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drgoku282 edited this page Feb 13, 2017 · 10 revisions

Starting in 3.0, PKMN-NTR uses PKHeX.Core for Pokémon editing, legality checking and other functions. This dependency was added as a project reference, so the Core is now independent from the application, so you can now access to the latest commits in PKHeX by just updating the application and then compiling again the program.

However, this change makes it mandatory to have PKHeX source alongside with PKMN-NTR source in order to open the project and compile it.

In Visual Studio, if you have the GitHub Extension installed, you can easily add both sources in the Team Explorer - Connect window, just go to Local Git repositories and clone the two repositories using the following URL's:

Or you can go to PKMN-NTR and PKHeX GitHub pages, click on Clone or download and select Open in Visual Studio.

At the end, in order to make PKMN-NTR recognize PKHeX source the folder structure should be the following one.

  • Common parent folder
    • PKMN-NTR
    • PKHeX

PKMN-NTR also uses the following dependencies, if you have the NuGet package manager already installed, it will download them automatically:

  • Fody
  • Costura.Fody
  • Octokit

Note: Compilation has only been performed on Visual Studio IDE. Don't use the Mono- build settings.