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This repository uses a dataset of reviews to perform comprehensive text analysis. It employs NLTK for tokenization, POS tagging, and NER, and utilizes VADER and Hugging Face Transformers (RoBERTa) for sentiment analysis. The project visualizes sentiment distributions and compares model results, providing insights into text sentiment patterns.


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You can download the data from here:

Steps Involved in the Sentiment Analysis Project

  1. Importing Libraries: Imported necessary libraries like pandas, numpy, matplotlib.pyplot, seaborn, and nltk.
  2. Loading Data: Loaded the dataset using pandas and displayed the first few rows, filtering to 500 rows.
  3. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA): Plotted the distribution of review scores using a bar chart and displayed an example text.
  4. Text Tokenization: Tokenized the example text into sentences and words using NLTK.
  5. Part-of-Speech Tagging and Named Entity Recognition: Tagged parts of speech and performed named entity recognition on the tokenized words.
  6. Downloading NLTK Resources: Downloaded NLTK resources like 'averaged_perceptron_tagger', 'maxent_ne_chunker', 'words', and 'vader_lexicon'.
  7. Sentiment Analysis with VADER: Used SentimentIntensityAnalyzer from NLTK to analyze example texts and the entire dataset, storing results in a dictionary and DataFrame.
  8. Visualization of Sentiment Scores: Visualized sentiment scores (compound, positive, neutral, negative) against review scores using bar charts.
  9. Using Hugging Face Transformers for Sentiment Analysis: Loaded the roberta-base model from transformers and calculated sentiment scores, storing results in a dictionary and DataFrame.
  10. Comparison of VADER and RoBERTa: Compared VADER and RoBERTa sentiment scores using pair plots and queried the dataset for specific sentiment examples.
  11. Using Hugging Face Pipeline for Sentiment Analysis: Used the Hugging Face sentiment analysis pipeline for quick sentiment analysis on sample texts.

Commands to Setup Project on Local Machine

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
    cd sentimental-analysis-using-nltk-and-transformers
  2. Create a virtual environment and activate it:
    conda create -p env python==3.11.7 -y
    conda activate env/ 
  3. Install the Required Dependecies:
    pip install -r requirements.txt

yes!! Now you can start predicting 🙂


Author: Sai Kiran Reddy Dyavadi
Role  : Data Scientist
Email :


This repository uses a dataset of reviews to perform comprehensive text analysis. It employs NLTK for tokenization, POS tagging, and NER, and utilizes VADER and Hugging Face Transformers (RoBERTa) for sentiment analysis. The project visualizes sentiment distributions and compares model results, providing insights into text sentiment patterns.




