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File metadata and controls

27 lines (15 loc) · 3.07 KB


🔑 This is a simple command line wrapper script to manage custom app keys, secrets and passwords. The typical use case for this tool is when you have code you need to commit to a git repo but you don't want to put your private passwords/keys in git (and you shouldn't). It's easy enough to put the passwords/keys in a file that you exclude from git but now you have your important keys sitting all through your system in source code folders. This wrapper script allows you to quickly add, change, view and delete passwords/keys from your favorite key storage system. MacOS KeyChain plugin is enabled by default but other provider plugins can be added (e.g. Azure Key Vault, AWS Key Management Service or any other password/key management tool that has a command line interface).

  • Make sure the keystore file is your PATH or symlink it to a file in your PATH. Also make sure to copy the lib sub-folder as well.

  • Can be run from the command line e.g. keystore add MYKEYNAME MYPASSWORD or run from the menu system by running just keystore with no parameters. (warning, cli does not namespace secret item names in your key store)

  • Running the keystore menu system will look for a .keystore.keys file in the folder its run from. If it's not there it will create an empty one. This file contains the password variable names you want to manage for the project located in this folder.

  • Running the keystore menu system the first time from a given folder will prompt you to choose the key store provider plugin. The provider plugin can be changed any time after initial run by editing the .keystore.config file in the project home folder. The first run will also prompt you for a namespace identifier (defaults to directory name). Secret item names are namespaced to this project directory. The namespace is prefixed to the front of secret item names. This full namespaced name appears ONLY in the key store.

  • For Z shell users there is an autocompletions file included. Make sure to copy the _keystore file to your $ZSH_COMPLETIONS_DIR directory.

  • To use the Azure Key Vault provider set the following variables in the _keystore.config file in your home folder. Also, its assumed you've already created an Azure Key Vault and that you've installed the Azure cli and performed an az login. provider="azure_keyvault"

keystore screenshot

note: On MacOS if you see odd screen artifacts you may need to update the ncurses package. e.g. using brew: brew install ncurses