A text-based API built upon this repo to communicate with Amazon Voice Services without voice interaction. Currently, there is no way to access the Echo's capabilities without a voice trigger. Unfortunately, due to the limiations imposed by Amazon, I was not able to a text-based API to run on a Amazon Echo and a raspberry pi is required. For that reason, the base communications with AVS from the raspberry pi is handled by nicholasjconn's repo mentioned prior. With this base, I was able to build a platform using flask to allow applications to communicate with an Rasperry Pi Echo through a programmatic manner, allowing for an array of applications
Some Examples
- Chronos : an iOS application that automatically sets the user's alarm when they arrive home based on their calendar events for the next day as well as user defined preferences. When the user leaves their home, the application turns off all alarms
- A few days back, I saw an article on TechCrunch about a very similar product Silent Echo; however, this product has no access to timers, alarms, music and other signifigant aspects of the Echo. Nonetheless, this product showcases a great use for this technology
- Python3
- CherryPy
- gTTS
- pydub
- Integrating wake word start -- snowboy hotword detection