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Dunn Lab isoseq workflow

Adapted from the excellent workflow developed by Natasha Picciani at . This workflow is based on the phylogenetic refinement of transcriptomes described in this manuscript.

The primary steps in this workflow are:

  • Clean up headers, if needed.
  • Query each sequence against nr rith diamond. Retain only those transcripts with a hit, and orient them in the sense direction.
  • Translate each with transdecoder, using the sense strand only
  • Annote each translated sequence with eggnog
  • Build gene trees with multiple other species using orthofinder
  • Collapse clades of sequences from the same speciess with treeinform, using multiple branch length thresholds
  • Export collapsed protein files. Also export strict files, which are the subset of sequences from collapsed that were in trees. These fasta files are in output/treeinform.
  • Generate corresponding transcript files with transcripts corresponding to the sdequences in the collapsed and strict protein files. These fasta files are also in output/treeinform.
  • Run BUSCO on the protein files
  • Aggregate numbers of sequences and BUSCO results in a table at output/aggregate_stats.tsv


To create a conda environment to run this workflow:

conda create -y -n isoseq -c bioconda -c conda-forge -c anaconda scipy snakemake bioconda busco=5.5.0 transdecoder orthofinder pandas biopython seaborn matplotlib ete3 graphviz eggnog-mapper

Preparing for a run

You need two inputs for this workflow:

  • An isoseq dataset. It should be the .hq.fasta output of the clustering workflow described at
  • A directory with set of complete proteomes from closely related species. Each file should be named Genus_species.pep.fasta, the species names that will appear in the trees will be parsed from these names.

Running the workflow

You can use this repo to run an analysis without modifing any of the files here, just specify the configurations at the command line to override the configurations in `config.yaml``.

Do a run with the following, substitute each [] with the values specific to your analysis:

conda activate isoseq
snakemake --cores=[cores] --snakefile isoseq.smk --config species=[Genus_species] transcriptome=[path to transcriptome] proteomes=[path to proteome folder]

To do a dry run, replace --cores=[cores] with -np.

Or copy and modify it for your needs.


There are now two kinds of sequence output, collapsed and strict. If there is a clade with multiple sequences from the same species, it is collapsed to the single longest sequence if the branch lengths fall below a certain threshold. strict is a subset of collapsed . It includes only sequences for genes in the gene trees. The motivation for this is that if a gene isn't in the gene tree, it can't be collapsed.

When the workflow completes, check output/aggregate_stats.tsv to see how the number of transcripts and BUSCO genes varies with threshold and by collapsed vs strict. Once you have identified the threshold that gives the best results, you can find the protein and transcript files in output/treeinform/.

Other workflows

The translate workflow is similar to that above, but does not do any phylogenetic refinement. It is useful for quickly translating a transcriptome.


To run tests:

cd scripts
python -m tests.test_treeinform_collapse


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