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Declarative tkinter wrapper for Python, features quick prototype & codegen


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Declarative tkinter wrapper for Python, features quick prototype and (dynamic type, "implicit") codegen.

TkGUI is not quite Pythonic

I'm sorry about the missing documents, and the namespace tkgui.tkgui seems (I'm Not a good Pythoneer) :P

This library is just provided as-is, any pull requests are welcome. 😄

(You should consider this project as my hobby personal research project, and never use it seriously in productions :\ )


NOTE: examples are taken from GeeksForGeeks and Tutorialspoint

Codegen ordering bug

This issue was fixed in 0.1.1


TkGUI's Codegen object is currently designed to generate code with post-order tree walk, and it supposes all values are created with a construct expression that won't act like Toplevel(root) (it will create a new window besides returining a value)

And when TkWin is used, Codegen will produce output with both TkWin(which will call Toplevel once) and Toplevel(root) called, and that will results blank windows (too bad! even more annoying than crash direcly)

Currently, I have no idea about this, Codegen uses value-name substraction method (it has fields _constNames+_names+_exprs+_autoNamed, methods _allocName, named(name,obj)->T, newName(name,obj)->str, nv(obj)"name a value", _nvUnwrap, _addResult(res,expr_code) )

But, if you don't use this feature(getCode(run=False) / runCode(code)), TkGUI works just fine.

Other bad things about codegen

  • _.var created in __init__ cannot have its initializer inclueded in result, so maybe I should add codegen listener runs when not isEnabled?

Running Example with Codegen

[DuangSUSE@duangsuse]~/Projects/TkGUI% python ./ -
def layout(self):
  _ = self.underscore
  c.setAttr(self, "a", _.var(str, "some"))
  c.setAttr(self, "b", _.var(bool))
  c.setAttr(self, "c", _.var(int))
  def addChild(): self.ui.appendChild(_.text("hhh"))
  return _.verticalLayout(
    _.button("Yes", self.quit),
    _.button("Change", self.up),
    _.horizontalLayout(_.text("ex"), _.text("wtf"), _.button("emmm",addChild), _.text("aa")),
    _.withScroll(_.vert,"ta", _.textarea("wtf"))),"ah", _.text("ah")),
    _.checkBox("Some", self.b),
    _.horizontalLayout(_.radioButton("Wtf", self.c, 1,, _.radioButton("emm", self.c, 2,,
    _.horizontalLayout("sbar", _.scrollBar(_.vert)),
      _.verticalLayout("lbox", _.listBox(("1 2 3  apple juicy lamb clamp banana  "*20).split("  "))),"hsbar", _.scrollBar(_.hor))
    _.withScroll(_.both,"box", _.listBox(("1 2 3  apple juicy lamb clamp banana  "*20).split("  ")))),
    _.comboBox(self.a, "hello cruel world".split(" ")),
    _.spinBox(range(0, 100+1, 10)),
    _.slider(range(0, 100+1, 2), orient=_.hor),
    _.button("hello", self.run1),
    _.button("split", self.run2),
    _.menuButton("kind","wtf", self.b), MenuItem.RadioButton("emm", self.c, 9)), relief=_.raised),
    _.labeledBox("emmm", _.button("Dangerous", self.run3))

^ Source v Results

var = StringVar(root)
tkgui.a = var
var1 = BooleanVar(root)
tkgui.b = var1
var2 = IntVar(root)
tkgui.c = var2
lv = BaseTkGUI.VBox(root)
lh = BaseTkGUI.HBox(lv)
t1 = Label(lh, text='ex')
t2 = Label(lh, text='wtf')
btn2 = Button(lh, text='emmm')
t3 = Label(lh, text='aa')
lh.childs = [t1, t2, btn2, t3]
ent = Entry(lv)
ent.delete(0, 'end')
ent.insert(0, 'hel')
scrolld = BaseTkGUI.ScrollableFrame(lv, 'vertical')
textarea = Textarea(scrolld)
textarea.insert('insert', 'wtf')
tkgui.ta = textarea
scrolld.item = textarea
t4 = Label(lv, text='ah')
tkgui.ah = t4
lh1 = BaseTkGUI.HBox(lv)
radioButton = Radiobutton(lh1, text='Wtf', variable=var2, value=1,
radioButton1 = Radiobutton(lh1, text='emm', variable=var2, value=2,
lh1.childs = [radioButton, radioButton1]
lh2 = BaseTkGUI.HBox(lv)
scrollBar = Scrollbar(lh2, orient='vertical')
sbar = BaseTkGUI.PackSideFill(scrollBar, None, 'y')
tkgui.sbar = sbar
lv1 = BaseTkGUI.VBox(lh2)
lbox = Listbox(lv1, selectmode='browse')
lbox.insert(0, '1 2 3')
lbox.insert(1, 'apple juicy lamb clamp banana')
lbox.insert(2, '1 2 3') # omitted
lbox.insert(39, 'apple juicy lamb clamp banana')
lbox.insert(40, '')
tkgui.lbox = lbox
scrollBar1 = Scrollbar(lv1, orient='horizontal')
sbar1 = BaseTkGUI.PackSideFill(scrollBar1, None, 'x')
tkgui.hsbar = sbar1
lv1.childs = [lbox, sbar1]
lh2.childs = [sbar, lv1]
scrolld1 = BaseTkGUI.ScrollableFrame(lv, 'both')
lbox1 = Listbox(scrolld1, selectmode='browse')
lbox1.insert(0, '1 2 3')
lbox1.insert(1, 'apple juicy lamb clamp banana')
lbox1.insert(2, '1 2 3') # omitted
lbox1.insert(39, 'apple juicy lamb clamp banana')
lbox1.insert(40, '') = lbox1
scrolld1.item = lbox1
menuButton = Menubutton(lv, text='kind')
menu = Menu(menuButton, tearoff=False)
menu.add_checkbutton(label='wtf', variable=var1)
menu.add_radiobutton(label='emm', variable=var2, value=9)
menuButton['menu'] = menu
labeledBox = Labelframe(lv, text='emmm')
btn5 = Button(labeledBox, text='Dangerous', command=GUI.run3)
btn = Button(lv, text='Yes', command=TkGUI.quit)
t = Label(lv, textvariable=var)
btn1 = Button(lv, text='Change', command=GUI.up)
separator = Separator(lv, orient='horizontal')
ckbox = Checkbutton(lv, text='Some', variable=var1, onvalue=True, offvalue=False, command=nop)
cbox = Combobox(lv, textvariable=var, values=['hello', 'cruel', 'world'])
spinBox = Spinbox(lv, values=(0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100))
slider = Scale(lv, from_=0, to=100, orient='horizontal')
btn3 = Button(lv, text='hello', command=GUI.run1)
btn4 = Button(lv, text='split', command=GUI.run2)
lbox2 = BaseTkGUI.PackSideFill(labeledBox, None, 'both')
lv.childs = [btn, t, btn1, lh, ent, separator, scrolld, t4, ckbox, lh1, lh2, scrolld1, cbox, spinBox, slider, btn3, btn4, menuButton, lbox2]
tkgui.treeUI = lv

It's really long... But actually, only minimal code is generated. (I can't imagine how long will it takes writing this by hand)

Details About Codegen

view at

  def call(self, op, *args, **kwargs): pass
  def callNew(self, ctor, *args, **kwargs): pass
  def invoke(self, x, op_name, *args, **kwargs): pass
  def setAttr(self, x, name, v): pass
  def setItem(self, x, key, v): pass

  def defaultName(self, callee, x):
    return fmt.defaultNameMap.get(callee) or callee
  def _name(self, args, kwargs):
    #process args/ init local var
    for (key, x) in kwargs.items():
      if callable(x):
        qname = fmt.opRef(x)
        if qname != None: namKwargs[key] = qname
      else: namKwargs[key] = self.nv(x)
    return (namArgs, namKwargs)

  def nv(self, x):
    def nameRef():
      # let = pipe non-none or none
      return kst or let(fmt.nameRef, nam) or self._nvUnwrap(x) or fmt.value(x)
    expr = self._exprs.get(x)
    if expr == None:
      expr = fmt.autoExpr(x)
      if expr != None: self._autoNamed.add(x) # process autoExpr +autoname
    if expr != None and expr != "+":
      name = self._names.get(x)
      if name == None and (x in self._autoNamed):
        name = self.newName("%s_1" %type(x).__name__.lower(), x) # autoname
      if name != None: self.write(lambda: fmt.assign(name, expr) )
      self._exprs[x] = "+" # assign code only for 1st time
    return nameRef()

  def _regResult(self, res, get_code):
    if not Codegen.isEnabled: return
    if res == None: self.write(get_code); return # python's default func result
    code = get_code()
    self._exprs[res] = code

  def _allocName(self, name):
    qname = name #key point.
    while qname in self._names.values(): qname = Codegen.nextName(qname)
    return qname
  def named(self, name, x, is_extern=False):
    self._names[x] = self._allocName(name)
    if is_extern: self._constNames[x] = name
    return x

Anybody can help? 😭


Declarative tkinter wrapper for Python, features quick prototype & codegen







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