This is an example of a game developed in Ruby using the Gosu library. All the resources of the game (images, music and audio effects) are some mine and some extracted from
Here are the pre-requisites to play this game (or be able to use Gosu):
- Mac OS X: Getting Started on OS X
- Linux: Getting Started on Linux
- Windows: Getting Started on Windows
To start playing this game, you only have to:
user@computer:~$ git clone
user@computer:~$ cd simplelogica_the_game
user@computer:/simplelogica_the_game$ bundle install
You can build the gem and install thr result to have the game available to execute whenever you want by executing:
user@computer:~$ cd simplelogica_the_game
user@computer:~$ gem build simplelogica_the_game.gemspec
user@computer:~$ gem install simplelogica_the_game-0.2.0.gem
Once you have done this, you can start the game by executing the binary:
user@computer:~$ simplelogica_the_game
Then follow the screen instructions, and have fun! 😊
This project was developed by dreamingechoes. It adheres to its code of conduct and contributing guidelines, and uses an equivalent license.