This repository is dedicated to solving cryptarithmetic problems in the realm of Artificial Intelligence, utilizing the Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP) methodology. The repository offers solutions to cryptarithmetic puzzles across four distinct levels of increasing complexity, serving to challenge and enhance the problem-solving capabilities of the system.
In this introductory level, the repository addresses elementary addition and subtraction equations involving two operands. The primary objective is to identify variable values that satisfy the provided equation.
Progressing to a higher level, Level 2 involves equations containing multiple operands combined through addition and subtraction operators. The repository's focus is on deducing values for the variables within equations restricted to addition and subtraction.
Example Problem: SO + MANY + MORE + MEN + SEEM + TO + SAY + THAT + THEY + MAY + SOON + TRY + TO + STAY + AT + HOME + SO + AS + TO + SEE + OR + HEAR + THE + SAME + ONE + MAN + TRY + TO + MEET + THE + TEAM + ON + THE + MOON + AS + HE + HAS + AT + THE + OTHER + TEN = TESTS
The solution to this problem would be TRANHYSMOE = 9876543210.
This level introduces equations featuring multiple operands and a mix of addition and subtraction operations. Parentheses are employed to dictate the order of operations. The objective is to ascertain values for the variables that fulfill the equation.
Example Problem: SEND + (MORE + MONEY) - OR + DIE = NUOYI
Potential solutions to this type of problem could be SENDMORYIU = 1369547082, 1658432970, and so on.
Level 4 amplifies the complexity by incorporating multiplication operations alongside addition and subtraction. The equations at this level consist of two operands and a single multiplication operator. The repository endeavors to identify appropriate variable values to render the equation valid.