authors | id | year | layout |
Human Protein Atlas |
GO_REF:0000052 |
2013 |
goref |
GO Cellular Component terms are manually assigned by curators studying high resolution confocal microscopy images of immunohistochemically stained tissue. The methodology uses antibody-based proteomics which combines high-throughput generation of affinity-purified antibodies with protein profiling in a variety of cells and tissues. Further information on the annotation methods can be found at
Annotations are only exported to the GO Consortium if the localizations are supported by literature, according to the following validation grading:
Supportive - Subcellular localization supported by literature.
1) One/multiple localizations supported by literature.
2) Multiple localizations partly supported (at least one) by literature.
3) One/multiple localizations in cytoplasm (i.e. Golgi, mitochondria, ER etc) with literature supporting cytoplasmic localization.
Prior to February 2013, all Human Protein Atlas annotations were referenced by PMID:18029348 (Barbe et al. 2008 Mol. Cell Proteomics. 7:499-508), a paper describing the protein localization pilot study and methodology used by the Human Protein Atlas. However, it has been decided that these annotations are more correctly described by a GO reference.
Resource URL:
Protein subcellular localization images can be viewed on the Human Protein Atlas website, e.g.