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Generated by STM32CubeMX 5.0.0 with STM32CubeF4 Firmware Package V1.22.0 / 02-November-2018


  • 6x 20kHz PWM
  • 6x 50Hz PWM
  • WS2812 driver with DMA for 4 LEDs
  • 6 ADC with DMA
  • EXTI for 6 motor encoders using direction bit
  • EXTI for 4 sensors
  • GPIO inputs and outputs


  • Cleanup of unused source files
  • Cleanup of naming conventions in CubeMX project
  • 4x ultrasonic distance sensors are working with 10us resolution based on TIM10
  • 6x encoder signals are processed to distance [m], angle [deg] and velocity [m/s]
  • Accelerometer and compass is working on I2C1 interface
  • Roll and pitch angles are calculated from accelerometer
  • Buzzer added TIM9_CH2


  • Schematic is now uploaded
  • WS2812 was unreliable with TIM+DMA, it might be a HW bug in ST's HW
  • WS2812 is now driven on SPI5+DMA, pin moved to PB8 from PB7
  • WS2812 library contains new functions to support SPI+DMA


  • Final schematic added
  • Gerber files added
  • 3D model added


  • Structural parts added


  • WS2812 library cleanup, 3Mbit/s SPI is used, bit time is 1us


  • Toolchain updated to STM32CubeMX 5.0.0 with STM32CubeF4 Firmware Package V1.22.0 / 02-November-2018
  • Bluetooth tested
  • Battery voltage measurement factor corrected


  • Toolchain updated to STM32CubeMX 5.0.0 with STM32CubeF4 Firmware Package V1.23.0 / 23-November-2018
  • First 4 WS2812 LEDs are showing the status of batteries and Bluetooth connection
  • Communication protocol was updated to receive 5 bytes instead of 3
  • PID controllers are added, 4 for velocity and 2 for angle

No patch is needed after code generation!


  • Compass is not calibrated yet
  • USB Host?