This repo contains the Dockerfile for armory/debugging-tools.
The deployment.yml
manifest is available to put into your kubernetes cluster.
kubectl --context=$MY_CONTEXT -n $MY_NAMESPACE apply -f
POD_NAME=$(kubectl --context=$MY_CONTEXT -n $MY_NAMESPACE get pod -l app=debugging-tools -o go-template --template '{{range .items}}{{}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}' --sort-by=".status.startTime" | tail -n 1)
kubectl --context=$MY_CONTEXT -n $MY_NAMESPACE exec -it $POD_NAME bash
# and when you're done, delete the deployment
kubectl --context=$MY_CONTEXT -n $MY_NAMESPACE delete deployment debugging-tools
git commit -m "fix(component): your commit message here"
./bin/ # will build a new container and kub manifest
./bin/ # will push the docker container and new manifest
git commit -m "chore(kube-manifest): update new docker image" deployment.yml
git push