A forward proxy to YouTube written in nodejs based on videojs, koa, axios, ytsr and ytdl-core.
By deploying this tiny forward proxy on your VPS as a website, you can:
- search and watch youtube videos without reverse proxy;
- watch youtube videos online without ads;
- watch youtube videos with accelerated play rates;
- watch/download youtube videos in different qualities (360p/720p).
Install TubeX by npm:
- npm i tubex
- cd ~/node_modules/tubex
Put your app.key and app.crt in this folder, or create a self-signed certificate with openssl:
- openssl req -x509 -sha256 -nodes -days 3650 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout app.key -out app.crt
Then start server in background:
- sudo nohup ./server.js >> tubex.log 2>&1 &
Now you can access your website in browsers.