AtomChange - is an open ecomonic model community, initially gathered around decentralized multiblockchain interaction and exchange platform.
Please read and contemplate on the core values our community is based on, before moving further:
- Opennes and full (even radical) transparency
- Freedom to participate, to join or leave the community in any role
- Ultimate power in the hands of the community members (token holders)
- Efforts should bring benefit to all community members
- Open dialog
All our activity and decisions supposed to be based on these five values.
There are several elements mentioned in the definition:
- Decentralized multiblockchain interaction and exchange platform
- AtomChange Blockchain (DPoS ethereum modification initially)
- Open economic model
Here are some other projects, moving into similar directions, where we can find some good ideas. - can be potentially used in the future. - can be potentially used in the future.