Single page audiobook review/rating website app based on Ember or maybe ReactJS or Polymer to gather some experience with one (or more) of these frameworks.
Additionally it would be interesting to think about whether/how flavored ratings could be realized with some simple logic in a database-backend. Flavored in the sense of "rated by appreciated people" or "rated by people with similar preferences".
The choice of possible ratings should include negative values. Instead of giving the users the choice of good, great, and best ever they should be allowed to express that something really sucks.
- User
- Audiobook
- Rating (of an audiobook)
- UserRating (or maybe just an n:m "User -> appreciates -> User's ratings")
- User 1:n Rating
- Rating n:1 Audiobook
- User 1:n UserRating
- UserRating n:1 User
Draft of a draft.