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Mish: A Self Regularized Non-Monotonic Neural Activation Function


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Mish: Self Regularized Non-Monotonic Activation Function

Read the paper here - (Version 2)

Note - A considerably faster version based on CUDA can be found here - (All credits to Thomas Brandon for the same)

Official Package Based Implementations:




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Yolov3 BeeDNN - Library in C++ Gen-EfficientNet-PyTorch
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Efficient Segmentation Networks

Inspired by Swish Activation Function (Paper), Mish is a Self Regularized Non-Monotonic Neural Activation Function. Activation Function serves a core functionality in the training process of a Neural Network Architecture and is represented by the basic mathematical representation:

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An Activation Function is generally used to introduce non-linearity and over the years of theoretical machine learning research, many activation functions have been constructed with the 2 most popular amongst them being:
  • ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit; f(x)=max(0,x))
  • TanH

Other notable ones being:

  • Softmax (Used for Multi-class Classification in the output layer)
  • Sigmoid (f(x)=(1+e-x)-1;Used for Binary Classification and Logistic Regression)
  • Leaky ReLU (f(x)=0.001x (x<0) or x (x>0))

Mathematics under the hood:

Mish Activation Function can be mathematically represented by the following formula:

It can also be represented by using the SoftPlus Activation Function as shown:

And it's 1st and 2nd derivatives are given below:


The Taylor Series Expansion of f(x) at x=0 is given by:

The Taylor Series Expansion of f(x) at x=∞ is given by:

Minimum of f(x) is observed to be ≈-0.30884 at x≈-1.1924

When visualized, Mish Activation Function closely resembles the function path of Swish having a small decay (preserve) in the negative side while being near linear on the positive side. It is a Non-Monotonic Function and as observed from it's derivatives functions shown above and graph shown below, it can be noted that it has a Non-Monotonic 1st derivative and 2nd derivative.

Mish ranges between ≈-0.31 to ∞.

Following image shows the effect of Mish being applied on random noise. This is a replication of the effect of the activation function on the image tensor inputs in CNN models.

Based on mathematical analysis, it is also confirmed that the function has a parametric order of continuity of: C

Mish has a very sharp global minima similar to Swish, which might account to gradients updates of the model being stuck in the region of sharp decay thus may lead to bad performance levels as compared to ReLU. Mish, also being mathematically heavy, is more computationally expensive as compared to the time complexity of Swish Activation Function.

The output landscape of 5 layer randomly initialized neural network was compared for ReLU, Swish, and Mish. The observation clearly shows the sharp transition between the scalar magnitudes for the co-ordinates of ReLU as compared to Swish and Mish. Smoother transition results in smoother loss functions which are easier to optimize and hence the network generalizes better. Additional comparison of output landscapes is done for GELU, SELU, ELU, Leaky ReLU, PReLU and RReLU. Most of them similar to ReLU have sharp transitions in the output landscape and thus prove to be a roadblock to effective optimization of gradients.

The Pre-Activations (ωx + b) distribution was observed for the final convolution layer in a ResNet v1-20 with Mish activation function before and after training for 20 epochs on CIFAR-10. As shown below, units are being preserved in the negative side which improves the network capacity to generalize well due to less loss of information.

Complex Analysis of Mish Activation Function:

Variation of Parameter Comparison:


To observe how increasing the number of layers in a network while maintaining other parameters constant affect the test accuracy, fully connected networks of varying depths on MNIST, with each layer having 500 neurons were trained. Residual Connections were not used because they enable the training of arbitrarily deep networks. BatchNorm was used to lessen the dependence on initialization along with a dropout of 25%. The network is optimized using SGD on a batch size of 128, and for fair comparison, the same learning rates for each activation function was maintained. In the experiments, all 3 activations maintained nearly the same test accuracy for 15 layered Network. Increasing number of layers from 15 gradually resulted in a sharp decrease in test accuracy for Swish and ReLU, however, Mish outperformed them both in large networks where optimization becomes difficult.

The consistency of Mish providing better test top-1 accuracy as compared to Swish and ReLU was also observed by increasing Batch Size for a ResNet v2-20 on CIFAR-10 for 50 epochs while keeping all other network parameters to be constant for fair comparison.

Gaussian Noise with varying standard deviation was added to the input in case of MNIST classification using a simple conv net to observe the trend in decreasing test top-1 accuracy for Mish and compare it to that of ReLU and Swish. Mish mostly maintained a consistent lead over that of Swish and ReLU (Less than ReLU in just 1 instance and less than Swish in 3 instance) as shown below. The trend for test loss was also observed following the same procedure. (Mish has better loss than both Swish and ReLU except in 1 instance)

The effect of various Optimizers on the Test Top-1 Accuracy of a simple 4 layered Conv Net with Mish on MNIST was visualized and compared against Swish. Mish had a better accuracy in 7 out of the 9 optimizers as shown below. Mish was also tested for different Learning Rates for SGD optimizer on MNIST and compared to Swish. The comparison confirms that Mish performs best on lower learning rates as compared to Swish.

The effect of various Weight initializers and Regularizers on the Test Top-1 Accuracy in the fully connected Dense Layer of a simple 4 layered Conv Net with Mish on MNIST was compared to that with Swish and the plots beneath shows that Mish has a significant improvement over Swish.

The effect of increasing dropout rates and increasing dense units on Test Top-1 Accuracy for a 4 layered network using Mish on MNIST was compared to Swish. The graphs below show the consistency of Mish over Swish.


All default parameters were used for Optimizers.
For Cosine Annealing, Max η was set at 0.01 (1e-2) and Min η was set at 0.0001 (1e-4)
For One Cycle Policy, Min Learning Rate was set at 0.00000291545 (7e-3), Max Learning Rate was set at 0.00020408163 (7e-2), Min Momentum was set at 0.85, Max Momentum was set at 0.95, Annealing Stage was set at 0.1 and Annealing Rate was set at 0.01.

Edge of Chaos and Rate of Convergence (EOC & ROC)/ Hessian Energy Computation Analysis:

Coming Soon

Significance Level:

The P-values were computed for different activation functions in comparison to that of Mish on terms of Top-1 Testing Accuracy of a Squeeze Net Model on CIFAR-10 for 50 epochs for 3 runs and 23 runs using Adam Optimizer at a Learning Rate of 0.001 and Batch Size of 128. It was observed that Mish beats most of the activation functions at a high significance level in the 3 runs while for 23 runs, it beats ReLU at a high significance of P < 0.0001. Mish also had a comparatively lower standard deviation across both 3 and 23 runs which proves the consistency of performance for Mish.

Sample Size = 3:

Activation Function Peak Accuracy Mean Accuracy Standard Deviation of Accuracy P-value Mean Loss
Mish 88.15% 87.93% 0.04358898943540784 - 4.018666666666666%
ReLU 87.47% 87.06% 0.5311308689955831 P < 5e-2 (0.0475) 4.2956666666666665%
Swish-1 87.88% 87.36333333333333% 0.135030860670192 P < 5e-3 (0.0023) 4.191%
ELU(α=1.0) 86.82% 86.46333333333334% 0.07571877794400171 P < 0.0001 4.2090000000000005%
E-Swish (β=1.75) 87.92% 87.53999999999999% 0.33421549934136363 P < 5e-1 (0.1156) 4.091333333333333%
GELU 87.89% 87.28% 0.15620499351812658 P < 5e-3 (0.0023) 4.405666666666667%
HardShrink(λ = 0.5) 75.44% 74.89333333333333% 0.6035174672976259 P < 0.0001 7.278333333333333%
Hardtanh 83.39% 82.79666666666667% 0.36963946398258196 P < 0.0001 5.132333333333333%
Leaky ReLU(α=0.3) 87.27% 87.06666666666666% 0.06429100507328683 P < 0.0001 4.067333333333333%
LogSigmoid 84.54% 82.41666666666667% 0.7203702751594688 P < 5e-4 (0.0002) 5.436%
PReLU 85.82% 84.61666666666666% 0.4534681172181107 P < 5e-4 (0.0002) 5.366666666666666%
RReLU 87.88% 86.82333333333334% 1.1430806329097392 P < 5e-1 (0.1691) 4.103666666666666%
ReLU6 87.5% 87.02333333333333% 0.092915732431772 P < 5e-4 (0.0001) 4.202333333333334%
SELU 84.54% 84.53666666666666% 0.26388128644020004 P < 0.0001 4.612666666666667%
CELU(α=1.0) 87.2% 86.52% 0.32969683043669107 P < 5e-3 (0.0018) 4.145666666666667%
Sigmoid 81.75% 78.96% 1.8929606440705533 P < 5e-3 (0.0012) 6.463666666666667%
SoftPlus(β = 1) 84.93% 81.92333333333333% 1.6565727672919628 P < 5e-3 (0.0033) 6.008666666666667%
Tanhshrink 84.71% 83.63% 0.9457272334029457 P < 5e-3 (0.0014) 5.002666666666666%
Tanh 84.2% 83.41% 0.7397972695272689 P <= 5e-4 (0.0005) 5.053%
Softshrink(λ = 0.5) 83.34% 82.51666666666667% 0.22722969289539155 P < 0.0001 5.494666666666666%
Softsign 83.64% 83.23333333333333% 0.4398105652816147 P = 0.0001 5.056666666666667%
Aria-2(β = 1, α=1.5) 83.89% 82.67666666666666% 1.3052330570949109 P < 5e-3 (0.0022) 6.205666666666667%
Bent's Identity 85.66% 85.19666666666666% 0.3500476158086701 P < 5e-4 (0.0002) 4.434333333333333%
SQNL 83.72% 83.52% 0.20000000000000284 P < 0.0001 5.045%
ELisH 87.89% 87.86% 0.04358898943540458 P < 5e-1 (0.1206) 4.138%
Hard ELisH 86.85% 86.29% 0.11789826122551722 P < 5e-4 (0.0001) 4.2967%
SReLU 85.91% 85.347% 0.5600297611139322 P < 5e-3 (0.0013) 4.479%
ISRU (α=1.0) 84.14% 82.86% 0.7396170180122467 P < 5e-4 (0.0003) 5.335%
Flatten T-Swish 87.35% 86.85% 0.11060440015357959 P < 5e-4 (0.0001) 4.669%
Soft Clipping (α=0.5) 71.62% 54.087% 9.498727985016378 P < 5e-3 (0.0035) 18.6857%
SineReLU (ε = 0.001) 87.3% 87.13% 0.187705443004009 P < 5e-3 (0.0020) 4.2963%
Weighted TanH (Weight = 1.7145) 83.52% 83.09% 0.356791255498227 P < 0.0001 5.22%
Le Cun's Tanh 84.06% 82.79% 0.4751140214025823 P < 0.0001 5.2026666666666666%
ISRLU (α=1.0) 87.1% 86.02% 0.8259136355172628 P < 5e-2 (0.0160) 4.373%

Sample Size = 23:

Activation Function Mean Accuracy Mean Loss Standard Deviation of Accuracy P-value Cohen's d Score 95% CI
Mish 87.48% 4.13% 0.3967 - - -
Swish-1 87.32% 4.22% 0.414 P = 0.1973 0.386 -0.3975 to 0.0844
E-Swish (β=1.75) 87.49% 4.156% 0.411 P = 0.9075 0.034444 -0.2261 to 0.2539
GELU 87.37% 4.339% 0.472 P = 0.4003 0.250468 -0.3682 to 0.1499
ReLU 86.66% 4.398% 0.584 P < 0.0001 1.645536 -1.1179 to -0.5247
ELU(α=1.0) 86.41% 4.211% 0.3371 P < 0.0001 2.918232 -1.2931 to -0.8556
Leaky ReLU(α=0.3) 86.85% 4.112% 0.4569 P < 0.0001 1.47632 -0.8860 to -0.3774
RReLU 86.87% 4.138% 0.4478 P < 0.0001 1.444091 -0.8623 to -0.3595
SELU 83.91% 4.831% 0.5995 P < 0.0001 7.020812 -3.8713 to -3.2670
SoftPlus(β = 1) 83.004% 5.546% 1.4015 P < 0.0001 4.345453 -4.7778 to -4.1735
HardShrink(λ = 0.5) 75.03% 7.231% 0.98345 P < 0.0001 16.601747 -12.8948 to -12.0035
Hardtanh 82.78% 5.209% 0.4491 P < 0.0001 11.093842 -4.9522 to -4.4486
LogSigmoid 81.98% 5.705% 1.6751 P < 0.0001 4.517156 -6.2221 to -4.7753
PReLU 85.66% 5.101% 2.2406 P = 0.0004 1.128135 -2.7715 to -0.8590
ReLU6 86.75% 4.355% 0.4501 P < 0.0001 1.711482 -0.9782 to -0.4740
CELU(α=1.0) 86.23% 4.243% 0.50941 P < 0.0001 2.741669 -1.5231 to -0.9804
Sigmoid 74.82% 8.127% 5.7662 P < 0.0001 3.098289 -15.0915 to -10.2337
Softshrink(λ = 0.5) 82.35% 5.4915% 0.71959 P < 0.0001 8.830541 -5.4762 to -4.7856
Tanhshrink 82.35% 5.446% 0.94508 P < 0.0001 7.083564 -5.5646 to -4.7032
Tanh 83.15% 5.161% 0.6887 P < 0.0001 7.700198 -4.6618 to -3.9938
Softsign 82.66% 5.258% 0.6697 P < 0.0001 8.761157 -5.1493 to -4.4951
Aria-2(β = 1, α=1.5) 81.31% 6.0021% 2.35475 P < 0.0001 3.655362 -7.1757 to -5.1687
Bent's Identity 85.03% 4.531% 0.60404 P < 0.0001 4.80211 -2.7576 to -2.1502
SQNL 83.44% 5.015% 0.46819 P < 0.0001 9.317237 -4.3009 to -3.7852
ELisH 87.38% 4.288% 0.47731 P = 0.4283 0.235784 -0.3643 to 0.1573
Hard ELisH 85.89% 4.431% 0.62245 P < 0.0001 3.048849 -1.9015 to -1.2811
SReLU 85.05% 4.541% 0.5826 P < 0.0001 4.883831 -2.7306 to -2.1381
ISRU (α=1.0) 86.85% 4.669% 0.1106 P < 0.0001 5.302987 -4.4855 to -3.5815
Flatten T-Swish 86.93% 4.459% 0.40047 P < 0.0001 1.378742 -0.7865 to -0.3127
SineReLU (ε = 0.001) 86.48% 4.396% 0.88062 P < 0.0001 1.461675 -1.4041 to -0.5924
Weighted Tanh (Weight = 1.7145) 80.66% 5.985% 1.19868 P < 0.0001 7.638298 -7.3502 to -6.2890
LeCun's Tanh 82.72% 5.322% 0.58256 P < 0.0001 9.551812 -5.0566 to -4.4642
Soft Clipping (α=0.5) 55.21% 18.518% 10.831994 P < 0.0001 4.210373 -36.8255 to -27.7154
ISRLU (α=1.0) 86.69% 4.231% 0.5788 P < 0.0001 1.572874 -1.0753 to -0.4856

Values rounded up which might cause slight deviation in the statistical values reproduced from these tests

Confidence Interval Profiles:

Activation Function CI
Mish 87.48 ± 0.1716
Swish-1 87.32347 ± 0.179027
E-Swish (β=1.75) 87.49391 ± 0.1776597
GELU 87.37083 ± 0.2040073
ReLU 86.65869 ± 0.2524601
ELU(α=1.0) 86.40565 ± 0.1458006
Leaky ReLU(α=0.3) 86.84826 ± 0.1976138
RReLU 86.86913 ± 0.1936264
SELU 83.91086 ± 0.2592722
SoftPlus(β = 1) 83.00434 ± 0.6060631
HardShrink(λ = 0.5) 75.03086 ± 0.4252852
Hardtanh 82.77956 ± 0.1941855
LogSigmoid 81.9813 ± 0.7244
PReLU 85.66478 ± 0.968944
ReLU6 86.75391 ± 0.1946326
CELU(α=1.0) 86.22826 ± 0.2202884
Sigmoid 74.81739 ± 2.4934984
Softshrink(λ = 0.5) 82.34913 ± 0.3111762
Tanhshrink 82.34608 ± 0.4086837
Tanh 83.15217 ± 0.2978422
Softsign 82.65782 ± 0.2896004
Aria-2(β = 1, α=1.5) 81.30782 ± 1.0182716
Bent's Identity 85.02608 ± 0.2612082
SQNL 83.43695 ± 0.2024614
ELisH 87.37652 ± 0.2064078
Hard ELisH 85.88869 ± 0.2691689
SReLU 85.04565 ± 0.2519697
ISRU (α=1.0) 83.44652 ± 0.4323568
Flatten T-Swish 86.93043 ± 0.1731766
SineReLU (ε = 0.001) 86.48173 ± 0.3808073
Weighted Tanh (Weight = 1.7145) 80.66043 ± 0.518349
LeCun's Tanh 82.71956 ± 0.2519178
Soft Clipping (α=0.5) 55.20956 ± 4.6841037
ISRLU (α=1.0) 86.69956 ± 0.2502932

Properties Summary:

Activation Function Name Function Graph Equation Range Order of Continuity Monotonic Monotonic Derivative Approximates Identity Near Origin Dead Neurons Saturated
≈-0.31 to ∞ C No ❎ No ❎ Yes ✔️ (Approximates half of identity at origin) No ❎ No ❎



All results and comparative analysis are present in the Readme file present in the Notebooks Folder.

Summary of Results (Vision Tasks):

Comparison is done based on the high priority metric, for image classification the Top-1 Accuracy while for Generative Networks and Image Segmentation the Loss Metric. Therefore, for the latter, Mish > Baseline is indicative of better loss and vice versa. For Embeddings, the AUC metric is considered.

Activation Function Mish > Baseline Model Mish < Baseline Model
ReLU 55 20
Swish-1 53 22
SELU 26 1
Sigmoid 24 0
TanH 24 0
HardShrink(λ = 0.5) 23 0
Tanhshrink 23 0
PReLU(Default Parameters) 23 2
Softsign 22 1
Softshrink (λ = 0.5) 22 1
Hardtanh 21 2
ELU(α=1.0) 21 7
LogSigmoid 20 4
GELU 19 3
E-Swish (β=1.75) 19 7
CELU(α=1.0) 18 5
SoftPlus(β = 1) 17 7
Leaky ReLU(α=0.3) 17 8
Aria-2(β = 1, α=1.5) 16 2
ReLU6 16 8
SQNL 13 1
Weighted TanH (Weight = 1.7145) 12 1
RReLU 12 11
ISRU (α=1.0) 11 1
Le Cun's TanH 10 2
Bent's Identity 10 5
Hard ELisH 9 1
Flatten T-Swish 9 3
Soft Clipping (α=0.5) 9 3
SineReLU (ε = 0.001) 9 4
ISRLU (α=1.0) 9 4
ELisH 7 3
SReLU 7 6
Hard Sigmoid 1 0
Thresholded ReLU(θ=1.0) 1 0

Summary of Results (Language Tasks):

Comparison is done based on the best metric score (Test accuracy) across 3 runs.

Activation Function Mish > Baseline Model Mish < Baseline Model
Penalized TanH 5 0
ELU 5 0
Sigmoid 5 0
SReLU 4 0
TanH 4 1
Swish 3 2
ReLU 2 3
Leaky ReLU 2 3
GELU 1 2

Sample Result:

Configurations Parameters
Model Squeeze Excite ResNet-50 (SENet-50)
Dataset CIFAR-10
Batch Size 128
Epoch 100
Optimizer Adam
Learning Rate 0.001
Activation Function Testing Top-1 Accuracy Loss Testing Top-3 Accuracy
Mish 90.7931% 4.75271% 98.5562%
Swish-1 90.558% 4.76047% 98.6748%
E-Swish (β = 1.75) 90.5063% 5.22954% 98.6946%
ReLU 90.447% 4.93086% 98.6155%
GELU 90.5063% 5.0612% 98.754%
SELU 86.432% 6.89385% 97.8936%

It was observed that the stability of descent of Loss for SENet-50 with Mish is much better as compared to other activation functions. It was also observed that Mish was the only activation function which crossed the 91% mark for the Test Top-1 accuracy across both the runs while others reached a maximum of 90.7% with Mish recording the highest at 91.248%.

Note - The graph represents the Test Top-1 accuracy and loss. Training Top-1 Accuracy and Loss are represented using dashed lines.

Try It!

Demo Jupyter Notebooks:

All demo jupyter notebooks are present in the Notebooks Folder.

For Source Code Implementation:


Torch Implementation of Mish Activation Function can be found here


Keras Implementation of Mish activation function can be found here


TensorFlow - Keras Implementation of Mish Activation function can be found here


MXNet Implementation of Mish Activation function can be found here

Future Work (Coming Soon):

  • Additional STL-10, CalTech-101 & 256 Benchmarks.
  • Image Net Benchmarks.
  • GANs Benchmarks.
  • Transformer Model Benchmarks.
  • Fix ResNext Benchmarks.
  • Comparison of Convergence Rates.

Cite this work:

    title={Mish: A Self Regularized Non-Monotonic Neural Activation Function},
    author={Diganta Misra},



Mish: A Self Regularized Non-Monotonic Neural Activation Function







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