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Web application for Youtube videos statistics gathering

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Youtube Scraper

Lumen + PHP 7.4 + MySQL


git clone
cd path/to/youtube-scraper
composer install

Edit .env file

Setup DB

php artisan migrate:fresh

Add command scheduler to crontab

* * * * * php /path/to/project/public_html/artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1


Scrape Youtube channel and save/update video statistics and tags

php artisan scrape:channel UC03RvJoIhm_fMwlUpm9ZvFw

Update channel videos performance statistic

php artisan update:videos-performance UC03RvJoIhm_fMwlUpm9ZvFw

Massive Scrapping

Conceptual implementation on how to scrape Youtube channels massivevly can be found in App\Services\YoutubeScraper::scrapeChannelsMassively()