HabitGuru, install it and track your daily habits and tasks.
hello guys,
did you ever forgot daily task that was easy but you didnt remebered it due to some reason? by the way i used to forget very often so i got idea to make an app that will remind me of my daily schedule so i wont miss it.
what do habitsguru does ?
task of this app is very simple to remind you your daily schedule so you wont miss it.
following are the some main features
- set daily habits schedule.
- set alarm for every habit.
- take record of water consumption, weigth, coffe , and reading.
- save daily activity.
also you can set task for specific time.
used resources .
- SQLite database
- kotlin language
- figma disign software.
- recycler view.
- tabbed layout.
- creative icons from favicon, iconscut etc.
this app is completely built on local database.
below is initial figma disign i tried to copy the design as much as possible and app is quite close to design.
Actual app screenshots.