - + Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck - S01 : E25 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck - Get cooking with Cookie Monster and Gonger in the Foodie Truck + S04 : E02 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck + Cookie Monster and Gonger are Monster Foodies! Kids - + Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck - S01 : E26 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck - Get cooking with Cookie Monster and Gonger in the Foodie Truck + S04 : E03 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck + Cookie Monster and Gonger are Monster Foodies! Kids - + Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck - S03 : E01 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck - Get cooking with Cookie Monster and Gonger in the Foodie Truck + S04 : E04 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck + Cookie Monster and Gonger are Monster Foodies! Kids - + Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck - S03 : E02 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck - Get cooking with Cookie Monster and Gonger in the Foodie Truck + S04 : E05 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck + Cookie Monster and Gonger are Monster Foodies! Kids - + Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck - S03 : E03 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck - Get cooking with Cookie Monster and Gonger in the Foodie Truck + S04 : E06 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck + Cookie Monster and Gonger are Monster Foodies! Kids - + Elmo and Tango's Mysterious Mysteries - S02 : E05 Elmo and Tango's Mysterious Mysteries + S01 : E05 Elmo and Tango's Mysterious Mysteries Elmo and his puppy pal Tango work together to solve a simple mystery around Sesame Street. Kids - + Elmo and Tango's Mysterious Mysteries - S02 : E06 Elmo and Tango's Mysterious Mysteries + S01 : E06 Elmo and Tango's Mysterious Mysteries Elmo and his puppy pal Tango work together to solve a simple mystery around Sesame Street. Kids - + Elmo and Tango's Mysterious Mysteries - S02 : E07 Elmo and Tango's Mysterious Mysteries + S01 : E07 Elmo and Tango's Mysterious Mysteries Elmo and his puppy pal Tango work together to solve a simple mystery around Sesame Street. Kids - + Elmo and Tango's Mysterious Mysteries - S01 : E01 Elmo and Tango's Mysterious Mysteries + S01 : E08 Elmo and Tango's Mysterious Mysteries Elmo and his puppy pal Tango work together to solve a simple mystery around Sesame Street. Kids - + Elmo and Tango's Mysterious Mysteries - S01 : E02 Elmo and Tango's Mysterious Mysteries + S01 : E09 Elmo and Tango's Mysterious Mysteries Elmo and his puppy pal Tango work together to solve a simple mystery around Sesame Street. Kids - + Elmo and Tango's Mysterious Mysteries - S01 : E03 Elmo and Tango's Mysterious Mysteries + S01 : E10 Elmo and Tango's Mysterious Mysteries Elmo and his puppy pal Tango work together to solve a simple mystery around Sesame Street. Kids - + Elmo and Tango's Mysterious Mysteries - S01 : E04 Elmo and Tango's Mysterious Mysteries + S01 : E11 Elmo and Tango's Mysterious Mysteries Elmo and his puppy pal Tango work together to solve a simple mystery around Sesame Street. Kids - + Smart Cookies - S01 : E06 Smart Cookies + S01 : E03 Smart Cookies Cookie Monster and his crime-fighting friends take on The Crumb. Kids - + Smart Cookies - S01 : E07 Smart Cookies + S01 : E04 Smart Cookies Cookie Monster and his crime-fighting friends take on The Crumb. Kids - + Smart Cookies - S01 : E08 Smart Cookies + S01 : E05 Smart Cookies Cookie Monster and his crime-fighting friends take on The Crumb. Kids - + Smart Cookies - S01 : E09 Smart Cookies + S01 : E06 Smart Cookies Cookie Monster and his crime-fighting friends take on The Crumb. Kids - + Smart Cookies - S01 : E10 Smart Cookies + S01 : E07 Smart Cookies Cookie Monster and his crime-fighting friends take on The Crumb. Kids - + Smart Cookies - S01 : E11 Smart Cookies + S01 : E08 Smart Cookies Cookie Monster and his crime-fighting friends take on The Crumb. Kids - + Smart Cookies - S01 : E01 Smart Cookies + S01 : E09 Smart Cookies Cookie Monster and his crime-fighting friends take on The Crumb. Kids - + Smart Cookies - S01 : E02 Smart Cookies + S01 : E10 Smart Cookies Cookie Monster and his crime-fighting friends take on The Crumb. Kids - - Hello Kitty: Super Style! - S01 : E28 Hello Kitty: Super Style! - Hello Kitty swings back again in Hello Kitty Superstyle! + + Gigantosaurus + S03 : E02 Gigantosaurus + Follow the adventures of Tiny, Mazu, Bill and Rocky! Kids - - Hello Kitty: Super Style! - S01 : E29 Hello Kitty: Super Style! - Hello Kitty swings back again in Hello Kitty Superstyle! + + Gigantosaurus + S03 : E03 Gigantosaurus + Follow the adventures of Tiny, Mazu, Bill and Rocky! Kids - - Hello Kitty: Super Style! - S01 : E30 Hello Kitty: Super Style! - Hello Kitty swings back again in Hello Kitty Superstyle! + + Gigantosaurus + S03 : E04 Gigantosaurus + Follow the adventures of Tiny, Mazu, Bill and Rocky! Kids - - Hello Kitty: Super Style! - S01 : E31 Hello Kitty: Super Style! - Hello Kitty swings back again in Hello Kitty Superstyle! + + Gigantosaurus + S03 : E05 Gigantosaurus + Follow the adventures of Tiny, Mazu, Bill and Rocky! Kids - - Hello Kitty: Super Style! - S01 : E32 Hello Kitty: Super Style! - Hello Kitty swings back again in Hello Kitty Superstyle! + + Gigantosaurus + S03 : E06 Gigantosaurus + Follow the adventures of Tiny, Mazu, Bill and Rocky! Kids - - Hello Kitty: Super Style! - S01 : E33 Hello Kitty: Super Style! - Hello Kitty swings back again in Hello Kitty Superstyle! + + Gigantosaurus + S03 : E07 Gigantosaurus + Follow the adventures of Tiny, Mazu, Bill and Rocky! Kids - - Hello Kitty: Super Style! - S01 : E34 Hello Kitty: Super Style! - Hello Kitty swings back again in Hello Kitty Superstyle! + + Gigantosaurus + S03 : E08 Gigantosaurus + Follow the adventures of Tiny, Mazu, Bill and Rocky! Kids - - Hello Kitty: Super Style! - S01 : E35 Hello Kitty: Super Style! - Hello Kitty swings back again in Hello Kitty Superstyle! + + Gigantosaurus + S03 : E09 Gigantosaurus + Follow the adventures of Tiny, Mazu, Bill and Rocky! Kids - - Hello Kitty: Super Style! - S01 : E36 Hello Kitty: Super Style! - Hello Kitty swings back again in Hello Kitty Superstyle! + + Gigantosaurus + S03 : E10 Gigantosaurus + Follow the adventures of Tiny, Mazu, Bill and Rocky! Kids - + Molang - S04 : E01 Molang + S04 : E17 Molang Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - + Molang - S04 : E02 Molang + S04 : E18 Molang Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - + Molang - S04 : E03 Molang + S04 : E19 Molang Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - + Molang - S04 : E04 Molang + S04 : E20 Molang Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - + Molang - S04 : E05 Molang + S04 : E21 Molang Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - + Molang - S04 : E06 Molang + S04 : E22 Molang Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - + Molang - S04 : E07 Molang + S04 : E23 Molang Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - + Molang - S04 : E08 Molang + S04 : E24 Molang Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - + Molang - S04 : E09 Molang + S04 : E25 Molang Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - + Molang - S04 : E10 Molang + S04 : E26 Molang Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - + Molang - S04 : E11 Molang + S04 : E27 Molang + Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! + Kids + + + Molang + S04 : E28 Molang Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - + Molang - S04 : E12 Molang + S04 : E29 Molang Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - + Molang - S04 : E13 Molang + S04 : E30 Molang Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - + Molang - S04 : E14 Molang + S04 : E31 Molang Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - + Molang - S04 : E15 Molang + S04 : E32 Molang Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - - Molang - S04 : E16 Molang - Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! + + Hello Kitty: Super Style! + S01 : E23 Hello Kitty: Super Style! + Hello Kitty swings back again in Hello Kitty Superstyle! Kids - - Simon - S04 : E01 Simon - The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! + + Hello Kitty: Super Style! + S01 : E24 Hello Kitty: Super Style! + Hello Kitty swings back again in Hello Kitty Superstyle! Kids - - Simon - S04 : E02 Simon - The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! + + Hello Kitty: Super Style! + S01 : E25 Hello Kitty: Super Style! + Hello Kitty swings back again in Hello Kitty Superstyle! Kids - - Simon - S04 : E03 Simon - The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! + + Hello Kitty: Super Style! + S01 : E26 Hello Kitty: Super Style! + Hello Kitty swings back again in Hello Kitty Superstyle! Kids - - Simon - S04 : E04 Simon - The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! + + Hello Kitty: Super Style! + S01 : E27 Hello Kitty: Super Style! + Hello Kitty swings back again in Hello Kitty Superstyle! Kids - - Simon - S04 : E05 Simon - The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! + + Hello Kitty: Super Style! + S01 : E28 Hello Kitty: Super Style! + Hello Kitty swings back again in Hello Kitty Superstyle! Kids - - Simon - S04 : E06 Simon - The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! + + Hello Kitty: Super Style! + S01 : E29 Hello Kitty: Super Style! + Hello Kitty swings back again in Hello Kitty Superstyle! Kids - - Simon - S04 : E07 Simon - The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! + + Hello Kitty: Super Style! + S01 : E30 Hello Kitty: Super Style! + Hello Kitty swings back again in Hello Kitty Superstyle! Kids - + + Hello Kitty: Super Style! + S01 : E31 Hello Kitty: Super Style! + Hello Kitty swings back again in Hello Kitty Superstyle! + Kids + + + Hello Kitty: Super Style! + S01 : E32 Hello Kitty: Super Style! + Hello Kitty swings back again in Hello Kitty Superstyle! + Kids + + Simon S04 : E08 Simon The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! Kids - + Simon S04 : E09 Simon The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! Kids - + Simon S04 : E10 Simon The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! Kids - + Simon S04 : E11 Simon The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! Kids - + Simon S04 : E12 Simon The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! Kids - + Simon S04 : E13 Simon The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! Kids - + Simon S04 : E14 Simon The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! Kids - + Simon S04 : E15 Simon The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! Kids - + Simon S04 : E16 Simon The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! Kids - + Simon S04 : E17 Simon The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! Kids - - Gigantosaurus - S01 : E43 Gigantosaurus - Follow the adventures of four young curious dinosaurs. - Kids - - - Gigantosaurus - S01 : E44 Gigantosaurus - Follow the adventures of four young curious dinosaurs. - Kids - - - Gigantosaurus - S01 : E45 Gigantosaurus - Follow the adventures of four young curious dinosaurs. - Kids - - - Gigantosaurus - S01 : E46 Gigantosaurus - Follow the adventures of four young curious dinosaurs. - Kids - - - Gigantosaurus - S01 : E47 Gigantosaurus - Follow the adventures of four young curious dinosaurs. - Kids - - - Gigantosaurus - S01 : E48 Gigantosaurus - Follow the adventures of four young curious dinosaurs. + + Simon + S04 : E18 Simon + The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! Kids - - Gigantosaurus - S01 : E49 Gigantosaurus - Follow the adventures of four young curious dinosaurs. + + Simon + S04 : E19 Simon + The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! Kids - - Gigantosaurus - S01 : E50 Gigantosaurus - Follow the adventures of four young curious dinosaurs. + + Simon + S04 : E20 Simon + The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! Kids - - Gigantosaurus - S01 : E51 Gigantosaurus - Follow the adventures of four young curious dinosaurs. + + Simon + S04 : E21 Simon + The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! Kids - - Hello Kitty: Super Style! - S01 : E28 Hello Kitty: Super Style! - Hello Kitty swings back again in Hello Kitty Superstyle! + + Simon + S04 : E22 Simon + The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! Kids - - Hello Kitty: Super Style! - S01 : E29 Hello Kitty: Super Style! - Hello Kitty swings back again in Hello Kitty Superstyle! + + Simon + S04 : E23 Simon + The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! Kids - - Hello Kitty: Super Style! - S01 : E30 Hello Kitty: Super Style! - Hello Kitty swings back again in Hello Kitty Superstyle! + + Molang + S04 : E05 Molang + Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - - Hello Kitty: Super Style! - S01 : E31 Hello Kitty: Super Style! - Hello Kitty swings back again in Hello Kitty Superstyle! + + Molang + S04 : E06 Molang + Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - - Hello Kitty: Super Style! - S01 : E32 Hello Kitty: Super Style! - Hello Kitty swings back again in Hello Kitty Superstyle! + + Molang + S04 : E07 Molang + Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - - Hello Kitty: Super Style! - S01 : E33 Hello Kitty: Super Style! - Hello Kitty swings back again in Hello Kitty Superstyle! + + Molang + S04 : E08 Molang + Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - - Hello Kitty: Super Style! - S01 : E34 Hello Kitty: Super Style! - Hello Kitty swings back again in Hello Kitty Superstyle! + + Molang + S04 : E09 Molang + Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - - Hello Kitty: Super Style! - S01 : E35 Hello Kitty: Super Style! - Hello Kitty swings back again in Hello Kitty Superstyle! + + Molang + S04 : E10 Molang + Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - - Hello Kitty: Super Style! - S01 : E36 Hello Kitty: Super Style! - Hello Kitty swings back again in Hello Kitty Superstyle! + + Molang + S04 : E11 Molang + Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - - Simon - S04 : E04 Simon - The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! + + Molang + S04 : E12 Molang + Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - - Simon - S04 : E05 Simon - The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! + + Molang + S04 : E13 Molang + Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - - Simon - S04 : E06 Simon - The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! + + Molang + S04 : E14 Molang + Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - - Simon - S04 : E07 Simon - The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! + + Molang + S04 : E15 Molang + Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - - Simon - S04 : E08 Simon - The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! + + Molang + S04 : E16 Molang + Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - - Simon - S04 : E09 Simon - The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! + + Molang + S04 : E17 Molang + Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - - Simon - S04 : E10 Simon - The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! + + Molang + S04 : E18 Molang + Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - - Simon - S04 : E11 Simon - The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! + + Molang + S04 : E19 Molang + Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - - Simon - S04 : E12 Simon - The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! + + Molang + S04 : E20 Molang + Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - - Simon - S04 : E13 Simon - The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! + + Gigantosaurus + S03 : E02 Gigantosaurus + Follow the adventures of Tiny, Mazu, Bill and Rocky! Kids - - Simon - S04 : E14 Simon - The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! + + Gigantosaurus + S03 : E03 Gigantosaurus + Follow the adventures of Tiny, Mazu, Bill and Rocky! Kids - - Simon - S04 : E15 Simon - The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! + + Gigantosaurus + S03 : E04 Gigantosaurus + Follow the adventures of Tiny, Mazu, Bill and Rocky! Kids - - Simon - S04 : E16 Simon - The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! + + Gigantosaurus + S03 : E05 Gigantosaurus + Follow the adventures of Tiny, Mazu, Bill and Rocky! Kids - - Simon - S04 : E17 Simon - The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! + + Gigantosaurus + S03 : E06 Gigantosaurus + Follow the adventures of Tiny, Mazu, Bill and Rocky! Kids - - Simon - S04 : E18 Simon - The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! + + Gigantosaurus + S03 : E07 Gigantosaurus + Follow the adventures of Tiny, Mazu, Bill and Rocky! Kids - - Simon - S04 : E19 Simon - The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! + + Gigantosaurus + S03 : E08 Gigantosaurus + Follow the adventures of Tiny, Mazu, Bill and Rocky! Kids - - Go! Go! Cory Carson - S01 : E19 Go! Go! Cory Carson - Follow the adventures of kid car Cory Carson as he navigates the winding roads of childhood with his friends and family in Bumperton hills. + + Gigantosaurus + S03 : E09 Gigantosaurus + Follow the adventures of Tiny, Mazu, Bill and Rocky! Kids - - Go! Go! Cory Carson - S01 : E20 Go! Go! Cory Carson - Follow the adventures of kid car Cory Carson as he navigates the winding roads of childhood with his friends and family in Bumperton hills. + + Gigantosaurus + S03 : E10 Gigantosaurus + Follow the adventures of Tiny, Mazu, Bill and Rocky! Kids - - Go! Go! Cory Carson - S01 : E21 Go! Go! Cory Carson - Follow the adventures of kid car Cory Carson as he navigates the winding roads of childhood with his friends and family in Bumperton hills. + + Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe + S01 : E51 Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe + Agent Binky and his fellow agents protect their human families from aliens. Kids - - Go! Go! Cory Carson - S01 : E22 Go! Go! Cory Carson - Follow the adventures of kid car Cory Carson as he navigates the winding roads of childhood with his friends and family in Bumperton hills. + + Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe + S01 : E52 Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe + Agent Binky and his fellow agents protect their human families from aliens. Kids - - Go! Go! Cory Carson - S01 : E23 Go! Go! Cory Carson - Follow the adventures of kid car Cory Carson as he navigates the winding roads of childhood with his friends and family in Bumperton hills. + + Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe + S02 : E01 Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe + Agent Binky and his fellow agents protect their human families from aliens. Kids - - Go! Go! Cory Carson - S01 : E24 Go! Go! Cory Carson - Follow the adventures of kid car Cory Carson as he navigates the winding roads of childhood with his friends and family in Bumperton hills. + + Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe + S02 : E02 Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe + Agent Binky and his fellow agents protect their human families from aliens. Kids - - Go! Go! Cory Carson - S01 : E25 Go! Go! Cory Carson - Follow the adventures of kid car Cory Carson as he navigates the winding roads of childhood with his friends and family in Bumperton hills. + + Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe + S02 : E41 Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe + Agent Binky and his fellow agents protect their human families from aliens. Kids - - Go! Go! Cory Carson - S01 : E26 Go! Go! Cory Carson - Follow the adventures of kid car Cory Carson as he navigates the winding roads of childhood with his friends and family in Bumperton hills. + + Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe + S02 : E42 Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe + Agent Binky and his fellow agents protect their human families from aliens. Kids - - Go! Go! Cory Carson - S01 : E27 Go! Go! Cory Carson - Follow the adventures of kid car Cory Carson as he navigates the winding roads of childhood with his friends and family in Bumperton hills. + + Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe + S02 : E43 Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe + Agent Binky and his fellow agents protect their human families from aliens. Kids - - Go! Go! Cory Carson - S01 : E28 Go! Go! Cory Carson - Follow the adventures of kid car Cory Carson as he navigates the winding roads of childhood with his friends and family in Bumperton hills. + + Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe + S02 : E44 Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe + Agent Binky and his fellow agents protect their human families from aliens. Kids - - Go! Go! Cory Carson - S01 : E29 Go! Go! Cory Carson - Follow the adventures of kid car Cory Carson as he navigates the winding roads of childhood with his friends and family in Bumperton hills. + + Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe + S02 : E03 Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe + Agent Binky and his fellow agents protect their human families from aliens. Kids - - Go! Go! Cory Carson - S01 : E30 Go! Go! Cory Carson - Follow the adventures of kid car Cory Carson as he navigates the winding roads of childhood with his friends and family in Bumperton hills. + + Dino Ranch + S01 : E37 Dino Ranch + Yee haw! Saddle up for Dino Ranch! Kids - + Dino Ranch - S01 : E27 Dino Ranch + S01 : E38 Dino Ranch Yee haw! Saddle up for Dino Ranch! Kids - + Dino Ranch - S01 : E28 Dino Ranch + S01 : E39 Dino Ranch Yee haw! Saddle up for Dino Ranch! Kids - + Dino Ranch - S01 : E29 Dino Ranch + S01 : E40 Dino Ranch Yee haw! Saddle up for Dino Ranch! Kids - + Dino Ranch - S01 : E30 Dino Ranch + S01 : E41 Dino Ranch Yee haw! Saddle up for Dino Ranch! Kids - + Dino Ranch - S01 : E31 Dino Ranch + S01 : E42 Dino Ranch Yee haw! Saddle up for Dino Ranch! Kids - + Dino Ranch - S01 : E32 Dino Ranch + S01 : E43 Dino Ranch Yee haw! Saddle up for Dino Ranch! Kids - + Dino Ranch - S01 : E33 Dino Ranch + S01 : E44 Dino Ranch Yee haw! Saddle up for Dino Ranch! Kids - + Dino Ranch - S01 : E34 Dino Ranch + S01 : E45 Dino Ranch Yee haw! Saddle up for Dino Ranch! Kids - + Dino Ranch - S01 : E35 Dino Ranch + S01 : E46 Dino Ranch Yee haw! Saddle up for Dino Ranch! Kids - - Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe - S01 : E22 Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe - Agent Binky and his fellow agents protect their human families from aliens. + + Go! Go! Cory Carson + S01 : E01 Go! Go! Cory Carson + Follow the adventures of kid car Cory Carson as he navigates the winding roads of childhood with his friends and family in Bumperton hills. Kids - - Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe - S01 : E23 Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe - Agent Binky and his fellow agents protect their human families from aliens. + + Go! Go! Cory Carson + S01 : E02 Go! Go! Cory Carson + Follow the adventures of kid car Cory Carson as he navigates the winding roads of childhood with his friends and family in Bumperton hills. Kids - - Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe - S01 : E24 Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe - Agent Binky and his fellow agents protect their human families from aliens. + + Go! Go! Cory Carson + S01 : E03 Go! Go! Cory Carson + Follow the adventures of kid car Cory Carson as he navigates the winding roads of childhood with his friends and family in Bumperton hills. Kids - - Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe - S01 : E25 Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe - Agent Binky and his fellow agents protect their human families from aliens. + + Go! Go! Cory Carson + S01 : E04 Go! Go! Cory Carson + Follow the adventures of kid car Cory Carson as he navigates the winding roads of childhood with his friends and family in Bumperton hills. Kids - - Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe - S01 : E26 Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe - Agent Binky and his fellow agents protect their human families from aliens. + + Go! Go! Cory Carson + S01 : E05 Go! Go! Cory Carson + Follow the adventures of kid car Cory Carson as he navigates the winding roads of childhood with his friends and family in Bumperton hills. + Kids + + + Go! Go! Cory Carson + S01 : E06 Go! Go! Cory Carson + Follow the adventures of kid car Cory Carson as he navigates the winding roads of childhood with his friends and family in Bumperton hills. Kids - - Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe - S01 : E27 Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe - Agent Binky and his fellow agents protect their human families from aliens. + + Go! Go! Cory Carson + S01 : E07 Go! Go! Cory Carson + Follow the adventures of kid car Cory Carson as he navigates the winding roads of childhood with his friends and family in Bumperton hills. Kids - - Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe - S01 : E28 Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe - Agent Binky and his fellow agents protect their human families from aliens. + + Go! Go! Cory Carson + S01 : E08 Go! Go! Cory Carson + Follow the adventures of kid car Cory Carson as he navigates the winding roads of childhood with his friends and family in Bumperton hills. Kids - - Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe - S01 : E29 Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe - Agent Binky and his fellow agents protect their human families from aliens. + + Go! Go! Cory Carson + S01 : E09 Go! Go! Cory Carson + Follow the adventures of kid car Cory Carson as he navigates the winding roads of childhood with his friends and family in Bumperton hills. Kids - + + Go! Go! Cory Carson + S01 : E10 Go! Go! Cory Carson + Follow the adventures of kid car Cory Carson as he navigates the winding roads of childhood with his friends and family in Bumperton hills. + Kids + + Elmo's World - S04 : E09 Elmo's World + S04 : E01 Elmo's World Elmo discovers the fanciful world around him. Kids - + Elmo's World - S04 : E10 Elmo's World + S04 : E02 Elmo's World Elmo discovers the fanciful world around him. Kids - + Elmo's World - S04 : E11 Elmo's World + S04 : E03 Elmo's World Elmo discovers the fanciful world around him. Kids - + Elmo's World - S04 : E12 Elmo's World + S04 : E04 Elmo's World Elmo discovers the fanciful world around him. Kids - + Elmo's World - S04 : E13 Elmo's World + S04 : E05 Elmo's World Elmo discovers the fanciful world around him. Kids - + Elmo's World - S05 : E01 Elmo's World - Join Elmo as you learn fun and exciting lessons together! + S04 : E06 Elmo's World + Elmo discovers the fanciful world around him. Kids - + Elmo's World - S05 : E02 Elmo's World - Join Elmo as you learn fun and exciting lessons together! + S04 : E07 Elmo's World + Elmo discovers the fanciful world around him. Kids - + Elmo's World - S05 : E03 Elmo's World - Join Elmo as you learn fun and exciting lessons together! + S04 : E08 Elmo's World + Elmo discovers the fanciful world around him. Kids - + Elmo's World - S05 : E04 Elmo's World - Join Elmo as you learn fun and exciting lessons together! + S04 : E09 Elmo's World + Elmo discovers the fanciful world around him. Kids - + Elmo's World - S05 : E05 Elmo's World - Join Elmo as you learn fun and exciting lessons together! + S04 : E10 Elmo's World + Elmo discovers the fanciful world around him. Kids - + Elmo's World - S05 : E06 Elmo's World - Join Elmo as you learn fun and exciting lessons together! + S04 : E11 Elmo's World + Elmo discovers the fanciful world around him. Kids - + Elmo's World - S05 : E07 Elmo's World - Join Elmo as you learn fun and exciting lessons together! + S04 : E12 Elmo's World + Elmo discovers the fanciful world around him. Kids - + Elmo's World - S05 : E08 Elmo's World - Join Elmo as you learn fun and exciting lessons together! + S04 : E13 Elmo's World + Elmo discovers the fanciful world around him. Kids - + Elmo's World - S05 : E09 Elmo's World + S05 : E01 Elmo's World Join Elmo as you learn fun and exciting lessons together! Kids - + Elmo's World - S05 : E10 Elmo's World + S05 : E02 Elmo's World Join Elmo as you learn fun and exciting lessons together! Kids - + Elmo's World - S05 : E11 Elmo's World + S05 : E03 Elmo's World Join Elmo as you learn fun and exciting lessons together! Kids - + Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck - S03 : E04 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck - Get cooking with Cookie Monster and Gonger in the Foodie Truck + S04 : E07 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck + Cookie Monster and Gonger are Monster Foodies! Kids - + Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck - S03 : E05 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck - Get cooking with Cookie Monster and Gonger in the Foodie Truck + S04 : E08 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck + Cookie Monster and Gonger are Monster Foodies! Kids - + Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck - S03 : E06 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck - Get cooking with Cookie Monster and Gonger in the Foodie Truck + S04 : E09 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck + Cookie Monster and Gonger are Monster Foodies! Kids - + Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck - S03 : E07 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck - Get cooking with Cookie Monster and Gonger in the Foodie Truck + S04 : E10 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck + Cookie Monster and Gonger are Monster Foodies! Kids - + Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck - S03 : E08 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck - Get cooking with Cookie Monster and Gonger in the Foodie Truck + S04 : E11 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck + Cookie Monster and Gonger are Monster Foodies! Kids - + Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck - S03 : E09 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck - Get cooking with Cookie Monster and Gonger in the Foodie Truck + S04 : E12 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck + Cookie Monster and Gonger are Monster Foodies! Kids - + Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck - S03 : E10 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck - Get cooking with Cookie Monster and Gonger in the Foodie Truck + S04 : E13 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck + Cookie Monster and Gonger are Monster Foodies! Kids - + Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck - S03 : E11 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck - Get cooking with Cookie Monster and Gonger in the Foodie Truck + S05 : E01 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck + Get cooking with Cookie Monster and Gonger in the Foodie Truck. Kids - + Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck - S03 : E12 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck - Get cooking with Cookie Monster and Gonger in the Foodie Truck + S05 : E02 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck + Get cooking with Cookie Monster and Gonger in the Foodie Truck. Kids - + Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck - S03 : E13 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck - Get cooking with Cookie Monster and Gonger in the Foodie Truck + S05 : E03 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck + Get cooking with Cookie Monster and Gonger in the Foodie Truck. Kids - + Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck - S04 : E01 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck - Cookie Monster and Gonger are Monster Foodies! + S05 : E04 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck + Get cooking with Cookie Monster and Gonger in the Foodie Truck. Kids - + Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck - S04 : E02 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck - Cookie Monster and Gonger are Monster Foodies! + S05 : E05 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck + Get cooking with Cookie Monster and Gonger in the Foodie Truck. Kids - + Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck - S04 : E03 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck - Cookie Monster and Gonger are Monster Foodies! + S05 : E06 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck + Get cooking with Cookie Monster and Gonger in the Foodie Truck. Kids - + Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck - S04 : E04 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck - Cookie Monster and Gonger are Monster Foodies! + S05 : E07 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck + Get cooking with Cookie Monster and Gonger in the Foodie Truck. Kids - + Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck - S04 : E05 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck - Cookie Monster and Gonger are Monster Foodies! + S05 : E08 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck + Get cooking with Cookie Monster and Gonger in the Foodie Truck. Kids - + Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck - S04 : E06 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck - Cookie Monster and Gonger are Monster Foodies! + S05 : E09 Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck + Get cooking with Cookie Monster and Gonger in the Foodie Truck. Kids - + Elmo and Tango's Mysterious Mysteries - S01 : E05 Elmo and Tango's Mysterious Mysteries + S01 : E12 Elmo and Tango's Mysterious Mysteries Elmo and his puppy pal Tango work together to solve a simple mystery around Sesame Street. Kids - + Elmo and Tango's Mysterious Mysteries - S01 : E06 Elmo and Tango's Mysterious Mysteries + S01 : E13 Elmo and Tango's Mysterious Mysteries Elmo and his puppy pal Tango work together to solve a simple mystery around Sesame Street. Kids - + Elmo and Tango's Mysterious Mysteries - S01 : E07 Elmo and Tango's Mysterious Mysteries + S02 : E01 Elmo and Tango's Mysterious Mysteries Elmo and his puppy pal Tango work together to solve a simple mystery around Sesame Street. Kids - + Elmo and Tango's Mysterious Mysteries - S01 : E08 Elmo and Tango's Mysterious Mysteries + S02 : E02 Elmo and Tango's Mysterious Mysteries Elmo and his puppy pal Tango work together to solve a simple mystery around Sesame Street. Kids - + Elmo and Tango's Mysterious Mysteries - S01 : E09 Elmo and Tango's Mysterious Mysteries + S02 : E03 Elmo and Tango's Mysterious Mysteries Elmo and his puppy pal Tango work together to solve a simple mystery around Sesame Street. Kids - + Elmo and Tango's Mysterious Mysteries - S01 : E10 Elmo and Tango's Mysterious Mysteries + S02 : E04 Elmo and Tango's Mysterious Mysteries Elmo and his puppy pal Tango work together to solve a simple mystery around Sesame Street. Kids - + Elmo and Tango's Mysterious Mysteries - S01 : E11 Elmo and Tango's Mysterious Mysteries + S02 : E05 Elmo and Tango's Mysterious Mysteries Elmo and his puppy pal Tango work together to solve a simple mystery around Sesame Street. Kids - + Smart Cookies - S01 : E03 Smart Cookies + S01 : E11 Smart Cookies Cookie Monster and his crime-fighting friends take on The Crumb. Kids - + Smart Cookies - S01 : E04 Smart Cookies + S01 : E01 Smart Cookies Cookie Monster and his crime-fighting friends take on The Crumb. Kids - + Smart Cookies - S01 : E05 Smart Cookies + S01 : E02 Smart Cookies Cookie Monster and his crime-fighting friends take on The Crumb. Kids - + Smart Cookies - S01 : E06 Smart Cookies + S01 : E03 Smart Cookies Cookie Monster and his crime-fighting friends take on The Crumb. Kids - + Smart Cookies - S01 : E07 Smart Cookies + S01 : E04 Smart Cookies Cookie Monster and his crime-fighting friends take on The Crumb. Kids - + Smart Cookies - S01 : E08 Smart Cookies + S01 : E05 Smart Cookies Cookie Monster and his crime-fighting friends take on The Crumb. Kids - + Smart Cookies - S01 : E09 Smart Cookies + S01 : E06 Smart Cookies Cookie Monster and his crime-fighting friends take on The Crumb. Kids - + Smart Cookies - S01 : E10 Smart Cookies + S01 : E07 Smart Cookies Cookie Monster and his crime-fighting friends take on The Crumb. Kids - + Gigantosaurus - S03 : E02 Gigantosaurus + S03 : E11 Gigantosaurus Follow the adventures of Tiny, Mazu, Bill and Rocky! Kids - + Gigantosaurus - S03 : E03 Gigantosaurus + S03 : E12 Gigantosaurus Follow the adventures of Tiny, Mazu, Bill and Rocky! Kids - + Gigantosaurus - S03 : E04 Gigantosaurus + S03 : E13 Gigantosaurus Follow the adventures of Tiny, Mazu, Bill and Rocky! Kids - + Gigantosaurus - S03 : E05 Gigantosaurus + S03 : E14 Gigantosaurus Follow the adventures of Tiny, Mazu, Bill and Rocky! Kids - + Gigantosaurus - S03 : E06 Gigantosaurus + S03 : E15 Gigantosaurus Follow the adventures of Tiny, Mazu, Bill and Rocky! Kids - + Gigantosaurus - S03 : E07 Gigantosaurus + S03 : E16 Gigantosaurus Follow the adventures of Tiny, Mazu, Bill and Rocky! Kids - + Gigantosaurus - S03 : E08 Gigantosaurus + S03 : E17 Gigantosaurus Follow the adventures of Tiny, Mazu, Bill and Rocky! Kids - + Gigantosaurus - S03 : E09 Gigantosaurus + S03 : E18 Gigantosaurus Follow the adventures of Tiny, Mazu, Bill and Rocky! Kids - + Gigantosaurus - S03 : E10 Gigantosaurus + S03 : E19 Gigantosaurus Follow the adventures of Tiny, Mazu, Bill and Rocky! Kids - + Molang - S04 : E17 Molang + S04 : E33 Molang Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - + Molang - S04 : E18 Molang + S04 : E34 Molang Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - + Molang - S04 : E19 Molang + S04 : E35 Molang Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - + Molang - S04 : E20 Molang + S04 : E36 Molang Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - + Molang - S04 : E21 Molang + S04 : E37 Molang Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - + Molang - S04 : E22 Molang + S04 : E38 Molang Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - + Molang - S04 : E23 Molang + S04 : E39 Molang Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - + Molang - S04 : E24 Molang + S04 : E40 Molang Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - + Molang - S04 : E25 Molang + S04 : E41 Molang Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - + Molang - S04 : E26 Molang + S04 : E42 Molang Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - + Molang - S04 : E27 Molang + S04 : E43 Molang Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - + Molang - S04 : E28 Molang + S04 : E44 Molang Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - + Molang - S04 : E29 Molang + S04 : E45 Molang Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - + Molang - S04 : E30 Molang + S04 : E46 Molang Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - + Molang - S04 : E31 Molang + S04 : E47 Molang Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - + Molang - S04 : E32 Molang + S04 : E48 Molang Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - + Hello Kitty: Super Style! - S01 : E23 Hello Kitty: Super Style! + S01 : E33 Hello Kitty: Super Style! Hello Kitty swings back again in Hello Kitty Superstyle! Kids - + Hello Kitty: Super Style! - S01 : E24 Hello Kitty: Super Style! + S01 : E34 Hello Kitty: Super Style! Hello Kitty swings back again in Hello Kitty Superstyle! Kids - + Hello Kitty: Super Style! - S01 : E25 Hello Kitty: Super Style! + S01 : E35 Hello Kitty: Super Style! Hello Kitty swings back again in Hello Kitty Superstyle! Kids - + Hello Kitty: Super Style! - S01 : E26 Hello Kitty: Super Style! + S01 : E36 Hello Kitty: Super Style! Hello Kitty swings back again in Hello Kitty Superstyle! Kids - + Hello Kitty: Super Style! - S01 : E27 Hello Kitty: Super Style! + S01 : E37 Hello Kitty: Super Style! Hello Kitty swings back again in Hello Kitty Superstyle! Kids - + Hello Kitty: Super Style! - S01 : E28 Hello Kitty: Super Style! + S01 : E38 Hello Kitty: Super Style! Hello Kitty swings back again in Hello Kitty Superstyle! Kids - + Hello Kitty: Super Style! - S01 : E29 Hello Kitty: Super Style! + S01 : E39 Hello Kitty: Super Style! Hello Kitty swings back again in Hello Kitty Superstyle! Kids - + Hello Kitty: Super Style! - S01 : E30 Hello Kitty: Super Style! + S01 : E01 Hello Kitty: Super Style! Hello Kitty swings back again in Hello Kitty Superstyle! Kids - + Hello Kitty: Super Style! - S01 : E31 Hello Kitty: Super Style! + S01 : E02 Hello Kitty: Super Style! Hello Kitty swings back again in Hello Kitty Superstyle! Kids - + Hello Kitty: Super Style! - S01 : E32 Hello Kitty: Super Style! + S01 : E03 Hello Kitty: Super Style! Hello Kitty swings back again in Hello Kitty Superstyle! Kids - + Simon - S04 : E08 Simon + S04 : E24 Simon The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! Kids - + Simon - S04 : E09 Simon + S04 : E25 Simon The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! Kids - + Simon - S04 : E10 Simon + S04 : E26 Simon The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! Kids - + Simon - S04 : E11 Simon + S04 : E27 Simon The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! Kids - + Simon - S04 : E12 Simon + S04 : E28 Simon The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! Kids - + Simon - S04 : E13 Simon + S04 : E29 Simon The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! Kids - + Simon - S04 : E14 Simon + S04 : E30 Simon The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! Kids - + Simon - S04 : E15 Simon + S04 : E31 Simon The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! Kids - + Simon - S04 : E16 Simon + S04 : E32 Simon The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! Kids - + Simon - S04 : E17 Simon + S04 : E33 Simon The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! Kids - + Simon - S04 : E18 Simon + S04 : E34 Simon The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! Kids - + Simon - S04 : E19 Simon + S04 : E35 Simon The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! Kids - + Simon - S04 : E20 Simon + S04 : E36 Simon The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! Kids - + Simon - S04 : E21 Simon + S04 : E37 Simon The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! Kids - + Simon - S04 : E22 Simon + S04 : E38 Simon The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! Kids - + Simon - S04 : E23 Simon + S04 : E39 Simon The cutest and the funniest of all the super-hero series - specifically designed for preschoolers! Kids - + Molang - S04 : E05 Molang + S04 : E21 Molang Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - + Molang - S04 : E06 Molang + S04 : E22 Molang Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - + Molang - S04 : E07 Molang + S04 : E23 Molang Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - + Molang - S04 : E08 Molang + S04 : E24 Molang Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - + Molang - S04 : E09 Molang + S04 : E25 Molang Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - + Molang - S04 : E10 Molang + S04 : E26 Molang Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - + Molang - S04 : E11 Molang + S04 : E27 Molang Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - + Molang - S04 : E12 Molang + S04 : E28 Molang Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - + Molang - S04 : E13 Molang + S04 : E29 Molang Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - + Molang - S04 : E14 Molang + S04 : E30 Molang Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - + Molang - S04 : E15 Molang + S04 : E31 Molang Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - + Molang - S04 : E16 Molang + S04 : E32 Molang Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - + Molang - S04 : E17 Molang + S04 : E33 Molang Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - + Molang - S04 : E18 Molang + S04 : E34 Molang Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - + Molang - S04 : E19 Molang + S04 : E35 Molang Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - + Molang - S04 : E20 Molang + S04 : E36 Molang Come join the adventures of best friends Molang and Piu Piu! Kids - - Gigantosaurus - S03 : E02 Gigantosaurus - Follow the adventures of Tiny, Mazu, Bill and Rocky! - Kids - - - Gigantosaurus - S03 : E03 Gigantosaurus - Follow the adventures of Tiny, Mazu, Bill and Rocky! - Kids - - - Gigantosaurus - S03 : E04 Gigantosaurus - Follow the adventures of Tiny, Mazu, Bill and Rocky! - Kids - - + Gigantosaurus - S03 : E05 Gigantosaurus + S03 : E11 Gigantosaurus Follow the adventures of Tiny, Mazu, Bill and Rocky! Kids - + Gigantosaurus - S03 : E06 Gigantosaurus + S03 : E12 Gigantosaurus Follow the adventures of Tiny, Mazu, Bill and Rocky! Kids - + Gigantosaurus - S03 : E07 Gigantosaurus + S03 : E13 Gigantosaurus Follow the adventures of Tiny, Mazu, Bill and Rocky! Kids - + Gigantosaurus - S03 : E08 Gigantosaurus + S03 : E14 Gigantosaurus Follow the adventures of Tiny, Mazu, Bill and Rocky! Kids - + Gigantosaurus - S03 : E09 Gigantosaurus + S03 : E15 Gigantosaurus Follow the adventures of Tiny, Mazu, Bill and Rocky! Kids - + Gigantosaurus - S03 : E10 Gigantosaurus + S03 : E16 Gigantosaurus Follow the adventures of Tiny, Mazu, Bill and Rocky! Kids - - Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe - S01 : E51 Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe - Agent Binky and his fellow agents protect their human families from aliens. - Kids - - - Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe - S01 : E52 Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe - Agent Binky and his fellow agents protect their human families from aliens. - Kids - - - Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe - S02 : E01 Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe - Agent Binky and his fellow agents protect their human families from aliens. - Kids - - - Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe - S02 : E02 Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe - Agent Binky and his fellow agents protect their human families from aliens. - Kids - - - Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe - S02 : E41 Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe - Agent Binky and his fellow agents protect their human families from aliens. - Kids - - - Ice Cream - S02 : E44 Mr Bean Animated - Mr. Bean wants an ice cream cone from the ice cream van. - - - Dead Cat - S01 : E28 Mr Bean Animated - Mr Bean has to replace his landlady’s cat after an unfortunate ‘accident’. - - - Coach Trip - S03 : E18 Mr Bean Animated - Bean wants to avoid lunch with Irma’s Mum, at all costs. - - - Magpie - S01 : E30 Mr Bean Animated - Mr Bean gets in a complete flap when he befriends a feathered thief. - - - Car Trouble - S01 : E35 Mr Bean Animated - Mr Bean takes to the air after being taken for a ride. - - - No Parking - S01 : E03 Mr Bean Animated - Mr Bean can't find a parking space. So he makes one of his own. - - - A Magic Day Out - S02 : E47 Mr Bean Animated - Mr. Bean and Irma are off for a day at the seaside. - - - The Cruise - S02 : E03 Mr Bean Animated - Mr. Bean wins two tickets for an exotic cruise and takes Teddy along for the trip of a lifetime. - - - No Pets - S01 : E09 Mr Bean Animated - His landlady smells a fish when Mr Bean gets a bird. - - - Spa Day - S03 : E07 Mr Bean Animated - Mrs. Wicket demands that Bean drives her and Miss Wince to their booked spa retreat. - - - Bean's Bounty - S01 : E04 Mr Bean Animated - Whilst digging for buried treasure, Mr Bean digs himself a hole too deep to get out of. - - - Eau De Bean - S03 : E12 Mr Bean Animated - Mr. Bean accidentally spills all of Mrs. Wicket’s new, expensive perfume on the floor. - - - Toothache - S01 : E24 Mr Bean Animated - Mr Bean bites off more than he can chew when he attempts DIY dentistry. - - - The Photograph - S02 : E50 Mr Bean Animated - The airport personnel refuses to let Mr. Bean take a flight due to his passport having no photo. - - - The Fly - S01 : E06 Mr Bean Animated Season 01 - Bean fights a loosing battle with a winged beast from Hell. - - - Trophy Bean - S03 : E26 Mr Bean Animated - Mrs. Wicket’s Nephew is staying with her when he wins two tickets to an Outward Bound course. - - - Game Over - S03 : E01 Mr Bean Animated - Mr. Bean becomes obsessed with gaming after being introduced by Mrs. Wicket’s nephew. - - - Birthday Bother - S03 : E05 Mr Bean Animated - It’s Irma’s birthday. Bean buys a bargain-bin load of cards, and writes out two –one nice, one silly. - - - A Dog's Life - S03 : E03 Mr Bean Animated - Mr Bean dog-sits for Irma and while in the park comes across a professional dog-walker. - - - Running On Empty - S03 : E13 Mr Bean Animated - Mr Bean is on his way to the seaside when the mini runs out of petrol. - - - Spa Day - S03 : E07 Mr Bean Animated - Mrs. Wicket demands that Bean drives her and Miss Wince to their booked spa retreat. - - - Cat Chaos - S03 : E22 Mr Bean Animated - Mrs. Wicket becomes annoyingly inconsolable when Scrapper goes missing. - - - Charity Bean - S03 : E08 Mr Bean Animated - Bean is both cajoled by Irma and spurred by his own jealousy of the fund-raising super-star Declan. - - - Coffee Bean - S03 : E15 Mr Bean Animated - Mr. Bean is out shopping when it starts to rain. - - - Coach Trip - S03 : E18 Mr Bean Animated - Bean wants to avoid lunch with Irma’s Mum, at all costs. - - - Bean At The Museum - S03 : E24 Mr Bean Animated - Mr. Bean thinks he’s just dug up a valuable coin in the back-garden. - - - A Car For Irma - S03 : E25 Mr Bean Animated - Bean discovers Declan giving Irma a lift in his swanky new SUV. - - - Jumping Bean - S03 : E21 Mr Bean Animated - Mr. Bean wants to learn skateboarding but hurts himself on his first try. - - - Special Delivery - S03 : E02 Mr Bean Animated - Mrs. Wicket demands that Bean stay in to take delivery of a new lounge chair. - - - Mobile Home - S03 : E10 Mr Bean Animated - Miss Wince takes Mrs. Wicket off on holiday in her brand-new, swanky caravan; and Bean is left behind. + + Gigantosaurus + S03 : E17 Gigantosaurus + Follow the adventures of Tiny, Mazu, Bill and Rocky! + Kids - - Bed Bean - S03 : E06 Mr Bean Animated - Mr. Bean breaks his bed using it as a trampoline. He tries to fix it, but he can’t. + + Gigantosaurus + S03 : E18 Gigantosaurus + Follow the adventures of Tiny, Mazu, Bill and Rocky! + Kids - - For Sale - S03 : E20 Mr Bean Animated - Mrs. Wicket is persuaded by a jaunty estate agent to put her house up for sale. + + Gigantosaurus + S03 : E19 Gigantosaurus + Follow the adventures of Tiny, Mazu, Bill and Rocky! + Kids - - Bean Encore - S03 : E09 Mr Bean Animated - The Great Eduardo, violinist supreme, is in town and Irma wants to go to the concert. + + Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe + S02 : E04 Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe + Agent Binky and his fellow agents protect their human families from aliens. + Kids - - Charity Bean - S03 : E08 Mr Bean Animated - Bean is both cajoled by Irma and spurred by his own jealousy of the fund-raising super-star Declan. + + Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe + S02 : E05 Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe + Agent Binky and his fellow agents protect their human families from aliens. + Kids - - Bean Encore - S03 : E09 Mr Bean Animated - The Great Eduardo, violinist supreme, is in town and Irma wants to go to the concert. + + Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe + S02 : E06 Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe + Agent Binky and his fellow agents protect their human families from aliens. + Kids - - Mobile Home - S03 : E10 Mr Bean Animated - Miss Wince takes Mrs. Wicket off on holiday in her brand-new, swanky caravan; and Bean is left behind. + + Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe + S02 : E07 Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe + Agent Binky and his fellow agents protect their human families from aliens. + Kids - - Haunted House - S03 : E11 Mr Bean Animated - Mr. Bean is trying to impress some kids in the park with his football skills. + + Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe + S02 : E45 Agent Binky: Pets Of The Universe + Agent Binky and his fellow agents protect their human families from aliens. + Kids Eau De Bean @@ -30916,325 +39294,850 @@ S01 : E16 Mr Bean Animated Mr Bean needs to let a room but no one will let him. - - Wanted - S01 : E40 Mr Bean Animated - An escaped prisoner suffers hard labour under Mrs Wicket while Mr Bean puts his feet up in jail. + + Wanted + S01 : E40 Mr Bean Animated + An escaped prisoner suffers hard labour under Mrs Wicket while Mr Bean puts his feet up in jail. + + + Special Delivery + S03 : E02 Mr Bean Animated + Mrs. Wicket demands that Bean stay in to take delivery of a new lounge chair. + + + Bean Painting + S02 : E36 Mr Bean Animated + Mr. Bean paints a picture of Teddy, but accidentally splashes some green paint on the wall. + + + Back To School + S02 : E17 Mr Bean Animated + When there's no milk for his tea and for Teddy, Mr. Bean goes to buy some. + + + Superhero Bean + S02 : E41 Mr Bean Animated + Mr. Bean becomes a superhero in an attempt to stop a cunning thief. + + + Charity Bean + S03 : E08 Mr Bean Animated + Bean is both cajoled by Irma and spurred by his own jealousy of the fund-raising super-star Declan. + + + Scout Bean + S02 : E16 Mr Bean Animated + Mr. Bean becomes a Scoutmaster for the day. + + + Dead Cat + S01 : E28 Mr Bean Animated + Mr Bean has to replace his landlady’s cat after an unfortunate ‘accident’. + + + Haircut + S01 : E25 Mr Bean Animated + Mr Bean has a bad hair day. + + + Coffee Bean + S03 : E15 Mr Bean Animated + Mr. Bean is out shopping when it starts to rain. + + + Royal Bean + S01 : E19 Mr Bean Animated + During a visit to Buckingham Palace, Mr Bean meets the lady of the house. + + + The Photograph + S02 : E50 Mr Bean Animated + The airport personnel refuses to let Mr. Bean take a flight due to his passport having no photo. + + + Stick It + S03 : E23 Mr Bean Animated + Bean discovers Mrs. Wicket’s nephew and Bruiser Jnr swopping football stickers. + + + Haunted House + S03 : E11 Mr Bean Animated + Mr. Bean is trying to impress some kids in the park with his football skills. + + + Opera Bean + S02 : E25 Mr Bean Animated + Mr. Bean's car has broken down and he is late meeting Irma at the opera. + + + The Sofa + S01 : E14 Mr Bean Animated + Mr Bean finds himself with more than a spring in his step. + + + The Newspaper + S02 : E13 Mr Bean Animated + Every time Bean goes to collect the newspaper from the letterbox, it disappears. + + + The Visitor + S01 : E42 Mr Bean Animated + Mr Bean learns that generosity can be an effective weapon against greed, gluttony and getting your hands back on your own TV remote control. + + + Bean in Love + S01 : E51 Mr Bean Animated + Mr Bean becomes smitten with a beautiful singer. + + + Gadget Kid + S01 : E41 Mr Bean Animated + High-tech wizardry and low-tech cunning get Mr Bean out of a jam. + + + Game Over + S03 : E01 Mr Bean Animated + Mr. Bean becomes obsessed with gaming after being introduced by Mrs. Wicket’s nephew. + + + Young Bean + S01 : E20 Mr Bean Animated + Mr Bean takes a trip down Memory Lane. + + + Fish Sitting + S02 : E02 Mr Bean Animated + Mr. Bean has to look after Mrs. Wicket's goldfish. + + + A Car For Irma + S03 : E25 Mr Bean Animated + Bean discovers Declan giving Irma a lift in his swanky new SUV. + + + Camping + S01 : E17 Mr Bean Animated + Mr Bean discovers the great outdoors is not always so great. + + + A Magic Day Out + S02 : E47 Mr Bean Animated + Mr. Bean and Irma are off for a day at the seaside. + + + Ball Pool + S02 : E48 Mr Bean Animated + Mr. Bean wants to play inside the local play area, but he is not allowed to enter. + + + Spa Day + S03 : E07 Mr Bean Animated + Mrs. Wicket demands that Bean drives her and Miss Wince to their booked spa retreat. + + + Caring Bean + S02 : E24 Mr Bean Animated + When Mrs. Wicket is disabled by Mr. Bean's toy car, he takes care of her. + + + Trophy Bean + S03 : E26 Mr Bean Animated + Mrs. Wicket’s Nephew is staying with her when he wins two tickets to an Outward Bound course. + + + Wedding Day + S02 : E20 Mr Bean Animated + A wedding car crashes, resulting in Bean coming to the rescue and offering the bride a lift. + + + SuperMarrow + S01 : E50 Mr Bean Animated + Mr Bean gets green eyes and green fingers. + + + Super Sky + S02 : E15 Mr Bean Animated + Fascinated by the super spy show, Mr. Bean decides to become a super spy himself. When he becomes suspicious of the Bruisers planning something, he starts to follow them. Later, he notices that the Bruisers are putting an old lady into a van. + + + The Big Freeze + S03 : E16 Mr Bean Animated + Mr. Bean wakes up on a freezing cold winter’s morning to discover that the boiler is broken. + + + Halloween + S02 : E35 Mr Bean Animated + On Halloween night, Mr. Bean prepares to give the children some tricks and treats they won't forget. + + + Neighbourly Bean + S01 : E26 Mr Bean Animated + Bean’s pursuit of a quiet life ends in a major row. + + + Spring Clean + S01 : E08 Mr Bean Animated + Mr Bean finds that cleanliness can be a filthy business. + + + Keyboard Capers + S01 : E44 Mr Bean Animated + Determined to play the piano, Mr Bean finds a tune in his heart and sausages for fingers. + + + The Cruise + S02 : E03 Mr Bean Animated + Mr. Bean wins two tickets for an exotic cruise and takes Teddy along for the trip of a lifetime. + + + A New Friend + S02 : E28 Mr Bean Animated + A small bird wants to befriend Mr. Bean, but its squawking sound annoys Mrs. Wicket. + + + Super-Trolley + S01 : E29 Mr Bean Animated + Mr Bean builds a supermarket super trolley. + + + For Sale + S03 : E20 Mr Bean Animated + Mrs. Wicket is persuaded by a jaunty estate agent to put her house up for sale. + + + Valuable Lessons + S02 : E34 Mr Bean Animated + Two burglars hatch up an evil plan in which one of them disguises himself as a gentleman. + + + Restaurant + S01 : E36 Mr Bean Animated + Mr Bean makes a meal out of his Birthday celebration. + + + Ice Cream + S02 : E44 Mr Bean Animated + Mr. Bean wants an ice cream cone from the ice cream van. + + + Artful Bean + S01 : E05 Mr Bean Animated + Mr Bean gets a real bug for painting. Then several bugs… and flies and slugs and mice. + + + The Ball + S01 : E23 Mr Bean Animated + Mr Bean makes it to the top of the ladder… and gets stuck. + + + A Dog's Life + S03 : E03 Mr Bean Animated + Mr Bean dog-sits for Irma and while in the park comes across a professional dog-walker. + + + Litterbugs + S02 : E07 Mr Bean Animated + Mr. Bean is furious with the untidy state of the streets so he goes on a one-man mission to clean up the town. + + + Bean Encore + S03 : E09 Mr Bean Animated + The Great Eduardo, violinist supreme, is in town and Irma wants to go to the concert. + + + Art Thief + S01 : E37 Mr Bean Animated + Mr Bean tries his hand as an international art sleuth. + + + Inventor + S01 : E34 Mr Bean Animated + A brand new lodger in the house could be a great new friend, or could be your worst enemy. + + + The Bottle + S01 : E32 Mr Bean Animated + Mr Bean loses his bottle. + + + Cash Machine + S02 : E06 Mr Bean Animated + Mr. Bean wants to buy a cupcake, but his wallet is empty, so he has to visit a cash dispenser. + + + All You Can Eat + S02 : E10 Mr Bean Animated + Irma is coming for dinner, but Mr. Bean has forgotten about it and so doesn't have anything to cook. + + + No Parking + S01 : E03 Mr Bean Animated + Mr Bean can't find a parking space. So he makes one of his own. + + + Coach Trip + S03 : E18 Mr Bean Animated + Bean wants to avoid lunch with Irma’s Mum, at all costs. + + + Cat Chaos + S03 : E22 Mr Bean Animated + Mrs. Wicket becomes annoyingly inconsolable when Scrapper goes missing. + + + Eau De Bean + S03 : E12 Mr Bean Animated + Mr. Bean accidentally spills all of Mrs. Wicket’s new, expensive perfume on the floor. + + + Bed Bean + S03 : E06 Mr Bean Animated + Mr. Bean breaks his bed using it as a trampoline. He tries to fix it, but he can’t. + + + Hotel Bean + S02 : E22 Mr Bean Animated + Mr. Bean has some unexpected guests who think he runs a hotel! + + + Goldfish + S01 : E33 Mr Bean Animated + Mr Bean nearly gets fed to the fish! + + + Bean Phone + S02 : E21 Mr Bean Animated + Mr. Bean wants a smartphone but does not have enough money to buy one. + + + Mobile Home + S03 : E10 Mr Bean Animated + Miss Wince takes Mrs. Wicket off on holiday in her brand-new, swanky caravan; and Bean is left behind. + + + A Royal Makeover + S01 : E49 Mr Bean Animated + Mr Bean redecorates his room, making it fit for a Queen. + + + Big TV + S01 : E43 Mr Bean Animated + Mr Bean goes to buy the biggest TV in the world only to find that it has a price-tag to match. + + + In The Garden + S02 : E46 Mr Bean Animated + Mr. Bean tries to cut the grass in the garden but finds it impossible. + + + Treasure! + S01 : E15 Mr Bean Animated + A puzzling puzzle has Mr Bean truly puzzled. + + + Holiday For Teddy + S02 : E12 Mr Bean Animated + Mr. Bean takes Teddy on holiday to the seaside. + + + Coconut Shy + S02 : E04 Mr Bean Animated + Mr. Bean has to buy a cup for Teddy, but he has no money. + + + A Running Battle + S01 : E45 Mr Bean Animated + Mr Bean runs rings around the town. + + + Dinner For Two + S01 : E22 Mr Bean Animated + When invited to dinner by Mr Bean, it’s probably best to take your own sandwiches. + + + Double Trouble + S01 : E52 Mr Bean Animated + Mr Bean meets a soul mate. + + + Bean At The Museum + S03 : E24 Mr Bean Animated + Mr. Bean thinks he’s just dug up a valuable coin in the back-garden. + + + The Lift + S02 : E29 Mr Bean Animated + Mr. Bean goes on a lift to the top floor of a toy shop, but Teddy gets stuck in the doors and jams the lift. + + + Egg and Bean + S01 : E46 Mr Bean Animated + Mr Bean is 'storked' by an unwelcome visitor. + + + Bean Shopping + S02 : E52 Mr Bean Animated + Mr. Bean is locked in a department store overnight having the time of his life. + + + Car Wars + S02 : E19 Mr Bean Animated + The mystery driver of the Reliant Supervan becomes obsessed with revenge. + + + Car Trouble + S01 : E35 Mr Bean Animated + Mr Bean takes to the air after being taken for a ride. + + + Magpie + S01 : E30 Mr Bean Animated + Mr Bean gets in a complete flap when he befriends a feathered thief. + + + Rat Trap + S02 : E08 Mr Bean Animated + Mr. Bean has to deal with an unwanted house guest but the stubborn rat refuses to leave. + + + Save That Tree + S03 : E19 Mr Bean Animated + Bean is showing Irma his favourite tree when he discovers a tree surgeon getting ready to cut it down. + + + Spring Clean + S01 : E08 Mr Bean Animated Season 01 + Mr Bean finds that cleanliness can be a filthy business. + + + The Fly + S01 : E06 Mr Bean Animated Season 01 + Bean fights a loosing battle with a winged beast from Hell. + + + Birthday Party + S02 : E45 Mr Bean Animated Season 02 + Mr. Bean is feeling down when everyone forgot his birthday. + + + Nurse! + S01 : E27 Mr Bean Animated Season 01 + Mr Bean discovers being in hospital isn't always a bed of roses. + + + Spring Clean + S01 : E08 Mr Bean Animated + Mr Bean finds that cleanliness can be a filthy business. + + + Treasure! + S01 : E15 Mr Bean Animated + A puzzling puzzle has Mr Bean truly puzzled. + + + Cash Machine + S02 : E06 Mr Bean Animated + Mr. Bean wants to buy a cupcake, but his wallet is empty, so he has to visit a cash dispenser. + + + Flat Pack + S02 : E11 Mr Bean Animated + Mr. Bean's bookcase collapses, so he buys a new one in the hardware store. + + + Rare Bird + S02 : E38 Mr Bean Animated + Mr. Bean loves bird spotting and is desperate to tick off the last elusive bird in his book. + + + Hopping Mad! + S01 : E47 Mr Bean Animated + Mr Bean finds that tons of toads weigh loads and loads. + + + Car Wars + S02 : E19 Mr Bean Animated + The mystery driver of the Reliant Supervan becomes obsessed with revenge. + + + The Photograph + S02 : E50 Mr Bean Animated + The airport personnel refuses to let Mr. Bean take a flight due to his passport having no photo. + + + A New Friend + S02 : E28 Mr Bean Animated + A small bird wants to befriend Mr. Bean, but its squawking sound annoys Mrs. Wicket. + + + Ball Pool + S02 : E48 Mr Bean Animated + Mr. Bean wants to play inside the local play area, but he is not allowed to enter. + + + Rat Trap + S02 : E08 Mr Bean Animated + Mr. Bean has to deal with an unwanted house guest but the stubborn rat refuses to leave. + + + Bean Hypnotised + S02 : E31 Mr Bean Animated + Mr. Bean attends a hypnotism show where he unwittingly volunteers to be hypnotized. + + + Missing Teddy + S01 : E02 Mr Bean Animated + Bean discovers that, in the world of organised crime, a teddy isn’t always a teddy. Sometimes it’s a rabbit. + + + SuperMarrow + S01 : E50 Mr Bean Animated + Mr Bean gets green eyes and green fingers. + + + The Visitor + S01 : E42 Mr Bean Animated + Mr Bean learns that generosity can be an effective weapon against greed, gluttony and getting your hands back on your own TV remote control. + + + Dig This + S02 : E30 Mr Bean Animated + It is a nice sunny day and Mr. Bean and Mrs. Wicket are relaxing in the garden. + + + Magpie + S01 : E30 Mr Bean Animated + Mr Bean gets in a complete flap when he befriends a feathered thief. + + + In the Pink + S01 : E21 Mr Bean Animated + Mr Bean, badgered by a strange pink animal, warms to the creature when it shows its true colours. - + Special Delivery S03 : E02 Mr Bean Animated Mrs. Wicket demands that Bean stay in to take delivery of a new lounge chair. - + Bean Painting S02 : E36 Mr Bean Animated Mr. Bean paints a picture of Teddy, but accidentally splashes some green paint on the wall. - - Back To School - S02 : E17 Mr Bean Animated - When there's no milk for his tea and for Teddy, Mr. Bean goes to buy some. + + Chocks Away + S01 : E18 Mr Bean Animated + Mr Bean’s hobby goes down in flames in his battle for air supremacy. - - Superhero Bean - S02 : E41 Mr Bean Animated - Mr. Bean becomes a superhero in an attempt to stop a cunning thief. + + Caring Bean + S02 : E24 Mr Bean Animated + When Mrs. Wicket is disabled by Mr. Bean's toy car, he takes care of her. - - Charity Bean - S03 : E08 Mr Bean Animated - Bean is both cajoled by Irma and spurred by his own jealousy of the fund-raising super-star Declan. + + Lord Bean + S02 : E18 Mr Bean Animated + Mr. Bean is in the library to draw the family tree of kings. - - Scout Bean - S02 : E16 Mr Bean Animated - Mr. Bean becomes a Scoutmaster for the day. + + In The Wild + S01 : E01 Mr Bean Animated + Mr. Bean decides to become a wildlife photographer. - - Dead Cat - S01 : E28 Mr Bean Animated - Mr Bean has to replace his landlady’s cat after an unfortunate ‘accident’. + + Haunted House + S03 : E11 Mr Bean Animated + Mr. Bean is trying to impress some kids in the park with his football skills. - + + Restaurant + S01 : E36 Mr Bean Animated + Mr Bean makes a meal out of his Birthday celebration. + + + Spa Day + S03 : E07 Mr Bean Animated + Mrs. Wicket demands that Bean drives her and Miss Wince to their booked spa retreat. + + Haircut S01 : E25 Mr Bean Animated Mr Bean has a bad hair day. - - Coffee Bean - S03 : E15 Mr Bean Animated - Mr. Bean is out shopping when it starts to rain. + + Green Bean + S02 : E05 Mr Bean Animated + Mr. Bean's electricity is cut off so he decides to build a wind turbine. - - Royal Bean - S01 : E19 Mr Bean Animated - During a visit to Buckingham Palace, Mr Bean meets the lady of the house. + + No Parking + S01 : E03 Mr Bean Animated + Mr Bean can't find a parking space. So he makes one of his own. - - The Photograph - S02 : E50 Mr Bean Animated - The airport personnel refuses to let Mr. Bean take a flight due to his passport having no photo. + + Viral Bean + S02 : E14 Mr Bean Animated + Mr. Bean wants to read his book but gets interrupted by too much noise. - - Stick It - S03 : E23 Mr Bean Animated - Bean discovers Mrs. Wicket’s nephew and Bruiser Jnr swopping football stickers. + + Wanted + S01 : E40 Mr Bean Animated + An escaped prisoner suffers hard labour under Mrs Wicket while Mr Bean puts his feet up in jail. - - Haunted House - S03 : E11 Mr Bean Animated - Mr. Bean is trying to impress some kids in the park with his football skills. + + Gadget Kid + S01 : E41 Mr Bean Animated + High-tech wizardry and low-tech cunning get Mr Bean out of a jam. - - Opera Bean - S02 : E25 Mr Bean Animated - Mr. Bean's car has broken down and he is late meeting Irma at the opera. + + Double Trouble + S01 : E52 Mr Bean Animated + Mr Bean meets a soul mate. - - The Sofa - S01 : E14 Mr Bean Animated - Mr Bean finds himself with more than a spring in his step. + + A Royal Makeover + S01 : E49 Mr Bean Animated + Mr Bean redecorates his room, making it fit for a Queen. - - The Newspaper - S02 : E13 Mr Bean Animated - Every time Bean goes to collect the newspaper from the letterbox, it disappears. + + What A Load Of Rubbish + S02 : E42 Mr Bean Animated + Mr. Bean is a bit too enthusiastic while cleaning his flat and Teddy ends up on his way to the dump. - - The Visitor - S01 : E42 Mr Bean Animated - Mr Bean learns that generosity can be an effective weapon against greed, gluttony and getting your hands back on your own TV remote control. + + Cat Chaos + S03 : E22 Mr Bean Animated + Mrs. Wicket becomes annoyingly inconsolable when Scrapper goes missing. - - Bean in Love - S01 : E51 Mr Bean Animated - Mr Bean becomes smitten with a beautiful singer. + + Coffee Bean + S03 : E15 Mr Bean Animated + Mr. Bean is out shopping when it starts to rain. - - Gadget Kid - S01 : E41 Mr Bean Animated - High-tech wizardry and low-tech cunning get Mr Bean out of a jam. + + Homeless + S01 : E16 Mr Bean Animated + Mr Bean needs to let a room but no one will let him. - - Game Over - S03 : E01 Mr Bean Animated - Mr. Bean becomes obsessed with gaming after being introduced by Mrs. Wicket’s nephew. + + Opera Bean + S02 : E25 Mr Bean Animated + Mr. Bean's car has broken down and he is late meeting Irma at the opera. - + + The Lift + S02 : E29 Mr Bean Animated + Mr. Bean goes on a lift to the top floor of a toy shop, but Teddy gets stuck in the doors and jams the lift. + + + Coach Trip + S03 : E18 Mr Bean Animated + Bean wants to avoid lunch with Irma’s Mum, at all costs. + + + A Round of Golf + S02 : E40 Mr Bean Animated + Mr. Bean fancies a game of golf. + + Young Bean S01 : E20 Mr Bean Animated Mr Bean takes a trip down Memory Lane. - - Fish Sitting - S02 : E02 Mr Bean Animated - Mr. Bean has to look after Mrs. Wicket's goldfish. + + Roadworks + S01 : E13 Mr Bean Animated + Mr Bean is driven to distraction by diabolical decibels. - - A Car For Irma - S03 : E25 Mr Bean Animated - Bean discovers Declan giving Irma a lift in his swanky new SUV. + + Hot Date + S01 : E39 Mr Bean Animated + Romance is in the air and Bean's girlfriend is determined to have a piece of it. - - Camping - S01 : E17 Mr Bean Animated - Mr Bean discovers the great outdoors is not always so great. + + Wrestle Bean + S02 : E37 Mr Bean Animated + Mr. Bean is trying to read a book but he is disturbed by the noise of Mrs. Wicket and her friend. - - A Magic Day Out - S02 : E47 Mr Bean Animated - Mr. Bean and Irma are off for a day at the seaside. + + Valentine's Bean + S02 : E09 Mr Bean Animated + Mr. Bean tries to be romantic, but his idea of what that means is different to Irma's. - - Ball Pool - S02 : E48 Mr Bean Animated - Mr. Bean wants to play inside the local play area, but he is not allowed to enter. + + Charity Bean + S03 : E08 Mr Bean Animated + Bean is both cajoled by Irma and spurred by his own jealousy of the fund-raising super-star Declan. - - Spa Day - S03 : E07 Mr Bean Animated - Mrs. Wicket demands that Bean drives her and Miss Wince to their booked spa retreat. + + Egg and Bean + S01 : E46 Mr Bean Animated + Mr Bean is 'storked' by an unwelcome visitor. - - Caring Bean - S02 : E24 Mr Bean Animated - When Mrs. Wicket is disabled by Mr. Bean's toy car, he takes care of her. + + Big TV + S01 : E43 Mr Bean Animated + Mr Bean goes to buy the biggest TV in the world only to find that it has a price-tag to match. - - Trophy Bean - S03 : E26 Mr Bean Animated - Mrs. Wicket’s Nephew is staying with her when he wins two tickets to an Outward Bound course. + + Superhero Bean + S02 : E41 Mr Bean Animated + Mr. Bean becomes a superhero in an attempt to stop a cunning thief. - - Wedding Day - S02 : E20 Mr Bean Animated - A wedding car crashes, resulting in Bean coming to the rescue and offering the bride a lift. + + Game Over + S03 : E01 Mr Bean Animated + Mr. Bean becomes obsessed with gaming after being introduced by Mrs. Wicket’s nephew. - - SuperMarrow - S01 : E50 Mr Bean Animated - Mr Bean gets green eyes and green fingers. + + Jumping Bean + S03 : E21 Mr Bean Animated + Mr. Bean wants to learn skateboarding but hurts himself on his first try. - - Super Sky - S02 : E15 Mr Bean Animated - Fascinated by the super spy show, Mr. Bean decides to become a super spy himself. When he becomes suspicious of the Bruisers planning something, he starts to follow them. Later, he notices that the Bruisers are putting an old lady into a van. + + Scout Bean + S02 : E16 Mr Bean Animated + Mr. Bean becomes a Scoutmaster for the day. - - The Big Freeze - S03 : E16 Mr Bean Animated - Mr. Bean wakes up on a freezing cold winter’s morning to discover that the boiler is broken. + + The Mole + S01 : E12 Mr Bean Animated + Mr Bean loses control of a pest and makes a mountain out of a molehill. - - Halloween - S02 : E35 Mr Bean Animated - On Halloween night, Mr. Bean prepares to give the children some tricks and treats they won't forget. + + Muscle Bean + S02 : E27 Mr Bean Animated + Mr. Bean needs to impress Irma, who is infatuated with the hunky deliveryman. - - Neighbourly Bean - S01 : E26 Mr Bean Animated - Bean’s pursuit of a quiet life ends in a major row. + + Bed Bean + S03 : E06 Mr Bean Animated + Mr. Bean breaks his bed using it as a trampoline. He tries to fix it, but he can’t. - - Spring Clean - S01 : E08 Mr Bean Animated - Mr Bean finds that cleanliness can be a filthy business. + + Save That Tree + S03 : E19 Mr Bean Animated + Bean is showing Irma his favourite tree when he discovers a tree surgeon getting ready to cut it down. - - Keyboard Capers - S01 : E44 Mr Bean Animated - Determined to play the piano, Mr Bean finds a tune in his heart and sausages for fingers. + + Holiday For Teddy + S02 : E12 Mr Bean Animated + Mr. Bean takes Teddy on holiday to the seaside. - - The Cruise - S02 : E03 Mr Bean Animated - Mr. Bean wins two tickets for an exotic cruise and takes Teddy along for the trip of a lifetime. + + Where Did You Get That Cat? + S02 : E33 Mr Bean Animated + Mrs. Wicket has a new hat that looks like Scrapper. - - A New Friend - S02 : E28 Mr Bean Animated - A small bird wants to befriend Mr. Bean, but its squawking sound annoys Mrs. Wicket. + + Fish Sitting + S02 : E02 Mr Bean Animated + Mr. Bean has to look after Mrs. Wicket's goldfish. - - Super-Trolley - S01 : E29 Mr Bean Animated - Mr Bean builds a supermarket super trolley. + + Birthday Bother + S03 : E05 Mr Bean Animated + It’s Irma’s birthday. Bean buys a bargain-bin load of cards, and writes out two –one nice, one silly. - - For Sale - S03 : E20 Mr Bean Animated - Mrs. Wicket is persuaded by a jaunty estate agent to put her house up for sale. + + Halloween + S02 : E35 Mr Bean Animated + On Halloween night, Mr. Bean prepares to give the children some tricks and treats they won't forget. - - Valuable Lessons - S02 : E34 Mr Bean Animated - Two burglars hatch up an evil plan in which one of them disguises himself as a gentleman. + + The Sofa + S01 : E14 Mr Bean Animated + Mr Bean finds himself with more than a spring in his step. - - Restaurant - S01 : E36 Mr Bean Animated - Mr Bean makes a meal out of his Birthday celebration. + + Goldfish + S01 : E33 Mr Bean Animated + Mr Bean nearly gets fed to the fish! - - Ice Cream - S02 : E44 Mr Bean Animated - Mr. Bean wants an ice cream cone from the ice cream van. + + Cat-Sitting + S01 : E31 Mr Bean Animated + Mr Bean is forced to look after his worst enemy. - + + Mobile Home + S03 : E10 Mr Bean Animated + Miss Wince takes Mrs. Wicket off on holiday in her brand-new, swanky caravan; and Bean is left behind. + + Artful Bean S01 : E05 Mr Bean Animated Mr Bean gets a real bug for painting. Then several bugs… and flies and slugs and mice. - - The Ball - S01 : E23 Mr Bean Animated - Mr Bean makes it to the top of the ladder… and gets stuck. - - - A Dog's Life - S03 : E03 Mr Bean Animated - Mr Bean dog-sits for Irma and while in the park comes across a professional dog-walker. - - - Litterbugs - S02 : E07 Mr Bean Animated - Mr. Bean is furious with the untidy state of the streets so he goes on a one-man mission to clean up the town. - - - Bean Encore - S03 : E09 Mr Bean Animated - The Great Eduardo, violinist supreme, is in town and Irma wants to go to the concert. - - - Art Thief - S01 : E37 Mr Bean Animated - Mr Bean tries his hand as an international art sleuth. + + Camping + S01 : E17 Mr Bean Animated + Mr Bean discovers the great outdoors is not always so great. - - Inventor - S01 : E34 Mr Bean Animated - A brand new lodger in the house could be a great new friend, or could be your worst enemy. + + Scrapper Cleans Up + S03 : E17 Mr Bean Animated + Irma wants a romantic break; Bean doesn’t. It’s too expensive. - - The Bottle - S01 : E32 Mr Bean Animated - Mr Bean loses his bottle. + + Neighbourly Bean + S01 : E26 Mr Bean Animated + Bean’s pursuit of a quiet life ends in a major row. - - Cash Machine - S02 : E06 Mr Bean Animated - Mr. Bean wants to buy a cupcake, but his wallet is empty, so he has to visit a cash dispenser. + + The Newspaper + S02 : E13 Mr Bean Animated + Every time Bean goes to collect the newspaper from the letterbox, it disappears. - - All You Can Eat - S02 : E10 Mr Bean Animated - Irma is coming for dinner, but Mr. Bean has forgotten about it and so doesn't have anything to cook. + + The Big Freeze + S03 : E16 Mr Bean Animated + Mr. Bean wakes up on a freezing cold winter’s morning to discover that the boiler is broken. - - No Parking - S01 : E03 Mr Bean Animated - Mr Bean can't find a parking space. So he makes one of his own. + + Bean's Safari + S02 : E39 Mr Bean Animated + Mr. Bean visits a safari park where he catches the attention of a baby monkey. - - Coach Trip - S03 : E18 Mr Bean Animated - Bean wants to avoid lunch with Irma’s Mum, at all costs. + + For Sale + S03 : E20 Mr Bean Animated + Mrs. Wicket is persuaded by a jaunty estate agent to put her house up for sale. - - Cat Chaos - S03 : E22 Mr Bean Animated - Mrs. Wicket becomes annoyingly inconsolable when Scrapper goes missing. + + Dancing Bean + S02 : E51 Mr Bean Animated + Mr. Bean needs to learn to dance to impress his girlfriend Irma. - - Eau De Bean - S03 : E12 Mr Bean Animated - Mr. Bean accidentally spills all of Mrs. Wicket’s new, expensive perfume on the floor. + + The Robot + S02 : E43 Mr Bean Animated + Mr. Bean buys a robot to clean his flat, but it ends up creating destruction across London. - - Pup Star: World Tour - Pup Star is back and bigger than ever as the hit singing-pup competition show goes global! After achieving international stardom, Tiny the adorable Yorkie joins the celebrity judges for the first-ever Pup Star World Tour. The judges each welcome their favourite contestant from around the world to the Pup Star pack, training them to compete for the new title of global pup star champion. India's Raji joins Team Growl, China's Ming joins Team Paw-Paw, Nigeria's Mobo joins Team Gnarley, and Mexico's dashing telenovela star Julio joins Team Tiny. - Kids + + Bean Shopping + S02 : E52 Mr Bean Animated + Mr. Bean is locked in a department store overnight having the time of his life. - - The Lost Medallion - The journey of "The Lost Medallion: The Adventures Of Billy Stone" tells the tale of Billy Stone and Allie, two 13-year-old friends who uncover a long-lost medallion and accidentally wish themselves back in time. In order for Billy to save Allie's life, he must give up the medallion to the evil warlord, Cobra, who rules the island… - Kids + + The Ball + S01 : E23 Mr Bean Animated + Mr Bean makes it to the top of the ladder… and gets stuck. - - Birds Like Us - The story follows a group of birds on a journey where they try to find a better life for themselves and the ones they love. - Kids + + Coconut Shy + S02 : E04 Mr Bean Animated + Mr. Bean has to buy a cup for Teddy, but he has no money. - - Ainbo: Spirit of the Amazon - Moana meets Brave with the hit new animation Ainbo: Spirit of the Amazon. The story of a young girl who was born and grew up in the deepest jungle of the Amazon. One day she discovers that her homeland is being threatened and so embarks on a journey to seek help from the most powerful Mother Spirit of the rainforest. As she fights to save her home, she struggles to reverse the destruction. Guided by her mother’s spirit, Ainbo is determined to save her land and her people before it’s too late. - Kids + + The Big Stink + S03 : E04 Mr Bean Animated + Mr Bean ends up in a farm slurry pit after racing a tractor. - - Birds of a Feather - Kate Winslet (Finding Neverland) and Willem Dafoe (Finding Dory) shine in this heart-warming tale of family and friendship. Manou's world is turned upside down when he realises that he is not a seagull like the rest of his beloved family. Shocked, he runs away from home, where he meets birds of his own species and finds out who he really is. However, when both seagulls and swifts face a dangerous threat, Manou must face his foes and become the hero he was always meant to be. - Kids + + Super Sky + S02 : E15 Mr Bean Animated + Fascinated by the super spy show, Mr. Bean decides to become a super spy himself. When he becomes suspicious of the Bruisers planning something, he starts to follow them. Later, he notices that the Bruisers are putting an old lady into a van. Dreambuilders @@ -31465,40 +40368,126 @@ Kate Winslet (Finding Neverland) and Willem Dafoe (Finding Dory) shine in this heart-warming tale of family and friendship. Manou's world is turned upside down when he realises that he is not a seagull like the rest of his beloved family. Shocked, he runs away from home, where he meets birds of his own species and finds out who he really is. However, when both seagulls and swifts face a dangerous threat, Manou must face his foes and become the hero he was always meant to be. Kids - - Ultimate Covers - All your favourite hits, reimagined. - Music + + Monkey Up + MONTY is an actor, a spokesperson, a diva, and…. a talking Capuchin Monkey! He’s the face of the popular energy drink, ‘Monkey Up,’ but believes he’s way too good for just ‘commercials,’ rather destined to be the first Oscar winning monkey movie star, that is until he meets the Andrews’ family and learns the ultimate lesson, fame and fortune come and go, but family is forever. + Kids - - Pure Pop Videos - The best videos in pop music. - Music + + The Duke + The faithful canine companion to the Duke of Dingwall, Hubert, inherits the Duke’s estate and turns the world of high society upside down. With Hubert’s new legal guardian being the Butler’s niece, this unlikely duo have a hard time fitting into their new world. The Duke’s conniving nephew believes the two to be a royal pain and will stop at no cost to steal the inheritance, even if it means marrying into the “Dukedome” via their pet poodle. A dog’s tale of love and devotion that will have your family sitting up and begging for more! + Kids - - Top Hits UK - Today's chart-topping & viral music videos! - Music + + All Dogs go to Heaven + A poignant and classic, masterpeice animation from acclaimed filmmaker Don Bluth and featuring the voice of Burt Reynolds. A stunning family movie about the canine criminal underworld as we follow a furry outcast, Charlie, who comes back to earth from heaven and befriends a young orphan who can speak to animals. As their friendship blossoms Charlie learns that friendship is the most heavely gift of all. + Kids - - Pop Rewind - Charting hits from the past few years. - Music + + Birds Like Us + The story follows a group of birds on a journey where they try to find a better life for themselves and the ones they love. + Kids - - Weekend Groove - Head-bopping tunes to get ready for the night. - Music + + Pup Star + Welcome to a world where dogs can not only talk -- they can SING! Tiny, a cute little Yorkie pup with a big voice, gets a chance to audition for the singing competition for dogs, “Pup Star.” After she earns a place in the finale, she’s suddenly dog-napped! But with the help of her new friend, Charlie, a retired rock-and-roller, she escapes. Together they leave on an incredible journey through some of music’s most iconic cities. + Kids - - Party Anthems - Videos that'll keep you dancing! - Music + + The Academy of Magic + From the team behind 'Cars' and 'Toy Story 2', 'The Academy of Magic' is a spellbinding adventure that fans of 'Harry Potter' will love! Aura is no ordinary young girl - she is gifted with magical powers. When a mysterious creature leads her to Montrose, a magic academy for children with extraordinary powers, Aura and her friends soon she learn that the school has a secret that she must uncover to protect herself and her friends. + Kids - - Dance Pop Hits - Videos from your favourite DJs and pop singers! - Music + + Alpha & Omega 3: The Great Wolf Games + Join the pack in this wild, warm hearted and totally pawsome adventure starring everyone's favorite alphas and omegas! It's time for "The Great Wolf Games," when all the alphas in the packs set aside their differences for some friendly competition. When an unexpected accident puts many of our pack's star alpha wolves out of commission, a new team is assembled that includes forest friends not in the pack. Can Coach Humphrey lead his ragtag group of "underdogs" to victory? Find out in this thrilling movie that will leave you howling for more! + Kids + + + Winx Club + S01 : E23 Power play + The Trix torment the Winx Club for being unable to find the power of the Dragon's Flame in Domino. The cadre and staff of Cloud Tower escape to Alfea. + Kids + + + Telmo And Tula, Little Cooks - Season 1 - Episodes 49-52 + Doughnut | Vanilla Custards | Popsicles | Cell Phone shaped Sandwiches Telmo & Tula is a very fun animated series in which children learn to cook the best breakfasts, sandwiches, salads and desserts in a safe and entertaining way. Telmo and Tula will teach children how fun it is to prepare delicious meals step by step. + Kids + + + Telmo And Tula, Little Cooks - Season 1 - Episodes 40-42 + Cheesecake | Farmer Sandwich | Cookie Tart Telmo & Tula is a very fun animated series in which children learn to cook the best breakfasts, sandwiches, salads and desserts in a safe and entertaining way. Telmo and Tula will teach children how fun it is to prepare delicious meals step by step. + Kids + + + Winx Club + S01 : E18 The font of the dragon fire + Upset about the events at Red Fountain, Bloom returns to Earth and is attacked by The Trix. + Kids + + + The Smurfs + S01 : E09 Soup A La Smurf + A terrible giant called Bigmouth helps Gargamel hunt the Smurfs so he can feast on Soup a la Smurf. Papa Smurf tricks the big monster and then convinces him that Soup a la Gargamel is a far more appetizing dish than smurfy soup. + Kids + + + The Smurfs + S01 : E10 A Clockwork Smurf + Handy has built a very complex Smurf machine that does everything. It proves dangerous when it nearly destroys the village, but comes in useful when, with the help of the other Smurfs, it saves the young prince Gerard's kingdom from the queen aunt Imperia's dastardly intentions. + Kids + + + IncrediTales - Season 1 - Popcorn time + Sleeping Beauty, Little Mermaid and Snow White go to see a scary movie and decide to make popcorn. Snow White makes the first round. Then it's Little Mermaid's turn and finally Sleeping Beauty. But Sleeping Beauty falls asleep... + Kids + + + Monk Little Dog - Season 1 - Episodes 1-7 + Monk hammers a nail Monk on a desert island Monk watches TV Monk goes ballooning Monk takes a bath Monk versus Sushi Monk has really got to go! Monk is a jovial little dog who obstinately tries his best but always fails! When thins aren’t working out for Monk, catastrophes follow. Things can get totally out of control real fast! + Kids + + + Winx Club + S01 : E20 Mission to Domino + The Winx Club go to planet Domino to find the power of the Dragon's Flame. + Kids + + + The Smurfs + S01 : E07 Bewitched, Bothered And Be-Smurfed + The witch Hogatha loses her magic locket in the Smurfs' forest and convinces Gargamel he must help her find it. But it is the Smurfette who finds the locket. + Kids + + + Ghoster + An inquisitive girl and her father must unravel the secrets of Echoville Manor which has held the world's cutest spirit Ghoster captive for 50 years, before Yuto the ghost dragon wipes them all out in his quest for immortality. + Kids + + + Ladybug + Uplifting and moving family fun! Courageous seven-spotted ladybug Rube escapes his laboratory home and scales new heights on a quest for the legendary bug utopia Golden Canyon, with the help of worldly dragonfly Master Water. However, on arriving at Golden Canyon, he is dismayed to find it's a construction site! Rube and his new friends must band together to re-build their magical homeland. A heart-warming, magical tale of courage, hope and friendship. + Kids + + + The Boy, The Dog, and The Clown + A young boy, Adrien, grieving over the loss of his father, befriends a down-on-his-luck clown who performs incredible feats of magic. Fascinated, the boy vows to replicate the clown’s wizardry and keeps practicing, practicing, practicing! A fun party ensues and the clown entertains him by making butterflies appear out of thin air. When the clown’s dog chases after a squirrel, the distraught Adrien follows and gets lost in the woods. The boy ultimately realizes that he must use the magical powers taught to him by the clown in order to be rescued. + Kids + + + The Duke + The faithful canine companion to the Duke of Dingwall, Hubert, inherits the Duke’s estate and turns the world of high society upside down. With Hubert’s new legal guardian being the Butler’s niece, this unlikely duo have a hard time fitting into their new world. The Duke’s conniving nephew believes the two to be a royal pain and will stop at no cost to steal the inheritance, even if it means marrying into the “Dukedome” via their pet poodle. A dog’s tale of love and devotion that will have your family sitting up and begging for more! + Kids + + + Sheep & Wolves: A Pig Deal + From the writer of Disney's 'Beauty & the Beast' comes a woolly, woolly fun adventure the whole family will enjoy! A united village of sheep and wolves are suddenly thrown in to chaos after an unexpected guest arrives with the aim of destroying their peaceful and quiet life. The towns new leader, Grey, embarks on a heroic mission to prove that team work really does make the best work as he unites his tribe. + Kids + + + Russell Madness + RUSSELL, a Jack Russell Terrier, is a wimpy street pup afraid of his own shadow whose only dream is to have a family he can call his own. What he didn’t expect was to find a home as the world’s newest wrestling sensation. For years, Ferraro Wrestling Arena in Portland was the place to be every Thursday night. Owner MAXIMILLIANO FERRARO was the man behind its success and his grandson NATE, 10, was the sport’s biggest fan. But then, the Wrestler’s United Federation (WUF) moved across town and became the new wrestling hotspot, taking their fans and wrestlers with it. + Kids Party Anthems @@ -31745,39 +40734,124 @@ Beautiful videos from your favourite electronic music producers. Music - - UK Represent - Check out this selection of the hottest MCs from the UK. + + Top Hits UK + Today's chart-topping & viral music videos! Music - - Afro Hotlist - Hottest rhythms from Africa. + + Pure Pop Videos + The latest and best videos in pop music. Music - - Today's Biggest Hits - Trending, viral and charting videos from Rap, Hip-Hop and R&B. + + Dance Pop Hits + Videos from your favourite DJs and pop singers! Music - - UK Rap Essentials - The biggest videos from the UK from rap to drill. + + Love it Live + Check out your favourite artists perform their biggest hits on stage. Music - - R&B Party Bangers - Certified R&B Party Bangers! + + Pop Rewind + Charting hits from the past few years. Music - - Hip Hop House Party - The weekend is here, it's time to unwind and get down with some hip hop vibes! + + Alt & Indie Pop + Music videos from artists redefining pop music. Music - - Party Vibes - Get the party started with these hits. + + Soft Pop + Heartfelt pop ballads from your favourite singer-songwriters. + Music + + + Coffee & Chill + A blend of chilled and acoustic music videos to relax to. + Music + + + Easy Morning Pop + Laid back sounds to help kick-start your day. + Music + + + Love it Live + Check out your favourite artists perform their biggest hits on stage. + Music + + + Good Vibes + Feel-good music videos to boost your serotonin levels! + Music + + + Top Hits UK + Today's chart-topping & viral music videos! + Music + + + Future Hits + Fresh music videos from hot new artists to your all time favourites. + Music + + + Alt & Indie Pop + Music videos from artists redefining pop music. + Music + + + DSCVR Pop + Videos from emerging artists on the rise! + Music + + + Power Hour + Motivating music videos to get your energy level up! + Music + + + Pure Pop Videos + The best videos in pop music. + Music + + + Top Hits UK + Today's chart-topping & viral music videos! + Music + + + Pop Rewind + Charting hits from the past few years. + Music + + + Evening Chillout + Laid back music videos to help you wind down. + Music + + + Ultimate Covers + All your favourite hits, reimagined. + Music + + + UK Top Picks + British hits and underrated gems. + Music + + + Dance Pop Hits + Videos from your favourite DJs and pop singers! + Music + + + Late Night Beats + Beautiful videos from your favourite electronic music producers. Music @@ -32015,14 +41089,119 @@ Throwback R&B and Hip-Hop videos from the 90s, 2000s & 2010s. Music - - 04_WEEKEND_VIBES 5H - The perfect playlist to chill on the week-ends. + + Slow Jams + Slow and sexy classics, old and new Music - - Hits Non Stop - Don't stress the small things in life like your favourite HIT song not making it onto top charts and enjoy a playlist made just for you + + Throwback Hits + Throwback R&B and Hip-Hop videos from the 90s, 2000s & 2010s. + Music + + + Alternative Rap + Videos left of centre from the rap norm. + Music + + + Alt R&B + Videos that go left off center from funk, soul, rhythm, and blues. + Music + + + Jazz Flow + Laid back jazz - infused hip hop to get your day started! + Music + + + British Neo Soul + 100% British and 100% Soul + Music + + + Morning Vibes + Videos to get your day going. + Music + + + Focus Flow + Grab a bite and take a break. + Music + + + Good Vibes + Your feel good soundtrack. + Music + + + DSCVR New Music + Emerging artists that you need to know about. + Music + + + Homegrown R&B + The best of British R&B. + Music + + + Rap Replay + Hip-Hop anthems from the golden era. + Music + + + R&B Essentials + The best of R&B both old and new. + Music + + + Hip - Hop & R&B Live + Live performances from your favourite artists. + Music + + + R&B Newness + The latest videos in R&B and R&B leaning pop music. + Music + + + Afro Hotlist + Hottest rhythms from Africa. + Music + + + Today's Biggest Hits + Trending, viral and charting videos from Rap, Hip-Hop and R&B. + Music + + + UK Rap Essentials + The biggest videos from the UK from rap to drill. + Music + + + R&B Replay + R&B anthems from the golden era. + Music + + + Hot New Hip Hop + Viral and buzzing videos from the States. + Music + + + Homegrown R&B + The best of British R&B. + Music + + + Slow Jams + Slow and sexy classics, old and new + Music + + + Throwback Hits + Throwback R&B and Hip-Hop videos from the 90s, 2000s & 2010s. Music @@ -32085,22 +41264,24 @@ The music never stops on TRACE Urban ! Sounds of Trace is here to make you enjoy the hottest global hits. Music - - Weekend Rock Anthems - S00 : E00 Weekend Rock Anthems - Your weekend anthems and the biggest rock songs from the last 50 years! From the Beatles and the Stones in the 60s right through to One Republic and Kings Of Leon in the 10s. + + Hits Non Stop + Don't stress the small things in life like your favourite HIT song not making it onto top charts and enjoy a playlist made just for you Music - - Alex Baker's Biggest 00s Anthems! - S00 : E00 Alex Baker's Biggest 00s Anthems! - Alex Baker brings you his 50 biggest 00s anthems! Expect everything from Green Day to Muse, Linkin Park to the Arctic Monkeys with the tunes getting bigger and louder as we go! + + HIT 10 + Counting down the 10 best tropical hits. The show that plays nothing but the greatest Music - - All Killer: 00s Emo Anthems! - S00 : E00 All Killer: 00s Emo Anthems! - An hour of the greatest Emo tracks the noughties had to offer featuring Linkin Park, Fall Out Boy,Thirty Seconds To Mars and My Chemical Romance. + + Hits Non Stop + Don't stress the small things in life like your favourite HIT song not making it onto top charts and enjoy a playlist made just for you + Music + + + SOUNDS OF TRACE + The music never stops on TRACE Urban ! Sounds of Trace is here to make you enjoy the hottest global hits. Music @@ -32259,6 +41440,90 @@ All 90s rock hits & power ballads! From Aerosmith, KISS & The Foo Fighters to The Stone Roses, Garbage & The Stereophonics. This is NOW Rock! Music + + 50 Rock Heroes of the 90s! + S00 : E00 50 Rock Heroes of the 90s! + Claire Sturgess relives her 50 greatest rock heroes with the music that defined the 90s! Blur, Foo Fighthers, Oasis and Nirvana are all in the top 10 - but who is at number 1? + Music + + + 90s Rock Anthems! + S00 : E00 90s Rock Anthems! + All 90s rock hits & power ballads! From Aerosmith, KISS & The Foo Fighters to The Stone Roses, Garbage & The Stereophonics. This is NOW Rock! + Music + + + Rock 'n' Roll Top 3s: 1990-1999 + S00 : E00 Rock 'n' Roll Top 3s: 1990-1999 + A 2 hour run through, in order, of top 3 hits from the 90s - all with that rock n roll swagger! Expect plenty of U2, Def Leppard, Meat Loaf & Brit Pop!. + Music + + + The Anthems! + S00 : E00 The Anthems! + Turn it up to 11 for the finest rock anthems! Featuring Kings Of Leon, The Killers, Green Day, Biffy Clyro & The Foo Fighters. This is Now Rock! + Music + + + RHCP: Fan Favourites + S00 : E00 RHCP: Fan Favourites + From 1994 to 2022 - 1 hour of the biggest rock songs from the Red Hot Chili Peppers! + Music + + + All Killer: 00s No.1s! + S00 : E00 All Killer: 00s No.1s! + In order, an hour of every song a number 1 rock song in the noughties! + Music + + + Nu Metal Immortals! + S00 : E00 Nu Metal Immortals! + An hour of Nu Metal from the likes of Alien Ant Farm, Evanescence and Limp Bizkit to Korn, Linkin Park and Rage Against The Machine. + Music + + + 50 Rock Heroes of the 00s! + S00 : E00 50 Rock Heroes of the 00s! + Claire Sturgess relives her 50 greatest heroes with the rock music that defined the 00s! Blink, MCR, Razorlight & Kings of Leon are all in the top 10 - but who's at number 1? + Music + + + All Killer: 00s Rock Bands! + S00 : E00 All Killer: 00s Rock Bands! + 25 of the greatest rock bands of the noughties featuring Paramore, Bullet For My Valentine, Slipknot and My Chemical Romance. + Music + + + Maxed Out On 2006 Anthems! + S00 : E00 Maxed Out On 2006 Anthems! + Live it loud and Max out on the finest rock anthems! Featuring Fall Out Boy, Muse, Evanescence & Bullet For My Valentine. This is Now Rock! + Music + + + Feelgood Rock Songs! 2000-2019 + S00 : E00 Feelgood Rock Songs! 2000-2019 + 20 years of feel good rock tracks! From Blink-182 & Bon Jovi at the start 00s to Panic! At The Disco & Pink at the end of the 2010s. + Music + + + The Anthems! + S00 : E00 The Anthems! + Turn it up to 11 for the finest rock anthems! Featuring Kings Of Leon, The Killers, Green Day, Biffy Clyro & The Foo Fighters. This is Now Rock! + Music + + + Backtrack: 1st Ladies 2015-1980 + S00 : E00 Backtrack: 1st Ladies 2015-1980 + In reverse: Starting in 2015, we're going back 35 years with the power ladies who really rock! Expect Pink, Hayley Williams, Sheryl Crow, Bonnie Tyler and many more! + Music + + + 80s Rock Anthems! + S00 : E00 80s Rock Anthems! + All 80s rock & power ballads! From Queen, Bon Jovi & Whitesnake to Meat Loaf, Bonnie Tyler & Tina Turner. This is NOW Rock! + Music + Every Number 1 of the 80s! S00 : E00 Every Number 1 of the 80s! @@ -32481,28 +41746,124 @@ Radio 1 & Top of the Pops legend Gary Davies with the iconic images & award winning clips that set the style of 1984. Including Prince, Tina Turner, Cyndi Lauper & Queen. Music - - Unforgettable Legends! Top 30 - S00 : E00 Unforgettable Legends! Top 30 - Simon Bates with 30 amazing songs of the 60s & 70s from artists whose fame & reputation will live on forever. Including Roy Orbison, Aretha Franklin, Dionne Warwick & The Beatles. + + The 1986 Video Hall of Fame + S00 : E00 The 1986 Video Hall of Fame + Radio 1 & Top of the Pops legend Gary Davies with the iconic images & award winning clips that set the style of 1986. Including Robert Palmer, Janet Jackson, Cameo & Queen. Music - - 70s Love Songs - S00 : E00 70s Love Songs - Non-stop love songs, back to back, from the era of Leo Sayer, Carpenters, The Bee Gees & Minnie Ripperton. + + I've Had Enough! I'm Going Solo! + S00 : E00 I've Had Enough! I'm Going Solo! + Some broke up acrimoniously, while others went briefly solo before returning to the warm bosom of their bands! Here are 20 massive solo hits of the 80s. Music - - Cuddle on the Couch - The Love 40 - S00 : E00 Cuddle on the Couch - The Love 40 - 3 hours of 70s love. What more could you ask for a long smooch on the sofa? + + 1980 Unleashed! + S00 : E00 1980 Unleashed! + Dramatic storylines, big dance routines, neon lights & iconic fashions - these are the classic music videos that made 1980! Music - - 70s Love Songs - S00 : E00 70s Love Songs - Non-stop love songs, back to back, from the era of Leo Sayer, Carpenters, The Bee Gees & Minnie Ripperton. + + The 1980 Video Hall of Fame + S00 : E00 The 1980 Video Hall of Fame + Radio 1 & Top of the Pops legend Gary Davies with the iconic images & award winning clips that set the style of 1980. Including Kate Bush, Paul McCartney, The Jam & Peter Gabriel. + Music + + + The 1982 Video Hall of Fame + S00 : E00 The 1982 Video Hall of Fame + Radio 1 & Top of the Pops legend Gary Davies with the iconic images & award winning clips that set the style of 1982. Including Blancmange, Billy Idol, Soft Cell & The Stranglers. + Music + + + The 1984 Video Hall of Fame + S00 : E00 The 1984 Video Hall of Fame + Radio 1 & Top of the Pops legend Gary Davies with the iconic images & award winning clips that set the style of 1984. Including Prince, Tina Turner, Cyndi Lauper & Queen. + Music + + + Carol Decker's 30 Rock Dudes! + S00 : E00 Carol Decker's 30 Rock Dudes! + T'Pau's Carol Decker is back again with a countdown of 80s guys who liked to rock! With John Parr, Billy Idol, Guns n Roses & ZZ Top. + Music + + + Monsters of Rock Day! + S00 : E00 Monsters of Rock Day! + Non-stop 80s rock- all day! From Queen, Bon Jovi & Whitesnake to Meat Loaf, U2, The Damned & Billy Idol. + Music + + + AC/DC v Iron Maiden! + S00 : E00 AC/DC v Iron Maiden! + A 60 minute battle between the monsters of metal! + Music + + + Air Guitar Anthems! 1980-1989 + S00 : E00 Air Guitar Anthems! 1980-1989 + Dust down your air guitar, cause we've 40 rock anthems from the 80s to strum along to! From AC/DC in 1980 to GN'R in 1989, via U2, Kiss, Toto, Springsteen & ZZ Top. + Music + + + Monsters of Rock Day! + S00 : E00 Monsters of Rock Day! + Non-stop 80s rock- all day! From Queen, Bon Jovi & Whitesnake to Meat Loaf, U2, The Damned & Billy Idol. + Music + + + U2: 1981-1989 + S00 : E00 U2: 1981-1989 + U2's first decade of hits - including the 3 glorious videos from 1987's classic album 'The Joshua Tree'. + Music + + + Antiques Rockshow with Robin Banks + S00 : E00 Antiques Rockshow with Robin Banks + Crammed full with extraordinary finds, hidden treasures, and plenty of old relics! From the Stones and Genesis, to KISS and INXS - how many of these family heirlooms do you own? + Music + + + Monsters of Rock Day! + S00 : E00 Monsters of Rock Day! + Non-stop 80s rock- all day! From Queen, Bon Jovi & Whitesnake to Meat Loaf, U2, The Damned & Billy Idol. + Music + + + Big Tunes - Bad Hair! Top 20 + S00 : E00 Big Tunes - Bad Hair! Top 20 + The 80s was the decade where rock & big hair were inseparable! Just look at Tina Turner, Bonnie Tyler, U2, White Snake & Marillion. + Music + + + Monsters of Rock Day! + S00 : E00 Monsters of Rock Day! + Non-stop 80s rock- all day! From Queen, Bon Jovi & Whitesnake to Meat Loaf, U2, The Damned & Billy Idol. + Music + + + Def Leppard v Bon Jovi! + S00 : E00 Def Leppard v Bon Jovi! + It's Sheffield v New Jersey in our battle of the 80s rock gods! + Music + + + Monsters of Rock Day! + S00 : E00 Monsters of Rock Day! + Non-stop 80s rock- all day! From Queen, Bon Jovi & Whitesnake to Meat Loaf, U2, The Damned & Billy Idol. + Music + + + Carol Decker's 30 Rock Chicks! + S00 : E00 Carol Decker's 30 Rock Chicks! + T'Pau's Carol Decker brings a bit of Heart & Soul to a countdown of 80s ladies who liked to rock! With Joan Jett, Tina Turner, Stevie Nicks & Pat Benatar. + Music + + + 1988 Unleashed! + S00 : E00 1988 Unleashed! + Dramatic storylines, big dance routines, neon lights & iconic fashions - these are the classic music videos that made 1988! Music @@ -32691,24 +42052,94 @@ Blimey, what a year! Get ready to turn your telly up LOUD, with the greatest party anthems from '76 including Boney M, Rose Royce, Thin Lizzy, Leo Sayer & Abba. Music - - Dusk Dawn Lounge - Deluxe Lounge - the relaxed sound for a good feeling. Your time, your break: to come down, take a deep breath and take a break. Urbanauts, lounge lizards meet lounge-like tracks and smooth bar-grooves - the lounge mix. Head off, music on!. + + Bee Gees & Friends! 1968-1978 + S00 : E00 Bee Gees & Friends! 1968-1978 + 12 songs written by the Gibb brothers & performed by the Bee Gees & friends. Expect a decent burst of Saturday Night Fever but we kick off with one of their first no.1s from 1968. Music - - Underwater Lounge - Deluxe Lounge - the relaxed sound for a good feeling. Your time, your break: to come down, take a deep breath and take a break. Urbanauts, lounge lizards meet lounge-like tracks and smooth bar-grooves - the lounge mix. Head off, music on. + + Pat Sharp's Disco Explosion! + S00 : E00 Pat Sharp's Disco Explosion! + Get down to Studio 54 with Abba on songwriting duties, the Bee Gees on production, Chic's string section & Pat Sharp on rhythm guitar! Music - - Urban Lounge - Deluxe Lounge - the relaxed sound for a good feeling. Your time, your break: to come down, take a deep breath and take a break. Urbanauts, lounge lizards meet lounge-like tracks and smooth bar-grooves - the lounge mix. Head off, music on!. + + Boogie Nights! + S00 : E00 Boogie Nights! + If you don't get up and dance, you aren't human! Disco was the best floor show in town & once again it's time to get up & get lost in the pulse! Music - - Warm Lounge - Deluxe Lounge - the relaxed sound for a good feeling. Your time, your break: to come down, take a deep breath and take a break. Urbanauts, lounge lizards meet lounge-like tracks and smooth bar-grooves - the lounge mix. Head off, music on!. + + The Best 1976 Party...Ever! + S00 : E00 The Best 1976 Party...Ever! + Blimey, what a year! Get ready to turn your telly up LOUD, with the greatest party anthems from '76 including Boney M, Rose Royce, Thin Lizzy, Leo Sayer & Abba. + Music + + + Pat Sharp's Surely Not A Cover?! + S00 : E00 Pat Sharp's Surely Not A Cover?! + In year order - Pat's list of 30 classic 70s anthems that were all covers. Including Rod Stewart, The Clash, Manfred Mann, John Lennon, Shirley Bassey & The Wurzels! + Music + + + Magic Moments! The 70s + S00 : E00 Magic Moments! The 70s + Experience the magic of the 70s, where every beat was a spell and every song a timeless enchantment! + Music + + + One Hit Wonders! 1970-1979 + S00 : E00 One Hit Wonders! 1970-1979 + They all had 1 massive song, then never skirted the UK Top 20 singles chart again! Here are 70 acts from every year of the 70s, in order, who all achieved their 15 minutes of fame. + Music + + + American No.1s of 1979 + S00 : E00 American No.1s of 1979 + In order - 12 videos that hit the top of the US chart in 1979. Some are obvious, but there are a few surprises along the way! Herb Alpert anyone? + Music + + + Simon Bates NEW Golden Hour: 1979 + S00 : E00 Simon Bates NEW Golden Hour: 1979 + Another 60 minutes of hits & headlines from the last year of the decade! It was the year the brand new Sony Walkman launched in Japan & Elton John performed 8 concerts in the USSR. + Music + + + Mike Read's Pop Quiz: 1979 + S00 : E00 Mike Read's Pop Quiz: 1979 + Time to show off your nerdy knowledge as Mike Read quizzes you on the stars and songs of 1979! + Music + + + All Day - It's 1979! + S00 : E00 All Day - It's 1979! + Experience the magic of 1979 & relive the closing days of disco & punk. Including Chic, Rose Royce, Michael Jackson, The Police & Ian Dury. + Music + + + Who Won Wot in 1979? + S00 : E00 Who Won Wot in 1979? + Mark Goodier with 1979's big music award winners. + Music + + + The Best 1979 Party...Ever! + S00 : E00 The Best 1979 Party...Ever! + Blimey, what a year! Get ready to turn your telly up LOUD, with the greatest party anthems from '79 including Blondie, Queen, Abba, ELO, Roxy Music, Chic, Squeeze and more! + Music + + + The NOW Yearbook 1979 + S00 : E00 The NOW Yearbook 1979 + 1979 was another top year in music, with pop, disco & new wave rubbing shoulders with rock, synth & 2-Tone. Simon Bates has the story - month by month. + Music + + + All Day - It's 1979! + S00 : E00 All Day - It's 1979! + Experience the magic of 1979 & relive the closing days of disco & punk. Including Chic, Rose Royce, Michael Jackson, The Police & Ian Dury. Music @@ -32881,44 +42312,79 @@ Deluxe Lounge - the relaxed sound for a good feeling. Your time, your break: to come down, take a deep breath and take a break. Urbanauts, lounge lizards meet lounge-like tracks and smooth bar-grooves - the lounge mix. Head off, music on!. Music - - Qello Concerts by Stingray - DE - Qello Concerts by Stingray - DE + + Beach Lounge + Deluxe Lounge - the relaxed sound for a good feeling. Your time, your break: to come down, take a deep breath and take a break. Urbanauts, lounge lizards meet lounge-like tracks and smooth bar-grooves - the lounge mix. Head off, music on!. Music - - Qello Concerts by Stingray - DE - Qello Concerts by Stingray - DE + + Urban Lounge + Deluxe Lounge - the relaxed sound for a good feeling. Your time, your break: to come down, take a deep breath and take a break. Urbanauts, lounge lizards meet lounge-like tracks and smooth bar-grooves - the lounge mix. Head off, music on!. Music - - Qello Concerts by Stingray - DE - Qello Concerts by Stingray - DE + + Dusk Dawn Lounge + Deluxe Lounge - the relaxed sound for a good feeling. Your time, your break: to come down, take a deep breath and take a break. Urbanauts, lounge lizards meet lounge-like tracks and smooth bar-grooves - the lounge mix. Head off, music on!. Music - - Qello Concerts by Stingray - DE - Qello Concerts by Stingray - DE + + Underwater Lounge + Deluxe Lounge - the relaxed sound for a good feeling. Your time, your break: to come down, take a deep breath and take a break. Urbanauts, lounge lizards meet lounge-like tracks and smooth bar-grooves - the lounge mix. Head off, music on. Music - - Qello Concerts by Stingray - DE - Qello Concerts by Stingray - DE + + Dark Lounge + Deluxe Lounge - the relaxed sound for a good feeling. Your time, your break: to come down, take a deep breath and take a break. Urbanauts, lounge lizards meet lounge-like tracks and smooth bar-grooves - the lounge mix. Head off, music on!. Music - - Qello Concerts by Stingray - DE - Qello Concerts by Stingray - DE + + Warm Lounge + Deluxe Lounge - the relaxed sound for a good feeling. Your time, your break: to come down, take a deep breath and take a break. Urbanauts, lounge lizards meet lounge-like tracks and smooth bar-grooves - the lounge mix. Head off, music on!. Music - - Qello Concerts by Stingray - DE - Qello Concerts by Stingray - DE + + Cold Lounge + Deluxe Lounge - the relaxed sound for a good feeling. Your time, your break: to come down, take a deep breath and take a break. Urbanauts, lounge lizards meet lounge-like tracks and smooth bar-grooves - the lounge mix. Head off, music on. Music - - Qello Concerts by Stingray - DE - Qello Concerts by Stingray - DE + + Urban Lounge + Deluxe Lounge - the relaxed sound for a good feeling. Your time, your break: to come down, take a deep breath and take a break. Urbanauts, lounge lizards meet lounge-like tracks and smooth bar-grooves - the lounge mix. Head off, music on!. + Music + + + Ice Lounge + Deluxe Lounge - the relaxed sound for a good feeling. Your time, your break: to come down, take a deep breath and take a break. Urbanauts, lounge lizards meet lounge-like tracks and smooth bar-grooves - the lounge mix. Head off, music on. + Music + + + Beach Lounge + Deluxe Lounge - the relaxed sound for a good feeling. Your time, your break: to come down, take a deep breath and take a break. Urbanauts, lounge lizards meet lounge-like tracks and smooth bar-grooves - the lounge mix. Head off, music on!. + Music + + + Dark Lounge + Deluxe Lounge - the relaxed sound for a good feeling. Your time, your break: to come down, take a deep breath and take a break. Urbanauts, lounge lizards meet lounge-like tracks and smooth bar-grooves - the lounge mix. Head off, music on!. + Music + + + Air Lounge + Deluxe Lounge - the relaxed sound for a good feeling. Your time, your break: to come down, take a deep breath and take a break. Urbanauts, lounge lizards meet lounge-like tracks and smooth bar-grooves - the lounge mix. Head off, music on!. + Music + + + Dusk Dawn Lounge + Deluxe Lounge - the relaxed sound for a good feeling. Your time, your break: to come down, take a deep breath and take a break. Urbanauts, lounge lizards meet lounge-like tracks and smooth bar-grooves - the lounge mix. Head off, music on!. + Music + + + Urban Lounge + Deluxe Lounge - the relaxed sound for a good feeling. Your time, your break: to come down, take a deep breath and take a break. Urbanauts, lounge lizards meet lounge-like tracks and smooth bar-grooves - the lounge mix. Head off, music on!. + Music + + + Underwater Lounge + Deluxe Lounge - the relaxed sound for a good feeling. Your time, your break: to come down, take a deep breath and take a break. Urbanauts, lounge lizards meet lounge-like tracks and smooth bar-grooves - the lounge mix. Head off, music on. Music @@ -33166,14 +42632,124 @@ Qello Concerts by Stingray - DE Music - - Stingray Remember the '80s - Relive the decade of perms and shoulder pads! The unmistakable synth pop sound of artists such as Michael Jackson, George Michael, and Whitney Houston, is bound to remind you of all your greatest '80s memories! + + Qello Concerts by Stingray - DE + Qello Concerts by Stingray - DE Music - - Stingray Remember the '80s - Relive the decade of perms and shoulder pads! The unmistakable synth pop sound of artists such as Michael Jackson, George Michael, and Whitney Houston, is bound to remind you of all your greatest '80s memories! + + Qello Concerts by Stingray - DE + Qello Concerts by Stingray - DE + Music + + + Qello Concerts by Stingray - DE + Qello Concerts by Stingray - DE + Music + + + Qello Concerts by Stingray - DE + Qello Concerts by Stingray - DE + Music + + + Qello Concerts by Stingray - DE + Qello Concerts by Stingray - DE + Music + + + Qello Concerts by Stingray - DE + Qello Concerts by Stingray - DE + Music + + + Qello Concerts by Stingray - DE + Qello Concerts by Stingray - DE + Music + + + Qello Concerts by Stingray - DE + Qello Concerts by Stingray - DE + Music + + + Qello Concerts by Stingray - DE + Qello Concerts by Stingray - DE + Music + + + Qello Concerts by Stingray - DE + Qello Concerts by Stingray - DE + Music + + + Qello Concerts by Stingray - DE + Qello Concerts by Stingray - DE + Music + + + Qello Concerts by Stingray - DE + Qello Concerts by Stingray - DE + Music + + + Qello Concerts by Stingray - DE + Qello Concerts by Stingray - DE + Music + + + Qello Concerts by Stingray - DE + Qello Concerts by Stingray - DE + Music + + + Qello Concerts by Stingray - DE + Qello Concerts by Stingray - DE + Music + + + Qello Concerts by Stingray - DE + Qello Concerts by Stingray - DE + Music + + + Qello Concerts by Stingray - DE + Qello Concerts by Stingray - DE + Music + + + Qello Concerts by Stingray - DE + Qello Concerts by Stingray - DE + Music + + + Qello Concerts by Stingray - DE + Qello Concerts by Stingray - DE + Music + + + Qello Concerts by Stingray - DE + Qello Concerts by Stingray - DE + Music + + + Qello Concerts by Stingray - DE + Qello Concerts by Stingray - DE + Music + + + Qello Concerts by Stingray - DE + Qello Concerts by Stingray - DE + Music + + + Qello Concerts by Stingray - DE + Qello Concerts by Stingray - DE + Music + + + Qello Concerts by Stingray - DE + Qello Concerts by Stingray - DE Music @@ -33241,14 +42817,34 @@ Relive the decade of perms and shoulder pads! The unmistakable synth pop sound of artists such as Michael Jackson, George Michael, and Whitney Houston, is bound to remind you of all your greatest '80s memories! Music - - Stingray Hit List - Tune in for today's hits and a preview of tomorrow's sensations. You'll know what will be the next chart-topper before everyone else! + + Stingray Remember the '80s + Relive the decade of perms and shoulder pads! The unmistakable synth pop sound of artists such as Michael Jackson, George Michael, and Whitney Houston, is bound to remind you of all your greatest '80s memories! Music - - Stingray Hit List - Tune in for today's hits and a preview of tomorrow's sensations. You'll know what will be the next chart-topper before everyone else! + + Stingray Remember the '80s + Relive the decade of perms and shoulder pads! The unmistakable synth pop sound of artists such as Michael Jackson, George Michael, and Whitney Houston, is bound to remind you of all your greatest '80s memories! + Music + + + Stingray Remember the '80s + Relive the decade of perms and shoulder pads! The unmistakable synth pop sound of artists such as Michael Jackson, George Michael, and Whitney Houston, is bound to remind you of all your greatest '80s memories! + Music + + + Stingray Remember the '80s + Relive the decade of perms and shoulder pads! The unmistakable synth pop sound of artists such as Michael Jackson, George Michael, and Whitney Houston, is bound to remind you of all your greatest '80s memories! + Music + + + Stingray Remember the '80s + Relive the decade of perms and shoulder pads! The unmistakable synth pop sound of artists such as Michael Jackson, George Michael, and Whitney Houston, is bound to remind you of all your greatest '80s memories! + Music + + + Stingray Remember the '80s + Relive the decade of perms and shoulder pads! The unmistakable synth pop sound of artists such as Michael Jackson, George Michael, and Whitney Houston, is bound to remind you of all your greatest '80s memories! Music @@ -33316,14 +42912,34 @@ Tune in for today's hits and a preview of tomorrow's sensations. You'll know what will be the next chart-topper before everyone else! Music - - Stingray Greatest Hits - Dive into an eclectic mix of the most iconic tracks from the '70s to today, and discover the hits that defined generations. + + Stingray Hit List + Tune in for today's hits and a preview of tomorrow's sensations. You'll know what will be the next chart-topper before everyone else! Music - - Stingray Greatest Hits - Dive into an eclectic mix of the most iconic tracks from the '70s to today, and discover the hits that defined generations. + + Stingray Hit List + Tune in for today's hits and a preview of tomorrow's sensations. You'll know what will be the next chart-topper before everyone else! + Music + + + Stingray Hit List + Tune in for today's hits and a preview of tomorrow's sensations. You'll know what will be the next chart-topper before everyone else! + Music + + + Stingray Hit List + Tune in for today's hits and a preview of tomorrow's sensations. You'll know what will be the next chart-topper before everyone else! + Music + + + Stingray Hit List + Tune in for today's hits and a preview of tomorrow's sensations. You'll know what will be the next chart-topper before everyone else! + Music + + + Stingray Hit List + Tune in for today's hits and a preview of tomorrow's sensations. You'll know what will be the next chart-topper before everyone else! Music @@ -33391,24 +43007,34 @@ Dive into an eclectic mix of the most iconic tracks from the '70s to today, and discover the hits that defined generations. Music - - From Be Bop to Hip Hop by Qwest TV - Discover new tracks and timeless standards: "From Bebop to Doo-Wop to Hip Hop" as Quincy Jones loves to say! + + Stingray Greatest Hits + Dive into an eclectic mix of the most iconic tracks from the '70s to today, and discover the hits that defined generations. Music - - It’s Showtime! by Qwest TV - This is your front-row seat for tonight's concert on Qwest TV! + + Stingray Greatest Hits + Dive into an eclectic mix of the most iconic tracks from the '70s to today, and discover the hits that defined generations. Music - - La Dame Blanche - Live at Moods - Mixing hiphop and afro-latin rhythms, La Dame Blanche brings her voice, her flute and her attitude to Moods. + + Stingray Greatest Hits + Dive into an eclectic mix of the most iconic tracks from the '70s to today, and discover the hits that defined generations. Music - - Jorge Pardo: Trance - Directed by Emilio Belmonte, the documentary journeys into to the heart of flamenco with Jorge Pardo. + + Stingray Greatest Hits + Dive into an eclectic mix of the most iconic tracks from the '70s to today, and discover the hits that defined generations. + Music + + + Stingray Greatest Hits + Dive into an eclectic mix of the most iconic tracks from the '70s to today, and discover the hits that defined generations. + Music + + + Stingray Greatest Hits + Dive into an eclectic mix of the most iconic tracks from the '70s to today, and discover the hits that defined generations. Music @@ -33541,89 +43167,64 @@ Enjoy our chillin' playlist cooked with love and get your day off to a good start with Qwest TV! Music - - Special Show - Recorded from amazing places all around the world, forests, roof tops, boat parties, clubs or just wonderful places, enjoy DJ Set and live performances from your favorite artists! - Music - - - Pure DJ Set - Recorded from our studio in Ibiza, enjoy artists performing from the white island on Clubbing TV! - Music - - - Put Your Hands Up - Our reports and aftermovies from electronic music festivals all over the world. Our Clubbing TV teams are travelling all over the world to guide you through those amazing party spots ! Interviews with DJs, clubbers and event organizers, there is no escape from our cameras ! - Music - - - Put Your Hands Up - Our reports and aftermovies from electronic music festivals all over the world. Our Clubbing TV teams are travelling all over the world to guide you through those amazing party spots ! Interviews with DJs, clubbers and event organizers, there is no escape from our cameras ! - Music - - - Weekly Clip Selection - Clubbing TV specially curated weekly clip selection! - Music - - - Underground - Techno and Minimal music videos + + Jorge Pardo: Trance + Directed by Emilio Belmonte, the documentary journeys into to the heart of flamenco with Jorge Pardo. Music - - Clubbing Experience - Recorded Live from festivals all around the globe, get a total immersion in the Underground music scene and party with a lot of techno, minimal and house sets! + + Gaël Horellou "Dalonaz" - Live + Saxophonist Horellou's album "Identité" attests to the evolving nation of the jazz and Creole musical genres. Music - - Clubbing Experience with Cosmic Boys @ Bricks Festival - 2024 - Tune in for the Cosmic Boys’ set from Bricks Festival 2024. This French techno duo is celebrated for their innovative sound that blends melodic elements with hard-hitting techno. Their performance is a masterclass in keeping the crowd moving from start to finish. + + Late Night Sounds by Qwest TV + "This is the Qwest for the grooviest, deepest, most spine-tingling, sublime music" - Quincy Jones Music - - Put Your Hands Up - Our reports and aftermovies from electronic music festivals all over the world. Our Clubbing TV teams are travelling all over the world to guide you through those amazing party spots ! Interviews with DJs, clubbers and event organizers, there is no escape from our cameras ! + + Chillin’ with Qwest TV + Enjoy our chillin' playlist cooked with love and get your day off to a good start with Qwest TV! Music - - Put Your Hands Up - Our reports and aftermovies from electronic music festivals all over the world. Our Clubbing TV teams are travelling all over the world to guide you through those amazing party spots ! Interviews with DJs, clubbers and event organizers, there is no escape from our cameras ! + + Diverse, Beautiful Music by Qwest TV + Qwest TV breaks down the barriers between the world’s best, diverse sounds that will move you! Music - - Weekly Clip Selection - Clubbing TV specially curated weekly clip selection! + + Where Great Music Meets by Qwest TV + A curated selection of concerts from all around the globe that pushes boundaries and soothes your soul! Music - - Underground - Techno and Minimal music videos + + From Be Bop to Hip Hop by Qwest TV + Discover new tracks and timeless standards: "From Bebop to Doo-Wop to Hip Hop" as Quincy Jones loves to say! Music - - Put Your Hands Up - Our reports and aftermovies from electronic music festivals all over the world. Our Clubbing TV teams are travelling all over the world to guide you through those amazing party spots ! Interviews with DJs, clubbers and event organizers, there is no escape from our cameras ! + + It’s Showtime! by Qwest TV + This is your front-row seat for tonight's concert on Qwest TV! Music - - Put Your Hands Up - Our reports and aftermovies from electronic music festivals all over the world. Our Clubbing TV teams are travelling all over the world to guide you through those amazing party spots ! Interviews with DJs, clubbers and event organizers, there is no escape from our cameras ! + + Coleman Hawkins - Live in 1962 + Coleman shares the stage with bassist Jimmy Woode, drum player Kansas Fields and pianist Georges Arvanitas. Music - - Weekly Clip Selection - Clubbing TV specially curated weekly clip selection! + + Root Africaine + With Leica storyteller Guy Le Querrec, Aldo Romano, Louis Sclavis & Henri Texier embarked on a African journey Music - - Underground - Techno and Minimal music videos + + J."Blood" Ulmer & Phalanx Revisited + Gone are the days of the Jazz Messengers, and the rare beauties of Ornette Coleman... Music - - Clubbing Experience - Recorded Live from festivals all around the globe, get a total immersion in the Underground music scene and party with a lot of techno, minimal and house sets! + + Chillin’ with Qwest TV + Enjoy our chillin' playlist cooked with love and get your day off to a good start with Qwest TV! Music @@ -34201,101 +43802,295 @@ Where mainstream and underground meet. Let's cross over the genres and let yourself be surprised. Because some electronic music tracks cannot be labeled. Music - - Road Grill - S01 : E02 The Country Fair - The Country Fair - Cooking & Food + + Put Your Hands Up + Our reports and aftermovies from electronic music festivals all over the world. Our Clubbing TV teams are travelling all over the world to guide you through those amazing party spots ! Interviews with DJs, clubbers and event organizers, there is no escape from our cameras ! + Music - - Watts On the Grill - S02 : E01 Fruit on the ‘Q - Fun and quirky host Chef Spencer Watts kicks off this episode by showing off his knife skills as he sabres a pineapple to start his instant classic; Grilled Fruit Salad. The pineapple joins a mix of bright summer fruits on the grill, then berries, spicy citrus vinaigrette and savoury feta cheese. Next up, Spencer whips up his Hawaiian Chicken recipe. Spiced with cayenne and Chinese five spice, Spencer stuffs flavourful chicken thighs with pineapple and grills it with a delightful ginger and soy sauce. Every bite is sweet, savoury, and fresh - exactly how summer should taste! Then Spencer shares his top tips for adding smoky flavours to pork using an easy and handy smoke pouch. His Apple... - Cooking & Food + + Weekly Clip Selection + Clubbing TV specially curated weekly clip selection! + Music - - Watts On the Grill - S02 : E02 Allium in the Family - Onions, green onions, chives, garlic, and leeks are all members of the same fabulous flowering family, Allium! First up? Chef Watts shows us his sweet and smoky Charred Leeks with Romesco; add grilled toast and you have your next party appetizer! Next up is a main course. Spencer starts with a juicy grilled pork chop, then adds roasted garlic melted into a balsamic onion chutney to make his out-of-this-world Roasted Garlic Pork Chops. Looking for a crowd pleaser that's easy to make? Spencer has a recipe for that! Chicken Yakitori. He threads skewers with crunchy green onions and tender chicken and caramelizes the yakitori sauce as he grills this tasty dish. Are you ready to drool? Spencer... - Cooking & Food + + Rendez-vous + Interviews with the world's famous DJs and producers. Clubbing TV meets with talents of all genres: Big Room stars or underground heroes, legendary or upcoming artist, we got them all on Clubbing TV ! + Music - - License to Grill - S02 : E01 Hawaiian Luau - Looking sexy in his grass skirt, Rob and his fish monger friend Jim Foster hang up their surf boards and throw a great Hawaiian Luau. They prepare a feast including kaluah pork, cowabunga shrimp and some freshly grilled fennel and orange salad. It's a tropical feast. - Cooking & Food + + Put Your Hands Up + Our reports and aftermovies from electronic music festivals all over the world. Our Clubbing TV teams are travelling all over the world to guide you through those amazing party spots ! Interviews with DJs, clubbers and event organizers, there is no escape from our cameras ! + Music - - License to Grill - S02 : E02 Mardi Gras Party - Mardi Gras Party - Cooking & Food + + Music Video Hits + Where mainstream and underground meet. Let's cross over the genres and let yourself be surprised. Because some electronic music tracks cannot be labeled. + Music - - Road Grill - S02 : E01 Soap Box Derby - Not only do the racers in the Soap Box Derby have a need for speed, they have a need for BBQ! Matt and the RG team cook up a feast to slow down any speedster. The menu: Smoked Shrimp B.L.T., Pineapple Basil Rotisserie Chicken, Grilled Sweet Potato Pops, and Summer Berry Pudding. - Cooking & Food + + Live DJ Set + Every Thursday & Friday, Clubbing TV welcome an artist in its studios for one hour of LIVE DJ Set. In this weekly show, viewers will be able to discover new talents and to re-discover world-renowned Dj's. + Music - - Road Grill - S02 : E02 Day By the Water - Matt spends the day by the water; fishing, playing Frisbee, catching some rays. What goes with water and sun? BBQ!!! Matt & his team make a seafood buffet of Grilled Clams in the Shell with Serrano Ham, Smoked Lake Rainbow Trout, Grilled Lobster with Grapefruit Salsa, and Crab-Stuffed Avocados. - Cooking & Food + + Put Your Hands Up + Our reports and aftermovies from electronic music festivals all over the world. Our Clubbing TV teams are travelling all over the world to guide you through those amazing party spots ! Interviews with DJs, clubbers and event organizers, there is no escape from our cameras ! + Music - - Licence to Grill - S01 : E01 The Martini Birthday - The Martini Birthday - Cooking & Food + + Rendez-vous + Interviews with the world's famous DJs and producers. Clubbing TV meets with talents of all genres: Big Room stars or underground heroes, legendary or upcoming artist, we got them all on Clubbing TV ! + Music - - Licence to Grill - S01 : E02 The BBQ For No Reason - The BBQ For No Reason - Cooking & Food + + Weekly Clip Selection + Clubbing TV specially curated weekly clip selection! + Music - - Watts On the Grill - S01 : E01 A Barbeque Classic: Ribs - A Barbeque Classic: Ribs - Cooking & Food + + Essentials + All time Classic Hits. Playlist of "must know" and must have"dance music tunes. + Music - - Watts On the Grill - S01 : E02 Bananas for Barbeque - Bananas for Barbeque - Cooking & Food + + Put Your Hands Up + Our reports and aftermovies from electronic music festivals all over the world. Our Clubbing TV teams are travelling all over the world to guide you through those amazing party spots ! Interviews with DJs, clubbers and event organizers, there is no escape from our cameras ! + Music - - Fresh Market Dinners - S01 : E01 Honey, Cherries, Garlic Scapes and Carrots - Honey, Cherries, Garlic Scapes and Carrots - Cooking & Food + + Weekly Clip Selection + Clubbing TV specially curated weekly clip selection! + Music - - Fresh Market Dinners - S01 : E02 Sprouts, Veggies and Potatoes - Sprouts, Veggies and Potatoes - Cooking & Food + + Rendez-vous + Interviews with the world's famous DJs and producers. Clubbing TV meets with talents of all genres: Big Room stars or underground heroes, legendary or upcoming artist, we got them all on Clubbing TV ! + Music - - License to Grill - S04 : E01 Costume Party - Costume Party - Cooking & Food + + Put Your Hands Up + Our reports and aftermovies from electronic music festivals all over the world. Our Clubbing TV teams are travelling all over the world to guide you through those amazing party spots ! Interviews with DJs, clubbers and event organizers, there is no escape from our cameras ! + Music - - License to Grill - S03 : E01 Vegas Night BBQ - The cost of having a party every weekend is adding up so Rob decides to throw a Vegas Night BBQ. With a menu of apple stuffed veal roast, rosemary pork, grilled summer beets and a fresh green salad - his guests are sure to bet big and hit the tables with style. - Cooking & Food + + Music Video Hits + Where mainstream and underground meet. Let's cross over the genres and let yourself be surprised. Because some electronic music tracks cannot be labeled. + Music - - Road Grill - S01 : E01 Little League Soccer - Matt Dunigan hits the soccer field at a local youth soccer tournament. After some fancy footwork he leaves the field and hits the grill to cook up some Slo-Smoked Saucy Ribs, some Cheesy Bacon Potato Skins, and Chicken on a stick with Home Made Plum Sauce - Cooking & Food + + Put Your Hands Up + Our reports and aftermovies from electronic music festivals all over the world. Our Clubbing TV teams are travelling all over the world to guide you through those amazing party spots ! Interviews with DJs, clubbers and event organizers, there is no escape from our cameras ! + Music + + + Put Your Hands Up + Our reports and aftermovies from electronic music festivals all over the world. Our Clubbing TV teams are travelling all over the world to guide you through those amazing party spots ! Interviews with DJs, clubbers and event organizers, there is no escape from our cameras ! + Music + + + Weekly Clip Selection + Clubbing TV specially curated weekly clip selection! + Music + + + Going Deep + Clubbing TV's selection of Deep House Music Videos + Music + + + Put Your Hands Up + Our reports and aftermovies from electronic music festivals all over the world. Our Clubbing TV teams are travelling all over the world to guide you through those amazing party spots ! Interviews with DJs, clubbers and event organizers, there is no escape from our cameras ! + Music + + + Put Your Hands Up + Our reports and aftermovies from electronic music festivals all over the world. Our Clubbing TV teams are travelling all over the world to guide you through those amazing party spots ! Interviews with DJs, clubbers and event organizers, there is no escape from our cameras ! + Music + + + Weekly Clip Selection + Clubbing TV specially curated weekly clip selection! + Music + + + Going Deep + Clubbing TV's selection of Deep House Music Videos + Music + + + Rendez-vous + Interviews with the world's famous DJs and producers. Clubbing TV meets with talents of all genres: Big Room stars or underground heroes, legendary or upcoming artist, we got them all on Clubbing TV ! + Music + + + Weekly Clip Selection + Clubbing TV specially curated weekly clip selection! + Music + + + Time to Chill + Clubbing TV's selection of Chill Out Music Videos + Music + + + Live DJ Set + Every Thursday & Friday, Clubbing TV welcome an artist in its studios for one hour of LIVE DJ Set. In this weekly show, viewers will be able to discover new talents and to re-discover world-renowned Dj's. + Music + + + (Y)our House + (Y)our House + Music + + + Put Your Hands Up + Our reports and aftermovies from electronic music festivals all over the world. Our Clubbing TV teams are travelling all over the world to guide you through those amazing party spots ! Interviews with DJs, clubbers and event organizers, there is no escape from our cameras ! + Music + + + Put Your Hands Up + Our reports and aftermovies from electronic music festivals all over the world. Our Clubbing TV teams are travelling all over the world to guide you through those amazing party spots ! Interviews with DJs, clubbers and event organizers, there is no escape from our cameras ! + Music + + + Weekly Clip Selection + Clubbing TV specially curated weekly clip selection! + Music + + + Going Deep + Clubbing TV's selection of Deep House Music Videos + Music + + + (Y)our House - Electric Disco with Gene Farris 2020 + Clubbing TV goes underground on this Live DJ Set show! Techno, Minimal, Modular & Live acts will resonate in your television. + Music + + + Clubbing Experience with Hot Since 82 @ Family Piknik 2018 + Clubbing Experience with Hot Since 82 @ Family Piknik 2018 + Music + + + Put Your Hands Up + Our reports and aftermovies from electronic music festivals all over the world. Our Clubbing TV teams are travelling all over the world to guide you through those amazing party spots ! Interviews with DJs, clubbers and event organizers, there is no escape from our cameras ! + Music + + + Put Your Hands Up + Our reports and aftermovies from electronic music festivals all over the world. Our Clubbing TV teams are travelling all over the world to guide you through those amazing party spots ! Interviews with DJs, clubbers and event organizers, there is no escape from our cameras ! + Music + + + Weekly Clip Selection + Clubbing TV specially curated weekly clip selection! + Music + + + Going Deep + Clubbing TV's selection of Deep House Music Videos + Music + + + Put Your Hands Up + Our reports and aftermovies from electronic music festivals all over the world. Our Clubbing TV teams are travelling all over the world to guide you through those amazing party spots ! Interviews with DJs, clubbers and event organizers, there is no escape from our cameras ! + Music + + + Put Your Hands Up + Our reports and aftermovies from electronic music festivals all over the world. Our Clubbing TV teams are travelling all over the world to guide you through those amazing party spots ! Interviews with DJs, clubbers and event organizers, there is no escape from our cameras ! + Music + + + Weekly Clip Selection + Clubbing TV specially curated weekly clip selection! + Music + + + Going Deep + Clubbing TV's selection of Deep House Music Videos + Music + + + From The Studio + Starsky will be your host/teacher for this From The Studio show. Discover the best electronic music gears and learn how to use them! + Music + + + Clubbing Lifestyle + The Clubbing TV team is exploring the world to understand the different sides of the club culture. Interviews, art exhibitions, parties and backstage access with the biggest artists will be part of the trip! + Music + + + Rendez-vous + Interviews with the world's famous DJs and producers. Clubbing TV meets with talents of all genres: Big Room stars or underground heroes, legendary or upcoming artist, we got them all on Clubbing TV ! + Music + + + The Big Bad Box + Our brand new studio show The Big Bad Box will kick off the season this month! One studio, one screen, one guest and 13 minutes to get to know better your favorite artists. + Music + + + Put Your Hands Up + Our reports and aftermovies from electronic music festivals all over the world. Our Clubbing TV teams are travelling all over the world to guide you through those amazing party spots ! Interviews with DJs, clubbers and event organizers, there is no escape from our cameras ! + Music + + + Put Your Hands Up + Our reports and aftermovies from electronic music festivals all over the world. Our Clubbing TV teams are travelling all over the world to guide you through those amazing party spots ! Interviews with DJs, clubbers and event organizers, there is no escape from our cameras ! + Music + + + Weekly Clip Selection + Clubbing TV specially curated weekly clip selection! + Music + + + Underground + Techno and Minimal music videos + Music + + + Pure DJ Set + Recorded from our studio in Ibiza, enjoy artists performing from the white island on Clubbing TV! + Music + + + Live DJ Set + Every Thursday & Friday, Clubbing TV welcome an artist in its studios for one hour of LIVE DJ Set. In this weekly show, viewers will be able to discover new talents and to re-discover world-renowned Dj's. + Music + + + Clubbing Experience + Recorded Live from festivals all around the globe, get a total immersion in the Underground music scene and party with a lot of techno, minimal and house sets! + Music + + + Special Show + Recorded from amazing places all around the world, forests, roof tops, boat parties, clubs or just wonderful places, enjoy DJ Set and live performances from your favorite artists! + Music + + + Clubbing Experience + Recorded Live from festivals all around the globe, get a total immersion in the Underground music scene and party with a lot of techno, minimal and house sets! + Music + + + (Y)our House + (Y)our House + Music + + + Live DJ Set + Every Thursday & Friday, Clubbing TV welcome an artist in its studios for one hour of LIVE DJ Set. In this weekly show, viewers will be able to discover new talents and to re-discover world-renowned Dj's. + Music + + + Clubbing Experience + Recorded Live from festivals all around the globe, get a total immersion in the Underground music scene and party with a lot of techno, minimal and house sets! + Music Road Grill @@ -34873,52 +44668,256 @@ Bananas for Barbeque Cooking & Food - - Recreating Aarón Sánchez's Chiles Rellenos From Taste and more... - S01 : E24 Reverse Engineering - Bon Appétit supertaster, Chris Morocco, recreates famous dishes by taste and touch only and in a limited time. + + One BIG Recipe + S01 : E03 Upside Down + Last things are first for this 'Upside Down' themed One Big Recipe featuring Montreal chef Kimberly Lallouz. Fruit and cheese to start? Why not? Check out her dessert wine poached Grilled Pears and Blue Cheese Salad. Next, Beef Tartare Sliders are spiked with horseradish aioli and served on warm brioche. Pasta follows, but in keeping with her topsy turvy theme, Korean flavour meets Italian savour in her Kimchi Pappardelle. Fish is next, Loup de Mer en Papillote with Écrasé Potatoes is dressed up with shaved fennel and rich beurre rouge sauce. How do you end an inside-outside- upside-downside dinner? With the perfect starter! Check out Kim's Oyster Shooters with Champagne Granité for a... Cooking & Food - - Recreating Aarón Sánchez's Chiles Rellenos From Taste and more... - S01 : E24 Reverse Engineering - Bon Appétit supertaster, Chris Morocco, recreates famous dishes by taste and touch only and in a limited time. + + Global Veggies + S01 : E05 Korea, Russia, Spain, El Salvador + Korea, Russia, Spain, El Salvador Cooking & Food - - The Best Mexican Rice And Beans You'll Ever Make And More... - S01 : E45 Epicurious 101 - Experts give tutorials on fundamental cooking skills tied to a variety of ingredients in a given category! + + Spencer's Big 30 + S02 : E11 Burgers and Fries + Burgers and Fries Cooking & Food - - Classic Recipes for Autumn - S01 : E01 The Cozy Test Kitchen - Fall Recipes & Comfort Foods from your friends at the Test Kitchen! + + Blitz! + S03 : E02 More Gavan Knox + More Gavan Knox Cooking & Food - - Classic Recipes for Autumn - S01 : E01 The Cozy Test Kitchen - Fall Recipes & Comfort Foods from your friends at the Test Kitchen! + + The Wizard Of Sauce + S01 : E01 Creamy + Creamy Cooking & Food - - Las Vegas’ Most Iconic 24-hour Restaurant is on a Casino Floor - S01 : E22 On The Line - Experience a day in the life of a prominent culinary professional as Bon Appétit follows them in their world. + + The Wizard Of Sauce + S01 : E02 Savoury + Savoury Cooking & Food - - A Day At Brooklyn's Hottest Chinese Restaurant And More - S01 : E06 On The Line - BA gets a complete look into an entire day day at a restaurant before opening. + + MORE One Big Recipe + S01 : E05 Tapas Party! + Tapas Party! Cooking & Food - - Bangkok’s Must-Try Street Grilled Scallops Are Michelin-Rated And More... - S01 : E07 Street Eats - This new series follows chef Lucas Sin as he goes on the ground in Hong Kong. + + MORE One Big Recipe + S01 : E06 Turf'n'Surf + Re-join Chef Kimberly Lallouz in her One Big Recipe test kitchen as she masterfully creates a week night feast of venison tartare, whole roasted maitake mushroom with a trio of sauces, seared scallops with a pea and fava bean puree and pepper relish, and a dandelion salad. + Cooking & Food + + + MORE One Big Recipe + S01 : E07 Date Night + Re-join Chef Kimberly Lallouz in her One Big Recipe test kitchen as she masterfully creates a date night feast of mussels in a beer cream sauce, herb crusted tenderloin with pomme puree and red wine sauce, a flourless chocolate torte with raspberry coulee, and watermelon sashimi with pickled grapes. + Cooking & Food + + + MORE One Big Recipe + S01 : E08 Summer Fun + Re-join Chef Kimberly Lallouz in her One Big Recipe test kitchen as she masterfully creates a week night feast of baked feta with marinated tomatoes and corn chips, a marinated tomato and jicama salad with cilantro lime dressing, carne molida tacos, and a sous-vide crème caramel. + Cooking & Food + + + Spencer's Big 30 + S01 : E09 Taco Night + Taco Night + Cooking & Food + + + Global Veggies + S01 : E07 Sweden, Mexico, Senegal, Italy + Sweden, Mexico, Senegal, Italy + Cooking & Food + + + The Latin Kitchen + S01 : E13 Mexican Street Food + Mexican Street Food + Cooking & Food + + + Fish the Dish + S02 : E09 Fast Favs + Fast Favs + Cooking & Food + + + Let's Brunch + S02 : E07 More Brunch Around The World + More Brunch Around The World + Cooking & Food + + + MORE One Big Recipe + S01 : E08 Summer Fun + Re-join Chef Kimberly Lallouz in her One Big Recipe test kitchen as she masterfully creates a week night feast of baked feta with marinated tomatoes and corn chips, a marinated tomato and jicama salad with cilantro lime dressing, carne molida tacos, and a sous-vide crème caramel. + Cooking & Food + + + Spencer's Big 30 + S02 : E11 Burgers and Fries + Burgers and Fries + Cooking & Food + + + A is for Apple + S02 : E20 Pork and Peanuts + It's all about pork and peanuts, today's challenge is the letter "P." Chef Lauren Gulyas serves up an old school favourite, smothered pork chops. Using a blend of savoury ingredients, and with the help of her cast iron pan, Chef Lauren provides us with tips on how to keep your pork tender and tasty. Next, it's time for a West African peanut soup. Drizzling garlic, ginger and onions with extra virgin olive oil and letting them sizzle in a frying pan until the onions are soft brings out a sweetness that lends itself beautifully to the salty, earthy taste of peanuts. To finish, Chef Lauren puts an Asian twist on a southern classic, when she combines the two ingredients. + Cooking & Food + + + One BIG Recipe + S01 : E03 Upside Down + Last things are first for this 'Upside Down' themed One Big Recipe featuring Montreal chef Kimberly Lallouz. Fruit and cheese to start? Why not? Check out her dessert wine poached Grilled Pears and Blue Cheese Salad. Next, Beef Tartare Sliders are spiked with horseradish aioli and served on warm brioche. Pasta follows, but in keeping with her topsy turvy theme, Korean flavour meets Italian savour in her Kimchi Pappardelle. Fish is next, Loup de Mer en Papillote with Écrasé Potatoes is dressed up with shaved fennel and rich beurre rouge sauce. How do you end an inside-outside- upside-downside dinner? With the perfect starter! Check out Kim's Oyster Shooters with Champagne Granité for a... + Cooking & Food + + + Global Veggies + S01 : E05 Korea, Russia, Spain, El Salvador + Korea, Russia, Spain, El Salvador + Cooking & Food + + + Spencer's Big 30 + S02 : E11 Burgers and Fries + Burgers and Fries + Cooking & Food + + + Blitz! + S03 : E02 More Gavan Knox + More Gavan Knox + Cooking & Food + + + The Wizard Of Sauce + S01 : E01 Creamy + Creamy + Cooking & Food + + + The Wizard Of Sauce + S01 : E02 Savoury + Savoury + Cooking & Food + + + MORE One Big Recipe + S01 : E05 Tapas Party! + Tapas Party! + Cooking & Food + + + MORE One Big Recipe + S01 : E06 Turf'n'Surf + Re-join Chef Kimberly Lallouz in her One Big Recipe test kitchen as she masterfully creates a week night feast of venison tartare, whole roasted maitake mushroom with a trio of sauces, seared scallops with a pea and fava bean puree and pepper relish, and a dandelion salad. + Cooking & Food + + + MORE One Big Recipe + S01 : E07 Date Night + Re-join Chef Kimberly Lallouz in her One Big Recipe test kitchen as she masterfully creates a date night feast of mussels in a beer cream sauce, herb crusted tenderloin with pomme puree and red wine sauce, a flourless chocolate torte with raspberry coulee, and watermelon sashimi with pickled grapes. + Cooking & Food + + + MORE One Big Recipe + S01 : E08 Summer Fun + Re-join Chef Kimberly Lallouz in her One Big Recipe test kitchen as she masterfully creates a week night feast of baked feta with marinated tomatoes and corn chips, a marinated tomato and jicama salad with cilantro lime dressing, carne molida tacos, and a sous-vide crème caramel. + Cooking & Food + + + Spencer's Big 30 + S01 : E09 Taco Night + Taco Night + Cooking & Food + + + Global Veggies + S01 : E07 Sweden, Mexico, Senegal, Italy + Sweden, Mexico, Senegal, Italy + Cooking & Food + + + The Latin Kitchen + S01 : E13 Mexican Street Food + Mexican Street Food + Cooking & Food + + + Fish the Dish + S02 : E09 Fast Favs + Fast Favs + Cooking & Food + + + Let's Brunch + S02 : E07 More Brunch Around The World + More Brunch Around The World + Cooking & Food + + + MORE One Big Recipe + S01 : E08 Summer Fun + Re-join Chef Kimberly Lallouz in her One Big Recipe test kitchen as she masterfully creates a week night feast of baked feta with marinated tomatoes and corn chips, a marinated tomato and jicama salad with cilantro lime dressing, carne molida tacos, and a sous-vide crème caramel. + Cooking & Food + + + Spencer's Big 30 + S02 : E11 Burgers and Fries + Burgers and Fries + Cooking & Food + + + A is for Apple + S02 : E20 Pork and Peanuts + It's all about pork and peanuts, today's challenge is the letter "P." Chef Lauren Gulyas serves up an old school favourite, smothered pork chops. Using a blend of savoury ingredients, and with the help of her cast iron pan, Chef Lauren provides us with tips on how to keep your pork tender and tasty. Next, it's time for a West African peanut soup. Drizzling garlic, ginger and onions with extra virgin olive oil and letting them sizzle in a frying pan until the onions are soft brings out a sweetness that lends itself beautifully to the salty, earthy taste of peanuts. To finish, Chef Lauren puts an Asian twist on a southern classic, when she combines the two ingredients. + Cooking & Food + + + One BIG Recipe + S01 : E03 Upside Down + Last things are first for this 'Upside Down' themed One Big Recipe featuring Montreal chef Kimberly Lallouz. Fruit and cheese to start? Why not? Check out her dessert wine poached Grilled Pears and Blue Cheese Salad. Next, Beef Tartare Sliders are spiked with horseradish aioli and served on warm brioche. Pasta follows, but in keeping with her topsy turvy theme, Korean flavour meets Italian savour in her Kimchi Pappardelle. Fish is next, Loup de Mer en Papillote with Écrasé Potatoes is dressed up with shaved fennel and rich beurre rouge sauce. How do you end an inside-outside- upside-downside dinner? With the perfect starter! Check out Kim's Oyster Shooters with Champagne Granité for a... + Cooking & Food + + + Global Veggies + S01 : E05 Korea, Russia, Spain, El Salvador + Korea, Russia, Spain, El Salvador + Cooking & Food + + + Spencer's Big 30 + S02 : E11 Burgers and Fries + Burgers and Fries + Cooking & Food + + + Blitz! + S03 : E02 More Gavan Knox + More Gavan Knox + Cooking & Food + + + The Wizard Of Sauce + S01 : E01 Creamy + Creamy + Cooking & Food + + + The Wizard Of Sauce + S01 : E02 Savoury + Savoury Cooking & Food @@ -35215,113 +45214,149 @@ This new series follows chef Lucas Sin as he goes on the ground in Hong Kong. Cooking & Food - - Restaurant-Style Whole Roast Fish - S01 : E03 All Up In My Grill - Chef Dale grills to impress with a fancy-looking yet easy-to-make whole roasted fish with watermelon salad. - Lifestyle + + Milkshakes; Lasagna; Spring Rolls + S01 : E75 4 Levels: Amateur to Food Scientist + We challenged an amateur chef, a home cook, and a professional chef to make a dish! + Cooking & Food - - The Chicken Episode - S01 : E04 All Up In My Grill - Chef Dale kicks up the heat with his angry chicken recipe, a spicy, spatchcocked and grilled whole chicken. - Lifestyle + + Pigs In A Blanket; Mac and Cheese; Tostadas + S01 : E74 4 Levels: Amateur to Food Scientist + See how a home cook, amateur chef and professional chef cooks popular dishes, compared to food science. + Cooking & Food - - Brunch On The Grill - S01 : E05 All Up In My Grill - Chef Dale creates a showstopping brunch featuring his dutch baby pancake with tangerine maple syrup. - Lifestyle + + Trying One of Everything At Court Street + S01 : E07 One of Everything + We send our very own chefs to try one of everything on the menu of some of the best NYC eateries. + Cooking & Food - - Vegetables, But Delicious - S01 : E06 All Up In My Grill - Chef Dale makes vegetables the main course with savory trumpet mushrooms and spicy ssam jang eggplant. - Lifestyle + + Trying Everything on the Menu at an Iconic NYC Dim Sum Restaurant + S01 : E01 One of Everything + We send our very own chefs to try one of everything on the menu of some of the best NYC eateries. + Cooking & Food - - Kabobs and Skewers - S01 : E07 All Up In My Grill - Chef Dale grills up a Mediterranean-inspired feast of beef and shrimp kabobs with tomatoes and pita. - Lifestyle + + Pastry Chef Attempts to Make Gourmet Pringles and more... + S01 : E11 Gourmet Makes + Claire Saffitz attempts to recreate popular junk foods to her gourmet pastry standards in the Test Kitchen. + Cooking & Food - - Asian Fusion - S02 : E14 Tastemade's Recipe Rundown - From Japan, India, Korea, and Thailand, we're showing off our favorite Asian Fusion options from each country. - Lifestyle + + Gourmet Makes: Cheez-Its + S01 : E11 Gourmet Makes + Claire Saffitz recreates popular junk foods in the Test Kitchen, this time, Halloween favorites. + Cooking & Food - - Pizza Time - S02 : E16 Tastemade's Recipe Rundown - Today we've got pizza all day for you: in the morning, in the evening, literally any time you want! - Lifestyle + + A Day with the Bartender at Rockefeller Center's Legendary Bar And More... + S01 : E08 On The Line + Experience a day in the life of a prominent culinary professional as Bon Appétit follows them in their world. + Cooking & Food - - Veggies Veggies Everywhere - S02 : E13 Tastemade's Recipe Rundown - Today, we'll be showing you how to use green veggies in every meal, including snacks! - Lifestyle + + Brooklyn’s Hottest Pizzeria is Reinventing The New York Slice + S01 : E22 On The Line + Experience a day in the life of a prominent culinary professional as Bon Appétit follows them in their world. + Cooking & Food - - Dinner Party! - S01 : E04 Tastemade's Recipe Rundown - On this episode, we help you plan your next big dinner party with some of our favorite three-course recipes! - Lifestyle + + Sommelier Tries Wine from Every State And More + S01 : E16 World of Wine + Traverse the beguiling world of wine with the guidance of Bon Appétit's Contributing Sommelier André Mack. + Cooking & Food - - Latin Lovers... Of Food! - S01 : E10 Tastemade's Recipe Rundown - On this episode, we're featuring some of our favorite Latin-inspired recipes for you to try at home! - Lifestyle + + Sommelier Tries A 94 Year Old Red Wine And More + S01 : E15 World of Wine + Traverse the beguiling world of wine with the guidance of Bon Appétit's Contributing Sommelier André Mack. + Cooking & Food - - Dishes of the World! - S01 : E05 Tastemade's Recipe Rundown - On this episode, we're going global with some of our favorite recipes from Europe, Asia and Africa! - Lifestyle + + How a Sugar Artist Crafts a 5-Tier Wedding Cake And More + S01 : E01 Handcrafted + We partnered with expert food makers to demonstrate and describe their craft in exhaustive detail. + Cooking & Food - - Healthy Meals! - S01 : E09 Tastemade's Recipe Rundown - On this episode, we show you how eating healthy can still be delicious with some Tastemade healthy recipes! - Lifestyle + + How To Butcher a Whole Tuna: Every Cut of Fish Explained And More... + S01 : E04 Handcrafted + Experience food through the eyes of culinary artisans as they demonstrate their mastery in every detail. + Cooking & Food - - Sweet and Savory! - S01 : E07 Tastemade's Recipe Rundown - On this episode, we're bringing you our favorite sweet and savory recipes for you to try at home! - Lifestyle + + Pastry Chef Attempts to Make Gourmet Pringles and more... + S01 : E11 Gourmet Makes + Claire Saffitz attempts to recreate popular junk foods to her gourmet pastry standards in the Test Kitchen. + Cooking & Food - - Seafood! - S01 : E08 Tastemade's Recipe Rundown - On this episode, we're setting sail and featuring some of our favorite seafood recipes for you to try at home! - Lifestyle + + Gourmet Makes: Cheez-Its + S01 : E11 Gourmet Makes + Claire Saffitz recreates popular junk foods in the Test Kitchen, this time, Halloween favorites. + Cooking & Food - - Cheat Day! - S01 : E03 Tastemade's Recipe Rundown - On this episode, we help you splurge with some of our favorite cheat day recipes! No calorie counting allowed! - Lifestyle + + A Day with the Bartender at Rockefeller Center's Legendary Bar And More... + S01 : E08 On The Line + Experience a day in the life of a prominent culinary professional as Bon Appétit follows them in their world. + Cooking & Food - - New Southern Food in Savannah - S01 : E02 Street Somm - Classic Southern cuisine meets modern wine pairings in this Savannah, Georgia food tour led by Jermaine Stone. - Lifestyle + + Brooklyn’s Hottest Pizzeria is Reinventing The New York Slice + S01 : E22 On The Line + Experience a day in the life of a prominent culinary professional as Bon Appétit follows them in their world. + Cooking & Food - - A Taste of NYC’s Immigrant Experience - S01 : E01 Street Somm - Jermaine Stone explores New York's diverse food offerings, pairing each dish with the perfect bottle of wine. - Lifestyle + + Sommelier Tries Wine from Every State And More + S01 : E16 World of Wine + Traverse the beguiling world of wine with the guidance of Bon Appétit's Contributing Sommelier André Mack. + Cooking & Food - - Side Hustles - S02 : E01 The Curious Chef - From dumplings to pretzels to sushi, Stephanie finds people turning their passion for food into side hustles. - Lifestyle + + Sommelier Tries A 94 Year Old Red Wine And More + S01 : E15 World of Wine + Traverse the beguiling world of wine with the guidance of Bon Appétit's Contributing Sommelier André Mack. + Cooking & Food + + + How a Sugar Artist Crafts a 5-Tier Wedding Cake And More + S01 : E01 Handcrafted + We partnered with expert food makers to demonstrate and describe their craft in exhaustive detail. + Cooking & Food + + + How To Butcher a Whole Tuna: Every Cut of Fish Explained And More... + S01 : E04 Handcrafted + Experience food through the eyes of culinary artisans as they demonstrate their mastery in every detail. + Cooking & Food + + + Pastry Chef Attempts to Make Gourmet Pringles and more... + S01 : E11 Gourmet Makes + Claire Saffitz attempts to recreate popular junk foods to her gourmet pastry standards in the Test Kitchen. + Cooking & Food + + + Gourmet Makes: Cheez-Its + S01 : E11 Gourmet Makes + Claire Saffitz recreates popular junk foods in the Test Kitchen, this time, Halloween favorites. + Cooking & Food + + + A Day with the Bartender at Rockefeller Center's Legendary Bar And More... + S01 : E08 On The Line + Experience a day in the life of a prominent culinary professional as Bon Appétit follows them in their world. + Cooking & Food + + + Brooklyn’s Hottest Pizzeria is Reinventing The New York Slice + S01 : E22 On The Line + Experience a day in the life of a prominent culinary professional as Bon Appétit follows them in their world. + Cooking & Food Comfort Foods @@ -36001,34 +46036,340 @@ Frankie Celenza tries San Antonio’s best brunch, epic puffy tacos, colorful conchitas, & BBQ Thai curry bowls. Lifestyle - - 7 Days, 7 Looks - Celebs take Vogue through a week in their wardrobe. + + Loaded Dogs & Classic Cocktails in San Diego + S01 : E05 Worth the Hype + Frankie Celenza heads to San Diego to try modern latkes, loaded hot dogs, frosty snow ice, & French cocktails. Lifestyle - - 73 Questions - Filmed in a single shot, some of our favorite personalities are challenged to answer 73 rapid-fire questions. + + Brooklyn’s Best Pizza Tour + S01 : E03 Worth the Hype + Frankie tries the best Brooklyn pizza from Neo-Neapolitan to coal oven pies, new toppings, & Italian classics. Lifestyle - - Getting Ready With Vogue - Celebrities invite Vogue into their “getting ready” space to see their process of prepping for an event. + + Culinary Trailblazers in San Francisco + S01 : E03 Street Somm + Join Jermaine Stone on a cross-cultural food and wine crawl through the San Francisco Bay Area. Lifestyle - - Life in Looks - Celebrities take us through their biggest looks on the red carpet and beyond. + + New Southern Food in Savannah + S01 : E02 Street Somm + Classic Southern cuisine meets modern wine pairings in this Savannah, Georgia food tour led by Jermaine Stone. Lifestyle - - Objects of Affection - Celebrities walk audiences through meaningful objects in their home + + Smash Burgers & A Slice in Los Angeles + S01 : E01 Worth the Hype + Frankie tries the best bites in LA: a classic Mexican place, a donut spot, pizza to-go, & a fab burger joint. Lifestyle - - 7 Days, 7 Looks - Celebs take Vogue through a week in their wardrobe. + + Tacos, Brats, & Biscuits in Austin + S01 : E02 Worth the Hype + Frankie goes to Austin for breakfast tacos, sizzlin’ sausage, loaded biscuits, and decadent dessert pancakes. + Lifestyle + + + Trick or Treats for Kids + S02 : E03 Baking the Holidays + Whether you have kids or are a kid at heart, these whimsical Halloween treats are delicious, easy bakes. + Lifestyle + + + Spooktacular Tricks and Treats + S05 : E06 Struggle Meals + Frankie’s got tricks and treats up his sleeve this Halloween with simple, wicked good dishes for all to enjoy. + Lifestyle + + + Sweater Weather + S09 : E04 Struggle Meals + These nourishing meals for chilly fall days will not only warm your belly but also your heart. + Lifestyle + + + BBQ Bowls & Puffy Tacos in San Antonio + S01 : E04 Worth the Hype + Frankie Celenza tries San Antonio’s best brunch, epic puffy tacos, colorful conchitas, & BBQ Thai curry bowls. + Lifestyle + + + Culinary Trailblazers in San Francisco + S01 : E03 Street Somm + Join Jermaine Stone on a cross-cultural food and wine crawl through the San Francisco Bay Area. + Lifestyle + + + New Southern Food in Savannah + S01 : E02 Street Somm + Classic Southern cuisine meets modern wine pairings in this Savannah, Georgia food tour led by Jermaine Stone. + Lifestyle + + + Smash Burgers & A Slice in Los Angeles + S01 : E01 Worth the Hype + Frankie tries the best bites in LA: a classic Mexican place, a donut spot, pizza to-go, & a fab burger joint. + Lifestyle + + + Tacos, Brats, & Biscuits in Austin + S01 : E02 Worth the Hype + Frankie goes to Austin for breakfast tacos, sizzlin’ sausage, loaded biscuits, and decadent dessert pancakes. + Lifestyle + + + Trick or Treats for Kids + S02 : E03 Baking the Holidays + Whether you have kids or are a kid at heart, these whimsical Halloween treats are delicious, easy bakes. + Lifestyle + + + Spooktacular Tricks and Treats + S05 : E06 Struggle Meals + Frankie’s got tricks and treats up his sleeve this Halloween with simple, wicked good dishes for all to enjoy. + Lifestyle + + + Sweater Weather + S09 : E04 Struggle Meals + These nourishing meals for chilly fall days will not only warm your belly but also your heart. + Lifestyle + + + BBQ Bowls & Puffy Tacos in San Antonio + S01 : E04 Worth the Hype + Frankie Celenza tries San Antonio’s best brunch, epic puffy tacos, colorful conchitas, & BBQ Thai curry bowls. + Lifestyle + + + We Knead Pizza + S09 : E02 Struggle Meals + Frankie returns to Pizza Week with three homemade pizza styles that deliver on flavor and price. + Lifestyle + + + Oktoberfest + S09 : E03 Struggle Meals + Frankie cooks up tasty, German-inspired pub food to celebrate the fall season in style. + Lifestyle + + + Sweater Weather + S09 : E04 Struggle Meals + These nourishing meals for chilly fall days will not only warm your belly but also your heart. + Lifestyle + + + BBQ Bowls & Puffy Tacos in San Antonio + S01 : E04 Worth the Hype + Frankie Celenza tries San Antonio’s best brunch, epic puffy tacos, colorful conchitas, & BBQ Thai curry bowls. + Lifestyle + + + Loaded Dogs & Classic Cocktails in San Diego + S01 : E05 Worth the Hype + Frankie Celenza heads to San Diego to try modern latkes, loaded hot dogs, frosty snow ice, & French cocktails. + Lifestyle + + + Brooklyn’s Best Pizza Tour + S01 : E03 Worth the Hype + Frankie tries the best Brooklyn pizza from Neo-Neapolitan to coal oven pies, new toppings, & Italian classics. + Lifestyle + + + We Knead Pizza + S09 : E02 Struggle Meals + Frankie returns to Pizza Week with three homemade pizza styles that deliver on flavor and price. + Lifestyle + + + Oktoberfest + S09 : E03 Struggle Meals + Frankie cooks up tasty, German-inspired pub food to celebrate the fall season in style. + Lifestyle + + + Sweater Weather + S09 : E04 Struggle Meals + These nourishing meals for chilly fall days will not only warm your belly but also your heart. + Lifestyle + + + BBQ Bowls & Puffy Tacos in San Antonio + S01 : E04 Worth the Hype + Frankie Celenza tries San Antonio’s best brunch, epic puffy tacos, colorful conchitas, & BBQ Thai curry bowls. + Lifestyle + + + Feeling Adventurous + S02 : E07 Just Jen + Jen shares recipes inspired by her travels, bringing flavors from around the world into her kitchen. + Lifestyle + + + Feeling Fancy + S02 : E08 Just Jen + Jen shares her favorite recipes and tips for when you want to feel fancy without a lot of effort. + Lifestyle + + + Feeling Organized + S02 : E09 Just Jen + Jen is not a naturally organized person, but she has learned some tips to help her in the kitchen. + Lifestyle + + + Feeling Happy + S02 : E10 Just Jen + Jen is all about feeling good. These recipes can’t help but bring a smile to your face. + Lifestyle + + + Pizza My Heart + S07 : E01 Struggle Meals + This week, Frankie delivers a special episode with three delicious pizzas you knead to try. + Lifestyle + + + Meatless Mains + S07 : E04 Struggle Meals + A full menu of meat-free main courses that are so tasty, even the meat lovers will be back for seconds. + Lifestyle + + + Spice Spice Baby + S07 : E05 Struggle Meals + Spice up your struggle meals with these super flavorful dishes that will kick your cooking up a notch. + Lifestyle + + + Chinese Take Out + S07 : E09 Struggle Meals + Skip the delivery fees, service charges, and long wait times with Frankie’s takeout favorites. + Lifestyle + + + Fancy Pants Pasta + S06 : E05 Struggle Meals + Treat yourself to a five star pasta dinner, as Frankie cooks his signature dishes with showstopping sauces. + Lifestyle + + + The Big Game + S06 : E08 Struggle Meals + Huddle around as Frankie preps the ultimate watch party spread to enjoy even if your bracket goes bust. + Lifestyle + + + I Need To Eat Right Now + S06 : E06 Struggle Meals + Frankie whips up quick, nourishing meals for when you need dinner in a pinch. + Lifestyle + + + Piece Of The Pie + S06 : E07 Struggle Meals + Join Frankie as he rolls out his best tips and tricks for hassle free, budget friendly pies. + Lifestyle + + + Romantic Steakhouse Dinner + S06 : E04 Struggle Meals + Give your wallet a break with a romantic steakhouse experience from the comfort of your home. + Lifestyle + + + Cry Me An Allium River + S06 : E10 Struggle Meals + There will be tears as Frankie goes head to head with his long time frenemy, the onion. + Lifestyle + + + New Southern Food in Savannah + S01 : E02 Street Somm + Classic Southern cuisine meets modern wine pairings in this Savannah, Georgia food tour led by Jermaine Stone. + Lifestyle + + + Culinary Trailblazers in San Francisco + S01 : E03 Street Somm + Join Jermaine Stone on a cross-cultural food and wine crawl through the San Francisco Bay Area. + Lifestyle + + + Scrumptious Summer Sandwiches + S03 : E09 All Up In My Grill + Chef Dale Talde makes an angry lobster club, a lamb birria torta, and an Italian beef combo with chili cheese. + Lifestyle + + + A Festive & Flavorful Christmas in July + S03 : E10 All Up In My Grill + Chef Dale Talde gets festive with ham & pineapple sliders, grilled sweet potatoes, and a coconut cocktail. + Lifestyle + + + The Perfection of Pork + S03 : E11 All Up In My Grill + Chef Dale Talde grills up a root beer glazed pork banh mi, chorizo fried rice, & sausage stuffed peppers. + Lifestyle + + + Tempting Tasty Tacos + S03 : E12 All Up In My Grill + Chef Dale Talde grills up salmon tacos with salsa, pineapple duck al pastor tacos, & a mushroom queso taco. + Lifestyle + + + Heavenly Hibachi Bites + S03 : E13 All Up In My Grill + Chef Dale Talde cooks up tasty fried rice, pretzel pork dumplings, beef & an onion volcano, and a sake slushy. + Lifestyle + + + Family-Friendly BBQ + S03 : E14 All Up In My Grill + Chef Dale Talde makes spiced apple pancakes, grilled cheese & tomato soup, chicken parm, and a s’mores treat. + Lifestyle + + + Hair-raising Halloween Cakes + S02 : E04 Baking the Holidays + Join Mia if you DARE for these Halloween cakes are sure to SCARE! Bring the spooky vibes with these cakes! + Lifestyle + + + Trick or Treats for Kids + S02 : E03 Baking the Holidays + Whether you have kids or are a kid at heart, these whimsical Halloween treats are delicious, easy bakes. + Lifestyle + + + Summer Bakes + S02 : E02 Baking the Holidays + Mia is celebrating summer holidays with ice cream sandwiches, grilled fruit cupcakes & firework inspired cake. + Lifestyle + + + Baked With Pride + S02 : E01 Baking the Holidays + Mia Starr celebrates Pride Month with a Baked Alaska, a Fruit Tart, a Citrus Cake, and a Rainbow Crepe Cake. + Lifestyle + + + Rustic Italian in Cleveland + S01 : E01 Heritage + Journey to Cleveland, Ohio to meet James Beard Award-winning Chef Jonathon Sawyer. + Lifestyle + + + Contemporary California Cuisine in Venice + S01 : E02 Heritage + Meet Chef Nyesha Arrington, who is building a restaurant of her own - Leona - in Venice, CA. Lifestyle @@ -36241,47 +46582,105 @@ Filmed in a single shot, some of our favorite personalities are challenged to answer 73 rapid-fire questions. Lifestyle - - Homes Under The Hammer - S18 : E17 Episode 17 - A couple who buy two bungalows on a plot in Devon create a modern home making the most of the stunning views, while a terraced house in Stoke and a flat near Glasgow also get refurbished - but do any of the developers stand to make a profit? - Entertainment + + Getting Ready With Vogue + Celebrities invite Vogue into their “getting ready” space to see their process of prepping for an event. + Lifestyle - - Homes Under The Hammer - S18 : E18 Episode 18 - A terraced house in Stoke, a huge office in Ashford and a listed Victorian house in Plymouth are all renovated over very different timescales from a few months to four years. - Entertainment + + Life in Looks + Celebrities take us through their biggest looks on the red carpet and beyond. + Lifestyle - - Homes Under The Hammer - S18 : E19 Episode 19 - Its a family affair today when Lucy and Martin follow development projects run by parents and their children. But at the end of it will it still be a case of happy families? - Entertainment + + Objects of Affection + Celebrities walk audiences through meaningful objects in their home + Lifestyle - - Homes Under The Hammer - S18 : E20 Episode 20 - Its a tale of two studio flats one in London the other in Scotland which went under the hammer for very different prices and Martin meets a former London football coach and his model son who take on a semi in Stoke but will they score an own goal. - Entertainment + + 7 Days, 7 Looks + Celebs take Vogue through a week in their wardrobe. + Lifestyle - - Homes Under The Hammer - S18 : E21 Episode 21 - Martin falls in love with the seaside views of a Devon cliff-side house while Lucy squeezes into a bijou London pad as well as seeing if converting former police cells in Ramsgate was a labour of love or just hard labour. - Entertainment + + 73 Questions + Filmed in a single shot, some of our favorite personalities are challenged to answer 73 rapid-fire questions. + Lifestyle - - Homes Under The Hammer - S18 : E22 Episode 22 - Martin meets a man who buys a house in Wales to give his mother in law peace of mind after it had stood empty and neglected for 12 years. And two other properties in Derbyshire and Kent also get renovated - but do they turn out to be good investments? - Entertainment + + Getting Ready With Vogue + Celebrities invite Vogue into their “getting ready” space to see their process of prepping for an event. + Lifestyle - - Homes Under The Hammer - S18 : E23 Episode 23 - In Kent, Lucy finds a big renovation project looking for just the right purchaser. Martin looks round a first class opportunity in the form of a disused post office and visits a couple who are starting their lives afresh. - Entertainment + + Life in Looks + Celebrities take us through their biggest looks on the red carpet and beyond. + Lifestyle + + + Objects of Affection + Celebrities walk audiences through meaningful objects in their home + Lifestyle + + + 7 Days, 7 Looks + Celebs take Vogue through a week in their wardrobe. + Lifestyle + + + Beauty Secrets + Beauty Secrets takes us in the bathroom with well-known beauty, fashion, and pop culture faces to show the routine and products beloved by big stars. + Lifestyle + + + Getting Ready With Vogue + Celebrities invite Vogue into their “getting ready” space to see their process of prepping for an event. + Lifestyle + + + Life in Looks + Celebrities take us through their biggest looks on the red carpet and beyond. + Lifestyle + + + Objects of Affection + Celebrities walk audiences through meaningful objects in their home + Lifestyle + + + 7 Days, 7 Looks + Celebs take Vogue through a week in their wardrobe. + Lifestyle + + + Beauty Secrets + Beauty Secrets takes us in the bathroom with well-known beauty, fashion, and pop culture faces to show the routine and products beloved by big stars. + Lifestyle + + + Getting Ready With Vogue + Celebrities invite Vogue into their “getting ready” space to see their process of prepping for an event. + Lifestyle + + + Life in Looks + Celebrities take us through their biggest looks on the red carpet and beyond. + Lifestyle + + + Objects of Affection + Celebrities walk audiences through meaningful objects in their home + Lifestyle + + + 7 Days, 7 Looks + Celebs take Vogue through a week in their wardrobe. + Lifestyle + + + Beauty Secrets + Beauty Secrets takes us in the bathroom with well-known beauty, fashion, and pop culture faces to show the routine and products beloved by big stars. + Lifestyle Homes Under The Hammer @@ -36535,52 +46934,130 @@ A three-bed semi in Stoke-on-Trent, a ground-floor flat in Walthamstow and a terraced house in Aberdare in Wales being auctioned Entertainment - - Tiny House Nation - - + + Homes Under The Hammer + S19 : E06 Episode 6 + A 1930s semi with a sunny disposition in Chatham, a piece of land in Tylortown and a mid-terrace in Perry Barr all under the hammer Entertainment - - Tiny House Nation - - + + Homes Under The Hammer + S19 : E07 Episode 7 + A house that has been with the same family for more than 60 years in Carlton, house in East Ham and a former care home in Stoke on Trent Entertainment - - Tiny House Nation - - + + Homes Under The Hammer + S19 : E08 Episode 8 + Martin, Lucy and Dion hear the new owners' plans for their auction buys a flat in Brixton, a pub in Crumlin and a 1970s flat in Telford Entertainment - - Tiny House Nation - - + + Homes Under The Hammer + S19 : E09 Episode 9 + A solicitor, a globetrotting teacher and a mother/son team are the property developers who have invested in auction buys today Entertainment - - Tiny House Nation - - + + Homes Under The Hammer + S19 : E10 Episode 10 + Lucy calls in on a three storey at a town house in Kent, Martin and Dion look at terraced houses in Carlisle and Stoke-on-Trent Entertainment - - Tiny House Nation - - + + Homes Under The Hammer + S19 : E11 Episode 11 + A semi in Liverpool, a terraced house in Stoke and a basement flat in London are all sold under the hammer. Entertainment - - Tiny House Nation - - + + Homes Under The Hammer + S19 : E12 Episode 12 + A multimillion-pound project in Forest Hill, and less ambitious schemes involving terraced houses in, Lancashire and Cheshire. Entertainment - - Tiny House Nation - - + + Homes Under The Hammer + S19 : E13 Episode 13 + The team looks at a Victorian terraced house in Plymouth, a flat in London's Tottenham and a three-bedroom house in Staffordshire + Entertainment + + + Homes Under The Hammer + S19 : E14 Episode 14 + The team looks at a large four-bedroom terrace house in Worthing, a flat in Telford in Shropshire and a property in Risca in Wales + Entertainment + + + Homes Under The Hammer + S19 : E15 Episode 15 + Lucy meets a world cup rugby player developing a house in Streatham in London. The team also look at a flat in Newport in Shropshire + Entertainment + + + Homes Under The Hammer + S19 : E16 Episode 16 + Its a family affair as two married couples and a boyfriend and girlfriend who get engaged are all renovating their auction buys + Entertainment + + + Homes Under The Hammer + S19 : E17 Episode 17 + Martin meets a couple who have been foster parents for nearly 30 years and are buying a bungalow in Derbyshire for their retirement + Entertainment + + + Homes Under The Hammer + S19 : E18 Episode 18 + A Victorian cottage in Plaistow, a one bedroom flat in Hoddesdon, and a three-bedroom semi in Wellington + Entertainment + + + Homes Under The Hammer + S19 : E19 Episode 19 + A bungalow in Nottinghamshire, flat in Wandsworth and a former shop complete with three flats in Cornwall all under the hammer + Entertainment + + + Homes Under The Hammer + S19 : E20 Episode 20 + A two-bedroom Victorian terrace in Burton-on-Trent, a one-bedroom flat in Maida Vale and a bungalow with a catch in Chesterton + Entertainment + + + Homes Under The Hammer + S16 : E01 Episode 1 + Martin and Lucy visit a terraced house in Telford, Shropshire, a property in London and a semi-detached property in Paisley, Scotland. All of these properties have been sold at auction and well find out who bought them and what they paid. + Entertainment + + + Homes Under The Hammer + S16 : E02 Episode 2 + Martin and Lucy visit a plot of land in South Wales, a property in Lincolnshire and a flat in Plymouth. All of these properties have been sold at auction and well find out who bought them and what they paid when they went under the hammer. + Entertainment + + + Homes Under The Hammer + S16 : E03 Episode 3 + Martin and Lucy re-visit some former public toilets in Bristol, a mid-terrace in Burnley and a former church in Mid Glamorgan. All of these properties have been sold at auction and well find out who bought them and what they paid. + Entertainment + + + Homes Under The Hammer + S16 : E04 Episode 4 + Martin and Lucy visit a house in Torquay, a property in Gainsborough, Lincolnshire and an end-of-terrace in Carlisle, Cumbria. All of these properties have been sold at auction and well find out who bought them and what they paid. + Entertainment + + + Homes Under The Hammer + S16 : E05 Episode 5 + Martin and Lucy visit a three bedroom house in Derby, a house in Kent and a property in Cumbria. All of these properties have been sold at auction and well find out who bought them and what they paid when they went under the hammer. + Entertainment + + + Homes Under The Hammer + S16 : E06 Episode 6 + Martin and Lucy visit a property in Cornwall, a terraced house in Kent and an ex-holiday home in County Durham. All of these properties have been sold at auction and well find out who bought them and what they paid when they went under the hammer. Entertainment @@ -36871,50 +47348,146 @@ Entertainment - - Flipping Nation + + Tiny House Nation Entertainment - - Flipping Nation + + Tiny House Nation Entertainment - - Flipping Nation + + Tiny House Nation Entertainment - - Flipping Nation + + Tiny House Nation Entertainment - - Flipping Nation + + Tiny House Nation Entertainment - - Flipping Nation + + Tiny House Nation Entertainment - - Flipping Nation + + Tiny House Nation Entertainment - - Flipping Nation + + Tiny House Nation + + + Entertainment + + + Tiny House Nation + + + Entertainment + + + Tiny House Nation + + + Entertainment + + + Tiny House Nation + + + Entertainment + + + Tiny House Nation + + + Entertainment + + + Tiny House Nation + + + Entertainment + + + Tiny House Nation + + + Entertainment + + + Tiny House Nation + + + Entertainment + + + Tiny House Nation + + + Entertainment + + + Tiny House Nation + + + Entertainment + + + Tiny House Nation + + + Entertainment + + + Tiny House Nation + + + Entertainment + + + Tiny House Nation + + + Entertainment + + + Tiny House Nation + + + Entertainment + + + Tiny House Nation + + + Entertainment + + + Tiny House Nation + + + Entertainment + + + Tiny House Nation Entertainment @@ -37207,46 +47780,149 @@ Entertainment - - Wairere Falls: New Zealand - The Wairere Falls of New Zealand. - Slow TV + + Flipping Nation + + + Entertainment - - Turtle Paradise - Turtle Paradise - Slow TV + + Flipping Nation + + + Entertainment - - Magical Mcway Cove - Enjoy the wondrous sights & sounds of one of the best coastal views in the world - Big Sur - in full 4K glory. Prepare your senses for a relaxation experience only Big Sur and 4K can offer. - Slow TV + + Flipping Nation + + + Entertainment - - Flying Over Italy - Discovering the colorful architecture and stunning landscapes of Italy in a bird's-eye view voyage. - Slow TV + + Flipping Nation + + + Entertainment - - A Day in Paradise - Filmed in 2013 by David Huting, the tiny island is hidden off of the northeastern coast of the outer Fiji Islands (near Taveuni), and boasts a perfect white sandy beach, groves of palm trees, and a majestic lagoon that shelters the island from all sides. It has more turtle visitors than humans! - Slow TV + + Flipping Nation + + + Entertainment - - Glistening Island Beach - Glistening Island Beach - Slow TV + + Flipping Nation + + + Entertainment - - Sunny Getaways - S01 : E01 Sunny Getaways - Spend a restful moment in Maui, a tropical paradise of gleaming white sand beaches and turquoise waters. - Slow TV + + Flipping Nation + + + Entertainment - - White Sand, Blue Water & Waves - An idyllic tropical island nature scene. - Slow TV + + Flipping Nation + + + Entertainment + + + Flipping Nation + + + Entertainment + + + Flipping Nation + + + Entertainment + + + Flipping Nation + + + Entertainment + + + Flipping Nation + + + Entertainment + + + Flipping Nation + + + Entertainment + + + Flipping Nation + + + Entertainment + + + Flipping Nation + + + Entertainment + + + Flipping Nation + + + Entertainment + + + Flipping Nation + + + Entertainment + + + Flipping Nation + + + Entertainment + + + Flipping Nation + + + Entertainment + + + Flipping Nation + + + Entertainment + + + Flipping Nation + + + Entertainment + + + Flipping Nation + + + Entertainment + + + Flipping Nation + + + Entertainment + + + Flipping Nation + + + Entertainment Enchanting Autumn @@ -37498,97 +48174,130 @@ The wonders of Oahu. Slow TV - - Lucky in Love Ep 2 - Gabby and Jono try their luck in panoramic Salt Lake City, Utah. - Lifestyle + + Dorothy Falls & Hokitika Gorge: New Zealand + The blue-green waters of the Hokitika Gorge. The romance of Dorothy falls in the rain or on a bright sunny day. + Slow TV - - Lucky in Love Ep 3 - Percy and Michelle go on a game of chance in the Emerald city of Seattle. - Lifestyle + + Thermal Wonderland: New Zealand + Free from rabbit holes but still full of magic, Waiotapu Thermal Wonderland has an impressive geothermal landscape. + Slow TV - - Paul & Nicks Big American Food Trip: Philadelphia 1 - Paul and Nick meet with Colin Brooks of the 1718 project, founded to investigate the historical links between Ulster, Scotland and Philadelphia. They also cook for Randall Redman, who claims to be able to trace his ancestry to Robert The Bruce. - Lifestyle + + Rainbow Reef Relaxation 1 + Vibrant underwater reefs, including many scenes which no longer look as depicted due to coral bleaching. + Slow TV - - Paul & Nicks Big American Food Trip: Philadelphia 2 - Philadelphia was one of the main entry ports for immigrants to America in the 18th century. Paul and Nick meet Drew McGinty and Joyce Alexander, the founder of the Center for Ulster-Scots Studies. Our chefs try to cook an Ulster-Scots meal, but keep being seduced by Italian fare. - Lifestyle + + Crackling Fire + The elegance and warmth of a crackling fire in Entrelacs, Quebec. + Slow TV - - Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives - S18 : E01 Neighborhood knockouts - Guy Fieri searches up and down the West Coast for funky neighborhood joints. In San Diego, a breakfast joint serves up creme brulee French toast. In Portland, a couple offers Americana like corned beef hash. - Lifestyle + + Crackling Fire + The elegance and warmth of a crackling fire in Entrelacs, Quebec. + Slow TV - - Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives - S31 : E07 Lots of Latin - Guy Fieri is loading up on all kinds of Latin on this trip. In Logan, Utah, a Salvadoran spot is puttin' out pupusas, and a funky food truck in Denver is dishing out prime-time Puerto Rican specialties. - Lifestyle + + Rainbow Reef Relaxation 1 + Vibrant underwater reefs, including many scenes which no longer look as depicted due to coral bleaching. + Slow TV - - Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives - S23 : E09 Finger Lickin' Food - On this trip, Guy Fieri visits Atlanta, Minneapolis and Massachusetts to find grub that doesn't require a knife and fork. - Lifestyle + + Diamond Beach II: Indonesia + These shores and accompanying diamond-shaped cliffs are often compared to the idyllic beach scenes of postcards. + Slow TV - - National Parks Top Ten - S01 : E05 Secret Sanctuaries - Hidden gems at America's most beautiful locations are highlighted, from jaw-dropping views at Redwood National Park to gourmet grub at a gas station in Yosemite. - Lifestyle + + A Day in Paradise + Filmed in 2013 by David Huting, the tiny island is hidden off of the northeastern coast of the outer Fiji Islands (near Taveuni), and boasts a perfect white sandy beach, groves of palm trees, and a majestic lagoon that shelters the island from all sides. It has more turtle visitors than humans! + Slow TV - - National Parks Top Ten - S01 : E06 Remote Revelations - Off-the-grid adventures at America's most beautiful locations are highlighted, from a spooky mansion outside of Yellowstone National Park to a UFO watchtower in Great Sand Dunes National Park. - Lifestyle + + Sunny Getaways + S01 : E03 Sunny Getaways + Lazing the day away on a white sand beach in the Philippines as the sun gently sets on the horizon. + Slow TV - - National Parks Top Ten - S01 : E07 Mystic Marvels - Mind-blowing marvels at America's most beautiful locations are highlighted, from Death Valley's mysterious sailing stones to a man-made mirage in Joshua Tree National Park. - Lifestyle + + At Dusk + Viewing the setting sun from Torrey Pines State Reserve in La Jolla, Calif. + Slow TV - - National Parks Top Ten - S01 : E10 Rugged Retreats - The most thrilling retreats at America's most beautiful locations are highlighted, from tree bungee jumping at Redwood National Park to rock climbing in Acadia National Park. - Lifestyle + + Manuel Antonio Park: Costa Rica + Manuel Antonio Park: Costa Rica + Slow TV - - Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations - S04 : E09 Into the Fire NY - Tony accepts the challenge to return to Les Halles for work during his old Tuesday double shift! - Lifestyle + + Turtle Paradise + Turtle Paradise + Slow TV - - Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives - S18 : E01 Neighborhood knockouts - Guy Fieri searches up and down the West Coast for funky neighborhood joints. In San Diego, a breakfast joint serves up creme brulee French toast. In Portland, a couple offers Americana like corned beef hash. - Lifestyle + + Gisborne & Lake Twizel: New Zealand + Taking in Gisborne's tranquil cliff-lined coastlines, driftwood, and rushing waves; going lakeside in the Twizel region to explore snow-covered mountain ranges and the calm surface of the lake waters. + Slow TV - - Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives - S31 : E07 Lots of Latin - Guy Fieri is loading up on all kinds of Latin on this trip. In Logan, Utah, a Salvadoran spot is puttin' out pupusas, and a funky food truck in Denver is dishing out prime-time Puerto Rican specialties. - Lifestyle + + Wildlife Wonders of South America + A sunrise at Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia with flamingo and llama scenes from high altitude volcanic salt lakes; welcoming new life in the Chilean landscapes of San Pedro Atacama; the Torres del Paine National Park in Patagonia. + Slow TV - - Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives - S23 : E09 Finger Lickin' Food - On this trip, Guy Fieri visits Atlanta, Minneapolis and Massachusetts to find grub that doesn't require a knife and fork. - Lifestyle + + Summer in Yellowstone + Summer in Yellowstone + Slow TV - - Get Out of Town - S01 : E03 Sunshine State of Mind - Orlando, Florida - Orlando can be a gateway to all sorts of surprising adventures. - Lifestyle + + Pororari River Track: New Zealand + Pororari River Track in New Zealand. + Slow TV + + + Magical Mcway Cove + Enjoy the wondrous sights & sounds of one of the best coastal views in the world - Big Sur - in full 4K glory. Prepare your senses for a relaxation experience only Big Sur and 4K can offer. + Slow TV + + + Morning Sun on Yosemite Falls + The morning sunlight slowly casts its golden light onto the majestic Upper Yosemite Falls, with this 4K ultra high definition real-time nature video featuring stereo sounds captured along the falls trail. + Slow TV + + + Fly Over Earth + Footage of scenic destinations. + Slow TV + + + Inspiring Sights + S01 : E02 Inspiring Sights + Footage of the lighthouse on the Dominican Republic's Bayahibe Beach. + Slow TV + + + Good Morning + S01 : E01 Good Morning + Energizing waves crash on the shores of Red Sand Beach, Hawaii. + Slow TV + + + Sunny Getaways + S01 : E01 Sunny Getaways + Exploring the lush forests and turquoise waters of Snake Island, in the Philippines. + Slow TV + + + Good Morning + S01 : E02 Good Morning + A view of Playa Madama, an unspoiled beach framed by high bluffs at the edge of the Dominican Republic. + Slow TV + + + Wonders of Nature + Immerse yourself in the magical and relaxing wonders of Nature with this ambient relaxation video featuring world class music by Darshan Ambient. In it you'll be transported to over 30 different breathtaking natural locations around the world. + Slow TV Get Out of Town @@ -38060,106 +48769,272 @@ Explore how Latinx culture brings American cities to life, through the stories of those who embrace their roots and shape the future. Lifestyle - - Carcass - S01 : E19 Carcass - The Trailblazer SS goes from super sport to drifting sport...suspension upgrades and a power adder cap off the project sending it to the track! + + Bizarre Foods: Hawaii + Andrew heads to Hawaii, going beyond the typical tourist destinations to sample authentic Hawaiian cuisine, including poi, octopus, wild boar organs and even Spam. Lifestyle - - Engine Power - S09 : E08 Engine Power - We crank up the power on our old-school GM 4.3L V6 with some turbocharged forced induction. + + Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern Paul Revere's Midnight Ride + Andrew traces the legendary patriot's path that ignited the flames of our nation's revolution. Along the way, he samples Colonial-era eel recipes, feasts with Italian immigrants and indulges in a Brazilian meat fest. Lifestyle - - Truck Tech - S07 : E15 Truck Tech - The Build-Off culminates on the dragstrip and the final tallies are made. Appearance, dyno, speed, and tug-o-war will determine the winner. + + Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern Miami + Sexy beaches and a vibrant nightlife are what come to mind when most people think of Miami. Lifestyle - - Music City Trucks - S02 : E06 Music City Trucks - We upgrade the brakes, repair underside problems, and put some great new off-road and recovery mods on our 2007 Jeep Wrangler JK. Then we'll take it out for a wheeling adventure. + + La Última Experiencia + S01 : E01 Washington D.C. to Columbus + Visit Washington DC in the midst of a World Series and discover women’s soccer in Columbus, Ohio. Lifestyle - - Carcass - S03 : E05 Carcass - The Carcass crew gives you some tips on how to repair rusty trouble spots and remove dents on your project. Then we'll walk you through getting it ready for primer. + + La Última Experiencia + S01 : E02 Pittsburgh to Las Vegas + Experience the passion Pittsburgh has for the Steelers and discover mixed martial arts in Las Vegas. Lifestyle - - Engine Power - S09 : E06 Engine Power - Today, it's do or die. We connect TWO 496 Big Block Chevy engines to the dyno to find out exactly how much power two of the same engine will make running in tandem! + + Xploration Awesome Planet + S01 : E03 Ecosystem + Philippe travels through the Everglades of Florida by airboat; visits Yellowstone National Park and explores its unique ecosystem; and examines the inter-dependency of all living things. Lifestyle - - Carcass - S03 : E04 Carcass - We show you painting tips on how to properly prep your aging clear coat for paint. Then we give our Mazda a fresh look before heading to the track to test those performance parts! + + Xploration Awesome Planet + S01 : E08 Evolving Earth + Philippe travels to Utah where scientists have discovered a massive amount of dinosaur bones and explores an area where dinosaur footprints have been preserved. Then he visits Hawaii to see how the island chain evolved from volcanoes and tours an old coal mine in Pennsylvania to see how fossil fuels are formed. Lifestyle - - Detroit Muscle - S09 : E02 Detroit Muscle - The Detroit Muscle team begins their journey of bringing a '69 Plymouth Road Runner back from the brink. The first step, upping its ground game. + + Xploration Awesome Planet + S01 : E02 Extinction Earth + Philippe explores Yellowstone National Park, the site of a potential super-volcano; visits Meteor Crater in Arizona, the site where a meteor once struck 50,000 years ago; and travels to the Hawaiian Island of Maui, where powerful telescopes search the universe for meteors that might be heading our way. Lifestyle - - Detroit Muscle - S09 : E02 Detroit Muscle - The Detroit Muscle team begins their journey of bringing a '69 Plymouth Road Runner back from the brink. The first step, upping its ground game. + + Xploration Awesome Planet + S03 : E09 Forests + Philippe looks at ways scientists are measuring the health of our forests. In New England, he visits a white pine forest that is being threatened by invasive plants. At the University of California Santa Cruz, he discovers how students are using sonic-tomography to look inside trees to detect signs of disease. At the Pine Barrens of New Jersey, he discovers why the pitch pine tree is able to withstand occasional wildfires. And in Los Angeles, he discovers how volunteers are planting trees to create an urban forest. Lifestyle - - Carcass - S03 : E06 Carcass - We start working on a new project with the novice racer in mind. We take a 2008 Ford Crown Vic Police Cruiser and turn it into a budget-friendly Spec Panther racing machine! Today we'll upgrade our transmission for better shifting and give the old power plant a tune-up. + + Epic Idaho + Photographer Chad Case and videographer Jonathan Conti take you on an epic adventure through Idaho. Lifestyle - - Engine Power - S09 : E05 Engine Power - We do something that has never been done before: build two identical 496 Big Block Chevy engines to run on the dyno...at the SAME TIME!! + + City with Bite + Follow foodie fanatic Nomarama as he hits the streets of Norfolk, VA to uncover the stories, the characters, and the food that gives the city its bite. Lifestyle - - Carcass - S03 : E04 Carcass - We show you painting tips on how to properly prep your aging clear coat for paint. Then we give our Mazda a fresh look before heading to the track to test those performance parts! + + USA Through Food + A journey through the USA, through the diverse food scenes of six vibrant cities. Lifestyle - - Detroit Muscle - S09 : E04 Detroit Muscle - The '69 Road Runner gets an exterior upgrade. We'll show you some unorthodox methods for enhancing a patina paint look. + + Venturing Out: Park 2 Park + S01 : E01 El Paso: Conquering Mountains + In El Paso, Texas, Raheim coaches new mom and aspiring mountain biker Isabel as she rides rocky desert descents in the Franklin Mountains. Then, Raheim visits an ancient bouldering field, Hueco Tanks, home to wild west graffiti and rock art. Lifestyle - - Carcass - S02 : E02 Carcass - A 50 year old tow truck gets a newly fabricated rear chassis to return it to its former glory. + + Venturing Out: Park 2 Park + S01 : E02 Tucson: Ropes and Fears + In Tucson, Arizona, Raheim challenges amateur climber Shelly to abandon her ropes and fears and attempt her most ambitious climb yet at Cochise Stronghold, an historic granite mountain filled with native culture and significance. Lifestyle - - Detroit Muscle - S05 : E18 Detroit Muscle - Learn how to do a rustic looking patina paint job on your ride, and see a quick way to ratchet up the performance numbers on a late model pony. + + Xploration Awesome Planet + S02 : E01 Yosemite National Park + Philippe visits Yosemite National Park and explores the famous cliffs, including El Capitan and Half-Dome. Then he heads to the Mariposa Grove, which has 500 giant sequoia trees, and looks at wildlife that thrives in various ecosystems at Yosemite. Lifestyle - - Engine Power - S09 : E01 Engine Power - Assembly on the 4.3L engine begins with a solid bottom end, including a set of forged pistons and a bigger cam shaft. + + Xploration Awesome Planet + S02 : E08 Wild Frontier of Alaska + Philippe explores the wild frontier of Alaska. He takes a trip deep into bear country and witnesses a brown bear hunting for salmon; flies through Denali National Park and lands on a glacier near the tallest mountain in North America; scuba dives in the frigid waters near the Kenai Peninsula; then tries his hand at panning for gold, which is still plentiful throughout Alaska. Lifestyle - - Truck Tech - S05 : E18 Truck Tech - The Ram 1 ton dually gets a bigger badder turbo setup with more airflow for more horsepower. Plus, Advanced Plating in Nashville shows us how to powder coat suspension parts. + + Ellis Family Vacation + S01 : E01 Ellis Family Vacation: Washington D.C. + The Ellis Family explores Washington D.C., discovering monuments, Ford’s Theatre, and the best cupcakes in the capital! + Lifestyle + + + Ellis Family Vacation + S01 : E02 Ellis Family Vacation: Grand Canyon + The Ellis Family road trips to the Grand Canyon and Zion National Park in search of some outdoor fun. + Lifestyle + + + Ellis Family Vacation + S01 : E03 Ellis Family Vacation: New Orleans + The Ellis Family ventures to the Big Easy, soaking up the culture of New Orleans with jazz, beignets, airboat adventures, and more. + Lifestyle + + + Ellis Family Vacation + S01 : E04 Ellis Family Vacation: Birmingham + The Ellis Family checks out Birmingham, Alabama, ground zero of the Civil Rights Movement, visiting museums, monuments, and locations that helped end segregation in the United States. + Lifestyle + + + Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations + S02 : E02 Puerto Rico + Tony and Andy, a native, dine on roasted pig in Cayey, attend a posh party at a hacienda, search for a chupacabra in the jungle, meet boxing champion Miguel Cotto, and travel to Ponce to take in the Festival of the Virgin Mary. + Lifestyle + + + Paul & Nick's Big American Food Trip + S01 : E01 Boston + Paul and Nick cook for friends of the Scots’ Charitable Society, the oldest charity in America, set up to help fund the education of Scots in America. They are charmed by an ex-pat who teaches Scottish dancing, and they discover a local butcher who finds it hard to think of the words ‘Scots’ and ‘charitable’ in the same sentence! + Lifestyle + + + Paul & Nick's Big American Food Trip + S02 : E01 Washington, D.C. + Paul and Nick are in Washington D.C. - the capital city and political stronghold of the United States. They are cooking for former White House Press Secretary and Ulster-Scot - Mike McCurry and his friends and family. + Lifestyle + + + Xploration Awesome Planet + S02 : E13 New England + Philippe explores the unique beauty of New England. He travels to New Hampshire where he discovers the reason why leaves turn colors in the Fall; ventures to the beautiful and rugged Acadia National Park in Maine; and visits Napatree Point in Rhode Island, a barrier island that is always changing due to erosion. + Lifestyle + + + Xploration Awesome Planet + S01 : E05 Plants + Philippe travels to the Poconos of Pennsylvania to discover a variety of plants; explores a lush forest and uncovers edible plants; and visits a laboratory that has made groundbreaking discoveries in the way plants communicate. + Lifestyle + + + National Parks Top Ten + S01 : E01 Thrilling Treks + Thrill seekers get in on the action at these heart-pumping attractions across America, from an icy trek across Wrangell-St. Elias National park in Alaska to volcano sledding at Hawaii's Volcanoes National Park. + Lifestyle + + + National Parks Top Ten + S01 : E02 Perfect Pit Stops + Must-see attractions at America's most beautiful locations are highlighted, from a one-kind-of-a-kind hotel outside of Arches National Park to a therapeutic hot springs in Yosemite National Park. + Lifestyle + + + Facing Waves + S01 : E06 Paddling St. Louis + Ken Whiting tests his canoe and stand up paddle boarding skills on the rivers around St. Louis, Missouri + Lifestyle + + + Trails & Trailblazers + Join pilot Ariel Tweto as she flies to unexpected places along the trails and wild spaces of America, meeting trailblazers in science, history, and exploration along the way. + Lifestyle + + + Great Family Adventure + S01 : E01 Home in Rock Island, Tennessee + Pro Kayakers Nick Troutman and Emily Jackson and their two young children prepare to hit the road for a year of paddling adventures. + Lifestyle + + + Great Family Adventure + S01 : E02 Exploring Bentonville, Arkansas + The Troutman-Jackson family continue their road trip adventures in Bentonville, Arkansas. + Lifestyle + + + USA Through Film 2 + Actor and director Jordan Spiro (Ozark, Night Comes On) spent childhood vacations with her family in New Orleans. For Spiro, the city’s heritage as the birthplace of jazz is reflected in its mélange of arts and food culture that always feels fresh, inviting, and joyous, even after a lifetime of visits. “There’s this ‘all senses on overload’ side to New Orleans that takes my breath away every time.” + Lifestyle + + + Guy's Family Road Trip + S01 : E01 The Fieris Go Griswold + Guy Fieri and his family begin their adventurous coast-to-coast road trip with stops in California, Nevada and Arizona. + Lifestyle + + + Guy's Family Road Trip + S01 : E02 Wild West Canyons and Cookouts + Guy Fieri and his family continue their road trip in Flagstaff, AZ, where they hit the farmer's market and fly across the Grand Canyon before hitting Route 66 to check out Albuquerque, NM. + Lifestyle + + + Guy's Family Road Trip + S01 : E03 Remember Lone Star State + The Fieris' road trip goes through Texas where the family tours the Alamo and enjoys a meal prepared by chef Robert Irvine in honor of the troops before skydiving with members of the special forces. + Lifestyle + + + Guy's Family Road Trip + S01 : E04 Gulf Dreams + The Fieri's continue their road trip with a stop in Corpus Christi, TX, where they search for snapper in the Gulf for a fish fry before hooking up with Chef Aaron Sanchez in New Orleans. + Lifestyle + + + Sorted Food Goes Big in Texas + S01 : E05 Dallas + The Sorted guys make it to North Central Texas and take on a round of foodie challenges in the "Big D". + Lifestyle + + + Sorted Food Goes Big in Texas + S01 : E06 Fort Worth + Continuing their culinary adventure in North Central Texas, the guys take on challenges just west of Dallas in Fort Worth. + Lifestyle + + + Sorted Food Goes Big in Texas + S01 : E07 Sorted Food Goes Big in Texas: Austin Part 1 + Chef Ben and the guys explore Austin, the final city in their Texan adventure. + Lifestyle + + + Sorted Food Goes Big in Texas + S01 : E08 Sorted Food Goes Big in Texas: Austin Part 2 + Chef Ben and the guys explore Austin, their final city in their Texan adventure, with the winner of their HUGE challenge revealed! + Lifestyle + + + Small Town, Big Story + S02 : E04 Bridge Day + One day each year in Fayetteville, West Virginia, scores of people throw caution to the wind and jump off a 876' bridge into the Gorge below. + Lifestyle + + + Small Town, Big Story + S02 : E01 Olympics of the Forest + Dylan gets his hands dirty - and his feet wet - alongside some of the world’s most skilled lumberjacks in Hayward, Wisconsin. + Lifestyle + + + Small Town, Big Story + S02 : E02 Chili Capital of the World + Dylan explores the world of Hatch chilis and meets the farmers and community in this New Mexico valley known for bringing these unique peppers to life - one tingly, tasty, spicy bite at a time. + Lifestyle + + + Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives + S18 : E01 Neighborhood knockouts + Guy Fieri searches up and down the West Coast for funky neighborhood joints. In San Diego, a breakfast joint serves up creme brulee French toast. In Portland, a couple offers Americana like corned beef hash. + Lifestyle + + + Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives + S31 : E07 Lots of Latin + Guy Fieri is loading up on all kinds of Latin on this trip. In Logan, Utah, a Salvadoran spot is puttin' out pupusas, and a funky food truck in Denver is dishing out prime-time Puerto Rican specialties. + Lifestyle + + + Bizarre Foods America + S02 : E08 Denver + Andrew visits Denver, a city that's still a wild frontier when it comes to its food. Whether it's Rocky Mountain oysters, pheasant cooked over an open flame or ant larvae beignets, the Mile High City is a gold mine of flavors. Lifestyle @@ -38792,178 +49667,316 @@ We upgrade the brakes, repair underside problems, and put some great new off-road and recovery mods on our 2007 Jeep Wrangler JK. Then we'll take it out for a wheeling adventure. Lifestyle - - Yoga - Practice Yoga from the comfort of your home with our experienced teatchers. + + Engine Power + S09 : E06 Engine Power + Today, it's do or die. We connect TWO 496 Big Block Chevy engines to the dyno to find out exactly how much power two of the same engine will make running in tandem! Lifestyle - - Dare - S01 : E01 Fresh Yoga - Season 3 - Dare - Do you dare to follow and honor your instincts? This session will take us out of our habits and our comfort zone to help us achieve our dreams. Dare to confront differences by highlighting them, to take the plunge and give us the possibility of self-fulfillment, leaving the desires of others and the imperatives "of being someone" aside. This happens firstly by knowledge of oneself, of one's body, of our tool of life which is our physiology, to regain awareness of everything of which we are capable when fear turns to courage! Dare to be fully who we are! + + Detroit Muscle + S09 : E03 Detroit Muscle + Our '69 Road Runner, nicknamed Road Burner, gets a big bump in power when we perform a Gen III Hemi engine swap. Lifestyle - - The pink flamingo - S01 : E01 Yoga for kids - Season 1 - The pink flamingo - Today, I invite you to do the flamingo, a balancing act that brings calm and concentration. + + Detroit Muscle + S09 : E02 Detroit Muscle + The Detroit Muscle team begins their journey of bringing a '69 Plymouth Road Runner back from the brink. The first step, upping its ground game. Lifestyle - - The Hedgehog - S01 : E01 Yoga for kids - Season 1 - The Hedgehog - Today I'm going to teach you how to do the hedgehog, a fun balancing act to massage your whole back. + + Music City Trucks + S02 : E05 Music City Trucks + The team ventures to the north Georgia mountains to pick up and test an '07 Jeep Wrangler JK, then we head to the Summit Racing store in search of parts to mod it for extreme off-road fun! Lifestyle - - Escape - Watch beautiful landscapes from all over the world ! + + Carcass + S03 : E05 Carcass + The Carcass crew gives you some tips on how to repair rusty trouble spots and remove dents on your project. Then we'll walk you through getting it ready for primer. Lifestyle - - Special programming - Info not available + + Engine Power + S09 : E07 Engine Power + We seek more power from our twin-engine dyno setup, by reconfiguring the exhaust and phasing the 496 Big Block Chevy engines. Plus we head to Texas to check out SAM Tech's engine program! Lifestyle - - Episode 13 - S01 : E01 Earth in Sports - Season 7 - Episode 13 - The TV show Earth in Sports will immerse you into the point of view of different athlete who are practicing extreme or peaceful sports at the best spot all around the world. You will discover the most beautiful landscapes and some of them are nearly impossible to reach. + + Music City Trucks + S02 : E07 Music City Trucks + We're turning our 1964 Ford Flatbed into a shop truck! With the help of the team in Engine Power, the guys make an engine swap that includes a turbo! Plus we're off to the junkyard in search of a transmission. Lifestyle - - Episode 14 - S01 : E01 Earth in Sports - Season 7 - Episode 14 - The TV show Earth in Sports will immerse you into the point of view of different athlete who are practicing extreme or peaceful sports at the best spot all around the world. You will discover the most beautiful landscapes and some of them are nearly impossible to reach. + + Carcass + S03 : E04 Carcass + We show you painting tips on how to properly prep your aging clear coat for paint. Then we give our Mazda a fresh look before heading to the track to test those performance parts! Lifestyle - - Episode 15 - S01 : E01 Earth in Sports - Season 7 - Episode 15 - The TV show Earth in Sports will immerse you into the point of view of different athlete who are practicing extreme or peaceful sports at the best spot all around the world. You will discover the most beautiful landscapes and some of them are nearly impossible to reach. + + Music City Trucks + S02 : E06 Music City Trucks + We upgrade the brakes, repair underside problems, and put some great new off-road and recovery mods on our 2007 Jeep Wrangler JK. Then we'll take it out for a wheeling adventure. Lifestyle - - Episode 16 - S01 : E01 Earth in Sports - Season 7 - Episode 16 - The TV show Earth in Sports will immerse you into the point of view of different athlete who are practicing extreme or peaceful sports at the best spot all around the world. You will discover the most beautiful landscapes and some of them are nearly impossible to reach. + + Carcass + S03 : E04 Carcass + We show you painting tips on how to properly prep your aging clear coat for paint. Then we give our Mazda a fresh look before heading to the track to test those performance parts! Lifestyle - - Episode 17 - S01 : E01 Earth in Sports - Season 7 - Episode 17 - The TV show Earth in Sports will immerse you into the point of view of different athlete who are practicing extreme or peaceful sports at the best spot all around the world. You will discover the most beautiful landscapes and some of them are nearly impossible to reach. + + Carcass + S03 : E05 Carcass + The Carcass crew gives you some tips on how to repair rusty trouble spots and remove dents on your project. Then we'll walk you through getting it ready for primer. Lifestyle - - Escape - Watch beautiful landscapes from all over the world ! + + Detroit Muscle + S09 : E04 Detroit Muscle + The '69 Road Runner gets an exterior upgrade. We'll show you some unorthodox methods for enhancing a patina paint look. Lifestyle - - Virginie (Lyon) - S01 : E01 My Zen People - Season 4 - Virginie (Lyon) - Virginie’s beautiful handwritten lettering decorates the walls and windows of many shops in and around Lyon, France, as she lives out her passion of finding beauty in every stroke. A former waitress, Virginie was struggling to find her calling when she suffered a life-altering horse accident that almost left her handicapped. At only 30, she was forced to put her whole life into perspective. She finally found herself through a love for graphic design and lettering, combined with a desire for freedom that came with working independently. To motivate other women, she has also launched “Ladyboss”, a network of inspiring women entrepreneurs. + + Detroit Muscle + S09 : E02 Detroit Muscle + The Detroit Muscle team begins their journey of bringing a '69 Plymouth Road Runner back from the brink. The first step, upping its ground game. Lifestyle - - Anna (Brittany) - S01 : E01 My Zen People - Season 4 - Anna (Brittany) - Anna’s unusual background provided inspiration for her life change. Her career began as a wolf trainer for cinema and it was during these years that she developed her deep love for animals. After being tired of seeing them used as props and constantly in cages, she decided to leave the world of show business behind and start an eco-friendly sheep and goat pasture. To further share her passion for these gentle animals, Anna has opened a conservatory farm where visitors can experience first-hand the joys of being close to nature. She also makes amazing goat cheese! + + Detroit Muscle + S09 : E03 Detroit Muscle + Our '69 Road Runner, nicknamed Road Burner, gets a big bump in power when we perform a Gen III Hemi engine swap. Lifestyle - - Journey To The West - S01 : E01 Bonsai Bad Boy - Season 1 - Journey To The West - Finding no way forward in Japan, Masashi looks to break through overseas. But although bonsai had spread widely in his master’s time, it seems doomed to wither if someone doesn’t do something to make the art form fun and relevant in a fast paced modern world. Finally on a trip to Italy, Masashi Hirao may have found a way to break the wall and build a bridge to new audiences. He determines to topple a 1000 years of tradition and turn the art of bonsai into a pop culture phenomenon, combining it with other art forms and focused on the process of creation as much as on the result. + + Engine Power + S09 : E06 Engine Power + Today, it's do or die. We connect TWO 496 Big Block Chevy engines to the dyno to find out exactly how much power two of the same engine will make running in tandem! Lifestyle - - Nature’s Heroes: Senegal - Part 2 - S01 : E01 Earth from above - Season 4 - Nature’s Heroes: Senegal - Part 2 - For this new episode, Yann Arthus-Bertrand travels through Senegal to encounter men and women who dedicate their lives to preserving the environment. One of the major ecological stakes of the country is fishing and the mangrove ecosystem which, like in some many other parts of the world, faces major threats. Yann Arthus-Bertrand presents the struggle of Haidar El Ali, chosen among one of the world’s most active ecologists. He creates protected marine areas and reforests the disappeared mangrove of his country. He’s managed to convince thousands of Senegalese to plant with him ten million mangrove trees. + + Engine Power + S09 : E05 Engine Power + We do something that has never been done before: build two identical 496 Big Block Chevy engines to run on the dyno...at the SAME TIME!! Lifestyle - - Escape - Watch beautiful landscapes from all over the world ! + + Music City Trucks + S02 : E07 Music City Trucks + We're turning our 1964 Ford Flatbed into a shop truck! With the help of the team in Engine Power, the guys make an engine swap that includes a turbo! Plus we're off to the junkyard in search of a transmission. Lifestyle - - Massages - Massage studio will show you the best massage techniques in places which will make you dream. Let us take care of you! Lay down, relax and forget all your problems. + + Engine Power + S09 : E07 Engine Power + We seek more power from our twin-engine dyno setup, by reconfiguring the exhaust and phasing the 496 Big Block Chevy engines. Plus we head to Texas to check out SAM Tech's engine program! Lifestyle - - Spiritual Sports - Nurture the body AND the mind with Spiritual Sports + + Carcass + S05 : E09 Carcass + The Carcass Crew brings in a 2001 ragged out BMW 4 door sedan, with plans of turning it into a mix-use race machine. Lifestyle - - Pilates - Stay in shape with our pilates courses ! + + Detroit Muscle + S09 : E08 Detroit Muscle + Forget everything you think know about patina cars, because we are going to school you on how mother nature's handiwork, combined with some elbow grease, can create a masterpiece worthy of a Hot Wheel. Lifestyle - - Stretching - Stretching + + Engine Power + S08 : E15 Engine Power + The first steps you take in building any engine can lay the foundation for a reliable powerplant that lives up to its potential. Lifestyle - - Shape & Stretch I - S01 : E01 Fitness class - Season 1 - Shape & Stretch I - Today, we will work on Shape & Stretch. An ideal session when you have little time to do workout. It is a body & mind workout that touches and strengthens body and soul. This will allow you to fight against stress and fight against the ailments it generates such as insomnia or digestion problems. The exercises will also improve your posture, and help you regain optimal mobility, gently. + + Truck Tech + S07 : E15 Truck Tech + The Build-Off culminates on the dragstrip and the final tallies are made. Appearance, dyno, speed, and tug-o-war will determine the winner. Lifestyle - - Body & soul - Stay in shape with our fitness courses ! + + Music City Trucks + S02 : E06 Music City Trucks + We upgrade the brakes, repair underside problems, and put some great new off-road and recovery mods on our 2007 Jeep Wrangler JK. Then we'll take it out for a wheeling adventure. Lifestyle - - Self-massage for the legs - S01 : E01 Audio advices - Season 6 - Self-massage for the legs - Our body and our legs need continuous toning, strengthened and this is a way to relax and give you a little more firmness. MyZen TV offers you a self-massage to the legs as simple as it is effective. + + Detroit Muscle + S09 : E03 Detroit Muscle + Our '69 Road Runner, nicknamed Road Burner, gets a big bump in power when we perform a Gen III Hemi engine swap. Lifestyle - - Staying zen on the subway platform - S01 : E01 Audio advices - Season 10 - Staying zen on the subway platform - This exercise will allow you to sink deep into nature, helping you as you wait for your train or subway, to relax and escape making the time pass quickly by. + + Engine Power + S09 : E05 Engine Power + We do something that has never been done before: build two identical 496 Big Block Chevy engines to run on the dyno...at the SAME TIME!! Lifestyle - - A pleasant train ride … - S01 : E01 Audio advices - Season 10 - A pleasant train ride … - We meet in order to settle down pleasantly and correctly in the train and to relax by breathing to spend a pleasant journey. + + Carcass + S03 : E06 Carcass + We start working on a new project with the novice racer in mind. We take a 2008 Ford Crown Vic Police Cruiser and turn it into a budget-friendly Spec Panther racing machine! Today we'll upgrade our transmission for better shifting and give the old power plant a tune-up. Lifestyle - - Escape - Watch beautiful landscapes from all over the world ! + + Detroit Muscle + S09 : E04 Detroit Muscle + The '69 Road Runner gets an exterior upgrade. We'll show you some unorthodox methods for enhancing a patina paint look. Lifestyle - - The Banan Beach - S01 : E01 My Day Dubai - Season 1 - The Banan Beach - Gabriela wakes up in a tent at Banan Beach in Dubai and gets inspired by Raha Moharrak the first Saudi women who climbed the Mount Everest and seven highest summits. Afterwards the two have kitesurf lessons and lots of fun. Gabriela ends her day with some dance flow yoga with her trainer Steph by sunset. + + Carcass + S03 : E05 Carcass + The Carcass crew gives you some tips on how to repair rusty trouble spots and remove dents on your project. Then we'll walk you through getting it ready for primer. Lifestyle - - Malibu Orchards - S01 : E01 My Zen Trendy - Season 1 - Malibu Orchards - Forget your typical hotel, Malibu Orchads is where our first stop leads us. This nomad chic camping allows travelers from all over the world to experience a whole different form of outdoors life. As you stay in this property, be prepared to join a vibrant and positive family of international travelers while you enjoy peaceful moments in cozy wooden ‘zen houses’. After this break in nature, we are heading to our meeting with ‘the spirit quest’ : an active form of meditation connecting you to the strengths of nature. + + Detroit Muscle + S09 : E02 Detroit Muscle + The Detroit Muscle team begins their journey of bringing a '69 Plymouth Road Runner back from the brink. The first step, upping its ground game. Lifestyle - - Thinning seedlings - S01 : E01 My First Garden - Season 1 - Thinning seedlings - We meet in the market garden of Romainville to continue gardening together. In our previous episodes, we sowed chives and radishes. Today, we're going to learn how to take good care of them. And as a bonus, we'll show you a great technique to easily get even more plants in your garden. Let's get started! + + Engine Power + S09 : E07 Engine Power + We seek more power from our twin-engine dyno setup, by reconfiguring the exhaust and phasing the 496 Big Block Chevy engines. Plus we head to Texas to check out SAM Tech's engine program! Lifestyle - - Escape - Watch beautiful landscapes from all over the world ! + + Carcass + S03 : E04 Carcass + We show you painting tips on how to properly prep your aging clear coat for paint. Then we give our Mazda a fresh look before heading to the track to test those performance parts! + Lifestyle + + + Music City Trucks + S02 : E05 Music City Trucks + The team ventures to the north Georgia mountains to pick up and test an '07 Jeep Wrangler JK, then we head to the Summit Racing store in search of parts to mod it for extreme off-road fun! + Lifestyle + + + Detroit Muscle + S09 : E02 Detroit Muscle + The Detroit Muscle team begins their journey of bringing a '69 Plymouth Road Runner back from the brink. The first step, upping its ground game. + Lifestyle + + + Carcass + S03 : E11 Carcass + Our '96 Chevy Silverado gets new body parts. Plus we'll prep it for paint and show you how we are restoring the original color before hitting the road. + Lifestyle + + + Engine Power + S06 : E18 Engine Power + Mike and Pat move to the next stages of the Test Sled build including top end performance goodies, racing seats, an accessory drive, and custom tail lights. + Lifestyle + + + Truck Tech + S06 : E01 Truck Tech + Final top end mods, rear locker & traction bars installed before our 1 ton dually hits the strip. + Lifestyle + + + Music City Trucks + S02 : E05 Music City Trucks + The team ventures to the north Georgia mountains to pick up and test an '07 Jeep Wrangler JK, then we head to the Summit Racing store in search of parts to mod it for extreme off-road fun! + Lifestyle + + + Engine Power + S09 : E06 Engine Power + Today, it's do or die. We connect TWO 496 Big Block Chevy engines to the dyno to find out exactly how much power two of the same engine will make running in tandem! + Lifestyle + + + Music City Trucks + S02 : E06 Music City Trucks + We upgrade the brakes, repair underside problems, and put some great new off-road and recovery mods on our 2007 Jeep Wrangler JK. Then we'll take it out for a wheeling adventure. + Lifestyle + + + Detroit Muscle + S09 : E02 Detroit Muscle + The Detroit Muscle team begins their journey of bringing a '69 Plymouth Road Runner back from the brink. The first step, upping its ground game. + Lifestyle + + + Carcass + S03 : E06 Carcass + We start working on a new project with the novice racer in mind. We take a 2008 Ford Crown Vic Police Cruiser and turn it into a budget-friendly Spec Panther racing machine! Today we'll upgrade our transmission for better shifting and give the old power plant a tune-up. + Lifestyle + + + Carcass + S03 : E05 Carcass + The Carcass crew gives you some tips on how to repair rusty trouble spots and remove dents on your project. Then we'll walk you through getting it ready for primer. + Lifestyle + + + Carcass + S03 : E04 Carcass + We show you painting tips on how to properly prep your aging clear coat for paint. Then we give our Mazda a fresh look before heading to the track to test those performance parts! + Lifestyle + + + Detroit Muscle + S09 : E04 Detroit Muscle + The '69 Road Runner gets an exterior upgrade. We'll show you some unorthodox methods for enhancing a patina paint look. + Lifestyle + + + Detroit Muscle + S09 : E03 Detroit Muscle + Our '69 Road Runner, nicknamed Road Burner, gets a big bump in power when we perform a Gen III Hemi engine swap. + Lifestyle + + + Engine Power + S09 : E05 Engine Power + We do something that has never been done before: build two identical 496 Big Block Chevy engines to run on the dyno...at the SAME TIME!! + Lifestyle + + + Carcass + S03 : E19 Carcass + We start tearing into the powertrain of our Datsun 280Z, freshening up the engine and converting the automatic transmission to a sportier manual setup. We'll also take a look at the new Nissan Z! + Lifestyle + + + Detroit Muscle + S11 : E04 Detroit Muscle + Tommy and Peyton get cracking on a true piece of 90s muscle, their 1990 Mustang. This Fast Lane Fox Body Stang takes its first ride, before a total makeover that'll turn it from Half-Bred Pony to Thoroughbred Stallion. + Lifestyle + + + Engine Power + S01 : E06 Engine Power + A 512ci Big Block Mopar goes from stout street engine to pump gas race bullet. + Lifestyle + + + Truck Tech + S05 : E12 Truck Tech + Jeremy and LT continue on the Model A project finishing up the drop by modifying the rear of the Pete & Jake's chassis. This custom hot rod truck will be slammed to the ground and with suspension to accommodate. + Lifestyle + + + Music City Trucks + S02 : E05 Music City Trucks + The team ventures to the north Georgia mountains to pick up and test an '07 Jeep Wrangler JK, then we head to the Summit Racing store in search of parts to mod it for extreme off-road fun! + Lifestyle + + + Music City Trucks + S02 : E07 Music City Trucks + We're turning our 1964 Ford Flatbed into a shop truck! With the help of the team in Engine Power, the guys make an engine swap that includes a turbo! Plus we're off to the junkyard in search of a transmission. Lifestyle @@ -39917,100 +50930,486 @@ Practice Yoga from the comfort of your home with our experienced teatchers. Lifestyle - - Great World Hotels - S01 : E02 Great World Hotels, Huvafen 1(Eng) - An overwater villa with a clear glass floor, and an underwater spa treatment enhance Kim’s experience of the water wonderland that is Maldives. + + Balance + S01 : E01 Fresh Yoga - Season 3 - Balance + All too often, we tend not to lead a favorable rhythm of life which respects our body and system. Sitting positions at our desks, in our cars, accompanied by the pressure that life demands of us, too little sleep, sport or movement during our days ... We feel the imbalance without knowing how remediate. The imbalance Katy experienced after a 30 hour trip to Indonesia and Mentawai inspired her to activate the system through breathing in full consciousness. Let yourself be guided in movements of twists, inversions and opening of the hips, for a session intended to activate the intestinal peristaltic, in order to reinstate balance at the heart of your system. Lifestyle - - Backpack - S01 : E18 Backpack Labuan Bajo and Bali, Indonesia(Eng) - Hannah Jackson explores the scenery, culture and flavours on the islands of Komodo National Park. She also visits the Taman Ayun temple in Bali. + + The magnificent cobra + S01 : E01 Yoga for kids - Season 1 - The magnificent cobra + Today I'm going to teach you to do the cobra. An exercise to tone your back and belly while you get under the skin of a snake. Lifestyle - - Kissed By The Sea - S01 : E04 Kissed By The Sea Penghu Island, Taiwan (ENG) - Penghu, an archipelago of islands in Taiwan, is a tropical haven infused with oriental flavour. Travel junkie, Alex Drobin discovers this when he enjoys the balance between adventures such as snorkelling and banana boat and exploring the local culture through sights rife with local legends such as a temple dedicated to the goddess of the sea and the Four eye well. He also tries fresh seafood and local Taiwanese dishes such as cactus ice cream. + + The toad + S01 : E01 Yoga for kids - Season 1 - The toad + Today I'm going to teach you the toad pose, to build up your body and become strong. Lifestyle - - World Heritage - S01 : E13 World Heritage, Norway's Heritage Sites(Eng) - The abundant natural and man-made wonders of Norway tell stories of its long and rich history. + + Escape + Watch beautiful landscapes from all over the world ! Lifestyle - - The Moroccon Chronicles - S01 : E02 The Moroccon Chronicles_The Ballad of Fes(Eng) - The imperial city of Fes, with its richly evocative attractions, makes Rafe feel like he is in a movie...with a plot twist right around the corner. + + Special programming + Info not available Lifestyle - - Xp guide - S01 : E31 Xp guide_Mauritius 1(Eng) - The clear blue sea, the white sparkling sands and the sun kissing your skin, Mauritius is what dreams are made of. + + Episode 9 + S01 : E01 Earth in Sports - Season 7 - Episode 9 + The TV show Earth in Sports will immerse you into the point of view of different athlete who are practicing extreme or peaceful sports at the best spot all around the world. You will discover the most beautiful landscapes and some of them are nearly impossible to reach. Lifestyle - - The Moroccon Chronicles - S01 : E01 The Moroccon Chronicles_Eternal Love in chefchaouen(Eng) - Rafe visits Chefchaouen and is instantly besotted with the city, much to the confusion of the locals who are baffled by his eccentricities. + + Episode 10 + S01 : E01 Earth in Sports - Season 7 - Episode 10 + The TV show Earth in Sports will immerse you into the point of view of different athlete who are practicing extreme or peaceful sports at the best spot all around the world. You will discover the most beautiful landscapes and some of them are nearly impossible to reach. Lifestyle - - Xplore Ireland - S01 : E04 Xplore Ireland Belfast, Ireland(Eng) - Lose yourself amidst the spectacular landscapes of Northern Ireland. Witness the miraculous resurfacing of Belfast. + + Episode 11 + S01 : E01 Earth in Sports - Season 7 - Episode 11 + The TV show Earth in Sports will immerse you into the point of view of different athlete who are practicing extreme or peaceful sports at the best spot all around the world. You will discover the most beautiful landscapes and some of them are nearly impossible to reach. Lifestyle - - Great World Hotels - S01 : E03 Great World Hotels, Huvafen 2(Eng) - While diving in the cerulean waters of Maldives, Kim finds herself transported to a world, where the lines between fantasy and reality begin to blur. + + Episode 12 + S01 : E01 Earth in Sports - Season 7 - Episode 12 + The TV show Earth in Sports will immerse you into the point of view of different athlete who are practicing extreme or peaceful sports at the best spot all around the world. You will discover the most beautiful landscapes and some of them are nearly impossible to reach. Lifestyle - - Backpack - S01 : E19 Backpack Bali, Indonesia(Eng) - From spirituality and nature to food and adventure, Hannah Jackson explores all that Bali has to offer travelers. + + Escape + Watch beautiful landscapes from all over the world ! Lifestyle - - The Moroccon Chronicles - S01 : E01 The Moroccon Chronicles_Eternal Love in chefchaouen(Eng) - Rafe visits Chefchaouen and is instantly besotted with the city, much to the confusion of the locals who are baffled by his eccentricities. + + Carine (Nice) + S01 : E01 My Zen People - Season 4 - Carine (Nice) + After twenty years as a lawyer, Carine decided to give in to her desire to help others heal. Her inner journey led her to discover a passion for naturopathy as she rediscovered her love for nature and learned the healing qualities of the plants around her. Combined with a deep understanding of astrology and nutrition, she is now able to help others live better and find their own path. Lifestyle - - Xplore Ireland - S01 : E04 Xplore Ireland Belfast, Ireland(Eng) - Lose yourself amidst the spectacular landscapes of Northern Ireland. Witness the miraculous resurfacing of Belfast. + + Juliette (Morbihan) + S01 : E01 My Zen People - Season 4 - Juliette (Morbihan) + Juliette has long been aware of the delicate beauty of nature. For years she spent her life on the sea, organising regattas for the traditional sailboats that are famous in the French region of Morbihan. Her appreciation for the elements made for a smooth transition as she decided to leave the water behind and return to the earth. Learning to shape a ball of clay into a graceful and elegant object, she discovered a passion for ceramics. Today, she lives from her creations and makes pieces that reflect their surroundings, the stunning Gulf of Morbihan. Lifestyle - - Great World Hotels - S01 : E03 Great World Hotels, Huvafen 2(Eng) - While diving in the cerulean waters of Maldives, Kim finds herself transported to a world, where the lines between fantasy and reality begin to blur. + + Masashi Hirao + S01 : E01 Bonsai Bad Boy - Season 1 - Masashi Hirao + In 2003, Masashi Hirao became the last apprentice of Japan's great Bonsai master Saburo Kato. Before Saburo-san died he passed on to his apprentice a seemingly impossible mission: to prevent the 1000 year old art from dying-out in the face of a rapidly changing world and achieve his master’s vision of bringing peace to the world through bonsai. Masashi’s early efforts are dogged by many failures but combining his master’s guidance & modern instincts he sets out to travel the world and discover the way, drawing on innovative trends in contemporary art. Lifestyle - - Backpack - S01 : E19 Backpack Bali, Indonesia(Eng) - From spirituality and nature to food and adventure, Hannah Jackson explores all that Bali has to offer travelers. + + Nature’s Heroes: Senegal - Part 1 + S01 : E01 Earth from above - Season 4 - Nature’s Heroes: Senegal - Part 1 + For this new episode, Yann Arthus-Bertrand travels through Senegal to encounter men and women who dedicate their lives to preserving the environment. One of the major ecological stakes of the country is fishing and the mangrove ecosystem which, like in some many other parts of the world, faces major threats. Yann Arthus-Bertrand presents the struggle of Haidar El Ali, chosen among one of the world’s most active ecologists. He creates protected marine areas and reforests the disappeared mangrove of his country. He’s managed to convince thousands of Senegalese to plant with him ten million mangrove trees. Lifestyle - - The Moroccon Chronicles - S01 : E01 The Moroccon Chronicles_Eternal Love in chefchaouen(Eng) - Rafe visits Chefchaouen and is instantly besotted with the city, much to the confusion of the locals who are baffled by his eccentricities. + + Escape + Watch beautiful landscapes from all over the world ! Lifestyle - - Xplore Ireland - S01 : E04 Xplore Ireland Belfast, Ireland(Eng) - Lose yourself amidst the spectacular landscapes of Northern Ireland. Witness the miraculous resurfacing of Belfast. + + Massages + Massage studio will show you the best massage techniques in places which will make you dream. Let us take care of you! Lay down, relax and forget all your problems. + Lifestyle + + + Spiritual Sports + Nurture the body AND the mind with Spiritual Sports + Lifestyle + + + Pilates + Stay in shape with our pilates courses ! + Lifestyle + + + Stretching + Stretching + Lifestyle + + + Power Moves - Fatburn & Abs, Tights and Butt + S01 : E01 Fitness class - Season 1 - Power Moves - Fatburn & Abs, Tights and Butt + In a pleasant landscape, this workout combines intense exercises to work abs, thighs and buttocks. This session will help you tone your body, burn fat and get back in shape! To burn your fat, we will perform super effective cardio exercises that stimulate areas such as the abdomen, legs and buttocks while having fun! + Lifestyle + + + Body & soul + Stay in shape with our fitness courses ! + Lifestyle + + + Self-massage for the arms + S01 : E01 Audio advices - Season 6 - Self-massage for the arms + In order to feel in charge of your body, MyZen TV offers you this guided self-massage exercise. The aim is to relax and regain your natural body tone so that you can face any future events with strength and control. + Lifestyle + + + Dealing with someone who is hyperactive + S01 : E01 Audio advices - Season 12 - Dealing with someone who is hyperactive + Are your teenagers difficult? Do you need help dealing with sibling rivalry? Is your relationship with your in-laws conflictual? Here are a few exercises to help you have a happy, zen family. + Lifestyle + + + Staying zen on the subway + S01 : E01 Audio advices - Season 10 - Staying zen on the subway + This exercise can accompany you on the train or subway to help you make your travel time a time to relax and recharge your batteries. + Lifestyle + + + Escape + Watch beautiful landscapes from all over the world ! + Lifestyle + + + Le Royal Meridien + S01 : E01 My Day Dubai - Season 1 - Le Royal Meridien + In this episode, our host Gabriela will spend her day at the beautiful Royal Meridien. She'll learn new recipes with Chef Jorge at Brasserie 2.0. She'll enjoy a very special facial at the hotel's spa, before taking wakeboarding lessons with Coach Mike at sunset. + Lifestyle + + + Malibu Ranch + S01 : E01 My Zen Trendy - Season 1 - Malibu Ranch + Today, Val is moving away from the crazy cities of California to enjoy the peaceful environment of Malibu Ranch. Tourists come from all over the world to find inner peace, relax and stay here. Here, Val attends a yoga class at the "Buddha bar" before strolling through the ranch's amazing botanical garden. + Lifestyle + + + Plant associations + S01 : E01 My First Garden - Season 1 - Plant associations + Today we will see how plants can be combined in the garden. Plants are like people: they like to mix and some are even real friends and love to grow together. We will show you a combination of three plants and explain why it is smart to combine these three plants in your vegetable garden. + Lifestyle + + + Escape + Watch beautiful landscapes from all over the world ! + Lifestyle + + + Yoga + Practice Yoga from the comfort of your home with our experienced teatchers. + Lifestyle + + + Dare + S01 : E01 Fresh Yoga - Season 3 - Dare + Do you dare to follow and honor your instincts? This session will take us out of our habits and our comfort zone to help us achieve our dreams. Dare to confront differences by highlighting them, to take the plunge and give us the possibility of self-fulfillment, leaving the desires of others and the imperatives "of being someone" aside. This happens firstly by knowledge of oneself, of one's body, of our tool of life which is our physiology, to regain awareness of everything of which we are capable when fear turns to courage! Dare to be fully who we are! + Lifestyle + + + The pink flamingo + S01 : E01 Yoga for kids - Season 1 - The pink flamingo + Today, I invite you to do the flamingo, a balancing act that brings calm and concentration. + Lifestyle + + + The Hedgehog + S01 : E01 Yoga for kids - Season 1 - The Hedgehog + Today I'm going to teach you how to do the hedgehog, a fun balancing act to massage your whole back. + Lifestyle + + + Escape + Watch beautiful landscapes from all over the world ! + Lifestyle + + + Special programming + Info not available + Lifestyle + + + Episode 13 + S01 : E01 Earth in Sports - Season 7 - Episode 13 + The TV show Earth in Sports will immerse you into the point of view of different athlete who are practicing extreme or peaceful sports at the best spot all around the world. You will discover the most beautiful landscapes and some of them are nearly impossible to reach. + Lifestyle + + + Episode 14 + S01 : E01 Earth in Sports - Season 7 - Episode 14 + The TV show Earth in Sports will immerse you into the point of view of different athlete who are practicing extreme or peaceful sports at the best spot all around the world. You will discover the most beautiful landscapes and some of them are nearly impossible to reach. + Lifestyle + + + Episode 15 + S01 : E01 Earth in Sports - Season 7 - Episode 15 + The TV show Earth in Sports will immerse you into the point of view of different athlete who are practicing extreme or peaceful sports at the best spot all around the world. You will discover the most beautiful landscapes and some of them are nearly impossible to reach. + Lifestyle + + + Episode 16 + S01 : E01 Earth in Sports - Season 7 - Episode 16 + The TV show Earth in Sports will immerse you into the point of view of different athlete who are practicing extreme or peaceful sports at the best spot all around the world. You will discover the most beautiful landscapes and some of them are nearly impossible to reach. + Lifestyle + + + Episode 17 + S01 : E01 Earth in Sports - Season 7 - Episode 17 + The TV show Earth in Sports will immerse you into the point of view of different athlete who are practicing extreme or peaceful sports at the best spot all around the world. You will discover the most beautiful landscapes and some of them are nearly impossible to reach. + Lifestyle + + + Escape + Watch beautiful landscapes from all over the world ! + Lifestyle + + + Virginie (Lyon) + S01 : E01 My Zen People - Season 4 - Virginie (Lyon) + Virginie’s beautiful handwritten lettering decorates the walls and windows of many shops in and around Lyon, France, as she lives out her passion of finding beauty in every stroke. A former waitress, Virginie was struggling to find her calling when she suffered a life-altering horse accident that almost left her handicapped. At only 30, she was forced to put her whole life into perspective. She finally found herself through a love for graphic design and lettering, combined with a desire for freedom that came with working independently. To motivate other women, she has also launched “Ladyboss”, a network of inspiring women entrepreneurs. + Lifestyle + + + Anna (Brittany) + S01 : E01 My Zen People - Season 4 - Anna (Brittany) + Anna’s unusual background provided inspiration for her life change. Her career began as a wolf trainer for cinema and it was during these years that she developed her deep love for animals. After being tired of seeing them used as props and constantly in cages, she decided to leave the world of show business behind and start an eco-friendly sheep and goat pasture. To further share her passion for these gentle animals, Anna has opened a conservatory farm where visitors can experience first-hand the joys of being close to nature. She also makes amazing goat cheese! + Lifestyle + + + Journey To The West + S01 : E01 Bonsai Bad Boy - Season 1 - Journey To The West + Finding no way forward in Japan, Masashi looks to break through overseas. But although bonsai had spread widely in his master’s time, it seems doomed to wither if someone doesn’t do something to make the art form fun and relevant in a fast paced modern world. Finally on a trip to Italy, Masashi Hirao may have found a way to break the wall and build a bridge to new audiences. He determines to topple a 1000 years of tradition and turn the art of bonsai into a pop culture phenomenon, combining it with other art forms and focused on the process of creation as much as on the result. + Lifestyle + + + Nature’s Heroes: Senegal - Part 2 + S01 : E01 Earth from above - Season 4 - Nature’s Heroes: Senegal - Part 2 + For this new episode, Yann Arthus-Bertrand travels through Senegal to encounter men and women who dedicate their lives to preserving the environment. One of the major ecological stakes of the country is fishing and the mangrove ecosystem which, like in some many other parts of the world, faces major threats. Yann Arthus-Bertrand presents the struggle of Haidar El Ali, chosen among one of the world’s most active ecologists. He creates protected marine areas and reforests the disappeared mangrove of his country. He’s managed to convince thousands of Senegalese to plant with him ten million mangrove trees. + Lifestyle + + + Escape + Watch beautiful landscapes from all over the world ! + Lifestyle + + + Massages + Massage studio will show you the best massage techniques in places which will make you dream. Let us take care of you! Lay down, relax and forget all your problems. + Lifestyle + + + Spiritual Sports + Nurture the body AND the mind with Spiritual Sports + Lifestyle + + + Pilates + Stay in shape with our pilates courses ! + Lifestyle + + + Stretching + Stretching + Lifestyle + + + Shape & Stretch I + S01 : E01 Fitness class - Season 1 - Shape & Stretch I + Today, we will work on Shape & Stretch. An ideal session when you have little time to do workout. It is a body & mind workout that touches and strengthens body and soul. This will allow you to fight against stress and fight against the ailments it generates such as insomnia or digestion problems. The exercises will also improve your posture, and help you regain optimal mobility, gently. + Lifestyle + + + Body & soul + Stay in shape with our fitness courses ! + Lifestyle + + + Self-massage for the legs + S01 : E01 Audio advices - Season 6 - Self-massage for the legs + Our body and our legs need continuous toning, strengthened and this is a way to relax and give you a little more firmness. MyZen TV offers you a self-massage to the legs as simple as it is effective. + Lifestyle + + + Staying zen on the subway platform + S01 : E01 Audio advices - Season 10 - Staying zen on the subway platform + This exercise will allow you to sink deep into nature, helping you as you wait for your train or subway, to relax and escape making the time pass quickly by. + Lifestyle + + + A pleasant train ride … + S01 : E01 Audio advices - Season 10 - A pleasant train ride … + We meet in order to settle down pleasantly and correctly in the train and to relax by breathing to spend a pleasant journey. + Lifestyle + + + Escape + Watch beautiful landscapes from all over the world ! + Lifestyle + + + The Banan Beach + S01 : E01 My Day Dubai - Season 1 - The Banan Beach + Gabriela wakes up in a tent at Banan Beach in Dubai and gets inspired by Raha Moharrak the first Saudi women who climbed the Mount Everest and seven highest summits. Afterwards the two have kitesurf lessons and lots of fun. Gabriela ends her day with some dance flow yoga with her trainer Steph by sunset. + Lifestyle + + + Malibu Orchards + S01 : E01 My Zen Trendy - Season 1 - Malibu Orchards + Forget your typical hotel, Malibu Orchads is where our first stop leads us. This nomad chic camping allows travelers from all over the world to experience a whole different form of outdoors life. As you stay in this property, be prepared to join a vibrant and positive family of international travelers while you enjoy peaceful moments in cozy wooden ‘zen houses’. After this break in nature, we are heading to our meeting with ‘the spirit quest’ : an active form of meditation connecting you to the strengths of nature. + Lifestyle + + + Thinning seedlings + S01 : E01 My First Garden - Season 1 - Thinning seedlings + We meet in the market garden of Romainville to continue gardening together. In our previous episodes, we sowed chives and radishes. Today, we're going to learn how to take good care of them. And as a bonus, we'll show you a great technique to easily get even more plants in your garden. Let's get started! + Lifestyle + + + Escape + Watch beautiful landscapes from all over the world ! + Lifestyle + + + Power Yoga - Advanced Course + S01 : E01 Yoga class - Season 1 - Power Yoga - Advanced Course + This Power Yoga session is brought to you by renowned yoga teacher Andrea Kubasch! This dynamic training is an effective and holistic program for the body and mind. It achieves the elimination of fat, with exercises that will strengthen your balance and abdominal muscles and requires fluid movements. To finish this session, we will relax and refocus on our breathing and it’s suitable for everyone, both beginners and advanced levels. + Lifestyle + + + Yoga + Practice Yoga from the comfort of your home with our experienced teatchers. + Lifestyle + + + The butterfly + S01 : E01 Yoga for kids - Season 1 - The butterfly + Today I'm going to teach you how to do the butterfly. A fun exercise that helps you concentrate. + Lifestyle + + + The little piggy + S01 : E01 Yoga for kids - Season 1 - The little piggy + Today, I'm going to invite you to do the little piggy exercise to have fun while you massage your back. Grouik grouik! + Lifestyle + + + Escape + Watch beautiful landscapes from all over the world ! + Lifestyle + + + Special programming + Info not available + Lifestyle + + + Episode 8 + S01 : E01 Earth in Sports - Season 7 - Episode 8 + The TV show Earth in Sports will immerse you into the point of view of different athlete who are practicing extreme or peaceful sports at the best spot all around the world. You will discover the most beautiful landscapes and some of them are nearly impossible to reach. + Lifestyle + + + Escape + Watch beautiful landscapes from all over the world ! + Lifestyle + + + Laetitia (French Alps) + S01 : E01 My Zen People - Season 4 - Laetitia (French Alps) + While pregnant with her daughter, Laetitia, a former journalist, experienced a strong desire to change lifestyles and move to the countryside. Remembering the teachings of her grandmother, she began to venture outdoors into the surrounding Alps and study the different plants at her fingertips. Today she holds a wealth of knowledge about the medicinal and aromatherapeutic value of plants that she applies to making natural products. With utmost respect for the environment, Laetitia gathers only what she needs in order to make herbal infusions. + Lifestyle + + + Cristina (Spain) + S01 : E01 My Zen People - Season 4 - Cristina (Spain) + At 31 years old, the last thing Cristina expected when she went to see the doctor about a blocked ear was to leave the consultation with a diagnosis for Breast Cancer. This young and passionate sociologist decided to apply the same philosophy to her treatment as she did when surfing: when a wave crashes down on you, get up and try again. Through her healing journey she deepened her love for the ocean and also discovered the therapeutic capabilities of yoga for cancer patients. Today she shares her practice through surf and yoga retreats and is specialised in oncological yoga, helping others heal. + Lifestyle + + + Mainstream VS Indie + S01 : E01 Bonsai Bad Boy - Season 1 - Mainstream VS Indie + Masashi returns from Italy with a new sense of purpose and direction. He will pioneer a radical path as a Bonsai performer, using his childhood powers of concentration and speed to create a new art form and drag bonsai in front of a new generation. Masashi’s bold style makes him a star in Japan. But as his following in Japan grows, Masashi pushes forward with his broader mission - to spread Bonsai culture around the world. He accepts an invitation to take his radical new performance art to Penang, Malaysia, where he discovers new insights into the power of bonsai to bring peace. + Lifestyle + + + Nature’s Heroes: Canada - Quebec - Part 1 + S01 : E01 Earth from above - Season 4 - Nature’s Heroes: Canada - Quebec - Part 1 + Canada is the second largest country in the world by land mass and contains amazing natural resources: 7% of the Earth’s drinking water is spread over the country’s thousands of lakes. Forests cover 45% of the territory. Yann Arthus-Bertrand goes off to discover these resources with those whose job it is to protect them. He takes a look at the ecological balance sheet of the world’s eighth-largest economic power. + Lifestyle + + + Escape + Watch beautiful landscapes from all over the world ! + Lifestyle + + + Massages + Massage studio will show you the best massage techniques in places which will make you dream. Let us take care of you! Lay down, relax and forget all your problems. + Lifestyle + + + Spiritual Sports + Nurture the body AND the mind with Spiritual Sports + Lifestyle + + + Pilates + Stay in shape with our pilates courses ! + Lifestyle + + + Shape & Stretch II + S01 : E01 Fitness class - Season 1 - Shape & Stretch II + Today we will work on your figure and do some stretching. Those exercises will involve the whole body and help you fight stress. You will be able to shape your body, develop new power, improve your agility, your posture and free your mind. We will help you to restore an ideal balance of body and mind, and the whole body will be in shape! + Lifestyle + + + Body & soul + Stay in shape with our fitness courses ! + Lifestyle + + + Self-massage for the face + S01 : E01 Audio advices - Season 6 - Self-massage for the face + We propose a self-massage exercise for the face which will get you a pleasant feeling of relaxation, will stimulate your shape and tone of the face, conditioned and in an excellent mood. + Lifestyle + + + Self-massage for the shoulders + S01 : E01 Audio advices - Season 6 - Self-massage for the shoulders + Give yourself a shoulder rub with your own hands and feel the tension melting away. It's easy to get rid of this tension by following the simple and effective gestures described in this exercise. + Lifestyle + + + Escape + Watch beautiful landscapes from all over the world ! + Lifestyle + + + Atlantis + S01 : E01 My Day Dubai - Season 1 - Atlantis + In this episode, our presenter Gabriela will visit Sustainable City in Dubai. She will discover how the residents garden, how they dress in sustainable clothes and, of course, how they eat by preparing healthy recipes. She will end her day with a Qigong class with a Qigong master. + Lifestyle + + + Floating Yoga + S01 : E01 My Zen Trendy - Season 1 - Floating Yoga + Just Float, this is the latest yoga trend and mantra for an relaxed mind. As you enter a fully soundproof studio and float in vats filled with epson salts, you will disconnect from the urban buzz. That is Val’s promise as she takes us to experience this funny trend. With a sain mind comes a sain body: it’s time to head to Clover Juice, the most famous juice address in Los Angeles. As we make our way through Clover’s kitchen, we discover this way of life, mix and learn more on these beverage’s benefits. + Lifestyle + + + Cutting a tomato plant + S01 : E01 My First Garden - Season 1 - Cutting a tomato plant + We meet a in the market garden of Romainville to continue gardening together. Since we've been gardening, we've already put a lot of different plants in our vegetable garden: herbs, strawberry plants and, a few episodes ago, we even learned how to combine certain plants in the garden. Come on, let's see how they have grown. + Lifestyle + + + Escape + Watch beautiful landscapes from all over the world ! + Lifestyle + + + Bodywork meets Yoga + S01 : E01 Yoga class - Season 1 - Bodywork meets Yoga + Some powerful body exercises and flowing movements, it's the perfect combination for a slim body and defined curves. Fitness guru Stefanie Rohr will do a two-part session, first a mix of dynamic and intense fitness exercises, then yoga positions, relaxation and stretching. A straight spine, improved flexibility and a defined body are guaranteed with this blend of bodyshaping and yoga for beginners or professionals. Lifestyle @@ -40595,169 +51994,292 @@ Jamie Srubis tries out spa treatments, which are inspired by the Dead Sea and the desert surroundings at Hotel Kempinski Ishtar in Jordan. Lifestyle - - Rodin, drawing, cutting - S01 : E01 Private Tour - Season 1 - Rodin, drawing, cutting - Private Tour takes you to the discovery of the drawing and paper cut exhibition at the Rodin Museum. This exhibition brings together a hundred paper cut-outs and drawings of the artist. These artistic practices have accompanied him throughout his life. Among the works exhibited you will find drawings such as "The Mask of Minos" and many paper cut-outs representing bodies. But it should not be forgotten that Rodin was also a sculptor and you will be able to observe sculptures with Japanese influences such as the "face expressing fury". + + Kissed By the Sea + S01 : E02 Kissed By the Sea, Comino,Malta(eng) + Tara visits the Comino island and explores the rugged landscapes of Mdina. Later, she learns about locals in Marsaxlokk and enjoys Popeye Village. Lifestyle - - The New Born - Georges De La Tour - S01 : E01 Art investigation - Season 1 - The New Born - Georges De La Tour - Georges de la Tour's "The New born" is one of the most popular French paintings in the world. However, its author has been completely forgotten for more than three centuries. The painting, whose original meaning was only realised at the end of the 20th century, was successively attributed to painters from the northern schools or to masters of French or Spanish painting. It was only a matter of time before this great painter of the 17th century was never rehabilitated. When he was discovered, his paintings were exhibited all over the world and the exhibitions devoted to him were attended by record numbers. + + Kissed By The Sea + S01 : E04 Kissed By The Sea Penghu Island, Taiwan (ENG) + Penghu, an archipelago of islands in Taiwan, is a tropical haven infused with oriental flavour. Travel junkie, Alex Drobin discovers this when he enjoys the balance between adventures such as snorkelling and banana boat and exploring the local culture through sights rife with local legends such as a temple dedicated to the goddess of the sea and the Four eye well. He also tries fresh seafood and local Taiwanese dishes such as cactus ice cream. Lifestyle - - Warsaw - S01 : E01 Travelers - Season 1 - Warsaw - Today, Travelers takes you to Warsaw, the capital of Poland, known for its varied architecture that reflects its long and eventful past. We'll start the tour in the Old Town Square to soak up the atmosphere, then head to the Zacheta Gallery, one of Poland's largest museums of contemporary and modern art. Warsaw and its history await you! + + World Heritage + S01 : E13 World Heritage, Norway's Heritage Sites(Eng) + The abundant natural and man-made wonders of Norway tell stories of its long and rich history. Lifestyle - - Rodin Kiss - S01 : E01 Art News - Season - Rodin Kiss - Auguste Rodin was still a young sculptor when the city of Calais trusted him and gave him a commission. It was a monument paying tribute to the burghers of Calais, heroes and martyrs of the resistance to the sieges of the English in the 14th century. + + Xp guide + S01 : E31 Xp guide_Mauritius 1(Eng) + The clear blue sea, the white sparkling sands and the sun kissing your skin, Mauritius is what dreams are made of. Lifestyle - - Africa New Workshop - S01 : E01 Art News - Season - Africa New Workshop - African atmosphere this morning, at the Fondation Vuitton in the Bois de Boulogne in Paris. Today we take you on a stroll through the lower level of the art Afrique exhibition. + + The Moroccon Chronicles + S01 : E02 The Moroccon Chronicles_The Ballad of Fes(Eng) + The imperial city of Fes, with its richly evocative attractions, makes Rafe feel like he is in a movie...with a plot twist right around the corner. Lifestyle - - Caspar David Friedrich & Wagner - The cross beside the baltic - S01 : E01 Masters & Composers - Caspar David Friedrich & Wagner - The cross beside the baltic - The series Masters & Composers invites you to discover a painter and a composer on short episodes to discover the beauty and the precision of their works. You will admire a painting while listening to a different composition in each episode. The combination of these two arts will immerse you into the Beaux-Arts and you will discover the masterpieces of Fragonard, Cezanne, Friedrich or Boucher and the compositions of Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Wagner or Handel. + + Xp guide + S01 : E33 Xp guide_Mauritius 3(Eng) + Our finale in Mauritius, explore a country filled with fun, frolic, blue oceans, sugar cane fields, adventure, and lots of more unique experiences. Lifestyle - - The support - S01 : E01 Sketchbook - Season 2 - The support - Raphael Federici (street artist), Marine Goodmorning (illustrator), Luca Fiore (cartoonist) and Harry Boudchicha (drawing teacher) reveal their best drawing techniques. Each episode focuses on a specific subject:movement, oil painting, shadows, hair... For the first 10 minutes, each artist gives a theoretical lesson illustrated by sketches. Then they each start working on their creation. Finally, they end with a debrief, comparingand explaining their techniques + + Kissed By the Sea + S01 : E03 Kissed By the Sea, Gozo,Malta(eng) + At Gozo island, Tara tries scuba-diving, visits Calypso Caves, explores the rugged landscape of Gozo and finally visits the Ta’Pinnu shrine. Lifestyle - - A plane - S01 : E01 Draw me what you see - Season 1 - A plane - Hi, artists! How would you like to take a trip to the clouds today? Grab your pencils, your papers in your suitcases, immediate take-off. + + The Moroccon Chronicles + S01 : E04 The Moroccon Chronicles_Uncharted Marrakech(Eng) + The evocative city of Marrakech has long provided great artists with inspiration, but will it be able to give Rafe the adventure he seeks? Lifestyle - - Pop art - In 64 episodes, fun and educational, you will know how to draw an airplane, a fireman, a haunted mansion, a soccer player, a sunset, a lion, the Eiffel Tower, seashells, a fairy... Our master draftsman Gia-Haï Phan will show you the basics of a successful drawing: proportions, perspectives, values, contrasts, volumes, blending, everything is covered. + + Unwind + S01 : E10 Unwind Amatra, India (ENG) + Looking for a break from the chaos and stress of city life, Asmita decides to visit Haridwar, a place which she had last visited with her family. Lifestyle - - Tutto Ponti, Gio Ponti Arch-Designer - S01 : E01 Private Tour - Season 1 - Tutto Ponti, Gio Ponti Arch-Designer - Private Tour takes you to the discovery of the retrospective "Tutto Ponti" which retraces 60 years of the career of the architect-designer Gio Ponti at the decorative arts museum. This is the first retrospective devoted to this Italian artist. You will discover his ceramic works from the beginning of his career, but also the furniture designs anchored in his poetic and subtle universe. + + City Breaks + S01 : E18 City Breaks Frankfurt, Germany, India (ENG) + Frankfurt is the financial capital of the European Union. Kristina discovers that the city has much more to offer than just a good business meeting, as she learns about its history and architecture through its famous sights such as the Kaizerdom Cathedral and the Eltz Castle. She also goes to Rudesheim, where she encounters an amazing collection of data operated music instruments. Lifestyle - - Japan japanism, inspired objects - S01 : E01 Private Tour - Season 1 - Japan japanism, inspired objects - Private tour takes you to discover the exhibition "Japan-japanism, inspired objects, 1867-2018" at the decorative arts museum. Japan began to be known around the 1850s and its art was quickly recognized. In this exhibition you will be able to observe Japanese objects, but also objects of Japanese influence which testify to the relations between France and Japan. + + Viajar Mexico + S01 : E08 Viajar Mexico, El Tule Mexico(Eng) + Charlie shows the best ways to navigate the vibrant culinary scene of Mexico’s gastronomic capital, Oaxaca. Lifestyle - - Archi & Design - The Japanese garden comes from the ancient Japanese tradition. It can be found in private homes as well as in city parks and historical sites: Buddhist temples, Shinto tombs, castles. In Japan, garden design is an important and respected art, sharing aesthetic codes with calligraphy and wash painting. The Japanese garden seeks to interpret and idealize nature by limiting artifice. + + Xplore Ireland + S01 : E01 Xplore Ireland Dublin, Ireland(Eng) + Which is the UNESCO City of Literature? Here's a clue - it's also the treasure trove of Guinness! Taste the merriment in Dublin. Lifestyle - - Archi & Design - In the 1960s, Japanese architects think about reinventing Paris drawing Metabolism, which converts Japanese megalopolis like Tokyo. They stood out in 1971 for the support of the construction of the Center Pompidou; the opportunity to display their new vision of urban planning. Japanese architects then participate in numerous competitions for major works in Paris but will never be successful. Not until the late 1980s for their first major achievements finally emerging in the capital + + Backpack + S01 : E16 Backpack Jakarta and jogJakarta, Indonesia(Eng) + Hannah Jackson visits the Borobudur temple and explores the local art and nightlife scenes in Jogjakarta. Lifestyle - - François Boucher & Haendel - Hercules and Omphale - S01 : E01 Masters & Composers - François Boucher & Haendel - Hercules and Omphale - The series Masters & Composers invites you to discover a painter and a composer on short episodes to discover the beauty and the precision of their works. You will admire a painting while listening to a different composition in each episode. The combination of these two arts will immerse you into the Beaux-Arts and you will discover the masterpieces of Fragonard, Cezanne, Friedrich or Boucher and the compositions of Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Wagner or Handel. + + City Breaks + S01 : E17 City Breaks Manchester (ENG) + Sabrina Chakici visits Manchester, the city of football and fashion, the city of heritage and hedonism, the city of the industrial revolution. Lifestyle - - Gauguin & Grieg - Washerwomen at Pont Aven - S01 : E01 Masters & Composers - Gauguin & Grieg - Washerwomen at Pont Aven - The series Masters & Composers invites you to discover a painter and a composer on short episodes to discover the beauty and the precision of their works. You will admire a painting while listening to a different composition in each episode. The combination of these two arts will immerse you into the Beaux-Arts and you will discover the masterpieces of Fragonard, Cezanne, Friedrich or Boucher and the compositions of Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Wagner or Handel. + + Viajar Mexico + S01 : E09 Viajar Mexico, Villa Del Carbon Mexico(Eng) + From greenery and culture to spiritual power, Charlie reveals the things that make some of Mexico’s towns ‘Pueblo Magicos’. Lifestyle - - Goya & Beethoven - Portrait of Dona Tadea - S01 : E01 Masters & Composers - Goya & Beethoven - Portrait of Dona Tadea - The series Masters & Composers invites you to discover a painter and a composer on short episodes to discover the beauty and the precision of their works. You will admire a painting while listening to a different composition in each episode. The combination of these two arts will immerse you into the Beaux-Arts and you will discover the masterpieces of Fragonard, Cezanne, Friedrich or Boucher and the compositions of Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Wagner or Handel. + + Backpack + S01 : E17 Backpack Mt. Bromo and Komodo National park, Indonesia(Eng) + Hannah Jackson visits the youngest volcano on the ancient Tengger caldera, Mount Bromo. She also goes to see the Komodo dragons. Lifestyle - - Rigaud & Bach - Philippe de Courcillon - S01 : E01 Masters & Composers - Rigaud & Bach - Philippe de Courcillon - The series Masters & Composers invites you to discover a painter and a composer on short episodes to discover the beauty and the precision of their works. You will admire a painting while listening to a different composition in each episode. The combination of these two arts will immerse you into the Beaux-Arts and you will discover the masterpieces of Fragonard, Cezanne, Friedrich or Boucher and the compositions of Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Wagner or Handel. + + Xplore Ireland + S01 : E02 Xplore Ireland Galway, Ireland(Eng) + Driving along the world's longest defined coastal route has a lot of surprises in store. Right from the arty Galway city to the wilderness in Burren. Lifestyle - - Gustav Klimt & Egon Schiele - S01 : E01 The World's Greatest Painters - Season 1 - Gustav Klimt & Egon Schiele - Gustav Klimt, a Vienna Secession leader and an Austrian painter, was one of the first painters to spread the Art nouveau in the Austro-Hungarien empire. He received the gold medal of merit from the Austria Emperor for his work and also painted one of the most expensive portrait in the world. Egon Schiele is also an Austrian painter and one of the founder of the artistic group “Neukunstgruppe”, influenced by the works of Van Gogh or Toulouse-Lautrec. His friendship with Klimt helped him in his work to develop hiw own style by drawing characters and tortured bodies. His works are considered “grotesque, erotic, pornographic or disturbing”. + + Backpack + S01 : E18 Backpack Labuan Bajo and Bali, Indonesia(Eng) + Hannah Jackson explores the scenery, culture and flavours on the islands of Komodo National Park. She also visits the Taman Ayun temple in Bali. Lifestyle - - Le Louvre - S01 : E01 Within the frame - Season 1 - Le Louvre - Situated in the heart of Paris, the Louvre Museum is home to some of the most stunning art collections in the world stretching from Antiquity to the present day. With more than 8 million visitors each year, it is the most visited museum in the world. From its collections, we propose to let you discover the works that cannot be ignored including the “Mona Lisa” by Leonardo da Vinci, “The Wedding at Cana” by Veronese, “Liberty Leading the People” by Delacroix and “La Grand Odalisque” by Ingres...Enjoy your visit! + + Great World Hotels + S01 : E02 Great World Hotels, Huvafen 1(Eng) + An overwater villa with a clear glass floor, and an underwater spa treatment enhance Kim’s experience of the water wonderland that is Maldives. Lifestyle - - Episode 4 - S01 : E01 Art quiz - Episode 4 - Test and develop your artistic culture with Art Quiz, the game that will allow you to become unaware of art. Whether it's artists, works of art, artistic trends, the price of works... nothing will be a secret for you anymore. Now it's your turn to play! + + Xplore Ireland + S01 : E03 Xplore Ireland Wild Atlantic Way, Ireland(Eng) + Relive the glories of Irish aristocracy as if no time has gone by, in the castles of Ireland. Relish the quaintness of laidback Irish towns. Lifestyle - - Episode 14 - S01 : E01 Art quiz - Episode 14 - Test and develop your artistic culture with Art Quiz, the game that will allow you to become unaware of art. Whether it's artists, works of art, artistic trends, the price of works... nothing will be a secret for you anymore. Now it's your turn to play! + + Viajar Mexico + S01 : E10 Viajar Mexico,Ciudad De Mexico(Eng) + Enter Charlie Rubio: a bona fide Mexican, who is here to reveal all the wonderful things that make Mexico his favorite place in the world. Lifestyle - - The stencil - S01 : E01 Sketchbook - Season 2 - The stencil - Raphael Federici (street artist), Marine Goodmorning (illustrator), Luca Fiore (cartoonist) and Harry Boudchicha (drawing teacher) reveal their best drawing techniques. Each episode focuses on a specific subject:movement, oil painting, shadows, hair... For the first 10 minutes, each artist gives a theoretical lesson illustrated by sketches. Then they each start working on their creation. Finally, they end with a debrief, comparingand explaining their techniques + + Xplore Ireland + S01 : E04 Xplore Ireland Belfast, Ireland(Eng) + Lose yourself amidst the spectacular landscapes of Northern Ireland. Witness the miraculous resurfacing of Belfast. Lifestyle - - Mediacity - S01 : E01 Architectures - Season 1 - Mediacity - Snake, cetacean, prominent vein, river. Seen from the air, the structure that criss-crosses Mediacity, Liège's major new shopping complex, looks like a giant stained-glass window. This astonishing artery, which swells, curves and meanders over 350 meters in length, is a covered street, the main gallery of a huge shopping center built in 2009 to revitalize a former industrial district in disrepair. Designed by Israeli designer Ron Arad, a champion of experimentation and provocation, known the world over for his playful furniture with its rounded, sculptural forms, this is a change of scale for him, as he sets out to conquer architecture and renew an often-criticized typology: commercial... + + The Moroccon Chronicles + S01 : E01 The Moroccon Chronicles_Eternal Love in chefchaouen(Eng) + Rafe visits Chefchaouen and is instantly besotted with the city, much to the confusion of the locals who are baffled by his eccentricities. Lifestyle - - Episode 17 - S01 : E01 Art quiz - Episode 17 - Test and develop your artistic culture with Art Quiz, the game that will allow you to become unaware of art. Whether it's artists, works of art, artistic trends, the price of works... nothing will be a secret for you anymore. Now it's your turn to play! + + Backpack + S01 : E19 Backpack Bali, Indonesia(Eng) + From spirituality and nature to food and adventure, Hannah Jackson explores all that Bali has to offer travelers. Lifestyle - - Episode 18 - S01 : E01 Art quiz - Episode 18 - Test and develop your artistic culture with Art Quiz, the game that will allow you to become unaware of art. Whether it's artists, works of art, artistic trends, the price of works... nothing will be a secret for you anymore. Now it's your turn to play! + + Great World Hotels + S01 : E03 Great World Hotels, Huvafen 2(Eng) + While diving in the cerulean waters of Maldives, Kim finds herself transported to a world, where the lines between fantasy and reality begin to blur. Lifestyle - - Elzo Durt - S01 : E01 Art News - Season - Elzo Durt - Info not available + + Kissed By The Sea + S01 : E04 Kissed By The Sea Penghu Island, Taiwan (ENG) + Penghu, an archipelago of islands in Taiwan, is a tropical haven infused with oriental flavour. Travel junkie, Alex Drobin discovers this when he enjoys the balance between adventures such as snorkelling and banana boat and exploring the local culture through sights rife with local legends such as a temple dedicated to the goddess of the sea and the Four eye well. He also tries fresh seafood and local Taiwanese dishes such as cactus ice cream. Lifestyle - - The flip book - S01 : E01 Sketchbook - Season 2 - The flip book - Raphael Federici (street artist), Marine Goodmorning (illustrator), Luca Fiore (cartoonist) and Harry Boudchicha (drawing teacher) reveal their best drawing techniques. Each episode focuses on a specific subject:movement, oil painting, shadows, hair... For the first 10 minutes, each artist gives a theoretical lesson illustrated by sketches. Then they each start working on their creation. Finally, they end with a debrief, comparingand explaining their techniques + + Xp guide + S01 : E31 Xp guide_Mauritius 1(Eng) + The clear blue sea, the white sparkling sands and the sun kissing your skin, Mauritius is what dreams are made of. Lifestyle - - The matter - S01 : E01 Sketchbook - Season 2 - The matter - Raphael Federici (street artist), Marine Goodmorning (illustrator), Luca Fiore (cartoonist) and Harry Boudchicha (drawing teacher) reveal their best drawing techniques. Each episode focuses on a specific subject:movement, oil painting, shadows, hair... For the first 10 minutes, each artist gives a theoretical lesson illustrated by sketches. Then they each start working on their creation. Finally, they end with a debrief, comparingand explaining their techniques + + World Heritage + S01 : E13 World Heritage, Norway's Heritage Sites(Eng) + The abundant natural and man-made wonders of Norway tell stories of its long and rich history. + Lifestyle + + + The Moroccon Chronicles + S01 : E02 The Moroccon Chronicles_The Ballad of Fes(Eng) + The imperial city of Fes, with its richly evocative attractions, makes Rafe feel like he is in a movie...with a plot twist right around the corner. + Lifestyle + + + The Moroccon Chronicles + S01 : E04 The Moroccon Chronicles_Uncharted Marrakech(Eng) + The evocative city of Marrakech has long provided great artists with inspiration, but will it be able to give Rafe the adventure he seeks? + Lifestyle + + + Unwind + S01 : E10 Unwind Amatra, India (ENG) + Looking for a break from the chaos and stress of city life, Asmita decides to visit Haridwar, a place which she had last visited with her family. + Lifestyle + + + Kissed By the Sea + S01 : E03 Kissed By the Sea, Gozo,Malta(eng) + At Gozo island, Tara tries scuba-diving, visits Calypso Caves, explores the rugged landscape of Gozo and finally visits the Ta’Pinnu shrine. + Lifestyle + + + Xp guide + S01 : E33 Xp guide_Mauritius 3(Eng) + Our finale in Mauritius, explore a country filled with fun, frolic, blue oceans, sugar cane fields, adventure, and lots of more unique experiences. + Lifestyle + + + Xplore Ireland + S01 : E01 Xplore Ireland Dublin, Ireland(Eng) + Which is the UNESCO City of Literature? Here's a clue - it's also the treasure trove of Guinness! Taste the merriment in Dublin. + Lifestyle + + + Viajar Mexico + S01 : E08 Viajar Mexico, El Tule Mexico(Eng) + Charlie shows the best ways to navigate the vibrant culinary scene of Mexico’s gastronomic capital, Oaxaca. + Lifestyle + + + City Breaks + S01 : E18 City Breaks Frankfurt, Germany, India (ENG) + Frankfurt is the financial capital of the European Union. Kristina discovers that the city has much more to offer than just a good business meeting, as she learns about its history and architecture through its famous sights such as the Kaizerdom Cathedral and the Eltz Castle. She also goes to Rudesheim, where she encounters an amazing collection of data operated music instruments. + Lifestyle + + + Backpack + S01 : E16 Backpack Jakarta and jogJakarta, Indonesia(Eng) + Hannah Jackson visits the Borobudur temple and explores the local art and nightlife scenes in Jogjakarta. + Lifestyle + + + The Moroccon Chronicles + S01 : E04 The Moroccon Chronicles_Uncharted Marrakech(Eng) + The evocative city of Marrakech has long provided great artists with inspiration, but will it be able to give Rafe the adventure he seeks? + Lifestyle + + + Xp guide + S01 : E33 Xp guide_Mauritius 3(Eng) + Our finale in Mauritius, explore a country filled with fun, frolic, blue oceans, sugar cane fields, adventure, and lots of more unique experiences. + Lifestyle + + + Unwind + S01 : E10 Unwind Amatra, India (ENG) + Looking for a break from the chaos and stress of city life, Asmita decides to visit Haridwar, a place which she had last visited with her family. + Lifestyle + + + Kissed By the Sea + S01 : E03 Kissed By the Sea, Gozo,Malta(eng) + At Gozo island, Tara tries scuba-diving, visits Calypso Caves, explores the rugged landscape of Gozo and finally visits the Ta’Pinnu shrine. + Lifestyle + + + The Moroccon Chronicles + S01 : E04 The Moroccon Chronicles_Uncharted Marrakech(Eng) + The evocative city of Marrakech has long provided great artists with inspiration, but will it be able to give Rafe the adventure he seeks? + Lifestyle + + + Xp guide + S01 : E33 Xp guide_Mauritius 3(Eng) + Our finale in Mauritius, explore a country filled with fun, frolic, blue oceans, sugar cane fields, adventure, and lots of more unique experiences. + Lifestyle + + + Unwind + S01 : E10 Unwind Amatra, India (ENG) + Looking for a break from the chaos and stress of city life, Asmita decides to visit Haridwar, a place which she had last visited with her family. + Lifestyle + + + Kissed By the Sea + S01 : E03 Kissed By the Sea, Gozo,Malta(eng) + At Gozo island, Tara tries scuba-diving, visits Calypso Caves, explores the rugged landscape of Gozo and finally visits the Ta’Pinnu shrine. + Lifestyle + + + The Moroccon Chronicles + S01 : E04 The Moroccon Chronicles_Uncharted Marrakech(Eng) + The evocative city of Marrakech has long provided great artists with inspiration, but will it be able to give Rafe the adventure he seeks? + Lifestyle + + + Xp guide + S01 : E33 Xp guide_Mauritius 3(Eng) + Our finale in Mauritius, explore a country filled with fun, frolic, blue oceans, sugar cane fields, adventure, and lots of more unique experiences. + Lifestyle + + + Unwind + S01 : E10 Unwind Amatra, India (ENG) + Looking for a break from the chaos and stress of city life, Asmita decides to visit Haridwar, a place which she had last visited with her family. Lifestyle @@ -41750,58 +53272,500 @@ Private Tour takes you to discover the "Caravaggio" exhibition at the Jacquemart André Museum in Paris.This is the first exhibition of the artist in Paris since 1965 and includes some of his masterpieces such as "Judith Beheading Holofernes". This provocative Italian painter was a still life specialist and this is what we will see in works such as "The Lute Player". Lifestyle - - Holmes Sweet Home - Part 2 - S01 : E02 Holmes & Holmes Retooled - Witness a slew of disagreements before the big reveal makes it all worthwhile. + + The Flight Into Egypt - Rembrandt + S01 : E01 Art investigation - Season 1 - The Flight Into Egypt - Rembrandt + Discover the extraordinary history of a painting, perhaps one of the smallest known formats of the Dutch master. It is preserved today in the collections of the museum of Tours. This small painting painted in 1627 when Rembrandt was just 21 years old, marks a turning point in the style of the young painter, it is one of his first chiaroscuro, a revolution in the history of painting. The painting disappeared for nearly 150 years before reappearing in the 18th century in several auctions. It was found a century later in a private collection in Touraine. Lifestyle - - The Suburban House - Part 1 - S02 : E01 Holmes & Holmes Retooled - Take a peek inside the tired suburban home that will be this duo’s first flip. + + Marseille + S01 : E01 Travelers - Season 1 - Marseille + Today, Travelers takes you to Marseille in France, the city of sun, petanque, pastis and the Olympique de Marseille soccer team. We will start the visit on the Old Port, then we will go to the street of the canebière which is a very famous street of the city. We will visit the Museum of Civilization and the Mediterranean, the Le Corbusier hotel and especially the Notre-Dame de la Garde basilica. Marseille has a lot more to offer us. Lifestyle - - The Suburban House - Part 2 - S02 : E02 Holmes & Holmes Retooled - Encounter the Holmeses’ smart fixes for a wonky layout and countless stairs. + + Fernand Leger Metz + S01 : E01 Art News - Season - Fernand Leger Metz + In the urban landscape of the twentieth century, on the construction sites of large buildings but also on the circus ring, in art, poetry or political commitment, beauty is everywhere. Lifestyle - - Watch Your Step - S01 : E13 Holmes Inspection - See the team help a house-poor pair make their suburban home dreams come true. + + Jidehem + S01 : E01 Art News - Season 7 - Jidehem + Jidehem was one of the greatest cartoonists in the field of cars. He is the one who made live "the chronicle of starter" from 1957 to 1977. It was every week in the newspaper of Spirou on a car test, a chronicle, the automobile techniques, the automobile sport... Lifestyle - - A Century Ago - S01 : E14 Holmes Inspection - Discover the inspection misses that are dragging down a city character home. + + Caspar David Friedrich & Wagner - The abbey in the oakwood + S01 : E01 Masters & Composers - Caspar David Friedrich & Wagner - The abbey in the oakwood + The series Masters & Composers invites you to discover a painter and a composer on short episodes to discover the beauty and the precision of their works. You will admire a painting while listening to a different composition in each episode. The combination of these two arts will immerse you into the Beaux-Arts and you will discover the masterpieces of Fragonard, Cezanne, Friedrich or Boucher and the compositions of Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Wagner or Handel. Lifestyle - - A Stitch in Time - S01 : E15 Holmes Inspection - Check in on a family home that needs upgrades to make it right and watertight. + + Acrylic + S01 : E01 Sketchbook - Season 2 - Acrylic + Raphael Federici (street artist), Marine Goodmorning (illustrator), Luca Fiore (cartoonist) and Harry Boudchicha (drawing teacher) reveal their best drawing techniques. Each episode focuses on a specific subject:movement, oil painting, shadows, hair... For the first 10 minutes, each artist gives a theoretical lesson illustrated by sketches. Then they each start working on their creation. Finally, they end with a debrief, comparingand explaining their techniques Lifestyle - - No Breathing Room - S01 : E16 Holmes Inspection - Feel for a family whose surprise inspection issues require a safety upgrade. + + A princess + S01 : E01 Draw me what you see - Season 1 - A princess + Hi, artists! What do Ariel, Jasmine, Elsa, Snow White, Cinderella, and your mom have in common? They are all princesses. Well, that's just it, let's draw one. Lifestyle - - Frame by Frame - S01 : E02 Holmes in New Orleans - See Mike’s smart framing strategy and deal with a steady stream of staff issues. + + Pop art + In 64 episodes, fun and educational, you will know how to draw an airplane, a fireman, a haunted mansion, a soccer player, a sunset, a lion, the Eiffel Tower, seashells, a fairy... Our master draftsman Gia-Haï Phan will show you the basics of a successful drawing: proportions, perspectives, values, contrasts, volumes, blending, everything is covered. Lifestyle - - Whole House Disaster - S01 : E13 Holmes on Homes - Jump into a whole-house revamp for a couple who’ve been swindled out of $100K. + + Modern Japanese Prints, waves of revival to the Fondation Custodia + S01 : E01 Private Tour - Season 1 - Modern Japanese Prints, waves of revival to the Fondation Custodia + Private Tour takes you to discover the "Waves of revival" exhibition about 20th century Japanese art at the Fondation Custodia in Paris. You will discover the works of artists such as Kanaé Yamamoto, a Japanese artist who was inspired by French art when he arrived in France. But we will also present works with very Japanese influences such as the prints of Hashiguchi Goyo. + Lifestyle + + + Picasso. Blue and pink + S01 : E01 Private Tour - Season 1 - Picasso. Blue and pink + Private Tour takes you to discover the exhibition "Picasso. Blue and Pink" at the Musée d'Orsay in Paris. This is an exceptional event because it is the first exhibition in France dedicated to the artist's blue and pink period. This exhibition brings together about 300 works by the artist from 1900 to 1906, including "Woman with a Fan". During this period of his life, Picasso was between 18 and 25 years old and began to assert his artistic identity. + Lifestyle + + + Pop art + With more than 500 participants from 60 countries, including 200 renowned chefs and pastry chefs, the Salon du Chocolat is the must-attend event for all chocolate lovers. The Paris Chocolate Museum is dedicated to the origin and evolution of chocolate production and consumption through a collection of a thousand objects. + Lifestyle + + + Pop art + Digital arts have been evolving very quickly since the 60’s. Immersive, generative, participatory, 3D, augmented reality... digital arts embrace multiple forms. This documentary will try to define its contours to answer the question : Digital arts, an evolution or a revolution ?Digital art has no boundaries and intends to play with our perception of reality. From Biennale Nemo to the School of fine arts, from galleries to museum, we have traveled the roads of reality to explore its borders. Meet the experts to discover an up-and-coming art where humans interact with technological performances.Who are these new artists? How is this art welcomed in our societies? And how does it... + Lifestyle + + + François Boucher & Haendel - A Rest next to the Fountain + S01 : E01 Masters & Composers - François Boucher & Haendel - A Rest next to the Fountain + The series Masters & Composers invites you to discover a painter and a composer on short episodes to discover the beauty and the precision of their works. You will admire a painting while listening to a different composition in each episode. The combination of these two arts will immerse you into the Beaux-Arts and you will discover the masterpieces of Fragonard, Cezanne, Friedrich or Boucher and the compositions of Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Wagner or Handel. + Lifestyle + + + Gauguin & Grieg - The Four Breton Girls + S01 : E01 Masters & Composers - Gauguin & Grieg - The Four Breton Girls + The series Masters & Composers invites you to discover a painter and a composer on short episodes to discover the beauty and the precision of their works. You will admire a painting while listening to a different composition in each episode. The combination of these two arts will immerse you into the Beaux-Arts and you will discover the masterpieces of Fragonard, Cezanne, Friedrich or Boucher and the compositions of Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Wagner or Handel. + Lifestyle + + + Goya & Beethoven - Portrait of Luis Maris de Cistue + S01 : E01 Masters & Composers - Goya & Beethoven - Portrait of Luis Maris de Cistue + The series Masters & Composers invites you to discover a painter and a composer on short episodes to discover the beauty and the precision of their works. You will admire a painting while listening to a different composition in each episode. The combination of these two arts will immerse you into the Beaux-Arts and you will discover the masterpieces of Fragonard, Cezanne, Friedrich or Boucher and the compositions of Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Wagner or Handel. + Lifestyle + + + Ingres & Schumann - Jupiter and Thetis + S01 : E01 Masters & Composers - Ingres & Schumann - Jupiter and Thetis + The series Masters & Composers invites you to discover a painter and a composer on short episodes to discover the beauty and the precision of their works. You will admire a painting while listening to a different composition in each episode. The combination of these two arts will immerse you into the Beaux-Arts and you will discover the masterpieces of Fragonard, Cezanne, Friedrich or Boucher and the compositions of Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Wagner or Handel. + Lifestyle + + + Paul Gauguin + S01 : E01 The World's Greatest Painters - Season 1 - Paul Gauguin + Coming to a tragic end, Paul Gauguin is a post-impressionist painter during the XIX century and known to be one of the best in his domain. After leaving his job in stock exchange, he decided to move to Rouen where Camille Pissarro guided him into the impressionist movemement and painted nearly 40 paintings representing his new city. Unable to live on his passion, he decide to go to Tahiti in 1891 where his work took a growth and became better. He is also one of the precursors of the Primitivism technique which inspired some great painters such as Picasso. He passed away suddenly in 1903 after the loss of three of his four children. + Lifestyle + + + Velazquez + S01 : E01 Within the frame - Season 1 - Velazquez + King Philip IV of Spain’s portrait painter, Diego Velazquez, (1599-1660) is the archetype of the brilliant court painter and alone embodies the stunning Spanish school of the “golden” 17th century. Admired for the psychological reality of his portraits, particularly that of “Pope Innocent X” belonging to the Doria Pamphilj Gallery, he is above all known for his masterpieces on display in the Museo del Prado, particularly “Las Meninas” where he represents himself beside the infant and her retinue. Enjoy your visit! + Lifestyle + + + Episode 3 + S01 : E01 Art quiz - Episode 3 + Test and develop your artistic culture with Art Quiz, the game that will allow you to become unaware of art. Whether it's artists, works of art, artistic trends, the price of works... nothing will be a secret for you anymore. Now it's your turn to play! + Lifestyle + + + Episode 9 + S01 : E01 Art quiz - Episode 9 + Test and develop your artistic culture with Art Quiz, the game that will allow you to become unaware of art. Whether it's artists, works of art, artistic trends, the price of works... nothing will be a secret for you anymore. Now it's your turn to play! + Lifestyle + + + The gouache + S01 : E01 Sketchbook - Season 2 - The gouache + Raphael Federici (street artist), Marine Goodmorning (illustrator), Luca Fiore (cartoonist) and Harry Boudchicha (drawing teacher) reveal their best drawing techniques. Each episode focuses on a specific subject:movement, oil painting, shadows, hair... For the first 10 minutes, each artist gives a theoretical lesson illustrated by sketches. Then they each start working on their creation. Finally, they end with a debrief, comparingand explaining their techniques + Lifestyle + + + Grégoire Lacroix + S01 : E01 A special day - Season 1 - Grégoire Lacroix + In this episode, we will spend a special day with Grégoire Lacroix, director of the antique decents department of the auction house, Aguttes. We meet him at the Hôtel Drouot in Paris, the largest auction house in the world. For several months, he has been working on two important sales and we are going to accompany him during the last hours of preparations. + Lifestyle + + + Episode 10 + S01 : E01 Art quiz - Episode 10 + Test and develop your artistic culture with Art Quiz, the game that will allow you to become unaware of art. Whether it's artists, works of art, artistic trends, the price of works... nothing will be a secret for you anymore. Now it's your turn to play! + Lifestyle + + + Episode 16 + S01 : E01 Art quiz - Episode 16 + Test and develop your artistic culture with Art Quiz, the game that will allow you to become unaware of art. Whether it's artists, works of art, artistic trends, the price of works... nothing will be a secret for you anymore. Now it's your turn to play! + Lifestyle + + + Isham One + S01 : E01 Art News - Season - Isham One + We meet today with Isham One, a street artist who tells us about his art. + Lifestyle + + + Calligraphy + S01 : E01 Sketchbook - Season 2 - Calligraphy + Raphael Federici (street artist), Marine Goodmorning (illustrator), Luca Fiore (cartoonist) and Harry Boudchicha (drawing teacher) reveal their best drawing techniques. Each episode focuses on a specific subject:movement, oil painting, shadows, hair... For the first 10 minutes, each artist gives a theoretical lesson illustrated by sketches. Then they each start working on their creation. Finally, they end with a debrief, comparingand explaining their techniques + Lifestyle + + + Hatching and weft + S01 : E01 Sketchbook - Season 2 - Hatching and weft + Raphael Federici (street artist), Marine Goodmorning (illustrator), Luca Fiore (cartoonist) and Harry Boudchicha (drawing teacher) reveal their best drawing techniques. Each episode focuses on a specific subject:movement, oil painting, shadows, hair... For the first 10 minutes, each artist gives a theoretical lesson illustrated by sketches. Then they each start working on their creation. Finally, they end with a debrief, comparingand explaining their techniques + Lifestyle + + + Cubism + S01 : E01 Private Tour - Season 1 - Cubism + Private Tour takes you to the discovery of the exhibition "Cubism" at the Centre Pompidou. This exhibition gathers more than 300 works and focuses on the history of this founding movement of the 20th century. We will start from the sources of cubism, by presenting what the artists saw and looked at to free themselves from all the academic conventions of this time. We will also see that music had a very important place in the works of this movement as in the work "Musical Instruments" by Georges Braque. + Lifestyle + + + Rodin, drawing, cutting + S01 : E01 Private Tour - Season 1 - Rodin, drawing, cutting + Private Tour takes you to the discovery of the drawing and paper cut exhibition at the Rodin Museum. This exhibition brings together a hundred paper cut-outs and drawings of the artist. These artistic practices have accompanied him throughout his life. Among the works exhibited you will find drawings such as "The Mask of Minos" and many paper cut-outs representing bodies. But it should not be forgotten that Rodin was also a sculptor and you will be able to observe sculptures with Japanese influences such as the "face expressing fury". + Lifestyle + + + The New Born - Georges De La Tour + S01 : E01 Art investigation - Season 1 - The New Born - Georges De La Tour + Georges de la Tour's "The New born" is one of the most popular French paintings in the world. However, its author has been completely forgotten for more than three centuries. The painting, whose original meaning was only realised at the end of the 20th century, was successively attributed to painters from the northern schools or to masters of French or Spanish painting. It was only a matter of time before this great painter of the 17th century was never rehabilitated. When he was discovered, his paintings were exhibited all over the world and the exhibitions devoted to him were attended by record numbers. + Lifestyle + + + Warsaw + S01 : E01 Travelers - Season 1 - Warsaw + Today, Travelers takes you to Warsaw, the capital of Poland, known for its varied architecture that reflects its long and eventful past. We'll start the tour in the Old Town Square to soak up the atmosphere, then head to the Zacheta Gallery, one of Poland's largest museums of contemporary and modern art. Warsaw and its history await you! + Lifestyle + + + Rodin Kiss + S01 : E01 Art News - Season - Rodin Kiss + Auguste Rodin was still a young sculptor when the city of Calais trusted him and gave him a commission. It was a monument paying tribute to the burghers of Calais, heroes and martyrs of the resistance to the sieges of the English in the 14th century. + Lifestyle + + + Africa New Workshop + S01 : E01 Art News - Season - Africa New Workshop + African atmosphere this morning, at the Fondation Vuitton in the Bois de Boulogne in Paris. Today we take you on a stroll through the lower level of the art Afrique exhibition. + Lifestyle + + + Caspar David Friedrich & Wagner - The cross beside the baltic + S01 : E01 Masters & Composers - Caspar David Friedrich & Wagner - The cross beside the baltic + The series Masters & Composers invites you to discover a painter and a composer on short episodes to discover the beauty and the precision of their works. You will admire a painting while listening to a different composition in each episode. The combination of these two arts will immerse you into the Beaux-Arts and you will discover the masterpieces of Fragonard, Cezanne, Friedrich or Boucher and the compositions of Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Wagner or Handel. + Lifestyle + + + The support + S01 : E01 Sketchbook - Season 2 - The support + Raphael Federici (street artist), Marine Goodmorning (illustrator), Luca Fiore (cartoonist) and Harry Boudchicha (drawing teacher) reveal their best drawing techniques. Each episode focuses on a specific subject:movement, oil painting, shadows, hair... For the first 10 minutes, each artist gives a theoretical lesson illustrated by sketches. Then they each start working on their creation. Finally, they end with a debrief, comparingand explaining their techniques + Lifestyle + + + A plane + S01 : E01 Draw me what you see - Season 1 - A plane + Hi, artists! How would you like to take a trip to the clouds today? Grab your pencils, your papers in your suitcases, immediate take-off. + Lifestyle + + + Pop art + In 64 episodes, fun and educational, you will know how to draw an airplane, a fireman, a haunted mansion, a soccer player, a sunset, a lion, the Eiffel Tower, seashells, a fairy... Our master draftsman Gia-Haï Phan will show you the basics of a successful drawing: proportions, perspectives, values, contrasts, volumes, blending, everything is covered. + Lifestyle + + + Tutto Ponti, Gio Ponti Arch-Designer + S01 : E01 Private Tour - Season 1 - Tutto Ponti, Gio Ponti Arch-Designer + Private Tour takes you to the discovery of the retrospective "Tutto Ponti" which retraces 60 years of the career of the architect-designer Gio Ponti at the decorative arts museum. This is the first retrospective devoted to this Italian artist. You will discover his ceramic works from the beginning of his career, but also the furniture designs anchored in his poetic and subtle universe. + Lifestyle + + + Japan japanism, inspired objects + S01 : E01 Private Tour - Season 1 - Japan japanism, inspired objects + Private tour takes you to discover the exhibition "Japan-japanism, inspired objects, 1867-2018" at the decorative arts museum. Japan began to be known around the 1850s and its art was quickly recognized. In this exhibition you will be able to observe Japanese objects, but also objects of Japanese influence which testify to the relations between France and Japan. + Lifestyle + + + Archi & Design + The Japanese garden comes from the ancient Japanese tradition. It can be found in private homes as well as in city parks and historical sites: Buddhist temples, Shinto tombs, castles. In Japan, garden design is an important and respected art, sharing aesthetic codes with calligraphy and wash painting. The Japanese garden seeks to interpret and idealize nature by limiting artifice. + Lifestyle + + + Archi & Design + In the 1960s, Japanese architects think about reinventing Paris drawing Metabolism, which converts Japanese megalopolis like Tokyo. They stood out in 1971 for the support of the construction of the Center Pompidou; the opportunity to display their new vision of urban planning. Japanese architects then participate in numerous competitions for major works in Paris but will never be successful. Not until the late 1980s for their first major achievements finally emerging in the capital + Lifestyle + + + François Boucher & Haendel - Hercules and Omphale + S01 : E01 Masters & Composers - François Boucher & Haendel - Hercules and Omphale + The series Masters & Composers invites you to discover a painter and a composer on short episodes to discover the beauty and the precision of their works. You will admire a painting while listening to a different composition in each episode. The combination of these two arts will immerse you into the Beaux-Arts and you will discover the masterpieces of Fragonard, Cezanne, Friedrich or Boucher and the compositions of Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Wagner or Handel. + Lifestyle + + + Gauguin & Grieg - Washerwomen at Pont Aven + S01 : E01 Masters & Composers - Gauguin & Grieg - Washerwomen at Pont Aven + The series Masters & Composers invites you to discover a painter and a composer on short episodes to discover the beauty and the precision of their works. You will admire a painting while listening to a different composition in each episode. The combination of these two arts will immerse you into the Beaux-Arts and you will discover the masterpieces of Fragonard, Cezanne, Friedrich or Boucher and the compositions of Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Wagner or Handel. + Lifestyle + + + Goya & Beethoven - Portrait of Dona Tadea + S01 : E01 Masters & Composers - Goya & Beethoven - Portrait of Dona Tadea + The series Masters & Composers invites you to discover a painter and a composer on short episodes to discover the beauty and the precision of their works. You will admire a painting while listening to a different composition in each episode. The combination of these two arts will immerse you into the Beaux-Arts and you will discover the masterpieces of Fragonard, Cezanne, Friedrich or Boucher and the compositions of Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Wagner or Handel. + Lifestyle + + + Rigaud & Bach - Philippe de Courcillon + S01 : E01 Masters & Composers - Rigaud & Bach - Philippe de Courcillon + The series Masters & Composers invites you to discover a painter and a composer on short episodes to discover the beauty and the precision of their works. You will admire a painting while listening to a different composition in each episode. The combination of these two arts will immerse you into the Beaux-Arts and you will discover the masterpieces of Fragonard, Cezanne, Friedrich or Boucher and the compositions of Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Wagner or Handel. + Lifestyle + + + Gustav Klimt & Egon Schiele + S01 : E01 The World's Greatest Painters - Season 1 - Gustav Klimt & Egon Schiele + Gustav Klimt, a Vienna Secession leader and an Austrian painter, was one of the first painters to spread the Art nouveau in the Austro-Hungarien empire. He received the gold medal of merit from the Austria Emperor for his work and also painted one of the most expensive portrait in the world. Egon Schiele is also an Austrian painter and one of the founder of the artistic group “Neukunstgruppe”, influenced by the works of Van Gogh or Toulouse-Lautrec. His friendship with Klimt helped him in his work to develop hiw own style by drawing characters and tortured bodies. His works are considered “grotesque, erotic, pornographic or disturbing”. + Lifestyle + + + Le Louvre + S01 : E01 Within the frame - Season 1 - Le Louvre + Situated in the heart of Paris, the Louvre Museum is home to some of the most stunning art collections in the world stretching from Antiquity to the present day. With more than 8 million visitors each year, it is the most visited museum in the world. From its collections, we propose to let you discover the works that cannot be ignored including the “Mona Lisa” by Leonardo da Vinci, “The Wedding at Cana” by Veronese, “Liberty Leading the People” by Delacroix and “La Grand Odalisque” by Ingres...Enjoy your visit! + Lifestyle + + + Episode 4 + S01 : E01 Art quiz - Episode 4 + Test and develop your artistic culture with Art Quiz, the game that will allow you to become unaware of art. Whether it's artists, works of art, artistic trends, the price of works... nothing will be a secret for you anymore. Now it's your turn to play! + Lifestyle + + + Episode 14 + S01 : E01 Art quiz - Episode 14 + Test and develop your artistic culture with Art Quiz, the game that will allow you to become unaware of art. Whether it's artists, works of art, artistic trends, the price of works... nothing will be a secret for you anymore. Now it's your turn to play! + Lifestyle + + + The stencil + S01 : E01 Sketchbook - Season 2 - The stencil + Raphael Federici (street artist), Marine Goodmorning (illustrator), Luca Fiore (cartoonist) and Harry Boudchicha (drawing teacher) reveal their best drawing techniques. Each episode focuses on a specific subject:movement, oil painting, shadows, hair... For the first 10 minutes, each artist gives a theoretical lesson illustrated by sketches. Then they each start working on their creation. Finally, they end with a debrief, comparingand explaining their techniques + Lifestyle + + + Mediacity + S01 : E01 Architectures - Season 1 - Mediacity + Snake, cetacean, prominent vein, river. Seen from the air, the structure that criss-crosses Mediacity, Liège's major new shopping complex, looks like a giant stained-glass window. This astonishing artery, which swells, curves and meanders over 350 meters in length, is a covered street, the main gallery of a huge shopping center built in 2009 to revitalize a former industrial district in disrepair. Designed by Israeli designer Ron Arad, a champion of experimentation and provocation, known the world over for his playful furniture with its rounded, sculptural forms, this is a change of scale for him, as he sets out to conquer architecture and renew an often-criticized typology: commercial... + Lifestyle + + + Episode 17 + S01 : E01 Art quiz - Episode 17 + Test and develop your artistic culture with Art Quiz, the game that will allow you to become unaware of art. Whether it's artists, works of art, artistic trends, the price of works... nothing will be a secret for you anymore. Now it's your turn to play! + Lifestyle + + + Episode 18 + S01 : E01 Art quiz - Episode 18 + Test and develop your artistic culture with Art Quiz, the game that will allow you to become unaware of art. Whether it's artists, works of art, artistic trends, the price of works... nothing will be a secret for you anymore. Now it's your turn to play! + Lifestyle + + + Elzo Durt + S01 : E01 Art News - Season - Elzo Durt + Info not available + Lifestyle + + + The flip book + S01 : E01 Sketchbook - Season 2 - The flip book + Raphael Federici (street artist), Marine Goodmorning (illustrator), Luca Fiore (cartoonist) and Harry Boudchicha (drawing teacher) reveal their best drawing techniques. Each episode focuses on a specific subject:movement, oil painting, shadows, hair... For the first 10 minutes, each artist gives a theoretical lesson illustrated by sketches. Then they each start working on their creation. Finally, they end with a debrief, comparingand explaining their techniques + Lifestyle + + + The matter + S01 : E01 Sketchbook - Season 2 - The matter + Raphael Federici (street artist), Marine Goodmorning (illustrator), Luca Fiore (cartoonist) and Harry Boudchicha (drawing teacher) reveal their best drawing techniques. Each episode focuses on a specific subject:movement, oil painting, shadows, hair... For the first 10 minutes, each artist gives a theoretical lesson illustrated by sketches. Then they each start working on their creation. Finally, they end with a debrief, comparingand explaining their techniques + Lifestyle + + + Musée Marmottan-Monet + S01 : E01 Museum stories - Season 1 - Musée Marmottan-Monet + Throughout the first half of the 20th century, the Marmottan Museum was a center of First Empire art. We go there to admire the magnificent collection of Paul Marmottan, and to relive the nostalgia of the great Napoleonic era, its imperial splendor, its past glories. But little by little, the Marmottan Museum is becoming a showcase for another style of art, less classic, more avant-garde: impressionism. In 1993, the museum changed its name: it became the Musée Marmottan-Monet. + Lifestyle + + + The Armor Of Francis The 1st + S01 : E01 Art investigation - Season 1 - The Armor Of Francis The 1st + It is an equestrian set of Francis The 1st composed of a rider's armour, a horse's bard, and a saddle and stirrups. This diplomatic gift ordered in the 16th century and intended for François The 1st never reached its recipient. Three centuries later, it was Napoleon I who had it brought to France in 1806. It was taken as a war treasure to Germany during the Third Reich and only returned to France in 1956. Since then, it has been kept in the Musée de l'Armée at the Hôtel des Invalides. + Lifestyle + + + La Santé, a prison in Paris + S01 : E01 Architectures - Season 1 - La Santé, a prison in Paris + La Santé prison, built in Paris between 1861 and 1867, is a unique, homogeneous and impressive work of architecture. At the cutting edge of reflections on imprisonment, it was at the time the ultimate “modern prison”, the stone embodiment of 19th-century penitentiary obsessions such as the panopticon, more rational and humane forms of imprisonment, and the redemption of its inmates. + Lifestyle + + + Estampes Japonaises + S01 : E01 Art News - Season 7 - Estampes Japonaises + Ukiyo-e means in Japanese the image of the floating world, a poetic term for the illusory world of pleasures described by Japanese prints. + Lifestyle + + + Fernand Léger, his political and artistic commitment + S01 : E01 Art News - Season - Fernand Léger, his political and artistic commitment + A direct and comprehensible art for all, such was the desire of Fernand Léger, the politically committed painter wanted to reconcile the modern aesthetic with popular themes. + Lifestyle + + + André Derain + S01 : E01 Art News - Season - André Derain + André Derain is one of those painters too often forgotten by the history of art but who played a great role in the evolution of the pictorial movement in the twentieth century. + Lifestyle + + + Painting without paint + S01 : E01 Sketchbook - Season 2 - Painting without paint + Raphael Federici (street artist), Marine Goodmorning (illustrator), Luca Fiore (cartoonist) and Harry Boudchicha (drawing teacher) reveal their best drawing techniques. Each episode focuses on a specific subject:movement, oil painting, shadows, hair... For the first 10 minutes, each artist gives a theoretical lesson illustrated by sketches. Then they each start working on their creation. Finally, they end with a debrief, comparingand explaining their techniques + Lifestyle + + + A character running + S01 : E01 Draw me what you see - Season 1 - A character running + Hi, artists! It's true that it's not easy to learn how to draw characters in motion. Whether they're walking or running, what you need to pay attention to is the legs and arms position. + Lifestyle + + + Pop art + In 64 episodes, fun and educational, you will know how to draw an airplane, a fireman, a haunted mansion, a soccer player, a sunset, a lion, the Eiffel Tower, seashells, a fairy... Our master draftsman Gia-Haï Phan will show you the basics of a successful drawing: proportions, perspectives, values, contrasts, volumes, blending, everything is covered. + Lifestyle + + + Giacometti, between tradition and avant-garde at the Musée Maillol + S01 : E01 Private Tour - Season 1 - Giacometti, between tradition and avant-garde at the Musée Maillol + Private Tour takes you to the discovery of the exhibition "Giacometti, between tradition and avant-garde" at the Musée Maillol. This exhibition shows how Giacometti evolved from style to style. It tells his story from the first busts he sculpted at the age of 13, to the realization of large-scale sculptures towards the end of his life. + Lifestyle + + + Dancing Gross + S01 : E01 Private Tour - Season 1 - Dancing Gross + Private Tour takes you to the discovery of the exhibition "Dancing Gross" at LaM in Villeneuve d'Ascq, the museum of modern, contemporary and raw art. This exhibition presents works made by artists, dancers or not, and questions the themes of gesture and movement. It can be a simple photograph immortalizing a movement, a dance, or even reproductions of merry-go-rounds which will remind you the period of childhood. + Lifestyle + + + Pop art + Translated into twenty-five languages, Jean-Jacques SEMPÉ is also France's most famous cartoonist. Over the past fifty years, he has touched all populations and all generations. Everyone has their own idea of Sempé. Singers (Anne Sylvestre) and writers (Anna Gavalda, Philippe Delerm, Patrick Modiano, Patrick Süskind...) evoke "Sempé's little man", lost in a world that often went beyond him. But Sempé first and foremost makes us think about the "Human Comedy", thanks to his humorous drawings (with captions) and more "poetic" drawings (without captions). This film aims to enable viewers to look at the world with Sempé, and to penetrate the mystery of the gentle music he composes,... + Lifestyle + + + Art Nouveau Brussels + S01 : E01 Art News - Season - Art Nouveau Brussels + Welcome to Schaerbeek, one of the 19 communes that make up Brussels, located in the North-East of the Belgian capital, it is a remarkable cosmopolitan district in more than one respect. + Lifestyle + + + Fragonard & Mozart - Portrait of Marie-Madeleine de Guimard + S01 : E01 Masters & Composers - Fragonard & Mozart - Portrait of Marie-Madeleine de Guimard + The series Masters & Composers invites you to discover a painter and a composer on short episodes to discover the beauty and the precision of their works. You will admire a painting while listening to a different composition in each episode. The combination of these two arts will immerse you into the Beaux-Arts and you will discover the masterpieces of Fragonard, Cezanne, Friedrich or Boucher and the compositions of Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Wagner or Handel. + Lifestyle + + + Rigaud & Bach - Jules Hardouin Mansart + S01 : E01 Masters & Composers - Rigaud & Bach - Jules Hardouin Mansart + The series Masters & Composers invites you to discover a painter and a composer on short episodes to discover the beauty and the precision of their works. You will admire a painting while listening to a different composition in each episode. The combination of these two arts will immerse you into the Beaux-Arts and you will discover the masterpieces of Fragonard, Cezanne, Friedrich or Boucher and the compositions of Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Wagner or Handel. + Lifestyle + + + Maurice Utrillo & Suzanne Valadon + S01 : E01 The World's Greatest Painters - Season 1 - Maurice Utrillo & Suzanne Valadon + The world of modern painting is full of human stories that are off the beaten track. Suzanne Valadon's story is a perfect example. The daughter of a laundress and an unknown father, this woman, before becoming a painter, was the muse and model of the greatest masters of Impressionism who worked in Montmartre district of Paris. Suzanne Valadon painted still lifes, bouquets and landscapes remarkable for the strength of their composition and their vibrant colours. She is also known for her nudes painting. Maurice Utrillo, Suzanne’s son, began to paint regularly from 1910 and made a living from his painting. He produced hundreds of paintings over several decades. Representative painter of the... + Lifestyle + + + The National Gallery of London + S01 : E01 Within the frame - Season 1 - The National Gallery of London + Located on Trafalgar square in London, the National Gallery is home to one of the world’s largest collection of Western art. It boasts over 2,000 paintings, spanning from the Middle Ages to the early twentieth century. Admire the greatest masterpieces of this unique museum from the most remarkable Flemish painters (Van Eyck, Vermeer), French impressionists (Monet, Cézanne) and, last but certainly not least, English masters such as Hogarth and Turner.Enjoy your visit! + Lifestyle + + + Episode 20 + S01 : E01 Art quiz - Episode 20 + Test and develop your artistic culture with Art Quiz, the game that will allow you to become unaware of art. Whether it's artists, works of art, artistic trends, the price of works... nothing will be a secret for you anymore. Now it's your turn to play! + Lifestyle + + + Episode 30 + S01 : E01 Art quiz - Episode 30 + Test and develop your artistic culture with Art Quiz, the game that will allow you to become unaware of art. Whether it's artists, works of art, artistic trends, the price of works... nothing will be a secret for you anymore. Now it's your turn to play! + Lifestyle + + + Episode 31 + S01 : E01 Art quiz - Episode 31 + Test and develop your artistic culture with Art Quiz, the game that will allow you to become unaware of art. Whether it's artists, works of art, artistic trends, the price of works... nothing will be a secret for you anymore. Now it's your turn to play! + Lifestyle + + + Children + S01 : E01 Sketchbook - Season 2 - Children + Raphael Federici (street artist), Marine Goodmorning (illustrator), Luca Fiore (cartoonist) and Harry Boudchicha (drawing teacher) reveal their best drawing techniques. Each episode focuses on a specific subject:movement, oil painting, shadows, hair... For the first 10 minutes, each artist gives a theoretical lesson illustrated by sketches. Then they each start working on their creation. Finally, they end with a debrief, comparingand explaining their techniques + Lifestyle + + + The Bali Bamboo School + S01 : E01 Architectures - Season 1 - The Bali Bamboo School + It's a school like no other, built entirely of bamboo on the island of Bali in Indonesia. An ambitious project launched by American expatriates John and Cynthia Hardy. Together with a team of architects and artists, they decided in 2006 to build a school where everything had to be invented: a pedagogy, an ecological economic model that would protect the planet, and a new architecture built from a single material. A triple challenge. + Lifestyle + + + Episode 39 + S01 : E01 Art quiz - Episode 39 + Test and develop your artistic culture with Art Quiz, the game that will allow you to become unaware of art. Whether it's artists, works of art, artistic trends, the price of works... nothing will be a secret for you anymore. Now it's your turn to play! + Lifestyle + + + Exposition Strokar + S01 : E01 Art News - Season - Exposition Strokar + Fred Atax is one of these chameleon artists, photographer, he decided to entrust part of his photos to street artists so that they divert his works. + Lifestyle + + + Festival Photo Culinaire + S01 : E01 Art News - Season 7 - Festival Photo Culinaire + Info not available + Lifestyle + + + The fashion design + S01 : E01 Sketchbook - Season 2 - The fashion design + Raphael Federici (street artist), Marine Goodmorning (illustrator), Luca Fiore (cartoonist) and Harry Boudchicha (drawing teacher) reveal their best drawing techniques. Each episode focuses on a specific subject:movement, oil painting, shadows, hair... For the first 10 minutes, each artist gives a theoretical lesson illustrated by sketches. Then they each start working on their creation. Finally, they end with a debrief, comparingand explaining their techniques + Lifestyle + + + The linocut + S01 : E01 Sketchbook - Season 2 - The linocut + Raphael Federici (street artist), Marine Goodmorning (illustrator), Luca Fiore (cartoonist) and Harry Boudchicha (drawing teacher) reveal their best drawing techniques. Each episode focuses on a specific subject:movement, oil painting, shadows, hair... For the first 10 minutes, each artist gives a theoretical lesson illustrated by sketches. Then they each start working on their creation. Finally, they end with a debrief, comparingand explaining their techniques + Lifestyle + + + The Museum of the Institute of the Arab World + S01 : E01 Museum stories - Season 1 - The Museum of the Institute of the Arab World + What is the Arab world? It is not easy to define this expression as it brings together territories as immense as they are diverse, cultures which share common traits but which each have their specificities. The Museum of the Institute of the Arab World endeavors to offer a vision of this world as rich as it is diverse, through numerous archaeological pieces, treasures of history and culture. But also, thanks to contemporary works, which help to tell what the Arab world is today, in a world shaken by cultural globalization and the questioning of the identities inherent in our modern society. Lifestyle @@ -42194,100 +54158,220 @@ Buckle up as the team tackles a chaotic house bought without a home inspection. Lifestyle - - The Reveal - S03 : E03 The Reveal - Take a tour of old Hollywood style set against the backdrop of a Spanish Revival home. + + Cold Feet + S01 : E26 Holmes Inspection + Say goodbye to leaky windows and a freezing family room in a sweet new home. Lifestyle - - The Reveal - S03 : E05 The Reveal - Step inside this cozy, casual cottage with a distinctly feminine flair. + + Little House, Big Trouble + S02 : E01 Holmes Inspection + Deal with the consequences when a first-time buyer skips her home inspection. Lifestyle - - The Reveal - S03 : E07 The Reveal - Michelle Boudreau celebrates the Palm Springs lifestyle in this mid-century modern abode. + + Backyard Blues + S02 : E02 Holmes Inspection + Face a newlywed duo’s droopy deck and a foundation crack their inspector missed. Lifestyle - - The Reveal - S04 : E03 The Reveal - Anne-Marie Barton brings her organic modern style to this ski-in/ski-out getaway. + + Holmes Sweet Home - Part 1 + S01 : E01 Holmes & Holmes Retooled + Find out why MJ isn’t in the market for Mike’s ambitious plan to gut his house. Lifestyle - - The Reveal - S04 : E09 The Reveal - Leia T. Ward transforms a traditional home into a modern, open floorplan with elevated style. + + Holmes Sweet Home - Part 2 + S01 : E02 Holmes & Holmes Retooled + Witness a slew of disagreements before the big reveal makes it all worthwhile. Lifestyle - - The Reveal - S05 : E02 The Reveal - Designer Jennifer Farrell invites you to experience Calibu Vineyard, her home nestled in the California hills. + + The Suburban House - Part 1 + S02 : E01 Holmes & Holmes Retooled + Take a peek inside the tired suburban home that will be this duo’s first flip. Lifestyle - - The Reveal - S05 : E04 The Reveal - Peek inside Los Angeles-based designer Dani Dazey’s pink bungalow in Highland Park, California. + + The Suburban House - Part 2 + S02 : E02 Holmes & Holmes Retooled + Encounter the Holmeses’ smart fixes for a wonky layout and countless stairs. Lifestyle - - The Reveal - S05 : E05 The Reveal - Los Angeles-based designer, Eddie Mickenberg welcomes you into this Encino, California home. + + No Grout About It + S02 : E12 Holmes on Homes + Chip away at a nagging tile issue and see Mike’s clever, concrete solution. Lifestyle - - Seed Money - S01 : E01 Seed Money - Big ideas swirl around the category of education when the teams pitch their ideas. + + Hell's Kitchen + S02 : E13 Holmes on Homes + Unlock Mike’s delicious recipe for a successful kitchen renovation rescue. Lifestyle - - Seed Money - S01 : E02 Seed Money - The judges have a “healthy” debate after the teams pitch innovative ideas. + + Shower Stalled + S03 : E01 Holmes on Homes + Look on as Mike helps disappointed homeowners cope with a half-done bathroom. Lifestyle - - Tiny Treehouse Escape - S01 : E01 Tiny Treehouse Escape - Darrel and Patrice of Maxam Hotels embark on an epic journey to build a tiny home resort. + + Cabinet Chaos + S03 : E02 Holmes on Homes + Ride a renovation roller coaster as Mike remedies a cursed kitchen overhaul. Lifestyle - - Tiny Treehouse Escape - S01 : E02 Tiny Treehouse Escape - Darrel and Patrice begin construction, laying the foundation for the resort. + + Plumb Unlucky + S01 : E25 Holmes Inspection + Buckle up as the team tackles a chaotic house bought without a home inspection. Lifestyle - - Tiny Treehouse Escape - S01 : E03 Tiny Treehouse Escape - The tension begins to mount as the deadline looms larger. + + Cold Feet + S01 : E26 Holmes Inspection + Say goodbye to leaky windows and a freezing family room in a sweet new home. Lifestyle - - Tiny Treehouse Escape - S01 : E04 Tiny Treehouse Escape - It’s all hands-on deck at the resort and the team is working around the clock. + + Little House, Big Trouble + S02 : E01 Holmes Inspection + Deal with the consequences when a first-time buyer skips her home inspection. Lifestyle - - Tiny Treehouse Escape - S01 : E05 Tiny Treehouse Escape - With power finally in place, the Maxams begin to ready the resort for opening. + + Backyard Blues + S02 : E02 Holmes Inspection + Face a newlywed duo’s droopy deck and a foundation crack their inspector missed. Lifestyle - - Tiny Treehouse Escape - S01 : E06 Tiny Treehouse Escape - The town of Sodus shows up as the Maxams unveil The Finger Lakes Treehouse Resort. + + No Grout About It + S02 : E12 Holmes on Homes + Chip away at a nagging tile issue and see Mike’s clever, concrete solution. + Lifestyle + + + Holmes Sweet Home - Part 1 + S01 : E01 Holmes & Holmes Retooled + Find out why MJ isn’t in the market for Mike’s ambitious plan to gut his house. + Lifestyle + + + Holmes Sweet Home - Part 2 + S01 : E02 Holmes & Holmes Retooled + Witness a slew of disagreements before the big reveal makes it all worthwhile. + Lifestyle + + + The Suburban House - Part 1 + S02 : E01 Holmes & Holmes Retooled + Take a peek inside the tired suburban home that will be this duo’s first flip. + Lifestyle + + + The Suburban House - Part 2 + S02 : E02 Holmes & Holmes Retooled + Encounter the Holmeses’ smart fixes for a wonky layout and countless stairs. + Lifestyle + + + No Grout About It + S02 : E12 Holmes on Homes + Chip away at a nagging tile issue and see Mike’s clever, concrete solution. + Lifestyle + + + Hell's Kitchen + S02 : E13 Holmes on Homes + Unlock Mike’s delicious recipe for a successful kitchen renovation rescue. + Lifestyle + + + Shower Stalled + S03 : E01 Holmes on Homes + Look on as Mike helps disappointed homeowners cope with a half-done bathroom. + Lifestyle + + + Cabinet Chaos + S03 : E02 Holmes on Homes + Ride a renovation roller coaster as Mike remedies a cursed kitchen overhaul. + Lifestyle + + + Plumb Unlucky + S01 : E25 Holmes Inspection + Buckle up as the team tackles a chaotic house bought without a home inspection. + Lifestyle + + + Rob and Nancy's Gazebo Sun Porch + S02 : E06 Decks, Docks & Gazebos + Explore a weatherproof addition to an existing deck that maximizes chill time. + Lifestyle + + + Leni's Heart of the Home Deck + S02 : E07 Decks, Docks & Gazebos + Kick back as Jason brings homey touches to a former globetrotter’s new deck. + Lifestyle + + + Raul's Outdoor Fireplace Gazebo + S02 : E08 Decks, Docks & Gazebos + Ease into entertaining mode with a chic gazebo and a cozy outdoor fireplace. + Lifestyle + + + Back in Time + S01 : E13 My Retreat + Go off-grid, stay true to tradition, and experience simpler, easier living. + Lifestyle + + + Simple Pleasures + S02 : E01 My Retreat + Revel in the beauty of these getaways, which make favourite pastimes more fun. + Lifestyle + + + Family Retreats + S02 : E02 My Retreat + Travel to vacation hideaways that offer plenty of quality time with loved ones. + Lifestyle + + + Leader of the Band + S01 : E04 Holmes in New Orleans + Visit the bustling job site, then get a lesson in local wetlands preservation. + Lifestyle + + + Countdown Begins + S01 : E05 Holmes in New Orleans + Race the clock as tech and landscaping go in and crew issues boil over…again. + Lifestyle + + + Going Home + S01 : E06 Holmes in New Orleans + Celebrate the happy result of weeks of hard work as Gloria finally comes home. + Lifestyle + + + Episode 7 + S01 : E07 The Bryk Retreat + See Danielle return to the lake house and face some unexpected challenges. + Lifestyle + + + Episode 1 + S01 : E01 The Bryk Retreat + Watch Danielle as she tries to reconcile champagne tastes with a tight budget. Lifestyle @@ -42872,14 +54956,292 @@ Real estate investor Bara guides Gillian through the purchase of her first short-term rental home. Lifestyle - - FashionTV Global - FashionTV L'Original + + The Cost of Living + S01 : E01 The Cost of Living + Caleb tours two unexpected vehicles and an old laundromat turned into unique living quarters. Lifestyle - - FashionTV Global - FashionTV L'Original + + The Cost of Living + S01 : E03 The Cost of Living + Caleb discovers what might be the smallest studio apartment in Midtown Manhattan! + Lifestyle + + + The Cost of Living + S01 : E05 The Cost of Living + Caleb Simpson gets an inside look at how people make - and afford - their homes in the big city. + Lifestyle + + + Design Science + S01 : E01 Design Science + Julie breaks down the basic equations for taking the stress out of design. + Lifestyle + + + Design Science + S01 : E02 Design Science + Designer Julie Couch takes on the science of transforming spaces. + Lifestyle + + + Design Science + S01 : E03 Design Science + Designer Julie Couch transforms everything from small rooms to outdoor spaces. + Lifestyle + + + Home Away from Home + S01 : E01 Home Away From Home + Kristen and Michael help prospective buyers Malachi and Christina purchase their first vacation home. + Lifestyle + + + Home Away from Home + S01 : E02 Home Away from Home + Real estate investor Bara guides Gillian through the purchase of her first short-term rental home. + Lifestyle + + + The Vision Maker + S01 : E01 The Vision Maker + Anne-Marie Barton offers homeowners a transformation that will change their spaces and their lives. + Lifestyle + + + The Vision Maker + S01 : E02 The Vision Maker + Anne-Marie Barton offers homeowners a transformation that will change their spaces and their lives. + Lifestyle + + + The Vision Maker + S01 : E03 The Vision Maker + Anne-Marie Barton offers homeowners a transformation that will change their spaces and their lives. + Lifestyle + + + The Vision Maker + S01 : E04 The Vision Maker + Anne-Marie Barton offers homeowners a transformation that will change their spaces and their lives. + Lifestyle + + + Becki & Brett + S01 : E01 Becki & Brett + Becki and Brett walk through the process of bringing functionality and beauty into the kitchen. + Lifestyle + + + Becki & Brett + S01 : E02 Becki & Brett + Becki and Brett turn the primary suite into an oasis. + Lifestyle + + + Becki & Brett + S01 : E05 Becki & Brett + Becki and Brett show off some unique entryways that give stunning first impressions. + Lifestyle + + + Becki & Brett + S01 : E06 Becki & Brett + Becki and Brett share their tips for designing the perfect living room. + Lifestyle + + + Tiny Treehouse Escape + S01 : E01 Tiny Treehouse Escape + Darrel and Patrice of Maxam Hotels embark on an epic journey to build a tiny home resort. + Lifestyle + + + Tiny Treehouse Escape + S01 : E02 Tiny Treehouse Escape + Darrel and Patrice begin construction, laying the foundation for the resort. + Lifestyle + + + Tiny Treehouse Escape + S01 : E03 Tiny Treehouse Escape + The tension begins to mount as the deadline looms larger. + Lifestyle + + + Tiny Treehouse Escape + S01 : E04 Tiny Treehouse Escape + It’s all hands-on deck at the resort and the team is working around the clock. + Lifestyle + + + Tiny Treehouse Escape + S01 : E05 Tiny Treehouse Escape + With power finally in place, the Maxams begin to ready the resort for opening. + Lifestyle + + + Tiny Treehouse Escape + S01 : E06 Tiny Treehouse Escape + The town of Sodus shows up as the Maxams unveil The Finger Lakes Treehouse Resort. + Lifestyle + + + Celebrity Homes Unlocked + S01 : E06 Celebrity Homes Unlocked + Andrea’s off to Huntington Beach, California to spend the day with Cassie Randolph. + Lifestyle + + + Celebrity Homes Unlocked + S01 : E05 Celebrity Homes Unlocked + Andrea’s in sunny California for a day of family fun with Glee alum Heather Morris. + Lifestyle + + + Celebrity Homes Unlocked + S01 : E03 Celebrity Homes Unlocked + Andrea lands in Upstate New York for pancakes, ping pong and plenty of fun with Nigel Barker. + Lifestyle + + + Celebrity Homes Unlocked + S01 : E02 Celebrity Homes Unlocked + Andrea's off to Palm Springs for a fun-filled day with actor Jonathan Bennett. + Lifestyle + + + Celebrity Homes Unlocked + S01 : E01 Celebrity Homes Unlocked + Andrea heads to Nashville to spend the day with Brad Rempel, lead singer of country music sensation, High Valley. + Lifestyle + + + Seed Money + S01 : E01 Seed Money + Big ideas swirl around the category of education when the teams pitch their ideas. + Lifestyle + + + Seed Money + S01 : E02 Seed Money + The judges have a “healthy” debate after the teams pitch innovative ideas. + Lifestyle + + + Fresh. Simple. Healthy. + S01 : E03 Fresh. Simple. Healthy. + Heather makes a lighter version of an old family favorite: chicken salsa verde. + Lifestyle + + + Fresh. Simple. Healthy. + S01 : E04 Fresh. Simple. Healthy. + Heather celebrates one of Mexico’s most popular restaurant dishes: shrimp aguachile. + Lifestyle + + + Fresh. Simple. Healthy. + S01 : E05 Fresh. Simple. Healthy. + Heather makes prosciutto, arugula and cheese pizza - a client favorite! + Lifestyle + + + Extravagant Spaces + S01 : E01 Extravagant Spaces + Designer Kelli Ellis takes her curiosity behind the doors of some seriously phenomenal homes. + Lifestyle + + + Extravagant Spaces + S01 : E03 Extravagant Spaces + Designer Kelli Ellis takes her curiosity behind the doors of some seriously phenomenal homes. + Lifestyle + + + Extravagant Spaces + S01 : E05 Extravagant Spaces + Designer Kelli Ellis takes her curiosity behind the doors of some seriously phenomenal homes. + Lifestyle + + + Epic Destinations + S01 : E01 Epic Destinations + Andrea and her sister Sabrina head to spectacular Los Cabos for the adventure of a lifetime. + Lifestyle + + + Going Pro + S01 : E01 Going Pro + UNC Center Armando Bacot gets a home makeover with the help of designer-in-training, Chloe Barbu. + Lifestyle + + + A-List Living + S01 : E01 A-List Living + Matthew explores the gorgeous, guard-gated equestrian community of Hidden Hills, California. + Lifestyle + + + A-List Living + S01 : E02 A-List Living + Matthew heads to Beverly Hills, the pinnacle of A-List living. + Lifestyle + + + A-List Living + S01 : E03 A-List Living + Matthew visits exclusive Bel Air, home to some of the biggest stars with the deepest pockets. + Lifestyle + + + A-List Living + S01 : E04 A-List Living + Matthew tours pedigreed estates in San Marino and Pasadena, California. + Lifestyle + + + A-List Living + S01 : E05 A-List Living + Matthew tours some of the most architecturally significant properties you’ve ever seen. + Lifestyle + + + A-List Living + S01 : E06 A-List Living + Matthew heads to Pasadena, the picture-perfect backdrop for a home like no other. + Lifestyle + + + Seed Money + S01 : E01 Seed Money + Big ideas swirl around the category of education when the teams pitch their ideas. + Lifestyle + + + Seed Money + S01 : E02 Seed Money + The judges have a “healthy” debate after the teams pitch innovative ideas. + Lifestyle + + + Becoming Borderless + S02 : E06 Becoming Borderless + Adam and his brother Trey explore the Coconino National Forest and its massive rock formations. + Lifestyle + + + Becoming Borderless + S02 : E07 Becoming Borderless + Adam returns to North Carolina and journeys to the Outer Banks with his friend and master builder Bryce. + Lifestyle + + + Becoming Borderless + S02 : E08 Becoming Borderless + Adam takes lessons learned from living on the road to heart as he sets roots back down at his family home. Lifestyle @@ -42942,54 +55304,34 @@ FashionTV L'Original Lifestyle - - Iconic Characters - Take a deep dive into the best roles the celebrity has played. - Lifestyle - - - 10 Essentials - Celebrities reveal their secret obsessions and share the top 10 day-to-day essentials they can’t live without. - Lifestyle - - - The Breakdown - Athletes and celebrities break down iconic scenes from films and TV shows to analyze how accurately—or inaccurately—Hollywood nails reality. - Lifestyle - - - Actually Me - Cardi B, Nick Jonas, Jimmy Kimmel and more celebrities go undercover on social media. - Lifestyle - - - All Access - One-of-a-kind access to the most incredible stadiums in the country! + + FashionTV Global + FashionTV L'Original Lifestyle - - My Life in Sneakers - Celebrities break down their sneaker collections. + + FashionTV Global + FashionTV L'Original Lifestyle - - On the Rocks - GQ's "On the Rocks" video series lets our favorite stars show off their favorite pieces of jewelry and tell the stories behind the big purchases. + + FashionTV Global + FashionTV L'Original Lifestyle - - GQ Entertainment - See what's new on GQ. + + FashionTV Global + FashionTV L'Original Lifestyle - - Iconic Characters - Take a deep dive into the best roles the celebrity has played. + + FashionTV Global + FashionTV L'Original Lifestyle - - 10 Essentials - Celebrities reveal their secret obsessions and share the top 10 day-to-day essentials they can’t live without. + + FashionTV Global + FashionTV L'Original Lifestyle @@ -43117,285 +55459,360 @@ Celebrities reveal their secret obsessions and share the top 10 day-to-day essentials they can’t live without. Lifestyle - + The Breakdown Athletes and celebrities break down iconic scenes from films and TV shows to analyze how accurately—or inaccurately—Hollywood nails reality. Lifestyle - + All Access One-of-a-kind access to the most incredible stadiums in the country! Lifestyle - + My Life in Sneakers Celebrities break down their sneaker collections. Lifestyle - + On the Rocks GQ's "On the Rocks" video series lets our favorite stars show off their favorite pieces of jewelry and tell the stories behind the big purchases. Lifestyle - + GQ Entertainment See what's new on GQ. Lifestyle - + Iconic Characters Take a deep dive into the best roles the celebrity has played. Lifestyle - + My First Million Pro athletes share how they spent their first million in the majors. Lifestyle - + 10 Essentials Celebrities reveal their secret obsessions and share the top 10 day-to-day essentials they can’t live without. Lifestyle - - The Breakdown - Athletes and celebrities break down iconic scenes from films and TV shows to analyze how accurately—or inaccurately—Hollywood nails reality. + + Actually Me + Cardi B, Nick Jonas, Jimmy Kimmel and more celebrities go undercover on social media. Lifestyle - + All Access One-of-a-kind access to the most incredible stadiums in the country! Lifestyle - + My Life in Sneakers Celebrities break down their sneaker collections. Lifestyle - + On the Rocks GQ's "On the Rocks" video series lets our favorite stars show off their favorite pieces of jewelry and tell the stories behind the big purchases. Lifestyle - + GQ Entertainment See what's new on GQ. Lifestyle - + Iconic Characters Take a deep dive into the best roles the celebrity has played. Lifestyle - + My First Million - Presented by Hugo Boss | Miami Dolphins quarterback Tua Tagovailoa hasn't played a snap in the NFL yet, but there's no question he's a special talent. + From $100K to pay off his parents' debts to $80K on a Mercedes-Benz CL550, find out everything Manny Machado spent his first million dollars in the MLB on. Lifestyle - + 10 Essentials Celebrities reveal their secret obsessions and share the top 10 day-to-day essentials they can’t live without. Lifestyle - + The Breakdown Athletes and celebrities break down iconic scenes from films and TV shows to analyze how accurately—or inaccurately—Hollywood nails reality. Lifestyle - + Actually Me Cardi B, Nick Jonas, Jimmy Kimmel and more celebrities go undercover on social media. Lifestyle - + All Access One-of-a-kind access to the most incredible stadiums in the country! Lifestyle - + My Life in Sneakers Celebrities break down their sneaker collections. Lifestyle - + On the Rocks GQ's "On the Rocks" video series lets our favorite stars show off their favorite pieces of jewelry and tell the stories behind the big purchases. Lifestyle - + GQ Entertainment See what's new on GQ. Lifestyle - + Iconic Characters Take a deep dive into the best roles the celebrity has played. Lifestyle - + 10 Essentials Celebrities reveal their secret obsessions and share the top 10 day-to-day essentials they can’t live without. Lifestyle - + The Breakdown Athletes and celebrities break down iconic scenes from films and TV shows to analyze how accurately—or inaccurately—Hollywood nails reality. Lifestyle - + + All Access + One-of-a-kind access to the most incredible stadiums in the country! + Lifestyle + + + My Life in Sneakers + Celebrities break down their sneaker collections. + Lifestyle + + + On the Rocks + GQ's "On the Rocks" video series lets our favorite stars show off their favorite pieces of jewelry and tell the stories behind the big purchases. + Lifestyle + + + GQ Entertainment + See what's new on GQ. + Lifestyle + + + Iconic Characters + Take a deep dive into the best roles the celebrity has played. + Lifestyle + + + My First Million + Pro athletes share how they spent their first million in the majors. + Lifestyle + + + 10 Essentials + Celebrities reveal their secret obsessions and share the top 10 day-to-day essentials they can’t live without. + Lifestyle + + Actually Me Cardi B, Nick Jonas, Jimmy Kimmel and more celebrities go undercover on social media. Lifestyle - + All Access One-of-a-kind access to the most incredible stadiums in the country! Lifestyle - + + My Life in Sneakers + Celebrities break down their sneaker collections. + Lifestyle + + On the Rocks GQ's "On the Rocks" video series lets our favorite stars show off their favorite pieces of jewelry and tell the stories behind the big purchases. Lifestyle - + GQ Entertainment See what's new on GQ. Lifestyle - + Iconic Characters Take a deep dive into the best roles the celebrity has played. Lifestyle - - My First Million - Pro athletes share how they spent their first million in the majors. + + 10 Essentials + Celebrities reveal their secret obsessions and share the top 10 day-to-day essentials they can’t live without. + Lifestyle + + + The Breakdown + Athletes and celebrities break down iconic scenes from films and TV shows to analyze how accurately—or inaccurately—Hollywood nails reality. + Lifestyle + + + Actually Me + Cardi B, Nick Jonas, Jimmy Kimmel and more celebrities go undercover on social media. + Lifestyle + + + All Access + One-of-a-kind access to the most incredible stadiums in the country! + Lifestyle + + + My Life in Sneakers + Celebrities break down their sneaker collections. + Lifestyle + + + On the Rocks + GQ's "On the Rocks" video series lets our favorite stars show off their favorite pieces of jewelry and tell the stories behind the big purchases. Lifestyle - + + GQ Entertainment + See what's new on GQ. + Lifestyle + + + Iconic Characters + Take a deep dive into the best roles the celebrity has played. + Lifestyle + + 10 Essentials Celebrities reveal their secret obsessions and share the top 10 day-to-day essentials they can’t live without. Lifestyle - + The Breakdown Athletes and celebrities break down iconic scenes from films and TV shows to analyze how accurately—or inaccurately—Hollywood nails reality. Lifestyle - + All Access One-of-a-kind access to the most incredible stadiums in the country! Lifestyle - + My Life in Sneakers Celebrities break down their sneaker collections. Lifestyle - + On the Rocks GQ's "On the Rocks" video series lets our favorite stars show off their favorite pieces of jewelry and tell the stories behind the big purchases. Lifestyle - + GQ Entertainment See what's new on GQ. Lifestyle - + Iconic Characters Take a deep dive into the best roles the celebrity has played. Lifestyle - + My First Million Pro athletes share how they spent their first million in the majors. Lifestyle - + 10 Essentials Celebrities reveal their secret obsessions and share the top 10 day-to-day essentials they can’t live without. Lifestyle - - The Breakdown - Athletes and celebrities break down iconic scenes from films and TV shows to analyze how accurately—or inaccurately—Hollywood nails reality. + + Actually Me + Cardi B, Nick Jonas, Jimmy Kimmel and more celebrities go undercover on social media. Lifestyle - - MotorStories - S01 : E05 MotorStories - MotorStories - Sports + + All Access + One-of-a-kind access to the most incredible stadiums in the country! + Lifestyle - - MotorStories - S01 : E06 MotorStories - MotorStories - Sports + + My Life in Sneakers + Celebrities break down their sneaker collections. + Lifestyle - - Biker Lifestyle - S03 : E56 Biker Lifestyle - Lake Faaker is both a popular holiday spot in Austria and also a place with a special tradition; in early September, the region hosts thousands of bikers attending European Bike Week. - Sports + + On the Rocks + GQ's "On the Rocks" video series lets our favorite stars show off their favorite pieces of jewelry and tell the stories behind the big purchases. + Lifestyle - - Biker Lifestyle - S03 : E57 Biker Lifestyle - Biker Lifestyle - Sports + + GQ Entertainment + See what's new on GQ. + Lifestyle - - Biker Lifestyle - Lake Faaker in Carinthia is a popular holiday paradise in southern Austria and a place with a special tradition. In early September, the region is the travel destination for thousands of bikers. - Sports + + Iconic Characters + Take a deep dive into the best roles the celebrity has played. + Lifestyle - - Biker Lifestyle - Lake Faaker in Carinthia hosts the annual European Bike Week. - Sports + + My First Million + Pro athletes share how they spent their first million in the majors. + Lifestyle - - Biker Lifestyle - Lake Faaker is both a popular holiday spot in Austria and also a place with a special tradition. In early September, the region hosts thousands of bikers attending European Bike Week. - Sports + + 10 Essentials + Celebrities reveal their secret obsessions and share the top 10 day-to-day essentials they can’t live without. + Lifestyle - - Car History - The history of Jaguar. - Sports + + Actually Me + Cardi B, Nick Jonas, Jimmy Kimmel and more celebrities go undercover on social media. + Lifestyle - - Car History - Jaguar racing cars are made for speed. - Sports + + All Access + One-of-a-kind access to the most incredible stadiums in the country! + Lifestyle - - Car History - Volkswagen started in 1936 and is now the second-largest car company in the world. - Sports + + My Life in Sneakers + Celebrities break down their sneaker collections. + Lifestyle - - Car History - Volkswagen started in 1936 and is now the second largest car company in the world. - Sports + + On the Rocks + GQ's "On the Rocks" video series lets our favorite stars show off their favorite pieces of jewelry and tell the stories behind the big purchases. + Lifestyle - - Car History - Whether it was the rocket car, the Ascona or Calibra: racing has been the motor of Opel for more than 100 years. Just two years after the production commenced, a car with the lightning badge wins a race. Thousands of victories follow. - Sports + + GQ Entertainment + See what's new on GQ. + Lifestyle - - Historic Formula V - In the late 1950s in America, the first Formula V racers were produced. These small cars were seen on tracks until the end of the 1970s, but their heritage would live on through an association known as Historic Formula V Europe. - Sports + + Iconic Characters + Take a deep dive into the best roles the celebrity has played. + Lifestyle - - Track Masters - S01 : E09 Track Masters - The history of Olaf Manthey, a racing legend who has won the 24-hour race four times in a row. - Sports + + 10 Essentials + Celebrities reveal their secret obsessions and share the top 10 day-to-day essentials they can’t live without. + Lifestyle + + + The Breakdown + Athletes and celebrities break down iconic scenes from films and TV shows to analyze how accurately—or inaccurately—Hollywood nails reality. + Lifestyle Track Masters @@ -43827,24 +56244,226 @@ Everything that has wheels takes part to see who is the fastest over the 402 meter concrete track in Eisenach, Thuringen Germany. Sports - - Red Bull TV - Red Bull TV + + Tuning + BMW Tuner Manhart Racing celebrates at the Nurburgring Track. Sports - - Red Bull TV - Red Bull TV + + Tuning + Once a year tuning fans from across Germany meet in Dresden for the XS CarNight. Sports - - Red Bull TV - Red Bull TV + + Tuning + Fans of retro-cars and rats meet. Sports - - Red Bull TV - Red Bull TV + + Tuning + The largest drag race in Europe takes place at the Hockenheim Ring in Germany. + Sports + + + Classic Races + The Indy 500 is one of the world's most spectacular motor races in the world. Watched by a huge number of people, this motorsports event doesn't fail to impress at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. + Sports + + + Classic Races + The German Rally Championship has been running since 1970. At the 1983 race, the sporty models from Opel saw exceptional success. + Sports + + + Classic Races + With the introduction of the Group D-Monsters in the World Rally Championships, the fight for the title got harder and harder. That's why Audi brought a strong trump onto the road in 1985 - The Sport Quattro. + Sports + + + Classic Races + In 1954, Mercedes returns to the Grand Prix circuit after 20 years of abstinence. + Sports + + + Historic Formula V + In the late 1950s in America, the first Formula V racers were produced. These small cars were seen on tracks until the end of the 1970s, but their heritage would live on through an association known as Historic Formula V Europe. + Sports + + + DreamCars + S01 : E12 DreamCars + BMW X5M, Audi Q7, Mercedes GLS, and Porsche Cayenne turbo are the strongest and fastest SUVs of the world. Sports utility vehicles Made in Germany are the embodiment of technical perfection, superior performance and unique comfort. + Sports + + + DreamCars + S01 : E13 DreamCars + Packed with power, panache and charm, a diverse range of high-end SUVs from across the world shows how luxury comes in all sizes and shapes. + Sports + + + DreamCars + S02 : E11 DreamCars + They represent the American lifestyle more than any other car: US SUVs and pickup trucks. They are extremely large, extremely powerful and extremely luxurious and they transport the feeling of unlimited possibilities and adventure. + Sports + + + Toyota MegaCruiser BXD10 + The Toyota MegaCruiser BXD10 has its origins in the Japanese army; its shape won't win any beauty contests or achieve the best results in the wind tunnel, but this is not really the point with an SUV like this. + Sports + + + Supercars + Being one step ahead of time has always been a bit pricier. But is the new BMW i8 just an luxurious, avant-garde carrier of technology or can it already be considered as a serious sports car? Why should you pay double the price compared to the BMW. + Sports + + + Supercars + Venture inside Porsche's reinvented production complex in Stuttgart and discover how a team of top-class designers are re-imagining the iconic 911. + Sports + + + Supercars + These days there's hardly a car manufacturer who doesn't build any kind of SUV. Three of the sportiest SUVs on the market are the Porsche Macan Turbo, Mercedes GLA 45 AMG and Audi RSQ3. Each of them comes with more than 300 HP. + Sports + + + Supercars + The Porsche Panamera Turbo S is the most dynamic sedan in the world. No other car finds the perfect balance between calm gliding on the one hand and extreme performance on the other hand. + Sports + + + Supercars + Supercars drives the new LS 600h, the BMW Actiev Hybrid 7, and the Porsche Panamera S E-Hybrid. Luxury does not necessarily mean to waste time. + Sports + + + Supercars + The Slivretta Hochalpenstrasse in Austria is the ideal playground for the Lotus Elise and the Roding Roadster. + Sports + + + Supercars + Most people associate Aston Martin with James Bond, luxury, style, and elegance. The Vantage N430 is a sports car that makes you feel the heritage of British race cars. It is elegant, fast, comes with a marvelous sound. + Sports + + + Supercars + Mercedes presents its first plug-in hybrid car with the S500. With an electric range of 33 kilometers, a declared average consumption of 2.8 liters, and a system output of 442 horses the S500 is the most efficient luxury car on the market. + Sports + + + Car History + The history of Jaguar. + Sports + + + Car History + The story of Lamborghini. + Sports + + + Car History + The 1960s and 1970s were the golden years of Opel. With the introduction of colorful, modern and exciting models like the Opel Ascona, Manta, Rekord, and GT, the traditional brand from Russelsheim in Germany rose to fame. + Sports + + + Car History + The S-Class sets the standard for prestige and technology. + Sports + + + Car History + Insight into the significance of the BMW 3 series and its glorious generations-long journey. + Sports + + + Classic Ride + An iconic racing car and one of only 29 ever built! We accompanied the Mercedes 300 SL 'lightweight' on its premiere drive at the Mille Miglia. + Sports + + + Biker Lifestyle + Utah is the land of red rocks. That is what is was called by the original inhabitants. Hardly anywhere else on earth are there so many natural wonders in such a small area. + Sports + + + Biker Lifestyle + Utah is known as the land of red rocks. That is what is was called by the original inhabitants. Hardly anywhere else on earth are there so many natural wonders in such a small area. + Sports + + + Biker Lifestyle + Utah is known as the land of red rocks. That is what is was called by the original inhabitants. Hardly anywhere else on earth are there so many natural wonders in such a small area. + Sports + + + Biker Lifestyle + Utah is known as the land of red rocks. That is what is was called by the original inhabitants. Hardly anywhere else on earth are there so many natural wonders in such a small area. + Sports + + + Biker Lifestyle + In 2011, the European Boss Hoss Rally took place in the Pullman City western town in Germany. We show the highlights of this event where nearly 160 V8 monster bikes were gathered. + Sports + + + Put Your Car on TV + S01 : E01 Put Your Car on TV + Hosts Mylene Gomera and Saif Hattawi invite petrol heads from the Middle East to bring their tuned cars to the The Walk at Jumeirah Beach and have it rated in the categories speed, style and sound. + Sports + + + Put Your Car on TV + S01 : E02 Put Your Car on TV + Customized luxury vehicles visit The Walk, the glamorous Jumeirah Beach boulevard; car owners get their vehicles judged by Saif Hattawi. + Sports + + + Put Your Car on TV + S01 : E03 Put Your Car on TV + Tuned and customized vehicles are scored based on speed, style and sound; among the competitors are a Nova SS, a special Honda Acord and a car full of crystals. + Sports + + + Spotted + S01 : E01 Spotted + In the United States and Europe alike, people like to show off their fast and exciting sports cars; presenting five convertibles for hot summer days. + Sports + + + Spotted + S01 : E02 Spotted + One of the most exclusive cars in the world is the Pagani Huayra; its counterpart is the Rimac Concept One, the world's fastest electric car with a top speed of 355 km/h; the Lamborghini Huracan O.CT and Arden Jaguar F-Type promise raw power. + Sports + + + Classic Ride + S02 : E27 Classic Ride + Vintage cars as an investment. + Sports + + + Classic Ride + S02 : E28 Classic Ride + Featuring the BMW 328 Schluter. + Sports + + + Classic Ride + Revisiting the past to portray the classic and veteran cars of decades gone by, meeting the personalities who wrote automotive history, and sending very old cars running round very fast circuits. + Sports + + + Put Your Car on TV + S01 : E04 Put Your Car on TV + A Ford Mustang and a limited edition Chevrolet Corvette try to win the competition. + Sports + + + Put Your Car on TV + S01 : E05 Put Your Car on TV + Every car owner gets the chance to bring their tuned machines to the Sofitel Hotel Dubai Jumeirah beach; there, Saif Hattawi will assess each car based on speed, style and sound. Sports @@ -43972,49 +56591,64 @@ Red Bull TV Sports - - CoTA - S02 : E08 Pressure to Rise - Info not available + + Red Bull TV + Red Bull TV Sports - - MotoAmerica Superbikes - MotoAmerica's premier race class, Steel Commander Superbike, showcases motorcycle road racers. + + Red Bull TV + Red Bull TV Sports - - Birmingham, AL - Race 3 - S00 : E00 MotoAmerica Superbikes Motorcycle Racing - Motorcycle coverage of events from different years of the MotoAmerica Superbikes racing series. + + Red Bull TV + Red Bull TV Sports - - CoTA - S02 : E08 Pressure to Rise - Info not available + + Red Bull TV + Red Bull TV Sports - - MotoAmerica Superbikes - MotoAmerica's premier race class, Steel Commander Superbike, showcases motorcycle road racers. + + Red Bull TV + Red Bull TV Sports - - Birmingham, AL - Race 3 - S00 : E00 MotoAmerica Superbikes Motorcycle Racing - Motorcycle coverage of events from different years of the MotoAmerica Superbikes racing series. + + Red Bull TV + Red Bull TV Sports - - Moto 8: The Movie - Motocross riders perform daring feats on some of the biggest tracks and the Australian outback. + + Red Bull TV + Red Bull TV Sports - - Dane Idelson - S01 : E01 On the Rise - On the Rise: Dane Idelson. + + Red Bull TV + Red Bull TV + Sports + + + Red Bull TV + Red Bull TV + Sports + + + Red Bull TV + Red Bull TV + Sports + + + Red Bull TV + Red Bull TV + Sports + + + Red Bull TV + Red Bull TV Sports @@ -44327,43 +56961,194 @@ Featuring Julien 'Juju' Beaumer. Sports - - Le Mans Cup - S2024 : E04 MLMC 2024: Round 4 - Spa Francorchamps Highlights - Catch all the highlights from the fourth round of the Michelin Le Mans Cup at Spa Francorchamps. + + 2024 Lucas Oil Late Model Dirt Series: The Cowboy Classic + S00 : E00 2024 Lucas Oil Late Model Dirt Series + Lucas Oil Late Model Dirt racecars are on the cutting edge of technology in construction. Sports - - Motorsport Images: An Enduring Legacy - 26 million images. 100 years of racing. This is the story of Motorsport Images, the premiere photographic agency and archive covering motorsport and motoring. It is unique in that it provides photography of all major current motorsport events, from Formula One Grand Prix racing to national level racing, as well as archive images documenting the history of the sport dating back to 1895. + + Lucas Oil Pro Pulling League: 2022 + From the championship archives at Lucas Oil comes some of the best pro pulling league action. Sports - - The F1 Connection - The F1 Connection: News and analysis from the top racing series in the world. + + 2022 + Championship archives at Lucas Oil come with some of the pro pulling league action. + Sports + + + Madera Racing + S08 : E03 Madera Racing + Highlights from the track in Madera, Calif., showcasing talent from the Western United States. + Sports + + + 2024 Lucas Oil Late Model Dirt Series: The Cowboy Classic + S00 : E00 2024 Lucas Oil Late Model Dirt Series + Lucas Oil Late Model Dirt racecars are on the cutting edge of technology in construction. + Sports + + + Lucas Oil Pro Pulling League: 2022 + From the championship archives at Lucas Oil comes some of the best pro pulling league action. + Sports + + + 2022 + Championship archives at Lucas Oil come with some of the pro pulling league action. + Sports + + + Madera Racing + S08 : E03 Madera Racing + Highlights from the track in Madera, Calif., showcasing talent from the Western United States. + Sports + + + 2024 Short Track America: Vores Compacts - Bristol Motor Speedway + S06 : E00 Short Track America + A taste of Short Track Racing around America. + Sports + + + 2024 SPEARS Pro Late Model Series: Irwindale Speedway + S00 : E00 2024 SPEARS Pro Late Model Series + 2024 SPEARS Pro Late Model Series. + Sports + + + William Sawalich + S01 : E05 On the Rise + On The Rise: William Swalich. + Sports + + + Julien Beaumer + S01 : E06 On the Rise + Featuring Julien 'Juju' Beaumer. + Sports + + + James Rispoli + S02 : E08 The Skinny + King James Rispoli competes in the Moto America's King of the Baggers Motorcycle Road Racing series. + Sports + + + Choppers + S01 : E05 Wrench Wars + Brock Chobar and his '49 Harley Panhead hit the cage to battle Joe Doc Schooley and his '69 Shovel. + Sports + + + Rat Rods + S01 : E06 Wrench Wars + Danny Carmona and his '51 Chevy flatbed hit the cage against AJ Trujillo and his '30 Chevy. + Sports + + + The Jeepster - Going Commando + S17 : E07 Stacey David's GearZ + Stacey rolls in a rare 1967 Jeepster and shows how to successfully pivot from a troublesome project. + Sports + + + PerformaBuilt Perfection + S11 : E05 Sam's Garage + Nelson from ACC Performance joins Sam for torque converter 101 and a PerformaBuilt transmission. + Sports + + + 2024 Short Track America: Vores Compacts - Bristol Motor Speedway + S06 : E00 Short Track America + A taste of Short Track Racing around America. + Sports + + + IROC Rehab + S00 : E00 Hemmings Vault + Hemmings Vault. + Sports + + + Sports & Exotic Car: 996 + S00 : E00 Hemmings Vault + Hemmings Vault. + Sports + + + Cruisin' the Coast + S14 : E21 My Classic Car + Dennis heads to the Miss. Gulf Coast, an auto swap meet plus gauge replacement options. + Sports + + + Building a Better Hot Rod + S17 : E13 Stacey David's GearZ + When laying out a hot rod build, people make the mistake of overlooking the chassis and frame. + Sports + + + It's Not Over 'til It's Over + S11 : E11 Sam's Garage + Mustang GT350 and Camaro projects continue. + Sports + + + Moto 8: The Movie + Motocross riders perform daring feats on some of the biggest tracks and the Australian outback. Sports - - Stock Car Pro - S2024 : E08 Stock Car Pro: Round 8: Velopark - Race 2 - Watch the second race of the eighth round of the 2024 Stock Car Pro Series championship at Velopark. + + Lucas Oil Pro Pulling League + Info not available Sports - - Macau Grand Prix - S2023 : E01 70th Macau GP: Macau GT Cup - FIA GT World Cup - Watch the 70th Macau Grand Prix Macau GT Cup 16 lap race as it happens. + + 2024 Lucas Oil Late Model Dirt Series: The Cowboy Classic + S00 : E00 2024 Lucas Oil Late Model Dirt Series + Lucas Oil Late Model Dirt racecars are on the cutting edge of technology in construction. Sports - - Le Mans Cup - S2024 : E04 MLMC 2024: Round 4 - Spa Francorchamps Highlights - Catch all the highlights from the fourth round of the Michelin Le Mans Cup at Spa Francorchamps. + + Moto 8: The Movie + Motocross riders perform daring feats on some of the biggest tracks and the Australian outback. Sports - - Motorsport Images: An Enduring Legacy - 26 million images. 100 years of racing. This is the story of Motorsport Images, the premiere photographic agency and archive covering motorsport and motoring. It is unique in that it provides photography of all major current motorsport events, from Formula One Grand Prix racing to national level racing, as well as archive images documenting the history of the sport dating back to 1895. + + Lucas Oil Pro Pulling League + Info not available + Sports + + + 2024 Lucas Oil Late Model Dirt Series: The Cowboy Classic + S00 : E00 2024 Lucas Oil Late Model Dirt Series + Lucas Oil Late Model Dirt racecars are on the cutting edge of technology in construction. + Sports + + + Highlights + S00 : E00 Hellas Rally Raid + Info not available + Sports + + + UIM XCAT World Championship + S00 : E03 UIM XCAT World Championship + Covering offshore powerboat racing on competitive race courses. + Sports + + + Road America + S02 : E03 Pressure to Rise + Info not available + Sports + + + 2024 GT Arena Motocross Nationals: Dallas, TX - Rd 3 + S00 : E00 2024 GT Arena Motocross Nationals + Racers compete in the third round of the 2024 GT Arena Motocross Nationals in Dallas, TX. Sports @@ -44620,96 +57405,216 @@ Mercedes' most recent appearance in the Le Mans 24 Hours will forever be famous for the sight of its cars taking to the air. 20 years on from the 1999 event, which Mercedes eventually withdrew from following its third airborne accident of the week, Chain Bear explains in great detail the factors behind the design of the spectacular-looking CLR that were ultimately the three-pointed star's downfall Sports - - Cape Epic 2023 - Stage 6 - S01 : E07 Cape Epic 2023 - Das Absa Cape Epic ist das weltweit bedeutendste Mountainbike-Etappenrennen. Die Route ändert sich jedes Jahr und führt ambitionierte Amateur- und Profi-Mountainbiker aus der ganzen Welt über 650 ungezähmte Kilometer durch unberührte Landschaften. + + Adventure Bike + S08 : E04 Adventure Bike: Episode 4: Suzuki V-Strom 1050 XT + Clare gets to ride the Suzuki V-Strom 1050 XT, but do it's retro rally looks match the engine? Tales from the Trails has the lads get the sidecar onto the Trans Euro Trail, before visiting a race track. Graham talks about his Bromance with his motorcycling inspiration, and Sam starts his rally dream with a build and roadbook training, which doesn't go to plan. Sports - - Cape Epic 2023 - Stage 7 - S01 : E08 Cape Epic 2023 - Das Absa Cape Epic ist das weltweit bedeutendste Mountainbike-Etappenrennen. Die Route ändert sich jedes Jahr und führt ambitionierte Amateur- und Profi-Mountainbiker aus der ganzen Welt über 650 ungezähmte Kilometer durch unberührte Landschaften. + + FIA Karting + S2024 : E05 FIA Karting: Round 5: Kristianstad + The much-loved 1221m Åsum Ring circuit, will host this major event in an ideal setting for spectacular battles. The many international competitions that have taken place at Kristianstad over the last few years bode well for a top-quality event in the heart of Skåne, close to Denmark. Sports - - Climb - Climb + + David Hobbs: Racer and commentator + David Hobbs, the subject of this Windsor Interview, is much more than just a former racing driver who won on a multitude of different circuits throughout the world in a wide variety of machinery. Sports - - BACK TO NORMAL - For Ian Mitchard jumping out of airplanes and soaring above the earth with a nylon canopy is as normal as walking through the grocery store. But when a dramatic accident put the lifestyle he loves in jeopardy, Ian is forced to grapple with his body. + + More Banned F1 Tech + More Banned F1 Tech Sports - - Trans Madeira 2024 Summer: Full Highlights - Trans Madeira combines the best things the island has to offer with five days of racing, starting high in the mountains and finishing down at the ocean. Get ready for 220km of riding, 30 special stages, exploring North, South, East and West in one mega week! + + 2024 Hail International Rally - Full Review + The Hail International Rally has entered its fifth year on the agenda of the 2024 FIA World Rally Championship. The first round of the Saudi Toyota Championship was hosted on February 8-10, 2024, in the city of Hail. Sports - - Motosurf World Championship - Båstad (SWE) - S01 : E35 WORLD OF FREESPORTS 2024 - Set against the stunning backdrop of the Swedish coastline, the world’s best motosurfers are ready to go head-to-head. Speed, skill, and pure passion - these are the ingredients for thrilling races on the water. Who will claim the title here in Båstad? + + Why Red Bull Must Escape their "Vicious Cycle" to Win Both F1 Titles in 2024 + Compared to the opening half of the season, where Max Verstappen utterly dominated the F1 grid, Red Bull has had less success - especially highlighted in the Italian Grand Prix where Verstappen finished 6th, Sergio Perez in 8th. But is this purely McLaren, Ferrari and Mercedes improving beyond the RB20's capabilities, or has Red Bull taken a step back, between Adrian Newey's announced departure and other problems in the team? Bryn Lucas discusses all this and more with Jake Boxall-Legge and Filip Cleeren in the wake of Red Bull's lackluster results in Monza. Sports - - SSL Gold Cup - S01 : E09 WORLD OF FREESPORTS 2024 - Final Series 2023 - World Class Sailing - SSL Gold Cup 2023Der SSL Gold Cup ist eine spannende Ausscheidungsserie und wird auf den Kanarischen Inseln ausgetragen. Die 24 besten Nationen der SSL-Rangliste und 16 Nationen aus der Qualifikationsserie nehmen daran teil. + + Driving Through Time: Petter Solberg behind the wheel of some iconic WRC cars of the past 50 years! + This year the World Rally Championship celebrates 50 years of competition. Over the years the championship has witnessed some truly iconic cars across five definitive eras. To understand how the championship has progressed we pitched 2003 world rally champion Petter Solberg the challenge of driving a rally car from each WRC era at the Goodwood Festival of Speed. Sports - - Reconnect Two - USA - S01 : E10 WORLD OF FREESPORTS 2024 - Today we continue our North American Odyssey with Sarka Pancochova and Cheryl Maas in Reconnect Two. From Mt Baker and the legendary Bank Slalom to backcountry kickers in Bend get ready for the full Pacific Northwest snowboard experience. + + Carbon Fibre vs Liveries - What F1 Needs to Bring Colour Back + F1's 2024 season may have kicked off, but during the pre-season events, bare carbon fibre kept catching our eyes. It was an interesting novelty a few years ago, but in 2024, fans are missing the bright, colourful paint schemes of previous years. To understand more, Jon Noble chatted with Mark Turner, Co-Founder and CEO of Silverstone Paint Technology, who works with the majority of the F1 grid, to find out more. Sports - - Mediterranean Epic - S01 : E11 WORLD OF FREESPORTS 2024 - The Mediterranean Epic offers an UCI 4 stage race where mountain bikers enjoy mountain biking to the fullest during the route around Oropesa del Mar - Castellón (Spain). + + Rally Raid + S00 : E01 East African Safari Classic Rally - Episode 1 + Take a look at all of the highlights from the 2023 East African Safari Classic Rally in Episode 1. Sports - - Gorges de l’Ardèche Kayaking Marathon & Sainté Lyon - S01 : E12 WORLD OF FREESPORTS 2024 - Join us in France for the 39th Gorges de l’Ardèche International Marathon in the stunning Ardèche gorge, followed by the legendary SaintéLyon night run in Lyon and Saint-Étienne, now in its 69th edition and attracting up to 20,000 participants annually! + + The F1 Connection + The F1 Connection: News and analysis from the top racing series in the world. Sports - - GKA & GWA - Best Of World Cup Cape Verde - S01 : E13 WORLD OF FREESPORTS 2024 - Cape Verde is blessed with a moderate climate, north-easterly trade winds and warm ocean swells that break on the islands' reefs, making it a paradise for Kite-Surfing and wingfoiling. Sal island in particular boasts one of the world's greatest right-hand point-breaks. + + Adventure Bike + S08 : E04 Adventure Bike: Episode 4: Suzuki V-Strom 1050 XT + Clare gets to ride the Suzuki V-Strom 1050 XT, but do it's retro rally looks match the engine? Tales from the Trails has the lads get the sidecar onto the Trans Euro Trail, before visiting a race track. Graham talks about his Bromance with his motorcycling inspiration, and Sam starts his rally dream with a build and roadbook training, which doesn't go to plan. Sports - - Beni SpeedTransalp - Für die Strecke von Ruhpolding (GER) nach Kasern (ITA), 210 Kilometer und mehr als 10000 Höhenmeter, benötigen Freizeitsportler etwa fünf bis sieben Tage. Benedikt Böhm strebt die magische Zeitgrenze von 36 Stunden nonstop an. + + FIA Karting + S2024 : E05 FIA Karting: Round 5: Kristianstad + The much-loved 1221m Åsum Ring circuit, will host this major event in an ideal setting for spectacular battles. The many international competitions that have taken place at Kristianstad over the last few years bode well for a top-quality event in the heart of Skåne, close to Denmark. Sports - - The Art of Canyoning - S01 : E57 WOF Evergreens - The Art of Canyoning führt dem TV-Publikum diese junge Sportart vor. Spannung, Action, Natur und sportliches Können stehen auf dem Programm, wenn fünf der weltbesten Canyoning-Profis einige der schönsten Orte im Schweizer Kanton Tessin bezwingen. + + David Hobbs: Racer and commentator + David Hobbs, the subject of this Windsor Interview, is much more than just a former racing driver who won on a multitude of different circuits throughout the world in a wide variety of machinery. Sports - - Motosurf World Championship - Båstad (SWE) - S01 : E35 WORLD OF FREESPORTS 2024 - Set against the stunning backdrop of the Swedish coastline, the world’s best motosurfers are ready to go head-to-head. Speed, skill, and pure passion - these are the ingredients for thrilling races on the water. Who will claim the title here in Båstad? + + More Banned F1 Tech + More Banned F1 Tech Sports - - Red Bull Romaniacs 2024 - S01 : E34 WORLD OF FREESPORTS 2024 - In this year’s 21st edition of the event, competitors from about 60 nations will be competing, among them the world’s best hard enduro riders like Manuel Lettenbichler (GER), Graham Jarvis (UK), Wade Young (RSA), Mario Roman (ESP) and Michael Walkner (AUT). + + 2024 Hail International Rally - Full Review + The Hail International Rally has entered its fifth year on the agenda of the 2024 FIA World Rally Championship. The first round of the Saudi Toyota Championship was hosted on February 8-10, 2024, in the city of Hail. Sports - - Qatar Airways GKA - Best of Big Air Kite World Championships - S01 : E33 WORLD OF FREESPORTS 2024 - Welcome to the Qatar Airways GKA Bite Big Air World Tour! This thrilling season takes us to two breathtaking locations: the vibrant coastal town of Barcarès, France, and the stunning shores of Salinas de Tenefé in Spain. Get ready for the world's top kiteboarders! + + Why Red Bull Must Escape their "Vicious Cycle" to Win Both F1 Titles in 2024 + Compared to the opening half of the season, where Max Verstappen utterly dominated the F1 grid, Red Bull has had less success - especially highlighted in the Italian Grand Prix where Verstappen finished 6th, Sergio Perez in 8th. But is this purely McLaren, Ferrari and Mercedes improving beyond the RB20's capabilities, or has Red Bull taken a step back, between Adrian Newey's announced departure and other problems in the team? Bryn Lucas discusses all this and more with Jake Boxall-Legge and Filip Cleeren in the wake of Red Bull's lackluster results in Monza. + Sports + + + Driving Through Time: Petter Solberg behind the wheel of some iconic WRC cars of the past 50 years! + This year the World Rally Championship celebrates 50 years of competition. Over the years the championship has witnessed some truly iconic cars across five definitive eras. To understand how the championship has progressed we pitched 2003 world rally champion Petter Solberg the challenge of driving a rally car from each WRC era at the Goodwood Festival of Speed. + Sports + + + Carbon Fibre vs Liveries - What F1 Needs to Bring Colour Back + F1's 2024 season may have kicked off, but during the pre-season events, bare carbon fibre kept catching our eyes. It was an interesting novelty a few years ago, but in 2024, fans are missing the bright, colourful paint schemes of previous years. To understand more, Jon Noble chatted with Mark Turner, Co-Founder and CEO of Silverstone Paint Technology, who works with the majority of the F1 grid, to find out more. + Sports + + + Rally Raid + S00 : E01 East African Safari Classic Rally - Episode 1 + Take a look at all of the highlights from the 2023 East African Safari Classic Rally in Episode 1. + Sports + + + The F1 Connection + The F1 Connection: News and analysis from the top racing series in the world. + Sports + + + Adventure Bike + S08 : E04 Adventure Bike: Episode 4: Suzuki V-Strom 1050 XT + Clare gets to ride the Suzuki V-Strom 1050 XT, but do it's retro rally looks match the engine? Tales from the Trails has the lads get the sidecar onto the Trans Euro Trail, before visiting a race track. Graham talks about his Bromance with his motorcycling inspiration, and Sam starts his rally dream with a build and roadbook training, which doesn't go to plan. + Sports + + + FIA Karting + S2024 : E05 FIA Karting: Round 5: Kristianstad + The much-loved 1221m Åsum Ring circuit, will host this major event in an ideal setting for spectacular battles. The many international competitions that have taken place at Kristianstad over the last few years bode well for a top-quality event in the heart of Skåne, close to Denmark. + Sports + + + David Hobbs: Racer and commentator + David Hobbs, the subject of this Windsor Interview, is much more than just a former racing driver who won on a multitude of different circuits throughout the world in a wide variety of machinery. + Sports + + + More Banned F1 Tech + More Banned F1 Tech + Sports + + + 2024 Hail International Rally - Full Review + The Hail International Rally has entered its fifth year on the agenda of the 2024 FIA World Rally Championship. The first round of the Saudi Toyota Championship was hosted on February 8-10, 2024, in the city of Hail. + Sports + + + Why Red Bull Must Escape their "Vicious Cycle" to Win Both F1 Titles in 2024 + Compared to the opening half of the season, where Max Verstappen utterly dominated the F1 grid, Red Bull has had less success - especially highlighted in the Italian Grand Prix where Verstappen finished 6th, Sergio Perez in 8th. But is this purely McLaren, Ferrari and Mercedes improving beyond the RB20's capabilities, or has Red Bull taken a step back, between Adrian Newey's announced departure and other problems in the team? Bryn Lucas discusses all this and more with Jake Boxall-Legge and Filip Cleeren in the wake of Red Bull's lackluster results in Monza. + Sports + + + Driving Through Time: Petter Solberg behind the wheel of some iconic WRC cars of the past 50 years! + This year the World Rally Championship celebrates 50 years of competition. Over the years the championship has witnessed some truly iconic cars across five definitive eras. To understand how the championship has progressed we pitched 2003 world rally champion Petter Solberg the challenge of driving a rally car from each WRC era at the Goodwood Festival of Speed. + Sports + + + Carbon Fibre vs Liveries - What F1 Needs to Bring Colour Back + F1's 2024 season may have kicked off, but during the pre-season events, bare carbon fibre kept catching our eyes. It was an interesting novelty a few years ago, but in 2024, fans are missing the bright, colourful paint schemes of previous years. To understand more, Jon Noble chatted with Mark Turner, Co-Founder and CEO of Silverstone Paint Technology, who works with the majority of the F1 grid, to find out more. + Sports + + + Rally Raid + S00 : E01 East African Safari Classic Rally - Episode 1 + Take a look at all of the highlights from the 2023 East African Safari Classic Rally in Episode 1. + Sports + + + The F1 Connection + The F1 Connection: News and analysis from the top racing series in the world. + Sports + + + Adventure Bike + S08 : E04 Adventure Bike: Episode 4: Suzuki V-Strom 1050 XT + Clare gets to ride the Suzuki V-Strom 1050 XT, but do it's retro rally looks match the engine? Tales from the Trails has the lads get the sidecar onto the Trans Euro Trail, before visiting a race track. Graham talks about his Bromance with his motorcycling inspiration, and Sam starts his rally dream with a build and roadbook training, which doesn't go to plan. + Sports + + + FIA Karting + S2024 : E05 FIA Karting: Round 5: Kristianstad + The much-loved 1221m Åsum Ring circuit, will host this major event in an ideal setting for spectacular battles. The many international competitions that have taken place at Kristianstad over the last few years bode well for a top-quality event in the heart of Skåne, close to Denmark. + Sports + + + David Hobbs: Racer and commentator + David Hobbs, the subject of this Windsor Interview, is much more than just a former racing driver who won on a multitude of different circuits throughout the world in a wide variety of machinery. + Sports + + + More Banned F1 Tech + More Banned F1 Tech + Sports + + + 2024 Hail International Rally - Full Review + The Hail International Rally has entered its fifth year on the agenda of the 2024 FIA World Rally Championship. The first round of the Saudi Toyota Championship was hosted on February 8-10, 2024, in the city of Hail. + Sports + + + Why Red Bull Must Escape their "Vicious Cycle" to Win Both F1 Titles in 2024 + Compared to the opening half of the season, where Max Verstappen utterly dominated the F1 grid, Red Bull has had less success - especially highlighted in the Italian Grand Prix where Verstappen finished 6th, Sergio Perez in 8th. But is this purely McLaren, Ferrari and Mercedes improving beyond the RB20's capabilities, or has Red Bull taken a step back, between Adrian Newey's announced departure and other problems in the team? Bryn Lucas discusses all this and more with Jake Boxall-Legge and Filip Cleeren in the wake of Red Bull's lackluster results in Monza. + Sports + + + Driving Through Time: Petter Solberg behind the wheel of some iconic WRC cars of the past 50 years! + This year the World Rally Championship celebrates 50 years of competition. Over the years the championship has witnessed some truly iconic cars across five definitive eras. To understand how the championship has progressed we pitched 2003 world rally champion Petter Solberg the challenge of driving a rally car from each WRC era at the Goodwood Festival of Speed. + Sports + + + Carbon Fibre vs Liveries - What F1 Needs to Bring Colour Back + F1's 2024 season may have kicked off, but during the pre-season events, bare carbon fibre kept catching our eyes. It was an interesting novelty a few years ago, but in 2024, fans are missing the bright, colourful paint schemes of previous years. To understand more, Jon Noble chatted with Mark Turner, Co-Founder and CEO of Silverstone Paint Technology, who works with the majority of the F1 grid, to find out more. + Sports + + + Rally Raid + S00 : E01 East African Safari Classic Rally - Episode 1 + Take a look at all of the highlights from the 2023 East African Safari Classic Rally in Episode 1. + Sports + + + The F1 Connection + The F1 Connection: News and analysis from the top racing series in the world. Sports @@ -45208,46 +58113,230 @@ Für die Strecke von Ruhpolding (GER) nach Kasern (ITA), 210 Kilometer und mehr als 10000 Höhenmeter, benötigen Freizeitsportler etwa fünf bis sieben Tage. Benedikt Böhm strebt die magische Zeitgrenze von 36 Stunden nonstop an. Sports - - Strongman Champions League - S06 : E08 SCL 2019 Season 6, Episode 8, Finland (Part 1) - Mateusz Kieliszkowski from Poland and Aivars Smaukstelis from Latvia are the strongman future of these days. Mateusz is the best man in the World at the moment to defeat. Only 25 years and such a fantastic strongman. They come here only for a win. But there are 12 more Strong athletes in this episode who want the title of Finland as well. + + Nedbank Desert Dash 2022 - Namibia (NAM) + S01 : E05 WORLD OF FREESPORTS 2023 + Das Desert Dash ist mehr als ein Ausdauer-Mountainbike-Rennen, es ist eine wilde Bestie, die dich lockt und dich herausfordert. Es ist ein 393 km langer, 24-stündiger Kampf zwischen Mensch und Natur, Körper und Geist. Sports - - Strongman Champions League - S06 : E09 SCL 2019 Season 6, Episode 9, Finland (Part 2) - Mateusz Is leading after day 1 (previous episode) with close behind him Aivars Smaukstelis and Zake Muluzi from the UK. All very exciting! 5 events in this episode: Log Lift, Fram Walk, Deadlift, Sack Throw (Weight for Height), Loading medley. + + LINE OF SIGHT | A Look into Wingsuit BASE Jumping + The golden age of wingsuiting is upon us. Through evolving suit technology the initial inflation time has gone down, which has lead to quicker starts and more exits. Wingsuit athletes Marshal Miller, Jesse Hall, and Sean Chuma take you through the iconic jumps. Sports - - Strongman Champions League - S09 : E14 SCL 2023 Season 9, Stage 14 - South Africa - The only and official world championship Truckpulling for its 10th year, again at the Strongman Champions league. With the 3 times Worldchampion Kelvin de Ruiter – defending his title. This championship has trucks in all shapes and sizes which is a lot like our athletes, there all different pay loads, but does the biggest win or is it the strongest. + + Freeride World Tour 2023 - stop #1 - Baqueira Beret (ESP) + S01 : E01 Freeride World Tour 2023 "Live Summary" + The 2023 Freeride World Tour kicks off in January in its 16th season – as usual with the best freeriders all over the globe! The first stop of the tour takes place in Baqueira Beret. Sports - - Strongman Champions League - S06 : E10 SCL 2019 Season 6, Episode 10, Portugal - In this stage we have a new strong debutant: Oleg Sylka from the Ukraine. He is the new talent, who will stand up against the old champions like ZSydrunas Savickas and Brian Shaw and the Stoltman Brother from the UK. This new talent Oleg is a great character and we will see him flame in the episode in Portugal. + + Motosurf World Championship - Båstad (SWE) + S01 : E35 WORLD OF FREESPORTS 2024 + Set against the stunning backdrop of the Swedish coastline, the world’s best motosurfers are ready to go head-to-head. Speed, skill, and pure passion - these are the ingredients for thrilling races on the water. Who will claim the title here in Båstad? Sports - - Strongman Champions League - S06 : E11 SCL 2019 Season 6, Episode 11, Callio - In Callio is the deepest mine of Europe/ 1500 meter deep, whereas the MLO Strongman Champions League also did 1 event. The Forward Hold, on a 1500 dept/ also a kind of new record/ as it was never done before. Spectacular and new in Strongman sport. + + Nyami Nyami - Slacklining at the Victoria Falls + S01 : E31 WORLD OF FREESPORTS 2020 + With a spectacular new project, the Outdoor Sports Team took their sport to the next level: two renowned highlining athletes, Reinhard Kleindl (AUT) and Lukas Irmler (GER), realized one of the longest highlines in Africa at the world-famous Victoria Falls! Sports - - Strongman Champions League - S06 : E12 SCL 2019 Season 6, Episode 12, Ukraine - Kelvin de Ruiter is here to defend his SCL World Truck Pull Championships title. But this year, another strong field wants his title. Over 3 different pulls with 3 different trucks, and 14 athletes at the start, it will be difficult for everybody. + + IRF Rafting World Championships + S01 : E32 WORLD OF FREESPORTS 2020 + The World Championships are not only the peak event for all competitors, but a true celebration of the sport with national federations competing from around the globe. Sports - - Strongman Champions League - S06 : E13 SCL 2019 Season 6, Episode 13, Caribbean - SCL edition Curacao 2019 was a great event, twelve power boys from all over made a great show at the white beaches, and 35 degrees Celsius heat in the Carrabean Islands. Two events were held on Friday at the beach of beautiful resort Sunscape, the other three were held near the world famous floating bridge at Willemstad on Saturday night. + + Enfer & Paradis + Justine Dupont is on her way to be the world's best female surfer. Enfer & Paradis accompanies her in her everyday life as well as on the biggest wave in the world - Nazaré and offers insights behind the scenes of the first mixed surfing world championship. + Sports + + + Motosurf World Championship - Båstad (SWE) + S01 : E35 WORLD OF FREESPORTS 2024 + Set against the stunning backdrop of the Swedish coastline, the world’s best motosurfers are ready to go head-to-head. Speed, skill, and pure passion - these are the ingredients for thrilling races on the water. Who will claim the title here in Båstad? + Sports + + + Cape Epic 2024 - Stage 2 + S01 : E03 Cape Epic 2024 + The Absa Cape Epic is the world’s premier mountain bike stage race. The route changes every year, leading aspiring amateur and professional mountain bikers from around the world through 617 Untamed kilometres of unspoilt scenery and up 16 500m of climbing. + Sports + + + Cape Epic 2024 - Stage 3 + S01 : E04 Cape Epic 2024 + The Absa Cape Epic is the world’s premier mountain bike stage race. The route changes every year, leading aspiring amateur and professional mountain bikers from around the world through 617 Untamed kilometres of unspoilt scenery and up 16 500m of climbing. + Sports + + + Qatar Airways GKA Freestyle-Kite World Cup 2022 - Taiba (BRA) + S01 : E06 WORLD OF FREESPORTS 2023 + Die letzte Runde der Freestyle-Disziplin auf der Qatar Airways GKA Kite World Tour beginnt am Dienstag, 8. November. Beim Freestyle-Kite World Cup Taiba messen sich die besten Freestyle-Kiter der Welt bei perfekten Bedingungen auf der berüchtigten Lagune. + Sports + + + Freeride World Tour 2023 - Stop #1 - Baqueira Beret (ESP) + S01 : E07 WORLD OF FREESPORTS 2023 + Die Freeride World Tour 2023 startet im Januar in ihre 16. Saison - wie immer mit den besten Freeridern aus aller Welt! Der erste Stopp der Tour findet in Baqueira Beret statt. + Sports + + + Trans Madeira 2023 Summer: Full Highlights + Trans Madeira combines the best things the island has to offer with five days of racing, starting high in the mountains and finishing down at the ocean. Get ready for 220km of riding, 30 special stages, exploring North, South, East and West in one mega week! + Sports + + + Trans Madeira 2023 Autumn: Full Highlights + Trans Madeira combines the best things the island has to offer with five days of racing, starting high in the mountains and finishing down at the ocean. Get ready for 220km of riding, 30 special stages, exploring North, South, East and West in one mega week! + Sports + + + Freeride World Tour 2023 - Stop #2 - Ordino Arcalís (AND) + S01 : E08 WORLD OF FREESPORTS 2023 + Die Freeride World Tour 2023 hat ihren zweiten Stopp in Ordino Arcalís Pro, Andorra - wie immer mit den besten Freeridern aus der ganzen Welt! Damit kehrt die FWT in das Freeride-Mekka der Pyrenäen zurück. + Sports + + + Motosurf World Championship - Båstad (SWE) + S01 : E35 WORLD OF FREESPORTS 2024 + Set against the stunning backdrop of the Swedish coastline, the world’s best motosurfers are ready to go head-to-head. Speed, skill, and pure passion - these are the ingredients for thrilling races on the water. Who will claim the title here in Båstad? + Sports + + + Freeride World Tour - Stop #04 AUT + S01 : E13 WORLD OF FREESPORTS 2022 + Fieberbrunn, (AUT), March 14th 2022The Freeride World Tour has its 4th stop. This takes place in Austria at Fieberbrunn. It is exciting to see what the first stop of the final has to offer after the spectacular three qualifying stages! + Sports + + + Natural Selection Tour 2022 - Baldface Lodge, CAN + S01 : E14 WORLD OF FREESPORTS 2022 + The Natural Selection Tour 2022 features the world’s greatest men and women snowboarders competing on the planet’s most epic terrain in all-time conditions. + Sports + + + Cape Epic 2022 - Men + S01 : E15 WORLD OF FREESPORTS 2022 + The Absa Cape Epic is the world’s premier mountain bike stage race. The route changes every year, leading aspiring amateur and professional mountain bikers through 650 Untamed kilometres of unspoilt scenery and up 16 000m of climbing. + Sports + + + Freeride World Tour - Stop #05 SUI + S01 : E16 WORLD OF FREESPORTS 2022 + The final showdown of the Freeride World Tour 2022 is right around the corner and it’ll take place in Verbier, Switzerland between 26th of March and 3rd of April. + Sports + + + Adidas Outdoor Sports Team - Boulder + Climbing + S01 : E07 WOF Evergreens + In their documentary “The Fascination of Bouldering & Climbing“, Austrian climbing stars Bernd Zangerl and Alex Luger answer these and lots of more questions on bouldering and climbing. + Sports + + + Xtreme Verbier - 20-jähriges Jubiläum - Teil 2 + S01 : E63 WOF Evergreens + Verbier - seit vielen Jahren eine der besten Off-Piste-Locations der Welt und Austragungsort des legendären Finales der Freeride World Tour, feierte das "Xtreme Verbier" sein 20-jähriges Jubiläum. Die steile und zerklüftete 500 Meter lange Felswand des Bec des Rosses war in den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten die Herausforderung für alle Rider - Zeit für einen Rückblick! + Sports + + + Adidas Outdoor Sports Team - Climbing + Unicycle + S01 : E08 WOF Evergreens + Climbing & Unicycling – World Records & Spectacular Climbing Routes. This 26-minute show brings together 3 extraordinary athletic achievements – a climbing record at famous El Capitan, a unicycle world record , and impressive climbing images! + Sports + + + Catch the Moment - Profile Robbie Maddison + S01 : E33 WORLD OF FREESPORTS 2020 + Robbie Maddison started his career with national motocross competitions. On New Year's Eve 2007, the 40th anniversary day of Evel Knievel's legendary jump over the Caesar's Palace fountain, the Australian broke the world record in bike long jump. + Sports + + + Dream of Flight + S01 : E34 WORLD OF FREESPORTS 2020 + We take you up in the sky and accompany a paragliding virtuoso to the Mont-Blanc massive, the Atacama desert in Chile and the Greek island of Santorini. Follow the French paragliding pilot Jean-Baptiste Chandelier. + Sports + + + Motosurf World Championship - Båstad (SWE) + S01 : E35 WORLD OF FREESPORTS 2024 + Set against the stunning backdrop of the Swedish coastline, the world’s best motosurfers are ready to go head-to-head. Speed, skill, and pure passion - these are the ingredients for thrilling races on the water. Who will claim the title here in Båstad? + Sports + + + Cape Epic 2024 - Stage 4 + S01 : E05 Cape Epic 2024 + The Absa Cape Epic is the world’s premier mountain bike stage race. The route changes every year, leading aspiring amateur and professional mountain bikers from around the world through 617 Untamed kilometres of unspoilt scenery and up 16 500m of climbing. + Sports + + + Cape Epic 2024 - Stage 5 + S01 : E06 Cape Epic 2024 + The Absa Cape Epic is the world’s premier mountain bike stage race. The route changes every year, leading aspiring amateur and professional mountain bikers from around the world through 617 Untamed kilometres of unspoilt scenery and up 16 500m of climbing + Sports + + + Swissway to Heaven + Swissway to Heaven is a film about multi-pitch climbing in the swiss alps.The dokumentary portraits the history and evolution of climbing in Swizerland aswell as Cedric Lachat's adventure climbing all 5 big walls of the swiss alps. + Sports + + + Natural Selection Tour 2022 - Alaska, USA + S01 : E17 WORLD OF FREESPORTS 2022 + The Natural Selection Tour 2022 features the world’s greatest men and women snowboarders competing on the planet’s most epic terrain in all-time conditions. The Tour’s mission is to inspire people to forge a deeper bond with Mother Nature. + Sports + + + Cape Epic 2022 - Women + S01 : E18 WORLD OF FREESPORTS 2022 + The Absa Cape Epic is the world’s premier mountain bike stage race. The route changes every year, leading aspiring amateur and professional mountain bikers through 650 Untamed kilometres of unspoilt scenery and up 16 000m of climbing. + Sports + + + Motosurf World Championship - Båstad (SWE) + S01 : E35 WORLD OF FREESPORTS 2024 + Set against the stunning backdrop of the Swedish coastline, the world’s best motosurfers are ready to go head-to-head. Speed, skill, and pure passion - these are the ingredients for thrilling races on the water. Who will claim the title here in Båstad? + Sports + + + Swissway to Heaven + Swissway to Heaven is a film about multi-pitch climbing in the swiss alps.The dokumentary portraits the history and evolution of climbing in Swizerland aswell as Cedric Lachat's adventure climbing all 5 big walls of the swiss alps. + Sports + + + Mediterranean Epic 2023 + S01 : E09 WORLD OF FREESPORTS 2023 + Die 4. Edition des Mediterranean Epic ist der Auftakt der Mountainbike-Etappenrennen. Es ist ein 4-tägiges Rennen (UCI Hors Catégorie), das in Castellón, Oropesa del Mar (Spanien), stattfindet. + Sports + + + Freeride World Tour 2023 - Stop #3 - Kicking Horse Golden BC Pro (CAN) + S01 : E10 WORLD OF FREESPORTS 2023 + Der 3. Stopp der Freeride World Tour 2023 bringt uns nach Kanada zum Kicking Horse Golden BC Pro, (CAN). + Sports + + + Catch the Moment - Profile Kassia Meador + S01 : E35 WORLD OF FREESPORTS 2020 + Catch the Moment!' makes those instants in sport you could not see until today into a fascinating adventure thanks to a special highspeed camera shooting up to 1000 frames a second. + Sports + + + Between Home + "Between Home" is an adventure documentary about Nick Jaffe. Nick decides to sail solo from the UK to Australia, negotiating the treacherous waters of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. + Sports + + + Digital & Virtual Sport Special Gaming Docu + S01 : E11 WORLD OF FREESPORTS 2023 + Restart the Game 2023 & ICF Open Virtual World Cup & World Rowing Indoor Championship + Sports + + + Meet Connor Herson + Connor Herson pushes the limits of what is possible on the rock. But his latest and greatest challenge? Balancing a life climbing cutting edge ascents with his studies at Stanford. Sports @@ -45550,74 +58639,142 @@ The next stage of the competition takes place in Lithunia and world records are once again broken! Sports - - Powerboat USA Episode 4 : Lake of the Ozarks P1 Offshore Highlights - The very best from US Powerboat racing + + Strongman Champions League + S01 : E14 SCL 2014 Season 1, Episode 14, Estonia + Episode 14 takes place in Estonia where drama and world records will be seen again Sports - - Powerboat USA Episode 3 : Lake of the Ozarks Class One Highlights - The very best from US Powerboat racing + + Strongman Champions League + S01 : E15 SCL 2014 Season 1, Episode 15, Malaysia (World Finals Part 1) + Taking place over 2 days in Malaysia, this is part 1 of the world finals of Strongman Champions League! Sports - - Icelandic OffRoad 2024 - Icelandic Formula Offroad Cup Rd 1 - Svinavatn - Precision is key in this off-road 4x4 series on extreme terrain in and around Iceland. + + Strongman Champions League + S01 : E16 SCL 2014 Season 1, Episode 16, Malaysia (World Finals Part 2) + Who will be the winner of Strongman Champions League - we find out who is crowned as world champion today in the second part of the final epsiode Sports - - Australian V8 Superboats 2024 Rd 5 : Griffith - Rallying-meets-sporting trials on water as a navigator guides his driver through narrow channels at barely believable speeds. Blink and you’ll miss it! + + Strongman Champions League + S02 : E01 SCL 2015 Season 2, Episode 1, Norway + Across seven rivers, through mountains and forests, 12 strongmen go to toughest places to find out who is strongest Viking in the World and open a new season of Strongman champions league for 2015. Events like the Hercules Hold, Yoke Race and pulling a real Viking ship are some of the ingredients of this fantastic show. Sports - - Motorracing Promo 12 Sec - Info not available + + Strongman Champions League + S02 : E02 SCL 2015 Season 2, Episode 2, Germany + The second stage of Strongman champions league will be hosted in Germany, by FIBO - the leading international trade show for fitness, wellness and health worldwide with 300,000 visitors in four days. Special implements like the biggest log in the world or the special Bavarian stone lift are not only a challenge, but also an opportunity for new personal, national and world records. Sports - - British Truck Racing 2023 Rd 7 Brands Hatch - Big is powerful. With 1,000 bhp and a weight of 5t, these kings of the tarmac provide fascinating action and attract big crowds all across the UK. + + Strongman Champions League + S02 : E03 SCL 2015 Season 2, Episode 3, Holland + Holland is hosting 12 different countries with 14 of the strongest men in the world for the third stage of the Strongman Champions League. Sports - - Knockhill 50th Anniversary - Rd 3 - Best action from the Super Lap Scotland, Legends & Modsports + + Strongman Champions League + S02 : E04 SCL 2015 Season 2, Episode 4, Finland + Zydrunas Savickas, one of strongest people on earth is in this competition which has attracted the attention of the audience in the battle for the title of strongest man in Finland. The next round of SCL is in Bulgaria. Sports - - British GT 2024 Rd 6 & 7 Snetterton - The pinnacle of racing in the UK with large grids composed of the best GT3 and GT4 cars. + + Strongman Champions League + S02 : E05 SCL 2015 Season 2, Episode 5, Bulgaria + The next stage of the competition is in Bulgaria where Ervin Katona (SCL World Champion 2012) will compete for the last time. Sports - - Motorracing Short Promo - MotorRacing ! + + Strongman Champions League + S02 : E06 SCL 2015 Season 2, Episode 6, Latvia + Krzysztof Radzikowski, the leader in the league will fight hard to keep Dainis Zageris off from the title and to gather another 25 ranking points in this next stage in Latvia. Sports - - Ultimate Karting Championship 2024 - Rd 3 Warden Law - Part 1 - The 2024 UKC offers drivers prestigious awards and exclusive opportunities in their career development. + + Strongman Champions League + S02 : E07 SCL 2015 Season 2, Episode 7, Croatia + The competition sees a close battle with a new world record in overhead dumbbell and close finishes throughout the day. This stage is in Croatia, in a city over 1700 years old, steeped in Roman tradition and history, the athletes arrive for the truck pull after a picturesque boat ride on the Adriatic Sea. Sports - - Ultimate Karting Championship 2024 - Rd 3 Warden Law - Part 2 - The 2024 UKC offers drivers prestigious awards and exclusive opportunities in their career development. + + Strongman Champions League + S02 : E08 SCL 2015 Season 2, Episode 8, Poland + We are now half way through the SCL 2015 and getting closer to the grand world finals in Turkey. The eighth stage is in Poland, the home country of the current leader Krzysztof Radzikowski. Sports - - UK Kart Series : Shenington - Part 2 - The best of UK Karting. + + Strongman Champions League + S02 : E09 SCL 2015 Season 2, Episode 9, Austria + In this stage we go into the mountains of Austria to find out through six grueling events who is the strongest in the land of Alps. Martin Wildauer, current World Champion 2014 and Austrian local is competing alongside Zageris, Radzikowski, Belsak and many others. Sports - - Motorracing Promo - MotorRacing ! + + Strongman Champions League + S02 : E10 SCL 2015 Season 2, Episode 10, Romania + The 10th stage of this year's competition in Strongman Champions League is held in the Romanian city of Sibiu where the 12 strongmen continue to compete for the title. Sports - - The Rye House London Cup 2023 - As the longest established major kart competition at Rye, The London Cup has seen some of the greatest drivers in the sport stood on the podium + + Strongman Champions League + S02 : E11 SCL 2015 Season 2, Episode 11, World Log Lift Championship + The 11th stage is the SCL Log Lift World Championships in Lithuania. In this championship, each competitor must lift three different weights overhead. Zydrunas Savickas is the current world record holder in the Log Lift. + Sports + + + Strongman Champions League + S02 : E12 SCL 2015 Season 2, Episode 12, Lithuania + This next episode of the Strongman Champions League is hosted in Lithuania and sees us getting one step closer to the final. + Sports + + + Strongman Champions League + S02 : E13 SCL 2015 Season 2, Episode 13, Portugal + The 13th stage of Strongman Champions League is in Maia, Portugal. The competition is at the “Powerexpo” – one of the best sport and fitness events in Portugal. + Sports + + + Strongman Champions League + S02 : E14 SCL 2015 Season 2, Episode 14, Martinique + This stage is in Martinique and eight strongmen from all over the world will compete for the last chance to gather points before the world grand finals in December. + Sports + + + Strongman Champions League + S09 : E01 SCL 2023 Season 9, Stage 1 - Finland + Welcome to the 2023 Strongman Champions League in Vaasa, Finland! This year’s event introduces a knockout format with 6 intense events over 90 minutes, ending in a unique deadlift face-off with boats. + Sports + + + Strongman Champions League + S02 : E15 SCL 2015 Season 2, Episode 15, Lightweight World Championship + A special World championship under the newcomers and lightweights in the Strongman world. Some of them will step from this to the heavyweights divisions. + Sports + + + Strongman Champions League + S02 : E16 SCL 2015 Season 2, Episode 16, World Finals Turkey + After 15 outstanding competitions all over the world, finally we are here at the final competition of this year’s Strongman Champions League hosted in Turkey. + Sports + + + Strongman Champions League + S03 : E01 SCL 2016 Season 3, Episode 1, Norway - World strongest Viking + Welcome to the land of Vikings - Norway - to the first stage of the SCL World Series 2016 + Sports + + + Strongman Champions League + S03 : E02 SCL 2016 Season 3, Episode 2, Germany + The second stage of the SCL heads to the FIBO convention, Cologne. The leading international trade show for fitness, wellness and health hosts. + Sports + + + Strongman Champions League + S03 : E03 SCL 2016 Season 3, Episode 3, Lithuania - Log lift World championship + For the third stage of SCL world series 2016, the athletes compete in Kaunas for the SCL Log Lift World Championships. Sports @@ -46065,149 +59222,224 @@ As the longest established major kart competition at Rye, The London Cup has seen some of the greatest drivers in the sport stood on the podium Sports - - Moana Waiwai - The Film - Moana Waiwai or The Great Ocean in Maori, is about the FreeSwim journey of wahine (woman) Ally Davey as she swims 70km of open ocean around the stunning Coromandel coastline over three days to raise awareness for the protection of New Zealand's oceans. It does more than encapsulate stunning vistas and highlight the extraordinary New Zealand environment. It inspires people to be aware of the natural beauty that surrounds them. + + Red Bull Romaniacs 2024 + Talk about crazy on a bike ! The romaniacs are there ! Sports - - Best Via Ferrata in the Julian Alps (Eng) - Just about an hour's drive from Ljubljana airport, Prisojnik, or Prisank as it's also called is a beautiful 2,547m mountain in Slovenia's Julian Alps. This one-day via Ferrata route is a must-do since it presents an excellent hiking and climbing challenge, but also offers all of the views you'd even want. To get to its summit Cris and Viv hiked, scrambled, climbed, and even crawled on their stomachs at points, but the views in the end and the feeling of satisfaction that came after made it all worthwhile. + + Motorracing Short Promo + MotorRacing ! Sports - - Promo 1 Mtb Horizonsports 30 Sec - HorizonSports ! + + FIM SidecarCross World Championship 2024 Rd 6 Lommel (Belgium) + FIM Sidecarcross is most probably the most amazing show ! Sports - - Tisa with Edita Vopatova - Climbing instructor Edita Vopatova explains the climbing area she nows very well nearby the village of Tisa in the North of Bohemia in Czech Republic. The area is a paradise for climbers with lots of rocks between 20 and 30 meter high. Edita climbs the Heuréka route on a Great Tisa Rock and the Doga Tower. + + EMX Quad European Championship 2024 - Rd 4 Gdansk (Poland) + Raced along the Sidecarcross World Championship, European Quadcross also deserves its crazyness medal! Sports - - Krkavka with Vojta Trojan - Pro climber Vojta Trojan climbs and explains the difficulties of some climbing route in the area of Krkavka near Zelezny in Czech Republic. This area has some of the best climbing spots with difficult routes between 6 and 9a. Celebrity Adam Ondra has climbed here several times. + + FIM Super Enduro World Championship 2024 Rd 7 Newcastle + With reigning World Champion Billy BOLT (GBR – Husqvarna) putting his crown back into play, the 2024 series expands to 7 rounds. Sports - - Ungrounded Episode 1 - Caroline Gleich - Caroline Gleich, a world class ski mountaineer, summited Mt. Everest last spring as part of her #ClimbForEquality campaign to raise awareness for gender equality. In Episode 1, Gleich overcomes her own struggle after tearing her ACL to rise to the top for all women. (English version with French, Italian, German and Spanish subtitles available) + + Motorracing Very Short Promo + MotorRacing ! Sports - - LAAX Highline World Championships 2024 (Eng) - The World Championships in highlining took place in Laax, Switzerland at the legendary GALAAXY on the summit of Crap Sogn Gion. About 42 athletes (16 females / 26 males) compete in the disciplines of Freestyle and Speed Highline. + + FIM SidecarCross World Championship 2024 Rd 4 Kramolin (Czech Republic) + FIM Sidecarcross is most probably the most amazing show ! Sports - - Margalef - Climbing - Margalef is a little village next to the Monsant river, in Catalunya. The most amazing rocks in Europe and hundreds routes for climbing. Pure fun and climbing in this little entertaining film. + + FIM SidecarCross World Championship 2024 Rd 5 Gdansk (Poland) + FIM Sidecarcross is most probably the most amazing show ! Sports - - Summiting Mt Sneffels in Colorado (Eng) - Mount Sneffels is a prominent mountain near Ouray, Colorado in the United States which is over 14,000 feet high, more than 4,300 metres. Audree had never climbed a 14er, so we decided to try reach its summit while on a road trip through Colorado in late-July. + + British Minibikes - Junior Moto GP 2024 - Rd 2 Rowrah - Part 1 + Follow the new Road to Mini GP season exclusively on MotoRRacing. Sports - - Aussie 8 - Aussie 8 is the adventure of 3 friends who decided to climb the 8 tallest mountains in 8 Australian states in 8 days. To make this possible, they had to put together and respect a very strict timing and logistic organisation. + + British Minibikes - Junior Moto GP 2024 - Rd 2 Rowrah - Part 2 + Follow the new Road to Mini GP season exclusively on MotoRRacing. Sports - - Nadelhorn Via Normal Route - The Best Alpine Experience - Cris and Viv are hiking to the summit of Nadelhorn (4,327 m), which lies in the Mischabel group in Switzerland. We follow their adventure from the village of Saas-Fee to the Mischabel Hut, a mountain hut that lies at an elevation of 3,340 meters and that has beautiful views of Lenzspitze, Dom, Nadelhorn, Weissmies, and many other 4000-meter peaks. And finally after having crossed the Hohbalmgletscher, they go over the North-East ridge to get to the summit of Nadelhorn which offers superb views of the Alps and their summits such as the Weisshorn and the famous Matterhorn. + + European Le Mans Series 2024 Rd 3 Imola + For more than 10 years, the European Le Mans Series has been the race series of choice for the top teams and drivers wishing to compete at the world’s most famous race, the 24 Hours of Le Mans. Sports - - Nine Mountains - The journey of two cyclists (Leo Russell & George Stagg) on a mission to climb the 9 most challenging and notorious mountains in Europe. From Austria To Spain, Nine Mountains is an adventure of brutality and beauty exploring the limits of the mind and body. The boys cycled over 3,200km from blistering snowstorms to scorching deserts whilst ascending the equivalent of eight times the height of Everest. The film follows a never been done route with the aim to raise £100,000 towards men's mental health charity James' Place, an organisation set up to help men in suicidal crisis. + + Motorracing Promo + MotorRacing ! Sports - - Best Via Ferrata In The Dolomites Climbing Possnecker - Cris and Viv climb Piz Selva, a 2,941m mountain belonging to the Sella group, an iconic giant of the Dolomites.They start their hike from Passo Sella, and their chosen route was via Ferrata Possnecker (also called Ferrata delle Mesules), one of the oldest Via Ferratas in the Dolomites. + + Motorracing Promo 12 Sec + Info not available Sports - - The High Pass - Annapurna Circuit trek in central Nepal climbs to an altitude of 5,400m through Thorung La pass, one of the highest trekking passes in the world, below peaks that rise 6000-8000m in elevation from the Annapurna Range. We attempted to complete the trek in about 15 days starting mid-December, when the shoulder season promised much smaller crowds but with it a risk of deep snow that early winter can bring to the Pass. (Subtitles in French, Italian and English) + + GT4 European Series 2024 - Rd 3 Spa-Francorchamps - Race 1 + Full coverage from GT4 2024 European Series! Sports - - Climbing Skye's Highest Peak - Sgurr Alasdair - Cris and Viv decided to climb Sgurr Alasdair, the highest mountain on the island of Skye, located in an area of the mountain range known as Black Cullin. The main challenge they had in climbing the peak was the Great Stone Chute. A 300-meter slope of the harshest mountain terrain - scree. The summit of Sgurr Alasdair has unobstructed views of all of the Munroes in the Black Cullin, and also of one of Skye's most famous routes - The Cullin Ridge traverse. + + GT4 European Series 2024 - Rd 3 Spa-Francorchamps - Race 2 + Full coverage from GT4 2024 European Series! Sports - - Open Faces Obertauern 2024 - The 4*Freeride World Tour Challenger provides the big stage for the final decisions for qualification for the Freeride World Tour 2025. This international freeride contest is taking place in Obertauern for the first time and offers ideal conditions for this event with numerous freeride options. + + Pure Fun 1 + Pure Fun 1 Sports - - Open Faces 2024 Montafon - The Freeride Contest in Montafon (AUT) offers even more of the world's best freeriders who will be at the start of the 4* contest. The terrain surrounding "little Heimspitze" in the Silvretta-Montafon region will be the venue for this years Open Faces Freeride Contest in Vorarlberg. This 4* FWT qualifier offers riders 2500 point and a rich prize money for a victory. + + Transam TA2 2024 Rd 6 Pittsburgh International + The Trans Am Series presented by Pirelli is America’s Road Racing Series and dates back to 1966. Sports - - Skiing China, Exploring Altai Mountains - A quartet of champion skiers and snowboarders from Australia and the USA visit the unexplored Altai Frontier in China, now believed to be the place where skiing first developed, more than 10,000 years ago. They encounter the ancient culture of the region and explore the spectacular local slopes, using their own hi-tech equipment as well as the traditional skis manufactured by local craftsmen using age-old practices. The four visitors, Scott Kneller, Jari Hiatt, Halina Boyd and Harry Kearney, all of whom have world-beating careers in snowboarding, skiing and ski mountaineering, discover new challenges and new frontiers in China’s remote north-western province. + + Michelin Le Mans Cup 2024 Rd 3 Le Mans + Highlights from the 2024 Michelin Le Mans Cup Sports - - A Feather in the West - In September 2019, a team of talented Irish climbers [Chloe Condron, Kevin Kilroy, Michelle O'Loughlin and Conor McGovern] travelled to the small island of Owey to explore sea cliffs that local guidebook writer Iain Miller claims, have “enough new routing potential to last at least twelve lifetimes”. ‘A Feather in the West’ is a film about their trad climbing experiences and the relatively niche pursuit of first ascents, set on the Wild Atlantic Way, off the west coast of County Donegal. (Special thanks to Pertex) + + GT World Challenge Europe 2024 - Rd 3 Misano (Sprint) - Race 1 + Full coverage from the GT World Challenge Europe 2024 season! Sports - - Alone And Without A Guide On Mexico's Third Highest Mountain-Iztaccihuatl (Eng) - Being alone and without a guide in a summit attempt for the third highest mountain in Mexico was a dream. The climb is amazing. The ridge to Iztaccihuatl's summit feels endless, but the views of the surrounding valleys and Popocatepetl make the effort worth it. + + GT World Challenge Europe 2024 - Rd 3 Misano (Sprint) - Race 2 + Full coverage from the GT World Challenge Europe 2024 season! Sports - - Golden Trail World Series 2024 Race Recaps - Episode 4 Sierre Zinal & Tatra Sky Marathon (Eng) - The long-standing Sierre-Zinal in Switzerland is the fifth race of the season and is included in the European trip along with the sixth race, the Tatra Sky Marathon in Poland. The route from Sierre to Zinal is called "La Course des cinq 4 000" because along the route runners can admire views of 5 peaks over 4 000 m high. A first time race in Poland, the Tatra Sky Marathon is held on the Polish side of the Tatras in Kościelisko one week after Sierre Zinal. + + GT4_Nogaro_2022_Clip + HorizonSports ! Sports - - The First Second - Gediminas Grinius - Running with Gediminas means exploring the mental techniques he's continuously developing to both cope with pain and get on the podiums of the world's most difficult ultra-trails. Or how a Lithuanian veteran of the Iraq War turned weakness and trauma into personal progress by running with his mind! + + Grand Prix Insights 2024 - Episode 16 - Italian GP Preview + 2nd season for this new Fomula 1 magazine, showcasing all aspects of the number 1 motorsport, with a special focus on technical. Sports - - Salomon Community Run New Caledonia - Salomon Trail Runner Elite Vladimir Shatrov runs on one of the Worlds most challenging and brutal races. The New Caledonia Ultra Trail covers over 130km with 6500 meters of climbs across this stunning terrain. Follow the drama and hard lessons learned in this remote paradise. + + Motorracing Promo + MotorRacing ! Sports - - Golden Trail World Series 2024 Race Recaps - Episode 3 Mont-Blanc Marathon (Eng) - Fourth stop of Golden Trail World Series was held in Chamonix, France with the Mont Blanc Marathon, a 42km race with 2540 meters elevation gain. In this very tactical race, the battle between the leaders was fierce until the last kilometers. + + Michelin Le Mans Cup 2024 Rd 3 Le Mans + Highlights from the 2024 Michelin Le Mans Cup Sports - - Promo 1 Mtb Horizonsports 30 Sec - HorizonSports ! + + 24H Series 2024 - Rd 5 Misano 12 Hours + Long distance racing championship for GT and Touring cars Sports - - Horizonsports 3dlogo 9 Sec - Info not available + + TER Series 2024 - Rd 2 Rally Barbados + TER now has a World series, the series keeps expanding ! Sports - - The High - THE HIGH is a feature length documentary film about the making of the longest high altitude foot race in the world. The film follows the path of a group of extreme runners who individually decide to take part of a dangerous running experiment gone wrong. Indian race director Rajat Chauhan works against the advice of the military, his family and friends to create a race over the two highest passes in the world (above 17 500ft). The decline begins from the start, with runners collapsing from dehydration, hypothermia, and high-altitude sickness. And by its end finds the entire race in jeopardy and the prospect that no one finishes. Brought to life by archive footage, story recreations, and... + + Motorracing Very Short Promo + MotorRacing ! Sports - - Adamello Ultra Trail 2023 - 170 km - The Adamello Ultra-Trail® is a trail running race of 170 km in length and about 11,500 m of elevation gain, to be covered in semi-self-sufficiency, organized by the ASD Adamello Ultra-Trail in collaboration with the Union of the Upper Camonica Valley Municipalities. The maximum time allowed to finish the race is 53 hours. + + The UK Rally Show 2024 - Episode 5 + Rounding up everything rallying across the UK ! Sports - - Transvulcania 2024 - La Palma, the northernmost of the 8 Canary Islands welcomes since 2009 The Transvulcania Adidas Terrex Ultra Marathon. 2800 runners from all over the world compete in one of the four races, Half marathon, marathon, ultra marathon and vertical Km. + + Belgian Rally Championship 2024 Rd 6 : Ypres Rally + Coverage from the Belgian Rally Championship events. + Sports + + + Rallye Isla de los Volcanes 2024 + A gravel rally on the volcanic island of Lanzarote. Local Spanish drivers take it up against international WRC drivers. + Sports + + + Tour European Rally 2024 - Rd 3 Rally Lisboa + Coverage from the 2024 Tour European Rally season. + Sports + + + Eco Rallye Mallorca 2024 + Highlights from the 2024 Eco Rallye Mallorca + Sports + + + Monte Carlo Historic Rally 2024 + The most exclusive rally on the planet, with the most exclusive cars ! + Sports + + + Tour European Rally Historic 2024 - Rd 2 Rallye Antibes Côte d'Azur + Coverage from the 2024 Tour European Rally Historic season. + Sports + + + The UK Rally Show 2024 - Episode 4 + Rounding up everything rallying across the UK ! + Sports + + + Icelandic OffRoad 2024 - Egilsstadir + Precision is key in this off-road 4x4 series on extreme terrain in and around Iceland. + Sports + + + Icelandic OffRoad 2024 - Egilsstadir Part 2 + Precision is key in this off-road 4x4 series on extreme terrain in and around Iceland. + Sports + + + Motorracing Very Short Promo + MotorRacing ! + Sports + + + Australian V8 Superboats 2024 Rd 6 : Keith-Cabarita + Rallying-meets-sporting trials on water as a navigator guides his driver through narrow channels at barely believable speeds. Blink and you’ll miss it! + Sports + + + BTRDA Rallycross 2024 Rd 4 : Blyton Park + Exclusive highlights from the 2024 BTRDA Rallycross. + Sports + + + Powerboat USA Episode 4 : Lake of the Ozarks P1 Offshore Highlights + The very best from US Powerboat racing + Sports + + + Powerboat USA Episode 3 : Lake of the Ozarks Class One Highlights + The very best from US Powerboat racing + Sports + + + Icelandic OffRoad 2024 - Icelandic Formula Offroad Cup Rd 1 - Svinavatn + Precision is key in this off-road 4x4 series on extreme terrain in and around Iceland. + Sports + + + Australian V8 Superboats 2024 Rd 5 : Griffith + Rallying-meets-sporting trials on water as a navigator guides his driver through narrow channels at barely believable speeds. Blink and you’ll miss it! Sports @@ -46995,57 +60227,384 @@ A young privileged American attempts to make history at Everest by becoming one of the first ever foreign-born Porters to aid a Mt. Everest expedition. But in doing so, experiences a world far above his head. This is an inside look at the darker side of Everest. At the strength, pride and pain of those who support it. And at just how hard it is for a naive foreigner to attempt the same. This is the Porter. Sports - - Lejarraga vs. Metcalf | 2022 - Kerman Lejarraga (34-2) and British fighter James Metcalf (22-2) did battle at Bilbao Arena in Spain. + + Fastpacking the Tahoe Rim Trail + The Tahoe Rim Trail forms a complete loop 165 miles around the Lake Tahoe Basin on the border of California and Nevada. A thru-hike of the trail typically takes 10-15 days. My friend Adam and I had planned on fastpacking the trail over a 5 day period in late June of 2019. The only problem is that this happened to be a particularly high snow year, with snowpack in the Sierra Nevada range at over 200% of average, and 33 times the levels of the previous year. While we expected the snow to significantly slow us down, we were optimistic that we could complete the trail. But we never could have anticipated just how much of a challenge that would prove to be. Sports - - Garcia vs. Fortuna (2022) - The undefeated Ryan Garcia looked to return to the ring with a bang, as he faced Javier Fortuna in California. + + Hiking the West Coast Trail - BC's Most Iconic Backpacking Trail + The West Coast Trail is a 75 km point-to-point hiking trail along a remote stretch of the southwestern coast of Vancouver Island. Originally created in 1907 to help rescue shipwrecked survivors along the coast, it’s become one of BC's most popular long-distance trails, attracting nearly 7,000 visitors each year from all over the world. Sports - - MF & DAZN: X Series 001 - KSI vs. Pineda - Internet sensation KSI (1-0) was out for his second fight of the night, facing the Mexican Luis Pineda. + + The Abbots Way (Eng) + Michele, our backpacker friend, is again forced to travel inside his Italian borders during the Covid crisis. In this episode, he takes us on a wonderful walking tour on the Abbots Way, a 130 km walk from Bobbio in the Piacenza area to Pontremoli in Tuscany. With him we discover beautiful landscapes, historical cities and learn about the history of the Abbots Way. Sports - - Kyoguchi vs. Bermudez (2022) - Hiroto Kyoguchi fought Esteban Bermudez, who looked to seize his titles and undefeated record in Mexico. + + Ungrounded Episode 3 - Meredith Edwards + Meredith Edwards is an elite-level mountain ultra runner, with podium finishes at the Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc TDS race, the Javelina Jundred 100K and the Flagstaff Skyrace 55K. She is also a member of the U.S. Ski Mountaineering Team. In Episode 3, she reveals how in 2019 she fought an inner struggle with her body that almost resulted in a full blood transfusion-and came back from it to win one of the world’s most challenging Ultra Marathons. (English version with French, German, Italian and Spanish subtitles available) Sports - - MF & DAZN: X Series 002 - Swingler vs. Cherdlys - Get ready for more exciting action from the X-Series as Jay Swingler fought Cherdleys. + + Inside Desertus Bikus (Eng) + Josh partcipates to Desertus Bikus, an ultra cycling race that crosses Spain and Portugal starting in Hasparren in the Basque Country and finishing in Setubal Portugal. Josh is cycling during 1400 km across desert areas, villages, gravel tracks and asphalt roads. Sports - - The Lesson - S01 : E01 DAZN Originals: The Making Of Canelo - The Making of Canelo series looks at three iconic fights in the Mexican's career. + + Promo 1 Mtb Horizonsports 30 Sec + HorizonSports ! Sports - - The Rematch - S01 : E02 DAZN Originals: The Making Of Canelo - The Making of Canelo series looks at three iconic fights in the Mexican's career. + + Arctic Race Of Norway 2024 + The Arctic Race of Norway (ARN) is a four-day road race held every year in August in Northern Norway’s magnificent scenery. Created in 2013, the event has continuously developed and is now established as Scandinavia’s main international cycling event, and one of Norway’s most important sports events. Thanks to its high level of organizational, media and sporting performance, the event is part of the UCI ProSeries, the second highest division of cycling races. Each year, several Tour de France teams and some of the world’s greatest cycling stars participate in the ARN and fight for the race’s iconic prizes. One of the event’s fundamental values is to federate across geographical and... Sports - - The Knockout - S01 : E03 DAZN Originals: The Making Of Canelo - The Making of Canelo series looks at three iconic fights in the Mexican's career. + + Inside Atlas Mountain Race + The Atlas Mountain Race is a 1300 km fixed route, unsupported, single-stage ultra cycling race that starts in Marrakesh, crosses the Moroccan Atlas before taking riders through the Anti-Atlas and on to Essaouira. The clock does not stop and there are no prizes. It follows gravel, single and double track and old colonial pistes that have long been forgotten and fallen into disrepair. There is very little tarmac. We follow Josh during his adventure and suffering on this ultra cycling challenge. Sports - - Lejarraga vs. Metcalf | 2022 - Kerman Lejarraga (34-2) and British fighter James Metcalf (22-2) did battle at Bilbao Arena in Spain. + + Mental Miles - The Film + Through the eyes and team of Australian cycling journalist and author Rupert Guinness, the Virtual Race Across America delivers over 4,500km’s and 73,000 mtrs of climbing in World’s First & Largest Virtual Ultra Cycling Event, VRAAM. Come on a journey like never before, witnessing the highs and lows of taking on such an incredible challenge on a stationery bike. 20 hours a day for 12 days straight, Rupert will be joined by riders from over 30 countries who will also tackle VRAAM from the relative comfort of their living rooms, garages and pain caves. Why do this? Quite simply to give people hope all over the world in extraordinary times. Sports - - Kyoguchi vs. Bermudez (2022) - Hiroto Kyoguchi fought Esteban Bermudez, who looked to seize his titles and undefeated record in Mexico. + + Horizonsports 2021 - Promo + HorizonSports ! + Sports + + + More Than Miles + More than Miles - A journey across America. Race Across America (RAAM) is the world's toughest bicycle race. Competitors challenge themselves and their support crews from the West to East Coast of the USA in a non stop 3089 mile journey. In this film we follow the teams that comprise 4 riders as they race in a relay format in the quest for glory. + Sports + + + Cycling home from China + Josh spent 4 months self filming his bike trip home from the Giant bike factory in Shanghai. During his 15 000 km trip between Shanghai China and Newcastle UK, he crossed 19 countries. A fantastic human adventure and a unique bike trip ! + Sports + + + Mediterranean Epic 2024 (Eng) + The Mediterranean Epic offers an UCI 4 stage race where mountain bikers enjoy mountain biking to the fullest during the route around Oropesa del Mar – Castellón (Spain). The race leads through spectacular Mediterranean mild weather and routes with a perfect combination of sea and mountain! + Sports + + + Promo 2 Running Horizonsports 30 Sec + HorizonSports ! + Sports + + + Preparing to Give - The Film + Journalist & best-selling author, turned ultra-endurance cyclist, Rupert Guinness embarks on his final training camp (commonly known as "Hell Week") in preparation for the world's toughest bike race: Race Across America (RAAM) 2022 with Crew Chief and friend Nathan Roderick Carter. The adventure starts with Revolve24; a 24-hour race in South Australia, before using the 24-hour event fatigue loading to hit the open roads of southern Australia, along the Great Ocean Road, and finishing with a twist at the peak of Falls Creek in the snowy region of Victoria, Australia. The story is an insight to the training camp showcasing determination, humanity, friendship, vulnerability, isolation on the... + Sports + + + Desafio Beijing By Vuelta 2024 + Welcome to the second annual Desafio Beijing by La Vuelta in the northern district of Changping, where the city hits the mountains. Desafio Beijing by La Vuelta is more than just a single race. It's a small festival of cycling in this historic district in the north of China's capital with number of races for men and women and a family fun ride. + Sports + + + Qatar Airways GKA Kite-Surf World Cup 2024 Germany + The mid-point stop of the kite-surf discipline on the Qatar Airways GKA Kite World Tour lands in Sylt, Germany. It comes shortly after the conclusion of the event at Hood River, USA. The rugged North Sea coastline of Sylt provides a vastly different stage, presenting unique challenges that are very distinct from the setting of Hood River. The Defender GKA Kite World Cup Sylt is featuring two disciplines - Kite-Surf and Hydrofoil Big Air. At this event for the first time ever the GKA Hydrofoil Big Air European Champion are crowned. Sylt is Germany’s fourth largest and most northern island. It is famed for its nature reserve, untamed beauty and 40kms of sandy beaches, making it a perfect... + Sports + + + Vanora ENGADINWIND 2024 + The Vanora ENGADINWIND 2024 gathers once again the world class of Windsurfer and Wingfoiler competing at the Lake Silvaplana in the Engadine, Switzerland. The event has developed into the world's most important and largest foil event. Furthermore, it is the place to be for the U23 World Championships in the iQ FOiL windsurfing category. Also, 150 windsurfers, kite-surfers and wingfoilers from 35 different nations honor tradition and take part in the 47th edition of the Engadin Surf & Kite marathon on Lake Silvaplana. Le Vanora ENGADINWIND 2024 rassemble une fois de plus la classe mondiale des Windsurfer et Wingfoiler concourant au lac Silvaplana en Engadine, en Suisse. + Sports + + + Ungrounded Episode 3 - Meredith Edwards + Meredith Edwards is an elite-level mountain ultra runner, with podium finishes at the Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc TDS race, the Javelina Jundred 100K and the Flagstaff Skyrace 55K. She is also a member of the U.S. Ski Mountaineering Team. In Episode 3, she reveals how in 2019 she fought an inner struggle with her body that almost resulted in a full blood transfusion-and came back from it to win one of the world’s most challenging Ultra Marathons. (English version with French, German, Italian and Spanish subtitles available) + Sports + + + Qatar Airways GKA Kite Park League World Championships 2024 + The moment many people have been waiting for is finally there. One of the greatest kite events. While there are many great kiteboarding locations around the globe, perhaps one of the most historical and elusive is that of Hood River, Oregon, the birthplace of park riding and the pinnacle force that sustains its continuation. The event crowns the year's Qatar Airways GKA Kite Park League World Champions 2024 in both men’s and women’s divisions. + Sports + + + Kite Masters 2024 Episode 1 + With Cagliari being considered as one of the best places for high-flying on-water action, it was only fitting for some elite up-and-coming competitors to finish off the 2023 season attending an event with innovative format that promotes sailing of the future and consolidates Cagliari and Sardinia as the capital of sailing. The 2024 season kicked off from Mar Menor, Spain, as this was the host of the 2024 Formula Kite Open European Championship. + Sports + + + One Water Race 2023 - The Film + One Water Race is an endurance race based on Running, Swimming and Orienteering. 7 mixed teams of 7 athletes have to cross the Stockholm-Sweden archipelago from North to South in a non-stop 250 km race with 200 km of running and 50 km of swimming. They have to completely handle their navigation including in the darkness. + Sports + + + GWA Big Air Wingfoil World Championships Gran Canaria 2024 + The GWA Wingfoil World Tour returns once again to Gran Canaria. The world’s top wingfoil athletes will battle for glory at the one-stop Big Air world championships which return to the Spanish island of Gran Canaria for the second straight year after the spectacular discipline debuted there 12 months ago. + Sports + + + GKA Qatar Airways Big Air Kite World Championships Gran Canaria 2024 + The GKA Big Air Kite World Championships is to debut at the notoriously windy spot of Salinas de Tenefé for the second and closing call, where the world champions in the twin-tip discipline will be crowned. + Sports + + + Birna. The Woman Who Swims In Ice + Icelandic ice swimmer Birna Hrönn swims in freezing lakes and seas of Iceland and swimming - without the use of a wetsuit - distances that would seem impossible. We follow Birna as she explores new places to swim and recounts her life, her love of the outdoors and her devotion to the sport of ice swimming. With comments by Ram Barkai, Chairman of the International Ice Swimming Association, on the effects of cold water immersion on the human body, the film shows that nothing is impossible. + Sports + + + GWA Wingfoil World Cup 2024 – Tarifa Spain (Eng) + The 2024 season of the GWA Wingfoil World Tour had its second stop at Tarifa, Spain. What better place than the iconic location of Tarifa, Spain to host the GWA Wingfoil World Cup. Perfect poniente wind conditions for the competition and great skills were to be seen on the water. + Sports + + + Lords of Tram GKA Big-Air Kite World Cup 2024 - Barcarès France + The first Twin-Tip Big-Air Kite event of the Qatar Airways GKA Kite World Tour 2024 takes place in Barcarès, France. The sixth edition of the Lords of Tram sees 24 men and 12 women compete in the opening round of the GKA Big-Air Kite World Championship title race. The event is named after the famously strong Tramontana winds that blow down from the Pyrenees over the shallow waters of the Barcarès lagoon. + Sports + + + GWA Wingfoil World Cup Cape Verde 2024 (Eng) + The legendary waves of Cape Verde are set to be the stage for the opening round of the Wave discipline on the GWA Wingfoil World Tour, kick-starting the 2024 season. Reigning GWA Wave world champions, Cape Verde’s Wesley Brito and the US’s Moona Whyte, are slated to open the defence of the titles they clinched in the ground-breaking discipline’s first year in 2023. + Sports + + + 3d Logo Short 25fps + Info not available + Sports + + + GKA Kite-Surf World Cup Cape Verde 2024 (Eng) + The Qatar Airways GKA Kite World Tour is excited to return to the Cape Verdean island of Sal to kick off the 2024 season with the Kite-Surf discipline. Cape Verde is one of the best wave locations in the world and has been hosting numerous historical events over a number of years. + Sports + + + Kite Masters 2023 - Episode 6 + Following the exhilarating event in Cagliari, the grand finale of the 2023 KiteFoil World Series unfolded in Zhuhai, China. Drawing top international riders from around the globe, the Lakewood Hills KiteFoil World Series China became the epicenter of anticipation. Riders ventured to Zhuhai, fueled by the prospect of fierce competition in this dynamic venue. Throughout 2023, Kite Masters continued to showcase the epitome of kiteboarding excellence on your TV screens. The sport's evolution is evident with each passing year, mirrored by the advancing skills of the riders. In our coverage, we witnessed the next generation of exceptionally talented athletes, capturing the thrilling moments... + Sports + + + All The Way (Eng) + From award-winning documentary filmmaker Carl Eneroth at Sthlm Social Innovation Lab comes "All the Way". A heart-pounding, intimate and mind expanding portrait of Swimrun team Pontus Lindberg and George Bjälkemo, as they prepare for their ultimate challenge… winning the 75 km ÖtillÖ Swimrun World Championships in the Stockholm archipelago… in trail shoes and a wetsuit. + Sports + + + Moana Waiwai - The Film + Moana Waiwai or The Great Ocean in Maori, is about the FreeSwim journey of wahine (woman) Ally Davey as she swims 70km of open ocean around the stunning Coromandel coastline over three days to raise awareness for the protection of New Zealand's oceans. It does more than encapsulate stunning vistas and highlight the extraordinary New Zealand environment. It inspires people to be aware of the natural beauty that surrounds them. + Sports + + + Best Via Ferrata in the Julian Alps (Eng) + Just about an hour's drive from Ljubljana airport, Prisojnik, or Prisank as it's also called is a beautiful 2,547m mountain in Slovenia's Julian Alps. This one-day via Ferrata route is a must-do since it presents an excellent hiking and climbing challenge, but also offers all of the views you'd even want. To get to its summit Cris and Viv hiked, scrambled, climbed, and even crawled on their stomachs at points, but the views in the end and the feeling of satisfaction that came after made it all worthwhile. + Sports + + + Promo 1 Mtb Horizonsports 30 Sec + HorizonSports ! + Sports + + + Tisa with Edita Vopatova + Climbing instructor Edita Vopatova explains the climbing area she nows very well nearby the village of Tisa in the North of Bohemia in Czech Republic. The area is a paradise for climbers with lots of rocks between 20 and 30 meter high. Edita climbs the Heuréka route on a Great Tisa Rock and the Doga Tower. + Sports + + + Krkavka with Vojta Trojan + Pro climber Vojta Trojan climbs and explains the difficulties of some climbing route in the area of Krkavka near Zelezny in Czech Republic. This area has some of the best climbing spots with difficult routes between 6 and 9a. Celebrity Adam Ondra has climbed here several times. + Sports + + + Ungrounded Episode 1 - Caroline Gleich + Caroline Gleich, a world class ski mountaineer, summited Mt. Everest last spring as part of her #ClimbForEquality campaign to raise awareness for gender equality. In Episode 1, Gleich overcomes her own struggle after tearing her ACL to rise to the top for all women. (English version with French, Italian, German and Spanish subtitles available) + Sports + + + LAAX Highline World Championships 2024 (Eng) + The World Championships in highlining took place in Laax, Switzerland at the legendary GALAAXY on the summit of Crap Sogn Gion. About 42 athletes (16 females / 26 males) compete in the disciplines of Freestyle and Speed Highline. + Sports + + + Margalef - Climbing + Margalef is a little village next to the Monsant river, in Catalunya. The most amazing rocks in Europe and hundreds routes for climbing. Pure fun and climbing in this little entertaining film. + Sports + + + Summiting Mt Sneffels in Colorado (Eng) + Mount Sneffels is a prominent mountain near Ouray, Colorado in the United States which is over 14,000 feet high, more than 4,300 metres. Audree had never climbed a 14er, so we decided to try reach its summit while on a road trip through Colorado in late-July. + Sports + + + Aussie 8 + Aussie 8 is the adventure of 3 friends who decided to climb the 8 tallest mountains in 8 Australian states in 8 days. To make this possible, they had to put together and respect a very strict timing and logistic organisation. + Sports + + + Nadelhorn Via Normal Route - The Best Alpine Experience + Cris and Viv are hiking to the summit of Nadelhorn (4,327 m), which lies in the Mischabel group in Switzerland. We follow their adventure from the village of Saas-Fee to the Mischabel Hut, a mountain hut that lies at an elevation of 3,340 meters and that has beautiful views of Lenzspitze, Dom, Nadelhorn, Weissmies, and many other 4000-meter peaks. And finally after having crossed the Hohbalmgletscher, they go over the North-East ridge to get to the summit of Nadelhorn which offers superb views of the Alps and their summits such as the Weisshorn and the famous Matterhorn. + Sports + + + Nine Mountains + The journey of two cyclists (Leo Russell & George Stagg) on a mission to climb the 9 most challenging and notorious mountains in Europe. From Austria To Spain, Nine Mountains is an adventure of brutality and beauty exploring the limits of the mind and body. The boys cycled over 3,200km from blistering snowstorms to scorching deserts whilst ascending the equivalent of eight times the height of Everest. The film follows a never been done route with the aim to raise £100,000 towards men's mental health charity James' Place, an organisation set up to help men in suicidal crisis. + Sports + + + Best Via Ferrata In The Dolomites Climbing Possnecker + Cris and Viv climb Piz Selva, a 2,941m mountain belonging to the Sella group, an iconic giant of the Dolomites.They start their hike from Passo Sella, and their chosen route was via Ferrata Possnecker (also called Ferrata delle Mesules), one of the oldest Via Ferratas in the Dolomites. + Sports + + + The High Pass + Annapurna Circuit trek in central Nepal climbs to an altitude of 5,400m through Thorung La pass, one of the highest trekking passes in the world, below peaks that rise 6000-8000m in elevation from the Annapurna Range. We attempted to complete the trek in about 15 days starting mid-December, when the shoulder season promised much smaller crowds but with it a risk of deep snow that early winter can bring to the Pass. (Subtitles in French, Italian and English) + Sports + + + Climbing Skye's Highest Peak - Sgurr Alasdair + Cris and Viv decided to climb Sgurr Alasdair, the highest mountain on the island of Skye, located in an area of the mountain range known as Black Cullin. The main challenge they had in climbing the peak was the Great Stone Chute. A 300-meter slope of the harshest mountain terrain - scree. The summit of Sgurr Alasdair has unobstructed views of all of the Munroes in the Black Cullin, and also of one of Skye's most famous routes - The Cullin Ridge traverse. + Sports + + + Open Faces Obertauern 2024 + The 4*Freeride World Tour Challenger provides the big stage for the final decisions for qualification for the Freeride World Tour 2025. This international freeride contest is taking place in Obertauern for the first time and offers ideal conditions for this event with numerous freeride options. + Sports + + + Open Faces 2024 Montafon + The Freeride Contest in Montafon (AUT) offers even more of the world's best freeriders who will be at the start of the 4* contest. The terrain surrounding "little Heimspitze" in the Silvretta-Montafon region will be the venue for this years Open Faces Freeride Contest in Vorarlberg. This 4* FWT qualifier offers riders 2500 point and a rich prize money for a victory. + Sports + + + Skiing China, Exploring Altai Mountains + A quartet of champion skiers and snowboarders from Australia and the USA visit the unexplored Altai Frontier in China, now believed to be the place where skiing first developed, more than 10,000 years ago. They encounter the ancient culture of the region and explore the spectacular local slopes, using their own hi-tech equipment as well as the traditional skis manufactured by local craftsmen using age-old practices. The four visitors, Scott Kneller, Jari Hiatt, Halina Boyd and Harry Kearney, all of whom have world-beating careers in snowboarding, skiing and ski mountaineering, discover new challenges and new frontiers in China’s remote north-western province. + Sports + + + A Feather in the West + In September 2019, a team of talented Irish climbers [Chloe Condron, Kevin Kilroy, Michelle O'Loughlin and Conor McGovern] travelled to the small island of Owey to explore sea cliffs that local guidebook writer Iain Miller claims, have “enough new routing potential to last at least twelve lifetimes”. ‘A Feather in the West’ is a film about their trad climbing experiences and the relatively niche pursuit of first ascents, set on the Wild Atlantic Way, off the west coast of County Donegal. (Special thanks to Pertex) + Sports + + + Alone And Without A Guide On Mexico's Third Highest Mountain-Iztaccihuatl (Eng) + Being alone and without a guide in a summit attempt for the third highest mountain in Mexico was a dream. The climb is amazing. The ridge to Iztaccihuatl's summit feels endless, but the views of the surrounding valleys and Popocatepetl make the effort worth it. + Sports + + + Golden Trail World Series 2024 Race Recaps - Episode 4 Sierre Zinal & Tatra Sky Marathon (Eng) + The long-standing Sierre-Zinal in Switzerland is the fifth race of the season and is included in the European trip along with the sixth race, the Tatra Sky Marathon in Poland. The route from Sierre to Zinal is called "La Course des cinq 4 000" because along the route runners can admire views of 5 peaks over 4 000 m high. A first time race in Poland, the Tatra Sky Marathon is held on the Polish side of the Tatras in Kościelisko one week after Sierre Zinal. + Sports + + + The First Second - Gediminas Grinius + Running with Gediminas means exploring the mental techniques he's continuously developing to both cope with pain and get on the podiums of the world's most difficult ultra-trails. Or how a Lithuanian veteran of the Iraq War turned weakness and trauma into personal progress by running with his mind! + Sports + + + Salomon Community Run New Caledonia + Salomon Trail Runner Elite Vladimir Shatrov runs on one of the Worlds most challenging and brutal races. The New Caledonia Ultra Trail covers over 130km with 6500 meters of climbs across this stunning terrain. Follow the drama and hard lessons learned in this remote paradise. + Sports + + + Golden Trail World Series 2024 Race Recaps - Episode 3 Mont-Blanc Marathon (Eng) + Fourth stop of Golden Trail World Series was held in Chamonix, France with the Mont Blanc Marathon, a 42km race with 2540 meters elevation gain. In this very tactical race, the battle between the leaders was fierce until the last kilometers. + Sports + + + Promo 1 Mtb Horizonsports 30 Sec + HorizonSports ! + Sports + + + Horizonsports 3dlogo 9 Sec + Info not available + Sports + + + The High + THE HIGH is a feature length documentary film about the making of the longest high altitude foot race in the world. The film follows the path of a group of extreme runners who individually decide to take part of a dangerous running experiment gone wrong. Indian race director Rajat Chauhan works against the advice of the military, his family and friends to create a race over the two highest passes in the world (above 17 500ft). The decline begins from the start, with runners collapsing from dehydration, hypothermia, and high-altitude sickness. And by its end finds the entire race in jeopardy and the prospect that no one finishes. Brought to life by archive footage, story recreations, and... + Sports + + + Adamello Ultra Trail 2023 - 170 km + The Adamello Ultra-Trail® is a trail running race of 170 km in length and about 11,500 m of elevation gain, to be covered in semi-self-sufficiency, organized by the ASD Adamello Ultra-Trail in collaboration with the Union of the Upper Camonica Valley Municipalities. The maximum time allowed to finish the race is 53 hours. + Sports + + + Transvulcania 2024 + La Palma, the northernmost of the 8 Canary Islands welcomes since 2009 The Transvulcania Adidas Terrex Ultra Marathon. 2800 runners from all over the world compete in one of the four races, Half marathon, marathon, ultra marathon and vertical Km. + Sports + + + Golden Trail World Series 2024 Race Recaps - Episode 2 Zegama + The Zegama-Aizkorri marathon is the third race of the Golden Trail World Series. Zegama is in the northern end of the Pyrenees and It has its own language and unique culture. The race is one of the most popular in the world because of the insane crowd. Fans of trail running come every year on the famous part of the race from Sancti Spiritu segment to the Aizkorri summit to support and cheer on the runners. The race’s distance is 42 km with 2736 meters of accumulated height gain. + Sports + + + X-out Montenegro + X-out Montenegro is part of the Xtri World Tour. Athletes starts with a 1.7 km open-water course. The race is started by the Xekutioner, a formidable figure who will be responsible for future eliminations. 15% of athletes will be eliminated by the Xekutioner, intensifying the competition. Eliminated athletes are given a time penatly and can then try to catch “The Splitter” to ovetake backmarkers and get back in the race! Then a tough and demanding 40 km asphalt cycle which climbs the famous serpentine above Kotor. Designed to test endurance to the max. Another 15% of athletes are eliminated by the Xekutioner here, ensuring only the toughest stay. Finally 6.5 km of downhill trail running... + Sports + + + Trail Menorca Cami De Cavalls 2024 + Can you imagine waking up, preparing your backpack, putting on your trainers and running 185 km around the Island of Menorca, with a cumulative elevation gain of 3,500 metres? This is the what awaits you in the Trail Menorca Camí de Cavalls, one of the longest Trail races in Europe and one of the most attractive challenges you can face today. If you prefer you can run shorter distances as there are 5 other races (27, 45, 58, 85 and 100 km) + Sports + + + Promo 2 Running Horizonsports 30 Sec + HorizonSports ! + Sports + + + Trans Sahara Marathon 2024 + The Trans Sahara Marathon. Set against the breathtaking backdrop of the Sahara Desert, this epic race, held in March 2024, challenges runners to traverse 150 kilometers across four grueling stages of unforgiving terrain. Drawing the world's top athletes from every corner of the globe, the Trans Sahara Marathon is more than just a race; it's a testament to the boundless limits of human potential and the relentless pursuit of greatness. + Sports + + + Cavaioni Bologna Hike + Hike eat hike from the city of Bologna, Italy to the Cavaioni park in the wild hills south of the city . Its a wonderful and eventful 15km round trip hike with a 500 meter climb.... Une randonnée depuis la ville de Bologne, en Italie, jusqu'au parc Cavaioni dans les collines sauvages au sud de la ville. C'est une randonnée merveilleuse et mouvementée de 15 km aller-retour avec 500 mètres de dénivelé positif. Escursione dalla città di Bologna, Italia, al parco Cavaioni nelle selvagge colline a sud della città. È una meravigliosa e movimentata escursione di andata e ritorno di 15 km con una salita di 500 metri.... + Sports + + + The First Second - Lucy-bartholomew + Lucy is not like other athletes! Smiling, she is almost the opposite of the ultratraileur focused on his fight against himself. She speaks little of the extreme difficulty of the races and her already strong presence on the podiums. On the contrary, Lucy lets out a positive and joyful temperament ... (English version with subtitles in French, Italian, German and Spanish) + Sports + + + Defy The Impossible + The iron distance, the ultimate test of human physical endurance. From fifteen brave souls in nineteen seventy eight, to now more than seventy thousand each year. A three point eight kilometre swim, one hundred and eighty kilometre bike and a marathon, back to back. But there are two marks which remain beyond the scope of what a human can physically do : Breaking through the barrier sub 7 hours (Men) and sub 8 hours (Women). The Sub7/Sub8 Project organized by the Pho3nix Foundation was an ambitious endeavor to push the limits of human endurance. Four elite triathletes—Blummenfelt, Joe Skipper, Kat Matthews and Nicola Spririg—set out to clock times never seen before at the Ironman... + Sports + + + Horizonsports 2021 - Promo + HorizonSports ! + Sports + + + Nepal - The Other Side of Things + A unique spiritual voyage among the giant Himalayan mountains of Everest and Annapurna along ancient paths and across rivers, capturing the local beliefs to discover the marvels of an ancient mountain people in order to understand the meaning of self. + Sports + + + Inside my borders - Sicily (Eng) + Michele, our backpacker friend, is forced to travel inside his Italian borders due to the travel restrictions following the Covid crisis. This time no biking but a long walk across Sicily on the Magna Via Francigena from Palermo to Agrigento, an ancient road already used by the Romans as early as in the 2nd century BC. This is a 187 km walk divided into 9 stages. All along the way, Michele enjoys gorgeous natural scenery, lots of hills and climbs, prehistoric sites, beautiful villages such as the famous Corleone, Prizzi, Sutera and several others. He will also have the pleasure to taste the famous Cannoli and several other gastronomic Sicilian specialties. + Sports + + + Twenty-one Twelve + Katie Visco challenges herself to complete a first ever bike supported 2,112 mile run across Australia and documents all the fun and grueling moments in a first release of Twenty One Twelve. The epic adventure starts in Darwin and ends in Adelaide, 119 days later…… + Sports + + + Georgia on my bike - Part 1 (Eng) + Il primo episodio del favoloso giro in bicicletta di Mike Sanna attraverso le montagne del Caucasus in Georgia, a partire dall'antica chiesa della Trinità nel nord del paese a Gergeti e attraverso Kazbegi, dirigendosi a sud attraverso il selvaggio e bellissimo entroterra georgiano The first episode of Mike Sanna's fabulous bike packing ride through the Caucasus mountains of Georgia starting with the ancient church of the Trinity in the north of the country in Gergeti, and through Kazbegi, heading south through the wild and beautiful Georgian outback + Sports + + + Georgia on my bike - Part 2 (Eng) + Michele Sanna continues his cycling journey through Georgia. With him we discover many natural and historical sites such as the monastery of Puzdnari, the wine-growing and mountainous region of Tianeti or the national park of Vashlovani. Michele Sanna continua il suo viaggio in bicicletta attraverso la Georgia. Con lui scopriamo molti siti naturali e storici come il monastero di Puzdnari, la regione vinicola e montuosa di Tianeti o il parco nazionale di Vashlovani. + Sports + + + Georgia on my bike - Part 3 (Eng) + Michele continues his journey through Georgia. He must now cross the whole country from east to west to reach the Black Sea, the ultimate goal of his trip. He visits many historical sites such as the David Gareja Monastery, the troglodyte city of Vardzia or the castle of Akhaltsikhe. His journey takes place in the middle of impressive natural settings such as the colorful mountains or Lake Paravani. Michele continua il suo viaggio attraverso la Georgia. Ora deve attraversare l'intero paese da est a ovest per raggiungere il Mar Nero, la meta finale del suo viaggio. Visita molti siti storici come il monastero di David Gareja, la città troglodita di Vardzia o il castello di Akhaltsikhe. Il... Sports @@ -47366,49 +60925,123 @@ Two of boxing’s biggest names finally met in the ring, as Floyd Mayweather Jr. challenged Oscar De La Hoya. Sports - - 2024 U.S. Women's Open Presented by Ally Highlights: Down the Stretch From Lancaster Country Club - The 2024 U.S. Women's Open at Lancaster Country Club did not disappoint. Yuka Saso pushed to the top of the leader board posting a 2-under 68 and held off the field to secure her second career major. + + Mayweather vs. Cotto (2012) + Two of the greatest fighters of their generation collided as Miguel Cotto took on Floyd Mayweather Jr. Sports - - Yuka Saso's 2024 U.S. Women's Open Victory at Lancaster Country Club | Every Televised Shot - With a total score of 276 (68-71-69-68) Yuka Saso dominated the field in all four rounds of her 2024 U.S. Women's Open victory at Lancaster Country Club. Here's every televised shot from Saso's amazing championship. + + Mayweather Jr. vs. Marquez (2009) + Returning to the ring following his masterclass against Ricky Hatton, Floyd Mayweather was back. Sports - - 2024 U.S. Open Highlights: Round 1, Extended Action - Rory McIlroy and Patrick Cantlay set the pace on Day 1 at Pinehurst No. 2, while contenders like Bryson DeChambeau and Ludvig Åberg weren't far behind. Watch all the latest highlights from Pinehurst. + + Garcia vs. Lopez (2019) + Puerto Rico's Jose Lopez took on Ryan Garcia in Indio, California back in March 2019. Sports - - 2024 U.S. Open Highlights: Round 2, Extended Action - Ludvig Åberg set the pace during round 2 at Pinehurst No. 2 and has the 36-hole solo-lead at 5-under, with contenders Bryson DeChambeau, Rory McIlroy, and Tony Finau right behind him. Watch all the latest highlights from Pinehurst No. 2. + + Garcia vs. Fonseca (2020) + Ryan Garcia took to the ring on Valentine's Day hoping to break the heart of his opponent Francisco Fonseca. Sports - - 2024 U.S. Open Highlights: Round 3, Extended Action - Bryson DeChambeau set the pace on Day 3 of the 124th U.S. Open, while contenders like Rory McIlroy, Patrick Cantlay, and Matthieu Pavon weren't far behind. Watch all the latest highlights from Pinehurst. + + The Garden + S01 : E01 DAZN Originals: The Making Of GGG + Fighting for the first time in New York City, Gennadiy Golovkin came face-to-face with Gabriel Rosado. Sports - - 2024 U.S. Open Highlights: Down the Stretch at Pinehurst No. 2 - Bryson DeChambeau has done it again! He fought off Rory McIlroy and the field to secure his second U.S. Open Championship. Watch the extended highlights to relive the thrilling win! + + Mayweather vs. De La Hoya (2007) + Two of boxing’s biggest names finally met in the ring, as Floyd Mayweather Jr. challenged Oscar De La Hoya. Sports - - Bryson DeChambeau 2024 U.S. Open Victory at Pinehurst No. 2 | Every Televised Shot - With a total score of 274 (67-69-67-71) Bryson DeChambeau held off Rory McIlroy and the field in all four rounds of his 2024 U.S. Open victory at Pinehurst No. 2. Here's every televised shot from DeChambeau's amazing championship. + + Mayweather Jr. vs. Marquez (2009) + Returning to the ring following his masterclass against Ricky Hatton, Floyd Mayweather was back. Sports - - My U.S. Open Playlist - My U.S. Open Stories + + Garcia vs. Fonseca (2020) + Ryan Garcia took to the ring on Valentine's Day hoping to break the heart of his opponent Francisco Fonseca. Sports - - 2024 U.S. Senior Open Highlights: Round 2, Extended Action - The field at the 44th U.S. Senior Open battled to move up the leader board as the weekend approaches at Newport Country Club. Watch as Steve Stricker, Hiroyuki Fujita, and Richard Green lead the charge heading into Saturday. + + The Punch + S01 : E02 DAZN Originals: The Making Of GGG + As one of the most-avoided fighters, GGG had to bide his time to take on a genuine middleweight contender. + Sports + + + KSI vs. Logan Paul II (2019) + YouTube megastars KSI and Logan Paul collided in a much-anticipated rematch. + Sports + + + Mayweather vs. Canelo (2013) + Saul ‘Canelo’ Alvarez was aiming to do what 44 other fighters had failed to do - defeat Floyd Mayweather Jr. + Sports + + + Mayweather vs. Hatton (2007) + Floyd Mayweather Jr. returned to welterweight to go up against Britain’s Ricky Hatton. + Sports + + + De La Hoya vs. Pacquiao (2008) + Oscar De La Hoya brings the curtain down on his illustrious career against superstar Manny Pacquiao. + Sports + + + De La Hoya vs. Hopkins (2004) + Oscar De La Hoya and Bernard ‘The Executioner’ Hopkins fought to become undisputed middleweight champion. + Sports + + + The Punch + S01 : E02 DAZN Originals: The Making Of GGG + As one of the most-avoided fighters, GGG had to bide his time to take on a genuine middleweight contender. + Sports + + + KSI vs. Logan Paul II (2019) + YouTube megastars KSI and Logan Paul collided in a much-anticipated rematch. + Sports + + + Mayweather vs. Canelo (2013) + Saul ‘Canelo’ Alvarez was aiming to do what 44 other fighters had failed to do - defeat Floyd Mayweather Jr. + Sports + + + Mayweather vs. Hatton (2007) + Floyd Mayweather Jr. returned to welterweight to go up against Britain’s Ricky Hatton. + Sports + + + De La Hoya vs. Pacquiao (2008) + Oscar De La Hoya brings the curtain down on his illustrious career against superstar Manny Pacquiao. + Sports + + + De La Hoya vs. Hopkins (2004) + Oscar De La Hoya and Bernard ‘The Executioner’ Hopkins fought to become undisputed middleweight champion. + Sports + + + The Punch + S01 : E02 DAZN Originals: The Making Of GGG + As one of the most-avoided fighters, GGG had to bide his time to take on a genuine middleweight contender. + Sports + + + KSI vs. Logan Paul II (2019) + YouTube megastars KSI and Logan Paul collided in a much-anticipated rematch. + Sports + + + Mayweather vs. Canelo (2013) + Saul ‘Canelo’ Alvarez was aiming to do what 44 other fighters had failed to do - defeat Floyd Mayweather Jr. Sports @@ -47676,44 +61309,139 @@ The final round of the 44th U.S. Senior Open at Newport Country Club did not disappoint. Richard Brand outlasted Hiroyuki Fujita in a 4-hole playoff to be crowned champion of the 2024 U.S. Senior Open. Watch all the final round highlights here! Sports - - World Poker Tour - Professional poker action from a series of international tournaments. + + 2024 U.S. Senior Open Playoff: Richard Bland and Hiroyuki Fujita Duel at Newport C.C. | Full Broadcast + Richard Bland and Hiroyuki Fujita battled head-to-head during the 2024 U.S. Senior Open at Newport Country Club. Both were tied at the end of the final round, and they remained closely matched through three playoff holes. Sports - - World Poker Tour - "WPT" stops in Las Vegas, Nev. for a special edition of the "Theta Network WPT Cash Game." + + Richard Bland 2024 U.S. Senior Open Victory at Newport Country Club | Every Televised Shot + After four playoff holes and a total score of 267 (68-64-69-66) Richard Bland held off Hiroyuki Fujita and the field at the 2024 U.S. Senior Open played at Newport Country Club. Sports - - World Poker Tour - A high stakes poker game. + + 2024 U.S. Adaptive Open Playlist + 2024 U.S. Adaptive Open Playlist Sports - - World Poker Tour - Four-time WPT Champion Darren Elias sits alongside Ben Lamb, Bill Perkins, Lynne Ji, and Alex Ding as players compete in a high-stakes poker game. + + 2024 U.S. Senior Women's Open Playlist + 2024 U.S. Senior Women's Open Playlist Sports - - World Poker Tour - The final leg of a high-stakes game. + + 2024 U.S. Senior Open Highlights: Round 1, Extended Action + The 2024 U.S. Senior Open got underway Thursday at Newport Country Club. Richard Green and Hiroyuki Fujita led the way, both shooting rounds of 7-under 63. See who is best positioned heading into the second round! Sports - - World Poker Tour - High-stakes cash game action is in season, with three WPT champions Dan Weinman, Ema Zajmovic and Frank Stepuchin contending for every pot. + + 2024 U.S. Senior Open Highlights: Round 2, Extended Action + The field at the 44th U.S. Senior Open battled to move up the leader board as the weekend approaches at Newport Country Club. Watch as Steve Stricker, Hiroyuki Fujita, and Richard Green lead the charge heading into Saturday. Sports - - World Poker Tour - Things are heating up with over $100,000 on the table plus prop bet action galore. + + 2024 U.S. Senior Open Highlights: Round 3, Extended Action + Hiroyuki Fujita of Japan stands at the top of the leaderboard after round 3 of the 44th U.S. Senior Open. However, 2019 U.S. Senior Open champion Steve Stricker made his mark on moving day, closing the gap to just two shots. Sports - - World Poker Tour - The grinders are giving the champions a run for their money as this WPT high-stakes cash battle continues. + + 2024 U.S. Senior Open Highlights: Final Round, Extended Action + The final round of the 44th U.S. Senior Open at Newport Country Club did not disappoint. Richard Brand outlasted Hiroyuki Fujita in a 4-hole playoff to be crowned champion of the 2024 U.S. Senior Open. Watch all the final round highlights here! + Sports + + + 2024 U.S. Senior Open Playoff: Richard Bland and Hiroyuki Fujita Duel at Newport C.C. | Full Broadcast + Richard Bland and Hiroyuki Fujita battled head-to-head during the 2024 U.S. Senior Open at Newport Country Club. Both were tied at the end of the final round, and they remained closely matched through three playoff holes. + Sports + + + 2024 U.S. Senior Open Highlights: Round 1, Extended Action + The 2024 U.S. Senior Open got underway Thursday at Newport Country Club. Richard Green and Hiroyuki Fujita led the way, both shooting rounds of 7-under 63. See who is best positioned heading into the second round! + Sports + + + 2024 U.S. Adaptive Open Playlist + 2024 U.S. Adaptive Open Playlist + Sports + + + 2020 U.S. Open Film: Bryson's Breakthrough at Winged Foot + Already one of the top young players in the game, in 2020 Bryson DeChambeau added to his arsenal length the likes of which nobody in professional golf had ever seen. What transpired at Winged Foot Golf Club will be talked about for years to come. + Sports + + + 2019 U.S. Open Film: "Woodland Peaks At Pebble Beach" + The exclusive, 60-minute edition of the film that chronicles Gary Woodland's unforgettable triumph. In partnership with Rolex. + Sports + + + 2018 U.S. Open Film: Brooks Goes Back to Back + See how the drama unfolded at Shinnecock Hills as Brooks Koepka became the first player since 1989 to successfully defend his U.S. Open title. + Sports + + + 2017 U.S. Open Film: Golf's Newest Star + Brooks Koepka rose to the top of the pack at Erin Hills, fast-tracking his ascent to the game's elite. + Sports + + + 2016 U.S. Open: DJ's Major Redemption + A year after experiencing heartbreak at Chambers Bay, Dustin Johnson left no doubt who was going to leave Oakmont Country Club with the U.S. Open trophy. + Sports + + + 2014 U.S. Open Film: "Perfection At Pinehurst" + The story of the 2014 U.S. Open, which saw Germany's Martin Kaymer lap the field on the restored Pinehurst No. 2 with a performance for the ages. + Sports + + + 2014 U.S. Women's Open Film: "Wie's Major Moment" + A child phenom, Michelle Wie broke through to win her first major championship in the 2014 U.S. Women's Open at Pinehurst No. 2 + Sports + + + 2013 U.S. Open: "A Rose Blooms At Merion" + After four days of unforgiving golf at historic Merion Golf Club, it was Justin Rose who finally fulfilled a lifelong dream. + Sports + + + 2011 U.S. Open Film: "Rory's Capitol Success" + Following heartbreak after the Masters, young phenom Rory McIlroy bounced back to deliver one of the most dominant performances in U.S. Open history at Congressional Country Club. + Sports + + + 2010 U.S. Open Film: McDowell Right at Home + Graeme McDowell became the second consecutive U.S. Open champion from Northern Ireland, winning at Pebble Beach by one stroke. + Sports + + + 2010 U.S. Women's Open Film: "Creamer Conquers Oakmont" + Freshly removed from thumb surgery, Paula Creamer won her first major championship, cruising to a four-stroke victory at Oakmont (Pa.) Country Club. + Sports + + + 2000 U.S. Open Film: "Tiger's Roar" + Already a six-time USGA champion, Tiger Woods won his first U.S. Open in historic fashion, posting a major-championship record 15-stroke victory at Pebble Beach. + Sports + + + 2008 U.S. Open Film: "A Duel for the Ages" + Ninety-one holes. A broken leg. A veteran pro looking to break through. When Tiger Woods and Rocco Mediate battled at Torrey Pines for the 2008 U.S. Open title, they created memories that would last forever. + Sports + + + My U.S. Open Playlist + My U.S. Open Stories + Sports + + + 2024 U.S. Senior Open Highlights: Round 2, Extended Action + The field at the 44th U.S. Senior Open battled to move up the leader board as the weekend approaches at Newport Country Club. Watch as Steve Stricker, Hiroyuki Fujita, and Richard Green lead the charge heading into Saturday. + Sports + + + 2024 U.S. Senior Open Highlights: Round 3, Extended Action + Hiroyuki Fujita of Japan stands at the top of the leaderboard after round 3 of the 44th U.S. Senior Open. However, 2019 U.S. Senior Open champion Steve Stricker made his mark on moving day, closing the gap to just two shots. Sports @@ -47961,22 +61689,129 @@ $50/$100 Blind. Sports - - GLORY Kickboxing - S07 : E02 GLORY 51 Rotterdam - The event featured the long-awaited rematch between former champion Badr Hari and Hesdy Gerges as Glory 51 headliner. This event also featured a 4-Man Welterweight Contender Tournament to earn a shot at the Glory Welterweight Championship. + + World Poker Tour + $25/$50 Blind. Sports - - GLORY Kickboxing - S07 : E10 GLORY 59 Amsterdam - GLORY Kickboxing’s Summer of GLORY concluded with a massive event from the Johan Cruijff Arena in Amsterdam. In the night’s headliner, heavyweight champion Rico Verhoeven took on Brazilian challenger Guto Inocente. Verhoeven had defended his belt seven straight times since capturing the title in 2014. His winning streak inside the GLORY ring stood at 16. Inocente looked to dethrone the world’s top-ranked heavyweight riding the momentum of wins over Benjamin Adegbuyi, D’Angelo Marshall and Hesdy Gerges. Gold was also on the line in the co-main event, as longtime featherweight titleholder Robin van Roosmalen rematched interim champion Petchpanomrung Kiatmookao. The pair met previously at... + + World Poker Tour + $25/$50 Blind. Sports - - GLORY Kickboxing - S07 : E13 GLORY 62 Rotterdam - GLORY is bringing out the heavy hitters for their final show of 2018, as an eight-man heavyweight tournament has been set for Rotterdam. Headlined by former heavyweight contender tournament winner Benjamin Adegbuyi and Jamal Ben Saddik as the top two seed, the winner will go on to win $100,000 for making it through the eight-man, three-round affair. + + World Poker Tour + $25/$50 Blind. + Sports + + + World Poker Tour + $25/$50 Blind. + Sports + + + World Poker Tour + $200/$400 Blind. + Sports + + + World Poker Tour + $200/$400 Blind. + Sports + + + World Poker Tour + $200/$400 Blind. + Sports + + + World Poker Tour + $200/$400 Blind. + Sports + + + World Poker Tour + $50/$100 Blind. + Sports + + + World Poker Tour + $50/$100 Blind. + Sports + + + World Poker Tour + $50/$100 Blind. + Sports + + + World Poker Tour + $50/$100 Blind. + Sports + + + World Poker Tour + $25/$50 Blind. + Sports + + + World Poker Tour + $25/$50 Blind. + Sports + + + World Poker Tour + $25/$50 Blind. + Sports + + + World Poker Tour + $25/$50 Blind. + Sports + + + World Poker Tour + Professional poker action from a series of international tournaments. + Sports + + + World Poker Tour + Professional poker action from a series of international tournaments. + Sports + + + World Poker Tour + The WPT Five Diamond World Poker Classic nears an end as only four remain in the battle for $1.2 million and the title of WPT Champion. + Sports + + + World Poker Tour + The final table of the WPT Five Diamond World Poker Classic at the Bellagio Hotel and Casino. + Sports + + + World Poker Tour + Professional poker action from a series of international tournaments. + Sports + + + World Poker Tour + Professional poker action from a series of international tournaments. + Sports + + + World Poker Tour + $100/$200 Blind. + Sports + + + World Poker Tour + $100/$200 Blind. + Sports + + + World Poker Tour + $100/$200 Blind. Sports @@ -48081,20 +61916,40 @@ The GLORY welterweight title will be on the line in the main event as the reigning & defending champion Endy Semeleer (35-1, 17 KO) welcomes the challenge of top contender Chico Kwasi (42-5, 22 KO). In the co-main event, after his crazy GLORY Heavyweight Grand Prix performance, the wild & exciting Bahram Rajabzadeh (66-2, 58 KO) steps down to light heavyweight and meets the hard-hitting Paris-based Kevin Oumar (33-4, 7 KO), a French kickboxing champion & budding MMA star. Belgian-Moroccan superstar Youssef Boughanem (187-43-8, 119 KO) steps into the GLORY ring for the very first time in his illustrious career as he meets the Ukraine’s Stanislav Kazantsev (25-8-1, 7 KO). The best of French... Sports - - Victory Road 2021 - At Emergence, Christian Cage successfully defended his newly won IMPACT World Title against "The Most Professi + + K1 + S01 : E73 K1 WGP Opening Round Osaka 2006 + Final Elimination tournament for the top sixteen Heavyweigh fighters. The winners qualified for the K-1 World GP 2006 Final. Sports - - Victory Road 2021 - At Emergence, Christian Cage successfully defended his newly won IMPACT World Title against "The Most Professi + + K1 + S01 : E74 K1 WGP Tokyo FINAL 2006 + The top 8 Heavyweight kickboxers in the world compete in a 1 day tournament to see who will be crowned World Grand Prix Champion for 2006. Sports - - TNA in 60 - S01 : E152 TNA in 60 - Looking back at the greatest Juventud Guerrera matches. + + GLORY Kickboxing + S00 : E03 GLORY 92 Rotterdam + Donovan Wisse (20-1, 10 KO) puts his middleweight championship on the line against number one contender Ulric Bokeme (32-4, 17 KO) in the main event of the evening. Wisse is one of the top P4P kickboxers on the planet today and is chasing his fourth straight title defense. After his Grand Prix heroics, the number one ranked heavyweight Levi Rigters (17-2, 8 KO) returns to action to take on dangerous late notice replacement Nico Pereira Horta (22-8, 3 KO) in the co-main event. The ‘King of The Hague’ crown is up for grabs when rivals Michael Boapeah (16-4-1, 7 KO) and Serkan Ozcaglayan (45-9, 36 KO) clash. The two top middleweights meet in this local derby match-up where the winner walks... + Sports + + + K1 + S01 : E73 K1 WGP Opening Round Osaka 2006 + Final Elimination tournament for the top sixteen Heavyweigh fighters. The winners qualified for the K-1 World GP 2006 Final. + Sports + + + K1 + S01 : E74 K1 WGP Tokyo FINAL 2006 + The top 8 Heavyweight kickboxers in the world compete in a 1 day tournament to see who will be crowned World Grand Prix Champion for 2006. + Sports + + + GLORY Kickboxing + S00 : E03 GLORY 92 Rotterdam + Donovan Wisse (20-1, 10 KO) puts his middleweight championship on the line against number one contender Ulric Bokeme (32-4, 17 KO) in the main event of the evening. Wisse is one of the top P4P kickboxers on the planet today and is chasing his fourth straight title defense. After his Grand Prix heroics, the number one ranked heavyweight Levi Rigters (17-2, 8 KO) returns to action to take on dangerous late notice replacement Nico Pereira Horta (22-8, 3 KO) in the co-main event. The ‘King of The Hague’ crown is up for grabs when rivals Michael Boapeah (16-4-1, 7 KO) and Serkan Ozcaglayan (45-9, 36 KO) clash. The two top middleweights meet in this local derby match-up where the winner walks... Sports @@ -48158,139 +62013,120 @@ November 7, 2004. TNA debuts on monthly PPV with a three hour supercard from Orlando, FL. that features Jeff J Sports - - Victory Road 2022 - IMPACT Wrestling presents VICTORY ROAD from Nashville, Tennessee, the final stop ahead of BOUND FOR GLORY in O - Sports - - - Victory Road 2020 - In the main event of VICTORY ROAD, Eddie Edwards seeks to reclaim the IMPACT World Heavyweight Championship as - Sports - - - IMPACT! Wrestling (2018) - S01 : E34 IMPACT! Wrestling (2018) - n the blockbuster main event, Sami Callihan takes on Pentagon Jr. in a Mexican Death Match. Eddie Edwards will + + iMPACT! - September 5, 2024 + The fallout from Emergence begins as the stars of TNA turn their attention towards Victory Road. Joe Hendry an Sports - - Victory Road 2023 - Wrestlers face off on their way to the illustrious Victory Road! + + Emergence 2024 + On Friday, August 30, TNA Wrestling comes to Old Forester's Paristown Hall in Louisville, KY. Sports - - Victory Road 2022 - IMPACT Wrestling presents VICTORY ROAD from Nashville, Tennessee, the final stop ahead of BOUND FOR GLORY in O + + iMPACT! - August 29, 2024 + It's a huge night of action just 24 hours away from Emergence. Ash By Elegance challenges Jordynne Grace for t Sports - - Emergence 2024 - On Friday, August 30, TNA Wrestling comes to Old Forester's Paristown Hall in Louisville, KY. + + IMPACT! Wrestling (2018) + S01 : E33 IMPACT! Wrestling (2018) + Sami Callihan goes one-on-one with Fenix this week on IMPACT! Jimmy Jacobs has issued a challenge to Johnny Im Sports - + TNA in 60 - S01 : E96 TNA in 60 - Featuring Pentagon Jr. and Fenix in memorable high-flying matches in IMPACT Wrestling. - Sports - - - Classic PPV - S03 : E37 Pay-Per Views - November 7, 2004. TNA debuts on monthly PPV with a three hour supercard from Orlando, FL. that features Jeff J + S01 : E29 TNA in 60 + Showcasing some of LAX's most epic battles against AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels, Team 3D and more. Sports - - Victory Road 2021 - At Emergence, Christian Cage successfully defended his newly won IMPACT World Title against "The Most Professi + + IMPACT! Wrestling (2018) + S01 : E32 IMPACT! Wrestling (2018) + In this week's main event, Eddie Edwards challenges Austin Aries for the IMPACT World Championship. Sports - + iMPACT! - August 22, 2024 The road to Emergence rolls on. In the main event, Matt and Jeff Hardy are back for revenge on Moose and JDC. Sports - - FIGHT VAULT - S01 : E12 FIGHT VAULT - Antonio "Junior" Silva has dominated every one of his fights. Eric Pele may be the underdog, but he's riding his own winning streak. It's an earthquake when a 32-pound unstoppable force meets a 300-pound unmovable object. Roger Gracie is already at the top of the heap in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and submission wrestling, now he's fighting MMA for the first time. He puts his reputation on the line as he faces Ron Waterman. + + IMPACT! Wrestling (2018) + S01 : E31 IMPACT! Wrestling (2018) + In the main event on IMPACT!, the team of Pentagon Jr. and Fenix take on oVe, who will have Sami Callihan by t Sports - - FIGHT VAULT - S01 : E01 FIGHT VAULT - Spartan Events is into its third year of running its hugely successful promotion, Shock N Awe. With top match making throughout the fight cards, they have been touted as some of the biggest and toughest fights in the UK. Shock N Awe consistently delivers hard hitting action, also going one step further by adding in the personalities from MC Ricky Wright, Ring Girls Poppy and Alex and as well as the huge UK fight teams! + + Victory Road 2023 + Wrestlers face off on their way to the illustrious Victory Road! Sports - - DAY IN THE LIFE OF A COACH - S01 : E14 DAY IN THE LIFE OF A COACH - Coaches in fight sport are at times an underrated but yet intergral part of an athlete's success. What makes them give up their day, weeks and years to help their fighters be the best in the world? This episode features JP Marotte as we delve into the life of a coach. + + Emergence 2024 + On Friday, August 30, TNA Wrestling comes to Old Forester's Paristown Hall in Louisville, KY. Sports - - DAY IN THE LIFE OF A COACH - S01 : E10 DAY IN THE LIFE OF A COACH - Coaches in fight sport are at times an underrated but yet intergral part of an athlete's success. What makes them give up their day, weeks and years to help their fighters be the best in the world? This episode features Dan McGee as we delve into the life of a coach. + + IMPACT in 60 + In 60 brings the fighting right to your living room! Sports - - HKFC 44 - Cory Devela v. Nick Ring - Professional and Amateur fighters from across North America battle it out in Hard Knocks' cage. Cory Devela v. Nick Ring. + + Victory Road 2021 + At Emergence, Christian Cage successfully defended his newly won IMPACT World Title against "The Most Professi Sports - - HKFC 40 - Jarid Bussemakers v. Josh Griffin - Professional and Amateur fighters from across North America battle it out in Hard Knocks' cage. Jarid Bussemakers v. Josh Griffin. + + Classic PPV + S03 : E37 Pay-Per Views + November 7, 2004. TNA debuts on monthly PPV with a three hour supercard from Orlando, FL. that features Jeff J Sports - - HKFC 51 - Mac Laursen v. Bryce Gougeon - Professional and Amateur fighters from across North America battle it out in Hard Knocks' cage. Mac Laursen v. Bryce Gougeon + + Victory Road 2022 + IMPACT Wrestling presents VICTORY ROAD from Nashville, Tennessee, the final stop ahead of BOUND FOR GLORY in O Sports - - INDIVIDUAL FIGHTS - S01 : E05 INDIVIDUAL FIGHTS - Nick Thompson v. Davion Peterson + + Victory Road 2023 + Wrestlers face off on their way to the illustrious Victory Road! Sports - - Fight Vault - HK44 - Episode 4 - Hard Knocks 44 continues to bring you some of the best fights in MMA! This episode features the amateur matchup between Joe Mapanda and debut Cam MacDonald. This is followed by a pro match between Gabriel Solorio, with over 20 matches under his belt, going against little less experienced but equally determined Rolando Cespedes. + + Victory Road 2022 + IMPACT Wrestling presents VICTORY ROAD from Nashville, Tennessee, the final stop ahead of BOUND FOR GLORY in O Sports - - Fight Vault - HK46 - Episode 2 - Hard Knocks 46 continues with some of the best fights in MMA! This episode features an amateur bout between Tobin Cornelius and Hard Knocks regular Riley Pequin. Following is a matchup between two acomplished strikers who are both working on improving their ground game: Pat Pytlik versus Tiago Tavares. And the final fight of the night sees the immensely experienced Curtis ""Demon"" Demarce take on Dia Grant! You do not want to skip this one! + + Victory Road 2021 + At Emergence, Christian Cage successfully defended his newly won IMPACT World Title against "The Most Professi Sports - - OUT OF THE CAGE - S01 : E03 OUT OF THE CAGE - Out of the Cage reveals the private thoughts and emotions of an MMA fighter, the ambition that drives them and how they are affected when encountering defeat or facing triumph. Featuring both Ryan Machan and Marcus Hicks at HK39 + + TNA in 60 + S01 : E152 TNA in 60 + Looking back at the greatest Juventud Guerrera matches. Sports - - OUT OF THE CAGE - S01 : E10 OUT OF THE CAGE - Out of the Cage reveals the private thoughts and emotions of a fight sport athlete, the ambition that drives them and how they are affected when encountering defeat or facing triumph. Featuring Mac Laursen. + + IMPACT in 60 + In 60 brings the fighting right to your living room! Sports - - UCMMA 46 - Josh Collins vs Billy Beaumont - Josh Collins vs Billy Beaumont + + iMPACT! - September 5, 2024 + The fallout from Emergence begins as the stars of TNA turn their attention towards Victory Road. Joe Hendry an Sports - - Enfusion 47 - Superpro Samui v. Kaddouri - Keng Superpro Samui v. Soufiane Kaddouri + + Victory Road 2020 + In the main event of VICTORY ROAD, Eddie Edwards seeks to reclaim the IMPACT World Heavyweight Championship as Sports - - M-1 Challenge 88 - Movsar Evloev v. Sergey Morozov - Movsar Evloev v. Sergey Morozov + + iMPACT! - August 29, 2024 + It's a huge night of action just 24 hours away from Emergence. Ash By Elegance challenges Jordynne Grace for t Sports @@ -48421,17 +62257,17 @@ Professional and Amateur fighters from across North America battle it out in Hard Knocks' cage. Cory Devela v. Nick Ring. Sports - - HKFC 40 - Rodney Wallace v. Clay Davidson - Professional and Amateur fighters from across North America battle it out in Hard Knocks' cage. Rodney Wallace v. Clay Davidson. - Sports - - + M-1 Challenge 90 - Alexey Kunchenko v. Alexander Butenko Alexey Kunchenko v. Alexander Butenko Sports - + + HKFC 40 - Rodney Wallace v. Clay Davidson + Professional and Amateur fighters from across North America battle it out in Hard Knocks' cage. Rodney Wallace v. Clay Davidson. + Sports + + M-1 Challenge 79 - Alexey Makhno v. Michel Silva Alexey Makhno v. Michel Silva Sports @@ -48442,12 +62278,12 @@ Roman Zentsov puts his sambo skills to the test aggainst Kristof Midoux, a fighter who mixes wresting, karate and Brazilian jiu-jitsu. Newcomer Cain Velasquez risks his first defeat when he squares off against former wrestler and oil derrickman Jeremiah Constant. Sports - + M-1 Challenge - Episode 89 Dmitry Novikov v. Mikhail Makogon Boris Medvedev v. Kirill Mazhara Ivan Kibala v. Daniel Vasquez Alik Albogachiev v. Rasul Magomedov Nikita Solonin v. Elazar Tariku Denis Vygovsky v. Brendson Ribeiro Vazha Tsiptauri v. Dimitar Kostov Oleg Aduchiev v. Vitaliy Branchuk Mickael Lebout v. Sergey Faley Anton Vyazigin v. Zaur Gadzhibabayev Viktor Kolesnik v. David Silva de Souza Ivan Buchinger v. Andrey Krasnikov Sports - + DAY IN THE LIFE OF A COACH S01 : E17 DAY IN THE LIFE OF A COACH Coaches in fight sport are at times an underrated but yet intergral part of an athlete's success. What makes them give up their day, weeks and years to help their fighters be the best in the world? This episode features Herb Veckenstedt as we delve into the life of a coach. @@ -48458,358 +62294,529 @@ Professional and Amateur fighters from across North America battle it out in Hard Knocks' cage. Leonardo Xavier v. Vyron Phillips. Sports - + + UCMMA 44 - Barry Ryan v. Oliver Sines + Barry Ryan v. Oliver Sines + Sports + + M-1 Challenge 92 - Tiago Varejao Lacerda v. Sergey Romanov Tiago Varejao Lacerda v. Sergey Romanov Sports - + M-1 Challenge 81 - Movsar Evloev v. Pavel Vitruk Movsar Evloev v. Pavel Vitruk Sports - + Fight Vault - HK49 - Episode 3 Hard Knocks 49 continues with some great MMA action! This episode features a matchup between young fighters Solomon Courtorellie vs. Tyro Cyr, both in their amateur debuts. We contiue with amateur division fights as undefeated Dylan Main welcomes Tayler Bonogofski back to the MMA cage after a 4-year break! Up next Sam Franchi defends his Flyweight Champion Title against challenger Sambath Khun. You do not want to miss it! Sports - + Fight Vault - HK33 - Episode 1 The School of Hard Knocks 33 filmed at the Spectra Place in Estevan. Professional and Amateur fighters from across North America battle it out in the cage. Nic Grandbois vs. Jordy Correia; Phil Towler vs. Kevin Taylor. Sports - + OUT OF THE CAGE S01 : E02 OUT OF THE CAGE Out of the Cage reveals the private thoughts and emotions of an MMA fighter, the ambition that drives them and how they are affected when encountering defeat or facing triumph. Featuring Misha Cirkunov at HK41 Sports - + OUT OF THE CAGE S01 : E03 OUT OF THE CAGE HK35 features Josh Griffin facing a challenging opponent in Pat Gionette. Josh plans to use his world class karate skills to secure the victory, and further prove he is a top-level MMA fighter. Sports - + M-1 Challenge 77 - Raul Tutarauli vs. Artur Lemos Raul Tutarauli vs. Artur Lemos Sports - - INDIVIDUAL FIGHTS - S01 : E05 INDIVIDUAL FIGHTS - Nick Thompson v. Davion Peterson + + HKFC 49 - Noah Ali v. Sean Quinn + Professional and Amateur fighters from across North America battle it out in Hard Knocks' cage. Noah Ali v. Sean Quinn. Sports - + Enfusion 46 - Zouggary v. Bulaid Ilias Bulaid v. Zakaria Zouggary Sports - - HKFC 49 - Noah Ali v. Sean Quinn - Professional and Amateur fighters from across North America battle it out in Hard Knocks' cage. Noah Ali v. Sean Quinn. - Sports - - + Enfusion - Episode 63 Luis Tavares v. Fatih Ulusoy Endy Semeleer v. Redouan Laarkoubi Jonay Risco v. Buakaw Banchamek Martin Pacas v. Hicham Achalhi Ilias Ennahachi v. Krobsut Fairtex Levi Rigters v. Bruno Susano Imad Assli v. Tomoyuki Sports - + DAY IN THE LIFE OF A COACH S01 : E04 DAY IN THE LIFE OF A COACH An athlete is only as good as their coaches can make them. Hard Knocks star Jesse Arnett believes that Anderson Gonclaves is the reason he developped into a top contender for the UFC. This episode explores what makes Goncalves such an inspiration to his fighters. Sports - + DAY IN THE LIFE OF A COACH S01 : E15 DAY IN THE LIFE OF A COACH Coaches in fight sport are at times an underrated but yet intergral part of an athlete's success. What makes them give up their day, weeks and years to help their fighters be the best in the world? This episode features Fransisco Azevendo as we delve into the life of a coach. Sports - + DAY IN THE LIFE OF A COACH - S01 : E20 DAY IN THE LIFE OF A COACH - Coaches in fight sport are at times an underrated but yet intergral part of an athlete's success. What makes them give up their day, weeks and years to help their fighters be the best in the world? This episode features Rick Joslin as we delve into the life of a coach. + S01 : E01 DAY IN THE LIFE OF A COACH + Coaches in fight sport are at times an underrated but yet intergral part of an athlete's success. What makes them give up their day, weeks and years to help their fighters be the best in the world? This episode features Leo McGee as we delve into the life of a coach. Sports - + DAY IN THE LIFE OF A COACH - S01 : E01 DAY IN THE LIFE OF A COACH - Coaches in fight sport are at times an underrated but yet intergral part of an athlete's success. What makes them give up their day, weeks and years to help their fighters be the best in the world? This episode features Leo McGee as we delve into the life of a coach. + S01 : E20 DAY IN THE LIFE OF A COACH + Coaches in fight sport are at times an underrated but yet intergral part of an athlete's success. What makes them give up their day, weeks and years to help their fighters be the best in the world? This episode features Rick Joslin as we delve into the life of a coach. Sports - + OUT OF THE CAGE S01 : E01 OUT OF THE CAGE Former UFC fighter Rodney Wallace steps into the cage at HK36 to challenge Ariel Gandulla. Both fighters possess high level wrestling skills, making it a tough bout to call! Sports - + OUT OF THE CAGE S01 : E03 OUT OF THE CAGE Changing your lifestyle from one of jail and rebellion to one of discipline and MMA is not an easy task, but Todd Stoute is prrof that it is possible to make that switch. At HK38, he is up against Clay Davidson and is looking for the win. Sports - - M-1 Challenge 82 - Mikael Silander v. Vitaliy Branchuk - Mikael Silander v. Vitaliy Branchuk - Sports - - + UCMMA 48 - Alex Lahore v. Josh Collins Alex Lahore v. Josh Collins Sports - + + M-1 Challenge 82 - Mikael Silander v. Vitaliy Branchuk + Mikael Silander v. Vitaliy Branchuk + Sports + + FIGHT VAULT S01 : E03 FIGHT VAULT Roman Zentsov puts his sambo skills to the test aggainst Kristof Midoux, a fighter who mixes wresting, karate and Brazilian jiu-jitsu. Newcomer Cain Velasquez risks his first defeat when he squares off against former wrestler and oil derrickman Jeremiah Constant. Sports - + M-1 Challenge - Episode 89 Dmitry Novikov v. Mikhail Makogon Boris Medvedev v. Kirill Mazhara Ivan Kibala v. Daniel Vasquez Alik Albogachiev v. Rasul Magomedov Nikita Solonin v. Elazar Tariku Denis Vygovsky v. Brendson Ribeiro Vazha Tsiptauri v. Dimitar Kostov Oleg Aduchiev v. Vitaliy Branchuk Mickael Lebout v. Sergey Faley Anton Vyazigin v. Zaur Gadzhibabayev Viktor Kolesnik v. David Silva de Souza Ivan Buchinger v. Andrey Krasnikov Sports - + DAY IN THE LIFE OF A COACH S01 : E14 DAY IN THE LIFE OF A COACH Coaches in fight sport are at times an underrated but yet intergral part of an athlete's success. What makes them give up their day, weeks and years to help their fighters be the best in the world? This episode features JP Marotte as we delve into the life of a coach. Sports - + DAY IN THE LIFE OF A COACH S01 : E04 DAY IN THE LIFE OF A COACH Coaches in fight sport are at times an underrated but yet intergral part of an athlete's success. What makes them give up their day, weeks and years to help their fighters be the best in the world? This episode features Chris Smeltzer as we delve into the life of a coach. Sports - - M-1 Challenge 88 - Movsar Evloev v. Sergey Morozov - Movsar Evloev v. Sergey Morozov + + Bodog Fight - Jorge Masvidal v. Keith Wisniewski + Jorge Masvidal v. Keith Wisniewski Sports - - Shock n Awe 13 - Callum Jones v. Rikki Fortuna - Callum Jones v. Rikki Fortuna + + M-1 Challenge 88 - Movsar Evloev v. Sergey Morozov + Movsar Evloev v. Sergey Morozov Sports - + M-1 Challenge 82 - Alexander Butenko v. Keith Johnson Alexander Butenko v. Keith Johnson Sports - + M-1 Challenge 83 - Raul Tutarauli v. Vladimir Kanunnikov Raul Tutarauli v. Vladimir Kanunnikov Sports - + + Shock n Awe 13 - Callum Jones v. Rikki Fortuna + Callum Jones v. Rikki Fortuna + Sports + + Fight Vault - HK44 - Episode 4 Hard Knocks 44 continues to bring you some of the best fights in MMA! This episode features the amateur matchup between Joe Mapanda and debut Cam MacDonald. This is followed by a pro match between Gabriel Solorio, with over 20 matches under his belt, going against little less experienced but equally determined Rolando Cespedes. Sports - + Fight Vault - HK33 - Episode 3 The School of Hard Knocks 33 filmed at the Spectra Place in Estevan. Professional and Amateur fighters from across North America battle it out in the cage. Mike Geib vs. Thomas Richardson; Steven Arens vs. Ryan Proulx; Lynell House vs. Victoria Chadwick. Sports - + OUT OF THE CAGE S01 : E14 OUT OF THE CAGE Out of the Cage reveals the private thoughts and emotions of a fight sport athlete, the ambition that drives them and how they are affected when encountering defeat or facing triumph. Featuring Zack Blanchard. Sports - + OUT OF THE CAGE S01 : E16 OUT OF THE CAGE Out of the Cage reveals the private thoughts and emotions of a fight sport athlete, the ambition that drives them and how they are affected when encountering defeat or facing triumph. Featuring Navdeep Toor. Sports - - INDIVIDUAL FIGHTS - S01 : E10 INDIVIDUAL FIGHTS - Wisniewski's development as a fighter was a family affair, as he and his brother watched tapes of MMA battles then trained in the front yard. Oganov honed his skills in Serbia, while enrolled in the Red Army. + + M-1 Challenge 94 - Maxim Grabovich v. Juho Valamaa + Maxim Grabovich v. Juho Valamaa Sports - + M-1 Challenge 90 - Oleg Olenichev v. Silmar Nunes Oleg Olenichev v. Silmar Nunes Sports - - Shock n Awe 13 - Callum Jones v. Rikki Fortuna - Callum Jones v. Rikki Fortuna - Sports - - - M-1 Challenge 94 - Maxim Grabovich v. Juho Valamaa - Maxim Grabovich v. Juho Valamaa - Sports - - + M-1 Challenge - Episode 87 Tino Gilaranz v. Valentin Kryzhanovski Anatoly Lyagu v. Aleksandar Rakas Amiran Gogoladze v. Stanislav Podolskiy Artem Nenakov v. Charles-Henri Tchoungui Adam Bogatyrev v. Jose Agustin Jimenez Garcia Jani Salmi v. Nikolay Goncharov Pavel Gordeev v. Bobur Kurbanov Danila Prikaza v. Anderson de Queiroz Diniz Shavkat Rakhmonov v. Levan Solodovnik Urs Pablo Ortmann v. Ingiskhan Ozdoev Dimitriy Mikutsa v. Kleber Raimundo Silva Timur Nagibin v. Jadison Dimitry Silva da Costa Arman Ashimov v. Sports - + DAY IN THE LIFE OF A COACH S01 : E20 DAY IN THE LIFE OF A COACH Coaches in fight sport are at times an underrated but yet intergral part of an athlete's success. What makes them give up their day, weeks and years to help their fighters be the best in the world? This episode features Rick Joslin as we delve into the life of a coach. Sports - + DAY IN THE LIFE OF A COACH S01 : E15 DAY IN THE LIFE OF A COACH Coaches in fight sport are at times an underrated but yet intergral part of an athlete's success. What makes them give up their day, weeks and years to help their fighters be the best in the world? This episode features Fransisco Azevendo as we delve into the life of a coach. Sports - - M-1 Challenge 74 - Erivan Pereira v. Ariom Damkovsky - Erivan Pereira v. Ariom Damkovsky + + UCMMA 44 - Andy Young v. Spencer Hewitt + Andy Young v. Spencer Hewitt Sports - + Enfusion 59 - Nordin Ben Moh v. Superbon Banchamek Nordin Ben Moh v. Superbon Banchamek Sports - + + M-1 Challenge 74 - Erivan Pereira v. Ariom Damkovsky + Erivan Pereira v. Ariom Damkovsky + Sports + + HKFC 40 - Lindsay Garbatt v. Stephanie Essensa Professional and Amateur fighters from across North America battle it out in Hard Knocks' cage. Lindsay Garbatt v. Stephanie Essensa Sports - + + Enfusion 53 - Luis Tavares vs. Jahfarr Wilnis + Luis Tavares vs. Jahfarr Wilnis + Sports + + Fight Vault - HK24 - Episode 4 The School of Hard Knocks 24 filmed at the Spectra Place in Estevan. Professional and Amateur fighters from across North America battle it out in the cage. Wade Baldwin vs. Damon Steadman; Ryan Starkell vs. Travis Triskle; Chris Wilson vs. Ron Gonzales; Matt Zemlak vs. David Swanson. Sports - + Fight Vault - HK32 - Episode 1 The School of Hard Knocks 32 filmed at the Century Casino in Calgary. Professional and Amateur fighters from across North America battle it out in the cage. Terry Nichol vs. Craig Shintani; Advin Omic vs. Michael Madrid. Sports - + OUT OF THE CAGE S01 : E03 OUT OF THE CAGE Out of the Cage reveals the private thoughts and emotions of a fight sport athlete, the ambition that drives them and how they are affected when encountering defeat or facing triumph. Featuring Andrew Ross. Sports - + OUT OF THE CAGE S01 : E01 OUT OF THE CAGE Motivated by watching UFC fights, Shawn Fitzsimmons was eager to start training in MMA. After a stint teaching self defense classes in Europe, Shawn is ready to prove his skills in the cage. As the main event at HK37, he takes on Ryan Dickson in the Lightweight division. Sports - + Bodog Fight - Jorge Masvidal v. Keith Wisniewski Jorge Masvidal v. Keith Wisniewski Sports - - M-1 Challenge 82 - Alexander Butenko v. Keith Johnson - Alexander Butenko v. Keith Johnson + + Shock n Awe 13 - Callum Jones v. Rikki Fortuna + Callum Jones v. Rikki Fortuna Sports - + M-1 Challenge 83 - Raul Tutarauli v. Vladimir Kanunnikov Raul Tutarauli v. Vladimir Kanunnikov Sports - - Shock n Awe 13 - Callum Jones v. Rikki Fortuna - Callum Jones v. Rikki Fortuna + + FIGHT VAULT + S01 : E08 FIGHT VAULT + In the series finale, middleweight Kyacey Uscola tries to best his fastest KO (an amazing 5 seconds) when he goes in the ring against the highly skilled South African wrestler, Trevor Prangley. Sports - - M80 - Season 5 - Andre Villa - Starring Andre Villa, Mickey Dymond and Myles Richmond and Doug Parson's 2nd annual quarterpipe contest. + + FIGHT VAULT + S01 : E03 FIGHT VAULT + Spartan Events is into its third year of running its hugely successful promotion, Shock N Awe. With top match making throughout the fight cards, they have been touted as some of the biggest and toughest fights in the UK. Shock N Awe consistently delivers hard hitting action, also going one step further by adding in the personalities from MC Ricky Wright, Ring Girls Poppy and Alex and as well as the huge UK fight teams! Sports - - Behind the Gate - 2023 - Nerves Of Steel - The season reaches the climax with the crowning of two new Motocross World Champs. + + FIGHT VAULT + S01 : E09 FIGHT VAULT + Spartan Events is into its third year of running its hugely successful promotion, Shock N Awe. With top match making throughout the fight cards, they have been touted as some of the biggest and toughest fights in the UK. Shock N Awe consistently delivers hard hitting action, also going one step further by adding in the personalities from MC Ricky Wright, Ring Girls Poppy and Alex and as well as the huge UK fight teams! Sports - - Behind the Gate - 2023 - FIM MXoN - Everything reunited for some tough and fierce motocross battles. + + FIGHT VAULT + S01 : E05 FIGHT VAULT + Ultimate Warrior Challenge is one of Europe's leading MMA shows, since it's inception in 2006 it's has grown steadily and delivered some of the most exciting MMA fights Europe has seen, with a truly Internationalfight roster, UWC has built a solid reputation for bringing some of the Worlds toughest fighters to square off in the UWC octagon, fighters from the UK, USA, Brazil, Sweden, Italy, Africa, Poland, France, Cyprus, Greece have all fought in the UWC cage. Sports - - Imperfect Waves - Season 1 - Poland - Pro surfers Tomás Valente and Guilherme Ribeiro explore the coast of Gdynia, in Poland. + + FIGHT VAULT + S01 : E02 FIGHT VAULT + Ultimate Warrior Challenge is one of Europe's leading MMA shows, since it's inception in 2006 it's has grown steadily and delivered some of the most exciting MMA fights Europe has seen, with a truly Internationalfight roster, UWC has built a solid reputation for bringing some of the Worlds toughest fighters to square off in the UWC octagon, fighters from the UK, USA, Brazil, Sweden, Italy, Africa, Poland, France, Cyprus, Greece have all fought in the UWC cage. Sports - - Imperfect Waves - Season 1 - Andalucia - Tomás Valente and Xico Mittermayer visit Spain's Andaluzia and surf the region's best kept secret spots. + + DAY IN THE LIFE OF A COACH + S01 : E21 DAY IN THE LIFE OF A COACH + Coaches in fight sport are at times an underrated but yet intergral part of an athlete's success. What makes them give up their day, weeks and years to help their fighters be the best in the world? This episode features Chris Mattock as we delve into the life of a coach. Sports - - Catch Up - Season 2 - Parks Bonifay - Catch Up with Parks Bonifay, wakeboarding's most influential rider and a pioneer in trick innovation. + + DAY IN THE LIFE OF A COACH + S01 : E14 DAY IN THE LIFE OF A COACH + Coaches in fight sport are at times an underrated but yet intergral part of an athlete's success. What makes them give up their day, weeks and years to help their fighters be the best in the world? This episode features Vern McNeice as we delve into the life of a coach. Sports - - Pro Wake Tour - 2024 - Stop 1: Lakefront at Keystone - Highlights of the Pro Wakebard Tour 2024 first stop, in Lakefront, at Keystone Complex, in Indianapolis. + + DAY IN THE LIFE OF A COACH + S01 : E24 DAY IN THE LIFE OF A COACH + Coaches in fight sport are at times an underrated but yet intergral part of an athlete's success. What makes them give up their day, weeks and years to help their fighters be the best in the world? This episode features Sheila Bird as we delve into the life of a coach. Sports - - Pro Wake Tour - 2024 - Stop 3: Lake David - The third stop of the 2024 Pro Wake Tour returns to the fabled shores of Lake David, in Florida. + + OUT OF THE CAGE + S01 : E03 OUT OF THE CAGE + Out of the Cage reveals the private thoughts and emotions of a fight sport athlete, the ambition that drives them and how they are affected when encountering defeat or facing triumph. Featuring Andrew Ross. Sports - - Fresh Lines - Season 1 - Seth Moniz & Griffin Colapinto - Shaper Matty Raynor welcomes WSL hot stars, Seth Moniz and Griffin Colapinto, to talk story and surfboards. + + OUT OF THE CAGE + S01 : E11 OUT OF THE CAGE + Out of the Cage reveals the private thoughts and emotions of a fight sport athlete, the ambition that drives them and how they are affected when encountering defeat or facing triumph. Featuring Spencer Rohovie. Sports - - Custom - Season 7 - STRT Jam - Custom presents the 2023 DIY Street Jam, a set of Best Trick contests around the town of Innsbruck, Austria... + + HKFC 49 - Ilias Sanoudakis v. Owen Carr + Professional and Amateur fighters from across North America battle it out in Hard Knocks' cage. Ilias Sanoudakis v. Owen Carr. Sports - - Custom - Season 8 - DarkFest - The highlights of the DarkFest 2024 an annual international mountain bike event taking place in South Afric... + + Journey Fight Series VIII - Matt Embree v. Nate Smandych + Matt Embree v. Nate Smandych Sports - - NEXT GEN Skateboarding - Season 1 - Backyard Challenge with Manny Santiago - In this new episode, the Next Gen competitors will have to avoid being slayed by Manny Santiago. + + M-1 Challenge 86 - Mikhail Ragozin v. Joseph Henle + Mikhail Ragozin v. Joseph Henle Sports - - INSIDE: The Journey - The best moments, awkward stories and mythical waves from all the surf travels by the Deeply team. + + FIGHT VAULT + S01 : E08 FIGHT VAULT + This episode features two fighters who appear later in this series on the Emelianenko Vs Lindland PPV bill. Here, get a first look at the undefeated Eddie Alvarez as he fights Derrick Noble. And the hard-punching Amanda Buckner takes on well-rounded brawler Shayna Baszler. Sports - - Mountain Minded - Season 1 - Episode 1 - Ingrid Backstrom, Kimmy Fasani and Dan Treadway share the best techniques to deal with mountain risks. + + FIGHT VAULT + S01 : E01 FIGHT VAULT + Spartan Events is into its third year of running its hugely successful promotion, Shock N Awe. With top match making throughout the fight cards, they have been touted as some of the biggest and toughest fights in the UK. Shock N Awe consistently delivers hard hitting action, also going one step further by adding in the personalities from MC Ricky Wright, Ring Girls Poppy and Alex and as well as the huge UK fight teams! Sports - - Drive Thru USA - Huckleberry Hound - The crew hangs out a few days in Santa Cruz with locals Anthony Ruffo, Pete and John Mel. + + FIGHT VAULT + S01 : E12 FIGHT VAULT + Antonio "Junior" Silva has dominated every one of his fights. Eric Pele may be the underdog, but he's riding his own winning streak. It's an earthquake when a 32-pound unstoppable force meets a 300-pound unmovable object. Roger Gracie is already at the top of the heap in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and submission wrestling, now he's fighting MMA for the first time. He puts his reputation on the line as he faces Ron Waterman. Sports - - M80 - Season 5 - Andre Villa - Starring Andre Villa, Mickey Dymond and Myles Richmond and Doug Parson's 2nd annual quarterpipe contest. + + DAY IN THE LIFE OF A COACH + S01 : E23 DAY IN THE LIFE OF A COACH + Coaches in fight sport are at times an underrated but yet intergral part of an athlete's success. What makes them give up their day, weeks and years to help their fighters be the best in the world? This episode features Vanessa Bellegarde as we delve into the life of a coach. Sports - - Chasing Dora - Based on Miki Dora's article "The Aquatic Ape," this film dives into the controversial mind of "Da Cat". + + DAY IN THE LIFE OF A COACH + S01 : E17 DAY IN THE LIFE OF A COACH + It's coach week on beIN! One of the best coaches in North America shows us how he gets the best out of his fighters..including coaching his own son to the UFC! Catch up with Lee Mein. Sports - - Behind the Gate - 2023 - Nerves Of Steel - The season reaches the climax with the crowning of two new Motocross World Champs. + + Shock n Awe 14 - Xavier Sedras v. Jefferson George + Xavier Sedras v. Jefferson George + Sports + + + M-1 Challenge 93 - Alexey Makhno v. Rogerio Matias da Conceicao + Alexey Makhno v. Rogerio Matias da Conceicao + Sports + + + M-1 Challenge 91 - Mikhail Zayats v. Caio Magalhaes + Mikhail Zayats v. Caio Magalhaes + Sports + + + M-1 Challenge 81 - Kleber Raimundo Silva v. Konstantin Gluhov + Kleber Raimundo Silva v. Konstantin Gluhov + Sports + + + Fight Vault - HK43 - Episode 2 + Hard Knocks 43 continues to bring you some of the best fights in MMA! This episode features the exhilarating matchup of Keegan ""The Condition"" Oliver vs. pro debut Derek ""Manchild"" Falk. This is followed by the entertaining contest of Aaron ""Vanilla Gorilla"" Gallant vs. Mike O'Neil, and the first Welterweight Title Defense for Sergej ""El Dorado"" Juskevic as he takes on challenger Lorawnt-T Nelson. + Sports + + + Fight Vault - HK38 - Episode 3 + The School of Hard Knocks 38 filmed at the Markin Macphail Centre, Canda Olympic Park in Calgary. Professional and Amateur fighters from across North America battle it out in the cage. Lucus Greer vs. Troy Dunne; Nick Burnham vs. Dauda Keita. + Sports + + + OUT OF THE CAGE + S01 : E03 OUT OF THE CAGE + Ryan Dickson wants to be known for training harder than anyone else in the MMA world. When he takes on American CJ Marsh at HK35, Ryan knows he must bring his best Jiu Jitsu game to the fight in order to be victorious. + Sports + + + OUT OF THE CAGE + S01 : E20 OUT OF THE CAGE + Out of the Cage reveals the private thoughts and emotions of a fight sport athlete, the ambition that drives them and how they are affected when encountering defeat or facing triumph. Featuring Rachael Remesz. + Sports + + + INDIVIDUAL FIGHTS + S01 : E05 INDIVIDUAL FIGHTS + Rene Hoppe vs Ilya Bochkov + Sports + + + Enfusion 49 - Jaraya v. Laarkoubi + Mohammed Jaraya v. Redouan Laarkoubi + Sports + + + M-1 Challenge 79 - Oleg Olenichev v. Enoc Solves Torres + Oleg Olenichev v. Enoc Solves Torres + Sports + + + FIGHT VAULT + S01 : E08 FIGHT VAULT + In the series finale, middleweight Kyacey Uscola tries to best his fastest KO (an amazing 5 seconds) when he goes in the ring against the highly skilled South African wrestler, Trevor Prangley. + Sports + + + FIGHT VAULT + S01 : E05 FIGHT VAULT + Ultimate Warrior Challenge is one of Europe's leading MMA shows, since it's inception in 2006 it's has grown steadily and delivered some of the most exciting MMA fights Europe has seen, with a truly Internationalfight roster, UWC has built a solid reputation for bringing some of the Worlds toughest fighters to square off in the UWC octagon, fighters from the UK, USA, Brazil, Sweden, Italy, Africa, Poland, France, Cyprus, Greece have all fought in the UWC cage. + Sports + + + FIGHT VAULT + S01 : E09 FIGHT VAULT + Spartan Events is into its third year of running its hugely successful promotion, Shock N Awe. With top match making throughout the fight cards, they have been touted as some of the biggest and toughest fights in the UK. Shock N Awe consistently delivers hard hitting action, also going one step further by adding in the personalities from MC Ricky Wright, Ring Girls Poppy and Alex and as well as the huge UK fight teams! + Sports + + + FIGHT VAULT + S01 : E03 FIGHT VAULT + Spartan Events is into its third year of running its hugely successful promotion, Shock N Awe. With top match making throughout the fight cards, they have been touted as some of the biggest and toughest fights in the UK. Shock N Awe consistently delivers hard hitting action, also going one step further by adding in the personalities from MC Ricky Wright, Ring Girls Poppy and Alex and as well as the huge UK fight teams! + Sports + + + FIGHT VAULT + S01 : E02 FIGHT VAULT + Ultimate Warrior Challenge is one of Europe's leading MMA shows, since it's inception in 2006 it's has grown steadily and delivered some of the most exciting MMA fights Europe has seen, with a truly Internationalfight roster, UWC has built a solid reputation for bringing some of the Worlds toughest fighters to square off in the UWC octagon, fighters from the UK, USA, Brazil, Sweden, Italy, Africa, Poland, France, Cyprus, Greece have all fought in the UWC cage. + Sports + + + DAY IN THE LIFE OF A COACH + S01 : E24 DAY IN THE LIFE OF A COACH + Coaches in fight sport are at times an underrated but yet intergral part of an athlete's success. What makes them give up their day, weeks and years to help their fighters be the best in the world? This episode features Sheila Bird as we delve into the life of a coach. + Sports + + + DAY IN THE LIFE OF A COACH + S01 : E14 DAY IN THE LIFE OF A COACH + Coaches in fight sport are at times an underrated but yet intergral part of an athlete's success. What makes them give up their day, weeks and years to help their fighters be the best in the world? This episode features Vern McNeice as we delve into the life of a coach. + Sports + + + INDIVIDUAL FIGHTS + S01 : E10 INDIVIDUAL FIGHTS + Wisniewski's development as a fighter was a family affair, as he and his brother watched tapes of MMA battles then trained in the front yard. Oganov honed his skills in Serbia, while enrolled in the Red Army. + Sports + + + Shock n Awe 14 - Brett Caswell v. Mark Handley + Brett Caswell v. Mark Handley + Sports + + + HKFC 44 - Rodney Wallace v. Kalib Starnes + Professional and Amateur fighters from across North America battle it out in Hard Knocks' cage. Rodney Wallace v. Kalib Starnes. + Sports + + + Fight Vault - HK47 - Episode 2 + Get ready for HK51 by watching Mississippi native Adrian Miles' last HK fight, an epic battle with UFC alum Rodney Wallace. He's getting ready to face Miles Anstead on October 14! + Sports + + + Fight Vault - HK30 - Episode 2 + The School of Hard Knocks 30 filmed at the Century Casino in Calgary. Professional and Amateur fighters from across North America battle it out in the cage. Louie Grover vs. Blake Sigvaldason; Dale Tallman vs. Des Ryland; Zach Snider vs. Randy Chung [title fight]. + Sports + + + OUT OF THE CAGE + S01 : E02 OUT OF THE CAGE + New to professional fighting, Justin Schmit is looking to even out his 0-1 record at HK35 against Devon Smith! Justin needs to stay light on his feet as Devon Smith has a knockout record of 8 seconds. + Sports + + + OUT OF THE CAGE + S01 : E24 OUT OF THE CAGE + Out of the Cage reveals the private thoughts and emotions of a fight sport athlete, the ambition that drives them and how they are affected when encountering defeat or facing triumph. Featuring Magnus McCracken. + Sports + + + UCMMA 47 - Alex Lohore v. Tom Wincott + Alex Lohore v. Tom Wincott + Sports + + + M-1 Challenge 91 - Mikhail Zayats v. Caio Magalhaes + Mikhail Zayats v. Caio Magalhaes + Sports + + + Shock n Awe 14 - Xavier Sedras v. Jefferson George + Xavier Sedras v. Jefferson George + Sports + + + Enfusion 63 - Buakaw Banchamek v. Jonay Risco + Buakaw Banchamek v. Jonay Risco Sports @@ -49297,52 +63304,259 @@ Metal Mulisha veteran Ronnie Faisst dominates the Mulisha compound and Crusty Tour. Sports - - FIFA+ - - + + Check 1,2 - Season 1 - The Goons of Doom + Ozzie Wright and The Goons of Doom visit Hollywood for an unforgettable rock and roll assault. Sports - - FIFA+ - - + + Drive Thru - Caribbean - The Departure + The crew embarks to the Caribbean and their first stop Puerto Rico. Sports - - FIFA+ - - + + Camp Woodward - Season 4 - Age Factor + The kids enjoy country life and go horseback riding and river tubing. Sports - - FIFA+ - - + + Bubba's World - Season 2 - The Amateur + James Stewart is back on his bike and is on a mission to ride in the last half of the Outdoor National Race... Sports - - FIFA+ - - + + The Adventures of Danny and the Dingo - Season 5 - Dish-Dash and Splash + The boys hit Dubai. Tom Tom is forced to eat brain and Danny tries to protect Dingo in the Old Town. Sports - - FIFA+ - - + + SLAM! - Season 1 - Taste of Glory + A bunch of ouchies and boo boos with John Peacy, Dave Abair, JP Tomich, and Lizard King. Sports - - FIFA+ - - + + The Captain and Casey Show - Season 3 - Episode 1 + Interview with Jeff Grosso, JT with Corey Duffel, presenting Team Pain, a Volcom Bowl Bash and more. Sports - - FIFA+ - - + + Thrillbillies - Season 4 - Hero Worship + Crum invites legendary skater Bob Burnquist for a visit with the Thrillbillies but things don't go as plann... + Sports + + + Firsthand - Chris Coulter + Chris Coulter goes searching for New Zealand's summertime snow with fellow riders Andy Finch and Chris Tayl... + Sports + + + Surfing for Peace + The Paskowitz, the Rothmans, and Kelly Slater visit Israel, trying to bring unity to conflicting cultures. + Sports + + + Blauvelt's Backcountry - Park Life + Jake Blauvelt, Mason Aguirre, Matt Ladley, Terje Haakonsen and others in a Norway glacier shoot. + Sports + + + Minions - Season 1 - Episode 1 + Minions meet the squad for the first time and set their home for the next few days in Santa Cruz, Californ... + Sports + + + Minions - Season 1 - Episode 2 + The crew gets a tour of the NHS Skate Museum, followed by a heated mini ramp session at HQ. + Sports + + + Minions - Season 1 - Episode 3 + The squad lets loose at Mike Fox Skatepark before hosting a killer demo for NHS employees at HQ. + Sports + + + YETI Natural Selection 2024 - Men Day 2 + Highlights from the 2024 NST finals second day of men's competition at Revelstoke's Montana Bowl. + Sports + + + Drive Thru USA - Barneys in all of You + The boys head to Santa Cruz to have a Barney Day, in memory of local legend, Shawn "Barney" Barron. + Sports + + + Thin Line With Nic Von Rupp + 
Big wave surfer and barrel rider Nic Von Rupp shares some of his best surf sessions around the world. + Sports + + + ORB + Australian surfer Harry Bryant travels to the most iconic locations known to the surfing world. + Sports + + + Moments + "Moments" showcases the personalities of surfers Dane Reynolds, Clay Marzo, Craig Anderson and Kelly Slate... + Sports + + + Pro Wake Tour - 2024 - Stop 3: Lake David + The third stop of the 2024 Pro Wake Tour returns to the fabled shores of Lake David, in Florida. + Sports + + + Pro Wake Tour - 2024 - Stop 4: Lenoir City Park Knoxville + An adrenaline-fueled weekend at the final Pro Wakeboard Tour event in Lenoir City, Tennesse. + Sports + + + Riding Portugal - Season 1 - A Ride Through The South of Portugal + João Kopke shows Southern Portugal's best surfing spots and unfolds all the hidden stories of the region. + Sports + + + First Push 2: Building Pakistan's First Skatepark + The team heads back to Pakistan to build a 9000-square-ft. skatepark, the first of its kind in the country. + Sports + + + Making of The Ultimate Wave Tahiti + The first ever IMAX 3D surf film features Kelly Slater in a quest to find the perfect wave-riding experienc... + Sports + + + Cobblestone Riders - The Documentary + The story of crazy riders surfing tram tracks. Check out this new extreme sport invented in Portugal! + Sports + + + Red Monkey, Full Moon + Mick Fanning and Mason Ho experience a Red Monkey Full Moon, a phenomenon that happens every 10 000 years. + Sports + + + 4 LOVE + Skateboarding filmer Kevin Perez made a video with as many of his skate-celebrity friends as possible. + Sports + + + Pro Wake Tour - 2024 - Stop 3: Lake David + The third stop of the 2024 Pro Wake Tour returns to the fabled shores of Lake David, in Florida. + Sports + + + Pro Wake Tour - 2024 - Stop 4: Lenoir City Park Knoxville + An adrenaline-fueled weekend at the final Pro Wakeboard Tour event in Lenoir City, Tennesse. + Sports + + + Built to Shred - Season 4 - Weird Science + The crew shreds SF Exploratorium with Paul Schmitt, D. Busenitz, F. Gerwer, J. Curtain, and local rippers. + Sports + + + Bubba's World - Season 2 - The Co-Workers + Just days away from James Stewart's return to the Outdoor races and the Stewart family has not slowed down. + Sports + + + Making of The Ultimate Wave Tahiti + The first ever IMAX 3D surf film features Kelly Slater in a quest to find the perfect wave-riding experienc... + Sports + + + Baja Sessions + Ten highly energized groms visit Baja California to score some perfect waves and a lot of tacos and burrit... + Sports + + + FUEL TV presents Mission: Caribbean + Three top wakeboarders and four of the world's best surfers, on an 8 day exploration of the Caribbean. + Sports + + + Custom - Season 5 - Frederico Morais + Portuguese Frederico Morais tells how he became a pro surfer within a family of keen rugby players. + Sports + + + Custom - Season 6 - Sam Pilgrim + British pro MTB rider, Sam Pilgrim presents his "How I See It" series. + Sports + + + M80 - Season 1 - Ronnie Faisst + Metal Mulisha veteran Ronnie Faisst dominates the Mulisha compound and Crusty Tour. + Sports + + + Custom - Season 8 - SLS Paris + Custom visits the Street League Skateboarding 2024 opening event in Paris, with the top skaters in the worl... + Sports + + + Custom - Season 8 - Ultimate X + The world's top skate and BMX riders gathered in Cape Town, South Africa, for the thrilling Ultimate X even... + Sports + + + Mano A Mano - 2022 - Round 1 - Men: Wooten vs Gonzalez + Jake Wooten takes on JhanCarlos in the fifth game of Round 1, Mano A Mano 2022. + Sports + + + Mano A Mano - 2022 - Round 1 - Men: Anderson vs Borden + Andy Anderson takes on Josh Borden in the sixth game of Round 1, Mano A Mano 2022. + Sports + + + Mano A Mano - 2022 - Round 1 - Men: Woolley vs Bottger + Kieran Woolley takes on Gavin Bottger in the sixth game of Round 1, Mano A Mano 2022. + Sports + + + Lost in Thought + A video featuring the next generation of surfers, with Shane Borland, Eithan Osborne, and more. + Sports + + + Let it Simmer - Channel Islands + Mikey February, Tanner and Pat Gudauskas and Noe Mar McGonagle chase waves and talk about board designs. + Sports + + + Pro Wake Tour - 2024 - Stop 3: Lake David + The third stop of the 2024 Pro Wake Tour returns to the fabled shores of Lake David, in Florida. + Sports + + + Pro Wake Tour - 2024 - Stop 4: Lenoir City Park Knoxville + An adrenaline-fueled weekend at the final Pro Wakeboard Tour event in Lenoir City, Tennesse. + Sports + + + Baja Sessions + Ten highly energized groms visit Baja California to score some perfect waves and a lot of tacos and burrit... + Sports + + + FUEL TV presents Mission: Caribbean + Three top wakeboarders and four of the world's best surfers, on an 8 day exploration of the Caribbean. + Sports + + + Catch Up - Season 2 - Matt Archbold + In this episode of Catch Up, legendary Californian Matt Archbold, one of surfing's greatest innovators. + Sports + + + Catch Up - Season 1 - Teresa Bonvalot + In this episode we talk to Portuguese surfer Teresa Bonvalot,a rising star in the international scene. + Sports + + + Custom - Season 5 - Rune Gilfberg + A look into the life and career of Rune Glifberg's, who competed in every X-Games, winning 12 medals. Sports @@ -49633,72 +63847,181 @@ Sports - - Liga F: Espanyol - Real Madrid - Watch the full match replay of Espanyol vs Real Madrid from La Liga Femenina. + + FIFA+ + + Sports - - LIVE Real Betis v Real Madrid - LIVE Real Betis v Real Madrid + + FIFA+ + + Sports - - UWCL: SL Benfica - Olympique Lyonnais | Quarter Final - Watch highlights of the first leg between SL Benfica - Olympique Lyonnais from the UEFA Women's Champions Leag + + FIFA+ + + Sports - - UWCL: Brann - Barcelona | Quarter Final - Watch highlights of the first leg between Brann and Barcelona from the UEFA Women's Champions League. + + FIFA+ + + Sports - - UWCL: Ajax - Chelsea | Quarter Final - Watch highlights of the first leg between Ajax and Chelsea from the UEFA Women's Champions League. + + FIFA+ + + Sports - - Liga F: Deportivo de La Coruña - Barcelona - Watch the full match replay of Deportivo de La Coruña vs Barcelona from La Liga Femenina. + + FIFA+ + + Sports - - UWCL: SL Benfica - Olympique Lyonnais | Quarter Final - Watch highlights of the first leg between SL Benfica - Olympique Lyonnais from the UEFA Women's Champions Leag + + FIFA+ + + + Sports + + + FIFA+ + + + Sports + + + FIFA+ + + + Sports + + + FIFA+ + + + Sports + + + FIFA+ + + + Sports + + + FIFA+ + + + Sports + + + FIFA+ + + + Sports + + + FIFA+ + + + Sports + + + FIFA+ + + + Sports + + + FIFA+ + + + Sports + + + FIFA+ + + + Sports + + + FIFA+ + + Sports - + + FIFA+ + + + Sports + + + FIFA+ + + + Sports + + + FIFA+ + + + Sports + + + FIFA+ + + + Sports + + + FIFA+ + + + Sports + + + FIFA+ + + + Sports + + Liga F: Espanyol - Real Madrid Watch the full match replay of Espanyol vs Real Madrid from La Liga Femenina. Sports - + UWCL: Ajax - Chelsea | Quarter Final Watch highlights of the first leg between Ajax and Chelsea from the UEFA Women's Champions League. Sports - + Liga F: Deportivo de La Coruña - Barcelona Watch the full match replay of Deportivo de La Coruña vs Barcelona from La Liga Femenina. Sports - + UWCL: SL Benfica - Olympique Lyonnais | Quarter Final Watch highlights of the first leg between SL Benfica - Olympique Lyonnais from the UEFA Women's Champions Leag Sports - + Liga F: Espanyol - Real Madrid Watch the full match replay of Espanyol vs Real Madrid from La Liga Femenina. Sports - + UWCL: Ajax - Chelsea | Quarter Final Watch highlights of the first leg between Ajax and Chelsea from the UEFA Women's Champions League. Sports - + Liga F: Deportivo de La Coruña - Barcelona Watch the full match replay of Deportivo de La Coruña vs Barcelona from La Liga Femenina. Sports @@ -49863,9 +64186,114 @@ Watch highlights of St. Pölten v Olympique Lyonnais from the UEFA Women's Champions League. Sports - - Germany vs. USA - Encore coverage from the ATP Davis Cup + + Liga F: Espanyol - Real Madrid + Watch the full match replay of Espanyol vs Real Madrid from La Liga Femenina. + Sports + + + UWCL: Ajax - Roma + Watch highlights of Ajax v Roma from the UEFA Women's Champions League. + Sports + + + UWCL: Real Madrid - Häcken + Watch highlights of Real Madrid v Häcken from the UEFA Women's Champions League. + Sports + + + Liga F: Deportivo de La Coruña - Barcelona + Watch the full match replay of Deportivo de La Coruña vs Barcelona from La Liga Femenina. + Sports + + + UWCL: St. Pölten - Olympique Lyonnais + Watch highlights of St. Pölten v Olympique Lyonnais from the UEFA Women's Champions League. + Sports + + + UWCL: Ajax - Roma + Watch highlights of Ajax v Roma from the UEFA Women's Champions League. + Sports + + + UWCL: Real Madrid - Häcken + Watch highlights of Real Madrid v Häcken from the UEFA Women's Champions League. + Sports + + + Liga F: Espanyol - Real Madrid + Watch the full match replay of Espanyol vs Real Madrid from La Liga Femenina. + Sports + + + UWCL: Rosengård - SL Benfica + Watch highlights of Rosengård v SL Benfica from the UEFA Women's Champions League. + Sports + + + UWCL: Slavia Praha - Brann + Watch highlights of Slavia Praha v Brann from the UEFA Women's Champions League. + Sports + + + UWCL: Chelsea - Barcelona + Watch the full match replay of Chelsea v Barcelona from the UEFA Women's Champions League. + Sports + + + UWCL: Chelsea - Real Madrid + Watch highlights of Chelsea v Real Madrid from the UEFA Women's Champions League. + Sports + + + Liga F: Deportivo de La Coruña - Barcelona + Watch the full match replay of Deportivo de La Coruña vs Barcelona from La Liga Femenina. + Sports + + + UWCL: Rosengård - SL Benfica + Watch highlights of Rosengård v SL Benfica from the UEFA Women's Champions League. + Sports + + + UWCL: Slavia Praha - Brann + Watch highlights of Slavia Praha v Brann from the UEFA Women's Champions League. + Sports + + + UWCL: Chelsea - Barcelona + Watch the full match replay of Chelsea v Barcelona from the UEFA Women's Champions League. + Sports + + + UWCL: Chelsea - Real Madrid + Watch highlights of Chelsea v Real Madrid from the UEFA Women's Champions League. + Sports + + + Liga F: Deportivo de La Coruña - Barcelona + Watch the full match replay of Deportivo de La Coruña vs Barcelona from La Liga Femenina. + Sports + + + UWCL: Rosengård - SL Benfica + Watch highlights of Rosengård v SL Benfica from the UEFA Women's Champions League. + Sports + + + UWCL: Slavia Praha - Brann + Watch highlights of Slavia Praha v Brann from the UEFA Women's Champions League. + Sports + + + UWCL: Chelsea - Barcelona + Watch the full match replay of Chelsea v Barcelona from the UEFA Women's Champions League. + Sports + + + UWCL: Chelsea - Real Madrid + Watch highlights of Chelsea v Real Madrid from the UEFA Women's Champions League. Sports @@ -49951,59 +64379,65 @@ Watch Now: Victoria Azarenka vs. Li Na in the 2013 Australian Open Final Sports - - Episode 22 - S05 : E22 Pointless UK Season 05 - Contestants try to score as few points as possible by coming up with answers no one else can think of. - Entertainment + + 2014 Billie Jean King Cup + S01 : E07 Best Of + Highlights from the 2014 Billie Jean King Cup + Sports - - Episode 24 - S05 : E24 Pointless UK Season 05 - Contestants try to score as few points as possible by coming up with answers no one else can think of. - Entertainment + + Rafa Nadal Academy + S01 : E01 Academy Life + Host Alize Lim explores Rafael Nadal's Tennis Academy in Mallorca + Sports - - Episode 25 - S05 : E25 Pointless UK Season 05 - Contestants try to score as few points as possible by coming up with answers no one else can think of. - Entertainment + + Semifinal: Andy Murray (GBR) vs. Marin Cilic (CRO) + S01 : E01 2010 Australian Open Encore + Watch Now: Andy Murray vs. Marin Cilic in the 2010 Australian Open + Sports - - Episode 27 - S05 : E27 Pointless UK Season 05 - Contestants try to score as few points as possible by coming up with answers no one else can think of. - Entertainment + + Final: Roger Federer (SWI) vs. Andy Murray (GRB) + S01 : E01 2010 Australian Open Encore + Watch Now: Roger Federer vs. Andy Murray in the 2010 Australian Open Final + Sports - - Episode 28 - S05 : E28 Pointless UK Season 05 - Contestants try to score as few points as possible by coming up with answers no one else can think of. - Entertainment + + Semifinal: Andy Murray (GBR) vs. Milos Raonic (CAN) + S01 : E01 2016 Australian Open Encore + Watch Now: Andy Murray vs. Milos Raonic in the 2016 Australian Open + Sports - - Episode 29 - S05 : E29 Pointless UK Season 05 - Contestants try to score as few points as possible by coming up with answers no one else can think of. - Entertainment + + Episode 24 + S01 : E24 Served by Andy Roddick + Hall of Famer Andy Roddick's video Podcast + Sports - - Episode 30 - S05 : E30 Pointless UK Season 05 - Contestants try to score as few points as possible by coming up with answers no one else can think of. - Entertainment + + Djokovic and Alcaraz + S01 : E03 Popup Practice + Popup Practice with Djokovic and Alcaraz + Sports - - Episode 31 - S05 : E31 Pointless UK Season 05 - Contestants try to score as few points as possible by coming up with answers no one else can think of. - Entertainment + + Semifinal: Andy Murray (GBR) vs. Marin Cilic (CRO) + S01 : E01 2010 Australian Open Encore + Watch Now: Andy Murray vs. Marin Cilic in the 2010 Australian Open + Sports - - Episode 32 - S05 : E32 Pointless UK Season 05 - Contestants try to score as few points as possible by coming up with answers no one else can think of. - Entertainment + + Final: Roger Federer (SWI) vs. Andy Murray (GRB) + S01 : E01 2010 Australian Open Encore + Watch Now: Roger Federer vs. Andy Murray in the 2010 Australian Open Final + Sports + + + Semifinal: Andy Murray (GBR) vs. Milos Raonic (CAN) + S01 : E01 2016 Australian Open Encore + Watch Now: Andy Murray vs. Milos Raonic in the 2016 Australian Open + Sports TX34 ENIG674Y/01 @@ -50335,51 +64769,172 @@ Contestants score points by coming up with the answers no-one else could think of. Entertainment - - Dil - Raja and Madhu fall in love with each other and get married against their parents' wishes. However, both their fathers try their best to separate them. + + Episode 13 + S10 : E13 Pointless + The brainy quiz returns for a 10th series in which contestants try to score as few points as possible. Entertainment - - Radha Prem Ki Deewani - S01 : E431 Radha Prem Ki Deewani - Prem and Radha, who have different opinions about everything, grow close to each other despite their contrasting personalities. + + Episode 43 + S10 : E43 Pointless + The brainy quiz returns for a 10th series in which contestants try to score as few points as possible. Entertainment - - Radha Prem Ki Deewani - S01 : E432 Radha Prem Ki Deewani - Prem and Radha, who have different opinions about everything, grow close to each other despite their contrasting personalities. + + Episode 42 + S23 : E42 Pointless UK Season 23 + Contestants try to score as few points as possible by plumbing the depths of their general knowledge. Entertainment - - Uttaran - S01 : E792 Uttaran - An angry Raghuvendra throws Siddharth out of the former's house. Later, Divya reprimands Sumitra for Tapasya's departure from Raghuvendra's house. + + Episode 28 + S10 : E28 Pointless + The brainy quiz returns for a 10th series in which contestants try to score as few points as possible. Entertainment - - Part 2 - S01 : E550 Na Aana Is Des Laado - Ammaji, the matriarch of a village, who encourages female infanticide, is opposed by her daughter-in-law, Sia. Years later, after losing several family members, Ammaji undergoes a reformation. + + Episode 31 + S10 : E31 Pointless + The brainy quiz returns for a 10th series in which contestants try to score as few points as possible. Entertainment - - Code Red - S01 : E23 Code Red - Rajesh and Prachi, a married couple, are involved in frequent fights over minor household issues. A major accident forces them to forget their differences and reconcile. + + Episode 25 + S10 : E25 Pointless + The brainy quiz returns for a 10th series in which contestants try to score as few points as possible. Entertainment - - Sanskaar - S01 : E148 Sanskaar - Drama series. + + Episode 17 + S23 : E17 Pointless UK Season 23 + Contestants try to score as few points as possible by plumbing the depths of their general knowledge. Entertainment - - Kitchen Champion - S01 : E13 Kitchen Champion - Siddharth Shukla and Pearl V Puri try to impress everyone using their looks and their amateur culinary skills. + + Episode 4 + S23 : E04 Pointless UK Season 23 + Contestants try to score as few points as possible by plumbing the depths of their general knowledge. + Entertainment + + + Episode 42 + S10 : E42 Pointless + The brainy quiz returns for a 10th series in which contestants try to score as few points as possible. + Entertainment + + + Episode 18 + S01 : E18 Pointless + Contestants score points by coming up with the answers no-one else could think of. + Entertainment + + + Episode 45 + S23 : E45 Pointless UK Season 23 + Contestants try to score as few points as possible by plumbing the depths of their general knowledge. + Entertainment + + + Episode 2 + S10 : E02 Pointless + The brainy quiz returns for a 10th series in which contestants try to score as few points as possible. + Entertainment + + + Episode 18 + S23 : E18 Pointless UK Season 23 + Contestants try to score as few points as possible by plumbing the depths of their general knowledge. + Entertainment + + + Episode 39 + S10 : E39 Pointless + The brainy quiz returns for a 10th series in which contestants try to score as few points as possible. + Entertainment + + + Episode 28 + S23 : E28 Pointless UK Season 23 + Contestants try to score as few points as possible by plumbing the depths of their general knowledge. + Entertainment + + + Episode 13 + S23 : E13 Pointless UK Season 23 + Contestants try to score as few points as possible by plumbing the depths of their general knowledge. + Entertainment + + + Episode 50 + S10 : E50 Pointless + The brainy quiz returns for a 10th series in which contestants try to score as few points as possible. + Entertainment + + + Episode 24 + S01 : E24 Pointless + Contestants score points by coming up with the answers no-one else could think of. + Entertainment + + + Episode 16 + S09 : E16 Pointless + Quiz in which contestants try to score as few points as possible by guessing the least popular answers. + Entertainment + + + Episode 54 + S24 : E54 Pointless UK Season 24 + Contestants try to score as few points as possible by coming up with the answers no-one else couldthink of. + Entertainment + + + Episode 55 + S24 : E55 Pointless UK Season 24 + Contestants try to score as few points as possible by coming up with the answers no-one else couldthink of. + Entertainment + + + Episode 1 + S11 : E01 Pointless + Contestants try to score as few points as possible by coming up with the answers no-one else could think of. + Entertainment + + + Episode 2 + S11 : E02 Pointless + Contestants try to score as few points as possible by coming up with the answers no-one else could think of. + Entertainment + + + Episode 48 + S09 : E48 Pointless + Quiz in which contestants try to score as few points as possible by guessing the least popular answers. + Entertainment + + + Episode 46 + S05 : E46 Pointless UK Season 05 + Contestants try to score as few points as possible by coming up with answers no one else can think of. + Entertainment + + + Episode 23 + S11 : E23 Pointless + Contestants try to score as few points as possible by coming up with the answers no-one else could think of. + Entertainment + + + Episode 29 + S11 : E29 Pointless + Contestants try to score as few points as possible by coming up with the answers no-one else could think of. + Entertainment + + + Episode 9 + S01 : E09 Pointless + Contestants score points by coming up with the answers no-one else could think of. Entertainment @@ -50700,82 +65255,194 @@ Priya falls in love with Rahul, a womaniser, who jilts her after she gets pregnant. However, when she is ostracised by everyone, Ajay, her best friend, supports and helps her. Entertainment - - Love Through New Eyes - S01 : E146 Love Through New Eyes - An understanding woman helps her daughter-in-law, who is seemingly overweight, in her endeavours to lose weight by providing the right kind of encouragement. + + Radha Prem Ki Deewani + S01 : E433 Radha Prem Ki Deewani + Prem and Radha, who have different opinions about everything, grow close to each other despite their contrasting personalities. Entertainment - - Amulya's Wedding - S01 : E04 Amulya's Wedding - In a tense family gathering, Sarika and Amulya find themselves embroiled in a heated confrontation. Sarika accuses Amulya and her family of stealing her necklace, creating a scene at her brother's wedding. + + Radha Prem Ki Deewani + S01 : E434 Radha Prem Ki Deewani + Prem and Radha, who have different opinions about everything, grow close to each other despite their contrasting personalities. Entertainment - - This Is Fate - S07 : E04 This Is Fate - Rakhee confronts Nidhi about brainwashing Shourya against his biological mother, Preeta. Shourya and his friends start racing with the bus on the highway and cause an accident. + + Uttaran + S01 : E794 Uttaran + Raghuvendra expresses disappointment at Tapasya for leaving the house. Later, Rohini and Pushkar console a devastated Sumitra. Entertainment - - Un…Fortunate Love - S04 : E134 Un…Fortunate Love - Lakshmi and Rishi struggle to defend their love against the relentless interference of Malishka, who stops at nothing to claim Rishi for herself. As tensions escalate within the Oberoi family, the couple must navigate a treacherous path to protect their bond from external threats. + + Na Aana Is Des Laado + S01 : E552 Na Aana Is Des Laado + Aditya is furious with Ragini and he gives her an earful for ditching him on their honeymoon. Meanwhile, Karan supports Dia and Shaurya's relationship. Entertainment - - Hearts Crossed - S01 : E76 Hearts Crossed - Shaila tells Rasamay that if Ishan finds Gouri and she tells him the truth, everything will be ruined. Madhuri is shocked when she hears Shaila telling Rasamay that she will murder Gouri. + + Code Red + S01 : E25 Code Red + Shikha, a college student, is ragged by her seniors at college. When the emotional and mental trauma becomes unbearable, she decides to send out an SOS call to Life 24x7. Entertainment - - Undercover Love - S01 : E253 Undercover Love - Jas visits the crime spot as Janki Sorkhel. Divya Sen calls Koushiki anonymously and asks for Boidehi. Koushiki is surprised. Jas calls Divya as Janki and informs her about the murders. + + Radha Prem Ki Deewani + S01 : E433 Radha Prem Ki Deewani + Prem and Radha, who have different opinions about everything, grow close to each other despite their contrasting personalities. Entertainment - - My Journey To You - S01 : E76 My Journey To You - Virat and Amruta wedding is fixed for the 27th May. Virat gets a call from his detective. The detective tells Virat that the number is switched off, but its last location was of his building. + + Radha Prem Ki Deewani + S01 : E434 Radha Prem Ki Deewani + Prem and Radha, who have different opinions about everything, grow close to each other despite their contrasting personalities. Entertainment - - Force Of Attraction - S01 : E116 Force Of Attraction - Shiv, a doctor, is emotionally distant due to the events that occurred in his past. His path crosses with Shakti, an orphan who is good at nurturing the broken ones. + + Uttaran + S01 : E794 Uttaran + Raghuvendra expresses disappointment at Tapasya for leaving the house. Later, Rohini and Pushkar console a devastated Sumitra. Entertainment - - Sister Wives - S01 : E116 Sister Wives - Ghazal is happy that Dua has left the house, so she can now start living her life with Haider. Ruhaan learns the truth about Ghazal and is about to kill her, but Gulnaaz comes there and stops him. + + Na Aana Is Des Laado + S01 : E552 Na Aana Is Des Laado + Aditya is furious with Ragini and he gives her an earful for ditching him on their honeymoon. Meanwhile, Karan supports Dia and Shaurya's relationship. Entertainment - - Love Through New Eyes - S01 : E146 Love Through New Eyes - An understanding woman helps her daughter-in-law, who is seemingly overweight, in her endeavours to lose weight by providing the right kind of encouragement. + + Code Red + S01 : E25 Code Red + Shikha, a college student, is ragged by her seniors at college. When the emotional and mental trauma becomes unbearable, she decides to send out an SOS call to Life 24x7. Entertainment - - Aparajita - S01 : E59 Aparajita - Mohini lays a trap to remind Akshay of the past by taking him to his house. Akshay thinks Aparajita is protective about him, so he confesses his love for her. And it makes Mohini furious. + + Radha Prem Ki Deewani + S01 : E429 Radha Prem Ki Deewani + Prem and Radha, who have different opinions about everything, grow close to each other despite their contrasting personalities. Entertainment - - My Heart Knows - S04 : E47 My Heart Knows - Kalyani feels sad when she sees Malhar donating food to the poor in memory of Ahir and Swara. Malhar continues to harass Kalyani. Malhar asks Kalyani to stay away from Muku. + + Radha Prem Ki Deewani + S01 : E430 Radha Prem Ki Deewani + Prem and Radha, who have different opinions about everything, grow close to each other despite their contrasting personalities. Entertainment - - Amulya's Wedding - S01 : E04 Amulya's Wedding - In a tense family gathering, Sarika and Amulya find themselves embroiled in a heated confrontation. Sarika accuses Amulya and her family of stealing her necklace, creating a scene at her brother's wedding. + + Radha Prem Ki Deewani + S01 : E431 Radha Prem Ki Deewani + Prem and Radha, who have different opinions about everything, grow close to each other despite their contrasting personalities. + Entertainment + + + Radha Prem Ki Deewani + S01 : E432 Radha Prem Ki Deewani + Prem and Radha, who have different opinions about everything, grow close to each other despite their contrasting personalities. + Entertainment + + + Radha Prem Ki Deewani + S01 : E433 Radha Prem Ki Deewani + Prem and Radha, who have different opinions about everything, grow close to each other despite their contrasting personalities. + Entertainment + + + Radha Prem Ki Deewani + S01 : E434 Radha Prem Ki Deewani + Prem and Radha, who have different opinions about everything, grow close to each other despite their contrasting personalities. + Entertainment + + + Code Red + S01 : E25 Code Red + Shikha, a college student, is ragged by her seniors at college. When the emotional and mental trauma becomes unbearable, she decides to send out an SOS call to Life 24x7. + Entertainment + + + Radha Prem Ki Deewani + S01 : E433 Radha Prem Ki Deewani + Prem and Radha, who have different opinions about everything, grow close to each other despite their contrasting personalities. + Entertainment + + + Radha Prem Ki Deewani + S01 : E434 Radha Prem Ki Deewani + Prem and Radha, who have different opinions about everything, grow close to each other despite their contrasting personalities. + Entertainment + + + Mahakali + S01 : E37 Mahakali + Goddess Parvati and Lord Shiva's marriage is threatened when two demons wage war against him. However, with her unbound rage, she channels Mahakali, her warrior side, to fight and defeat evil. + Entertainment + + + Code Red + S01 : E25 Code Red + Shikha, a college student, is ragged by her seniors at college. When the emotional and mental trauma becomes unbearable, she decides to send out an SOS call to Life 24x7. + Entertainment + + + Humko Tumse Pyaar Hai + Durga, who is blind, loses her fiance, Rohit, while she is getting her eye surgery. While coping with her pain, she finds solace in Raj. However, chaos ensues when Rohit returns from the dead. + Entertainment + + + Radha Prem Ki Deewani + S01 : E435 Radha Prem Ki Deewani + Prem and Radha, who have different opinions about everything, grow close to each other despite their contrasting personalities. + Entertainment + + + Radha Prem Ki Deewani + S01 : E436 Radha Prem Ki Deewani + Prem and Radha, who have different opinions about everything, grow close to each other despite their contrasting personalities. + Entertainment + + + Uttaran + S01 : E795 Uttaran + Rocky barges into Ichha's room and tries to molest her. Later, Gunwanti calls Jogi and asks for his help to protect Ichha. + Entertainment + + + Na Aana Is Des Laado + S01 : E553 Na Aana Is Des Laado + With Karan's help, Jhanvi and Dia sneak out of the house at night to meet Shaurya. Unknown to them, Rajveer follows them and informs Bhagwani about them. + Entertainment + + + Code Red + S01 : E26 Code Red + Chinni, a 12-year-old child labourer, has been working at the Mehta household for a couple of months. Chinni's depression drives her to suicide after a certain confrontation in the house. + Entertainment + + + Sanskaar + S01 : E151 Sanskaar + Drama series. + Entertainment + + + Tu Aashiqui + S01 : E130 Tu Aashiqui + A stranger mixes something suspicious in Ahaan's water bottle. When Ahaan takes a sip, he feels dizzy in the car. Pankti panics and spots JD on the road and tries to call him. + Entertainment + + + Tu Aashiqui + S01 : E131 Tu Aashiqui + JD challenges Ahaan that he will not be able to prove that he mixed the drugs in Ahaan's drinks; JD decides to go to any extent to snatch Pankti from Ahaan and keep her with him. + Entertainment + + + Uttaran + S01 : E795 Uttaran + Rocky barges into Ichha's room and tries to molest her. Later, Gunwanti calls Jogi and asks for his help to protect Ichha. + Entertainment + + + Humko Tumse Pyaar Hai + Durga, who is blind, loses her fiance, Rohit, while she is getting her eye surgery. While coping with her pain, she finds solace in Raj. However, chaos ensues when Rohit returns from the dead. Entertainment @@ -51252,100 +65919,238 @@ Palki joins the City Hospital as an assistant doctor. She examines Preeta, one of the patients. Preeta jokingly tells Palki that Rajveer is not a doctor. Rajveer dons a doctor’s coat and connives with a patient to flirt with Dr Palki. Entertainment - - Hot Ones - S05 : E08 Hot Ones - As she struggles through the Scoville onslaught, Charlize Theron teaches Sean some South African slang, breaks down her reality-TV obsession and takes the spiciest Rorschach test in history. + + Un…Fortunate Love + S04 : E136 Un…Fortunate Love + Lakshmi and Rishi struggle to defend their love against the relentless interference of Malishka, who stops at nothing to claim Rishi for herself. As tensions escalate within the Oberoi family, the couple must navigate a treacherous path to protect their bond from external threats. Entertainment - - Hot Ones - S09 : E03 Hot Ones - Trevor Noah discusses the advice he got from Jon Stewart, breaks down the joys of biltong and explains the one thing that connects us all as humans. + + Hearts Crossed + S01 : E78 Hearts Crossed + Gouri is forced to work at a local food joint as a maidservant to pay for her food, while Ishan, Arnab and Sanatan drive from one place to another in search of Gouri. Entertainment - - Hot Ones - S05 : E05 Hot Ones - While struggling through the wings of death, Hannibal Buress pulls back the curtain on The Eric Andre Show. + + Force Of Attraction + S01 : E118 Force Of Attraction + Shiv, a doctor, is emotionally distant due to the events that occurred in his past. His path crosses with Shakti, an orphan who is good at nurturing the broken ones. Entertainment - - Hot Ones - S08 : E02 Hot Ones - Abbi Jacobson and Ilana Glazer are the creators and stars of "Broad City," the beloved TV comedy show. + + Sister Wives + S01 : E118 Sister Wives + Hafeez asks Kaynaat to elope and get married, but Kaynaat refuses. Hafeez threatens Kaynaat to break their relationship if she does not elope with him. Entertainment - - Hot Ones - S12 : E03 Hot Ones - Watch as Eric Andre melts down in his own home, chugging milk and screaming non-sequiturs while discussing everything from the genius of Sacha Baron Cohen to his thoughts on comedy skits on classic rap albums. + + Love Through New Eyes + S01 : E147 Love Through New Eyes + An understanding woman helps her daughter-in-law, who is seemingly overweight, in her endeavours to lose weight by providing the right kind of encouragement. Entertainment - - Hot Ones - S09 : E06 Hot Ones - DeVine takes on the wings of death in the first-ever "Hot Ones" Fourth of July special. Along the way, he channels Macho Man Randy Savage, discusses his hilarious "Pitch Perfect" audition and explains why his dad hung up on Joe Biden. + + Undercover Love + S01 : E255 Undercover Love + Swayambhu wonders if Koushiki will really handover her position to Mehendi. Mehendi wants to capture the company and throw Koushiki out. Jagadhatri is upset about Mehendi’s narrow mindedness. Entertainment - - Hot Ones - S03 : E18 Hot Ones - Thomas Middleditch is known for his role on Silicon Valley, but fans know his roots from improv theater. + + My Journey To You + S01 : E78 My Journey To You + Everyone gathers for ‘simant puja’. Babita puts some medicine in a glass of ‘aam panna’ that is going to be served to everyone. Babita instructs Raja to give that glass to Bhavani. Entertainment - - Hot Ones - S09 : E04 Hot Ones - Aubrey Plaza is known for her cult roles in "Scott Pilgrim vs. the World," "Parks and Recreation" and more. + + Amulya's Wedding + S01 : E06 Amulya's Wedding + Sarika tells her mother that she wants to visit her aunt to apologize for her past wrongdoings at the wedding. Although her mother is skeptical, Sarika insists she's sincere Entertainment - - Hot Ones - S10 : E05 Hot Ones - One of the nicest dudes in Hollywood takes on some of the least nice hot sauces on the planet. Paul Rudd breaks down the alternate "Anchorman" script, shares his love for David Letterman and improvises a tearful scene inspired by the wings of death. + + This Is Fate + S07 : E06 This Is Fate + Palki joins the City Hospital as an assistant doctor. She examines Preeta, one of the patients. Preeta jokingly tells Palki that Rajveer is not a doctor. Rajveer dons a doctor’s coat and connives with a patient to flirt with Dr Palki. Entertainment - - Hot Ones - S20 : E09 Hot Ones - Bob Odenkirk is an actor and writer whose resume includes everything from the pioneering sketch comedy series "Mr. Show" to "Breaking Bad" and an acclaimed performance as Jimmy McGill in "Better Call Saul." + + Un…Fortunate Love + S04 : E136 Un…Fortunate Love + Lakshmi and Rishi struggle to defend their love against the relentless interference of Malishka, who stops at nothing to claim Rishi for herself. As tensions escalate within the Oberoi family, the couple must navigate a treacherous path to protect their bond from external threats. Entertainment - - Hot Ones - S17 : E03 Hot Ones - How is Ed Helms with spicy food? Find out as the man behind Andy Bernard discusses banjos, boiled peanuts and the art of the ad read. + + Hearts Crossed + S01 : E78 Hearts Crossed + Gouri is forced to work at a local food joint as a maidservant to pay for her food, while Ishan, Arnab and Sanatan drive from one place to another in search of Gouri. Entertainment - - Hot Ones - S11 : E03 Hot Ones - Will Ferrell shares behind-the-scenes stories from his beloved movies and discusses the origins of his famous Harry Caray impersonation on "Saturday Night Live." + + Force Of Attraction + S01 : E118 Force Of Attraction + Shiv, a doctor, is emotionally distant due to the events that occurred in his past. His path crosses with Shakti, an orphan who is good at nurturing the broken ones. Entertainment - - Hot Ones - S03 : E02 Hot Ones - As he sweats profusely through the pain, Joey Diaz manages to deliver some incredible anecdotes about getting bitten by dogs and eating edibles with Bert Kreischer's dad. + + Sister Wives + S01 : E118 Sister Wives + Hafeez asks Kaynaat to elope and get married, but Kaynaat refuses. Hafeez threatens Kaynaat to break their relationship if she does not elope with him. Entertainment - - Hot Ones - S18 : E03 Hot Ones - Queen Latifah takes on the wings of death, shares Tupac memories and discusses her love for Rock N' Jock and "Set It Off." + + Love Through New Eyes + S01 : E147 Love Through New Eyes + An understanding woman helps her daughter-in-law, who is seemingly overweight, in her endeavours to lose weight by providing the right kind of encouragement. Entertainment - - Hot Ones - S13 : E07 Hot Ones - Lover of anime Thundercat reveals the cartoons with the best theme songs, video game soundtracks, Marvel movies, his bass-playing days with Suicidal Tendencies, his love of bowling and the first time he met Sean in Los Angeles at The Comedy Store. + + Undercover Love + S01 : E255 Undercover Love + Swayambhu wonders if Koushiki will really handover her position to Mehendi. Mehendi wants to capture the company and throw Koushiki out. Jagadhatri is upset about Mehendi’s narrow mindedness. Entertainment - - Hot Ones - S03 : E08 Hot Ones - Watch the beloved British DJ scale the heights of Mount Scoville while teaching host Sean Evans about U.K. slang and the proper way to dress as a husky man. + + My Journey To You + S01 : E78 My Journey To You + Everyone gathers for ‘simant puja’. Babita puts some medicine in a glass of ‘aam panna’ that is going to be served to everyone. Babita instructs Raja to give that glass to Bhavani. + Entertainment + + + Aparajita + S01 : E61 Aparajita + Chhavi slaps Disha for accusing Veer being behind the attack on Akshay. Mohini executes her plan and brings a group of women in front of Aparajita’s laundry to create a ruckus and humiliate Aparajita. + Entertainment + + + Un…Fortunate Love + S04 : E136 Un…Fortunate Love + Lakshmi and Rishi struggle to defend their love against the relentless interference of Malishka, who stops at nothing to claim Rishi for herself. As tensions escalate within the Oberoi family, the couple must navigate a treacherous path to protect their bond from external threats. + Entertainment + + + Hearts Crossed + S01 : E78 Hearts Crossed + Gouri is forced to work at a local food joint as a maidservant to pay for her food, while Ishan, Arnab and Sanatan drive from one place to another in search of Gouri. + Entertainment + + + Amulya's Wedding + S01 : E06 Amulya's Wedding + Sarika tells her mother that she wants to visit her aunt to apologize for her past wrongdoings at the wedding. Although her mother is skeptical, Sarika insists she's sincere + Entertainment + + + This Is Fate + S07 : E06 This Is Fate + Palki joins the City Hospital as an assistant doctor. She examines Preeta, one of the patients. Preeta jokingly tells Palki that Rajveer is not a doctor. Rajveer dons a doctor’s coat and connives with a patient to flirt with Dr Palki. + Entertainment + + + Force Of Attraction + S01 : E118 Force Of Attraction + Shiv, a doctor, is emotionally distant due to the events that occurred in his past. His path crosses with Shakti, an orphan who is good at nurturing the broken ones. + Entertainment + + + Sister Wives + S01 : E118 Sister Wives + Hafeez asks Kaynaat to elope and get married, but Kaynaat refuses. Hafeez threatens Kaynaat to break their relationship if she does not elope with him. + Entertainment + + + Aparajita + S01 : E62 Aparajita + The women supporting Mohini throw stones at Aparajita. Disha feels that Aparajita has developed feelings for Akshay. + Entertainment + + + My Heart Knows + S04 : E50 My Heart Knows + Sarthak is upset when Muku goes missing from the house. Kalyani informs Malhar that Muku has been kidnapped. + Entertainment + + + Love Through New Eyes + S01 : E148 Love Through New Eyes + An understanding woman helps her daughter-in-law, who is seemingly overweight, in her endeavours to lose weight by providing the right kind of encouragement. + Entertainment + + + Amulya's Wedding + S01 : E07 Amulya's Wedding + Amulya's sister, Aarti, is faced with a marriage proposal from Gautam, a kind-hearted man who had previously helped Amulya. + Entertainment + + + This Is Fate + S07 : E07 This Is Fate + Palki tells her parents that she has found tenants for Aunt Gurpreet. Palki tells her parents about Mrs Preeta and her nephew, Rajveer. Rajveer develops a soft spot for Palki. + Entertainment + + + Un…Fortunate Love + S04 : E137 Un…Fortunate Love + Lakshmi and Rishi struggle to defend their love against the relentless interference of Malishka, who stops at nothing to claim Rishi for herself. As tensions escalate within the Oberoi family, the couple must navigate a treacherous path to protect their bond from external threats. + Entertainment + + + Hearts Crossed + S01 : E79 Hearts Crossed + As a hassled Ishan walks around the streets desperately looking for Gouri, the Goddess comes to him in the form of a little girl and hands him a dish made by Gouri. Ishan eats it and realises that Gouri must have cooked it. + Entertainment + + + Undercover Love + S01 : E256 Undercover Love + Jas asks Chiranjit and Nandy to be alert at the Holi party. Sangvi and others plan a special game. The girls need to recognise their husbands blindfolded. + Entertainment + + + My Journey To You + S01 : E79 My Journey To You + Virat and Amruta catch Suresh, who took their photos. Abhiraj sees Babita worried and tries to win her confidence so he can usurp the properties later. Virat compels Suresh to reveal the name of the culprit + Entertainment + + + Force Of Attraction + S01 : E119 Force Of Attraction + Shiv, a doctor, is emotionally distant due to the events that occurred in his past. His path crosses with Shakti, an orphan who is good at nurturing the broken ones. + Entertainment + + + Sister Wives + S01 : E119 Sister Wives + Dua tries to escape from the locked room. She breaks the glass of the door and manages to unlock it. Kaynaat decides to elope with Hafeez and get married to him. + Entertainment + + + Love Through New Eyes + S01 : E148 Love Through New Eyes + An understanding woman helps her daughter-in-law, who is seemingly overweight, in her endeavours to lose weight by providing the right kind of encouragement. + Entertainment + + + Aparajita + S01 : E62 Aparajita + The women supporting Mohini throw stones at Aparajita. Disha feels that Aparajita has developed feelings for Akshay. + Entertainment + + + My Heart Knows + S04 : E50 My Heart Knows + Sarthak is upset when Muku goes missing from the house. Kalyani informs Malhar that Muku has been kidnapped. + Entertainment + + + Amulya's Wedding + S01 : E07 Amulya's Wedding + Amulya's sister, Aarti, is faced with a marriage proposal from Gautam, a kind-hearted man who had previously helped Amulya. + Entertainment + + + This Is Fate + S07 : E07 This Is Fate + Palki tells her parents that she has found tenants for Aunt Gurpreet. Palki tells her parents about Mrs Preeta and her nephew, Rajveer. Rajveer develops a soft spot for Palki. Entertainment @@ -51540,13 +66345,13 @@ As he sweats profusely through the pain, Joey Diaz manages to deliver some incredible anecdotes about getting bitten by dogs and eating edibles with Bert Kreischer's dad. Entertainment - + Hot Ones S16 : E10 Hot Ones Hollywood vet Rob Lowe takes on the wings of death and discusses "West Wing" lore, comedy legends and the most overrated Thanksgiving sides. Entertainment - + Hot Ones S18 : E13 Hot Ones Neil Patrick Harris is an Emmy-winning actor who has entertained audiences for decades, on everything from acclaimed sitcoms to Broadway shows. @@ -51612,13 +66417,13 @@ Bob Odenkirk is an actor and writer whose resume includes everything from the pioneering sketch comedy series "Mr. Show" to "Breaking Bad" and an acclaimed performance as Jimmy McGill in "Better Call Saul." Entertainment - + Hot Ones S09 : E07 Hot Ones The comedian discusses tech bros, breaks down his favorite video games and explains his obsession with "The X-Files." Kumail becomes the first guest in "Hot Ones" history to dine with a knife and fork. Entertainment - + Hot Ones S09 : E10 Hot Ones "The hottest Hot One" Idris Elba takes on the wings of death and discusses everything from UK hip-hop legends to Cockney rhyming slang. @@ -51726,13 +66531,13 @@ A dear friend of "Hot Ones," Adam Richman, takes on the sauces and wings while discussing his top five iconic Brooklyn eating establishments, the influence of WWII on how Americans eat today, urban gardening tips and his favorite food rap lyrics. Entertainment - + Hot Ones S05 : E15 Hot Ones Alton sits down for his date with Sean and the wings of death. As he meticulously reorders the hot sauces to his own ranking, Alton tackles everything from the history of food TV to Eminem lyrics to the art of a bottle of champagne. Entertainment - + Hot Ones S05 : E14 Hot Ones In between "America's Next Top Model" anecdotes and expert breakdowns of the modeling industry, Ty Ty drops a fire rap verse, critiques Sean Evans' head shots, stress-eats ice cream, strikes hot sauce-inspired poses and so much more. @@ -51864,13 +66669,13 @@ As she battles the wings of death, Singh discusses her collaborations with Dwayne Johnson and Michelle Obama, her love of pro wrestling and the importance of mental health for YouTubers. Entertainment - + Hot Ones S06 : E11 Hot Ones Comedy duo Rhett and Link are among the most requested "Hot Ones" guests of all time! Entertainment - + Hot Ones S03 : E02 Hot Ones As he sweats profusely through the pain, Joey Diaz manages to deliver some incredible anecdotes about getting bitten by dogs and eating edibles with Bert Kreischer's dad. @@ -51918,50 +66723,293 @@ New Zealand pop powerhouse Lorde takes on the wings of death and discusses the sound of cicadas, the art of songwriting and the keys to a perfect onion ring. Entertainment - - Steve Coogan, Abigail Clancy, Stevie Wonder - S15 : E02 FNWJR: Steve Coogan, Abigail Clancy, Stevie Wonder - Jonathan chats to Steve Coogan and Abigail Clancy + + Hot Ones + S08 : E07 Hot Ones + Billie Eilish is the hyper-talented singer/songwriter on platinum hit singles like Ocean Eyes and Lovely. + Entertainment - - Daniel Craig, Grace Jones, Tony Curtis - S15 : E08 FNWJR: Daniel Craig, Grace Jones, Tony Curtis - Celebrity guests include Daniel Craig, Grace Jones and Tony Curtis + + Hot Ones + S15 : E05 Hot Ones + The pop star of the moment, Olivia Rodrigo, takes on the wings of death and discusses everything from lyricism to ghost stories to the appeal of Trader Joe's. + Entertainment - - David Attenborough, Emily Blunt, Clive Owen - S16 : E06 FNWJR: David Attenborough, Emily Blunt, Clive Owen - Jonathan chats to David Attenborough, Emily Blunt and Clive Owen + + Hot Ones + S11 : E04 Hot Ones + Halsey discusses her friendship with John Mayer, breaks down spooky New Jersey lore and admits that she was more nervous for "Hot Ones" than her own album release. + Entertainment - - Hugh Jackman, Martin Clunes, Lady Gaga - S16 : E11 FNWJR: Hugh Jackman, Martin Clunes, Lady Gaga - Celebrity guests include Hugh Jackman, Martin Clunes and Lady Gaga + + Hot Ones + S14 : E09 Hot Ones + Global icon J Balvin eats the spiciest meal of his life with Sean Evans and discusses everything from late nights in Paris with Michael Jordan to how he almost ended up with the stage name Scotch Bonnet. + Entertainment - - Eddie Izzard, Rihanna, Hugh Grant - S17 : E15 FNWJR: Eddie Izzard, Rihanna, Hugh Grant - On the sofa tonight are guests Eddie Izzard, Rihanna and Hugh Grant + + Hot Ones + S04 : E04 Hot Ones + Not only did Vince bring his own ranch dressing, but the young rap phenom has dropped his sophomore album! + Entertainment - - Sean Lock, Kylie Minogue, Seasick Steve - S18 : E22 FNWJR: Sean Lock, Kylie Minogue, Seasick Steve - Jonathan hosts Sean Lock and Kylie Minogue as guests. + + Hot Ones + S04 : E06 Hot Ones + Harlem rapper, designer and all-around Renaissance man A$AP Ferg just dropped his new album. Watch as the A$AP Mob emcee takes on some hot questions and even hotter wings! + Entertainment - - Chaka Khan, Gok Wan, Steve Carell - S14 : E25 FNWJR: Chaka Khan, Gok Wan, Steve Carell - Celebrity guests include Chaka Khan, Gok Wan and Steve Carell + + Hot Ones + S04 : E17 Hot Ones + Watch rapper Wale break down his relationship with Jerry Seinfeld, crack jokes about his hot-and-cold past with Complex and explain why he doesn't remember meeting Kobe Bryant. + Entertainment - - Quentin Tarantino, Samuel L. Jackson, Trinny & Susannah - S13 : E02 FNWJR: Quentin Tarantino, Samuel L. Jackson, Trinny & Susannah - Quentin Tarantino, Samuel L. Jackson and Trinny & Susannah join Jonathan on the sofa tonight. + + Hot Ones + S05 : E13 Hot Ones + Find out as the Miami rap legend takes on the wings of death and discusses everything from partying with Jeremy Shockey to hip-hop's enduring love affair with Benihana. + Entertainment - - David Gandy, Amanda Holden and Rob Brydon - S10 : E09 Chatty Man: David Gandy, Amanda Holden and Rob Brydon - Celebs David Gandy, Amanda Holden and Rob Brydon are on Alan's sofa tonight + + Hot Ones + S05 : E11 Hot Ones + Find out as the 19-year-old pop phenom reps his Canadian roots while taking on the wings of death. Along the scorched road, Mendes addresses everything from Justin Bieber's hockey skills to guitar store etiquette. + Entertainment + + + Hot Ones + S15 : E07 Hot Ones + Ed Sheeran takes on the wings of death and chats about everything from salvaging Eric Clapton's guitar from a fire to collaborating with Eminem and 50 Cent. + Entertainment + + + Hot Ones + S15 : E10 Hot Ones + New Zealand pop powerhouse Lorde takes on the wings of death and discusses the sound of cicadas, the art of songwriting and the keys to a perfect onion ring. + Entertainment + + + Hot Ones + S12 : E05 Hot Ones + The popstar behind smash hits like "Don't Start Now" and "Physical" faces off against the wings of death and discusses everything from seeing 50 Cent live in Kosovo to the enduring appeal of Goosebumps sweatpants. + Entertainment + + + Hot Ones + S08 : E07 Hot Ones + Billie Eilish is the hyper-talented singer/songwriter on platinum hit singles like Ocean Eyes and Lovely. + Entertainment + + + Hot Ones + S15 : E05 Hot Ones + The pop star of the moment, Olivia Rodrigo, takes on the wings of death and discusses everything from lyricism to ghost stories to the appeal of Trader Joe's. + Entertainment + + + Hot Ones + S11 : E04 Hot Ones + Halsey discusses her friendship with John Mayer, breaks down spooky New Jersey lore and admits that she was more nervous for "Hot Ones" than her own album release. + Entertainment + + + Hot Ones + S03 : E03 Hot Ones + In between painful fits of laughter, Danny Brown manages to share some top-shelf anecdotes about the Gathering of the Juggalos, 50 Cent's fashion tips and his beloved cats. + Entertainment + + + Hot Ones + S04 : E04 Hot Ones + Not only did Vince bring his own ranch dressing, but the young rap phenom has dropped his sophomore album! + Entertainment + + + Hot Ones + S04 : E06 Hot Ones + Harlem rapper, designer and all-around Renaissance man A$AP Ferg just dropped his new album. Watch as the A$AP Mob emcee takes on some hot questions and even hotter wings! + Entertainment + + + Hot Ones + S04 : E17 Hot Ones + Watch rapper Wale break down his relationship with Jerry Seinfeld, crack jokes about his hot-and-cold past with Complex and explain why he doesn't remember meeting Kobe Bryant. + Entertainment + + + Hot Ones + S05 : E13 Hot Ones + Find out as the Miami rap legend takes on the wings of death and discusses everything from partying with Jeremy Shockey to hip-hop's enduring love affair with Benihana. + Entertainment + + + Hot Ones + S07 : E09 Hot Ones + Bill Burr is one of the most requested "Hot Ones" guests of all time and a true standup legend. + Entertainment + + + Hot Ones + S03 : E04 Hot Ones + Accurately dubbing "Hot Ones" a "cross between Charlie Rose and f*%king Jackass," the comedian Ricky Gervais gets pummeled by the Zombie Apocalypse and Da Bomb Beyond Insanity. + Entertainment + + + Hot Ones + S14 : E11 Hot Ones + Brand is back to brace the heat and discusses his YouTube channel that now has more than 3 million subscribers. + Entertainment + + + Hot Ones + S07 : E02 Hot Ones + The Greatest Band in the World goes wing for wing with Sean Evans. Along they way, the comedic duo discusses everything from Jack's infamous Dorito Burrito to Kanye West to their animated YouTube series. + Entertainment + + + Hot Ones + S07 : E12 Hot Ones + The "White & Nerdy" icon takes on the vegan wings of death. As the Scovilles mount, Weird Al shares anecdotes about meeting Sir Paul McCartney & Michael Jackson and getting co-signed by Kurt Cobain. + Entertainment + + + Hot Ones + S08 : E05 Hot Ones + After reminiscing about the good old days, Desus and Mero go off about everything from Tekashi 69 to avocado-only restaurants to one of the funniest Kanye story you'll ever hear. BX in the building! + Entertainment + + + Hot Ones + S06 : E11 Hot Ones + Comedy duo Rhett and Link are among the most requested "Hot Ones" guests of all time! + Entertainment + + + Hot Ones + S08 : E09 Hot Ones + The Rat King takes on the wings of death and chats with Sean Evans as if they were lifelong buddies. Theo talks about climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, capturing chimps in Louisiana and adapting to the L.A. lifestyle. + Entertainment + + + Hot Ones + S03 : E02 Hot Ones + As he sweats profusely through the pain, Joey Diaz manages to deliver some incredible anecdotes about getting bitten by dogs and eating edibles with Bert Kreischer's dad. + Entertainment + + + Hot Ones + S04 : E14 Hot Ones + Comedy legend Artie Lange battles through Zombie Apocalypse and Da' Bomb, cracking jokes about everything from Kanye West to overzealous touchdown dances along the way. + Entertainment + + + Hot Ones + S07 : E04 Hot Ones + Ace Man looks back on his storied career and battles his way through the wings of death. Along the way, the rant king gets going on everything from Kanye West to iced tea to the brilliance of crows. + Entertainment + + + Hot Ones + S12 : E01 Hot Ones + Watch Tom Segura reunite with Sean Evans over a brand new hot sauce lineup, discussing everything from Dave Chappelle's surprise special to his beef with pro wrestling and love for Missy Elliott. + Entertainment + + + Hot Ones + S15 : E08 Hot Ones + David Harbour is an Emmy- and Tony-nominated actor taking on the wings of death and discusses everything from Shakespeare to penguins to underground poker clubs. + Entertainment + + + Hot Ones + S10 : E06 Hot Ones + Winterfell legend Maisie Williams battles the (vegan) wings of death and discusses everything from appearing on Binging with Babish to "Game of Thrones" myths and that time Drake shouted her out at the Billboard Music Awards. + Entertainment + + + Hot Ones + S19 : E08 Hot Ones + Ramy Youssef is a Golden Globe Award-winning actor, writer and comedian best known for his lead role in "Ramy," the Emmy-nominated and Peabody Award-winning comedy series. + Entertainment + + + Hot Ones + S16 : E03 Hot Ones + Jon Bernthal is an actor starring in TV shows like "The Walking Dead," but how is he with spicy food? + Entertainment + + + Hot Ones + S14 : E12 Hot Ones + How will Steve-O fare in his second round with the wings of death? Find out as he discusses his memoir 'Professional Idiot,' his skateboard decks and his own Steve-O Hot Sauce! + Entertainment + + + Hot Ones + S06 : E01 Hot Ones + The Jackass alum has been gored by bulls and shot in the chest, but can he survive the wings of death? + Entertainment + + + Hot Ones + S12 : E07 Hot Ones + A dear friend of "Hot Ones," Adam Richman, takes on the sauces and wings while discussing his top five iconic Brooklyn eating establishments, the influence of WWII on how Americans eat today, urban gardening tips and his favorite food rap lyrics. + Entertainment + + + Hot Ones + S05 : E15 Hot Ones + Alton sits down for his date with Sean and the wings of death. As he meticulously reorders the hot sauces to his own ranking, Alton tackles everything from the history of food TV to Eminem lyrics to the art of a bottle of champagne. + Entertainment + + + Hot Ones + S06 : E10 Hot Ones + As she battles the wings of death, Issa breaks down millennial dating terms, explains how she may have inspired Cardi B and graces the "Hot Ones" stage with one of its most memorable musical performances. + Entertainment + + + Hot Ones + S09 : E03 Hot Ones + Trevor Noah discusses the advice he got from Jon Stewart, breaks down the joys of biltong and explains the one thing that connects us all as humans. + Entertainment + + + Hot Ones + S14 : E05 Hot Ones + Kenan is a bonafide TV legend who has been making us laugh for over 25 years. But can he last in our hot seat? + Entertainment + + + Hot Ones + S03 : E22 Hot Ones + Comedian Nick Kroll's cast of sketch comedy characters includes Bobby Bottleservice, Liz G. and Aspen Bruckheimer. Can any of them stand the heat of Zombie Apocalypse and Da Bomb Beyond Insanity? + Entertainment + + + Hot Ones + S06 : E02 Hot Ones + As the Scoville bombs rain down on her tongue, Portman discusses her beloved "SNL" rap performances, her Harvard days and why it's cool that Kanye used ballet dancers in his 'Runaway' music video. + Entertainment + + + Hot Ones + S08 : E12 Hot Ones + While attempting to jump kick the wings of death, Johansson learns about memes, talks about the best movie-set food and tries to avoid spoiling "Avengers: Endgame." + Entertainment + + + Hot Ones + S19 : E03 Hot Ones + Viola Davis is one of most decorated actors of the century, but can she win against the wings of death? + Entertainment + + + Hot Ones + S16 : E07 Hot Ones + Salma Hayek is an Academy Award-nominated actress and film producer who is here to conquer the spice. + Entertainment Vivienne Westwood, Rufus Wainwright, James May @@ -52273,71 +67321,155 @@ S12 : E04 Chatty Man: Cameron Diaz, Leslie Mann, Kate Upton, Paul Hollywood and Paddy McGuinness Entertaining us this evening: Cameron Diaz, Leslie Mann, Kate Upton, Paul Hollywood and Paddy McGuinness - - Bob Smiley: You're Just Hungry - S794 : E794 Bob Smiley: You're Just Hungry - Bob Smiley’s mind races 100 miles per hour. Underwater birth? Maybe not. Giving your enemy’s name out at Prison? Maybe yes. Choosing laughter’s medicine over morphine? Depends on how bad your leg is hurt. - Entertainment + + Martin Freeman, Lindsay Lohan and Dr. Christian Jessen + S12 : E05 Chatty Man: Martin Freeman, Lindsay Lohan and Dr. Christian Jessen + Tonight, Alan is joined by Martin Freeman, Lindsay Lohan and Dr. Christian Jessen - - Nick Elleray: Live at Angel Comedy - S01 : E01 Nick Elleray: Live at Angel Comedy - Filmed at the Bill Murray, London, on the 28th of September, 2018 - Entertainment + + Frank Skinner, Heston Blumenthal, Seb Cardinal, Dustin Demri-Burns, Paloma Faith + S12 : E06 Chatty Man: Frank Skinner, Heston Blumenthal, Seb Cardinal, Dustin Demri-Burns, Paloma Faith + Celebs Frank Skinner, Heston Blumenthal and Seb Cardinal are on Alan's sofa tonight - - Helen Bauer: Live at Angel Comedy - S01 : E01 Helen Bauer: Live at Angel Comedy - Filmed at the Bill Murray, London, on the 2nd of June, 2018 - Entertainment + + John Torode, Gregg Wallace, Courtney Love, Lily Allen + S12 : E07 Chatty Man: John Torode, Gregg Wallace, Courtney Love, Lily Allen + On the sofa tonight: John Torode, Gregg Wallace and Courtney Love - - Helen Bauer: Live at Angel Comedy - S01 : E01 Helen Bauer: Live at Angel Comedy - Filmed at the Bill Murray, London, on the 2nd of June, 2018 - Entertainment + + Bono, The Edge, Anjelica Huston + S16 : E24 FNWJR: Bono, The Edge, Anjelica Huston + Celebrity guests include Bono, The Edge and Anjelica Huston - - Isabelle Farah: Ellipsis - S01 : E01 Isabelle Farah: Ellipsis - Stand-up is the outlet that keeps you sane. The nature of the game is to turn everything into punchlines. Can you do it if you feel all-consuming sadness? I wanted my therapist to come and watch me to see how hilarious I am, but I thought how odd it would be performing to someone who's seen so far behind my mask. Would he even find it funny or just sit there knowing what I was hiding? Ellipsis explores grieving, authenticity and being funny. - Entertainment + + George Best, Davina McCall, Sanjeev Bhaskar + S02 : E09 FNWJR: George Best, Davina McCall, Sanjeev Bhaskar + George Best, Davina McCall and Sanjeev Bhaskar join Jonathan on the sofa tonight. - - President Obonjo: Stolen - S01 : E01 President Obonjo: Stolen - President Obonjo the exiled dictator fights back after an attempted coup by the West, with his army of comedians he garners support to reinstate himself as the Original African dictator. - Entertainment + + Terry Wogan, Julianne Moore, Will Ferrell + S11 : E02 FNWJR: Terry Wogan, Julianne Moore and Will Ferrell + On the sofa tonight are guests Terry Wogan, Julianne Moore and Will Ferrell - - Holly Burn: The Best of the Burn - S01 : E01 Holly Burn: The Best of the Burn - Holly Burn: The Best of the Burn CENSORED - Entertainment + + Ricky Hatton, Daniel Radcliffe, Thandiwe Newton + S12 : E01 FNWJR: Ricky Hatton, Daniel Radcliffe, Thandiwe Newton + On the sofa tonight are guests Ricky Hatton, Daniel Radcliffe and Thandiwe Newton - - Tom Ward: Sex, Snails and Cassette Tapes - S01 : E01 Tom Ward: Sex, Snails and Cassette Tapes - Tom Ward: Sex, Snails and Cassette Tapes - Entertainment + + Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst, Sarah Brightman, Bill Bailey + S12 : E05 FNWJR: Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst, Sarah Brightman, Bill Bailey + Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst, Sarah Brightman and Bill Bailey join Jonathan on the sofa tonight. - - Marcel Lucont - No. Dix - S00 : E206 Marcel Lucont - No. Dix - Displaying some of his dryest wit yet, our favourite Frenchman returns with his trademark deadpan delivery, bawdy poetry, and a live band to abuse. Masterfully playing the audience, Marcel is a Gallic symbol at the height of his Imperial phase. Sipping fine red wine and shrugging off Brexit with an insouciant song, join Lucont for some cutting comedic jazz. - Entertainment + + Will Smith, Len Goodman, Arlene Phillips, Bruno Tonioli, Craig Revel Horwood, Kerry Katona + S13 : E14 FNWJR: Will Smith, Len Goodman, Arlene Phillips, Bruno Tonioli, Craig Revel Horwood, Kerry Katona + Will Smith, Len Goodman, Arlene Phillips, Bruno Tonioli, and Craig Revel Horwood join Jonathan on the sofa. - - Ben Target: Discover DIST - S2016 : E10 Ben Target: Discover DIST - The words 'genius', 'unique' and ‘the best’ are often misused. Ben Target is a comedian. He will be with you for 46 minutes. An audacious offering chock-full of exquisite prop comedy, inadvisable performance art, gauche visuals, nauseating puns and outrageous audience interaction from this breakout alternative wally. - Entertainment + + Jessica Hynes, Ricky Gervais, Kermit the Frog and Constantine, Gary Barlow + S12 : E01 Chatty Man: Jessica Hynes, Ricky Gervais, Kermit the Frog and Constantine, Gary Barlow + Tonight, Alan is joined by Jessica Hynes, Ricky Gervais, Kermit the Frog and Constantine - - Laura Davis: Live at the Easey Street Concert Hall - S2019 : E171 Laura Davis: Live at the Easey Street Concert Hall - From dealing with suicidal tendencies, to that existential life question "Gobby or Shark?" Laura finds the funny when life gices you a crappy deal. - Entertainment + + will.i.am, Ruth Jones, Enrique Iglesias + S12 : E02 Chatty Man: will.i.am, Ruth Jones, Enrique Iglesias + Celebs will.i.am, Ruth Jones and Frankie Dettori are on Alan's sofa tonight + + + Noel Edmonds, Jennifer Saunders, Amanda Holden, Alesha Dixon and David Walliams + S12 : E03 Chatty Man: Noel Edmonds, Jennifer Saunders, Amanda Holden, Alesha Dixon and David Walliams + On the sofa tonight: Noel Edmonds, Jennifer Saunders, Amanda Holden, Alesha Dixon and David Walliams + + + Cameron Diaz, Leslie Mann, Kate Upton, Paul Hollywood and Paddy McGuinness + S12 : E04 Chatty Man: Cameron Diaz, Leslie Mann, Kate Upton, Paul Hollywood and Paddy McGuinness + Entertaining us this evening: Cameron Diaz, Leslie Mann, Kate Upton, Paul Hollywood and Paddy McGuinness + + + Martin Freeman, Lindsay Lohan and Dr. Christian Jessen + S12 : E05 Chatty Man: Martin Freeman, Lindsay Lohan and Dr. Christian Jessen + Tonight, Alan is joined by Martin Freeman, Lindsay Lohan and Dr. Christian Jessen + + + Frank Skinner, Heston Blumenthal, Seb Cardinal, Dustin Demri-Burns, Paloma Faith + S12 : E06 Chatty Man: Frank Skinner, Heston Blumenthal, Seb Cardinal, Dustin Demri-Burns, Paloma Faith + Celebs Frank Skinner, Heston Blumenthal and Seb Cardinal are on Alan's sofa tonight + + + John Torode, Gregg Wallace, Courtney Love, Lily Allen + S12 : E07 Chatty Man: John Torode, Gregg Wallace, Courtney Love, Lily Allen + On the sofa tonight: John Torode, Gregg Wallace and Courtney Love + + + Penélope Cruz, Boy George, Lennox Lewis + S08 : E01 FNWJR: Penélope Cruz, Boy George, Lennox Lewis + Jonathan chats to Penélope Cruz, Boy George and Lennox Lewis + + + Robert Downey Jr., Jane Krakowski, Pamela Anderson + S08 : E05 FNWJR: Robert Downey Jr., Jane Krakowski, Pamela Anderson + Jonathan chats to Robert Downey Jr., Jane Krakowski and Pamela Anderson + + + Juliette Lewis, Colin McAllister, Justin Ryan, Bradley Walsh + S08 : E07 FNWJR: Juliette Lewis, Colin McAllister, Justin Ryan, Bradley Walsh + On the sofa tonight are guests Juliette Lewis, Colin McAllister, Justin Ryan and Bradley Walsh + + + Gordon Ramsay, Priscilla Presley, Bob Mortimer, Steve Coogan + S08 : E09 FNWJR: Gordon Ramsay, Priscilla Presley, Bob Mortimer, Steve Coogan + Celebrity guests include Gordon Ramsay, Priscilla Presley, Bob Mortimer and Steve Coogan + + + Jane Fonda, Fern Britton, Tommy Lee, Vince Neil + S08 : E11 FNWJR: Jane Fonda, Fern Britton, Tommy Lee, Vince Neil + Jane Fonda, Fern Britton, Tommy Lee and Vince Neil join Jonathan on the sofa tonight. + + + Kelly Brook, Olympic Heroes, The Mighty Boosh + S15 : E01 FNWJR: Kelly Brook, Olympic Heroes, The Mighty Boosh + Kelly Brook, Olympic Heroes and The Mighty Boosh join Jonathan on the sofa tonight. + + + Steve Coogan, Abigail Clancy, Stevie Wonder + S15 : E02 FNWJR: Steve Coogan, Abigail Clancy, Stevie Wonder + Jonathan chats to Steve Coogan and Abigail Clancy + + + Ben Stiller, Cheryl Cole, Paul O'Grady + S15 : E03 FNWJR: Ben Stiller, Cheryl Cole, Paul O'Grady + Ben Stiller, Cheryl Cole and Paul O'Grady join Jonathan on the sofa tonight. + + + Jamie Oliver, Simon Pegg, Matt Lucas, David Walliams + S15 : E04 FNWJR: Jamie Oliver, Simon Pegg, Matt Lucas, David Walliams + Jonathan chats to Jamie Oliver, Simon Pegg, Matt Lucas and David Walliams + + + Faye Dunaway, Michael Parkinson, Alan Carr + S15 : E05 FNWJR: Faye Dunaway, Michael Parkinson, Alan Carr + Celebrity guests include Faye Dunaway, Michael Parkinson and Alan Carr + + + Colin Farrell, Claudia Winkleman, Roger Moore + S15 : E06 FNWJR: Colin Farrell, Claudia Winkleman, Roger Moore + Colin Farrell, Claudia Winkleman and Roger Moore join Jonathan on the sofa tonight. + + + Penélope Cruz, Boy George, Lennox Lewis + S08 : E01 FNWJR: Penélope Cruz, Boy George, Lennox Lewis + Jonathan chats to Penélope Cruz, Boy George and Lennox Lewis + + + Robert Downey Jr., Jane Krakowski, Pamela Anderson + S08 : E05 FNWJR: Robert Downey Jr., Jane Krakowski, Pamela Anderson + Jonathan chats to Robert Downey Jr., Jane Krakowski and Pamela Anderson + + + Gordon Ramsay, Priscilla Presley, Bob Mortimer, Steve Coogan + S08 : E09 FNWJR: Gordon Ramsay, Priscilla Presley, Bob Mortimer, Steve Coogan + Celebrity guests include Gordon Ramsay, Priscilla Presley, Bob Mortimer and Steve Coogan Richard Todd: NextUp Special @@ -52735,100 +67867,202 @@ Focusing on the ups and downs of married life, feminism & the perils of social media, 30 something Laura’s take on life is infectiously optimistic. Entertainment - - Just for Laughs: All Access - S03 : E18 Starring Nick Offerman, D.J. Demers and Kurt Metzger - Just For Laughs: All Access is an exclusive stand-up series that features the biggest names from around the world. From the stages of Montreal’s grand Place des Arts and gritty Club Soda, Just For Laughs brings you the very best in stand-up today. Featuring stand-up performances from acclaimed comedians Nick Offerman, D.J. Demers and Kurt Metzger. + + Michael Legge: The Idiot + S2019 : E180 Michael Legge: The Idiot + The grumpy one returns to apologise for his last show. A must see for any fan of classical music or grown men losing their minds over nothing. Entertainment - - Just for Laughs: All Access - S03 : E18 Starring Nick Offerman, D.J. Demers and Kurt Metzger - Just For Laughs: All Access is an exclusive stand-up series that features the biggest names from around the world. From the stages of Montreal’s grand Place des Arts and gritty Club Soda, Just For Laughs brings you the very best in stand-up today. Featuring stand-up performances from acclaimed comedians Nick Offerman, D.J. Demers and Kurt Metzger. + + The Gorgeous Diva : Songs In The Key Of Me + S2022 : E560 The Gorgeous Diva : Songs In The Key Of Me + The Gorgeous Diva has yet another shot at fame in this glorious hour of songs and anecdotes in front of her adoring fan. Entertainment - - Just for Laughs: All Access - S03 : E18 Starring Nick Offerman, D.J. Demers and Kurt Metzger - Just For Laughs: All Access is an exclusive stand-up series that features the biggest names from around the world. From the stages of Montreal’s grand Place des Arts and gritty Club Soda, Just For Laughs brings you the very best in stand-up today. Featuring stand-up performances from acclaimed comedians Nick Offerman, D.J. Demers and Kurt Metzger. + + Richard Stott: Afterparty + S2022 : E505 Richard Stott: Afterparty + Richard returns with a show filled with talk of stripping down for a documentary, club nights that turned into afterparties & starting to grow up. Entertainment - - Just for Laughs: All Access - S03 : E18 Starring Nick Offerman, D.J. Demers and Kurt Metzger - Just For Laughs: All Access is an exclusive stand-up series that features the biggest names from around the world. From the stages of Montreal’s grand Place des Arts and gritty Club Soda, Just For Laughs brings you the very best in stand-up today. Featuring stand-up performances from acclaimed comedians Nick Offerman, D.J. Demers and Kurt Metzger. + + John Moyer: Welcome to My World + S813 : E813 John Moyer: Welcome to My World + By combining twenty years of award-winning stand up comedy experience, with a natural quick-wit and improvisational showmanship, John Moyer connects with every audience. His "approachable persona" is genuine. This authenticity drives his passion to deliver an entertainment experience to be remembered. Entertainment - - Just for Laughs: All Access - S03 : E18 Starring Nick Offerman, D.J. Demers and Kurt Metzger - Just For Laughs: All Access is an exclusive stand-up series that features the biggest names from around the world. From the stages of Montreal’s grand Place des Arts and gritty Club Soda, Just For Laughs brings you the very best in stand-up today. Featuring stand-up performances from acclaimed comedians Nick Offerman, D.J. Demers and Kurt Metzger. + + Leighann Lord: I Mean Business + S2021 : E625 Leighann Lord: I Mean Business + Leighann Lord is an American comedian, writer, and actress. She performs stand-up comedy, has appeared on Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn, and is a former co-host (with Neil deGrasse Tyson) of the Star Talk Radio podcast. As of April 2020, Lord became a co-host for Center for Inquiry's Point of Inquiry podcast. Entertainment - - Just for Laughs: All Access - S03 : E18 Starring Nick Offerman, D.J. Demers and Kurt Metzger - Just For Laughs: All Access is an exclusive stand-up series that features the biggest names from around the world. From the stages of Montreal’s grand Place des Arts and gritty Club Soda, Just For Laughs brings you the very best in stand-up today. Featuring stand-up performances from acclaimed comedians Nick Offerman, D.J. Demers and Kurt Metzger. + + Rodney Laney: Who Is Rodney Laney? + S791 : E791 Rodney Laney: Who Is Rodney Laney + Rodney Laney has completed pilots for Comedy Central, MTV, and A&E. He has been seen on HBO, FOX News Channel's Red Eye, The Late Late Show on CBS, Comedy Central's Premium Blend, comedy.tv on the HD channel, two appearances on Gotham Comedy Live AXSTV, and Live in Gotham VR. Entertainment - - Just for Laughs: All Access - S03 : E18 Starring Nick Offerman, D.J. Demers and Kurt Metzger - Just For Laughs: All Access is an exclusive stand-up series that features the biggest names from around the world. From the stages of Montreal’s grand Place des Arts and gritty Club Soda, Just For Laughs brings you the very best in stand-up today. Featuring stand-up performances from acclaimed comedians Nick Offerman, D.J. Demers and Kurt Metzger. + + Reno Collier: Monkeys and Stuff + S790 : E790 Reno Collier: Monkeys and Stuff + Reno's journey began at the Punchline Comedy Club in Atlanta, GA where he tended bar to supplement his day job. Entertainment - - Just for Laughs: All Access - S03 : E18 Starring Nick Offerman, D.J. Demers and Kurt Metzger - Just For Laughs: All Access is an exclusive stand-up series that features the biggest names from around the world. From the stages of Montreal’s grand Place des Arts and gritty Club Soda, Just For Laughs brings you the very best in stand-up today. Featuring stand-up performances from acclaimed comedians Nick Offerman, D.J. Demers and Kurt Metzger. + + Orlando Baxter: Glorified Baby Sitter + S2019 : E619 Orlando Baxter: Glorified Baby Sitter + Orlando Baxter exploded onto the Boston comedy scene in 2005, and quickly established himself as one of the areas hottest young comics. Entertainment - - Just for Laughs: All Access - S03 : E18 Starring Nick Offerman, D.J. Demers and Kurt Metzger - Just For Laughs: All Access is an exclusive stand-up series that features the biggest names from around the world. From the stages of Montreal’s grand Place des Arts and gritty Club Soda, Just For Laughs brings you the very best in stand-up today. Featuring stand-up performances from acclaimed comedians Nick Offerman, D.J. Demers and Kurt Metzger. + + Richard Sarvate: Missed The Window + S2020 : E618 Richard Sarvate: Missed The Window + Richard Sarvate quit his ten year programming career in Silicon Valley to be a stand up comedian. Oops! Now he spends his nights poking fun at tech jobs, talking about his experience as a first generation Indian immigrant, and bringing silliness to anyone in earshot. Entertainment - - Just for Laughs: All Access - S03 : E18 Starring Nick Offerman, D.J. Demers and Kurt Metzger - Just For Laughs: All Access is an exclusive stand-up series that features the biggest names from around the world. From the stages of Montreal’s grand Place des Arts and gritty Club Soda, Just For Laughs brings you the very best in stand-up today. Featuring stand-up performances from acclaimed comedians Nick Offerman, D.J. Demers and Kurt Metzger. + + Brent Terhune: Crooked Ginger + S2020 : E612 Brent Terhune: Crooked Ginger + If you're looking for the reason why to use a ladle to eat lucky charms, or why being a Bigfoot hunter is better than being a comedian, your search ends with Brent Terhune, who's "known from time to time, to tell a few jokes." Entertainment - - Just for Laughs: All Access - S03 : E18 Starring Nick Offerman, D.J. Demers and Kurt Metzger - Just For Laughs: All Access is an exclusive stand-up series that features the biggest names from around the world. From the stages of Montreal’s grand Place des Arts and gritty Club Soda, Just For Laughs brings you the very best in stand-up today. Featuring stand-up performances from acclaimed comedians Nick Offerman, D.J. Demers and Kurt Metzger. + + Joe Zimmerman: Captain Snuggle Pants + S2019 : E605 Joe Zimmerman: Captain Snuggle Pants + Joe Zimmerman grew up in Morgantown, West Virginia, and started his comedy career in North Carolina. While living in the South, his stand-up group the Beards of Comedy landed a record deal with Comedy Central Records. Entertainment - - Just for Laughs: All Access - S03 : E18 Starring Nick Offerman, D.J. Demers and Kurt Metzger - Just For Laughs: All Access is an exclusive stand-up series that features the biggest names from around the world. From the stages of Montreal’s grand Place des Arts and gritty Club Soda, Just For Laughs brings you the very best in stand-up today. Featuring stand-up performances from acclaimed comedians Nick Offerman, D.J. Demers and Kurt Metzger. + + David Harris: Recalculating + S840 : E840 David Harris: Recalculating + David Harris is a nationally touring, regionally Emmy Award Winning comedian, magician, actor, and host. Harris has entertained North American audiences for over 20 years with over 2000 live performances to date. He regularly appears at clubs, colleges, corporate events, theaters, arts centers, alternative rooms and other top venues across the U.S. and Canada. Entertainment - - Just for Laughs: All Access - S03 : E18 Starring Nick Offerman, D.J. Demers and Kurt Metzger - Just For Laughs: All Access is an exclusive stand-up series that features the biggest names from around the world. From the stages of Montreal’s grand Place des Arts and gritty Club Soda, Just For Laughs brings you the very best in stand-up today. Featuring stand-up performances from acclaimed comedians Nick Offerman, D.J. Demers and Kurt Metzger. + + Mike Gaffney: Dummy Magnet + S785 : E785 Mike Gaffney: Dummy Magnet + Mike Gaffney has appeared on The Artie Lange Show on Direct TV, he was on the first and third seasons of Gotham Comedy Live on AXS TV and was a semi-finalist on season 8 of NBC's Last Comic Standing. Entertainment - - Just for Laughs: All Access - S03 : E18 Starring Nick Offerman, D.J. Demers and Kurt Metzger - Just For Laughs: All Access is an exclusive stand-up series that features the biggest names from around the world. From the stages of Montreal’s grand Place des Arts and gritty Club Soda, Just For Laughs brings you the very best in stand-up today. Featuring stand-up performances from acclaimed comedians Nick Offerman, D.J. Demers and Kurt Metzger. + + LeClerc Andre: With All Due Respect + S818 : E818 LeClerc Andre: With All Due Respect + LeClerc Andre is having a breakout year as a featured New Face at the prestigious Just for Laughs Comedy Festival. Entertainment - - Just for Laughs: All Access - S03 : E18 Starring Nick Offerman, D.J. Demers and Kurt Metzger - Just For Laughs: All Access is an exclusive stand-up series that features the biggest names from around the world. From the stages of Montreal’s grand Place des Arts and gritty Club Soda, Just For Laughs brings you the very best in stand-up today. Featuring stand-up performances from acclaimed comedians Nick Offerman, D.J. Demers and Kurt Metzger. + + Ken Rogerson: Way North of 40 + S863 : E863 Ken Rogerson: Way North of 40 + Ken Rogerson, the funniest man you've never heard of, started his comedy career working the Chicago club circuit and at the famed Second City. Entertainment - - Just for Laughs: All Access - S03 : E18 Starring Nick Offerman, D.J. Demers and Kurt Metzger - Just For Laughs: All Access is an exclusive stand-up series that features the biggest names from around the world. From the stages of Montreal’s grand Place des Arts and gritty Club Soda, Just For Laughs brings you the very best in stand-up today. Featuring stand-up performances from acclaimed comedians Nick Offerman, D.J. Demers and Kurt Metzger. + + Josh Novey: Tickling Grizzlies + S859 : E859 Josh Novey: Tickling Grizzlies + An Iraq War veteran, Josh has used his humor and easy-going stage presence to entertain thousands of people. Josh is a clean comedian, so every time he goes on stage you know the whole family will be able to enjoy. + Entertainment + + + Brandon Young: Chicken Gone + S795 : E795 Brandon Young: Chicken Gone + On the “Bowl Diet” and deciding which chin to put his chin strap on, Brandon Young has 1000 words for any picture, a burned copy of the anti piracy commercial, and a shadow that sets off automatic doors. + Entertainment + + + Jason Russell: Beige Frosty + S811 : E811 Jason Russell: Beige Frosty + Like most comedians, finding a way to be silly in class was a way to get attention from classmates and teachers! + Entertainment + + + Bryan Miller: Panic Room + S798 : E798 Bryan Miller: Panic Room + Bryan Miller sees past society's traps. The man cave is 1/16 control over the house that you own half of, birth control is just placing your cell phone in the right pocket, and a comma in an income check most likely indicates prosperity. + Entertainment + + + James Gregory: Food is Not Fatal + S2022 : E573 James Gregory: Food is Not Fatal + James Gregory, a Georgian suffering from Vertigo, is on a mission to spread the good news of “real butter,” Paul-bearing strength, hotter summers, and endangered chicken legs. + Entertainment + + + Mike Brody: Not Afraid of Butterflies + S870 : E870 Mike Brody: Not Afraid of Butterflies + Starting comedy on a whim at an open mic in the year 2000, Mike Brody has since devoted his life to perfecting the delivery of his high-energy act. + Entertainment + + + Eric O'Shea: Life: It's Not Your Fault! + S808 : E808 Eric O'Shea: Life: It's Not Your Fault! + Eric O'Shea has been active in the comedy business for 25 years. He has performed in L.A. with Betty White at the Creative Emmy Awards and has appeared on America's Got Talent. + Entertainment + + + Jason Hewlett: I'm the Weird One + S2021 : E584 Jason Hewlett: I'm the Weird One + The Award-Winning One-Man Show of Jason Hewlett The Entertainer will have you laughing until it hurts. Comedy, Music, Impressions, and Standing Ovations make Jason the perfect entertainer. + Entertainment + + + Steve Mazan: Humblebragger + S891 : E891 Steve Mazan: Humblebragger + Steve Mazan shot out of the famous San Francisco scene that produced comedy legends such as Robin Williams and Dana Carvey. + Entertainment + + + Tim Young: What World Is This? + S2017 : E580 Tim Young: What World Is This? + Tim headlines clubs all over North America, has performed on over 500 college campuses as well as comedy festivals in New York, Montreal, and Seattle, and he's a fixture in the New York City club scene. + Entertainment + + + Travis Nelson: To Touch A Cloud + S948 : E948 Travis Nelson: To Touch A Cloud + Ever since Travis Nelson was whacked by Mother Nature’s growing stick, things have been looking down. The story involves magical lifeguard whistles, ice clouds, and a skydiver’s bucket list. + Entertainment + + + Ty Barnett: Yep… + S2019 : E588 Ty Barnett: Yep… + Ty Barnett, a Chicago native, got his start at Seattle's Comedy Underground. Whoopi Goldberg called Ty "hilarious‚ and reviewers have said he is "thought provoking‚ and "edgy." + Entertainment + + + Tony Law : A Now Begin In Again + S01 : E01 Tony Law : A Now Begin In Again + An ageing so called comedian comes out the other end of the plague of Justinian while time travelling and learns absolutely nothing going into our most recent bollockstes. How(sic) is life about? Wtf was that? anyone dream in Zelda? There really is no point in any of it. Start what again? It was way shitter for way more people than me but that doesn't stop me feeling sorry for myself. I've rotted. Really hadn't handled that well until I harnessed the power of time travel. + Entertainment + + + Emmanuel Sonubi: Emmancipated + S01 : E01 Emmanuel Sonubi: Emmancipated + Emmanuel Sonubi: Emmancipated + Entertainment + + + Tiff Stevenson: Optimist + S00 : E67 Tiff Stevenson: Optimist + With observations on modern life this smart, we don't have to be optimists to foresee laughter in your immediate future. + Entertainment + + + Andrew Maxwell: Showtime + S00 : E05 Andrew Maxwell: Showtime + Maxwell explores political and personal disasters of recent years with absurd characters, mischievous improv and a healthy dose of bigot baiting. + Entertainment + + + Alexis Dubus: A Ruddy Brief History of Swearing + S2016 : E02 Alexis Dubus: A Ruddy Brief History of Swearing + Alexis gives us this fresh & charming comedy lecture exploring the science and ancestry of swearing. + Entertainment + + + Rajiv Karia: Gallivant + S2022 : E480 Rajiv Karia: Gallivant + Rajiv Karia wants to be your friend. You really should support your friends, especially when they do their highly anticipated debut hour. Entertainment @@ -53623,117 +68857,466 @@ Ola Dada is a Nigerian Canadian Raised in Fort McMurray Alberta, who now lives in Vancouver. Ola’s was most recently the runner up on Canada’s largest comedy competition the 2019 SiriusXM Top Comic. Entertainment - - Amy vs. Kendra, AJ vs. Ronny (Censored) - Amy Shanker vs. Kendra Dawsey. Then, AJ Foster vs. Ronny Pascale. + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S01 : E12 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Matty Vu + Matty Vu is the bad boy of Vancouver's comedy scene, pushing the limits of audiences all over. Ok, he's just a nice boy who does comedy. He's also a 30-something man who still calls himself a boy. Entertainment - - Lyft Comics - S01 : E03 Ashton vs. Candyce, Kenny vs. Max - Ashton Womack vs. Candyce Musinski. Then, Kenny Warren vs. Max Manticof. + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S01 : E08 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Brett Forte + Brett Forte was born in 92’ but we’re pretty sure he grew up in the 80’s. He’s embarrassed by his generation and thinks you should be too. Entertainment - - Urban Eats & Treats - S01 : E11 Brandon T. Jackson - Rip Michaels and Brandon T. Jackson take us along as they visit Brandon's favorite restaurant. + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S01 : E06 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Salma Hindy + Salma Hindy enjoys listening to politician debate what she can and can't wear on the radio as she ties her hijab in the morning. The only terrorism she partakes in is shooting down stereotypes on stage. Entertainment - - Urban Eats & Treats - S01 : E12 Affion Crockett - Rip Micheals and Affion Crockett take us along as they visit Crockett's favorite restaurant. + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S02 : E05 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Abdul Aziz + Abdul Aziz is a comedian and producer who has a critically acclaimed D&D Improv-Fantasy podcast, Spout Lore. Entertainment - - Urban Eats & Treats - S01 : E01 DJ Envy - Rip Micheals and DJ Envy take us along as they visit Envy's favorite restaurant. + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S02 : E06 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Tin Lorica + Comedian and writer Tin Lorica is co-host of Millennial Live, a live comedy and poetry series. Entertainment - - Urban Eats & Treats - S01 : E02 Nick Cannon - Rip Micheals and Nick Cannon take us along as they visit Nick's favorite restaurant. + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S01 : E07 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Kyle Brownrigg + Kyle Brownrigg won Best Breakout Artist at The Canadian Comedy Awards in 2019. He has been featured on The Debaters, Halifax Comedy Festival, Laugh Out Loud, SiriusXM Top Comic, and Just for Laughs. Entertainment - - Kevin Hart Presents: Hart of the City - S03 : E01 St. Louis - Kevin Hart travels to St Louis. + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S01 : E09 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Paul Rabliauskas + Paul Rabliauskas hails from Poplar River First Nation. He’s been performing for over a decade and has been a regular on the CBC’s Debaters, was featured on the JFL’s Homegrown showcase in 2018 and has performed a handful of times in the Winnipeg comedy festival. Paul's charming, brash, and boisterous style makes him a fan favorite of so many across Canada. Entertainment - - Kevin Hart Presents: Hart of the City - S03 : E02 Dallas - Kevin Hart travels to Dallas. + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S02 : E07 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Juliana Rodrigues + Juliana Rodrigues began performing stand-up at the age of 15 and has gone on to make quite the name for herself, selected as 2021 Just For Laughs New Face. Entertainment - - Kevin Hart Presents: Hart of the City - S03 : E03 New Orleans - Kevin Hart travels to New Orleans. + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S01 : E10 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Brittany Lyseng + Born and raised in Calgary Alberta, Brittany Lyseng is a nationally touring comedian. Her humble beginnings as tradesmen are apparent in her unique delivery and one-a-kind view of the world.  Entertainment - - Kevin Hart Presents: Hart of the City - S03 : E04 Cleveland - Kevin Hart travels to Cleveland. + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S02 : E08 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Maddy Kelly + Actress and writer Maddy Kelly is best known for her work on CBC Podcasts’ Let's Make A Sci-Fi and her performance on The Standup Show with Jon Dore. Entertainment - - That's Funny (Censored) - S01 : E05 D'Lai - Hilarious stand-up performance from D'Lai. + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S01 : E11 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Ola Dada + Ola Dada is a Nigerian Canadian Raised in Fort McMurray Alberta, who now lives in Vancouver. Ola’s was most recently the runner up on Canada’s largest comedy competition the 2019 SiriusXM Top Comic. Entertainment - - That's Funny (Censored) - S01 : E06 Special K Douglas - Hilarious stand-up performance from Special K Douglas. + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S02 : E01 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Andrea Jin + Andrea Jin is a Shanghai born stand-up and writer who was recently selected as a New Face at Just For Laughs MONTRÉAL. Entertainment - - Comedy In Color (Censored) - S01 : E47 Naomi Ekperigin and Russell Kane - Hilarious stand-up performances from Naomi Ekperigin and Russell Kane + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S02 : E03 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Allie Pearse + Allie Pearse is a writer on the award winning show Letterkenny and the 2021 winner of JFL’s Standup & Pitch competition. Entertainment - - Comedy In Color (Censored) - S01 : E48 Mayce Galoni and Ismael Loutfi - Hilarious stand-up performances from Mayce Galoni and Ismael Loutfi + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S02 : E04 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Nick Nemeroff + Nick Nemeroff appeared on TBS’ Conan, and his debut comedy album, The Pursuit of Comedy Has Ruined My Life, was nominated for a 2021 JUNO Award for Comedy Album of the Year. Entertainment - - Comedy In Color (Censored) - S01 : E49 Sarah Tiana and Ron Josol - Hilarious stand-up performances from Sarah Tiana and Ron Josol + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S02 : E02 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Hisham Kelati + Hisham Kelati's debut comedy album Tigre King was nominated for a 2022 Juno for Comedy Album of the Year. Entertainment - - Comedy In Color (Censored) - S01 : E50 Tony Baker and Larry Dean - Hilarious stand-up performances from Tony Baker and Larry Dean + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S02 : E10 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Steev Letts + Steev Letts has performed at Just for Laughs VANCOUVER and the Grindstone Comedy Festival, and his debut album Burger Queen is available online. + Entertainment + + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S02 : E09 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Hoodo Hersi + Hoodo Hersi is a comedian currently writing on A24/Amazon’s untitled Ramy Youssef animated show. + Entertainment + + + The All-Star Show + This week it’s like comedy Dim Sum, with a very wide range of comedy styles for your viewing pleasure. If standup superstars are what you’re after, look no further: here’s Dane Cook. You’d like a little musical comedy? Australian trio Axis of Awesome explains how ubiquitous the four-chord composition is (much funnier than it sounds here). Another spin on international comedy: Des Bishop is a Brooklyn-born, Dublin-living comic. Haven’t seen many hilarious women recently? May we suggest the bubbly Maryellen Hooper? Some American television fare? Witness Nick Cannon aka Mr. Mariah Carey (and host of America’s Got Talent). Enough with the standup, what you are really in the mood for is... + Entertainment + + + Live at Just For Laughs + S12 : E11 Live At Just For Laughs Season 12 Episode 11 + Featuring stand-up performances from Andrew Santino, Rafi Bastos, Esther Povitsky, Mark Forward, Modi, Jak Knight, and Chanty Marostica. Filmed at the world’s biggest comedy event – Just For Laughs: The Montreal International Comedy Festival. + Entertainment + + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S02 : E05 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Abdul Aziz + Abdul Aziz is a comedian and producer who has a critically acclaimed D&D Improv-Fantasy podcast, Spout Lore. + Entertainment + + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S02 : E06 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Tin Lorica + Comedian and writer Tin Lorica is co-host of Millennial Live, a live comedy and poetry series. + Entertainment + + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S02 : E07 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Juliana Rodrigues + Juliana Rodrigues began performing stand-up at the age of 15 and has gone on to make quite the name for herself, selected as 2021 Just For Laughs New Face. + Entertainment + + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S02 : E08 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Maddy Kelly + Actress and writer Maddy Kelly is best known for her work on CBC Podcasts’ Let's Make A Sci-Fi and her performance on The Standup Show with Jon Dore. + Entertainment + + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S02 : E01 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Andrea Jin + Andrea Jin is a Shanghai born stand-up and writer who was recently selected as a New Face at Just For Laughs MONTRÉAL. + Entertainment + + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S02 : E03 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Allie Pearse + Allie Pearse is a writer on the award winning show Letterkenny and the 2021 winner of JFL’s Standup & Pitch competition. + Entertainment + + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S02 : E04 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Nick Nemeroff + Nick Nemeroff appeared on TBS’ Conan, and his debut comedy album, The Pursuit of Comedy Has Ruined My Life, was nominated for a 2021 JUNO Award for Comedy Album of the Year. + Entertainment + + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S02 : E02 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Hisham Kelati + Hisham Kelati's debut comedy album Tigre King was nominated for a 2022 Juno for Comedy Album of the Year. + Entertainment + + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S02 : E10 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Steev Letts + Steev Letts has performed at Just for Laughs VANCOUVER and the Grindstone Comedy Festival, and his debut album Burger Queen is available online. + Entertainment + + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S02 : E09 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Hoodo Hersi + Hoodo Hersi is a comedian currently writing on A24/Amazon’s untitled Ramy Youssef animated show. + Entertainment + + + The All-Star Show + This week it’s like comedy Dim Sum, with a very wide range of comedy styles for your viewing pleasure. If standup superstars are what you’re after, look no further: here’s Dane Cook. You’d like a little musical comedy? Australian trio Axis of Awesome explains how ubiquitous the four-chord composition is (much funnier than it sounds here). Another spin on international comedy: Des Bishop is a Brooklyn-born, Dublin-living comic. Haven’t seen many hilarious women recently? May we suggest the bubbly Maryellen Hooper? Some American television fare? Witness Nick Cannon aka Mr. Mariah Carey (and host of America’s Got Talent). Enough with the standup, what you are really in the mood for is... + Entertainment + + + Live at Just For Laughs + S12 : E11 Live At Just For Laughs Season 12 Episode 11 + Featuring stand-up performances from Andrew Santino, Rafi Bastos, Esther Povitsky, Mark Forward, Modi, Jak Knight, and Chanty Marostica. Filmed at the world’s biggest comedy event – Just For Laughs: The Montreal International Comedy Festival. + Entertainment + + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S02 : E05 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Abdul Aziz + Abdul Aziz is a comedian and producer who has a critically acclaimed D&D Improv-Fantasy podcast, Spout Lore. + Entertainment + + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S02 : E06 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Tin Lorica + Comedian and writer Tin Lorica is co-host of Millennial Live, a live comedy and poetry series. + Entertainment + + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S02 : E07 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Juliana Rodrigues + Juliana Rodrigues began performing stand-up at the age of 15 and has gone on to make quite the name for herself, selected as 2021 Just For Laughs New Face. + Entertainment + + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S02 : E08 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Maddy Kelly + Actress and writer Maddy Kelly is best known for her work on CBC Podcasts’ Let's Make A Sci-Fi and her performance on The Standup Show with Jon Dore. + Entertainment + + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S02 : E01 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Andrea Jin + Andrea Jin is a Shanghai born stand-up and writer who was recently selected as a New Face at Just For Laughs MONTRÉAL. + Entertainment + + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S02 : E03 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Allie Pearse + Allie Pearse is a writer on the award winning show Letterkenny and the 2021 winner of JFL’s Standup & Pitch competition. + Entertainment + + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S02 : E04 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Nick Nemeroff + Nick Nemeroff appeared on TBS’ Conan, and his debut comedy album, The Pursuit of Comedy Has Ruined My Life, was nominated for a 2021 JUNO Award for Comedy Album of the Year. + Entertainment + + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S02 : E02 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Hisham Kelati + Hisham Kelati's debut comedy album Tigre King was nominated for a 2022 Juno for Comedy Album of the Year. + Entertainment + + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S02 : E10 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Steev Letts + Steev Letts has performed at Just for Laughs VANCOUVER and the Grindstone Comedy Festival, and his debut album Burger Queen is available online. + Entertainment + + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S02 : E09 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Hoodo Hersi + Hoodo Hersi is a comedian currently writing on A24/Amazon’s untitled Ramy Youssef animated show. + Entertainment + + + The All-Star Show + This week it’s like comedy Dim Sum, with a very wide range of comedy styles for your viewing pleasure. If standup superstars are what you’re after, look no further: here’s Dane Cook. You’d like a little musical comedy? Australian trio Axis of Awesome explains how ubiquitous the four-chord composition is (much funnier than it sounds here). Another spin on international comedy: Des Bishop is a Brooklyn-born, Dublin-living comic. Haven’t seen many hilarious women recently? May we suggest the bubbly Maryellen Hooper? Some American television fare? Witness Nick Cannon aka Mr. Mariah Carey (and host of America’s Got Talent). Enough with the standup, what you are really in the mood for is... + Entertainment + + + Live at Just For Laughs + S12 : E11 Live At Just For Laughs Season 12 Episode 11 + Featuring stand-up performances from Andrew Santino, Rafi Bastos, Esther Povitsky, Mark Forward, Modi, Jak Knight, and Chanty Marostica. Filmed at the world’s biggest comedy event – Just For Laughs: The Montreal International Comedy Festival. + Entertainment + + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S02 : E05 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Abdul Aziz + Abdul Aziz is a comedian and producer who has a critically acclaimed D&D Improv-Fantasy podcast, Spout Lore. + Entertainment + + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S02 : E06 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Tin Lorica + Comedian and writer Tin Lorica is co-host of Millennial Live, a live comedy and poetry series. + Entertainment + + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S02 : E07 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Juliana Rodrigues + Juliana Rodrigues began performing stand-up at the age of 15 and has gone on to make quite the name for herself, selected as 2021 Just For Laughs New Face. + Entertainment + + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S02 : E08 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Maddy Kelly + Actress and writer Maddy Kelly is best known for her work on CBC Podcasts’ Let's Make A Sci-Fi and her performance on The Standup Show with Jon Dore. + Entertainment + + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S02 : E01 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Andrea Jin + Andrea Jin is a Shanghai born stand-up and writer who was recently selected as a New Face at Just For Laughs MONTRÉAL. + Entertainment + + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S02 : E03 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Allie Pearse + Allie Pearse is a writer on the award winning show Letterkenny and the 2021 winner of JFL’s Standup & Pitch competition. + Entertainment + + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S02 : E04 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Nick Nemeroff + Nick Nemeroff appeared on TBS’ Conan, and his debut comedy album, The Pursuit of Comedy Has Ruined My Life, was nominated for a 2021 JUNO Award for Comedy Album of the Year. + Entertainment + + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S02 : E02 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Hisham Kelati + Hisham Kelati's debut comedy album Tigre King was nominated for a 2022 Juno for Comedy Album of the Year. + Entertainment + + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S02 : E10 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Steev Letts + Steev Letts has performed at Just for Laughs VANCOUVER and the Grindstone Comedy Festival, and his debut album Burger Queen is available online. + Entertainment + + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S02 : E09 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Hoodo Hersi + Hoodo Hersi is a comedian currently writing on A24/Amazon’s untitled Ramy Youssef animated show. + Entertainment + + + The All-Star Show + This week it’s like comedy Dim Sum, with a very wide range of comedy styles for your viewing pleasure. If standup superstars are what you’re after, look no further: here’s Dane Cook. You’d like a little musical comedy? Australian trio Axis of Awesome explains how ubiquitous the four-chord composition is (much funnier than it sounds here). Another spin on international comedy: Des Bishop is a Brooklyn-born, Dublin-living comic. Haven’t seen many hilarious women recently? May we suggest the bubbly Maryellen Hooper? Some American television fare? Witness Nick Cannon aka Mr. Mariah Carey (and host of America’s Got Talent). Enough with the standup, what you are really in the mood for is... + Entertainment + + + Live at Just For Laughs + S12 : E11 Live At Just For Laughs Season 12 Episode 11 + Featuring stand-up performances from Andrew Santino, Rafi Bastos, Esther Povitsky, Mark Forward, Modi, Jak Knight, and Chanty Marostica. Filmed at the world’s biggest comedy event – Just For Laughs: The Montreal International Comedy Festival. + Entertainment + + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S02 : E05 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Abdul Aziz + Abdul Aziz is a comedian and producer who has a critically acclaimed D&D Improv-Fantasy podcast, Spout Lore. + Entertainment + + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S02 : E06 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Tin Lorica + Comedian and writer Tin Lorica is co-host of Millennial Live, a live comedy and poetry series. + Entertainment + + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S02 : E07 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Juliana Rodrigues + Juliana Rodrigues began performing stand-up at the age of 15 and has gone on to make quite the name for herself, selected as 2021 Just For Laughs New Face. + Entertainment + + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S02 : E08 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Maddy Kelly + Actress and writer Maddy Kelly is best known for her work on CBC Podcasts’ Let's Make A Sci-Fi and her performance on The Standup Show with Jon Dore. + Entertainment + + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S02 : E01 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Andrea Jin + Andrea Jin is a Shanghai born stand-up and writer who was recently selected as a New Face at Just For Laughs MONTRÉAL. + Entertainment + + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S02 : E03 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Allie Pearse + Allie Pearse is a writer on the award winning show Letterkenny and the 2021 winner of JFL’s Standup & Pitch competition. + Entertainment + + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S02 : E04 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Nick Nemeroff + Nick Nemeroff appeared on TBS’ Conan, and his debut comedy album, The Pursuit of Comedy Has Ruined My Life, was nominated for a 2021 JUNO Award for Comedy Album of the Year. + Entertainment + + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S02 : E02 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Hisham Kelati + Hisham Kelati's debut comedy album Tigre King was nominated for a 2022 Juno for Comedy Album of the Year. + Entertainment + + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S02 : E10 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Steev Letts + Steev Letts has performed at Just for Laughs VANCOUVER and the Grindstone Comedy Festival, and his debut album Burger Queen is available online. + Entertainment + + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S02 : E09 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Hoodo Hersi + Hoodo Hersi is a comedian currently writing on A24/Amazon’s untitled Ramy Youssef animated show. + Entertainment + + + The All-Star Show + This week it’s like comedy Dim Sum, with a very wide range of comedy styles for your viewing pleasure. If standup superstars are what you’re after, look no further: here’s Dane Cook. You’d like a little musical comedy? Australian trio Axis of Awesome explains how ubiquitous the four-chord composition is (much funnier than it sounds here). Another spin on international comedy: Des Bishop is a Brooklyn-born, Dublin-living comic. Haven’t seen many hilarious women recently? May we suggest the bubbly Maryellen Hooper? Some American television fare? Witness Nick Cannon aka Mr. Mariah Carey (and host of America’s Got Talent). Enough with the standup, what you are really in the mood for is... + Entertainment + + + Live at Just For Laughs + S12 : E11 Live At Just For Laughs Season 12 Episode 11 + Featuring stand-up performances from Andrew Santino, Rafi Bastos, Esther Povitsky, Mark Forward, Modi, Jak Knight, and Chanty Marostica. Filmed at the world’s biggest comedy event – Just For Laughs: The Montreal International Comedy Festival. + Entertainment + + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S02 : E05 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Abdul Aziz + Abdul Aziz is a comedian and producer who has a critically acclaimed D&D Improv-Fantasy podcast, Spout Lore. + Entertainment + + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S02 : E06 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Tin Lorica + Comedian and writer Tin Lorica is co-host of Millennial Live, a live comedy and poetry series. + Entertainment + + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S02 : E07 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Juliana Rodrigues + Juliana Rodrigues began performing stand-up at the age of 15 and has gone on to make quite the name for herself, selected as 2021 Just For Laughs New Face. + Entertainment + + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S02 : E08 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Maddy Kelly + Actress and writer Maddy Kelly is best known for her work on CBC Podcasts’ Let's Make A Sci-Fi and her performance on The Standup Show with Jon Dore. + Entertainment + + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S02 : E01 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Andrea Jin + Andrea Jin is a Shanghai born stand-up and writer who was recently selected as a New Face at Just For Laughs MONTRÉAL. + Entertainment + + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S02 : E03 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Allie Pearse + Allie Pearse is a writer on the award winning show Letterkenny and the 2021 winner of JFL’s Standup & Pitch competition. + Entertainment + + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S02 : E04 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Nick Nemeroff + Nick Nemeroff appeared on TBS’ Conan, and his debut comedy album, The Pursuit of Comedy Has Ruined My Life, was nominated for a 2021 JUNO Award for Comedy Album of the Year. + Entertainment + + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S02 : E02 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Hisham Kelati + Hisham Kelati's debut comedy album Tigre King was nominated for a 2022 Juno for Comedy Album of the Year. Entertainment - - Cold As Balls - S02 : E03 Odell Beckham Jr. & Metta World Peace - Kevin Hart interviews Odell Beckham Jr. and Metta World Peace + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S02 : E10 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Steev Letts + Steev Letts has performed at Just for Laughs VANCOUVER and the Grindstone Comedy Festival, and his debut album Burger Queen is available online. Entertainment - - Cold As Balls - S03 : E01 Chris Paul and Dennis Rodman - Kevin Hart interviews Chris Paul and Dennis Rodman + + The New Wave of Stand-Up + S02 : E09 The New Wave of Stand-Up: Hoodo Hersi + Hoodo Hersi is a comedian currently writing on A24/Amazon’s untitled Ramy Youssef animated show. Entertainment - - Cold As Balls - S03 : E02 Erin Andrews and Ninja - Kevin Hart interviews Erin Andrews and Ninja + + The All-Star Show + This week it’s like comedy Dim Sum, with a very wide range of comedy styles for your viewing pleasure. If standup superstars are what you’re after, look no further: here’s Dane Cook. You’d like a little musical comedy? Australian trio Axis of Awesome explains how ubiquitous the four-chord composition is (much funnier than it sounds here). Another spin on international comedy: Des Bishop is a Brooklyn-born, Dublin-living comic. Haven’t seen many hilarious women recently? May we suggest the bubbly Maryellen Hooper? Some American television fare? Witness Nick Cannon aka Mr. Mariah Carey (and host of America’s Got Talent). Enough with the standup, what you are really in the mood for is... Entertainment @@ -54456,58 +70039,361 @@ Zarna Garg vs. James Camacho. Then, Pedro Gonzalez vs. Melissa Green. Entertainment - - Episode 18 - S07 : E18 Bondi Vet - Follow the progress of an orphaned joey, and enjoy seven boisterous puppies. + + That's Funny (Censored) + S01 : E08 Gerald Kelly + Hilarious stand-up performance from Gerald Kelly. Entertainment - - Mansfield - S04 : E02 Bondi Vet - Explore the bush with Chris as he treats wild wombats, monkeys, and more. + + Kevin Hart Presents: Hart of the City + S01 : E07 Philadelphia + Kevin Hart visits Philadelphia. Entertainment - - Episode 7 - S05 : E07 Bondi Vet - Join Chris as he helps a pregnant cow and saves a Maltese terrier’s unborn pups. + + Kevin Hart Presents: Hart of the City + S01 : E08 Birmingham + Kevin Hart and his crew head to Birmingham. Entertainment - - Episode 8 - S05 : E08 Bondi Vet - Follow Chris as he treats some unusual patients in high-stakes conditions. + + Comedy In Color (Censored) + S02 : E04 Dane Baptiste and Tony Hinchcliffe + Hilarious stand-up performances from Dane Baptiste and Tony Hinchcliffe Entertainment - - Fresh Starts - S03 : E06 Vet On The Hill - Meet Phoebe, the new vet, and watch Dr. Scott nurse a rescue dog back to health. + + Comedy In Color (Censored) + S02 : E05 Christi Chiello and Dave Smith + Hilarious stand-up performances from Christi Chiello and Dave Smith Entertainment - - Hope for Marine Life Part 1 - S04 : E01 Hope For Wildlife - Meet spring’s first delivery, a baby animal who tests the rehab team’s skills. + + Comedy In Color (Censored) + S02 : E25 Solomon Georgio and Chnedu Unaka + Hilarious stand-up performances from Solomon Georgio and Chnedu Unaka Entertainment - - Hope for Marine Life Part 2 - S04 : E02 Hope For Wildlife - Get to know a baby seal and see the challenge it poses for Hope’s rehab team. + + Comedy In Color (Censored) + S02 : E15 Billy Wayne Davis and Foad HP + Hilarious stand-up performances from Billy Wayne Davis and Foad HP Entertainment - - Shubie & Kayla - S04 : E03 Hope For Wildlife - Get to know a rowdy raven that’s roommates with the centre’s new volunteer. + + Comedy In Color (Censored) + S02 : E27 Alice Wetterlund and Eddie Della Siepe + Hilarious stand-up performances from Alice Wetterlund and Eddie Della Siepe Entertainment - - Bear Necessities - S04 : E04 Hope For Wildlife - Welcome the arrival of a black bear whose rehab plan is tied up in red tape. + + Comedy In Color (Censored) + S02 : E31 Mo Amer and Dom Pare + Hilarious stand-up performances from Mo Amer and Dom Pare + Entertainment + + + Urban Eats & Treats + S01 : E01 DJ Envy + Rip Micheals and DJ Envy take us along as they visit Envy's favorite restaurant. + Entertainment + + + Real Husbands of Hollywood + S05 : E07 Raising a Negro in the Sun + Trina encourages Kevin to improve his craft, which leads him to an acting school -- run by Boris. + Entertainment + + + Real Husbands of Hollywood + S05 : E08 Everyday I'm Hustlin + In tribute to his penchant for physical fitness, Kevin gets a (VERY limited edition) sneaker named after him. + Entertainment + + + Real Husbands of Hollywood + S05 : E09 #Hollywoodtooblack Part 1 + The Academy attempts to make up for years of ignoring black talent by nominating every black artist possible. + Entertainment + + + Real Husbands of Hollywood + S05 : E10 #Hollywoodtooblack Part 2 + The men have to decide whether or not to support a backlash protest by boycotting the prestigious awards show. + Entertainment + + + Real Husbands of Hollywood + S01 : E01 Easy Bake Kevin + Kevin kicks Nick out of weekly poker and Nelly brings in replacement, Robin Thicke. + Entertainment + + + Real Husbands of Hollywood + S01 : E02 Thicke and Tired + Nelly tries to mediate Kevin's one-sided beef with Robin. + Entertainment + + + Cold As Balls (Censored) + S05 : E02 Michael Strahan and Calvin Johnson + Kevin Hart interviews Michael Strahan and Calvin Johnson + Entertainment + + + Cold As Balls (Censored) + S05 : E03 The Undertaker and Jerry Rice + Kevin Hart interviews The Undertaker and Jerry Rice + Entertainment + + + Lyft Legend + S02 : E201 Donald Mac Tries Stand-Up Comedy + Kevin Hart as Donald Mac gives unsuspecting Lyft passengers a trip they'll never forget. + Entertainment + + + Amy vs. Kendra, AJ vs. Ronny (Censored) + Amy Shanker vs. Kendra Dawsey. Then, AJ Foster vs. Ronny Pascale. + Entertainment + + + That's Funny (Censored) + S01 : E08 Gerald Kelly + Hilarious stand-up performance from Gerald Kelly. + Entertainment + + + Kevin Hart Presents: Hart of the City + S01 : E07 Philadelphia + Kevin Hart visits Philadelphia. + Entertainment + + + Kevin Hart Presents: Hart of the City + S01 : E08 Birmingham + Kevin Hart and his crew head to Birmingham. + Entertainment + + + Comedy In Color (Censored) + S02 : E04 Dane Baptiste and Tony Hinchcliffe + Hilarious stand-up performances from Dane Baptiste and Tony Hinchcliffe + Entertainment + + + Comedy In Color (Censored) + S02 : E05 Christi Chiello and Dave Smith + Hilarious stand-up performances from Christi Chiello and Dave Smith + Entertainment + + + Comedy In Color (Censored) + S02 : E25 Solomon Georgio and Chnedu Unaka + Hilarious stand-up performances from Solomon Georgio and Chnedu Unaka + Entertainment + + + Comedy In Color (Censored) + S02 : E15 Billy Wayne Davis and Foad HP + Hilarious stand-up performances from Billy Wayne Davis and Foad HP + Entertainment + + + Comedy In Color (Censored) + S02 : E27 Alice Wetterlund and Eddie Della Siepe + Hilarious stand-up performances from Alice Wetterlund and Eddie Della Siepe + Entertainment + + + Comedy In Color (Censored) + S02 : E31 Mo Amer and Dom Pare + Hilarious stand-up performances from Mo Amer and Dom Pare + Entertainment + + + Urban Eats & Treats + S01 : E01 DJ Envy + Rip Micheals and DJ Envy take us along as they visit Envy's favorite restaurant. + Entertainment + + + Real Husbands of Hollywood + S05 : E07 Raising a Negro in the Sun + Trina encourages Kevin to improve his craft, which leads him to an acting school -- run by Boris. + Entertainment + + + Real Husbands of Hollywood + S05 : E08 Everyday I'm Hustlin + In tribute to his penchant for physical fitness, Kevin gets a (VERY limited edition) sneaker named after him. + Entertainment + + + Real Husbands of Hollywood + S05 : E09 #Hollywoodtooblack Part 1 + The Academy attempts to make up for years of ignoring black talent by nominating every black artist possible. + Entertainment + + + Real Husbands of Hollywood + S05 : E10 #Hollywoodtooblack Part 2 + The men have to decide whether or not to support a backlash protest by boycotting the prestigious awards show. + Entertainment + + + Real Husbands of Hollywood + S01 : E01 Easy Bake Kevin + Kevin kicks Nick out of weekly poker and Nelly brings in replacement, Robin Thicke. + Entertainment + + + Real Husbands of Hollywood + S01 : E02 Thicke and Tired + Nelly tries to mediate Kevin's one-sided beef with Robin. + Entertainment + + + Cold As Balls (Censored) + S05 : E02 Michael Strahan and Calvin Johnson + Kevin Hart interviews Michael Strahan and Calvin Johnson + Entertainment + + + Cold As Balls (Censored) + S05 : E03 The Undertaker and Jerry Rice + Kevin Hart interviews The Undertaker and Jerry Rice + Entertainment + + + Lyft Legend + S02 : E201 Donald Mac Tries Stand-Up Comedy + Kevin Hart as Donald Mac gives unsuspecting Lyft passengers a trip they'll never forget. + Entertainment + + + Amy vs. Kendra, AJ vs. Ronny (Censored) + Amy Shanker vs. Kendra Dawsey. Then, AJ Foster vs. Ronny Pascale. + Entertainment + + + That's Funny (Censored) + S01 : E08 Gerald Kelly + Hilarious stand-up performance from Gerald Kelly. + Entertainment + + + Kevin Hart Presents: Hart of the City + S01 : E07 Philadelphia + Kevin Hart visits Philadelphia. + Entertainment + + + Kevin Hart Presents: Hart of the City + S01 : E08 Birmingham + Kevin Hart and his crew head to Birmingham. + Entertainment + + + Comedy In Color (Censored) + S02 : E04 Dane Baptiste and Tony Hinchcliffe + Hilarious stand-up performances from Dane Baptiste and Tony Hinchcliffe + Entertainment + + + Comedy In Color (Censored) + S02 : E05 Christi Chiello and Dave Smith + Hilarious stand-up performances from Christi Chiello and Dave Smith + Entertainment + + + Comedy In Color (Censored) + S02 : E25 Solomon Georgio and Chnedu Unaka + Hilarious stand-up performances from Solomon Georgio and Chnedu Unaka + Entertainment + + + Comedy In Color (Censored) + S02 : E15 Billy Wayne Davis and Foad HP + Hilarious stand-up performances from Billy Wayne Davis and Foad HP + Entertainment + + + Comedy In Color (Censored) + S02 : E27 Alice Wetterlund and Eddie Della Siepe + Hilarious stand-up performances from Alice Wetterlund and Eddie Della Siepe + Entertainment + + + Comedy In Color (Censored) + S02 : E31 Mo Amer and Dom Pare + Hilarious stand-up performances from Mo Amer and Dom Pare + Entertainment + + + Urban Eats & Treats + S01 : E01 DJ Envy + Rip Micheals and DJ Envy take us along as they visit Envy's favorite restaurant. + Entertainment + + + Real Husbands of Hollywood + S05 : E07 Raising a Negro in the Sun + Trina encourages Kevin to improve his craft, which leads him to an acting school -- run by Boris. + Entertainment + + + Real Husbands of Hollywood + S05 : E08 Everyday I'm Hustlin + In tribute to his penchant for physical fitness, Kevin gets a (VERY limited edition) sneaker named after him. + Entertainment + + + Real Husbands of Hollywood + S05 : E09 #Hollywoodtooblack Part 1 + The Academy attempts to make up for years of ignoring black talent by nominating every black artist possible. + Entertainment + + + Real Husbands of Hollywood + S05 : E10 #Hollywoodtooblack Part 2 + The men have to decide whether or not to support a backlash protest by boycotting the prestigious awards show. + Entertainment + + + Real Husbands of Hollywood + S01 : E01 Easy Bake Kevin + Kevin kicks Nick out of weekly poker and Nelly brings in replacement, Robin Thicke. + Entertainment + + + Real Husbands of Hollywood + S01 : E02 Thicke and Tired + Nelly tries to mediate Kevin's one-sided beef with Robin. + Entertainment + + + Cold As Balls (Censored) + S05 : E02 Michael Strahan and Calvin Johnson + Kevin Hart interviews Michael Strahan and Calvin Johnson + Entertainment + + + Cold As Balls (Censored) + S05 : E03 The Undertaker and Jerry Rice + Kevin Hart interviews The Undertaker and Jerry Rice + Entertainment + + + Lyft Legend + S02 : E201 Donald Mac Tries Stand-Up Comedy + Kevin Hart as Donald Mac gives unsuspecting Lyft passengers a trip they'll never forget. + Entertainment + + + Amy vs. Kendra, AJ vs. Ronny (Censored) + Amy Shanker vs. Kendra Dawsey. Then, AJ Foster vs. Ronny Pascale. Entertainment @@ -54948,64 +70834,220 @@ Follow Chris as he treats some unusual patients in high-stakes conditions. Entertainment - - Robot Wars - S05 : E11 The Fifth Wars - Heat K - World Champions meet a newcomer in this episode’s heat, will it be an easy appetiser, or a major upset? One uneventful round leaves the house robots responsible for entertaining the crowd. + + Episode 1 + S05 : E01 Bondi Vet + Join Chris as he examines a sickly dolphin and a feisty Tasmanian devil. Entertainment - - Robot Wars - S05 : E12 The Fifth Wars - Heat L - The last heats of the fifth series. Matilda breaks the rules and strays from her zone, inflicting massive damage on unsuspecting robots, much to the dismay of the judges. + + Lost and Found + S03 : E07 Vet On The Hill + See Dr. Scott manage a rough day that includes trying to help a lost kitten. Entertainment - - Robot Wars - S05 : E13 The Fifth Wars - Semi Final 1 - The semi-finals are here and the competitors step up a notch, even the house robots need to be cautious. One of the three losers of the first rounds have an opportunity for redemption in the Losers Melee. + + The Parry Family + S01 : E01 Dr. Lisa to the Rescue + Learn why a mum’s health issues come first in the hunt for a kid-friendly pup. Entertainment - - Robot Wars - S05 : E14 The Fifth Wars - Semi Final 2 - After this episode, the Grand Final lineup will be decided. With pressure mounting the robots are going all out. One competitor is sent to the clouds with the help of another. The house robots help decide who makes it to through. + + The Borg Family + S01 : E02 Dr. Lisa to the Rescue + Negotiate a backyard fix before a boy finds the fuzzy brother of his dreams. Entertainment - - Robot Wars - S05 : E15 The Fifth Wars - Grand Final - This episode, Robot Wars: The Fifth Wars will have a champion. As the proven best robots of the series gather one last time, the competition has never been more evenly matched. + + The Jo's Family + S01 : E03 Dr. Lisa to the Rescue + Tag along as a single mum looks for a reasonably sized dog who loves running. Entertainment - - Robot Wars - S05 : E01 Extreme 1 - Episode 1 - The Extreme series begins with a vengeance battle to settle a bitter rivalry. Two All-stars battles to put the fan favourites up against each other and a final battle with the Challenge belt at stake to up the pressure for the competitors. + + The Formosa Family + S01 : E04 Dr. Lisa to the Rescue + Bone up on dogproofing before an only child sets out to find her new bestie. Entertainment - - Robot Wars - S05 : E02 Extreme 1 - Episode 2 - This action-packed episode features several battles, including Wild Card Warriors, Middleweight Championship and Vengeance. All building up to the main event; Mayhem Battle, where three veterans fight for glory. + + The Beaumont Family + S01 : E05 Dr. Lisa to the Rescue + Try to find a compromise for a family that can’t agree on the ideal pooch. Entertainment - - Robot Wars - S05 : E03 Extreme 1 - Episode 3 - The battles this episode include; All-stars, another Mayhem battle and the Challenge belt. Robots from the UK, USA, The Netherlands and Germany fight for your entertainment and their pride in International Inferno. + + Clawing Their Way Back + S01 : E04 The Bizarre Pet Vets + View an epic lizard manicure, a snake ultrasound, and an echidna escape attempt. Entertainment - - Robot Wars - S05 : E04 Extreme 1 - Episode 4 - A rivalry will be settled in tonight’s main event, a vengeance battle between Razer and Pussycat. Razer claims in their last fight Pussycat had broken a “Gentleman’s Agreement” by causing unnecessary damage after the robot was immobilised. + + Bumping Up Against Challenges + S01 : E05 The Bizarre Pet Vets + Check out a pile of puzzling lumps and bumps on a finch, a frog, and many more. Entertainment - - Robot Wars - S05 : E05 Extreme 1 - Episode 5 - Tag Team Terror, Mayhem and Vengeance all precede this episode’s main event, a one-off Armed Forces Mayhem. Robots from the British Army, Navy and Royal Air Force go to war to prove who is most efficient in combat. + + Drilling Up Clever Solutions + S01 : E06 The Bizarre Pet Vets + Observe a ferret with a passion for gnashin’ and a rabbit with a new earpiece. + Entertainment + + + Chase the Seal + S01 : E04 Hope For Wildlife + See how Hope's team deals with the arrival of an adorable baby seal. + Entertainment + + + The Beaumont Family + S01 : E05 Dr. Lisa to the Rescue + Try to find a compromise for a family that can’t agree on the ideal pooch. + Entertainment + + + The Buchanan Family + S01 : E06 Dr. Lisa to the Rescue + Meet some waggy-tailed candidates that could help a couple heal after a loss. + Entertainment + + + The Sedevcic Family + S01 : E07 Dr. Lisa to the Rescue + Sniff out an ideal canine addition to a newlywed couple’s Noah’s ark household. + Entertainment + + + The Kylie Chain Family + S01 : E08 Dr. Lisa to the Rescue + Mull over the dog-friendliness of a career woman’s small urban apartment. + Entertainment + + + Worlds Collide + S03 : E08 Vet On The Hill + Watch Dr. Scott come to a difficult realization about his own dog’s health. + Entertainment + + + True Colors + S01 : E08 Unstable + Prep for major fallout after Tammy loses it and Megan strikes out in Alberta. + Entertainment + + + It's Pat + S01 : E09 Unstable + Stand by as Megan asks for her job back and Tammy’s love triangle intensifies. + Entertainment + + + Shotgun + S01 : E10 Unstable + Revel in a profitable sale and gasp as a wedding turns the barn upside down. + Entertainment + + + Bride-zilla + S01 : E11 Unstable + Swing into last-minute wedding prep and monitor progress on the big horse sale. + Entertainment + + + Hope for Marine Life Part 1 + S04 : E01 Hope For Wildlife + Meet spring’s first delivery, a baby animal who tests the rehab team’s skills. + Entertainment + + + Episode 7 + S01 : E07 Vet On The Hill + Meet a star’s smelly pup and feel for Dr. Scott when tragedy strikes his family. + Entertainment + + + Episode 8 + S05 : E08 Bondi Vet + Follow Chris as he treats some unusual patients in high-stakes conditions. + Entertainment + + + Episode 1 + S05 : E01 Bondi Vet + Join Chris as he examines a sickly dolphin and a feisty Tasmanian devil. + Entertainment + + + Foxes In The Henhouse + S01 : E05 Hope For Wildlife + Watch Hope fight to save chicks while her staff searches for orphaned fox pups. + Entertainment + + + Kettle cockatoo/Olivia heart/Sophie Tara doll + S04 : E05 Bondi Vet + Meet a rowdy cockatoo, a dog with a heart murmur, and a pet-therapy advocate. + Entertainment + + + The Beaumont Family + S01 : E05 Dr. Lisa to the Rescue + Try to find a compromise for a family that can’t agree on the ideal pooch. + Entertainment + + + The Buchanan Family + S01 : E06 Dr. Lisa to the Rescue + Meet some waggy-tailed candidates that could help a couple heal after a loss. + Entertainment + + + The Sedevcic Family + S01 : E07 Dr. Lisa to the Rescue + Sniff out an ideal canine addition to a newlywed couple’s Noah’s ark household. + Entertainment + + + The Kylie Chain Family + S01 : E08 Dr. Lisa to the Rescue + Mull over the dog-friendliness of a career woman’s small urban apartment. + Entertainment + + + Fear No More + S03 : E09 Vet On The Hill + Travel north to a donkey sanctuary and meet a pug with a frightening tumour. + Entertainment + + + Clawing Their Way Back + S01 : E04 The Bizarre Pet Vets + View an epic lizard manicure, a snake ultrasound, and an echidna escape attempt. + Entertainment + + + Bumping Up Against Challenges + S01 : E05 The Bizarre Pet Vets + Check out a pile of puzzling lumps and bumps on a finch, a frog, and many more. + Entertainment + + + Hope for Marine Life Part 2 + S04 : E02 Hope For Wildlife + Get to know a baby seal and see the challenge it poses for Hope’s rehab team. + Entertainment + + + Howdy, Hope! + S03 : E10 Hope For Wildlife + Follow Hope and Dr. Barry to Texas, where animal rehab is done differently. + Entertainment + + + Coast To Coast + S03 : E11 Hope For Wildlife + See how rehabs in San Diego handle huge caseloads and dangerous animals. Entertainment @@ -55344,70 +71386,172 @@ A knockout tournament with children at the helm. Will the house robots go easy on the kids, or will they just be easy targets? Entertainment - - Great British Menu - S09 : E44 Final Dessert - When the Dessert result is in its down to the judges to pick the perfect menu from all four courses shortlists. Which chef will triumph to cook the starter, fish, main and dessert at the D Day banquet? + + Robot Wars + S02 : E06 Revealed - Episode 6 + More behind the scenes of the hit series Robot Wars. Philippa gets into the nitty gritty of why competitors choose to compete. Entertainment - - Great British Menu - S09 : E45 Banquet - The banquet is finally here. Its the culmination of months of hard work as the winning four chefs strive to deliver their dishes to an expectant audience of wartime heroes at St Paul's Cathedral, a bastion of British wartime resilience. + + Robot Wars + S02 : E07 Revealed - Episode 7 + The undercover secrets and un-muzzled action of Robot Wars, see how competitors prepare their robots for victory, or defeat. Entertainment - - Great British Menu - S10 : E01 Scotland Starter - Today three of Scotlands top chefs, Jak ODonnell, Jimmy Lee, and Graham Campbell attempt to impress this weeks veteran judge. Returning finalist Jak is determined to make it to the banquet, but newcomers Jimmy and Graham are out to steal her crown. + + Robot Wars + S02 : E08 Revealed - Episode 8 + See what happens when little kids become big kids, and toy trains are replaced by chainsaws. Watch the teams as they lock themselves in their workshops, creating killing machines. Entertainment - - Great British Menu - S10 : E02 Scotland Fish - Today Scottish chefs, Jak ODonnell, Jimmy Lee and Graham Campbell fight it out for the fish course. Graham is in a confident mood but returning finalist Jak and Jimmy are pushing him hard. Will the pressure prove too much for ambitious Graham? + + Robot Wars + S02 : E09 Revealed - Episode 9 + Delving behind the trenches of Robot Wars, digging for dirt in the competitors own video diaries. Entertainment - - Great British Menu - S10 : E03 Scotland Main - Today Scottish chefs Jak ODonnell, Jimmy Lee and Graham Campbell are battling to plate up a perfect main course for this weeks veteran chef. Self-taught Jimmy is honouring his Mum with his rendition of her Chinese Beef Stew. + + Robot Wars + S02 : E10 Revealed - Episode 10 + A unique, undercover look at Robot Wars Series 2. Featuring exclusive footage from the teams and highlights from the battles. Entertainment - - Great British Menu - S10 : E04 Scotland Dessert - Today its the Scottish chefs last chance to impress, with the dessert course. Only two can cook for the judges tomorrow, and with one chef in the lead after a triumphant main, the pressures on for the other two to plate up perfection. + + Robot Wars + S04 : E03 Ultimate Collection: Hypno-Disc + Learn more about this infamous Robot and the family that built it. With an unforgettable design and devastating weapon, this competitor became an instant icon. Entertainment - - Great British Menu - S10 : E05 Scotland Judging - Today the two remaining Scottish chefs cook their entire menus again for the judges Prue Leith, Oliver Peyton and Matthew Fort. Theyre joined by WI Calendar Girl Angela Baker, who will help decide which chef will go forward to the National Finals. + + Robot Wars + S04 : E04 Ultimate Collection: Razer + Debuting in the Second Wars, to becoming the most successful Robot ever to take part in Robot Wars. This Robot put the squeeze on all the competition, including the House Robots. Entertainment - - Great British Menu - S10 : E06 South West Starter - Today three of the South Wests finest chefs - Jude Kereama, Josh Eggleton and Dominic Chapman - attempt to impress this weeks veteran judge with their starters. + + Robot Wars + S05 : E10 Extreme 1 - Episode 10 + We have reached the Quarter Finals for the All-Stars battles in this episode’s Main Event and another Mayhem battle puts another three robots up against each other. Entertainment - - Great British Menu - S10 : E07 South West Fish - Today the three South West chefs - Jude Kereama, Josh Eggleton and Dominic Chapman fight it out for the fish course. Despite school-boy errors yesterday, experienced Dominic is determined to get a high score today. + + Robot Wars + S05 : E11 Extreme 1 - Episode 11 + Four of the best robots armed with rear-hinged flippers go against each other to prove whose best in Flipper Frenzy. Other battles on the card are the Challenge Belt, Tag Team Terror, Wild Card Warriors and Mayhem battle. Entertainment - - Great British Menu - S10 : E08 South West Mains - Today its a battle for the main course with the three South West chefs - Jude Kereama, Josh Eggleton and Dominic Chapman going head to head. + + Robot Wars + S05 : E12 Extreme 1 - Episode 12 + Current World Champions Razer are matched against fierce competitor Firestorm in this All-stars match. Four robots make their way to the arena to take part in the German Melee, with the winner securing a place in the Second World Championship. Entertainment - - Great British Menu - S10 : E09 South West Dessert - Today its the last chance for the South Wests chefs to impress, with the dessert course. Only two chefs can go through to cook for the judges so with everything to play for, who will plate up perfection and who will be sent packing? + + Robot Wars + S05 : E13 Extreme 1 - Episode 13 + The Featherweight Championship takes place in this episode, along with the Challenge Belt, Mayhem battle and more Wildcard Warriors. All these build-up to the Main event, the Tag Team Terror finals. + Entertainment + + + Robot Wars + S05 : E14 Extreme 1 - Annihilator 2 + The second annihilator was supposed to be between the six winners of the mayhem qualifiers, but due to the severity of damage from the battle, two of the robots had to be replaced. Will the two replacements seize this opportunity? + Entertainment + + + Robot Wars + S05 : E15 Extreme 1 - Episode 15 + The UK are up against renowned German Engineering in a UK vs Germany battle. Two more rivals have a chance to settle the score in another vengeance battle and other unmissable battles take place before the long awaited All-Stars Grand Final. + Entertainment + + + Robot Wars + S05 : E16 Extreme 1 - Second World Championship + Robots from around the globe ready themselves for the ultimate contest, The Second World Championship. Will lightning strike twice for defending champions Razer, or will they reign be snuffed out by one of the many fierce competitors? + Entertainment + + + Robot Wars + S05 : E17 Extreme 1 - Forces Special + Six teams comprised of armed and emergency services enter their robots for battle, will their unpredictable and dangerous occupations prepare them for the carnage of the arena or will the house robots make them quake in their boots? + Entertainment + + + Robot Wars + S06 : E01 Extreme 2 - All-Stars Heat A + The first heat of the All-Stars Championship, this heat determines which two robots go through to All-stars grand-final. Veteran robots all enter the arena once again as they put their experience to the test against each other. + Entertainment + + + Robot Wars + S06 : E02 Extreme 2 - All Stars Heat B + Six more renowned robots fight their way through the heats to fight for a chance to be the All-Star champion. One competitor in particular strikes fear into the roster. The two winners of each heat face off for the title in the Grand Final. + Entertainment + + + Robot Wars + S06 : E03 Extreme 2 - Annihilator + The Extreme Series continues with the Annihilator; a knockout competition between six competitors, over the course of four rounds and a final, six will be reduced to one, the annihilator champion. + Entertainment + + + Robot Wars + S06 : E04 Extreme 2 - Minor Meltdown + A knockout tournament with children at the helm. Will the house robots go easy on the kids, or will they just be easy targets? + Entertainment + + + Robot Wars + S06 : E05 Extreme 2 - Tag Team Terror + Sixteen robots make eight teams in this Tag Team Terror. With only one robot permitted to battle at a time, will the teams share responsibility or will one bite off more than they can chew? + Entertainment + + + Robot Wars + S06 : E06 Extreme 2 - New Blood A + The New Blood Heats consisted of two three-way melees and then head-to-head battles, the two winners of the latter would fight, and the remaining robot would be sent to the Grand Finals. The champions would gain automatic entry to The Seventh Wars. + Entertainment + + + Robot Wars + S06 : E07 Extreme 2 - New Blood B + The New Blood heats continue as six more robots come to test their metal. One of the competitors takes a beating from the house robots, will it spell the end of their time in the competition? + Entertainment + + + Robot Wars + S06 : E08 Extreme 2 - New Blood C + The arena welcomes six new combatants during the third round of the heats. One competitor that seemingly lacks a weapon, surprises the judges. The two new house robots both get a chance to attack. + Entertainment + + + Robot Wars + S06 : E09 Extreme 2 - New Blood D + The Fourth and last heat to decide which robots will make it to the final. Refbot loses his patience and starts inflicting harm on the competitors. + Entertainment + + + Robot Wars + S06 : E10 Extreme 2 - New Blood Grand Final + The Four winners of the heats face each other in two eliminators, a play-off and a final battle between the two remaining robots. Only the most ferocious robot will be able to call themselves, the New Blood Champions. + Entertainment + + + Robot Wars + S06 : E11 Extreme 2 - Robot Rampage + A champion will emerge for each weight class battling in this Robot Rampage. Including Antweight, Middleweight, Lightweight and Featherweight. + Entertainment + + + Robot Wars + S06 : E12 Extreme 2 - Challenge Belt + A battle for one of the most prized robot wars possessions, the challenge belt. Challengers must defeat each other and take on the current holders, Tornado, if they are to claim it for themselves. + Entertainment + + + Robot Wars + S06 : E13 Extreme 2 - Iron Maidens + The ladies take over in this episode. Wives, girlfriends, mothers and sisters pilot the robots for this event. Battling through two rounds and a final, one robot will be crowned Iron Maiden Champion. Entertainment @@ -55848,25 +71992,221 @@ The chefs cook their fish courses. Daniel Clifford puts up a creative dish called Catch of the Day. Richard Bainbridges dish is titled Tongue in Cheek. And Will Hollands dish - Coconut poached brill, crab, celeriac and tomato essence. Entertainment - - The Toughest Man in the World - An ex-marine enters a competition to raise funds to save the center he runs for troubled kids. - Series + + Great British Menu + S08 : E13 Central Main + The chefs from the Central region cook their main courses. And veteran Marcus Wareing is looking for perfection. + Entertainment - - The Ride - The inspiring story of a BMX champion who overcame an abusive childhood. Starring Ludacris. - Series + + Great British Menu + S08 : E14 Central Dessert + It's the last chance for the chefs from the Central region to impress before the final two are chosen to face the Great British Menu judging panel. Which dessert will help get two chefs through? + Entertainment - - Akeelah and the Bee - Keke Palmer stars in a film about a South LA girl excelling in the National Spelling Bee. - Series + + Great British Menu + S08 : E15 Central Judging + Its decision time on Great British Menu Does Comic Relief for the chefs from the Central region. One chef left the competition and only two remain, who will cook their entire menus for the judges, Prue Leith, Matthew Fort and Oliver Peyton. + Entertainment - - Inevitable Defeat of Mister & Pete - Two inner city boys are left to fend for themselves over the summer after their mothers are taken away. - Series + + Great British Menu + S08 : E16 South West Starter + Today nerves play a huge part as all three chefs from the South West, fresh to the competition, get to grips with their new environment. Chris Eden, Peter Sanchez-Iglesias and Emily Watkins cook their starters. + Entertainment + + + Great British Menu + S08 : E17 South West Fish + In todays programme the South West chefs cook their fish courses. Cornishman Chris Eden takes inspiration from home to create a lobster and oyster dish called Gone Surfing. + Entertainment + + + Great British Menu + S08 : E18 South West Main + Today the South West chefs cook their main course. And veteran Tom Kerridge is looking for perfection. + Entertainment + + + Great British Menu + S08 : E19 South West Dessert + Today is the chefs last chance to impress before the final two chefs are chosen to face the Great British Menu judging panel. Which dessert will help get two chefs from the South West region through? + Entertainment + + + Great British Menu + S08 : E20 South West Judging + Its decision time on Great British Menu Does Comic Relief for the chefs from the South West. One chef left the competition and only two remain, who will cook their entire menus for the judges, Prue Leith, Matthew Fort and Oliver Peyton. + Entertainment + + + Great British Menu + S08 : E21 Wales Starter + Today the chefs from Wales raise the curtain with their starters, but which one is going to produce a showstopper? Returning contender Michelin star chef Richard Davies, experienced Mary Ann Gilchrist or young gun 19 year old Luke Thomas? + Entertainment + + + Great British Menu + S08 : E22 Wales Fish + In todays programme the chefs cook their fish course: Richard Davies serves up Grilled and tartare of mackerel, while Mary Ann Gilchrist serves a lobster dish. Luke Thomas takes on a classic fish finger called Haddock smoky and lobster fish finger'. + Entertainment + + + Great British Menu + S08 : E23 Wales Main + Today sees the chefs from Wales prepare their main course, but will any of them impress veteran Jeremy Lee enough to give them a top score? + Entertainment + + + Great British Menu + S08 : E24 Wales Dessert + Today is the final chance for the chefs to impress Jeremy Lee with their dessert dishes. Which creation will help get two chefs through to the judging show? + Entertainment + + + Great British Menu + S08 : E25 Wales Judging + Its decision time on Great British Menu Does Comic Relief for the chefs representing Wales. One chef left the competition and only two remain, who will cook their entire menus for the Great British Menu judges, Prue Leith, Matthew Fort and Oliver Peyton. + Entertainment + + + Great British Menu + S08 : E26 North East Starter + Three returning contenders from the North East are reunited in a culinary rematch. Colin McGurran, Stephanie Moon and Charlie Lakin. The three North East chefs will be judged by a veteran of the competition Michelin star chef Jason Atherton. + Entertainment + + + Great British Menu + S08 : E27 North East Fish + In todays programme the chefs cook their fish courses. Will former champion Colin McGurrans dish inspired by his childhood memories, Cockles and Mussels with Salmon inspire veteran judge Jason Atherton? + Entertainment + + + Great British Menu + S08 : E28 North East Main + Today the chefs from the North East region cook their main course. And veteran Jason Atherton is looking for perfection. + Entertainment + + + Great British Menu + S08 : E29 North East Dessert + Today is the chefs last chance to impress before the final two chefs are chosen to face the Great British Menu judging panel. Which dessert will help get two chefs through? + Entertainment + + + Great British Menu + S08 : E30 North East Judging + Its decision time on Great British Menu Does Comic Relief for the chefs from the North East. One chef left the competition and only two remain, who will cook their entire menus for the judges, Prue Leith, Matthew Fort and Oliver Peyton. + Entertainment + + + Great British Menu + S08 : E31 Northern Ireland Starter + Its the turn of three chefs from Northern Ireland - Chris Fearon, Raymond McArdle, and Ian Orr - who will be judged by a veteran of the competition Michelin star chef Glynn Purnell. + Entertainment + + + Great British Menu + S08 : E32 Northern Ireland Fish + The three Northern Ireland chefs cook their fish course. Chris Fearon serves up a creation called Stitched up like a kipper, Raymond McArdle serves Turbot called A day at the beach and Ian Orr creates a dish called Why did the scallop cross the roe. + Entertainment + + + Great British Menu + S08 : E33 Northern Ireland Mains + Its time for the main course. Chris Fearons dish called Cowboy supper is inspired by the Wild West. Raymond McArdle creates a dish called Titanic smoked venison, tongue and cheek while Ian Orr cooks lamb and baked hay. + Entertainment + + + Great British Menu + S08 : E34 Northern Ireland Dessert + Today is the chefs last chance to impress before the final two chefs are chosen to face the Great British Menu judging panel. Which dessert will help get two chefs through? + Entertainment + + + Great British Menu + S08 : E35 Northern Ireland Judging + It's decision time for the chefs from Northern Ireland. One chef left the competition and only two remain, who will cook their entire menus for the Great British Menu judges, Prue Leith, Matthew Fort and Oliver Peyton. + Entertainment + + + Great British Menu + S08 : E36 London and South East Starter + The curtain raises on London and the South East - newcomers Matt Gillan and Adam Simmonds come face-to-face with returning contender Tom Aikens. Today its the starter course and someone makes a schoolboy error. + Entertainment + + + Great British Menu + S08 : E37 London and South East Fish + Today its the fish course and Tom and Matt battle it out with scallop dishes while Adam delivers Langoustine and Oysters. But who will come out on top? + Entertainment + + + Great British Menu + S08 : E38 London and South East Main + Today its the main course. Rabbit, Rose veal and venison are all dished up for Great British Menu veteran Richard Corrigan. And one of the chefs is joined by Eastenders star June Brown for a fundraising challenge. + Entertainment + + + Great British Menu + S08 : E39 London and South East Dessert + Today its the dessert course, will a strawberry and coconut dessert, a frozen white chocolate dish or apple and cherries come out on top. Great British Menu veteran judge Richard Corrigan will decide who goes through to the judges. + Entertainment + + + Great British Menu + S08 : E40 London and South East Judging + It's decision time on Great British Menu Does Comic Relief for the chefs from London and the South East. One chef left the competition and only two remain, who will cook their entire menus for the judges, Prue Leith, Matthew Fort and Oliver Peyton. + Entertainment + + + Great British Menu + S08 : E41 Final Starter + Actress Patricia Hodge, one of the stars of sit com Miranda will join judges Prue Leith, Oliver Peyton and Matthew Fort to taste all eight winning regional starter courses. + Entertainment + + + Great British Menu + S08 : E42 Final Fish + The chefs cook their fish courses. Theyre all vying to finish in the top three and still be in with a chance of cooking at the special banquet. + Entertainment + + + Great British Menu + S08 : E43 Final Main + Comedian Ade Edmondson tucks into the chefs main courses to help decide which three will remain in contention to cook at the special banquet. But the chefs are in for a major surprise as the judges deliver unexpected news about the days competition. + Entertainment + + + Great British Menu + S08 : E44 Final Dessert + Its judgement day as the chefs not only learn the top three desserts but the judges announce the winning menu. Fast show writer and performer Charlie Higson helps judge the puddings. + Entertainment + + + Great British Menu + S08 : E45 Banquet + It's the climax of the competition as the winning chefs cook at the Comic Relief Banquet at the Royal Albert Hall. But its not plain sailing - the chefs have to contend with getting into the kitchen late. + Entertainment + + + Great British Menu + S09 : E01 Scotland Starter + This week three newcomers to the competition, Stevie McLaughlin, Jacqueline ODonnell and Neil Rankin go head to head to represent Scotland. Today they must impress the mystery veteran judge with their starter courses. + Entertainment + + + Great British Menu + S09 : E02 Scotland Fish + The Scottish chefs, double Michelin starred Stevie McLaughlin, experienced Jacqueline ODonnell and newcomer Neil Rankin fight it out for the fish course. After yesterdays upset which chef will deliver with a dish which hits the brief? + Entertainment + + + Great British Menu + S09 : E03 Scotland Main + Its the main course for Scottish chefs Stevie McLaughlin, Jacqueline ODonnell and Neil Rankin. Which chef will receive the ultimate accolade from the veteran judge? + Entertainment If Beale Street Could Talk @@ -56000,53 +72340,65 @@ Laurence Fishburne stars as a gang leader in conflict with two rival gang in 1920s Harlem. Series - - Best of the Best - S01 : E04 Best of the Best - 1) Fly with the Jetman | Yves Rossy; 2) Meet the SixthSense interaction | Pattie Maes + Pranav Mistry; 3) Robots that fly ... and cooperate | Vijay Kumar; 4) What will future jobs look like? | Andrew McAfee - Entertainment + + Original Gangstas + Fred Williamson stars as a pro football player who returns to his old neighborhood to restore justice. + Series - - Procrastination Station - S01 : E12 Procrastination Station - 1) How to make applying for jobs less painful | Priyanka Jain; 2) The story we tell about millennials -- and who we leave out | Reniqua Allen; 3) The future of machines that move like animals | Robert Katzschmann; 4) Facebook's role in Brexit -- and the threat to democracy | Carole Cadwalladr; 5) How to govern AI — even if it's hard to predict | Helen Toner - Entertainment + + Blue Hill Avenue + A police investigation threatens to ignite a violent feud among tight-knit friends. + Series - - The Future Ahead - S01 : E09 The Future Ahead - 1) The billion-dollar pollution solution humanity needs right now | Stacy Kauk; 2) The future of flying is electrifying | Cory Combs; 3) Building the world's largest (and most controversial) power plant | Alex Gendler; 4) How to build an equitable and just climate future | Peggy Shepard; 5) 5 ethical principles for digitizing humanitarian aid | Aarathi Krishnan; 6) How your body could become its own diagnostic lab | Aaron Morris - Entertainment + + Leprechaun In the Hood + When three rappers want to get even with a pimp, they unleash a leprechaun who goes on a killing rampage. + Series - - Psych Out - S01 : E03 Psych Out - 1) The new political story that could change everything | George Monbiot; 2) The psychology of inequality and political division | Keith Payne; 3) The psychological traits that shape your political beliefs | Dannagal G. Young; 4) Do politics make us irrational? | Jay Van Bavel; 5) 3 kinds of bias that shape your worldview | J. Marshall Shepherd - Entertainment + + Leprechaun VI: Back 2 Tha Hood + A woman discovers a chest of gold only to discover that the treasure belongs to an evil leprechaun. + Series - - Ocean Wonders - S01 : E11 Ocean Wonders - 1) Why fish are better at breathing than you are | Dan Kwartler; 2) How I teach kids to love science | Cesar Harada; 3) How supply chain transparency can help the planet | Markus Mutz; 4) How do fish make electricity? - Eleanor Nelsen; 5) Deep sea diving ... in a wheelchair | Sue Austin; 6) Mining minerals from seawater | Damian Palin; 7) How much of human history is on the bottom of the ocean? - Peter Campbell - Entertainment + + Sprung + Two pairs of best friends pair off at a party in this hilarious look at dating in the 1990s. + Series - - Universe of Mystery - S01 : E11 Universe of Mystery - 1) How humans could evolve to survive in space | Lisa Nip; 2) The journey to Pluto, the farthest world ever explored - Alan Stern; 3) Let's clean up the space junk orbiting Earth | Natalie Panek; 4) Why is NASA sending a spacecraft to a metal world? - Linda T. Elkins-Tanton; 5) 3 moons and a planet that could have alien life | James Green; 6) What it takes to launch a telescope | Erika Hamden - Entertainment + + Baby Mama's Club + Two men seek out an eccentric style of counseling to aid them in their relationships. + Series - - Overlooked History - S01 : E05 Overlooked History - 1) The most notorious scientific feud in history | Lukas Rieppel; 2) When did slavery actually end in the United States? | Karlos Hill and Soraya Field Fiorio; 3) The gory history of barber surgeons | Stephanie Honchell Smith; 4) The imaginary king who changed the real world; 5) The dark history of the overthrow of Hawaii | Sydney Iaukea; 6) The merciless mercenaries of the Italian Renaissance | Stephanie Honchell Smith; 7) History vs. Henry VIII - Mark Robinson and Alex Gendler; 8) Why is the US Constitution so hard to amend? - Peter Paccone; 9) What caused the Rwandan Genocide? | Susanne Buckley-Zistel; 10) The rise and fall of the Mongol Empire - Anne F. Broadbridge - Entertainment + + The Ride + The inspiring story of a BMX champion who overcame an abusive childhood. Starring Ludacris. + Series - - Close Up and Personal - S01 : E09 Close Up and Personal - 1) A love story about the power of art as organizing | Aja Monet and phillip agnew; 2) Why is this painting so shocking? | Iseult Gillespie; 3) Why I photograph the quiet moments of grief and loss | Caroline Catlin; 4) How a blind astronomer found a way to hear the stars | Wanda Diaz Merced; 5) How to preserve your private life in the age of social media | Bryce Dallas Howard - Entertainment + + Fled + Laurence Fishburne and Stephen Baldwin star as two prisoners who flee during an escape attempt gone bad. + Series + + + Hoodlum + Laurence Fishburne stars as a gang leader in conflict with two rival gang in 1920s Harlem. + Series + + + Original Gangstas + Fred Williamson stars as a pro football player who returns to his old neighborhood to restore justice. + Series + + + Gang Related + Tupac Shakur stars as one of two corrupt cops scrambling after murdering an undercover DEA agent. + Series + + + Home Of The Brave + Samuel L. Jackson stars as one of three soldiers struggling to readjust to life at home after a tour in Iraq. + Series Art of the Future @@ -56342,100 +72694,148 @@ 1) Why are scientists shooting mushrooms into space? | Shannon Odell; 2) My search for proof aliens exist | Avi Loeb; 3) Why Earth may someday look like Mars | Anjali Tripathi; 4) How small are we in the scale of the universe? - Alex Hofeldt; 5) The mission to create a searchable database of Earth's surface | Will Marshall; 6) Just how small is an atom? - Jonathan Bergmann Entertainment - - Best Fails of the Month - S01 : E07 Best Fails of the Month | Ep. 1.7 - The best of the worst for July '18. + + The Business Angle + S01 : E06 The Business Angle + 1) This is what makes employees happy at work | Michael C. Bush; 2) How diversity makes teams more innovative | Rocío Lorenzo; 3) How millennials and Gen Z can invest in a better future | Miguel Goncalves; 4) The myth of bringing your full, authentic self to work | Jodi-Ann Burey; 5) 8 lessons on building a company people enjoy working for | Patty McCord; 6) Ethical dilemma: The burger murders | George Siedel and Christine Ladwig Entertainment - - Best Fails of the Month - S07 : E09 Best Fails of the Month | Ep. 7.9 - The best of the worst for August '24. + + How The Brain Works + S01 : E03 How The Brain Works + 1) The brain may be able to repair itself -- with help | Jocelyne Bloch; 2) What causes migraines? | Marianne Schwarz; 3) Could we treat Alzheimer's with light and sound? | Li-Huei Tsai; 4) How memories form and how we lose them | Catharine Young; 5) What is so special about the human brain? | Suzana Herculano-Houzel; 6) How the food you eat affects your brain | Mia Nacamull Entertainment - - Best Fails of the Month - S01 : E08 Best Fails of the Month | Ep. 1.8 - The best of the worst for August '18. + + Psych Out + S01 : E04 Psych Out + 1) Why some people are more altruistic than others | Abigail Marsh; 2) Do you really know why you do what you do? | Petter Johansson; 3) The counterintuitive psychology of insurance | Orit Tykocinski; 4) Can you outsmart a troll (by thinking like one)? | Claire Wardle; 5) Can you spot the problem with these headlines? (Level 1) | Jeff Leek and Lucy McGowan Entertainment - - Best Fails of the Month - S01 : E09 Best Fails of the Month | Ep. 1.9 - The best of the worst for September '18. + + The Connection + S01 : E07 The Connection + 1) How to come out at work, about anything | Micah Eames; 2) How do we determine the value of a life? | Rebecca L. Walker; 3) How comic strips create better health care | Sam Hester; 4) This is what LGBT life is like around the world | Jenni Chang and Lisa Dazols; 5) Inside OKCupid: The math of online dating | Christian Rudder; 6) A brief history of divorce | Rod Phillips; 7) The science of attraction | Dawn Maslar Entertainment - - Best Fails of the Month - S01 : E10 Best Fails of the Month | Ep. 1.10 - The best of the worst for October '18. + + Best of the Best + S01 : E12 Best of the Best + 1) We're building a dystopia just to make people click on ads | Zeynep Tufekci; 2) How technology changes our sense of right and wrong | Juan Enriquez; 3) How technology can fight extremism and online harassment | Yasmin Green; 4) How NASA invented a ventilator for COVID-19 ... in 37 days | Dan Goods Entertainment - - Best Fails of the Month - S01 : E11 Best Fails of the Month | Ep. 1.11 - The best of the worst for November '18. + + Climate Action, Now! + S01 : E14 Climate Action, Now! + 1) How we could better predict and stop floods | Virginia Smith; 2) What the oil industry doesn't want you to know | Stephanie Honchell Smith; 3) How farmworkers are fighting extreme heat | Jon Esformes and Gerardo Reyes Chávez; 4) How long will human impacts last? - David Biello; 5) How aerosols brighten clouds — and cool the planet | Sarah J. Doherty Entertainment - - Best Fails of the Month - S01 : E12 Best Fails of the Month | Ep. 1.12 - The best of the worst for December '18. + + Universe of Mystery + S01 : E11 Universe of Mystery + 1) How humans could evolve to survive in space | Lisa Nip; 2) The journey to Pluto, the farthest world ever explored - Alan Stern; 3) Let's clean up the space junk orbiting Earth | Natalie Panek; 4) Why is NASA sending a spacecraft to a metal world? - Linda T. Elkins-Tanton; 5) 3 moons and a planet that could have alien life | James Green; 6) What it takes to launch a telescope | Erika Hamden Entertainment - - Best Fails of the Month - S07 : E09 Best Fails of the Month | Ep. 7.9 - The best of the worst for August '24. + + Your Purpose, Unlocked + S01 : E02 Your Purpose, Unlocked + 1) How to discover your authentic self -- at any age | Bevy Smith; 2) How to stay calm under pressure - Noa Kageyama and Pen-Pen Chen; 3) How to break down barriers and not accept limits | Candace Parker; 4) How do we create a better economy? | TED-Ed; 5) How a "Hi Level" mindset helps you realize your potential | Cordae; 6) How to know if it's time to change careers⇥ | Chieh Huang Entertainment - - Best Fails of the Month - S07 : E08 Best Fails of the Month | Ep. 7.8 - The best of the worst for July '24. + + The Creative Zone + S01 : E02 The Creative Zone + 1) Give yourself permission to be creative | Ethan Hawke; 2) A powerful way to unleash your natural creativity | Tim Harford; 3) The left brain vs. right brain myth | Elizabeth Waters; 4) When the world is burning, is art a waste of time? | R. Alan Brooks; 5) How to build a fictional world | Kate Messner; 6) The infinite alchemy of storytelling | Zahra Al-Mahdi Entertainment - - Best Fails of the Month - S07 : E07 Best Fails of the Month | Ep. 7.7 - The best of the worst for June '24. + + The Future of Cities + S01 : E11 The Future of Cities + 1) 4 ways to make a city more walkable | Jeff Speck; 2) How an old loop of railroads is changing the face of a city | Ryan Gravel; 3) Lessons from the past on adapting to climate change | Laprisha Berry Daniels; 4) Why glass towers are bad for city life -- and what we need instead | Justin Davidson Entertainment - - Best Fails of the Month - S07 : E06 Best Fails of the Month | Ep. 7.6 - The best of the worst for May '24. + + Ocean Wonders + S01 : E01 Ocean Wonders + 1) The tiny creature that secretly powers the planet | Penny Chisholm; 2) Inside the killer whale matriarchy - Darren Croft; 3) An underwater art museum, teeming with life | Jason deCaires Taylor; 4) Meet the bluefin tuna, the toughest fish in the sea | Grantly Galland and Raiana McKinney; 5) No one can figure out how eels have sex | Lucy Cooke; 6) The ocean's ingenious climate solutions | Susan Ruffo Entertainment - - Best Fails of the Month - S07 : E05 Best Fails of the Month | Ep. 7.5 - The best of the worst for April '24. + + Revolutionary Women! + S01 : E03 Revolutionary Women! + 1) This tennis icon paved the way for women in sports | Billie Jean King; 2) How to be fearless in the face of authoritarianism | Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya; 3) A political party for women's equality | Sandi Toksvig; 4) To raise brave girls, encourage adventure | Caroline Paul Entertainment - - Best Fails of the Month - S07 : E04 Best Fails of the Month | Ep. 7.4 - The best of the worst for March '24. + + Secrets of the Wild + S01 : E04 Secrets of the Wild + 1) Why don’t poisonous animals poison themselves? - Rebecca D. Tarvin; 2) The loves and lies of fireflies | Sara Lewis; 3) This weird trick will help you summon an army of worms | Kenny Coogan; 4) How we found the giant squid | Edith Widder; 5) Vultures: The acid-puking, plague-busting heroes of the ecosystem | Kenny Coogan; 6) The colorful, shapeshifting wonder of the Amazon's praying mantises | Leo Lanna and Lvcas Fiat; 7) Why can parrots talk? | Grace Smith-Viduarre and Tim Wright Entertainment - - Best Fails of the Month - S07 : E03 Best Fails of the Month | Ep. 7.3 - The best of the worst for February '24. + + Good Talk + S01 : E04 Good Talk + 1) How to connect with depressed friends | Bill Bernat; 2) 3 steps to turn everyday get-togethers into transformative gatherings | Priya Parker; 3) The science of hearing - Douglas L. Oliver; 4) How to write less but say more | Jim VandeHei; 5) 3 strategies for effectively talking about climate change | John Marshall Entertainment - - Best Fails of the Month - S07 : E02 Best Fails of the Month | Ep. 7.2 - The best of the worst for January '24. + + Art and Science of Love + S01 : E04 Art and Science of Love + 1) Can we choose to fall out of love? | Dessa; 2) Would you stop dating someone your parents didn't like? | TED-Ed; 3) The truth about faking orgasms | Karen Gurney; 4) How to stop swiping and find your person on dating apps | Christina Wallace; 5) 7 common questions about workplace romance | Amy Nicole Baker; 6) This is what enduring love looks like | Alec Soth and Stacey Baker Entertainment - - Best Fails of the Month - S07 : E01 Best Fails of the Month | Ep. 7.1 - The best of the worst for December '23. + + The Curious Traveler + S01 : E07 The Curious Traveler + 1) How to live with fire | Oral McGuire; 2) A new national park to reclaim Indigenous land | Tracie Revis; 3) The Akune brothers: Siblings on opposite sides of war - Wendell Oshiro; 4) My road trip through the whitest towns in America | Rich Benjamin; 5) How the Normans changed the history of Europe | Mark Robinson; 6) A personal plea for humanity at the US-Mexico border | Juan Enriquez + Entertainment + + + Overlooked History + S01 : E04 Overlooked History + 1) A 5,300-year-old murder mystery | Albert Zink; 2) The dark history of Mount Rushmore | Ned Blackhawk and Jeffrey D. Means; 3) The infamous and ingenious Ho Chi Minh Trail | Cameron Paterson; 4) The movement that inspired the Holocaust | Alexandra Minna Stern and Natalie Lira; 5) The rise of the Ottoman Empire | Mostafa Minawi; 6) Who were the Vestal Virgins, and what was their job? - Peta Greenfield; 7) How Phillis Wheatley captured the attention of the world | Charita Gainey; 8) Ugly History: The Spanish Inquisition | Kayla Wolf; 9) History vs. Thomas Jefferson | Frank Cogliano; 10) The ancient origins of the Olympics | Armand D'Angour; 11) The rise and fall of the Mughal Empire |... + Entertainment + + + Legends of Design + S01 : E07 Legends of Design + 1) Inside the massive (and unregulated) world of surveillance tech | Sharon Weinberger; 2) How do jetpacks work? And why don't we all have them? | Richard Browning; 3) The sustainable brilliance of Indigenous design | Manu Peni; 4) How do you build a sacred space? | Siamak Hariri; 5) Why do beavers build dams? | Glynnis Hood; 6) Autofocusing reading glasses of the future | Nitish Padmanaban + Entertainment + + + The Latest in Ideas + S01 : E54 The Latest in Ideas + 1) Lessons from my father’s final days | Laurel Braitman; 2) Quantum computers aren't what you think — they're cooler | Hartmut Neven; 3) Can steroids save your life? | Anees Bahji; 4) Democracy requires disagreement. Here's how to do it better | Bret Stephens and Yordanos Eyoel; 5) What really happened to Oedipus? | Stephen Esposito + Entertainment + + + Food for Thought + S01 : E03 Food for Thought + 1) The chemistry of cookies | Stephanie Warren; 2) Why you should shop at your local farmers market | Mohammad Modarres; 3) How corn conquered the world | Chris A. Kniesly; 4) What foods did your ancestors love? | Aparna Pallavi; 5) The many reasons to eat a plant-based diet | Derek Sarno; 6) Why not eat insects? | Marcel Dicke; 7) How do carbohydrates impact your health? | Richard J. Wood + Entertainment + + + Under the Microscope + S01 : E08 Under the Microscope + 1) Could a breathalyzer detect cancer? | Julian Burschka; 2) How bacteria "talk" | Bonnie Bassler; 3) A virus-resistant organism -- and what it could mean for the future | Jason W. Chin; 4) What's hidden in Arctic ice? | Brendan Rogers and Jessica Howard; 5) Why "biofabrication" is the next industrial revolution | Suzanne Lee + Entertainment + + + Your Body, Explained + S01 : E16 Your Body, Explained + 1) Should you be able to patent a human gene? | Tania Simoncelli; 2) Why it’s so hard to cure HIV/AIDS - Janet Iwasa; 3) We can start winning the war against cancer | Adam de la Zerda; 4) This scientist makes ears out of apples | Andrew Pelling; 5) How you could see inside your body — with a micro-robot | Alex Luebke, Vivek Kumbhari + Entertainment + + + School Smarts + S01 : E02 School Smarts + 1) Comics belong in the classroom | Gene Luen Yang; 2) The benefits of daydreaming | Elizabeth Cox; 3) How schools can nurture every student's genius | Trish Millines Dziko; 4) Online learning could change academia -- for good | Tyler Dewitt; 5) The science of stage fright (and how to overcome it) - Mikael Cho; 6) The most powerful yet overlooked resource in schools | Heejae Lim + Entertainment + + + The Poetry Corner + S01 : E04 The Poetry Corner + 1) For Estefani, Third Grade, Who Made Me A Card | Aracelis Girmay; 2) How many lives can you live? | Sarah Kay; 3) High School Training Ground | Malcolm London; 4) Why should you read "A Midsummer Night's Dream?" - Iseult Gillespie; 5) What will you tell your daughters about 2016? | Chinaka Hodge; 6) Everyday moments, caught in time | Billy Collins; 7) Please don't take my Air Jordans | Lemon Andersen Entertainment @@ -56984,47 +73384,281 @@ The best of the worst for September '21. Entertainment - - The Exchange - S01 : E01 The Exchange - Sabina and Esther's relationship is pushed to the limit when an exchange student comes to stay. - LGBTQIA+ + + Best Fails of the Month + S07 : E09 Best Fails of the Month | Ep. 7.9 + The best of the worst for August '24. + Entertainment - - Flunk - S03 : E01 Flunk - Ingrid struggles to cope until she shares a special moment with Celeste. - LGBTQIA+ + + Best Fails of the Month + S04 : E10 Best Fails of the Month | Ep. 4.10 + The best of the worst for October '21. + Entertainment - - Flunk - S03 : E02 Flunk - Dani tries to cheer Ingrid up, whilst Heidi tries to get back into Saffron’s good books. - LGBTQIA+ + + World's Most Expensive Fails + S02 : E04 World's Most Expensive Fails | Fail Fail Land + Don't take this exit...it heads street to Fail Fail Land. + Entertainment - - Flunk - S03 : E03 Flunk - Heidi tries to impress Saffron but is dismayed when Ruby crashes their date. - LGBTQIA+ + + World's Most Expensive Fails + S02 : E05 World's Most Expensive Fails | Back To The Failure + You don't have to go back in time to enjoy these fails! + Entertainment - - Flunk - S03 : E04 Flunk - A week of trial and error in three different bedrooms as the teens navigate compatibility. - LGBTQIA+ + + Working 9 To Fail + S01 : E04 Working 9 To Fail | Delivering Fails + Working from home to professional performers, we are delivering all the workplace fails today! + Entertainment - - Strut - S01 : E01 Strut - Four friends transform their lives by starting an escorting agency in New York City. - LGBTQIA+ + + Working 9 To Fail + S01 : E05 Working 9 To Fail | Don’t Slip! + In this eclectic mix of workplace fails we see that no workplace is fail proof & take a well-deserved vacation + Entertainment - - Lockdown Lovers - S01 : E01 Lockdown Lovers - After sharing a one night stand, Kristal and Lisette are forced into COVID lockdown together. - LGBTQIA+ + + FailArmy Now + S02 : E10 FailArmy Now | Gaffe Galore + What do Waxing, Wheels and Anger have in common? They're all in this episode of FAILARMY NOW. + Entertainment + + + FailArmy Now + S02 : E11 FailArmy Now | Welcome to Blunderland + What do Boats, Friends and Highways have in common? They're all in this episode of FAILARMY NOW. + Entertainment + + + FailArmy Playlist + S01 : E07 FailArmy Playlist | Make It Bounce + Other hits on this playlist include "Bad Day," "Amateur Hour" and "By the Sea." + Entertainment + + + FailArmy Playlist + S01 : E08 FailArmy Playlist | Beautiful Disaster + Other hits on this playlist include "Close Call," "Facepalm" and "Crazy." + Entertainment + + + FailFactory + S01 : E12 FailFactory | Greatest of All Time + This episode is all about the GOAT... and other farm animals. + Entertainment + + + FailFactory + S01 : E13 FailFactory | Unhappy Holidays + The best holiday fails wrapped up in a neat little package. + Entertainment + + + FailFactory + S02 : E01 FailFactory | DMV: Dummies in Motor Vehicles + Watch and relax as these fails do a drive by. + Entertainment + + + FailFactory + S02 : E02 FailFactory | Whiskers and Feathers + Two famous foes go at it in this episode of cat and bird fails. + Entertainment + + + Best Fails of the Month + S04 : E10 Best Fails of the Month | Ep. 4.10 + The best of the worst for October '21. + Entertainment + + + World's Most Expensive Fails + S02 : E04 World's Most Expensive Fails | Fail Fail Land + Don't take this exit...it heads street to Fail Fail Land. + Entertainment + + + World's Most Expensive Fails + S02 : E05 World's Most Expensive Fails | Back To The Failure + You don't have to go back in time to enjoy these fails! + Entertainment + + + Working 9 To Fail + S01 : E04 Working 9 To Fail | Delivering Fails + Working from home to professional performers, we are delivering all the workplace fails today! + Entertainment + + + Working 9 To Fail + S01 : E05 Working 9 To Fail | Don’t Slip! + In this eclectic mix of workplace fails we see that no workplace is fail proof & take a well-deserved vacation + Entertainment + + + FailArmy Now + S02 : E10 FailArmy Now | Gaffe Galore + What do Waxing, Wheels and Anger have in common? They're all in this episode of FAILARMY NOW. + Entertainment + + + FailArmy Now + S02 : E11 FailArmy Now | Welcome to Blunderland + What do Boats, Friends and Highways have in common? They're all in this episode of FAILARMY NOW. + Entertainment + + + FailArmy Playlist + S01 : E07 FailArmy Playlist | Make It Bounce + Other hits on this playlist include "Bad Day," "Amateur Hour" and "By the Sea." + Entertainment + + + FailArmy Playlist + S01 : E08 FailArmy Playlist | Beautiful Disaster + Other hits on this playlist include "Close Call," "Facepalm" and "Crazy." + Entertainment + + + FailFactory + S01 : E12 FailFactory | Greatest of All Time + This episode is all about the GOAT... and other farm animals. + Entertainment + + + FailFactory + S01 : E13 FailFactory | Unhappy Holidays + The best holiday fails wrapped up in a neat little package. + Entertainment + + + FailFactory + S02 : E01 FailFactory | DMV: Dummies in Motor Vehicles + Watch and relax as these fails do a drive by. + Entertainment + + + FailFactory + S02 : E02 FailFactory | Whiskers and Feathers + Two famous foes go at it in this episode of cat and bird fails. + Entertainment + + + Best Fails of the Month + S04 : E08 Best Fails of the Month | Ep. 4.8 + The best of the worst for August '21. + Entertainment + + + Best Fails of the Month + S04 : E09 Best Fails of the Month | Ep. 4.9 + The best of the worst for September '21. + Entertainment + + + Best Fails of the Month + S07 : E09 Best Fails of the Month | Ep. 7.9 + The best of the worst for August '24. + Entertainment + + + Best Fails of the Month + S04 : E10 Best Fails of the Month | Ep. 4.10 + The best of the worst for October '21. + Entertainment + + + World's Most Expensive Fails + S02 : E04 World's Most Expensive Fails | Fail Fail Land + Don't take this exit...it heads street to Fail Fail Land. + Entertainment + + + World's Most Expensive Fails + S02 : E05 World's Most Expensive Fails | Back To The Failure + You don't have to go back in time to enjoy these fails! + Entertainment + + + Working 9 To Fail + S01 : E04 Working 9 To Fail | Delivering Fails + Working from home to professional performers, we are delivering all the workplace fails today! + Entertainment + + + Working 9 To Fail + S01 : E05 Working 9 To Fail | Don’t Slip! + In this eclectic mix of workplace fails we see that no workplace is fail proof & take a well-deserved vacation + Entertainment + + + FailArmy Now + S02 : E10 FailArmy Now | Gaffe Galore + What do Waxing, Wheels and Anger have in common? They're all in this episode of FAILARMY NOW. + Entertainment + + + FailArmy Now + S02 : E11 FailArmy Now | Welcome to Blunderland + What do Boats, Friends and Highways have in common? They're all in this episode of FAILARMY NOW. + Entertainment + + + FailArmy Playlist + S01 : E09 FailArmy Playlist | Catwalk + Other hits on this playlist include "High Hopes," "Bamboozled" and "Can't Feel My Face." + Entertainment + + + FailArmy Playlist + S01 : E10 FailArmy Playlist | Born to Be Wild + Other hits on this playlist include "Save Me," "Broken Glass" and "Such a Mess." + Entertainment + + + FailFactory + S02 : E03 FailFactory | Chocolate Souffail + Get your fails well done in this episode featuring food and cooking. + Entertainment + + + FailFactory + S02 : E04 FailFactory | Broke Back Mountain + Some go to nature to be healed. Not these people. + Entertainment + + + FailFactory + S02 : E05 FailFactory | Varsity Black and Blues + You miss 100% of the shots you don't take —Wayne Gretzky —Michael Scott + Entertainment + + + FailFactory + S02 : E06 FailFactory | Water Works + Moisture is the essence of wetness, and wetness is the essence of failure. + Entertainment + + + Best Fails of the Month + S04 : E11 Best Fails of the Month | Ep. 4.11 + The best of the worst for November '21. + Entertainment + + + Best Fails of the Month + S05 : E01 Best Fails of the Month | Ep. 5.1 + The best of the worst for December '21. + Entertainment + + + Best Fails of the Month + S05 : E02 Best Fails of the Month | Ep. 5.2 + The best of the worst for January '22. + Entertainment The 10 Year Plan @@ -57275,116 +73909,92 @@ What It Was S01 : E01 What It Was - An old flame is reignited and a new desire awakens when Adina J. Spencer returns to NYC. - LGBTQIA+ - - - Haymaker - S01 : E01 Haymaker - A retired fighter rescues an alluring performer, becoming her bodyguard and confidant. - LGBTQIA+ - - - Just Kidding Season 4 - S04 : E13 Just Kidding - Are you ready for a laugh out loud experience with the kid pranksters of Just Kidding? Expect fun for the whole family with family-friendly pranks like Real Giant Doll, Clothesline post knocks out accomplice and more kids playing funny pranks. - Entertainment - - - GAGS - Season 12 - S12 : E07 Gags - Sit back and get ready to laugh with Just for Laughs Gags! In this episode features an officer stuck on a fence and the return of the t-rex. Sit back and enjoy over a dozen of the world's funniest pranks. - Entertainment - - - GAGS - Season 16 - S16 : E02 Just For Laughs Gags - Sit back and get ready to laugh with Just for Laughs Gags! In this episode you will witness a portable toilet being thrown by football players and many more hilarious pranks from the masters of pranking! - Entertainment - - - GAGS - Season 12 - S12 : E11 Gags - You will laugh out loud watching Just for Laughs Gags. In this episode features pranks such as glued fruits and fake manicure. Sit back and enjoy over a dozen of the world's funniest pranks. - Entertainment + An old flame is reignited and a new desire awakens when Adina J. Spencer returns to NYC. + LGBTQIA+ - - Gags - Season 10 - S10 : E26 Just For Laughs Gags - Sit back and get ready to laugh with Just for Laughs Gags! - Entertainment + + Haymaker + S01 : E01 Haymaker + A retired fighter rescues an alluring performer, becoming her bodyguard and confidant. + LGBTQIA+ - - Just Kidding Season 4 - S04 : E13 Just Kidding - Are you ready for a laugh out loud experience with the kid pranksters of Just Kidding? Expect fun for the whole family with family-friendly pranks like Real Giant Doll, Clothesline post knocks out accomplice and more kids playing funny pranks. - Entertainment + + Women and Sometimes Men + S01 : E01 Women and Sometimes Men + Sara goes on a journey filled with laughter, tears, women and sometimes men. + LGBTQIA+ - - Just Kidding Season 3 - S03 : E09 Just Kidding - Get ready for a night of laugh out loud zany pranks from the kid pranksters from Just Kidding. Watch a class being controlled, Bell causes the fall of oranges, shovel in a purse, and many more pranks. - Entertainment + + Trade + S01 : E01 Trade + Trade is the story of two men & the relationship that brings to light who they really are. + LGBTQIA+ - - GAGS - Season 16 - S16 : E11 Just For Laughs Gags - Sit back and get ready to laugh with Just for Laughs Gags! In this episode, you will witness a purse being emptied in the trash, a sensual motorcycle demo, and many more hilarious pranks from the masters of pranking! - Entertainment + + #LookAtMe + S01 : E01 #LookAtMe + A Youtuber is witch-hunted by society after lampooning a megachurch pastor to defend his brother. + LGBTQIA+ - - GAGS - Season 13 - S13 : E08 Gags - Sit back and get ready to laugh with Just for Laughs Gags! In this episode, you will laugh out loud at watching an elephant looking for a friend and many more hilarious pranks from the masters of pranking! - Entertainment + + Love Is A Map + S01 : E01 Love Is A Map + Two college friends spend a romantic weekend in the mountains exploring what might have been. + LGBTQIA+ - - Gags - Season 10 - S10 : E10 Just For Laughs Gags - Sit back and get ready to laugh with Just for Laughs Gags! - Entertainment + + The 10 Year Plan + S01 : E01 The 10 Year Plan + Myles and Brody make a pact to be a couple if neither has found love in ten years’ time. + LGBTQIA+ - - GAGS - Season 13 - S13 : E10 Gags - Sit back and get ready to laugh with Just for Laughs Gags! In this episode, you will laugh at watching a stuffed dog react to a real one and many more hilarious pranks from the masters of pranking! - Entertainment + + Love Me Anyway + S01 : E01 Love Me Anyway + Eddie and Esme's marriage is going through a rough patch. + LGBTQIA+ - - Just Kidding Season 4 - S04 : E08 Just Kidding - Get ready for a night of laugh out loud zany pranks from the kid pranksters from Just Kidding. Watch a Flying Chicken Crossing, Doll reflex kick, Human mousetrap, and many more funny kids pranks. - Entertainment + + Cassanova Was A Woman + S01 : E01 Cassanova Was A Woman + A woman discovers she is bisexual in this comedy about fantasy, fidelity, and fried plantains. + LGBTQIA+ - - Just Kidding Season 3 - S03 : E01 Just Kidding - The Just Kidding pranksters are ready to make you laugh out loud with the whole family. Watch as a the kids play pranks involving a stuffed gazer, light booths, soccer balls, and many more family-friendly hilarious pranks from the creators of Just for Laughs Gags. - Entertainment + + I Can't See Her + S01 : E01 I Can't See Her + A woman grapples with the disappearance of her husband while connecting with someone new. + LGBTQIA+ - - Just for Laughs Gags - S18 : E08 Just for Laughs Gags - A bridesmaid fight, cops eating funny muffins, a hiding groom, and many more! - Entertainment + + Her Story + S01 : E01 Her Story + Her Story depicts the unique, complex, and very human women we see in queer communities. + LGBTQIA+ - - Gags - Season 10 - S10 : E28 Just For Laughs Gags - Hilarious pranks including shock therapy, a blind proposal, and a questionable snake. Plus many more! - Entertainment + + The Cosmos Sisters + S01 : E01 The Cosmos Sisters + Resurrecting their indie band, Whitney & Nora dive into the chaotic rabbit hole again. + LGBTQIA+ - - GAGS - Season 14 - S14 : E01 Gags - Sit back and get ready to laugh with Just for Laughs Gags! In this episode, you will laugh at watching a curious lady looking up a man's kilt and many more hilarious pranks from the masters of pranking! - Entertainment + + Before I Got Famous + S01 : E01 Before I Got Famous + Alex You moves from China to Hollywood to become an actor in this Revry Original Series. + LGBTQIA+ - - Gags-Season 11 - S11 : E12 Just For Laughs Gags - Hilarious pranks including raining garbage bags, an instant marriage, and a clairvoyant getting slapped.  - Entertainment + + A Very Sordid Wedding + S01 : E01 A Very Sordid Wedding + A serial killer, drag queens and a dysfunctional family collide in small town Texas. + LGBTQIA+ + + + Braking For Whales + S01 : E01 Braking For Whales + Dysfunctional siblings come to terms with themselves over their mother's final wish. + LGBTQIA+ Gags - Season 10 @@ -57614,460 +74224,706 @@ This episode of Just of Laughs Gags features an earing being ripped off its ear, basketball players licking each other's armpits, tanning accident, and many more hilarious practical jokes from the masters of pranking! Entertainment - - Just for Laughs Gags - S18 : E07 Just for Laughs Gags - A groin health test, a tarantula falling on your hand, a toilet paper distribution, and many more! + + Just Kidding Season 1 + S01 : E05 Just Kidding + Sit back and enjoy a silly prank show from the creators of Just for Laughs Gags. Just Kidding puts the kids in charge as they surprise unsuspecting victims with getting showered with marshmallows, a exploding pigeon, and many more family-friendly pranks. Entertainment - + Just Kidding Season 1 - S01 : E09 Just Kidding - Ready to laugh? Get ready to laugh out loud with the whole family! Watch as the kid pranksters from Just Kidding show off an overproductive chicken and countless more family-friendly fun pranks from the producers of Just for Laughs Gags. + S01 : E19 Just Kidding + Are you ready for a laugh out loud experience with the kid pranksters of Just Kidding? Expect fun for the whole family with kid-friendly pranks like where the Just Kidding kids lock a bull in a shed, sit on spaghetti, and many more kids pranks from the team that brought you Just for Laughs Gags. Entertainment - - Just Kidding Season 1 - S01 : E06 Just Kidding - Ready to laugh? Get ready to laugh out loud with the whole family! Watch as the kid pranksters from Just Kidding get their tongue frozen on an ice cream cart and witness a mailbox that isn't a fan of letters and countless more family-friendly fun pranks from the producers of Just for Laughs Gags. + + Gags - Season 10 + S10 : E33 Just For Laughs Gags + Hilarious pranks includig an evil fan, pesky gum on the sole, and dynamite under a car! Plus many more. Entertainment - - Just Kidding Season 4 - S04 : E10 Just Kidding - Are you ready for a laugh out loud experience with the kid pranksters of Just Kidding? Expect fun for the whole family with family-friendly pranks like Cop Joins Dance, Pit pit alien, Spandex truck painting, and many more hilarious pranks. + + Gags-Season 11 + S11 : E01 Just For Laughs Gags + Sit back and get ready to laugh with Just for Laughs Gags! Entertainment - - Just for Laughs Gags - S17 : E09 Just for Laughs Gags - This episode of Just for Laughs Gags features a surprise parking valet, a hamster homicide, couple stuck in a mattress, and many more hilarious practical jokes from the masters of pranking! + + GAGS - Season 15 + S15 : E12 Just For Laughs Gags + Sit back and get ready to laugh with Just for Laughs Gags! In this episode you will see mother earth spray some waterworks, an interview after going to the restroom and many more hilarious pranks from the masters of pranking! + Entertainment + + + Just Kidding Season 2 + S02 : E08 Just Kidding + Are you ready for a laugh out loud experience with the kid pranksters of Just Kidding? Expect fun for the whole family with pranks like a goat in the water, sneezing Christmas trees, and many more kids pranks from the team behind Just for Laughs Gags. Entertainment - + Just for Laughs Gags - S17 : E06 Just for Laughs Gags - Get ready for some laughs! This episode of Just for Laughs Gags brings worm legs, a sneaky lemonade stand, pop up Pokemon, and many more hilarious practical jokes from the undisputed masters of pranking! + S17 : E17 Just for Laughs Gags + Sit back and get ready to laugh! This hilarious episode of Just for Laughs Gags features a corpse arrest, a pie lovers, a flying baby, and many more hilarious practical jokes from the masters of pranks! Entertainment - - GAGS - Season 12 - S12 : E10 Gags - Sit back and get ready to laugh with Just for Laughs Gags! In this episode features pranks such as the driving dog and missile in an elevator. Sit back and enjoy over a dozen of the world's funniest pranks. + + Gags - Season 10 + S10 : E25 Just For Laughs Gags + Hilarious pranks including a hamster ball, an abandoned baby trailer, and a pickpocket. Plus many more! Entertainment - - GAGS - Season 16 - S16 : E06 Just For Laughs Gags - Sit back and get ready to laugh with Just for Laughs Gags! In this episode you will get to watch a mom breast-feeding her teen child and many more hilarious pranks from the masters of pranking! + + GAGS - Season 15 + S15 : E09 Just For Laughs Gags + Sit back and get ready to laugh with Just for Laughs Gags! In this episode you will see a blind man pee on a standing guard and many more hilarious pranks from the masters of pranking! Entertainment - - Just Kidding Season 1 - S01 : E04 Just Kidding - Are you ready for a laugh out loud experience with the kid pranksters of Just Kidding? Expect hilarity with family-friendly pranks and the reactions when a sofa swallows a kid, a clown is stuck in a machine and many more kids pranks from the team that brought you Just for Laughs Gags. + + Just Kidding Season 3 + S03 : E06 Just Kidding + Get ready for a night of laugh out loud zany pranks from the kid pranksters from Just Kidding. Watch a Pie-Throwing Witch, Farting mannequin, Shower in a handbag, and many more funny kids playing pranks. Entertainment - - GAGS - Season 12 - S12 : E13 Gags - Sit back and get ready to laugh with Just for Laughs Gags! in this episode features pranks where whipped cream comes out of his ears and Jesus resurrecting a trout. Sit back and enjoy over a dozen of the world's funniest pranks. + + Just Kidding Season 1 + S01 : E14 Just Kidding + Are you ready for a laugh out loud experience with the kid pranksters of Just Kidding? Expect hilarity with family-friendly pranks and the reactions when a mascot farts and many more kids pranks from the team that brought you Just for Laughs Gags. Entertainment - + GAGS - Season 15 - S15 : E09 Just For Laughs Gags - Sit back and get ready to laugh with Just for Laughs Gags! In this episode you will see a blind man pee on a standing guard and many more hilarious pranks from the masters of pranking! + S15 : E08 Just For Laughs Gags + Sit back and get ready to laugh with Just for Laughs Gags! In this episode, you will see a parking meter run away and many more hilarious pranks from the masters of pranking! Entertainment - - Gags - Season 10 - S10 : E04 Just For Laughs Gags - Hilarious pranks including a wild taxi ride, a clown in the window, and a magic book of spells. Plus many more! + + GAGS - Season 15 + S15 : E11 Just For Laughs Gags + Sit back and get ready to laugh with Just for Laughs Gags! In this episode, you will see nuns stuck on a paddleboat, an elevator vomit kiss, and many more hilarious pranks from the masters of pranking! Entertainment - - Just Kidding Season 2 - S02 : E02 Just Kidding - Ready to laugh sit back and laugh out loud with the whole family? Watch as the kid pranksters from Just Kidding fit a big salmon in the small pail, watch as letters fall in the water, and many more family-friendly fun pranks from the producers of Just for Laughs Gags. + + GAGS - Season 15 + S15 : E03 Just For Laughs Gags + Sit back and get ready to laugh with Just for Laughs Gags! In this episode you will see a painter stripand many more hilarious pranks from the masters of pranking! Entertainment - - Gags - Season 10 - S10 : E06 Just For Laughs Gags - Sit back and get ready to laugh with Just for Laughs Gags! + + Just Kidding Season 1 + S01 : E02 Just Kidding + Sit back and enjoy a silly prank show from the creators of Just for Laughs Gags. Just Kidding puts the kids in charge as they surprise unsuspecting victims with a basketball head, blow up a pigeon, and many more family-friendly pranks. Entertainment - + Just Kidding Season 4 - S04 : E01 Just Kidding - Are you ready for a laugh out loud experience with the kid pranksters of Just Kidding? Expect fun for the whole family with family-friendly pranks like Invisible Clerk at the information booth, Paint roller knocks down a sign and many more hilarious pranks. - Entertainment - - - Gags - Season 10 - S10 : E25 Just For Laughs Gags - Hilarious pranks including a hamster ball, an abandoned baby trailer, and a pickpocket. Plus many more! + S04 : E03 Just Kidding + The Just Kidding pranksters are ready to make you laugh out loud with the whole family. Watch as a the kids play pranks involving a Sweeping telekinesis kid, Real badminton bird and many more hilarious and funny kids pranks. Entertainment - + Gags-Season 11 - S11 : E07 Just For Laughs Gags - Hilarious pranks including a parrot in the fan, an exploding cell phone, and a spontaneously combusting dog. + S11 : E11 Just For Laughs Gags + Sit back and get ready to laugh with Just for Laughs Gags! Entertainment - + Gags - Season 10 - S10 : E33 Just For Laughs Gags - Hilarious pranks includig an evil fan, pesky gum on the sole, and dynamite under a car! Plus many more. + S10 : E32 Just For Laughs Gags + Hilarious pranks including a fortune teller in spandex, a body in a box, and some rum chocolate. Plus many more! + Entertainment + + + Just for Laughs Gags + S17 : E09 Just for Laughs Gags + This episode of Just for Laughs Gags features a surprise parking valet, a hamster homicide, couple stuck in a mattress, and many more hilarious practical jokes from the masters of pranking! Entertainment - + Just Kidding Season 2 - S02 : E09 Just Kidding - Get ready for a laugh out loud pranking experience for the whole family. Watch as a little witch spoils the party, what a baseball taste like, a tiny pizza delivery, and many more hilarious family-friendly fun pranks from the producers of Just for Laughs Gags. + S02 : E04 Just Kidding + Are you ready for a laugh out loud experience with the kid pranksters of Just Kidding? Expect fun for the whole family with family-friendly pranks like the time Santa fell off the roof, freezing a human head in an ice cube, and many more pranks by the creators of Just for Laughs Gags. Entertainment - - Just Kidding Season 1 - S01 : E02 Just Kidding - Sit back and enjoy a silly prank show from the creators of Just for Laughs Gags. Just Kidding puts the kids in charge as they surprise unsuspecting victims with a basketball head, blow up a pigeon, and many more family-friendly pranks. + + Just Kidding Season 4 + S04 : E10 Just Kidding + Are you ready for a laugh out loud experience with the kid pranksters of Just Kidding? Expect fun for the whole family with family-friendly pranks like Cop Joins Dance, Pit pit alien, Spandex truck painting, and many more hilarious pranks. Entertainment - + Just for Laughs Gags - S17 : E17 Just for Laughs Gags - Sit back and get ready to laugh! This hilarious episode of Just for Laughs Gags features a corpse arrest, a pie lovers, a flying baby, and many more hilarious practical jokes from the masters of pranks! + S18 : E07 Just for Laughs Gags + A groin health test, a tarantula falling on your hand, a toilet paper distribution, and many more! Entertainment - + GAGS - Season 12 S12 : E12 Gags Get ready to laugh out loud with Just for Laughs Gags! In this episode features such as a baby hidden behind a wall and an invisible tiger. Sit back and enjoy over a dozen of the world's funniest pranks. Entertainment - - Gags - Season 10 - S10 : E11 Just For Laughs Gags - Hilarious pranks including a marathon for the blind, cops in the way of firemen, and a kissing cop. Plus many more! - Entertainment - - + GAGS - Season 14 S14 : E08 Gags Sit back and get ready to laugh with Just for Laughs Gags! In this episode you will witness faces full of custard pie, a remote controlled police car and many more hilarious pranks from the masters of pranking! Entertainment - - Just Kidding Season 3 - S03 : E04 Just Kidding - The Just Kidding pranksters are ready to make you laugh out loud with the whole family. Watch as a the kids play pranks involving a Garden Hose Power, Teleported spaghetti, a Young magician gets his own cereal and many more pranks. + + GAGS - Season 16 + S16 : E11 Just For Laughs Gags + Sit back and get ready to laugh with Just for Laughs Gags! In this episode, you will witness a purse being emptied in the trash, a sensual motorcycle demo, and many more hilarious pranks from the masters of pranking! Entertainment - - Just Kidding Season 1 - S01 : E03 Just Kidding - Are you ready for a laugh out loud experience with the kid pranksters of Just Kidding? Expect fun for the whole family with family-friendly pranks like playing baseball with a remote-controlled robot, finding a polar bear in the box, and many more kids pranks from the team that brought you Just for Laughs Gags. + + GAGS - Season 14 + S14 : E07 Gags + Sit back and get ready to laugh with Just for Laughs Gags! In this episode, you will see reactions as we destroy a patio and many more hilarious pranks from the masters of pranking! Entertainment - - Just Kidding Season 1 - S01 : E13 Just Kidding - Are you ready for a laugh out loud experience with the kid pranksters of Just Kidding? Expect fun for the whole family with kid-friendly pranks like where the Just Kidding kids take off with helium-filled balloons and many more kids pranks from the team that brought you Just for Laughs Gags. + + Just Kidding Season 4 + S04 : E06 Just Kidding + The Just Kidding pranksters are ready to make you laugh out loud with the whole family. Watch as a the kids play pranks involving Out of the box ideas, Telescopic leg trips security guard, sneezing salad and many more hilarious pranks. Entertainment - - Just Kidding Season 4 - S04 : E09 Just Kidding - The Just Kidding pranksters are ready to make you laugh out loud with the whole family. Watch as a the kids play pranks involving a Giant Bubble Attack, Hand in the oven mitt and many more hilarious kids pranks. + + Just for Laughs Gags + S17 : E20 Just for Laughs Gags + This hilarious episode of Just for Laughs Gags features a nailed hand, a shared dental floss between dog and human, a cop losings a victim's car keys, and many more hilarious practical jokes created by the masters of pranks. Entertainment - - Gags - Season 10 - S10 : E31 Just For Laughs Gags - Hilarious pranks including some smashed fingers, a knowing dog, and some delicious insects. Plus many more! + + GAGS - Season 12 + S12 : E08 Gags + You will laugh out loud watching Just for Laughs Gags. In this episode features a crazy roaster and a killer champagne. Sit back and enjoy over a dozen of the world's funniest pranks. Entertainment - - Just Kidding Season 3 - S03 : E07 Just Kidding - The Just Kidding pranksters are ready to make you laugh out loud with the whole family. Watch as a the kids play pranks involving the Benched Prince Charming, Tape brings down a wall and may more funny kids pranks. + + Just Kidding Season 1 + S01 : E13 Just Kidding + Are you ready for a laugh out loud experience with the kid pranksters of Just Kidding? Expect fun for the whole family with kid-friendly pranks like where the Just Kidding kids take off with helium-filled balloons and many more kids pranks from the team that brought you Just for Laughs Gags. + Entertainment + + + GAGS - Season 16 + S16 : E07 Just For Laughs Gags + Sit back and get ready to laugh with Just for Laughs Gags! In this episode you will witness tattoo branding, an Italian funeral and many more hilarious pranks from the masters of pranking! Entertainment - + Just Kidding Season 3 S03 : E05 Just Kidding Are you ready for a laugh out loud experience with the kid pranksters of Just Kidding? Expect fun for the whole family with family-friendly pranks like Mega Water Gun, Kissing spandex portrait, Farting contest and many more funny kids pranks. Entertainment - - Gags - Season 10 - S10 : E27 Just For Laughs Gags - Hilarious pranks including a mouse in the mail, a very powerful waterjet, and a deflated cake. Plus many more! - Entertainment - - + Just Kidding Season 1 S01 : E23 Just Kidding Sit back and enjoy a silly prank show from the creators of Just for Laughs Gags. Just Kidding puts the kids in charge as they fight against snakes, move a porta-potty, and many more family-friendly pranks. Entertainment - - GAGS - Season 13 - S13 : E12 Gags - Sit back and get ready to laugh with Just for Laughs Gags! In this episode, you will laugh at Jesus' thoughts on adult literature and many more hilarious pranks from the masters of pranking! - Entertainment - - + Gags-Season 11 - S11 : E03 Just For Laughs Gags + S11 : E08 Just For Laughs Gags Sit back and get ready to laugh with Just for Laughs Gags! Entertainment - - Gags - Season 10 - S10 : E07 Just For Laughs Gags - Hilarious pranks including some wandering wrinkly hands, an intimate mattress, and Bigfoot. Plus many more! + + Just Kidding Season 4 + S04 : E05 Just Kidding + Get ready for a night of laugh out loud zany pranks from the kid pranksters from Just Kidding. You'll find a Elephant-in-the-box, Four season rain shower, Hidden face in the couch and more hilarious pranks. Entertainment - - GAGS - Season 14 - S14 : E06 Gags - Sit back and get ready to laugh with Just for Laughs Gags! In this episode, you will see a kid punishing a thief with his remote-controlled helicopter and many more hilarious pranks from the masters of pranking! + + Just Kidding Season 3 + S03 : E02 Just Kidding + Are you ready for a laugh out loud experience with the kid pranksters of Just Kidding? Expect fun for the whole family with family-friendly pranks like th Little Green Soldier, Pie-throwing machine, Spinning garden hose and many more hilarious kids pranks. Entertainment - - GAGS - Season 14 - S14 : E02 Gags - Sit back and get ready to laugh with Just for Laughs Gags! In this episode, you will laugh at seeing an officer's trouble with a pen, a grape thief, and many more hilarious pranks from the masters of pranking! + + GAGS - Season 15 + S15 : E01 Just For Laughs Gags + Sit back and get ready to laugh with Just for Laughs Gags! In this episode you will witness grandma being upset at the royal guard and many more hilarious pranks from the masters of pranking! Entertainment - - Just Kidding Season 1 - S01 : E22 Just Kidding - Are you ready for a laugh out loud experience with the kid pranksters of Just Kidding? Expect fun for the whole family with family-friendly pranks like where victims face a monster in a park, a never-ending mailbox, and many more kids pranks from the team that brought you Just for Laughs Gags. + + Just Kidding Season 3 + S03 : E10 Just Kidding + The Just Kidding pranksters are ready to make you laugh out loud with the whole family. Watch as a the kids play pranks involving a Wall Train, Ice cream topping falls on the victim, Fork return in the microwave, and many more funny kids pranks. + Entertainment + + + Gags - Season 10 + S10 : E23 Just For Laughs Gags + Hilarious pranks including a jackhammer, a wheelchair gets a ticket, and a head in the toilet! Plus many more. Entertainment - + Just Kidding Season 4 S04 : E07 Just Kidding Are you ready for a laugh out loud experience with the kid pranksters of Just Kidding? Expect fun for the whole family with family-friendly pranks like Sean Monster Attack, Porta-potty door destroys lemonade stand and many more funny kids pranks. Entertainment - + + Gags-Season 11 + S11 : E03 Just For Laughs Gags + Sit back and get ready to laugh with Just for Laughs Gags! + Entertainment + + Gags - Season 10 - S10 : E08 Just For Laughs Gags - Hilarious pranks including a young flirt, a ladder into space, and an escaped gorilla! Plus many more. + S10 : E31 Just For Laughs Gags + Hilarious pranks including some smashed fingers, a knowing dog, and some delicious insects. Plus many more! + Entertainment + + + Just Kidding Season 3 + S03 : E12 Just Kidding + Get ready for a night of laugh out loud zany pranks from the kid pranksters from Just Kidding. Watch candy turn into fish, Wrong beach ball inflates, Plastic gift poop and many more kids pranks. Entertainment - + Just for Laughs Gags - S17 : E03 Just for Laughs Gags - This episode of Just for Laughs Gags features a butcher mishandling his knives, a dog cookie mishap, scouts taking a plunge, and many more hilarious pranks from the masters of pranking! + S17 : E05 Just for Laughs Gags + Sit back and get ready to laugh! This hilarious episode of Just for Laughs Gags features a pop-up soda shop, the fireman striptease, a fire hydrant on a car, and many more hilarious practical jokes from the masters! Entertainment - - Gags-Season 11 - S11 : E08 Just For Laughs Gags - Sit back and get ready to laugh with Just for Laughs Gags! + + Gags - Season 10 + S10 : E30 Just For Laughs Gags + Hilarious pranks including some explosive soup, a dog funeral, and a statue that loses its package. Plus many more! + Entertainment + + + Gags - Season 10 + S10 : E03 Just For Laughs Gags + Hilarious pranks including a glass thats always empty, a lack of oxygen, and an imaginary accident scene. Plus many more! Entertainment - + GAGS - Season 15 - S15 : E01 Just For Laughs Gags - Sit back and get ready to laugh with Just for Laughs Gags! In this episode you will witness grandma being upset at the royal guard and many more hilarious pranks from the masters of pranking! + S15 : E13 Just For Laughs Gags + Sit back and get ready to laugh with Just for Laughs Gags! In this episode you will see fresh fish jump into a plate, an annoying restaurant musician and many more hilarious pranks from the masters of pranking! Entertainment - + Just Kidding Season 4 - S04 : E06 Just Kidding - The Just Kidding pranksters are ready to make you laugh out loud with the whole family. Watch as a the kids play pranks involving Out of the box ideas, Telescopic leg trips security guard, sneezing salad and many more hilarious pranks. + S04 : E12 Just Kidding + The Just Kidding pranksters are ready to make you laugh out loud with the whole family. Watch as a the kids play pranks involving a Footballer in a Shell, Clown spins juice glasses, Steamer melts jewelry and many more kids playing pranks. + Entertainment + + + Just for Laughs Gags + S17 : E16 Just for Laughs Gags + This episode of Just for Laughs Gags features a child pushing a car, a taxidermy dog kiosk, a champagne that brings down the house, and many more hilarious practical jokes from the masters of pranking! + Entertainment + + + Gags-Season 11 + S11 : E06 Just For Laughs Gags + Sit back and get ready to laugh with Just for Laughs Gags! + Entertainment + + + Just Kidding Season 4 + S04 : E13 Just Kidding + Are you ready for a laugh out loud experience with the kid pranksters of Just Kidding? Expect fun for the whole family with family-friendly pranks like Real Giant Doll, Clothesline post knocks out accomplice and more kids playing funny pranks. + Entertainment + + + Just Kidding Season 3 + S03 : E08 Just Kidding + Are you ready for a laugh out loud experience with the kid pranksters of Just Kidding? Expect fun for the whole family with family-friendly pranks like Keep an Eye on Dollie, Romantic supper on rails, Slime shooting snail, and many more pranks. + Entertainment + + + GAGS - Season 16 + S16 : E08 Just For Laughs Gags + Sit back and get ready to laugh with Just for Laughs Gags! In this episode you will witness an accomplice catching a safe and many more hilarious pranks from the masters of pranking! + Entertainment + + + Just for Laughs Gags + S18 : E05 Just for Laughs Gags + A seduced woman falling from her window, a dancing cop, a cut finger, and many more! Entertainment - + GAGS - Season 13 S13 : E07 Gags Sit back and get ready to laugh with Just for Laughs Gags! In this episode, you will laugh at our accomplice prank and many more hilarious pranks from the masters of pranking! Entertainment - - Just Kidding Season 2 - S02 : E05 Just Kidding - Get ready for a laugh out loud pranking experience for the whole family. Watch chairs catch some zzz's, a dog licking some ice ream, find out what is a snow globe victim, and many more hilarious family-friendly fun pranks from the producers of Just for Laughs Gags. + + Gags - Season 10 + S10 : E05 Just For Laughs Gags + Hilarious pranks including a very sad reading, a mother gets arrested, and a kid doing his business in the fruit aisle. Plus many more! Entertainment - - Just Kidding Season 1 - S01 : E26 Just Kidding - Sit back and enjoy a silly prank show from the creators of Just for Laughs Gags. Just Kidding puts the kids in charge as they surprise unsuspecting victims with a candy wishing well, dog versus vacuum, and many more family-friendly pranks. + + GAGS - Season 15 + S15 : E07 Just For Laughs Gags + Sit back and get ready to laugh with Just for Laughs Gags! In this episode you will see bridesmaids falling and many more hilarious pranks from the masters of pranking! + Entertainment + + + GAGS - Season 16 + S16 : E05 Just For Laughs Gags + Sit back and get ready to laugh with Just for Laughs Gags! In this episode you will witness a sexy selfie, kissing the dead and many more hilarious pranks from the masters of pranking! + Entertainment + + + Just for Laughs Gags + S17 : E03 Just for Laughs Gags + This episode of Just for Laughs Gags features a butcher mishandling his knives, a dog cookie mishap, scouts taking a plunge, and many more hilarious pranks from the masters of pranking! Entertainment - + GAGS - Season 12 - S12 : E08 Gags - You will laugh out loud watching Just for Laughs Gags. In this episode features a crazy roaster and a killer champagne. Sit back and enjoy over a dozen of the world's funniest pranks. + S12 : E11 Gags + You will laugh out loud watching Just for Laughs Gags. In this episode features pranks such as glued fruits and fake manicure. Sit back and enjoy over a dozen of the world's funniest pranks. Entertainment - - Just Kidding Season 3 - S03 : E10 Just Kidding - The Just Kidding pranksters are ready to make you laugh out loud with the whole family. Watch as a the kids play pranks involving a Wall Train, Ice cream topping falls on the victim, Fork return in the microwave, and many more funny kids pranks. + + Gags - Season 10 + S10 : E08 Just For Laughs Gags + Hilarious pranks including a young flirt, a ladder into space, and an escaped gorilla! Plus many more. + Entertainment + + + GAGS - Season 13 + S13 : E12 Gags + Sit back and get ready to laugh with Just for Laughs Gags! In this episode, you will laugh at Jesus' thoughts on adult literature and many more hilarious pranks from the masters of pranking! Entertainment - + Gags - Season 10 - S10 : E23 Just For Laughs Gags - Hilarious pranks including a jackhammer, a wheelchair gets a ticket, and a head in the toilet! Plus many more. + S10 : E27 Just For Laughs Gags + Hilarious pranks including a mouse in the mail, a very powerful waterjet, and a deflated cake. Plus many more! Entertainment - - Just Kidding Season 1 - S01 : E07 Just Kidding - Are you ready for a laugh out loud experience with the kid pranksters of Just Kidding? Expect hilarity with family-friendly pranks and the reactions when a bunch of chihuahuas emerges from a handbag and many more kids pranks from the team that brought you Just for Laughs Gags. + + Just Kidding Season 2 + S02 : E13 Just Kidding + The Just Kidding pranksters are ready to make you laugh out loud with the whole family. Watch as a creepy dummy licks ears and find out what superball eyes are, and many more family-friendly hilarious pranks from the creators of Just for Laughs Gags. Entertainment - - Just for Laughs Gags - S17 : E05 Just for Laughs Gags - Sit back and get ready to laugh! This hilarious episode of Just for Laughs Gags features a pop-up soda shop, the fireman striptease, a fire hydrant on a car, and many more hilarious practical jokes from the masters! + + Just Kidding Season 3 + S03 : E07 Just Kidding + The Just Kidding pranksters are ready to make you laugh out loud with the whole family. Watch as a the kids play pranks involving the Benched Prince Charming, Tape brings down a wall and may more funny kids pranks. Entertainment - + Gags - Season 10 - S10 : E03 Just For Laughs Gags - Hilarious pranks including a glass thats always empty, a lack of oxygen, and an imaginary accident scene. Plus many more! + S10 : E07 Just For Laughs Gags + Hilarious pranks including some wandering wrinkly hands, an intimate mattress, and Bigfoot. Plus many more! + Entertainment + + + GAGS - Season 16 + S16 : E12 Just For Laughs Gags + Sit back and get ready to laugh with Just for Laughs Gags! In this episode, you will see a dragon enflame an officer and many more hilarious pranks from the masters of pranking! + Entertainment + + + Gags - Season 10 + S10 : E12 Just For Laughs Gags + Hilarious pranks including a duel of the grandpas, a gorilla meets a blind person, and a hotdog salesman. Plus many more! + Entertainment + + + Just for Laughs Gags + S18 : E04 Just for Laughs Gags + A grandma farting in a stroller, a hot-dog massage, a cop doing a hula hoop, and many more! Entertainment - + Just for Laughs Gags S17 : E10 Just for Laughs Gags This episode of Just for Laughs Gags features a truck escape, a hand stabbed through the table, a driving dog tailing a cat, and many more hilarious practical jokes from the masters of pranking! Entertainment - + Just Kidding Season 3 S03 : E09 Just Kidding Get ready for a night of laugh out loud zany pranks from the kid pranksters from Just Kidding. Watch a class being controlled, Bell causes the fall of oranges, shovel in a purse, and many more pranks. Entertainment - - Just Kidding Season 3 - S03 : E02 Just Kidding - Are you ready for a laugh out loud experience with the kid pranksters of Just Kidding? Expect fun for the whole family with family-friendly pranks like th Little Green Soldier, Pie-throwing machine, Spinning garden hose and many more hilarious kids pranks. + + GAGS - Season 13 + S13 : E04 Gags + Sit back and get ready to laugh with Just for Laughs Gags! In this episode, you will see pranks featuring an annoying ball thrower, a friendly security guard, and many more hilarious pranks from the masters of pranking! Entertainment - - GAGS - Season 16 - S16 : E08 Just For Laughs Gags - Sit back and get ready to laugh with Just for Laughs Gags! In this episode you will witness an accomplice catching a safe and many more hilarious pranks from the masters of pranking! + + Just Kidding Season 1 + S01 : E03 Just Kidding + Are you ready for a laugh out loud experience with the kid pranksters of Just Kidding? Expect fun for the whole family with family-friendly pranks like playing baseball with a remote-controlled robot, finding a polar bear in the box, and many more kids pranks from the team that brought you Just for Laughs Gags. Entertainment - - Just for Laughs Gags - S18 : E03 Just for Laughs Gags - Stockings over the victim's head, a blender rocket, parking a superhero car, and many more! + + Just Kidding Season 4 + S04 : E09 Just Kidding + The Just Kidding pranksters are ready to make you laugh out loud with the whole family. Watch as a the kids play pranks involving a Giant Bubble Attack, Hand in the oven mitt and many more hilarious kids pranks. Entertainment - - GAGS - Season 16 - S16 : E05 Just For Laughs Gags - Sit back and get ready to laugh with Just for Laughs Gags! In this episode you will witness a sexy selfie, kissing the dead and many more hilarious pranks from the masters of pranking! + + Gags - Season 10 + S10 : E02 Just For Laughs Gags + Hilarious pranks including a dog with glasses, a mouse in the blender, and a beggar burning the money! Plus many more. + Entertainment + + + Just Kidding Season 4 + S04 : E10 Just Kidding + Are you ready for a laugh out loud experience with the kid pranksters of Just Kidding? Expect fun for the whole family with family-friendly pranks like Cop Joins Dance, Pit pit alien, Spandex truck painting, and many more hilarious pranks. + Entertainment + + + Just Kidding Season 1 + S01 : E14 Just Kidding + Are you ready for a laugh out loud experience with the kid pranksters of Just Kidding? Expect hilarity with family-friendly pranks and the reactions when a mascot farts and many more kids pranks from the team that brought you Just for Laughs Gags. + Entertainment + + + Just Kidding Season 1 + S01 : E01 Just Kidding + From the world-famous creators of Just for Laughs Gags comes Just Kidding where the kids are the ones in charge of the pranks. Get ready to laugh out loud and smell a farting guinea pig, watch a hand-eating hamburger, bring an umbrella because it's raining marshmallows, and many more hilarious family-friendly pranks. + Entertainment + + + GAGS - Season 12 + S12 : E05 Gags + You will laugh out loud watching Just for Laughs Gags. In this episode features pranks like confetti water, fart in the face. Sit back and enjoy over a dozen of the world's funniest pranks. Entertainment - + + GAGS - Season 14 + S14 : E04 Gags + Sit back and get ready to laugh with Just for Laughs Gags! In this episode, you will see jokes with cops, joggers, crossing guards, and many more hilarious pranks from the masters of pranking! + Entertainment + + Gags - Season 10 - S10 : E05 Just For Laughs Gags - Hilarious pranks including a very sad reading, a mother gets arrested, and a kid doing his business in the fruit aisle. Plus many more! + S10 : E32 Just For Laughs Gags + Hilarious pranks including a fortune teller in spandex, a body in a box, and some rum chocolate. Plus many more! Entertainment - - Just for Laughs Gags - S17 : E20 Just for Laughs Gags - This hilarious episode of Just for Laughs Gags features a nailed hand, a shared dental floss between dog and human, a cop losings a victim's car keys, and many more hilarious practical jokes created by the masters of pranks. + + Just Kidding Season 3 + S03 : E11 Just Kidding + Are you ready for a laugh out loud experience with the kid pranksters of Just Kidding? Expect fun for the whole family with family-friendly pranks like Flying Saucer, Affectionate stuffed animal, Endless fall of teeth, and many more hilarious kids pranks. + Entertainment + + + Just Kidding Season 4 + S04 : E01 Just Kidding + Are you ready for a laugh out loud experience with the kid pranksters of Just Kidding? Expect fun for the whole family with family-friendly pranks like Invisible Clerk at the information booth, Paint roller knocks down a sign and many more hilarious pranks. + Entertainment + + + Just Kidding Season 4 + S04 : E02 Just Kidding + Get ready for a night of laugh out loud zany pranks from the kid pranksters from Just Kidding. Watch a Safe Catcher, Skewered apple stand, Maggots in pizza and many more hilariously funny kids pranks. + Entertainment + + + Gags-Season 11 + S11 : E13 Just For Laughs Gags + Sit back and get ready to laugh with Just for Laughs Gags! Entertainment - + Just for Laughs Gags - S18 : E04 Just for Laughs Gags - A grandma farting in a stroller, a hot-dog massage, a cop doing a hula hoop, and many more! + S17 : E18 Just for Laughs Gags + This episode of Just of Laughs Gags features an earing being ripped off its ear, basketball players licking each other's armpits, tanning accident, and many more hilarious practical jokes from the masters of pranking! + Entertainment + + + Gags - Season 10 + S10 : E22 Just For Laughs Gags + Hilarious pranks including a policeman's balls, a jack in the box, and a hidden diamond ring. Plus many more! Entertainment - + GAGS - Season 13 - S13 : E04 Gags - Sit back and get ready to laugh with Just for Laughs Gags! In this episode, you will see pranks featuring an annoying ball thrower, a friendly security guard, and many more hilarious pranks from the masters of pranking! + S13 : E06 Gags + Sit back and get ready to laugh with Just for Laughs Gags! In this episode, you will laugh at the return of the pranking soldier and many more hilarious pranks from the masters of pranking! + Entertainment + + + GAGS - Season 14 + S14 : E11 Gags + Sit back and get ready to laugh with Just for Laughs Gags! In this episode, you will witness an officer who needs a helping hand, coffee bean damage, and many more hilarious pranks from the masters of pranking! + Entertainment + + + GAGS - Season 14 + S14 : E03 Gags + Sit back and get ready to laugh with Just for Laughs Gags! In this episode, you will see people reaction to a no so cute baby and many more hilarious pranks from the masters of pranking! + Entertainment + + + GAGS - Season 14 + S14 : E10 Gags + Sit back and get ready to laugh with Just for Laughs Gags! In this episode you will see police mimes , naked protesters and many more hilarious pranks from the masters of pranking! + Entertainment + + + Just Kidding Season 2 + S02 : E08 Just Kidding + Are you ready for a laugh out loud experience with the kid pranksters of Just Kidding? Expect fun for the whole family with pranks like a goat in the water, sneezing Christmas trees, and many more kids pranks from the team behind Just for Laughs Gags. + Entertainment + + + Just Kidding Season 1 + S01 : E05 Just Kidding + Sit back and enjoy a silly prank show from the creators of Just for Laughs Gags. Just Kidding puts the kids in charge as they surprise unsuspecting victims with getting showered with marshmallows, a exploding pigeon, and many more family-friendly pranks. + Entertainment + + + Just Kidding Season 1 + S01 : E11 Just Kidding + Sit back and enjoy a silly prank show from the creators of Just for Laughs Gags. Just Kidding puts the kids in charge as they surprise unsuspecting victims with a real hand-cast signing and many more family-friendly pranks. Entertainment - + Gags - Season 10 - S10 : E13 Just For Laughs Gags - Sit back and get ready to laugh with Just for Laughs Gags! + S10 : E21 Just For Laughs Gags + Hilarious pranks including some fake money, Grandpa doing cardio, and a hand on the thigh. Plus many more! + Entertainment + + + GAGS - Season 13 + S13 : E05 Gags + Sit back and get ready to laugh with Just for Laughs Gags! In this episode, you will witness a lobster that's not interested in boiling and many more hilarious pranks from the masters of pranking! + Entertainment + + + GAGS - Season 15 + S15 : E05 Just For Laughs Gags + Sit back and get ready to laugh with Just for Laughs Gags! In this episode, you will witness magic umbrellas, a painted poodle, and many more hilarious pranks from the masters of pranking! Entertainment - + GAGS - Season 12 - S12 : E04 Gags - Sit back and get ready to laugh with Just for Laughs Gags! In this episode features a bird going for number, the blind helping with groceries and over a dozen of the world's funniest pranks. + S12 : E13 Gags + Sit back and get ready to laugh with Just for Laughs Gags! in this episode features pranks where whipped cream comes out of his ears and Jesus resurrecting a trout. Sit back and enjoy over a dozen of the world's funniest pranks. Entertainment - - AFV Showcase - S01 : E107 AFV Showcase - 107 - Episode 107 - Guess what time it is? It's time to sit back, relax, and LOL at top videos from the AFV library. + + Gags - Season 10 + S10 : E04 Just For Laughs Gags + Hilarious pranks including a wild taxi ride, a clown in the window, and a magic book of spells. Plus many more! Entertainment - - AFV Ultimate Top 1000 Countdown - S01 : E107 AFV Ultimate Top 1000 Countdown - 107 - Episode 107 - We're counting down the top 1000 videos of the year. Get ready to laugh your face off as Alfonso Ribeiro brings you the most hilarious and shocking fails of 2020. + + GAGS - Season 12 + S12 : E06 Gags + Get ready to laugh out loud with Just for Laughs Gags! In this episode features a forgotten purse on a bench and a ticklish box. Sit back and enjoy over a dozen of the world's funniest pranks. Entertainment - - AFV's Fail Center - S01 : E07 AFV's Fail Center - 07 - A good fail deserves the sportscaster treatment, and that's exactly what Fail Center does! Showcasing the funniest fail videos from the America's Funniest Home Videos library matched with comedic sports commentary - these fails really deserve some points on the scoreboard! Hosted by Hal Rudnick and.. + + Just Kidding Season 1 + S01 : E19 Just Kidding + Are you ready for a laugh out loud experience with the kid pranksters of Just Kidding? Expect fun for the whole family with kid-friendly pranks like where the Just Kidding kids lock a bull in a shed, sit on spaghetti, and many more kids pranks from the team that brought you Just for Laughs Gags. Entertainment - - Quotable Kids - S01 : E07 Quotable Kids - 07 - You'll never guess what these funny kids are going to say next! Quotable Kids features the funniest kid sayings and home videos from the America's Funniest Home Videos library and they're going to make you laugh... a little TOO hard! Hosted by Angelina Spicer- 7 + + Gags-Season 11 + S11 : E05 Just For Laughs Gags + Sit back and get ready to laugh with Just for Laughs Gags! Entertainment - - The Best Pet Show Ever - S01 : E07 The Best Pet Show Ever - 07 - Welcome to the funniest pet show anywhere in the WORLD! We know that's a bold claim, but it's true! We have gathered all of the funniest animal clips from the AFV library, and comedian host Matt O'Brien takes you on an adventure through the wonder world of pets! Join us for the laughs, the fur, and.. + + Just Kidding Season 3 + S03 : E13 Just Kidding + The Just Kidding pranksters are ready to make you laugh out loud with the whole family. Watch as a the kids play pranks involving Brain Surgery, Chalk on blackboard, Roller face painting and many more hilarious kids pranks. Entertainment - - The Ultimate Feel Good Show - S01 : E07 The Ultimate Feel Good Show - 07 - The Ultimate Feel Good Show is the true spirit of happiness and joy! Kinna McInroe, formerly known as "Corporate Accounts Payable Nina" from Office Space, presents the funniest feel good moments from the AFV library! From wedding proposals and gender reveals, to silly kids and family pranks... The.. + + Just for Laughs Gags + S17 : E09 Just for Laughs Gags + This episode of Just for Laughs Gags features a surprise parking valet, a hamster homicide, couple stuck in a mattress, and many more hilarious practical jokes from the masters of pranking! Entertainment - - Top 10 Late Night Laughs Countdown - S01 : E107 Top 10 Late Night Laughs Countdown - 107 - Episode 107 - What are you still up? Late nights are the perfect time to sit back, relax, and laugh. Join Janell Lenfert as she brings you the Top 10 funniest videos for your Late Night Laughs. + + GAGS - Season 14 + S14 : E05 Gags + Sit back and get ready to laugh with Just for Laughs Gags! In this episode, you will see boots full of fishes, a real Mozart head, and many more hilarious pranks from the masters of pranking! Entertainment - - Top 100 Countdown - S01 : E107 Top 100 Countdown - 107 - Episode 107 - Welcome to the Top 100 Countdown, where we countdown the funniest 100 videos from the AFV library. + + Gags - Season 10 + S10 : E17 Just For Laughs Gags + Hilarious pranks including an underwater businessman, a desk being destroyed, and a lady with a knife! Plus many more Entertainment - - AFV After Hours - S01 : E107 AFV After Hours - 107 - Episode 107 - Hey, are you still up? It's time for AFV After Hours, the show where we bring you 2 hours of the best of your AFV favorites from Late Night Laughs, AFV Bonehead Brigade Countdown, Funny Videos Now Countdown, and The AFV Showcase, so sit back and get ready for a block of non-stop after.. + + Just Kidding Season 2 + S02 : E06 Just Kidding + Ready to laugh sit back and laugh out loud with the whole family? Watch as the kid pranksters from Just Kidding play Tetris in real life, do some chicken juggling and many more hilarious family-friendly fun pranks from the producers of Just for Laughs Gags. Entertainment - - AFV Funny Bites! - S01 : E07 AFV Funny Bites- 07 - AFV Funny Bites! feature fast-paced funny videos from the America's Funniest Home Videos library. Watch AFV Funny Bites! for a quick dose of laughter, whenever you need it! + + Just for Laughs Gags + S18 : E06 Just for Laughs Gags + A nose picking cop, Santa Claus coming down the chimney, and many more! + Entertainment + + + Gags - Season 10 + S10 : E20 Just For Laughs Gags + Hilarious pranks including a farting cop, some spilled soup, and grandpa in the trunk! Plus many more! + Entertainment + + + Gags - Season 10 + S10 : E11 Just For Laughs Gags + Hilarious pranks including a marathon for the blind, cops in the way of firemen, and a kissing cop. Plus many more! + Entertainment + + + GAGS - Season 15 + S15 : E03 Just For Laughs Gags + Sit back and get ready to laugh with Just for Laughs Gags! In this episode you will see a painter stripand many more hilarious pranks from the masters of pranking! + Entertainment + + + Just for Laughs Gags + S18 : E01 Just for Laughs Gags + A blind massage, jealous cops, limbo day at the mall, and many more hidden camera pranks! + Entertainment + + + Gags - Season 10 + S10 : E01 Just For Laughs Gags + Hilarious pranks including a towed wheelchair, a pint-sized declaration of love, and a model's head in a manhole. Plus many more! + Entertainment + + + Just Kidding Season 4 + S04 : E03 Just Kidding + The Just Kidding pranksters are ready to make you laugh out loud with the whole family. Watch as a the kids play pranks involving a Sweeping telekinesis kid, Real badminton bird and many more hilarious and funny kids pranks. + Entertainment + + + Gags - Season 10 + S10 : E29 Just For Laughs Gags + Hilarious pranks including a greedy cake, a funny paramedic, and a ball through the window. Plus many more! + Entertainment + + + Just Kidding Season 1 + S01 : E08 Just Kidding + From the world-famous creators of Just for Laughs Gags comes Just Kidding where the kids are the ones in charge of the pranks. Get ready to laugh out loud with pranks involving a hugging booth, unwelcomed bird droppings, a pipiñata with gas, and many more hilarious family-friendly pranks. + Entertainment + + + Just Kidding Season 1 + S01 : E06 Just Kidding + Ready to laugh? Get ready to laugh out loud with the whole family! Watch as the kid pranksters from Just Kidding get their tongue frozen on an ice cream cart and witness a mailbox that isn't a fan of letters and countless more family-friendly fun pranks from the producers of Just for Laughs Gags. Entertainment @@ -58458,76 +75314,220 @@ Family LOL Remix features your favorite home videos and mini-shows featuring social influencers, comedians, funny moms, and more! Each episode has some of AFV's most successful shows - including the Life Unfiltered Countdown, BatDad's Clip Show, La Guardia Talks To Toddlers, Mom Unfiltered, AFV.. Entertainment - - Believe - S01 : E04 Morbidelli Rising S1 - "Believe" - Franco continues to claw back points and has a nail biting wait to find out if he has won ‘Rookie of the Year’. Will he be riding again next year? + + Family LOL Remix + S01 : E02 Family LOL Remix - 02 + Family LOL Remix features your favorite home videos and mini-shows featuring social influencers, comedians, funny moms, and more! Each episode has some of AFV's most successful shows - including the Life Unfiltered Countdown, BatDad's Clip Show, La Guardia Talks To Toddlers, Mom Unfiltered, AFV.. Entertainment - - Belfast - S01 : E09 Access All Areas S1 - "Belfast" - Francesca Chiorando jets into Belfast, once of Europe’s most volatile cities, to track down ex-terrorists. + + Funny Runs In The Family + S01 : E02 Funny Runs In The Family - 02 + AFV Family presents the funniest videos from its family of comedy brands AFV, What The Family, Peachy, and Kyoot. Episode 2 Entertainment - - Bulgaria - S01 : E10 Access All Areas S1 - "Bulgaria" - Francesca Chiorando travels to Sunny Beach, Bulgaria to find out if this is a Holiday heaven or Holiday hell. + + Funny Videos Now Countdown + S01 : E02 Funny Videos Now Countdown - 02 + Funny Videos Now Countdown does exactly that - we're counting down the funniest home videos from the America's Funniest Home Videos library. With hilarious themed countdown compilations and specialty compilations like "AFV Extreme" and "AFV's How To" - you'll be laughing all day! Hosted by Henry.. Entertainment - - Garden Route - S01 : E05 Journey Within S1 - "Garden Route" - Marilia’s journey on South Africa's Garden Route explores plant medicine, beauty in nature, and animal communication, emphasizing the profound connection between humans and the natural world. + + Funny Videos Power Hour + S01 : E02 Funny Videos Power Hour - 02 + One hour of laughs - coming right up! Funny Videos Power Hour features 60 minutes of funny from the America's Funniest Home Videos library. Fails, Pranks, Pets, Kids, Babies, and more! Episode 2 Entertainment - - Cape Town - S01 : E06 Journey Within S1 - "Cape Town" - In Cape Town, the journey unfolds, connecting with mentors, experiencing creative breakthroughs, spiritual rituals, and ancestral connections. From this transformative experience, Marilia discovers the power of inner strength and connection. + + Home Disaster Zone + S01 : E102 Home Disaster Zone - 102 + Episode 102 - We know the biggest disasters happen under the roof, in the garage, and in the backyard too. So get ready for the funniest videos that showcase the biggest home disasters, see which one gets the Royal Disaster Badge Of Honor. Entertainment - - Cornwall - S01 : E07 Journey Within S1 - "Cornwall" - Marilia explores Cornwall, visits Bodmin Moor, meets a life coach and artist. She engages in nature activities, learns animal massage, forages seaweed, and relaxes at a spa. The episode captures Cornwall's landscapes and immersive experiences. + + Love To Prank You Mom + S01 : E02 Love To Prank You Mom - 02 + Episode 2 - Moms are always the best to scare prank. Why? Because they fall for it every time and their loud reactions are the best. It's great that these moms are being good sports, but just remember they know how to prank back. Moms know best! Here are out funniest picks for mom pranks. Entertainment - - St. Pete - S01 : E08 Journey Within S1 - "St. Pete" - Marilia spreads love on her Treasure Island journey, capturing hidden gems from tranquil beaches to transformative sound healing. Meeting artists, experiencing Dolphin Yoga, participating in a flamenco dance class, and sharing a tea ceremony. + + Madness - Fails Finals + S01 : E02 Madness - Fails Finals - 02 + Episode 2 - It's time to gear up March Madness! Madness Fail Finals is packed with hilarious backyard basketball blunders and court side campiness. Entertainment - - Bali - S01 : E03 Journey Within S1 - "Bali" - Marilia's Bali journey, focused on purification rituals, blended culture, healing, and adventure. From Tirta Empul's cleansing to exploring Ubud, embracing nature, and local traditions, she found serenity, capturing precious moments in her odyssey. + + Prank Party + S01 : E02 Prank Party - 02 + Prank Party is your destination for the funniest prank videos ever! You know you love watching people get startled, scared, and anything in-between! That's what Prank Party is all about - because it's all in good fun! From family pranks to Halloween pranks... pranking is our love language. Hosted.. Entertainment - - Malaysia - S01 : E04 Journey Within S1 - "Malaysia" - Marilia explores social support at Kechara Soup Kitchen, tries Acroyoga, enjoys plant-based food at Nomad Urban Cafe, and visits Melawati Canine Sanctuary. Her experiences emphasize the importance of helping others and maintaining life balance. + + AFV Comedy Rush Hour + S01 : E102 AFV Comedy Rush Hour - 102 + Episode 102 - Welcome to Comedy Rush Hour, the show where we bring you 2 hours of the best of your AFV favorites from Top 10 Countdown, The Dub Club, Asked Answered, and Prank Academy. So, sit back and get ready for a block of non-stop laughs. Entertainment - - Toxic - S01 : E03 Modern Day Gladiators S1 - "Toxic" - The life of an esports star isn’t always perfect and fanbases can turn toxic. We meet the individuals who’re battling the haters and the burnouts that can impact the lives of gamers. + + AFV Showcase + S01 : E102 AFV Showcase - 102 + Episode 102 - Guess what time it is? It's time to sit back, relax, and LOL at top videos from the AFV library. Entertainment - - Rockstars - S01 : E04 Modern Day Gladiators S1 - "Rockstars" - Gaming franchises like FaZe Clan and San Francisco Shock have their eyes on the future of esports. They’re not just aiming to win matches – they’re creating a cultural movement. + + AFV Ultimate Decades Countdown + S01 : E02 AFV Ultimate Decades Countdown - 02 + Join host Alfonso Ribeiro as we countdown the funniest videos from Y2K to 2009. Entertainment - - Finding Nirvana - S01 : E01 Morbidelli Rising S1 - "Finding Nirvana" - How does a rider feel moments before the race that they have spent their life preparing for? Franco Morbidelli begins his first MOTOGP race weekend in Qatar. + + AFV Ultimate Top 1000 Countdown + S01 : E102 AFV Ultimate Top 1000 Countdown - 102 + Episode 102 - We're counting down the top 1000 videos of the year. Get ready to laugh your face off as Alfonso Ribeiro brings you the most hilarious and shocking fails of 2020. + Entertainment + + + AFV's Fail Center + S01 : E02 AFV's Fail Center - 02 + A good fail deserves the sportscaster treatment, and that's exactly what Fail Center does! Showcasing the funniest fail videos from the America's Funniest Home Videos library matched with comedic sports commentary - these fails really deserve some points on the scoreboard! Hosted by Hal Rudnick and.. + Entertainment + + + Quotable Kids + S01 : E02 Quotable Kids - 02 + You'll never guess what these funny kids are going to say next! Quotable Kids features the funniest kid sayings and home videos from the America's Funniest Home Videos library and they're going to make you laugh... a little TOO hard! Hosted by Angelina Spicer + Entertainment + + + The Best Pet Show Ever + S01 : E02 The Best Pet Show Ever - 02 + Welcome to the funniest pet show anywhere in the WORLD! We know that's a bold claim, but it's true! We have gathered all of the funniest animal clips from the AFV library, and comedian host Matt O'Brien takes you on an adventure through the wonder world of pets! Join us for the laughs, the fur, and.. + Entertainment + + + The Ultimate Feel Good Show + S01 : E02 The Ultimate Feel Good Show - 02 + The Ultimate Feel Good Show is the true spirit of happiness and joy! Kinna McInroe, formerly known as "Corporate Accounts Payable Nina" from Office Space, presents the funniest feel good moments from the AFV library! From wedding proposals and gender reveals, to silly kids and family pranks... The.. + Entertainment + + + Top 100 Countdown + S01 : E102 Top 100 Countdown - 102 + Episode 102 - Welcome to the Top 100 Countdown, where we countdown the funniest 100 videos from the AFV library. + Entertainment + + + AFV After Hours + S01 : E102 AFV After Hours - 102 + Episode 102 - Hey, are you still up? It's time for AFV After Hours, the show where we bring you 2 hours of the best of your AFV favorites from Late Night Laughs, AFV Bonehead Brigade Countdown, Funny Videos Now Countdown, and The AFV Showcase, so sit back and get ready for a block of non-stop after.. + Entertainment + + + AFV Funny Bites! + S01 : E02 AFV Funny Bites- 02 + AFV Funny Bites! feature fast-paced funny videos from the America's Funniest Home Videos library. Watch AFV Funny Bites! for a quick dose of laughter, whenever you need it! + Entertainment + + + Best Of The Week + S01 : E02 Best Of The Week- 02 + Best of the week! It's the compilation you've been waiting for, well, all week! And, as usual, it's worth the wait! These are some of the funniest clips around, guaranteed to make you grin! + Entertainment + + + Family LOL Remix + S01 : E02 Family LOL Remix - 02 + Family LOL Remix features your favorite home videos and mini-shows featuring social influencers, comedians, funny moms, and more! Each episode has some of AFV's most successful shows - including the Life Unfiltered Countdown, BatDad's Clip Show, La Guardia Talks To Toddlers, Mom Unfiltered, AFV.. + Entertainment + + + Funny Runs In The Family + S01 : E02 Funny Runs In The Family - 02 + AFV Family presents the funniest videos from its family of comedy brands AFV, What The Family, Peachy, and Kyoot. Episode 2 + Entertainment + + + Funny Videos Now Countdown + S01 : E02 Funny Videos Now Countdown - 02 + Funny Videos Now Countdown does exactly that - we're counting down the funniest home videos from the America's Funniest Home Videos library. With hilarious themed countdown compilations and specialty compilations like "AFV Extreme" and "AFV's How To" - you'll be laughing all day! Hosted by Henry.. + Entertainment + + + Funny Videos Power Hour + S01 : E02 Funny Videos Power Hour - 02 + One hour of laughs - coming right up! Funny Videos Power Hour features 60 minutes of funny from the America's Funniest Home Videos library. Fails, Pranks, Pets, Kids, Babies, and more! Episode 2 + Entertainment + + + Home Disaster Zone + S01 : E102 Home Disaster Zone - 102 + Episode 102 - We know the biggest disasters happen under the roof, in the garage, and in the backyard too. So get ready for the funniest videos that showcase the biggest home disasters, see which one gets the Royal Disaster Badge Of Honor. + Entertainment + + + Love To Prank You Mom + S01 : E02 Love To Prank You Mom - 02 + Episode 2 - Moms are always the best to scare prank. Why? Because they fall for it every time and their loud reactions are the best. It's great that these moms are being good sports, but just remember they know how to prank back. Moms know best! Here are out funniest picks for mom pranks. + Entertainment + + + Madness - Fails Finals + S01 : E02 Madness - Fails Finals - 02 + Episode 2 - It's time to gear up March Madness! Madness Fail Finals is packed with hilarious backyard basketball blunders and court side campiness. + Entertainment + + + Family LOL Remix + S01 : E02 Family LOL Remix - 02 + Family LOL Remix features your favorite home videos and mini-shows featuring social influencers, comedians, funny moms, and more! Each episode has some of AFV's most successful shows - including the Life Unfiltered Countdown, BatDad's Clip Show, La Guardia Talks To Toddlers, Mom Unfiltered, AFV.. + Entertainment + + + Funny Runs In The Family + S01 : E02 Funny Runs In The Family - 02 + AFV Family presents the funniest videos from its family of comedy brands AFV, What The Family, Peachy, and Kyoot. Episode 2 + Entertainment + + + Funny Videos Now Countdown + S01 : E02 Funny Videos Now Countdown - 02 + Funny Videos Now Countdown does exactly that - we're counting down the funniest home videos from the America's Funniest Home Videos library. With hilarious themed countdown compilations and specialty compilations like "AFV Extreme" and "AFV's How To" - you'll be laughing all day! Hosted by Henry.. + Entertainment + + + Funny Videos Power Hour + S01 : E02 Funny Videos Power Hour - 02 + One hour of laughs - coming right up! Funny Videos Power Hour features 60 minutes of funny from the America's Funniest Home Videos library. Fails, Pranks, Pets, Kids, Babies, and more! Episode 2 + Entertainment + + + Home Disaster Zone + S01 : E102 Home Disaster Zone - 102 + Episode 102 - We know the biggest disasters happen under the roof, in the garage, and in the backyard too. So get ready for the funniest videos that showcase the biggest home disasters, see which one gets the Royal Disaster Badge Of Honor. + Entertainment + + + Love To Prank You Mom + S01 : E02 Love To Prank You Mom - 02 + Episode 2 - Moms are always the best to scare prank. Why? Because they fall for it every time and their loud reactions are the best. It's great that these moms are being good sports, but just remember they know how to prank back. Moms know best! Here are out funniest picks for mom pranks. + Entertainment + + + Madness - Fails Finals + S01 : E02 Madness - Fails Finals - 02 + Episode 2 - It's time to gear up March Madness! Madness Fail Finals is packed with hilarious backyard basketball blunders and court side campiness. + Entertainment + + + Prank Party + S01 : E02 Prank Party - 02 + Prank Party is your destination for the funniest prank videos ever! You know you love watching people get startled, scared, and anything in-between! That's what Prank Party is all about - because it's all in good fun! From family pranks to Halloween pranks... pranking is our love language. Hosted.. + Entertainment + + + AFV Comedy Rush Hour + S01 : E102 AFV Comedy Rush Hour - 102 + Episode 102 - Welcome to Comedy Rush Hour, the show where we bring you 2 hours of the best of your AFV favorites from Top 10 Countdown, The Dub Club, Asked Answered, and Prank Academy. So, sit back and get ready for a block of non-stop laughs. Entertainment @@ -59016,44 +76016,256 @@ The duo journeys downriver hunting Yukon Bull Moose, covering nearly 20 miles in two days. They establish moose camp despite an unsettling encounter with a nearby grizzly. Entertainment - - People Are Awesome - Discover, achieve, level up. We’re here to show you that anyone can do extraordinary things. + + Edge of the Earth + S01 : E01 Dropped: Project Alaska S1 - "Edge of the Earth" + The first episode sets the stage for Chris and Casey's journey, detailing the terrain, weather, and hunting style they'll encounter. It also delves into the project's backstory and it's initiation. Entertainment - - People Are Awesome - Discover, achieve, level up. We’re here to show you that anyone can do extraordinary things. + + Bali + S01 : E03 Journey Within S1 - "Bali" + Marilia's Bali journey, focused on purification rituals, blended culture, healing, and adventure. From Tirta Empul's cleansing to exploring Ubud, embracing nature, and local traditions, she found serenity, capturing precious moments in her odyssey. Entertainment - - People Are Awesome - Discover, achieve, level up. We’re here to show you that anyone can do extraordinary things. + + Malaysia + S01 : E04 Journey Within S1 - "Malaysia" + Marilia explores social support at Kechara Soup Kitchen, tries Acroyoga, enjoys plant-based food at Nomad Urban Cafe, and visits Melawati Canine Sanctuary. Her experiences emphasize the importance of helping others and maintaining life balance. Entertainment - - People Are Awesome - Discover, achieve, level up. We’re here to show you that anyone can do extraordinary things. + + Garden Route + S01 : E05 Journey Within S1 - "Garden Route" + Marilia’s journey on South Africa's Garden Route explores plant medicine, beauty in nature, and animal communication, emphasizing the profound connection between humans and the natural world. Entertainment - - People Are Awesome - Discover, achieve, level up. We’re here to show you that anyone can do extraordinary things. + + Cape Town + S01 : E06 Journey Within S1 - "Cape Town" + In Cape Town, the journey unfolds, connecting with mentors, experiencing creative breakthroughs, spiritual rituals, and ancestral connections. From this transformative experience, Marilia discovers the power of inner strength and connection. Entertainment - - People Are Awesome - Discover, achieve, level up. We’re here to show you that anyone can do extraordinary things. + + Cornwall + S01 : E07 Journey Within S1 - "Cornwall" + Marilia explores Cornwall, visits Bodmin Moor, meets a life coach and artist. She engages in nature activities, learns animal massage, forages seaweed, and relaxes at a spa. The episode captures Cornwall's landscapes and immersive experiences. Entertainment - - People Are Awesome - Discover, achieve, level up. We’re here to show you that anyone can do extraordinary things. + + St. Pete + S01 : E08 Journey Within S1 - "St. Pete" + Marilia spreads love on her Treasure Island journey, capturing hidden gems from tranquil beaches to transformative sound healing. Meeting artists, experiencing Dolphin Yoga, participating in a flamenco dance class, and sharing a tea ceremony. Entertainment - - People Are Awesome - Discover, achieve, level up. We’re here to show you that anyone can do extraordinary things. + + Christmas WA + S02 : E09 Destination WA S2 - "Christmas WA" + Christmas WA style! Feast with Chrissy, snorkel reefs, fish with Pete, play Footgolf, explore Rottnest, see Red Bull Kiteboarding & celebrate on Perth's giant slide. + Entertainment + + + The Ice Hotel V Barbados + S01 : E01 Jet Set S1 - "The Ice Hotel V Barbados" + In freezing temperatures Gill attempts a Jet Set Victory by sculpting her very own ice cat. Unfortunately it leaves Dave feeling rather scared. Richard attempts to heat up the competition from the Caribbean island of Barbados. + Entertainment + + + Chiang Mai V Venice + S01 : E02 Jet Set S1 - "Chiang Mai V Venice" + Richard immerses himself in Thai culture, picking his own rice, learning to cook Thai style with a local top chef and paying a visit to a retired elephant park. While Gill heads to the Italian city of Venice, for a cheeky Bellini in Harry’s Bar. + Entertainment + + + Edgar Torronteras + S01 : E02 Born To S1 - "Edgar Torronteras" + A true godfather of his sport, Edgar Torronteras, has pioneered FMX and is without a doubt one of the key men responsible for making it what it is today. + Entertainment + + + Sweetness in the Family + S01 : E02 Sweet Planet S1 - "Sweetness in the Family" + Cakes, maple syrup and taro puree tell a story of inheritance, memory and innovation in different parts of the world. They demonstrate how food can become a symbol of cultural identity and family heritage. + Entertainment + + + Sweetness Migration + S01 : E03 Sweet Planet S1 - "Sweetness Migration" + The program reveals the unique attraction of sweet food that allows it to transcend geographical boundaries to become a bond shared worldwide, a form of cultural expression, and a means of heritage prevention. + Entertainment + + + Sam Reynolds + S01 : E03 Born To S1 - "Sam Reynolds" + Sam Reynolds is a freestyle MTB rider from England. A rider often booked at the most exotic locations to ride the biggest jumps on the planet. + Entertainment + + + Tuna Tartar + S01 : E10 The Classy Chef S1 - "Tuna Tartar" + Full of personality and humor, actor Enrique Arce joins Chef Natasha as she whips up fantastic tuna tartar. + Entertainment + + + Poisoned in the Amazon + S03 : E01 Man Eats Wild S3 - "Poisoned in the Amazon" + In search of the biggest predatorial freshwater fish, Mario ventures deep into the darkest corners of the Amazon jungle where a tribal ceremony leaves him poisoned by a deadly frog. + Entertainment + + + Columbian Cowboys + S03 : E02 Man Eats Wild S3 - "Columbian Cowboys" + Mario heads to the Flatlands of Columbia where he teams up with mystical cowboys of the land and goes in search of electric eel. + Entertainment + + + Pyrenees Mountains + S03 : E03 Man Eats Wild S3 - "Pyrenees Mountains" + Mario ventures high into the Pyrenees mountain range in search of the elusive chamois, and decides to meet up with an old friend who is one of France's best wine makers. + Entertainment + + + Like Father, Like Son + S03 : E04 Man Eats Wild S3 - "Like Father, Like Son" + In Cordoba, Argentina doves and pigeons are considered to be in plague proportions and culling them is necessary to maintain balance in the region... however, things turn a little competitive when Mario brings his dad to help. + Entertainment + + + Uluwatu, York + S04 : E13 A Taste of Travel S4 - "Uluwatu, York" + Lynton is exploring the marvellous architecture and trendy eateries of Shanghai. Scotty wraps up his Canadian adventure. Lynton is in Uluwatu, enjoying a beautiful part of Indonesia. Carolyne visits the historical town of York. + Entertainment + + + South Africa, Fiji + S04 : E01 A Taste of Travel S4 - "South Africa, Fiji" + Scotty is in beautiful South Africa, searching for the Big 5. Carolyne explores the wonderful ancient city of Rome. Lynton heads to the hills of Fiji and is rewarded with an amazing surprise. And Susannah is in the Big Apple, New York. + Entertainment + + + Into The High Lonesome + S01 : E01 The Trail S1 - "Into The High Lonesome" + Modern day Mountain Man Laramy Miller sets out on the trail to experience life in the high lonesome. + Entertainment + + + Camp Otis + S01 : E02 The Trail S1 - "Camp Otis" + Life at Camp Otis. Laramy finds success fishing and foraging, and spends his time taking care of 7 and doing camp chores. + Entertainment + + + Best of ep. 7 to 11 + S01 : E12 Running the World S1 - "Best of ep. 7 to 11" + In this episode the boys look back over their time spent in Portugal India Mexico Gran Canaria and Jamaica. + Entertainment + + + Santorini + S01 : E05 Running the World S1 - "Santorini" + A challenge to race each other and a labyrinth of narrow streets and hidden passages to navigate will make this one of the trickiest challenges. + Entertainment + + + Mexico City + S01 : E09 Running the World S1 - "Mexico City" + Brothers Max & Benj Cave race through an 18th century monastery on the outskirts of Mexico City and whoever rings the bell in the tower first wins. + Entertainment + + + Copenhagen + S01 : E01 Running the World S1 - "Copenhagen" + Max & Benj Cave travel to Copenhagen to meet up with a local free runner and undertake an epic run of Tivoli Gardens. + Entertainment + + + Day 3 + S01 : E03 7 Days S1 - "Day 3" + Kevin leaves civilization behind in Suriname, while thousands of kilometers away, Jalou has to go literally through the trees in an Australian forest. + Entertainment + + + Day 5 + S01 : E05 7 Days S1 - "Day 5" + In the Chinese desert, Kevin finds out that desert racing is difficult. While in Bolivia, Jalou wants to prove to her brother that women can be better drivers. + Entertainment + + + Poisoned in the Amazon + S03 : E01 Man Eats Wild S3 - "Poisoned in the Amazon" + In search of the biggest predatorial freshwater fish, Mario ventures deep into the darkest corners of the Amazon jungle where a tribal ceremony leaves him poisoned by a deadly frog. + Entertainment + + + Columbian Cowboys + S03 : E02 Man Eats Wild S3 - "Columbian Cowboys" + Mario heads to the Flatlands of Columbia where he teams up with mystical cowboys of the land and goes in search of electric eel. + Entertainment + + + Pyrenees Mountains + S03 : E03 Man Eats Wild S3 - "Pyrenees Mountains" + Mario ventures high into the Pyrenees mountain range in search of the elusive chamois, and decides to meet up with an old friend who is one of France's best wine makers. + Entertainment + + + Like Father, Like Son + S03 : E04 Man Eats Wild S3 - "Like Father, Like Son" + In Cordoba, Argentina doves and pigeons are considered to be in plague proportions and culling them is necessary to maintain balance in the region... however, things turn a little competitive when Mario brings his dad to help. + Entertainment + + + Into The High Lonesome + S01 : E01 The Trail S1 - "Into The High Lonesome" + Modern day Mountain Man Laramy Miller sets out on the trail to experience life in the high lonesome. + Entertainment + + + Camp Otis + S01 : E02 The Trail S1 - "Camp Otis" + Life at Camp Otis. Laramy finds success fishing and foraging, and spends his time taking care of 7 and doing camp chores. + Entertainment + + + Tuna Tartar + S01 : E10 The Classy Chef S1 - "Tuna Tartar" + Full of personality and humor, actor Enrique Arce joins Chef Natasha as she whips up fantastic tuna tartar. + Entertainment + + + Uluwatu, York + S04 : E13 A Taste of Travel S4 - "Uluwatu, York" + Lynton is exploring the marvellous architecture and trendy eateries of Shanghai. Scotty wraps up his Canadian adventure. Lynton is in Uluwatu, enjoying a beautiful part of Indonesia. Carolyne visits the historical town of York. + Entertainment + + + South Africa, Fiji + S04 : E01 A Taste of Travel S4 - "South Africa, Fiji" + Scotty is in beautiful South Africa, searching for the Big 5. Carolyne explores the wonderful ancient city of Rome. Lynton heads to the hills of Fiji and is rewarded with an amazing surprise. And Susannah is in the Big Apple, New York. + Entertainment + + + The Ice Hotel V Barbados + S01 : E01 Jet Set S1 - "The Ice Hotel V Barbados" + In freezing temperatures Gill attempts a Jet Set Victory by sculpting her very own ice cat. Unfortunately it leaves Dave feeling rather scared. Richard attempts to heat up the competition from the Caribbean island of Barbados. + Entertainment + + + Chiang Mai V Venice + S01 : E02 Jet Set S1 - "Chiang Mai V Venice" + Richard immerses himself in Thai culture, picking his own rice, learning to cook Thai style with a local top chef and paying a visit to a retired elephant park. While Gill heads to the Italian city of Venice, for a cheeky Bellini in Harry’s Bar. + Entertainment + + + Sam Reynolds + S01 : E03 Born To S1 - "Sam Reynolds" + Sam Reynolds is a freestyle MTB rider from England. A rider often booked at the most exotic locations to ride the biggest jumps on the planet. + Entertainment + + + Sweetness in the Family + S01 : E02 Sweet Planet S1 - "Sweetness in the Family" + Cakes, maple syrup and taro puree tell a story of inheritance, memory and innovation in different parts of the world. They demonstrate how food can become a symbol of cultural identity and family heritage. Entertainment @@ -59301,94 +76513,124 @@ Discover, achieve, level up. We’re here to show you that anyone can do extraordinary things. Entertainment - - Funniest Pets of the Month - S01 : E09 Funniest Pets of the Month | Ep. 1.9 - These pets won August '24. But after watching these clips, the real winner is you. + + People Are Awesome + Discover, achieve, level up. We’re here to show you that anyone can do extraordinary things. Entertainment - - Funniest Pets of the Month - S01 : E01 Funniest Pets of the Month | Ep. 1.1 - These pets won December '23. But after watching these clips, the real winner is you. + + People Are Awesome + Discover, achieve, level up. We’re here to show you that anyone can do extraordinary things. Entertainment - - Best Pets of the Month - S04 : E01 Best Pets of the Month | Ep. 4.1 - These pets won January'21. But after watching these clips, the real winner is you. + + People Are Awesome + Discover, achieve, level up. We’re here to show you that anyone can do extraordinary things. Entertainment - - Best Pets of the Month - S04 : E02 Best Pets of the Month | Ep. 4.2 - These pets won February '21. But after watching these clips, the real winner is you. + + People Are Awesome + Discover, achieve, level up. We’re here to show you that anyone can do extraordinary things. Entertainment - - Best Pets of the Month - S04 : E03 Best Pets of the Month | Ep. 4.3 - These pets won April '21. But after watching these clips, the real winner is you. + + People Are Awesome + Discover, achieve, level up. We’re here to show you that anyone can do extraordinary things. Entertainment - - Best Pets of the Month - S04 : E04 Best Pets of the Month | Ep. 4.4 - These pets won May '21. But after watching these clips, the real winner is you. + + People Are Awesome + Discover, achieve, level up. We’re here to show you that anyone can do extraordinary things. Entertainment - - Best Pets of the Month - S04 : E05 Best Pets of the Month | Ep. 4.5 - These pets won June '21. But after watching these clips, the real winner is you. + + People Are Awesome + Discover, achieve, level up. We’re here to show you that anyone can do extraordinary things. Entertainment - - Best Pets of the Month - S04 : E06 Best Pets of the Month | Ep. 4.6 - These pets won July '21. But after watching these clips, the real winner is you. + + People Are Awesome + Discover, achieve, level up. We’re here to show you that anyone can do extraordinary things. Entertainment - - Best Pets of the Month - S04 : E07 Best Pets of the Month | Ep. 4.7 - These pets won August '21. But after watching these clips, the real winner is you. + + People Are Awesome + Discover, achieve, level up. We’re here to show you that anyone can do extraordinary things. Entertainment - - Best Pets of the Month - S04 : E08 Best Pets of the Month | Ep. 4.8 - These pets won September '21. But after watching these clips, the real winner is you. + + People Are Awesome + Discover, achieve, level up. We’re here to show you that anyone can do extraordinary things. Entertainment - - Best Pets of the Month - S04 : E09 Best Pets of the Month | Ep. 4.9 - These pets won October '21. But after watching these clips, the real winner is you. + + People Are Awesome + Discover, achieve, level up. We’re here to show you that anyone can do extraordinary things. Entertainment - - Best Pets of the Month - S04 : E10 Best Pets of the Month | Ep. 4.10 - These pets won November '21. But after watching these clips, the real winner is you. + + People Are Awesome + Discover, achieve, level up. We’re here to show you that anyone can do extraordinary things. Entertainment - - Funniest Pets of the Month - S01 : E08 Funniest Pets of the Month | Ep. 1.8 - These pets won July '24. But after watching these clips, the real winner is you. + + People Are Awesome + Discover, achieve, level up. We’re here to show you that anyone can do extraordinary things. Entertainment - - Funniest Pets of the Month - S01 : E09 Funniest Pets of the Month | Ep. 1.9 - These pets won August '24. But after watching these clips, the real winner is you. + + People Are Awesome + Discover, achieve, level up. We’re here to show you that anyone can do extraordinary things. Entertainment - - Countdown: The Funniest Pets - S01 : E05 Countdown: The Funniest Pets | Wild Turkeys! - We’ve got a pushy peacock, a baby goat hitching a ride, and some truly wild turkeys! + + People Are Awesome + Discover, achieve, level up. We’re here to show you that anyone can do extraordinary things. + Entertainment + + + People Are Awesome + Discover, achieve, level up. We’re here to show you that anyone can do extraordinary things. + Entertainment + + + People Are Awesome + Discover, achieve, level up. We’re here to show you that anyone can do extraordinary things. + Entertainment + + + People Are Awesome + Discover, achieve, level up. We’re here to show you that anyone can do extraordinary things. + Entertainment + + + People Are Awesome + Discover, achieve, level up. We’re here to show you that anyone can do extraordinary things. + Entertainment + + + People Are Awesome + Discover, achieve, level up. We’re here to show you that anyone can do extraordinary things. + Entertainment + + + People Are Awesome + Discover, achieve, level up. We’re here to show you that anyone can do extraordinary things. + Entertainment + + + People Are Awesome + Discover, achieve, level up. We’re here to show you that anyone can do extraordinary things. + Entertainment + + + People Are Awesome + Discover, achieve, level up. We’re here to show you that anyone can do extraordinary things. + Entertainment + + + People Are Awesome + Discover, achieve, level up. We’re here to show you that anyone can do extraordinary things. Entertainment @@ -59947,112 +77189,274 @@ These pets won August and September '18. But after watching these clips, the real winner is you. Entertainment - - Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V - S01 : E37 A Dark Reflection - Yuya can't believe his eyes when he finds himself standing face-to-face-to-face with two lookalikes who are out to destroy each other... and everything in sight! + + TPC That's My Pet + S04 : E08 TPC That's My Pet | Cats + Did you know Sphynx cats keep their bodies regulated at temperatures four degrees hotter than average cats? Entertainment - - Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V - S01 : E38 Warped Dimensions - Yuya is in a coma, and nothing has been able to stir him from his terrifying state! Is Yuya down for the count, or will his duelmate's ESP and TLC make him A-OK? + + TPC That's My Pet + S04 : E09 TPC That's My Pet | Reptiles + Did you know that Chameleons have the fastest tongues of any animal? Entertainment - - Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V - S01 : E39 A Duel Personality - Yuya's opponent is Isao Kachidoki from the Ryozanpaku School in the second round of the Maiami Championship. + + TPC That's My Pet + S04 : E10 TPC That's My Pet | Pocket Pets + Did you know that the oldest squirrel fossil on record dates back 11.6 million years? Entertainment - - Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V - S01 : E40 Stealth Warriors - When a mysterious visitor threatens to throw the Championship into chaos, Declan moves in to uncover who they are and soon finds himself facing off against a merciless mercenary! + + TPC That's My Pet + S04 : E11 TPC That's My Pet | Muscle Mutts + Did you know that Dalmatians' spots appear about ten days after birth? Entertainment - - Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V - S01 : E41 Bracing for Battle - Declan confronts Celina and shares a story from their past that reveals a frightening future! + + Countdown: The Funniest Pets + S01 : E09 Countdown: The Funniest Pets | Guilty Dogs + We’ve got a possessed parrot, a dog fighting the hiccups and a kitten with cat scratch fever! Entertainment - - Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V - S01 : E42 Battle Fields - It's time for a nail biting battle royal in the ARC League Championship! With four battle zones to choose from, the action has never been more mesmerizing or the duels more dangerous! + + Countdown: The Funniest Pets + S01 : E10 Countdown: The Funniest Pets | Pets with Babies + We’ve got ornery ostriches, lovable lemurs, and frankly the most fabulous ferret. Entertainment - - Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V - S01 : E43 Fire and Ice - While Yuya is looking to knock the competition out cold in the Volcano Zone, the Iceberg Zone is heating up as Zuzu and Gong team up to defrost their foes + + We Heart Animals + S01 : E03 We Heart Animals | Puppies! + Sit. Stay. Now watch these cute puppies for the next half hour! Entertainment - - Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V - S01 : E44 Danger Zones - As the battle royal rumbles on, Yuya finds himself caught in the crossfire when he stumbles across a battle between not-so-noble Knights! + + We Heart Animals + S01 : E04 We Heart Animals | Sea What I Mean? + Dive in and see just how cute these animals can be in the water! Entertainment - - Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V - S01 : E45 Obelisk Assault - Yuya takes on a terrifying trio from Fusion Dimension who turn their victims into cards! + + Animals Unscripted + S06 : E03 Animals Unscripted | Wild Personality + From the land, sky, and sea: these wild friends have personality and they aren't afraid to show it! Entertainment - - Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V - S01 : E46 Dragon's Vengeance - Outnumbered, outmatched, and out of options, will Yuya tap into a deep-seeded darkness to overcome defeat? + + Animals Unscripted + S06 : E04 Animals Unscripted | Who Let The Dogs Out + Someone let the dogs out and they have taken over our homes...and our hearts! Entertainment - - Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V - S01 : E47 Identity Crisis - Zuzu races to stay one step ahead of a cold-blooded hunter who's hot on her heels! Can Zuzu ditch this danger, or will he prove too cunning for her to escape? + + Animals Unscripted + S06 : E05 Animals Unscripted | Kitties Gone Wild + This time it's the cats that have taken over our homes...and they aren't holding back! Entertainment - - Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V - S01 : E48 Battlefronts - Sparks fly in the Volcano Zone when all our heroes face off against the full fury of Fusion Dimension's elite Obelisk Force! With more than life points on the line, the action has never been hotter! + + Animals Unscripted + S06 : E06 Animals Unscripted | Dogs All Over + The great outdoors and kitchen floors...there's no telling where these doggos will go off script next! Entertainment - - Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V - S01 : E49 Fighting for Fun - Are friends now foes as Yuya and Sora go deck to deck in a fiery face-off? + + Best Pets of the Month + S01 : E05 Best Pets of the Month | Ep. 1.5 + These pets won May '18. But after watching these clips, the real winner is you. Entertainment - - Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V - S01 : E01 Swing Into Action- Part 1 - Yuya Sakaki aims to become an "Entertainment Duelist". He practices dueling every day alongside his childhood friend, Yuzu. One day, he receives a challenge for an exhibition match from the Pro Duelist, "Strong Ishijima". Although Yuya excitedly fends off his attacks in their Action Duel, he's eventually pushed into a corner. + + Best Pets of the Month + S01 : E06 Best Pets of the Month | Ep. 1.6 + These pets won June '18. But after watching these clips, the real winner is you. Entertainment - - Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V - S01 : E02 Swing Into Action- Part 2 - With The Sledgehammer set to strike, Yuya uses Pendulum power to swing the duel his way! Can this phenomenal new summoning method help Yuya hammer the Hammer? + + TPC That's My Pet + S04 : E08 TPC That's My Pet | Cats + Did you know Sphynx cats keep their bodies regulated at temperatures four degrees hotter than average cats? Entertainment - - Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V - S01 : E03 Trade Bait - Part 1 - It could be curtains for Yuya when a rival student cons him out of his Pendulum Cards! + + TPC That's My Pet + S04 : E09 TPC That's My Pet | Reptiles + Did you know that Chameleons have the fastest tongues of any animal? Entertainment - - Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V - S01 : E04 Trade Bait - Part 2 - Still shocked by Sylvio's Pendulum Summon, Yuya must find his focus if he wants to save his friends from a 100-story drop! + + TPC That's My Pet + S04 : E10 TPC That's My Pet | Pocket Pets + Did you know that the oldest squirrel fossil on record dates back 11.6 million years? Entertainment - - Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V - S01 : E05 Toying Around - Part 1 - The new kid in town drives Yuya bananas when he begs Yuya to be his duel teacher! Unfortunately for Yuya, this blue-haired battler won't give up until Yuya gives in! + + TPC That's My Pet + S04 : E11 TPC That's My Pet | Muscle Mutts + Did you know that Dalmatians' spots appear about ten days after birth? + Entertainment + + + Countdown: The Funniest Pets + S01 : E09 Countdown: The Funniest Pets | Guilty Dogs + We’ve got a possessed parrot, a dog fighting the hiccups and a kitten with cat scratch fever! + Entertainment + + + Countdown: The Funniest Pets + S01 : E10 Countdown: The Funniest Pets | Pets with Babies + We’ve got ornery ostriches, lovable lemurs, and frankly the most fabulous ferret. + Entertainment + + + We Heart Animals + S01 : E03 We Heart Animals | Puppies! + Sit. Stay. Now watch these cute puppies for the next half hour! + Entertainment + + + We Heart Animals + S01 : E04 We Heart Animals | Sea What I Mean? + Dive in and see just how cute these animals can be in the water! + Entertainment + + + Animals Unscripted + S06 : E07 Animals Unscripted | All Breeds, No Script + Golden Retrievers, Huskies, Pit Bulls and more! All of your favorite dog breeds are unscripted! + Entertainment + + + Animals Unscripted + S06 : E08 Animals Unscripted | Kittens & Puppies! + The smallest of our fur friends are running the show...kittens and puppies! + Entertainment + + + Animals Unscripted + S06 : E09 Animals Unscripted | Cats Off The Cuff + Chunky, clumsie, crazy, and cute...these cats have us on the edge of our seat! + Entertainment + + + Animals Unscripted + S06 : E10 Animals Unscripted | Extraordinary Exotic Pets + These exotic pets are anything but ordinary! + Entertainment + + + Best Pets of the Month + S01 : E09 Best Pets of the Month | Ep. 1.9 + These pets won October and November '18. But after watching these clips, the real winner is you. + Entertainment + + + Best Pets of the Month + S02 : E01 Best Pets of the Month | Ep. 2.1 + These pets won January and February '19. But after watching these clips, the real winner is you. + Entertainment + + + Best Pets of the Month + S02 : E02 Best Pets of the Month | Ep. 2.2 + The best pets for March and April '19. But after watching these clips, the real winner is you. + Entertainment + + + Best Pets of the Month + S02 : E03 Best Pets of the Month | Ep. 2.3 + The best pets for May and June '19. But after watching these clips, the real winner is you. + Entertainment + + + TPC That's My Pet + S04 : E12 TPC That's My Pet | Farm Dogs + Did you know that a corgi can learn a trick in as little as 10 minutes? + Entertainment + + + TPC That's My Pet + S04 : E13 TPC That's My Pet | Burrow Builders + Did you know that there are over 180 breeds of rabbit worldwide? + Entertainment + + + TPC That's My Pet + S05 : E01 TPC That's My Pet | Retrievers + Did you know that Golden Retrievers can take 300-400 breaths per minute? + Entertainment + + + TPC That's My Pet + S05 : E02 TPC That's My Pet | Fluffy Felines + Did you know that the Persian cat is a common pet of royalty? + Entertainment + + + World's Most Talented Pets + S01 : E06 World's Most Talented Pets | It's All On The Line + Singing parrots and guitar-playing pigs isn't your typical barnyard bash. It's a wild symphony of talent! + Entertainment + + + World's Most Talented Pets + S01 : E05 World's Most Talented Pets | Opposable Thumbs Aren't Everything + From surfing pups to climbing cats, you don't miss out on this tail-blazing talent that will leave you in awe! + Entertainment + + + We Heart Animals + S01 : E05 We Heart Animals | Are You Kitten Me? + Overdose on some cute kittens for the next half hour. + Entertainment + + + We Heart Animals + S01 : E06 We Heart Animals | Jaws, Paws and Claws + Jump right into a mixed bag of some of the cutest animals we have to offer. + Entertainment + + + Animals Unscripted + S06 : E07 Animals Unscripted | All Breeds, No Script + Golden Retrievers, Huskies, Pit Bulls and more! All of your favorite dog breeds are unscripted! + Entertainment + + + Animals Unscripted + S06 : E08 Animals Unscripted | Kittens & Puppies! + The smallest of our fur friends are running the show...kittens and puppies! + Entertainment + + + Animals Unscripted + S06 : E09 Animals Unscripted | Cats Off The Cuff + Chunky, clumsie, crazy, and cute...these cats have us on the edge of our seat! + Entertainment + + + Animals Unscripted + S06 : E10 Animals Unscripted | Extraordinary Exotic Pets + These exotic pets are anything but ordinary! + Entertainment + + + Best Pets of the Month + S01 : E09 Best Pets of the Month | Ep. 1.9 + These pets won October and November '18. But after watching these clips, the real winner is you. + Entertainment + + + Best Pets of the Month + S02 : E01 Best Pets of the Month | Ep. 2.1 + These pets won January and February '19. But after watching these clips, the real winner is you. + Entertainment + + + Best Pets of the Month + S02 : E02 Best Pets of the Month | Ep. 2.2 + The best pets for March and April '19. But after watching these clips, the real winner is you. Entertainment @@ -60709,107 +78113,335 @@ Kaiba squares off against Gozaburo – and his own demons – to try to finally conquer his painful past, but how can Kaiba defeat Gozaburo’s Exodia Necross which can’t be destroyed by spells, traps, or even attacks? Time is almost up before the missile’s explosion destroys Yugi and friends! Will the Battle City finalists beat the clock and live to duel another day in the stunning conclusion to the virtual world saga! Entertainment - - Beyblade Metal Masters - S03 : E10 Beyblade Metal Masters - Zeo is defeated in battle by Ryuga. - Series + + Yu-Gi-Oh! + S03 : E25 Back to Battle City, Part 1 + Yugi and friends arrive at KaibaCorp Island where the Battle City finalists will compete in the ultimate dueling arena, the majestic Duel Tower that stretches hundreds of feet into the clouds! Get ready for the awesome four-person battle royal where any duelist can attack anyone else! + Entertainment - - Beyblade Metal Masters - S03 : E11 Beyblade Metal Masters - Zeo challenges Masamune to a battle while Damian injures Tsubasa and Yu. - Series + + Yu-Gi-Oh! + S03 : E26 Back to Battle City, Part 2 + Honor, friendship, revenge... As each duelist remembers what they’re fighting for, the battle royal rages on where none of the duelists know where the next attack is going to come from! + Entertainment - - Beyblade Metal Masters - S03 : E13 Beyblade Metal Masters - Damian defeats Julian, Wales and Sophie. - Series + + Yu-Gi-Oh! + S03 : E27 Back to Battle City, Part 3 + Joey may have fought some of the fiercest fights in Battle City, but has all his frontline training taught him to become an elite duelist, or is he still a cut below the other three big boys of Duel Monsters? Joey’s gonna show what he’s made of in the conclusion to the four-man battle royal! + Entertainment - - BeyWarriors: Beyraiderz - S01 : E11 BeyWarriors: Beyraiderz - In a Beyraiderz battle, Armes defeats Sho and the Mythic Beasts Ifrit and Byakko are revived. - Series + + Yu-Gi-Oh! + S03 : E28 The Darkness Returns, Part 1 + Marik ensnares Joey in a Shadow Game where each duelist’s heart is linked with his monsters... literally! Every time a monster received damage, the duelist feels the pain instead! Can Joey survive, much less win, a duel where he’s actually losing life points? + Entertainment - - BeyWarriors: Beyraiderz - S01 : E12 BeyWarriors: Beyraiderz - Kaiser Gray defeats Armes Navy in a battle. - Series + + Yu-Gi-Oh! + S03 : E29 The Darkness Returns, Part 2 + Not only does Marik’s Helpoemer send Joey’s powerful cards to the graveyard before Joey can use them, but Joey also receives damage for every monster that goes to the graveyard! Running low on cards and life points, Joey’s opportunities for staging a comeback are nearly depleted! + Entertainment - - BeyWarriors: Beyraiderz - S01 : E13 BeyWarriors: Beyraiderz - With Sho Tenma and his friends imprisoned, Kaiser Gray tries to convince the people of the world to swear allegiance to him forever. - Series + + Yu-Gi-Oh! + S03 : E30 The Darkness Returns, Part 3 + Trapped and near termination, Joey thinks this duel can’t turn any worse... but Marik has all the pieces necessary to summon The Winged Dragon of Ra! Can Joey prevent Marik from summoning the Egyptian God Card, or is victory simply not in the cards? + Entertainment - - BeyWarriors: Beyraiderz - S01 : E01 BeyWarriors: Beyraiderz - Sho Tenma arrives at an ancient city and tries to locate the site of some ruins with the help of a few local kids. - Series + + Yu-Gi-Oh! + S03 : E31 The Darkness Returns, Part 4 + Marik transforms The Winged Dragon of Ra into its powerful form, the Egyptian God Phoenix! If Joey can’t withstand the inferno flames of the Phoenix’s blazing fire, he’ll be burned to a crisp and lose the duel... plus his only chance to save Mai from her mental prison! + Entertainment - - BeyWarriors: Beyraiderz - S01 : E03 BeyWarriors: Beyraiderz - As Sho and his friends journey to find a new arena, Sho meets his old friend Jin Ryu. - Series + + Yu-Gi-Oh! + S03 : E32 Clash in the Coliseum, Part 1 + It’s the rematch we’ve all been waiting for! Yugi and Kaiba square off for the first time since Duelist Kingdom in front of thousands of ravenous fans for the right to challenge Marik! It’s time to duel! + Entertainment - - BeyWarriors: Beyraiderz - S01 : E04 BeyWarriors: Beyraiderz - Sho and his friends are in search of more ancient arenas and they find themselves in a very windy valley. - Series + + Yu-Gi-Oh! + S03 : E33 Clash in the Coliseum, Part 2 + While Kaiba combines the magnetic menace XYZ-Dragon Cannon for unmatched attack power, Yugi only has one lowly Queen's Knight to protect himself! Even worse, Kaiba has all the monsters necessary to summon Obelisk the Tormentor to finish Yugi off! Though overwhelmed and outmatched, nothing is going to stop Yugi from trying to summon his Egyptian God first! + Entertainment - - BeyWarriors: Beyraiderz - S01 : E05 BeyWarriors: Beyraiderz - Sho and his friends climb a mountain in search of an ancient arena. - Series + + Yu-Gi-Oh! + S03 : E34 Clash in the Coliseum, Part 3 + The battle between the Egyptian Gods has begun! When Yugi’s Slifer the Sky Dragon clashes against Kaiba’s Obelisk the Tormentor, what will happen when two Egyptian Gods fight each other? It’s time to find out which Egyptian God is truly stronger! + Entertainment - - BeyWarriors: Beyraiderz - S01 : E07 BeyWarriors: Beyraiderz - Sho and his friends climb a mountain named Berkfast in a snowstorm. - Series + + Yu-Gi-Oh! + S03 : E35 Clash in the Coliseum, Part 4 + The clash of the two Egyptian God Monsters releases mystical energies that show Yugi and Kaiba visions of the ancient Egyptian past! What new answers do these images unlock, and what prophecies do they make for the future? + Entertainment - - BeyWarriors: Beyraiderz - S01 : E08 BeyWarriors: Beyraiderz - Ricky is feeling down as he has not won a battle for a while. - Series + + Yu-Gi-Oh! + S03 : E36 Clash in the Coliseum, Part 5 + Kaiba summons three powerful Blue-Eyes White Dragons, but Yugi has no monsters remaining in his deck that can withstand their might! Is losing only a matter of time for Yugi, or will a long-dormant card from a fallen friend help turn the tide of battle? + Entertainment - - BeyWheelz - S01 : E11 BeyWheelz - Ryan offers Team Estrella a chance to become the new Dominators and battle never before seen Beys in a new world. - Series + + Yu-Gi-Oh! + S03 : E37 Clash in the Coliseum, Part 6 + Kaiba not only controls Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, the monster he used to defeat Yugi at Duelist Kingdom, but his Final Attack Orders card leaves Yugi with only three cards remaining in his deck! If Yugi loses like he did in Duelist Kingdom, he’ll have to give up not only his Egyptian God Card, but also his one chance to save the world from Marik’s evil! + Entertainment - - BeyWheelz - S01 : E12 BeyWheelz - Team Estrella invades DREAM Headquarters and becomes engaged in various Bey battles. - Series + + Yu-Gi-Oh! + S03 : E38 Battle for the Bronze, Part 1 + Tired of Kaiba’s insults, Joey challenges Kaiba for third place in the Battle City Tournament! Has Joey mastered enough strategies to take down the top dog, or is Kaiba going to wallop Joey like a pathetic puppy? + Entertainment - - BeyWheelz - S01 : E01 BeyWheelz - In the final round of the BeyWheelz World Championships, Sho Tenma and his Soaring Wing Pegasus defeat Jin Ryu and his Doom Fire Drago. - Series + + Yu-Gi-Oh! + S03 : E39 Battle for the Bronze, Part 2 + Kaiba attacks with his mighty Blue-Eyes White Dragon, but Joey has no monsters to defend with! Joey’s luck has run out, so it’s time for him to rely on skill! Meanwhile, Téa challenges Marik for control of the Millennium Rod, but will she survive against Marik’s mystical powers of great evil? + Entertainment - - BeyWheelz - S01 : E02 BeyWheelz - The Dominators appear and wreak havoc amongst the young Wheelers but Leon challenges Gigante to a battle, defeats him, and the Dominators leave. - Series + + Yu-Gi-Oh! + S03 : E40 Battle for the Bronze, Part 3 + Joey and Kaiba’s battle reaches its roaring climax with the result of the duel hinging on one final spin of Time Wizard’s wheel! Will Joey take down his biggest headache and actually teach Kaiba a thing or two about being a true duelist? + Entertainment - - BeyWheelz - S01 : E03 BeyWheelz - Jin and Sho meet members of the Dominators to have a bey battle. - Series + + Yu-Gi-Oh! + S03 : E41 The Final Face-Off, Part 1 + It’s the critical Battle City showdown with the fate of the world at stake: Yami Yugi vs. Marik! In this twisted Shadow Game, if Yami Yugi loses, Yugi is taking a permanent vacation into the Shadow Realm! But if he wins, good Marik will be sent to the Shadow Realm while evil Marik remains! How can our hero win a duel where both outcomes are tragic? + Entertainment + + + Yu-Gi-Oh! + S03 : E42 The Final Face-Off, Part 2 + Marik proves that his The Winged Dragon of Ra is the strongest Egyptian God Card by destroying Slifer the Sky Dragon! None of Yugi’s cards can withstand its relentless assault, but a gift from Kaiba may be the key to turn the duel around… + Entertainment + + + Yu-Gi-Oh! + S03 : E43 The Final Face-Off, Part 3 + It’s Obelisk the Tormentor vs... Obelisk the Tormentor? Yugi can’t strike Marik’s life points because Marik’s indestructible Egyptian God Slime resurrects every turn! And with every turn that passes, Marik is one step closer to taking down Yugi with a final strike from The Winged Dragon of Ra... + Entertainment + + + Yu-Gi-Oh! + S03 : E44 The Final Face-Off, Part 4 + Even with the infinite attack strength of Obelisk the Tormentor, Yugi still can’t defeat The Winged Dragon of Ra! With Yugi at the end of his ropes and the maniacal Marik waging all-out war, can Marik’s oldest friend reach Marik in time to help him come to his senses before his insanity overwhelms him? + Entertainment + + + Yu-Gi-Oh! + S03 : E45 The Final Face-Off, Part 5 + Marik’s The Winged Dragon of Ra has destroyed both Slifer the Sky Dragon and Obelisk the Tormentor! Will the combined force of all of Yugi’s monsters be enough to defeat an Egyptian God Card that terminated two other powerful Egyptian God Cards? The fate of the duel, and the world, hangs in the balance with the finale of the Battle City Tournament! + Entertainment + + + Yu-Gi-Oh! + S03 : E46 One for the Road + KaibaCorp Island is set to explode in mere minutes, but the blimp’s engines are offline! If that isn’t bad enough, Kaiba and Mokuba are nowhere to be found! Can Yugi and friends escape from the island in time, or will they sink to the bottom of the sea? + Entertainment + + + Yu-Gi-Oh! + S03 : E47 Looking Back and Moving Ahead + As Téa and Serenity tour around the Town of Domino and reminisce about their friends’ battles during Battle City, they learn how much they’ve grown and far they’ve come... and how far they have left to go! + Entertainment + + + Yu-Gi-Oh! + S04 : E01 A New Evil, Part 1 + The three Egyptian God Cards are stolen! A terrifying new villain emerges! And, as if things couldn’t get any worse, real monsters begin to appear around the world, terrorizing the population! + Entertainment + + + Yu-Gi-Oh! + S04 : E02 A New Evil, Part 2 + With Seal of Orichalcos, not only can Gurimo have ten monsters on the field at once, but each creature receives a power boost! + Entertainment + + + Yu-Gi-Oh! + S04 : E03 Legend of the Dragons + Not only is our world on the brink of apocalypse, but an entire domain of monsters is also on the verge of collapse! + Entertainment + + + Yu-Gi-Oh! + S04 : E04 The Creator Returns + Confusion abound when enemies become friends... and friends become enemies! Yugi and the gang set off on a cross-country trek when they’re asked for help from a one-eyed former foe! + Entertainment + + + Yu-Gi-Oh! + S04 : E05 Deja Duel!, Part 1 + Kaiba returns to Duelist Kingdom for a showdown against Pegasus! Wielding his newest whacked-out Toon terrors, Pegasus is ready to repeat his previous victory against Kaiba! + Entertainment + + + Yu-Gi-Oh! + S04 : E06 Deja Duel!, Part 2 + Not only does Alister’s mighty fiend gain attack points for every fiery monster on the field, but it can also take control of Kaiba’s monsters! + Entertainment + + + Yu-Gi-Oh! + S04 : E07 An Unexpected Enemy + On the way to Industrial Illusions, Yugi and friends are ambushed by a band of motorcycle thugs - until their favorite friend soars to the rescue! + Entertainment + + + Yu-Gi-Oh! + S04 : E08 My Freaky Valentine, Part 1 + Can this be?! Mai has joined the enemy! Wielding the sinister sorcery of Seal of Orichalcos, Mai unequivocally calculates to trap Joey’s soul for Dartz’s malevolent master plan! + Entertainment + + + Yu-Gi-Oh! + S04 : E09 My Freaky Valentine, Part 2 + Taking advantage of the arcane abilities of Seal of Orichalcos, Mai coordinates her Harpie Ladies into devastating combat formations! + Entertainment + + + Yu-Gi-Oh! + S04 : E10 My Freaky Valentine, Part 3 + With the potent powers of Claw of Hermos, Joey transforms Time Wizard into an almighty... hammer? + Entertainment + + + Yu-Gi-Oh! + S04 : E11 The Challenge + Professor Hawkins has discovered startling connections between the world’s chaotic conundrums, the Orichalcos stones and a lost civilization! + Entertainment + + + Yu-Gi-Oh! + S04 : E12 Fate of the Pharaoh, Part 1 + Isolated on a steep mesa in Death Valley, it’s a Wild West showdown between Yugi and his fiercest challenge yet: Rafael and his group of guardian monsters! + Entertainment + + + Yu-Gi-Oh! 5 D's + S01 : E14 Bloom of the Black Rose + Yusei Fudo decides to enter the Fortune Cup, after Lazar blackmailed him to do so, if he wants to see his friends at Satellite alive. On his way, he meets up with his old friends from the Facility, Bolt Tanner and Yanagi and his new friend, Leo at the Daimon Area. Leo and his friend Dexter went to the Daimon Area in order to challenge the mysterious Black Rose. + Entertainment + + + Yu-Gi-Oh! 5 D's + S01 : E15 Welcome to the Fortune Club + The Fortune Cup has now begun. The first Duel is Luna vs. Greiger. But since Luna doesn't want to participate, Leo disguises himself and Duels in her place. + Entertainment + + + Yu-Gi-Oh! 5 D's + S01 : E16 Battle With the Black Rose + Luna and Dexter try to cheer up Leo after his loss to Greiger. They approach Yusei, who tells him the experience he got from losing should prove useful later on. Leo encourages Yusei to win, just before Akiza passes them. She glares intensely at Yusei as she passes. The other three quickly step out of her way. Leo wonders what her problem is. + Entertainment + + + Yu-Gi-Oh! 5 D's + S01 : E17 Surprise , Surprise! + Hunter Pace, under the disguise of Shira, Duels Yusei Fudo in the Fortune Cup, using a Deck he's designed to use against Jack Atlas. + Entertainment + + + Yu-Gi-Oh! 5 D's + S01 : E18 Return to the Spirit World, Part 1 + Due to Rex Goodwin's special permission, a consolation game is to be held. Luna is called to participate. Leo is unable to substitute and Luna reluctantly comes forward. Her opponent, Professor Frank, has a trip to the Duel Monsters Spirit World planned. + Entertainment + + + Yu-Gi-Oh! 5 D's + S01 : E19 Return to the Spirit World, Part 2 + Luna engages in her Duel with Professor Frank when she is called by a mysterious voice to protect the Duel Monsters Spirit World Seeing the turmoil evildoers are doing to this land, Luna must take all her courage and skill at hand to defeat Frank's trump card. + Entertainment + + + Yu-Gi-Oh! 5 D's + S01 : E20 Second Round Showdown, Part 1 + The first day of the Fortune Cup comes to a close. Before their Duel begins tomorrow, Yusei and Greiger have a friendly talk during the night. + Entertainment + + + Yu-Gi-Oh! 5 D's + S01 : E21 Second Round Showdown, Part 2 + Determined to carry out his mission to his hometown, Greiger uses "Flying Fortress SKY FIRE" to run Yusei down. In response, Yusei reads Greiger's strategy and looks for his chance to counterattack. + Entertainment + + + Yu-Gi-Oh! 5 D's + S01 : E22 The Profiler + The second round of the finals pits Akiza Izinski against Commander Koda. Koda begins his strategy of tormenting Akiza with her record of the past 16 years, in which flashbacks of Akiza's life are shown. + Entertainment + + + Yu-Gi-Oh! 5 D's + S01 : E23 Duel of the Dragons, Part 1 + Yusei Fudo confronts and questions Akiza Izinski on why she calls the Mark of the Dragon a "wretched mark". During the Duel against her, Yusei is filled with various doubts about Akiza. + Entertainment + + + Yu-Gi-Oh! 5 D's + S01 : E24 Duel of the Dragons, Part 2 + The Duel between Yusei Fudo and Akiza Izinski continues. Unconvinced that Akiza truly takes pleasure in bringing pain on others, he tries to reach through to her and get her to admit this and realize that she can think for herself. + Entertainment + + + Yu-Gi-Oh! 5 D's + S01 : E25 The Fortune Cup Finale, Part 1 + The Duel between Yusei Fudo and Jack Atlas in the Fortune Cup can begin. During the Duel, Jack remembers what drove him to go to New Domino City with Yusei's old Duel Runner and the "Stardust Dragon" card in the first place. + Entertainment + + + Yu-Gi-Oh! 5 D's + S01 : E26 The Fortune Cup Finale, Part 2 + The Duel between Yusei Fudo and Jack Atlas heats up. Even though the Signers are transported into the past that is related to the Crimson Dragon, Jack is still determined to win the Duel. + Entertainment + + + Yu-Gi-Oh! + S04 : E13 Fate of the Pharaoh, Part 2 + Dartz’s master plan is finally revealed, and capturing Yugi’s soul is the catalyst to reset the very essence of history! + Entertainment + + + Yu-Gi-Oh! + S04 : E14 Fate of the Pharaoh, Part 3 + Using the awesome abilities of Seal of Orichalcos, Yugi grinds Rafael’s guardians into garbage... but he’s also slowly succumbing to the card’s evil influence! + Entertainment + + + Yu-Gi-Oh! + S04 : E15 Trial by Stone + Dartz has captured Yugi’s soul! Having betrayed his dearest friend, the Pharaoh sinks into the darkest depths of despair and loses his will to save the world! + Entertainment + + + Yu-Gi-Oh! + S04 : E16 On the Wrong Track, Part 1 + Divide and conquer - it’s a train ride to terror! A cross-country expedition turns tragic when Dartz’s new duelists separate Yugi from Joey in order to capture their souls separately! + Entertainment + + + Yu-Gi-Oh! + S04 : E17 On the Wrong Track, Part 2 + While Weevil sneakily infests and genetically manipulates Yugi’s monsters to metamorphose them into crude creepy crawlers, Rex Raptor’s prehistoric predators take a more forceful approach and run roughshod over Joey’s forces! + Entertainment + + + Yu-Gi-Oh! + S04 : E18 On the Wrong Track, Part 3 + Having lost the trust of Timaeus, Yugi can no longer use his guardian dragon against Weevil’s insect invasion! + Entertainment + + + Yu-Gi-Oh! + S04 : E19 Self Destruction + The train derails and plummets into a chasm, leaving Yugi and Téa totally lost in the Rocky Mountains! + Entertainment BeyWheelz @@ -61015,19 +78647,19 @@ Bao and Aguma meet with Pluto. Gingka and his friends can't find a Legendary Blader in Greece, but Tsubasa continues the hunt in the USA. Series - + Beyblade Metal Fury S02 : E02 Beyblade Metal Fury In a battle in the Destroyer Dome, Tsubasa, Zeo and Toby defeat the Garcias and others to move on the final round. Series - + Beyblade Metal Fury S02 : E04 Beyblade Metal Fury In the final of a battle royale in the Destroyer Dome, King battles Masamune. Series - + Beyblade Metal Fury S02 : E05 Beyblade Metal Fury Gingka and his friends meet with Nile and Damoure to search Mist Mountain in Africa for a Legendary Blader. Gingka battles and defeats Ryuto. @@ -61051,19 +78683,19 @@ At a temple on Mist Mountain, a Bey battle erupts amongst a variety of combatants. Series - + Beyblade Metal Fury S02 : E10 Beyblade Metal Fury The Beyster Island Tournament begins and it features intense battles between Masamune and Bao as well as Aguma and King. Series - + Beyblade Metal Fury S02 : E11 Beyblade Metal Fury In the battle of Beyster Island, Ryuga defeats King and Gingka defeats Kenta. Series - + Beyblade Metal Fury S02 : E12 Beyblade Metal Fury In the Beyster Island Tournament, Chris defeats Masamune in the final and is revealed as a Legendary Blader. @@ -61087,13 +78719,13 @@ Jack of Team Star Breaker defeats Klaus of Team Excalibur. Series - + Beyblade Metal Masters S03 : E13 Beyblade Metal Masters Damian defeats Julian, Wales and Sophie. Series - + Beyblade Metal Masters S01 : E02 Beyblade Metal Masters Masamune refuses to accept a defeat by Gingka and trains hard to finally beat him. @@ -61117,43 +78749,43 @@ Kyoya defeats Tsubasa in a heartbreaking qualifying tournament. Series - + Beyblade Metal Masters S01 : E07 Beyblade Metal Masters In China, Gingka is to battle Dashan but Masamune steps in. Series - + Beyblade Metal Masters S01 : E08 Beyblade Metal Masters Masamune goads the laid back Chaoxin into battle but it backfires on him. Series - + Beyblade Metal Masters S01 : E09 Beyblade Metal Masters Masamune studies hard and manages to beat Chaoxin in the first battle of the Championships. Series - + Beyblade Metal Fury S02 : E12 Beyblade Metal Fury In the Beyster Island Tournament, Chris defeats Masamune in the final and is revealed as a Legendary Blader. Series - + Beyblade Metal Fury S01 : E01 Beyblade Metal Fury Star fragments fall to earth and their power fuses with certain beys, including Gingka's and Kyoya's. Series - + Beyblade Metal Fury S01 : E02 Beyblade Metal Fury Yuki explains that a star fragment has fallen to earth and it has chosen both Gingka and Kyoya to be Legendary Bladers. Series - + Beyblade Metal Fury S01 : E03 Beyblade Metal Fury Gingka is in trouble as he battles Johannes but Kyoya joins the match and Johannes retreats. @@ -61165,85 +78797,85 @@ Gingka and his friends travel to a remote island to search for more Legendary Bladers. Series - + Beyblade Metal Fusion S02 : E05 Beyblade Metal Fusion Hyoma challenges Gingka to a new battle. Series - + Beyblade Metal Fusion S02 : E06 Beyblade Metal Fusion Benkei and Kenta learn how to change parts on their Beys, which makes their Beys even stronger! Series - + Beyblade Metal Fusion S02 : E08 Beyblade Metal Fusion The Survival Battle continues and it's down to the wire with eight competitors remaining. Series - + Beyblade Metal Fusion S02 : E09 Beyblade Metal Fusion In the jaw-dropping finale of Survival Battle, everyone is surprised when Kyoya and Gingka are knocked out. Series - + Beyblade Metal Fusion S02 : E10 Beyblade Metal Fusion As the winner of the Endurance Battle, Yu is granted his wish: a Battle Bladers, the biggest Beyblade competition in the world. Series - + Beyblade Metal Fusion S02 : E12 Beyblade Metal Fusion Kyoya comes across a calculating opponent, Tobio (aka Captain Capri), whose moves appear erratic but not unstoppable. Series - + Beyblade Metal Fusion S02 : E13 Beyblade Metal Fusion Tsubasa proves his worthiness as an opponent and joins forces with Doji's Dark Nebula Organization. Series - + Beyblade Metal Fusion S01 : E01 Beyblade Metal Fusion Newcomer Gingka saves Kenta from the Face Hunters but is then challenged to a one-hundred-to-one battle! Series - + Beyblade Metal Fusion S01 : E02 Beyblade Metal Fusion Before Gingka's new friend Madoka can finish fixing his broken Bey Pegasus, he uses it to fight Kyoya and manages to win! Series - + Beyblade Metal Fusion S01 : E04 Beyblade Metal Fusion Doji presents Benkei with the powerful Beyblade, Dark Bull, so he can defeat Gingka. Series - + Beyblade Metal Fusion S01 : E05 Beyblade Metal Fusion When a crab-obsessed villain named Tetsuya Watarigani kidnaps Madoka, Gingka must battle him to save her. Series - + Beyblade Metal Fusion S01 : E06 Beyblade Metal Fusion Hikaru Hasama issues a challenge to battle Gingka with Benkei's help. Series - + Beyblade Metal Fusion S01 : E07 Beyblade Metal Fusion Benkei trains Kenta to face Hikaru again. Series - + Beyblade Metal Fusion S01 : E09 Beyblade Metal Fusion Kyoya returns from Wolf Canyon and battles Benkei, destroying the warehouse they're in. @@ -61255,37 +78887,37 @@ Gingka battles Kyoya and Kyoya creates a tornado that rips through the city. Series - + Beyblade Metal Fusion S01 : E11 Beyblade Metal Fusion Gingka and the gang arrive at the Dark Nebula and are assaulted with a Bey storm from above. Series - + Beyblade Metal Fusion S01 : E12 Beyblade Metal Fusion The gang are met with traps set by Merci on their way to confront Doji. Series - + Beyblade Metal Masters S01 : E02 Beyblade Metal Masters Masamune refuses to accept a defeat by Gingka and trains hard to finally beat him. Series - + Beyblade Metal Masters S01 : E03 Beyblade Metal Masters Gingka and Masamune are partnered to battle Chinese opponents Mei-Mei and Chiyun. Series - + Beyblade Metal Masters S01 : E04 Beyblade Metal Masters Yu and Masamune go head to head in an exciting qualifying tournament. Series - + Beyblade Metal Masters S01 : E05 Beyblade Metal Masters Kyoya defeats Tsubasa in a heartbreaking qualifying tournament. @@ -61303,25 +78935,25 @@ Masamune goads the laid back Chaoxin into battle but it backfires on him. Series - + Beyblade Metal Masters S01 : E09 Beyblade Metal Masters Masamune studies hard and manages to beat Chaoxin in the first battle of the Championships. Series - + Beyblade Metal Masters S01 : E10 Beyblade Metal Masters Tsubasa suffers a stunning defeat to the arrogant Chiyun. Series - + Beyblade Metal Masters S01 : E11 Beyblade Metal Masters A fierce battle takes place between Gingka and Dashan. Series - + Beyblade Metal Masters S01 : E12 Beyblade Metal Masters The team travels abroad and encounters Julian Konzern battling Desert Blaze single-handedly. @@ -61339,25 +78971,25 @@ In an arena in the Sacred Garden, Jin battles Task as his friends and Kaiser Gray look on. Series - + BeyWarriors: Beyraiderz S01 : E11 BeyWarriors: Beyraiderz In a Beyraiderz battle, Armes defeats Sho and the Mythic Beasts Ifrit and Byakko are revived. Series - + BeyWarriors: Beyraiderz S01 : E12 BeyWarriors: Beyraiderz Kaiser Gray defeats Armes Navy in a battle. Series - + BeyWarriors: Beyraiderz S01 : E01 BeyWarriors: Beyraiderz Sho Tenma arrives at an ancient city and tries to locate the site of some ruins with the help of a few local kids. Series - + BeyWarriors: Beyraiderz S01 : E02 BeyWarriors: Beyraiderz As Sho, Rachel and Jimmy travel to another arena, Rachel recounts the history of the Six Mythic Beasts. @@ -61381,25 +79013,25 @@ In search of another arena and the Sacred Garden, Sho and his friends meet a young man named Atsushi. Series - + BeyWheelz S01 : E09 BeyWheelz Jin defeats Glen in the fourth match of the Judgment Bey tournament. Series - + BeyWheelz S01 : E10 BeyWheelz Sho of Team Estrella defeats Odin of the Team Dominator to win the Judgment Bey Tournament. Series - + BeyWheelz S01 : E11 BeyWheelz Ryan offers Team Estrella a chance to become the new Dominators and battle never before seen Beys in a new world. Series - + BeyWheelz S01 : E13 BeyWheelz Sho defeats Ryan in a final battle and Sho and his friends are transported to a new world to find new Bey adventures. @@ -61411,76 +79043,310 @@ In the final round of the BeyWheelz World Championships, Sho Tenma and his Soaring Wing Pegasus defeat Jin Ryu and his Doom Fire Drago. Series - + BeyWheelz S01 : E02 BeyWheelz The Dominators appear and wreak havoc amongst the young Wheelers but Leon challenges Gigante to a battle, defeats him, and the Dominators leave. Series - - While You Were Sleeping - S01 : E05 While You Were Sleeping - Although it was a dream, Jae Chan accepted Hong Joo's kiss. + + BeyWheelz + S01 : E03 BeyWheelz + Jin and Sho meet members of the Dominators to have a bey battle. Series - - While You Were Sleeping - S01 : E06 While You Were Sleeping - Jae Chan and Seung Won are planning to eat breakfast every morning at Hong Joo's house. + + BeyWheelz + S01 : E05 BeyWheelz + Sho and Jin travel to Das Vegas in search of strong bladers and end up in a match against Nicole and Marche. Series - - While You Were Sleeping - S01 : E07 While You Were Sleeping - Jae Chan and Woo Tak saved Hong Joo from the desperately dangerous situation. + + BeyWheelz + S01 : E06 BeyWheelz + Covey of Team Estrella defeats Sting of The Dominators in the first match of The Battle of BeyWheelz Judgment Bey. Series - - While You Were Sleeping - S01 : E08 While You Were Sleeping - Hong Joo sees Woo Tak under threat from Hak Yeong in her dream. + + Beyblade Metal Fury + S01 : E05 Beyblade Metal Fury + Kyoya, Gingka and Yuki all battle Ryuga on an island, and they each lose to him. Ryuga leaves to pursue the rest of the star fragments by himself. Series - - Forest - S01 : E25 Forest - Yeong Jae investigates the contamination of Miryeong village and San Hyeok decides to leave the rescue team. + + Beyblade Metal Fury + S01 : E06 Beyblade Metal Fury + Legendary Bladers Gingka, Kyoya and Yuki team up to save the village from a volcanic eruption. Series - - Forest - S01 : E26 Forest - Yeong Jae investigates the contamination of Miryeong village and San Hyeok decides to leave the rescue team. + + Beyblade Metal Fury + S01 : E08 Beyblade Metal Fury + Gingka and his friends travel to Beylin Temple in China and are soon joined by the evil Johannes. Series - - Forest - S01 : E27 Forest - Yeong Jae believes there's a greater power hiding the contamination, and starts investigating by herself. + + Beyblade Metal Fury + S01 : E09 Beyblade Metal Fury + At a Tag Team Championship, Gingka and Yuki defeat Chaoxin and Mei-Mei. Series - - Forest - S01 : E28 Forest - Yeong Jae believes there's a greater power hiding the contamination, and starts investigating by herself. + + Beyblade Metal Fury + S01 : E10 Beyblade Metal Fury + The Tag Team Tournament continues and the final four teams are determined. Series - - Forest - S01 : E29 Forest - With all the memories returned, San Hyeok visits San Yoo’s grave. Yeong Jae and San Hyeok miss each other desperately. + + Beyblade Metal Fusion + S02 : E10 Beyblade Metal Fusion + As the winner of the Endurance Battle, Yu is granted his wish: a Battle Bladers, the biggest Beyblade competition in the world. Series - - Forest - S01 : E30 Forest - With all the memories returned, San Hyeok visits San Yoo’s grave. Yeong Jae and San Hyeok miss each other desperately. + + Beyblade Metal Fusion + S02 : E11 Beyblade Metal Fusion + Gingka meets a new rival, Tsubasa, who tests his strength. Series - - Forest - S01 : E31 Forest - Taesung Group destroys all the evidence of the contamination of forest. Can San Hyeok disclose the ugly truth? + + Beyblade Metal Fusion + S02 : E13 Beyblade Metal Fusion + Tsubasa proves his worthiness as an opponent and joins forces with Doji's Dark Nebula Organization. + Series + + + Beyblade Metal Fusion + S01 : E01 Beyblade Metal Fusion + Newcomer Gingka saves Kenta from the Face Hunters but is then challenged to a one-hundred-to-one battle! + Series + + + Beyblade Metal Fusion + S01 : E02 Beyblade Metal Fusion + Before Gingka's new friend Madoka can finish fixing his broken Bey Pegasus, he uses it to fight Kyoya and manages to win! + Series + + + Beyblade Metal Fusion + S01 : E03 Beyblade Metal Fusion + Kenta challenges Gingka to a battle. Kyoya is challenged to battle Doji and loses so, as agreed, must leave with him to train. + Series + + + Beyblade Metal Fusion + S01 : E04 Beyblade Metal Fusion + Doji presents Benkei with the powerful Beyblade, Dark Bull, so he can defeat Gingka. + Series + + + Beyblade Metal Fusion + S01 : E06 Beyblade Metal Fusion + Hikaru Hasama issues a challenge to battle Gingka with Benkei's help. + Series + + + Beyblade Metal Fusion + S01 : E07 Beyblade Metal Fusion + Benkei trains Kenta to face Hikaru again. + Series + + + Beyblade Metal Fusion + S01 : E08 Beyblade Metal Fusion + Doji sends Kyoya to Wolf Canyon to prove his worth. + Series + + + Beyblade Metal Fusion + S01 : E09 Beyblade Metal Fusion + Kyoya returns from Wolf Canyon and battles Benkei, destroying the warehouse they're in. + Series + + + Beyblade Metal Fusion + S01 : E11 Beyblade Metal Fusion + Gingka and the gang arrive at the Dark Nebula and are assaulted with a Bey storm from above. + Series + + + Beyblade Metal Fusion + S01 : E12 Beyblade Metal Fusion + The gang are met with traps set by Merci on their way to confront Doji. + Series + + + Beyblade Metal Fusion + S01 : E13 Beyblade Metal Fusion + Gingka battles his long-lost nemesis Ryuga, but his anger gets in the way of winning. + Series + + + Beyblade Metal Fusion + S02 : E01 Beyblade Metal Fusion + Through flashback, we learn about Gingka's father, Ryo, who originally had the Bey Pegasus and was defeated by Ryuga and L-Drago. + Series + + + Beyblade Metal Fury + S02 : E13 Beyblade Metal Fury + King challenges Chris to a battle and soon Bladers from all sides are involved. + Series + + + Beyblade Metal Fury + S01 : E01 Beyblade Metal Fury + Star fragments fall to earth and their power fuses with certain beys, including Gingka's and Kyoya's. + Series + + + Beyblade Metal Fury + S01 : E02 Beyblade Metal Fury + Yuki explains that a star fragment has fallen to earth and it has chosen both Gingka and Kyoya to be Legendary Bladers. + Series + + + Beyblade Metal Fury + S01 : E03 Beyblade Metal Fury + Gingka is in trouble as he battles Johannes but Kyoya joins the match and Johannes retreats. + Series + + + Beyblade Metal Fury + S01 : E05 Beyblade Metal Fury + Kyoya, Gingka and Yuki all battle Ryuga on an island, and they each lose to him. Ryuga leaves to pursue the rest of the star fragments by himself. + Series + + + Beyblade Metal Fury + S01 : E06 Beyblade Metal Fury + Legendary Bladers Gingka, Kyoya and Yuki team up to save the village from a volcanic eruption. + Series + + + Beyblade Metal Fury + S01 : E07 Beyblade Metal Fury + Kenta travels to a desert town to try to convince Ryuga to join Gingka's team. + Series + + + Beyblade Metal Fury + S01 : E08 Beyblade Metal Fury + Gingka and his friends travel to Beylin Temple in China and are soon joined by the evil Johannes. + Series + + + Beyblade Metal Fury + S01 : E10 Beyblade Metal Fury + The Tag Team Tournament continues and the final four teams are determined. + Series + + + Beyblade Metal Fury + S01 : E11 Beyblade Metal Fury + In the Tag Team Tournament, Gingka's team beats Dashan's team and the Beylin Fist's team defeats Kyoya's team. + Series + + + Beyblade Metal Fury + S01 : E12 Beyblade Metal Fury + Bao and Aguma of Beylin Fist defeat Gingka and Yuki to win the Tag Team Tournament. + Series + + + Beyblade Metal Fury + S01 : E13 Beyblade Metal Fury + Tsubasa and Kenta meet at a desert bey battle where Ryuga wins again. + Series + + + Beyblade Metal Fury + S02 : E02 Beyblade Metal Fury + In a battle in the Destroyer Dome, Tsubasa, Zeo and Toby defeat the Garcias and others to move on the final round. + Series + + + Beyblade Metal Fury + S02 : E03 Beyblade Metal Fury + In the next round at the Destroyer Dome, a new opponent, Jigsaw, dominates the match. + Series + + + Beyblade Metal Fury + S02 : E04 Beyblade Metal Fury + In the final of a battle royale in the Destroyer Dome, King battles Masamune. + Series + + + Beyblade Metal Fury + S02 : E06 Beyblade Metal Fury + At a lost city on Mist Mountain, Kyoya defeats Aguma in a battle. + Series + + + Beyblade Metal Fury + S02 : E07 Beyblade Metal Fury + With help from Yuki, Gingka and his companions enter a temple that is guarded by a Blader name Dynamis. + Series + + + Beyblade Metal Fury + S02 : E08 Beyblade Metal Fury + Dynamis determines that Gingka and his friends are worthy Bladers and tells them the tale of the star fragments' origins. + Series + + + Beyblade Metal Fury + S02 : E09 Beyblade Metal Fury + At a temple on Mist Mountain, a Bey battle erupts amongst a variety of combatants. + Series + + + Beyblade Metal Masters + S01 : E11 Beyblade Metal Masters + A fierce battle takes place between Gingka and Dashan. + Series + + + Beyblade Metal Masters + S01 : E12 Beyblade Metal Masters + The team travels abroad and encounters Julian Konzern battling Desert Blaze single-handedly. + Series + + + Beyblade Metal Masters + S01 : E13 Beyblade Metal Masters + On the way to Russia, Gingka and the team meet the Russian players and battle them - not knowing they make up the Russian team. + Series + + + Beyblade Metal Masters + S02 : E01 Beyblade Metal Masters + Gingka's team battles the Russian team; Masamune is lost in the countryside. + Series + + + Beyblade Metal Masters + S02 : E03 Beyblade Metal Masters + The team is in Greece and battles Team Excalibur who have many tricks up their sleeves to cause devastating damage. + Series + + + Beyblade Metal Masters + S02 : E04 Beyblade Metal Masters + The team has problems working together and is helped by Team Wang Hu Zhong in the art of cooperation. + Series + + + Beyblade Metal Masters + S02 : E05 Beyblade Metal Masters + Kyoya travels to Savannah and must keep all other bladers from defeating him for 24 hours in order to advance. + Series + + + Beyblade Metal Masters + S02 : E06 Beyblade Metal Masters + The team travels to India and witness India's Team Chandora battle Africa's Team Wild Fang. Series @@ -61771,52 +79637,124 @@ Joon Jae learns that he is following the same path as his previous life and decides to protect Sim Cheong. Series - - Highway to Heaven - S04 : E24 Highway to Heaven - A chauvinistic coach doesn't want a female wide receiver on his junior-high football team. + + While You Were Sleeping + S01 : E10 While You Were Sleeping + It was Hong Joo that Jae Chan met chestnut looking hairstyle girl at a funeral 13 years ago. Series - - Highway to Heaven - S01 : E19 Highway to Heaven - Scotty is a lovelorn quadriplegic with a successful law practice. And Jonathan is happy to play cupid. + + While You Were Sleeping + S01 : E11 While You Were Sleeping + After leaving the hospital, Jae Chan stays at Hong Joo's house. Series - - Highway to Heaven - S01 : E20 Highway to Heaven - A greedy banker and a good-hearted bum switch places. The bum dies, but the banker is now infused with love and generosity. + + While You Were Sleeping + S01 : E12 While You Were Sleeping + Jae Chan decided to conduct an organ transplant and an autopsy at the same time. Series - - Highway to Heaven - S01 : E21 Highway to Heaven - Jonathan and Mark meet a child star whose fame is spoiling her rotten, destroying her family and taking away her childhood. + + While You Were Sleeping + S01 : E13 While You Were Sleeping + Hong Joo covers criminal case team three of the Han River District Public Prosecutors' Office. Series - - Highway to Heaven - S01 : E23 Highway to Heaven - Jonathan inspires a young man to help the grandfather who has recently been placed in a nursing home. + + While You Were Sleeping + S01 : E14 While You Were Sleeping + Jae Chan and Ji Gwang will reinvestigate the serial murder incidents. Series - - Highway to Heaven - S01 : E24 Highway to Heaven - Lizzy MacGill is a horse trainer's young daughter who elopes with Garth Armstrong, a privileged man. + + While You Were Sleeping + S01 : E15 While You Were Sleeping + Hong Joo faces an absolute crisis at the rooftop of Hae Gwang Law Firm. Series - - Highway to Heaven - S01 : E25 Highway to Heaven - Jonathan and Mark try to help Lizzie. The new bride has cancer and she is pregnant. + + While You Were Sleeping + S01 : E16 While You Were Sleeping + When Woo Tak's testimony is going to decide Yoo Beom's guilt, Woo Tak makes a big decision. Series - - Highway to Heaven - S02 : E01 Highway to Heaven - Mark and Jonathan become counselors at a camp for children with cancer. + + At a Distance Spring is Green + S01 : E01 At a Distance, Spring is Green + While doing the group project, the relationship between Yeo Joon and Soo Hyun gets even worse. + Series + + + At a Distance Spring is Green + S01 : E02 At a Distance, Spring is Green + While doing the group project, the relationship between Yeo Joon and Soo Hyun gets even worse. + Series + + + At a Distance Spring is Green + S01 : E03 At a Distance, Spring is Green + Joon introduces So Bin as his girlfriend, after she fails asking Chan Gi out even with Joon's help. + Series + + + At a Distance Spring is Green + S01 : E04 At a Distance, Spring is Green + Joon and So Bin start fake dating. Meanwhile, Joon rushes to emergency room knowing that Soo Hyun got sick. + Series + + + At a Distance Spring is Green + S01 : E05 At a Distance, Spring is Green + Stressed of rumors, So Bin starts distancing herself from Joon. Soo Hyun suddenly asks Joon to eat out. + Series + + + At a Distance Spring is Green + S01 : E06 At a Distance, Spring is Green + The fake relationship between Joon and So Bin gradually changes as they start to embrace each other's trauma. + Series + + + At a Distance Spring is Green + S01 : E07 At a Distance, Spring is Green + So Bin feels disappointed at Joon for not pouring his heart out. Joon happens to save her the trouble again. + Series + + + The Legend of the Blue Sea + S01 : E15 The Legend of the Blue Sea + Joon Jae tries to tell Sim Cheong about his dreams of Dam Ryeong. Sim Cheong invites her friends to the party. + Series + + + The Legend of the Blue Sea + S01 : E16 The Legend of the Blue Sea + Joon Jae finally reunite with Yu Ran, his biological mother. Chi Hyeon begins to look for his real father. + Series + + + The Legend of the Blue Sea + S01 : E17 The Legend of the Blue Sea + Sim Cheong becomes confused when the memory of how Dam Ryeong and she broke up in the past got recalled. + Series + + + The Legend of the Blue Sea + S01 : E18 The Legend of the Blue Sea + After the death of Heo Il Joong, Joon Jae and Dong Pyo speed up their investigation. + Series + + + The Legend of the Blue Sea + S01 : E19 The Legend of the Blue Sea + Sim Cheong gets shot instead of Joon Jae, and Ma Dae Young visits Professor Jin to bring back all his memory. + Series + + + The Legend of the Blue Sea + S01 : E20 The Legend of the Blue Sea + Sim Cheong says last goodbye to the people around her to go back to the sea. Series @@ -62107,76 +80045,148 @@ Jonathan and Mark work to keep the three couples together. Series - - Dr. G: Medical Examiner - S06 : E01 Dr. G: Medical Examiner - Parents rush their baby to the hospital, but she tragically dies in her mother's arms. + + Highway to Heaven + S03 : E10 Highway to Heaven + A wealthy businessman would like to bridge the gap between himself and his son. Series - - Dr. G: Medical Examiner - S06 : E02 Dr. G: Medical Examiner - A train engineer panics when he spots a man lying on the tracks. + + Highway to Heaven + S03 : E11 Highway to Heaven + Jonathan tries to convince a powerful senator to restore severe budget cuts dealing with health-care. However, the assignment seems doomed when the senator suffers a fatal heart attack. Series - - Dr. G: Medical Examiner - S06 : E03 Dr. G: Medical Examiner - It's up to Dr. G, along with the National Transportation Safety Board, to piece together how a plane crashed. + + Highway to Heaven + S03 : E12 Highway to Heaven + Mark plans to give a recent windfall to a boys' club. But first he must deal with some con artists. Series - - Small Town Big Deal - S04 : E07 Small Town Big Deal - Meet the "Fastest Grandma" whose idea of fun is a dirt track, the smell of gasoline and the need for speed! + + Highway to Heaven + S03 : E13 Highway to Heaven + Jonathan's assignment at Christmas is to show a disillusioned columnist that there's still good out there. Series - - Small Town Big Deal - S04 : E08 Small Town Big Deal - Jann and Rodney learn exactly what grits are and how a few places still grind them the old-fashioned way. + + Highway to Heaven + S01 : E19 Highway to Heaven + Scotty is a lovelorn quadriplegic with a successful law practice. And Jonathan is happy to play cupid. Series - - Small Town Big Deal - S04 : E10 Small Town Big Deal - Can fish fly? Well, they do off the coast of Catalina Island near Southern California. Catching them on video can be tricky, but we got 'em. + + Highway to Heaven + S01 : E20 Highway to Heaven + A greedy banker and a good-hearted bum switch places. The bum dies, but the banker is now infused with love and generosity. Series - - Small Town Big Deal - S04 : E11 Small Town Big Deal - At spring training every year, there is another kind of competition besides what's happening on the field. + + Highway to Heaven + S01 : E21 Highway to Heaven + Jonathan and Mark meet a child star whose fame is spoiling her rotten, destroying her family and taking away her childhood. Series - - Small Town Big Deal - S04 : E12 Small Town Big Deal - Join our hosts in a town that dedicates one weekend a year to celebrate the half-horse half-donkey: the mule. + + Highway to Heaven + S01 : E22 Highway to Heaven + Jonathan encourages residents in a neighborhood to unite against a cold-hearted developer. Series - - Women Behind Bars - S03 : E05 Women Behind Bars - This episode features a woman who was convicted in the murder and dismemberment of a 21-year-old man. + + Highway to Heaven + S01 : E23 Highway to Heaven + Jonathan inspires a young man to help the grandfather who has recently been placed in a nursing home. Series - - Women Behind Bars - S03 : E06 Women Behind Bars - This episode features a woman who was involved in the shooting death of a jailer during a prison escape and another woman who was convicted of killing her husband. + + Highway to Heaven + S01 : E25 Highway to Heaven + Jonathan and Mark try to help Lizzie. The new bride has cancer and she is pregnant. Series - - Women Behind Bars - S03 : E07 Women Behind Bars - One woman is caught on tape shooting at the home of a former business associate. Then, a woman is found guilty in the fatal stabbing of her son-in-law after her daughter dies of drug overdose. + + Highway to Heaven + S02 : E01 Highway to Heaven + Mark and Jonathan become counselors at a camp for children with cancer. Series - - Women Behind Bars - S03 : E08 Women Behind Bars - This episode features Jocelyn, who was found guilty of fatally stabbing her lover, and Gwen, who claimed she heard voices that told her to sacrifice her husband to God. + + Highway to Heaven + S02 : E02 Highway to Heaven + Jonathan and Mark are helping patients at Camp Good Times in different ways. But a father still refuses to deal with his son's illness. + Series + + + Highway to Heaven + S02 : E03 Highway to Heaven + Jonathan relinquishes his angelic powers for awhile and realizes the dangers that Mark has faced being a police officer. + Series + + + Highway to Heaven + S02 : E04 Highway to Heaven + An aspiring actress wants to be accepted for who she really is, not in the image her well-meaning dad tries to transform her into. + Series + + + Highway to Heaven + S02 : E05 Highway to Heaven + Mark has been tricked into selling his soul in order to save a little girl's life. But the Devil has another agenda: acquiring Jonathan's soul. + Series + + + Highway to Heaven + S02 : E07 Highway to Heaven + A minor-league baseball team never wins, so Jonathan and Mark set out to help them. They also come to the aid of an elderly vendor who has been kicked out of the stadium. + Series + + + Highway to Heaven + S03 : E15 Highway to Heaven + Wally is a hobo and street puppeteer whose caring and goodness have made him an angel without him knowing it. + Series + + + Highway to Heaven + S03 : E16 Highway to Heaven + A struggling pianist tries to start life again after a heart attack. + Series + + + Highway to Heaven + S03 : E17 Highway to Heaven + High school seniors hope they get the dates they want for prom. + Series + + + Highway to Heaven + S03 : E18 Highway to Heaven + An estranged daughter is writing a vengeful expose about her mother, a much-beloved movie star. + Series + + + Highway to Heaven + S03 : E20 Highway to Heaven + A Vietnam vet is denied government assistance, despite having lost a leg and an arm. + Series + + + Highway to Heaven + S03 : E21 Highway to Heaven + Jonathan and Mark work as police detectives in a school. Their assignment: to investigate drug selling. + Series + + + Highway to Heaven + S03 : E22 Highway to Heaven + A fisherman's livelihood is in jeopardy because of the amount of time he devotes to his comatose son. + Series + + + Highway to Heaven + S03 : E23 Highway to Heaven + A young man learns that the girl he's in love with is pregnant. Series @@ -62353,25 +80363,25 @@ This episode features a chase in Alabama, a teacher and her students held at gunpoint and a courtroom brawl. Series - + Small Town Big Deal S04 : E07 Small Town Big Deal Meet the "Fastest Grandma" whose idea of fun is a dirt track, the smell of gasoline and the need for speed! Series - + Small Town Big Deal S04 : E08 Small Town Big Deal Jann and Rodney learn exactly what grits are and how a few places still grind them the old-fashioned way. Series - + Small Town Big Deal S04 : E10 Small Town Big Deal Can fish fly? Well, they do off the coast of Catalina Island near Southern California. Catching them on video can be tricky, but we got 'em. Series - + Small Town Big Deal S04 : E11 Small Town Big Deal At spring training every year, there is another kind of competition besides what's happening on the field. @@ -62443,25 +80453,25 @@ This episode features the following cases: The Find, The Golden Cue, The FBI Story, The Gravedigger's Nemesis, Last Rites. Series - + Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction S03 : E05 Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction This episode features the following cases: The Nightmare, The Stalker, The Impossible Car Dream, The Dresser, The Burial. Series - + Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction S03 : E06 Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction This episode features the following cases: Red Line, Two Sisters, Eclipse, The Ice Box, The Gathering. Series - + Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction S03 : E07 Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction This episode features the following cases: Connie, Positive I.D., Trucker, Cook Out, The New House. Series - + Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction S03 : E08 Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction This episode features the following cases: Creepy Comics, Louie the Dip, The Wailing, The Landlady, Curse. @@ -62509,13 +80519,13 @@ Sketches: Poem: 99 Bottles, Funeral Home, Poem: The Fall, The King, Advice, Scar, Poem: The Empress, Emergency Troupe Meeting. Series - + Dr. G: Medical Examiner S06 : E04 Dr. G: Medical Examiner Reed Baley is found unconscious the morning after his bachelor party. Series - + Dr. G: Medical Examiner S06 : E05 Dr. G: Medical Examiner Authorities respond to a fire, only to find Carolyn Casey's body at the center of the blaze. @@ -62563,13 +80573,13 @@ Alice receives two life sentences for her role in the slaying of two men. Then, Sarah claims that she made a false murder confession simply to earn a gang status symbol. Series - + Women Behind Bars S03 : E11 Women Behind Bars Virginia fatally stabs her 81-year-old employer over a forged check. Then, Angela is convicted of shooting her husband and recruiting her children to help dispose of the body. Series - + Women Behind Bars S03 : E12 Women Behind Bars Sisters Donna and Jeannie are convicted after planning to kill Donna's husband with a hammer. Next, Evelyn pleads guilty to torturing and drowning a woman due to jealousy. @@ -62587,58 +80597,214 @@ This episode features a woman who murdered two convenient store workers in Georgia and New York. Then, a woman tells her story of how she was convicted of murdering her elderly landlady. Series - - Andromeda - S05 : E22 Andromeda - In the series finale, the final battle to save the New Systems Commonwealth begins. + + Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack + S10 : E06 Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack + This episode includes: Backyard Bones & UD, Twin Behind Bars, Ghosts Go to Court and Sharon Kinne. Series - - Andromeda - S01 : E01 Andromeda - After being left stranded near a black hole, Captain Dylan Hunt is discovered by a mercenary salvage ship. + + Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack + S10 : E07 Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack + This episode includes: A Short Walk Home, Dinnertime Bandit & UD, Bible Code, Missing Florida Baby, Hell's Angel Fugitive and UD: Breakout Mom. + Series + + + Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack + S10 : E09 Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack + This episode includes: Cheerleader Murder, Phoenix UFO, Marine Destroyed & UD, Murdered Mom, Missing Baby and UD: Last Wish, Lost Love. Series - + + Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack + S10 : E10 Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack + This episode includes: Chair of Death, Coma Healer & UD, Animal Saviors, Holy Grail and Signs from Heaven. + Series + + Andromeda - S01 : E02 Andromeda - Dylan protects the Andromeda from mercenaries while Beka starts to wonder if they are fighting for the wrong side. + S05 : E10 Andromeda + When an old man is killed, Beka, Rhade and Harper are the main suspects and stand trial. Series - + Andromeda - S01 : E03 Andromeda - Dylan finds a space station full of kids who believe he is there to bring peace by killing their enemies. + S05 : E11 Andromeda + Rhade leads the rebels in battle against a warlord on Seefra-5. Series - + Andromeda - S01 : E04 Andromeda - The Andromeda crew is still learning how to work together as they are attacked by the Restorers. + S05 : E13 Andromeda + Beka and Rhade find a test that will either grant them great wealth or drive them to madness. Series - + Andromeda - S01 : E06 Andromeda - A slipstream sends the Andromeda back in time to just before the Commonwealth falls. The crew must intervene to preserve history. + S05 : E14 Andromeda + Harper discovers a program that can destroy eight of the Seefra planets, killing millions. Series - + Andromeda - S01 : E07 Andromeda - Answering a distress call leads the crew to pick up Beka's brother, now a Wayist, and his friend. + S05 : E15 Andromeda + While Harper works on a way to save the Seefra system, a spy sneaks aboard Andromeda and attacks Beka. Series - + Andromeda - S01 : E08 Andromeda - A black hole allows Dylan to communicate with his former fiancée, 300 years in the past. + S05 : E16 Andromeda + An attempt is made to fix the blinking sun of Seefra, but Trance is replaced by a doppelganger. Series - + Andromeda - S01 : E09 Andromeda - Dylan is imprisoned on a prison planet and must stage an escape as his crew tries to stage their own rescue. + S05 : E17 Andromeda + When Dylan is badly injured in a lab explosion, he travels through a series of alternate realities. + Series + + + Under Arrest + S01 : E02 Under Arrest + Police confront a man with a gun on a busy road, a stark naked suspect high on drugs roams the streets and police attend a call of shots fired. + Series + + + Under Arrest + S01 : E03 Under Arrest + Police pursuit ends when a stolen vehicle crashes into a house, a violent suspect bites police and police investigate suspicious activity in a van. + Series + + + Under Arrest + S01 : E04 Under Arrest + A high-speed chase of a stolen sports car takes place, police attend a violent domestic dispute and a suspect arrested with a sex trade worker accuses police of racism. + Series + + + Kim's Convenience + S03 : E06 Kim's Convenience + An old ping-pong table rekindles a rivalry between Appa and Jung. Umma sets out to bond with Janet but finds Chelsea to be more receptive. + Series + + + Kim's Convenience + S03 : E07 Kim's Convenience + Appa's quest to retrieve his drill from Janet leads to an amorous encounter with Umma. Jung gives Kimchee unsolicited advice and plenty of it. + Series + + + Kim's Convenience + S03 : E08 Kim's Convenience + Following Appa's spelling error, Umma becomes the store sign maker. Kimchee's mom visits and Janet lands an internship for Gerald. + Series + + + Kim's Convenience + S03 : E09 Kim's Convenience + Appa and Umma search for an excuse to avoid vacationing with the Lees. Janet scores a lucrative but awkward photography gig. + Series + + + Kim's Convenience + S03 : E11 Kim's Convenience + Appa gives Umma feedback on an annoying habit and promptly regrets it. Janet bumps into an old flame and Jung considers giving reality TV a shot. + Series + + + Kim's Convenience + S03 : E12 Kim's Convenience + A small fender bender leads to a big argument between Appa and Umma. Jung second-guesses a birthday greeting. Janet goes from mocker to mocked. + Series + + + Kim's Convenience + S03 : E13 Kim's Convenience + Umma tries to find her missing wedding ring before Appa does. + Series + + + Kim's Convenience + S03 : E02 Kim's Convenience + Appa worries Umma will be jealous of a flirty online review. Jung returns to his old stomping grounds. Gerald's girlfriend ruffles Janet's feathers. + Series + + + Kim's Convenience + S03 : E03 Kim's Convenience + Appa and Umma take their bickering to a new level. Janet crosses paths with a photography idol. Shannon's boyfriend asks Jung for a favor. + Series + + + World's Wildest Police Videos + S03 : E07 World's Wildest Police Videos + This special episode features the world's most dangerous chases. + Series + + + World's Wildest Police Videos + S03 : E08 World's Wildest Police Videos + This special episode features the world's most bizarre and unusual chases. + Series + + + World's Wildest Police Videos + S03 : E09 World's Wildest Police Videos + This episode features a chase in Arizona, a random act of arson in Oklahoma and rioting in Australia. + Series + + + World's Wildest Police Videos + S03 : E10 World's Wildest Police Videos + This episode features a chase in Colorado, a naked drunk driver and rioting in Australia. + Series + + + Small Town Big Deal + S04 : E13 Small Town Big Deal + Rodney and Jann meet seafaring enthusiasts who are keeping the tradition of sailing multimast ships alive. + Series + + + Small Town Big Deal + S04 : E15 Small Town Big Deal + Rodney and Jann visit three powerful places in Alabama centered around the civil rights movement. Plus, country music star Zac Brown's own camp. + Series + + + Small Town Big Deal + S04 : E16 Small Town Big Deal + It's ear-resistible! Yep...we're talkin' sweetcorn! We'll discover what makes sweetcorn so, well, sweet! + Series + + + Small Town Big Deal + S04 : E17 Small Town Big Deal + Travel to the Applecorn Festival with Rodney and Jann. + Series + + + Small Town Big Deal + S04 : E19 Small Town Big Deal + It's a party to beat all parties: a celebration of the days of Spanish missions, Mexican cowboys and flamenco dancing! Mix in a rodeo, and you've got an episode to remember! + Series + + + Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack + S10 : E05 Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack + This episode includes: Elvis' Last Night, Skunk Ape, Murdered Heiress & UD and Haunting on 37th Street. + Series + + + Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack + S10 : E06 Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack + This episode includes: Backyard Bones & UD, Twin Behind Bars, Ghosts Go to Court and Sharon Kinne. + Series + + + Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack + S10 : E07 Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack + This episode includes: A Short Walk Home, Dinnertime Bandit & UD, Bible Code, Missing Florida Baby, Hell's Angel Fugitive and UD: Breakout Mom. Series @@ -62809,13 +80975,13 @@ With fifty parties on board, Dylan hosts the signing of the New Commonwealth charter, but soon discovers there are intruders intent on stopping the signing. Series - + Andromeda S03 : E01 Andromeda Beka and Tyr are taken over by the energy from a dimensional tunnel. Dylan, Trance and Harper must save them before they destroy the ship. Series - + Andromeda S03 : E02 Andromeda Dylan is framed for murder and must clear his name while finding the pieces of a vase said to grant the owner the "blessings of the cosmos." @@ -62869,13 +81035,13 @@ Trance runs through a number of different scenarios, trying to find one in which her crewmates don't die. Series - + Andromeda S03 : E13 Andromeda A more powerful Andromeda ship explodes due to likely sabotage, forcing Dylan's crew to save them. Series - + Andromeda S03 : E15 Andromeda The Andromeda receives a cry for help from Rev Bam. @@ -62929,13 +81095,13 @@ Citizen Eight tries to remove Dylan from command of the Andromeda. Series - + Andromeda S04 : E04 Andromeda Dylan is kidnapped by Nietscheans and forced to play mind games for the amusement of his captors. Series - + Andromeda S04 : E05 Andromeda Two Nietzschean siblings are in a stand-off over a weapon that can eliminate higher brain functions. @@ -62971,35 +81137,161 @@ The Collectors now control the Commonwealth and put the Andromeda crew on trial. Series - - Unmissable Shorts Episode 16 - We present a selection of great short films across various genres - from captivating dramas and heart-warming animations to laughable comedies, and much more. - Movies + + Andromeda + S04 : E12 Andromeda + The Andromeda discovers a shipment of bio-armor. + Series - - Films By Her - Films produced, directed, and starring women. - Movies + + Andromeda + S04 : E13 Andromeda + An experimental cloaking device drops Dylan in an alternate universe. + Series - - Sci-Fi - A selection of weird and wonderful shorts from the Sci-Fi genre. - Movies + + Andromeda + S04 : E15 Andromeda + Dylan is tricked by Rev and kidnapped. The crew finds an unexpected ally in a Collector. + Series - - Fright Club - Be very careful because these shorts are right behind you, and they come loaded with zombies, demons, ghosts and creatures of the night. - Movies + + Andromeda + S04 : E16 Andromeda + The Abyss has infected Beka. The crew must find a way to save her. + Series - - Films By Her - Films produced, directed, and starring women. - Movies + + Andromeda + S04 : E17 Andromeda + After some of the crew is captured, Harper is forced to work on a time bridge for the Patriarch. + Series - - Sci-Fi - A selection of weird and wonderful shorts from the Sci-Fi genre. - Movies + + Andromeda + S04 : E18 Andromeda + A spy from Tri Gemma shows up on the Andromeda in an attempt to steal the star map. + Series + + + Andromeda + S04 : E20 Andromeda + The Abyss kills Beka's friend, and the crew must figure out what information they killed for. + Series + + + Andromeda + S04 : E21 Andromeda + Andromeda rescues a ship returning from peace talks with the Magog. + Series + + + Andromeda + S04 : E22 Andromeda + The Magog attack has dire consequences. The Andromeda is destroyed, Trance and Dylan are presumed the only survivors and Dylan escapes into the route of ages. + Series + + + Andromeda + S05 : E01 Andromeda + Dylan ends up on Seefra, where the superstitious population has no technology. + Series + + + Andromeda + S05 : E02 Andromeda + Beka is dumped on Seefra after the Andromeda is stolen, and Dylan must prove the ship is his. + Series + + + Andromeda + S05 : E04 Andromeda + It turns out Doyle is an android, built by Harper to contain Rommie's core programming. + Series + + + Andromeda + S05 : E05 Andromeda + Beka wins a prize from a radio DJ, learns the truth about Seefra and locates the Meethus Diagram. + Series + + + Andromeda + S05 : E06 Andromeda + A scientist from the original Commonwealth shows up, caught in a time loop. + Series + + + Andromeda + S05 : E07 Andromeda + Flavin returns, sparking a gang war, and helps Dylan develop as a Paradine. + Series + + + Andromeda + S05 : E09 Andromeda + Tunnels are discovered on Seefra which can be used to reach eight other Seefra planets. + Series + + + Andromeda + S05 : E10 Andromeda + When an old man is killed, Beka, Rhade and Harper are the main suspects and stand trial. + Series + + + Andromeda + S05 : E11 Andromeda + Rhade leads the rebels in battle against a warlord on Seefra-5. + Series + + + Andromeda + S05 : E12 Andromeda + Dylan discovers that Beka's boyfriend was really Drago Musevini, and he used Beka's DNA to create the Nietzscheans. + Series + + + Andromeda + S05 : E14 Andromeda + Harper discovers a program that can destroy eight of the Seefra planets, killing millions. + Series + + + Andromeda + S05 : E15 Andromeda + While Harper works on a way to save the Seefra system, a spy sneaks aboard Andromeda and attacks Beka. + Series + + + Andromeda + S05 : E16 Andromeda + An attempt is made to fix the blinking sun of Seefra, but Trance is replaced by a doppelganger. + Series + + + Andromeda + S05 : E17 Andromeda + When Dylan is badly injured in a lab explosion, he travels through a series of alternate realities. + Series + + + Andromeda + S05 : E18 Andromeda + Rommie is rebuilt to help evacuate the Seefra system. + Series + + + Andromeda + S05 : E20 Andromeda + Dylan, Rhade and Beka work together to rescue Trance from Methus-2 and Harper from General Burma. + Series + + + Andromeda + S05 : E22 Andromeda + In the series finale, the final battle to save the New Systems Commonwealth begins. + Series Fright Club @@ -63126,41 +81418,65 @@ Films produced, directed, and starring women. Movies - - The Light In Your Eyes - S01 : E12 The Light in Your Eyes - Joon Ha misses his flight to Russia and is asked to undergo an investigation as Lady Chanel was found dead. The police suspects Joon Ha as a suspect, and Hye Ja tries her best to prove Joon Ha's innocence. - Series + + Animazing + Award winning hand-drawn, Stop-motion and cutting-edge CGI stories brought to life on screen. + Movies - - The Light In Your Eyes - S01 : E12 The Light in Your Eyes - Hye Ja, Hyun Joo, and Sang Eun are planning to go on a trip together. Yeong Soo secretly tag along and hides in the car trunk that Hyun Joo has rented. Hye Ja stops by the exhibit hall and figures out that Joon Ha is locked in the basement. - Series + + Get Real + A variety of short documentaries that will surprise, educate and entertain you. + Movies - - Welcome to Waikiki - S01 : E20 Welcome to Waikiki - With nowhere to go, Su Ah turns to Dong Gu for help. Doo Shik runs into an old classmate, but the circumstances are less than optimal. - Series + + Films By Her + Films produced, directed, and starring women. + Movies - - Welcome to Waikiki - S01 : E20 Welcome to Waikiki - Unable to find success on the big screen, Joon Ki considers a different kind of performance. Dong Gu and Doo Shik both try to come to terms with their crushes. - Series + + Unmissable Shorts Episode 16 + We present a selection of great short films across various genres - from captivating dramas and heart-warming animations to laughable comedies, and much more. + Movies - - Welcome to Waikiki - S01 : E20 Welcome to Waikiki - Dong Gu's chances with Yoon Ah seem to plummet when he makes a mistake with Sol. Joon Ki and Seo Jin's eternal feud heats up. - Series + + Unmissable Shorts Episode 19 + We present a selection of great short films across various genres - from captivating dramas and heart-warming animations to laughable comedies, and much more. + Movies - - Welcome to Waikiki - S01 : E20 Welcome to Waikiki - Joon Ki and Seo Jin argue about the previous night's events, but are not quite on the same page. Doo Shik and Su Ah team up to catch Su Ah's scheming ex. - Series + + Unmissable Shorts Episode 17 + We present a selection of great short films across various genres - from captivating dramas and heart-warming animations to laughable comedies, and much more. + Movies + + + Total Drama + Powerful stories that will stay with you. + Movies + + + Sci-Fi + A selection of weird and wonderful shorts from the Sci-Fi genre. + Movies + + + Animazing + Award winning hand-drawn, Stop-motion and cutting-edge CGI stories brought to life on screen. + Movies + + + Total Drama + Powerful stories that will stay with you. + Movies + + + Sci-Fi + A selection of weird and wonderful shorts from the Sci-Fi genre. + Movies + + + Animazing + Award winning hand-drawn, Stop-motion and cutting-edge CGI stories brought to life on screen. + Movies Welcome to Waikiki @@ -63378,29 +81694,119 @@ Jin Ah wonders how she can tell her family that she's dating Joon Hee. Meanwhile, her ex just can't seem to let her go. Series - - Romang - S01 : E01 Romang - Married couples in their 70s both suffer from dementia and after turbulent 45 years together, their forgotten romances come back to life. - Movies + + Something in the Rain + S01 : E16 Something in the Rain + Jin Ah's ex-boyfriend does the unthinkable. + Series - - The Snob - S01 : E01 The Snob - Woo-jung is a copycat artist. One day, she is offered to present her work in a special exhibition. - Movies + + Something in the Rain + S01 : E16 Something in the Rain + The truth about Jin Ah and Joon Hee's relationship is finally out. Will Jin Ah's friendship with Joon Hee's sister survive? + Series - - True Fiction - S01 : E01 True Fiction - Kyung-suk is a strong candidate to be the next mayor. He heads toward a cottage in order to hide slush fund. - Movies + + Something in the Rain + S01 : E16 Something in the Rain + Jin Ah's mother doesn't take the news of her daughter's relationship too well. + Series - - Queen of Walking - S01 : E01 Queen of Walking - High school student, Man-bok, walks 2 hours every day from home to school due to extreme motion sickness disorder. After the teacher's advice, Man-bok decides to try out the sports of "Race Walking". - Movies + + Something in the Rain + S01 : E16 Something in the Rain + Joon Hee and Jin Ah's relationship is put to the test. + Series + + + My ID is Gangnam Beauty + S01 : E16 My ID is GangNam Beauty + Mi Rae undergoes a major change before entering Korea University’s chemistry department. Mi Rae shows off her hidden talents at orientation. + Series + + + My ID is Gangnam Beauty + S01 : E16 My ID is GangNam Beauty + Kyung Seok and Mi Rae shares a secret. Chan Woo changes his mind and goes after Soo Ah. + Series + + + My ID is Gangnam Beauty + S01 : E16 My ID is GangNam Beauty + Mi Rae realizes she can’t escape others’ taunts even with a pretty face. Chan Woo especially refuses to leave her alone. + Series + + + My ID is Gangnam Beauty + S01 : E16 My ID is GangNam Beauty + Mi Rae encounters a familiar face at a fragrance event but the recognition is not mutual. + Series + + + My ID is Gangnam Beauty + S01 : E16 My ID is GangNam Beauty + Mi Rae resolves an old misunderstanding with Kyung Seok. TA Yeon moves into the same neighborhood as Mi Rae and Hyun Jung. + Series + + + The Light In Your Eyes + S01 : E12 The Light in Your Eyes + Joon Ha misses his flight to Russia and is asked to undergo an investigation as Lady Chanel was found dead. The police suspects Joon Ha as a suspect, and Hye Ja tries her best to prove Joon Ha's innocence. + Series + + + The Light In Your Eyes + S01 : E12 The Light in Your Eyes + Hye Ja, Hyun Joo, and Sang Eun are planning to go on a trip together. Yeong Soo secretly tag along and hides in the car trunk that Hyun Joo has rented. Hye Ja stops by the exhibit hall and figures out that Joon Ha is locked in the basement. + Series + + + The Light In Your Eyes + S01 : E12 The Light in Your Eyes + Hye Ja in the 1970s plans to go on a trip with Joon Ha and make him propose to her. But things don't seem to go smoothly. Hye Ja who is living in 2019 is hospitalized under the care of a doctor who looks just like Joon Ha. + Series + + + The Light In Your Eyes + S01 : E12 The Light in Your Eyes + Hye Ja in the 1970s is having a happy life with her husband, Joon Ha, and her son, Dae Sang. One day, Joon Ha goes missing, and Hye Ja and her parents start to look for Joon Ha. In 2019, the untold story about the watch is revealed. + Series + + + Welcome to Waikiki + S01 : E20 Welcome to Waikiki + In the final episode, the guest house is shaken to its core when Sol's father shows up, Joon Ki and Seo Jin question their relationship, and Su Ah is forced to confront her feelings for Doo Shik. + Series + + + Welcome to Waikiki + S01 : E20 Welcome to Waikiki + Three men run a Waikiki-themed guest house in Korea, but their customer count is running low, which means their funds are too. A guest finally shows up, but unfortunately for the guys, it's a seemingly abandoned baby. + Series + + + Welcome to Waikiki + S01 : E20 Welcome to Waikiki + Yoon Ah tries to prove her worth to Dong Gu, who's currently more concerned with Su Ah. Joon Ki is stuck in costume makeup when the filming of his new movie is delayed. + Series + + + Welcome to Waikiki + S01 : E20 Welcome to Waikiki + Seo Jin realizes her crush may have some flaws of his own. Yoon Ah works to help Dong Gu heal as he stews in his own misery. + Series + + + Welcome to Waikiki + S01 : E20 Welcome to Waikiki + An embarrassing viral video of Joon Ki leads to new opportunities. Yoon Ah teaches Dong Gu how to deal with babies when he's at work. + Series + + + Something in the Rain + S01 : E16 Something in the Rain + Jin Ah and Joon Hee struggle to appease Jin Ah's mother. Kyung Sun sees her father for the first time in years. + Series The Old Garden @@ -63552,24 +81958,76 @@ Gyeon-sik dreams of being a police detective. One day, He catches a fugitive by chance and becomes a hero. Movies - - The Admiral - The fate of a nation is in the hands of one man. Charles Dance (Game of Thrones) stars as Charles II in this epic adventure about Michiel De Ruyter, a 17th century Dutch admiral, who must lead his fleet to defend his homeland from the terrorising forces of England. Get swept away with this swashbuckling story of legendary naval battles, civil war, and one of the most fearless admirals of all time! + + Hide-And-Never Seek + S01 : E01 Hide-And-Never Seek + VJ Glow is the MC of the horror-based online channel. One day he stumbles upon a frightening video of mystery. Movies - - Enemy Lines - Courage has no borders in this action-packed WWII thriller. November 1943. A British commando squad and American officer (Ed Westwick: Gossip Girl) are on a covert mission, deep behind enemy lines in Poland. Intent on extracting a sought-after Polish scientist, Dr Fabian (Pawel Delag: Schindlers List) from the Germans, the team have to contend with a German hunter unit and a Russian squad. + + Vertigo + S01 : E01 Vertigo + Seo-young, suffering from vertigo, is secretly dating her manager from work, and soon finds herself vulnerable. + Movies + + + The Stone + S01 : E01 The Stone + A gang boss Nam-hae meets a Go player Min-su. In learning Go from Min-su, Nam-hae looks back on his own life. + Movies + + + Memento Mori + S01 : E01 Memento Mori + Not knowing who did it, 6 people suddenly got up in the same place. And the survival game for them has begun. + Movies + + + Idol + S01 : E01 Idol + A car accident triggered everything. The secret is bound to connect two men’s lives in a harrowing way. + Movies + + + Hide-And-Never Seek + S01 : E01 Hide-And-Never Seek + VJ Glow is the MC of the horror-based online channel. One day he stumbles upon a frightening video of mystery. + Movies + + + Vertigo + S01 : E01 Vertigo + Seo-young, suffering from vertigo, is secretly dating her manager from work, and soon finds herself vulnerable. + Movies + + + The Stone + S01 : E01 The Stone + A gang boss Nam-hae meets a Go player Min-su. In learning Go from Min-su, Nam-hae looks back on his own life. + Movies + + + Memento Mori + S01 : E01 Memento Mori + Not knowing who did it, 6 people suddenly got up in the same place. And the survival game for them has begun. + Movies + + + Idol + S01 : E01 Idol + A car accident triggered everything. The secret is bound to connect two men’s lives in a harrowing way. Movies - - Assassin - Danny Dyer (Eastenders) is back on top form in Assassin, a brutal, hard-hitting story of Jamie, a former hitman out for revenge. Starring Martin Kemp (The Krays), Gary Kemp (The World's End), and from the producers of Rise of the Footsoldier and Goodfellas, Assassin is the story of the most corrupt crime bosses in the London underworld, and one man's crusade to bring them to justice. + + Hide-And-Never Seek + S01 : E01 Hide-And-Never Seek + VJ Glow is the MC of the horror-based online channel. One day he stumbles upon a frightening video of mystery. Movies - - Shadow Walkers - Project X meets sci-fi chiller in this trippy, supernatural thriller. Three college friends hit the biggest party of the year, where a mysterious phenomenon disrupts the night, quickly descending into a chaos that challenges their friendships - and whether they can stay alive. A wild and hyperactive sci-fi thriller starring Logan Miller (Love Simon) and Rhys Wakefield (The Purge). + + Vertigo + S01 : E01 Vertigo + Seo-young, suffering from vertigo, is secretly dating her manager from work, and soon finds herself vulnerable. Movies @@ -63714,29 +82172,69 @@ Starring Morgan Freeman and John Cusack comes a twisty, slick and intelligent crime thriller full of action, suspense mystery and intrigue. Cusack plays Ray Keene, a father who, during a hiking trip with his son in the wilderness, is suddenly forced into a dangerous rescue mission when a notorious assassin, Frank Cordell, washes downriver handcuffed to a dying US Marshall. Movies - - Shades of Zorro - Two brothers, Billy and Dan, head to California, determined to hunt down and kill Zorro to avenge the death of their brother. + + Evidence + A terrifying take on found-footage-horror, this chilling film revolves around a team of detectives (Stephen Moyer: True Blood and Radha Mitchell: London has Fallen), who attempt to piece together what happened at the scene of a brutal massacre, using a number of recording devices found at the crime scene. Prepare yourself for a petrifying and spine-tingling nightmare with a chilling turn. + Movies + + + Infernal + In the vein of The Omen and Insidious, this dark horror is set to petrify! Newlyweds Nathan and Sophia are looking ahead to their bright future, but are unaware of the darkness that is about to entail. When their first child Imogene begins exhibiting strange and demonic behaviour, their future is left uncertain as they desperately search for answers to free their daughter. Deeply disturbing! + Movies + + + Wrong Turn + A nightmare befalls a group of friends on the Appalachian trail in this iconic franchise reboot from the original creator Alan. B. McElroy. While on a dream trip, a group finds themselves at the mercy of an urban legend - The Foundation. As a freak accident drives the group deeper into the mountains, they find themselves succumbing one by one in a gruesome game of survival. + Movies + + + White Mountain + This jaw-dropping climbing, Free Solo-esque documentary is a harrowing story of friendship, bravery and tragedy in one of the harshest environments known to man. 6 years after their trip to Dhaulagiri in the Himalayas to reach the peak of the almost mythical and rarely-climbed white wall, a group of Argentine climbers return to get closure on a fellow climber who was never to be seen again. + Movies + + + Robin Hood: The Rebellion + The Raid meets Die Hard with a medieval twist, in this fast and furious new take on the legend of Robin Hood featuring the stars of Game of Thrones, Vikings and Torchwood. When Maid Marian is kidnapped by the Sheriff of Nottingham, Robin Hood must get a band of men together to save her. An audacious plan is set to penetrate the depths of the Sheriff’s castle to defeat the bloodthirsty tyrant. + Movies + + + Instructions Not Included + Instructions Not Included is the heart-wrenching US box office sensation about an irresponsible playboy (Eugenio Derbez: Geostorm), who must grow up quickly after a former lover gives him their daughter to raise, then leaves without a trace. A unique and heart-warming comedy on life, love and friendship. + Movies + + + Arthur & Merlin: The Knights of Camelot + Starring Game of Thrones legend, Richard Brake. 463 AD, England. King Arthur has been absent for five long years, fighting a war that has stricken his knights, left his throne defenceless and his queen at the mercy of Modred. But as he fights to preserve Camelot - the toughest conflict is within himself. Guided by wizard Merlin, Arthur must strive to become the king that his nation needs. + Movies + + + Blame + This award-winning, coming-of-age drama stars Quinn Shephard (The Miseducation of Cameron Post). When the new drama teacher casts Abigail over Melissa in their adaptation of Arthur Miller's The Crucible, Abigail's confidence and relationship with him blooms. Fuelled by jealousy, Melissa spirals out of control and concocts a vengeful plot against Abigail. A raw, scandalous fight like no other! + Movies + + + Crossing the Line + From the team behind Oscar winners La La Land and Call Me by Your Name. This modern Western showcases breathtaking performances by Tessa Thompson and Lily James, who portray sisters forced into a life of crime to save their family. Faced with betrayal and violence, they risk everything on a drug smuggling mission. A brutally fresh look at all of Americas ills. Winters Bone meets Frozen River. Movies - - Sabata the Killer - Sabata and Mangosta are bank robbers, who after a bank job, through a series of events, end up teaming up with the bank clerk, Peter. They then go on the run with Peter's boss and a hired posse equipped with the latest technology in weapons on their trail. + + Anti-Life + An edge-of-your-seat sci-fi thriller with an (inter)stellar cast starring Bruce Willis (Die Hard), Cody Kearsley (Riverdale) and Thomas Jane (The Mist). Set in the near future, a spaceship with survivors flees a devastating plague on planet Earth. But the ship has a stowaway: a shape-shifting alien whose goal is to kill. Clay and his team of mechanics are picked to maintain the interstellar ark. Movies - - The Taste Of The Savage - A vengeful widow hires a professional killer to train her son so that he can hunt down and kill the men who murdered her husband. The quest for revenge soon becomes an obsession. + + Escape Plan II + Strap yourself in for the second installment of the electrifying action franchise, with on-screen forces Sylvester Stallone and Dave Bautista. Years after Ray Breslin fought his way out of an escape-proof prison, he's organised a new top-notch, for-hire security force that includes some of the best in the business. But when one of his team goes missing, Ray ventures back into the secret lock-up. Movies - - The Kid From Texas - In New Mexico, Billy the Kid is involved in the Lincoln County War, kills many rivals and eventually becomes a wanted fugitive. + + Elsewhere + Suspenseful and highly engrossing. When good-time girl and mischief-making flirt Jillian goes missing, her bookish best friend Sarah pieces together the disturbing puzzle that surrounds her disappearance. A nail-biting thriller starring Anna Kendrick (A Simple Favour, Pitch Perfect), Paul Wesley (The Vampire Diaries) and Tania Raymonde (Lost). Movies - - Decision at Sundown - Bart Allison and sidekick Sam arrive in the town of Sundown on the wedding day of town boss Tate Kimbrough, whom Allison blames for his wife's death years earlier. + + Black Medicine + A suspenseful thriller, set in the heart of the Irish crime underbelly, starring Amybeth McNulty (Anne with an E), Orla Brady (Fringe) and Antonia Campbell-Hughes (Kelly + Victor). Jo is a black-market medic who carries out illegal operations for the criminal underworld. When she gives refuge to a young girl, she must choose between breaking her medical oath or crossing her ruthless employers. Movies @@ -63889,29 +82387,64 @@ The state government plans to build a flood-control dam and condemns the property of the local farmers and ranchers, including The Three Mesquiteers. The state intends to compensate the land-owners fairly, but a crooked real-estate promoter complicates things. The ranchers, led by Stony Brooke ('John Wayne' (q)), Tucson Smith ('Ray Corrigan') and Rusty Joslin (Raymond Hatton) fight back against both the law and the crooks. Movies - - Comfort - A late night courier boy agrees to pick up the feisty daughter of an important client. The two youngsters form a close connection and spend two nights exploring LA’s local food scene while their romance blossoms. + + Bury Them Deep + An army payroll is robbed by Billy Gun. The Army hires Clive Norton to recover the money. To help him, Norton rescues from the gallows a man who especially despises Gun. El Chaleco - Billy Gun's brother Movies - - Subject 36 - A reclusive loner, Gwen has an obsession with stalking and studying strangers, always at a distance. When one of her subjects enters her life in an unexpected way it may change her life in ways she could never antipicpate. + + White Fang + The wolf dog, White Fang, aids a reporter, a fur trapper, a nun, a young Eskimo boy and his father of ridding a gold mining town of a sleazy crime lord in 1896 Yukon, Canada. + Movies + + + Ben and Charlie + Two likable bandits try to make a living in the Old West. + Movies + + + More Dollars for the MacGregors + Forsythe, who uses his wife as bait, has gained a reputation as a gunslinger. + Movies + + + One-Eyed Jacks + After robbing a Mexican bank, Dad Longworth takes the loot and leaves his partner Rio to be captured but Rio escapes and searches for Dad in California. + Movies + + + Robbery Under Arms + Two brothers join their father in Captain Starlight's bush ranger gang in 19th Century Australia. + Movies + + + Man, Pride & Vengeance + A stalwart Spanish soldier turns to a life of crime to prove his love for a mysterious and promiscuous gypsy woman. + Movies + + + Santa Fe Trail + In 1854, Jeb Stuart, George Custer and other graduates from West Point are posted to Kansas to help pacify the territory before railroad construction to Santa Fe can resume. + Movies + + + Angel and the Badman + Old Western Movie starring John Wayne: Angel and the Badman - Quirt Evans, an all round bad guy, is nursed back to health and sought after by Penelope Worth, a Quaker girl. He eventually finds himself having to choose between his world and the world Penelope lives in. Movies - - Evol - A troubled 17 year old boy is forced to move to New York City for psychiatric care. Throughout the summer he learns not only about the brutalities of life, but the realities of love. + + The Executioner of God + A former gunman turned priest seeks vengeance on three bandits who are masquerading as law-abiding citizens. Movies - - Light of Mine - Owen is a photographer with an incurable and debilitating eye disease that will soon leave him blind. Before his sight is completely gone, he and his wife Laura take a once-in-a-lifetime road trip to Yellowstone National Park. In HD. + + The Outlaw + Western legends Pat Garrett, Doc Holliday and Billy the Kid are played against each other over the law and the attentions of vivacious country vixen Rio McDonald. Movies - - Chelsea - When Chelsea’s best friend Laura gets engaged and moves out of their apartment, she’s left with more than an empty room. + + Gun Duel in Durango + Ex-outlaw Will Sabre wants an honest life under the alias Dan Tomlinson but his old gang, under new leader Dunsten, wants him back for a new string of armed robberies. Movies @@ -64099,68 +82632,84 @@ A young by-the-book detective gets partnered with a seasoned, renegade undercover cop to solve a brutal gangland murder. Movies - - Honeymoon Hotel - S01 : E12 Petticoat Junction - Joe bills the Shady Rest as a honeymoon hotel. + + Someone I Used to Know + An overweight man meets a former classmate on their high school track. As the two grow close and inspire each other, their pasts creep back into their lives and begin to threaten all that they have developed. Movies - - A Night at the Hooterville Hilton - S01 : E13 Petticoat Junction - Uncle Joe puts out a hotel brochure full of lies. + + Comfort + A late night courier boy agrees to pick up the feisty daughter of an important client. The two youngsters form a close connection and spend two nights exploring LA’s local food scene while their romance blossoms. Movies - - Cannonball Christmas - S01 : E14 Petticoat Junction - Bedloe wants to stop the Cannonball on Christmas Eve. + + Broke + A disgraced sports star and gambling addict attempts to turn his life around with the support of his number one fan. Movies - - Herby Gets Drafted - S01 : E15 Petticoat Junction - Kete tries to cheer Herby when he's drafted. + + Promises + Latchkey kids lose touch when one of them moves away, only to reconnect years later without realizing it, having changed their names to escape their pasts. Once they realize who each other are; they are able heal the wounds of their pasts. Movies - - Bobbie Jo and the Beatnik - S01 : E16 Petticoat Junction - Bobbie Jo falls for an edgy young poet. + + Twice + A mystery girl arrives in a small town in Brattleboro Vermont and creates a new life for herself while her past remains unknown. Movies - - My Daughter the Doctor - S01 : E17 Petticoat Junction - Billie Jo wants to become an actress. + + In Circles + The clandestine world of crop circles is threatened when an ambitious TV journalist plans to expose the truth drawing her into the enigma of lights, Celtic mythology and UFOs to discover both the beauty and danger in the mystery she seeks. Movies - - Hooterville vs. Hollywood - S01 : E18 Petticoat Junction - Kate meets with Judge Drucker to see if she can legally prevent Billie Jo from going to Hollywood. + + Blue: The American Dream + Gary “Blue” Meekins is a medium-weight fighter struggling to box his way to the American dream, but Harlem’s mean streets threaten to turn him into another statistic when an old friend cons him into helping rob a local drug dealer. Movies - - Visit from a Big Star - S01 : E19 Petticoat Junction - A famous movie star stays at the Shady Rest Hotel. + + Eight + A woman suffering from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) struggles with her morning routine of trying to get to work on time. Movies - - Last Chance Farm - S01 : E20 Petticoat Junction - Uncle Joe tries to fool a couple of rich ladies. + + Waking David + Ask no questions, hear no lies. + Movies + + + All About Eva + Eva, a resilient and alluring young woman jockey, infiltrates the stables of Pope Healy, a wealthy racing magnate. Movies - - Tumbleweeds - Dramatic tale of Oklahoma settlers. + + Sand Angels + Will Esperanza be able to show Tom the truth about his past, present and future? Will she be able to save all the young people in the world who suffer from depression near Christmas Time? Can Tom be convinced to make the most of his life whilst he has time? Movies - - Cattle Queen of Montana - Feisty woman attempts to stake her claim in the cattle business despite threats from land grabbers and their hired killers. + + Beverly Hills Bandits + When bratty 5-year-old Byron Reed (Chris Williams) acts out the night before a family trip, his mother (Natasha Alam) makes him sit in the time out chair. When Byron awakens to an empty house, he assumes his wish to have no family has come true. + Movies + + + Love Is Blind + A girl tries to win her blind ex-boyfriend back by pretending to be other people. + Movies + + + Ready, Willing and Able + Two songwriters want to cast a British star in their new show. + Movies + + + Dirty Dead Con Men + In a city full of criminals, what difference do two more make? Dirty Dead Con Men (DDCM) is a cool and dangerous, neo-noir crime film that revolves around the disturbed lives of two unlikely partners: Mickey Rady, a rogue undercover cop and Kook Packard, a smooth and charismatic con man. + Movies + + + Subject 36 + A reclusive loner, Gwen has an obsession with stalking and studying strangers, always at a distance. When one of her subjects enters her life in an unexpected way it may change her life in ways she could never antipicpate. Movies @@ -64505,30 +83054,160 @@ John Wayne and George ‘Gabby’ Hayes strike it rich with a gold mine, only to find their lives complicated by women and crooked officials. Movies - - Prom Night - At a high school senior prom, a masked killer stalks four teenagers who were responsible for the accidental death of a classmate six years previously. - Series + + Death Valley + A fortunate young man discovers gold and is then threatened by a jealous, leering villain. + Movies - - Bernie - In small-town Texas, an affable mortician (Jack Black, "School of Rock") strikes up a friendship with a wealthy widow, who soon becomes controlling. - Series + + Doomed Caravan + Hoppy battles thieves disguised as soldiers! + Movies - - Beer League - Beer and baseball combine with hilarious results in an over the top comedy about a group of misfits whose weekly softball games seem to have more to do with getting into fights than hitting home runs. - Series + + Rage at Dawn + A special agent from Chicago is sent out west to bring in the notorious Reno brothers. + Movies - - Journey to Promethea - Action and fantasy collide in this epic tale of a corrupt and all-powerful king whose throne is threatened. - Series + + Young Bill Hickock + Bill Hickok, assisted by Calamity Jane, is after a foreign agent and his guerrilla band who are trying to take over some western territory. + Movies - - Bernie - In small-town Texas, an affable mortician (Jack Black, "School of Rock") strikes up a friendship with a wealthy widow, who soon becomes controlling. - Series + + Hawk of the Hills + A band of Indians led by the Hawk terrorizes prospectors in a valley. + Movies + + + Mason of the Mounted + Canadian Mountie hunts horse thief. + Movies + + + Boot Hill + Victims of oppressive town boss, Honey, are offered help by an unusual alliance of gunmen and circus performers. + Movies + + + General Delivery + S01 : E15 Cowboy G-Men + The G-men crack a government swindle + Movies + + + Gypsy Traders + S01 : E16 Cowboy G-Men + Gypsies kidnap a judge. + Movies + + + Jackson's Assassination + S01 : E28 The Adventures of Jim Bowie + Jim nearly helps assasinate the president. + Movies + + + Gone to Texas + S01 : E38 The Adventures of Jim Bowie + Jim is accused of being a spy. + Movies + + + The Test + S01 : E21 Fury + Joey makes a new friend at school. + Movies + + + Fury Runs to Win + S01 : E22 Fury + Fury enters a horse race. + Movies + + + The Treasure of Howling Dog Canyon + S01 : E21 The Roy Rogers Show + A barfly plans to kill a man for his treasure map. + Movies + + + Unwilling Outlaw + S01 : E22 The Roy Rogers Show + The Unwilling Outlaw. Framed for embezzlement, a bank employee is forced into a gang. + Movies + + + Border Raiders + S01 : E04 Judge Roy Bean Collection + Kenyon and his children stumble upon a cache of gunpowder in an abandoned cabin. + Movies + + + Checkmate + S01 : E05 Judge Roy Bean Collection + Doc resorts to drastic measures as he desperately seeks money to fund his free public clinic. + Movies + + + Sure Shot Annie + S02 : E15 Adventures of Annie Oakley + Annie helps a teller when his bank is robbed. + Movies + + + Trouble Shooter + S02 : E17 Adventures of Annie Oakley + An ex-convict is troubled by his past.. + Movies + + + Snake Tattoo + S01 : E12 The Last of the Mohicans + Hawkeye helps the long lost son of a tribal chief. + Movies + + + False Witness + S01 : E13 The Last of the Mohicans + The duo goes undercove at a trading post. + Movies + + + Trail Gang, The + S02 : E11 Bonanza + Ben Cartwright unknowingly hires an outlaw. + Movies + + + Days of Jesse James + Bank robbery pulled off by the bank officials, not the usual James gang. + Movies + + + Frontier Justice + A Hoot Gibson adventure (1935)! + Movies + + + Robin Hood of the Pecos + A cowboy (Roy Rogers) and his mysterious masked partner steal from the rich and give to the poor in the old west. + Movies + + + Five Savage Men + They couldn't be caged... they had to be destroyed! / They took what they wanted! Anywhere...Anyway...Anytime! + Movies + + + Under California Stars + Rancher Roy and his boys track down a gang who have stolen Trigger and are holding him for ransom. + Movies + + + The Star Packer + John Travers (John Wayne) takes on a mysterious gang leader known as The Shadow in this vintage western from Hollywood’s Poverty Row. + Movies Prom Night @@ -64585,105 +83264,155 @@ After being estranged since her mother's death in the 9/11 attacks, both daughter and father must work together to re-establish their relationship. Series - - Between Love and Hate - An emotionally unstable 19-year-old boy falls in love with a married socialite twice his age (Susan Lucci). + + Escape From Terror: The Teresa Stamper Story + A young waitress marries a wealthy Oklahoma oilman and is plunged into the deadly world of abuse. When she leaves him, he stalks her, kidnaps her and holds her hostage. Series - - Mortuary - A grieving family begins anew in a small town by taking over an abandoned funeral home. Their promising new venture turns mysterious when eerie happenings occur around their new home. + + Dreams of Home + After 12 years of hard labor, Chinese gold miners in 1895 New Zealand find they have enough gold to pay their debts and return home, but things do not go smoothly. Series - - Firepower - Two undercover cops risk it all by going deep inside a federally sanctioned haven of gambling, prostitution, drugs and violence, to bring down a psychotic criminal mastermind. + + An American Werewolf in Paris + An American man unwittingly gets involved with French werewolves who have developed a serum allowing them to transform at will. Co-starring Julie Delpy. Series - - Betrayal of Trust - Judith Light stars as a woman fighting to have her highly esteemed psychiatrist convicted of rape after she realizes he has been assaulting her during drug-induced treatment sessions for the past 18 years. + + Point Blank + Mickey Rourke and Danny Trejo star in this action-packed drama about a gang of psychotic criminals who break out of prison and take control of a Texas shopping mall. Series - - Retrograde - Two opposing time travelers are sent back to the present to prevent a global biological disaster from occurring. + + Mortuary + A grieving family begins anew in a small town by taking over an abandoned funeral home. Their promising new venture turns mysterious when eerie happenings occur around their new home. Series - + New Rose Hotel Two businessmen are hired to steal secrets from a rival, so they decide to use a beautiful call girl to do so. Series - + Nurses on the Line: The Crash of Flight 7 After their plane crashes in Mexico, doctors, student nurses and their clinic colleagues fight to survive in the jungle. Featuring Jennifer Lopez. Series - + + The Wine of Summer + Inspired by a great play, James begins a journey of self-discovery by following his dreams to Spain. + Series + + + Trauma + In this heart-pounding thriller by Italian horror legend Dario Argento, a young man tries to help an escaped psychiatric patient find the serial killer who murdered her parents. + Series + + + Five Nights in Maine + A man, reeling from the tragic loss of his wife, travels to rural Maine to seek answers from his estranged mother-in-law, who is herself confronting grief. With David Oyelowo and Dianne Wiest. + Series + + + The Last Warrior + In the wake of a devastating earthquake, chaos and disruption rule the war-torn landscape of Los Angeles. + Series + + + Another Day + Years after the boyfriend of a woman (Shannon Doherty, "Mallrats") dies in a fire, she drowns in a freak accident. When she wakes she finds that she's alive two days before her boyfriend's fatal fire. + Series + + + Grind + Four skaters follow their idol on his summer tour in an attempt to get noticed, get sponsored and become stars themselves. + Series + + Agent of Influence Suspicious circumstances surround the death of a Canadian diplomat (Christopher Plummer, "The Sound of Music") in this adaptation of Ian Adams' Cold War espionage tale. Series - - Catch a Falling Star - Spoiled actress Sydney Clarke walks in on her cheating fiancé and soon find herself stranded in a small town. + + A Map of the World + A school nurse (Sigourney Weaver) faces the scorn of her community after an accident on her property. Series - - Marvelous and the Black Hole - A teenage delinquent befriends a surly magician who helps her navigate her inner demons and dysfunctional family with sleight of hand magic. A coming-of-age comedy that touches on unlikely friendships, grief and finding hope in the darkest moments. + + Guilty Until Proven Innocent + In this tense drama, a father (Martin Sheen) realizes his wrongly convicted son (Brendan Fraser) is innocent. Series - - Trauma - In this heart-pounding thriller by Italian horror legend Dario Argento, a young man tries to help an escaped psychiatric patient find the serial killer who murdered her parents. + + Prom Night + At a high school senior prom, a masked killer stalks four teenagers who were responsible for the accidental death of a classmate six years previously. Series - + + Marvelous and the Black Hole + A teenage delinquent befriends a surly magician who helps her navigate her inner demons and dysfunctional family with sleight of hand magic. A coming-of-age comedy that touches on unlikely friendships, grief and finding hope in the darkest moments. + Series + + American Yakuza Viggo Mortensen ("Green Book") stars as an undercover FBI agent who has risen through the ranks of the Yakuza and now finds himself caught in a war between the Yakuza, the mob and the FBI. Series - - Another Day - Years after the boyfriend of a woman (Shannon Doherty, "Mallrats") dies in a fire, she drowns in a freak accident. When she wakes she finds that she's alive two days before her boyfriend's fatal fire. + + The Patriot + A deadly virus threatens to wipe out an entire Rocky Mountain town, forcing the town doctor (Steven Seagal) to escape the soldiers who enforce the town's quarantine and devise a cure. Series - - Guilty Until Proven Innocent - In this tense drama, a father (Martin Sheen) realizes his wrongly convicted son (Brendan Fraser) is innocent. + + Retrograde + Two opposing time travelers are sent back to the present to prevent a global biological disaster from occurring. Series - - The Wine of Summer - Inspired by a great play, James begins a journey of self-discovery by following his dreams to Spain. + + On the Edge + When a young basketball player becomes entangled with drug dealers, he turns to an ex-cop and former private eye. Starring Ice-T, Gary Busey, Fred Williamson and Jim Brown. Series - - A Map of the World - A school nurse (Sigourney Weaver) faces the scorn of her community after an accident on her property. + + Dreams of Home + After 12 years of hard labor, Chinese gold miners in 1895 New Zealand find they have enough gold to pay their debts and return home, but things do not go smoothly. Series - - The Fruit Hunters - Adventurers, exotic fruits fanatics and even movie star Bill Pullman, are the subjects of The Fruit Hunters, the new film from acclaimed director Yung Chang. A thrilling journey through nature, commerce and adventure, The Fruit Hunters is a cinematic odyssey that takes viewers from the dawn of humanity to the cutting of edge of modern agriculture - a film that will change not just the way we look at what we eat, but what it means to be human. - Movies + + Mortuary + A grieving family begins anew in a small town by taking over an abandoned funeral home. Their promising new venture turns mysterious when eerie happenings occur around their new home. + Series - - Looking for Grace - After a teenage girl named Grace goes missing, her parents along with the help of an investigator seek to find her, while also juggling their own secrets and stories between them. - Movies + + New Rose Hotel + Two businessmen are hired to steal secrets from a rival, so they decide to use a beautiful call girl to do so. + Series - - As You Like It - After the overthrowing of Duke Senior by his tyrannical brother, Senior's daughter Rosalind disguises herself as a man and sets out to find her banished father while also counseling her clumsy suitor Orlando in the art of wooing. - Movies + + A Friend's Betrayal + A woman returns home for her mother's funeral and begins a scandalous relationship with her best friend's teenage son, bringing unresolved issues to the surface of their lives. Starring Brian Austin Green. + Series - - Point Defiance - While under house arrest, stockbroker Peter Allen's world is turned upside down after Alex, his troubled brother, returns from military duty in Afghanistan, forcing Peter to face a forgotten past harboring a dark secret. - Movies + + Escape From Terror: The Teresa Stamper Story + A young waitress marries a wealthy Oklahoma oilman and is plunged into the deadly world of abuse. When she leaves him, he stalks her, kidnaps her and holds her hostage. + Series + + + Loved + After a husband is accused of driving his third wife to suicide, his troubled first wife is subpoenaed to testify on his abusive behavior. Starring Sean Penn and Robin Wright. + Series + + + Running Forever + After being estranged since her mother's death in the 9/11 attacks, both daughter and father must work together to re-establish their relationship. + Series + + + An American Werewolf in Paris + An American man unwittingly gets involved with French werewolves who have developed a serum allowing them to transform at will. Co-starring Julie Delpy. + Series The Visitant @@ -64836,29 +83565,80 @@ Four American soldiers and one Brit fighting in Europe during World War II struggle to return to Allied territory after being separated from U.S. forces during the historic Malmedy Massacre. Movies - - Time Capsule - After many years, a group of friends reunite at the summer camp of their youth, which is on the verge of being sold off. When reliving their past joys, loves and sorrows, they open a time capsule that brings old tensions to the surface and inspires some newfound relationships. + + The Christ Slayer + The Christ Slayer follows the Passover story of Jesus from a unique viewpoint, as we follow the actions and interactions of Longinus, the Roman soldier who put the spear to Jesus side on the cross. Movies - - Ice Girls - A figure skater is injured during a competition. A coach that hired her then helps her rehab her injury so that she may live her dream. + + Sweet Sunshine + After his rise to fame causes a rift with his father, a young superstar suffers a tragedy that will change his life forever. Can a chance meeting with a talented young woman give him the strength he needs to believe in himself? Movies - - Amber's Story - This is the true story of the kidnapping of Amber Hagerman and how her family came together to help other abducted children as a result of her tragedy; which resulted in a new system to help find missing children - The Amber Alert. + + Halloween Heroes + When a group of teens from Henderson Middle School become magically infused with the powers of their Halloween costumes, they band together to investigate several local spooky legends. Will these haunted folk tales wind up getting the better of them? Movies - - Bad Girl - Summertime distances a father (Darrin Dewitt Henson) and his teenage daughter (Ajiona Alexus) until they discover the value of family and love. + + Shotgun + When vengeful Ben Thompson ambushes and kills Marshal Mark Fletcher with a shotgun Deputy Marshal Clay Hardin pursues the Thompson gang. Movies - - I Am That - A nun's eight-day adventure to resolve questions of doubt unites her with a gentle teenager and a handsome drifter who affects her heart and future. + + The Letter Writer + When a teenager receives a mysterious letter in the mail, she sets out to find the author. It's a journey that will change her life forever. + Movies + + + The Whisker Seeker + Join Captain Brochin as he travels the world to put his professional angling experience to the test against the worlds most formidable opponents known as the whisker fish or catfish species. + Movies + + + The Story of Australia - Season 1 + S01 : E01 The Story of Australia - Season 1, 1. A Land like No Other + A portrait of what makes Australia unique. + Movies + + + Chosen By Love + A multi-plot film centered on adoption and foster care, Chosen follows 6 different families as they each discover an intertwined journey of healing, unity, and new beginnings. + Movies + + + Ashens and the Quest for the Gamechild + Ashens embarks on a quest to find the legendary and elusive piece of electronic tat known as the GameChild. + Movies + + + ...As If They Were Angels + A deeply layered tale of shipwreck, steep loss of life, courage, sacrifice and human endurance; of rescue and remembrance. + Movies + + + Princes of the Yen + Set in 20th Century Japan the documentary explores the role and power of Central Banks and how they can be used to change a country's economic political and social structures A documentary adaption off the book by Professor Richard Werner. + Movies + + + Skydancers: Queens Of The Sky + Only a few women pilots take part in the male-dominated sport of aerobatics. Director Fredric Lean captures their powerful spirit at the World Aerobatic Championships the most prestigious Aerobatic competition on the planet! + Movies + + + No Return + A thriller centered on a man who is accused of a crime he didn't commit. + Movies + + + Algorithm: Bliss + Vic Beckett, a brilliant researcher, creates the ultimate App that taps into the pleasure center of the brain and transmits a feeling of nirvana to the user. Instant celebrity and unlimited commercial applications corrupt his altruistic intention and when problems arise with his creation, he justifies doing whatever is necessary to keep the app online. + Movies + + + With Child + A widowed construction worker must balance rebuilding his life and being a single dad to his infant daughter all the while being spun around by the romantic advances of his eccentric new employer. Movies @@ -65040,24 +83820,75 @@ Jay's hazing ends abruptly after a Gamma Pi visit. Liz lies to cover for Mindy, causing big issues for others. Movies - - Meet Dave - Seeking a way to save their doomed world, a crew of tiny, human-looking aliens arrives on Earth in the perfect disguise--a spaceship shaped like an ordinary man. + + Bad Girl + Summertime distances a father (Darrin Dewitt Henson) and his teenage daughter (Ajiona Alexus) until they discover the value of family and love. Movies - - The World's Fastest Indian - Anthony Hopkins stars as Burt Munro, a man who set off from the bottom of the world to test his bike at the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah. With all the odds against him, he set a new speed record and captured the spirit of his times. + + A Winter Rose: Directors Cut + After being diagnosed with cancer, a legendary singer, her manager and husband discover a gifted but troubled orphan to be her successor. Movies - - Emperor - EMPEROR is a gripping tale of love and honour forged between fierce enemies of war, a story inspired by true events, of the bold and secret moves that won peace in the shadows of postwar Japan. + + Flowers & Honey + Florist Sarah inherits a ranch and must decide whether to sell it, or live the life of her dreams. Movies - - Devil's in the Details - After serving a brutal tour of duty, veteran soldier Thomas Conrad is looking forward to a peaceful life at home with his family. But a drug cartel's ruthless enforcer has other plans for him. + + Advance and Retreat + An ambitious junior executive is reunited with her first love at a corporate retreat, ultimately realizing that she might have to take a step back to make a leap forward. + Movies + + + God's Club + A debate about allowing school prayer pits Christians against Atheist. + Movies + + + Undercover Angel + When a little girl prays for a miracle to help her recently divorced mother settle in their new town and fixer-upper house, an angel posing as a handyman, is sent down from heaven to help. While trying to accomplish his mission, the angel falls for the mother, ultimately forcing him into the unlikeliest of choices. + Movies + + + Blue Moon Ball + A writer returns to her hometown for inspiration and reinkindles her romance with her first love. + Movies + + + Intimate Stranger + Karen, the beautiful single mother of precious 9-year-old Justin, never really had much luck with love. This all seems to change when she falls for her “Prince Charming”, Dennis, who is both a caring gentleman and a great friend to her son. But her perfect world begins to crumble when she finds a black rose on her doorstep, hears noises in the attic and gets prank calls in the middle of the night. After breaking up with Dennis her life begins to turn upside down and strange things start happening. Questioning her own sanity and left alone by authorities, friends and family, she decides to take matters into her own hands- a dangerous decision that puts her life on the line… + Movies + + + Inconceivable + A woman interprets a kiss at a high school reunion as an invitation to follow her ex across the country and supplant his current family. + Movies + + + An Hour Behind + Info not available + Movies + + + Anatomy of Deception + A district attorney who, tapped to replace the outgoing mayor, is stalked by a man who engineers her fall from grace, leading her to push back and beat him at his own game. + Movies + + + Fbi: Negotiator + An FBI agent must negotiate with a woman holding a hospital hostage in order to get her hands on an experimental drug. + Movies + + + Eyewitness + It has been five years after Diana send a man to jail for the murder of her father and fiancee. Then he escapes from prison. He keeps her captive in her own home. Did Diana put an innocent man away? + Movies + + + Episode 5 + S01 : E05 At Home With Tori + Tori gets breast revision surgery and throws a party to raise awareness for breast health. Time for a Booby Bash! Movies @@ -65185,24 +84016,64 @@ The history of over 40 years in the CIA, told through the eyes of James Wilson, one of its founding officers. Movies - - I.T - Mike Regan (Pierce Brosnan) is a successful, self-made man who has it all: a gorgeous wife, a beautiful teenage daughter and a sleek, state-of-the-art smart home. But he soon finds himself in a deadly, high-stakes game of cat-and-mouse when his I.T. consultant, Ed (James Frecheville), starts using his skills to stalk Mike's daughter and endanger his family, his business, and his life. In a world where there is no privacy, and personal secrets can go viral by the click of a mouse, Mike needs to rely on his old connections to defeat a new kind of nemesis. + + Feed + Olivia and Matthew Grey, 18-year-old twins born into a world of privilege and high expectations. There are almost no boundaries between them; even their dreams are connected. Movies - - Supremacy - A murderous white supremacist on parole takes an African American family hostage during a chaotic night of terror, and the police are forced to call in a dangerous prisoner to negotiate with the kidnapper … ”Supremacy” is a tense thriller based on real events, starring Danny Glover (Lethal Weapon), Julie Benz (Dexter) and Anson Mount (Hell on Wheels). + + What Happens in Vegas + Two strangers who drunkenly got married in Vegas fight over a huge jackpot after having their annulment denied by a judge. Movies - - Avarice: Take Down Your Enemies - Kate, an Olympic level archer and her investment banker husband, Ash, embark on a much-needed vacation with their teenage daughter, Sarah, at a remote forest house. Kate and Ash have been having marital issues since Ash confessed to a one-night stand a year earlier. They both hope that with some time away they can get their marriage back on track. At the same time Ash is quietly celebrating closing a substantial deal with a Shanghai funds manager. Late one night they are subjected to a terrifying home invasion by a team of mercenaries headed by the fearsome Reed, a cold-blooded psychopath. + + Jumper + The epic adventures of a man who discovers that he possesses the exhilarating ability to instantly teleport anywhere in the world he can imagine. Movies - - Passengers - After a plane crash, a young therapist is assigned to counsel the flight's five survivors - but her patients begin to disappear one by one in this atmospheric mystery. + + Bernie + In small-town Texas, the local mortician strikes up a friendship with a wealthy widow, though when he kills her, he goes to great lengths to create the illusion that she's alive. + Movies + + + Big Momma's House + FBI agent Malcolm Turner is known best for being a brilliant, master of disguise. Malcolm's latest assignment sends him to small-town Georgia, where he's assigned to trap a brutal bank robber who the FBI suspects will be coming down to visit his ex-girlfriend Sherry and her son. + Movies + + + Ithaca + When his older brother leaves to fight in WWII, 14-year-old Homer Macauley takes a job as a bicycle messenger to provide for his widowed mother and siblings. + Movies + + + Dear Eleanor + Two teenage girls travel across the U.S. in 1962, during the chaos of the Cuban missile crisis, in search of Eleanor Roosevelt. + Movies + + + The King Of Comedy + A struggling comedian gambles his uncertain future on a crazy scheme to ransom his way onto television by kidnapping a popular talk show host. + Movies + + + High Crimes + A woman's life becomes embroiled in a huge military cover-up when it's revealed her husband is not who he says he is. + Movies + + + Memoirs of a Geisha + A visually stunning adaptation of Arthur Golden's best-selling novel. The director of Chicago, Rob Marshall, transports us into a mysterious and exotic world that casts a potent spell. A Cinderella story like no other, MEMOIRS OF A GEISHA stars Ziyi Zhang, Ken Watanabe, Michelle Yeoh and Gong Li. + Movies + + + Ip Man: The Awakening + The legendary Ip Man returns to the big screen to uncover the first action-packed chapter in the story of the man who would become a world-renowned martial arts master. + Movies + + + Resident Evil: Afterlife + In a world ravaged by a virus infection, turning its victims into the Undead, Alice, continues on her journey to find survivors and lead them to safety. Her deadly battle with the Umbrella Corporation reaches new heights, but Alice gets some unexpected help from an old friend. Movies @@ -65340,29 +84211,64 @@ Eight years after the disappearance of Cassandra, some disturbing incidents seem to indicate that she's still alive. Police, parents and Cassandra herself, will try to unravel the mystery of her disappearance. Movies - - The Baby Proposal - Ambitious Layla Bennet co-hosts morning show Wake Up Chicago! with her handsome colleague Derek Dray. They don’t always see eye to eye, so when they suddenly must care for a baby together, it’s their worst nightmare! As they juggle night feeds with their hectic work lives, they can’t deny their growing chemistry… could this be love? + + Supremacy + A murderous white supremacist on parole takes an African American family hostage during a chaotic night of terror, and the police are forced to call in a dangerous prisoner to negotiate with the kidnapper … ”Supremacy” is a tense thriller based on real events, starring Danny Glover (Lethal Weapon), Julie Benz (Dexter) and Anson Mount (Hell on Wheels). Movies - - The Competition - Lauren Mauldin (Thora Birch) is a strong-willed but misguided young woman who encourages her millions of blog followers to apply her scientific formula to all romantic relationships in order to prevent heartache. If you follow her six-month PIG Theory, you will always have the upper hand and you will never be cheated on! Her plan works smoothly until her sister Gena introduces her to the charming and undefeated womens' advocate attorney, Calvin Chesney (Chris Klein). Calvin refuses to believe human connections can be so easily categorised. He challenges Lauren to a competition to prove her theory wrong. + + Disappearance at Lake Elrod + A year after her daughter's disappearance, another girl from Elrod, Georgia, goes missing. Convinced there is a connection, Charlie (Robyn Lively) won't stop searching until she discovers the truth. Movies - - Lez Bomb - Lez Bomb is a hilarious and sweet “coming out” comedy in the vein of Meet the Parents from Bobby Farrelly, producer of There’s Something about Mary. Lauren, (Writer-Director Jenna Laurenzo) comes home with life changing news. As it turns out, there is no good time to drop the Lez Bomb. + + Transpecos + On a remote desert highway a makeshift Border Patrol checkpoint is manned by three agents: Flores (Gabriel Luna, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.), with an uncanny ability to track; Davis (Johnny Simmons, The Perks of Being a Wallflower), joined the Border Patrol with dreams of romancing señoritas and riding on horseback; Hobbs (Clifton Collins Jr, Westworld), one of the old guard who believes a college degree can't stop a bullet. It's like most boring days, but the contents of one car will change everything. What follows is a journey to uncover the surreal, frightening secrets hidden behind the facade of this lonely outpost. Movies - - About Us - A young couple revisit the location where they spent their honeymoon eight years earlier, in an effort to rekindle their troubled marriage. We watch as they navigate the beauty and the pain of love, culminating in a heartbreaking finale as truths are revealed. + + Fortress + Robert (Willis) is a retired CIA agent living at a secret resort in the woods. One day, his estranged son drives to the camp for a visit — but he’s followed by Robert’s old nemesis, Balzary (Murray). As the site is besieged by Balzary’s attack squad, father and son retreat to a high-tech bunker. But are its steel walls and advanced weapons powerful enough to match Balzary’s bloodthirsty plans for revenge? Movies - - The Big Wedding - With an all-star cast led by Robert DeNiro, Katherine Heigl, Diane Keaton, Amanda Seyfried and Topher Grace, with Susan Sarandon and Robin Williams, THE BIG WEDDING is an uproarious romantic comedy about a charmingly modern family trying to survive a weekend wedding celebration that has the potential to become a full blown family fiasco. + + The Forger + The world’s best art forger makes a deal with a crime syndicate to get an early release from prison, but in return he must pull of an impossible heist. He must forge a renowned painting by Claude Monet, steal the original from the museum where it is displayed and replace it with a replica so perfect that no one will notice. To achieve the impossible, he enlists the help of his cantankerous father, Joe, and son Will, and together they plan the heist of their lives. + Movies + + + A Perfect Getaway + Cliff (Steve Zahn) and Cydney (Milla Jovovitch) are an adventurous young couple celebrating their honeymoon by backpacking to one of the most beautiful and remote beaches in Hawaii. When the pair come across two other couples discussing the horrifying murder of a newlywed couple on the Islands, they begin to question whether they should turn back to safety or continue their dream holiday. Far from civilisation, everyone begins to look like a threat and no-body knows who to trust. + Movies + + + Paranoia + The world’s two most powerful tech billionaires and bitter adversaries (Harrison Ford and Gary Oldman) will stop at nothing to outwit and destroy each other’s business empires. But when a young rising star (Liam Hemsworth) falls between them, he becomes trapped in the middle of the rivals life-and-death game of corporate espionage. By the time he realises his life is in danger, he is in far too deep and knows too much for them to let him just walk away. + Movies + + + Strangerland + Newcomers to the remote Australian desert town of Nathgari, Catherine and Matthew Parker's lives are flung into crisis when they discover their two teenage kids, Tommy and Lily, have mysteriously disappeared just before a massive dust storm hits. With Nathgari eerily smothered in red dust and darkness, the townsfolk join the search led by local cop, David Rae. It soon becomes apparent that something terrible may have happened to Children. Suspicion is cast, rumours spread and the town begins to turn against the Parkers. + Movies + + + Finding Steve McQueen + Based on the true story of the Youngstown mob, President Richard Nixon, the FBI, and the biggest bank heist in US history! In 1972, a gang of likeminded thieves plan a heist to steal $30 million in illegal campaign contributions from the President's secret fund. + Movies + + + Devil's in the Details + After serving a brutal tour of duty, veteran soldier Thomas Conrad is looking forward to a peaceful life at home with his family. But a drug cartel's ruthless enforcer has other plans for him. + Movies + + + Blood Ties + Violence erupts when two brothers on opposite sides of the law face off over organized crime in Brooklyn during the 1970's. + Movies + + + Lying and Stealing + Ivan (Theo James), a successful art thief, inherited his father's life of crime, but unlike most thieves, Ivan loves the art as much as the art of the steal. He longs to break free from the criminal world, but he is in so deep that he may never get out. That is until he meets Elyse (Emily Ratajkowski) an actress and a con-woman with her own chaotic past she wants to escape from. Together, they team up to pull off the ultimate heist which won't make them rich, but will set them free. Movies @@ -65495,24 +84401,69 @@ On a return flight from a botched client meeting, Emma reveals all of her deepest secrets to a handsome stranger when her plane hits turbulence and she believes she is going to die. Emma thinks she will never see the guy again. But when she comes to work Monday morning, Emma's office is abuzz about the arrival of Jack Harper, the company's elusive CEO and founder... and the stranger from the plane. Suddenly Emma is face-to-face with the man who knows every single humiliating detail about her. Over the course of the coming weeks, Emma must navigate her developing relationship with Jack, what he knows of her secrets, and a life she discovers is in need of transformation. Movies - - Sommersby - A man (Richard Gere) returns from the Civil War claiming to be the cruel, wealthy Jack Sommersby. He explains away his drastic change in looks and personality as the result of spending six tortuous years in a prisoners’ camp. His wife Laurel (Jody Foster), thinking he was dead all these years, is just about to remarry. She doubts that he is really Jack but their relationship is such an improvement over her pre-Civil War marriage that she allows him back into her life. Just as they settle in however, the sheriff arrests Jack for a murder committed many years previously. + + The Big Wedding + With an all-star cast led by Robert DeNiro, Katherine Heigl, Diane Keaton, Amanda Seyfried and Topher Grace, with Susan Sarandon and Robin Williams, THE BIG WEDDING is an uproarious romantic comedy about a charmingly modern family trying to survive a weekend wedding celebration that has the potential to become a full blown family fiasco. Movies - - Cold Brook - One fateful evening, after working late hours at the museum, two maintenance workers see a man standing silently near a Civil War exhibit. Despite chasing him away, each night he returns. Soon Ted and George learn that no one else can see the mysterious figure dressed in centuries-old clothing; his name is Gil Le Doux and he's searching for a way home. + + Scarborough + Two mismatched lovers arrive at the British seaside town of Scarborough, seeking an escape from the constraints of real life. Liz, desperately shy and beautiful, seems older than her companion, the happy-go-lucky and impulsive Daz. In their faded hotel room, amongst the peeling wallpaper and away from the prying eyes of their hometown, they laugh, quarrel, make love and enjoy their anonymity. In an identical room in the same hotel, the sensitive artist Aiden and Beth, a fiery and impulsive young woman, tell the same story. + Movies + + + My Favorite Girlfriend + Conrad's meticulously organized lifestyle is upended when he meets Molly, an enigmatic woman who seems to share headspace with multiple other women with distinct identities - each with traits that Conrad finds lovable. Movies - - Just a Gigolo - Paul von Przygodski, a young Prussian gentleman, arrives in the trenches in time to be caught in the final explosion of the Great War. After recuperating in a military hospital, where he is mistaken for a French hero, he returns to Berlin. His family home has been turned into a boarding house, his father is paralyzed, and his mother is working in the Turkish baths. Attempting to find a new purpose, his childhood friend, Cilly, abandons him for fame and fortune; his former commanding officer, Captain Kraft, tries to persuade him to join his right-wing movement and a widow, Helga von Kaiserling, briefly seduces him with the finer things in life. + + Monte Carlo + Grace (Selena Gomez) is an ordinary girl who becomes an accidental princess when a family summer trip to Paris turns into the fantasy of a lifetime. Living like royalty, Grace, along with her two best friends, discovers who she really is – by assuming another person’s identity. Movies - - The Ride - A violent, racially charged incident lands John in juvenile detention, he is finally placed with an unlikely set of foster parents, Eldridge (Ludacris) and Marianna, an interracial couple. Eldridge makes it his mission to overcome the challenges of John's upbringing, slowly beginning to forge a relationship through his foster son's fascination with BMX biking. + + The Age of Innocence + Nominated for five Academy Awards® including a win for Best Costume Design, Martin Scorsese's 1993 adaptation of Edith Wharton's novel is set in the elegant milieu of the oldest and richest families in 1870s New York. Marriages are like treaties between nations, their purpose not to cement romance or produce children, but to provide for the orderly transmission of wealth between the generations. + Movies + + + Olympic Dreams + Penelope is a first time Olympian and an introverted cross-country skier, who, after finishing her event early on in the games, finds herself spending time in Athletes Village with the gregarious and outgoing volunteer dentist, Ezra. While both are eager to form connections at the Olympic Games, they are held back by the very thing that has propelled them to this point; what do you do once your lifelong dream has come true, and you're faced with taking the next step? As Penelope and Ezra navigate the vulnerable slopes, they push one another to embrace qualities they lost sight of in pursuit of their dreams. + Movies + + + Freeheld + Diagnosed with terminal cancer, decorated New Jersey detective Laurel Hester (Julianne Moore) wishes to leave her pension benefits to domestic partner Stacie Andree (Elliot Page). Denied by local county officials, Laurel receives help from hard-nosed colleague Dane Wells (Michael Shannon) and activist Steven Goldstein (Steve Carell), who unite to rally fellow police officers and ordinary citizens to support the couple's fight for equality. + Movies + + + And So It Goes + A self-absorbed realtor enlists the help of his neighbor when he's suddenly left in charge of the granddaughter he never knew existed until his estranged son drops her off at his home. + Movies + + + Lez Bomb + Lez Bomb is a hilarious and sweet “coming out” comedy in the vein of Meet the Parents from Bobby Farrelly, producer of There’s Something about Mary. Lauren, (Writer-Director Jenna Laurenzo) comes home with life changing news. As it turns out, there is no good time to drop the Lez Bomb. + Movies + + + Just My Luck + Ashley Albright (LINDSAY LOHAN) is the luckiest woman in the world, a person to whom all the good things in life have come far too easily. She can pick a lottery ticket at random and hit the jackpot. In New York, the world’s busiest city, Ashley never has to wait for a cab. And she has a terrific job as an account exec at a prestigious public relations firm. Everything goes Ashley’s way. And now, she’s been given a great opportunity to advance her career: she is to plan a masquerade ball in downtown Manhattan for record mogul Damon Phillips (Faizon Love) and his company. + Movies + + + Priceless + Jean (Gad Elmaleh), a shy young bartender, is mistaken for a millionaire by a beautiful, scheming opportunist named Irene (Audrey Tautou). When Irene discovers his true identity, she abandons him, only to find that a love-struck Jean has no intention of letting her get away. Jean’s comical attempts to gain her affections gradually evolve into setting himself up as a gigolo at a luxury hotel, until Irene finally starts to warm to her persistent, persuasive suitor. Against the wildly atmospheric backdrop of the French Riviera, Pierre Salvadori (Après Vous) directs this sexy and thoroughly charming romantic comedy, which is a fresh re-imagining of the cinema classic Breakfast at Tiffany's. + Movies + + + The Big Wedding + With an all-star cast led by Robert DeNiro, Katherine Heigl, Diane Keaton, Amanda Seyfried and Topher Grace, with Susan Sarandon and Robin Williams, THE BIG WEDDING is an uproarious romantic comedy about a charmingly modern family trying to survive a weekend wedding celebration that has the potential to become a full blown family fiasco. + Movies + + + Comet + Comet explores the six-year relationship between Dell and Kimberly, as it skips around between five pivotal moments. Set in a parallel universe only slightly different from ours, Dell first meets Kimberly while waiting in line to watch a meteor shower at the Hollywood Forever cemetery. Movies @@ -65640,24 +84591,59 @@ A cynical college professor, bored with his life and struggling with his second novel, takes a keen interest in a talented young female student. Before long, boundaries are crossed but who is the transgressor? Movies - - Golden Years - When Arthur and Martha Goode find that their pension pot is virtually worthless they decide to take drastic action - by robbing a bank! After their first robbery is successful they start to like the criminal lifestyle and so decide to rob even more, but as the banks get bigger and the robberies get riskier will they be able to outwit the police as they close in? In the vein of "Lady In the Van" and "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel", Golden Years is a hilarious British heist thriller that shows just because you're getting old doesn't mean you have to stop having fun. + + Working Man + When a factory closure threatens a small Rust Belt town, one older factory worker continues going to his former job every day, despite the shutdown. His peculiar decision has a profound effect on the whole community, though his actions yield an outcome that no one ever expected. Movies - - Mortdecai - Juggling some angry Russians, the British Mi5, his impossibly leggy wife and an international terrorist, debonair art dealer and part time rogue Charlie Mortdecai (Johnny Depp) must traverse the globe armed only with his good looks and special charm in a race to recover a stolen painting rumored to contain the code to a lost bank account filled with Nazi gold. + + The Crossing + Based on the historical novel by Howard Fast, THE CROSSING stars Jeff Daniels as George Washington, the revolutionary war general who leads American colonialists in the war against British rule. This telefilm dramatizes Washington's crossing of the Delaware River in 1776, prior to his eventual election as the first president of the United States. Movies - - Dick - The year is 1972 and like most high-school students, Betsy Jobs (Kirsten Dunst) and Arlene Lorenzo (Michelle Williams) just want to have a good time. But when, during a class field trip to the White House, they cluelessly wander into a behind-closed-doors, top-secret shredding session, it's time toboth wag the dog, and walk it. Seeking to uncover just how much the witless duo discovered, the Commander-In-Chief, appoints them "Official White House Dog Walkers," and it isn't long before the girls go from taking out Checkers, to taking out Tricky Dick, in this fun-raising comedy of historic distortions. + + A Memory In My Heart + Rebecca Vega doesn't remember anything of her life prior to waking up in a hospital eight years ago. Now that she and her husband Joe have begun trying to have a child, she has been plagued with headaches and recurring nightmares. After a fateful encounter with a curious stranger who claims to recognize her, Rebecca's memory is jolted when she sees a picture of herself and her three children. Armed with only the photo, the location of a small town, and the name Chase Stewart, Rebecca sets out to find some answers. Refusing to be intimidated by Stewart's threats and schemes, Rebecca slowly but surely uncovers the facts that allow her to reclaim her children and her past. Movies - - Unplugging - Unplugging is a sexy and funny digital detox starring Eva Longoria (Desperate Housewives), Matt Walsh (Veep) and Lea Thompson (Back to the Future). Think a rustic getaway with no phone service, internet or social media is a romantic way to repair your marriage and sex life? Think again. The only spark in Dan and Jeanine’s bedroom is from the plug socket and the only solution for this married couple is a quiet, relaxing weekend in a remote mountain village. But what starts as the perfect weekend quickly becomes a disastrous one and without GPS to guide them, or social media to stave off their boredom, Dan and Jeanine are forced to rediscover each other. + + La Vie En Rose + From the slums of Paris to the limelight of New York, Edith Piaf's life was a battle to sing and survive, live and love. Raised in poverty, Edith's magical voice and her passionate romances and friendships with the greatest names of the period - Yves Montand, Jean Cocteau, Charles Aznavour, Marlene Dietrich, Marcel Cerdan and others - made her a star all around the world. But in her audacious attempt to tame her tragic destiny, the Little Sparrow - her nickname - flew so high she could not fail to burn her wings. + Movies + + + The Way + Martin Sheen plays Tom, an American doctor who comes to France to collect the remains of his adult son who was killed in the Pyrenees in a storm while walking The Camino de Santiago - also known as 'The Way of Saint James'. Driven by his desire to understand his lost son, Tom decides to embark on the historical pilgrimage, leaving his California life behind. Armed only with his son's backpack and guidebook, he begins the 800km historical pilgrimage but soon discovers that he won't be alone on this journey - he meets other pilgrims from around the world, all broken and looking for greater meaning in their lives. + Movies + + + The Nomads + Amidst the chaos of massive budget cuts and school closures, a newly appointed teacher introduces men's rugby to an inner-city North Philadelphia high school. + Movies + + + Queen of the Desert + Gertrude Bell, a daughter of wealthy British parents, has no interest in the social life of the London elite. Balls, receptions, and the British aristocracy bring her only boredom. Aspiring to have at least some kind of activity in her life, Gertrude decides to find freedom and move to be with her uncle, who occupies a high diplomatic position in Tehran. So begins her lifelong adventure across the Arab world, a journey marked by danger, a passionate affair with a British officer, Henry Cadogan, and an encounter with the legendary T.E. Lawrence. + Movies + + + Life With Music + In this life affirming story of hope, acclaimed pianist, Henry (Patrick Stewart) finds himself afflicted with a severe case of stage fright. After a fateful meeting with a free-spirited music critic (Katie Holmes), Henry begins to find inspiration and learns to let go of his past. Also starring Giancarlo Esposito (;The Mandalorian', 'Breaking Bad'). + Movies + + + Death Of A Salesman + Willy Loman is an aging, traveling salesman, who despairs that his life his been lived in vain. Facing dispensability and insignificance in a heated, youthful economy, Willy is not ready to part with his cherished fantasies of an America that admires him for personable triumphs in the marketplace. + Movies + + + The Big Short + When the banks committed the greatest fraud in US history, four outsiders risked it all to take them down. Based on the unbelievable true story and best-selling book from the author of The Blind Side and Moneyball, critics are calling The Big Short “brilliant and explosive” (Joe Morgenstern, The Wall Street Journal). Christian Bale, Steve Carell, Ryan Gosling and Brad Pitt turn in career-best performances in “one of the most absorbing and entertaining films of the year” (Mara Reinstein, Us Weekly). + Movies + + + The New Girlfriend + Starring Romain Duris (Heartbreaker, The Beat That My Heart Skipped) and based on the story by Ruth Rendell, The New Girlfriend is a witty and hilarious take on gender and sexuality, from internationally-acclaimed director François Ozon (In the House, Potiche). Movies @@ -65800,24 +84786,74 @@ Derek, Dinah, Dave and Doreen are two retired couples, who return to the seaside resort of Brighton after an absence of 40 years in an uproarious attempt to relive their youth. Flashbacks reveal teenage Derek and Dave as a couple of cockney chancers out to pull as many girls as they can, and Dinah and Doreen down from London and enjoying independence for the very first time in their lives. A chance meeting on their return to the seaside will bring up old rivalries and tensions and lead to a hilarious clash between the old world and the new. Movies - - Rise of the Jurassic - A young scientist and her team arrive at a mysterious island, looking for answers as to what happened to her father who disappeared there years ago. What they find is beyond what any of them expected. + + Flirting With Love + Two male actors/close friends want to jumpstart their careers. They end up making a big shot producer think that they have a hot script that everyone wants to get their hands on. The 2 men then drive to upstate New York and hole up in a family member's country home- with 10 dedicated days to write said script. Dominic and Raphael then get derailed by a beautiful gardener, Ava and Dominic's sister, Gigi. Both women appear at the house, which was supposed to be serene enough to focus on the task at hand. But to add to the problems, Gigi's boyfriend Wayne arrives, still suffering from PTSD, and his brother Devon as well, creating even more havoc. Movies - - Upside Down - Ever since Adam (Jim Sturgess) and Eden (Kirsten Dunst) fell in love as teens, their bond has faced astronomical odds. The pair are separated, not just by social class or the political system committed to keeping them apart, but also by a freak planetary condition: they live on twinned, parallel worlds with opposing gravitational forces. Years later, after suffering the pain of being torn apart, Adam decides to set out on a quest to once again find Eden and reconnect with his lost love. + + The Grand Seduction + Brendan Gleeson is Murray, a once proud fisherman who now, along with his former colleagues in the harbour of Tickle Head are out of work and forced to live off welfare. Prohibited from fishing enough to make a living and the community spirit having faded a long time ago, the Mayor comes up with a dazzling plan – a giant corporation need a location to build a factory and Tickle Head could be just the right place. But there’s just one problem – in order to qualify, they must have a doctor in residence. Which they don’t have... Movies - - Proximity - Close Encounters of the Third Kind' meets 'Independence Day'. Earth is in danger and a loner named Isaac holds the key to unravelling the mystery that will expose the truth behind alien abduction. Once an unpopular cog in the machine of life; Isaac now finds himself a wanted man but also the only person that stands between human extinction at the hands of an extra-terrestrial threat. An invasion is coming and human life as we know it is about to change forever. A slick UFO thriller with an out-of-this-world twist - a must watch! + + Golden Years + When Arthur and Martha Goode find that their pension pot is virtually worthless they decide to take drastic action - by robbing a bank! After their first robbery is successful they start to like the criminal lifestyle and so decide to rob even more, but as the banks get bigger and the robberies get riskier will they be able to outwit the police as they close in? In the vein of "Lady In the Van" and "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel", Golden Years is a hilarious British heist thriller that shows just because you're getting old doesn't mean you have to stop having fun. + Movies + + + Bending the Rules + Theo Gold, the NewOrleans Assistant District Attorney, is about to have the worst day of his life. Not only does his wife decide to leave him on the eve of his birthday, but he manages to lose a high-profile case against Harry Blades (WWE Superstar Edge), an eccentric yet hardnosed detective on trial for corruption. Now, the only thing Theo has left is the car his father entrusted to him – a 1956 Studebaker Goldenhawk. But when he discovers his father’s ‘pride and joy’ has been stolen, Theo is determined to do whatever it takes to get that car back. + Movies + + + Go West + A crazy group of pioneers brave the harsh elements and numerous mishaps to travel thousands of miles out west to find a place to call home. + Movies + + + City Slacker + Amanda is a corporate high flier who needs a slacker so she can have a baby and keep her career. + Movies + + + Dick + The year is 1972 and like most high-school students, Betsy Jobs (Kirsten Dunst) and Arlene Lorenzo (Michelle Williams) just want to have a good time. But when, during a class field trip to the White House, they cluelessly wander into a behind-closed-doors, top-secret shredding session, it's time toboth wag the dog, and walk it. Seeking to uncover just how much the witless duo discovered, the Commander-In-Chief, appoints them "Official White House Dog Walkers," and it isn't long before the girls go from taking out Checkers, to taking out Tricky Dick, in this fun-raising comedy of historic distortions. Movies - - Cosmic Sin - Bruce Willis and Frank Grilo star in a science fiction action drama as s even rogue soldiers launch a pre-emptive strike against a newly discovered alien civilization in the hopes of ending an interstellar war before it starts. + + It's A Wonderful Afterlife + Finding the perfect son-in-law can be murder. Mrs Sethi can't bear the thought of her daughter being alone and unhappy... she would make a great wife for some lucky man, if only she were given a chance. So when she can no longer stomach the rudeness of families who refuse her daughter, Mrs Sethi takes matters into her own hands with the only way she knows... Suddenly a police hunt begins for a serial murderer who cooks a killer curry. + Movies + + + Fantastic Mr. Fox + From director Wes Anderson comes his adaptation of beloved children's author Roald Dahl's novel about a fox battling angry farmers. Mr. and Mrs. Fox live an idyllic home life but after twelve years of quiet domesticity, the bucolic existence proves too much for Mr. Fox’s wild animal instincts. Soon he slips back into his old ways as a sneaky chicken thief and in doing so, endangers not only his beloved family, but the whole animal community. + Movies + + + She's Funny That Way + Isabella, a young Hollywood starlet, recalls how the actions of charming Broadway director, Arnold, changed her life forever. A classic style New York romantic comedy with touches of classic screwball and a sprinkling of terrific cameos, the former escort reminisces to a reporter about her rags to riches fairy tale - a chain of events affecting the lives of everyone involved, including Arnold’s wife Delta, leading man Seth, playwright Joshua and even Isabella’s therapist, Jane. + Movies + + + King of California + An unstable dad who after getting out of a mental institution tries to convince his daughter that there's Spanish gold buried somewhere under suburbia. + Movies + + + Bachelorette + On the night before an old friend's wedding, three frisky bridesmaids go searching for a little fun but find much more than they bargained for. With lovely Becky (Rebel Wilson) set to marry her handsome sweetheart, Dale (Hayes MacArthur), the remaining members of her high school clique reunite for one last bachelorette bacchanal in the Big Apple. + Movies + + + The Legend of Barney Thomson + Comedy drama as Robert Carlyle plays Barney Thomson, a downtrodden barber who has fallen from grace in his meagre barbering life. One day whilst almost losing his job, Barney comically falls into the unthinkable role of a serial killer. As he sweats out his predicament, and attempts to clumsily cover his tracks, a police detective investigating a series of murders in the area begins to suspect Barney may not be all he appears to be. All the while Barney’s mother Cemolina cheerfully emasculates her son, setting off a bloody chain of events. + Movies + + + The Brass Teapot + John and Alice are a down-on-their-luck couple that comes across a magical brass teapot capable of providing them with money. The only catch is that they must experience pain in order for the teapot to provide. They must then decide what they are willing to do and what they are willing to suffer through in order to gain financial security. Movies @@ -65960,24 +84996,69 @@ From the VFX team behind The Last Jedi and Blade Runner 2049, Occupation Rainfall is a sci-fi action epic with an all star cast including Harry Potter’s Jason Isaacs, The Mandalorian’s Temuera Morrison and The Hangover’s Ken Jeong. After an intergalactic invasion of Earth, where survivors are fighting back in a desperate ground war, the resistance uncover a plot that could see the war come to a decisive end for mankind. With the alien invaders hell-bent on making Earth their new home, the race is on to save the planet. Occupation Rainfall Is an explosive sci-fi extravaganza that grips from start to thrilling finish. Movies - - There Be Dragons - Two men - childhood friends who become separated by the political turmoil of pre-war Spain only to find themselves on opposite sides when the war erupts. One becomes a priest, the other is an activist who becomes a spy for the fascist movement. As the battles are waged, the characters' lives collide and their deepest struggles are illuminated through the fateful choices they make. + + Apocalypse Earth + When Earth is invaded by a militant alien race, soldiers and civilians are loaded onto arc-like spaceships, to flee to habitable planets beyond the galaxy. One such group of survivors lands on a mysterious and seemingly alluring planet, only to discover they're not alone and they'd better adapt, fast. Deadly predators await their every turn: giant lizards, terrestrial monsters and tribes of humanoid creatures, some of whom will become their friends... but can they be trusted? Light years from home and with a damaged spaceship, will they fulfil their dreams of seeing Earth again? Movies - - Elektra - From the pages of Marvel Comics — creators of X-Men and Spider-Man — comes ELEKTRA, the first action-event movie of the year. In the ultimate battle between good and evil stands a warrior who makes the choice that tips the balance. + + Absolute Denial + In an escalating battle of two minds, a reclusive programmer is plunged into a terrifying, mind-bending revelation as he becomes exposed to the social engineering of his own sentient AI. Award-winning hand drawn animation. Movies - - The Sentinel - Pete Garrison is a U.S. Secret Service agent who saved a president’s life by jumping in front of a hail of bullets, over twenty years ago. Pete's fellow agent and friend, Charlie Merriweather, hints at wanting to share critical and confidential information. Before that can happen, however, Merriweather is shot dead at his house in a crime that is made to look like a botched robbery. + + Space Warriors + Desperate to follow in the footsteps of his absent astronaut father, 13-year-old Jimmy’s dreams come true when he wins one of five opportunities to compete for a scholarship to Space Camp. When he gets to the Space Center, Jimmy finds himself working alongside genius kid candidates from all over the world, instantly impressing them with his vast knowledge of space. He even breezes through the physical training, particularly on the machines that make all the other first-timers puke. But when Jimmy discovers that astronauts in the International Space Station are about to run out of air, he assembles the young team, motivating them to work around the clock to find a solution. Movies - - Mongol: The Rise of Genghis Khan - The story recounts the early life of Genghis Khan who was a slave before going on to conquer half the world in 1206. + + The Intergalactic Adventures of Max Cloud + When video-game enthusiast, Sarah (Isabelle Allen), is transported into her favorite game, she finds herself on an intergalactic prison, home to the most dangerous villains in the galaxy. The only way to escape the game is to complete it. Teaming up with space hero, Max Cloud (Scott Adkins), Sarah battles the terrifying planet while her best friend, Cowboy, controls the game from her bedroom in Brooklyn. Sit down, plug in, and get ready for a sci-fi adventure like no other. + Movies + + + Rise of the Jurassic + A young scientist and her team arrive at a mysterious island, looking for answers as to what happened to her father who disappeared there years ago. What they find is beyond what any of them expected. + Movies + + + The Final Cut + Welcome to the not-too-distant future, where implanted microchips record every single moment of a person's life. Upon death, it becomes the job of a "cutter" like Alan Hakman (Oscar-winner Robin Williams) to edit down the deceased's entire lifetime into a fitting memorial film. For years, he has used his god-like power of final cut to absolve the dead of a multitude of sins. But when, on his latest assignment, he views a terrible secret that can't be erased, Hakman finds his own life in jeopardy in this riveting science fiction thriller. + Movies + + + Time Loop + A young Londoner scientist running experiments with his father in a quite Italian village, has to face the consequences of choices he hasn't made yet. + Movies + + + The Immortal Wars: Rebirth + Rebirth takes place during the early brutal stages of Dominion Industries. In this story watch Olive and other deviants undergo a series of deadly experiments lead by Laurie Harvey and her team. + Movies + + + Lapsis + Your life belongs to the machine… Struggling to support himself and his brother, Ray takes up work in the gig economy, laying cable to connect mysterious floating cubes. His new job is strange and highly pressured but extremely lucrative. As time passes his job becomes automated and he finds himself racing to complete his tasks before the robot cablers sharing his route. With this added pressure and growing hostility from those on the trail with him, will Ray even make it through the day? Black Mirror meets Birdbox, Lapsis is an innovative, engagingly topical, darkly funny and breathlessly creative piece of sci-fi cinema. + Movies + + + Legend + Tom Cruise stars in this visually stunning fantasy adventure, in which pure good and evil battle to the death amidst spectacular surroundings. Set in a timeless mythical forest inhabited by fairies, goblins, unicorns, and mortals, the fantastic story has Tom Cruise as a mystical forest dweller chosen by fate to undertake a heroic quest. He must save a beautiful princess (Mia Sara) and defeat the demonic Lord of Darkness (Tim Curry), or the world will be plunged into a never-ending ice age. + Movies + + + The Arrival + Radio astronomer Zane Zaminsky (Charlie Sheen) believes he's picked up a cosmic noise that signals extraterrestrial intelligence. His desperate search for answers leads him to Mexico and a mysterious power plant, where is arrested for the murder of a scientist. Zane must escape with his proof of the world-shattering alien invasion in this intense sci-fi thriller. + Movies + + + Archenemy + Max Fist, who claims to be a hero from another dimension who fell through time and space to earth, where he has no powers.No one believes his stories except for a local teen named Hamster. + Movies + + + Automata + Fast forward fifty years into the future, planet earth is in the midst of gradual desertification. Mankind struggles to survive as the environment deteriorates and the slow regression of the human race begins in AUTÓMATA. On the brink of life and the reality of death, technology combats the prevailing uncertainty and fear with the creation of the first quantum android, the Automata Pilgrim 7000. Designed to bring support to society’s plight, man and robot reveal what it means to co-exist in a culture defined by human nature. Movies @@ -66120,4 +85201,74 @@ Outnumbered, outgunned, never out of courage - 'Danger Close: The Battle of Long Tan' is an exhilarating and hard-hitting war thriller based on the unbelievable true story of The Battle of Long Tan. Major Harry Smith (Travis Fimmel) and his company of 108 young and inexperienced Australian and New Zealand soldiers are fighting for their lives in the Battle of Long Tan. With 2,500 battle-hardened Viet Cong soldiers closing in, their ammunition running out and casualties mounting, each man searches for the strength to triumph over an uncertain future with honour, decency and courage. Movies + + Mongol: The Rise of Genghis Khan + The story recounts the early life of Genghis Khan who was a slave before going on to conquer half the world in 1206. + Movies + + + Born to Fight + Daniel Magder features as Matthew, the nerdy new kid in town with a passion for boxing. The school bully, Hector, is the resident boxing champion, dominating all opponents who stand in his way. After witnessing a few run-ins between Matthew and Hector, former pro boxer, now school janitor Dan Barnes (Steve Austin) trains Matthew for the biggest challenge of his life. What follows is a Rocky-esque tale of a young boy who forces everyone to change their preconceived notions of who he is and what he's capable of. + Movies + + + Warriors' Gate + American teenager Jack Bronson is magically transported to ancient China, where he must become a hero and rescue a beautiful princess from the clutches of the evil barbarian king. + Movies + + + Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze + The Turtles have been forced to move in with their friend the news reporter April O'Neil, because the Foot Clan knows the whereabouts of their lair in the sewers. While the Turtles are looking for a new home, they encounter a pizza delivery boy, Keno, who is trying to fight off a band of robbers. The Turtles intervene and help him. The turtles learn that Shredder is not dead and that he is searching for the green ooze that created them. Shredder hopes to create a group of mutant animals to use against the turtles. So the turtles have to prove again that they are the better ninja fighters. + Movies + + + The Cannonball Run + A classic comedy with big name stars and lots of cool cars! Based on a true race event, Burt Reynolds leads an all star cast in this ultimate quest to win The Cannonball Run. A bunch of people in souped-up cars, some disguised, vie for the title of 'Winner' and they'll do anything to get it. Never before has such an amazing array of talent been assembled for one film. We're treated to the combined acting prowess of Roger Moore, Farrah Fawcett, Dom DeLuise, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jnr, Jackie Chan, Peter Fonda, Bianca Jagger and the one and only Burt Reynolds. + Movies + + + Hours + Paul Walker plays Nolan Hayes, the father of a child born prematurely in New Orleans just before the onset of Hurricane Katrina. With his wife having died in childbirth, Nolan is plunged, alone, into a desperate fight to save his newborn baby's life as the city crumbles around him... + Movies + + + Lost in the Pacific + A luxury airline is making its maiden flight, with a group of VIP passengers on board, when disaster strikes. A mechanical failure forces the plane to crash land and it ends up on a remote Pacific island where passengers and crew must wait to be rescued. But soon they learn that the island has a dark, deadly secret and there are creatures that do not want them to leave. Stranded in the middle of nowhere, what began as a day of luxury soon turns into a fight for survival. + Movies + + + Behind The Line - Escape to Dunkirk + Occupied France, 1940. A Nazi Commander discovers one of his prisoners, Danny (Sam Gittins) is a champion boxer. He forces him to fight for his companies entertainment. But the POWs realise they can use these contests, as cover for an audacious breakout, before they’re sent to Germany, where escape will be almost impossible. Their fate and freedom may all come down to how long Danny can keep fighting. + Movies + + + Battle of Jangsari + During the Korean War, a group of 772 student soldiers led by a guerrilla task force commander is tasked with staging a diversionary mission at Jangsari Beach in South Korea, in order to deceive the North Korean forces into thinking the opposition forces would launch a decisive invasion there, and to pave the way for Incheon Landing Operation. In the meanwhile, an American reporter and war correspondent covers the Korean War and tries to get help from the international community as the soldiers struggle to accomplish their mission due to lack of proper training, second-hand weapons and low food supplies. + Movies + + + The Double + When a US senator turns up dead with his throat slit, retired CIA operative Paul Shepherdson (Richard Gere) is sure it bears the mark of infamous Soviet assassin Cassius. The only problem is that Cassius was thought to have been killed years ago. Forced back into service, Paul is teamed with a hotshot FBI agent Ben Geary (Topher Grace) who believes that Cassius has been active all this time. As the pair get closer to the shocking truth, Shepherdson is forced to re-examine everything he thought he knew, in this edge of your seat espionage thriller. + Movies + + + Elektra + From the pages of Marvel Comics — creators of X-Men and Spider-Man — comes ELEKTRA, the first action-event movie of the year. In the ultimate battle between good and evil stands a warrior who makes the choice that tips the balance. + Movies + + + Bad Blood (2014) + Hannah (Abigail Breslin) is a bright teen girl trapped in the dark Southern underworld of violence, guns, drugs and vicious biker gangs. Neglected by her angry sister Amber (Alexa Vega), her only refuge is her troubled uncle Donny, who is a drug addict. Both live in fear of "Uncle Frank" Stinson (Sean Bean), who runs the illegal family business with an iron fist, aided by his psychotic younger brother Bobby. But when Amber falls in love with family rival Wild Bill (James Purefoy), Hannah realises there is no escape from the ruthless Stinsons, and cleverly schemes to pit one pawn against another in a cunning game of revenge. + Movies + + + Beyond the Law + A former mobster turned businessman and a police detective must contend with a dirty ex-cop looking to bring the killer of his son to justice. + Movies + + + Final Kill + An aging protection specialist takes on one last job before retirement, protecting a couple who stole eight million dollars from a ruthless crime family. + Movies +