Outside-Now is a simple weather app that allows you to get the current weather, hourly weather for the next 48 hours, and an 8-day forecast at the same time
- Current temperature
- A 24-hour weather summary
- The low and high temperature for the current day
- Hourly forecast for the next 48 hours which includes the time, temperature, and probability of precipitation
- Weekly weather summary
- 8 Day forecast which includes the high and low temperature for each day
- Hourly report for every day including temperature, chance of precipitation, and wind speed.
- Automatically gets your local weather forcast (if you allow access to your location).
- Allows users to search for any city and get its forcast.
- Weather data comes from Dark Sky's API
- CocoaPods used - AlamoFire, SwiftyJSON
- Standard Libraries used - CoreLocation