Lets learn Node.js! Node.js is a JavaScript framework to create and run servers using JavaSccript syntax! That means we can make HTTP servers using JavaScript as the backend langauge - pretty awesome right?
There's a lot to learn in Node, but we're going to apply the fundamentals of Server/Client design to our workshops.
Remember our workshop on front-end JavaScript and DOM manipulation (todo.js)? We made simple front-end todo-list app using JavaScript.
We're going to adapt that todo.js app to have a Client (browser) and Server (Node.js).
- You should clone this repoistory if you have not done so already.
$ git clone https://github.com/dvcoders/node-workshop.git
- If you already worked on the Intro Node workshop from last week
$ cd node-workshop
$ git pull origin master
Your directory will now be up to date: we'll be working in the node-todo-list/