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This repository contains a few of my writeups I made for the famous and addictive TryHackMe CTF (Capture The Flag) challenges.

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TryHackMe Writeups

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This repository contains a few of my writeups I made for the famous and addictive TryHackMe CTF (Capture The Flag) challenges.

Check out the TryHackMe website for your subscription!

Find more information on the TryHackMe website:

Here's a link to my profile on TryHackMe:

TryHackMe Profile

Note: you can also look at these documents here through the GitHub Pages, Which looks slightly better. But no navigation bar.

TryHackMe writeups

Room Name OS Description Tools Used
Empline Linux (Ubuntu) Are you good enough to apply for this job? nmap, gobuster
Inclusion Linux (Ubuntu) A beginner level LFI challenge. nmap, gobuster
Relevant Windows Server 2008 R2 Penetration Testing Challenge. nmap, gobuster, smbclient, enum4linux, msfvenon
Daily Bugle Linux (CentOS) Compromise a Joomla CMS account via SQLi, practise cracking hashes and escalate your privileges by taking advantage of yum. nmap, gobuster, Joomla, joomscan, joomblah, hashcat, john, php-reverse-shell.php, nc
NAX Linux (Ubuntu) Identify the critical security flaw in the most powerful and trusted network monitoring software on the market, that allows an user authenticated execute remote code execution. CVE-2019-15949 nmap, exiftool, gobuster, msfconsole
Blog Linux (Ubuntu) Billy Joel made a Wordpress blog! nmap, wpscan, msfconsole, strings,ltrace
ColddBox: Easy Linux (Ubuntu) An easy level machine with multiple ways to escalate privileges. nmap, gobuster, wpscan, Burp Suite, hydra
Mr Robot Linux Based on the Mr. Robot show, can you root this box? nmap, gobuster, nikto, Burp Suite, hydra
Chocolate Factory Linux (Ubuntu) A Charlie And The Chocolate Factory themed room, revisit Willy Wonka's chocolate factory! nmap, exif, exiftool, strings, steghide
Lazy Admin Linux (Ubuntu) Easy linux machine to practice your skills. nmap, gobuster, webshell, nc
Bounty Hunter (Cowboy Hacker) Linux (Ubuntu) You talked a big game about being the most elite hacker in the solar system. Prove it and claim your right to the status of Elite Bounty Hacker! nmap, hydra
Startup Linux (Ubuntu) Abuse traditional vulnerabilities via untraditional means. nmap, gobuster, ftp, nc, curl, python, wireshark, strings, pspy, linpeas
Blue Windows 10 Hacking: Enumerating the Eternal blue vulnerability CVE-2017-0143 with nmap and making (bad) use of it with metasploit. Finally, dumping and cracking the password hash of a user. nmap, metasploit, john
Agent Sudo Linux (Ubuntu) Hacking: Enumerating a webserver, faking user-agent of web browser, steganography, brute-forcing ftp server, privilege escalation. nmap, gobuster, Burp Suite, FoxyProxy, User-Agent Switcher and Manager, hydra, steghide, binwalk, john, zip2john
Wireshark 101 N/A The Wireshark 101 Writeup. wireshark
Basic Pentesting Linux (Ubuntu) Various penetration / cracking. Like brute forcing, hash cracking, service enumeration, Linux enumeration. nmap, gobuster, enum4linux, hydra, linpeas, john
Hydra N/A Hydra is the ultimate tool for online password attacks. hydra
Brooklyn Nine Nine Linux (Ubuntu) Hack that box! nmap, ftp, hydra, linpeas

Extra Notes

My Security Cheat Sheet Wikeypaydia

I have a few notes, not yet very well organised, but you can take a look at it if you want. Could be helpful.

Internet access not working with the TryHackMe VPN?

Information difficult to find without a link on the website :-P


$ nmcli connection   # Note the name of the VPN connection here
$ nmcli connection edit <CONNECTION_NNAME>
> set ipv4.never-default true
> set ipv6.never-default true
> save
> quit

These changes are persistent.

Make gobuster go even slower

By merging the 2 most common and most used wordlists. You have better enumeration results. However, by merging these wordlist as show here, we create duplicated entries. and thus we need to make use of the uniq command. But to make use of the uniq command we need to sort the final output file. These wordlist are made so that the most common used words come on top

Found this very interesting to do, for room for example. As i mainly use the dirbuster wordlist, did not find the required files in first instance.

  • /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt
  • /usr/share/wordlists/dirb/common.txt

As for example the common.txt would find out a folder .ssh which is extreme important. However, common.txt is also too common and does not find a lot of things.

Quick and dirty fix for this:

$ mkdir -p ~/tools
$ cat /usr/share/wordlists/dirb/common.txt >> /tmp/gobusted_tmp.txt
$ cat  /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt >> /tmp/gobusted_tmp.txt
$ sort /tmp/gobusted_tmp.txt -o /tmp/gobusted_sorted.txt && uniq /tmp/gobusted_sorted.txt > ~/tools/gobusted.txt

You can make the scan fast by specifying the numbers of threats you want to use. By default, it is 10 threats and safe. But note that some servers / services (depending on their config) does not like at all many threats. And thus you could get timeouts. But it is always worth trying.

$ gobuster help dir | grep -e "-t"
  -t, --threads int       Number of concurrent threads (default 10)


This repository contains a few of my writeups I made for the famous and addictive TryHackMe CTF (Capture The Flag) challenges.




