This is a terraform script that will create a WORDPRESS instance that uses MySQL DB from different EC2 instance using AWS providers and modules.
This script will also create 2 subnets and 1 vpc.
a public subnet for Wordpress,
and one private subnet for MySQL DB.
First you will need to install AWS CLI 2 , via the amazon official site.
Use in commend line :
aws configure
Input the following data :
AWS Access Key ID [None]: accesskey
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: secretkey
Default region name [None]: your required region name
Default output format [None]: json
Generate key-pair for EC2.
Write down the key-pair name in in lines [17, 31, 52]
and make sure the pem file is located next to the
Before running the terraform script make sure use the following commend:
terraform init
After downloading the required providers use the next commend to make sure there are no errors:
terraform plan
And after making sure there are zero problems you can start the script via the :
terraform apply
now you should access the wordpress via the public IP of your newly created EC2.