- Trần Tấn Lộc - 16520679
- Nguyễn Duy Quốc - 16521007
Manage role-based access control. 2 roles: SuperAdmin, Notary.
- Assign role to address
- Unassign role to address
- Check role of address
- Get all address and role
Real estate management contracts
- Create new certificate (notary)
- Activate certificate (owner)
Real estate transactions contract
The transaction process takes place through 4 steps as follows:
- Create transaction: Buyer create transaction and send deposit amount to smart contract.
- Accept transaction: Seller accept deposit and receive deposit amount front smart contract.
- Payment: Buyer payment the remaining amount + tax (registration tax) and send it to smart contract.
- Confirm transaction: Seller confirm transaction, receive the remaining amount - tax (personal income tax) from smart contract. At the same time, real estate be transferred to buyer.
In addition, between steps 1-2, 2-3, 3-4. Buyer or Seller can Cancel transaction.
Deploy smart contracts using truffle framework
- Test smart contracts
truffle test
- Deploy smart contracts to your local Ganache instance
truffle migrate --reset
- Deploy to other networks like testnet or mainnet
truffle migrate --reset --network ropsten
Notes: After deploy smart contract. Replace contract address in client/config/common-path
, replace contract json file in client/src/contracts
npm start
Notes: After deploy smart contract. Replace contract address in server/src/config/common-path
, replace contract json file in server/src/contracts
npm run dev