A simple toy example to play around with NeRFs. Here I render simple 2d images. Inspired by this talk: https://youtu.be/HfJpQCBTqZs
The goal of this repo is to get familiar with NeRFs using a toy problem and to create a template in pytorch-lightning that can be used to aid further research on the subject.
- python 3.9
- torch==1.3.1
- pytorch_lightning==2.0.0
- Pillow==9.4.0
- configargparse
Clone this repostiory.
git clone https://github.com/dv-fenix/NeRF.git
cd NeRF
Create a conda environment for the experiments.
conda create --name toy_nerf
conda activate toy_nerf
Install requirements listed in
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
To train the 2d NeRF as per the original proposal (w/o positional encodings), you can run the following script
python -m src.train \
--inp_path <path_to_image> \
--save_dir ./expts/no_position \
--log_dir ./expts/logs \
--save_last \
--num_workers 0 \
--lr 1e-4 \
--check_val_every_n_epoch 100 \
--epochs 400
In order to run the experiment with learnable position encodings, just add the --learnable_positional_encoding
flag at the end of the script and change the expt directory accordingly.
Training the NeRF without position encodings produces the following results (see img on right).
Training the NeRF with sinusoidal position encodings produces the following results (see img on right).
Training the NeRF with random fourier features produces the following results (see img on right).
Training the NeRF with learnable position encodings produces the following results (see img middle). The img on the right is the same experiment, but with a larger volume of learnable encodings.
As expected, allowing the NeRF to learn it's own positional encodings improves the visual quality. I naively increased the number of such encodings to check the impact of that excercise on image quality. The result, slightly better visual renderings, but not perfect.
A combination of learned positional encodings along with a slightly larger network should result in realistic outputs. I was too lazy to try that out since I would not have been able to train that network on my Macbook efficiently. Feel free to try that out. My recommendation, do so intelligently and use techniques such as batch noramlization while scaling.