- What is Backend Development
- Introduction to Backend Development
- How Backend works
- Guide to Backend Development
- Computer Networking course - Kunal Khushwaha(Youtube)
- How does the Internet Work? - Vox(Youtube)
- How does the Internet Work? - Mozilla web docs
- How Does the Internet Work? - Stanford.edu
- How Does the Internet Work? - cloudflare
- How Does the Internet Work? - Lesics(Youtube)
- Internet - CS50's understanding technology
- Introduction to operating systems - Jenny's Lectures(Youtube)
- Operating system basics - Geek's Lesson(Youtube)
- How do operating systems work? - ClickView(Youtube)
- What is an operating system - Techquickie(Youtube)
- Operating system tutorial - Tutorialspoint
- Complete Linux Course
- Basic Linux Commands
- Linux Tutorial
- Linux Command Cheatsheet
- Linux Masterclass Course - Apoorv Goyal(YouTube)
- Node.js Crash Course - Traversy Media(Youtube)
- Node.js Documentation
- Express js Getting started
- Node.js tutorial-Programming with Mosh(Youtube)
- Node.js crash course playlist - The Net Ninja(Youtube)
- Node.js and express.js course - freecodecamp(Youtube)
- PostgreSQL Tutorial - freecodecamp(Youtube)
- PosgresSQL Course - Amigoscode(Youtube)
- postgresqltutorial.com
- Nodejs and PostgreSQL Project
- MongoDB Tutorial - Amigoscode(Youtube)
- Complete MongoDB Tutorial - The Net Ninja(Youtube)
- Build a Markdown Blog with Node.js, Express and MongoDB
- REST API with Node js & Express - Programming with Mosh(Youtube)
- Back End Development and APIs - FreeCodeCamp
- REST API With Node.js, Express, & MongoDB - Web Dev Simplified(Youtube)
- Build a Node.js API - FreeCodeCamp(Youtube)
- Node.js & Express,Deploying an app- Traversy Media(Youtube)
- Full Node.js Deployment - Traversy Media(Youtube)
- Express Tutorial, Deploying to production - Mozilla web docs
- What are Microservices?
- NodeJs Microservices
- Backend Development and API projects
- What is a microservices archietecture and it's advantages?
- HTTPS and Web Security
- How Hackers use DevTools
- Secure ExpressJS application with Helment
- NodeJS Security Best Practices
- Docker Tutorial - Kunal Khushwaha(Youtube)
- Docker Tutorial - TechWorld With Nana(Youtube)
- Learn Docker - freecodecamp(Youtube)
- Docs
- Build a NodeJS application with Docker