yapf formatter in nvim, it's use the async feature of neovim!
- async, when excute the format command, you can move the cursor free!
- auto find the current tag, and then format it, it was so quickly!
- diff the saved text with the buffer, if didn't has diff, ignored!
- it use the python client with neovim.
with the vim-plug
Plug 'drinksober/nvim-yapf-formater'
##Normal mode In normal mode, it will find the range of current tag(function or class) in current line, if fail, if will format the whole buffer
##Visual mode In visual mode, it will formater the whole buffer
##Example config
noremap <leader>y :YapfFormat<CR>
vnoremap <leader>y :YapfFormat 'full'<CR>
###use the autocmd with format the scope of the tag
autocmd InsertLeave * YapfFormater