Introduction: The Linux port of PasswordSafe is currently in BETA. This means that (1) you should take care to keep copies of the database to protect against possible loss of data due to bugs, and (2) there are several unimplemented features. Nonetheless, we feel that this is good enough to release as an early beta to gather feedback from a wider audience.
Supported Distributions: Packages for the versions of Debian, Ubuntu and Fedora that were current at the time of release may be found on the Github (primary) and SourceForge (secondary) sites under https://github.com/pwsafe/pwsafe/releases and https://sourceforge.net/projects/passwordsafe/files/Linux-BETA/, respectively. If you don't find the package for the distribution of your choice, you can contact the developers via https://pwsafe.org/contact.php or build it yourself according to the instuctions listed in README.LINUX.DEVELOPERS.md. Slackware is independently supported, see below.
Installation on Debian or Ubuntu: 3.1 Download the .deb file that corresponds to your distribution. 3.2 Install it using dpkg: $ sudo dpkg -i passwordsafe-*.deb Dpkg will complain if prerequisite packages are missing. To install the missing packages: $ sudo aptitude install missing-pkgX missing-pkgY
Installation on Fedora: 3.1 Download the .rpm file that corresponds to your distribution. 3.2 Install it using yum: $ sudo yum install passwordsafe-*.rpm
Slackware users can download SlackBuild for PasswordSafe from https://slackbuilds.org, courtesy of rfmae (search for passwordsafe).
Reporting bugs: Please submit bugs via https://sourceforge.net/p/passwordsafe/bugs/ Set the Category field to Linux to help ensure timely response.